The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, December 06, 1862, Image 2

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Bbhuid Time Again. —A ruth of job work,
which paysmiicb better than newspaper publishing
ia-thew timeaof high priced paper and. scarcity of
jour printen, is pur apology for not issuing our pa
per earlier this week. Very few papers, published
at previous terms, pay expenses at this time, con
sequendy many of them are increasing their rates.
As we do not intend to put up pur prices, either
fpr the paper or the advertising, we hope 6mread
ers ww overlook delays when we have an opportu
nity to make a few dimes on job work.
Saiud.—Gen. Banks’ expedition sailed from
New York, two days since. When asked where
be was going,': be answered that he was “ going
South,” and tbat’sall we know about it.
Letter from Portßoyal.
Himoh Hkad, S. C., Nov. 26, 1862.
Em. Tjhboxe : Gmtkmm — l hastily seat
myself to note a few of the passing events, for
your benefit. ; This is another of our stormy days
so frequent on this island. The wind is blowing
a perfect gale and the sand is flying in dense
clouds, which renders it anything else than pleas
ant, oaf {of doors. Hay days like this, be like
Angels visits, “ few andfar between.”
We are all in the very best of spirits, having re
ceived a large mail a few days ago, the first re
ceived for twenty-one days. The reception of
news from home seemed to lift the gloomy pall
which .has lain upon ns for more than three weeks,
while pestilence was stalking at noon day; and
matters and men, under the influence of the en
couraging tidings, have assumed a cheerful as
pect. The enormous accumulation of mail matter
kept the Post Office Department actively employed
for flirty-six consecutive hours. There were sev
enty-onp mall bags, thirteen of which contained
letters—about 85,000, and the remaining fifty
eight, newspapers.
■ The weather continues changeable, being
throughout the day-time, warm, and at night cold
—sometimes frost. No new cases of yellow fever
have occurred for the last week, and we have good
reason to believe that it has token its departure.
We cannot bht feel that we have escaped a dread
ful pestilence; and certainly have great reason to
be thankful to Providence, that he! has spared us
more than a passing visit of the saffron knight.
Our medical Director, Dr. Crane, and also Dr.
Craven, both skillful Medical gentlemen, were un
tiring in their efforts to check the spread of this
dreadful disease. Indeed none of us know how
much oar safety may be due to their excellent san
itary measures. To them we owe a debt of grati
All is quiet, at present, in this departmnt. I
do not think there will be any movement made,
until we get another General (to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of Gen. Mitchel,) and re-en
forcements. i Report saith, there are 40,000 troops
on the way for this place; should they come we
will be able to make the secesh “ skedaddle" out
of South Carolina, and to plant the stars and
stripes once more on Tort Sumpter.
All the wounded of company F are doing well;
some are already well and have returned to doty ;
the rest are on a fair way to recover. Lieut. Jos.
B. Finley, pf the U. S. Signal corps, will be pro
moted Cajrtain of company F, in place of Capt.
Wayne, deceased. I presume it is generally
known that Lieut. Finley was promoted to a place
in the righal corps, abont six months ago, in
Which capacity bis soldierly appearance and gen
tlemanly deportment has won for him a high rep
utation. The Signal Department will be loth to
part with so faithful and efficient an officer as Joe.
I have not the least doubt but that he will, when
he takes command of the company, faithfully dis
charge every known duty. Success to him and,,
may bis shad—oh never grow less.
• 2nd Lieut. G. H. Gwinn, will be promoted to
Ist Lienteigmt, and if ever an officer deserved a
promotion Ipe does. The company all love and
respect him. Ist Sergt. Jos. W. Cannon, will be
promoted to 2nd Lieut. Joe is a good fellow, and
if be discharges his duty as 2nd Lieut, as.faithfully
as -he has done whilst Ist Sergeant, and I have
not the' least doubt bat that he will, he cannot be
“ The wqy of the transgressor is hard." Private
W. W. Lent, of the Bth Begt. Maine Vois., de
serted from Faroandina in April last, and made
good bis escape. to the rebels, to whom he gave
important information of our movements. While
with them be committed several thefts, and was
found guilty of such low actions, that even the
rebels became disgusted with him, and finally as a
punishment. for stealing a small sum of money,
from a poor old woman gave him up into our
bands. He was tried for desertion,; by a Court
Martial, of which Gen. Terry, Who; was at that
time Col. of the 7th Begt. Connecticut Vols. was
President, and was sentenced to be shot. The
finding of the Court has been approved by Presi
ident Lincoln, and the sentence will be carried
into effect on Monday morning Dec. Ist under
direction of the Provost Marshal, and in the
presence of the whole command.
Money is oimost as scarce as “ hen teeth.” We
have received no money, from government, since
July lest, Consequently are beginning to feel the
want of “ spondulicks.” Hope “ Uncle Sam” will
soon “shell out.”
To-morrow, is the day appointed, by ■Gov. Sax
too, a* a day of public Thanksgiving. There
wiH be no jdhty, of any kind, to perform. Such
day* are always bailed, by the weary Midler, with
pleasure. Lest I should weary your patience I
villelcae, promising “more anon.”
- Company F, 76th Begt. Fa Vols.
sf impartaseo from the Army of
The Cost of Peace. too* Robkkt Dale Gwen to Sec
retary Chase.
To the Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the
Treasury :—Sts:—ln briefest terms I state the
propositions which, as the subject of our recent
conversation, 1 promised to reduce to writing.
What are the reasonable hopes ofpeace?
Not, that within the next fifty days the ■ South,
availing, herself of the term of grace offered in the
President’s proclamation, may, to save her favor
ite institution, return to her allegiance. ; Let us
not deceive ourselves. There are «o conditions,
no guaranties—-no, not if we proffer them a blank
sheet on which to set them down, with unrestricted
pen, in her own hand—under which site will con
sent to re-union, except in one contingency—con
quest, more or less complete, by force of arms.
Are we likely to obtain peace by conquest “
In search of an answer, let us look closely at a
few statistical facts.
By the census of 1860 the number of white
males between the ages of eighteen and forty-five
is, in the loyal States, about four millions ; and,
in the disloyal States about one million three
hundred thousand; a little upwards of three to one.
The disproportion seems overwhelmingly great.
Bat this calculation, os a basis of military
strength is wholly fallacious; for it includes per
sons of one color only. „
Out of the above four millions the North has
to provide soldiers and (with inconsiderable ex
ceptions*, not usually extending to field-labor) la
borers also.
But of the three millions and a half qf slaves
owned in the rebel States about two millions may
be estimated as laborers. Allow three hundred
thousand of these as employed in domestic ser
vices and other occupations followed: by women
among us, and we have seventeen hundred thous
and plantation bands, male and female, each one
of which counts against a Northern, laborer on
farm or in workshop.
Then, of that portion of population whence sol
diers aiid out-door laborers and mechanics must
chiefly be taken, the Northern States have four mil
lions and the Southern States three millions.
Supposing the negroes all loyal to their masters,
it follows that the true proportion of strength
available in tills war—that is, of soldiers to fight
and laborers to support the nation while fighting—
may fairly enough be taken at three in the South
to four in the North.
Under this supposition of a South united, with
out regard to color, in an efiort for recognition,
shall we obtain peace by snbduing her? If history
teach truth, we shall not. Never, since the world
began, did nine millions of people baud together
resolutely inspired by the one idea of achieving
their independence, yet fail to obtain it. Iris'not
a century since one-third of the number success
ful}’ defied Great Britain.
But let us suppose the negroes of the South
loyal to the Union instead of to their musters, bow
sfenda the matter then ?
In thaTcasc, it is not to a united people hut to
a Confederacy divided against itself, that we arc
opposed; the masters on one side; the laborers, ex
ceeding them in number, on the other.
Suppose the services of these laborers transferred
to us, what will then be the proportion, on cither
side of forces available, directly and indirectly, for
militoiy purposes ?
As about five and three-fourths fin one and a
third : in other words, nearly os nine to two-
Such a wholesale transfer is,.of course, impossi
ble in practice. But in so fat as the transfer is
possible, and shall occur, we approach the above
How much wisdom, under these circumstances,
is there in fbe advice that we should put down the
Rebellion first and settle the negro question after
wards ! What shall we say of theft statesman
ship who, in a war like this, would leave out of
view the practical effects of emancipation ?
On the other hand, however, it is to be admit
ted that African loyalty in this war will little
avail us, if we have not good sense and good feel-
ing enongh properly to govern the negroes who
may enter our lines.
To render theft aid available, in the first place
we must treat them humanely; a duty wei have
vet to learn; and secondly, both for their sakes
and for our own, we must not support them in idle
ness. Doubtless, they fare most efficient as la
borers, as domestics in comp, os teamsters, dr em
ployed on entrenchments and fortifications, or in
ambulance corps, or as sappers and miners ;;or, as
fast as Southern plantations shall fall into our posses
sion, as field hands. But if all these posts become
overfilled, better do away with thejteccssity (or fur
ther draft in the North by putting feusketsTn the
hands, of able-bodid men, colored differently from
ourselves, than to delude their ignorance into the
opinion that among the privileges of freedom is
food without work.
Have wc philanthropy and discretion enough
wisely to administer such- a change of system?
Possibly not. Administrative capacity in; public
afiairs is not our strong point; We would do well
to bear in mind, however, that without such ca
pacity not this war only, but our entire govern
mental experiment will prove a failure at last.
Do other objections bold against the plan ?
Does humanity forbid us to accept the aiii of an
enslaved race ? In so far as humanity con ever
enjoin, war at all, she enjoins the employment, by
us, of the African in this ; first, because his em
ployment may shorten, by years, the fratricidal
struggle; and then, because, if he is not permitted
to assist in civilized warfare under us, qpd if, with
out his aid, we fail to effect his liberation ahd thus
disappoint his hopes, he may be overtaken by the
temptation to seek freedom in his own wild way.
In accepting the liberated slave as a soldier, we
may prevent his rising as an assassin. -By the
creation of negro brigades we may avert the indis
criminate massacres of servile insurrection.=
Or is there an insuperable difficulty of caste
in the way? In a contest likely to’eventuate in
securing to another race than ours the greatest of
temporal blessings, are we determined to shut out
that race from all share in its own liberation?
Arc we so enamored of the Mojloch War, that we
will suffer none but our sons to pass-through the
fire? . Terrible penalty to pay, with life anil death
at stake, for a national prejudice against the
Southern Pariah!
As to the duty of our rulers in the premises, I
cannot see according to what principle of ethics a
Government, charged with the lives of millions, the
putting down of a gigantic rebellion and restoring
of tranquility to the land, has the right, (in the
hour of its Utmost need, to scorn a vast element of
-strength placed within its reach and at its dispo
sal; nor why, if it refuses to avail itself of such an
clemCnt, it should not be held responsible Tor the
lives it sacrifices and the hopes it blights. ;
Blit we need emancipation far less for the mate
rial aid it 'affords—great, even indispensable,
though it be—than because of other paramount
considerations. ■ ■
We have tried the experiment of a Federal Un
ion, with a free labor system in one portion of it
and a slave-system in'another, for eighty years ;
and no one familiar with our affairs for a Quarter
of a century past is ignorant that the result has
been an increase—embittered year by year in ever
accelerated ratio—of dissentients, of' sectional jeal
ousies,' of national hcartbuimajpi. When, eigh
teen: months since, these culminated in war,; it was
but the issue of which our ablest statesmen) look
ing sorrowfully into the future, had long since
foretold. Bnt if, while vet at peace and with all
the influence of revolutionary reminiscences plead -
ing the cause of Union, thfc diversity of labor sys
tems, producing variance If character and aliena
tion of feeling, proved stronger to' divide than all
pastmemories and presenUntcrests to unite; what
chance is there that its/Wieful power for evil
should cease, now, when fo thoughts of fancied in
juries in other years are Jadded the recollections of
the terrible realities enacted on a hundred bloody
battle-fields, from which the smoke has scarcely
posted away? I
None—the remotest!
A; suspension of hofrilitiea we can purchase; a
few yean’ respite, probably, in which to return to
our'money-getting, before the stonh baratS forth
anew with gathered force; but if we look beyond
selfishness and the present; if our children iue in
our thoughts; if wMtre suffering and expending being made contingent on the fact that the clai
now, that they, in m land of prosperity, may live mant shall not, meanwhile, have lapsed from ms
and die in prime, then most we act so that the re- loyalty. __ •
r sult shall endure. We must not be content to put Every such claimant, once recognized, would
oflf the evil day. The root of the evil—the preg- 1 feel himself to be,.by his own act, the citizen of
nant cause of the war—that must: be eradicated. \ a free State; one oif ns detached forevjr from the
Report has it that, a western politician recently i Southern league. A Government stockholder, he
proposed, as the best solution of bur difficulties, j would become pecuniarily Interested in the support
the recognition of slavery in all the States. Such lof the Government and the restoration of peace,
an idea has a basis of truth; namely, that a state | Even if the of theborder States
! of war is, among us, the necessary result of con- j should not initiate such a policy, the loyal men of
1 Aiding labor systems. Such an idea might even | these States will accept it.
be carried out and lead to peace but for that pro- j Such a measure does not involve expense m
gressive spirit of Christian civilization which we ; conveying the liberated negro to other coimtnes
dare not openly outrage, how imperfectly soever | It has hitherto, indeed, been the usual policy in
1 we ob 'y its human behests. slave States to discourage, as dangerous, the resi
■ There are a thousand reasons—geographical, dence there of free blacks; and hence an .idea that
commercial, political, interuotional—why we should colonization should be the concomitant 6t eman
not consent to a separation into two confederacies; cipation. Of general emancipation, there is no
it is a contingency not to be thought of or enter- need whatever that it should be. Those who take
tained; but if tee look merely to the conditions oj up such an idea forget that the jealousy with
lasting jteace the chance of maintaining it would which slaveholders regard the presence of free
be far better if the independence of the South were negroes spring out of the dread that these may in
to be recognized with her negroes emancipated, feet with a desire for freedom the slaves around
than if she were to return to her allegiance, re- them, thus rendering them subordinate. But when
tabling her slave system. all are free there will be no slaves to incite, nor
For in .the former cose the cause of dissension anv chains to be broken by resort to insurrection,
being uprooted, the tendency would be to reunite, it is no business of ours either to decide, for the
and a few years might see us a single nation again, liberated negro, where he shall dwell, or to fur
while, in the latter, a constantly active source of nish his traveling expenses. Freemen, black or
irritation still existing, three years of breath ing white, should select their own dwelling place and
time would not elapse without bringing endless pay theft own way.
quarrels and a second Rebellion. As to the fears of competition in labor sought to
Conceive reunion with slavery still in existence, be excited in the midst of the Northern working
Imagine Southern sympathizers in power among men, they have foundations only in case emanci
us, offering compromises. Suppose the South, ex- pation hie refused; for such refusal would flood
hausted with military reverses and desiring a few the North with fugitives. If, on the. contrary,
years’ armistice to recruit, decides to accept it un- emancipation be carried out, the strong local attach
der the guise of peace and re-construction ? What ments of the negro will induce him, with rarest
next? Thousands of slaves, theft excited hopes exceptions, to remain as a hired laborer where he
of cmanci|uition crushed, fleeing across the border, worked as a slave. Thus humane masters will
a fugitive slave law revived by peace, demanding not lack sufficient working hands, of which coloni
their rendition ; popular opinion in the North op- zation would deprivethem. And if, notwithstnud
posed to the law and refusing the demand; re- ing the probable rise of Southern staples, profits,
newed war the certain consequence. at first, should be less, the security of the planter
Or take, even, the alternative of recognition—
reconition of an independent Confederacy still
slave-holding. Arc we, then, becoming the sole
exception among the nations of the earth, to make
ourselves aiders and abettors of the slave system
of a foreign nation, by agreeing to return to her
negro refugees seeking liberty and an asylum among
ns ? National self-respect imperatively forbids
this. Public sentiment would compel the rejec
tion, as a base humiliation, of any proposed treaty
stipulation providing for rendition of runaway
Yet the South would regard such rejec- Not with the rank and file is the blame! The
tion in no other light than as a standing menace— leading! There has been the secret of failure,
a threat to deprive her of what she regards as her With all the advantages of a just cause over our
most valuable pro[icrty. Coterminous as for hun- enemies, we have suffered tfiem to outdo us in
dreds—possibly thousands—of miles our bounda- earnestness. We lack the enthusiasm which made
rics would be, must not the South, in common irresistible the charge of Cromwell’s Ironsides. —
prudence, maintain all along that endless border- We need the invincible' impulse of a sentiment,
line an armed slave police? Are we to consent We want, above all, leaders who know and feel
to this? And if we do, shall we escape border what thev are fighting for. This is a war in which
raids after ficeing fugitives? No sane man will mercenaries avail not. There must be a higher
expect it. Are wc to suffer these ? We are dis- motive than the pay of a Swiss —a holier duty urging
graced. Are wo to resent them? It is a renewal on , than the professional pride or the blind obedi
ot hostilities. ence of a soldier. By parliamentary usage a
State elections may go as they will. Their re- proposed measure is entrusted, for fostering care,
suits can never change the fact that any party ob- to its friends. So should' this war be. Its con
taining the control of the Government, and adopt- duet should be confided to men whose hearts and
iug the policy that the settlement of the emauci- souls are in it.
pation question is to be postponed till the war Again. It has long been one of our national sins
shall be closed, will never while it pursues that that we pass by, with scarcely a rebuke, the gravest
policy, sec this war permanently closed—not even public offences*. We utterly’ fail in holding to a
by accepting a shameful disruption of our country, strict accountability our public men. 'The result
But if emancipation is to avail us as a peace c f such failure, in peace, had almost escaped our
raeasfire, we must adopt it boldly, resolutely, ef- notice. In war we have now beheld its effects,
eectually. It must be general, not partial; ex- flagrant and terrible.
tending not to the slaves of rebels only, but to It was not to be expected that among so many
every slave on .this continent. Even if it were thousands of officers suddenly appointed there
practicable, which it is not, with slavery non-ex- should not be some hundreds of incompetents.—
istent in the Northern Slates and, abolished in Such things must be. No one is to blame if, in
those which persist in Rebellion, to maintain it in field or garden weeds spring up. The blame rests
the narrow Border-strip, it is precisely there, with him who leaves them to choke the crop and
where negro fugitives can the most readily es- cumber the ground.
cape, that its maintenance would the most cer- Accountability—that should be the watchword—
lainly lead to war. Accountability, stem, unrelenting! Office has its
Can this great peace measure be constitutionally emoluments . \ et it have its responsibilities also.—
enacted ? A proclamation or (the more appro- Let m demand lu Napoleon demanded, success
priate form) an act of General Emancipation, from OQr leaders. The rule mav act harshly.—
should, in its preamble set forth, m substance War needs harsh rules. Actions arc not to be
that the claims to service, or labor of which it dc- measured in war bv t he standard of peace. The
prives certain persons having been proved, by re- sentinel vvora by extreme fatigue, who sleeps at his
cent events, to be of a character endangering the incurs the penalty of death. There is mercy
supremacy of the law, .jeopardizing the integrity r n coults . h , artia i i drumhead courts-martial. A
of the Union, and, incompatible with the perraa- dozen offic( ,, s shot . whenever the gravity of the
nent peace of the country, are taken by the Gov- offience damands il, mav be the saving of life to
ernment, with just compensation made. Under teus of . thousands of brave men. ’
circumstances fur less urgent than these, the law Eightecn mon t)is have passed. Eight hundred
of custom of civilized nations, based on consider- millions have been spent. We have a million of
mions of public utility, authorizes such taking I anncVl men in the field . More than a hundred
of private property for public use W e ourselves j thousand rest in soUier's graves. And for all
are famdiar with its operation. YVhen a confla- . t , ■ what result ? Is it strange if sometimes the
gration tn a city threatens to spread far, houses m heult S i nks and resolution fails at the thought
the line of its progress may legally be seized and ■ t^at f lom s i ieer administrative infirmity, the vast
destroyed by the authorities m order to arrest it; ; sacrifice have he en all in vai „ j '
and the owners arc not held to have been wronged j But le[ t gO , lu fatal (difficult
if they are paid tor such losses under an equitable [ h t 0 aV o id , under an effort so sudden and
appraisement. But it is not the existence of a city £ va £; cau nevc r be recalled. Doubtless thev
that is now endangered ;it is the integrity of one had th ' eir use It nee ded the grievous inca
among the first 1 owers of the world that is ; t wc have witnessed, the stinging reverses
menaced with we have suffered, the invasion even of the Free
The truth of the preamble suggested has become, States W(J w livcd w see commenced; it needed
in ffiy judgment, incontrovertible. It will receive the hecatombs of dead piled up unavaUingly on
the assent of an overwhelming majority of the battle . fie ld after battle-field—tlm desolate hearths,
people of the loyal States. Ihc public sentiment t h e broken-hearted survivors—it needed all this
of Europe will admit its truth. to pave the way for that emancipation which is
Let us confess that such a preamble, as preface , harbinger of peace,
the actor proclamation, could not have command- , _ • * . , . ... .
ed the assent of more than a small fraction of our; The Future, that is still ours to, improve,
people, onh-two short years ago—two years as we ; r ; some clouds yet rest upon it, is it without
reckon time, a generation if we calculate by the : Uright promise. Signs of nascent activitj, energj
stirring events and far-reaching upheavals that i and a to hold accountable for the issue
have been crowded! into the/cventful months. In j *be leaders of our /armies are daily apparent,
such days as these abuses ripen rapidly. Their ; Better than all, the initiative in a true line of policy
consequences mature. Their ultimate tendencies ! ** a3 J* 6 * 11 . Thetwenty-third of September
become apparent. We are reminded of their i bas bad | ts c ® act - . P at | 1 sa ‘® , r 13 oztore us,
transitory character. Wc are reminded that al-. steep and rugged, indeed, but no longer doubtful
though for the time and in a certain stage of human ; nor obscure. A lamp has been lit to guide our
progress some abases may have their temporary ! ste P 3 > a l aln P l bat ma >' burn more brightly before
use, and for this, under God’s economy, may have a new year dawns upon Us. The noble prayer of
been suffered to continue ; yet fill abuses have but ; Ai ax has been vouchsafed in our case. At last
a limited life. The right only in eternal. j we aave *'ght t 0 “fibt by-
The Rebellion, teacher and" creator as well as 1 We shall reach a quiet haven if we bat follow
scourge and destroyer, by sternly laying bare the j faithfully and perseveringly that guiding light,
imminent danger of slavery, has created the con- j There is, at this moment in the hearts of all
stitutionality of emancipation. : It has done more. I good men throughout the length and breadth of
It has made emancipation a bounded political duty, i the land, no deeper feeling, no more earmest long
as well as a strictly constitutional right. | ing, than for peace ; peace not for the day, not to
Can wc, in declaring emancipation, legally avoid i last for a few years; but peace, on a foundation of
the payment, say of two hundred millions, in the ! rock, for our selves and for our children after us.
shape of compensation to loyal slaveholders? i May the hearts of our rulers be opened to the con-
Not if a slaveholder's right to service and labor ] viction that they can purchase only a shambling
from his slaves, when not fortified by treason, is L counterfeit except at one cost! God give them to
legal. On humanitarian grounds the legality of i sec. ere it be too late, that the price of enduring
that right has been denied. But a construction of j peace is general emancipation,
the constitution adverse to such denial, and ac- | I am, sir, your obedient servent,
quiesced in by the nation throughout more than j Robest Dale Owen.
two generations, is held by most men to be reason I New York, November 10th, 1862.
sufficient why the right in question should be re- '
garded as private property. If it be private proper- ;
ty, then, except by violating the fifth article of |
the amendments to the constitution, it cannot : Parson; Brownlow mode a characteristic speech
be taken for public use without just compensation, at Nashville the other day, which we find printed
To violate any article of the constitution is a revo- at length in the Nashville Union of the 23d. We
lutionary act; but snch nets cost a nation more give the following Choice extracts;—l lived in
than a few hundred millions Of dollars. South Carolina in ’3l and ’33, and fought nullifi-
The risk tha't a future decision of the Supreme ; cation and sustained Old Hickory. Thun we had
Court might declare emancipation without com- i 8 man a * *be helm—one who, from the crown of
ponsation to be unconstitutional is, of itself, snffi- his head t 0 t,ie souls of his feet, was every inch a
cient justification of the President’s policy, cor- man - Had he been in Buchanan’s place, he would
responding Jo the above suggestions in this matter, I have straightened himself up about ten feet in his
Such compensation will be unpopular with many boots, and seizing that annotated thief, old Floyd,
Wise and just acts, when they involve sacrifices, by throaty would have exclaimed By the
frequently are. A wrong long tolerated commonly God of Moses, tins thing must be stopped !’* And
entails a penalty, which is seldom cheerfully paid. w b®n Jackson said a thing bad to stop, it did stop.
Yet, even on the other grounds, we ought not and aU the POOP 1 ® said amen ! Wbat d * d Wigfall
in this cause, to begrudge the money. Who de- I>r Xor say? Pp-or, who thought one Southern
serves better of their country than* those brave ? an coma'whip nine Yankees! He whipped
men who, in the border and other slave States. £ otter » °T Wisconsin, handsomlcy. He tliought
have clung to their loyalty through all the dark £v tte r no * and therefore challenged
hours of peril even to life? 1 - r ° lte f accepted, and, os the challenged
* n - . » .. . , party, chose the time and weapons, and told Prvor
aeafnTfalTore— If ****** ,he would fight h.m with bowie-knives. Prvor was
Zuu^ y * - horrified, and exclaimed : “Oh Lord! this will
peaient that he who shsjl have proved that he A n . r* : e n
the legal owner of ce.tain slaves; and also .hat he 1 y iS™ '• olat, ° n ° f ,h °
has been loyal ;to the Union, should receive a cer- I Co(le * 1 mUSt dcchne!
tificale of indebtedness by thq Government, not 1 the parson challenged to fight
transferable, to be paid at some fixed time sob- Why, the rascals actually challenged me, in
sequent to the termination of the wart payment ! Knoxville, because they thought I was a preacher
will be greater. He will no longer lie down at
whether the morning’s news may not
be that his slaves has risen against them.
This is the paper view of the question. But all
edicts, all proclamations, how wise aud righteous
soever, are but idle announcements now, if we
lacle courage and conduct to enforce them.
Courage we have. Raw levies have behaved
like veterans. The skeletons of regiments reduced
to one-tenth their original number, attest the des-
perate valor with which they confronted death
Parson Brownlow at Home.
and could not fight. They sent a little fellow all T INDSKY S IMPROVED
the way from NashSille to fight me; a diminutive _Lf -
creature, weighing about ninety fins pounds; the
worst specimen; of a man that yon ever saw, except
Aleck I accepted the challenge, and,
as it was in summer time, said I would fight in a
hog pen with dung-forks, aftcrthe first warrarain ;
the one who pitched the other out to be considered
the victor. The fellow published the correspon
dence, to expose me, and disgrace himself. He
knew I would have shoveled him out at the hrst
A glorious’ government they have got in the 1
South. Jeff Davis, the Repud inter, at the head;
a little pilfering Jew, Secretary of War—one of the
tribe who murdered the Savior, and ever since they
parted his raiment at the crucifixion, have been
dealing in ready made clothing. This little Peter
Benjamin wrote me a note before I left, saying that,
as I was a very bad and dangerous man, he would
send me out of the State with a military escort
I answered if he would do that, I would do more
for the Confederacy than the Devil ever did—l
would quit the’ country. At the same time he
wrote to Crow Ramsey, District Attorney in East
Tennessee, to let the Union men hang on gallowses,
bv the road side until the flesh totted off their bones,
as a warning and terror to all loyal people. I was
never expelled from Yale College for breaking
ojieu mr fellow-student’s trunks, and stealing
their watches and clothes, but Benjamin can not
suv ius much dnd tell the truth. He boarded in
Rochester, Now York, four months with a poor
widow, and'ran off without paying his bill, andiit
is unpaid to this day. The Southern Confederacy
is headed by rogues, thieves, perjurers and liars.
There are better men in the penitentiary; yes
better men in hell.
I love the whole Uuion, but confess to a pecu
liar tenderness for Tennessee, especially that por
tion looking td-the sunrise, where men, for their
loyalty, have suffer Sta thousand deaths, by hang
ing, shooting, by torture, by iropnsoraent, by being
brutally tied to trees, and scourged, till they jerishe
in agony. Still, amid the fierce and relentless
persecution, though seemingly forgotten by their
countryman, and abandoned by their Government
to the rage of men whose tender mercies are cruel
they have held fast to the faith of their fathers.—
Though tracked by spies, though dragged at raidr
night by traitors from the bosoms of their families,
cast into dungeons,' hung on gallowses by the high
wav, shot down like wild beasts, yet neither vigi
lance committees, nor armies, nor scourges, nor
daggers, nor dungeons, nor exile, nor death, nor
devils, “ nor principalities, nor [towers, nor things
present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth,
nor any other creature,” has been able to separate
from their love to the Constitution and the Union
of their fathers.
We are going forward ! Scud my respects to
Gen. Gideon Pillow, and tell him to dig a ditch
on the other side of Murfreesboro. He tendered
me the chaplaincy of a rebel regiment. I sent
him my respects, and told him that when I wanted
to go to hell I would cut my throat at once, and
not go round by the way of the Southern Confed
eracy. And if any rebel wants to go'to hell, and
arrives in the Southern Confederacy, let him begin
to ibok after his baggage, for that’s the last depot
before he gets to bis destination. We have six
East Tennessee regiments here and on their way.
These brave fellows footed it all the way from
Cumberland Gap. They have tied from tyrants
of East Tennessee. Their relatives have been
hunted down and murdered, or tied to trees and
cruelly whipped. And I warn the rebels that these
soldiers are on their march homeward,
they are returning home, each man with a devil
in bis boson as big as a half bushel. I want them
to parole no rebel, but hang them up on every tree
by grape vines. They will ho led by gallant
Rosecrans, who is a fighting General; who chased
that anointed thief, Floyd, over the mountains of
Virginia, and tanned the “ Butternuts” at Corinth
and Xuka.
I want the Tennessee soldiers to go in front
with your gallant boys of Indiana, Wisconsin and
other troo|)S of the great Northwest, to back them.
They are going to take a terrible revenge upon the
traitors who forced them to fly from their families
and homes, and have committed every species of
outrage* The rebels came to the jail where I was'
confined, and took out loyal men, and hung them
two at a time, without a trial, even by a drum
head court martial, and for no other reason than
that they were loyal. The rebel women attended
the hangings, and giggled and waved their hand
kerchiefs in delight over the dying agonies of
these martyred Union men. I don’t know how
rebellion effects the women here, but in East Ten
nessee, when a woman turns rebel, she gets more
devils in her bosom than were cast out of Mary
Magdalene. I’he only General who bos come up
to ray ideas of justice in this matter, and serves
these she rebels right is Picayune Butler,
i I have canvassed every, Eastern and most of the,
| North-western States for the last eight months,
S and while I have changed no opinion, I must say,
i the North never contemplated interfering with;
| Southern institutions. I think now, in conse-
Lquence of the criminal conduct of tjje South, that;
slavery is pretty well, played out, and the South,
may thank herself for it. If her negroes are eman
cipated or run off, it will be a righteous retribution.
The present state of slavery may be pretty well 11-
i lustrated by an anecdote: “A sportsman, who
■ was not a very experienced hunter, sallied out one
! morning, and at last waked up a skunk. We call
! the animal by another name in my country, but
| permit me to say, that -
j A rose by auy other name would smell as sweet.
“ The huntsman, not knowing the peculiarities
of the essence peddler, took after it with a sharp
stick. He did not operate long before he retired
in disgust. A neighbor who knew precisely what
was in the wind, from the state of the atmosphere,
ran up, exclaiming Tom, have you killed
him?” “ Killed the devil replied the indignant
hunter. “ Just let the d—-d thing alone, and it
will stink itself to death! And I say to this army,
go on with the war, and let slavery alone, and it
will stink itself to death.”
(Successors to Thomas R. Taylor & Co.)
Paper, Envelpe, and Printers’ Care
Printers’ Cards,
. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers,
Stationer! and 'Storekeeper*, will find it to their adran-
May I«t. 1862 -ly. , ,
Commercial Agents Wanted
(ASnr England)
manufacturing company.
We will give a commission of one bmulrOd per cent. on all
goods sold by oar Agents, or we will pay wages at (to in
$3O to $lOO per mouth and pay all necessary expenses.
For particulars addres (with stamp)
CUA3. KOGQLES, 0«i1 Agent, r
For the Adams Manufacturing Co. Dmotr, Micrt.
May 8.1803-ly ;>
Hair oils, colognes, pUm
ides, Shaving Cream, Tbllet Soaps. Ac. for sale fry
New winter ready map&
Clothing Jn»t ncaiyed at . LADOBHAN’S.
O Tan fcraala at [l-tL] KKSBLXVB.
a im ecu FOB
Cancerous Ponnatioat,
Cutaneous Diseases,
Erysipelas, Boils,
Pimples on the Face,
Sore Eyes,
Tetter Affections,
Scald Head,
Old and Stubborn Ulcers
Rheumatic Disorders,
Mercurial Diseases,
Genets,! Debility
Liver Complaint,
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spirits,
Female Complaints,
. Epilepsy or Fits,
Paralysis or Palsy,
Syphilitic Diseases and
Caries of the Bones
Together with all other diseases having their
origin in a depraved condition of thcjalood or cir
culatory system.
PintBCBOB, December 31, 1«ci
D*. Q. H. Ksvual take pleasure in making thti
antary statement in fcvor of a medicine pn-pared hr v oa
called “ Lixmit’s Blood Searcher.” I had snOti'Vtor
five years with Scrofula which 'broke out on my hf*j ln ,
forehead so as to disfigure me very much, aud tuck vff :it
hair when the disease made its appearance; it abo uu;
on my arm shore and helov the elbow, and eat into i a ,
skin and flesh so wf to expose a fearful sore. The dwi*
on my head went so far that several small pieces of boe*
came out. 1 was very week and low spirited, and hi
given up all hope of ever getting well, as 1 had tried «».
eral skillful physicians and they did me no good. la
tember last, 1861.1 was induced to try “.Lixdsit's W
protzd Blood Searcbkr.” I must confess I bad no fcui
in patent medicines, but after I had used three bottle* ci
Blood Searcher, the ulcers on my bead and arm
heal. I have now taken eight or teu buttles, and my head
and arm are entirely well except the scars remaining fra.
the sores. 1 will also state that 1 had the rheunutija *
very bad in my arms and legs. The Blood Searcher a
cured the rheumatism. lam now a well man. otvr fur:*
years of age, and I feel as suple and young a* 1 dw *h-i
I was twenty, and have increased in weight twenty pouad.
I would also state that the disease in my foreheard *uk
bad that when I stooped and. lifted anything Im-utv.
blood run out of the Mire. Dr. Keyser had a ph.itcgnjt
token oi me by Mr. Cargo, the artUt, x £fter 1 began ta p
well. It does not show my appearance as bad as it m
before 1 commenced taking the medicine, You can *r
the photograph, one of which is now iu my
and also at Dr. Keyser’s Wood street. 1 would
state that 1 took the Blood Searcher which was made t*
fore l)r. Keyser commenced making it. Although
helped mo some, 1 did no&ic&vet Cut until I got the l:i-.
made by Dr. Keyser One bottle of hi* did at
more good than two of tMwd. I believe it is a great deal
stronger and better. 1 Imvo recommended the BkvJ
Searcher to a great many of my friends for variuos d>
eases', and I believe it has helped the whole of them Yvi
may publish this if you wish, and 1 am anxioui tbat&li
■who are afflicted ak 1 was may be cured. 1 live in tbb ca;
No. 4 Bine street, and am employed at Collville k Andc
son’s Union Marble Works, 54 Wayne street.
1 live la Sligo, at Clinton Mill, and hate iK'fU UMtiJ
blind in both eyes for nearly four years. I called oa Lir
Keyser abMit three months ago aod asked biiu to give a*
directions tp the Institution for the Blind in PhflaJelphu
Ue told me that 1 need not go to Philadelphia to get wed
as he had medicine that would cure me, os he said uiy do
ease was in the blood. I was treated for U two or thru
times in the hospital in this city, and was relieved, but
my disease always returned after a month or two after i
came out of the hospital. 1 found my disease wu re
turning aod I called, by the advice of a good friend of
mine, on Dr. Keyset, who has restored my tight, tsd on
eyes are nearly as well as ever. The Doctor gan mi
* Lindsey’s Blood Searcher” and a wash.
Clinton Mills, Sliga
Pittsburg, July 1861.
Witness—E. F. M'Elroy, Anderson street, AU«gh«!
PiTXTBUXOa, September 18,1861.—1 hereby certify that
1 have had a sore leg for over a year. It wai covered
with nicer* and sores so that I could not work for near.?
a year. My leg swelled so that 1 was unable to do «?■
thing for a long time, for at least six nu uthi. I
several of the best doctors in the city, but without u. f
benefit; finally I called on Dr. Keyser, at'No. U®
street, vNio only attended me About two wreki, sod C* TI
me but two bottles of medicine, and I am now entire.’
well and have comined so for six months. lam
at the Eagle Engine House on Fourth street, where
one can see me.
A Limn From Exolaxs.—Mr. John Pop*. of Blte “*
von. near Montypool, MonmonUhlm, England, * rl:d 11
Six:—An old woman i.i this plac* has wished c
write you respecting Xwdsit’s Blood SuscbHf *
which she found great benefit, nnd wishea to h*”» 1
more. She haa been Buffering from a di*eaw of •
ous nature for the last six or seven years. Uer d#BB3
who is living in America, obtained It for her, * ad,ellt
eighteen bottles. She is now quite out of it,
written to her danghter twice and have received
ewer; of course -ah© is anxious to get more, to .
pletely cured. I told her I would write to jon.
agency in this country, and she felt very m° ctt pi
hear me say so. I now beg to ask you on whst
will supply me; you will\please bear in miDti
rloge, and supply me as cheap as possible. The
on the one dozen bottles was £1 8s fid. The
a present from her daughter. I would like to
Blood Searcher In a jar or small cask, if J oQ cW * $
in that way, or In pint or quart bottles. I **
through 1 bank or registered letter, which ever w (
convenient to, vou. If you will send nre esn ier * reft
the pqrcel as security. I would send you a • fi>
swer this, but as it Is uncertain of this reaching?
account of the country being in *l* ant * |eTeD,f * . w
which Is commonly used, you will be kind «b°°
charge me with the postage.
Yoon, rMpMtfuUy,
[Signed] Jol ’, ta t^’ 1
[W* here seen the letter which i« publ« bM 1
Dispatch, from John Pope, end beliere It to b* I ,E
UditmDitpatch PiUthurgh.
■*». look far Dr. Kef aft name mtr thi w f '" r
Wm; iwpoMd upon. pitu** 1
Pnvand and told by Dr Gtoaos H. I'™*’
:P«. v ' ' . KlU u> ' 11
-Sold to Altoona by A. Room and UjtO
tolUdaysbmrit by J. tPlimiud Ji»»»
|Utooitft iritou
SaVS A!n> Eiean--The B
; r ._ in an article oo rise advance in the
■Tbd« jays»—We are told by many o
01 P manufacturers that the question
»wttie price, but whether at any pri<
r* gf puer required can be suppliei
has bkome the supply of stock,
'"'lid call the | attention of the community t
tringof rags and paper, largo quantities of
r.ea been wasted. Oh! paper answers for n
’ 1 V with rggs, and if this is generally
!Lit of being treated or destroyed, it will
"'ochrelief. Old paper, the waste and sweeps
”‘ tr and! houses, how commands six ct
lond and when it is taken into view th;
’pcrs circulating in the (Community
"verage about; fifteen to the pound, rather
man an ounce each, every one will see t
l uge amount of wastage is made here whio
easily be savciL ‘ .
Fragments iof paper equal m quality t
printed newsphper sheet, will scU for thrce-t
of a cent by the pound, and ola worn-out m
w in'demand for wrapping-paper and
Mippses, at fifty to sixty-two cents a hum!
1,, these times eyety piece of paper as large
blQ l t .hill,'as '.veil as rags of the smalles
should bo saved. In many houses aud s
’great deal of paper % wasted in various w
Doubtless many families waste enough by b
j,i kindling fife* in the course of a year, sti
to par for supplying themselves with a v
and perhaps, even a daily newspaper.
thoius pakkui
Discharged Soldiers and Bounty C
We see it published tbit if a soldier is disci
More he lias served two whole years, or to t
of the war, if sooner ended, he forfeits his
bounty.' The back dues for wages, and fift;
for each twenty miles traveled from the p
discharge to the place of enrollment, he is c
~, on the pay certificates from his nearest pt
wr. If a soldier is killed, or dies of disca
fore the end of two years or the close of tl
lie has, under the liberal construction of th
vrved to the end of the war, so far as he is
lie concerned. Congress intended that t
should have the bounty until the end of th
The law requires that the bounty shall b
first to the widow; if no widow, the chile
~,| U ftl shares; if neither widow, child nor cl
then to the father; if ho is not living.
„i, n ndnnea his family, then to the mother:
there be neither father nor mother, then
brothers and sisters. Widows of commi
officers and of soldiers dying subsequent i
discharge are not entitled to bounty.
A Curt Touch.— Our young friend, U
Kerr, has made an oddition to the out side
unce of his store which gives it a decided
tint street appearance, and takes down anyt
the kind in this section of the country. V
to his show' windows. Ladies they are v
trip around that Way just to look at. Tin
and glass ware window ain’t he beat by :
establishment, because Bob has oil that the
and in arnmgment he is the equal of the
The ladies’ fancy goods window exhii
prettiest assortment in that line which the
affords,- and it must charm the eye of ever
by. His new gas fixtures also go shea. 1
competitors, and when lighted up in the i
the effect is grand. Call around at the
cash store" |and view the beautiful and usd
Man Killed. —On Tuesday of last i
colored man named John Williams, who l
working with George Hooper, barber in tli
Rot opon k Westward-boond freight m
the intention of riding to Pittsburgh. B
'.oxicated hie .was unable to keep bis pos
the bumpers and fell from them upon, tli
in the vicinity of Kittaning Point, and w
ribly mangled, several cars passing over b
was brongbt back to this place and interred
day. He pros a yonng man about 22 yean
and his home was at Harrisburg.
19* Last week we were inclined to fee
jolly oyer the arrival of the season for bo
cakes and sausages, but while the sausagesi
in quality and price, the idea of paying f
six cents per pound for buckwheat flour
all the flavor out of the cakes made there
Tlie causefor these high figures is the
short crop land no water in many places t
what thoq is. We hope for a good rain
bring np the waters, if that will bring d
price of buckwheat cakes.-
show windows of the candy she
town are I brightening up, telling the yoi
unmistakably that “ Christmas is coming,
daylight until dark, and after gas light!
windows are besieged by juveniles, who
covet the; feast presented to the eve, but
from the palate by a thin light of gla
want of thready rhino." Never mil
“there’s ft better day coming,” when, if v
be men, you will have money to purch
sweetmeats than yon will want to eat.
(T The local of the Harrisburg Telegn
the noticp we gave the Patriot $■ Union i
in reference to appropriating local item
credit, anil evidently endorse? pur sent
Bathe fails to practice what he wouh
and teach, as in the same paper he pub
local, on the death of James McClure,
letter of credit. Don’t be so liberal, Mr
Telegraph. The pot of the Telegraph ni
the kettle of the Patriot fr Union Wad
•8* Thanksgiving day was generally
outwardly, in Altoona, although there v
door arrangement to almost every place o
through which business was transacted
Work was suspended in the railroad
union regions services wfcro held in the
Church, when Bev. Wm. Lee Spotswoo
* tbost'excellent discourse on Natiom
On iro this Cmr.—Bet, of “Oak
off to the city to lay in; his Holiday
**•* *“4 little children, and will bri
“Jttn cimdts" to supply all the inhabits
!!»»*&*’ Umber." We can’t say exac
something ne
W|e« inhabitant,” W.tcb and w