6O0;0O0 LLOYD'S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED MAP OP THE UNITED STATES. CANADAS, AND NEW BUNBWICK. From recent survey*. 'ompleted Aog. 1<), IM-; cost $20,000 to engtare It endow year 1 * time. , Superior to any $lO map **er made Oy Colton or Ml j ell, end tells »t the tow price of fifty cent*; 370,000 names , •re eognTod on thistonp. It ia not only e County Map, but it jaalao a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the nod Cnnedes combined in one, g every railroad station end distances between. Guarantee any woman or man *3 to $& perday, f snd will uk« bvK ail Mpa that cannot be eold and refund the money. ££«££&£& .0 cansae welt I«rn...»d .« 0,, Agents for onr 'j" State. Californio. Canada. England, ir»nr« an>l .u - A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollai -M ita . Ao temptation. LLOVJ)j N „ 1M Dro adw«y, New York. The War Dei-admen t nses onr Map ot Virginia. Mary »ud I'ezmiylrvoU, ot money refunded. ILLOTD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KHNTUtJKY OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, i. the onto eetborilT for Oen. Buell end the War Bepart to any one finding an error m K. Price » cent*. PENNSYLVANIA.—The Map h »«y large; it« ««* to bm McaaU, and U it tSe bat »hwh can be pwchauti. LLOYD'S QBEAT MAP OP THE MISSISSIPPI EB —Prom ActualSorw>« b - vC Sf ts ;^r t „' n -y Uttdiflff iW* *'} P *C*- p f u> *j 1q *b*vth. ,f<< & ta '£T2i Read, iept. 30. . ... DXFJUtTHOrt. WiMBBOTON, Sept. IJ, IW2, . - • f£nd your Map• of the Mweuaipp; WELLES. Secretary of the Navy, OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & GO., BANKERS, 1U SOUTH THIRD STRKET, Philadelphia. Nov. 1, I*6-- _ a h&rine be«n aopolnted BUBSCHIP TIOK of .be Treaty, » now preparod to faruUi, *t once, the NEW Twenty Year 6 per ct. BONDS. of the United States, de«ignat«l five Fob. “ttaCOUPOS BONDS are Owned in earn, of $5O, $lOO, BONDS in .urn. of $5O, $lOO. $5OO, Tnu“l*Tsixper cent per annum -ill commence from date of purchase, and n ; PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annoaiiy,which Mcch^cs,Capi^iB^ a o^^|j^o have any money to \ J h £p. R c T MORTGAGE upon Giat tbc*e bond* are, meffoct, a FIR» Purities, aud the nil JUilroads, C nals. Bank Stocks and j n t jj,. immense products of all the nvtnu a ..’ made for country: and that the full ami Internal Kwoune sorres to make these Bonds the Best, Most Available and Most Popular * Investment in the Market Subscriptions received at PAR a V n i^l‘h\^elphia? tC£ub notcs and checks of banks at P ar n ‘J, l '^ c ‘ p “ d evcr v nt lh A Of Bonds will be kept on bund for inline •linte delivery JAT COOKE. Subscription Agent Nor. 6,1X02- [3 mos. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP! The undersigned desires to inform Ills old customers anil the public generally that hr has this spring gone into the Dry Good business, and has just received a large and entirely new stock of 3Dress Gpoocis For the Lodiet, embracing all the latest, pretiiestuad most FASHIONABLE PATTERNS, Aim among which may be found every quality '*f g»>o«l«. the came* of which it would be t*JO tedious to enumerate. In the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not “knock under" to any of my competitors. In this department 1 feel sure that I can render .a isfaction. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange foi goods, snd the highest market price allowed. thl> corncr r * ABal * Altoona, May 22,1862. ________ > 0. C. SERVER & SON, ■'Successors to Thomas B. Taylor & Co.) Paper. Envelope, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE. So. 613, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA , PA. 4 LARGE: ASSORTMENT OF wacriso, letter, note, printing, wrapping, MANILLA, TISSUE, -SHOE AND HARDWARE PATERS, Printers’ Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, 'islionets and Storekeepers, will find it to their advan ce to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. Hay Ist, 1862.-IJ. _____ Glorious New si fpHE Subscribers would respectfully ■_ announce to tho cilisrn&uf Altoona and vicinitj, that they hate jnnt returned from the East with their fall and winter styles of HATS & CAPS, BOOTS S c SHOES. Their stock of HATS & CAPS »>?« been se with great care, and with the view of suiting all who may favor them with their patronage. Their line ot Hootd and Shoe* U fcomplete. „„ rr emre Their LADIES' MISSES' and CHILDREN S SHOES nut of City make, and warranted. Their Balmoral Shops for Ladiea and U lanes, arc just the thing for fall and winter. , . Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofdbe, thev hope to merit a continuance of the same. Store es UAIS XT. next door to Bowman’s Exchange Hotel SMITH £ MANN. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO., VV lock haven, pa. PREMIUM, NOTES uTfOKCE....... 405,000. Injures property on as reasonable terms as are consistent with security O. C. Harvey, 0. D. Satt.rlee, J. B, Hall, Ja«>b Brown, P. Price, Allison White, Simon Scott, C. A. Msycr, Alex. 81o»n. W.Pcaron. 0. D. Sattwux. V. P. O. C. Uahtet, Prr»’t, J. W. Camus, Secretary, July S, ’44-ly.] R. A. O. KERR, Agent, Altoona, $3O. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. Commercial Agents Wanted TO »BLL GOODS FOR THK ADAMS (A Nzw Eseuas) MANUFACTURING COMPANY. We will Kire a conkmiaaion of one hundred per cent, on all foode aold by oor Agents, or we will pay wages at from (SR to JlOO per month and pay all necessary expenses, /or partienlars atfdres (with stamp) ; CHAS. RUOOLES. Gen’l Agent, for the Adams Maimfactnring On Drraorr, Mien. May *. UA2-Iy (LAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every liMkldttvliAt ItAnOHUAK’?. DIRECTOR* NOETH WAED AHEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT OLD PRICES. I HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE !- .a,., i tolly Inform the citizen* of Altoona and sur rounding country that lie hasju.t returned from the cast. Where lie haa been selecling bis stock of Spring and sum mer Goods, which for stylo, quality and Price cannot be snrnassed in this neck of emntry. His stock is much larger than heretofore, and, as it is quite an object in these •car-exciting fi*r every ouf to pure lias** whsra they can get the REST article at the LOWEST PRICE, he onid sav that In l can and will set! AS LOW, if not A UTTLELOWER TUAN AKV OTHER HOUSE in this place. He wishes all to call and sec. his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, os he feels colitidenl be can oficr in dneementt which will I>EFV COM PETITION - His stock “"’LADIES' dress goods r>T KTBHT DESCRIPTION*. MKN AN*i» BOYS’SUMMER WEAK, LADIES' AND MISSES' DRESS SHOES. MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN"? HOSE. HATS AND CABS, Gingham., Unen», Bleached anil Unbleached Mnflins. Dried Benches and Dried Apples. Plain and Canrasßed Hams, Ac., Ac., Ac. He will sell tb* AMERICAN PRINTS at Vl'A cent,. EAST MADDER COLORS. W FANCY DELAINES, from 1 -'A to SS, Fin- Blanched MUSLINS yard *id„. 12}i *• ■lO ' fltr i-*}» 8 KDU 10 “ LAWNS, from S to 16 LADIES' SLIPPERS. Iron) 40 to 60 „ Fine, Fcrurh, Sewad. Urolad BOOTEES, $1 2o “ P jiacarj rAll I ESq White Sugar 11 and cent* Brown Sugar from 7 to 10 eta.; Best Honey and Lnveriog’a Syrup, atnOct.*.: Sugar House Molasses, 40 cts.: Baking Molasses, 31 to4oct*.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Floor, Feed, Ac., and all other 'articles of Goods just m* low as any other house can sell. Please call ana examine mv stock before pnrchasiag elsewhere. J. A. SPIIANKLI>. ‘ North Ward. yard Heavy UaW’cbed Altoona, May 1, 1862.] EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Vtrf/ittia St.. Altoona , Pa. D. W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. Thk proprietor or the '* emporium OF FASHION” would rMpcclfully announce to the public that be lm» received a large invoice of CLOTHS, GASSI MERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Tie*. Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &C., &C., &C.j exactly »ui;ed to this locality and intended for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. The proprietor of the Emporium invites an examina* lion «f hU clock. feeling confident that his shelves present a greater variety of plait) and fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince ahy one of this fact. Ue has also received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect M Cutter.” he hns no hesitancy In say ing that ho can make up clothing in the fashion, and in a manner that can not fail to prove satisfactory. It lias passed into a proverb that Belford’s the very man that can make, Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap; All that have ever tried him yet. fay that ho really cant be beat. Remember the place. Virginia etn ot, rir-it door above •laggard's Ilall, Altoona. I’a. 'April 17, ’62. HEAD QUARTERS FOB THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FALL & WINTER GOODS!.! J, B. HiLEMAN has just received ; a and well selected stock of .Goods, connoting of Cloths, Plain and Fancy Satiuetts, Kentucky Jctiiis. Tweeds. Beavertwnr. Blue Drilling, ami all ether kind* of Good* for MEN" AM) BOVS' WEAR, K'gviiu-r-with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Such as Slack and ilmcy Silks, ChaUieulkrtgtSs BrUHant*, Lawns, Bdaines, C!dnUf> Deßegts , CVapM, Prints, f rape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas, Undersl*evts and . Hosiery. Bonntts and Kibbcms, Collars, Hand* Jarehitfs, Kid Glows. Hooped Starts. Start* ing, Lacs Hitts, dx., dc. ALSO, Tickings Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Mnslida, C<»tton and .Linen Tublo Diaper, Crash. Nankeen, > BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWAKfc, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. AC. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries i* more extensive than ever, and consist? of Rio and Java Coffev, Crushed, Loaf-and N CL Sugar*-; Ov*en, Y. 11. 'und Black Teas; Mulasses, Soaps, Candles, Salt, Fish. &c. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to bqsl hess, and an * udeavor to phrase, to merit a continuance .of the same. £9-Call and examine his Stock, and you will be con* vineed that he box the best assortment and cheapest Goods In th« market. ***(kmnlry Produce vf all kinds taken tit exchange for Goods at market prices. Altoona, April 4,1862. HARDWARE—HARDWARE! GH ARLES J. MANN. Dealer in foreign and do mestic HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE. BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS. BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, £C., AC. Every description of Goods in his line will be fur nished at sh’art notice, and at low rates for cadi. His remaining stock of DRY GOODS on hand will' be closed ont at remarkably low prices, in order to relinquish that branch of the business. Agent for Willson’s “Telegraph Fodder Cntter.” Altoona, May 29th, 1862. GROCERY, PROVISION AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned would in- FORM the public that ho has purchased the interest of A. MILLXRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them cm Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continoe the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS. SHOULDERS. SIDES DRIED BEEP, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale, I will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ol llquori* of the beat qualities to be had, i respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12, ISbl-tf.j, J. BERKOWIT2. Howard association, ciuia delphiu. For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Yirulentand Chronic Diseases, and especially : for the Cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical ' advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable re- i ports on Sprrmatorria or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to lh** afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for , postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, ; Philadelphia, Pa. (June 22, 1tJ62.-ly. PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Pjint, »Ijo Chroma. Grwi, T.llow, Pjtlj firm, dry jnd gr.m, d oil »t >«.} KESSLER’S, ONWARD: ONWARD!! —^™ ro "* | AMERICAN STATE CAPITOL excelsior ovit motto i\ »T ; 1 Life Insurance and Trust to. Book Bindery. NOW OPEN m T |5? f’VnFHSir\vn WOUtDRE-1 COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast AND BLANK BOOK MASVKACrnuv. On the corner of Branch and Annie Streets , J ar U I Comer of Wiiiratmui Fourth vwj«U- y*. 54 Jfarirt sf. Harrisburg /v EAST ALTOONA, I to the citizen*. Authorized Capital,.. >500,000 establishment is chieflv *L t (j ; Altana*andTieinitytlu Ptid nn Camtal 250,000 I ; th^,iu , im f, c tnw at Wank B.»k» R.r . AN ENTIRELY ~ 1,897,740 NEW STOCK UJ? .| l-.corpora.ed «S3O, bv ,he Legist of I-ennsvl ttaving disposed of IHKiS.Se™.™ ri entire stock of old good* in tho a**ve ttaim at a we- : ,’ and V»*arlv AawMaent*. Ditjm.cate*, ic.. furcnmy j; Ur ., tion we lo'aav v> tho public that we hw-joftt • „„ printed or plain, rubai and l-mmi to order, opened ont an' ' : fec],t ‘ m hABC - Docket* made of the beat linen paper. - _ • Librarian*, and others. *«iniig to have their w . ENTIRELY NEW' & POCK bound and Ht'nuMjeratc prices.jhould given*a call. x^ % . . ... moor* of the largest mites. Harper? Weekly, , to which wo invite the attention of tho public, we ere pictorial. IhHUm*. iwmntiflc American, London New. determined to »ell »t tho bomid Murder. and in any «t,ylo ri'quir«i. Ilari -r'.M,,,,,!. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our ntock embraces a large and complete aatortmcut of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, roosldtjng, in part, of plain and fancy Stiles, all-wool De laliittb, Alpacas. Cballie Delaines, plain ami figured B»*r*ge, Lawns. Ginghams. Ducal*. Dv llarge, Travelling Drnse Gouda. and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS Men’s ear. Wc have received a large and well selected stock of GEN TLEMEN’S DKKSS GOODS- such a* Cloths, plain ami 'fftoev CassitnereM. Cnshnier-tfi. Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys, B*niv«r Teenw. Velvet Cords, and other fashionable good* for men and WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen. Cambrics, Victoria l*awn*, plain and dotted SwUh. Bohimrts. Edging* .4c. We haw « largf a rfortment of Ladies' Col* larb and Sets. Dress Trimmings, JUlbou*. Gloves. Gaunt lets. Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils. Ac. Also, Ticking. Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash, Ac, Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. We have i corned a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAJTEES, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c., which we are determined to sell cheaper than ever. QUEEENSWAHE, CEDAK and WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses,. Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and, in fact, everything usually kept in a first-clous Store. 49* Ac we make our purchase* almost entirely for ca*h. And a* we will sell for CASH ONLY ; AND KJCKP NO BOOKS, It will tnabUcus to *c!l G-h*'.* at very numerate price*; and by fair dealing aroi strict at tentiou to w c t-> '••cure k liberal .share of public patronage. GEIS & CO. Altoona, April l.*>. 1562-tf Druggist. • takes this opportiiuity of returning his thank* to the citizens of this place and vicinity, for the liberal patronage they have bestowed on him. and «le®ires to in form th** public in genejal. that he still continues At Iris Old Place of Business. A A few Doors above the Post-Office , where he is at all tinier prepared to attend to their want# in his line of business, cousisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES. DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, SWEET-BRIAR PIPES. CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO LXQXJOHS, FOR MEDICINAL USE, ALWAYS ON HAND. Fhysteams Prescriptioiis CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT Altoona, i'u., April IT, I^o2. GROCEKY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East Altoona, afew doors above Bmnch Street. The subscriber h as just re ceived a. large and fresh stockofGUOCERIES,PRO VISIONS. Ac., which he will sell at prices equally »» low ns his C'unpptltors. Ilia stock consists of FLOUR. FEED, BACON. HAMS, FISH. SALT , POTATOES. COFFEE. SUGAR. TEA, SPICES. CHACKEES. CHEESE. TUBS. SHUSHES. BUCKETS, SHO OMS. ,v HA fS/.VS, LEMOXS. ' ORAXGES. FIGS, OATES. COMBS. SOAPS KXIUES. BUTTER, EGGS. COSFKCTIOSFRIES. DRIED FRUIT, axd drugs of all kixds. 1 invite the public to call and examine tny stock, as I am determined to please in quality and price. May 8. ISfS-tf WM.H. PEKCIVAL. s2s] EMPLOYMENT: [s7s AGENTS WANTED ! We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen se*, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent fret. Address Erio Sewing Machine Company, 11. JAMES, General Agent. Milan. Ohio. Sept. 12-1 y, 1 DIIIED AFI’LES. —The subscribers have a fi.no to of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at much loss than market rate'?, and which they desire to close out. at coat and carriage, without delay Persons desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to givo us a call. Altoona, Jum* -0, 1862.] MURPHY A McPIKE. SiM. WOODKOK, # ATTORNKI'-AT’LA if. Altoona, Penn'a, Will practice in the several Courts of Rlair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Being associated with CHARLES E. PLEASANT. E*q.. Military and Claim Agent, of Wash ington City, ho will devote special attention to the prose cution and collection of claims against the United States, including Pensions. Bounty Lauds, Arrears of Pay for Services in the Army ami Navy, and generally all busi ness before arty of the Departments. Office on Virginia Str-el, 2 door* above Julia Street. May 16, 1862-tf. Building lots for sale.— The subscribers offer at Private SaIeKIGUT BUILD* ING LOl S. situate on the top of the MU, above the reser voir of the Altoona Gas i Water Company, being new hi Id a. property by the Presbyterian Church; The lota ore fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and will be sold on reason able terms. Persons wishing to purchase or view these lots will receive all Information concerning them by ap plying to Michael ChU.-s.ugb, K. 11. McCormick. Alexander McCmmlck, or Choa. .1. M.nn, Trustees of Presbyterian Church. [Altoona, April 3. 1862. TTARDWARK OF ALL DESCRIP -1 1 tious jtut nod for sole by tSetu-tf] J.B.SZLKIIA* JV.V _4,V/> SllErr rnoy WARE, in treat Variety. alwßvp on hand. ROOFING &■ SPOUTING pu up on short notice. Thev have also attadied a copper-smithing room to their establishment and will keep on hand an assortment nf cop jH?r and l»niKs kettles. 4c. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. HARDWARE. The «nbscribur« Uavc added Hardware to their line of huaiuese, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, eneii as Handsaws, Axes. Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Sou .res. llules, Hammers, Planes. Hinges. Locks, Latches. Files, Knives and Forks, gpoons, 4c. 4e„ oil of which they offer on the most reasonable terms, this method of announcing to the of Altoona, and the Public generally that they«|^P Imre opened a , _ BOOT & SHOE STORE, WL in the room recently occupied by John 11. Rob ert,«. The business heretofore carried on by Mr. Robert*, will, in the future, bo In the name of Roberts £ Ruth erford. They will keey constantly on hand a complete assort ment of Boots & Shoes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c, &c., &o, whirli they will offer at fair price* .and warrant to be of the best material aup manufacture. Particular attention will be given to CUSTOM "W OBH!, in which we warrant to give enrire satisfaction, ns w»* buy the be«.f Life Insurance issued at the usual nn.ti.nl rates of other good companies—with profits to theassnred , —last llosi‘» January, IS6I. being-40 per cent, ol all pr. miums received on mutual policies—at ■Jii per cent le“s tlian liie aliove, or Total Abdincnu ntti 4P per cent, less than Miitmil price. Also, a ; nonforfeiture pi. AN. j fly which a person pave for 5. 7, or 10 years only, when | the le.licv is paid np for Lira. and nothing mo e I 1 _ and should he he unable, or wish to discontinue sooner, ■ the Company will issue n Paid cr PoUCt. in proportion to , tbe amount of premium paid, as follows: Oo .^°x r "tor* 7 «sr I Annual Premium. for $2OO W $142 * ,HM j ~ .. •• 800 00 571 40 4tW 00 * sr,; xo too oo * “ .( ; SUO 00 ALEXAVPKK WIIILLDIN. Presideut. SAMCKL WOUK, Vico Presideut. Jnnx S. Wilson, Secretary. BOARD or TRUSTEES. Alexander Whilldiu, J. Kdgar Thomson, lion. Jaa. Pollock, lion. Jowiph Allison Albert C. Hoherta, ' Jonas Buwroan, Samuel T. Hotline, II H- Khlndgc, George Nugent, John Aiknmn, William J. Howard, Chari s F.dleallitt. Samuel Work. Anv further Infornration can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authored agent lor BJalr County. July 31. 1862 ly It. A. 0. KKKK. 1> ATENT KEROSENE OR CAR RON OIL LAMPS’ Unrivaled in Beauty, Simplicity S-uefy or Economy. ■ Evc .y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est light within their reach. «W»uM call at the store of the undersigned and examine the*o Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselv-** to demon strate t , list. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they cmii-=««*t»rTensive odor while burning. 3d. That they very easily trimmed. 4lh. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from Miioke. 6lh. That the light is at least CD per cent, cheaper than anyothel light now in c .union use. These lumps are admirably adapted tbr tlm use of stu dent*. Mechanics. Seamstresses. Factories. Halls, Churches, Stoie*, Hotels, and are highly recommended fur family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at »i small expense, and will answer every purpos* of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. 19. 1853-tf.] Q. W. KESSLER. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. Q RIGG WOULD RESPECT- -v * fully- nform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keep* constantly on hand ftKISwS large assortment oi (Xot-ing. Parlor, OJJice and raiw**§( Shop Stoves, of all styles and size*. to suit the ~ wants of all. which he will sell at low prices, an reason able term*. A Ilg also keeps on hand a largo stock of Tin and .S 'hed- Iron IK tr*. consisting of all articles 1”-r culluarypurposea— Coa! Scuttles, Stove Pipe. d-c. He has also purchased the right of sale, in Blair county of U. V. JONES* IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER. an invention which needs only to be seen to be appr. ci*- and should be possessed by farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable term*. fapril 14. ISSP-1 y VATIONAL police gazette.— Thin Great Journal of Crime and Criminal*!- it« its Twelfth Year, *aud Is widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trials. Grunina Cases, and appropriate Editorialsou the some, together with Information on Criminal Matters, not to he found in any other newspaper. Subscriptions $2 j*er annum; $1 for six month I ’. io be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their name* and the town, county and State where they reside plainly.) To G. W. MATSKIX & CO., E«litor & Prop’r. of New York Police Gazette. X All work warranted. Address fc. 1,. Ul’TTk’H. Uarritivry. J),_ «n.HeCHCM 4 BBUS. « the TrOmnt 0««v. agent* f> Albion*, and vicinity. They mill give inform,; fk>n In relation to binding, and receive and return Kml, free from extra chargee, lor all who ent.ust their watt my care. ,March-11. Isrl-h JACOB WETS, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, Virginia Streit. Altoona. Pa.. Keeps constantly on hand BREAD, CAKES, GANDIES AND SWEETMEATS, of hi* own manufacture, which h- H prepared to sell, wholesale or retail, at tlv moat rv*;';v al»lo prices. Also, fc’OREION FRUITS, such an ORANGES, LEMONS, PINE-APPLES, FIGS. PRUNES, RAISINS. NUTS. &C.. always on hand in their respective "tas-m*. CAKES BAKED TO ORDER f>r particular occasions, on short notice and in the d-h -est arid bent style of. the art. Call, examine and price my stock and you wi\l it it uk good and cheap a* can be purchased elsewhere., Jun.‘.’T, CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON, rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD i.v I FORM Thedtizens of Altoona and vicinity that Li* CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE. i» alviy supplied with the very beat articles to be had. ami iu cm: \arb*ty. He ha* also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which he will serve up OYSTER" in every style during the season. Fit ESI I- BAKED BREAD d- FIES always on havi. He is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies, ic.. nr pic-nics and other parties. He invites a share c-lpulL fate-mage. believing that he can render full satisfictU'Q tc all. Remember. hist Core and saloon Is on Virsiniastt*'i.£( door below Patton's Hall. OTTO UOsSr Altoona. Oct. 10, 18Gl-tf H. FETTINGER’S General News Agency. OAK HALL, No. 7. MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS,, ST AT lON 15 UY, CON SECTION A HIE? •CIOARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY (ON HAND. October 24. ISfil. \ W. M. LLOYD-& CO.. ALTOOXA, Pi- JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., BANKERS, {Late " Bell, Johnston, Jack jj Co.”! Drafts on the principal Chios, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collects* made. Moneys received on denosite, payable oni deman without interest. or upon time, with intuit «t • Keb.3d.lSs9. /‘A W. KESSLER PRACTICAL VjT # DUUGGIST, respectfully to the citizens of Altoona and the public errdly, tlntt he still continues the Drug business, on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly on hand.for sale. Wholesale and Uetail.DUIGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH ES and DYE-STUFFS. . By strict attention to business, and a desire Ufkction to all ns regards price nnd quality. I* 1 - 11 i merit and receive a share of public patronage. ( , rr , Physicians and merchants supplied on and all orders from h, distance promptly attended Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. OUR LADY FRIENDS WOULD M well to look in upon the choice and ment of Summer DKErS GOODS now • well-filled shelves of M'JKPHY JlcPlKr- Cor. of Virginia and Carulm- >• Altoona, June 20, ISG2. _ piiNE AND LARD OILS. CAN I phene. Burning Fluid. Carbon Oil, vV -, Jan. 3. ’56-lf] * AN HAND AT Mc(X)B3IU’K* J* \ 7 —A .splendid assortment of Rpridy-M:idt yu fallandsee. * *** Groceui us.-—a lakgf. aJJ complete assortment of Groceries * l i^ v l?t Vm tX. ceived at the stojy of ” * ' ' Hair, hat, tooth. shaviN' Paint. ShhJ» situ! Vanish a* < LL KINDS OF PRINTING * 1 «-*r •;X. , nnd iHtan TTMBRELLAS AND PAU^J l ; : hi endless variety, at A!to A ~ 4 GENERAL ASSQUTMENI,^ Jewelry. Uuir anI ENT OFOU* COATS cm be (bum; nt EIKAVV [jj SHOES just rtceivmi nt L " —"" T\o you” want XJ che.porfti. e ?-eoto LAU / -i iIKAT PILES OF PASTAtOO;- Ijr for U.D aaa Boy..** LA >, f. * 3 C 5 = o'2 s- : S 4 ! a" K-i' - J * ~ = . ? CS si 3- < I jM; 55 « 2 =" 5 H< «■ r* v "K i S si r-j wi<~; S 3 IS S Cs ** a/ - * ' 3zl i All v*9* n ut ll *» ®f tb« P.ia IW 1 tuwttton • do. ~t lin» ur * ? 4 , * j ua^..uur lS 0 i« 4 „ « j 150 200 TI> K«r thrM »*ek» »nd le»« tl‘«n three montln. 25 0 month., S •"♦IIS ‘IS? * ■' na *'‘T' r:;:;::""." *o« . «.w r ;:: E::;:;:;;:;::;=: SS i,buitti*tr*tor*aiid h*««tor. Notice* nerchaut* adrertteiog by the year, three .qnare*. with liberty to change, . ro (e«ioa*l or Bttalness Gant*, not exceeding 8 ii.oe per JCHT 'ommnolcatloo* of* political mracteror indlvnli r „, W 1(1 be charged according to the abore rate*. UrertiUmen - Sot marked with the number of Indeed, will he continued till forbid and char* . .P.lhut to the abore 'term*, noaineu notice* five cent* per line for erery inaerti Ihitnary notice. exceeding ten line’, fifty cent»«»i BMTIM9IIE LOCK HOSPITA! i-it tllMSUliD ASA ItKCUUSITIOSI QUACKi %h, Qaiy Place Where a Cure Ca be Obtained. DU; JOHNSON lias discovered I moat Certain* Speedy and only Effectual Ui nie* world foe »U Private Diseas:*, Weakness 01 the Limbi. Stricture*, Affections of the Kidneys and ! ■lf Involuntary Disrttafgea, Impotence, General Del, • .rvousness, Oyspepiy, Languor, Low Spirits. Conf, V ‘ leas, palpitation of tito Heart, Timidity, Treniol iinuass* of sight or Giddiness, Disease of the 1 T in it Nu*J or Skin, Affections of the Liver. Lung*. , ir ’b jwcl^—those Terrible dfcordevo- arising fun « liurv lltblU of Youth—those sicufci and Holiury 4- more foul U theii victim* than the soiu: of a vi«e hate entranced listening Senates with thu: ■f eloquence, or waked lo ectasy the living lyre, nr* with full confidence MARRIAGE* Juried Person*, Or Young Men cotemplating wun „.| n g MWftre of physical weakness, organic debility, t Ac-. speedily cured. _ . U« who place* binned! uuaer th* care of Dr. J. m. i "ioady confide in his honor as a gentleman, and rely upon bis skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS .inmediately Cured, and full \ igor Uestnrcd. Chis Distressing Affection —which renders Lite mise •ml tu image Lcnpossibh—is the penalty paid ly :.:iiniH of Improper indulgences. Young per.-, ns a .jl to commit execs «*s from not being awan- the d id th: t m-iy cn-n;-. Now. who that u ,U« U the subject will pretend f .d*‘ny that the \m.\\ n-.Tetttl»u is lost so »m*r by th-'-e falling into imp ■"ihita than by the prudent? Be-ides being deprive, d-aiares of healthy offspring, the most serious an • tru.-tivo symptoms to both body and nuud arise, -••stem becomes Deranged, the Physical Mini Mental 1 ''.ion* Weakened. Do*, of Procreative Power. NVry.m. '.ability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tin* Heart. ludig‘-> 'oastitutlonal Debility, ft Wasting of the Frame, Co ■'omumptlon, Decay and Death. OFFICE. NO. 1 SOUTH FREDERICK STRE C'-fi hand side going from Baltimore street, a lew -vom the corner. Fall not to'.observe name «mi nnml Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Diplomas hang in his olfi:*? CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAY Xo Mercury or A” nitons Drugs. DR. JOHNSON. X J. mber of the Royal College of surgeons, London, u *:e from one of the moat eminent Colleges in the L '•uies. and the greater part of whose life has been si ll-,c hospitals of London. Paris, Philadtdphia ao l •vhere, has effected same of the, moat astonishing that were ever known; many troubled with ringing Ij*ml and .ears when asleep,'great nervousness, darmed at sudden sou ids, baahfulnesa, with -flushing, attended sometimes with derangement of ah re cared Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE- Ur. J. addresses all those who have iiyurcd tnonv >y improper indulgence and solitary habits, which joth body and mind, unfitting them for either bos -tudy. society or marriage. TaiSt are some of the sad and melancholy effect) •ninnl -by early habits of youth, vii; Weakness i Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimr ess of Ji Vvh of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart P*p«y. Nervous Irritability,- Derangement of the We Fanctions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con ’»•>«. Ac. >lmtau.T.—-The fearful effects of the mind are mnj dreaded—L«« of Memory, Coufusiou of Ideas ;*r-*ssiou of spirits, Evil-Forebodings. Aversion to s*•, Love of Solitude, Timidity, 4c., are eoi •he evils produced. TaoiHaaos of persons of all ages can now judge wr he cause of their declining health, losing their vigo - *:ning weak, pale, nervous and cur'ciatecl. having i gular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoi consumption YOUNG MEN Who hare injured themselves by a certain practi 'tulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned •*vU companions, or at school, the effects of whic slightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cared re marriage imposibte, and destroys both miud and •fhoald applv immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hope of hia coi 'be darling pf his parents, should be snatched fro prospect* and enjoyments of life, by the conseqnei tf'tutlng from the path of nature, ami Indulging certain secret habit. Such persona mvst, before co plating MARRIAGE, • that a sonod mind and body are the moM nc-« requisite* to promote connubul happincM. Indeed. 'juc these, th*Journey through life become* a wea the pruspect hourly darken* to the viev niud becomes shadowed with and filled wit •JU'Uncholy reflection tliar the happiness of anqth :omoa blighted with our own. - DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. . When the misguided end Imprud-uj votary of p» iuda that he baa Imbibed the nwds of this painf )nse, It too often happens that an ill-timed sense of » or dread of discovery, deters him from applying tef *h), from education and respectability, can ulo: friend him. delaying till the constitutional sympti this horrid disease make their appearance, *u£h os i Je l-a»re throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain «i*» th and Umbs, dlaoess of sight, deafness, u«»des on th hones and arras, blotches on the head, face and ex progressing with frightful rapidity, till at la palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall i the victim of thit awful disease become* a horrid ol ‘••Jmmtserailou, till death puts a period tohisdc offerings, by sending him t» “ that Undiscovered C ♦ rora whence no traveller retards.” It Is a melancholy /act tlmt thousands fall vict this terrible disease, owing t..< th*' unsklllfuliiess *- ; A n * pretemlers, who, by the u«e of that Ikadly ruin tha constitution and make the r*sl ’ If'’ miserable. ... „ STRANGERS Jruit not yonr live*, or hc.Uth to tlio rani of the Unis irneil and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of tdxe, name or chiiTHCtct 1 , wh > copy Dr. Johnston a tisemenu, or stylo themselves in* the newspaper* ** r ly Educated frbysicmn*. incapable of Curing, th* 1 yoa trifling month after month, taking their fittl Poisonous compounds, or as long as tin' smallest! 08 obtained, and in despair, leave yui with ruined High over your galling disappointment. Or. Johnston U the only Physician advertising, rii' ® or diplomas always hung in his His remedies or treatment are unknown to all * r,n * a Hf‘* spent in th.* great hospitals of first In the country and a more extensive JV«n* f« than any other Physician in the world. INDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. ado many thousands cured at this institution, ye y*ar. and the namenmn important Surgical op •* e ° r Johnston, witnessed by the reporter *’ Clipper, ’* aud many oth»r papers, n« . ( “! c “ ”' ve ft PP®arrd again and again before tin •** !l standing as a gentlemen of character poniibiUty, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicte SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUREC tt /'° le hers received nuless post pah* \nd couti a»* 0 thoreply Persons writingslu> (and sen 1 portion of advertisement describing sy i writing shnnld be particular in directi to ihU Institution, in the following manu JO 4 ** M ‘ Johnston. M. Of tha Baltimore Lock Hospital, Mat y/\ Xf s U. C. DJ