Bui i has d«.:,i s hundred thousand frZIZ York .Pm, government has DOtveteome .The'Prudent?*? .flnUj- decide so «"»« to the CoS' 1 wise to rRUe a new nmiv oT ,u nilljUm of men. Some of tl le ! iZ 2 service assert that while we ,„ZI b ukate up the- losses bj-Tihieaseg Z! e peat want of the country i s t . hient of the armj; already in Ip ft & two humlre.l . HW!- V «P «H sun met, and if it. w abibty at nil the rebellion can . ’ Morepext autumn. HowerZiiT M>t -true tlutt the gotenimem W roht six or eight hundred" thousaSt ; tbji statement is tadculated toeajnT t accomplishing any good tbai the Census office estimates tiwo ■ 4les in the loyal sutes/hS I wild .85, will number two mjtn! i thousand, and that at least oS led: thousand are fit for duty • ah average, about, one in ffiZ V ♦3oo,in' lieu of personal mrviZ area hundred thousand troon» *luv«ij Lpril or May, into the fiehCit Wwdd enuiubni - a fund of thirty miffiZ use! in bounties for the purpose of old (soldiers whose terra of service il Ire to re-enlist. The Secretary .w .emih soldier the sum of ♦SOo/cash ind |t i? believed that such bn offer I midoritr of the troops who will he ve in the’ summer months. It ihat under certain provisions of the leaat fifty thousand deserters win involuntarily return to the army •“ A bright momm’ to volir fair (Morphy.” ’ Ulr »d ffiorning, John.” threjsa Murphy, wbinever 1 gee a a ttornin’ like this, it puts me in - dear onld counthry, and of the red wid yer father, (regv his sown i nier dhrew breath, and niyer a ver passed his door without a bite or vas John.” Mnrphy (pulling a flask out of his fon [thrust me for a half pint - till I thej wharf, and may, the divil fly Wftrf my jacket, but 111 pav V c ■toes to bed." - ‘ l,ru p, John,, till you pay me for the yjstherday.” klorphy, (emphatically,)! Snow’d w she Was an oohl hod carrier, and a d Hy washer woman, and I seed sixroarin'big bulls to the gallows, it double quick time, and a pewter d wrathfuilr across the pavement. SWilsq|| i iM A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., lair i& Huntingdon Counties, l ACHLN’ES AiLK A JMlT it -ever offeree to the public, > i their gnclorllj established bj thf Im t thm in 1.1.400 MOKE Imre! been sold than of any other mau ve medals have been awarded the pro nt Fairs and Institutes than to any otl.- m are warranted to do all that hi claimed ra noW In use iu several families in Al jr nase they -give. entire satisfaction, i those .desiring information as the su ichines, to Col, lohnt.Piper.EeT. A. fawkOsworth, BenJ. t. lJoso, and-E. H. is be seen and examined at the store of oaa. * Sachlno, silver plated, glass (hot and new ft. So. 2, ornamental broqae, glass foot inner—J 55. No. 3, plain, with old style f, - - [Morcb suim-tr. E OR EXCHANGE! B IIE GRIST .MJX.L-SlT ckXack creek, thrso n Bhck tick Station, ' ' mch, P. R, R„ pro- O water fe ftrat quality creeps, 3 bolUand a corn breaker. *ll tef, (Also a first rate water SAW MILL. DSS AND LOTS wHh outboiliiiwp; one utaiulng a good STORE ROOJa. At* probity Are SIXTY ACR|£S OF LAND timber tract adjoining* contalninglTO u unimproved. The aEove will besold t?r exchanged for a good firm. Apply SAMUEL M'CABTHEY. OR EXCHANGE! ISIGNED for Dge tof property la AI- JtwOL. Iwo tots of jcronnd, 'sit- . o( TTulilngtoa, SHE, The hauae in a TWO- -BHBaUB I mcuo, u by itflHa 1 SjHEUBBEUT on (be pWml»vt»- of jjxcelUmtwiter «lthsAojr-.T»« I byl M 9 feet deep. JPaefMWB *fW> * l r AHD.—The ooinnaenbip in •• of WILLIAMS Jt itlCKtr. *>* wd lnX»»t AltoriaM. et tbesQinenj" here they wtU «» to*" 1 f aft tsmjt, ■■ , , ~ ■ w^ i fca* Sl ' MB STUFF wilt be Mlod and dell*- “>»ble u aby ia ' T. J.- JOHN IUCKBT- MMgRCIAL LIST i ■ AVI T'- 1.-;-' ET “PRICE CURRENT.” »hcd ewry Saturday, by i-OW, No. 222 Gold threat; IM* «w of the UEBCBANZB f Ptjitodolphle, lb* opolsat and KKT Of THKIIt WOMBS iusarr, «iu tMo«qtißs«>.' —Thplj k »w- , i -M'Comipk’B atort>‘iw»®’ o®jr*d for*rent. # rf * Tru»- %limz iri|imc. oi Campbell* $650 ‘iCoatry Proa." tribune power-press printing office. , r wiihinj-Uiu past two years. loade considerable '' * llir in the way of new fimey ’ I'lVs.-. Waiter Cutter, Card Cutter. Ruling. Mh ' I’lr.l IMwer Press, and large Newspaper Pbwer ‘ i cut of which we give above) we are now prepared 1 iik- anything in the Uuu of printing or ruling in : u;l i ‘to any establishment in the .'tale, and at ‘‘'’lnitially luW * execute. on short notice, all ieJdinfl- InviUtion, Visiting, Ball k Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, uiMMOTH POSTERS, SALE BILLS, * :;r h m J® !L!linniK»MlA®@; Pamphlets, Pay and Cheek Rolls, BLANK books, MAN ,rtSTS, AND BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. *6 sak i* * trial, feeling confident that we can give } Lji.-l:, if wo hnv" the' opportunity. ,yi » Luwthcr's bailding, corner of Yirgiuiu and An opposite Superintendent’s Office. LOC-A-Xj ITEIStfS- i, llKE ,;i)iMts of Council—Special Mee' ing, . t l 27tli, 1863. —Present—A. A. Smytli, D.: N. J. Mervmeand Jacob Hesser. .Inliu McClelland, Collector for 1860, being ~b:. the Council proceeded to settle with him. II jskeii'exhonorations to amount of $34 64: iiu motion of D. Laughman, the amount was jU „weilhini. .1,... K. lily being present, asked exhonorations , Itupiicate for 1862, to amount of $96 62. ; d:i motion, he was allowed tHe amount asked : *!)(’. 62.) j„, K. Eh presented a bill for service as High ..triable, amounting to $25 00. On moiion. un order was granted him for amonnt On motion, an order was granted Geo. Hartzel ju ccuis for repairs on council room, i in motion, an order wasgianted D. J. Neff for .;,i no. lor service as attorney to Council. Du motion, an older was granted W. B. Ketler - >;in 00, fur service as Secretary, aud making „:i: Duplicate for 1862. Council received $lO 00 of J. McClelland, am collected while Justicp of the Peace. tin motion, adjourned. - , W. B. KETLER, Secy. Kr-.t lau Meeting, March 2d, 1863. — Present -A. A, Smyth, X. J. Mervine, John Louden Jacob Hesser, Conncilmen, and John Allllbn, ■ ii.ct Brager-s. .Umates of previous meetings read and approved, ii. iii»tionof N. J- Mervine. the Couneil tender A A Mnyili their thanks for his kind and vhiimiilv deportment during Ins official term as - -.-..lmi: .a' Council. To wiiich he vejdied‘in a . nappy and appropriate remarks. Afier which, the newly elected members, .via in. - Kearney aud C. J. Hgckett, for three years,- ■ John McClelland lor idle year, wery sworn ■thco. un motion of John Louden, John McClelland elected President of Council, un motion. W. 15. Ketler was elected Secretary I .niieil. " . \V. Snyder was, on motion, elected Sppcr- i ii. illation, I). J. Nett' was elected Attorney to on motion to meet on the first Mon •j? evening of April. W, B. KETLER, Seo'y Hum Co. Fire Insurance Co.—ln another iumn will be found the Annual Report of the Di lators of this Company, from which it will be seen u its finances are in a healthy, state. One cause '■ l!us is grand complimentary benefit. We wish them, success as we know their entertainments ore rich, racy and select, and that the strictest decorum hf always observed. We recommend our readers to read the programme for the night. Ho! All te Lovkßs of Good Beef. —Mr. Runyen informs us that :he intends to slaughter his mammoth steer, which we noticed two weeks since, the last of this week, and will have the beef in market on next Saturday morning. It is the largest animal ever slaughtered in this place, and it will be worth a trip to the market house to see the steaks which he will' furnish. One of them would supply a meal for almost any of our hotels. If you want a piece of genuine show beef, don’t forget Runyen’s market,: next Saturday morning, Attempt to Commit' SnciuE. —On Cherry Alley, on Friday morning Inst, a man named Ferdinand Murray, attempted to commit suicide, by cutting his throat with a razor, while laboring under the effects of liquor; but the weapon wits taken from him before he could injure himself.- Hoi. Register. f Notice.—All those indebted to me are request ed to come forward and: settle accounts, as I wish to go to the city for thte purpose of laying in a supply and need all Outstanding money. A. 110USH, Di-aggist. A Word to Married People.— If it be true that “A'penny saved is two-|rcnce | mode,” the shortest way to get rich is to buy your | Groceries at FRITCHEY’S, corner of Main and j Caroline streets, Altoona, i Browned Rye constantly on hand. Pickles, ready for table use, by the dozen or hundred. ■ Shriver’s Baltimore. Oyster Ketchup. Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketchup. Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, Peaches, Pears and Plums, in cans. . The American Excelsior, Coffee, superior to anything in the market—good as Java and cheap as Rye. Tty it. -■ His stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, ; &c., cannot be excelled in the place. . , Cigars and Tobacco of all brands. Gall and be convinced that it is to your interest to buy at the New Family Grocery. FEMALES 1 FEMALES! , FEMALES! Use that Safe, Pleasant Remedy known as HEMBOLtiS EXTRACT BCCHU, For all Complaints Incident to the sex. No family should be a Without it. And none will when once Tried by them. It U wed by YOUNG AND OLD, In the Decline or Change of Life, Before and After Marriage f titering and After Confinement To Strengthen the Kerr**, Restore Nature to its Proper Channels and In vigoratethe Broken-down Constitution, From whatever Came Originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! * Take- ’ t - i ffEMBOLD'S EXTRACT SZCHU. See advertisement 7 in another column. Cut out, and send for It. SINGER & GO.’S Letter “A” Family Sewing Machine, WITH ALL THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, Is tbs BEST! and CHEAPEST sad MOST BEAUTIFUL of all Sewing Machine*. This: Machine will sew anything, from the running of. a tonk in Tarlatan to the making «f an Overcoat—anything .from Pilot or Beaver Cloth, dovta to the softest Cause or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to doits work to perfection; It can fell, hem, bind, gather tuck, quilt, and hat capacity tor a great variety of oAia mental work. This* is not the only machine that can foil hem, bind, 4c. but It will do so better than any other Map chine. The letter “A? Family Sewing Machine maybe had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Voiding Case which is ncw bi-coming so popular, il, as its namoimplles, one that can be folded into a box, or case, which, when open, makes a beautiful, suhstancial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon. - Tho cases are of every ima ginable design-plain as this wood grew in its native for est, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk-Twist, Thread. Needles, Oil etc. of the very best quality. Send for aicopy of« filKGjfcß 4 CO.’S GAZETTE.” I. M. SINGEK & CO., 458 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFtCE-810 CHESTNUT ST. Mr. D. W. A. Belforii, Merchant Tailor, Virginia Street, Agent In Altoona. ' Altoona, Nor. 18, 1562. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The Bey. ffm, Cosgrore, while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, was cared of Consumption, when all other meana had failed, bya recipe obtained from a learned physician in thegreat city of Jeddo. ’ Thu recipe has coredgreat number* who wore (Offering from Consumption. Bronchi tis, .Sore Threat, Coogba and Quids, and the debility and nerron a depression caused bythese disorders. Desirous of benefiting others, I wilt, send this recipe, which I hare brought homo with me, to all who need it, fhee of charge. Address, d Her. WM. COBGROVK, 438 Fulton Arenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dec. 2»,18«e-ly.| BAIL ROAD AND HAIL SCHEDULE. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART. Baltimore Express West arrive* 7.35 A.M.- leaves 7.55 A.M. PhUadul’* * SdO •• “ ft.4o “ Fast Line •• 8.30 P. M. *.45P.M. Mail Train 7.4ofrnosn«>fanher West.) Express Train Ea*t 9.26 P.M-leaves 9.45 P. 31. Fast Line ' •* 4.U0 A.-M. ** 4.‘tt A. M. Slail Train “ “ 11.30 w " 11.35 •* Trains on Hollldaysburg Branch run to connect with Express Trains ami Fast Line West arid Mail Train East ami West? Trains on Tyrone A Clearfield Branch and Bald Eagle Valley R. It. run to connect with Express Train West'and Mail Train East and West. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Through, Baltimore and Washinn. 7.35 A. M. “ Philadelphia, K. 20 •• 9.ini P. M. 11.23 A, M. 7.4U V. M. 725 A.M. A 7.JM I*. M. MAILS CLOSE. Western Through. Western Way. Eastern Way JlolHdaysburg, Western Way, 7.2 u a. M. Eastern Way, 11,00 •• Western Through, . 7,30 P. M. Eastern Through, 7.30 •• Iloliidaysburg, T. 8.00 A M. A 7,00 P.M. Office Hocus:—During the week from 6.46 A. M. until 7,30 P. M. On Sundays froiu 8.00 until 9.00 A. M. G* W. PATTON, P. M. atAHBIED. On the 3d of March, at the Lutheran Parsonage. Holli day sburg. by Kev. D. Schindler, Mr. A. M. LINDSEY to Mwa HARRIET ORESET, both of Fraukstown. On the :18th ult.. by the Hot. A. W. Gibson, G ARDNEK. Lieut. Col. of the Ist Regt. Pa. Cavalry, to Mins SARAH P. HARNKR, of Juniata. Blair county* Oil the 26th alt., at the residence of Mr. Jacob Barnhart, by the Rav. J. Zimmerman. Mr. SAMUEL \Y. GKABIi.L, of the vidlnity of* Martiosburg, to Mias MART ELIZA BETH BALTZLKY <>f Claysburg, Blair county. On the 7th inst., at the Exchange Hotel, in this place, by Rev. A. H. Sembower, Dr. W. J. OWENS, to Miss JENNIE BELL, both of Tyrone City. On the 28th ult,. in Blair township. Mrs. MARY E. MYERS, aged 82 years, 9 months and three days. On the same day, in Freedom township CHARLES EEDWARD, son of Henry and Mvria Thomas, aged 4 'ears and 17 days. In Antis tp ,on the 19th ult.. .1A MKS "SOOT P. sou ■' f Dr. R. and M. Annie Clark, aged 1 yr:. 3 mo*. ln days.. On the 12th ult.. JOHN’ BECK, of Warriorsmark. Hun tingdon C« . aged 81 years. 9 mouths and 11 days. Sanford's Opera Troupe, from Philadelphia do during year $450,720 50 Deduct ain't expired during year, $112,900 00 Do do,..surrendered d 0... 4,400 00 Ain’t insured Jan. 1, ’C3,. Ain't of Premium Notes in force Jan. 1, ’62,-.. $41,264 13 Do d0....—d0... rec’d during year 8,144 67 $49,398 70 Ded’t ain’t expired during year $12,718 06 Du isurrendired do 603 00 Notes in force Jaq. I*’63. Balance at last statement $3,127 77 Amount received during year ibr insurance... 406 22 Interest op money loaned 47 00 EXPANSES Alexandei-Gwin, Altoona, loss by Are of dwelling house, insured in pol icy No. 736 £. 6 H. Nutter, Gallitzin. lota by fire of warehouse and shook®, insured In policy No, 959 Blair Oouhty Whig, publishing an nual statement.., Same, publishing card and notices of meetings Democratic Standard, publishing an nual statement Same, publishing card Uolltdaysbnrg Register, publishing annual statement and ~ard 12 35 Same, printing 50U policies 20 75 Altoona Tribune, publishing card.,. D. K. Ramey, surveying and report logon toss at Altoona Directors, $8 each-for services.. Secretary’s fees Postage, stationery, &c $2,567 47 JNO. DKAN, See*y. Now to wit,.this 26th day of February, 1863, the above account auditwtand approved. Balance. Mar. 10,1863-31 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! THE undersigned will sell at private sale hh BLAIR FURNACE BAKU, ait- K__d date in Logantownshlp, Blair county, Pa M jjaKuaL 300 ACRES OF LAND, Jg||||£ Near two hundred of which U in a good state or cnltiva lion. Part of th is tract consists of the be.it quality of LIMESTONE Land; the remainder is good bottom and slate land. * A large quantity of White Pine and Oak Timber, Of easy aeons, remain upon this Farm. The Little Juniata River andTthe Pennsylvania Rail Road pass through the land, dividing it into two' portions, either of which would bo large enough for a form. There is a Large and Never-failing Spring upon the premises, and affords the BEST SITE FOR A DAIRY, that could be found. This Farfh is at Blair Furuoce Station, on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and about Two Miles from the flourishing town’of [lyr. Which always afford* a GOOD AND READY MARKET. The Proprietor will RESERVE the Furnace, the Im provements immediately around the name, the land between said river and Railroad, the ii»e of the Water-Power,' and the ORE AND MINING PRIVILEGES, with ‘hfflefent Limestone for any Furnaces or Lime Kilos which may be erected on the land unsold. > half of the purchase money in hand and .the remainder In three or five years, with Interest, payable •emi-annnaUy; the payment secured by tends and mort gage of tiro purchasers. ■ information, call upon dames L- Gwin, near the premises, nr the Proprietor, in Philadelphia U. N. BURROUGHS. March 3,1862—5-3 w New stock of boots & shoes for Men unci Boyf, Lediei ul UllMt," jaat f«e*d *t LAUOHMAN'S. DIED. $382,677 80 77,043 00 117,366.00 $343,354 50 13,221 66 $36,177 04 RECEIPTS. $3,580 99 $5OO 00 ;ioo oo 0 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 72 00 60 00 3 42 1,013 52 W. M. .LLOYD, > JOS. SMITH, y Ex. Com. J. B. PAXTON. J Altoona, Dr. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT. NEURALGIA LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS. BRUISES, CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES; HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sw«vt. of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and bus beep used in h>s practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. AS AX ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivalled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will cure ftpldly and radically. RHEU MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, aud in thousands of case* when- It has been used it has never been known to fail. FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in three minutes and is warranted to do it. TOOTHACHE also will it care instantly. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY GENERAL LASSI TUDE arising from imprudence or. excess, this Liniment is u most hnppy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and restores it to ela-ticity and vigor. FOR PILES. —As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, ucd we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will nqt fail to afford immedi ate relief and in majority of cases will effect a radical cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extreme ly malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to care. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may bo conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. BRUISES. CUTS. WOUNDS, SORES. ULCERS, BURNS AND SCALDS, yield reudilv to the wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when used according to directions- Also, CHILBLAINS. FROSTED FEET. AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, The Great Natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is known all over the United Slates. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the author of “Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment.’’ Or. Sweet's Infallible Liniment C’uiVH Rheumatism and never fails, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Bui us ami Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruisee. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. - Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to care. Or. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. i)r. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Curfs Cuts ami Wounds immediately and loaves no scar. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for sores in the known world. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken internal), cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is truly a “ friend in need,’* and every family should have it at baud- Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment la for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cento. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. 1)11. SWEET S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an ex ternal remedy, Is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Rheu matic and Nervous Disorders It ia truly infallible, and as a curative for Soros, Wounds, Sprains, Braises, 4c., its soothing, healing and powerful; strengthening properties, excite the just wonder aud astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS'! DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOB HORSES is unrivalled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Braises or wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or saddle Galls, Scratches Mange, 4c.. it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may he easily prevented and cured In their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radi* eal cure. No case of the Kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, aud Its faithful application will always remove the lamenees, and enable the horses to (ravel with comparative ease. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at band, for its timely use at the first a* pearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which all horses ate liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horses nearly worthless. v DK. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS THIS Soldier’s Friend, Aud thousands have found it truly A FRIEND IN* NEED! CAUTION ToetoM fanpoiitioo, obeerve the tlgnatnre and Likened! of Dr. SfOphin Sweet on every label, end eleo “ gtenben Sweet'e Infallible Linlnent" blown in the glaw ofeKch bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON A 00. * Sole Proprietor*, Norwich, Ct. ; MORGAN A ALLEN, General Agente, . A 3 Cliff Street, N*w York, da. Sold by ell deelen everywhere. December A, IMf^ly. JTKDSEY’B IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, a sou cm ms Cancer, Cancerous Formations, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, f , Boils, Pimples on the Face, Sore Eyes, Tetter Affections, Scold Head, Old and Stubborn Ulcers , Rheumatic Disorders, Janndice, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Female Complaint*! Epilepsy or Fits, Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases and Caries of the Bones. Together with all other diseases having their origin in a depraved condition of the blood or cir culatory svstem. CASE OF DANIEL A. BOYD. Pittsburgh, December 31,1861. D&. G. 11. Kbyssr :—I take pleasure in making this vol untary statement in favor of a medicine prepared by you called “ Lindsey's Blood Searches.” I had suffered for five years with Scrofula which broke ont on my head and forehead so as to disfigure me very much, and took off the hair when the disease made its appearance; It alsobrokeout on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat iota the akin and flesh so as to expose a fearful sore. The disease on my head went so far.tbat several small pieces of bone came out. 1 was very week and low spirited, and had given up all hope of ever getting well, as I had tried sev eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep tember last, 1861,1 was induced to try “ Lindsey’s Im proved Blood Searcher.” I must confess I .bad no faith in patent medicines, but after I bad used three bottles ol Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my bend and arm began to heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bead and arm are entirely well except the scars remaining from the sores. I will also state that 1 had the rheumatism very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also cured the rheumatism. lam now a well man, over forty years of age, and I feel as suple and young as I did when 1 was twenty, and bare increased in weight twenty pounds. I would also state that the disease in my forebeard was so bad that when I stooped and lifted anything heavy, the blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyscr hud a photograph taken oi me by Mr. Culgo, the artist, after I began to get well. It docs not show my appearance as bad as it was before I commenced taking the medicine. You can see the photograph, one of which is now in my possession, and also at Dr. Kcyser’s 140 Wood street. I would also state Chat 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made be fore Dr. Keyser commenced making it. Although it helped me some. 1 did not recover fast ufl|il I got the kind made by Dr, Keyaer himself. One bottle of bis did me more good than two of the old. I believe it is, a great deal stronger and better. I have recommended the Blood Searcher to a great many of my friends for various dis eases, and 1 believe it has helped the whole of them. You may publish this if you wish, and 1 am anxious that all who are afflicted as I was may be cured. 1 live in this city, No. 4 Pine street, and am employed at Collville k Ander son’s Union Marble Works, 54 Wayne street. A BLIND MAN CUBED 1 live in Sligo, at Clinton Mill aud have been nearly blind in both eyes for nearly four years. I 'called oo Dr. Keyacr ab'.ut three months ago and asked him to give me directions to the Institution for the Blind in Philadelphia Ue told me that 1 need not go to Philadelphia to get well as he bad medicine that wonld care me, as be said iny dis ease was in the blood. I was treated for it two or three times in tbe bospital in this city, and was relieved, but my disease always returned after a month or two after I came out of the hospital. I found my disease was re turning and I called, by the advice of'a good friend of mine, on Dr. Reyser, who has restored my sight, and my eyes, are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gave me * Lindsey’s Blood Searcher” and a wash. Pittsburg, July 5,1861. Witness —E. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny City. A BAD SORB LEG CUBED. Pitbtbiiroh, September 18.1861 .—I hereby certify that 1 have had a sore leg for over a year. It was covered with ulcers aud sores so that I could not work for nearly a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do any thing for a long time, for at least six months. I tried several of the best doctors in the city, bat without any benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyset, at No. 140 Wood street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave me but two bottles of medicine, and I am now entirely well and have cohtined so for six months. lam employed at the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street, where any one can see me. CANCER CURED. A L£ttzx Fxok SxaLAKD.—-Mr. John . Pope, of BUena-" von, hear Moutypool, Monmontohire, Eoglkud, writes as follows: Six:—An old woman hi this place has wished me to write yoh respecting Lnrosxr’X Blood Bxaxchxe, from which she found greet benefit, and wishes to have a little more. She has been suffering from a disease of a concert ons nature for the last six or seven years. Her daughter who’is livjßg in America, obtained It for her. and sent her eighteen bottles. She is how quite out of it, and 1 have written to her daughter twice and have received no an •wer; of coarse she Is anxious to get more; to get com pletely cured. I told her I would write to you for the agency in this country, and the felt very much pleased to hear me say so. 1 now beg to ask you on what terms you wiUsnpply me; you will please,bear in mind the car riage, aud supply me as cheap as possible. The carriage on th&one dozen bottles was £1; 84 6d. The medicine was a present from her daughter. 1 Would like to have the Blood Searcher in a Jar or small cask, if you can send it in that way, or in pint or quart bottles. I will tend a bill through bank bti registered letter, which ever will be most convenient to you, If yon will send me carrier’s receipt o the parcel as security. I would send you; a stamp to on swer this, but as it is uncertain of this reaching you, on account of the country being ih six and sevens, a term which Uncommonly used, yon will be kind enough to charge me with the postage. Sworn and enbeoribfd Mora me, a&d dap of Mo rember, 18M. W.P. lUBBABD, Alderman, > . "jftntfclt, a&r* Sac*, Hrfla. Addree* lettenftrWfcriudioQ in oooMeneoto '• a.r. belmbou), chemiet, PBlaiWpbla, feu. BE WARS Of COUNTEBTBraS AMD UHPEINCIPIJffi DKAI.EKB, Who endeavor to diepoae “or tun owr” and “otam" Article*on th* npntatloo attained by HelmboU’kOennine Preparation*. r * * ■ dd■ ■ r: Sb T £*dba^ OS- -toot/or Dr. Erywr’imnaeew IA« torfcrtoyreeoil j. do‘ BeriaaetiM» be*,<»,«edt*oa. ’l:;'' d. £■ ■ ■ Prepared and eold by Dr OlOAfit H. Kama, Pittsburgh aaaefWioipßr Ttfta mo'oiMfr. £*| %dt. t £^b y ************* '**«***» wkj Yocn, reepectfallj, [Signed], : JOHN MM [We hare *eea the letter which U pnbUehed in to-day 1 ! JHtfateh, from John Pope, and beUrre It id be fenalae.— Editor* Ditpatch PUUtmrgK. ' ‘ ' PREPARATIONS Dyspepsia, . Costiveness, “ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT RUOHD, A Ponitln and Specific Remedy For Diaaaaat of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, QRAYRL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Thta Medicine increaara tin po«r of Dictation, nod u cites the ABSORBENTS into heel thy acitoo, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depoaltloni, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, art reduced, at wall at PAIN AHD INFLAMMATION, and la good for Mu. We motCßuui. For weakness arising fh>m Excesses, Habits of Dissipa ioo, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED Wmi THE FOLLOWIAG SYMPTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Difficulty of Breathing, Lou of Memory Lou of Power, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in tbs Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Plashing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin. ' Eruption* of the Pace. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medl cine invariably, removes, soon follows Ixpotuot, Fatum Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those “DIREFUL DISEASES,” Many are aware of the cauae of their angering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS THE KECOKDT OK THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the melancholy Death, by Conantaption bear am ple witoeae to the. truth ol the aaaertkm, THE CONSTITUTION ONCE ATTBOTBD WITH OK OANIC WEAKNESS, ' Requires the old of medicine to strengthen and invigor ate the System, which BEUBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHD invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES! FEMALES 11 Old or Young, Single, Maaazxn or Contemplating Max- In many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT UCCHU is uneqnaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro or Retention, Irregularity, Painfblness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uteras, Leucprrhoe or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from in* discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DANIEL A. BOYD, No Family Should be Without It Tata no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous dfswoi. In all their atagea, LUtle or ao change ip Diet, Anti no Exposure, . It eanaaa a frequent deaira and girea atraogthto Drinata, thereby Remoring Obatrnctioqa, Piurenting and Curing Strictarea of the Urethra. Allaying Painand Indama tion ao frequent in the claaa of dlaeaaaa, and eypofii|'rii Poiaonbna Oiaaaaea had worn-ont Matter. DAVID KIriNOLDY, Clinton Hills, Sligo. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS who h»ve b'ea the vlctima ofQoacha, and who hate paid hear/ hit' to he cored in a ahort time, hare found thatthey were deceived and that the “POISON” haa, by the nae of “powerful a»- tringenta,” been dried op in the ayatem, to break hat la an aggravated form, and parbapa after Marriage. Uax Hiuoou’a XztucT Bocae for all esntWane and diaeaaea of the THOMAS FARRELL. Whether dieting in Prom whatever caoae originating, aid ho matter at la the Great ittoamc, and ia certain to hate: the daaired effect in Ml diaeaaea for which it la recommended. Evidence of the moat reliable and reapourible wi'l accompany the medlcinea. Certificatra of Cnrea, from eight to twenty yeara Ing, with name, known to acience and fame. Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six for $5, ■ : 'V Delimred tomj iddnm,ieconl7 pick'd bonnuijib •omtioa. ' Pncmi timiwi a tii ■ Caret Oomnteed. ’ IMdOntb. Pereooill; appeared betel mi, in AMenaut of the ete of Philadelphia, H. T. TTmnotn, who being 7, or other iojariaat droge, bat in purely regetiUei -'...1-.-. ti.T.tairArfiit.Tt BEUBOLD’S ■ OBNIiJINE ' HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. PALLID COUNTENANCE, INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” &IAGE. DECLINK OR CHANGE OP LIFE. axe einproita above. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. AND Improved Rose Wash CURES SECRET DISEASES URINARY ORGANS, MALE OR FEMALE. HOW LONG STANDING- Diaeaaea of tbeaa organa require the aid of a Onaxne. HELM BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCBU AFPIDAVIT. At little Expaaaa, No incoovanieace