The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, November 15, 1862, Image 3
FiISmOVED 'i •Vj, i,cpjur*ott i*ona«i«u, Ootaneotu ' .■nSßfc^ mat Atfbctlooi, ! L. ; 'WfSL ttUlterß jDuorden, Bbemn, Memorial XMklSut L Oenend PWi^. Spirits, Female Comslaiiiti. Diaeases aad - - .-Caries , «2g r . oonaihon of the WooSVdJ. DANIEL A. BOYD. PimscMa, ttoceabarn, Jitg) -i take plewore lB nakiag thi> , u ,. War of ■ medicine 600 SMCBtt.” I k«l Wft,«l ru , • .Which broke out OBBf heeduto «*«* «0‘ “»cb.4ad'tnk eSibc bod* He appearance; It iilaainifce cm : Ulow the elbow, »»d eel ime'ila •«P»« O feerfol tore, the ar that several email ptecMof i» n , rjwoek tod low tpirtted, e#4h,a Ww getting well, oil hod trM M ,. • end thee did ale no good. k ß g,p. rtt induced to try tvanfi l„. a." I mtutomfeaal hed ne &it), at oiler I had uted [three bottle, m pert on my bead and arm to in eight or ten bottlee, and my hetd rell except the scare ranluiagAau, state that I had the rheutaatiu end lega. The Blood Searcher aiw ; lam now a well man, over fort) lae eupleaiul youngaa Idtd wbei, ' e increased mwelgbt twenty potmd.. 1 die disease In my foroheard arts w I'd and lifted anything heavy, tla 'l'-' Ur. Keywr hail a photograph irgn, the artist, after I began tin g,i er my appearance, asj bad at .it au king the medicine. Too cat) see i -which is nudr in. nty poWenkw; re led Wood street. 1 would tlw Hood Searcher which ms mads be nmenced making it. Althoagh it not recover tut tutu I got the kind imseiC One bottle; oft bis did nit 1 the old. I believe it is a greetdesl I I hive recommended the Blood any of'my friends fur various dii has helped the whole of them. ITou uwiah,and 1 am anxious that ell va* may be cored. I liralnthUdi, am employed at Coll villa hinder. dtkat'Sd ; Wityhi street. 1 OANIJtL A. Mtß. man cubed. Stab and have We» neatlj tarty font- yean.' wa^ed, On J>r. ithtago andaakad him to give a» itto« for tfwMhrflßPbWlUpbla not to fto MnsUcarv me, ot hotaii my ii* ,1 waegreeted ihrw MftftfitaiaAMßth wrSiO After I r.tiiendviooor wiijiEitefci ta htanetotnd nyYlaftyjat nj BLjas ««ta. The DoetaTipfo »• iMtanffam*. . DAVIDKIKIMHAt. AaAmen atttaf, Altaiknj X£G CUfiEt). r W, m\.~l femfr tail! .»#>»« or over a jmur. 4* OwetnSre* i»l 1 eo«U aot wp|*ft*.,W»rb t lht l aMM* «»*. U V' rate # mnr. at-te-OW#,^* 1 - w atott :tm wto« to *» Te Ktldiu, aa|l X. am P»» for •!*, month*.. JtamSwpfoJ** X OB froth «bn» *»j nunusr «J»£D. ».-*lr. John MumttWr*. Kogiod, to** “■ IrthfolAmehM w M»tos,.*ww> A*W?W£ mm nd ’frtoa ‘9 ! ? w *fc W * oMaiaad It for kar, to •*•* to'wroto p*t Wfoa-jS JM*a jtoiW - ’•** -•jsisaag: rsssis.'s'irapc Lm||y JM-WMlriblto !r“T -jyyp.o.».g x .!; -• 'FT-;--' ■£• i -'■man XT. J tt * toCtf itototo' 111 • ‘•MV. MINWMT^J^>.y ■rants Mod y«fc,na»» ,, ‘ aruto of tbii rm&S»fl!*< oa tnr •« M* to 'tojpfo y<Hu«ai U kiM *•"■«* w Vot», miwjtfMtfr f k “ 1 ' . f • • ■•■■••• ;■ --.• 14. .. *•'. -S-A... I . _--v. ■** tltwar Worn*. S3> PRINTED ON Campbell’s $660 “ Country Press.'* tribune power-press PRINTING OFFICE. Uivßff' within the jtast two year*,, made considerable our establishment in tbe way of new fancy , * J ‘ Press, l*a|»er Cutter. Card Cutter. Ruling Me* power Press, and large Newspaper Power ' h,H „* • ’ cut 0 f which «« give above) we are now prepared ?r 7tl*ote anything in the line of printing or ruling; in mVeaunl to any fstablishment in the <Ute, and at *rirrt equally low. We can execute, on short notice, all ,l?ks of bedding, Invlttlian, WSiOng, Balt 4 Business (Una, Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH POBTEftS. sale bills, &ss® ■ pimphleta, Pay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, MANIFESTS, AND blanks of all kinds, til we wk U a irihl, feeling confident that wc can give uil,faction If *» k»ve the opportunity. I,*rnin Lowther’, building, corner of Airgioiauu.l An i,' rtrr»t«.-«pii<»tt» tnpsriatendwrt's OBLt. local Items. | n consequence of a heavy pressure of jph »ork anil scarcity of helpour paper has been delayed ibis week- Wc will issue a paper next week, jf‘ jusible; but should it fail to appear at the regtt- Isr time, our readers inay know that it was iirt- Hissible to get it out. j Faiai. Acciukst. — On Wednesday of last week i freight train ran off the track, near Gallitziii, killing the engineer, Hogarth Wolf, demolishing several cars anil tearing up the track. The Pittfi limgh Chronicle in noticing the accident says:-f- It ap|x;ars that the cngineerlost control of the train, aid leaving the engine in charge of the fireman, lapsed over one or two of the cars for the pur ify of putting on the breaks, but had scarcely left the engine when it flew the track, the fireman pca|iing injury by jumping from the'locomotive; but the unfortunate engineer met i with instant Jcaih. his brains being scattered along the track, and his arms and! legs broken in several place;. Tbe engine and tender turned a complete somei jimlt. ami not the least singular freak connected with the accident is reported the fact, that qjjc Of the beef cattle, of which they were a number on the train, was’found in the chamber of the tender, free from scratch or injury of any kind. Axotukk. —Yesterday noon. Barney Gaven, daylight watchman at the new Round House, was ran over by an engine on the side track, East of the Hound House, and so badly injured that lie died in about two hours afterwards. It Is not known exactly bow he got under tbe engine, bnt a. he was an old man and frail, it is supposed that in attempting to cross tiic track be fell, ami the engineer, who was backing his engine on the <iding, did not see him until he had passed over him. Both, legs were crushed from the body to the knees. To MisisTKiis.—Almost every dpy we see or hear of burials in the cemeteries adjoining this place, yet we receive very few accounts of deaths to publish. The reason is obvious. We have not time to visit all the families, wherein deaths occur, !o obtain the particulars, and those who are not subscribers to our paper feel a delicacy about hand ing in such items, notwithstanding we publish them gratuitously and willingly. Some one of the ministers in town is called npon to officiate at al most every funeral that takes place. We send our paper to all tbe ministers in this place, free of charge, further than that they furnish us with tlje particulars of all the marriages they solemnize ami funerals at which they officiate. We presume that each minister keeps a record of these matters and they could certainly furnish us with a copy, delivered either at our office, or dropped into our box at the Postofficc. The items of marriages and deaths in a community are matters of more in terest than many imagine, and we would gladly publish nil of them 'which occur in the county, could wc obtain them. We hope our ministerial iriends will give ns full lists hereafter. Tut First Ssow. —The first snow of the sea son raped the mountains around our inland city m Tuesday morning ot last week, and on Friday right last we had a fall sufficient to .corer the ground with a bridal robe. When ‘‘wewere-a hoy' 1 we well remember how anxiously we awaiktd the first fall of snow, and what visions of “ coast ing down hills” accompanied it. When a “ boy ot larger growth” it bronght visions of sleighrides by moonlight with a fast nag, comfortable cutter, plenty of buffalo robes, and—the prettiest gal in town” for a companion. Now these visions ate slightly changed. Onr coasting season has passed, never to return; a wife and sundty responsibilities have knocked all the romance out of moonlight jdcightide flirtations. The departure of desires tw these sources of enjoyment were followed by new desires and new sources, in which we find equal, 11 bo* greater pleasure j yet memory often brings 10 ’rind the scenes and companions of our school h°y and apprenticeship days, no doubt the-Jfreest and happiest that mortal man ever enjoys. “Go:it *'hiic you’re young,” boys and girls.- Ho«b Maxufacturk.—We are now using ■ a " nting fluid manufactured in this place, which, lor a h»ence of sediment, freeness of flow, and folor. equals either Harrison’s' or Bushfield’s Hie manufacturer is A, Clabaugh, of the station tr?elore, corner of “ Brant Bow." He sells it by ihe large or small quantity at the price of all other mks. We don’t see any nse in going away from home ,o Kct an article which, ten chances to one, "'ll be inferior to that which could hare heen ob ‘Oined of a home manufacturer, at the same price. Mourage your own, when you want a bottle of mk ; in at Clabaugh’s. He has it put “P in bottles which exactly suit the school room.' e have on hand a letter from our welcome correspondent, •* Bkin,’’ which we are sorry we cwnot publish, on account of strictures therein bn cers connected with the government. Blain is mistaken in his surmises, consequently his argn men V good though it be, fails entirely. A few * * hi tell whether his predictions are correct. t is time he must excuse ns for not adding an phonal firebrand to an already extensive coufla- Important to Coal Mbs.—lt has been decided under the revenue law- thatwhen a party produces coal in two counties in separate Collection 1 Dis tricts, there must be separate collections of tax on the amount of coal produced in 'each district. The regulation requiring tax “on any corporate bodv, or property of an incorporated company, to be payable at the office of the Treasurer of such corporation,” does nit include manufacturing com panies, or companies even if: incorporated, engaged in mining coal. In these teases the! tax must be paid where the manufactory is situated, or where the coaHs.produced. c cc t&~ We forgot' to say, last week, that Dan Laughman, the man who killed Mr. Pheasant, last fall, had just returned from the city with a large lot of ready-made clothing for winter wear. Dan has one of the neatest establishments in the place and he keeps as varied an of goods as can be fonnd outside the cities. Give him a call if you want anything flfom a full suit down to a cravat. ; \ At Home.— We are pleased to note that Sergt. E. L. Russ, of Co. D, 125th reg.t Pa. Vols who was wounded at the battle of Antietam, has so far recovered as to be able to return to ;his home, in this place, on Wednesday evening last. Although yet weak, from the effects of the wound and long confinement in the hospital, he is now past all danger. : <3* For a dish of fine fat oysters, call at Wil son’s saloon, a few doors above the Post office. Jake always keeps them on hand. ‘ He has also a fine assortment of confectioneries, cakes, pics, apples, nuts of all kinds, including chestnuts (a scarce article this fall.) If yon want anything in the above line Jake will accommodate on fair terms. The editor of the: Whig is evidently opposed to the credit system, judging from the, manner in which he drew- upon the local columns of our lost paper, without as much as : saying fbank’ee. We are happy to know, that the items were sufficiently interesting to be taken in wholesale style, therefore we will make no further complaint this time. Stamps on Checks.—lf has beep decided that when the maker of a cheek, draft, note, or any other document, shall neglect to put on the re-' quired stamp, it will not do for the party receiving the stamp to affix the stamp and cancel dt, hut it must be returned to the maker for him to do it. The letter forwarded ns by our friend at Sabbath Rest, came to hand too lace for insertion in last week’s issue. As we have given an extended account of the matter to which the letter refers, we think it unnecessary to publish it this week. Resolutions on the death of Fred C. Ward: passed by tbe “ Altoona Mechanics Library and Reading Room Association, ’’ at a meeting held on Wednesday evening November sth 1862. It is with feelings of the deepest sorrow that the members of this Association have beard of the death of its recent Secretary, Fred, 0. Ward, in the glorious battle of the Antietain, while nobly bearing arms in the defence of his country. The deceased was known and highly respected for his dutiful and upright character while among us, ag£ he will always be remembered With honor and praise among those who have laid their lives npon the altar of their country ns sacrifices to the holy cause of constitutional freedom. Be it therefore ■Retoked, That the Association .extend its pro found sympathy to the bereaved family, who liave lost in Fred. C. Ward an excellent son and brother. Resolved, That the Beading Boom of the As sociation be draped in mourning: for a space of thirty days. Resolved, That copies of this : preamble and these resolutions be sent to the family of the de ceased ; to the members of Co. K. .125th Regiment Penna. Vol.; and to the Altoona Tribune for pub lication. D. D. DOMER, Secy. Death of-Gen. O. M. Mitchel. The Telegraph shocks ns with ,;the news of the death of Gen. Ormsby McKnight Mitchel, at Beaufort, South Carolina. He died on the 30th October, and it is said of yellow fever, but this is not yet so certain. By advices from Port Royal i to the 26th, we learned yesterday that Gen Mitchel { and his two sons,(aids) were very ill, but- ill of a : malarious fever, caused by throwing up earthworks I oh a morass, to'the left of Gen iMitchel’s head- I quarters, at Hilton Head. Capt.- L. A. Warfield died on the 28th of October, and ’Capt. Williams, of Gen. Mitchel’s staff, on the 28th, both of the same disease. Whatever wps the cause, the nation will mourn the loss of this active General, while he woyld will mourn the loss of One of the most prominent astronomers of the age, Geh. Mitchel was born in KentuckCy in 1810, and at an early age removed to;; Ohio, where he commenced his "business life as a clerk in a store; He soon received a cadet’s warrant, and with the money he hod hardly earned, ' traveled to West Point, with a knapsack on his back and a quarter dollar in his pricket. On graduating in ’29, he was made Assistant Professor of Mathematics; from ’32 to ’34 he practiced law at Cincinnati; from ’34 to ’44 was Professor of Mathematics, Astronomy, &c., at Cincinnati College; in ’45, at the close of a course of he proposed the establishment of an Observatory at Cincinnati, and having, after surmounting’- innumerable Ob stacles, succeeded in erecting this well known Ob servatory, he became its Director. In 1859 ’Gen. Mitchel became also chief director of the Dudly Observatory, at Albany, retaining at the same time his connection With that at Cin cinnati. Prof. Mitchel became widely known throughout this country as a very eloquent, pop ular and enthusiastic lecturer on astronomy, and to the world by several important discoveries in nstronomy, and his mechanical skill in the in vention of a variety of instruments now highly •prized by astronomers Among his discoveries arc the exact period of the rotation of Mara- and the companion of Antares, or Cor Scorpii. He was also an author of reptile, having published an algebra, two works on &c. At the outbreak of the war ’General Mitchel became 1 deeply interested in the -struggle, and his early military education soon pointed him out to the Cincinnatians as a fitting person to under take the defences of their city, at the time when it was supposed the rebels had a design upon it.— He remained during last' Fall’and Winter at Monfordsvillc, having affine brigade under him. He was very attentive to his duties ; took nnnsnal care of his men; paid great attention to drill and discipline, and soon became known as an efficient and energetic commander. His valuable services in Lower Tennessee; his quarrel with General Buell; his .transfer to Port Royal in place of General Hunter, are all events of such late memory that jt is needless to refer to them. He was full of zeal, loyally and activity, and he bad produced -ipany valuable reforms within his military district. 'Che estimate of General Mitchel As a military man vary, some rating him a person of wonderful skill and energy, and that he treated rebels as they should hare been treated, while others accuse him of self-puff ing and of serious military blunders, such as burn ing the great railroad bridge nearClorinth. Of bis military merits, history must decide. None, however, can deny him p most-lively zeal, a commendable energy, and a whole heart in the cause in which he was engaged. As a mah, Mitchel had few enemies.' All who knew him loved him R. H. LAMBOBN, Prest. for h« amiability, kindness of heart, clearness of intellect, pnrity of life and line social and conversa tional qualities. The nation will monm him as another eminent victim to this accursed rebellion. —rPittiburffb Oronic/f.. Proceedings of Council. Regular matting Nov. 3rd 1862. No quorum being present adjourned to meet at the call of the President. Nov.; 6th Council meet pursuant to the call of the President. Present A, Smyth. I), La ugh man, J. Loudon mid J. Hesser. W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, presented his report of labor on streets, amounting to $68.56. On motion of Jacob Hesser, an Order was granted \V. W. Snyder for $30.00 On motion of D. Laughman, an order was granted Benj. Devine, for $23.50. On motion of John Loudon, an order was granted B. O. Conner for $15.00. On motion of John Loudon, adjourned to meet on the tirst Monday evening of December. W. B. KETLER, Sec y Wants Locke King, a member Parliament, has lately made a speech, in which he said, that ifKnglund had gone tp war on the Trent affair, she “ would not have rested until she had obtained that which she had a right to, naraeiv, the State of Maine and the harbor of Portland.”' A Word to Married People.- If it be true that “ A penny saved is two-penoc made,” the shortest way to get rich is to liny your Groceries at FRITCHEY*S,- comer of Main and Caroline streets, Altoona. Browned Rye constantly on hand. Pickles, ready for table use, by the dozen or hundred. Shriver's Baltimore Oyster Ketchup. Pepper Sauce aud Tomato Ketchup. Fresh Tomatoes, Quinces, Peaches, Pears and Plums, in cans. The American Excelsior Coffee, superior to anything in the market—good as Java and cheap as .Rye. Try it. His stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, &c., cannot be excelled in the place. Cigars and Tobacco of all brands. Call and be convinced that it is to your interest to buy at the Nkw Family Grocery. PRESERVE VOCK REALTY. XYMMKTHy OF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AND MENTAL POWERS, By using that Sate, Pleasant. Popular and Specific Rem edy known as UELMBOL&S FXTHAC'i ltrCHL\ Read the Advertisement in another Colburn, and pruftt by it Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated. Cm it out. and Preserve it. You may not now require it, But may at some Future Bay. u It gives health and vigor to the frame. And bloom to the pallid cheek/' 1 It Saves Long Suffering and Exposure. Betoarr of Counterfeit*.’ fxre.% Guurantted. Altoona, Nov. 10th, 11*62.] ;ti SINGER & CO.’S Letter “A" Family Sewing Machine. WITH ALL THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, I* the BEST and CHEAPEST mid MOST BEAUTIFUL of all Sowing Machines. This Machine will sew anything, from the running of a tuck iu Tarletan to the making of an Overcoat—any thing from * Pilot or Beaver Cloth, down to the softest Gauze or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever ready to do its work to perfection. It can fell, hum, bind, gather tuck, quilt, and has capacity tor a great variety of Orna mental work. This U not the only machine that can fell hem, bind, Ac. but it will do so better than any other Ma chine. The letter “ A'' family Sewing Machine may be had iu a great variety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case which is now becoming so popular, is, as its name implies, cue that can be fqlded into a hox, or case, which, when open, makes a beautiful, Hubstancial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon. The cases are of every ima ginable deeign-r-plaiQ as the wood grew in its native for est, or as elaborately finished as art can make them. This Branch Offices are well supplied with Silk-Twist, Thread. Needles, Oil etc. of the very best quality. Send for a copy of “ SINGER A CO.’S GAZETTE." I. M. SINGER & CO., 458 Broadway, N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE—4IO CHESTHUT ST, Mr. D. W. A. Belford, Merchant Tailor. Virginia Street, Agent in Altoona. Altoona, Nor. 13,1852. [1 yr. BAIL BOAS ABD MAIL SCHEDULE. TRAINS ARRIVK AND DEPART. Baltimore Express West arrives 7.35 A.M., ! A.M. Pbiladel’a “ “ 11 8.20 •* “ 8.40 “ Past Line ..*• " 8.30 P.M. “ 8.46 P.M. Mail Train l * 7.40 (runs no further West.) Express Train East “ 9.25 P. M-,leaves 9.46 P. M. Past Line *• - 4.00 A. 31., “ 4.05 A.M. Mail Train “ •• 11.30 “ •* 11.35 “ Trains on, Uoilidaysburg Branch rnn to connect with- Express Trains and Past Line West and Mail Train East and West. Trains on Tyrone k Clearfield Bnuch and Bald Eagle Valley R. B. ran to connect with Express Train West and Hail Train East and West. Mail Schedule will becorrected next week. DIED: On the 11 lost., in this place. HANNAH MARTHA, daughter of Robert and Martha Beacbman, aged i year, 2 months and six days. Ou the Bth inti., after a lingering illness, HELLEN DAV E N START, consort of Axore Daren* tad t, aged years In MUfrrd township, Jnoniata county, on the 31st alt., of piptheria. UERVEY, son-of John and Mary Robison, aged 10 yean and 15 days. Hxbtxt was a boy of much more than ordinary intelli gence for one of bis years. His familiarity with the his tory of the United States and geography generally, was the wonder of all who knew him. He conld tell the name and place of residence of erery General and . Colonel who distinguished himself in the Revolutionary war, the war of 1812, and the Mexican war, and what Generals and in either army, in the present rab«iUj|jfei>ad taken part in the Mexican War. Study was hiinßsht, and to remember what be learned was the beigbtof bis ambition. It is hard for parents to part with a child un der any circumstance*, but more so where the child is peculiarly bright and promising, as in the above instance. But He that hath given has a right to take Uis own again, and we should not murmur. Hrsvst lias escaped from the trials and temptations of the bis parents may meet him again in a brighter world -where they wilj never be called to part. Thou art gone dearest Uenrey—gone, from oar eight, Tho grave clod* ore heaped on thy breast. Thy spirit Boa fled to the mansions of light, With samtaaml bright angels to rest. : Thy sweet voice is ndw hashed and silence and gloom Most reign in Its place here forever; ' Bat thy soul rests not in the halls of the tomb, , Bat sing* on the banks of life’s river. Thy footsteps we'U hear on this earth never more; Thy seat shall be vacant and lone; Bat with angels thoa’it tread eternity's shore. There waiting to welcome as home. Thy smile that oft cheer'd as—like last rammers flowers, Or the sunshine that lolls on the sea, Has fluied away with thy life's latest hours. To fell where no darkness can be. Then, Uervey, though gone ftr away from oar sight, We’ll cease to slgh or complain. And strive to meet tboe in mansions of light, Wherstheia’s nettherpsrting or pain. 1> AGS ! BAGS I—The highest price in aAiM be fid for ragaof titty deecriptton, delivsrsd at Idkvo' store, Kftat Ward. Nov. 164*. J.E.IOKES. "VTEW WINTER READY MADE 'l. l Clothhw just received at „ LADGHMAN’S. \ FINK ASSORTMENT OF OVER it OOATS can be found at ' LAU6HI(AN'S. Excellent heavy boots & BPPCS3ust received at LAUOIIMAN‘B. DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, ehedp or flue t—go to LAUOHMAN’S. Great piles of pantaloons, tor Men and Beys, ait LACGIIMAN'S. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at LAUGHMAX'S. IVTEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES a- N for Men and Boys. Ladim and Misses, just rac’d at A LL STYLES CARPETING AND Oil-Clntha on bo found at LAUGHM Afr’-S. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS,, of every slm and style at LAUOHMAN’S. TT'MBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, X in emllcKo variety, at L AUGHMAVP- Altoona, May 1,18 A&. \ GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP r\ Jewelry, Hair aud Clothe* Brushes, Combs, Pocket-knives, Ac., at L AUG UMAX’S 'V'EW AND IMPROVED STYLES 1 r.t Trunks. Valisss aud Carpet-Bags. at LAUGHUAM’S 4 COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP Gent’s Model Improved SHlRTS—Cassimera and n Shirts—fine and coarse—white and colored-v-at LAUQHMAK’B. REMOVAL OF JESSE SMITH’S Hat & Cap Store. r r H E PIIOPRIETOB OF THE I EXCELSIOR” HAT and CAP Store, would inform his customers, and the Public generally, •that Ik- liuh removed his store to his new building, on Vir ginia street, next door to Jaggard’s store, where- he has Just received a large stock of FALL & WINTER STYLES OF HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FEATS, &C. ills Stock of Hats and Cups are of the very best selection, of evei y style, color and shape, Tor both old and young. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can scud them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such an article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsonieHt *»t«jck of Hats. Caps. Flats. Ac.. ev»*r exhibited in this town. I have also on hand an entirely new stock of LADIES k MISSES FURS, embracing everything in that line, which I will *ell at fair price**, as I do not Intend to keep any of my stock over season. Nqg. 6. 18b2. OFFICE OF JAY COOKK, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Ai- JAV (JOOKK & CO., bankeks, IU SOUTH THIRD STREET. Philadelphia. Nov. 1, 1862. Tin- undersigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIP TION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury, is now prepared to furnish, at once, the NEW Twenty Year 6 per ct. BONDS. of the United States, designated os u Five-Twenties." re deemable at the pleasure of the Government, alter five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, approved Feb 25. 1862. The COUPON BONDS are issued in sums of 450, $lOO. $6OO, $lOOO. . The REGISTER BONDS iu sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO. 1000, and $5OOO. *; Interest at Signer cent, per annum will commence from date of purcs&se, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers. Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that those bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Ci nal*. Bank Stock? and securities, and the immense products of alt the manufactures Ac., Ac., in the country: and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs. Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue serves to make these Bonds the Best, Moat Available and Most Popular Investment iu the Market Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notes, or notes and checks of banks at. par in Philadelphia. Sub scribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every' facility and explanation will be afforded on application at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for imme diate delivery. * JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, No*. 6,1882. [3 mos. 000,000 *“ m LLOYD’S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COLORED MAP OP THE UNITED STATES. CANADAS, AND NEW BUNSWICK. From recent surveys, <'ompleted Ang. 10. 1862; cost $20,000 to engrave It and one year's time. Superior to any $lO map ever made by Colton or Mitch ell, and sella at the low price of fifty cents; 370,000 names, are engraved on this map. It is not only a County Map, hut it is also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the United States and Canadas combined in one, giving EVERY RAILROAD STATION and distances between. Guarantee any woman or mbn $3 to $5 per day, and wilt take bock all maps that cannot be sold and refond the money. 1 Send for $1 worth to try. Printed instructions how to canvas well furnished all our agents. Wanted—Wholesale Agents for our“ Maps in every State, California, Canada, England, France and Cuba. A fortune may be made with a few hundred dollars capital. iVb Competition. J. T. LLOYD, No. 164 Broadway, New York. The War Dejartment uses our Map of Virginia, Mary* land, and Pennsylvania; cost $lOO,OOO, on which is marked Antietam Creek, Sbarpsbnrg, Maryland Sights, William sport Ferry, llhoresville, Noland's Ford, and all others on the Potomac, and every other place In-Maryland, Virginia, aud Pennsylvania, or mosey refunded. LLOYD'S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILLINOIS, is the only authority for Gen. Bttell and the War Depart ment. Money refunded to any one finding an error In it. Price 50 coots. Prom the Tribune, Aug. 2. u LtB99B MAP OP VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, AND PENNSYLVANIA,—Tbo Map Is very Urge; Us cost is but 25 cents, and ti n Uu best tohtch con be purchased LLOYD’S GREAT MAP OP THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER —From Actual Survey* by Capts. Bart and Ww. BOW AN, Mississippi River Pilots of St. Louis. Mo., shows every man's plantation and owner's name from St Louis to the Gulf of Mexico—l,36o miles—every sand-bar. island, town, lauding, and all places 20 miles beck from the river—col ored in counties and States. Price, $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, .and $2.60 on linen, with rollers. Ready Sept; 20. Navy Dipaximkct, Washington, Sept. 17,1862. J. T. Llotp— Sir: Send your Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hundred copies. Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, commanding the Mississippi squadron is authorised to purchase os many as are required for use of that squadron. GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the Navy. j G-lorious IST ews I r Subscribers wopld respectfully I announce to the Citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that they have Just returned froth the East with their FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF HATS & CAPS, BOOTS Sc SHOES. Their Mock of HATS & CAPS have •***“ **" . leeted with greet care, and with the view of .siting ell who may Ikvor them with their patronage. Their line of ! Boot. andBho«ri« complete. I Their LAPSES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES I are of City make, and warranted. Their Balmoral Shoe, i-fet Ladle, and Misses, are jnst the thing tor toll nod j winter. 1 thankful to the public for their eery liberal patronage I heretofore, they hope to merit acontlnnaUce of the aanfe. Store on MAIN. ST: next door to Bowmaa’t Exchange 1 Hotel. SMITH * BURS. HELMBOLD’S PREPARATIONS IiAUGHMAN’S, “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. A Positive and Specific Homed; For Disease, of the BLADDER, KIDNKYB, GRAVEL. AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, This Medicine Increase, the power of Digestion, and ex cites the ABSORBENTS into health; action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATCRAL ENLARGEMENTS, are reduced, a. well as PAIN add INFLAMMATION,and is good (orMxn, Wo him os CatLoaxM. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. Fur weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa tion, Early Indiscretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE EOLLOWIAG SYMPTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Difficulty of Breathing, Loss of Memory Loss of Power, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror of Disease, Wakefoloess, Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Drynces of the Skin, Eruptions of the Face. PALLID COUNTENANCE Those symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follows Ixpotekct, Fa?uitt Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those -DIREFUL DISEASES," “INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, 1 BUT NONE WILL CONFESS THE BKCOttDT OF.THE INSANE ASYLUMS, i And the melancholy Deaths by Consumption) bear am ple witness to the truth ol the auerttod. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE-AFFECTED WITH OR GANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigor ate the System, which HEMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES! FEMAL'ES! I Old ob Young, Single, Married ob Contemplating Max- In many affections peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BUCHU is unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro sis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfnlness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leucorrboe or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In discretion* Habits of Dissipation, or In the No .Family Should, be Without It. Take no more Balaam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous disease*. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. AND Improved Bose Wash CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages, At little Expense, Little or no change in Diet, No inconvenience And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. .Allaying INIn and -Inflama tioo so frequent in the class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn-out Matter. ' THOUSANDS;UPON THOUSANDS who have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees tube cured in a short time, have found that they were deceived, and. that the **POISON” has, by tb* use of as tringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use HtLStßoLp's Extract Bccbc for all affections and diseases of the - URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Prom whatever cause originating, and no matter at HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of aDlUßxnc. UEIMBOti’S EXTRACT BCCHU Is the Great Diuretic, and Is certain to havS the desired effect Id all diseases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character wi'i accompany the medicines. Certificates of Cures, from eight to twenty years stand ing, with names kuowp to science and &me. ■ Price $l,OO Per Bottle, or Six lor $5, Delivered to any address, securely packed from any ob servation. Describe Stmptoss in all ConncsncAtioxs. Cures Guaranteed. Advice Gratis. Personally appeared belote me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia. H. T. Hauubui, Who being'doly sworn, doth say, bis preparation contains no narcotic, no mercu ry, or other injurious drags, hat are purely vegetable. H, T. lIELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d 1 day of No vember, 1864. i W. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, ' Ninth St. above Race, Phils, Address letters for information in confident to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, ■j. Depot, 104 Sooth Tenth-St, below Ckeetont, j; Philadelphia, Pinlß..,' BEWARE 0P COUKTJSRPKITB AND CNIfEINOIWjiD ■ 1 DJEAIJSRB, * "■ Who endeavor to diapoaa “or lam own” l and “organ” articles on th, reputation attained by Hslinbold’a Pennine. Pfeptoationt; do do Extract Bnchn, do do ' do -'raarsaparilla, :' ' ' do _ : gutdby Druggists 'everywhere. Take n* othar. Oat oat gad Mud p* it, andexpospre; : September ITth, 1803-ly. r , t . -*xi * GENUINE BIAQE. DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. £EE BYSIPTONB ABOVE. MALE OR FEMALE. affidavit: f- I* Dtdrof ~i Mu, JAtu, anal safe fb Datny Stdßugt. ' ■— **>» i» Cletka, m. V • f A"' “ CottarV ital Roach, Ac. Exterminator. “Cottar’s” Bed-Bag Kxterinioatar. “Cottar’s” Electric Powder for Insects, Ac. la 25c, 50c. aio> $l,OO Bonus ass Fuss*, AXBIS Sise* Fot PuaTATioits, Bam, Boats, Horsts, do. “IH* OSW UfAlUmi KBMK«di^XMOW».7 .** Pree tom Mmu, I’. 1 ’. “Not dangerous to the Huau Puully.” “ Kats do not die on the premsela.” “They come oat ol.lhrfr hatw to die." 49* Awnrwken—by : rT All Wbou&ux Dsceoisn in the Unst ClUee, sad foj DmoosieT*,Q»oc*»», StomitniA airfltitAasiulanef' ally, in nil Country Towns and TUlamea in Ike United States. Sold by G. W. KESSLER, Altoona. 49‘CouanTlhCAUSScan ocder asabaye.. Or address orders for Prices, Tense, As.} to . HBMBY ». COSTA*. PsiKctrAi. error—No. «S *»D*dwayJ»WW Pork, 50 WHEELER & WILSON’S £ £5 3 g SJiWIISTG « S MACHINE. I - f S PS R. A. O. KERR, w W Agent for Blair Gmmty. q £ s.Ktos'im s aaiaaHM i rnHESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT- I to be the best erer offered to the public, end their superiority is Mtis&ctoril) established by the fact that in the last eight years, OVER 1.400 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other nan* ufactured, and more medals bare been awarded the pro prietors by different Pairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed for them. They are now in use In several fkmiliesin Al toona,'and in every case they give entice satisfaction.' The: Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L- Piper,Hev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, BenJ. ¥. Rose, and B. 11. Turner, £sqrs. The machines can bo seen and examined at tbe store of the Agent, at Altoona. * Price of No. I Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hummer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze; glau foot and new style Bemmer—sss. No. 3, plain. With old style Heramer—|46. [March 21, 1861-tf. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO.. »V LOCK HAVEN,. PA. PREMIUM NOTES IN F0RCE....... 405,000, Insures property on as reasonable’ terms aa are>- consistent with security. DIKICTOBS: V £ R a " e J> 0. D. BaMerlee, - J. B. Hill, Jacob Brown, • P.M.Prico. Allison Wbito, Simon Scott, C. A. Hayer, Alex. Sloan. W. Pearon. O. D., V. P. G. C. llabpet, Prea’t. J. W. Chapkas, Secretary. July 3, ’62-ly.] B. A. 0. KERR, Agent, Altoona, G. C. SERVER & SON, (Successors to Thomas R. Tauob & Co.) Paper, Envelpe, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 613, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WRITING, LETTER, NOTE. ' PRINTING, WRAPPING. MANILLA, TISSUE, SHOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Printers’ Cards, - BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manofaotnrefs, Stationers and Storekeeper,, will find it to adran to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. ' May lit, 1862,-ly. Sewing Machines! Having accepted the agen cy for the sale of the shore celebrated Sicblnii, 3 rra are now prepared to farslah, on short notice, stay o the various styles of machines manufactured by thtt'Ciom pany, ranging Inprlce.frmn 840 to *lOO. Purchasers of these Machines hare the advantage of choling one making either the celebrate! Grover A Baker Stitch, or the Lock Stitch, the only rateable Sewtemlla chine stitches in practice] use. The supcrfaadty offhrse Machines over ail othervfor flunily sewing, Is now tsirly established. The peculiarities of the different styles of Machines will be cheerfully explained to any one wishing to purchase. J. A J. LOWISER, Altoona, Aug. 7 th-Jni, ‘ Agents. PARTICULAR NOTICE 15—Notioe Is. hereby given to ail persons knowing themselves indebtdd to the undersigned, In store accounts or other wise, to come forward and make sett lenient, Onor before the 10th of December, as no longer Indnighneeoeii hA giv en. After that date all niuettied accounts willbs pteeed in the hands 0 1 a proper other for collection with cost. Nov. 6,1882.-31*] ' . ‘ R. U.McCOKMIOK. STORE ROOM FOR RENT I I--^ subscriber offers for rent the store room eiech p'ed by himself, in North Ward. - The stand fohiSrjPllia test in the place. Possession givenimmedMaiy. r Nor. 6, 1892-tf.] R. tt ficCOTHIOK. \ OROCEKIES AND PRQVISIQJtS*?- VJT A Urge and Varied rtoch of FBJgE SROCniBE thecWpestvmt £ Oot, of Tirg&ife «od O»Um «b, Altoona; June 2s, 1862. 1 c- : ,- A REGULAR MEETING OP THE ALTOONA TATE TOStT(aMKTBBTABBOCIA TION will beheld on month, Id the Council Boob*. |M3*»4»4tW&, OUK LABY FRIENDS Wgß&iM wen to wetl-ftlled eheltHtf ALTOONA, PA,, p - S GROVER & BAKER’S v- A