vot ® d to |||i3:^jp ;Wwd MdtJ"T ■WHMdBS ES^SapaK Saiassssrt’* gag»-%ij£ Ji : . .v - . aaT^^ft, f,*t tfce TrUnau Ofiea. ar. _ £*u»j- WwwmwSTiSS fe wa MtwoSSSfc Ii« s i By fe, . o - g w ** * ■.■ jar! s« * m t*«S H w, o H; fl£ •* , ■-25 'S ll ■ : *3 •- *g js iSi&S ii »g|it; li gasii n SllSii jr s s: is?i s OO*. J 5 s *«**• il AND BAKERY ! RSIGN ED ANNOUN i of Altoona and riciaity tint la icintoicea of : aONAEIES, NUTS, SHOES enpraaaly for the Holiday*, ij* on ba«d a food ttoek of plido •n ttaov&etttr*. I|NES, RAISINS, AC, Mon* Of the year. gar. Molasses, Batter, SITE WHEAT FLO UR, toon, CORN JISAL, *C, da In lar*o or email quanUtiee. Wo roj abide and yon will Sod iny in town. JACOBWIHE. OTIONESY TER SA I,OON, RISER WOULD IN cof Altoona and riciaity that hli t andFRIUT STORE, it dwar. mt atticlea to be bad, and In great K SALOON Which be will terra op OYSTERS eaaoooa. , ’ fJM * PISS alwayt on hand. indte aopply cakaa.oandiea. At.. Wet. He inritea a ahare ofpobllc *o can render fall tatialkclion te ••loon to onTirglotoittwt.two OTTOEOMI. STINGER’S fews Agency, •I 7, STREET b,blA»k books, 30NFECTI0N ARIES (TOBACCO, BINGEEAT VAJUBTY BUT OK aiHD. r> & co- "■ ■ . JACK & GO.. vottJojxmmA fUUm, jaei JO* ”) THE PMEOiPAL d 4 04W to«^/W>e#loo. SB— PEACT?CAL “gbr ; pn^Mtnuco. %r*, djils. to LICEn> «rCjß*Ug ;jwrjp >!«L?P£i2' *«*> PfS- •i f - /.a 'L 4 fe) :4'z McCBUM & dern, VOL- 7. ' THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. s- »• *»b lurunou. ***’ p»y»W«i | »»»ri* b ly in »dT*nce,) $1,40. I’ll-P'” iincoutiaaed «t the «xpir»tlon of tb« time f ,i,l lot fCEMH or 4»tIBTUUO. 1 iuswlkm 2 do. 3 do. llie , » “ * '«H $ M , S line.) 60 75 1 00 0j« ..l u “ re ' ,\ 6 .. ) 100 140 200 t*» " >J4 , 140 J 2 00 240 Ts rec il(W ' w( *t»and lew t**»n three months, 24 cents pit *1“"" * ,,r e * c *’ in *’ r g months. 6 months. 1 yew . .$ 150 (3 00 t 5 00 . 2 50 4 00 7 On . 400 600 10 00 . 600 800 12 00 . AOO 10 00 14 00 . 10 00 14 00 20 00 Su line* orl#M T*o “ tuf«« “ Pour “ Sir»« lmuu -:r —i* oo 0“’ inutrawr" »■>*> Itaecßtore NoUeM - br»h. 1*«, »h». .qu« M , 600 urMt •| ,1 J > n>tl narked with the number of i “ wr ‘ lla t!T«ir.r."ll be continued till forbid and charged ac f<^ io . s mi mllices fl*re cents per line for every Insertion. ;±r;.r n^";*»d.ng P len lines fifty cent, a eqna e lock hospital vJuTiiSd A RKIfCGIS FROM QUACKKRY Only Place Where a Cure Can be Obtained. , [vR. JOHNSON has discovered the I m»l Certain, Speedy and only KBectoal Remedy ip ' i. 4 fir all Private DUraias. eakuesa of.the Back or the Kidneys and or him . Discharges* Irapotencv, Genera! Debility. Law Bpirit “~ of l l'.a .iwtiuu of the Heart. Timidity. Trembling.. of Sight or Giddiness Dtsease of the He id. Nose or 8k in. Affection, of the lover. Lunge. Stom- Lh or n .'el»-lh.«e Terrible disorder* .rising from the “aliur* Habits of Yonth-thoso secern ami solitary prac- r alrt m ' intAl to theii victims than the song of feyrens to u7yase., blighting their moat brilliant or anticipations, rendering marriage .Ac., impose!- ble, v YOUNG MEN t. D ecuJlv, who hate become the victims of Solitary Vice. itiTuielaful amrde.tuctive habit which anmwhy -weep i» >a untimely giave thmwand. of Yoomt Men of the moat -Italtoi talent, and brilliant intellect, who niight otUer '.h. have eufranced liatening Senate, with t'-e thunder of eloquence, or waked to ecta.y the living lyre, may call «itk toll coufldence MARRIAGE. ■ UjrrieJ Psnons, or Vouiik Men cotemplatlnß marriage, Ming aware of pliy.lcal weakness, organic debility. .lefor mitv, sc., speedily cured. _ j Ue who place* himself under th* care of I>r. J. may re- j ligwadv eunfids In hi* honor a* a geuileman. aud confi- j dfiutlv rely upon hi-* skill ns a physician. ' ORGANIC WEAKNESS I Immediately Cured, aud full \ laor Restored. : ; Taii Distressing Affection—which renders Life miserable | uurriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the , victims of improper indulgences. Young pern* ns are to j aM to commit «ces es from uot being awai e of the-dread fol consequences that may ensue. Now.,who that under* ; iUq U the subject will pretend to deny that the power Cl pro:raati-m is lo*t sooner by tho-e falling into improper kbits than by the prudent? Besides being deprived the pleasure* of healthy offspring, the most senops and de> (tractive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system become* Deranged, the Physical and .Mental Func tions Weakened. Los- of Procreative Power, Nervous Irr tsbililv. Dysp-pda, Palpitation df the Heart, Indigestion Constitutional Debility, h Wasting of the Frame, Cough. Consumption. Decay and Death. OFFICE. NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Lefi hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to’observe name and number Letter-* must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang in bis office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO GAYS. „Vo Mercury or JVtweoru VruffS. N OR. JOHNSON. n . Member of the Royal College'of Surgeons, London, Grad Bste from one of the most eminent Colleges in the Dnltoa Sibles, and the greater part of whose life- has been spent in tip hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia anti else •here, has effected some of the most astonishing cure* that wer, from educathm and respectability, can alone be friend him. delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such a* nicer* tel sore throat, diseased noae, nocturnal pain s in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, node* on the snip' j-boaes and arms, blotches on the head, fkco and extremi ties, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the month or the bones of the pose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease become* a horrid object o| frvmjlwratlon, til! death pats a period to his dreadful iQfferings, by sending hlm t-* that. Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns.” ; : . It !• a mdancholg ftcl that thousand* fall victims, to this terrible disease, owing to the'uitskillfulnes* of igno red pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly Ifiregry. rain the constitution and make the residua of We miserable. „ STRANGERS , "rut not your lives, 'W health to the care of the nuiny 'Votuni94 and WortbicM Pretenders, destitute of kuowi* name or character, wh * copy Dr Johnson’* adter* lament*, or stylo ln the newspapers, re£u* Educated Physicians. incapable of Curing, th**y keep 7»Q trifling month 'after month, taking their filthy and M*onouj compounds, or a* long as the smallest fee cat b* obtained, and in despair, leave you With ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment, pr. Jdmrtant Surgical operations bv Jubuntba. by the reporters of the ' ® uu *” ** Clipper," and many oih»r papers, notices" of which hwe appeared again and again before the public, hendet his standing as a gentlemen of character and re •pottilbllUy, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. SKIN.DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. . J*o leUrra rwceived miles* post-pul** vui containing a itS’npto be med on the reply Persons wntlogshonld shite p * rtwn of tvlvertUcment describing symptoms i < ? rWM welting shbnld be pnitkolnr In directing tbeir IHisrs to this Institution. in the following manner: _- fOHH M.JOHH9TOM. M. 0.,