►yiD MBEAKCJ4 cnuro* Cutaneous ■'•'■■ EtyripeUs,^ tor Affections, > i I. Scald Head, ruiom ißlwoin, M*rcnri»l Diaaaaes, G «»*l Dehflit r . ffcariu, Female Complaints, Ep&piy Disease* and Caries of the a^,, .diseases having their xwditioii of the bloodor •ANIEL A. BOYD. I’mszoaoH.Dowmbor ai.lssi ujk» pteMor* in ftp, »*. *M % mwlirtn* prejwiwlhyy#, 1 Basaona.” I had nff«r«l.tg r WUrh broke oat aamj bead ms rwnr? much. ai* took off th, HalMappoaranco:ltalaobrok«o« >l** the elbow, utd nt luce the poor a fearful fore. The dieeue lh«t teronl mull jifecet of week and tow •pirited,'aud had r getting well, ae I had triad de al the; did me no good - In Sep- Induced to tr.e “LiasOT'a I*. I must confeaa I had no. fain, dter X had need three bottles ol ■on my head and ann began to or ten bottlee, and my head except the scare retnainlng frmn .te that 1 bad the rhennutinn lege,' The Blood Searcher also bow b well sun, over forty anple and young ax 1 1 did when ormeedln weight ponnda. ” tUeeaae in my Jfuraheatd waa a» .tod ÜBed anything henry, the hr. Keyeer had a photograph , theartiat, attar I began to get iy appearance aa bad aa it wu g rite medicine- You can vee hich ia BOW to my poaaetaton, 10 Wood (treat. I would alec I Searcher wjsith wae made be- meed making JV Although it treorer bat until I got the kind ■U One bottle of hie did me t old. I heliere it ia a great deal bare recommended the Blood of my. friendi 'for varfuoa ai«_ indped the whole of tliem. -Ton jeh,and X am auxiopa that all may be cured. Hire in thia city, employed at Collrilta t jUdo y ha Wayne street. DANUCLA-BOYD. PAN CUBE*) i -Mill, «nd b»Y« ttw Marly. I called on fir. »go and uked bln tojira »» t Ibr the Blind in PbOadriphU do to Phiiadalpbia to giit wall ■Mew* m uvaled hr il lwtr-duit » city, and was raliorad, lot after a month or two otter I i t I lay illmmi j»m n padvfca of a goodfrinid of pnaterad ay al c bt ( aod aj l «rtr. The Doctor fora n'« audavaab. batid KiasgiAt. Clialoo aadarao* stnat, All»*Maj CUEEp. SUBL-i Nnby ea««yth»t w»r a jaor. U wpaenwnd I «ndd aat wpyktoT aaarly ftd-iwar najildc *»d« any f hMfrek pwatta. / W* » tteclty,>pij»l|lwn»,<)ky r- atAa.-^ttiNa;*- i abanttwo - at, and J-am aftripitNy aix Booths. 1 aataMpian# n Fourth MrMt, .arjwja «W . qkqub sawhm* . fr. /aba Fops, a# Vaasa- - ita placa-ha* »lshsd »• •• 1 froma 4iww,«^.«»aaer, baits oot at it, aad-4 *aw : apt Ban raaajtsa .ao a» i to- |R to<wM*,P* .*•**" roald.wrlt* teyaadbrtba *ft»»Wa^fi9S ll,e - sos hssr la aOod ths «ar Mpossibia- Tbs aalkiap . 1 4a M, JBaataadldaa was ■i would Uka to-fawf *• u |y| iiottia*. (*5J jW* «pS jaseawlyb-raesffta ... itaadyoa ajww ?•»• o^-'aVa ?a Ar F|FF 1 aW *a*jnd .tpftfp 1 JP -y ' i SSB®. ligp& sfr. ft; ** - ►^77- Itatti Sidlm Printed ti CsisfWTt $650 ” Gentry Press.” tribune power-press i jtor: 1 : Vb s PRINTING OFFICE. U,img. within-the past two years, made considerable liition w oar establishment in the way of new fancy Screw Press, Paper Cutter, Card Cutter. Ruling Ma *.,Qe Csril Power Press, and large Newspaper Power’ ■^ s ; (a cut of which we giro above) wears now prepared execute anything in the lino of printing or ruling in ",trie equal to any establishment in the ,-tate, and at equally low. We can execute, on short notice, all lei of Wedding, invitation, Visiting, Ball A Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, mammoth posters, sale bills, ®]iLL ygWSt^HlA®© pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, MANIFESTS, and blanks of all kinds. til we ask is a trial, feeling confident that we can give JisSction if. wo have the opportunity. ‘ office i i Leather's building, corner of Virginia and An . o ,t r rt‘t.s. opposite Superiutendeut’s Office. local items. Iscoqnitio. — On Wednesday morning last, jiioiit the time we bad given up oil hopes of rc r wiving a Christmas turkey, and had become rec oiled to a printer’s every-day dinner, who should ■poke his nose in” at the door, but our clever ■•inking Valley friend, “Old Joe” Metzgar,— While it gave us pleasure to get a sight of his : tiiz, his back was equally attractive, as upon it •riied two monster turkeys. They were noue of ~ntr small fry turkeys, kind reader, as the weight rill convince you. Now remember, they were iressed in market style, and weighed respectively land 17 pounds, consequently were worth, at the market price, (9 cents per pound) $1.35 and $1.56. ■v, oar Christmas dinner was not tnrkeyless. Part : the story remains to be told. On questioning a: old friend as to the name of the donor, he in dued us that “mum” was the word, consequently i-are unaware who played us this last “fowl” nik. but knowing by his actions that he is sur rieml, wc hope to be able, at some future day to -j ar him. if we have not already done so. Another.-r" It never rains but it pours,” is an ,io sajing. and was verified in our case, on Wed nesday last. Shortly after the departure of our Nuking Valley friend,--another friend, not far out , ; ton'll, but who insists upon remainingincog to be public, lyft with us a flue young turkey, fat- Mied expressly for the printer. He has our tanks ami a place in our memory. Printers ■.ter forget those who do not forget them about to holidays. ~r: li. Another. —A young friend, whose name i.'oill be nameless at present, called upon us the ■sine day, and inquired whether we would carry ume a small package. Always willing to oblige, ■c replied in the affirmative. When we,called . the package, what should he hand over but a ac big turkey. We. were taken irrily credit our eye?.' On being assured that all ■ n right, wc accepted the package, done up in lathers instead of paper, and got it home—on a an. probably, and probably we walked—anyhow w got it borne; but all the above was e’en a most ' much for one day. We arc not now in a fit trillion to sympathize with our brothers of the (dll who look their Christmas dinners without wkev. : A Mew Year’s Present.—We are indebted our young friend, William McDowell, of Lo -a - township, for a fine slice of venison from the ari .quarter of a white deer, shot by George B. oxkson, (who was hooting in company with Mr. McDowell) Chistmas day, in the “Kettle,” near ■js place. White deer are sometimes seen by Mters in this region, but they are very scarce. oae horn which our slice was cut was a three car old buck — all .white .but his feet and ears, f Nich were of the common greyish color. We ”W preserve the treat for our New Year’s emoer, but sampled it yesterday, and now .-‘enounce it the best venison we ever tasted.— May the donor always ba lucky in his hunting cx ■'ar«ions and the printer ditto. feel, while penning these lines, as though ’fwere not forgotten, and onr labor, often hard, supply our patrons with a readable paper, not altogether in vain; and we are encouraged to ' burn the midnight oil” a few minutes longer *:h aight. It is not the gift so much as the ■firit which prompts it, that we value. laecekct..—On Tnesdaynight last, some un mitigated scoundrel, who is evidently opposed to .-utroniiing storekeepers while goods are high, ap - updated a well filled clothes-line of sheets, table «bs, pillow-cases, towels, etc., wfcich Mrs. Mun « Had. injudiciously left out in her yatd, comer " Annie and Claudia streets. Not satisfied with e clothes-line operation, he coveted and then upon a couple of turkeys and half-a-dozen “‘dans which were roosting on the arbor. The m clothes and fowls amounts to about s4o— PWy fair night’s work for the scoundrel, bat ' tr too heavy a draft on Mrs. Mnndoo. We -®t *i s h the thief any particular harm, farther 411 ‘ a * be m ay find a thorn in eveiyr pillow-case, emetic in cvety table-cloth, and more bones I -sa meat in the fowls. - -other Soldier Gone.— Xsondou, r '.^ oadon ’ Logan township) a nem f ‘°' 125th Begt. P. V., died at Harper’s L ; ' mthe “fly part of last week. His re- L" S '' ere Hroaght home on Saturday last, and Lj,' n y aftern °on he was laid to rest beside bis iiir v*- 10tiS * n anD8 * in *l*® in the centre of Rad IW elDet ® , 7- When we saw; him last, Se of a to S * t ' t woun< l e ‘l comrades, at feat,. * hospitals, at Antietam, he was the ! fair for long life; |H»inst than tlin f n ta * lesß guarded I “ *°rk bu 'lMs of the enemy, has done Nfs ti W | oi' , t s,o “*, frame, and George now pH wi|] ae P from-which the bugle call or long ■tt'cr awake him. Peace to his ashes. Liiiot The followin f! is so true that we 1 the temptation to copy Of U t e r ,^V Btri . vc t 0 make the 1)081 InstL,s c b ee '‘l 14 * h^ ll UB > Tliei- m .^ t * n 8 cares half-way, I EartK I nolBo appal as. Wh» a v, aS *° r l° v ' n 8 hearts - * At Home.—lt is with unfeigned pleasure we announce that Cap'. C. R.! Hostetler, of Co. D, 125th Begt., has so far recovered!as to be able to visit his many friends in this plat*. He arrived here on Friday night last, i His wound (through the right hip), has healed up, hot he is still lame, and will not be lit for duty for* some time to come. Barring his lameness, lie is otherwise well and hearty, and expresses his desire to return to his comitiand as soon as his physician shall pronounce ] it safe for him to do so. When we met him, in Hagerstown Hospital, after the battle of 1 Antie tam, we scarcely hoped to see him on our streets again, but Providence has ;ordered otherwise, and we are thankful. - Bbould he be able to resume his command again) we hope be may come out of future battles more safely than he did at Antietam, and with equal honor. Losses nr the Sixtt-Second.—We leant that the 62d Regiment, Col. Hull, lost sixty-nine in killed and wounded at Fredericksburg. The re giment numbered 600 men. We find, in the Pittsburg Chronicle, the following list of the killed and wounded, in Company M, Captain Crozier, which is from this neighborhood: Lieut. Potts, Acting Adjutant, killed: Lieut. Murray, wounded, slightly, foot; ,J. Smith, face; John Long, knee; Edward McCabe, hand; Mi-i chael McGane, hand; Peter Abbott, leg;Freder ick Winsel. | Melancholy Occurrence.— -On Thursday evening last as a party were proceeding home from ,a spelling school, which had been .held at Fouse’s School House, in Huston tp.,Ja man by the name of Christian Acker, who has been nt the habit of carrying a pistol, and firing-.it for amusement, discharged the weapon, and the contents, by acci dent, lodged in the back of n young lady, also .named Acker. It is thought -that the wound will prove fatal. This is another sad accident result ing from carelessness.— Register. Look out for our carrier, on New Year’s mom. He will have a tip-top address, which he will exchange with his patrons for halves, quar ters or dimes, and they will find it worth the poney. Give Sam a “bumper.” Notice.—A meeting for the election of officers of the Altoona Mechanics’ Library and R. R. As sociation for the year 1868, will be held on Thurs day, January Ist 1863, between the hoars of 61 and 8 o’clock P M. A full attendance is earn estly requested. D. D. DOMER, Sec’y. Take Notice.—Kerr has jqst'received a large lot of new currants, large and seedless raisins which he sells cheap. Also a great lot of sperm candles, which he arils at 25 cts. per pound, which brings them full one-half cheaper than oil or tallow candles. Once more we say to our friends, when you huy for cash do not overlook the fact that he sells cheaper than any honse this side of the city. Dec. s—it. A Word to Married People.— ft it Ire true thut “A penny saved is two-pence made,” the shortest way to get rich is to fcuy your Groceries at FRITCHEY'S, comer of Main and Caroline streets, Altoona. ’ Browned Rye constantly on hand. Pickles, ready for table use, hy the dozen or hundred. Shrivor’s Baltimore Oyster Ketchup. Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketchup. Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, P’eachei, Pears and- Plums, in cans. The American Excelsior Coffee,' superior to anything in the market—good as Java and cheap as Rve. Try it. His stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, &c., cannot be excelled in the place. Cigars and Tobacco of all brands. Call and be convinced that it is to your interest to buy at the New Family Grocery. ; Circular from the Cash Store I— The sub scriber would respectfully announce to the public that he has just returned from-' the East with his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will sell, as usual, at a very smalf ad vance -on cost, FOB CASH ONLY’. He is un able to give a price list owing tp the daily fluctua tions in the market. His stock is the heaviest and most complete ever brought to the place, and having been purchased at the very lo west cash prices, will be sold at prices which- make it to the interestof cash buyers to call and examine his stock and be convinced that he can and does sell a little cheaper than any credit establishment. He would call particular attention to -his large i stock of DRY GOODS, Embracing all the latest and MOST DESIRABLE STYLES OF LA DIES’ DRESS GOODS to be found in the East ern market. A full assortment of fancy and plain Flannels and Shirting; and excellent supply of Linen and Muslins. dozens of patterns of Ladies’ | and Gent's Gloves, all styles of Hosiery, with the most complete selection of Shawls ever exhibited in this market; any amount pf Nubias, Opera Hoods; Ladies'Patent Vests, and a tremendous pile of Austine, Kelly & Cjo.'s Patent Hoop Skirts, ranging from four to fifty springs, which will be, sold at least 25. per cent, under present market price. ’ Our stock of GROCERIES is complete and selling a few cents below other, establishments.— Our Syrups range from 40 to 70 cents per gallon. We would invite particular attention ; to onr large stock of Government coffee, bought before the late | heavy advance, which we sell at 20 Cento per lb. It is far superior to any of the substitutes lately in vented. We have also a heavy stock of TEAS, ranging in price from 60 centis per pound upwards. ' Our stock of CHINA, GLASS add DELPH WARE is the largest, fbost varied add best ever j offered to the people of this Section. ! It is really beautiful. An examination Of ‘our “Show Win dow” must convince all who ; stop to view it that we are not “ puffing) our ware. - The China Ware embraces Tea Sets tanging in price from $l2 to $2O. Flower Vases, Mags and ; other ornaments. The Glass Ware embraces eveiytbin£ and eveiy style of manufacture. Owing to the late advance we cannot now sell the celebrated Wedgewood Iron Stone Tea Sets for less than $4.75 per set, ‘ which is $1.25 below the selling price elsewhere. I am now fully convinced that the CASH SYS TEM is the test for lioth sieller and buyer, ena bling me to stfff cheaper, without loss, and giving my customers a better article, add more of it, for the same money, than they get at any other es tablishment. But argument on this point is su perfluous. The reason why I can jell cheaper than credit establishments must fie apparent to all wlio give me a call. A full stock of boots and shoe*. An Wool, Ingrain, Lwt, JBaf[ and Heap car pets ' ■ ;;-f t| v ■ Table and floor oil cloth*, window shade#, &c. H. A. O.Kair.. j • ’ Altoona, Not. 20, 1862. A Babe in the Woods.— The Cambria TVib- i RAIL E.OAD AITS MATT SPTTTJTITTTI? riie 26th ult., says, that a little girl, twelve MAIL SCHEDULE, years of age, belonging to the family of George ; trains arrive and depart. Page, residing near Mineral Point, -started from Baltimore Exi«rp»a West arrives 7.3 S a. M_ leave* *.56 a.m ( her home one evening lasi week to visit her grand- “ “ " 820 ” " *■« “ oonple of miles away. AsceSg | the next morning, by chance, that the child had Express Train East -9.2 S l». M, leaves 9.45 P. M. i not reached her destination, a search was insttio- I i in f “ “ am. 4.05 a. m. I ted for her, and after considerable scouring of the a 1 H-30 *• ■* H-AS “ woods, She was found at the residence of Martin „ Tr »‘° B . »«lliday.bnrg Branch run to connect with Pnnk-Lan uncle. Upon of the Sit U “' lnJ Mail ■“« was learned that she had missed her wav the even- Trains on Tyrone k Clearfield Br\noh and BaM Kajcle mg before, ano after wandering through the woods R : R -ro*' to connect with Kxpnm Train West ana for several hours, crossing, a small M «* T "“ ttmes on the ice, which broke with her, by which means her fee! and the extremity of her clothing were wet, she took shelter under a projecting rock on the farm of Mr. Samuel Leidy. In the mom ing she came to the house of, Air. Letdv, and with out intimating that she had been in the woods all night, started in company with a vonng woman her aunt— for her gtand-mother ; s. WhetTnear Mr. Funk’s, however, she fainted, when she told what had happened, when she wns taken into her uncle’s house and properly cared for. Upon exami nation, it was found that the poor child wns badlv frozen, and was also considerably bruised by tails and other mishaps during her night wanderings. Fortunately the night was moderate, or had it been os severe as some which immediately preceded or followed it, she would undoubtedly have per ished. At last accounts she was still at the resi dence of Mr. Funk, and was recovering, I Rebel ' Fhisonkks ■ Refusing to be Ex i changed.— About three hundred .rebel prisoners | recently brought from LaGrange to Cairo. Illinois, declared their unwillingness to be exchanged.— Some of them affirmed they would rather die than go back to rebcldom. They were forced into the rebel army in the first place, and expect to be forced into it again if they returned. Among them -were some two hundred Germans, who expressed a desire to join the armies of the Union. Those who do not join the army wish to go north and find work. Gen. Tottle has written to Gov. Yates on the subject, and it is presumed that those wish ing to join the army, at least would be permitted to do so. There would seem a peculiar hardship in forcing them back into the rebel ranks. Their case had excited .much interest, and there is a strong probability, gays the JUmoi* State Journal, that Gov. Yates’ answer would be favorable. The Cairo correspondent of the St. Louis Deuiocrat as serts that many of the prisoners taken to Vicks burg and exchanged, have expressed a desire to remain here, but the policy had been to send them down and redeem Federal soldiers with them. These facts contribute to corroborate the decla rations we printed a few days since, that the feel and the attachments of the Germans are strongly in favor of and wedded to the Union—the Gov ernment—Freedom! A Distressing Bebeavememt. —A most dis tressing bereavement—one of those visitations of Divine Providence which seem almost too hard to bear—occurred in the family of Josiah Custer, of Taylor township, last week,’ It was the death of Jive children within three days, from that scourge of the family circle, Diptheria. The names and ages, with the date of their death, of the buried little ones are as follows: Priscilla, died December 17th, aged 3 rears, 4 months and 12 davs. Maty Ann, December 17th, aged 5 years, 3 months and 21 days. Elizabeth, same day, aged 8 years, 10 months and 10 davs. Mary Martha, December 18th, aged 10 years, 10 months and 26 davs. Susannah, December U»th, aged 7 years and 8 davs. \\ hat adds tQ. the sorrowful nature of this al most unprecedented fatality in one family, is the fact that the father of these little ones i's in the army—having been among the unfortunates upon whom the draft took effect—and is now at Suffolk, Virginia. —Johnstown Tribune. LorAL Indian Brigade. —The Secretary of Wat-has authorized the Indian bureau to raise two additional Indian regiments, for service as a 11 Home Guard,” in Southern Kansas and the In dian Territory. These regiments, when otganized, will be incorporated with the three loyal Indian regiments already in the field, and the whole force consolidated into a brigade, which will probably be commanded by Judge Ewing, who atjtresent is colonel of a Kansas regiment. The command will be further augmented by the addition of two regiments of white troops. With this force the Commissioner of Indian Affairs thinks the Indian Territory may be cleared of armed rebels, and the supremacy of the government again restored among the Indian tribes in that region of country. The Indian regiments all be officered by white of ficers; Captains of companies will abobewhite men, the subordinate company officers to be cho sen from ainong the chiefs. SINGER & CO.’S' Letter “A" Family Sewing Machine. WITH ALL THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, Is the BEST andCHKAPEST and MOST BEAUTIFUL of all Sewing Machines. Ibis Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck in Tarlatan to the making ef an Orel coat—anything from Pilot or Bearer feloth, down to the softest Oanse or Gossamer Tisane, and is erer ready todoits work to perfection. It can fell, hem, hind, gather tuck, quilt, and has capacity lor a great rariety of Orna mental) work. This is not the only machine that can fell hem, bind, Ac. but it will do so better than any other Ma chine. The letter “A” Family Sewing Machine' may be had in a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is new becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, otae that can be folded into a box, or case, which, when open, makes a beautiful, substantial, and spacious table for the work to test upon. The cases are of every ima ginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native for est, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk-Twist, Thread, Needles, Oil etc. of the very best quality. Send for a copy of “SINGER A CO.’S GAZETTE,” I. M. SINGER & CO., 408 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-MO CHESTNUT ST. Mr.D. W. A. Belford, Merchant Street, Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nov. 13,1862. [1 y r> PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM, YOUR lIEALIII, AND MENTAL POWERS, By using that Sale, Pleasant, Popular and Specific Rem edy known as BEL IiBOLD'S EJTTRACI BUCBU,. Read the Advertisement in another column, and profit by it Diwasee and Symptoms Enumerated. Cat it but, and Preserve it. You nut; not now require it, -JBirt may at route future Day. “ It gltei health and vigor to the frame* And bloom to the pallid cheek.” It Saves Long goffering and Exposure. Beware of Cbunter/eiU! Cures Guaranteed, Altoona* Nov. 10th, 1E62.] 3 m , A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. The Hot. Wm.Cosgrove, while laboring aa a Missionary in Japan, wasqured of Consumption, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician in the great city of Jeddo. Thla recipe baa cored great number* who were suffering from Consumption, Bronchl tia, Sore Throat, Cough* and Coble, and the debility and nervous deprosaion caused by these disorders. ~ Desirous of benefiting other*, I will send this recipe, which I bare brought home with me, to all who need it, free of charge. Address, Rer.WM. OOSOKOYR, 438 Fulton Avenue, Dee. 23,1862-1 y.] Brooklyn, N. Y. NKW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES for Men and Boys, Ladles and Misses, lust rec’d at ' LADQHMAN’B. A LL STYLES CARPETING AND ix OlMSoth* can be band *> LADGHMAN’S. MAILS ARRIVE. Luatem Through.-Baltimore anti Washington. 7,36 A. 31. “ “ Philadelphia, 8.20 u 9,29 P. M. lljJC A. M, 7.40 P. M. 726A, M. A 7,30 P. M MAILS CLOSE. Western Through,, Weirteru Way, Eastern Way,..,,.... Holliduysburg, Woetern Wiiy,.... 7.20 A.M. Eastern Way n,OO « Western Through, . 7,30 P M Eastern Through, , j’so o Uoliidaysbnrg 8.00 A M. A 7,00 P. M. „ geeice Houm During the week fmm 6.45 A. M. until •.30 p M. Ou Sunday, from 8,00 until 9.00 A. M. O' W. PATTON. P. SI. MABBIED On the 23d in«t„ at the residence of Mr. George Hawks worth In thill place, by Her. A. B. Clarke, Mr. JONA- To. M do RO J 11 ' of Po,ll «hd, to Mrs. ELIZ ABETH RENNER, of this place. On the ISch Inst., by Rev. John Moore, of Williams burg. Mr. GEORGE S. HOOVER, of Sterling. Whiteside couuty.lll.. to Miss CHRISTIANA S. GRAFFlUS.duugb ter of Jacob Gtafiiiu, of Martini<bnr|t, Blair county, Ph. On the 84th lost., by the ume, at t)»e house of John Clark. Sr., Summit Farm. Mr. JOHN CAHOTHKRS.of Huntingdon county, Pa., to Him UACUEL AUKANDT, ol Blair county. Pa. On the 25th inst., by the same, at the house of the bride’s mother. Dr. DANIEL LOYIER. of Frankrtown, to Miss CHRISTIANA DONNELLY, of Blair county. Pa, On the 26th Ins*., by the Mmo, at the boQM? of Rev. Schmidt, Mr. MICHAEL THEUREU, to Mias SOPHIA KMKRY, both of this place. On the 21st in»t M at the residence of the bride's father, bv Uev. J. H. Schmidt. Mr. CHRISTIAN SKLWITZ. to Miss MARY FEILEK, both of UolUdaysburg. Blair couo* ty. Pa. On the iSth inst., in Duncnnsvllle-. by Rev. S. J. Berlin: Mr. WILLIAM B. BAKTLKV of Altoona, to Mi<a ANNA SUSAN, daughter of John Walters, of Duncansville, Blair i ocnry, Pa. DIED-. In Logan township, on the 19th Inst, of Diptheria, AG NUS, daughter of Mr. Martin Ronyen, aged 9 years, 3 months and 16 days, and on the 23d inst, of same disease, MALINDA McGREW, daughter of Mrs. Martin Kunyen, aged 12 yean, 1 month and 26 days. I STRAY.—CAME TO THE RES- A IDKNCE of th** subscriber in Lo- ** pu township, on or About the Ist of Ju* ly, 1862. a BKINDLE BULL, white un- H d«r the belly and white hind feet, sup posed to be about 18 month* old. The owner is requested to come forward. prove pniperty, pay charges and takehim away, otherwise he wall be disposed of according to law. Dec. 30, 1862-3t* CONRAD BERND. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of Annie and Harriet Streets, EAST ALTOONA. : subscribers would respectfully in ! A form the citizens of Altoona, that they have just re ( ceived and keep constantly on handh supply of “ Pattons i T,,, l B 1 “ t " ” anfl Extra Family Flom. In barrels ami W i ami y & bairels In Sacks; also. Chop and Corn Meal. Butter ‘ a fresh from the country; also, an extensive stock i of Groceries, Consisting of Sugars, Molasses. Syrups Cof i foe, lc., also. Ham, Bacon. Dried Beef. Fish of all kinds, i bait. Crackers. Cheese, Soices, Tolwcco, Cigars, Buckets Brooms, Tubs. Brushes, Dri**d Fruit. Confectioneries! 1 Queensware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Owl Oil Fish j profits FOh' CASu!’ 0f j ' MC ' l We Pr0,K,3,) at | Altoona, Jan. 1,’6&-6m Early Physical Degeneracy ol' AMERICAN PEOPLE. JUST PUBLISHED BY DB. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute. A Treatise on the Causes of Early Physical .iodine of American People: the cause of Nervous Debility, C0.,- sumption and Marasmus This wot fc is one of high moral tone, written’in chaste yet thrilling language,. n 1 appeals directly to the moral consciousness of ALL PARENTS and Guardians espe cially, detailing scientific and reliable aids and treatment for cure. It will be sent by mail on the receipt of two (3 cent) Stamps. ~ 1 Parents and Guardians’ Fall not to send and ob tain tills book. 60. Young men! Fail not to send and get tnisbook. fcftpLadiesJ You .too should at once secure n conv ol this book. A Word of Solemn Conscientious Advice to those who will reflect. A class of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in the community, dooming at least IUu.OUO youth of both sexes annually to an early grave. Those diteases are very im perfectly understood. Their external maui estatiuu, or symptom are Nervous Debility, Relaxation and Exhaus tion; Marasmus or wasting and cousumptiun of the tissues of the whole body: shortness cf breathing or hurried breathing on ascending a hill or flight of stairs; great pal pitation of the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and sore Throat; skakiug of the Hands and limbs ; aversion to so ciety aad to business or stndy; dimness of eye sight, lass of Memory, diniuess of the Head, Neuralgia, Pain in va rious parts of the body; Pains In the back or limbs, Lum bago, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, irregularity of tile bowels, deranged secretions of the Kidneys and other glands of the body, as Leucorrhoea or Fleur Alton, Ac. Likewise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms. Now in ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred, all of the above named disorders, and a Lost of others not named, os Consumption of the Longs and that most in sidious and wily fir* of consumption of the Spiual Nerves, known as Tabes Donates, and Tabes mesenteries, have their seat and origin in diseases of Hie Pelvic Viscera. Uende the want of success oo the patt of old school prac tice in treating symptoms ouly. Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hy gienic Institution, is now engaged in treating this class uf modern maladies with the most astonishing success. The treatment adopted by the Institution is new ; it is based upon scientific principles, with now discuv red rem. edios; without minerals or poisons. The facilities of core are such that patients can bo cured at their homes, in any part of the country, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter; and have the medicines sent by Mail or express. Printed Interrogatories will be forwarded on an plication. Consumption, Catarrh and diseases of the throat cured as well at the Home of the Patients as at the In stitution, by sending tlieCuid Medicated Ixasuko Bal* uioo Vapors, with inhaler and ample directions for their use. and direct correspondence. A - Patients applying for interrogative* or advice, must enclose return stamps, to meet attention. IS. The attending Physician will be found at the In stitution f r consultation, from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m., each day. Sunday in the forenoon. Address DB. ANDREW STONE. Physician to (he Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute, and £? * >r D f *eases of the Heart, Throat and Langs, 99 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. Altoona, Dec.SOtb, 1892,-1y.,. A DMINISTBATOR’S NOTICE ! ! -AX Notice it hereby given that letter* of Administration On the estate of Herman L. Armstrong. late of Altoona, Blur Onnnty, deed, have been grantedto the undersigned, nSSS ? *r, r<1 * t , d ; AII kl,owi "« Ibemeebree indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment* and those having claims will present them dulv authenticated for settlemeut. * IjSAAG- W. ARMSTRONG* ' , , . . Administrator. December 4th, A. D., 1862.-6 t. 1? STRAY.—CAME TO THE RESI- UwTlrt M l !S K ieLs h '' “ üb * c [ il *' r . bi Logan township.about the let May, 186 a, a dark brown STEER, supposed to be about one year oM. The owner la requested to come for wanl, prove property, pay chargee and take it away, other wUe it will be disposed of according to law. Dec. 6th. XgftMt] WM. MoOARVEY. Ornc* Altoona Gab A Wats* Comcast. 1 Altoona, December 9th 1862. / rpHE BOARD OF MANAGERS have non nivt 3 ’ f !*»nii-Annu*l Dividend of FOUR ?*? * e * pi 2 U of the Company, clear of State Tax* payable on and after Jannaryilat, 1832. "E'OR RENT.—The subscriber offers 1 for rent the Store-Room on tlie corner of Annie and aarrlet>trwtii,£ut Altoona, Utety occupied by Foust * Etnler. Possession given immedUtely. Apply to Oct. 2,1882—tf A NDREWKI PPf,E. MEN AND BOYS COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at LADOHHAN’S. JLLUSTRATED Anew volume of‘this popular Journal commeecee on the first df : , January. It la published weekly, ami«very number contains sixteen page# of naeftil iafoimatkm. and from five to ten original engraving* of new iDVentioot and discoveries, all of which are prepared exprcwly for its columns. TO THE MECHANIC AND MANUFAC- So per.ro engaged in »ny of the mechanical or manu facturing pursuits should think of “doing without” the Scientific American. It costa bat six cents per week; every number contain, from six to ten engravlngaof new machines and inventions, which cannot be found in any other publication. " The Scientific American it indispensable to every in ventor, as it out only contains illustrated descriptions of nem ly all the best invention, as they comaont, but each number contains an Official List of the Claims of all the Patents Issued from the United gtates Patent office daring the week : previous; thus giving a correct history of the progress of Inventions in this country. We are also re ceiving, every week, the beat scieutifle Journals of Great Britain, France, and Germany; thus placing in our poe session all that la iranspiring; in mechanic* science and’ art in these old countries. We shall coutloue to transfur to our columns copious extracts from these journals -of whatever we may deem of Interest to our readers. A pamphlet uf insiructioh as to the best mods of ob taining Letters PaUut on now inventions; it furnished flee on application. Messrs. Mcnn t Co. have acted as Patent Solicitors for more than seventeen years. In connection with the publi cation of the Scientific American, and they refer to aL -000 patentee, for whom they have done business No charge is made for examining .ketches and model, of new Invention, and for adviung Inventors as to their patentability. CHISMISTS, ARCIIITKCTS, AND The ScitHnric Aiiiuuj will be found a moat useful journal to them. All the new discoveries in the science of chemistry are given in its columns, and the inierastaof the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the new inventions arid dlscoveriea appertaining to these pur suits being published from week to week. Useful and practical information pertaining to the Intelesis of mill wrights and mill owners will be fonhd In'the Bcnsnyio Auxuicss, which information they cannot poasibly obtain from any other source. Subjects In which formers are In terested will be found discussed in the Scicxnnc Awm- C *S; most .of the improvements in agricultural implements being illustrated tit its columns. TERMS. ' , To mail sn’mrlbers: Three Dollars a year or One Dollar mi four months. The volumes commence on the first of January and July; Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. " . western and Canadian money or Post-office stamps taken at par for snlwcriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit t >.euty-five cents extra on each Tsar's sub scriptions to prepay postage.. REMOVAL OF JESSE SMITH’S Hat Sd Cap Store. HP H E PROPRIETOR OF THE JL “ EXCELSIOR” HAT and CAP store, w<iuld inform his customers, and the Public generally that he has removed his store to his new building, on Vir ginia street, next door to Jftggard’s store, where he has just received a large stock of FALL& WINTER STYLES OF HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock of lints and Caps are of the very beat selection, of eye. y style, color and shape, for both old and young. Ail he asks is that the people cull and examine his stock, upd be feels confident that he can send them away re jmcius. if not in ih«* purchase of such nit article as thev wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Mats, Caps, Flats, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. I have also on hand an entirely new stock of LADIES & MISSES FDRS, embracing everything in that line, which I will ‘sell, at lai r pricep, as I do not intend to keep any of my stock over Nov. C, 1862. D. M. BAKE & CO. REFORMED AMERICAN PRACTICE. GO AND SEE THE Root and herb doctor, who can be consulted at the Altoona House, one day In each month during the year 1863, viz;—January 9th Eeh.Wlh and March 10th. At Mrs. Ward’s National Ho tel, Tyrone, on the Bth of January, 9th of Feb. and 9th of March. Ho treats all diseases that flesh is heir to. He invites all females that may be suffering with diseases peculiar to their «ex, to call and examine his new mode of treatment as thousands have been restored to health who liavo beeu n>tand(xied l»y otheisl He Is iii possesion of perfect tu* etruments for sounding the longs and chest,, and is there fore able to determine the exact condition of the vital or gans—consequently can treat such complaints with greater safety and certainty than it is possible for thoee who gne» at the disease and experiment for its core. He believes tlia*. for every malady, there is found in our soil a sura and never-failing remedy. Dr. LeVfiigftton has formed a copartnership with asduaw who has spent ail her life as a doc.ress, and her wonderin' enrea throughout the United State* have astonished tlion sands. She is a native of the Rocky Mountains and is called the “ Belle of this Prairies.” 49* Patients can receive treatment for $5 per month, except In cases of Cancers and Tumors, they varying from $lO to (100. Examinations free. See handbills. ' W. LEVINOSTOS, m. d. Nov. 26,1862-tf. Miss BELL MOON. GrlOrions ISTewsl r PHE Subscribers would respectfully I announce to the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity, that they have Just returned from the East with their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & GAPS, " BOOTS & SHOES. *‘« lr '*«* ot HAT& & CAPS have been sc lected with great care, and with the view of tolling all who may faror them with their patronage. Their 11m of Itaota and Sfyoe* In complete. Their LADIES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SBOES an? of City make, and warranted. Their Balmoral Sheet for Ladle* and Misses, «ro Just the thing for fall and winter. Thaokfal. to the public for their retry liberal patnaage heretofore, they hope to merit a continuance of the tame. „ Store on MAIN ST. ne*t door to Bowman's Xxchange Hote *- . SMin * MANN. ]VTOIICL.— I would hereby notify thqse 1’ who are owing me small bills for meat that I have placed their accounts in the hands of John W Humes, Esq, for collection, not for tbs purpose of rasing them out, bat merely for collection, (as I have not time to go around and sm each person,) and I wish all those upon whom hs may call to be prepared to sonars nu old scoounWAud. afa-t anew. In the meantime 1 will con tinue to keep on band sa fine an article of beet pork. or. mutton, as can be found, in this section, sod refusetfullv Invite all my customer* to call as usual. 3 Nov. 26,1862 H M. KCNYEN. provisions.— VJI A large and varied stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Just received, and for sale as cheap as the cheapest, at MOBPUV A McPIKE’S Store, ■ . t ofvlr K ini ““<*Carolinests. Altoona, J one 26,1862. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE „m L . TO ? f !a F *? E VIK'V CEMETKRY ASSOCJA wiII be held on the second Thursday evening of each month, in the Council Boom* M. CLABADOU. Ja*. bowraga, > PreMdent. [May 15-’62] A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus iV *ea and Shoulder Braces for «a)e ait (1. W. KKSSLER'S. TTMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, LADOUMAN’B, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Clothe* Breaks*, Comb*. yucaebknjves, Ac., at LADOUtf FINE ASSORTMENT OF OVER. CQAtB can be found at biUOnwilW. B. F. ROSE. : Treasurer. EXCELLENT HEAVY BOOTS A -i-i gffOßSJust received at LADGHMAN*B. Do:you want a hat oh cap, cheap or fine I—go to T.APGnMAN’B. Great piles of pantaloons. tor tfewaad Boys, at LACbHMAR’B, ’ SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. TBS I’APU IX tat WOftUN. nemuiTß tub. VOLUME VJll—ffEW SERIES. TCREH. TO THE INVENTOR. FARMERS MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37,Park Row, N. Y. HELMBOLD’S OENtfINE PREPARATIONS “ HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID KXTRACT BDCHD. A PnltWe ud Specific Remedy N. For OiMUM of. the BLADDRE, KIDNKTp, QRaTRL, AND DROPSICAL SWKLUSGS. ThU Medicine Iqcreure the power of Digeettoa, pad ex cites the. ABSORBENTS into health? eclton, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS deposition*, end alt UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, era red need, u well u PAIN ato INFLAMMATION, end U good for Mkh, Wo men ok Chiuuk. HELMBOiD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. For weakness arlaingftom Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion or Abase. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWIAQ SYMPTOMS: Indisposition to Ezertton, DUSonlty of Breathing, Loss of Memory LoasofPqwer, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Tisioni Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, - Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, ; Eruptions of the Face, PALLID COUNTENANCE. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follows InpoTsxcr, Fattutr Enurnc Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those -DIREFUL DISEASES,” “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Man? are aware of the came of their suffering. BUT MONK WILL CONFESS , TDK RECORDT OF TUB INSANE ASYLUMS, Ad«l the melancholy Death* by Consumption bear am pie witness to the troth ol the Heerthm. TUB CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OK- OANIC WEAKNESS, Require* tbe.aid of medicine to strengthen and invlgor ate the System, which lIGMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial wiU convince the most skeptfeal. FEMALES 1 FEMALES 11 Otn oa Yodkq, Si.vqle. M.utaxxn os CoyrritrLATixa Mss- - BUGS. In mnuyaffectlons peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BUCUU is oneqnaled by any other remedy, as In Chloro sis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uteras, Lencorrhce or Whites, Sterility, l and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from in discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OB CHANGE OF LIFE. su snpeons SBora. No Family Should be Without It. Take no more Balaam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous dlaeaeea. HELMBOLD’S EXTBACT BUBHU. AND Improved Kobe Wash CUBES SECRET DISEASES In all tbelr stage*. Little or no change in Diet, And no Exposure. It canaet a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Preventing and Caring Strictnres of tbe Urethra. Allaying P,ln and lafcaaia tlon so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous Diseases and vbrn-ont Hatter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS whohavebaantb* victim* of Quack* and.who have paid heavy fee* Ito.ba cured in a abort time, have found that they vers deceived, and that tbe -POISON” has, by the ns* of - powerful as tringents,” been dried up in the system, to break out In an aggravated form, and peihaps after Marriage. Us* Hmoou'i Exmcr Bnoav for all affections and diseases of the ÜBINABT ORGANS, Whether existing in HALE OR FEMALE. Prom whatever cans* originating, and no matter at HOW; LONG STANDING. Diseases of then* organs regain the aid of a Dnamc. HELUBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOHU Is tbe Orest Ihuartfc, and is certaitt to ham ton desired ,effect in ail diseases for which it Is reoaamemlsd. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible charsotor wl'l accompany the medicines. Certificate* of Caret, from eight to twenty years ing» with names known to science and fine. Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six for $5, Dellrered to any addrea, Mcni-aly pccksd troraaaT sb- MmtioD. Dncun Sntnoss miu Coi Caret Guaranteed. Aira^vrr. Pertonally appeared befoi e me, an Alderman of tbeettr of Philadelphia,;n. T. IltuuoLD, who being dn|y tworn, doth «aj. hie preparation contain! no narcotic, no mercu ry, or other in|nriooa drnga, hut an purely vegetable, O.T.'HIUIBOU>. Sworn and enbeuibed bebro me, this 33d day of No. rember, ISM. W. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, Hfnth St, abort Baca, Phlia, Addreaa lettera for information in eonAdenoe to H. I. BSUtßOU^f’ChonM, Depot, 104 South TentlnSt, below Cheetnat, BKWABX Of 00PHTKRJK1T8 AMDiM^iyr-ipiyj. Who endearor to diapoaa dhy non «m* and Ilelmbold’e Genuine Preparation!, • ' *• *> ■; : ■ t t - |:f •V Drnatott wrny-wIMT*. TMw’bo oUw cl ‘ o«tbeutrertlauMotudwod udaprare. ■■• ■'> fapttobwlTth, UW.J,. t , | At little Egpense, No inconvenience AdTlc# Qratli.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers