m iUNDFApIoat » „ BarrUburg, p a Igt iajhU&y devoted to mmM HSSS2PS ffiS&SSrsait ft#s::Sisss 33S ~™TS“i!u~ m~ *-&™aSSSr~ Jfenrtti»rn. fe j*. th » OOoei an «, Sr all who «U.lut [Marcha.l^fj ■ V-/ CC ts « W? * a 2 Sais!* ■ *ihK4 W ;«! i HI * ! !a||l Mil. g •:■(:■ X| .\£%v K o.s s ;t K 8 6 H %g*£fi *i;ljj J|fe : : _a ta isi’ 5 J m op* ii. : ' - ffil-S S* AND BAKERY! RSIGNED ANNOUtf i of Altoona and-rtelolty that he O iUOIM of HONARIBS, NUTS, SPICKS A&,*xt»w|p Aar tbaßoUdan. iftr-oßlhaada- nod (tuck*? >UId am MamtlW«*MA ' JNfiS, RAISINS, AC, ■oouoftbe jaar. gar, Molasses, Boll#*r, HITS WHEAT FLOUR. LODA CORK MEAL, *C„ nl> In largo or unall qtumUtto.. ioo mjr stock and yok- will find iny la town. JACOB WIML .CTIONERY TER SiLOON, HIRER WOULD IN i of Altoona and vicinity that his JTand FRUIT STORE, U always beet Articles to and in great iii saloon which he willaerre up OYSTERS 6 MUOD. tdX>' S PIES alwajf,* on head. red to supply cafces.candks, Sc. tie*. He invite* a share of public he can render full satisfaction to id saloon Is onYirglniasttseMwo I OTTO ROSSI. fTINGER’S Jews Agency, b. .7, MAIN STREET BLAHK IBOOKS. eONEECTIONAHIES $ T t OßA<2, OH ASKS. I-.; - -.:... YD A <20., AW, JV, Sf. JAGK Sc CO., > : Uek # Co.”) N THE PRINCIPAL >J|ACffICAL ttoiwaflw**’*' •ad* m Mofrrm*. .*W ■ga^te f'jwK *S»T) ~-C MM h jp^r: ■H -» /s *£3 ■ 1 75/ tr i . McCBtM & DEEN, roL. 7. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. tjcCHUM,.*. H * C. DBBK, PCKUBHSBB AMD MBOPBIMTOBi. . ta oum. P*y*W eiuVeedily cured. f le who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may re* ..;Lu«ly coofide in bis honor as a gentleman, and confi relr upon hi-* skill as a nhysicinn. ORGANIC WEAKNESS r.;jediAt«ly Cured, and full Vigor Restored, fail DUtressiug Affect ion—which renders Life miserable -jl carriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the ■ ictiais of improper indulgences. Young persona are to i.icomiQit exces es from not being awaie of the dread* : t that may ensue. Now. who that under .;,rids the subject will pretend to deny that the power of ■ -Ration is lost Riviner by tho«e falling into improper itjjin than by the prudent? Besides being deprived the ,ri«res of healthy offspring, the most aeridua and de* symptoms to both body and mind arise. The <.,t?rn becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Fane* :.-a» Weakened. Los* of Procreative Power. Nervous Irri* i|ity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion V.rtitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, - sumption. Decay and Death. OFFICE.- NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors ;.va the corner. Fail not name and number. L-tPr* mast be paid and .contain a stamp. The Doc* ■r'i Dlj'to'f&as hang in his office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. So Mercury or Siueom Drugt. OR. JOHNSON, ■i'uibrr of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad* •:*;* from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United tad the greater part of whose life has been spent in bMpiial* of Lsndon, Paris, Philadelphia and else* L*re, has effected some of the most astonishing cares : ut were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the >ii sad ears when asleep, great nervousness, being • «r:aed at sudden Bounds, bashfulness, with frequent "iushibg, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, •rf* cared immediately. r . TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE - ur.J. addresses all those who haws injured themselves :• indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin ’A body and mind, unfitting them for either basin***, ‘liir.tuciety or marriage. Tatk are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro k>i'by early habits of yonth, vlt: Wearness of the Limbs, Palos in the Head, Dimness of Sight, af Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dye* Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges* ; Fuuctiunt, General Debility, Symptoms of Consump 'hsiiiLT.— The fearful effects of the mind are much to - dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas; De : of spirits, Kvil-Forebodingi, Aversion to Society,, -'■rDiitrtwt, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of T -' veils produced. --:'CUsds of persons of all ages can now judge what is cnQßt of their declining health, losing their vigor, be* : aiaj weak, palei nervous and emaciated, having a sin* c: ' 4r appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of •moptioo. YOUNG MEN 'J ‘ hare injured thomeelree by a certain practice in ;;:s«i in when alone, a habit frequently learned from' l ; toQpanione, or at ecliool, the effect! of which are "'■ir fall, eren when aileep. and if not cured rendere -‘"late impoeible, and deatroye both mind and body, apply immediately. "hat a pity that a young man, the hope of hie country, ' darling of hit parente, ahonld be snatched from all ‘ tl«ta and enjoyment* of life, by the consequence of 'hdis; from the path of nature, end indulging in a ;ti;o secret habit. Such pencils HOST, before content ;.f„ng , MARRIAGE, --ct that a sound mind and body are the moat necessary '■iaiaites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with these, the journey through life becomes a weary pil ■;a'tge; the prospect hourly darkens to theriew; the ~ becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the -tiiacholy reflection that the happiness.ot another be cirr blighted with our own. k DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. .., “• misguided and Imprudent rotary of pleaaure -J-tthathe has imbibed the eeede of this painful dis often happens that ah ill-timed sense of shame, _ tread of discovery, deters him from applying to those . . from education and respectability, can alone be , : j “!», delayihg til! the • constitutional symptoms of .;j ““rnd disease make their appearance, such as nlcera iVt'r t a I rolt ’ diseaeed nose, nocturnal pain tin the head i hubs, dimness of sight, (leafneee, nodes on the shin . tt.tdin the conetitntion and make the residue of I “ Oilerable. W flA , STRANGERS *°‘/oor Hr**, or health to the care of the man; rtz-* *" lnt * Worth **** Pretenders, destitute of knowl* ~' me or character, who copy t>r. Johnston’s ftdver* !Wi?i ® rrt^c themvelve*. In the newspapers, reeu- I r;i iSI? 0 ' 1 *' 1 Physicians, Incapable of Curing, they keep PiaoMn *» month after month, taking their filthy and |b« )' J u; t L s^ m P° and *» or ** long as the smallest fee can aa