i W-n I *' * BciU. inAftctioQi) - r 1 rUlcen .■i-:'K^’ &»nin, i Mercurial Domic*. „ Qwwha Debility, SWrit*, . FcnuUe^o^^lint^ i HDUeuei and Ceriee ofthe t ofor. diseases havingtheir lenriitionof tby>h»dV^ DANIEL A. BOTD. Papmnsnan, December si, iggp I **““« Dtbakui tw, DwdlriM prepaid by yoe » ttMooan." r I had enffered fcr a which broke oat unmy bead end pto ine Tory much,aiidtook offthe IWWfc appearance:it abobreke CB . below the elbow, anient late the *«*%• * fearful Bore. The disease i tint eerere! email plecre of boat ywWt nod tow spirited, tod bed eer getting well, ee I had tried mt. read they did roeno good. " InSsp t» induced to try “tointet'e I*. a.* I nut canfeee l bed no lelth rt after I hed need three battlee ol ■ serf on my head and ora begea to' dr elghtor ten bottlee, and my heed ell except the ecare remaining from elate that 1 had the rheumatism md lege. The Blood Scorcher elm Tain now a well man, over forty oe topic and young U I did when ■ lacyeued In weight twenty poaadi. tbadbeaae in my fiireheard wee so td and lifted anything beery, th« re. ipr. Keyaer bad a photograph igo.the artist, after I began to get > miy appearance ee bad ae it am, iting- the medicine. Yon can w< r which b now in my possession. ’«Wood street. X woahl alio - looi Searcher which wee made bs ameserd making it. Although it not recover bsVttntll I got the kind iwiaelt One bottle of fab did Be Ithiiold. I beliere it b egreatdeal 1 here recommended die Blood any of my friends for serious die hashelpcd the whole of them. Yon a wish, and 1 am nnxiona that ell weei may be cured. I llrainthb citj, em employed at CollriUe A Andet brki, M Wayne etreet. DANUX A. BOYD. MAN CURED. iaM| bavsbsen nearlj wSrlyfifor yean. I called an Dr. nth* ago and asked him to five a» oatflfc&jr the Blind la niWdflii : not go tp Philadelphia to get.vsll t would car* ims ns he said laydit- I was .Mated: tar It two or duet i this . r.Audenoa *«•*, Allagbea; •I ' » m^gspsp. er4i,i**W,l«s« tw for. dear .a jeer- It -eastonr* 1 i that; could Mt work for nfrjy ieoj&at ty^leartylxW^f^ a^fcassc s%ss?Ji?ss~ XBOXABAABUDL cumo \y wrf*** M ~Tf Ip-pte ***' I •s»'“ “/StZaa WU t-nllfesad ieaa SlsSi^pP “5W5 ?rMT , rr --~ " fSSf Dos’! Th*ow Sroire* -rßqyv doo’t throw that IT iff iflltJl ’' Mm pillll f «one toward your way, nn ** ’ | * less you are certain that yon injnre jno one.— S' 5 CiapMTi s#• “Citttij Piw." Many boys have been fatally, err severely injured 1 by the carelessness of their coin fades in this re spect, and here is an instance. I' On Friday week, a number of school 1 boys, in ChenyhiQ township, Indiana county were amusing, themselves throw ing stones at a mark, when one of them struck a lad named Howearth, injuring him so that he died on the following day. ITEMS. , irE . TO DB Kaos asd Papkr.—The Boston > < j e r, in an article onthe advance in the price ’saya We are told by many, of the ' paper manufacturers that the question is not t 0 the price, but whether at any price, the 0t titv of paper required can be supplied, so ' ia3 'tod' has become the supply of stock. This '" uld call the attention of the community to the triagofr*B» ‘“d. P a P er ’ lar * fe of w^ch s been wasted. Ok! paper answers for mixing with rags, and if this is generally saved, «f being wasted or destroyedj it will afford L ' h relief. Old paper, the waste and (sweepings of and houses, now six cents a and when it is taken into View that the circulating in the community will rerage about fifteen to the pound, rather more lan an ounce each, every one will; see that a mnqnnt of wastage is made here which may easilv- be saved. Fragments of paper equal m i quality to one .imed newspaper sheet, will sell for three-eighths i a cent by the pound, and old worn-out newspa " we in demand for wrapping-paper and other arposes, it fifty to sixty-two cents a hundred.— 1,, these times every piece of paper as Urge as a bank-bill, as well as rags of the smallest size, .Imuld be saved; In many houses and shops a treat deal of paper is wasted in various ways.— [imbtless many families waste enough hy burning „i tindling fires in the course of; a year, sufficient p.nav for supplying themselves with a weekly, iad perhaps, even a daily newspaper. Discharged Soldiers and Bounty Claims We see it pnbliahed that if a soldier is discbat wore he Ims served two whole years, or to th< „f the war, if sooner ended, be:forfeits his i:iiLin,v. The back dues for wages, and fifty - tach twenty miles traveled from the place of Jisciiarge to the place of enrollment, he is entitled :, on the pay certificates from his nearest paymas- If a soldier is killed, or dies of disease, be j-jre [he end of two years or the close of the war, l,e has, under .the liberal construction of the law, , rred to the end of the war, so far as he is or can l, concerned. Congress intended that no one .lu„Jd have the bounty until the end of the war. The I law requires that the bounty shall be jtaitl nist to'the widow; if no widow, the children in .-)iolshares; if neither widow, child nor children, then to the father; if ho is not living, or has abandoned his family, then to the mother: and if ‘ there be neither father nor mother, then to the ' brothers and sisters. Widows of commissioned nficers and of soldiers dying subsequent to their ■ Jis-harge are not entitled to bounty. A Cm' Touch.— Onr young friend, K. A. O. ; Si-it, has made an addition to the out side appear- •; of his store which gives it a decided Chest- | am street appearance, and takes down anything of tin? kind in this section of the country. We refer: I',, his show windows. Ladies they are worth a • arouhd that wav just to look at. The china and glass ware window jcan’t be beat by any city -labUshment, because Rob has all that they have, ami in arrangment he is the eqnal of the best.— The ladies’ fancy goods window exhibits the prettiest assortment in that line which the country affords, and it most charm the eye of every passer bv. His new gas fixtures also go ahead of all competitors, and when lighted up in the evening, the effect is grand. Call around at the “ cheap ca»h, store" and view the beautiful and useful com bind ; . Circular from tub Cash Stork I— The sub scriber would respectfully announce to the public that he has just returned from the East with his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will sell, as usual, at a very small ad vance on, cost, FOR CASH .ONLY. He is un able to give a price list owing to the daily fluctua tions in the market. His stock is the heaviest and most complete ever brought to the place, and haying been purchased at the very lowesteash prices, will be sold at prices which make it to the interest of cash i buyers to calf and examine his stock and be convinced that he can and does sell a little cheaper than any credit establishment. i He would call particular attention to: his large stock of DRY GOODS, embracing all the latest Mas Killed.— On Tuesday of last week, a and MOST DESIRABLE STYLES‘OF LA colored man named John Williams, who had been DIES 1 DRESS GOGDS to .he found in the East -wking with George Hooper, barber in this place, Scm market. A full assortment of fanc£and plain „ r u jiT j «_■ u . | Flannels and Shirting; large and excellent supply cot upon a Westward-hound freight tram wuth | of Liuenalu l Mushns, dozens of patterns of Ladies’ the intention of riding to Pittsburgh, Being in- . ail( j Gent’s Gloves, all styles of Hosiery, with the ■oxicated he was unable to keep his position on 1 roost complete selection of Shawls ever exhibited ihe bumpers and'fell from them upon theh trap W-i *“ ma*et; any amount of Nubias, Opera : Hoods: Ladies Patent Vest*, and a ftsemendous in the vicinity of Kittamng Point, and was hor. . pile ofAmtine, Kelly & Co.'s Patent Hdop Skirts, rihty mangled, several cars'passing over him. He I ranging from four to fifty springs, which will be was brought back to this place and interred the next sold at least. 25 per cent, upder present market day. He was a yonng manabont 22 years of age; , GROCERrES is co?pp i ete and an.l hishome was at Harrisburg. , selling a few cents below other establishments.— _ T , , .... | Our Syrups range from 40 to 70 cents per gallon. week we were inclined to feel a little , e would: invite particular attention to our large jolly over the arrival of the season for buckwheat ; stock of Government-coffee, bought befqre the late tikes andsausages, but while the sausages are right j heavy advance, which we sell at 20 cents per lb. ****** •» ■«? cents per pound for buckwheat flour knocks J ranging price from GOcents per pound upwards, all the'flajor out oif the cakes made therefrom.—- ! Our stock of CHINA, GLASS and DELPH The cause for these, high figures Is the alleged WARE is the largest, most varied and best ever . , / ■ . ' , ... j offered to the people of this section. It is really short crop.and no water in many places to gnnd j An our “Show Wm "■hat there is. We hope for at good 3 rain soon to ; dow »> mpst convince all who stop to view it that Wilig up the waters, if that will bring down the we are not “puffing’, our ware. The China Ware price of buckwheat cakes. j embraces Tea Sets ranging in price fnom $l2 to • $2O. Flower Vases, Mugs and otherornaments. show windows of the candy shops about i The Gloss Ware embraces everything and every , jri ! style of manufacture. Owing to the late advance (own are brightening up, telling the yonng folks | now ■ reU th e celebrated Wcdgewood unmistakably that “ Christinas is coming.” From | j ro „ Stone Tea Sets for less than $4.75 per set, davlight until dark, and after gas lighting, these i which 1 is $1.25 below the selling price; elsewhere. windows are besieged by juveniles, who doubtless ! I™ the CASH SYS . *■ \ J . , .a< ij i TEM is the best ! for both aeller and• buyer, ena coyet the feast presented to the eye, but withheld j Wing me to mll cheaper, Without loss, and giving hom the palate by a thin light of glass or mv customers a better article; and more of it, for want of ‘Yeady rhino.” Never mind,, boys, 1 the same money, than they get-at ainy Other es ;■ there’s a better day coming,” when, I* you .toy '* men, you will have money to purchase more ; credit establishments must be apparent to all, sweetmeats than ypn will want to eat, _ i and that j cheaper 1 can fully; convince all GT The local of the Harrisburg TelepropA copip! | ftflf boots andjdhoes. ‘t . the notice we gave the Patriot Union in our last. All 'Wool, Ingrain,, List, Rag and Hemp car 'd reference to appropriating local items without pets., - . credit,' and evidently endorses onr | Table and floor oil cloths, y^-ehad^te %he fails to practice what he would approve 1 Altoona, Nov. 20,-1862.' end teach, as in the same paper he publishes our - - .V M, on the death of James McClure, withont a . w av . Tj„- Dr - tetter of credit. Don’t be so libentl, Mr. Local of A WORD TO MARRIED PEOPLE.— Ttkgnph. The pot rf the Telegraph needn’t lf it be trne that “ A penny saved; is two-pence the kettle of the Patriot Uttion black, in that | made,” the shortest way to get rich id to buy your lme ; Groceries at FRITCHEY’S; corner 6f Main and Thanksgiving day was generaUy observed, 1 Caroline streets, Altoona ; . . 1 entwardly, in Altoona, although there was a side- r Browned Rye on hamL f dpor arrangement to almost every place of business, | ready for .aide use, by the dosen or through which business was transacted as usual. • hundred. - ,j .f- Work Was suspended in the railroad shops and , Shrivers Baltimore Oystp - etc up. Mion religious services wfere held in the Lutheran Pepper Sauce and Tomato Ketc np. a Church, W h ere Rev. Wm. Lee Spotswood delivered Fresh Tomatoes, Quintus, Peachey Bears and s “I 081 excellent discourse on National sins and Plums, in cans. : N Punishment. Ti le American Excelsior Coffee,: superior to Off to t HE CitY.-Fet, of “Oak Hall,”]?* ■ in 11,8 n,arket^ od “ Jav f and cheap “fftothe city to lay in his Holiday notions fop- M ®' 6 * ■ 8 . i. .. fiJ,fi^ nn( . r j WL *«d little children, and will bring enough .His stooh of nnt8 > Confectioneries, "jim cracks" to supply all the inhabitants.of this * tp place. ; ‘‘neck o- timber.”. We can't say exactly what he C, « ara ! . . »iU bring, but doubtless something never seen By Call, and be convmped t}»t it is to jour interest we oldest inhabitant,” Watch and wait. ; to buy at the New F*3m& Ghoceby. , Rich.—Under the head of “ City Intelligence,” the Pittsburgh Chronicle publishes our local on the death of James McClure, a local froth the Hun* lingdon Globe about a bear killed in (hat county, and a notice of an old man being sentenced to jail in Bediord county. Truly, Pittsburgh, must have extended her borders, or the printer not been care ful in the selection of his “ cross-heads.” Confectionery.—Jacob T. -Wilson keeps con stantly on hand a general variety of confectionery, such as nuts, fruits, cakes, pies, candies, Christmas toys, sweet cider, oysters, &c., &c. Call at his store on Annie street, two doors above the Post- Office, and Jake trill accommodate you with the best confectionery in the market. Removal.—Murphy and McPike have removed their store to the new store room in Work’s new building, on Virginia street a few doors above Kessler's Drug Store, where they will be happy to see all their old customers and as many new ones as can crowd in. i Soldier Bdried. —Emanuel Burley, son of John Burley, of 'this place, was brought home on I Saturday evening last, and interred in Fair View } Cemetery on Sunday afternoon with the honors of j war, by the Mountaineers. Ball.—The Fourth Annual Ball of the Good 11 Fire company will come off iu Logan Hall, Friday evening next. Of course it will be a htrche affair, as the men at' the head of it are ■client hands at the business. gaT A number of letters and communications, together with several local items, are left over this week for want of time to read, and write out. — They will appear next week. Take Notice. —Kerr has just received a large lot of new large and seedless raisins which he sells cheap." Also a great lot of sperm : candles, which he sells at 25 cts. per pound, which brings them full one-half cheaper than oil or tallow candles. Once more we say to onr friends, when you buy for cash do not overlook the fact that he sells cheaper than any house this side of the city. Dec. 5-It Attention Moentaineehs I—The members of “The Mountaineers”, who may yet be in arrears for their dues, are earnestly requested to pay up, as there are bills against, the company which must be pail. D. D. DOMER, Treasurer. SINGKER & CO.’S Letter “A” Family Sewing Machine. WITH ALL THK KKCKNT IMPROVEMENTS, Is the BEST wd CH KAPKBT and MOST BEAUTIFUL of all Sewing Machines. Thin gachine will sew Anything, from the tanning of a tuck ia TarleUn to*he making of ao Over coai— anything from Pilot nr Beaver Cloth. down to the softest Gauze, or Goeaamer Titsoe, and la ever read; to doits work to perfection. It can fell, hem, bind, gather tuck, quQt, and bas capacity tor a great variety of Orna* mental work. This la not the only machine that can fell ! hem, biodfle. bat it will doao better than any other Ma* | chine. The letter “A” Family Sewing-Machine may be ; hod in a great variety of cabinet cases. ' TUe Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies,. ; one that can be folded into a box, or case, which, when ; open, makes a beautiful, aobatauclal. and spacious table for the wofk to rest Upon. The cases are of every ima ginable design—plain as the wood grew in its native for est, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch Office* are well supplied with Silk-Twist, ; Thread. Needles, Oil etc. of the very best quality. , Send for a copy of - SINGER S CO.'S GAZETTE. I. M. SINGER & CO, 458 Broadway, N. Y PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-810 CHESTNUT ST. Mr. D. W. A. Belford, Merchant Tailor, Virginia Street, Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nov. 18.1862. PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, ' SYMMETRY OF FORM. YOUR HEALTH* AND MENTAL POWERS. By using that Safe. Pleasant, Popular .and Specific Rem edy known as HELMBfiLIXS EJCTRAC'i JH’f'JUl'.. FOIL NEURALGIA, it will afford immediate relief hi Read the Adverlicement In another column, and profit i *'* ry i™* l . however distressing. by it Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated. Cut it out. and Preserve it. You may not now require it. But nuiy at tonus Future JJay. “ It give? iu'MtUaml vigor to the.frame. Add bloom :•> the pallid cheek.” It Saves Long Suffering ami Exposure. Beware of Counterfeit*! Cure* Guaranteed. Altoona, Nov_ IMb, lSt>2.] BAIL BOAD AND MAIL SCHEDULE. I TRAINS ARRIVE AND DEPABT Baltimore Express W.#turrives 7.35 A.M. n 7.6.', A.M. ; Pliiladel’n “ Kant Line Mail Train Express Train Mast Fsuil Line Mail Trail) Trains on 1101 lM •;> shun; Branch run to. connect with 1 Express Trains ami Fast Line West ami Mail Train Hast . utui West. Trams on Tyrom* jc Clearfield Hr inch and Bald Ka*:le i Valley 11. 11. run tt) connect with Express Train West and j Mail Train East and West. > JAILS AKUIVE. Kastern Through. llultiiuore ami Washington, 7,36 A. M. j i’hiludelpbia./. 8.2 u ! l , [ 7 27. A. M. * 7.:« f- M. Western Through. Western Why. Eastern Way Hollidaysburg MAILS CLOSE. Western Way Extern Way Western Through.. 7.3 b I*. M. Eastern TlTrough 7.30 •* Holiidaysbiii'g x.OU A M. A 7.*>*» I* M. Omc* lluUlts: —During the week from ti.4o A. M. until 7.30 I*. M. On .Sundays from 8.00 until 9.0 u A. M. 0- W. PATTON. P. M. MARRIED On the 23d nit., at the Lutheran parsonagr. in this plac*. by Rev. 0. L Ehn-nMd. Mr. MAIILON H. ■ MILLER, of Hollidaysburg. t>* MissSALLIK I. LONG, of Upper San dusky, Ohio. E STRAY -OAMK TO THE RESI DENCH of the subscriber, in Logan township, about the Ist May,-1862. a dark brown STEER, supposed to bo about one year old. The owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take it away, other wise it will he disposed of according to law. Dec. 6th. 1862-3 f WM. McGAUVEY. A DMINISTRATOU’S NOTICE ! 1— AIL Notice.is hereby given that letters of Administration on the estate of Herman L. Armstrong, late of Altoona, Blair County, dec’d., have been granted to the undersigned, residing as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to mak" Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ISAAC W. ARMSTRONG, Administrator. December 4lh, A. !»., 1862.-6 L E STRAY. —OAME TO THE RES IDENCE of tin- subscriber in Lo imn town.bin, on or uliout the firs,t of jKMMSHKT October, ft YEAHLIxH UKIFFBR.red color, Jritb vrbit"' spots on her hinder pnrts. The owner is requested to come forward, |iro.»o property. pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording to law. HENRY WIRRBACK. Dec. 6,1892.—5t* E STRAY’.—CAME TO THE RES IDENCE of the subscriber, In T»ogan township, on or About the lit of September last, aJR ED BULL, about two years obi next spring; also, on or about the 20th of-Mty, 1862, R LIGHT RED with white back, white hind togs, half of tall white, a.bout four years old next spring.* Thu owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be dis- posed of according to law. Dec. 6,1862.—-St* List of -Letters remaining in the Post Office at Altoona uncalled for on 2d of December. Ashbaugh, Joseph Ml Her, Mrs Sarah Anderson. James Mpgre. Thomas A Co Boyd, James M Moony, Jim Berger, George M’Clure, James W 2 Busier, Miss Mary M’Cley, Dennis Baker, Benjamin : ' M’Claue, George Mrs Butler, Elleh : McCoy, Wm J Blair, Miss Emma M’King, Mrs Sarah B rown Thoma* Quaker, Nicholas Bowers, Mrs Elizabeth Roberta, Gen’l BS 2 Bradley, Miss Mkry J Rhoads, Mrs Catharine Dykeman, G R Rfdly, John Douglass. J A ; ■ Shongut. Wolf Damaker, Mrs Lizzie' Stull, Mrs Harriet Garrett, Mrs Ann Suliaberger, Mrs Caroline Groves, Mrs Mary A Sipes, Mrs E Galllgan, Pat< ick Storer Michael, Hoffman, Charles 3 Stevenson, John Hare, James C Sellers.Oeorge Ueldbrandt, Mr Steward, Aaron Hay, Abraham Strawbridge, John Hays, Deter Taylor, Charles Uensler, Miss Mary ’J aller, Charles Kahoe, Tliomas Tnlley, Patrick Lyles David Laugfaery Robert Lobach John T Wiley, Joseph H 2 Persons enquiring for any of the above will please say “ Advertised.” G, W. PATTON, P. M. MEW AND IMPROVED STYLES of Trunks, Valises and Carpet-Bags, at LAUQHMAN’B. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Qent’i Model Improved SHIRTS—-Cassimere and MusllnShirta—dine utid coarse—white and coldred—at LAUQHMAN’S. i BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus y\ sea and Shoulder Braces for sale at l-tf- G. W. KESSLER’S. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO.. VY LOCK HAVEN, PA. PREMIUM ROTES IN FORCE. Insures property on as reasonable terms as are consistent with security. DIRECTORS G.C. Harvey, O. D. Satterlee, J. B. Hall, Jacob Browu, V. M. Price, Allison White, Simon Scott,; C. A. Mayer, Alex. Slodn. ’ W. Fcaron. 0. D. S&TTXRLU, V. P. O. C. Baktkt, M. : J. W. Chapman, Secretary. ' July 3, ’62-ly.] R. A. O. KERR, Agent, Altoona. T7VOB RENT.—The subscriber offers I I * lor rent the Store-Room on the corner of Annie and : Harriet etreet«,K»« Altoona, Intel; occupied by Tenet : A Etnier. PoesMalon given Immediately. Apply to Oct. 2,18«0—,tf ANDREW KIPPI.R. T> AGS ! HAGS !—The highest price T\, in cub will be Ifor «*« of erery description, ~ dowered M lobe* 1 .lore, But W*fd. , ' • Hor.U-St. : J.B.ICKKS. fl.yr. I It will relieve the worst cases of HEADACHE in throe > minutes and is warranted to do it. | FOR NEUV'UUS’DEBILITY AND GENERAL LASSI TUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment ' ia a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly | upon the nervous tie-aues, it strengthen* amf revivifies the ; system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. 3m. | H. 45 P.M. i 8.30 P. M 7.4ofrunsnofurther West.) 9.25 P. M.. leaves 9.45 P. M. j 4.}M> AM. •• 4.05 A.M.! •11.3.1 11.30 7.20 A. M. 11,00 JOHN WOLF. Toner, A C White, Samuel Willson, Sumon J 405,000. I>r. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA LUMBAGO, STIFF NECK AND JOINTS, SPRAINS,'BRUISES, OUTS AND WOUNDS, PILES, HEADACHE, AND ALL RHEUMATIC AND NER VOUS DISORDERS. For ill of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and ha* l«ien used in h«* practice for more than twenty years, with the must astonishing success. AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAIN, it is unrivalled by aiix preparation before the public, of which the most may be convinced by a single trial. • This 1 Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, RHEU MATIC DISORDERS of every kind, and in thousands of. caws wherw it has been used it has nrver been known to fail. TOOTHACHE also will it cure instantly. FOR PILES. —As an external remedy, we claim that it is the l*est kiiuw-n, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim' of tbi* distressing complaint shouh) give it a trial, lor it will not fail to afford immedl ale relief and iu majority of eases w ill effect a txidicai cure. QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are sometimes extreme ly uialigmuit and -dangerous; but a timely application of this Liniment will never fait to cmw. SPRAINS are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur.if neglected. The wrist case may bo conquered by this Liniment iu two or three days. BRUISES. CUTS. WOUNDS. SOUKS. I LCEBS. BURNS AND sCALD>. yield readily to Me* wonderful healing properties of D!t. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when Used according to direction*- Also, CHILBLAINS, FROSTED FEET. AND INSECT BITE* AND STINGS. !'v Sti-iihrn Sweet, of Connecticut, * f The Great Natural Roue Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, Is knowu all over the United States, Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, I s the author of •• Dr. Swo-ts J ufallibb- Liniment.” Dr. Sweet's Infallible .Liniment Cures Rheumatism ami never fails. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains uud Bruises. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Cure* Headache immediately and was never kuown to fail. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, audseldom fails to cure Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment tores Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no sear. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for sores iu the known world. Dr. Sweety Infallible Liniment lias been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Taken internally cares Colic, Cholera Morbus and Cholera. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment Is truly a “ friend in need,” and ©very family should have it at hand. Dr. Sweets Infallible Liniment I, for sale by nil Drugging. Price 26 and 60 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DE. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an ex tcrnal remedy, is without a rival, aud will alleviate pain more speedily th«n any other preparation. For all Rheu matic and Nervoiu Disorders it Ik truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Ac., 1 Its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, exclte tlie jnst wonder and astonishment of all who bare ever given it a trial. Over one tlrousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within the lost two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS! DR. 8 WEETSINFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES Is unrivalled by any, and in nil cases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruised or wrenching. Its effect is| magical and certain. .Harness or saddle Galls, Scratches, Mange. 4c_ It wilt also cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and cured In their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beybrd the possibility of a radi cal curt. No case of the kind, however, Is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application wilt always remove the lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. EVERY HORSE OWNER should have this remedy at hand, for it* timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases, to which ail horses are liable, and which render so many otbei wise valuable horses nearly worthless. OR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Soldi©!?’© Friend, And thousands have found it truly A FRIEND IN NEED! CAUTION. To RToid Impoaition, obeerre the etgnatnre epd Llkenee* of Dr. Stephen Sweet on era, late), and aleo “ Stephen Sweet'. Infallible I.inlment*' blown in the glen of each bottle, without which none are genuine. RICHARDSON A CO. Sole Proprietor*. Norwich, Ct. MORGAN A ALLKN, Oeoeral Agent*, 4SCIMT Street, JtewTork. e*. Bold bj all dealer! ererywhere. December 4,1*41-1,. IS TUB 9W Dalny—Rett, *• 7b Dtttrvy—lKa, «*4 lb Dutmy —-Bed Sw».. 7b putrog —-Jfettsi" TVrs.tCWto, **■ ToDatroy mmqkiUxt «Mt Bm. 7b ftitwy ■■ Much w pfawtf ft Dalny- —/»»€>•(<<* jtiuwils, 4s. - 7b TVsiroy— and Vssw* SE SMITH’S Hat & Cap Store. rn U E PROPRIETOR OF THE 1 U EXCELSIOR” HAT »nd CAP Store, would inform liU cnKtonifn*. and the Public generally, that he has removed his store to his new building, on Vir ginia street, next door to Jaggard’s store, where he boa just received a large stock of. FALL & WINTER STYLES OF HATS, J| GAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &G. His Stork of Hats and Capa are of the very best selection, of evoi y style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he u*ks in that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident timt be cau send them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such au article us they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon tye' handsomest stock of Huts, Capa, Flats. Ac., ever exhibited in this town 1 have al*> mi hand nn entirely new slock of LADIES & MISSES FURS, embracing everything in that line, which 1 will sell at fair prices, as 1 do not .intend to keep any of my stock over hea*oa. , Nov. 6, 1802. : REFORMED AMERICAN PRACTICE. GO AND SEE THE Root and herb doctor, who can be consulted at the Altoona House, bue day in each month during the year 1863, vlx:—January 9th Feb. loth and March 10th. At Mrs. Ward’s National Ho tel, Tyrone, on the Bth of January, 9th of Feb. and 9th of March. He treats all diseases that flesh is heir to. He invites all females that may bo suffering with diseases peculiar to their «ex,-b- call and examine his now mode of treatment, as thousand* have been restored to health who have been abandoned by otjieis. lie is in possesion of perfect in struments fur sounding the lungs and chest, and is there fore able to determine the exact condition of the vital or gans—consequently can treat such complaints with greater saiety and certainty than it is possible for those who guess at tho disease and experiment for its cure. He believes tha* for every malady, there is found in our soil a sure and never-failing remedy.’ Dr. Lovingston has formed ucopartoershlp with a squaw who has spent all her life as a doctress, and her wonderful cures throughout the Uuitod States have astonished thou sands. She is a native of the Rocky Mountains and is called the 4 * Belle of the Prairies.” Patients can receive treatment for $5 per month, except in canes of Cancers and Tumors, they varying from $lO to SUK). Examinations free. See handbills. W. LEVING3TON, M. D. Miss BELL MOON. Nov. 26> 1862-tf. G-lorious !NT ews! Subscribers would respectfully announce to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that they have just returned from the East with their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & GAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. Their stock of HATS & CAPS have been se lected with great care, and with the view of suiting all who may iavor them with their patronage. Their line of Boots and Shoes is complete. Their LADIES’ MISSES' and CBILDSSN'S SBOES are of: City make, and Warranted. Their Balmoral Shoes for Ladies and Misses, are just the thing for fill and winter. Thankful to the public for their eery liberal patronage heretofore, Ihev hope to merit a continuance of the same. Store on MAIN ST. next door to Bowman’s Exchange Hotel. BMITfi * MASH. NOTICE. —I Would hereby notify those who are owing : me small bills for meat. that 1 have placed their accounts in the hands of John W. Humes, Esq., for collection, not for the purpose of seeing them out, hut merely for collection, (as I hare not time to go around and soe each person,) and 1 wish all'thoae upon whom he may call to be prepared to square up old accounts and sta't anew. In the meantime 1 wilt con tinue to keep on handjasflne an article of beef, pork, or mutton, as can be found in this section, and respectfully inrite all my customers to call as usual. Nor. 26.1862 tf. if. RUNYEN. PARTICULAR NOTICE !!—Notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebtdd to the undersigned, in store accounts or other wise,, to come forward and make Settlement, on or before the 10th of Dccember.us no longer indulgence can be giv en. After that date all unsettled accounts will be placed In the hands oi a proper officer for collection with coet. Nov. 8,1882.—3t*J ’ K. H. McCOBMXCK. ( \ AND PROVISIONS.— I X a large nodi varied stock of FRESH GROCERIES aKd PROVISIONS, just received, and for sale aa cheap as the cheapest, at MTJBPHV k McPIKB’S Store, ; Cor. of Virginia and Caroline sts. Altoona, J nne 26,1562. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALTOONA FAIR VIEW CAUBTBBT ASSOCIA TION will be held on the second Thursday evening of each month, in the Couitil : Eoom. M. CLABAUGHf Jab. Lowthxr, . Preaident. Secretary. TTMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ij l ■ Id endless variety, at bAUGHMANTh Altoona. May 1,1802. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Heir and Clothes Brnebee, Combe, Poeket-kntree, Ac„at ' t ADO HM AN’S A FINE ASSORTMENT OF OVER COATS can befonnd at LADQHIIAN’S. "OXCELLENT HEAVY BOOTS & Pf SHOES lu«t recelred at LADGHMANS. TVO YOU WANT A HAT OB CAP. IJr cheap or fine N—go to 1 LAUGHM AN*B< XTEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES 1 for Men and Boye, Ladle* and Mieeec, Juktree'da* . .r-t -• liADaHktAN’B.i LL STYLES QARPETING ; AND . 011-Cloth* can be fbanl at LADOHMAirS. . PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, oT every •in audible at ' i ;: LADfI|«AH»D.’ * ■} PREPARATIONS “hiohlt ooncrntratrd" compound n.mp *xtEAQt apcwj. APo4tlre«»4Bpeci*u!<. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BPBHU. For weakness arising from Excess**, Habit* of Diastp*- lon, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOW lAGT SYMPTOMS: Indispoeiilon to Exert too, - Difflculty of Breathing, Low of Memory Lorn of Power, Weak Nervea, Trembling, ' Horror of Dleeaae, Waknfhtaeaa, Dimoeee of Vision, , Pate in the Back. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hut Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption* oftbe Face. Three symptoms. If allowed .to go oh, which thl« medi cine luvaHfcbly removes, soon follows IUfUTXXCT, Fatcitt Enurao Fits, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CGNaSUMPTIOaN.” Many are aware oftbe cause of their suffering. BUT NOME WItL CONFESS TUB RECORD! OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS. And the melancholy Death* by Consumption bear am ple witness to the truth ot the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR GANIC WEAKNESS. Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigor ate the System, which HEMBOLD'B EXTRACT BCCHU invariably does. A trial will convince the moat skeptical. FEMALES! FEMALES 11 Old ob Young, Bncouc, Mabbibp ob Contbuflattio Mai In'many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BUCIIU is unequaled by any other remedy, as la Chloro •is or Retention, Irregularity, PainfolneM or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state oftbe Uteras, Lencorrhoe or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex,.-.whether arising from in* discretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the No Family Should he Without It. Take no more Balaam, Mercery, or anpleaaant Medicine foroDpleMantanddangeronsdieeetee. In all their atagea, Little orno change in Diet, \ And no Sxpodnra. It eanaeaa frequent deafreandgtvee etrengtb to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstruction*, Preventing arid Corine Strictnree of the Urethra. Allaying Pain and Inflama tlon so frequent in the elaae of diaeaaea, and expelling all Poiaonooa Diaeaaea and woriwjnt Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS who bare been the Tictima of Quacke, and whohave paid' heavy' feea to be cored In a abort time, hare found that they were deceived, and that the “POISON” baa, by the nee of “power ftil aa trtngenta,” beendrlqd up In the ayatem, to break oat in an aggrayated form, and perhapa alien Marriage, [May 15-’42] INS. N’S. ' very r,ADOH>tA!rg. Kpoipst ~f s. %■ QENTONE PALLID COUNTENANCE. BUGS. DECLINE OB CHANGE OF LIFE. BIX STKPtOia ABOVZ. HELMBOLD*S EXTRACT BUBHU. Improved Bose Wash CDEIB SECRET DISEASES Uax Hzuoou’s Exvaacv Boom bt aUafleettana and diaeaaea of the URINARY ORGANS, Whether axiißlhg In’ Male ob ?emale. From whatever canae originating, and no matter at BOW HOMO STANDING. Diaeaaea of theae organa require the aid Of a Dtuaxnc. HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUCBU la the Great irtoaenc, and la certain to hare the dealred effect in all diaeaaea lor which it ia recomuiended. {evidence of the moat reliable and reaponaible character wi’l accompany the medkioea. Certittcatre of Curee, from eight, fo twanty year* stand ing, with namee known to aeience and fame. Pttcesl,Qo Vet Bottle, or Sixfoil, Delirered toaDjraddnaa,aecaraly packed &nnaay ob •erratkm. ‘ D aoun trißon » au. Coni Guaranteed. AFUDAYIT. Penonaily appeared befbre me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. TTtl.iraoi.o, who being duly aworn, dfotb i»y, bia preparation coßtalaa.no narcotic, ao maren ry, or other injarkmadrnga, bat an pontyji-^e-Hy Sworn and anbecribed before me, thia tad- day , * do Bunaortlta, do do Imprond KoOo'Voi^k. *>d*fc» feraggMi e»«y-wh«*. TWiood otbar. Oat OatOMOdtorttaumt and Modbr it, addofoUfiafarittaa andozperan. • • - ' '■ 4 tM’•»•<« i»*. ' ■■ foptMUt mii. UMrly. - .-A. At UttleExpenee, No ioeonvenlaaea AliiMflntA