The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 24, 1863, Image 4
tumn New arm, pun county colored map or THE UNITED STATES. CANADAS, AND NEW BUNBWICK. *“■ iMWI nnq*. completed Ang. 10, 18«2: cm: tSOdOOtoangran it and on year’s time. .."•Pf** to •■PjSN) Mp aver male by Colton or Mitch •U. «ad aaOa attbalow price Of fifty cent*: 370,000 num w* *B«DkTed Ca thie mi*. ■ It is net *nly a County Map, bat it is also a „ . _ COUNTY ANDEAILKOAD MAP Nlht IMMI IWtMad OHate combined in one, firing EVERY RAILROAD STATION and distance* between. mamma or —S3 to $6 per day,and wIU taka UackiUU nape tlmt cannot be aoid and refund the ■May. M, - Sadd fcr *l worth totry- Printed iactruetiona bow to canne well Inrniahed all ewagente. Wanted—Whcleeale Agents for our Mapa in every State, California, Canada, England, Prance and Coha. A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollars capital. JVo OowtftttitioH, J. T. LLOYD, No. 1M Broadway, New York. The War Department neee oar Hap ot Virginia, Mary land, and Peaneylnnia; coatJloo,ooo, on which ia marked kntietam Creek, Sharpaborf, Maryland Uighta, Waiiam rt Perry, Khoreariile, Noland’a Pond, and all other* on Potomac, and every ether place to Maryland, Virginia, and Paaneylvania, or money refunded. ILLOYIPS TOPOOBAFSICAL MAP OP KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, am) ILLINOIS, for Sen. BaMI end the War Depart meat. Wotiey refunded to any one finding an error in it. Price &0 cents. Prom the Tribune, Ang. X. •‘LLOYD’S HAP OP VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA.—The Map is very large; its coat it but D cents, and U it tW hut mhick ooa be purchased." LLOYD’S GREAT MAP OP THE MISSISSIPPI BITEE —Prom Actual Surveys by Capta. Bart and Wm. BOWEN, Mississippi Birer Pilate, of Bt. Louis. Mo , tbasre erery mao’e plantation and owner’s name from St Louis to the Gulf of Mexico—l,3so miles—every sand-bar, island, town, landing, aad.aU places 30 miles back from the river—col ored ia counties and States. Prioe, $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, and S2AO on linen, with roUers. Beady Sept, 20. Natt DxrAKTjntVT, WAsnnoron. Sept. 17,1862. J. T. Lun —Sin Send jaw Map of liu Mississippi Rirer, with price, per hundred eopiee. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Deris, commanding the Mississippi eqnedron if authorised to parchaeeas many es ere required for nee ofthat squadron. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Nary. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AOKNT, At JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, 114 BOOTH THIBO STREET, Philadelphia, Nor. 1,1862. The aadcnigiMd, haring bwn appointed SUBSCRIP TION AQRNT by the Secretary .of the TreMury, i* now pnpand to ferotoh, at ooea, the NEW Twenty Year 6 per ct. BONDS. of the United States, designated as “Five-Twenties,” re deemable At the pleasure of the Government, After Ire years, end authorised by Act of Congress, Approved Feb. 25.186*. The CKHJPOK BONDS ere tanked in same of $BO, $lOO, $4OO, $lOOO. Tbs REGISTER BONDS in earns of $4O, $lOO, $4OO, 1000, and $4OOO. ' Interest At Six per -cent. per Annua win commence from date of purchase, .and Is payable in gold, Semi-Anuually, which is eons! At the present premium on cold, to About SIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers. Merchants, Mechanic*, Capitalists. and all who hare any money to invert* cboald know and remember that tbioee bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE npon all Railroads, OnaU. Bank Stocks and securities, and the immense products of all the maontactnre* Ac., Ac n In the conn try: and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs, Doties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue serves to make these Bonds the Bept, Most Available and Most Popular investment in the Market Snbacriptiona received at PAR In Legal Tender Notea, or notea and checka of banka at par In Philadelphia. Snb aprlben by mail will receive prompt attention, and ever; facility and explanation will be afforded on application at tbla Office. A lull «upply of Bond* will be kept on hknd for Imme diate delivery JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent. Nor.«, 1862. [S mo*. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP I THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO inform his old customer* and the public generally that he has this spring gone into the Dry Good bualnest, and ha* just received a largo and entirely new stock of Brass G-oods ror the Lmliet, embracing all tholat«at,prt>ttieatandmoot FASHIONABLE PATTERNS, Ana among which may be found every quality of goods, the names of which it would be too tedious to enumerate. In the line of pure, freshmnd cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS . - I will not “knock nndar” to *ny of mjr competitor*. In (bis deportment I feel sure that I can render satisfaction. ■ All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie and Helen streets. East Altoona. THOMAS HKSLOP. Altoona, May 23,1882. C. C. SERVER & SON, (Successors to Thomas R. Tatlok & Co.) Paper, Envelope, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 51$, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WRITING, LETTER, NOTE, FEINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TISSUE, SHOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS; Printers’ Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationer* and Storekeepers, wilt Sod it to their adran tsge to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. llayl*t,lgSZ^ly. Glorious News I XHE Subscribers would respectfully announce to the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity, they hare J tut returned from the But Kith their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & CAPS, BOOT'S Sc SHOES. Their etock of HATS CAPS have been ee leeted with great can, and with the view of eniting all who mayforor them with their patronage. Their line of Boot* and Shoe* i* complete. , Their LADIES’ MISSES’ and CHILD SEN'S SHOES areof Cltj make, and warranted. Their Balmoral Shoe* for Ladiee and UUeee, are Jut the thing for foil and trinter. Thankfnlto the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a continuance of the tame. Stora oa MAIN ST. next door to Bowman’* Exchange Hotel. SUIT!! A MANN. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO.. *» LOCK HAVEN, PA. pkemium: notes in fobce.. Insures property on is reasonable termi as are consistent with security. mnxetoss O. D. Satterlee, 1 J, B. Hall, Jacob Brown! f. K. Price, Allison White, fltpoßjßeott, , C. A. Mayer, SUMLjUMa, \ W.Faaron. 0. D. StrUMAa, V. P. a. C. Hum, Preft. J. W. CiIHU, Secretary. •>«lj *. ’«-ly.J U.O, EEBR. Agent, Altoona. SSO. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. Commnroi&l Agents Wanted TO MUX GOODS (OB ZHB ADAMS (A Nnw (nun) i MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wl Will afu a eomalaaten of ona hundred par cent, on aU *sHgjßKa?«w«s y IWWNpjPIi 0«'l Agent. Dsctonv Hies. PLAIN * FANCY VESTS, of every fflsaapdiMaat IAHBHMAIPB. NORTH WARD AHEAD! mW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT OLD PRICES. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RS- I spe* ((ally inform the citiseo* of Altoona abd «nr robadiog country that he has joat returned from the eaat, where ho bat been •electing bk etpek of Spring and Sun nier {food*, wbkb for elyie, quality and Knee cannot be ■mptwd In this neck of Hie qtock ia much larger than heretofore, and, ae it ii quit* an object In them war-exciting times for-every one to purchase where they can get the BEST article at the LOWEST PRICK, he would say that he can and will sell AS LOW. if not A UTTItE LOWER THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE Id this place. He wiahes all to'call and see his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, aa he feels confident hfc can offer In docemeott whkh will DEFT COMPETITION. His stock eensistaof : LADIES’ DRESS GOODS or xvxnr bxmuptuhi. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS A*TO SHOES, HEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, . HATS AND CAPS, Oingfaams, Lawns, Blenched mud Unbleached Muslins, Dried Peacbee and Dried Apples, Plain Mid ' CUnvaeaed Hama, Ail, Ac., Ai. He will eell the AMERICAN PRINTS at 12J* centa. FAST MADDER COLORS, 10 “ FANCY DELAINES, from 12U to 26 •• Pino Blotched MUSLINS yard wide, 12U “ “ o K “ 10/ “ “ •• “ 6W “ Heary Unbl'ched “ yard “ 12K “ “ “ “ \’ . « Band 10 “ LAWNS, from 8 to 16 “ LADIES’ SUPPERS, ' from 40 to 60 “ Pino, Fnnch, Sowed, Heeled BOOTEES, $1 26 “ Pegged 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 75 •< GOAT ’• 260 BOTS’OOAT. (No*. 4 end 6.) . 160 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, bom 75 Conte to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES, 1 00 All elxee of MISSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, Ter? low. Bio Coffee at 25 Cents, White Sugar U and 12>£ centa, Brown Sugar from 7to 10 eta.; Beet Honey and Lorering’a Syrup, at 60 eta.; Sugar Hooee Molaeeee, 40 cte.; Baking Holaeaea,3l to 40 cte.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour, Feed, Ac, and all other arfielae of Goods Jnet al low ae any other honee can cell. JMeaao call and examine my etock before porebaeiag elsewhere. Altoona, May 1,1882,1 EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D. : ; W. A. BEDFORD, The proprietor of the “ emporium OP FASHION” would respectfully announce to the poblk lhat be has received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINOS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders,' Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &0., &c., &0., •xqctiy suited to this locality and Intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emporium invites an examina tion of his stock, feeling confident that hi* shelvee present a greater variety of plain and fancy good* than can be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince any one of this fact. He has also received the I LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “Cutter,” he ha* no.hesitancy in say ing that he can make up clothing in the /oshion, and in a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory, it has passed into a proverb that Bel ford’s the very man that can make. Clothes In the fashion, strong and cheap; .ill that have ever tried him yet. Say that he really cant be beat. Remember the place, Virginia street, first door above Jagganfs Hall, Altoona, Pa. [April If, *62. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FALL & WINTER GOODS!! J, B. HILEMAN has just received a large and well selected stock of Goods, consisting of Cloths,JM&in and Fancy Cxfesimeres, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Tweeds, Beaverteens, Bins Drilling, and all other kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, together with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOgDDS, Such at Slack and Abney SHis, ChalLes, Bextgei, Brilliants, Lomu, Delaines, Chtntss, DeSeges, Crapej, Prints, Crape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas, Undersigns and llosiay. Sonnets and Jtibbons, Cbllars, Iland kertnstfs. Kid Gloves. Hooped Skirts, Skirt ing, Lace Matt, ifc, Sc. ALSO, Ticking!, Check*, Bleached and Unbleached Moalina, Cotton and Linen lahle Diaper. Craah, Nankeen, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES. HARDWARE, QDKKNSWARK, . WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, OH. CLOTHS, CARPETS, AC. GROCERIES. .Onr stock of Groceries' 1 is more extensive than ever, and cdnxistsof Bio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Zyoaf and N 0. Sugars; Green, T. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses. Soaps. Candle*, Salt, Fish. Ic. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. and examine his Stockland yon will he con vinced that he has the best assortment and Cheapest Goods in the market. %* Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Altoona, April 4,1862. HARDWARE—HARDWARE! CHARLES J. MANN. i kEALER IN FOREIGN AND DO - / UEsnc hardware, WOODEN WARS. BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES. "DOORMATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. . SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, ■ - WINDOW GLASS, POTTY, WRITE LEAD, AC, AC. < CB, Every deecription of Good* in hie line fnr niahed at abort notice, and at low rate, for cub. ' Hla remaining atock of DR Y GOODS on hand will be eloeed ont at remarkably low prices. In orday to reltaqniah that branch of the buineea. Agent for Wllleon’a “Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altoona, May ttth, IMS. - ’ GROCERY, PROVISION AND WHOLESALE HXJUOB STORE, rpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- I FOBU the public that he hae pnixbued the tnlereat oTA, MILLIEON In the 0 rocery and Proriaioo Store here tofore kept by them on Tlrgtnia etreet, below Caroline St., where ha wlu continue the bnaineaa, and will keep con stantly on hand a large anpply of FLOCK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SCOAB, SPICES, CON SECTION ABIES, , and erenrthing tuoally kept In Grocery and Prorialon Stores, all ot which be receirea freah from the aaatern and wdatern cities,' and will aril at the moat retiionable pricet. Haring recently obtained Hrenae to tell liquor by whole •ale, 1 mil keep constantly on hand a large assortment oi IhMOTa <pT the beat qualities to be;bad. 1 respectfully solicit a .hare of public cnatom. July U, ISel-tf.j J. BEftKowrrz. 405,000. TTOWARD ASSOCIATION, Phils- JLI detphla. For the Relief of the Sick and Sistreaeod, «y»««lmth Virulent and Chr jlc IHara an, sad especially fc# tta &ya of dlaaaaea of the Sexual Or(nna. Medical adrfca gfaen gratia, hr the Acting BmweoerValuable re gotta on SpyrnatorrU or Seminal Wwakneaa, and other PMeaaee of the Sexual Organa, and on the Haw Kemedlee SL p •’“‘i®*" afflicted In aaaltd * WO or three stamps for Addrem. DR. J. SKILLIN HODQHTON, Acting Bnr- ESf’ J 1 f 0 7^o. A “ ocU,ion ’ N ®‘ *» »""th hiotb Street. Philadelphia, Pa. [Jnna (2, Uel-]y. T>URE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! On the comer of Branch and Annie Streets, MW STOCK OF GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of old goods in the above stand at suc tion, we desire to say to the public that we hare Just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to; which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sell at the pur stock embraces a large and complete asiortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, eobsisttog, in part, of plain and feney Silks, all-wool De laines, Alpacas, Oballie Delaines, plain and figured Barege, Lawns, Ginghams, Ducals, De Barge, Travelling Dress Goods, and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS. Men’s 'Wear. We hare received a Urge ud well .elected Mock of GKN TLKMKN’B DEKfIS GOODS, ittcb M Clothe, plain ud &pc, Csaalmere., Caabmereta, Twaeda, Jean a, Conliiroyi, Bearer Teen., Vein! Cord., and other taahionable goad, for men and boy*. WHITE GOODS. Irieb Linen, Victoria Lawn*, plain and dotted Swiaa, Bobineta,' t ßdginga,4c. We have alarge a sortment of Ladies’ Needlework Col lars and Sets, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Glove*, Gaunt lets, Hitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, 4c. Also, Ticking. Cheeks, bleached and un bleached Jdualias, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of J. A. BPRANKLE. North Ward. We bare leceived a Urge lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c„ which wears determined to sell cheaper than ever. QUEEENSWAWE, •CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacou, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and, in last, everything uaually kept in a firet-claes Store, As we make our purchaees almost entirely for cash, and as we will sell for i CASH ONLY, AND &ISKP NO BOOKS, it will enable ns to sell Good* at very moderate prices; and by fair dealing and strict at tention tu business we hope to secure a liberal share 01 public patronage. Altoona, April 15.18C2-tf A ROUSH, Druggist, • takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to the citizens of this place and ricinity, for the liberal patronage they have bestowed on him. and desires to in form the public in gcneial, that he still continnes At his Old Place of Business, A few Doors above the Post-Office, where he is at all times prepared to attend lo their wants in his line of business, consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT j, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO, foe medicinal use, always on hand. Physicains Prescriptions AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT Altoona, Pa, April 17,1862. GROCERY AND PROVISION Annie Street , East Altoona, a Jew doors above Brunch Street. XHE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE ceived a large and fresh aleck of GROCERIES, PEO ONS. Ac., which ha will aell at price* equally a* low at hit competitors. Hla stock comdsfs of FLOUR, FRED, BACON, HA MR FISH. salt, FOTATOES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, SPICKS CRACKERS, CHEESE TUBS BRUSHES BUCKETSBROOMS RAISINS LEMONS ORANGES ‘ FIGS COMBS „Ji°APS KNIFES BUTTER, EGGS CONFECTIONERIES DRIED FRUIT. AND DRUGS OF ALL KINDS I Invite the public to call and examine tnj stock, at I am determined to please In and price. May 5,1862-tf WM.h. PERCIVAL. sB6] EMPLOYMENT! [s7s AGENTS WANTED I We will pay from s2£ to $76 per month, and all expen t**. to active Agents, or flee a pommitaloa. Particulars Address Erie flawlie Machine Company, R. JAMBS, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. 3 :Bept. 12-ly.] DRIED APPLES.—The subscribers have * Am 1« of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at mncb less than market mm, and which they destw to doao oat, at coat and carriage, without delay Persons desiring to purchase, either at wboleuie or retail, will And It to their advantage to give ns a call. Altoona, done 26,1861] MURPHY A McPIKB. SM. WOODKOK, • A TTOBNET-A T-LA W. Altoona, Penn'a, Will practice lit the- aererai Court* of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon countlo*. Being aaaociated with CHARLES B. PLEASANT, Esq., Military and Claim Agent, of Wash ington Ci», he will derote apecial attention to the prose cqtlon and collection of claims against the United States, including Pension*, Bounty Lands, Arrears of Pay for Serricea in the Army and Nary, and generally all boat, neaa before any of the Departments. OSes on Virginia Street, 3 doors above Jolla Street. May.l6, IM2-tf. Building lots for sale.— The subscribers offer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD ING LOIR, situate on.the top of the hfU, above the reser rolr of the AltoonaOa* 4 Water Company, being now held as property by ti* Presbyterian Chorcb. The IoU are Ally foot front oy 175 prat deep, and will be sold on reason, able terms. . Persons wishing to pnrchaae or view these lots will receive all Information concerning them by ap flying to Michael Otabangb, E. U. McCormick. Alexander MoOot mtck, or Chas. J. Mann, Trustees of Presbyterian Church. [Altoona, April S, IMf. 9ABDWARE OF ALL DBSCRIP ttocs jnet reeetred end for sals by IMf] 3. B. BURMA* NOW OPEN EAST ALTOONA, AN ENTIRELY VERY LOWEST PRICES. SPKING SHAWLS. GEIS & CO LIQUORS, CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, STORE, ?jucnu. I. Fan. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re -BPKCTFCLLT an seance to Uie clitaens of Altoona and rfeiolty tL thej harejast receded large supply of BTOV' qf all Pattern** such Cook* Parlor, Office Shop Store*, which win sell at the most_ •enable price*. A lari supply will always kept on band. TTS AJW SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING pa up on short notice. . . They Hare also attached a copper-smithing room to their establishment and will keep on band pu assortment of cop per and brass kettles, kc. - All kinds ofjtb work promptly attended to. HARDWARE. The subscribnrs have added Hardware to their line of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Squares, Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ac., Ac., all of which they offer on the most reasonable terms. wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their atoca. A shore of pnblic patronage is respectfully solicited. Store on Annie street, between Harriet sod Ada- Hue streets. Kast Ward, mud on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drugstore, West Ward. Altoona, Feb. 3d, 1862. POKED OUT AGAIN ! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened ont AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st., a few doors below the Supt's Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, TEAS of all kind*. COFFEE, SUGAR. SYRUPS, BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO, SEOARB, DRIED FUI7IT, SOAP, CANDLES. BROOMS, BRUSHES, Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notion,,. Candiee. Ac. Alio a large stock of LIQUORS! All the above goods will oe sold. Wholesale or Retail, at the luweat prices. Come one—come all! B©e for your selves, and be convinced. No charge for examining my at**- LOUIS PLACK. April IT, ’62-tf. 'REMOVAL OF JESSE SMITH’S Hat & Cap Store. Th e proprietor of the “EXCELSIOR” HAT and CAP Store, would inform his customers, and the Public generally, that he has removed bis store to Ipm new building, on Vir ginia street, next door to J&ggard’s store, where be has just received a large stock of FALL & WINTER STYLES OF HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock of Hats and Capa are of the very best selection, of every style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he aaka is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that be can send them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such au article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, Flats, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. I have also ou hand an entirely new stock Of LADIES & MISSES PURS, embracing everything in that line, which 1 will sell at fair prices, as I do not intend to keep any of my stock over season. Nov. 6,1862. DISSOLUTION. —Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be* ween the undersigned, in the boot and thee buaineea, baa been tbit day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm remain at the old stand for settlement. JOHN U. EGBERTS, Altoona, Feb. U, 1863.-3 f. W. B. RUTHERFORD. TTHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECT fuIIy inform* the public that he will con tinne to keep a (MB BOOT & SHOE STORE.W in the room recently occupied by Robert* and Rutherford. The basinets heretofore carried on by them will, in the future, be in the name of JOHN 11. ROBERTS. He will keep constantly on hand a complete assort ment of Boots & Shoes. GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., &0., &c. which he will offer at fair pricet and warrant to be o the beet material and manufacture. Particular attention will be given to CUSTOM woms:. In which he warrants to give entire satisfaction, a* he bnya the best stock and employs none but the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one door East of Kessler's Drag Store. Oct. 10 186a-tf. JOHN 11. ROBERTS. TAKE NOTICE.—The nnderelgaed is about starting a Tannery, and wish es to bny or trade fbr 400 CORDS of good ROCK OAK BARK, and aleo for 1 BIDES, for which the highest market price will be paid. Altoona, April IT, '62-tf. LOUIS PLACE. J. G-. ADLUMv Notary iPablic, ALTOONA. BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all times bs found at the store of J. B. Hileman. October 1,1857. NEW AND IMPROVED STYLES of Trank*, Talive* and Carpet-Bag*, at • LADQHMAN‘B. 4 COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF , Oeht’e Model Improved SHlRTS—Caseimeve and a Shirts—Ane and coarse—white and colored—at LAUOHMAN’B. NEW WINTER READY MADE Clothing Just received at LAUOHMAN’S. SPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER vvr. for ..I. at ■ fl-tf.] RESSLEK’S. gROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.— pao^smn«'T r it d no f k ? rrIU!BU GROCERIES PROVISIONS, lost received, and fur tale as cheap as sns cneapest, at MURPHY 4 McPlKK™l"ra. Altoona, Jnn. 26, IS®"' #f V ‘7 1,,,, “ d C " olln< ’ l “*- MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, ;0f every and color, of good quality, at * LITOHMJJf’B. —-Shthm Wnmni Life Insurance and Trust Co. /COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast Corner of Walnut and fourth Street*, Phllad’a. Authorized Capital, $500,000 Paid up Capital, 250,000 Assets....... 1,897,746 Incorporated 1860, by. the Legislature of Pennsyl- Insoree Lives daring the Natural life or forshort terms, grants annuities and endowments, and makce contracts of all kinds depending on the issues of life. Policies of Life dusuranca issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—-with profits to the assured —last Bonus January, 1861, being 43 per cent, of all pre miums received on mutual policies*—at Joint Stock rates. 20 per cent less theta the tWe, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a . NON-FOIIFEITUIIE PLAN, . By which a petaou pay* for 6, 7. or 10 yean only; when the policy I* paid «p for Lin, and nothing more to pay ,- and ehoold he ha unable, or wWi to diumntiune eooner, the Company will Uene a Paid v* Pouct, in proportion to the amount of preminm paid, at follow*: On a Policy of *l,OOO, 5 Year I Year 10 Year alter payment t>| rate*. ratee. rate*. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 8S $lOO 00 2 o » 400 00 284 70 200 00 4 •• o x 800 00 571 40 400 00 x x 8M 10 6uo 00 g' X .. X goo 00 Any further information css b* had by applying to the undersigned, whn-is the autboriied agent lor Blair County. July 31.1862 ly R- A. 0. KERR. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred File per Month ! I would respectfully forth my claim to pul attention, as a Fashion*! Tailor, os folio##: Because I keep an ex* teut assortment of Clot Casainieres, Vestings' i Trimmings, which, wl examined Always please. Because my work made up in a manner t takes down the coni*, and giTes all ray customs] a city appearance. Because I am not infer as a Cutter to the best be found anywhere. FRIES * WINTERS. Because long expert* in my business give* entire control over 1 1. I am not dependant ,o] any one tolift me out the suds. Call on me. in the corner room of the u Brant noose.” Give me a trial and yun will go away pleased. Altoona,.May 26-5 m JACOB BNTDKR. Exchange hotel.— the sub scriber would respectfully in form thepnbllo that he has recently re- * fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre-flfiSkls*, pared to accommodate his friend* patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare nopalntln making it an agreSblehoSeforSl beluxnrlonely supplied .«*“*«* “X* cities, and hisSaf filled with liquors of choice brands. Bis charges ore as resaonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and he foela satisfied they can not be complained of by those who nf T nnhii m wll , htll »tr custom. Expecting to receive a share “jj’* pntrimage, and Ally intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. for medtetaalpurposes* 1 Brandy. Alto alarp stock of excellent Wines, for medisinal pur °fthe best old Whiskey to Altoona, May 27,18M.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. ■ 4 regular meeting of the VIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIA " '’msks.t ““ p ~"-’ AMERICAN Tania. ALEXANDER WUILLDIN, Pretldeut. SAMUEL WORK, Vice Preeident. Joan 8. Wnaox, Secretary. , maud or nDAixa. Alexander Whllldln, J. Edgar Thornton, Bon\ <7a*. Pollock, - Hon. Joeeph AllUon, Albert O. Roberts, donee Bowman. Samuel T. Bodine, H. H. Eldridge, George N agent, John Aikman, William J lloward, Chari •F. Uearlltt, Samuel Work. Because I am Btill on the tunny tide of forty, and there* fore my taste as a Cotter and Workman unimpaired. PATENT KERQSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS I Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. Evc.y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est pv.i table light within their yeacb, should call at the r store the undersigned and examine these Lamps before ! purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon* a Crate let. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. ° 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. ' stb. That they barn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any otbei light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories, Halls. Churches, Stotes, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, banging and table ffoid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction iqlUl rases. Aug. 10, 1858*tf.] , O. W. KESSLER. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. SRIOG WOULD RESPECT • fully alarm the citizens of Altoona SQL and vicinity that he keep, Constantly on band a large assortment oi ducking, Parlor; Office Shop Stove l, of all styles and sizes, to salt the ™ wants of all, which be will sell at low prices, so reason able terms. He also keeps on hand a large stock of TVn and Sheet- Iron Ware, consisting of all articles for caliaarypnrnosw— Cbal Scutilet, Stove Pipe, do. lie has also purchased the rgbt of sale in Blair county, of K. V. JONES* IMPROVED SAUSAGE BTDFFER, an invention which'needs only to be teen to be tpprecia and should he possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. S - Particular attention paid to potting up SPOUTING, either in town or toontry. Spouting painted and pot op on the moet reasonable term*. faprit 14,1859*1y RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.— L J, This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is in In. Y v? r l “f 4 , ** circulated throughout the connuy. It contains |U the Great Trials, Criminal Casea, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in any other newspaper. * . P* r annum; Jl for si*moutiis,to be remitted by subscribers, (who shonld write their names and the town, county and State where they reside piainlv.l ■ v_■ ,T» 0- W. MATSELL * CO, EditOT * Prop’r. of Hew York Police Gatette. ' New Fork Cits. T SOMETHING NEW. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST very large'and Anestock b ° b “ *“*— • BOOTS AND SHOES BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., the mannfiietnren for cash, he hi. pnSta.^ eoJSfce I *^® *° OT % r 00 r«- Son't enwiring promptly attended to. AiJn ** pUco > ,W V Umnbelow **"•»Office. Jan. 3,1861. M. TnOMPSONr^.. insurance SSSTbi JSSSSmi ¥ sis;Mar““ JsBfiSjs.aa{:js«- : LEVI’S PREPARATION r’OR KX iIATS’ M1CI; - ROACHES. ANTS and bogs withimt dnhger inita nse under any circnnutan r .S.^ DragBto ” or O / ES , l „ 0 YE S! GENTLEMEN «Tto the W nn d , b .“ r V J ? S P U P - *ROOT knnoun 2??fSLSSr*? c » he *• wady diacharge hit duty ***** Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjS». 2 *66. ’ New stock of boots & shoes for Men and Boys, Ladies and Misses, Inst we’d at’ ' ■: LAUOHMASR. ; ft B. MILLER,: , mu ■ “* DENTIST. MK •a-OOce on _Caroline street, between nl Virginia and Emma streets. Altoona. [Jan. ao—2m 4 HUTTER’S STATE CAPtTOI. Book; Bindery AND BLANK BOOK MANUKa, 't, JVb. 64 MarkttBt , llarruhur ■, p , 3 phis establishment is chiefly dev,,, I the nuahctim af Blank Book, for " cc 1 oka, County /?»/;-,*- and prirate Indlridnak. Jn ailcuea tbejiiA very be,t of stock mad workaaanabjp tnuy I. JTjrY relied upon. Blank Beak* printed. paced any deaitad pattern. Sheriff’., Attorney, aej “ Docket aof all alien, made and rated to ord, r and Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, Ac, fur ct ‘' '■« aea, printed or plain, rated and bnnnd to „ r ,t„ ! : ' Dockets made of the Nat linen paper. ‘n: ; Librarians, and others, dealring to hare thei- it. ’ boom! and at moderate prices. ahnnld giro „«, ‘ •• papers of the largest aiaea. Ilarper', Gwi?r Pictorial, Ballou* Scientific American. U.-w v £ * bound to order, nndinnoy style required. U, trTvr J'*»‘ lyMn«g»iDe, Knickerbocker, KiackwootiN BQli r ,3 v*«>- Magaainea. Oodey’a Lady’a Book, lady. adn’a Xagaline, Plano Mnaic. Ac, boond In . I;t , ”e -' the more plain and anbatsntiml half hlndli,* SuW, 7 ' phleta. Law Magas inert, Pamnhlet law», bound U, , f>a ; brary atyle, at eery moderate pricee. A” -1 u number of rolnmea to bind, will receire alib»r,ij l "*• Binding can safely be aent to na from a distant, u'-’ Sreaa, and all work entreated toonrcare»(in,.7A‘ ily executed, safely packed and returned be All work warranted. Addreaa F. L. Ilrrttj'' 1 Uarriibio, u, the JWtu»e OBc, agenta foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will p, e ] , *' tion in relation to binding, and receira and retort,'7T.‘ free from extra charges, for all who ent.nat their , «V *«»•_ t i>teb 21, Ihoi h 1 ’ ,„ . V « £ • ; ; «.S J 5 v O* 5: ! ?t. ?- 5 JACOB WEIS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Viuuu Siekt, Altoosu, Pa, Keeps constantly on hand BREAD) cakes, candies AND SWEETMEATS. of hi* owu manufacture, wtucu Lf 1* prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, at tho mint r- w able prices. Also, FOREIGN FRUITS, such ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE-APPLE* FIGS, PRUNES, RAISINS. NUTS. iC .iC tdwnys ou baud in their respective seasons. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER, for particular occasions, on short notice and in ih« w. eat and best style of the art. Call, examine and price my stuck and you *ii; it as good and cheap as can be purchased flsrwlwe Jan. 27,1863. CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON r pHE SUBSCRIBER WOCLD LV 1 FORM the citizens of Altoona and vinn't* 'F; . CONFECTIONERY, NTJT and FRUIT STOKL >• vn;. supplied with the very best articles to le bad. m,u u variety, lie has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, In which be will serve up OYiTL.ii in every style during the season. FRESH-BAKED BREAD dl JPIES altcoyt 'w . ; j lie Is at all times prepared to supply cakes, • i or pic-nics and other parties. He invite* a share of pda fotronage, believing that he can render full wtiskctk : ■ all. Remember, his store and saloon in ou Vintimsitu-'. doorebelow Patton's Hall. OTTO UoSs! Altoona, Oct. 10,1861-tf H. FETTINGEES General News Agency Qak hall, No. 7, main street SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOK? STATIONERY, CONFECTION ARIL' CIOARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VABIETI CONSTANTLY ON UASD October 24,1861. W. M. LLOYD & CO.. ALTOoyA. n. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO. BANKERS, {Late "Bell, Johrutoii, Jack $ Co "i Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collectictj made. Moneys received on deposit©, payable on deoaci without Interest, or upon time, with Interest at lair l,l,l Feb. 3d, 1860. n W. KESSLER —PRACTICAL xJT a DRUGGIST, raspectfolly tbjthe cltlsens of Altoona and die public ©rally, that be still continues the Drag business, oin Virginia street, where he keeps constantly onjutnd, for sale, Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS, Vi MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS. VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. ' By strict attention to business, and a desire to p’cil-t ui ' isfiiction to all as regards price and quality, b*? • merit and receive a share of public patronage. ' Physicians and merchants supplied on reaseuabl? and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. > a OUR LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO well to look in upon the choke end cliwtf o*®' ment of Sommer DHB.-8 GOODS nuw diipleved nf"- well-SUedabehretef MURPHY * McPlKt Cor. of Virgin!* and Caroline in Altoona, Jnue 28,1*62. PINE AND LARD OILS, W-M -phene. Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, 4c- rB ,. Jan.S,’M-tfJ ■ KES SIS*'- ON HAND AT McCOIIWICK S Sw —A splendid assortment of Beedy-Msde cMa# fail and se£ No*- /Groceries.—-a laud* anj VT complete assortment of Groceries hare rtlred at the of J B. lIUK^. KAIII, HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING Paint, Saab and Varnish Bnuhea Sl ( . (;s s L js ; All kinds of printing neatly and expedifotal.r «« n^,*‘ n ' r ncl ‘•ALTOONA TKWS 11 UMBRELLAS AND PABA^ In andlets tariely, at v LAUG UN Altoona, May 1,1862. All styles carpeting •^ p OlLClotba can be found at LACOM*^, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of Jewelry, Hair and Clothe. .Bn»b|*- , Pucket-knlre., Ac.. at LAEOUMj^, A FINE ASSORTMENT OFOjg; COATS can he found at - EXCELLENT HEAVY BOOT^* i SHOES jQst««lTnl»t L ,0 you WANT A HAToTjf ' cheap or fliwT— |o to tADOB* n BEAT PILES OP PANTALOj^ 5 Ij ter U«a «ad Bop,*! liCfa***’ w* W s' 1 < = s i ?=v Oh ; C 3 ■'•■=?;: S I?-: j CC <=:-; a * 3 - ; : S * :* ?t 3 5 i]]j S3 s "il "-' * <1 HOLLIDAYSBCRi, Pi- McCBUM & DERN, VOL- 8- THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE t V UcCRUM, U. rouawits is# norumu. iaTiriabW ih xirißCi>i.. \U p*p*r* ;li<9uttt(ua«() «t tU# expiration • „»»•* f»r • >.%«< or 4BTt*nBN«. 1 IniWtlOß T do. /a.»: of*••»• % B** $■ ,s a * ( i H«m) »*’ i*,. .* flft " > 100 160 -.-•• 1 W * » Ivor ibrM weak* ami lew tUao- three uvunlL. „or taarelor eaeh iniettion. tmonthe. Oaonhi ....$ 1 SO (SCO .... 3SO 4 oi> .... 400 400 .... (00 S 00 .... too 1000 ..... to oo u o 14 00 U 0o fti two “ Tt»r*« ** —•••• four ** tfoll 1 * c01umu..... id* olamn «... idmlnlfttr*tor»:*u<l Executors Notices..,— advertising by the year, thrss squat with liberty to change, 'rofstslonal oil Business Cards, not esceedini lines with peps*, !>®r year Communications of a political oaracter or Ind -rest will be charged according to the above raj t.lvertiseroen tnot marked with the numbe . -ns desired, will be continusd till forbid and c in )inx to the above terms. Simlnsasnotice* five cents per line for every*■ Miitnarv notices exceeding tan line*, fifty cent 3M.TIM3RE LOCK HOSPI i*. SiXABLISUBD ASA ftKXUUK FBO3I QUJ Cbo Only Place Where a Cure be Obtained* Dll. JOHNSON has discover molt Certain, Speedy and only Effectual B world for «U Private Diseases. Weakness of uiotb*. Strictures, Affection* of lb- Kidneys i- ia*olu«tary Discharges, tinpoien.iy. Genera! S i msneu. Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits. ' <f ideas. Palpitation of tba Ueart, Timidity, Tr*« of Sight or Giddiness. Disease of t in- .st. .Vooo or Skin, Affections of Liter, ton r n or Bi»w»l*T-t(iiiM Terrible disorders arising s.Viitaey-B»tt» of Youth—those ttcutt and soli • u es inora fault' theii' tictlptS than the song ol ns Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most „opss or anticipations. rendering marriage Ar - ils YOUNG MEN r.-psciallj. who hate become the sictime of Sell! nit dreadful and destnctiee habit which annual an uiitimelypwTO thousands of Youoc Men at ■all tlted talents and brilliant intellect, who tnig wise have entranced listsniuK Senates with tbs .f eloquence, or waked to cctasy the lining lyre with full confidence. MARRIAGE UsrrUd Persons, or Young Men- cotemplfcting ♦>eirtg aware of physical weakness, organic debil uity, Ac., speedily cared. lie who places himsell under tU care of Dr. - ligluusly couflde in hU honor as a gentleman. ; jentlv r«ly upon hi« skill a.-* a nhysiclnn. ORGANIC WEAKNESS I lomediatal/ Cured, anil full ' Igm* Hestored. ThU Distressing Affection—which renders Life • sjd marriage impossible—U the penalty pan vi'-tims of improper indulgences. Young per-y i t commit exces et from uol being awate m t hil :oQiequence* tb«t may en*ue. Now. who lb *i mi.U ths subject will pretend f» deny that the orreatlon i* lost sooner by tho*e falling into Ji J*ire than by the prudent? Besides being d-p -•snares of healthy offspring, the most eeriout *n active symptoms to both b-nly and mind ;u • vetem become* Deranged, the Physical and Men ions Weakened. Los* of Procreative power. Nef ability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, 1m • 'oiistitutlonal Debility, a Wanting of the Framf • Decay and Death. • OFFICE. NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK SI h'*ft hand side going from Baltimore street, a 1 ro:n the corner. Fail not to’observe name and n Utters must be paid and contain a stamp, tor's Diplomas hang in hi* office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO 0 Vo dreary or ffuutms Drug*. OR. JOHNSON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeon*, Loan u «re from one of the most emiuent Colleges in t sutM. and tlie greater part of whuw lit. ha. Ue the hospital* of London, Paris, Philadelphia where, ha# effected soma- of the most astonish that were ever known; many troubled wjtn ring head and nra' when aaleep, great nurrouau alarmed at Hidden aon tda, baablhloaaa, wKli Ulmhing, attended eorootim.. with derangement w.ra cured immediately. _ TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE j)r. J, lililraa.rl all thou who have injured I Ur improper Indulgence and solitary habile, w b .th body and mind; unfitting them for aith.r etudy. society or marriage. , Tsui are tome of tho *ad and melancholy e duced by early habit, of youth, tin: Wtakn Back and Llmba, Patna in the Head, Olmceae L.m. of Mnacnlar Power, Palpitation of tho I pe(wy, Norton. •Irritability, Derangement of •i.e functions, General Debility, Symptom, of 'ion. Ac. ' MintulLT.—The fearful affecta.of the mind Mi b. dreaded—Lm of Memory, Confueion of I oression oE spirits, Evll*P»>reboding*e Aversion t <sii-DU trust. Lu.eof Solitude, Timidity, «e,et : h* evils produced. Tsoob&ssi of persons of nil ages can ius cause of their declining health, _• iminc weak, pale* nerroo* and emaciated* bar pilar appearance about the eyes, cough and ty* consumption young men Who hare injured tbeiueeirpe by a certain p bulged In when alone, a habit frequently !•*> evil companion*. or at school.' the effect* °* nightly felt. ersn when asleep, and if wot cm marriage imposible, and destroy* both mind should apply immediately. ' What a pity that a young man, the hope of-fti thr darling of hie parents, should be enatchw prospects and enjoyments of life, by the coo* lariating from the path of nature, and indu secret habit. Such persons kcbt> befoi plating MARRIAGE, rrdsct that a* sound mind and body are the mod requisites to promote contiabiil happiness. Ir< eat these, the Journey through Ufa becomes a grimage; the prospect hourly darkens to- the mind becomes shadowed with despair ana fi.w melancholy redaction that the happiness ol a qoibm blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprhd**nt jotary < Auds that ha has Imbibed the eeeds .of this ) itM, it too often happens lliat an ill-timed sene or dread of diecoTery, deters him from applyn »K% from education and respectability, can friend hint, delaying till , the constltotionarsy this horrid dleeaee make their appearance, end t* l wire throat, diseased note, nocturnal pain • and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, m»dee o bone* and arms, blotches on the head, face ai ties, progressing with frigbtfbl rapidity, till palate of the month or the boOes of the owe the victim of this awful disease becomes a norr commiseration, till death putt a period tol sufferings, by eending.him t-»* l that Cudlscovet from whence ho traveller returns.” It is is aMfeJseAOiy fact that thou sands fall this terrible dteoAsS. owing to tU* unskuuauie r-mj pretenders, who, by the use of that Dteu Jfrrcaryj rain the constitution and make the rife miserable. STRANGERS I 1 nut not roar Urn, ->r hMlth loth* c*r« o Oulaaraodand WorthiM. Vntmdan. dMtitotj edge, name or character. wh > copy Dr. John* tlssmstu*. or»fcrl« thsmselveMn the n«wm* lariy HdocatedPhy-ilcUn*. incapable of Curing you trifling month after nionth, taking theft pofsohdnetXHnpoottdft. or a* lotus •» the inrn be obtained, and In despair, leave yon with ru to «if!rofer‘yoar galling disappointment. I Dr. J U the only Physician adiertnij Hit credential or diplomat always hang in u Hit'tempdtos or treatment are unknown tj prepared fr«n n Ufo spent In the great hospital the first in the country and a more extensive A Met than any ether Physician in the world. 1 _ INDORSEMENT OF THE Ml The many thousands cored at this Institntlo year, and die numerous Important Forget performed by Johnston, wltneseed by the wp “ Sun,***- ■ and many other paper »hlch hare appeared again and again nefor haefafoe hie itodlag as a gentlemen of char •peaa(blti|y»'U a suQcisnt guarantee tothasl _ SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CU No l«ct»n rooriTMl anltMpuM-paif nxl •tuapto bt nadon th» reply P*r«*m» wntln pirtionolotTertlMnif at docrlM . '■■•l writlnjt would bit particular in d Uttwrto tklt lutitathm, la tin follovlac n