H.llTTKll’S' ATK CAPITOL oR Hiiidei-v ASK BOOK 54 4 )Jfirke( J>( . Uarnxbnrfj y p t/ ht' hiAuu.i’HK.ks ri.r ulivt.iu*!*. luallcuM*!* »Jit> rli mill %v-'ii Ktui:iivLiji n\av ».*. Haul; Ihe.k* i'lrnmit. ]iu a ,-,i ! V“ ril - Sie-riir*, Attorney.-. *“ !,' n •f il»-' i**-t limn p:«jtor. ijil 611 ht).. .i.-irine tndutve ii, e |, jj, , wWiit.- prices. aliouhlyEiva ns « call v“ U;fpM -«■>. llallicr's Weekly. tilt,"": !ml«. Snenlllic American. v"" ‘ in any .lyh- required. linn,.-, v Kn'lckeritecker, IlutekW(*oii’s ami r., . ■ had,'. Book. i. I‘m«“ Mum.-. b«.uu*l in 2t\ -i * ltr ' j juts! »uhj-unlinl half l*imU»»c. fctlw-r |T iiguzim-*. ram»isil**l laws. Vumml in ••• - I very imaleraH; prices. Person, £‘'• 1 aunt** Ui will receive a )Uh-im] ,u u ~ " ..Wyla. sent ... ...froma'ttte w,.rk entrusted- t»oorcwewinbe«.iV «H« packed and returned l,v Fvi,,' ' anted. - Address F. h. Il'UTTtl! ~ Hurritl-ury, \! A P K!i N. ai I i. »■ iWinjo- Office, ar -net ami viciuily. * They will kivuier.;! 1 ' n to hindime. and receive and return 1s t n chargee, fur all win. ont.,n»t their wnik’." c [March 21, l8t;2- h rr~ ■ sy . e -j. ■ M. 5 adS i - i :- A $4 s S■ rv r, 1 -i • f -'a ■ a. t: ‘ n '■= = : li *"“■* ~ ~ I . 1-3 s *w i £ I <=?= P[' « Sr* -J. IH. Blr I I i’ il J CO = s Y P 5 “ == l '\ i I* r" ~ - CO < = I -= i ; !•• Jz ~ i- S €£f - ~ 12 I f S - i *"■* *« - A COB WETS. 1? AND COX FKCTIONEIi Vnicixu Altoona, Da.. 'CONSTANTLY ON HAND 2AD. CAKES, CANDIES AIKATS of lis mvn manufacture, wliicli 1,- *rll. wh or retail, at tho most pm*. , ronr.T iN rui'iT>.mk-u h . US LEMONS. I'INE-aPI’LEn. Inks -raisins, Nuts. &c. pi O itivir iv.jn'j.-ijv,, ■*, asuiipp. [5 BAKED TO ORDER. ■ m-casi'Ti*. on short nuttct* an.] iu the ■.pß‘ of tH** an. *u* and mr stock and yon wiil r.n '(.'SoLij' .i s cun h*- purchased c-Ncwhori’. X F RCTION EH V OVS TEE SALOON SSTisi'K i!KR \V CH 1,1.) Ln ■*h-' ili/’-l- •! Ah->na‘and vicinity tliu i N'ERY. NET and KISCIT STOKE, is nlw.i ; Om ts-y -i at I i. !(,•?* to in.- had. and in ”iv I’SsTF.M SALOON 'i ;u»K'i| lie will s»tv(? up OY^TL!:' ►i" >iai tC: I’IKS tiliLUVi/y. ‘l,l lu-n '. ■ i -il u;-iipidy c.tiio*.. c-.uuiii-' i'... , i*-s. 11 >■. invite;- a share ofpufiV m- ' ••h.’-r full -tfutisfaoii.ii. : .i*'.loK- .uni sulo-.ii: .. on VirsiniastteeMw u hittiM**!. n.ii!, otto nussi lir I'-LISCI-tf I. FKTTINGKirS wal igency. AI.L. No. 7. MAIN STHKF.i »|o£ BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, 'j JXKUVs CONFECTION All! i> 1 f-ARS & TOBACCO. I jrx> NOTIONS IN GREAT .VARIETY j CIISSTANTI.T OX HAMI. ■ ‘ | ILJS6I. | LIX)YD & CO., ' ALTOOXA. J’A.. s' ST ON, JA OK & CO lIOLUDA YSBVItO. PA- A X KKIiS. fc "Bill, Johnston. Jack y« mv-.jvod on tl»**ionite, payable on or noun time, with interest M fi* ,r r;l U*. ' * ■ ■ •. KESHLEE I’IIACTIC Aj- IrooißT, re*iK-ct fully announce?^/ b# of AUoma am! the public g h»- atill continue* the Drug business, jjfit-vt. where he keeps constantly KJ kale. Wholesale and Detail. DRUGS. mT\ k CHKMICALS. OltS. (STUFFS. ■ '■ , u . ijirruti'iri to business, and a desire toreU‘ * ill as, regard-, price' and quality, he hc iv« a slntn* of public patronage. , i;i( i ami merchant*. supplied on reawnabi' 1 o • i>--.fcvnTli distance promptly aUendea . f JTreMCl*iptlt*l)B CUR'ftrily 1 .A DV Fit lEN ITS W DULL DO look in ppon the choke *apd cha*to mer URK*S GOODS now displayed idvea-of .MUUPHt A ilcPlK^ Cor. of Virginia aod C aroline liaue 26T1SC2. 1 AND LAUD OILS, GA-'I Fluid, Carbon Oil. IMP AT feiuliii fuuMjrimeiit of lleady-M ■'KliilvS.—A «-f I , k\! r- of j B * :i: HAT. TOOTB, SHAM- nG ' it Sn*i< ittnl Vii'rukli OF x wt-ailv auD’.2, A> P i»*-can h* f"uml a* ** A _! •BUAIi w. ;Iry. H.TiI ami jj jIA- v ' j < \i as >(.) ur m kn I ' A can b" ftmml at —-—" QiL, stmTiiig Qrwira. Tuil«t nut received andforsaleby ffllJJLr* McCRiTM & BERN, a* l ■ (a,,:,;;' VOL. 8. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE f II HtCRVM. ivr annum, i payable invariahlyjii advance,; $1 jjg .U papera duconttmied at the expiration of the time paid ("' ■ A Touts or AUVKRTISt.TO; 1 insertion 2 do. 3 do. k a r lines or leas $ 25 $ 3$ 60 ,in Square, (B lines) 60 76- I O 0 r* . - (16 “ ) 1 00 1 50 2 00 J„V •• (2* *• ) 1 50 2 00 , 2 50 liver three weeks and less titan three months, 25cents r square for each insertion. K 3 months. 6 months. 1 year. $ 150 $ 3 00 $6OO 2 60 4 00 7 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Vitar • 6 00 10 00 14 00 ii tlf ft column 10 00 14 00 20 00 “ u , column 14 00 25 00 40 00 uiiiimstraiura and Executors Notices 1 75 Mmbants adverthiog by the year, three sqvares, with liberty I* change 10 00 HroWNioual or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines ruh jeiper. per year 6 00 ('oiiiinuuicstiuns of a politic* character or individual will t*«* charged according to the above rates, i.hertiftomeots not market! with the number of inser* desired. will be continued till forbid and charged .’•curding to the abov,e h-rms. • '’liuduess notices five cents per line for every: Insertion. lines or less. "Jo* squwe ...... mutuary imtice.- exceeding ten lines, fifty cun ts a square. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL *. :*r.VHLlijllrfD AS A Kri£Uil t> . [j ,*>l-—those Terrible disorders arising from the H .utirv limits of Touth—those seck.lt and solitary pruc v,-o more fatal to then victims than the song of Syrens to : V, 'Uriuurs of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant * n .,p.„ or anticipations, rendering marriage .Ac , impoasi who have beomne.the victims of Solitary Vice, i.ilt ireadful aud dastuctlvo habit which unnmil.y sweeps ■, ,ui untimely gtave thousands of Young Men of the most , s l .*U<* i talents aud brilliant intellect, who might other *!..» have entranced listening Senates with the thunders or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call • na lull confidence. \Urried Persons, or Young M**n cotemplatlhp marriage, twitre of physical weakness organic debility, defor i. . speedily cured. H - w!i<• places himself under th* care of Dr. J. may re h;,.uniy confide in his honor ha a gentleman, and confi .lcjtls rdy up'm hi- skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS l:,i a-dnt«ly Cured, nod full Vigor Restored T .is Distressing Affection—which renders Life miserable in; mm;isei|Uem:«s thet may eiiMie. Now. who that under ..i Is ihe subject win prvteml to deny that the power of „ r* ? ati-on is lost som.-r by tho«e falling into improper I.than by the nru lent ? Resides being deprived the i .-iojres of healthy off.pring. the most serious and de .l - u i-iiv- symptoms t . i.oih body and mind arise. The M--te,u hoo'mies Deranged, ih • Physical and Mental Func o ils Weakened. Los- of prorr.mtive Power. NVrv..u» Irri : Dysp.'psia. Palpitutiouiof the Heart, Indigestion* • iscitutiona! Debility, a Wasting of the Frame. Cough. > nK-amption, Decay and Death. OFFICE, NO. 7’S}UTH FREDERICK STREET, i,-, u.ind -ide going from Baltimore street, a few doors , di" ‘omer. Fail not loohs-rve name am) number tuil-t !>'• p.iid am! contain a stamp* The Doc ijr ■. Diploiuas hang in his office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. yo Verenry or Jtuseons Drttys. OR* JOHNSON. n-tuberof the Royal College of surgeons. London. Grad e- from one of the moat eminent Colleges in the United «• oea. and lh«« greater part of whose life has been spent in i:i- hospitals of London. Park, Philadelphia and else .«ii-‘ie. has effected some of the moat astonishing cures iik: were ever known: many troubled with ringing in the -i ll and e*rs when asleep, great nervousness, being ~ i .J. addresses ail those who have injured themselves •o i uproper indulgence and solitary habit A which ruin h £C. M sxtallt. — The fearful effects of the mind are mnch to •ireaded—L iss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De* P-''•iiMi of spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to Society, ' i Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timiditj, are some of 'i<- -viig produced. I i >C3,vxns of persons of all ages can now judge what is i.. .'au«> of their declining health, losing their vigor, be* uing weak, pale, nervous and en» -dated, having a sin* cun'appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of c .-^amption YOUNG MEN WVj have Injured thtfiuaefv** by a certain practice in lulled in when alone, a habit frer dread oMUcoverjt/deters him fttm applying to tho*e >. from education and respectability, can alone be tri-tid him, deUylmc till the symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcer*- UI throat; diseased nose, nocturnal pain s in the head wl limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes: on the shin n mo* and arms, blotches on the head- Ikes and extremi ties, progressing with frlglttful rapidity, till at last the fuUt« of the month or the bones of the opee fall in, and the rictim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of t >in'alteration, till death puts a period tohls dreadful •offerings, by* sending him t» * k that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns.” It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to thn unskillful®**® ruit pretenders. who, by the use of that Deadly /Wws. M.r*nry. ruin the constitution and make the residue of ’ H'-miserable. , STRANGERS * run not yoar Uvee, nr health to the care of the many PbU.irned and Worthless Pretenders, deetltpte of knowl* •*- Ize. name or character, wh > copy! Dr Johnston’s ndver* HrMaents. or style themselves, in the newljpApers. regn- Urlv K lncnted Hhcsiclans.. incapable of CurtUKt they keep y>y trifling month after month, taking thelrffilthy and p )if»onoiH cunpounds.'Or as long as the smallest fee Ma hi obtained, anddn despair, leave yon with Joined health to ■dgh over vour galling disappointment, i • i>r J-'hnniedies or treatment are unknown to all others, preo vrM fnm a Ilf* »p*nt In the great hoepittds of Kurope. first in th»* country and a more extensive JVfwi/e .Prop than any oth«*r Physician in the world.- „ L INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. , The m uty thousands cured at thls.la»ti*nfclbni year alter the numerous important Snrgicpl operations P«rformeci bv Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the “Sun." ••Clipper.’* and many oth»r pspcfS, noticse of »Q!ch bare appeared again and again befcye the public, besides his standing a* a gentlemen of character and re* iponsibillty, is a sufficient guarantee totbaMlßteted. v SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY tfUREO. >o letters received miles* post paid \nH containing a •tamptobeatedon the reply Persuns wntjugthonld state and send portion of advertisement describing symptoms Persons writing shonld be particular fir greeting thsir •tiers to his Institution, in the following; manner: EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE MARRIAGE. JOHN M, JOHNSTON. M. 0.. Of the Baltimore Look HotpftM, Maryland Wat f «fcg. Hi C. DERK, STAY ! How Ihy by*t lightly OTer life’s neA; Eyes beaming brightly Are watebiD? fur tb«e. Row thy boiit lightly On with the tide; Those that thon lotssi Float by |by aide. Voices of Miens Lore thee away; Yet, with thy lile-boat. Mariner, sUy 1 Swift o'er the waters Thy bari'nmres along; Soft breezes Whisper, And wuO thee w.th song. In the ether above thee These floateth a cloud; And.waTM.are beneath thee That shall thee dushruod Pleasures around thee Beckon away. Yet heed the warning. Mariner, stay I Far Id life's ocean, Quicksands and shoal May wreck tby frai» boat, Aud ruiu-thyaonl, Quick, while thou mayest. Chouse thou thy way Down to dieatli’a portals up to life’s day. If death b*:thy chwoaiog, . On with the crowd; Soon; its dork water* * Sliali thee enshrvjud. “ Life, life,” thou sayest, Turn then thine eye From thy temptations ■Up to the sky. There burns a beacon That safely Will guide; Christ’s love is letl c thee Whate’er may betide; . Faith for tby pilot ) Quideth thee home ; Spirits that watch thee Reckon to come. Row thy boat lightly * Over life’s sea; Eyes beaming brightly Are watching for thee; And souls qf the blessed Shall welcome you homo. And of the angels Grow bright as you come. Then for life's voyage Blight hope Is ; Row tby boat lightly. Moor it in heaven. Jtlett: THE SOLDIER'S LETTER. “When did you hear from Thomas?” A ybung lady had stopped at the door of a small house, standing on the outskirt of a village in Pennsylvania, and asked this question of a woman who sat work ing on a coarse; gamfent. “ It’s more than two months since I’d had a word frbtn him,” replied the woihan, in a half-troubled, half-complaining tone. 'I hen rising, she added, “ Won’t you come in, Miss Annie;?” The young lady accepted the invita tion, and as she took a proffered chair, said: “Two months is a long time not to have heard from your son, Mrs. Rogers. Where is he “The lust news I head came from Wil liamsburg just after the battle. He sent me three or four lines, to say that he wasn’t hurt,” “ And you’ve heard nothing since ?” “Nothing Miss Annie. Hb may be dead, or a prisoner, for all I know. Oh, dear! dear! It’s worrying the very life out of me.” : When did you write to him last?” inquired the young lady. Mrs. Rogers moved uneasily and a shame-flush covered her fajee, as she re plied— : “ 1 haven’t taken a pen in my fingers these five years- 'Jhey’ra all cramped with hard work, and 1 couldn’t write tit to be seen.” j “ A single line from your hand, Mrs. Rogers, blotted and scrawled though it might have bqen, would have : come to Thomas, in his far away camp, as a most welcome Visitor from home. Think of his comrades getting letters by every mail, while there came not a word or a token for him.” . t* Oh! but JUss Annie, I’ve sent him two pairs of stockings knit with my own hands; and he’s never so much as let me know (hat he received them.” f‘ A letter shpuld have gone with them/’ said the young lady. .“ The stockings* if they ever reached him, were but dumb signs; a loving sentence, even if he had been obliged to spell it out slowly from among ill-formed words, would have spoken to his heart, and wanped it with a living pleasure. Write to your sun, Mrs. Bogers.. Nothing that you can send him will dp Thomas half so much good as a loiter from his mother. A single line will be precious. Don't let him any longer have the feeling, among his comrades, 'ihat he alone has no one to care for him, or send him sweet remem brances.” N “ I don’t believe I can write, Mias Annie,” said Mrs. Rogers. ‘‘Try. you pen and ink?” BV T. S. ARTHUR. ALTOONA, PA., .TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1863. •‘No, Miss. As I told you just now, I haven’t had a pen in my fingers these five yearsand I don’t believe I could com pose a letter, even if I had the skill to write it out.” “ Yon must try, Mrs. Rogers. It will never do in the world for Thomas to go any longer without a letter from home. — 1 have a spare ink-Btand, and will step around for it.” And the young lady arose, saying, as she went out— “ I*ll be back again in a little while, with pen,' ink, and paper. Between us Thomas must have a letter.” On Annie's return with writing material, Mrs. Rogers, still reluctant to undertake the unaccustomed task of penning a letter, sat down, half per force and made sundry awkward attempts to form words and, sentences, i y the way of practice, befoie essaying the epistle, which her ardent young visitor had made up her mind should be produced and mailed .to the absent soldier that day. “ Very well done! Of course you can write!” said Annie, encouragingly, as she watched the efforts of Mi's. Rogers.— *• Now take a sheet of paper, and just think you are talking to him. down what ever you will like to say, and say just as much about home,' and what is going on here, tha t you think would interest him, as you can call to mind. Take your time to it, and don’t feel hurried. I’ll come around again in the course of an hour, and see what you’ve done. Then we will both go over it and all the cor rections needed, so that you can copy it outfairly. My word for it, there’ll be a nice letter for Thomas, that will do his heart good.” In an hour Annie came back, as she had promised. Mrs. Rogers had filled two pages of paper with rather badly spelled sentences ; but the, matter was all right, as far as it went. Annie m»de all needed corrections, and then waited until Mrs. Rogers had copied the letter, which she folded and directed fof her. “Shall 1 mail it for you V' ‘* if you pli-a«e,” said Mrs. Rogers, j And the young lady went away, taking i the letter. Since learning that Thomas I Rogers, whom she very well remembered, had not once received a letter from his mother, although he had been absent for over a year, she had felt pity and concern for the young man, whom she remembered ns a little wild in his habits before he went to the array. This had made her the mure urgent that the mother should do her duty. The letter was as well as could have been expected under the cir cumstances. Still as Annie’s thoughts went off to the distant camp, and dwelt on the young man's particular case, it did not seem to her all that he needed. “1 will write to him !” she said as the case, continuing to dwell on her mind, presented itself in stronger and stronger light. “He was once, for a short time, my scholar in Sunday-school, and that shall be my warrant.” So she wrote him a brief, but pointed and earnest letter, touching his duties as a soldier and as a man. Not in a supe rior, lecturing tone -, but in a kind, sug gestive way, and in language calculated to touch his feelings and arouse his better nature. An officer pat in his tent, near Gaines’ Mills, Virginia, three days previous (o the assault on the right wing of pur army before Richmond. “In the guard house again!” he said, speaking to the orderly, who had just submitted his report, There was regret, as well as discouragement in his voice.— “ What are we toJdb with the man ? “ You will have to order a severer punishment. Simple confinment in the guard house is of no use.” f “He has in him all the elements of a good soldier,” remarked the officer. — “No one goes through the manual better. He is perfectly drilled ; is quick, steady, and brave. At Williamsburg he fought like a lion. I'cannot forget, that, to his prompt courage, I owe- my life. No—no —not severer punishment. We must bear with him a little longer. What is his offence now?” “He was away at roll call; and his report of himself is unsatisfactory. The man is restless and brooding; and some times so ill-natured as to make trouble with his comrades.” The officer sat in thought for some time. He was about speaking, when a sergeant came in with letters, a mail baying been received. In running his eyes over them, the officer noticed two directed to Thomas Rogers, the soldier reported as.in the guard-house. He held them for a moment ip his hand, and laid them aside with his own letters. “Let me see you in half an hour,” he said to the orderly. “We must do something to reform this man. There is good in him, if we can only discover the way to make it active.” , The orderly retired, and the officer be came occupied with his letters! After getting through with them, word was passed to have Rogers brought before him. {He came, under guard, but tbe guard was dismissed, and the man was alone [independent in everything.] with the officer, who regarded him more in pity than in anger. The soldier was a young man, not over twenty years ok age: of slender form, but compactly built, and muscular. Even under dis grace. there was a manly self poise about him that did not escape the officer’s notice. “ Under arrest again' What have you to say for yourself 1” The officer tried to be .stern, and to speak with severity. The soldier did not answer; but a look, half-dogged, half-defiant, was visible in his face. “I shall have to order severe punish ment.” There was no reply; only a slight change in attitude and expression of coun tenance, that indicated a bracing of mind and nerve for more endurance- “ When did you hear from home ?” asked the officer, who did not remember to havalßeen a letter addressed to Rogers un til the receipt of that day’s mail. Not for a long time,” was, answered, and with apparent surprise at so unexpected a question. “ Here are two letters to your address.” And the officer, who had the letters in his hand, held them toward the soldier, who started, with a strange look of surprise and bewilderment, and received them with a hand that trembled visibly. “ Sit down and read them,” said the officer, pointing to a camp stool. The man sat down, showing considerable ex citement, and after looking curiously at the delicately written superscriptions, opened one of the letters and glanced it through hurriedly. The officer’s gaze was on him, and he read in his countenance the rapid play of various emotions. Then he opened the second > letter, which was read twice. As he finished it, he drew his hand hastily across his eyes. “ From home ?” queried the officer. The young soldier stood up, giving the usual sign of respect, as he answered in the affirmative. The officer noticed that his face was graver and paler : and that all the late look of dogged defiance had faded out. “And now, Rogers, what have you to say for yourself? ■ Will you drive us to a severer punishment? You know fis well as I do, that discipline must be enforced.” There was remonstrance, not anger, in the officer’s voice. “ Only this,” answered the soldier, humbly, yet in a firm voice. “I have done wrong and am sorry. Forgive me ; and if I break a rule of the service again, shoot me.” “ Spoken like a man and a soldier! I will trust you, Rogers,” said the officer ; and, dismissing the guard he sent him to duty.” Two days after came the overwhel ming assault upon our right wing, and on the next day the terrible conflict at Gaines’ Mills. Among the coolest and bravest in all the fierce battles that followed, - and among the most enduring in the long nights of retreat, was young Rogers. He was with that body of infantry which lay at the bottom of Malvern Hill, under our deatbdealing batteries, the fire from which staggered, and then drove back the rebel masses, whose desperate courage in : that maddest of all assaults, was worthy of a better cause. Twice during this series’ of battles, as once at had Rogers, risking his own life, saved that of his captain ; and in several of the conflicts, he had shown such coolness and courage, that positions were saved, which but for ihe infusijn of his spirit into his comrades would have been lost. One day, about three weeks after the letters were written to Thomas Rogers, the young lady whom we called Annie, received a reply from the soldier, dated, “In Camp, near Harrison’s Landing.”— It ran thus: “ A good angel must have put it into your heart to send me a letter, for it came just in time to save me. 1 was in the guard house, for neglect of duty and 'diso bedience of orders. I was reckless and des perate. All my comrades were getting letters from home —letters came to them by every mail—-but no one wrote to me, or seemed to care for me. So I lost respect for myself, grew sour, unhappy, and indifferent to duty. But yonrkind words—your talk about the past time when you were my teacher—your strong >appeal to better nature—your calm, true, sweet sentences, dear lady! stirred my heart with’ new feelings, and filled my eyes • with tears. I was before my captain, in disgrace, when your letter was placed in my hands. He waited for me to read it; saw that I was touched, and like a true man hs he is, forgave my of fence. Then and there, I resolved to die sooner than swerve-a hair’s breadth from duty. I have been in fearful battles since, but God has kept me from harm. . To -day. for bravery and faithful service in ; these battles, I have been made a second: lieu tenant. Thanks, thanks to you, kind, good friend! You have saved one who came nigh being lost!” Fair reader, is there not in some faraway camp, a soldier ; who would be made bet ter or happier .through a letter from your hand? Think ! If there is, write to him. Brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, write often to the soldiers who have gone out from your homes. They are in the midst of temptations, trials, sufferings, and privations, and your words of love, your tenderly manifested interests, your exhor tations to courage and duty, cannot fail to do them good. Swearing Alone.—A gentleman once heard a laboring man swearing dreadfully in the presence of companions. He told him that it was a cowardly thing to swear in company 'with others, when he dared nut do it by himself. Ihe man said he was nut afraid to swear at any time or in any place. “ I’ll give you ten dollars,” said the gentleman, “if you. will go to the village grave yard at twelve o’clock tonight, and swear the same oaths ydu have uttered here, when you are alone with God.” “ Agreed”, said the man, “ it's an easy way of earning- ten dollars.” “ Well, you come to me to-morrow and say you have done it, and the money is yours.” Ihe time passed on ; midnight came.— The man went to the graveyard. It was a night of pitchy darkness. As he entered the graveyard nut a sound was heard ; all was still as death. I hen the gentle man’s words “alone with God,” camh over him with wonderful power. The thought of the wickedness of what he had been doing and what he came there to do, darted across his mind like a flash of lightning. He -trembled at his fully.— Afraid to take another step, be fell upon his knees, and instead of the dreadful oaths be came to utter, the earnest cry went up—“ God Be merciful to me, a sinner.” The next day he went to the gentleman and thanked him for what he had done, and said he had resolved not to swear another oath, as long as he lived. Punctuation Puzzle.— The following paragraph, extracted from the “ Portland 1 ranscript,” is a capital illustration of the importance of punctuation. There are two ways of pointing it, one of which makes the individual in question a mon ster of wickedness, while the other con verts him into a model Chris tain. Let our readers exercise their ingenuity on the problem and see whether they can dis cover its two-fold solution; “He is an old experienced man in vice and wickedness he is never found opposing the works of iniquity he takes delight in the downfall of the neighborhood he never rejoices in the prosperity of any of his fel low creatures he is always ready to assist in destroying the peace of society he takes no pleasure in serving the Lord he is un commonly diligent in sowing discord among bis friends and acquaintances he takes no pride in laboring to promote the the cause of Christianity he has not been negligent in endeavoring to stigmatize, all public teachers he makes no exertions to subdue his evil passions he strives hard to build up Satan’s kingdom he lends no aid to support the. gospel ampng the heathen he contributes largely to the evil adversary he pays no attention to good advice he gives great heed to the devil he will never go to Heaven he must where he will receive the just recom pense of Reward.” Noble Words from Brave Mkn.— The 21st, 33d and 85th Indiana regiments —the first stationed at Bonnet Carrel La., and the second and third at Brentwood, Tenn., have recently adopted stirring reso lutions in regard to the “ Peace” then at home. They denounce the majority of the Legislature of their State, and endorse Gov. Morton and the Administration. — Two of-the resolutions adopted by the 21st regiment are of special interest. They read as follows; “ 2. That those who say * the soldiers will not fight for the Union, under the emancipation proclamation/ falsely repre sent the sentiments of the soldiery of the State of Indiana, and that; they do here publicly and firmly declare, that they will fight for the Union "until it is fully re stored, if our superiors will but lead us on, though a hundred 'emancipation proc lamations’ are issued, .and disloyal men destroy our homes and make desolate our native State. “ 5 That if the resources of the United States are insufficient to support its large army and navy without pecuniary embar rassment of the Government, we will serve her gratis, and trust to .God, our strong hands, and the fortunes of war, for our food and raiment.” qgr Wetherbee, who ‘ drives the Her lock stage,’ is a great wag. “ There is a young woman lying in that ’ere bouse yonder,” said he to us, as we were riding on the putside with him last summer; “ there’s a young woman been a lying them nqtur about a month, and they haven’t burial lier yet!” “Why not?” are innocently inquired. “Gause she ain’t dead!” quietly re marked Mr. and then tickled the eat of the nigh fender slightly with his whip. ! EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS.* NOTES AND QOEEZBS What is joy? The honey of existence; really beneficial and agreeable when par taken of in s moderation, bat highly in jurious when used to excess, 1 Whitt is contentment ? The philosophy of life, and the principal ingredient in (hie cup of happiness—* commodity (hat is undervalued in consequence ol the very low price s it can be obtained for. I 1 What is happiness? A butterfly, that roves from flower to flower in the vast garden of existence, and which is eagerljy pursued by the multitude, in the vain hope of winning the prise i yet it con tinually eludes their grasp. « What is ambition ? A fierce and un controllable steed, that bears its rider onward in the high road to preferment; but it ofttimes (hrowp him such a foil that he - rarely ever recovers. What is crime ? A wretched vaga bond, traveling from place to place in a fruitless endeavor to escape from justice who is constantly engaged in hot. pursuit. A foe to virtue and happiness,'though at times the companion of poor innocence, which is too often made to suffer for the guilty. What is justice ? A pair of scales, in which the actions of mankind are often weighed; the true weight being some times brought up by power and wealth, while others that are incorrect are sub stituted. What is idleness ? ' A public mint, where various kinds of mischief is coined and extensively circulated among the most despicable of the human race. What is fear* A frightful and dan gerous substance to the really guilty, but a vain and harmless shadow to the con scientiously honest and uptight. What is fortune 1- A capricious dame, who often rejects those who are most anxious to solicit her favors; whilst others more unworthy, are the recipients of her bounties without their solicitation. What is fashion ? A beautiful envelope for mortality, presenting a glittering and polished exterior, the appearance of which gives no certain indication of the real value of what is contained therein. What is wit 1 A sparkling beverage, that is highly exhilerating and agreeable when taken at the expense of others; but when used at our own cost, it becomes lat ter and unpleasant. What is thought 1 ! A fountain from which flows all good and evil intentions ; a mental fluid, electrical in the force and rapidity of its movements, silently flowing unseen within its own secret avenues; yet it is the controlling power of all ani mated matter, and the chief mainspring of all our actions What is knowledge 1 A key that un ravels all mysteries, and which unlocks the entrance, and discovers new unsjeen and untrodden paths in the hitherto {un explored fields pf science and literature. Mebchaht vs. Fabxbr. —A shinplas ter story has bent localized in kioston, and applied to a popular dry-goods dealep.-r The story may have been in print perhaps, but a repetition will do no harm. As the story goes, a former purchased a few cents’ worth of goods from this merchant and gave him a hill to make change from. The latter returned him eighty-five cents of his engraved promises to pay, genteelly known as checks, but vulgarly known as shinplasters. “What’s them I” inquired the farther. “O,” said the merchant, “those are a sort of currency we dry-goods dealers have,” and went away to attend to another customer. 1 'Jhe countryman went off, not exactly satisfied, but shortly returned, and bought almost a dollar’s worth of goods. After having received the neatly tied up pack age, and being fold the price, he deposited a number of pnmpkin seeds on the counter. “ What are those?’ inquired the as tonished merchant. “O,” replied the countryman, coolly, “ them’s a sort of currency we formers have,” and thereupon left the store. The story has it, that the dry-goods dealer, who appreciates -jokes, was so amused, that he did not call his unprofit able customer bad. Thk Stkonq Max Brnx Strokokb- A New York paper gives currency to the report that Dr. Winship, dor modern Milo, has met with serious physical ! in jury through, his lifting experiments.— Such, says the Boston Tnmxript, is not the fact. He has now reached a lifting power of over twenty-five hundred pounds. His lifting apparatus is in bis office. Park street, where it may be seen by the! cu rious. It is On record that one- Richard Joy, of Kent, England, in the year 1703, succeeded in lii'ting a weight of twenty two hundred pounds. Dr. W. has (sur passed this by thrhe hundred, smd finding his strengtlt -increasing in an undiminished ratio, is still confident of reaching, within a reasonable time, his .ultimatum of thousand pounds. His motive in carrying physical development to this extreme is purely scientific, and he has not yeti we believe, recommended any one to be In this respect his imitator. NO. 10.