CHURCHES, MINISTERS, AC. W>d in the evening mtToclMk. .ywriiu-Jrt 7 o'cloek. Sabbath School in tame roonvata&o’etaefctolhaimovnjng. Spowwood, p “*f — p ~' J -*rr r »*Bi«Vi morning at U Vclock, OBdin A* evening «t7o’«lßl>,vPMwa^ReeUng ; iD the hectare Rooeo every WedneMay .eerie at 7 Velockv— Sabbath School ip tkeaamakoaniatgo’elockp. ft, ■ K V N—Rev. C^fc.-JOMuptymt, PMtorv~SilwWll6alNWHWd*lh't*Wltf*''» tfeioek, •nd UKRMAN LUTHBRAN—Rev. J. U. fiCHam, Paetor— Preaching every-Sabbath morning at 10J4 o'clock.— Pttjtw muting every Wngiieeday evening u 7% o’clock. BAPTIST—Bev.A. H. Smuobbb, Paetor,—Preaching erery Sabbath morning at II o’clock, aad in the evening it 7 o’clock. Payer Meeting every Wedneaday evening at 7 o'clock. SaMejthSehoal at« o’clock A. M. UNITKD BBKTHSBN-Bev. Sexeit. Kipiuai, Paetor. Preaching every Sabbath mamlngat llo’clock.and in the evenlngat 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting In the Lecture Room every eedayevoaiagat 7 o’clock, Sabbeto School in the eeate romalS o’clock In the morning. PKOTWTANT BPISCOPAL—(No t.guUr Paetor.)- Fi weblog on Sabbath morning at IX o'clock, aad in the evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wedneaday evenlng at T o’clock, Sabbath School at 9 o’clock A. M. KNQLISH CATHODIC—Ear. Joan Tmoo, Factor—Di vine aervicea every Sabbath morning at 10J4 o'clock and in the afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sab bath School at 2 o'clock la the afternoon. OJHtHiMIQkTKOLIO—Rev. Factor. —Mma aervioea ovary Sabbath morning at ini o’clock, aadia the afternoon at S o’clock. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock la the afternoon. AFRICAN KBTHODIBT—Rev. A cm vet a Johnstos, Factor.—Preaching every Ponrth Sabbath in each month. Prayar Kaeting every Friday evening at 7 o’clock. Bab betbSeheolat 2 o'clock in the afternoon. RAIL ROAD SCHEDULE. OX ANDaUORR MONDAY, HAY 6,1862, TRAINS will »rriv.*t.a*d leave Altoona Station u followe: RxprN.T»rußut arrive. 8,20 P.M., leave. 8,40 P.'M. “ “ Watt “ 7,40 A. M., “ 8,10 A.M. fa.i •• Rut “ MWA.M.. - 1,00A.M. .. We,t ,k 8,05 P. M., “ 8,20 P.M. Mali “ Rut “ 7.30 A.M., “ 7,45 A.M. •- “ WaW “ MSP-M-, “ 7,00 P.M. Tin IiQAUiIATSBDRO BRANCH connects with Ex graea Train Wert, ami Mall Train Rut and Weet. *tR.TH£ BRANCH TRAIN also maker one trip to ft luttingdon—leaving Hollidayabarg at 10.16 a. M.—Altoo* ua at 10A0 P. M.—and arriving at Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M. KErcaatßO.—Leaver Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M.—Altoona at 3.14 p. M.—and arrirea at Uollidaysburg at 345. RNOCH LEWIS, Grit'l Supt. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. : MAILS CLOSE. Rutarn Way Weetarn Way HoUldajafanrt ..... Wutarn Through Rutarn Through. MAILS ARRIVE. HaiUdayakarg...... Waatarn Thr. ngfa......... Raatarn Through WaetarnWay KaotaCh .Way Omca Horn During the week, from 645 a. «. til 7 JOr. n. On (hhdays, Nora 7 45 till 800 x. *. 080. W. PATTON P. M. MEETINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS. MOUNTAIN LODGE, N 0.281. A. Y.» on third Tussdayof eachmontb, at o'clock P. M., in the third story of tfasMasonlc Temple. MOUNTAIN E. A. CHAPTER, No. 189. K. A. C., meets on the first Thursday of each month, at 7% o’clock P. M., in same room aaabove. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No. 9, R.AS.M., meets on the Ant Holiday of each month, at 7)4 o'clock P. M., in same room as aboyo. MOUNTAIN OOMMANDERY, No. 10, K. T. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 7% o'clock P.M., in same room as’abore. ALTOONA LODGE, No. 473,1. 0. of 0. F., meets every Friday availing, at 714 o’clock, in the third story of Jag yard’s Ball. VERANDA LODGE, No. 632, I. O. of O. F., meat* every Monday evening, at «>£ o’clock, in third story of Patton’s Budding, on Virginia street. WINNEBAOO TRIBE, No. 36, I. O. B. M., meets every Tuesday evening in the second story of Masonic Temple. CoueQ Are kindled at 7th run 30th breath. ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311, S. of T., meets every Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the second story of the Masonic Temple. ' STATE OFFICERS. Governor —Andrew O. Curtin. Secretary .Sale—Ell Slifbr. Attarary General—William M; Meredith. Auditor General — Suntpor Gmeral—W illlam L. Wright. Adjutant General—X. M. Biddle. State Jrearurer—Henry D. Moore. BLAIR CpUMTY OFFICERS. Judga'gflht Chari..—PrexfaUut Jndge, Son George Tai lor. Associatei, Sxmoel Dean, Adam Moees. State Senator— Hon. Lewis W. Hall. AjwmUgmaii—thaddeos Ban Ice. Prothmutary —Anthony 8. Morrow. RtgilUr and Bttortkr —Hugh A. Caldwell. Shtrjf- -aanmalMoCmnmt. Deputy—John Marks. DMHct AK«nHV-rß«q)ainin L. Hewit. ah&tt O—iWWW Oaorge L. Cowan, George Rood, Jinm He Kiakod. Cotu^Starmtar— Junta L. Gwin. r , v jTitm McKwie. Aor .HimiiJMiWarr—Peter Oood,WlllUm Burley, David Anrandt. Cbvftfy Auditors—A. M. Lloyd, Robt.M. Meaaimer. L. L. Moore. Chrener —A. J.freeman. Ikperiatewßefy Chawea Aekoois—John Mitchell. ALTOPRA BOROUGH officers. Jutttctt ofdußaua —Jacob H. Cherrj, John W. Humes. Burptto Johß ABiaon. Ihws Cbsmcfl—A. A.’Smyth, Daniel Langbman, John Lt»MlM,Jhcdb:HeMer, C. K. Hoatetter, JJ. J. Mertlne. Clert to Osptcff i g. M.Voodkok. Borough IVeaisrer—Daniel Langbman. School ptnetan : V- C. Own, John Shoemaker, Jr B. ■ U«|Mh iff TIT ff-jrfr-, Jit- Lowther, B. A.jßeck. n fi 1 B Hil * g ** p (Motor of Stage, Chanty, Borough .and School Tax —Jot. A.Hichols, 0. J. Mann, Alex.McCormick ASsE3Ssfera*Jaeob Heaaer, J. L. Belftny der. irtt&jr iSSmsi&ul Ward—John B. Warfel. “ “ Went Vard—Mrct«l Clabangh. “ ■** r . Sorth JHard—Johp Shocmkkw. inspector, < ■^«4» r aad^*m. a Kddamer, John Hickey. . WantlTard—Geo.W.Meeelar, Jno.Bowman. .« . Notth.lFxrd—Robt. Green, Alex. McCormick EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Wrgima AUoom, Pa. D. -W. A BELFOBD, Proprietor. , TOhE PROPRIETOR OF THE “ EMPORIUM I , OP rAEtClQir' would respectfully anoonnce to the p&jfrSiK JN baa'noehred aUrge invoice of OJtiOIMfS. ‘ GABSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general aeeortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Colta*, : seok>Ties, Suspenders, Hsndkerohiefe, ■ f-fl.- : A&, Ao., Ao., intended for the Spring and Summer trade. The proprietor of the Emporium invitee an examina tion of h(e feeling confident that hie shelves present a greater iTMtetp of plain And fkncy goods than can he (band elsewhere in the country. An examination will cenyfaoe; any one ;of this feet.' • X.ATEST FASHION, } andMinc a perfect“ Cutter,” he haa no healtancy ln «ay iag tSadnecan make np clothing in the ftahion, andm a manner that not Mi to prove satisfactory. It has paaaadtntoa proreAxhat Belford'l the vent man Chat can make, ClatbMrta the fashion, atcong and cheap: All thfit nave evfir tned him yet, • T 6ajf«m» be beat. Besaembertbe place, Virginia street, first door above dlgerd’g Pk- - [AprillJ,’«2. tJSOWARD ASSOCIATION, PJhibt rl delphla. Por the Belief of the Sick and Mstroaeed, SESadanth Vlraientand CbronieDisease#, and especially ftwdhe^nre: ixfdhnases of the Sexual Organe. Medical krattt, hy the Acting Surgeon. Valuable ro afflfes'iHSpee matonfia at Seminal Wenkneaa, and other Organa, and on the Sew Remedies artmUyddra the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed s|Bs<|MoßM, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for HODGHTON, Acting Snr- So. 2, South Ninth Street [June 22, 1fi62.-ly. LEAD AND ZING dnMk’ilemChrome. Green, Yellow. Parii Green, dry Srnd htUd n-tf.] kebslek-b THE BEST in the WORLD, 7 15 A.M. 730 “ 7 16 A. M. t 6 30 P. M, 7 20 P. M 720 “ 7JB A.M. A « 46 P.M. 7 30A.M 7 60 “ : 8 20 P.M 645 “ DH. WM. B, HURD’S Dental Remedies ABE INSURING FINE teeth J Nl> A SWEET BREATH, AND CUBING TOOTHACHE & NEUBALGIA! Do von wish to bo blessed with End Admired for Pkaut Whit* tad Sound TEETH f Use DR. WM. B. HURD'S UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from AddeAlknlior any injurious substance.; Pric**, 25 cents per box. of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powders* which whiten bat destroy. Do yon wish to be certain that your BREATH U pure, eweet, hud agreeable to husband or wifeJlover or friends,? Use DR. HURD'S iCELKBRATED MOUTSI WASH.— Price, 37 cents per bottle. This astringent wash is also the beat remedy in the world for Ganna, Bad Basath, Bluoixo Gums, Sob* Mouth, etc. It baa cured hnndreda. Doyonor your children suffer from TOOTUACK? Get DR. HURD’S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, 16 cents perjbottle." v Are yen afflicted with NEURALGIA? . Get UK. W. B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS, The nioat effective and delightful remedy known. They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 18 and 37 csnts. Mailed on receipt of price. Do you wish a complete set of DENTAL: REMEDIES and a TreatUt on Frtttrving Tutkf Get DR. WM. B. HURD'S DENTAL TREASURY, the neatest and most Taluaj>l4 present that one friend can make to another.— Price, st. Sent by express on receipt of price. For sale at all the be£t stores throughout tlie country. Caution. —A» there are dealers who take ‘’advantage of our advertisement. to impose upon their customers hife* rior preparations, it is npcvssary to insist upon having what yon call for, and yon will gkt thu best, thoroughly tested, dpd prepared hv an experienced and scientific Den tist. Treasurer of the New York State Dentist's Associa tion, and Vice President of the New York City Dental Society.. Address WM. B. HURD & CO., New York. DR. HURD’S DENTAL REMEDIES are Ipi sale in this place by G. W. KESSLER. THE HOUSEKEEPER’S NEW Furniture Polish Prepared from an Improved receipe by the; proprietor of the “Brother Jonathan Polish,” l« certified by all the leading York Furniture Dealers and Piano-Forte Makers to be tbo best iu the world for removing Scratches, Marks, and Dirt, and restoring a high and lasting gloss to all kinds of Tarnished work, from Furniture to Leather. It is cheaper and better than Varnish, dries immediately, and is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel and a bottle or two of this New Furniture Polish, a House keeper ean work magic in the furniture of a house, and keep it looking like new*. Now is the tiro l ? to “ shine up” your Tables, Choirs. Desks, Pianos, Picture; Frames, Car riages, etc.,and make them look 5C percent, better. This i« true economy. For sale by Furniture Dealers and Store keepers generally. Price 25 and 50 cent* a bottle. Depot No. 1 Spruce Street, New York, fi®, SPECIAL AGENTS WANTED. Address. BOX 1972, New York P. O GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS! THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE Great Rebellion; -OR THE HEROISM OF Our SOLDIERS & SAILORS. illustrated; 1 VOL., LAUGH 12M0. PRICE $1.26. The critics and the public are right In predicting that this will surpass, in graphic narrative, exciting interest, and extensive popularity, all other histories of the War for the Union. Its theme will bethe heroicdar log, patient suf fering and hair-breadth escapes of pur Soldiers and Sailors, and its incidents will form the theme of conversation at. innumerable firesides for years to some. It will contain, in addition to its stirring details, the pbilovphicaf Analy sis of the causes of the War, by John Lathrop Motley, L.L.D., Author of “The Rise of the Dutch Republic,” etc., the dates of all the Important events from the John Brown raid, and an accurate and revised account of the principal battles, with engravings. One-third the proceeds of «U Subscriptions sent direct to us Will be given for the Belief of Disabled Soldiers, and all. persons who wish a copy of the wpjrk, and also to benefit the soldiers, should send their name and address at once. Also, any officer or private, or person in any section of the country* having knowledge of any heroic act or stirring incident, will oblige us by sending us an account of it. BOdKSELLKRS, POSTMASTERS, and CANVASSING AGENTS will be furnished with a Subscription Prospectus, on application to the publishers. J£F*A liberal commission given to Sol diers desiring to act as Agents in taking subscriptions. i£ 11. THE HISTORY OF ' American Manufactures, ’ FROM 1608 TO 1660. BY DR. J. LEANDER BISHOP. 2 JOJS t Sue. Vol. 1. now ready. Vol. 11. nearly ready. This-is probably the largest and most important work now in the American press. We have also Just published new editions of the follow, ing nsetni and popular books: THE BUSINESS MAN’S LEGAL ADVISER; Or, How to Save Money, by Conducting Business according to Law, as expounded by the best and latest Authorities. 400 pp., sheep. Price $l. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRY; 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY. Cloth, $l. Ibis has been re-pobliabed in England. Evrlry business Man and clerk should have these hooka. They-erill pay the buyer a hundred fold. Every parent ahonld get them for their Bone. Alt these books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to mailing books; wrapping them'care tally, and will procure; and send, postpaid, any book'anywhere, on receipt of phbUshe|s’ price and six stamps. Address . r FREEDLEY A CO., ■ , Tribune RuiMings, New York. i jpi^Lisro^i "PERSONS WHO WISH TO BUY B a Plana of ths best makers will be ebon D how they caa asve a handsome anm in the pureheae, tfjhejr address Cate of Jot, Cob & Col, Publishere' Agents, NEW YORK, P. O. Nov. 21, Idfil-ly. j ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! NOW OPEN On the comer of Branch and A nnie Streets, EAST ALTOONA. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF-GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of old goods lit the above staud at auc tion, we desire to say to the public that we have just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sqll at the VERY LOWEST PRICES . Our stock embraces a large and complete assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting, in part, of plain and fancy Silks, all-wool De laines, Alpacas, Cballie Delaines, plain and figured Berege, Lawns, Ginghams, Ducal*, De Barge, Travelling Dress Goods, and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS, M e n ’ s W e a i*. We have received a large and well selected stock of GEN TLEMEN’S DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy-Cassimeres, Cashmerels, Tweeds, deans. Corduroys, Beaver Teens, Velvet Cords, and. other fashionable goods for men and boy*. WHITE GOODS. Irish Lineu, Cambrics. Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss. Bobinets. Edgings, ic. We have a large asortment of Ladles' Needlework Col* lan* and Sets, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons. Gloves, Gaunt* lets, Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Neck Ties.-Vells, Ac. Also, Ticking. Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash. Ac. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWI/S. We have received u large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES’ GAITERS, HATS & CAPS. SHAKER BONNETS. &c„ which we arc determined to. sell cheaper than ever. QU EEENSWAKE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE, Groceries. Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses. Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil. Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and, in fact, everything usually kept in a first-class Store. As we make our purchases almost entirely for cash, and as we will sell for GA SH ONL F. AND KEEP NO BOOKS, it wl!l enable us to sell Goods u: very moderate prices; and by.fair dealing and strict at tention to business mo hope to *pcurf a liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona, April 15. 1862-tf A ROUSH, DrugcuBt ( • takes thin opportunity of returning his thanks to the citizens of this place and vicinity, for the literal patronage they have bestowed on him. and desire* to in form the public in geueml. that he still continue* At his Old Place of Business.' A few Doors above the Fast-Office, where he is at all times prepared to attend to their wants in his line of business, consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT i. CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO, LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL USE. ALWAYS ON HAND. Physicains Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE HAY OR NIGHT ' Altoona, Pa., April 17,1862. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East Altoona, a few doors above Branch Street. The subscriber has just re •ceived a large ami frMh «tcck of GROCERIES, PRO VISIONS. 4c., which he will »ejl at prices equally iu low aa hi. competitors., ilia stock consists of FLOUR, i FEED, BACON. HAMS, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, t COFFEE. SUGAR, TEA, SPICES CRACKERS, CHEESE, TUBS, BRUSHES, BUCKETS, BE 0 OMS RAISINS LEMONS, ORANGES F/GS, DATES COMBS, SOAPS, KNIFES, BUTTER. EGGS, CONFECTIONERIES DRIED FRUIT, AND DRUGS OF ALL KINDS. \ I invite the public to call and examine my stock, as 1 am determined to plcaso in quality add price. May 8,1862-tf WM.U. PERCIVAL. s2s] EMPLOYMENT! [s7s AGENTS WANTED ! We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen se!, to active Agent*, or give a commission. Particulars sent free. Address Erie Sewing Machine Company, B. JAMES, General Agent, Milan. Ohio. Bept.l2-ly.] : • DRIED APPLES.—The subscribers have a fine lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at much less than market rates, and which they desire to close out, at cost and carriage, without delay.— Persons desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give us a call. Altoona, June 26,1862.] , MUftPHY k McPIKE. Gireat western insurance r AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reasonable terms by their agents In Altoona at his office ip Anna Bt. March 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR Ex terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and Bed-bugs without danger in its use tinder any circumstsn ces for sale at the Drugstore of Q. W. KESSLER. Jan. 24, ,56-tf] UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, in endless variety, at LAUGHMAN’S. Altoona, May 1,1862. NEW SUMMER GOODS, of superior style and material. Just recMiat LAUGHMAN’S. RE AT PILES QF PANTALOONS, T tor Men and Boys, at LACbHMAN'S. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at ! LAUQHMAN’S. New stock of boots & shoes for Men and Boys, Ladies and Misses, Just rac’d at LAUOHMAN’B. CEIS & CO I. Fans. \ STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re- SPKCTFDLLY Bounce to the cltixeot Altoona and Vicinity tt they hare jtut received large supply of STOVf of
LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE J. AOENCVi—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair nn'y Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Is at alt timea ready to Insure against loss or damage by lire. Build, mot, Merchandue, Furniture and Property, of eeery des cription, In town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in the State Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack I VaVM-tf • I- CALDWELL, Agent. OYES! 0 YES I-— GENTLEMEN draw nigh and hear. JOSEPH P. TBODT inoono cm to the that he is ready to discharge his duty a»an Auctioneer whenever called upon. fjou;2 *56. HARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIP tIoni jfut received and for sale by •; J. B. QILEMA.x. All styles carpeting and OU-Clotha can be found a t LAUOBMAVS. BUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL Book Bindery AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY Jfo. 64 MarkH St , Harrubwg , /»„ flThis establishment is chiefly devoted t : I the manufacture of Blank Booki for Stake. County Offices, Railroadfompaniee, and private xheSSgjgjM very beet of etock aajdjwwtanapsjdj.lnsy l>e relied open. Bianß.Bwkp Jjdifllfc. P*»«d and bonne, toy deelred pattern. nhmfift K .A>rtwo,y» end j"., Dookete of all size*. toorder, and Yearly forconnivTo •ee, printed or plain, rnledaadbtmad to order Dockets made of the beet linen paper. u> °' m Librarians, and others, deeiring to have their Book,, bound and at moderate pricee, should give us *c»il J ;i paper* of the largest sizes, Harper 1 * Weeklv, Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific American. London s 7. botfnd to order, znd in any style required. Hsrper', ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s Magazines, Godey s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository,Tr, ioni'a Magazine, Piano Mn,ic. Ac, bound in extra «tU. the more plain and substantial half binding. 3ei w - , phleta Law Magazines, Pamphlet iawa, bound in toJT Entry style, at very moderate prices. Persona ha„,‘ number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal discount* Binding can safely be sent to na from a distance b.», press, and all work anttnated to our care will .diljr executed, safely, packed and returned by Kxnri" Adi work warranted. Addreae F. L, nt”TTKR, i /fcrmbory. it,. *9.McCRUM A DBBH, at the Tribunt Office. agent* foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will git, | nf 7 rich in relation to binding, and receive and return boot, free from extra chargee, for all who ent.ust their » o rk •„ mV care. [March 21,1(161-1, GROCERY AND BAKERY! The undersigned annous. ces to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that h has jnst received a large Invoice* of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARIES, NCTS, hHCEJ. and notions for shildren Ac- expressly for the Holiday*. He will also keep always on hand a good 9t«*rk of piu b and fancy cakes, of his own manufacture. DEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINB, if always on hand at all seasons of the year. offee. Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Bum. EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOCK always ia store and for sale in large or small quantity Call, examine and price my stock and you will flu it as good and cheap os any in town. Dec. 20, ’eOrly.j AND OYSTER SALOON, The subscriber would in FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that hii CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT slviti supplied with the very beat articles to bo had, and hi gnat variety. lie has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which he wilt serve up OYSTER* in every style during the season. FRESS-BAKED BREAD <£ PJSS always on haiA. lie is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies, te ar pic-nics and other parties. Me invites a share of pullu fatronage, believing that he can render full satisfsctioDU all. , Remember, his store and saloon is on Virginia doorsbelow Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI Altoona. Oct. 10,1861-tf General News Agency, OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , October 24,1881. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOSA. PA. JOHNSTON, JACK & CO.. (Late “Sell, Johniton, Jack £ Co.") Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collection! made. Honeys received on depoaite, payable on de»m ‘without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rat#. Feb. 3d, 1859. Cl W. KESSLER— PRACTICAL r • DRUGGIST, respectfully to the citizens of Altoona and the public erally, that he still continues the Drag on Virginia street, where he keeps constantly on hand, for sale, WbolesalecndßetaU,DßUQ9. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- d ES and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to bnsineas, and a desire to render -» • isfaction to all as regards price ’and quality, be merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable tern*, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. , Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. i l- - National police gazette- This Great Journal of Crime and Crimiied.» “ Ita Twelfth Tear, and i* widely circulated threujt' the country. It contain! all the Great Trial.. C™>®J Catee, and appropriate theK>me,togei“ e . r Information on Criminal Matter., not to be found m . - 48_Sub«r?falon« |3 per annnm; $1 for six be remitted by eubacrtben, (who nbouid write tb"t , , and the town, county and SMto-where they ready* 1 * • ToO.W.MATBKU*CO ( Editor t Prop’r. of New York Poiic. G*"*^ ) 15-tf! A'ew JOHN BOWMAN. pORELITK BASE .—Having pj£ \_y/ chased the right to manufacture the COM!" BASK for ARTIFICIAL TERM, I »m OTf'ft pat op denture* on this new and besutifbl P™ >„ which I* (ar superior to the old stylo, on «H" r P“ .j* It will not corrode or discolor. It contain* no ® substance, and of course there I* no galvanic whereby metal plates often become obnoxious- r wishing a flue set of tooth will plssso call and ex specimens. W. S. BlITStn. Jan. 2, 1862-tf] Office in Masonic Temple, Atw PINE AND LARD OILS. OAM phene. Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, T vRI « Jan.V66-tf] KKSSLtR^ ON HAND AT McCORMICK’S Sts* —A splendid assortment of * Call and see. yo ''_~L- GROCERIES.— A LARGE A>’J KT completeassortment of Groceries Te JiJvUAV celved at the store of J- B. Hlhh Hair, hat, tooth, shaving Paint, Saab'and Varnish Brushes A LL KINDS OF PRINTING I A ne«, | ya U d A «^ r ly R^E , : W^ TTAIii OILS, COLOGNES, jOMj JLjL gliaring Cream. Toilet Seal* KJgStK*- QPECTACLES AND EYE PRjjjf O rare far enU at ’ BUCKWHEAT BLOCK, CORN' MEAL, 4C„ CONFECTIONERY H. PETTINGER’S UOLLIDA TSBUJtO. FA. BANKERS, times or A«Ti&Tuaiia. 1 insertion - di>. u— * t * f» Ji Oi»e *4 rt4re * k 0 ** ) 100 160 f*o fa »* ,160 * iM) lh f£rtUr<*w*kMn«lU» th»a Ihrw Month.. ' ~r «.«"* ** ” Cb '““‘‘“aonth.. • month* •!£. '*“* •>!“«*• 4 00 6 00 I* o „ 5 00 »0o Cbr *® .i " 600 10 00 io oo u oo llltU ‘,‘lr UOO 25 Oil Kaecntor. Notice. by th. y.»r, three .mat. C«di, not «CMdW r?mmnnU»SwM’of» r i«litic»i Uaracter ot tndi b *ch”s<><‘ according to the abate ret. TV.mrtl.emen *i not markedwith the number] ■ .ou deelxed. will be continued till forbid and eh . .riling to the abote term., i SmineM notice. #te cent, per lino for etery ltd I obituary notice, exceeding ten line*. Ofty cent. « £ i p s : * Si S! - *== ii ! W Ma - P o * ,:1 P 3 s|si -2 « *** § r>s o z i p 3 *ssi •Pm 15-= 2 p^ssr 50<=cr; tH S “a'l : 5 U 6 :« S fc o • < C, s Os| ft S“ ? c hJZ 12. S : i-3 “■= n*'* t» 5 i - JACOB WISE. vl sSf BERN, THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. g. it. and raorzizvoao. inwri»Wjr luadrauce,).,. Ulp»P« r * diaconllaued »t the expiration of paid f° r BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPI' as A refuge FROM MUA 'The Only Place Where a Cure J be Obtained. DR. JOHNSON has discover* moit Certain, Speedy and only Effectual K< world for all Private Discuses, Weakness of r Imbi, Stricture!!, Affection. of the Kidneys • lar Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, General Serrousness! Dyapepsy. Languor, Low Spirit., t Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tre UimneM of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of Hi Throat. Sosa or Skin, Affections of the Liver. Lnn . her Bowels—those TerriWo disorders arising s ilitarv Habits of Youth—those secret and solit iices more fatal to thoii victims than the song of i cite Marine!* of Ulyaaes, blighting their most hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage .Ac., u\c YOUNG MEN r'-pecUUy. who have become the fiction* of Soldi licit dreadful and destuctive habit which annuall ID uq untimely grave thousands of Young Men of ■ limited talents and brilliant intellect, who migl wise have entranced listening Senates with the ~r eloquence, or waked to ectasy the living lyre, with full confidence, ' MARRIAGE Hurled Persons, or Young Men cotemplatiug u being aware ;ef physical weakness, organic deblli mity, Ac, spieedils cured. tie who place* himself under the care of Dr. J. ilgioosly confide in his honor as a gentleman, ai •lenlir rely upon hie akill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection —which renders Life u and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid victims of improper Indulgences. Young pc ran apt to commit excesses from not being asraio of tl fal consequences that may ensue. Now, who tha Stands the subject will protend to deny that, the ) procreation Is lost sooner*, by those (ailing into i habits than by the prudent? Besides being depi pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious ■tractive syinptoms to., both body and mind ari system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Meut lions Weakened, Does of Procreative Power, Nerr lability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indl Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE, NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a ft from the corner. Fail not name and m Letters must be paid and contain s stamp. ' tor’s Diplomas hang In hia office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO D JVb Mercury or Matrons Drugs. OR- JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Londo uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in th States, and (he greater part of whose life has been the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia a where, has effected some of the most astonish i that wore ever known; many troubled with riogi head and ears when asleep, great nervousne* alarmed at; sudden sounds, bashfuloess, with blushing, attended sometimes with derangement * were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J.addresses all those who have injured th by improper indulgence and solitary habits, wh both body and mind, unfitting them for either Rudy, society or marriage. Thksb are some of the sad and melancholy vil •laced by early bablts of youth, viz: Wcnknci Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness < toss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the U** p*psy, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of th Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of C tlon, Ac. r Mentally.—The fearful effects of the mind are dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Id pression of spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to ’Mi-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all aces can now judge the cause of their declining health, losing their v coming pale, nervous and emaciated, .bavin Solar appearance about the eyes, cough and syroj foßsumptton. YOUNG M££ Who have injured themselves by a certain pra 'lalged in when alone, a habit frequently learn evil companions, or at school, the effects of wl lightly CHL even when asleep,’ and if not cure*! nt&mage imposible, and destroys both mind at 'hould apply Immediately. * What a-pity that a young man, the hope of his < h|s parents, should be snatched prospects And enjoyments of life, by theconaeq, deviating from the path of natnre, and iodulg certain secret habit. Such persons atcst, before Plating . MARRIAGE, resect that a sound mind and body are the most n requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indw out .these, the journey through life becomes a w trimage; the prospect hourly darkens to th- vi | mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled 1 melancholy reflection that the happiness ot am comes blighted with our. own. OF IMPRUDENCE. When tpe misguided and imprudent votary of nods that he has imbibed the seeds of this pai .case. It too often happens that an ill-timed sense ( [or dread Of discovery, deters him from applying ;who, from education and respectability, can a jiriendldm, delaying till the constitutional sym this horrid disease make tbsirMbearance. such a *>re throat* diseased nose, sMtornal pain s in [and limbs,dimness of sight, deaftaess, nodes on I bones and arms, blotches on the bead, face and progressing with frightful rapidity, till at IPslate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fid r“*Tktlm of this awful disease becomes a horrid KCQQftntserhtion, till death puts a period to hi?* by-sending him ti»“that Undiscovered i ,rt J® whence no traveller returns.” ' I , f* I* *■ Melancholy fact that thousands fall Vi |*uis terrible disease, owing to the onskillfulnee* I pretenders, who, by the use-of that Deadly |ij* ric,M Ft!ruin the constitution and make Jhe rt I I "•miserable. bm.* / STRANGERS [Aruit not your ilTcs. or health to the care of ti land Worthless Pretender*, destitute f tj® 9 * nainc or Character, wh-> copy Dr. Johnston PuementL or style themselves, in thw newspspe Physician*, incapable of Curing, t trifling month after mouth, taking their ft ft! w! 0 ?f co ®P or aa long as the scoallea L and In despair, leave you with ruine I your galling disappointment. I m la the only Physician advertising I p* credential or diplomas always hang in hU« I "M*- or treatment are unknown to a Kh»« ii m Hfr spent In the great hospital* a in the country and a moreextenslve iVi r*oe than any other Physician in the world* I Indorsement OF THE PRES Ivm» 9 ®kay thousands cured at this institution, trrf*'ha - numerous Important Surgical o |u hy Johnston, witnessed by the reports ’“Clipper," and many o(h,r pa,2rs, Emlu. a PPC*redagain and again before t u a gentlemen of cbaract la a sufficient guarantee to the affile I «- . S * IN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURE L**,. unless post-paid \hd coo the reply Persons writtngsh rpSly of «jdvertfaement describing i ietull^w7T , H?*J? loald U P««chlar In dliecl I • iVI loatltution, tn flit following man I -|:.-^eaubssssp,B