'[ . WHET’S r A.I J -TRT .p, IMEIT, lT remedy NBJJEAWU Mauufln T>aOINT%BPKAIKS, 9BSDS, PI W. HKADA wot'lt cun inetmtly. «B1«TY AND GKNXRAt tlßg, imprudence le Lim{neot NEED. TRY IT. IXUXnUBT, U U «• Ini awl wtn alUrlais pata fnstrukm. Tor all *W it* tr«/ teWlibta. »*3»* » VaMwStatK^St»»» OWNEBSI ‘ - ■ ms °iww*». * 1 I %m&0. * V 1 " „ - I ' -u % 1 /' *• < &/P9* ■■* - 5 ' .v"-':,, - f _ nar i&BWfaBiS Wimt. p n it/d «i CupHTi sfi4 “CoutTT freu." TRIBUNE power-press PRINTING OFFICE. within th« past two. years, made considerable; tu bur establiMbment in the way of new fancy * ; v-rew Fre«JrP«|»er Cu'ter, Card Cutter. Killing 51 a !,:'r.. I ’c*rJ Power Press, and large Newspaper Power: * cu t of which we give above) we are now prepared ; * anything in the line of printing or ruling in fv’cequai w any e*Ublishmet:t in the>tate, and at * : *t equal I v low. We can execute, on abort notice, all i Wedding- Invitation, -Visiting, Ball * Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, sale bills, pamphlets, Pay and Oheok Eollb, BLANK BOOKS, manifests, and blanks of all KINDS.’ . :i we *.ii id >t trial. fiM-Ung confident that we can'give' if we hav.t the* opportunity. . i i h LvWther’?boiWlfcg* corner of Virginia and A»v oin»»wite Superintendeut ? 9 Offl-w. ; LOCAL XTEIB/CS. g UIK Cot ntt.— From .the Auditor General’s port. for the tisoal year ending Nov. 30, 1862,'i ,ednii that Blair county has . paid into, and re-; .fired'from, tlie State .Treasury the followimg jinouats:— • , Amount paid into Treasury, j . >s on real and personal estate 910,400 18 ■ .rent Licenses .... feisilers' Licences. &£ 47 .50 If>tiUerie< and Breweries 133 00 Hilliard Rooms. &c . 57 00 Iter. Eaiin? Houses awl Restaurants, 237 S(T I'ttait Medicines 1 80 i'amphlet Laws 05 ’.lii'.tia Tax Millers Tax 7ik on writs, wills, deeds, &c ia Act to Incorporate Altoona Fnir ticwCemeteiy Association if.ines Gardner tax, on Banking Insli -.jtions .... Ainonnf Received from Treasury * fusions and Gratuities, Common Schools Total...' Shewing an excess of amount paid into the nasurv over the amount received therefrom, of • 1i..’i53 32. We find, also, that Messrs. Woods & McClain, : this place, received $3l 25 for boarding troops. Mr W. B. Smith, Mercantile Appraiser in 1862, 16, and' Thaddeus Banks, $9O 00 commission. 1 money collected from A. I*. Wilson, Attorney ' < nniiiioiiwcaitii, in the case of Alexander asais former collector of tolls at Hollidaysbnrg. : ere may h ive been other recipients in this •iibit, of money: out of the State Treasury, whose ones we do not know. lltyiSED Organization.— On the first of Feb-, | ary the revisctl organization for the manager neat of the business of the Penn’a Rail ■- : into into effect. The road has bean di ■ :«i into tlirec grand divisions, viz:—Phila flplim Division, from Philadelphia to Harrisburg, i f. Franciscos, Supt.,'office at West Philadel-, oia: Middle Division from Harrisburg to Al ina, Samuel D. Young, Supt,, office at Harris-' •a*: Pittsburgh Division; from Altoona to Pitts rgh, Andrew Carnegie, Supt., office at Pitts ■urgb. Tlic engineer and Maintainance of Wav .■fpartincnt remain, as heretofore, viz: W. H. Wilson,.Chief Engineer, assisted by the following Resident Engineers : J. C. Sharpleas, Phiia. Di< i. 11. U ilson, Middle Div., J. S. Dove,. Pitts-- ■ugh l)iv, R. Pitcairns, heretofore Supt. of Middle Div., has been appointed Superintendent Transportation. He will aid the General So ■erhietidcnt an d act for him in bis absence, sick cr °ther disability. The train men, station ! jesisand shop employees of the different divi •ots afe under the charge of the Superintendent; freof, except Altoona shops, which are under ■e charge of John V. Laird, Sup’t. of Motive: and Machinery. The which are under the; irge Supt. of Transportation. The organization of the -Penn’a R. R; Co., is: ™as nearly perfect as human wisdom can de and its affairs are managed in a manner *hici makes ip an example. Though envy may -'vuicßally stimulate the friends of rival roads to. disparagingly of the P. E. 8., yet impartufi; ■ 'respondents always accord to it superior ac ' amodations, safety and speed. H&k*. Tbz.Cocrt House.— Blair County has now a ftJt Room of which her citizens may well feel: T 5 vl It is frescoed in elegant style, and is the ,ua! to any similar room in the State, not except-; ? the cities. We will not attempt a full descrip of the ornamental work, other than to say: s! the figure of justice in the rear of the Judges' • si is admirable executed, as is also the coat oiT of the State, ovpr the entrance. The col-' jus around the room arc faultless in color and lowing. The hall, on the ground floor, and. different offices, have also been repaired and; *l*rad, and wear an air of comfort and neat ness. ; llle °® s ide of the building is still an eyesore,, but; Ip 'afc that the Commissioners intend to have Part painted and fixed np in style nextspring. , “'old there be no more improvements made to House, what has been already made would be a; ■Jting credit to the Board .of Commissioners un • « hote supervision the county funds were so' -«Kionsly expended. ’ ,■ IWbed—The aiguments in favor of insu- " E property against fire, are so numerous, and iwn so frequently published, that we deem" ' ra wt useless to repeat them. One thing is: rtain, no one loses any thing by having his or ,r iamred, be it buildings, merchandise:; There are a number of agents ip' Place, representing good companies, and we fire ? * * l ° mc com l )a,l . v ! the Protection Mutual: "surance Company of Blair County, which •*** faUe(l to «nke good all losses sustained; ? nSnre< ‘’ which is now in a very healthy: JS* ®- ’*'• Caldwell, late agent. having: , , from , town > E - B. McCmm has been feure ? b .'. B . s,eid : • '”* en^ r -win take; Jolici#Ht •* a linMS ’ Ming op applications for? n#med °«« “i Home after Business : Horns-t-The road along which the man of business; travels in pursuit 1 of competence or wealth is not; a ‘macadamized ; one, nor does it ordinarily lead tbrongh pleasant j j scenes andjjy the well-sprihgs of;delight. On the-) , contrary, it is a rough and nigged path, beset witli j j “wait a bit” thorns, and pitfalls, which can only j be evaded by the watchful care of circumspection.. ] After every day’s journey over this worse than j rough turnpike rood, the wayfarer needs some-! thing more than rest; he requires solace; and he deserves it. Heis weaty of the dull prose of life and athirst for the poetry. Happy is the business man who can find that solace and that poetry/ at home. Warm greetings from loving hearts, fond glances from bright eyes* the welcome shouts from children, the many thousand little arrange ment* for our comfort and enjoyment that silently tell of thoughtful and expectant love, the gentle minis trations that disencumber ns into id> old and easy seat before we arc aware of it—these, and like to kens of affection and sympathy, constitute the poe try which reconciles us to the prose of life. Think of this, ye wives and danghtess of business men; ■ think of the toils, the anxieties, the mortifications and ware that fathers undergo to secure for you comfortable homes, and compensate them fur their trials by making them happy by their own firesides. Jut Cbamer.— While in Hollidaysburg, a few days since, we called upon the “model conductor” at his new place of business, and found him deal ing out bnttcr, beans, potatoes, fish, fruit, etc., to bis customers,. He takes to . the business just as naturally as though be bad been at it alt his life, and is just as kind and accommodating as he used to be when on the Branch Train. By the way, Jim has been sworn into the- County Treas urer’s Office, and now fingers the “dear people's” money, and we don’t know any one whom we would rather have finger our share; of taxes. He will make as popular a Treasurer. “ Bully for Jim.” ' 811 93 1,457 83 At last we have snow and sleighing in abun dance. The fall on Tuesday night and Wednesday last, was the heaviest we have hod in thes region in the five years pest, being fully eigh teen inches on the level. Those who can indulge in the luxury of 2,40 nags, fhney sleighs; plenty of of buffalo robes, lots of bells, and a belle, are happy men. There is no fun in sleighing the girls un less it is cold enough to require a gentleman's coat sleeve, with an arm in it, to keep them warm. 354 18 86 45 537 38 10 00 22 27 —514,158 22 $4O 00 2,524 40 OT On our first page will be found an article headed “In Memoriuro,” which, although intend ed for a particular case, .will; nevei theless be ap plicable to a number of families in this section, who have been recently deprived of their house hold jewels," by that dire disease, diptheria. See same page, also, for orginal poetry, by on: of onr citizens. $2,564 40 Protracted Mretings.—Nightly meetings are still kept up in the Methodist and United Brethren churches, and by the Winehrenarians in Logan Hall. If sinners are not converted from the error of their ways, if is not the fault of the churches or a want of opportunity or instruction. A lio. I. —ln the list of corporations and com panies in the State, with their standing, finan cially, ithe Altoona Gas and Water Company is put down as first class. . The old fogy doctrine that a gas and water company would not pay in Altoona, has been exploded completely. Reb Prisoners.—One hundred and fifty rebel prisoners, belonging to Morgan's cavalry, cap tured in Tennessee. passcd through this place on the Mail Train, op Friday last. They were a de cidedly hard looking parly. £9* The Standard learns that Maj. George Ray mond, formerly of the Whig, has resigned his position as Commercial Agent of the Government, at Balize, Honduras, and has returned to Wash ington. Dedication.—-The new German Lutheran Church, in this {dace, will be dedicated on Sunday, March 15th. The ministers to be in attendance will be announced hereafter. XJ-We learn from the Register that O. E. Criss man, of Sinking Valley, has been appointed Steward of the House of Employment, in room of X. McGraw, resigned. ; Messrs Editors In passing through Har risburg, we called at the“ United States Hotel.’’ This convenient and popular house .has just been entirely renovated, refurnished ajtd beautified. The reading. room has been refitted* and furnished in elegant city style. The parlors and chambers have bgen refurnished, and throughout the entire establishment important changes have been made, and the proprietor, seems determined not only to make the “ United States Hotel” to rank among the leading popular Hotels of the conntiy, bat also to render it the home of the traveling public. We cheerfully recommend this Hotel to the travelling public, because it not only offers every accommodation and is equal to any other similar establishment, but because it has it decided ad vantage of all others in location, situated only a few steps from the two great depots; and perfectly easy of access. C. A Word to Mabbied J?eople.—- Jf it be true that “A penny saved is two-pence: made,” the shortest way to get rich is to buy your Groceries at FBITCHBY’S, comer »f Main and Caroline streets, Altoona. Browned Bye constantly on hand.'; Pickles, ready for table use, by the dozen or hundred. |J I Shriver’s Baltimore Oyster Ketchup. Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketchup. Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, Peaches, Pears and Plums, in cans. The American Excelsior Coffee,' superior to anything inthe fearket—good as Java and cheap as Bye. Try it. S His stock of Groceries, Emits, Confectioneries, 4c., cannot be excelled in the place.; Cigars and Tobowo of all brands. : Call and be convinced that it is tdTyonr interest to bny at the New Fajuit Groces*. New, Good*. —New Goods are ndwpeing sold for cash, in the •tots-room lately occupied by B. H. McCormick, North ward, B.H. McCOBMICK. ag’t , s . for J. W MOOBHEAP. United States Hotel Circular from thk Cash Store I — The sub scriber would respectfully announce to the public that he has jus; returned from the East with his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will soil, as usual, at a vert small ad vance on cost, FOR CASH ONLY. He is un able to give a price list owing to the daily fluctua tions in the market. i His stock is the heaviest and most complete ever brought to the place, ami having • been purchased at the very lowest'cash prices, will be sold at prices which make, it to the interest' of cash buyers to call and examine his stock and be convinced that he can and does sell a little cheaper than anv credit establishment. He would call particular attention to his large stock of DRY" GOODS, embracing all the latest and MOST DESIRABLE STYLES OF LA DIES’ DRESS. GOODS to be found in the East ern market: A, full assortment of fancy and plain Flannels and Shirting; large and excellent supply of Linen and Muslins, dozens of patterns of Ladies' and Gent’s Gloves, all styles of Hosiery, with the most complete selection of Shawls ever exhibited in this market; any amount of Nubias, Opera Hoods; Ladies’Patent Vests, and a tremendous pile of Austine. Kelly & Co.’s Patent Hoop Skirts, ranging from four to fifty springs, which will he sell at least 25 per cent, under present market price. Our stock of GROCERIES is complete and selling a few cents. l>elow other establishments.— Oiir Synips range from 40 to 70 cents per gallon. We would invite particular attention to our large stock of Government coflai, bought before the late heavy advance, which we | sell at 20 cents per lb. It is far sti|ierior to any of the substitutes lately in vented. \Vc have aUo a .heavy stock of TEAS, ranging in price from GO cents per pound upwards. Our stock of CHINA, GLASS and DELPH WARE is the largest, most varied attd best ever offered to the people of this section. It is rt-allv beautiful. An examination of our “Show Win dow” must convince all who stop to view it that we are not “ puffing', our ware. The China Ware embraces Tee Sets tanging in price tioiti $l2 to $2O. Flower Vases, Mugs and other ornaments; The Glass Ware embraces everything and evorv style of manufacture. Owing to the late advance we cannot now sell the celebrated Wcdgcwood Iron Stone Tea Sets for less than $4.75 per set, which is $1.25 below the sell ng price elsewhere. I am now fully convinced that the CASH SYS TEM is the best for lioth seller and buyer, ena bling me to sell cheaper, without loss, and giving my customers a better article, and fnorc of it, for the same money, than they get at auv other es tablishment. lint argument on this point is su perfluous. The reason why I' am sell cheaper than credit establishments must be apparent to all who give me a call. A full stock of .boots and shoes. All Wool, Ingrain, List, liag and Hemp car pets Table and floor oil cloths, window shades. Sec K. A O. Kerr. Altoona. Noe. 20, I£G2. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE At the solicitation of a number of the citizens of AliO'-a-i, I offer my>elf im :.n INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE foi cut* office of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE If eiectiti 1 pU*itg« myseit to discharge the duties »f the office impartially u> the best of my ability. D.AV. A. BELFOIID. AUooua, Jan. :!T. 1563.-ot. N FEMALES ! FEMALES! FEMALES Use that Sab-, -P Ivanna Jtcinedy known ns UEM HOLD'S EXTRACT BCCI/U, For all Complaints Incident to the fees. No iamily Miould bo Without Ir* too none will when once Il U used by YOUNG AND OLD. In the Decline or Change of Life, Before and after Marriage. During and After Confinement To Strengthen (he Nerves v * Restore Nature to its Proper Channels aud Invigorate the Broken down Constitution, From whatever Caute Originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! Take HEM BO ID'S EXTRACT BVCHU. See advertisement in another column. Cut out, and send for it. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. v The Rev. Wm. Cosgrove, while laboring as a Missionary i'i Japan, was cured of Consumption, when all other means bad failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician the great city of Jeddo. This recipe lias cured great numbers who were suffering from Consumption. Brouchi tie, Sure Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefiting others. I will send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address, Dec. 23,1862-ly SINGER & CO.’S Letter “A" Family Sewing Machine. WITH ALL THE JtECKKT IMPROVEMENTS, Is the BEST and CHEAPEST and MO.*T BEAUTIFUL of all Sewing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarletan to the making of an Ovei coat—anything from Pilot or Beaver Cloth, down to the softest Gance or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to doits work to perfection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather tuck, quilt, and has capacity tor a'great variety of Orna mental work. This is not the only machine that can fell hem, hind, Ac. bat it will do so better than any other Ma chine. The letter “A” Family Sewing Machine maybe had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which it new Incoming so popular, is, ms its name implies, one that can be folded into a box, or case, which, when open, makes a berutiful,snbstancial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon: The cases are of every ima ginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native for eat, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk-Twist, Thread. Needles, Oil etc. of the very best quality. Send for a copy of - SINGER k CO.’S GAZETTE.” I. M. SINGER & CO.. 458 Broadway, N. Y PHHADELPHIA OFFICE-SI 0 CHESTNUT ST. Ur.D. W. A. Belford, Merchant Tailor, Virginia'Street, Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nov. 13,1862. [1 yr. RAIL ROAD AND HAH SCHEDULE, TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPART. BaUimoreEkprsti Wcstarrive* 7.35 A.M. leaves 7.53 A.M, Phitsdid’a M ‘ - 8.20 - 8.40 •* Post Line - “ w 8.30 P. M. * H.45P.M. Mall Train u 14 7.4o(runsnofuither West.) Express Tram East 9225 P. M,, leaves 9.45 P. M. Font Line “ •* 4.DOAM, *• 4.05 A. M. Mall Train M 11.30 *• * 4 1185 •• Trains on Uollidaysburg Branch run to connect with Express Traitni and Fast Line Wret and Mall Train East and West. : Train* on Tyrone A Clearfield Brxnch and Bald Eagle TaQey R. K. run to connect with Express Train West and MaUTrain East aud»West. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern Through, Baltimore ami Washington, 7.35 A. M. *• “ Philadelphia........ 71..... 8.20 “ Western Through,.. 9,29 p. M. Western Way,.... 11,2 c A. it. Eastern Way,..;.... 7.40-P. M. HoUidmjrlburg.. T»'A.X* 7,30 P.M. MAILS CLOSE. Western Way, 7,20 A. M. Eastern Way...,,,, ;.... 11,00 “ Westeru Thrmigh, 7.30 P. M. Eastern Through,...,.. 740 •• ■ UolihUyshnrg....... 8.00 A ML A 7,00 P M. Ornoi UutmraaDnriiw the week (hum 0.48 A. M. until 7,30 P. M. On Sqhdtys front 8,00 natll 0,00 A. M- I , O- W. pATTON, P.M. Tried by them Rev.-WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. LIST: OF LETTERS REMAINING in Post Office, at Altoona, Feb. 2d. 1863. A Lambert. A Anderson, Miss Tillie M’Bride,Geo Anderson, Jam** Miller, Mist Llbbie Anderson. Mrs Matilda M’Kiiu. W II Bradford. Capt C Miller, Mia* Sinder EUa • Boyer, Mrs Susan Mills, Jacob C Frown Misslbebe Mvers, James II Hoyle, J Ws Moore. Mis* JLizzia Black. Pamuel McMulhn, WmT Burk, Mary or McCoy. Miss Sarah E Dingvao. John M'Laughlin, John Boyles, Jennie McCaulley. Miss Mary Conuel, Mrs Alex McKean, MU* Lucy Clabaugh, Sarah C McNally. Eugene C Courie, Margaret McAlister, Oates Donohue. John Pmner. Miss Catharine Kanes, Philip Perry, Miss Maggie Kschbach. Joseph Rnckafeller. Dr Wm Kul«*n. Annie Halier, Mite Emma Foster, David 1 Both, G N Fry, Mary Stull. Jacob . Fowl*- Mary Smith, Wm C Gershara. Mr \ Smith* lire Ellen Green. Louisa A Swan, John Mary J Smithy Bees Margt Shannon, C. W Harris, J T Sweeney. Manasses Ilaperty, Matilda Twombiy. Marshall D s Jinkins. Alexander Tin Upton. J Kauffman, Mr* Frank Though, Wm Kelly Patrick Walker. John , Kauffman, Mrs Mary Walker, William Knc|»p**r Miss Christian Wi)sot£ Thoe t Lik, Churl--* Warner, Yob Freiterick Laughlin, John M Zink. Thomas • Zaue. f'andi £ Persons calling for letters in the above lilt will please ray - Advertised/’ 0. W. PATTON, P. M. Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned. agent of the Protec tion Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Blair county, ii at all tiims ready to injure against loss or by fire. Buihhng*. Merchandise Furniture property of firry tftienption* In town cr country, arae reasonable rat-* tiny company In the State. Office in the 'srUtuu office. K. B. McCHCM, Agent. N E,W GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. Corner of Annie and Harriet Street *, EAST ALTOONA. rpHK subscribers would respectfully in- A form the citizens of Altrona. that they have just re ceived and ke**p constantly on hand a supply of •* Pattens villi* Extra ” and Kxtra Family Flout, in barrels ami and harre’i* inSackx; al<*o. Chop ami Corn Meal. Butter and fresh from the country; also au extensive stock of Groceries. Consisting of Sugars, Molasses. Syrups, Cof fee. Ac., al-tt*. Mam, Bacon. Dried Beef. Fish of all kinds, Cracker*. Cbeexe, Suices. Toltacco, Cigars. Buckets, Brooms, Tuts. Brushes. Dried Fruit, Confectioneries. Queeusvrare. Glassware. Coal OH Lamps. Coal Oil. Fish o>l. Ac., 4c~ Ac., all of which we propose to sell at small profits KOd CASH. Altoona, Jan. 1. ’63-om. D. M. BARK 4 CO. NOTICE. —Whereas Letters of Admin istration to the Estate of John Sialer late of Logan township, Flair county, deceased, have been granted *«> the maler-igned, all jtersous indebted to said estate, are requested t« make immediate payment, and th-se having claims against I lie estate of the said decedent, will make known the Hame, without delay. Altoona, Jan. Ift), 1663. YY' r ANTED.-—A good sawyer to take ▼ » charge uf and run a Saw mill in Clearfield town ship. Cambria county. A man with a family preferred, ITUAMEK MOOHE. Jan. 17, 1863.-3t.* Glorious X ews! r IMi K Subscribers would respectfully I. ani'.->r.n-* •to the citizens of Alt ona and vicinity, ili.it they have ju»t returned from the East with their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS j issea, are just the thing for fall and winter. Thankful to the public for their very liberal patronage heretofore, they hope to merit a continuance of the same. gt<*r6 ou MAIN ST. next door to Bowman’* Exchange Hotel. SMIT I k MANN. N^OTICE. —I would hereby notify those who are owing me small bills f»»r meat that I have placed their accounts iu the hands of Johu W. Humes. Esq., for collection, not -for the purpose of sueiug them out. but merely for collection, (as I have not time to go around and see each jKjrsop.) and I wish all those upon whom he may call to be prepared to square up old accounts and t anew. In the meantime 1 will con* tihue to keep on hand as fine an article of b“ef, pot k. or mutton, as can be found in this section, aud respectfully invite all my customers to call as usual. Nov. 26,1862 tf. M. RCNTEN. rj*HE Early Physical Degeneracy of AMERICAN PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BTf DR. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, A Treatise on the Causes of Early Physical decline of American People: the cause of Nervous Debility, Con sumption and This wiiik iaone »f high moral tone, written in chaste, yet thrilling language, i n 1 appeals directly to the mural consciousness of ALL PARENTS and Guardians espo dally, detailing scientific aud reliable aldsand treatment for cure. N . * ' It will be sent by mall on the receipt of two (3 cent) Stamps. ££» Parents and Guardians! Fail not to send and ob tain tills book. Young men! Fail not to send and get tnis book. t&a.Ladiys. 1 You too should at once secure a copy of his book. A Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice to those who will reflect. A class of maladies prevail to,a fearful extent in the community, dooming at least 10U.00U youth of both sexes annually to an early grave. Tho?e diseases are very im perlVctiy understood. Their external maul e»t«tloD, or symptons are Nervous Debility, Relaxation and Exhaus tion: Marasmus or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body; shortness cf breathing or hurried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs; great pal pitation of thu Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis aud sore Throat; shaking of the Hands and limbs ; aversion to so ciety and to business or study: dimness of eye sight, loss of Memory, dizziness of the Head; Neuralgia, Pain iu va i ious parts of the body; Pains in the back or limbs. Lum bago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, deranged secretions Of the Kidney* aud other glands of the body, as Leucon bcea or Fleur Albas, Ac. Likewise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasm*. Now in ninety-nine coses out of every one hundred, all of t!ie above imm- d disorders, and a boat of others uot named, as Consumption of the Lungs aud that most in sidious and wily form of cunsamptiuu of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tabes Dorsales, messut riCa. have their seat and origintu diseases of the Pelvic Viscera. Hence the want of success on the pai t of old school prac tice iu treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Stone, »*hysiciau ta the Troy Lung and lly gieiiic institution, is now engaged In treating- this class of modern -maladies with the most astonishing success. The treatment adopted by the Institution Is new; it is h:i>*ed upon scientific principles, with new discov red rem edies; without minerals or poisons. The facilities of cure are such that imtients can be cured at their homes. In any part of tlfo country, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter; and h*v« the medicines sent by Mall or express. Printed iat.rrogatones will be forwarded on ap plication. ■ % Catarrh and diseases of the throat cured is well at the Home of th* Patients as at the In stitution, by sending the Cold Medicated Ihhauho Bal samic Vapues, witlt inhaler and aiupleidfrecUuua for their use. and’direct c •rre«poudence. 89U Fatienfo applying for interrogative* or advice, must eucluse return stamps, to meet atteutiunl The attending Physhtan will be Touud at the In stitution f r consultation, from 9; a. m. to 9p. m., «a(*h day. Sunday iu the foretmoo. Address DR^ANDREW STONE. Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Instituted and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Lungs. 96 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. Altoona, Dec. 30th, 1862.-^y. A uegulau meeting of the ALTOOSA PAIR TIEW CEMBTKRY ABBOCIA- Tlu.i will be held on the wenndXhurwUy erenioKut —.n month, in the Connell Room. M. OLABAUUU, Ji*. Lowrnt*. Preiident. Secretory. tM*yli-’62] COAL. NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY , family hr get In their anpply of coal for the Winter, and tno subscribhr would therefore inform the cititeasof Altoona and vicinity. that ho le prepared to anpply them, iSSSSiw w SSE&X ° r AitrauAcrrii and ALLBHUENY BITUMINOUS COAL.’ He will eel! ft l«y the Train. Car. or Cain Load, or by the bnsbel, deltv ered at the door of the pqrchaaer. r ■ A9*Tsrdon the North aide of the Bailroad—nnner and, of Altoona Yard. .ikNlllf' ROSANNA C. 3ISLER. Administratrix IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, x sou cum ns C*nc«r, Cancerous Formations, Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimples on the Face, Sore Eyes, ‘Tetter Affections,. Scald Head, , DyspMaia, Coati resets. Old and Stubborn Ulcers Rheumatic Disorders, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, ="\ ■ N General Debility, ’ Liver Complaint, Loss of. Appetite, Low Spirits, Female Complaints, Epilepsy or Fits, Paralysis or Palsy, Syphilitic Diseases snd Caries of the Bones. Together with all other diseases having theii origin in a depraved condition of the blood or cir culatory system. CASE OF DANIEL A. BOYD. Pittsburgh, December 31.1861. Os. G. FI. Ketsx*:—-I uk© pleasure in making this vol untary statement in favor of a medicine prepared by yot called Lixdikt’s Blood Scabchxb.” I had suffeted.fb five years with Scrofula which broke out on my bead an forehead so as to disfigure me very much, and off th hair when the disease made it« appearance; it also broke on on my arm above and below the elbow, and eat lute ih akin and flesh so as to expose a fearful sor*. The disea* on my head west so far th*t several small pieces of bon came out. 1 was very we*k and low spirited, and ha given up all hope of ever getting well, as I had tried se\ erai skillful physicians andthey did me no good. In Be| . tember la*t, 1861.1 was iuduced to try ~ Lindsey’s |y raovKD Blood Seaechxju” I must confess I had no faiti in patent medicines, but after I bad used three bottles <• Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my head end arm began t* heal. 1 have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my bea and arm are entirely well except the scars remaining froj the sores. I will also state that 1 had the rheumatism very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher als cured the rheumatism. lam now a well man, over fort.' years of age, and 1 feel as suple and young as I did whet I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pound* I would also state that the disease in my foreheanl was a* bad that when I stooped and lifted anything heavy, th blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyset had a photograpl uk--u oi me by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after 1 began to ge well. It does not show my appearance as bad as it wa before I commenced taking the medicine. You can se the photograph, one of which is now In my possession and also at Dr. Keyser’s 140 Wood street. I would in state that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made be fore Dr. Keyser commenced making it. Although i helped me some, ) did not recover fast until I got the kirn made by Dr. Keyser himself. One bottle of his did m. more gtx>d than .two of the old. I believe it is a great de« stronger and better. I have recommended the Bluo<« Searcher to a great many of my friends for various dl* eases, and 1 believe it has helped the whole of them. Yoi may publish this if you wish, and 1 am anxious that al who are afflicted as 1 was may becured. I live icthiscit\ No. 4 Pine street, and am employed at Collville k Audei sou’s Union Marble Works, 64 Wayne street. A BLIND MAN CURED. I live In Sligo, at Clinton Mill and have been near!) blind in both eyes for nearly four years. I called on Di Keyset air ut three months ago and asked him to give tu-' directions to the Institution for the Blind In Philadelphi He told me that 1 n-.ed hot go to Philadelphia to get wel. as he had medicine that would cure me, as be sail) uiy di** ease was in the blood. I was treated for it two or ihre times in the hospital in this city, and was relieved, bu my disease always returned alter a mouth or two after ) came out of the hospital. 1 found my disease was r* turning and 1 called, by the advice of a good friend i mine, on Dr. Keyser, who has restored my sight, and nr eyes are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gave m< * Lindsey's Blood Searcher” aud a wash. DAVID KINNOLLY, Clinton Mills, Sligo. Pittsburg, July 5,1861. , Witness—E. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegbeii) City. A BAD SORE LEG CUBED, Pnrrßtmon, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certify that I have had a sore leg Jbr over a year. It was covem with ulcers and scree so that 1 could not work for nearlx a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do any thing for a longtime, for at least six months. I triec several of the best doctors in the city, but without an; benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyser. at No. 140 Woo* street, who only attended me about two wl-eks, and gar* me but two bottles of medicine, l and 1 am now entirely Welland have coatined so for six months. lam employe* at the Eagle Engine House on Fourth.street, where *uy oue can see me. V v THOMAS FARRELL. CANCER CURED. / A Umt Fxom EmoUsd.—Mr. John Pope, of Blaens von. near Muotypool, Monmoutshire, England, wwteew follows; i / Six:—An old woman i« this place has wished me t( write you respecting LinDflXT’a Blood Sliacask, iron which she found great benefit, and wishes to have a httl mo-e. She has been suffering from a disease ufa cancer out nature for the last six or seven years. Her taught ei who is lining in America, obtained It farther, and sent hei eighteen buttles. She is now quite out of it, and 1 bav* written to her daughter twice and have received no an ewer; of course she Is anxious to get more, to get com l pletely cured. I told her 1 would write to you for th* agency in this country, and she felt very omen pleased u. hear ms fay so. Inowbeg to ask yuo on what forms yoi willsiipply me; ypu will please bear in mind the cai ■ riage, and supply me as cheap ms possible. The carriage oh the one dozen bottles was £1 8s 6d. The medh hie war a present from her daughter. 1 w old like to! have th« Blood Searcher Id a juror small cask, ifyou can send it in that way, or in pint qr quart bottles. I will send a bill through bank or registered letter, which everwDl Jpe tnosi convenieatto you,’lf you will send me canitr’s receipt i the parcel as security. I would send you a stalnp to an -twer this, but ns it Is uncertain of this reaching you, ol account of the country being 2o six and sevens, a form which is commouly used, yon will be klud enough to charge me with the postage. Yours, respectfully, [Signed] ' JOHN POPE [?Fe hate seen the letter which Is published in DfopjricAjfrom John Pope, and believe it to bo Edttort Dispatch Pittsburgh. tt,foak for Dr. geyser’s name tear the corlutopmtm' htbyimfooedvpom. V'l T ' «old bjJDr dsoast U. Karaxa, Pitubnrgh «i V. Klwttin; “li PREPARATIONS “ niOOLT CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Pndtlaa >Dcl Spacidc Ramady ?or DLseaaaa of tha BLADDER, KIDNKTB, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Thlt Medicine Ineraaaaa tha power of Dictation, and am itaa tha ABSORBENTS into haalthy aclton, hy whtehtha VATERT OR CALCAREOUS dopoaltiona, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, nra reduced, aa wall aa •AIN INFLAMMATION, and la (ood for Mu, Wo mu oa Cannsnr. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. for weakness arising from Excesses, Usbits of tWpa iou, Early Indiscretion or Abuaa. ATTENDED WITH TUX FOLLOWIAQ SYMPTOMS: udiaposition to Exertion, Difficulty of Breathing, aua of Xtautjr boat of Power, Peak Nerves, Trembling, inrror of Disease, Wakefulness, ■imness of Vision, Pain in tha Back, iuiveraal Lassitude of thejduscular System, lot Uauds, _ - Flushing of the Body, iryuessof tbeSkln, Eruptions oftba Eaea, These symptoms, if allowed to go on. Which thi« medl ina in variably remove*, noon fulluwa larotucT, FaTVITI filcptic Fits, in one of which tbe patient may expire. Who can Bay that they are not frequeotiy lblluwad by hoe* -DIREFUL DISEASES,” ‘INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of tbe caoae ofth-ir suffering, BUT NONE WILt CONFESS THE BECOKDT Of THE INSANE ASYLUMS. And tbe melancholy Deaths bjr Consumption bear am* pie witneta to the truth ol the assertion. ■HE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OB CANIC WEAKNESS, Inquires the aid of medicine to etreugthen and ibvlgor vte the System, which lIEHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCBU uvariably does. A trial will convince the moat skeptical. FE M ALES I FEMALES U )u> oa Youxo, Sissix, Married or Coxtemputixc Mae- In many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT ICCIIU ie uneqoaled hy any other remedy, as in Chinns, is or Retention, Irregularity. PaiufalueSH or Suppression f Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous stats ■f the Uteraa, Leucorrhoe or. Whites, Sterility, and for all nimpluluta incident to the sex, whether arising from in .Ucretion, llabits of Dissipation, or in the % DANIEL A. BOYD. Xo Family Should be Without It. Take do more Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine vr unpleasant anU daugeroua di»« reputation attantdiiy ' • Hetubohro Genuine Freiioralioai, *> .do Xxtnet Booba, ... '■#••■■■.■ do AmHrliL, » : *—f- —*T|-Vy[ji|fcr J : .S 8“W bjr Drpggtsu every-wher*. Take os other. 'CM oat tho adrtrtUmeut ooileead £>r It/iodVeeliiaMMlaw aodatiKaark ■ 'V** • ■ ' 4 - *> '• I '' IMS-l>. , ‘ ;5 " ' r -* -1 HELIBOLD’S OENXJINE PALLID COUNTENANCE, RUGS. DECLINE OR CIIANOE OF LIFE. su sTxnons abovz. AND Improved Rose Wash CCU£S SECRET DISEASES / / / / / MALE OR FEMALE. AFFIDAVIT. J ' At little Expense, No loconventonce *■". V