I WEET’B fallible lIE ■» T t THE IAT REMEDY IM.OOUT, SEORALGU tCHBAOn jmoisKs WOUNDS,■'PILES. HEADACHE, ’ .L RHEUMATIC AND NEK VOUS DISORDERS. l it la a speed; tod Canada Uniroent isprepared from 3 ■fFConncctfcut. thafamousboneSL®' I ink!* practice for more titan twre.' at astonishing success.. . lATOHOF PAIN. It j, unrivalled h, Itofcre the public, of which the ,J 2 •wnrinced by artntflo trial. - win cure rapidly and radically. EH an ms of everykiud. and in > been uaed it lias nover bean known to afford Immediate relief h. ir distressing. “* ie worst cases of HEADACHE in tW minted to do it. 0 lorw Iso wIU. it care instantly. j DEBILITY AND GENERAL LABBI »> imprudence or excess, thl« ttotoeL, tnJ unfailing remedy. issues, it strengthens end revisit!,. re It to elasticity and vigor. 18 »» external remedy, are daim tli.t j. and we challenge the wurW |o nn*iu„ victim of this distressing comhUini uil. for it will not fail to ijority of cases will effect a radical cure' !OHE THROAT are •PmetUngAegtremt dangerous, but a timely application o( never fail to cure. 01 ometimes very obstinate, and enforce s is liable to occur if neglected. The conquered by this Liniment to t«s or .. WOUNDS, SORES. ULCBRB. BURNS eld readily to the wonderful healin, SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT to directions- Also, CHILBLAINS AND' INSECT BITES ASD STINGS.’ en Sweet, of Connecticut, Roue Setter. en Sweet, of Connecticut, :he United States. , u Sweet, of Connecticut. I v, Sweet’s Infallible Liniment.” s Infallible Liniment s and never fails. s Infallible Liniment v lor \caralgte. 's infallible Liniment iiuiu'-iUately. .> infallible Liniment remedy tor Sprains and JJruuea, V infallible Liniment and was never known toCftil. 's Infallible Liniment relief fjr Piles, audaeidom tails to cor*. ’s Infallible Liniment oat mimitv. V Infallible Liniment •uadfl immediately and leaves bo tear. f s Infallible Liniment • fur bores in the knows world. s Infallible Liniment ' more time a million people, and all s Infallible Liniment area Colic, Cholera Horboaand Cholera. * Infallible Liniment la need.” and every finally should bare Infallible Liniment iggist*. Price 26 and 60 cents. IN NEED. TRY IT. N FALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an \t*- »ithout a rival, and will. P“ n any other preparation. yoraUßhea .Disorder* U is truly injilliUle.aad m P , Wounds, Spraltw, Bruiset, ad powerfnl atren*ihenJo«.PWJr ider aud astoDisfameut of all il. Over one thonsasd tsstifteftte* « performed by it within the last * wo •JRSE OWNERS! FALLIBLE LIMIMgSTFOB HO* and In all Ciu«s at L*»gie(*> •HjJj « s or wrenching. It* :m or nditle ; ■speedily. Spavin aqdßftg^S* 1 and cored id tlieir Iricihl&Cihji!”' z Kor he alleviated by tWrttohhdptiW! will alway* remove the lamcpete, aß travel with comparatlve e***- HORSE OWNER aedyat hand, sor It* ■umeneu will effectually OTWWWJJn lo which all bflraea are aoy otheiwii* valuable!***** W***3 'it. SWEET’S IBLE LINIMENT IS TUE ttaiuid* Lave found it truljf . lENP IN NEED! <’ACTION. a, observe tfce signature Sum st on everylabel,‘and*•*? — ?sf«*s minopi ,> blown in ,tlw lb none are genuine. .XCHABJDSON * CO. . s*. Sale Proprietor* •S***'*** v »a» * aacUfffftrswt,.*** alere everywhere. •IT . Wtihmt. M CuapWft SKO “ Coutry Prey.” TRIBUNE power-press ‘ ■ printing office. * • wjfliiu tiif past two yenra, made considerable t! ‘ , r ‘V) our establishment in the way of new fancy ,v Paper Cutter, Card Cutter, Ruling Mu . p otfl . r Press, and large Newspaper Power • Ltt ' 0 f which we give above) we are now prepared t’‘ ss * l iu anvthing In the line of printing or ruling in V<U uU t<» any establishment in the stale, and ut i-J“ low. We can execute, on short, notice,all ’ riding. Invitation. Visiting, Ball k Business Cards, * Circular*. Programmes,. •saMMOTH POSTERS, SALE BILLS, * rU ibm ' Pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK books, manifests, and blanks of all kinds. * ait b 3 trial, Feeling confident that we can giro '' cl '“' r thl '.°W" rtnnit >;,.. .. '“ i ,Vi Leather's building, corner of V irgmift and Au cteels, opp os ' lB Superintendent’s Office. xteimis. \ M uiket House. — We had well nigh des 0f ever arousing onr citizens to a considera- Ci of their own interests,. by urging them to -1-e in fav°r of a Market House. We do not ", anr credit for what we said in favor of , e project nor do we claim to have influenced •ifse Viio are now taking the lead in the matter ■■ erecting a market house, but we are glad to,be ;j e to sat that we are about to liave such a build r- The borough not being able to erect a suita -0 gilding, a number of our citizens have agreed ~|U r aia company for the purpose, and have wM d books, at the store of Daniel Laughman, the subscription of stock. The shaves are iiifod at $2O each—low enough to allow almost , ~n man in the place to take one or more shares , the company, and have an interest in the .anageincnt of its affairs. Even if the stock ,!ioubi not pay a per centage. the subscribers will •we me amount in the purchase of marketing, sl id the convenience in getting it. But there is ;. u doubt about the stock in such an enterprise jjying handsomely. It pays in all other places, jiiiimust pay in Altoona. U is proposed, also, to put a Town Hall over the Market House. This is another improvement n i.jclr we greatlv need. It is known far and wide [M: Altoona has no Town Hall, consequently meritorious exhibitions and concert companies, .do give entertainments only to audiences of from 1,001. 1000 people, do no stop with us. Let the Hull be built fur the comfortable accommodation 51 least 1000 people, and give us credit abroad, aiii mate it u paring concern to the stock holders. !„■; all those who wish to take stock in this enter i.ic, rail at Laughman’s store immediately, in that the com join v may be formed, the char . : secured, and the building put up as soon as the .'■ring aliens. # IgfLa.st week we pre sented a fac simile of a medal revived from ihe London World’s Fair, by Wheeler & Wilson, the famous sewing machine man ufacturers. To-day, we present a second of these acknowledge ments of superiority, presented by the same -.so appen«- notice of the machine leaped from the N. Y. Times. The editor says •t these machines : " Wheler & Wilson's Machines are the favorites iot/mnlies, being especially adapted to that pur pose. They work more rapidly, with less frie ■i~a. and with a great er economy of thread than jioet, if not all, others.” R. A. 0. Kerr, of this place, is agent for the ule of these machines in Blair and Huntingdon unities. See advertisement. Democratic aud Conservative Ticket. — fie following persons have been placed in nomi siion, for Borough odiners, by the above named .ur;v:— Justice of the Peace. —Adolphus Roush. Constable. —Joseph K. Ely. Tam Council.— James Kearney, C. J. Hacked, ■'■years; John McClelland, I year. Sdool Directors. —Archibald H. Maxwell, John ■t. Baer. .Irsrasor.—John Hickey. Audifor.-Ljohn Lowther. Judoe of Elections , E. W.—Wm. C. McCormick, “ K. W.—Wm. K. Leonard. “ WAV.—John Woods. Inspectors , E. W. —Thomas Nichols. “ W. W.—Thomas Mcßride. “• N. \Y.—John Ehringcr. Thk New Plasino Mill. —Messrs. Conrad & Heed have purchased the interest of Thomas Mc- Auley in the Planing Mill, in North Ward, and save erected a new mill on the site of the one turned down last fall. They have everything in mailing order, and are prepared to receive orders : ,f all building materials furnished by such estab lishments, and to execute them on short notice. ' they intend to keep a full supply of all kinds of lumber, and will have flooring boards, window '-'eh, ic., on hand at all times. Carpenters and builders who wish to put up buildings in haste ■'ill do well to call at the steam mill for their lum -1 tr, and they wilPfind the new proprietors clever uul accommodating. t>EDicvncm—Two weeks since we noticed ‘hst iho new German Lutheran Church, in this place, would be dedicated on Sunday, March loth, sext. 'flic following ministers Will be present anti fill the programme for the occasion :—The J wication sermon, in German, will he preached 111 the morning, by Rev. R. Newmann, of I'tttsburgh, assisted by Rev. J. F., Kuhlmann, of Fillmore. The English dedication sermon wil! * preached in the afternoon by Rev. S. Tingling, j" tlodford. Pa. Preaching in the evening by p W- l- F. Crist, of Birmingham, Huntingdon -°- "a. A number of other members will be p-'fcneut ami take part in the exercises. hnaocs Accident. —Joseph Dey, an em !,}ee in the shops in this place, was severely in on Thursday last, by being caught between.. ______ s duir post and the tank of an engine which he | Accidents. —On Friday last, John Clark had , '‘’ llmg *o move into the fining up shop. He his left hand caught in a lathe, in the machine | "caught across the thighs and small of the: shop, lacerating it considerably between the thumb ' su< i h a ma,mer “* t 0 aud front finger and the heart of the hand. fWgh stilf IMnJ“2“*“(Monday ! 0n '4 Al. Greenwood and Wtnelw Physicians hare but faint hopes of John Hileman had their hands mashed by being y **7- ! caught in some of the machinery in the shops. For the Altoona Tribune Exhibition of the Altoona Academy Messrs. Editors :—The first examination and exhibition of the pupils of the Altoona Academy, | under the direction of that veteran teacher, and ■; accomplished scholar, Prof. John Miller, came off j on last Thursday and Friday, at the Presbyterian j Church. The examination of the classes in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, English Gram- I mar. Mathematical, Physical and Political Geog raphy, Elocution, Natural Philosophy, Latin, ! Greek and German, took place on Thursday, and was very to teacher and pupils. In i Reading. Grammar, Arithmetic, Natural Philoso phy and Geography they could not have been ex celled, and although but a short time hud .been de voted to the other branches by the pupils, their proficiency was very manifest. On Friday evening came the “Exhibition”— and such a packed and crammed house has rarely been seen in this town. Clergymen, - Doctors, Lawyers, Merchants, School Teachers, Rail Road employees and officials—Ladies, the beauty and fashion of the town and vicinity, grave and gay, old and young—poured in till the house would hold no more—nearly as many filled the vestibule, and many went away unable to find a spot to stand upon. The exhibition opened with a salutatory by Samuel Black, which was being warmly ap plauded, when a request was made by the Trustees of the Academy that there be no manifestations of that kind. The next piece was ‘ The Priestess,’ which gave the girls all the opportunity they could desire, not only for doing full justice to the piece, but also for displaying to the very best advantage the taste and skill of their toilettes; which proved to he exquisite, indeed. In the arrangements for this and other pieces, much aid was kindly given by Mis? Marin Shoe maker. Then the “ Infant Orator,” Willy Rose—and “ Visiting,” by the lovely little Misses Laughman and Irons—both extremely well done. Then came that intensely learned and powerful “Egyptian Debate”'between Sam. Renner and Alex. Findley. This was followed by a speech— “ The battle of Buena Vista,” by Sam. Renner, which gave indication of oratorical talent of a high order. But I must not : occupy your columns by particu larizing all the speeches and pieces, performed.— The “Indian Chiefs Speech,” by Will. Patton, “Black Hawk’s Address,” by Monroe Reeves) “ Emmets Defence,” by A)ex. Findley, could hardly be surpassed. The poetical piece, “ What shall I liken the to," by Lucy Spottswood, was listened to with almost breathless attention. But where all performed their parts so well, it may seem invidious to specify any. Honor and praise to them all. The con cluding piece was “ Uncle Sara Reviving;” wind ing up with the song, “ The battle of Antietam ;” in which bur own Blair County officers and sol diers are duly celebrated. This, song was again loudly called for by the and was relat ed, nearly the whole school joining in the chorus. The occasion was enlivened by rich and stir ring music by the Altoona String Band, who kindly offered their services, gratuitously. Altogether the “ Exhibition” listened to by an appreciative audience, has been pronounced a de cided success, surpassing tile expectations of Prof, i Miller and the Board of Trusteesj and, together i w ith the examination, giving evidence of a high | order of talent among the pupils, and re-assuring ■ this community of the ability and zeal of Prof, i Miller, as a teacher. Surely, Messrs. Editors, it becomes the duty and interest of every good citizen to foster and sustain, here at home, an institution, in which our sons arid daughters may acquire all the education that is necessary to qualify them for any'position in future life, to which they may aspire. Let me, then, bespeak for Prof. John Miller and the Altoona Academy, the hearty support of all our people. ’ : SPECTATOR. We may add to the above that, as an evidence of the character of the exhibition and the delight i of the audience, a request has been made for its | repetition, and the Professor and his pupils have | consented to repeat it, with a few variations, in the ! Methodist Church, on Thursday evening next, on which occasion an admittance fee of fifteen cents will be charged, the proceeds to be applied to the erection of a monument to the memory of the sol dieiers now, and hereafter to be, interred in Altoona Fair View Cemetery. The exhibition is well worth the adtriittance fee, but when we take into | consideration the application of the funds thus se cured, we think it is almost the imperative duty of every lover of his country, who cherishes the mem ory of those who have fallen in its defence, to buy i one or more tickets, whether he attends the exhi i bition or not. ' Remember, then, that the exhibition comes off in the Methodist Church on Thursday evening next, Feb. 19th; that the admittance is only fif teen cents, and that the money is to be appropriat ed to erecting a monument to the memory of our fallen heroes. Tickets can be had at the stores of Geo. W. Kessler, A. Roush, J. B. Hileman, A. Clabaugh, R. A. O. Kerr, and D. Laughman, and of Thos. L. Caldwell, at Lloyd's Banking House, and from the pupils of Prof. Miller's school. Let no one hereafter complain of not having j artificial teeth—we mean only those who stand j in need of a complete denture. There is now no ; excuse for any one, even the humblest person in ; this part of the country going without what we; denominate “ laughing beauties.” What is more j disgusting than the odor arising from decayed teeth ? or what is more disagreeable to the sight than a mouthfall of “ snags.” Examine Dr. Bittner’s Card in another column, and pay particular attention to his list of prices. The Dr. has been a resident of our town for seven or eight years. No one can doubt his ability as a practitioner, and there are hundreds that can attest to his handicraft.' It would be decidedly to the advantage of all persons to call at his office, in the Masonic Temple. He warrants every set of teeth he puts up. As to filling teeth with gold, lie has no superior. Do not trust your dentistry to one j yon cannot rely upon, or you will soon find out the evil thereof. ■IrF-i ■ Thf. ‘"Anderson Cavalry." —A' despatch from Harrisburg savs :— ’■ Governor Curtin has received the most gratifying intelligence from Gen. Rosecrans, with repaid to the ‘ Anderson Cavalry.’ All the members have returned to duty, and tlie work of re-organization is to be at once commenced. Colonel Palmer has arrived at Nashville and is exerting a good influence. General Kesecrans adds that the tegiment contains the material to perform deeds that will wipe out the stain of re fusal to join their comrades in battle, and exceed the highest expectations and hopes of its many friends." Deafness and Blindness. —Dr. Jones oi N. Y., the celebrated Eye and Ear Doctor, has pro longned his stay at the St. Charles Hotel, Pitts burg, till April Ist, 1863. Dr. Jones will visit no other place in this State—therefore, all who need his services must visit him at Pittsburg. Resigned. —Messrs. John McClellan and Jas. Kearney having declined nominations on the citizens Union Ticket, the following persons have been nominated in their stead: Inspector, W. W.—J. K. Bellman. “ E. W.—Daniel Price. Independent Candidate. —Jacob M. Cherry, announces by handbills, that he is an indejiendent candidate for Justice of the Peace. For this office there is now a triangular fight—three can didates. The more the merrier. Lost- —On Saturday, Jan. 8, 1863, between the Catholic Church and the residence of Mr. Joint H. Roberts, a large black FRENCH MERINO SCARF. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. Resignation. To the citizens of'Altoona Borough. I would hereby resign my office ns Town Coun cilman, to which position I was elevated by your votes. Respectfully yours, C. E. HOSTETTER. A Word to Married People.— If it be true that " A penny saved is two-pence made," the shortest way to get rich is to buy your Groceries at PRITCHETTS, corner of Main aud Caroline streets, Altoona. Browned Eye constantly on hand. Pickles, ready for table use, by the dozen or hundred. Shriver's Baltimore Oyster Ketchup. Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketchup. Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, Peaches, Pears and Plums, in cans. The American Excelsior Coffee, superior to anything in the market—good as Java and cheap as Rye. Try it. His stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, &c., cannot be excelled in the place. Cigars and Tobacco of all brands. Call and be convinced that it is to your interest to bnv at the Ni:\v Family Guoceby. New Goons. —New Goods are now being sold for cash, in the store-room lately occupied by R. H. McCormick. North ward. R.H. McCORMICK, ag't for J. W. MOORHEAD. A TRIBUTE To the memory of Agnes and Linney, daughters of Martin and Susan Runycn. Agnes died Dec. 19tA, Linney, Dec, 23d 1882. It may be eanl. of them—Agues and Linney loved - the Sabbath School. Here they wwc found faithfully in their clusno*. They read with'delight the Sunday School litera ture, often reading thepages with tearful eyes. .Thetruths here teamed, no doubt cheered and sustained them when thcv approached the shores of Death’s cold river. In the Sabbath School th.-ir seats are vacant now. Their teach ers mourn their absence. But they have joined the com pany of happy children above. They sing the songs ol Heaven. There the gin>d shall see them again. They tell me you must die ray child, And walk a’lone that mystic vale, Where sounds the rush of waters wild. Where reigns the King of terrors pale. Then doth thy heart beat low with fear. And wish with me on 'earth to stay, Or is there aught that gives theo cheer? Do angels beckon thee away ? “ Father ’tis hard to part with thee. But, Jesus will take care of me.” Around me hang the mists of death. And earthly scenes are hid from view, I aoon roust yield life's fleering breath And.bid you all a fond adieu. Dear friends come gather* ’round me now. Your forms once more I wish to see. For death’s cold sweat is on my brow, And soon my spirit shall be free. Mother I grieve to pait aith thee, But, Jesus will take care of me. Oh, let me fondly press each hand A promise give before I go, That you will meet me in that land, Where lile’s clear waters ever flow; There willyour Agnes longing wait,' To greet you on that blissful shore. And iiass with you that pearly gate, Where sighs and tears are known no more. My brothers, when you part with me, Let J**hus then your comfort be. Like as the rosebud’s early bloom, So entered I life’s active scene, And future joys didhrightly loom Like summer clouds iu skies serene; But sudden as the lightning’s gleam My brightest hopes have quickly fled, Like phantoms of the midnight dream. Or silent as the sleeping dead. Dear sisters shed no tears for me, In Jesus let your solace be. Dear Linney we ore called to part, I go to my eternal rest; I feel death's touch upon my heart, I sold shall mingle with the bleat. A few more brief and fleeting hours, I»U hail you in that blissful home; Unsullied joys will then be ours. As o’er the verdant plains we roam. Linney grieve not to part with me, Jesus my friend will come for thee. How transient is all earthly joy, Alternate change of light and shade, No bliss enjoyed without alloy. Our highest hopes in ruins laid. The dearest friends although entwined Around affection’s sacred shrine, Love’s golden chain can never bind To earth—those fondlv claimed as thine, Agnes and Linney sweetly rest In Jesus—and are ever bleat. In their brief lives they lovely were, Not death’s cold stream could them divide ; On Heaven’s green plains together share The bliss that is on earth denied. A dazzling crowu adorns each bVow. With golden harps they join in songs Around the throne—and meekly bow To Him. to whom all praise belongs. They live, they live, they arc not dead, To founts of bliss by Jesus led. JAMJ33 WIDNEY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. At the solicitation of a number of the citizens of Altoona, I offer myself as an INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE for the office of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE If elected I pledge mjßcll to discharge the duties of the office impartially to the best of my ability. OVER 1,4.00 MORE I of theso Machine* have been Hold than of any other man* ufrtcturcd, and more medals have been awarded the pro* ; printers by different Fairs and Institutes than to any ©th ere. The Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al -r am ok i • taenia, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. ' OTICE. Whereas Letters 01 Admin- The Agent refers those desiring Information osthoau istration to the Estate of John Si*lor, late of-Logan , periority of the Machines, to Col. John t. Piper, Uev. A., township, Blair county, deceased, have been granted to • 11. Clark. George Uawkesworth, Bcnj. F. Rose, and E. 11, the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate, are Turner, Esqre. « requested to make immediate payment, and th .se having The machines can bo seen and examined at the store or claims against the estate of tho said decedent, will make the Agent, at Altoona. known tno same, without delay. : l’ri« of No, 1 Machine, .liver phued, glass foot en.i.qMJ ROSANNA C. SISLEII. , style Hemmer—*6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glwrfoot Administratrix , anil new style Hemmer—s6s. No. 3, nleln, with old rtyle Hammer — s 46. . [March 21,18f11-tT. * Altoona, Jan. -7, ISC3.-3t Altoona, Jan. 20.1863, ■ StNGER’ & <7O.?S ! , Letter -“A” Family Swing,Machine. WlTlf AM, THE KECKNT IMPROVEMENTS, 1- the REST and CHEAPEST and MOST BEAUTIFUL of all Sewing Machines. This Mecßine will sew anything, from the running of ft tuck in Tarletau to thp making af an Oveicoat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth, down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and ttfevur ready to doits work to perfection. It can fell, hem,hind,gather tuck, quilt, and has capacity lor 'a great variety yT Oruac mental work.., This ia not the only machine that can fell hem, t»iud. Ac. but it frill do eo better than any other Ma chine. .The letter ~ A" Family Sewing Machine may ba had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, one that can he folded into a box, or case, which, when open, ranker a beautiful, substancial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every Ima ginable design—plain*as the wood grew in its native for cMt, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Brunch Office# are .well supplied with Silk-Twist, Thread. Needles, Oil etc. olf the very best quality. Send for a copy of** SINGER A CO.’S GAZETTE.” I. M. SINGER & CO., 4 58 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE—BIO CHESTNUT ST. Mr. D. W. A. Bel ford, Merchant Tailor, Virginia Street, Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nov. 13, I*o2. RAILED AD ANIL MAIL SCHEDULE. TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART. Baltimore Express West arrives 7.35 A. M., leaves 7.65 A. 51. Philaclel'n “ - 8.20 •• “ 8.40 “ Fa*t Lin.. - - 5.30 P. M. “ 8.45P.M. Mail Trail: ** •• 7,4o(runsuofurther West.) Express Tram East *• 0.25 P. M., leave® 9,46 P/M. Fast Line i; •• 4,00 A. 51., “ 4.OfrA.M. Mail Tram •• *• Ui3o •* “ 11.35 “ Trains on Hollidayaburg Branch run to connect with Express Trains and Fast Line West and Mail Train East and West;. Trains on Tyrone & Clearfield Branch and Bald Carrie Valley R. K. run to connect with Express Train West and Moil Train East and. West. MAILS ARRIVE. •Eastern Through, Baltimore and Washington, 7,35 A. M. Philadelphia,. 8.20 ** 9,29 P. M. 11,20 A. M. 7,40 P.M. 7.25 A. M. Si 7,30 P. M. \\ esteru Through,, Western Way Eastern Way, Hollidaysburg Western Way Eastern Way .1., 11,00 Western Through, 7.30. P. M. Eastern Through, , 7,30 • Uoliidaysburg 8.00 A M. & 7,00 P.M. Office Hours; —Paring the week from 6.45 A. M. until 7,30 IV M. On SumlavH /rom 8,00 until 9.00 A. M. : G* W. PATTON, P.M. On Wednesday the 11th inst., at the Exchange Hotel, in this place, by Rev. A. H. Sembower, W. 11. McDONALD to Mira ARAMINTA M. WOLVKKTON. both of Mill Creek, Huntingdon county. Pa. On the 12th inst, by Rov, ffm. Lee SpotUwood, Mr. SAMUEL SHANK, of this place, to Mira ANNA KATE MAIZE, of Williamsburg. At the Pastor’s house, on the 22d ull„ by'Rev. John H. Schmidt, Mr JOHN REKGH to Miss E. NERONE, both of Sabbath Rest, this county. , DIED. k : lu this place, on the 6th just., of dfptheria, ANNA WENTWORTH, daughter of George IV. and Elizabeth J. Kessler, aged 4 years. 0 months and 2 days. On the 4th instin this place, BKRNUAKD, son of Jobu and Catharine May, aged 19 years. 11 months, and 8 days. INSTiU'CTION IN MUSIC.—‘I he un deraigned offers his services as au instructor ou all musical instruments except the piuuo. For further infor mation apply at Negley’s Hold Feb. 17, Ihtio.-St.* CUAU'I'ION. —All persons are hereby J notified nut to sell merchandise or wares of any kind to any person on my credit, unless upon a written order from me, as I am dcteimined to pay no bills contracted without my knowledge unless' compelled bv law. Feb. 17th, ISU3.-31 .• GKO. V. CONRAD. MUSIC! INSTRUCTIONS GI V EN on the Piano-Forte and Meludeon. by Miss M. SHOEMAKER. Terms. $lO per quarter. Nocbargefor tiie use of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona. > Jan.16.1862.-tf. WMi S. BITTNER, Dental Surgeon, OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, next door to the Post Dr. B. would respectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country, that ho is prepared to insert ARTIFICIAL TEET !. from a single tooth to a full set, In the most supeiior stylo, on gold, silver or vulcanite base. It would bo to the advantage of all persons desiring ar tificial teeth to call at his office before going elsewhere, if they wish cheapness, beauty or durability. Full sets of teeth on vulcanite-base, ' $lO to $l6 •• “ *• *• silver 44 $lO to $l5 t - i. u ** g O M $5O EVERY SET OF TEETH WARRANTED. Dr. Bittner will visit Uollidaysburg and vicinity when his services are desired. [Feb. 17, 1863-tf. DISSOLUTION. —Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be ween the undersigned, in the boot aud shoo business, has t been this day dissolved hy mutual consent. The hooka of the firm remain at the Old stand lor settlement. JOHN H. ROBERTS, Altoona, Feb. 14,1863.-3 t. W. 11. RUTHERFORD. Tthe undersigned respect fully informs the public that he will tlnue to keep a . BOOT & SHOE STORE, W in the room recently occupied by Roberta and Rutherford. The business heretofore carried on by them will, in the future, be in the name of JOHN H. ROBERTS. Ho will keep constantly on hand a complete assort ment of Boots & Slioes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., &c., &c. which he will offer at fair prices and warrant to be of the best material aud manufacture. Particular attention will be given to CUSTOM WORK, in which he warrants to give t*ntiro satisfaction, as he buys the best stock and employs none but the best workmen, l Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one door : East uf Kessler's Drug Store. i Oct. 10 1862-tf. JOHN 11. ROBERTS. R. A. 0. KERR, ALTOONA, PA., Agent for Blair & Huntingdon Counties. These machines are .aDmit to be the best ever offered to the public, »;.a their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fart that in tlie last eight years. D. W. A; BEDFORD. MAILS CLOSE 7,20 A. M. MARRIED JOHN IvRETCUEK, LSQp HP IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, a icu ecu roa Cancer, Cancerous Formations, Scrofula, Cutaneous i Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples en tire Face, Sore Eyes, Tetter 'Affections, Scald Head, Old and Stubborn Ulcers Rheumatic Disorders, Jaundice, ; ’ Salt Rheum, ■ „ ; _ Mercurial Diseases, General Debility, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Female Complaints, • . Epilepsy or Fits, [lyr. Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases and Caries of the Bones. Together with' all othqr diseased having their origin in a depraved conation of the blood or cir culatory system. ; {IASE OF DANIEL A. BOYD, Da, G. H. Kxtske 1 take pleasure In making this vol untary statement In favor of a medicine prepared by you called Lindsey’® Blood Searches.” I hadi suffered for five years with Scrofula which broke out on my head and forehead so as to disfigure me very much, and took off the hair when the disease made Its appearance; it alsobrokeout on my arm above and below? the elbow, and eat into the skin and flesh so as to expose a fearful sore. -The disease on my bead went ao far that several small pieces of bone came out. 1 w« very week and low spirited, and had given up all hope of ever getting well, aa I had tried sev eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep tember last, 1861,1 was induced to try Lindsey’s Im prove? Blood Skaeorke”. 1 must confess I had no faith in patent medicines, but alter I bad used three bottles ol Blood Searcher, the ulcere on my head and arm began to heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bead and arm are entirely well except the scars remaining from the sores. I will also state that I had the rheumatism very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also cured the rheumatism. lam now a well man, over forty years of age, and I feel as suple and young as Isd when I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pounds. I would also state that the disease in my forebeard was so bad that when I stooped and lifted anything heavy, the blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyser had a photograph taken oi me by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after I began to get well. It does not show my appearance as bad as it was before I commenced taking the medicine. Yon can see the photograph, ono of which is now in my possession, and also at Dr. Keyser’g 140 Wood street. I would also state that 1 took tho Blood Searcher which was made be fore Dr. Keyser commenced making it. Although it helped me Home, 1 did not recover fast until ,1 got the kind made by Dr. Keyser himself. One bottle of his did me more good than two of the old, I believe it is a great deal stronger untt better. 1 have recommended the Blood Searcher to a great many of my friends for various dis eases, and 1 believe it hks helped the whole of them. You may publish this if you wish, and 1 am anxious that all who are afflicted as I was may be cured. I Bye in this city, No, 4 Blue street, and am Employed at Collville k Ander son’s Union Marble Works, 54 Wayne street DANIEL A. BOYD. A BLIND MAN CUBED 1 live Ju Sligo, at Clinton Mill and have been nearly blind in both.eyes for nearly four years. I called on Dr. Keyser ab"Ut three months ago and asked him ,td give me directions to ,the Institution for tbe Blind in Philadelphia lie told me that 1 need not go to Philadelphia to get well ns he bad medicine that would cure me, as he said my dis ease was in the blood. I was treated for it two or three times iu the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but my disease always returned after a month or two after 1 came out of the 1 found my disease was re turning and I called, by the advice of a good friend of mine, on Dr. Keyset, who has restored my sight, and my eyes are nearly as well ; as ever. The Doctor gave me * Lindsey’s Blood Searcher” and a wash. DAVID KINNOLLY, Clinton Mills, Sligo. Pittsburg, July 5,1861.: Witness—E. F. M'Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny City. A BAD SORE LEG CURED; PrtETBUROH, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certify that I have had a sore leg fpr over a year. It was covered with ulcers and sores so that I could not work for nearly a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do any thing for a long time, fo£ at least six months. I tried several of the best doctors in the city, but without any benefit; finally I called oaDr. Keyset, at No. 140 Wood street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave me but two bottles of medicine, and I am now entirely well and have contined so for six months. lam employed at the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street, where any one can see me. A Letter Peom EkolaKd.—Mr. John Pope, of Blaena* von, near Montypool, Monmontshira, England, writes aa follows: Smr—An old woman In this place has! wished mo to write you respecting Lindset’s Blood Searcher, from which she found great benefit, and wishes to have a little more. She has been suffering from a disease of a cancer, oua nature for the last six or seven years. Her daughter who is living in America, obtained it for her, and sent her eighteen bottles. She is; now quite out of it, and I have written to her daughter twice and have received no an swer; of course sho is anxious to get more, to get com pletely cured. 1 told her I would write to you for the agency in this country, and she felt very muen pleased to hear me say so. I now beg to ask yon on what terms yon will supply me; you will please bear An mind the car riage, and supply me as cheap as possible- The carriage on the ono dozen bottles was £1 8* 6d. The medicine was a present from her daughter. I Would like to have the Blood Searcher in a jot dr small cask, if you can send it in that way, or in pint or quart bottles. X will send a bill through bank or registered letter, which ever will be most convenient to you, if yon will send me carrier’s receipt o the parcel as security. I wonld send you a stamp to an awer this, but as it is uncertain of this reaching yotif on account of the country being in six and sevens, a term which is commonly used, you will be kind enough to charge me with the postage. Yours, respectfully, [Signed] JOHN POPE. [We have seen the letter which Is published hi today’* Dispatch, from John Pope, and believe it to be genuine.— Editors Dispatch PiitsivTffh. dkfoT Dr. Key sec’s name over Vu eerhtaprmnt Wing imposed upon. Prepared and sold by Dr Qioua* H. KiTin, Pittsburgh Pi. - Sold in Altoona by A. Room and 0. V. Kmus; In Bolltdaysburg by J, B. PatTTQa and Jaoo* fisrraja. JnneMj IMB.-Iy Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Pittsburgh, December 31,180 V THOMAS FARRELL. CANCER CURED. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS •‘HIQULT CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXIRACTWIOHU, A Poeitire anil Specific Reaaedy For Dlaaaaea of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAYED. AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increaaea the power of Dictating MMI ea citee the ABSORBENTS into healthy aciton, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS dopoeltlona, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, are reduced, aa well aa PAIN urn INFLAMMATION, and it good, (hr Mia, Wo men on CansutN. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. weakness arising from Exocsaes, Habit* of Dlsslpa tion, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWIAO SYMPTOMS; Indisposition to Exertion, Difficulty of Breathing, Loss of Memory boas of Dover, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, WakefWnesa, Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption* of the face, PALLID COUNTENANCE These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this modi cino invariably removes, soon follows Impotskct, FiftlU Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those “direful diseases; 1 “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS *TH£ RECORD! OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the melancholy Deaths by Consumption bear am ple witness to the truth ol the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR* GANXC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigor ate tho System, which UEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHD invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES! FEMALES!! Old oh Young, Single, Married o& Contemplating Mah- EUOE, In many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BUCRU is unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro sis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulncsa or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uteras, Leucorrface or Whites, Sterility, and for ali complaints incident to the sex,'whether arising from in discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. SEE STMPIOX3 ABOVE. No Family Should, be Without It. Take do more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medleys* for unpleasant-aoddangerous diseases. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. Improved Rose Wash CURES SECRET DISEASES la all their stages, Little or ao change in Diet, And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby RempTing Obstructions, Preventing and Cujring Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying Pain and Incarna tion so frequent In the class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn-out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS who have beau the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy feet to be cured in a short time, have fqund that they were deceived, and that the “POISON” has, by the use of ‘'powerful 'as tringents/’ been dried op in the system, to break oat In an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Uss Hsxjoou’ft XzniCf Bccac tor all agecUoas aad diseases of the , ' , “ ’ URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in MALE OB FEMALE. From whatever came originating, and no matter at HOW LONG STANDING Diseases of these organs require the aid of ft Dicainc. UEUIBOLD’S EXTRACT BCCHG :‘ 1 la the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have th» desired effect in ail disease* for which it is recommended. ' Evidence of the most reliable and responsible chancier wi’l accompany the medicines. Certificates of Cures, from eight to twenty yean stand* ing, with names known to science and fame. Pricfc $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any address, securely packed from anyob •ervation. .*■ Describ* Stkptons in all ComruNicanoNß. Cures Guaranteed. Advice Gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, who being ddly dr>tb say, bis preparation contains no narcotic, no mereti* ry, or other injurious drags, bat are purely vegetable. H. T. lIELXXBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day of No* vember, 1854. W. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, . Ninth St, above Race, Phil*. Address letters for information in confidence to H. T. HELHB9LD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tentb-St., below Chestnut, ■ Philadelphia, Penn. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose “op tueir own” and “othrr” articles on the reputation attained by : : v Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations, ; do do Extract Buchu, ' •} do do do Sarsaparilla* do dp . Improved Bose Wash. Sold by Druggists every-wbere. Take no ether. sat oat the RdvertlnucAt and sendfbr iLaadavoidiapsattiaa and expotor*.: ' ' * 7 ' if lM*-Iy. . "% AND , At little Ezpeow, a No Inconvenience
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers