The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, January 20, 1863, Image 3

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    ■Wfc & CO.’S
Wdly towing Kaohi*.
r.MCWiT IMPaoviiMKNTS. ■
St*WSt AadttOgr ftBADTI«;,
Pf»* S-ktowii, * w
telwbWß.totiK «i»kln, K ;
Pilut or Better
j^HPWfW». W . tod u,
MHoo.,,, ~ ;
IsaAMliAualr .
* *“"'y S»win S ItMhin,
«»popuUr,ta,M iu
•tftoto. Uo* or «M»,whW,,!r
*pon. Tbe«M. l . reof „ t _ w
S““iv i " wd «??• *» <•'.*«'• for
flntohodM.rt cknnwketbmß.
*** w*U supplied wiu,
elc.tof tho'vexy best quality. ’
♦6B Broadvrar, V v
t omcE-«o CHEsnrar £r.‘ .
Tailor. Vfagifc
... P»»..
fSTST Of FOJttt, ,
P °P oUr •»« SpscttdUo,
Botin, snotlwr cotomn,»nd profit
ARymjttomsEoumeratod. ~
I*-:, Afonlnay not now notice j, •
l(b and vigor to lbs frame.
'4w(ilUiclnik.’< .
rtaftand Exposure.
(ft*a/_ Curst flundit^
life while laboMng as «\MiMk>tt»r,
NMmd from a Learned pby<lcU&
Bjfr Thi* recipe baa cWodgrest
■P» from Consumption, Bronchi,
far amt Oolde, and the debility and
■Mdby these disorder*.
Stfa«n.l will send this recipe,
frmewith me, to all who need it
Her. WM. COSQfiaVK,
439 Falun Avenue,
■ -v Brooklyn, N. T.
Physical Degeneracy of
Troy Lung and Hygienic
Institute. ‘
l»u»w or Knirly Physical decline of
i cause of Nervous Debility, Coo-
(fa moral tone, written in ebaatr.
fcl appeals directly to tfae moral
PAEKNTS and Obardbtnt espe-,
and, reliable aids and treatment
SumIKT of books taken out since Jan
Ist 18G2
. . Average per month
not to <end and get tab book.
ilioalil at ones secure a copj of A. pa«m out...
ul on the receipt of two (S cent;
ur<ii&ns! Fall not to send and ob-
to/wctenfiour Advice to Mow
wiU reflect. \
prevail to a fearful extent Id the
ft tenet 1 00,000 youth of both eeze*
Kmve. Those diae&ees are'tery im-
I Their external m»ini»e*tatfcm, or
* Debility, Relaxation and jbthaue*
king ami cimoumptiou of the tlnue*
thortiiew cf breathing ur harried
jju hill or flight of stain; gnat pal-
Jlrouchitla ana sor»
pftaiuts and Uinta; aversion to se
|dr study: dinimta or eye night, lass
if (he Heed. Neuralgia, Phin id Tii-
BUhsios in the tack or limbs, Lum-
irregularity of the bowrh.
■P>e. Kidneys end other glands of
Kaor Kltur Alims, Ac. Likewise
I Nervous Spasms;
(cases ont of every one bnndrod, all
Disorders, and a host of other* not
bn of the Lungs and that most In
bof consumption of the filial
Bhusalea, and Tabes nrasuterics.
■ iu diseases of the Pelvic ‘Viscera,
lb on the part of old school prsc-
rsidau to the Troy Long and Bj
r engaged in treatlhg this class
h the most astonishing Success,
tty the Institution Is new; it is
eiples, with ness discovrsd mu
ir poisons. The facilities of core
| w cured at their homes, In any
n accurate descriptions of their
> the medicines mat by Mall or
(Maries will be forwarded on sp-
lb and diaeueo of th* tbnat
of |iie fVtMnta ail tta In-
■ Cold Medicated InUuco Bat
tier and ample dlroetfonslbr their
for iatamgatina or advies, most
Imeet attention.
Iskdan wOl be feSd at tbs ln
[from 9 a. m. to' 9p; m-»
«nf and Hygieoic InstlWt*,aod
.tbsQeart, Throat and Longs,
v ' : v - ~
E W ,
■ atd'HarrUt Sfreet*, -
j would rcspeotfdllyio
Alt'Mma, U»t ibwliwjttrt re
ly oo band » nipri/or “HOW*;
IfwnUjr •o* X -
*l«, CIMp and Cora IMLSWUf
SiumK MoUWF A'tSSS' -
P. «. ,»*«» *OO- ■
[ {MaytS-W " '
-ffie subscriber
«*■ ob *h. «n*r of A
»**■, lately
Inwetfar sale »t ■
n. w.Kgaaf.iiK’g:
AND PAIt.AS^ 8 '
L at tAOOV****
jidat L*.vae»*s' 8 -
** ... JsSSSfig
jl«* * t
r 'um?****-\
[■ %\\nm irikae.
p nll( J n CtßfWl'i $650 “Cantcy 1W”
tribune tower-press
J «£ withiii th** past two yeara. made considerable
l,, *V oUl e*ttiUi*humit jin the way of .u**w fancy
l*re*«. Paper Cotter. Curd Culler. Killing .M.v
i |»owt*r Press, and large Newspaper Power
- • cut 0 f which we give above) we are now prepared
anything in the line of printing or ruling in
V »Hiaal *t'> any in lb»* and at
'w'tuliy low. * We can execute, on short notice, all
•»[,■* of
■ <ddiny, Invitation, Visiting, Ball * Business Cards,
Circulars, Programmes,
maNIMOTH posters, sale bills,
" -&M®
pamphlet B * Pay and Check Bolls,
blank books,
manifests. aSd blanks of all kinds.
' ; Wl . a ,k is ;i trial, feeling, confident that we can give
,j L-ijon *f w- hat- the opportunity,
ikv i i li.wther s building, corner of V irgioia and An*
. .trM"* Superintendent’s Office.
v M. L. i It- B. A.—Below we publish the
lleport of the Board of Directors to the members
, T die Altoona Mechanics’ Libnurfaml Beading
Ktdjni Assocwtion *
Poring'the past year your Association hasen
olCj a season of uninterrupted prosperity. Its
■ lv lcof activity has been enlarged, and its cn-
lor lining useful increased.
,he Ist of January, 1862, its list of
activvmemlwrs numbered.Bo
iJected during tire year 74
tiftigned during the year
ijuicllcd for non-payment of dues..
yiaitcd but have not yet paid their In
iiiatinn Fees • • :
Leaving the present membership 128,
Uf the 65 members thus shown to have been
Acted during the past year, a large number are
niuientiitl citizens of our town who have hereto- BOTB, Keep ofp the SiDEWALKs.-fConsta
not been connected with us. It is gratifying , , . c . . , . .
0 oteerte this increasing interest in an Assoeia- We El - V has P° sted nouces forming the boys that
lion, whose success can only be honorable and ad- ;he will enforce the Borough Ordinance prohibiting
uiitageons to all our inhabitants. • coasting op the sidewalks, and those who are in-
Tho report ot the Ireasurer shows thnf'he dined to indulge in such sport must keep their
.mount on hand Jan. Ist, 1862, was sos 7i • “ ... . .. .. .f
fccivcd from all sources during the J , «.«» ®l*n, or they will be nabbed” ere they are
...i’j. 268 29 h aware of it. The best way to keep out of trouble,
_ j however, would be to keep off the sidewalks alto
?n I gether. Bovs are bovs, and love fun, and we
Expenditures for the year 223 49 6 .... -
Leaving in the Xreasuiy 100 57 I w«»W the last t 0 vMeitete with their sources of
The librarian reports the number of books in r amusement, provided they do not thereby endan
:k Library January l||t, 1862.. 697 j ger the lives or limbs of pedestrians. Where side
-1 mxhascd since..,. ...c, 1 ; walks are used fur coasting they become danger
glO ; ous to those who must pasf over them; and os
there is plenty of room in the middle of the street,
we think it right that they should be made to take
that locality. Too often boys want logo just
whore they should not, and it then becomes ne
cessary to employ force or law to keep them within
bounds. We say, give the hoys the streets, hut
keep them off'the sidewalks.
The tallowing is a list lit the Magazines and, l
Newspaper!! received by the Association;
Magazines. —Harper’s Monthly. Eclectic Maga- h
iiue. Coder's Lady's Book. Atlantic Monthly,!;
snJ Rebellion Record.
Sm-sjtnjiers. —Daily—Phila. Press. Evening:
Bulletin, National Imelligenccr, Harrisburg Tele-i
graph, Missouri Democrat, and N.'Y. Tribune.
Weekly—Scientific American, Altoona Tribune;
ami Louisville Journal. {- ■ :
A manure of borne importance lias been ear-:
tied out by the adoption of a revised Constitution.:
On the sth of June a committee was appointed to
draft a revised instrument. It reported on the Ist
of July, and the prcsentiConstitution was finally
adopted on the sth of November.
It was the object of the committee -fo make
-nth additions to the old Constitution as should
explain and define more clearly the duties of the
various officers, make more convenient the work
ing machinery: of the Association, to surround
its property with more numerous safeguards and
to make its usefulness more extensive by increas-t j
ng the facilities by which apprentices cotdd par- j
iipatc in lie advantages-offered by the Library j
Jiti] Reading Room. j
Attention is called to the clause of the Const!-)
.dttun permitting apprentices to become members I
ftlie Association by paying an initiation fee of ;
aftv cents, and dues in proportion to the years of
sir apprenticeship. Dues for the first year, 10
-■cuts per month, second year 15 cents per month, ;
■nid third year 20 cents per month. ;
The catalogue with which this Constitution is:{
•o be published, is now alphabetically arranged,
rtul ready for the printer *s halids, Two hundred
'■spies have been onlered to be printed.
The room which has been occupied by the As
■oc'uuion since its opening, has recently become
accessary for other purposes, and a new room is
n process of preparation into which it is expected
ibe Library will be removed in a few weeks. The
drainages oflocation possessed by the new room
die numerous, and it is hoped that arrangements
■an be made to keep the Beading Room open*;
nation of the day in addition to the period daring
■ hich it is now accessible to readers.
We cannot refitin, in this connection, from ex
pressing the gratification avc feel thai the Aatod
aton has proven itself eminently loyal and patra-
Jtif- A review of the list of members shows that
not less than 20 of the members are at present in
:hc service of their country and one of our late
-filters fell while bravely-fighting at Antietam. ;
These gallant men have our sympathy in their
wardships and pur sineereßt wishes for their s un
ites and safety
On the 17th Inst- of consumption, ANNA MARY con- ; A Lsttkr FROM Emolakd.—Mr. John Pope, of Blaena
month* i>JaCe ’ Hf£W * 3* earB » 2 j TOOj Q Mr Monty pool, MonmouUhir®, write* a*
D. D. Domeb, Secy. In Altoona, on Sunday night, Jan. 4, JOHN SISLER, i fol ' ow,: \ : , . ...
The following officers were elected at the last aged 63 years, 6 months and IS ('ays. Sir:*—An old woman i i this place has wished me to
meeting, to serve the ensuing yearlie lired the Ufo of a Christian, and died in the Lord j write you respecting LiXDSxr’a Blood Scakchxr, from
Prest.—U. H. Lamborn. On the 28th of December, at Oallltain, MAGQlE.daagh- j which she Sound great benefit, and wishes to htvss little
Vice Prest.— John- Reilly. ter of Josiah M. Hud Ami Christy, aged three years and I mce. She has been suffering from a disease of a’cancer,
Hxc. Sec'a.— D." D. Doruer. two months. on* nature for the last aix or seven years, ller daughter
r r - “ —P aTi< i lroM - ; who is living in AmericvobWnwJ it for her, *na «nt hnr
i rearorer—Max. Biebenacfc, :. | Such need we fur the kingdom blest eighteen bottles. She is now quite out of it, and I have
ZhVedors-—Thos. H.Savery, James S. Mami, j Then Spread the angel idr his wing ; written to her daughter twice, and have received no an
W StortM", David 'lrow, •W. C. Kelley i . .«r; of course more, to.get com
»v. Kegsler and J. G. Adlum, Ue bore our precious Jamb nwny.'* ; pletely cured. I told her I would write to you for the
Auditors— Geo. \V--Grier, jr., John. W, Kcfih : i ageucj In this country, and she felt very muen pleased to
!I ~r and E. Elder. wi r j** ca j • i hear me say so. I now beg to ask you on what terms you
fte following standing committees have beeti _ viirar R -Thia mod in now iM T, , ,™ ln " i will.upply me,: jou whl ple»»«;b«ir W car
anw.intprl. c -IIAI-D ij AG I.K V ALLST it. li- illlS rOiUl Iri now _L , Utratiun to tho Estate of John Staler, late of Logna . • , , , Tl,j-
" onen from Tyrone to Bellefonte and trains have towushlp,Bl*>>' o'Ui'ty, deceased, have lm granted to : rlag *i * l, d “OPP'J m « Mch p p ®" i ' * ***
On Library and landing Room Wm. White- ope " , m I y rone ,0 Weiietonte nnu trains trnie . t , le m.der-lgned, nil iH?n.on« indebted to skM estate. nre on the one dptetl bottlee was £1 8s 6d. The medicine wui
teail.U. F Custer Geo W Stratton Geo. W. i been running over it for some time post. A r«ine.t«lto make Immediate payment, and th me. having »..resent from her daughter. I irmld like toliave the
„ „ 1 , . ■ , . i, , . damn against thireetate of the said decedent, will make ' * .! „ ■ . „ ? __> „
'■tit-r, jr., and Thos. P. Street. special passenger train Will he run from Bellcfonte ; known Ihe same, without delay. ; Blood Searcher ill a jar or small cask, if you can send it
'•>* Cabinet of Natural Hhtory- Joseph Mi to Philadelphia, o» Thowday, and hereafter a iin that way, or in pinf or ,oart bottle., t will •endabiH
IW.Jno. Miller, Dr. Wb!e. Findley, ,« sse nger train will run regularly between Tyrone Altoona. Jan. at. Xstis. *-***-. ♦Uro-gh.hwkorrag^
Dr. J, Gemmill Dr S C Baker #, ; i*j«.ujci uuni mil mu - J • » , convenient to you, if you will send me canier’i receipt o j
f) r. ' 1 r / : and Bcllefonte. " • - ! ihe parrel as security! 1 would send you a stamp to au i
A ,nertCar \ ■ v!” ANTED.—A good sawyer to take I swer this, hut os it is unceruiu of this reaching you, on
H. p * Hnil, >Vm. J^OST.—On the evening of the 13th January, Tv auctruna Sawmill iuClearfieldtown- ' arcountof the country being in six aud sevens, a term
• uou anu L. G. Welseh. - w ” • v ®. ■ _ * I ship, Chmhrla county. A man withoutaCtmliy preferred. .. . . „ , ' . ... . .. . . .
U| T> vf j-* r 1 rm mi between Emma siieel East Wani and Rebecca 1 i which 18 commonly used, you ; will be kind enough to
1 1 t "C. K. McCrea. C. J. Mams, .-■ t . Altoona, Jan. 17,1863.-3t* charge me with tho poetage.
1) - Neff, L..M. Stewart and J. B. Hileman. street East Ward, a carpetbag, containing a nnm- ; Yours, r«.p«tfuUy,
j ( l!‘ Mudmui and Inventions- —Enoch Lewis. 1 her of articles, and among others a red silk military tt B. Mi I.LEU, ‘ l 8l «"» d P JOHN POPE,
i SaC. lirasknv. A. Ward, and J; sash. The finder will be suitably rewarded by re- : JtJLa DENTIST. | [We have seeu tho letter which is published in to-day's
' • ' turnine the bag and contents, or Ba>i only, to the ea. Office on Caroline street, between ; J>i*patch t from John Pope, and believe it to be genuine.—
• ;, ‘4 _ 1 . Virginia and Eigpia streets.* Altoona. [Jnn. '^o—2m* ; Editor* Pittihurgh.
Taks Kotice,—Kerr hasjast receked alarite ° Wner ’ Wm ‘ A>B ? y ■ ! ” \
new curra„,. s Urge and rati! ' -. V p* STRAY.—CAME TO THE BES- :
he aelU chean *** • . the aflemooh of the £SHh mat., on JEd XDBNOE of the sulwcriber In Lo- :
JS* * » *** lot' Of sperm cndles, which be j Annie street between the Post office and Harriet; HOF I **-?*{* K^ t
«?■ ***: J ™» srdar ’".rras w ..
I. S«" tJ>OMfriends, when faubof | I> | n<S , r.«ft*llll, , ftr.A. , 1™ W»vin. it I" ISH.I If .- B,e.i .nd .. ,W. SMMM I"
d** do not overlopk the fact that he sells ! finder will confer afavor on h soldier by lea> mg ft of according to law. doUMayiburg by J. R. Pattpox and Jacob fikiwa.
Per than any house thia side of the city. either at this office or At the port office. D«c. 30, CONRAD BERND. Jnne 28.18W.-ly ■ 7 -
As Itkm fob the Home Cibclk. — An eminent
writer justly remark tbaf to tneei at hreakfas,-
! table father, mother, children, at) well,; ought to
lie a happiness to any lieorj ;• it should be a source
j <jf hmuhle gratitude, and ktßiuld wake up the
i warmest feelings of our nature. Shame upon
the contemptible and low-tired cur, whether parent
. or eliild, that ean ever come to the breakfast-table,-
i where the family have met in health, only to
frown or whine, and growl or fret I It is prium
•fade evidence of a moan, and groveling, and sel
fish, and degraded nature, whencesoever, the churl
'■ may have sprung. Nor is it idss reprehensible to
make such exhibitions at the sapper-table ; for be
fore morning comes some of the little circle may
be stricken with death, 'Children in good health,
;if left to themselves at the table, become after a
few mouthfuls garrulous mid noisy ; hut if within
at all reasonable or bearable bounds it is better to
let them alone; they ea( less, because they do not
: eat so rapidly as if compelled to keep silent, yvhile
; the very exhiliratiou of spirit qbickens the circu
lation of the vital fluids, and energizes; digestion
; and assimilation. Jt follows, then, at the family
• tabic all siiould habitually make a common inter
change of warm affections and cheering - mirthful
ness, and that generosity of nature which lifts ns
above the brutes which perish. There are great
lessons' to be learned of and at the table. In the
conduct of parents towards their children, there
arc two extremes, equally at fault. 'Some parents
allow their children when at the table, as on other
occasions, to act more like heathens or little out
laws, than civilized folks, while olhers.act as if it
were a capital crime for a child to talk or bu in
a lively mood. Both of them are wrong.' There
Is a ,happy* mean between the two, which every
good parent should seek and observe. , Conversa
tion should be ns freely indulged in at the table as
In the parlor. And if it takes the genial turn
natural to “little chatterboxes’-* so much the better
for their digestion, and the future happiness of
both parents and children. Then, let your children
talk anfl laugh and;be merry, at the table. If
they consume an hofir longer at their meals than
19 26
600 ;
K. H. LAMBORN, Pnst.
they would do under the old inexorable rule of
silence, so much the better. Their sounder stom
achs will bless you for it in after years.
Accident. —On last Tuesday night, says the
Bellefonte Press, as the Bald Eagle Valley train
was approaching Bald Eagle Furnace, they ran
into an ore team that was crossing the track, kil
ling two of the horses and ,'badly injuring the
driver. No blame can be attached to those in
charge of the train, as they .made use of all the
signals on crossing a road. .When the accident
occurred they immediately stopped the train and
done all that was in their power to aid the wound
ed man, and then /an on to Tyrone and procured
a surgeon, and brought him to the place of acci
Allegheny Conference.— The annual meet
ing of the Allegheny Conference, Unjited Breth
ren Church, met in this place on Thursday last.
Some sixty ministers were in attendance, Bishop
Edwards presided. ; Not having time to be present
on the occasion, we cannot : speak of the proceed
ings. We have not seen ;a Hist of the appoint
ments, but learn that Rev. UaUowell was assigned
to this station, and that Rev. Kephart, who has
ipinistered very acceptably to the. congregation in
this place, for two years past,'has been assigned to
Mt. Pleasant circuit.
Found Them.— Recently,; a discharged Ohio !
volunteer, while on hi* way home; over the
Penh’a R. R., lost his discharge and other papers,
valuable to him only. Imagining that he lost
them at the depot in this place, the State Agent
for soldiers claims, of Ohio, wrote to Mr. Dysart,
ticket agent, in reference to them. At the request
of Mr. I>., we inserted a notice in the Tribune, giv
ing the name of tho soldier, hiscompapy and regi
ment. Scarcely had the paper been circulated ere
it fell into the hands of the wife of tire man who
found the lost papeni and they were returned to
Mr. Dysart, and by him forwarded tp the soldier.
Another evidence Of the benefit of advertising.
At Home. —Rev. R. W.. Oliver • has resigned
his position as chaplain in the army and returned
to take charge of his congregation in this place.
He receives a hearty welcome from: all bis ac
quaintances, who are glad that he has escaped the
dangers of battle and been permitted to return to
minister to - his people. While in the army, he
faithfully performed hi* duty as a chaplain at all
times, and during engagements rendered valuable
assistance to the commanding officers, as he was
able to do,'by reason of his military education.
New Goonft.—New G*mkn \r>: now s**ld
for <*a<h, in the store-room iao*U occupied hv R.
H. MK?drnmk v Norrlj ward.
i for J. \V. MOORHEAD.
A Word toMarried People.—
i If it be tni'i that “A : penny -liv-si i- two-pence
made," the shortest way to'get rich is to buy your
: Groceries at FUITCHEY’S. comer of Main and
.'Caroline streets, Altoona.
Browned Kye constantly oil hand.
Pickles, ready for table use, by rite dozen or
Shriver’s B.d'imore ()yater Ketchup.
Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketchup.
Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, Peaches, Peais and
Plums, in cutis.
The American Excelsior Coffee, sit[ierior to
anything in the market—good as Java and cheap
us Kve. Trt it
His stock of Groceries, Emils, Confectioneries,
&c., cannot be excelled in the place;
Cigars and Tobacco of alljirands.
Cu|l and be convinced that, it is to your interest
to buy at the New Family Grocery.
Circular mon the Cash Store I—The sub
scriber would respectfully announce , to the public
that he has just returned from the East with his
which he will sell, as usual, at a very small ad
vance on cost, FOR CASH ONLY. He is un
able to give a price list owing to the daily tliiotim- .
tions in the market.
His stock is fin* heaviest and most complete, ever
brought to the place, and having been purchased
at the very lowest cash prices, will be sold at pric«*-s
which make it to the interest of cash buyers to
call and examine his stock and U* convinced that
he can and docs sell a little chea}>cr than any
credit establishment;
He would cull particular attention to his large
stock of DRY GOODS, embracing all the latest
DIES’ DHESS GOODS to be found in the East
ern market. A full assortment of fancy and plain
Flannels and Shirting ; large and excellent supply
of Linen and Muslins, dozens of patterns of Ladies*
and Gent’s Gloves, all styles of Hosiery, with the
most complete selection of Shawls ever exhibited
in this marke:; any amount of Nubias, Opera
Hoods; Ladies' Patent Vests, and a tremendous
pile of Austine, Kelly & Co.’s Patent Hoop Skirt,<,
ranging from four to fifty springs, which will be
sold at least 25 per cent, under present market
Our stock of GROCERIES is complete and
selling a few cents below other establishments.—
Our Syrups icnge from 40 to TO cents jwr gallon.
We would invite particular attention to our large
stock of Government coffee, bought before the late
heavy advance, which we sell at 20 cents jK.*r lb.
It is far superior to any of the substitutes lately in
vented. \Ve hav« aLo a heavy stock, of TEAS,
ranging in pile-* from GO cents per pound upwards.
Our stock of CHINA. GLASS and DELPH
W ARE is the largest, most varied and best ever
offered to the people of this section. It is really
beautiful. An examination of our 44 Show Win
dow” must convince all who stop to view it that
We are not *• our ware. The China Ware
embraces Tea Sets ranging in price from -SI2 to
$2O, Flower Vases, Mugs and other ornaments.
The Glass Ware embraces evciydung- and every
style of manufacture. Owing to the late advance
we cannot now scli the celebrated Wedge wood
Iron Stone Tea Sets for less than $4.75 per set,
which is $1.25 below the sell'ng price elsewhere.
I anv now fully.convinced that the CASH SYS
TEM is the Imst for Unh seller and buyer, ena
bling me to sell cheaper, without loss, and giving
my customers a letter article, and more of it. for
the same money, than they get at any other os- i liTe m siig«. at Clinton Mill and hare been nearly
tablishment. lint argument on this point'.is su- umd in both eyi* for imir years. I called on Dr.
peril nous. 'iUiH: reason why I can sell cheaper i ab* ut three monthsj»goand asked him to giro me
than credit establishments must be apparent to all | directions to the Institution for the Blind in Philadelphia
whp give me a call. ; He told me that I need not go to Philadelphia to get well
A full stock ot boots and shoes. he had medicine that would care me, as he said toy dis
All Arool,. Ingrain. Eist, Hag and Hemp car- ; eafte blood. 1 whs treated for it two or three
. times in the hospital in this city, and yrad relieved, but
Table and Moor oil cloths, window shades, &c. j ra y disease always returned after a mouth or two after 1
K. A. ti. iverr. . pgujg on t 0 f the hospital. 1 found my disease was re
| turning and I called, by the ad rice of a good friend of
Altoona, Not. 20, 1862.
; 1 mine, on Dr. Keyser, who has restored my sight, and my
BAIL ROAD AND HAIL SCHEDULE. ! .ye« are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gave me
‘ * Lindsey?. Blood Searcher - ’ and a wash.
BaltimoreExpr West arrives 7 .35 A.M., leaves 7.55 A.M. : Clinton Mills. Sligo.
Philadel’a •’ " “ 8.20 “ “ 8.40
Faatl.ine •• - 8.30 P. M. ‘ 8.45 P.M.: Pittsbnrg. July 4,1861.
Mall Train - - 7.4o(runsnofutther West.) i Witness—E. F. M’Elroy, Anderson street, Allegheny
Express Train East *• 9.25 P.M, leases 9.45 P. M. ! ri .
Fast Line - - 4.00 A.M., <• 4.05 A. M.
Mall Train •• " 11.30 *• ,l 11.35 - :
Trains, on lloilidaysburg Branch run to connect with 1 “
Express Trains end Fast Line West and Mat) Train East
aD Ttnins*'on Tyrone A Cleartieid Branch and Bahl Eagle i A BA D SORE LEG CURED.
JSR&JSttST Wtth ■* Xpr *“ TnUn WMt “ d ; l-.T6TBt.OH, September 18,1861.-I hct\by certify that
iiiirja iitnu R 1 liar© had a w>re leg for over a year. It whs covered
• , . . ~ ; with ulcers and soresso that I could not work for nearly
Eastern Through, Baltimore and Washington, i,Bo A. M. ■ ... ... . ’ , .. . .
.. ** Philadelphia, 7. 8.20 “ - » year. My leg swelled so that l.was unable to do nny-
Western Through, 9,29 P. M. , tiling fora long time, for at feast six months. I tried
| Western Way, o' m ! Mvenil of the beat doctors in the city, but without any
i u^nfd' 7,25 a i-v* w p. 5: 1 benamtananyidied on Dr.,.tNo, 140 wood
! MAILS CLOSE | street, who only attended me about two weeks, and gave
i Western Way - 7.20 A. M. me hut two bottles of medicine, and lam now entirely
Eastern Way, 11,00 . well and have contined so for six months. lam employed
Western Through, 7,30 P. M. the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street, where any
Eastern Through n 7,30 “! a *
Uoliidnysburg 8.00 A M, A 7,00 P. M. ! owe caD 866 me
Or pics Uotißs:—Daring the week from 6.45 A. M. until
7,30 P, M. On Sundays from 8,00 until 9,00 A. M.
| * O- W. PATTOX, P. M
a SLKS citst r»R
Cancerous Formations,
Cutaneous Diseases,
Erysipelas, Boils,
Pimples on the Face,
Sore Eves,
Tetter Affections,
Scald Head,
Old nud Stubborn Ulcers
Rheumatic Disorders,
Salt Rheum,
Mercurial Diseases,
Geuerwl Debility,
Liver Complaint,
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spirits,
Female Complaints,
' Epilepsy or Fits,
Paralysis or Palsy,
Syphilitic Diseases and
Cariesiof the Bones.
Together with all other diseases having their
origin in a depraved condition of the blood or cir
culatory system.
Pittsburgh, December 31.1861.
t>u. o. 11. Kktsek I take pleasure in making this vol
untary Armament in favor of a medicine prepared by you
called • Blood SfascHEß.” 1 bad snffeied for
tive year* with Scrofula which broke out on my head and
forehead so a a to disfigure me very much, nud took off the
hair wheu thediaeuse made it* appearance; it also brokeont
*>n my arm above and below the elbow, and eat into the
nkin nod ifo>>h so a» to expose a fearful sore. The disease
uii my bend went so far that several small pieces of bone
< «>ut I was very wrek and low spirited, and had
; given up all hupo of ever getting well, as 1 had tried sev
; eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. In Sep
, teuiber lust, 18G1.I whs induced to try •• Lindsey's Iji
, proved Blood Searches ” I must confess I had no faith
iu patent medicines, but after I had used three bottles ol
Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my bead and arm begun to
heal. I have now taken eight or ten bottles, and my head
and unn are entirely well except the scars remaining from
tire *h«'h. I will also state that I bad the rheumatism
very had iu my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher also
, cured the rheumatism. lam now a welt man, over forty
your* of age, and I feel as staple and young as 1 did when
: I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pounds.
; 1 would also state that the disease Jn my foreheard was so
tad that when I stoops and lifted anything heavy, the
blood run out of the sore. Dr. Keyset had a photograph
tuk<’U or me by Mr. Cargo, the artist, after I began to get
well. It does not show my appearance as bud as ii was
5 ‘dorr I ri.tmnenced taking the medicine. You cun sec
the photograph. one of which is now in my possession,
and also at Ur. KeyserV 140 Wood street. I would also
state that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made be
fore Dr. Keyser commenced making it. Although it
: helped me some. 1 did not recover fast until 1 got the kind
j made by Dr. Keyset himself. One bottle of his did me
; more good than two of the old. 1 believe it is a great deal
; stronger ami better. I liave recommended the Blood
i Searcher to a great many of my friends for various die
‘•us***, and 1 believe it has helped the whole of them. You
S may publish this if you wish, and 1 am anxious that all
' \v‘no are afflicted as 1 was may be cured. 1 live lutbiscity,
: No. 4 Fin* street, and am employed at Collville k Ander
son’s Union Marble Works, 64 Wayne street.
For all of which it is a speedy and certain and
never Alla: ThU Liniment ia prepared from.tb* neips of
Dr. Sleplien Sweet, of Connecticut, thcfiunona bone setter,
and has been used In his practice fbr-moare than twenty
yeare with the moatastouishlng success. .
AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it U unrivalled by
any preparation before the public, of which the moat
skeptical may be convinced by a ample trial. -
This Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. RHEU
MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and in thonaanda of
cases where It has t*een used it has never been known to
FOR NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief in
every case, however distressing.
It will relieve the—Worst cases of HEADACHE in three
minutes and ia warranted to doit,
TOOTHAdiIE alw will it core lutonUy.
TODE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment
it a most happy and unfoiling remedy. Acting directly
upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and rbvivLfles the
system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor.
FOR FILES.—As an external remedy, we claim that it
is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce
an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint
should pive it a trial, for it will not foil to afford immedi
ate relief and in majority of case* will effect a rutttea/ enrs.
QCINsiY AND SORB TUUOAT are sometimes extreme
ly malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of
this Liniment will never foil to cure.
SFUAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge
ment of the Joints Is liable to occur if neglected. The
worst case may I*> conquered by this Liniment in two or
three days.
AND SCALDS, yield readily to the wonderful healing
when UH.-d; according to directions- Also, CHILBLAINS,
Or. .Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut,
The Grout Natural Bone Setter.
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut,
Is known all over the United Storey
Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut,
Is the author of 44 Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment.’ 1 *
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Rheumatism and never foils.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Cure- Burn** and Scalds imme-iiuUdy.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Is the be*t known remedy for Spruina and Bruises.
Dr Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Caret Headache Immediately and was never kuowo.tofail.
Dr. Sweet’# Infallible Liniment
Afford* immediate relief for Piles, and seldom foils to cure.
I>r. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment
Cam Toolhncb** io an*- minute.
I>r. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cart-? Cnts and Waufl'ls iainjeiiiately and leart* no icar.
Itr. Sweet’? Infallible Liniment
In the !>*»« remedy fcr in th*» known world.
l>r, Sweet’s Infallible Liniment ;
llu» been u*ed by more than a million /people, and all
praise it.
|)r. Sweet’s ’ Infallible Liniment
Taken internally cure* Colic, Cholera ilorhinand Cholera.
llr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment .
Is truly a ** friend in need/’ and every family should have
it at hapd.
Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment :
[s for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 vents.
ternal remedy, ia without a rival, and will alleviate pain
more speedily than any oilier preparation. For all Rheu
matic and Nervom Disorders it ia truly infallible, and aa a
curative for Sores, Wounds, Spraine, Bruises, ho, its
soothing, healing and powerful etreugibening properties,
excite the Just wander and aatonislitueut of all who have
ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certillcatee of
remarkable cures, performed by It within the last two
year", attest the fact.
is unrivalled by any, and in all case# of Lameness, arising
from Sprains, Braises or wrenching, its effect is magical
and certain, i Uaraeaa or saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange.
4c- it will aleo cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may
!»■ easily, prevented and cured in their Incipient, stages,
bnt confirmed cases are beyord the possibility of a radi
cal cure. No ease of the kind, however, is to desperate'or
hopeless bnt it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and Its
faithful application will always remove the lameness, and
enable the hones to travel with comparative ease.
should base this remedy at hand, for Its timely use at the
first a- pearnnee of Lameness will effectually prevent those
formidable diseases, to which all horses are liable, and
which 'tender so many othei wise valuable horses nearly
Soldier’s Friend,
To avoid imposition, obserre'the signature and Likeness
of Dr. Stephen Sweet on every label, and also “ Stephen
Sweet's lufalllbleLlniment” blown in the giass of each
bottle, without srhlch none are gennine. ; '
18 TUB
And thousands have found it truly
’ - .■'Bole'Firbp«et<»rs,ll^n4li f Ct.
MOKQAS A ALLKN, General Aipnta,
M Cliff Street, «ew Tork.
«L Sold by all dealers everywhere.
Decaaabsr 4, ISSScIy.
• :i- -•« r Jfc.
compoundfldid extract rcchu,
A Pwltite and Specific Beßwdjr
This Medicine incnMrr the power of Direction, And »» j
cite* the ABSORBENTS Into heelthy »oi too, hy which the;
WATEBt OR CALCAREOUS 4cpo«ltJon*,>»<l n» UN
FAIN Aim INFLAMMATION, mod to Rood far JUn. Wo-
Min on CaiLtiAW. "V .
For teitam iiMug both tmMnj Habit* of Died pa
lion. Early IndiMtelioii or Ahun. 1
ImlUpoeltlon to Exertion, Difltculty of Breathing,
Lou of Memory Loe|t of Power.
Weak Nerves, TrwoUio*.
Horror of Mimic, ViluUliWi
Diumwe ofVlitoa, Paiß in the Bockj_,
Uni venal Laiaitndeof the Muscular SystMa.
Hot Honda, limbing of the Body,
DrjnMjof tbeSkln, Krnptloo* of tko Face.
Tneu «ymptom«, if allowed to go on, Which thD medi
clue invariably remove*, aoan tollowilMvoraaer, latent
Kpuikic Fits, ip one of which the patient may expire.
Who can My that tiny are not frequently followed by
Many are aware of the cauae of their •ufferlng-
And the melancholy Death! by CrtMumptiou bur ato
pic wilneu to the truth ot the axaerttou.
the con emu nos osce affected with o»-
Require! the aid of medidne to itrengtbeo and tnvlgur
ate the Syntcm, which lIEUBOLD|'S EXTRACT BDCUV *
invariably does. A trial will convince the must nfceptical.
Old or Yodno, Shoes, Married or Coktelkplatinq Mar-
In many affections peculiar to Female* the EXTRACT
BUCIIU is tmeqoaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro
sis or Retention, Irregularity, ViUnfolueaaot Suppression
of Customary Eracoatious, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state
of the Uteras, Lencorrhoe or Whites,; Sterility, and for all
complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In
discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tb*
No Family Should, be Without It.
Take po more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine
for unpleasant and daugerons disease*. '
Improved Hose W[ash
In all their ttages,
Little or no change to Dial,
Aod Exposure.
It cnuaea a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate,
thereby Bamoving Obstructions, Preventing and Curing
Strictures of tba Urethra. Allaying Pain and Inflsma
tion ao frequent In tbeclaaa of dleaaaea, and expelling nil
Poisonous Diaeaaea and worn-out Hatter.
victitnnofftoacka, and whohare paid heavy baa tuba
cored In aahort time, baVe found that they weredecaived,
sod that the ‘■POISON” baa, by the nee of -‘powerfOl as
tringents,” been dried .up in the ayateni, to break oul lu
an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage.
' Du Hiuoou'b Bxtbaci Bccst fcr all affection* aod
diseases of the .
Whether existing in , V- /
From whatever am originating, And bo nutter at
Diseases ot these organs require the aid of a Dftntxnc.
Is the Great IttnaxTlc, and, la certain to hare tbs desired
effect in all diseases tir which U is recommended.
Evidence! of the moat reliable and responsiblacharacter
wl'l accompany the medicines.
Certificate* of Core*, from etght to twentyyasraatand
ing, with name* known to science and &m*. i
Price $l,OO Per Boule, or St|:%fs,
Delivered to anyaddreia, Aecttrelp packed. from any o>r
serration. J ■'
DcacMaa Stwnw » ail CoMMuncAH^sia.
Corea Guaranteed. MrittSwllL
Personally Appeared before me, an Alderman of the city
of Philadelphia, Br* T. Uiunou, who betpgidaty (Worn,
doth say, hla preparation contains no nArcoffeno mercu
ry, or other injurious drags, but are purely vegetable,
Sworn ami subscribed before me, this 23d day of So
ttember, 18M. W. P. lIIBIIARD, Alderman,
Ninth Bt, above Bae«,PhUa,
: Addrew letter* for tetorwAtion In containoirfo :
U.T. lUtLMßolD,ls>“l*t,
■ Depot, 1(H Sooth Tentlsdito bekrwChea'nut,
| . PhllA<J^*l^f*Bß.
\ ■
£ Who endeavor todlipo»etsi*,wntt».owjt'’ A>d Oovwaa"
prtlctri on the reputation AltAimfbj ' '
Qeinbold’a Genuine PreparaUpoa, , ;
9b do Xsutaei Pneba,
.do do do Sarsaparilla,’
' ;.Njo. ■ ■ Improved Hoaa Wesb.
Md bp Drngglata eyery-wfaere. aj&igMr. iCljt
oat the advert Unreal and (end lor It,
and expoaore. •» I
September 17th. IUS-ly. ;
I At little Rttpens~.
No inconvenience