Illtoona Inlme. ALTOONA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1863 The News. The news from Texas are to the effect that the Rebels have captured the U. S. brig, Morning Light, and an unknown schooner at Saline Pass. The New Orleans Delta says that accounts from the Rebel army at Port Hudson and elsewhere show a most wretched state of affairs existing among them, the men only being kept from mutiny byjpromises of peace being secured within ninety days. The carrying out of.the conscription law among the Rebels proves to be a very dangerous operation, as over twenty officers had been shot while endea voring to cariy it into effect. From Fortress Monroe we have the report that a fleet of one hundred aud twenty vessels have sailed from Newhern, N. C., bound South. Special despatches to the Philadelphia Inquirer state that the committee of Ways and Means have agreed to repeal the duty on paper. Hurrah for that. Ou the night of the first inst., the rebels, about 2000 strong, made an attack on Island No. 10. The gunboat New Era arrived about the time the attack was made, and with sir 24 pounders shelled the attacking party so effectually that they beat a precipitate retreat. The garrison at Fort Donelson was also attacked by a heavy force of cavalry, with artillery. After a fight of some seven hours, the rebels were de feated with a loss of some 200 killed and 500 wounded. Water ,is Sowing through the canal at Vicksburg, but the ditch is not widening and deepening as fast as desired. One thousand contrabands are to .be put at work on it immediately. A special despatch from Cairo, dated Feb. 7, says that the steamer Adaline has arrived from Vicksburg. The U. S. ram Queen of the West ran the blockade on Monday morning at daylight. One hundred) heavy siege guns were opened on her and as she steamed past a rebel steamer also opened fire on the Queen of the West. The latter replied, and crippled the rebel steamer. The Queen was under lire three quarters of an hoar. The iron steamer. Princess Royal, in charge of Acting Master Edward' Vans!ice, arrived at the Philadelphia navy yard on the Bth inst. She brings highly important intelligence, both as re lates to her capture and the rebel attack on our blockading squadron at Charleston, showing con clusively that there is no foundation for the as sumption of the reliels tluit the blockade off Charles ton was ever raised by the departure of the, United •States fleet—only two vessels out of eight or ten having been disabled and obliged to leave. It appears from the statement of an intelligent eye witness that the cause of this attack of the reltel rams on our squadron was owing to the cap ture of the Princess Koval. The captain and pilot of that vessel having escaped ashore during the darkness of the night, and communicated the in telligence to the enemy. The Princess Royal endeavored, to run the blockade by way of Breach Inlet on the 29th, but was discovered by the pilot boat Blunt, and the •ignal being given, the Unadilla proceeded towards her and captured the prize without other assist ance. Tell the Whole Story. A number of papers are now publishing very sarcastic and abusive articles against the Admin istration, on account of the arrest of one A. D. Boileau, who figures as editor of the Philadelphia Evening Journal, on the charge of publishing treasonable articles. The charge of Judge Ludlow (who is considered as being partial to Boileau) to the Grand Juty of that city, is extensively copied, and it is attempted to be shown that Boileau is an innocent and much wronged indi vidual, and that the President and his advisersare gnat tyrants. But these sympathizers with Soi leau forgvt, or do not desire to tell the wholes tory, and cunningly leave out that part wherein the Government is sustained in the transaction, — They forget-to tell their readers that after all the pleading and twisting of the Constitution and laws, by Judge Ludlow, the Grand Juty refused to take any action in the matter, or in any way interfere with the United States authorities, thus rebuking (die Judge and sustaining the authorities who ar rested Boileau. The Grand Jury was composed <>f men who it is likely knew all about the course of the Evening Journal and it its publisher and iheir verdict was awarded accordingly. They 5O W Dividends on stocks in cotton companies worth in May,. 1861, $25 to $5O per share, now from $ll2 to $l4O. The agent of the woolen factory declines giving its dividends until he advises with counsel. General Rousseau at Lancaster.— That gallant Kentuckian, Gen. Roussean, had a serenade at Lancaster, Pa., on Monday night, and made the following remarks to an immense crowd :—I am not a politician, apd never expect to be. Before the war began I was a lawyer, and since I have been a soldier. All I have ever asked has been for men and means to put down this rebellion.- My political creed is but a minute long. lam for the government of my fathers and for the friends of that government, and I am against the enemies of that government and all their friends, both North and South. He called on the people that they be so united as not to cripple the effort.* of the soldiers in the field. No matter what your political predilections may be, unite to save" the country, and after the. settled questions of-policy. Let not your differences of opinion weaken the arms of the brave men wlio are fighting that you may be free. In the Array of the Cumberland, in which I have the honor of commanding a division, officers and men know only the cause of their country. All are united in a common work. No dissensions or jealousies weaken their force.— From General Uoseerans, the hero of Corinth and Murfreesboro’, down to the humblest private in the ranks, there is an abiding confidence in the effi ciency of the command and faith in the justice of the cause. When they go into battle they have no other purpose than to crush the rel>ellion and pre serve the government. I fear the results of your divisions yet. I will say to those who will raise issues and make complaint?—save the old flag and the government of your fathers, and then vou can have, the offices from now to eternity. Ock Common Schools.— The pamphlet report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, :for the year 1862, has been received. From it we learn that the total cost of the system for 1862 was $2,227,164.91, showing a decrease of $115,- 019.76 as,compared with 1861. The whole num ber of school houses in the State is 11,132, of which four hundred and sixty-two were erected during the year, and two hundred and forty-eight so refitted- as to remove them from .the class “ unfit, " how numbering but 2,073. The number yet unsupplied with suitable furniture js 2.854 six hundred and thirteen having been properly furnished during the year. Four hundred and fifteen schools were supplied with some stvle of apparatus during the year, leaving yet six hundred and seventy-three to be supplied. Of classified but not graded schools we have 8,013 ; of schools neither classified nor graded, we have 1,245 — during the year, five hundred and fifty-eight hav ing been improved by classifying, und one hundred and forty-seven by grading- The average attend ance of pupils for the year was 385,463 ; the whole number of teachers is 14,380, of whom 6,393 were females, the average cost of teaching each pupil pot month, forty-nine cents; the average salaries of males per month, $23.81; the average salaries of females, $18.55; the total cost of tuition for 1862, $1,367,181.33. The city of Philadel phia, which has three hundred and forty-seven schools, and employs 1,118 teachers, at an expense of. $348,512.57, is not included in the above. Thg Cheat Advance in Cotton. —This article has reached a price in the New York, market it never bore before since it has been known as a staple. Ths Herald of Saturday says: Day before yesterday it suddenly jumped to eighty-nine rents in the forenoon, and in the afternoon’ sales were reported at the extraordinary price of ninety six cents per tS&id. A party who purchased in the forenoon, resold in the afternoon at a profit of $4O per bale. At ninety-six cents per pound a bale of cotton is worth $432. Before the war it sold at ten to twelve cents a pound or at $45 or $54 per bale. From present appearances it. is possible that it may touch $1 per pound, or $450 per bale. The present price is higher than it was be fore the invention of the cotton giti, when the negroes of the South picked it with their fingers. Bry ant Edwrards, in bis history of the West Indies, quoted cotton grown in the Bahamas and other W est India Islands in 1784 at two shillings and six pence sterling |>er pound—say about slxty two and a half cents—which was picked or cleaned with the fingers. Hobblble Mcrdkr. — A dispatch dated Scran ton, Pa., Feb. 3, says:—lntelligence has just reached here of a horrible murder having been committed early on Monday morning in the north ern part of Columbia county. A stepmother named Soult murdered three of her step-children, aged respectively seven, nine and fourteen years, by severing their heads from tiieir bodies with an axe, and afterwards threw their bodies into the fire. She is now confined in Columbia couhtv jail. ■ ' Fight with Indians. — A dispatch dated Salt Lake City, February Ist, says:—On the morning of the 29th nltiimf, Col. Connor had a four hour’s desperate fight with Indians on Bear river, in Washington Territory, in which two hundred and twenty-four Indians* were killed, and many are supposed to have been drowned. Our troops took 175 horses, and destroyed their lodges, provisions, &c. Our loss was fifteen killed, including four officers, and thirty-eight wounded, Large.Caego. —The steamer Glendale arrived at Evansville. Indiana, on the 26th nit., with one thousand and sixty bales of cotton from Memphis. This is the largest cargo since the breaking'out of the rebellion. Contrast AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT*. COTTON GOODS. miscellaneous: STOCKS Receipts and expenditures of Blair County, p.-mi'u,. tl«o S»b «l:;y of Jaun ary, A. D. 1862. up to ami including tin* 7th day of Janu ary, A. I>. 1863. The Treasurer, Jxvo, McKeage, Esn.. charges,himself with the following amounts, to wit; To amount in hands of Treasurer at last settle- ment Tc cash received from Collectors— Thomas Brown. Snyder tp IS6I 190 .02 Alex. Bobb. Tyrone borough ISSS 76 00 Peter H. Wilt, Allegheny ;..1860 161 n 0 Kepner. Freedom Ip .1860 112 76 Goo. H. Barker do 1861 2:13 92 Somuel Dodson, Greenfield ~..I*6o 11 51 Michael Wilke, Huston /....1869 70 05 11.1/ Patterson,Gaysport 1860 70 64 Jno. Lov.v; do .....1861 186 25 Juuiea Stevens. Juniata .....1800 6 12 James Coleman. Logan do 146 00 Jno. U. Patterson, Tyrone bor do 5 00 , Wm, Stoke do 1859 11 08 Alex, Rutledge, Williamsburg do 2 50 Michael Heffner, Juniata 1801 85 02 Wm. Robe*on, Logon da 1,325 00 Adam Fou*c, Huston d 0.... 666 29 Geo. W. Ruse, Hollidaysburg .7..1860 2«7 31 Jae. Williamson do*. 1861 843 31 Benj. F. Holler, Woodbury do 706 69 Albert Wilson. Frankstown 1860 272 55 John 11. Stiffler. Allegheny 1861 772 00 James McPherson. Antis .' do 785 90 Jop. B. Hileuian. Altoona do 850 O') Thos. Buchanan, Blair do 290 ft) Fred. Hyie, Catharine .. do 992 67 Joe. Stiffler, Frankatown - do ft'4s 00 Henry Libert. Greenfield d 0..... 150 00 Jno. 8. llaffley, Martiusburg d 0.... 56 00 laa-ic Burjp-t. N. Woodbury do 839 73 Sam i R. Shiftier, Taylor .do 59182 Alexander Dyaart, Tyrone tp do 837 77 William Baken. Snyder do 300 ft) I). C-Gib»*oney, Allegheny 1562 349 17 Jacob Uartzcll. Antis d > 975 67 Saamel K. Shaw. Blair do 86 00 Cyras Mateer. Catharine do 525 91 Geo. W. Cunningham. Fntukstown.jdo 295 00 Jacob Zeth, Jr.. Greenfield do 298 00 JohnG, Foote Huston..'. 868 20 Michael Heffner, Juniata do 197 00 William London. Logan do 641 98 Henry Burget. N. Woodberry do 500 00 John A. Davidson, Snyder do 435 00 Samuel U. Shiftier. Taylor do 391 72 Edward Tate, Tyrone tp do 1,033 SO George Feay. Woodbury i..,..d0...,. 1.000 00 J. K. Ely. Altoona do. 900 00 John McClure, liullidayHburg do 141 16 James S. Plummer. Tyrone bor do 40 00 Timothy Davis. Gnysport 1854 3 94 To L*au from Mrs. Hetrick 71 00 To redemption of untested land.-, received 152 12 To taxes received 00 unseated lands 504 96 To balance doe lilsir co.. in hands ofTreasqrer $3,251 IS Tile Treasurer, John McKeage. Ksq.. claims credit for the following disbursements, viz: By amount paid— Directora of the Poor $2,973 97 Grand and Traverse Jurois '1,486 73 Elections 625 12 Assessors.... 624 oo Inquisitions 99 22 Commonwealth caaea 161 66 Road and bridge vfcws 186 85 Constables fees 229 08 f Scalps 164 15 " A Caldwell Clerk to Cnmmisioncrs bal 011 ’6l and salary for 519 49 Georg* Ko>»n Commit* ioner *JIO 00 George L. Cowon do 211 00 James Kmkead do.'. 197 00 Dante! Shock d 0..... 10 00 J M Kinkead work out of office b 9 40 Georgo L C iwen do 21 40 iGcorge Koan surerintetidinK bridge? Ac !?•>! 49 45 .John Brotherline printing 59 50 Samuel McCamam on account 400 00 Joseph Heed painting and work ar Court House 589 04 II B Martin coal for Jail 12 00 Jcheph Baldrige balance on account.: ’ 20.'l 00 John A ier State Lunatic Aaylum 2 1 * u 7 Join: Gingery repairs at Freedom bridge 175 00 Jacob Fries bridge at Bell’s • 877 50 John Gingery br dge at Frnnksto n '-‘0 Jacob Fries repairs at Ciayhburg bridge 00 Jojhi Gingery Blair township britlge 032 IH) Friti i ttingery bridge at LeumersviUe 9>6 25 P G 'front plank lor and hauling at same lo 56 S K Sohmucker repairs at Cove Forge bridge., 2’;‘-' uO A K Figart filling up at Frank-town bridge... 40 15 fc L Uewit District Attorney lees OS 00 McCrunf A Deru printing 09 25 O A ; Trough d 0.../. 3S 00 Dr P 8 LBi-enrinf post mortem examination.. 10 00 Jones A Caldwell printing • 105 75 Western Penitentiary 156 21 Lloyd A Henry coal for Court Hou«e and Jail 195 19 Mrs Hetrick interest on loan 28 70 Valentino Plemple do 6 00 Mrs Cnaid and others scrubbing Court House 6 00 McLanahau A Stone tinware for jai1..,..- 3 00 John J Selling freacoiug Court lio\W. 500 00 Leri Grove chips f»r do d0.....' % 00 Henry Plemple interest on loan 7 50 Janies M Uewit wall paper far Court House.:. 9 40 McCollum k Co matting for do do 139 87 P G Trout filling Ac at Lcatnersrilie Bridge... 30 00 James Loudon internet on loan 10 50 M K Ho ve trimming Ao 22 81 William Loudon interest on Uran 37. 50 Jacob Bollinger furnishingA putting in glass at jail 2-12 Geo LCowen exp. in superintending bridges 35 10 Goo Koon outside services A sup bridges 72 20 Benj Thomas cleaning Court House Ac 5 50 John Dippncrr bill of repairs at Court House nod jail.... 41 00 George T. Cowen interest on loan 14 70 - John Gorley costs S 50 John C West Purdnn’a Digest 5 00 L L Moore fee w> ... 10 87 R M 10 87 Reed & Cunningham masonry at F F bridge... 34 00 Mrs Shoemaker interest on loan 18 00 Jacob Barnhart on account Joan ‘5O 00 Michael Black interest on loan 40 00 Ha n Hamilton taxes refunded 1 05 John Busaler patching kc to jail 16 00 E H Lytle taxes refunded 17 7o Joseph Smith chips for Court House & jail 15 25 Dr P S Leisenring attending prisoners. 2 25 George Koon making drafts Ac for bridge 24 00 Isaac Hurket loan ami interest 103 35 John Campbell inlerest ouloan 60 00 W C Jacobs store pipe 4 25 George Port costs 10 18 Joshua Roller repairs to F F bridge 129 95 Dr A Johnston principal and interest 2,240 00 E J Bollinger articles fur. for C H and jail... 21 02 E Hammond salary as attorney fur 1801 40 00 D C Irvin wood fur jail 20 00 James Funk account id fn’l 7G4 90 John Lingafelt bill of goods 3 55 Isaac Crawford part of ptinciial aud interest 346 50 Aeburv Borland clerk to Auditors 14 00 f. H Williams auditing Pnrtv A Reg’s ucc’ts 42 DO B G Eaton papering Sheriffs office 9 02 James M Kinport clothing lorprisouers 22 3S B B Kohrabacher court crior 15 50 Dr R T Christy post mort ex (3 cnees) 25 00 A K Brown costs 50 00 James Funk coats 0 00 Dr C Irwin attending prisoners 1 io 00 David Caldwell wood fur jail 10 oo Eli Lingafelt whitewashing Frankstowu brdg ’ 900 K A McMu' trie salary as atty for 18C2. 40 00 Joseph Baldridge costs 23 93 Gas Bill ; 32 10 G L Lb\vd taxtH refunded 0 45 George L Cowen loan a. d interest In full 215 12 Jacob Cowen 177 54 George L Cowen Comn i il“.sioner 15 00 J M Kinkf ud 15 00 John Martin painting notices for C U 3 00 John Mckengo exp & fees on unseated lands 136 81. Redemption on unseated labd* 95 73 'Treasurers Commission 366 47 Amount in band* of Treasurer 3.251 IS BLAIR COUNTY, SS In testimony of the correctness of the foregoing account of John McKesge, Esq., 'Treasurer ofßlair county and the county with him, we have hereunto set our hands and have caused our seal of office to he affixed at Hollidarsburg, the fourteenth day of January, A. D. 1863. CEO. KOOX. JAS, M. KINKEAD, DAN E SHOCK. ij-s 'i Jos. IUu»RtoK, Clerk. Commissioners WC the undersigned Auditors of Blair countv, in the State of Pennsylvania. do hereby certify that we have, ex* amined the drafts of the Oniuty Commissioners of the county aforesaid, ami the vouchers for the fame up to and including the seventh nay ..f January, A I) 19C3. ami have nettled and adjusted the account of John McKoago, Ki*q., Treasurer, with tho said county of Blair.and we find a ba lance in the hands nf said Treasurer of two hundred and fifty-one dol’ars eighteen cents. In testimony whereof, ru- have hereunto svt our hands and seals this JJth dav nf Jammrv. A i> ISC3. DAVID IiENSHKV. Attest: JNO. A. CRAWFORD, fsrM,. H. Malcolm iULi-nir,*:, Auditor's Clerk. JOHN McKEAGIC. Treasurer of. Blair ‘'ounty,\'n account unit said county foe iis’i j Tax. DB. To cash received from— George U Uarktr Freedom township $lO5 So John Lowe, Gaysport borough lIS 00 Michael Refiner, Juniata „ 03 66 William Robeson Logan 702 66 Adam Four© Huston 628 54 James Williamaon HoUidaysburg 316 50 Benjamin ¥ Roller Woodbi'rry 653 23 John II Stifficr Allegheny.,..* 198 74 James McPherson Antis 440 Cl Joseph B Ililemau Altoona 1,003 20 Thomas B Buchanan Bluir 156 15 Frederick llyla Catharno 409 25 Joseph StifflerFr«nk«own 302 87 Henry Dlbert Greenfield.. 100 00 John 8 Uaffley Martinsburg 34 25 Isaac Burget N Woodbury 503 67 Bamuel R ShifllerTaylor v 404 24 Alexander Dyaart Tyrone township SO William Faken Snyder -. Daniel C Gibb my Allegheny Jaoi-b Hart/fll Antis Cyrus Matter Cath.uiue Gaorge W Cunningham Frankstown, Jacob Zeth Greenfield Jo), i. Huston Michael Heffner Juniata William Loudon Logan Henry Biirget N Wtawlberry John A Davidson Snyder Samuel H Shiffler Taylor Edward Tate Tyrone township George Feay Woodberry Joseph K. Ely Altoona, John McClure tlollidaysbnrg James Plummer Tyrone thorough Jacob Ha#nhart Loan John H Sbiuvfclt..,do M L Siehly ulo John Linpitfelt., 'Wm Anderson do Lloyd A J M 11ewit..... do Mary Hoover do Alex Knox .do Jn 4Tho*Nowlan do Peter Wilt J M Weight do Learner 4 Law do Lloyd A Henry do SanVl C Tnseey do A Vowinkle do Jno a Morrow do James 0mdr0u.....d0 $2403 61 By balance due Treasurer at last settlement. By amount paid— Families nf volunteers in llollidaysbnrg 1.678 79 d 0..., do Altoona.... 1.417 60 do y....d0 Freedom township -1,221 76 do do -.Blair gio 88 do do ..Frankstuwo . 911 24 do do Gaysport 169 5n do do Antis ' 311 06 do do N Woodberry 48 20 do do Huston " 213 39 do ro Greenfield 165 4 4 do do Tyroneborough..26o 7 9 do do.. Taylor 136 58 do do Catharine 415 05 do do \Voodherry— 606 93 ' do do ... Marti nsburg 251 37 do d; ...Allegheny 640'04 do do Tyrone township 4<>l 68 do do .....Snyder 158 92 do do Logan 414 00 Amount of subscriptions refunded..' 1.209 69 M L Stehly bond and interest 342 47 William Anderson 706 92 John Liugafeit 76 08 Adam Moses pay os member of H B 2*2 00 George Koou «o do— „ IW*K) Lloyd A Henry bond uudinteres ; 206*93 $24,174 32 Samuel C Tusaey do / 03 99 John B Shinefelt do kvj go Joshua Roller pay as. Sec’y of Belief Committee Wvodbejry township 5 00 James CoiilTron Ixmd and interest 195 1-0 Captain P Wilt interest on loan 4 20 George Koon pay as member of lelief c0m.... 6 00 Same Juniata tp .d<> - 5 00 Jacob Burger do ; 5 00 G W Reed Secretary do 6 00 Henry Burkel member 0f... do 6 00 Treasurer’s commission.... 419 80 Balance 203 17 By amount due Treasurer In testimony of the correctness of the foregoing account of John McKeage. Ksq , Treasurer of said comity and of thecuuiFy with'him for the relief Tax of said county, we hare hervuuto set our hands ami have Caused the seal of our office t,o Ik affixed this 14th day •of January, A. D. 1863. w j* Attest. Joaxrn Baldric;/, Clerk. WK the Auditors of Blair county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaniado hereby certify* that we have examined the dm its of the County CoinmUsioneia of the county and the voiichem for the'saint; up to and including the seventh day of January. A. D. IS do, and have Killed and adjusted the account of John McKeagc. Ksq.. Treasurer of said. Belief Tax. am! we find a balance (luejiim of four hundred and f-.rlyn-ight dollars and th rty-two cents iln testimony whereof, we have hereunto set' our hands and seals thi.«l4th of January. A. D. IbGJ. * DAVID HENSHEY, [seal.] JXO. A. CRAWFORD, [seal.] Attest— ll. Matcolm Batdnye. JOHN iIcKEA GE, Treasurer of Blair county , in account with Bountii Fund. DR. To amount received from— Johnston, Jack & Co Loan $12,593 66 Alex Johnston... do 2,000 00 Wm M Lloyd & Co.. .do 9,681 66 Jno K Neff refunded bounty 25 00 To am’t due countv CR. By amount paid— Capt Thomas McFarlane's company.. .$2,125 00 do.. John McKeage’s do 2,400 00 do .VVm McGraw’s do 2,125 00 do. . Joseph Gardner’s do 2,200 00 do. .Jacob Zink’s ,do 2.350 00 do.. Ulysses Hull’s do 2,200 00 do.. F M Bell’s do 2,525 00 do. .HH Hopkins do 4.750 00 Uefunded to Robt Stewart & others of Catharine township... do. ..Isaac Tingling & oth W’ms’b 728 50 Am’t paid vol’rs in'different companies 725 00 do.. .Wm J Hoctor 50 00 d 0... Sami Hoover exp to Harris burg to pay bounty to vols 24 80 d 0... Capt Alex Dobbins’ comp’ny 1,3.50 00 Balance due county 447 02 BLAIR COUNTY SS In testimony of the correctness of the foregoing account of John McKeage, Esq., Treasurer of said county with him for bounty funds received and disbursed, we have hereunto set our llands and affixed the seal of our said office this 14th day of January, A. D. 1863. Attest—Jos. Balpkioe, Clerk, We the undersigned auditors of Blair county, State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that we have examined the draf's of the county commis sioners of the comity aforesaid and the vouchers for the same up to and including the 7th dayof Janu ary, A. D. 1863, and have adjusted the accounts of John McKeage, Treasurer of said county, for. bounty money received mid disbursed, and we find a balance due the county of four hundred and forty-seven dollars and two cents. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 14th day of January, A. D. 1863. DAVID HENSHEY, [seal.! JNO. A. CRAWFORD, [seal.l Attest—H. Malcolm Baldbige, Clerk. $24,174 32 LIST of outstanding Belie/ Tax due the. county of Blair, on the Seventh day of January, A. D. 18(33. Collectors. George II Marker Freedom ip $77 66 Michael Refiner Juniata 17 2G William Robeson Logan 79 74 James Williamson Hollidaysbiirg 330 70 John H Stifller Allegheny’ 78 9.", Joseph B Hileman Altoona 56 Thomas B Buchanan Blair 230 OJ Frederick llvle Catharine '/ 29 87 Joseph Stifller Frankstown.... 42 98 Henry Dihert Greenfield 94 70 John S Haffkw Martinshurg 22 02 Isaac Bmget A’ Woodherry 20 09 William Kakeu Snyder 135 75 James H Cailer Tyrone borough 141 68 Daniel C Giblmnv Allegheny 232 64 Jacob Hamell Antis 167 01 Samuel H Shaw Bla'r 223 41 Cyrus Matecr Catharine ...'. 32 60 Geo W Cunningham Frankstown 147 87 Jacob Zeth Greenfield jqj q- Johu Fouse Huston j-o -- Michael Refl'ner Juniata 42 51 William Loudon Logan 85 40 Henry' Burget N Woodlterry 58 30 John A Davidson Snyder...’. 73 rg) Samuel U Shiftier Taylor .!.!!!”!! ; 223 47 Edward Tate Tyrone township ; 153 39 George Feay Woodherry 122 19 Joseph K Ely Altoona 158 52 F Olmus Gaysport 63 22 John McClure Hollidaysburg 260 94 SEAI-.j 214 6S John S Haffley Martingburg ,£! James Plummer Tyrone borough 2'K) t<> . 259 44 $14,295 y> :$448 32 *14.296 36 s2>4 17 GEO. KOON. J. M. KINKEAD. DANIEL SHOCK, OonunlsHionsi-B. $24,300 32 $447 02 300 00 24,300 32 GEO. KOON, JAS M KINKEAD, DANTi SHOCK, Commissioners A LIST of outstanding debts due the county of Blair on the seventh day of January, -4 D 18(2!, /or 18(51 and precious years. Collectors. Peter Boyles Gaysport 1852 $46 32 William Burley Snyder 1853 289 19 Simon U Cooper Frankstown 1854 65 GC Samuel Jones Snyder 1855 10 94 Fred Fouse Huston 1857 216 77 George Elliott Frankstown 1807. 70 17 John Marks Snyder 1857 51 60 George W Patton Altoona 1858 98 20 Geo B Bowers Hollidaysburg 1858 110 28 ♦Peter A Wilt Allegheny 1860 280 16 Jacob Good Altoona 1859...... 58 54 Abraham liobeson Blair 1859.. 38 97 Jno B Kephart Freedom 1860 4 21 Samuel Dodson Greenfield 1860 19-84 H L Patterson (gaysport do 138 John L0we........d0 1861. 42 85 David Burger Juniata 1859 45 65 tJames Stevens Juniata 1860 137 58 James Coleman 132 08 W F Bridenthal Mnrtinsburg 1859 14 88 A S Morrow do 1860...... 52 13 J H Patterson Tyrone borough do 191 13 Michael Ileftner Juniata 1861 22 99 •William Kobison Logan do 78 12 Jas Williamson Hollidaysb’g.. do. 421 09 John H Stiffler Allegheny do 134 18 +Jas Me Pherson Antis do 67 36 ♦Joseph-B Hileman 368 69 Thos B Buchanan 81air........d0 479 20 Frederick Hyle Catharine do 149 24 Joseyli St iffier Frankstown d 0....... 343 47 Henry Dibert Greenfield do 81 05 JnoS Haffley Martinshurg do 63 01 William Eakcn Snyder do 98 51 fJas F Gailer Tyrone boro do 289 57 A LIST of outstanding debts due the County of Blair, on the seventh day of January, A D 1863, for the yent 1862 Collectors. D C Gibhony Allegheny township $782 09 +Jacoh Hartzell Antis 481 49 Samuel K Shaw Blair 811 97 fCyrus Mafeer Catharine 403 71 +Geo W Cunningham Frankstown 1,257 27 tGeorge H Marker Freedom...?. 311 23 Jacob Zeth Greenfield 231 28 +Jno Fonse Huston 560 Ift +Miehael Refiner Juniata 54 45 tWilliam Loudon, Logan.. 1,107 10 tHenry Burket N Wood berry 794 36 tJohn A Davidson Snyder 243 75 Samuel R Shiftier Taylor.... 808 54 +Edward Tate Tyrone 773 35 +.l K Ely Altoona 1,309 12 Fred Olmus Gay sport 253 78 tJohn McClure Hollidayshurg 1,136 84 +John S Hafiley Martinsbnrg.... 190 08 tJames S Plummer Tyrone borough 331 84 George Feay Woodberry 794 36 *Since paid in full. + do do part A. S. Morrow, Esq., Prothonotary of Blair County in amount with said County. Dr. To Jury fees collected in 1862 28 00 To Baalnce 122 69 CR. By amount due for certifying to Road views, filing and recording township and borough elections for 1862 and cer tifying return judges, fall elections and proceedings on bridges..; 51 54 By fees in criminal prosecutions 30 80 By fees and tax from county 11 b 2 By certifying returns of Inquest rcsigna nations and appointments of constables and supervisors..: 5 68 By Venires and swearing Grand Jurors 3 00 By filing and ent Cring constables returns 3 25 By stationery for use of Court 40 00 By balance due A S Morrow Esq. SAMUEL McCAMANT, Esq High sheriff of Blair County iii act. icith said Countn. DR. To ain’t rec’d for fines and jury fees 447 00 To Balance ‘ 470 65 cu. By amount due for boarding prisoners... 52C 12 Jo fees in court of common pleas 21 51 do d0......d0......Qr'tr Sessions 30 99 do for serving jnry notices four terms 100 00 do do...taking pris to West Pen. 7G 00 do do...washing do clothes 32,87 do and shoes for prisoners and sfaw &c ‘or jail 45 64 do d0...A L Holliday plank for jail cellar 4 84 do do v .A F Osterloh hardware furnished 5 60 •do gas bill of jail 11 63 d0......J0hn Marks for making bed clothes for jail, clothing Topsy &c 5 45 d0......T Boney rent of stable-arid sundry articles furnished j*‘l , 25 75 do fortelegiaphirigand expenses incurred in trying to cap ture J Dorsin. do advertising fall elections do Chas Kean table for Sheriff’s office do James Funk blank case for Sheriff's office By balance due Samuel McCamant Esq We the undersigned Auditors of Blair countv do hereby certify that we have examined the ac counts of the I'rothonotnry and Sheriff of said county and their vouches up to and including the thirty-first day of December A. D. 1862, and hav iug settled and adjusted the same, we find their accounts to agree with their vouches In testi mony whereof we have hereunto set onr hands and seals, this 13th dpv of January \ D 1863. • DAVID HEN'S HEY, [u .0 JNO. A. CRAWFORD, [u. sO Attest —ll Malcolm Baldriye, Clerk. JOHN McKRAGK, Treasurer of Blair County in act. with said County for School Tax. DR. To balance due at i;ist settlement To ain't rec’d from J Lingnfelt . d0...d0,..0n unseated lands To balance due County OH. By ain't paid Jacob Nofsker Freedom.... $25 49 d0....d0...S Dodson Greenfield 80 00 d0....d0...J Leighty Juniata 50 00 u0....d0...J M. Burket N WoodJjcrry 42 72 do... Treasurer’s commission ’ 10 03 do... Balance... 202 31 47 23 JOHN McKEAGE Treasurer ok Blur u 57 35 Tt IN ACT. WITH SAID OoCSTT KOR H*., 1)1{. AI ' T " To sun’t nx'J from J Lingatelt.. do d0...0n undated lands $3,425 98 To Balance due conmv CB By am’t p'd E W Ingram Blair i p do. ...d0...D Y Wilt Juniata do d0...C Emeigh Greenfield.. do—do... John Nofsker Freedom, do.’l Eller Greenfield do d0...J M Bnrkct N Woodberry. y. do. ...d0...50l Langlmm Allegheny../ * do d0...Ge0 P A Wilt do Treasurer's commission Falance due JOHN McKEAGE Treasurer of Blair Coin TY IS ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY FOR DORocVr 1)14. To ain't rec'd on unseated lands , To Balance due county OR. By treasurer’s commission, Bv Balance JOHN McKEAGE Treasurer ok Blair COCx TX IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY FOR \) f^ TAX. DB To ara’t due at last settlement ’ d 0.... received from J Lingafelt 3‘>4 9’ $4,525 01 To Balance due county OR. By treasurer’s commission By Balance '. We the underrigned Auditors of Blair County do hereby certify that we have examined the lute! going accounts of John McKeage E-q„ treasurer of said county for School, Road, Borough atui Dog tax and that we have settled and adjusted the same and that the foregoing accounts are correct In testimony whereof wa have heaeunto set oar hands and seals, this 13th dav of January \ 1) 1863. ‘ DAVID HENSHEV, iscu.l JNO. A. CRAWFORD, [sc.a!] H. Malcolm Baldiiiok, Clerk. Karly Physical Degeneracy of AMERICAN PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung anti Hygienic $12,636 71 A Treatise on the Causes of Emiy Physical ; American People: the cause of .Nervuui Debility, Gi sumption ami Jlaiaamu-,;. This Wink is one of high moral tone, written in cLa'K yet thrilling language, i n I appeals directly to the ukru; of ALL PAUKNTS and Guardian- fa cially. detailing scientific and reliable aids and treumi-ui for curt*. U will be oeut by mail on the receipt of two (,0 a.:; Stamps. *3, Parents and Guardians! Fail not to seud action tain this book. 150 69 Young men! Fail not to send and get Wa. 83,Ladies I You too should at ouce secure a cupyoN his book. -4 Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice lu A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in :ht community, dooming «t least IUO.OOO youth of buth sexe? annually to au early grave. Tho*e diueuMes are very im jierfectly understood. Their external nmui eslatio’j, tlety and to business or study; dimness of eye sight. I:-* of Memory* dizziness of the Head. Neuralgia, huu iu vn tious pans of the body; Paius in the back 01 limbs, tuu;- Inigo. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of the bosvvh. deranged secretions of the Kidneys and other glands ■..[ the body, as l«euc<>rib 63 122 69 917 65 •a- Patient* applying for interrogative* or advice, nun* endue* return stamps, to meet attention. €3*The attending. Plvysidan will be foundat tbs Jo fititutioi) f r consultation, from 0 a. m. to 9p. m M e.t;- n day. Sunday in the forenoon Address Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, a?* Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lung»r &6 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. Altoona, Dec. 30th, X562.-ly. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Comer of' Annie and Harriet Street*, EAST ALTOONA. THE subscribers would respectfully in form the citizens of AU-*ona. that they have jmt re ceived and keep constantly on hand ;» supply of “ P:itt*a>; Ville Extra ” and Extra Family Flout, in barrel and ;* and x /$ barrels In Sacks; also. Chop ant! Corn Meal. Butur and Eggs fresh from the country; also an extensive stori of Groceries, consisting of Sugars, Mo!as«es. Syrup*- fee, Ac., also, ilam, Bacon. Dried Beef. Fi?h of all Cracker*. Cheese, Spices. Tobacco, Cigar*. P.ronniß, Tuba. Brushes. Dri“d Fruit, Queensware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil. L*»; OH. Ac„ Ac., Ac., all of which we propose to sell at profits FOR CASH. v . \ ~ Altoona, Jan.l,’63-6m. D. M. BARK i tO. 19 25 75 8 25 3 00 917 05 470 05 Blaih COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned. agent of the fro l *;’ Xfon Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Blair at dll tinui ready to insure against loss or dams#*- fire, Buildings., M+rcharuiit* Furniture £ erery description, in town cr country, at as rates a» any company iruthe State. Ofll-r in t^ e ' ru '' ‘ office. - J5.-B. McCltrM.^- 4 REGULAR MEETING OF TIIE ALTOONA FAIR VIEW CEMETKRV ASSOC.A will be held on the scc.ind Thursday ereninp t'* s,3l ' month, in the Council Itooni. M. CLABAUtiH, Jas. Lowtuer. Secretary COAL. \TOW IS TIIK TIME FOU BVBhi X N family to g?t in their *up|*ly of coal for tbe 'i Hud the suhscribhr would therefor© inform the' " Altoona urn! vicinity, that ho i* prepared to enpply t J on short notice.-with a •np*»rinrnrtlcl»* of ANTIIKAt and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS CI>AL. lie w»ll aru hy the Train. Car, or Cart Load* or by the hu?n**l l ‘ ©red at the door of the purchaser. 49*.Yard on the North side of the of Altoona Yard. IJ, K. Mit July *23,18d1.-tf. .... $l5B 59 2 95 309 01 470 55 202 31 ■VTOTICR.—I would hereby notity those 11 who am owing mo small hills for have placed their accounts in the liands of •m , ‘ Humes. Esq., for collection, not for the purpose o ■ thein out, hut merely for collection, (as I .. to go around and see each person,) and I wish a ' () .j upon whmn he may call to bd~ prepared to ?( I*J .j,, co r.- arconnts and slat anew. In the meantime I * tiimetokecp on hand ns fine an article °f a ' .Lfililj mqtton. as can be found in this section, and reel invite alt my customers to cal! as nsnal. „ vvr\ Mav. 26,1862-tf. M. BOM 6 - 1470 55 i:i« ■ *l2 i, 39 «I ■"0 n:i 138 73 *339 ijj 8 (S 389 w 389 il.l 5 8( 383 59 Institute. who wilt reflect DB. ANDREW STONE- NEW [May 16- ft; llteanaitik nwti « itilMTlL'W* J Cobii^.jPWt! i tribune power-pre i Jir; PRINTING OFFICE. Uurlng^UW l *two y-lux. made consider ; iitimi to oar establishment in the way of new fi • a ‘ vrew Pre*»* Paper Cutter, Card fitter. Killing r.; u e"c»rd Power Press, and large Newspaper P< i-rU»! {* cut of which we give above) we are now prep , ,r,*cute anything iu the .Una of printing or rulin •° tv j o aonal *to nny establishment in the Mate, at *ricro Wl#*Uy low. -We can execute, on short ootlcf ItvlMOf **44iDg. Invitation, Visiting, Ball Ca : C/iTOVjlarH, Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, salebiu ©OIL.IL &S3® pamphlets. Fay and Check Bo BLANK BOOKS, manifests, and blanks of ALL KIN( \|| we ask is a trial, feeling confident that we can ..[infection if w, hM*o the opportunity, office It Uwwlher’s building, corner of \ trgiuia am, t ntraeU. ftpposite gttperiutandcnt’a offl e. local items. Cookcil Proceedings.— Regular raeetinj Council held Feb. 2nd, 1883. Present—A. SmTfb, D. Laugbman, N; J. Mervine and London. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Joseph K. Ely, collector for 1861, being pres :he Council proceeded to settle the duplicate ■ )iim. The Collector asked exhoncrations to Amount of $91,41. On motion it was granted After deducting exhoncrations and per centi it was found that there was a balance in the lector 3 * hands and doe the Borough, of $77 72 There being a balance due D. R. Miller, mer Treasurer of Borough, at settlement, of $1 37, as shown bv the books of Treasurer; an or tor that amount was granted. The following orders were ’presented and gra •■d C. J. Mann, for nails and hardware j. 4 J. Lowther, for spikes p. H. R. Co., tor grates and plate for sewer John M. Campbell, for stone McCrum & D?m, printing Miller Knott, hauling Lewis Flack* nails.. James Hooper, blacksmith ing. James Karnes, hauling C. J. Mann, axe Ithamcr Moore, lumber J. & J. Lowther, nails .. J. Wagner, Hieing saws ; A. Clabangh, blank book Philip Dempsey, hauling W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, labor oil streets i On motion adjourned to meet at call of Pi Jem. W. B. IvETLEK, Sec y .Citizens’ -Union Nominations. —Pursuant i call, the Citizens of Altoona, irrespective party, met in ‘Patton's Hall,’ on Thun* evening Jan. 29, 1863.. tor the purpose of select a ticket to fill the different Borough offices, die ensuing year. On nfotion John Shoemnk Esq., was appointed President, and J. G. Adb •secretary. On motion, the chair appointed B. F. Ri Daniel Baughman and Geo. R. Everson, a Ct iaittee to select Candidates, to be submitted to 'i'.cetjna for consideration. After retiring f,• diort ti*e, the committee reported the follow ticket, which was adopted. J>utice of the Pe/tce.—D. W. A. Belford. TWn Council. —A. A. Smyth, Michael Ui tor three years, and C. J. Mann one vear to raennev. School Directors. —Daniel Langhman, E. Heck.. , • . . Jviyt of Election. —N. W. John Shoemn “ “ W. \V. Michael CUbai “ E. \V. Solomon Boyer. Inspector!. —N. W. David Iron?. “ ~ W. W. John McClelland. K. W. Jva. Kearney. Jacob Good. Auditor. —J. A. Spmnkle. Good Lock. —Our young friend, E. P. Mill ,j as been rusticating in the vicinity of Andersoi r "irg, Westmoreland county, for some time pa and as an evidence of the manner in which he enjoying himself, he sends us the following sta raent of his hunting. In 38 hours he shot 1 :>artiMgeg, and 18 pheasants 13 ’be birds on the wing, the animals on tbs n J-ife|js;a good shot, and when begets intoaflocl lartridges he curtails the number of “ Bob Whit [ : spidly. As the bird season is now over, he ( j io nothing more in that line, but the rabbit 1 •>cing repealed in that county, we hope he n 1 -mve still better success among the “cotton ta and not forget the printer. C surge of Conductors.—D.' T. Caldw •ormerly conductor on the Baltimore Express, tween this place and Harrisburg, has been assig 10 the passenger irnin on the Bald Eagle Va Ita il Road, from Tyrone to Bellefonte. I f^ms - Bird, lately conductor bn the Hollida /Ut E Branch, has been stationed at Harrisburg y* passenger conductor, and our townsm m ‘ Bent, has been appointed to his place on taanch Train. ur young friend, J. Mazaree, late Baggi ‘ ® cnt at thi* place, has been appointed condne m the Baltimore Express, in room of D, 1 who has been assigned the p I r ‘ o Night Foreman of Altoona Shops. [latl ,lr^‘ D BintNEi).—Uu Wednesday aftern i«nn'c v MI? b ° ,T ’ some fol,r or 11 vc years of. t hlitLt- , MulUg,u '’ of 'East Altoona, wa ; L„l by tire communicated to f, from the stove, daring the absence of [cruti..; hU dewh, amid the roost [man,. " 8 a£oll - v > °“ lh« following day. I |