The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, February 17, 1863, Image 2
ALTOONA, PA TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1863 Blacka will Fight. From the report of Col: T. W. Higginson, commanding the first regiment of South Carolina Volunteers, (colored) we take the following con cluding paragraphs, showing conclusively that slave* are exactly the material the Government wants to operate successfully against the rebels of that region; and what is true of that locality is applicable to other seaports of the 'Sothern States: I may state, in conclusion, that I obtained much valuable information, not necessary to make public, in regard to location of the supplies of lumber, iron, rice,’ resin, turpentine and cotton; and it would afford the officers and men of this regiment great pleas ore to be constantly employed in ob taining these supplies for the. Government from rebel sources. But they would like still better to be permitted to occupy some advanced point in the interior with s a steamer or two like the John Adams, and ade quate 'supply of ammunition. We could obtain, to a great extent, our own provisions, could rapidly enlarge our numbers, and could have information in advance of every movement' against us. A chain of such posts would completely alter the whole aspect of the .war in the seaboard slave States, and would accomplish what no accumula tion of Nolhcrn regiments can so easily effect. No officer in this regiment now doubts that the kev to the successful prosecution of this war lies in the unlimited employment of black troops. — Their superiority lies simply in the fact that they know the While white troops do not; and moreover, they have peculiarities of temperament, position and motive which belong to them alone. Instead of leaving their homes and families to fight, they are fighting for their homes and fami lies, and they show the resolutions and the sagacity which a personal purpose gives. It would have been madness to attempt, with the bravest white troops, what I have successfully accomplished with black ones.' Everything, even to the piloting of the vessel and the selection of the proper points for cannonading, was done by my own soldiers ; indeed the real conductor of the'whole expedition up to the St. Mary's was Corporal Robert Sutton, of Co. G., formerly a slave upon the St. Mary’s river—a man of extraordinary qualities, who needs nothing but a knowledge of the alphabet to entitle him to the most signal promotion. In every in stance where I followed Ids advice the predicted result followed, and 1 never departed from it, however slightly, without feeling reason for sub sequent regret. 1 have the honor to be. General, very respect fuliv, your -obedient servent. T. W. HIGGINSON, Col. Commanding First Keg’t S. C. Vols. Foreign News. From the foreign news, by the Inst steamer, we clip the following : ' The emancipation demonstration at Exeter Hall was one of the most enthusiastic imposing scenes that has been witnessed in London for along time. In numbers it was one of the most important since the day of the corn law league. The Hall was crammed and two other meetings were organized out of the overflow. The resolu tions reiterate the sentiments of the emancipation society, and expresses great sympathy for the North. An amendment expressing sentiments hostile to the cause of emancipation was promptly voted down and the resolutions were carried almost unanimously. The London Tinas was denounced by the spea kers amidst groans and hisses similar to those given at similar meetings held at Bradford and other, towns. The operatives of Bradford have adopted a, memorial thanking America for the relief afforded them, and suggesting that assistance to them to/ imigrate to the United States will be a more ef-' fectual way of affording them relief. It is assumed by several writers that the proposal of meditation made by the Emperor is merely the preliminary to more important steps, and if re fused, that the recognition of the confederates will probably follow, whether England joins in the movement or not. It is reported that the pro posal of Napolerin was not submitted to Slidell in advance; and he, as well as the other secessionists in Europe, pronounce the plan entirely unadvisa ble. They are rumors of new difficulties occuring be tween’the British and the United States Govern ment, owing to the seizure of the English vessels too near the coast of the Bohemas. Deafness AM) Business. —Dr. Jones of Kew York City, the skillful Eye & Ear Doctor, has prolonged his stay at St. Charles Hotel, Pitts burgh, until the :22nd of March. He has been in duced to do so on account of the great number of patients who flock to him from far and near. All who need the services of a skillful Occulist and Anrist, will do well to call immediately. Dr. Jones is a graduate of the Old and the New School Medical Colleges, and of an Eye arid Ear college. His diplomas from the same hang in bis office. — Dr. J. straightens cross eyes in one minute. He operates for Cateract, Club Eeet, Hare-lip, Hernia, Polvpns in the nose, and ear. He inserts artificial eves to move naturally. He cures stuttering in a half hour. He introduces artificial ear drums which improve the hearing immediately where the natural organ is destroyed. He cures dis charges of the ear, and noise in the bead, and par tial deafness and blindness, weak and sore eyes, and nervous diseases and those diseases of the or gans of sense, &c., which are not successfully treated by family physicians. He performs all difficult operations in surgery. Office St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. Consultation free. O* General Hooker has issued an order abol ishing the Grand Division system but continues in force the corps organizations, and announces the names of the Corps commanders, as follows; Major General Reynolds, First Corps; Major General Couch, Second ; Major General Sedgwick, Sixth; Brigadier General Sickles, temporarily in command of Fifth. Sigel's Reserves are to be one Corps. fgr A Mr. Stokes, of Trenton, X. J., lately sued '-the Tme American for damages, for having put his marriage among the deaths. Although the editor offered to make it all, right by putting gtokea' death among the marriages, the indignant Benedict would not accept the amende honorable.— Damages six cents, Our Amy Correspondence. Hilton Head, S. C.,) January 28, 18G3. ) Missus. Editors ;—l’ennit me once more to occupy n place in the Tribune. What lam going to write about, or where I am going to obtain ma terial wherewith to compose a letter, I do not ex actly know, but I will endeavor to do the best I can, hoping yon will exercise lenity in you criti- cism g for the introduction, I will cotu- This snfiiein] mence by telling you that this is just about as stormy and disagreeable a day as we have had lor a long time. We saw, this morning, what we have not seen since we have been in South Caro lina, and'That was “snow!” yes real snow! Of course we were all very much surprised. Now to see snow in the North, this time in the season, is nothing now, but to us, here in the South, it came very unexpected. Of course it-’did not remain long with us, but somt departed for parts unknown. Well, our new uniform has came at last. Eong and patiently had we been waiting for if. It is the real French Zonave uniform ; consisting of a jacket of dark blue cloth, with scarlet trimmings, and pantaloons of sky bluedoth. The pantaloons remind us very much of pet s—something the women wear. Then there are white leggins, dark blue sknll cap and sash, which completes the uni form. It is pronounced by ail to be the finest and most handsome uniform in the 10th army corps. For the present I will say nothing more about the uniform, but the readers of the Tribune have lib erty to come down here and see it for themselves. Well we have t; old Davie" back to this Depart ment again, (I mean Maj. Gen. David Hunter.) He came on the .steamer Arngo, a few days ago, and has resumed command of the Department of the South. Preparations are being made to attack Charles ton. Several iron-clad monitors have been added to the navy, and a large fleet is daily expected. How soon the expedition will be fitted out I can not say, but I feel confident when it does sail it will go with the determination of conquering.— Charleston must and will be ours. Lieuts. Findley and Gwin, and Ist Sergt. Can non, received their commissions - a few days ago. Findley os'Captain, Gwin as Ist Lieut., and Can non 2nd Lieut. This event was hailed with en thusiasm by the whole company, who, to show their love and esteem for their new officers, presented Lieut. Cannon, with a splendid sword, sash, belt, revolver, gauntlets, shoulder straps, &c., also Capt. Findley, was presented with a set of shoulder straps and pair of gauntlets. T)tc pre sentation, in behalf of the company, was made by Mr. T. L. McGlathery, who made a very appro priate speech suitable for tire occasion, wluch was replied to by Messrs. Cannon and Findley, who ex pressed their gratitude in a very becoming man ner. Lieut. G. H. Gwin, was also presented with a cap, pair of gauntlets, pulsants, &c- The pre sentation was made, in behalf of the company, by the writer, and replied to by the lieutenant in a neat and appropriate speech. The whole con cluded with three deafening cheers for the Lieut. Mav they long be spared to ns and “ may their shadows tiever grow less.' : I must close, lest I weary your patience, but be fore closing I would say, for the benefit of those concerned, that the members of company F are ail enjoying good health, and are in very good spirits. Respectfully yours, J. L, KINSEL. Hilton Head, Jan. 31, 1863. Messrs. Editors ;—ln consequence of no mail leaving for the North I have not yet mailed my letter, therefore permit me to add a few things which have transpired since writing the above. On the 29th Gon. Terry reviewed our regiment. We had a grand time of it. The General praised us very much. To-day the expected fleet arrived. There is quite a large force. The iron-clad boat “Montauk," was trying her power on some of the batteries of the Ogeechee river, a few days ago. She is bullet proof. The report here is that one of the'rebel iron-clad rams, in Charleston harbor, attacked three of our gunboats, and succeeded in scapturing two, and' sinking one. I cannot vouch Psr the truth of this. From present appearances I think not many days will elapse ere Charleston and Savannah will be aroused from their pleasant slumbers in a way which they little dream of. I will close for the present, but if there is any fighting done I will fur nish you with the particulars at an early day. A Heroine.— -A correspondent of the Register, writing from Broadtop City, Huntingdon county, says he had the pleasure of meeting, at a place called Dudley, a woman named Mary Owens, who had just returned from the army, in full uniform. This remarkable woman accompanied her husband to the army, and fought by-his side until he fell. She was in the service eighteen months, ami took part in three battles, and was wounded twice; first in the face above the right eye, and then .in her arm, which required her to 6e taken to the Hospital, where she confessed the deception. -She had enlisted in Danville, Montour County, Pa., under the name of “John Evans,’’.arid gives as her reason for this romantic undertaking, the fact that her father was uncompromising in his hostility to her marriage with Mr. Owens, threat ening violence in cose site disobeyed ids com mands j whereupon after having been secretly mar ried, jhe dpriqed the United States’ uniform, en listed in fKe same companv with her husband, en dured alPffie hardships of the camp, the dangers of the bartlerfieid, saw her husband faff dead by her side, and is now wounded and a widow! Mm. Owens looks young, is rather pretty and is the heroine of the neighborhood. She is of Welsh parentage. A Marriage nv Telegraph.—The Al bany Standard of. Wednesday publishes the fol lowing :—A marriage took place yesterday after noon, between a young lady in one of the principal villages on the Oswego railroad, and an artillery soldier on duty near Washington. The chaplain of the bridegroom's regiment telegraphed the material question of the marriage ceremony to the lady, viz: ‘Do you take- to he ypur husband?' directing her to answer, ‘I do ;' and to authorize him to propose a like queston to the gentleman. In two hours after the lady received the chaplain’s first message-she received a second aim on nr,! ng that the solder and she were man and wife. This telegram is her marriage certificate. It is under stood that the parents of this lady were opposed to the union, and that this method was' taken to outwit thqm. The time for the ceremony had been fixed by correspondence beforehand, anil the lady was (n waiting w(iep the first message Vos received at the telegraph office,” Frohibited. —The health officer of Brooklyn, New York, has prohibited the Sale of rye coffee in several stores in that city) a respectable German family of eight persons having been poisoned by the seeds of poisonous weeds growing among the rye, which were ground up with it. -Valve of a Mvsfscrut."— The original Short Items for Hasty Readers manuscript of GravV Elegr was lately sold at anc- _ . . ~ ... „ _ _ “ The multitude is more easily interested for t ;„ n i„ London.' There was really quite ‘-a <3* - Catly Evening Mail. A lot er call mg o the most unmeaning badge, or the most insignifi- scene” in the auction-room. Imagine a stranger ms sweet.lean.- cant name, than for the most important principal.” entering in the midst of a sale of some rttsty-look- gagg* A daily paper has been started in Iran It is not necessary to refer to the golden call of the j ng G ]j hooks. The auetipner produced two small Francisco called One O'Clorl:, being published at Jews, the substitution of the sun for an invisible . sheets of paper, written over and mutilated. ,] ie ; lour indicated bv its name. God by the ancient Persians, nor the mnltitudi- He calls it a "most interesting article," and apol noms household gods in place of patron? saints of og ; zes fi>r its condition. Pickering bids: ten Greece, to substantiate the truth of Macaulay’s pounds. Rodd. Foss, Thorpe, Bohn, Holloway remark. In onr own day, in our own land we can a[l j some few amateurs, quietly remark, tvfelve, cite innumerable instances of this habit of man. fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, and so on till “Heath before subjugation,” in golden letters .there is a pause 6f sixty-Miree pound! The ham on a silken flag, enticed hundreds of men in the mel - strikes. “Hold!" says Mr. Foss. ,“Tt is retiellious ranks of the Southern army to a cruel m jne.” says the amateur. “Mo, I bid, sixty-five dishonorable death. \\ here was the principled pi time.” , “Then I give seventy,’- ' Seventy - The very motto implied an opposition to estab- five.” says Mr. Foss; and fivgs-nre rcjtcated again lished authority and a determination to remain • unt ;i t b' e two hits of papcr are knocked down disloyal to thc Govemraent. The late mutiny of ■ am a general cheer, to Payne and Foss, for a portion of our promising Anderson Troop dis- j one bundred pounds sterling! played,the vanity of prefemng a nominal post of Qn these bits of paper are written the first , honor before an opportunity to- fight on their own : drought of the ‘ Elegy in a Country Church-Yard, - merits in the defence of a sacrid cause. And the |p v Thomas Gray, including five verses which were people, the civilians of the North, are more aflected omitted in publication, and with the poet’s inter by the resignation or removal of ftfavorito Genera), ■ linear corrections and alternations—certainly an the successful stroke of a popular politician, j “interesting articleseveral persons supposed it whether patriot or demagogue, than for the ae- ■. would call for a ten pound note, perhaps even a eomplishment of the greatest principle or most i twentv . desired end. 1 A single volume, with “W. Shaksperc,” in the Name'Before Principle It is not the mere choice of an object or symbol that we condemn. The Omnipotent was pleased ! to provide for his disposition of man by assuming ■ a human form and satisfying their lodgings for a visible and tangible object of worship; but the fact i of his existence once fully established, he ascended to his own eminence, leaving with them a pri noi pie to be worked out or rejected, thus making ; them responsible for good results or guilty of sin- ; ful neglect. : Let us have the right man for the right place, ! right law for the right people, and a right response 1 for right action, and our cause will speedily be ! gained by whatever name or badge it may be rec- I oguized.’ While this tedious experiment is being tried, it is the duty of every citizen to remember the position of our President, on whom the shock Of every failure reacts with double force, and to unite in a new determination to support his ad ministration; by endurance, patience and confi dence, Let Senators remember the dignity of i their vocation. On these elders of the people de pend in a great measure the soundness and stability of executive power. In this crisis of our nation, let Congressmen employ their precious opportunity in a conscientious and solemn manner. And let the people, whether in tented field, or guarded forts, in legislative halls, or at home, be true to the principles of liberty and equality, not wafted about by every adverse wind of fortune, not depend ing on even - new favorite for the hoped-for issue, but attending faithfully us far as their capacity will admit to the best interests of their country. In this mind they will make a judicious choice and use of means tor the attainment of a holy and just purpose, and honor indeed the glorious symbol of our Union—the Stars and Stripes. —Philadelphia Bulletin. A Singular Stort. —A wonderful instance of rescue from drowning occurred recently at Athens. The facts as we have gathered arc these: A boy about eight years old fell into a hole in the chattel at Athens, a short distance from the new ice house, which was building. He was seen to go down, and the alarm was given. While some ran towards the spot others had the presence of mind to run in the opposite direction to the tool house, three hundred feet off, for an ice chisel.— The ice was new and transparent, and they found tite boy was lying upon his back, on top of the water, floating along under the ice. A hole was made, but lie passed one side and they could not reach him. A second and third hole, further down was made, but no better success.— But through the forth hole, which, for want of time was made very small, a young man thrust his hand and caught him. The ice was cut away, and he was taken out, not only alive, but con scious. He was soon entirely restored. He had floated, as found by measurement, one hundred and twelve feet, under the ice, with his face up and rubbing against it, He must have taken a full in spiration of air on going down; and the little fellow was taken out with his hands tightly clasped over his mouth and nose, so that not a drop of water had entered Ids body. It is evident that DanJParmcmer was not born to be drowned. —Hudson (iV. ./.) Star. A Rebel Editor is a Fix.. —One of our editors, | says the last issue of the Rebel Banner, published j at Murfreesboro’, Term., went out to the battle field on Wednesday, in search of glory and j items. While following up the charge of General j McCown's division, he met a body of prisoners ; moving to the rear, and, intent ujton an item, at j once struck up a conversation with them. Un fortunately, he was arrayed in cerulean habili ments, and, upon attempting to leave, was ordered by the guard to remain where he was. With a smile of ineffable contempt, be drew from his jtocket a pass, bat what was his chngrin when lie was accosted with “I say, my boy, none of us can read; but that thar trick’s too old ; and I’ll tell yer another thing, yer damn bine-bellied Yankee, if you try any more of them dodges. I'll souse this thine into yer gizzard.” Think of that, oh, ye tribe of brother quill-drivers 1 The editor of this paper, the leading journal of the South, to be called a Yankee, and to be accredited with possessing an azure abdomen. To add to his distress, the pris oners with whom be had been conversing, enjoy ing the joke, stated that he was one of their offi cers, and the result was expostulations which availed him nothing, and our dignified editor was marched into town square amid the curses of little boys, and jeers of nigger fellows. J. L. K, An Incident of the Batti.e of Prairie Grove. — A most thrilling incident of the late terrible fight at Prairie Grove is thus related by Lieut. Will. S. Brooks, of the Nineteenth lowa Volunteers. Writing to a friend in this city he says ; The fight was most determined, and the slaughter immense. I was struck at 4 o’clock P. M., while we were being driven back from a too far advanced position. We were outflanked and had to fun 300 yards over open grqund and exposed to a murderous fire from the right, left and centre, or rear: here wo lost Liem.-Col. Mc- Farland. We lost one-half our regiment, and in Company D, more than half our effective men. I was hit at the commencement of the retreat, and was near being captured, as I could not run.— When more than half way to our battery the colot -sergeant fell, and I received the colors.— The pursuing Rebel Colonel shouted, “ them, take their colors !" This enraged me, and I hal loowed hack, “You can't do it.” The cowardly rascals did not dare to close on me, hut let go a volley which left nine holes in the. flag and eighteen in mg cloths! Four bullets passed through the cuff of my shirt sleeve, but they could not wound the hand that held the old flag.—Peoria (III.) Trans cript. A Pumpkin. —Jim never made a joke in his life, yet no man ever had more made at his excuse. On one occasion while a candidate for Congress, he was making a speech in a country school house to an audience of country farmers, who' were, as a general rule, very attentive listeners. Joe G , however, formed an exception. He had been partaking rather liberally of whiskey, straight, tinder the influence of which Iris com ments, made in a tone rather louder than a stage whisper, were exceedingly annoying to the speak er. Jim prepared for his grand effort. ‘My friends,’said he, ‘I am proud to see around me to-night the hardy yeomanry of the land, for I love the agricultural interests of the country; and well may 1 love them, my fellow citizens, for I yes horn a farmer—the happiest days of my youth ware spent in the peaceful avocation of a son of the soil. If I may he allowed a figurative expres sion, my friends, I may say, 1 was born between two rows of corn !' ‘A pumpkin, by thunder!’ exclaimed the in ebriated Joe. fly leaf, produced, sixty years ago, a hundred guineas; but probably witli that exception, no mere autograph, and no single sheet of pajier, ever before produced the sura of $5OO. Con soling Words fob Peace Men,— The Richmond correspondent of the Memphis'.(now Jackson, Misfe.,) Appeal (Mr. J. R. Thompson) says in a letter dated on the 7th of January ;—“ It is a little remarkable that, simultaneous with the receipt of Lincoln’s bloody proclamation, we should have such a sweet Itttle olive branch held out to us as that which Mr. Jas. Brooks, of New York, extends in his speech to the Democracy of that city on the evening of the 30th ultimo. Mr. Brooks would invite us to meet in convention at Louisville and reconstruct the Union. Can it be possible that a man of his sense does not see how utterly absurd is such a proposal ? Shall we go back to a political and social partnership with the. infamous herd whose utter blackness and idleness of character has only been revealed by the lurid light of war, and from whom we have been fortu nate to make our escape, even at the cost of rav aged fields and desolate homesteads? Oh. no! Mr. Brooks, we 1 would rather not be bound to a corpse and condemned to its polluted embrace, if it is all the same to you. Better death, better universal ruin, better the extinction of the South ern people than such a fate as that. The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad.—The House select committee on the Pacific Railroad have made a report against the Atlantic and Pa cific Telegraph Company, declaring that they charge much greater rates to Califoma than the law of Congress allows, and that they have over charged the government as high as fifty dollars per day, to say nothing of over charges to com mercial men of New York and other eastern cities. The committee say that they are convinced that the stock of this line realize as high as seventy-five pur cent, per annum on the actual coast of ‘ the line. They re[>ort a bill forbidding the Secretary of the Treasury from paying the company any further subsides, and cutting down the telegraph rates one-third of present prices. Mysterious 'Disappearance. —Daniel Bayler was engaged in boating on the Pennsylvania canal, ami when the last season closed, he got his ticket at the depot in this city to go to Pin'egrove on the ears, which is the last information his father has had of his whereabouts. His father has been in search of him until his means have, been exhaust ed. He is 17 years of age, has light liair and eyes, is about five feet high and stout. ■ Any informa tion of him would be very thankfully received by his distressed parents at Pincgrove, Pa. Will our brethren of the ■ press give this notice a place in their columns? Address “Henry Bayler,” Pinegrove, Schuylkill county. Pa. — liar: Tel. Change of Sentiment. —When Mr. Welling ton was conducting a canpaign on the Peninsula of Spain, an Irish regiment behaved badly on a certain occasion, and by his order was placed in a position of great peril in the next battle, where it was almost annihilated after displaying an un flinching valor, which the Iron Duke knew was in it, and only needed the circumstance to bring it out. After the victory the great General was riding over the battle field, and while passing the scene of the gallant regiment's slaughter, one of his veteran soldiers raising himself I'rom where he lay desperately wouned, exclaimed to him—“ What do vou think of us now you old hook-nosed scoun drel?” The Confederate Army and Navy.—The Richmond Enquirer says:—The Quartermaster General’s report shows that we have 200 Generals, 193 Brigade Quartermasters, 130 Brigade Com missaries, 500 Chaplains, 320 companies of ar tillery, 1C regiments of cavalry and 481 regiments of infantry. In the navy we have 4 Admirals, 10 Captains, 31 Commanders, 100 First Lieutenants, 25 Second Lieutenants, 20. Masters in line of promotion, 12 Paymasters, 40 Assistant Paymas ters, .22 l2 Passed Assistant Surgeons, 30 Assistant Surgeons, 1 Engineer-in-Chief, 12 Engineers, 10 Passed Midshipmen, 10C Acting Midshipmen, &e., and five hundred, seamen, ordi nary seamen, landsman, boys, fireman and coal heavers. Tiib“ Anderson Cavalry. I ' —A dispatch from Harrisburg says: —The following appeal was tel egraphed to-day, by the governor, to Gen, Mitchell, commanding at Nashville, to be-communicated to the “ Anderson Cavalry:” “I ask you, for the honor of your State, to relieve the distress of your friends, and for all your hopes in the future, to re turn to your duty as soldiers. You will be organ ized as originally designed intheorderto increase the Troops to a regiment, and. will be detailed for special duty near the General. Gen. Rosecrans has written me to this effect, and will designate officers, who will be commissioned." Protection to Infantry.—An inventor has patented a portable breastwork for the protection of infantry. It consists of an Iron shield mounted upon a wheeled truck, which is pushed in advance of the soldier , like a wheel-barrow. The-legs of the truck are slotted to enable any angle of eleva tion to be given to the shield, anil the top of the shield is serrated both to afford rest to the rifle and to prevent the breastwork being scaled. De fences of this kind would be very efficient for sharpshooters against rifle shots, but they would be rather an incumberance to a field of" battle on which movements are to take place. Negro bot-trimis is a Fight.—A letter from Fort Clinch, Florida, dated the,. Slst nit;, states that a fight took place on St. Mary's river, at Scrubby Bluff, between a body of rebel cavalry and three companies of colored South Carolina volunteers. The rebels attempted to take the steamer John Adams by boarding her, but the negro soldiers heat them oft’ bravely. The Cap tain of the John Adams was shot, hut his mur derer was immediately slain by the negro sergeant. Our loss was two men killed" and six Wounded. We took seven prisoners. The steamer was not injured. Prices at Jackson. —A lady, writing from Jackson, Miss,, to the Memphis JEnquircr, gives the following prices current: Flour, perhh). $lOO - (very small) 30c each, calico per 'yard. $3 to $5 ; ladies’ shoes per pair $25 to $3O; ladies’ obsolete; mud boots, scarce,-per pair |CO to $7O; socks, source, at §3; undershirts, each v'o to $25 whiskey pier gallon $4O to $45 ; salt I ! e !/^P l,nd I leant that in Alabama these ar ticles are much higher. Hotels charge $1? to $lB per day for board. {3* A Western editor having published along' leader on hogs, a rival pajier upbraids him for ob truding his family matters upon the public. igy A boozy fellow was observed, the other day, driving - a •*. porker,” holding on- to its tail, and when asked what ire was doing, replied that he was studying ge-hog-raphy Easy Enough.—An exchange contains the folowing lucid paragraph: Tip; prlntorS alia on A sjtriKc jor hiShar ■waGcs;. \\<- H s va O oucmdcif tC sEt o_ r oZ n tYjics m fit Ure! it - eAsa enough. tJ2T A boy at school out West when called on to recite his lesson in history, was asked i What is the German diet composed of?" The boy replied : “ Sourkront. schnapps, laper beer and nix comerouje.” The boy was promoted instantly. The Biggest Gun Yet.—lt Is stated that preparations are about being made at the I'ort'l’itt works for casting a twenty-inch gun. This gun will weigh in the rough nearly 100,000 pounds, and will throw a solid shot weighing 1.000 pounds. ", Go is Sonny.—“ My son would you suppose the Lord’s prayer could be engraved in a space no larger than the area of a half dime?’’ ‘‘Well yes, father, if a half dime is as large in everybody’s eyes as it is in yours. I think there would be no difficulty in putting it in about four times." Emigration to Canada. —During the past year 20,037 emigrants arrived in Canada via Quebec, and 6,395 by other routes. From Thence 9,232 proceeded to the State. The statistics also show that the skedaddlcrs from the States, who become frightened at the prospect of a draft, num bered 1,912.’ Quakers and tbb War.. —The Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends, commonly called Quakers, have presented a memorial and jietition to the Legislature, asking to Ire excused from all mili tary requisitions whether for men or communica tions. or equivalents of any sort of military duty, for the sake of their conscience. *3* There is a newspaper in Grant county, Wisconsin, which bears the euphonious title of the ‘• National Broadaxe,” and has for its platform —the Star Spangle Banner.’' The editor's motto is. “ Hew to the line, let the chips full where they may." And he says the Broadaxe “is devoted to the dissemination of national principles. Our country first, last, now and forever. Banish polit ical corruption, and bury the war-club party." Frightened to Death. — Mrs. Boot, wife of the township collector of DeKalb county, was frightened to death last week by a man dressed in a white .sheet with a coat wound around his head. He knocked at her door in the evening. She gazed for a moment on the horrid figure, and then fell backward on the floor, lifeless. The ghostly joker is a merchant of resjiectable standing.! Neatness Carried to Excess. —ln Holland to keep cows’stables clean, the animals tails are tied in brown paper, and placed on a shelf behind them. To keep tobacco chewers from soiling the car|>cts, they spit in each other's pockets. A .case of neatness earned to a still further,excess is shown in the lower gprt of the city, in the person of a maiden lady, who whitewashes all her stove coal before using it. We get this from a “professor" in the whitewashing and carpet-shaking; business. Military Elopement, — A Lieutenant in the Thirty-second Illinois regiment, falling in with a charming rebel syren at Nashville, Tennessee, be came so infatuated that he some weeks ago de serted, and with the young lady escaped lieyond the federal lines. The young lady was wealthy, and by the use of her money the pair managed to run the blockade at Charleston, and arrived at Havana last Christmas day, when they were mar ried, and are now living, it is said, in happiness and elegance. gap An officer in Banks' expedition writes that the rebel guns at Port Hudson are worked en tirely by negroes, who make the best heavy artil leries in the world, being very muscular, and their brains not being affected by the concussion from the discharge. Our own Government are beginning to realize this fact, that Fort Jackson and St. Phillip, are now being manned by negroes. There are now about 3,000 of them thoroughly drilled in ground movements as in fantry, without arms, by Gen. Phelps. The Truth Now. and Then,—ln a late edi torial of the London Times , which, for a wonder, condemns the retaliatory proclamation of Jefferson Davis, it says :—The South should remember that they were the first to draw the sword in this quar rel, fluff they rose against an established govern ment in the exercise of its legal Amotions, that they obtained, by the agency of traitors in that Government, a considerably supply of arms and money, and the Union which they seek to dissolve is, as events have proved, the dearest wish of every American heart. Pontiff of the Petticoat.—The last sensa tion in Paris is a man who has a perfect genius for making and fitting women’s dresses. He is called the “ Pontiff of the Petticoat." He not only makes the ladies's dresses, but he puts the dresses on the ladies. Sometimes as many as fiftv carriages are in front of his door at the same time, the feminine owners being up stairs having their dresses put on. For cutting a dress he charges $lO, for dressing a lady he charges $l5, for fitting her for a dinner $2O, a’nd $25 for a party. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of' Annie and Harriet Streets, .EAST ALTOONA; THE subscribers would respectfully in form, tho citizens of Altoona, that they have just re ceived and keep constantly on hand a supply of Pattons ville Extra,” and Extra family-Flout, in barrels, and '.f and y, ; barrels in Sacks; also. Chop and Corn Meal. Butter ami Eggs fresh from the country; also, an extensive stock of Groceries, consisting of Sugars, Molasses; Svrups. Cof fee, ic., also, Ham, Bacon, Dried Beef. Fish of all kinds. Salt, Crackers, Cheese, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Buckets Brooms, Tuba, Brushes. Dried Fruit, Confectioneries! Quecnsware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, ic., ic., ic., all of which we propose to sell at small profits FOB CABU. Altoona, Jan. 1, : 63~6m C O A L. XTOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY -u’s family to get in their supply of coal for the Winter, anti the subscribhr would therefore inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEtmENY BU’DMKNOtJS COAL. He will Sell it’ by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv. ered at the door of the purchaser. Yard on the- North side of th* Railroad—upper end of Altoona\ard. u n mvprq July 25,1861.-tf. ‘ U *‘ Kk ‘ ANDREW ECKEL, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c„ &c., .lame street, Altoona, fa., and McKeage’s Out Stand, Montgomery street, Hollidaysburg ; Pa. A G E N ER A L ASSORT MENT , °f Goods in his line constantlvon hand at the lowest cash prices. [Pel.. 7,1563. , "OLAIII COUNTY INSURANCE " AGENCY.-The undersigned, agent of the Vrotcc. I ,lon Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Blair countv is I at all times ready to insure against loss or damage’ 'hr 1 tire, Buddings, Mercbanaise furniture and property of , every detention, in town cr country, at ns reasonable rates as any company in the Slate. Office hi the tribune '■ ° m,:0 ' E. B. McCRIJM, Agent. A REGULAR MEETING iOF THE ALTOONA FAIR VIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIA HUN will bo-hold on the second Thursday eveuiojt of each month, In the Council Hoorn. M. CLARAUGH • Jab. Lowthik, President. Secretary, [May 15-'O2) D. M. DARK i CO. DEALER IN* Dr. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LI NIM E ST THK GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA LLUbiqii STIFF NECK, AND JOINTS, SPRAINS. BRUISES CUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES. HEADACHE AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER. : VOUS DISORDERS. For all of which it I* a speedy and certain remedy never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recim,. Dr. Steplien Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bene set... and has been used in hia practice for more than tweni years with the most astonishing:, success. ■ AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivalled ', any preparation before Die public, of which the Do , skeptical may be convinced by n single trial. s This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Rnti MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and in thousand, i cases where it has been used it lias never heen kmivn to fail. . FOR NEURALGIA, it wilt afford immediate relief!, every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst case* of HEADACHE in tb r „ miuutesand is warranted to doit. TOOTHACHE also will it cure Instantly FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASO TUBE arising from imprudence or excess, ibis Linimta. is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting direct!, upoii.tho nervoua tissues, it strengthens uml iovtTifi k .a t j ;i svwtem, and restores It to elasticity ami vigor. FOR PILES.—As an external remedy, w e claim that -i i* thi'''h*st known, and we challenge th.; world io p ro^c ‘ t un equal. Every victim of this distressing couipUjni should give it a trial, for it will not fail to aflord immedi ate relief, and in majority of cases will effect a radical car» QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes exirpuj ly malignant and dangerous, hut a tioiely appheatiou a this Liniment will never fail to cure. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstloat-. and enUrey. ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. TV wt-rst case may be conquered by this Liniment iu two or three days. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, SORES. ULCERS, BURN* AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healim properties of DU. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT when used according to directions- Also, CIIILBLUN> FROSTED FEET.'AND INSECT RITES AND STING*. I)r. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, The Great Natural Boue Setter. Dr. (Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is known all over the United States. . Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut Is the author of *• Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment." Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism and never fails. Dr. Sweet’s ilnfallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Caros.Burn> and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment la the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruise*. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Curas Headache Immediately and was never kuown to fill. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for PUc-h. andsoldom fklU to cure. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in cue minute. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no sc&r. T)r./Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the l>At remedy for sores in tho known world. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment lln« been used by more that a million people, aoJ all praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. Dr. .Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is truly a “ friend in need,” and every family should ha« it at hand. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment la for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cent*. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, m *a ex ternal remedy, is 'without a rival, and will alleviate psia more speedily than any other preparation. ForallKhea* matlc and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and u » curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, ic- iw soothing, healing and powerful strengthening property excite the Just wonder and astonishment of all whohave ever given it a trial., Over one thousand certificate! of remarkable cures, performed by it within the list years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS! I>R. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HOIISK is unrivalled by any. and in all cases of Lamenes*. from Sprains, Bruises or wrenching, its effect it and certain. Harness or Kiddle Galls, Scratched " 3C, “ r _ Ac., it will also cure speedily. Spavin and Kingbom be easily prevented and cured in their incipient but confirmed cases are beyor.d the possibility of a cal cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate_ • hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, aiw J‘J faithful application will always remove the lamoue«.a - enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for Its timely um »* first ft! pearance of Lameness will effectually pr*. r l, t "S formidable diseases, to which all horse* are liable, which render so many otherwise valuable horse* ae • worthless. DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE UNIMEX? Soldier’s Friend, And thousand* have found it truly A FRIEND IN NEED! CAUTION. To avoid imposition, observe tho signature no of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also Sweet’s 'lnfallible Liniment’* blown in the gia* bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON i CO. „ >c ,. Solo, Proprietor,, Nor«i«. v MORGAN A ALLEN, GencraUg-*£ AS CUff Street. V* * or Sold by all dealert everywhere. December A 18A1.~ly. IS THE $651 “ Confer Ftea." raIBUWE POWER-PRESS printing office. * within th« past two years.-made cunslderabb ll ' l ''"V., „,,r eatabliehmeut in the way of new fancj , l.liuou td- p #l , et Cutter. Card Cutter. Ruling Ma Powier Press, aud large Newspaper lower c'jia*. V*,*’ u { which we give above) we ato now prepare, press, (.a stw ln th „ )ine of printing or ruling i: : A<v to any establishment. in the stale, and a > low. We can execute, on short notice, al " Wlßtti invitation, Visiting, Ball A Business Cards * CiroulaJ's*. Programmes, posters,SALE BILLS yunm Pa mpWetB, pay and Check Bolls BLANK BOOKS, NIFE »TB, AND blanks of all kinds. o .eaik Is a trial, feeling confident that wocangiv ' motion H webave the opportunity. •■“litdt. Luwther’s building, corner of > icgiuia and Ai ' treetA oppoait* Superintendent’s Offl.e. XTEIVES. \ Market House.— We had well nigh dcs ired of ever arousing our citizens to a consider;. (* n of their own interests, by urging them i ,| ioVfl ia fcvor °fn» Market House. We do n. a"k any o*dU % what we hgve said in favor < he project nor do we claim to have influence those who aro now taking the lead in the matte . erecting * market house, but we are glad to b Ible to say that we are about to have such a build ; , The borough not being able to erect a suita Me building, a number of our citizens have agree ui form a company for the purpose, and hal loed books, at the store of Daniel Laughmuu • u . ,h 9 subscription of stock. The shaves ar placed *t #2O each—low enough to allow aim* even- man in the place to take one or more share u ihe company, and have an interest in th management of its affairs. Even it the sloe diould not pay a per centagc, the subscribers wi <ive the anlount in the purchase of marketing and the convenience in getting it. But there uo doubt about the stock in such an enterprh paying handsomely. It pays in all other places and must pay in Altoona. It is proposed, also, to put si Town Hall over tli Market House. This is another improvemes which we greatly need. It is known fur and wid shat Altoona has no Town Hall, consequent! meritorious exhibitions and concert companic who give entertainments only to audiences of fro: UOO to 1000 people, do no stop with ns. Let tl Hall be built for the comfortable nceommodatk .if at least., 1000 people, and give us credit ahrom and make it a paying concern to the stock holder l.ct all those who wish to take stock in this onto prise, call at Laughman's store immediately, onler that may be formed, the cha a-r secured, and the building put up as soon as t: -pring opens. 9 Ua?T,ast week we pr rented a fae simile a medal received fro ilie London Work Fair, by Wheeler Wilson, the tamo .-.ewiiig machine nm ufactnrers. T»-dn we present a seen of those acknowlcdt meats of superior; presented hy the sai •ppet, . notice of the machi dipped from the iV. Y. Times. The editor s: »t these machines : “ Wheler & Wilson's Machines are thefavon tor families, being especially adapted to that jr pose. They work more rapidly, with less fr tion, and with ft greater economy of thread tl most, If not all, others.” R. A. O. Kerr, of this place, is agent for sale of these machines in Blair and Hunting* counties, * See advertiserfient. Democratic and Conservative Ticket The following persons have been placed in nor nation, for Borough officers, by the above nate party:— Justice of the Peace. —Adolphus Boush. Constable.— Joseph K. Ely. Toicn Council. —James Kearney, C. J. Hack* 3 years; John McClelland, 1 year. Schodl Directors —Archibald H. Maxwell, Jc A. Baer. Assessor. —John Hickey. Auditor.—John Lowther. Judge of Elections, E. W.—Wm.C. McCormi « “ K. W.—VVm. K. Leonard ‘ “ W.W.—John Woods. Inspectors, E. W.—Thomas Nichols. ’ “ W. W.— 'Thomas Mcßride. “ N. \V.—John Ehringcr. Tux New Peaking Mill. —Messrs. Conra* Reed have purchased the interest of Thomas J Auley in the Planing Mill, in North Ward, have erected a new mill on the site of the burned down last fall. They have everything running order, and arc prepared to receive or tor all building materials furnished by such es lislupents, and to execute them on short no They intend to keep a full supply of all kind: lumber, and will have flooring boards, win ”ash, Ac., on hand at all times. Carpenters builders who wish to put up buildings in h "ill do well to call at the steam mill for their 1 I'cr, and they will find the new proprietors cl aud accommodating. Bedicatio*.— Two weeks since we . not ! kat the new German Lutheran Church, in place, would be dedicated on Sunday, March I next. The following ministers will be pre and fill the programme for the , occasion dedication sermon, in German, will be prea in the morning, by Rev. R. Newmann, Pittsburgh, assisted by Rev. ,T. F. Kuhlraami Willmore. The English dedication sermon *** preached in the afternoon by Rev. S. Ying d Bedford, Fa. Preaching in the evcnin J- B. Crist, of Birmingham, Huntin Ba. A number of other members wi Present and take part in the exercises. bEiuocs Accident.—Joseph Dey, an ployee in the shops in this place, was severe jnred, on Thursday last, by being caught bet a door post and the tank of an engine whi w as helping to move into the fitting up shop, caught across the thighs and small o hn>«ri. ant * aronud in such a manner or . injure the bladder and urinary chi c-' 1 * liTin 8 a* this writing (M physicians, hare bta feint he