WARD AHEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! . AT OJLJ>. BRICES. I AE UNDBESIGNED WOULD EE SS^BSSSSSSSS WMTMwd tettk awfc «f country. &'«d 1• mncfa !?f*!L!ii?- h ?** o ** B » M> *» M tH«g*ft*uni)l4>cHn three d JH!S?!I ,>l *” l M,T COMPETITION. Hi* dock LADIES’ DRESS GOODS r~ irmr inmiiinn MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, , m>Pg’ AND HUSKS’ DBXBB SHOES, MEN ANIIBOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEH AND WO*UBPB HOSK, HATS AMD CAPS, OilgUm., LnWu*, Blreehad and DuMrachwl Mmliii, PriuJ Prarhre nnADriwl (pphu, Pluin and , ftWfcwrt ah—,-Ae, Ac, Ac. FAMCT DELAIMEB, tram IJU to » Plw> Blmehnd MDSUMS tuA wide, i« « “ “ J 4 “ w' 4 » “ “ « “ tii “ BuvyUnhrcbtd “ raid “ 12U “ , “ “ K “ lud Ml* « u4inU| fiw 8 to 15 u ÜBMMIOtnS, from 40 to 56 u \ “ W»*,l&«ncb, «uw*d, HraW BOOTHES. $1 25 HEN’S CaSmOTS, “ 2» “ OOAT u » »*0 BOYS’ OOAT. (Moo. 4nadS.) ISO TIBS, from T 5 coot* to 1 00 HEM’S CALF HOMEOES. I no AU Hu* of MUSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low. id Coffee at 25 cents, L a Wklli UU.I || Binl 12W cents. Brown Some fr(>« T tolActm; BaMßmuy nod Lovering', *t 80 ct».;.Bu*»r House Mnlss***, 40 cu.; Baking Moluw*. 31 to 40 eta.; togutlwr with Coder end Willow W«s; Flour,Feed, Ac.,mod *U other article* of Good* Justus low m* uyothar bouse can,selL Plane call and examine my stow bebre purebuiag elsewhere. 3. A. BPRANKLE. Altoona, M»f 1, 1M2.J North Ward. EMPORIUM OP FASHION!! Vuyimia St*, Altoona, Pa. D. W. A BEDFORD, Proprietor.. The proprietor or the “ emporium Or FASUIOIf" woold rMpvctfallj announce to the pamfe that, bakwnMiTrd iltqp InToio. of CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, . VESTINGS, u4i (aaaataaMtment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, 'iGolUrn, . Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, : &e., &e. f &e., exaeOr eoited tothU locality and Inteoded for the AUTUMN AND WINTER TRADE. Tb* proprietor of the Emporium invites an examina tion of.hia afcock, feeling confident that hie shelves present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in the country. An examination will convince any ope of this fact. He has also received the LATEST FASHION. and bring a perfect "Cutter,” he has no hesitancy in say ing tbit he can make up clothing In the fashion, and in a manner that can not foil to prove satisfactory. It has psmsd Into a ptoverb that Belford’s the very man that can make, Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap; . AJI that have ever tried him yet, BSy that he really cant be beat. Estosmber the. place, Virginia street, first door above Jaggard’s Halt; Altoona, Pa, ■ [April 17, *62. HEAD QUARTERS FOB THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FALL & WINTER GOODS!! J, B. HILEMAN has just received a Urea and writ .elected .lock of Good., troubling of Clothe, FUinand fancy Oonimena, Sotinetb, Erntnck? Jenna, Twoado, Deorerteeni. Bine Drilling, end ell other Unde of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WEAK, together with a grand mad magnificent anortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such at Static ond Abney Si Vet, ChaUtct, Smgct, BrOhantt, - Inn*, Bdatna, CUnta, Dcßcgu, Crapec, BrinU, Crane ami stifle Shaidj, JfaniitLai, Vhdertltntt and JUtn, Wyti and SOdxmt, Coßart, Hand ktrMtft, Kid dmi, Hooped Skirti, Skirt fug, Loot Situ, ft, tent to the afflicted in sealed Two or threeStampsfor tfILLIM HOUGHTON, Acting Snr ■wifeMwiiiird Aeeoctmoß, No. 2, Sooth Ninth street. : (Jo* TJSWWHIT* LEAD AND ZINC THE BEST in the VOEID, CURING TOOTHACHE & NEURALGIA! Do you wish to be blessed with and admired (or Psaur Won and Sound TEETH! Use DB. WM. B, HURD’S ONRITAILED TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from add, alkali or any injnrkma rabrtura. Price, 25 rants per box. •9. Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders, which whiten bat destroy. Do.yon wish to be certain that your BREATH is pure, sweet, and agreeable to hatband or wife, lorer or friends’ Dse DR. HURD’S CELEBRATED MOUTH WASH— Price, 37 rants per bottle. This astringent wash is also the best remedy in the world lor Genoa, Ban Baum, Budoio Gnu, Bonn Motors, etc. It bn cored hundreds. Doyoa or your children suffer from TOOTH ACE! Get DB. HURD’S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, 15 cents per pottle. Are yen afflicted with NEURALGIA! Get DR. W.4k HURD’S NEURALGIA PLASTERS. The most effective and delightful remedy known. They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 18 and 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. Do you with a complete set of DENTAL REMEDIES and a TrtaUte on Pratrving Tatkt Get DR. WM. B. HURDS DENTAL TREASURY, the neatest and most valuable present that one friend can make to another.— Price, $l.. Sent by express on receipt of price. For sale at all the best stores throughout the country. Caution.— A* there are dealers who .take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers infe rior preparations, !! is necessary to insist upon having what yoocall for, ahd yoo will get the best, thoroughly tested, and prepared bv an experienced and scientific Den tist, Treasurer of tbe New York State Dentist’s Associa tion, and Tice President of the New York City Dental Society. Address WM. B. HURD & CO., New York. DE. HURD’S DENTAL REMEDIES ere for eele jn thin piece by O. W. KRSfII.RB Prepared from an improved receipe by the. proprietor of the “ Bxothxe Jonathan Polish.” is certified by all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and Piano-Forte Makers to be the best in the world for removing Scratches, Marks, and Dirt, and restoring a high and lasting gloss to all kinds of Tarnished work, from Furniture to Leather. It is cheaper and belter than Varnish, dries immediately, and Is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel and a bottle or two of tbU New Furniture Polish, a House keeper can work magic In the furniture of ahouse, and keep It looking like new. Now is the time to " shine up” your Tables, Chairs. Desks, Pianos, Picture Frames, Car riages, etc., ahd them look 50 per cent, better. This Is true economy. For sale by Furniture Store keepers generally. Price 25 and 60 cents a bottle. Depot No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. fiS-SPECIAL AGENTS WANTED. Address. GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS! THRILLING INCIDENTS Great Rebellion; -OR THE HEROISM OF Gur SOLDIERS &SAILOKS. The critics and the public are right in predicting that this will 4ttrpaM,.ln graphic narrative, exciting interest, and extensive popularity, all other historic* of the W’arfor the Union.; Its theme will he the heroic d&riDg, patieht suf fering and ; hair-breadth escapes of our Soldiers and Sailors, and Its incidents will form the theme ofcouversation at iohnmerahle firesides for yean to some. It will contain, in additkrirto its stirring details, the philosophical Analy sis of the causes of the War, by John Lathrop Motley, L.L.D., Author of ‘ v The Rise of the Patch Republic,” eta., the dates of all the important events, from the John Brown raid, and an accurate and revised account of the principal battles, with engravings. Ooe-third'the proceeds o! all Subscriptions sent-direct to us willlbe given for the Relief of Pisabled Soldiers, and alt persons who wish a copy of the work, and also to r benefitJbe soldlen, should send their name and address at once. Also, any officer or private, or person In any lection of the country, having knowledge of any heroic act or stirring incident, will oblige us by sending ns an account of It. BOOKSELLERS, POSTMASTERS, and CANVASSING AGENTS WEI be furnished with a Subscription Prospectus, on application to the Publishers. J®-A liberal commission given to Sol-, diers desiring to act as Agents in taking subscriptions. OOIHK TRIMMINGS, FROM 1608 TO 1860. BY DR. J. LEANDER BISHOP. 2 VOLS- Smo. . Vol. I. now ready. Vol. 11. nearly ready. Thia ia probably the largest and most important work now in the American prut. We base also Jost published new editiona of the follow, ing naetulaud popular books: ;i THE BUSINESS MAN« : LEGAL ADVISEE; Or, How to Save Money, by Conducting Business according to Law, as'expounded by the best and latest Authorities. 400 pp., sheep. Price $l. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRY; doth, $l. Tbit bee been re-pnbliibed in England. Every business Man and clerk tbotdd have these books. They will pay the buyer e hundred fold. Every parent abonld get them for their tone. All the** book* are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to matting hooka, wrapping them cartfally, ad wttl procure ad tend, postpaid, ay book aywhere, on receipt of publishers' price hnd a£x (tamp*. Address 5 FREEDLEY & CO., Tribune Buildings, New York. PIANOS! ■pEBSONS WHO WISH TO BUY JL * Ptano of the.beet maker* vlll be ihown haw the; eta tare it hendeome tm la the tf to^adiireH Cue i/ Jor, Cob A Co., Publisher*’ AjKntt, new toek;>. O. WM. B. HURD’S Dental Remedies ABE INSURING FINE TEETH AND A SWEET BREATH, AND THE HOUSEKEEPER’S NEW Furniture Polish BOX 1972, New York P. O OF THE ILLUSTRATED. 1 VOL., LARGE 12M0- PRICE $1.25. i ■ ii- THE HISTORY r ■ OF American Manufactures, 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY. Itor.tttlHl-i: ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! NOW OPEN On the corner of Branch and Annie Streets, EAST ALTOONA, AN ENTIRELY mw STOCK OF GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of old goods in the above stand at suc tion, we desire to say to the public that we hare Just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock embraces a large and complete astortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting* in part, of plain and fancy Silk*, all-wool De laines* Alpacas, ChniHe Delaines, plain and figuredßerege, Dawns, Ginghams, Ducal*, De Barge, Travelling Drees Goods* and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS. Men’s ■■‘W e a r. We have received a large and well selected stock of GEN TLEMEN’S DRESS GOODS, .such as Cloths, plain and fancy Caarimeres, Casbmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys, Bearer Teens, Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods for men and boys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss, Bobioets, Edgings, Ac. We have a large a-sort men t of Ladies’ Needlework Col lars and Sets* Dress Trimmings* Ribbons* Gloves. Gaunt lets, Mitts,-Hosiery* Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils* Ac. Also* Ticking* Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins* Cotton and Linen Diaper* Crash, Ac. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. We have received a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, HATS & CAPS. SHAKER BONNETS, &c.. which we ace determined to eel! cheaper than ever. qUeeenswabe, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oily Drugs and Medicines, »nii. In tact, everythin* usually kept in it first-class Store. 49- As we make our purchases almost entirely for cash, and aa we will sell for CASEt ONL Y. AND KEEP NO BOOKS, it will enable us to sell Goods at very moderate prices; and by folr dealing and strict at tention to business we hope to secure a liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona, April 15,1862-11 A ROUSH, Druggist, • takea. this opportunity of returning his thanks i to the citizens of this place and vicinity, for the liberal I patronage they have bestowed on him, and desires to in form the public in geneial, that he still continues At his Old Place of Business, A Jew Door? above the Post-Office, where be is at all times prepared to attend to their wants in bis line of business, consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, >v PAINTS, PUTTY, y VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT j, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS. SWEET-BRIAR PIPES. CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. LIQTJOHS, FOR MEDICINAL USE, ALWAYS ON HAND. Physicams Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT Altoona, Pa, April 17,1882. GROCERY. AND PROVISION STORE, 'Annie Street, JSast Altoona, a few doors above Branch Street. The subscriber has just re ceived a largo and fresh aleck of GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS. Ac., which he wilt aell at price* equaliyas low a* his competitors. His stock consists of. FLOUR, FEED, BACON. BAITS, PISH, SALT, POTATOES COFFEE. SUGAR, TEA, SPJCES, CRACKERS. CHEESE, TUBS BRUSHES . BUCKETS BROOMS RAISINS LEMONS ORANGES. FIGS. BATES COMBS SOAPS KNIVES BUTTER. EGGS CONFECTIONERIES \ VRIBB FRUIT, AND BRUGS OF ALL KINDS I invite the public to call and examine my stock, as I am determined to please in tpuUit, and price. May.8,1882-tf WM.H. PEECIVAL. $ 25] EMPLOYMENT-! [s7s AGENTS WANTED ! We will pay from $25 to (75 per month, and ail expen ses, to active Agents, or give' a commission.- Particulars sent frea. Address Erie Sewing Machine Company, B. JAMES, General Agent, Mllan.Ohlo. i Sept.lS-ly.} j DRIED APPLES.—The subscribers have a fine lo of bright yeliow DRIED APPLES, bought at much leas than market rates, and which Jhey desire to close oat, at cost and carriage, withont delay.— Persons desiring to purchase, either at; wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give us a call. Altoona, Jane 26,1882.] MURPHY t McPIEE, Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents in Altoona at tils office in Anna St. March IT, 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. T EVFS PREPARATION FOR KX JLi terminating BATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Bed-bugs with oat danger in its use under any circumstan cm for vale at the Drug Store of 'O. W. KESSLER. Jan. 24, «66-tf] Umbrellas and parasols, In endlen variety, at | LACGHMAN’S. Altoona, May 1,1862. : NEW SUMMER GOODS, of superior style and material, just rec’d at UAUQHMAN’B. Great piles of pantaloons, for Men and Boys, at ■ LADGHMAN’S. MEN AND BOYS’ GOATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at ; LAPQHMAys. New stock of boots & SHOES for Men and Boys, Ladle* and Mixes, Jolt rac’d at LAUOHMAN'S. GEIS & CO. Sum I. run—!—— Smwa Vnmi STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE SPECTFULLY Bounce to the citizen* Altoona and vicinity' they havejuat receit luge supply of BTO of all Patterns, and Cook, Parlor, Office. Shop Stoves, which will tell at the most •enable prices. A 1 supply will alway kept on hand. TIX JXD SHEET* IB OX WARE, in great variety, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING pn up on short notice. They have alao attimhed a copper-smithing room to their establishment and win keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, Ac. All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. HARDWARE. The ftubscribars have added Hardware to their line of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such aa Handsaws, Axes, Augers. Adzes, Chisels, Squares, Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ac., all of which they offer on the most reasonable terms. 43*Persona wishing anything In the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their stoca. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Ow Store on Annie street, between Harriet and Ada* line streets, East Ward, and on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drugstore, M’est Ward. Altoona, Feb. 3d, 1862. POKED OUT AGAIN! f’J'Mie undersigned would respectfully so- JL licit the patronage of the citizen! of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened out AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st., a few doors below the Supt’s Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such aa FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE. CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, TEAS of all kinds, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS,BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO, SEGARS, DRIED FRUIT SOAP. CANDLES, BROOMS, BRUSHES, Crockery. Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notion-, Candle-. Ac. Also a large stock of LIQUORS! All the above goods will ne sold. Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—come nil! See for your selves, and be convinced. No charge for examining my , LOUIS PLACE. April 17, 62-tf. ■VnSW FißM.—The subscribers take Xl this method of announcing to the of Altoona, and the Public generally that have-opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE, Wi in the room recently occupied by John 11. Rob* erts. The business heretofore carried on by Mr. Roberts, will, in the future, 1* in the name of Roberts A Ruth* erfnrd. They will keey constantly on hand a complete assort ment of Boots & Sltoos, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., &c., &c. whit:h they will offer at fair prices and warrant to be of the best material aup manufacture. Particular attention will be given to s CUSTOM WOIRKI, in which we warrant to give entire satisfaction, as we buy the beat stock and employnone but the best workmen. Remember the old stand, on Virginia Street, one door East of Kessler’s Drug Store. JOHN 11. KOBRRTS, Oct. 10 1862-lf. WM. H. RUTHERFORD. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP! THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO inform his old customers and the public generally .that he has this spring gone Into the pry Good business, and has Just received a large and entirely new stock of i>ress Groods For the Ladles, embracing all the latest, prettiest and most FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. And among which may be found every quality; of goods, the names of which It would be too tedious to enumerate. In the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not “knock under” to no; of mj competitors. In this department I feel sure that I can render satisfaction. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange for goothg and the highest market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie and Helen streets. East A 1 toons. THOMAS HESLOP. Altoona, May 22,1862. $3O. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. O ommercial Agents Wanted TO BEIX GOODS FOB THE A E> A M S (A Niw Ekolahs) MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wo will give a commission of one hundred per cant, on all goods sold by our Agents, or we will pay wage* at from $3O to $lOO per mouth and pay all necessary! expenses. For particulars addres (with stamp) CHAB. BCOOLES, OenT Agent, For the Adams Manufacturing Co. Detroit, Mich. May 8,18C2-ly ; ? COAL. NOW IS THE .TIME FOR EVERY . family to get in their aupply of coal for this Winter, and the anbecrlbhr would therefore Inform the feitiaena of Altoona and vicinity, that he ta prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. Heiwill sell it by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the btuhel, deliv eredat the door of the purchaser. 0“ Yard on the North side of the Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. H. R. MYERS, July 25,1861.-tf. v “ ' TAKE NOTICE.—The undersigned Is about starting a Tannery, 1 and wish n to bny or tnule for 400 CORDS of good ROCK OAK BARK, and also for HIDES, for which the highest market price will be paid. ' Altoona, April 17, ’*2-tf. LOUIS BLACK. WM. S. BITTNER, Dental Surgeon, /OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, beat door to the Post J. G. ADLUM, Notary Public,* ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA. ’ Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. Hilemaa October 1, ISB7. MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN PlauceForte and Melodeon, by Mix M. T * u “- s!•> P«r quarter; No charge for tne see of the Instrument. Residence on Catherine Stmt, West Altoona. [Jan.ld.lM2.-tf. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every site and style at LACOHMAN'S. Life Insurance and Trust Co. / COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast \J Comer of Walnut and Fourth Streets. PhUatTa. Authorised Capital,. ....... $300,000 Paid up Capita 1,........... 250,000 Assets, - 1,897,746 Incorporated 1860, by the Legislators of Pennsyl- Insures Lire* during the Natural life or for abort terms, grants annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds depending ontbe issues of life. Policies of Life Insurance issued at the usual mutual rates of other good companies—with profits to the assured —last Bonus January, 1861, being 43 per cent, of all pre miums received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock fates, 20 per cent less than the above, or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent, less than Mutual price. Also, a NONFORFEITURE PLAN, By which a person pays for 5,7, or 10 years duly, when the policy is paid op for Life, and nothing more to pay; and should be be unable,, or wish to. discontinue sooner, the Company will issuea Pam ur Poucr, in proportion to the amount pf premium paid, as follows: On a Policy of $l,OOO. 4 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment ol rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $143 85 $lOO 00 2 “ - 400 00 285 70 200 00 4 “ - ’ 800 00 571 40 400 00 6 “ * 8 - “ * Any further information can be bad by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31.1862*1 y ’ | R. A. O. KERR. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, , The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! 1 would respectfbll forth my claim to pa attention, as a Fashiooai Tailor, as folio «ra: Because 1 keep an Ifcut assortment of Cl Casrimerei), Testings Trimmings. which* w. examlned,alwa;« please- , Because my wort made up in ft manner take* down the coa and gives all my custoi a city appearance. Because I am not ini. as a Cutter to the beal be found anywhere. Because long expert* in my business gives entire control over it I am not dependant any one tolift me 01 the suds. FRIES k WINTERS. Because 1 am still on the sonny side of forty, and there* fore my taste as aUutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the u Brant House.” Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona* Hay 26-6 m JACOB BNVDEB. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS J Unrloaledin Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy. Kv«ry person desiring to obtain the very beet and cheap est pvrtable light within their reach, should call at the store *>fthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate These lamps are admirably adapted for the nsa of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses. Factories, Halls. Churches* Stores, Hotels, and ore highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and fable fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. 19, 1858-tf.} G. W. KESSLER. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. SRIGG WOULD RESPECT • fully 'nfonn the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand large assortment 01 Cooking, Parlor, Office otuZHHpft Shop Slovti, of all 'styles and sizes, to salt the wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason able terms. lie also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- Iron Wart* consisting of all articles for culinary purpose*— Cboi Scuttles, Stove Pipe, <£c. lie has also purchased the right of sale in Blair county, of K. T. JONHS* IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only to be teen to be apprecia and should be possessed by every farmer, batcher or those requiring each a machine. tjb Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms. fapril 14,1869-1 y More good news ! The undersigned bujnst received from the East a large and varied assortment of. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths/ Cassdiiees, akd VESTING-, material for BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, each as Undershirts, Drawers, Sus penders, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs *<7*9* •* *° ld “ the lowest prices. All work ordered will m nude up in the very beet style, according to the latest fhahlona, on short notice. NoT.l.IfOMf THOMAS BtwAY. T7XCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB l'l SCBIBEB would respectfully in form the public that he bu recently re- A fitted the above Hotel, end Is now pre- - pared to accommodate bis friends 'bdISHS patrons In a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains In mating it an agreeable home for all sojourner*. His Tableiwill always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and bis Bar, filled with liqnon of choice 1 brands. His charges are aa reasonable a* those of any other Hotel in the place, and .he! feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who fiiror him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of pnblic patronage, find thlly intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have jn*t received' a stock cf Xo. 1 French Brandy; for medicinal purpose*. Also a large (tack of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to; be found in the country. Altoona, May ?7, 1559.-ly] JOHS BOWMAN. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from the east where be has purchased a very large and fine stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., w A U P* 6 !**** to offer to the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity at very low price*. Having purchased direct from IZ* fo * h «* i» prepared to veil at price* that will defy competition. AU that he aaks 1* that the elswbTe* **** examine his irtock before purchasing. W* BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most , terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don t forget the place, two door* below Poet Office. Jan. 3,1861. M. THOItPSOK, Agent. J3LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE -j AOENCV—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair maty Mutual Pipe Insurance Company, is at all thaw ready to lnsurc against lox or damage by Are. Build infe, Merehqndite, Turmtun and Property, ot erery des enptiOD, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as anv Company In the State Oflce withßell, Johnston, Jack* °°jan. 37,’59-tf T. CALDWELL, Agent. OYES 10 YES I—GENTLEMEN dr»* nidi udhHr. JOSEPH P.TROtT innoon- » LL KINDS OF PRINTING AMERIC A-IN - vanuu ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. PAM DEL WORK, Vice President. Jobs 6. Wiuob, Secretary. aoaan or nusms. Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, 800. Jas. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Jonas Bowman, Samuel T. Bodine, H. H. Eldridge, George Nugent, John Aikznan, William J. Howard, Cbarb s F. Heaalitt. Samuel Work. Ist. That NO-ACCIDENT cab occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they ore easily regulated to give more or less light. J 6tb. That they burn entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any otbei light now in common use. material for FINE AND COARSE O VERCO ATB , LT ARDWARE OF ALL DESGBIP- txatr OILS COLOGNES, PO^' ALL STYLES CARPETING AND ' CJPECTACLEB AND EYE PB^KB Oil-Clotbacanhafoundat LACOHMAJT9. j O nnlbruliii il-tf. KE.«*I.I»- S BUTTER'S STATE CAPITOL : Book Bindery AND BLANK BOOK MANXFaCTui’y Mo. 64 Market St, Uarritburg, p,, 3phis- establishment is chiefly devoted [ tbft mamifcctare of Blank Book* for (i nk#. Count; and private IndfriAikfes Tnaßcana ▼«r y beet of stock relied upon. Blank BaajM jMMed. piged and i„,. any desired patter®. Nwg' Attorneys and “ Dockets of all sires, nfe MM rnlad to order and Yearly Assessments, DnpUnlea, Ac, for count, aes. printed or plain, rated and Sound to «r i,. r ’ r ,, T " Dockets made of the best linen paper. ' Librarians, and others, desiring to hare their Book, bound and at moderate prices, ahonld give us a call v'"' papers of the largest sires. Harper’s Weekly, ni,."' Pictorial, Ballons, §dentidc American, London s bound to order, and in any style reunited. Haraer’t v™?. 1, ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, lUackrrood’s and Crahailr' Magasinea, Oodey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository fZ' son’s Magazine, Piano Music, Ac, bound in extra uV the more plain and substantial half binding. pfilsta, Law Magasinea, Pamphlet laws, bound in g od f brary style, at very moderate prices. Person. i*„. p , number of volnmea to birpt, will nceire n liberal , ,* Binding can safely be sent to os from a distance 1., v ‘ press, and all work entrusted toonrcarewili be dlly executed, safely packed and returned by Kxpr« All work warranted. Address P. L. IIUTTEK. ' Uarriihury, n s 857 10 600 00 BOO 00 ga_McCKUM A DEKK, at the Tribune Office. ttll agents for Altoona, and eicinity. They will giy„ inf Jraa tion in relation to binding, and receive and return bat, free from extra charges, for all who ent.ust their wort tt my care. [March a, is®.], GROCERY AND BAKERY! The undersigned annou.v cestb the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity that hr ha* Jtut received a large inrolceeof FRUITS, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, SPICES and notions for children *c_ expressly for the Holiday,. Ho will also keep always on hand a good stock of plain and fkncy cakes, of bis own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS. always on hand at all seasons of the year. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. *€.. always in store and for sale in larpe or small quantities. Call, examine and price my stock and you will tiu.l it as good and cheap ns any in town Pec. 20, ’6O-ly.j AND OYSTER SALOON, SUBSCRIBER WOULD IX » FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that hit CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE, iaalwaj* supplied with the very beat articles to be had, and in gn at variety. He has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to hU store, in which hawillserve op OYSTER? In every style during the season. lie is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candles. 4c.. or pic-nice and other parties. He invites a share of politic fatronage, believing that he can render full satisfaction to all. Remember, his store and saloon i* on Virgisiaskteet.i wo doors below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROS£l Altoona, Oct. 10,1861-tf OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIOARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY OS HAND. October 24,1861. W. M. LLOYD & CO., offee. Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS. GOOD WHIT.E WHEAT FLUrft CONFECTIONERY FRESB-BAKED BREAD •£ PIES aUeayt »n 4a,ct. H. FETTINGER’S General News Agency. ALTOOXA. PA.. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO.. BANKERS, (Late “ Bell, Johmton, Jack Co.") Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for aale. Collection* made. Moneys received on deposlte, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rate*. Feb. 3d, 1*69. GW. KESSLER PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces t 6 thfe citizens of Altoona and the public ©rally, that he still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where ho keeps constantly bL* on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail, DRUGS. 01 MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- M £8 and DYE-STUFFS. 7 By strict attention to business, and a desire tu render Isfoctlon to all as regards price and qnalitj. he hope* to . merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable term*, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded, [l-tf ]\r ATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE.- X s This Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* i* >■* its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throu«lic«t the country. It contains all the Great Trials. Crimmi* Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together with Information on Criminal Matters, not to lx* found in arj other newspaper. IS9»Subscriptionss2 per annum; for fix mouth*. be remitted by subscribers, (vbb should write their an** and the, town, county and State where they reside pU .' J To Of*. MATSELL i CO~ Editor k PropV.’of New York Polfc* Gaiety IMf] JVric r*rkca! /"10RELITE BASE .—Having pur; chased the right to mannlactare the CORULITi- BASE for ARTIFICIAL TEETH. I »m now prepared n> pat np dentures on ’this new and beautiful principle which is far superior to thb old style, on sUrer plater, i a H will not corrode or discolor. It contains no mettle substance, and of course there is do galranic action whereby, metal plates often become obnoxious. P*rw n * wishing a fine set of teeth will please call and exvan* specimens. \r S. BITTNER. Jan.2,1862-tf] Office in Masonic Temple. Altoona PINE AND LARD OILS. PAM .^.vSt?r’) n ‘ !DK Fl “ id ’ ° ,rb ° n ° a ’ * KESSUtW- ON HAND AT McCOKMICK’S Store —A splendid assortment of Ready-Made Call and see. Nor.2y. tt- SROCERIES. A LARGE ASP complete assortment of Groceries hsre I at the store of J. B. HILEMAV Hair, hat, tooth, shaving. Paint, Saab and Tarniab Bni.hea at ~a KESM**-' *' cc £ i « 5 ' M.S | >. .2 0 s SI . S . af = s:=a C 5 0 * =-. «t $1 si 3 I Z*ii S | s > P 5 * ! S all &K|S'=£ ||^il S S |2|- H2i3Jl -i JACOB WISE. BOLLIDA YSBUUG. PA . McCBtTM & DERN, \ r 0l». 7. THE ALTOOHA TRIBUNE. s *• **» »»omuio«« •* ,u * *' x > Mr ** inu at ,b ,*!«! for or abvbetimhu . 1 in?*rttau do. r | I 37Vj , o tr U““* •*' J une,) - 60 76- j O .-«a» r ». f .. .. \ I. MO I t«« •• ) 1 50 200 h•* w«k* » n1 «lu((oence, or waked to ectaay the living lyre, mi aith full confidence MARRIAGE. >lnrried Person*, or Young Men coteinplating mu: Ming aware of physical weakness, organic d-Mhtv. aity.'Ac.* speedily cured. , ' , Uu who placed him-*elt under the care of Dr. J. u 'i«iuusly confide in Uw honor of a gentleman. and lent!* rely upon hi'* skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS immediately Cured* and full Viaor Restored. This Distressing Affection—which renders Life niw *O.l marriage impossible —is tin? penalty paid b victims of improper indulgences. Young persi ns , P t to commit exces enikom not being awmc « f ;th‘- ;ul consequences that may ensue. Now, who that •tioU tha subject will pretend to deny that the p*> procreation is loat sooner by lho*e falling into im; htliitd than by the prudent? Resides being depm pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious a: symptoms to both body and mind arise ivstem becomes Derang ’d, the Physical ami Mental ’.ions Weakened. Los*> of Procreative Power. N«*rvou ability, Dyspepsia* Palpitation of the Heart, Indigt Constitutional Debility* a Wasting of the Frame. C Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE. NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STRI Iff hand side going from Baltimore street, a few from the corner. Fail nos to observe name and uum letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Th tor's Diplomas hang in hi& office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DA' A~o Me rearjf or Norton i Drug*. DR. JOHNSON. Member of the Hoyal College of Burgeons, London, uste from one of the most eminent Colleges in (In ■Sutes. and the greater part of whose life has been y the hospitals of London, Parts, Philadelphia ai - where, has effected some of the most aslonwhiit. that were ever known; many troubled with ringing ai-Ad and e-ira when asleep, great norvousnes darmed at sudden sounds, bashfulnesn, with ir flushing, attended sometimes with derangement of *>re cared immediately. TA*£ PARTICULAR NOTICE- Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured then *jy improper Indulgence and solitary habits, whic both body and mind* unfitting them for cither tu dudy, society or marriage. Ttusr are some of the sad and melancholy effeci luced by early 1 habits of youth, via: Weakness Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimress of bwa of Muscular Power, Palpitation of th© Hear b*P*y, Nervous: Irritability, Derangement of the dvc functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Coo r ioo. Ac. I Mejt.uxt.—The fearful effects of the mind are m '< dreaded—>L«s of Memory, Confusion of s ldoa fusion of spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to Lore of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are so ; b« evil* produced. TaocB\sD» of persons of all ages can now judge wl •he cause of their declining health, losing their vigt Mining weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having solar appearance abcut the eyes, cough and sympfo consumption YOUNG MEN "ho hare injured themselves by a certain prset; 4aljed in when alono, a' habit frequently learned ■**>l companions, or at school, the effects of-whu ui Sblly felt, oven when asleep, and if not cured rx BiarrUgo impostble, and destroy* both mind and should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of bin cu tb*: darling of his parents, should be •matched fr« prospects and enjoyments of life, by theconseque J -' viAtihg from tb© path of nature, and indolgtn >rtalu secret habit. Such persons htst, before c\ plating M MARRIAGE, i«&ect thata sound mind and body are the must ’equUUec to promote connubial happiness. lpde*»<. these, the Journey through lift* becomes* wei ~ritn*ge; the prospect hourly darkens to the vie' Hind becomes shadowed with despair and filled wi melancholy reflection ;that the happiness ot anotl -mans blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and Imprudent votary, of p andi that he hM imbibed, the seed a of this pain rt «e. It too often happens that an llMimed sente of •r dread of discovery, deters him from applying u from education and respectability, can ale tM °w * l * m ’ detUylug til! the .constitutional eyinpt thn horrid disease make their appearance. *moh as throaty diseased nose, nocturnal pain a In tl * n< * limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on tl and- arras, blotches on the bead, face and e: progressing with frightful rapidity, till at 1 *h mouth or the bones of the nose fall »ns victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid o n njmiseratk>o, till death puts a period to his d sufferings, by sending him t-> that Undiscovered(. w «ence no traveller returns.” . ]t ** a rudarieholy fact that thousands fall vie nis terrible disease, owing to the unakillfalnes* « Pretender*, who, by the use of that Duxdly I ;i rc, *fF» ruin the constitution and make the-rrs T •• STRANGERS *«• oot your lire*, or health to the care of th* • Qni •Hfe* in the great hospitals of tier s?* “* I* lo country and n more extensive Prirt •an any other Physician In the world. Xhs»L , !?2? 4^MENT OF THE P«ESS cored at thisinstirotloti. y< PfrßwSi .MBMrwn Important £nrgfe*l op «i?»r*2 ST witnessed by the reporter rtut’. Clipper,” and many otb*r papers, n w^J?? again *nd again Whre th ,t ** | dlng at a geutlemen of charade' lly> h a sufficient guarantee to the afflict* SPEEDIUY CUBEt •U»nt^ f V'5 ! * ,T ’?* nn, “» port iwh* sn«l cwt ...,ffi|*««d°nth»rspl r Person, m mint »h« l>i4f»y , £S."esgi,fc .11. C. .$ 160 $3OO . . 2 50 4 00 . 4 00; 6 * . 5 00 300 . 600 10 00