The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 23, 1862, Image 1
H Wjt Altgowa. Crilmttg tfSjr-' E'-V; Wgu |^^t gWb- -829w. stttt »$ T~ ;■■ jgj .1 5 dEfe.. fr-J b*ps P i mi Bp IIMII fllii r® S |ES:; k : fcJ-Ss t fs * * faj-Sik~'s o* li ll iND BAKERY! SIGNED ANNOU.V %&£%?*****’'* * MSARIKS. SCTB, spicks ■ gagpaaa.- NfSRAISIN%AC. wwottoeyw. ■••■■ ' v 1 H UJFJB WVEAT FLom. j otnt, .cogii hbal, mx. . 1 leWittst or.oull qißMlrtlwk I » »T itoek and yon artS tLoi I* to tovn- - . JACOB WISt. TIONJERY ER SALOON URKR WOULD LN f jUtiioaia ut ndDitf fto b !; «wl FIiCTT KTOEETIs is anfctes u» he, had, Hmd in gm i saloon rhSefehe vlViff-rv? npOTSTSJL* UP rf JP/JZ& altoajff em hamd. die mttily eUm, cißiifin At L innfeg a ehart of paWn <•& r«nd«r full sstAdkcticn u *« TindniM«cet,r»c -OTTOMBSI- PEER’S _ iws Agency, 7, MAIN STREET 6* BLANK BOOKS, NfJSCTION ABIE." &QB4&GO, WGJIEAT VARIETY MJTOQXA, FA. &co~ r,-*. KU aaa # Co") THIS PRINCIPAL rf iWAar mi*. OaOectiow ‘ ixfßt jTjiu- tt* J —PfiACTICA f 1 STSTSSb-w**^ ■Or atfeofeAto . Taww*" 1 ?-* GAZETTE" *SSSiW"- T 7^-f jjgiwg mm 6«. : ■ WMfc-J N ir- sra. \j. Clil M & BERN, \’OL. 7. the altooha tribune. ■' !c '' :XL fCSU4a£»* AST WlOMl*IO»b. *n U um. «r*rf*W> ih »dT*nce,) $1,50. 7 *t*i? *t the, expiration of (he time or jwavaaTirttKfi. 1 Insertion 2 do. 3 do. r $ 25 i $ 6o . 5 60 75 1 00 *• j 1 00 1 50 200 '['S* •• 1 60 2 >0 250 thna ttire€ 25 cent* u»r «mcU insertion. _ * € months. 6 months. 1 Tear. sl6o $8 00 s*s 00 2 60 4 00 7 00 4 00 ft 00 10 oo 6 00 8 00 12 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 if « r I'illUil* OO 14 00 20 00 •u ,-. u - W-M;« «:00 40 00 an« t»«COU**S«ticM - 17* .V id«rt»ißg by theiyear, three.squares, to chaß», lO 00 . J ... r Business Card*, not exceeding s ■—s ii'l'i piper. P*T7««~..< - 6 0« "• saitraii’caiwns of a political oaracter or IndiTidoal in , „ : . , fh.rp-d according to the abore, rates. **»4»rrii<emen .not marked with the umober of loser-. -. wilVhe continued tin forbid and charged ac the above tenet. .'- . ’ .. Paon-ss not iocs fire cents per line for eeery insertion iWntirf notices exceeding ten Bnea.fifty centsa .qua e .*r ,JU*I - x ;:u|a I.r i«*» Ur BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL 5 AS A KKFfGJS FROM. QCACKKK V fie Only Place Where a (Jure Can be Obtained i \ii. JOHNSON bai discovered the » I Certain, Speedy and only iiifectuaMteznedy in “li Jjt Private Diseases. Weakness* of the Back ~"v. Sirutares, Affections of ;li- Kidneys «od Blad- Discharges! Impotem-y, General Debiliry, ... Dv-*i>pp*.T. Languor, Low spirit?. Confut-ion ; palpitation, of the Heart. Timidity, Trembling*, v .f Sight or Giddiness. Dbease of the Head, Air Skin. Affections of the J,irir, Lungs, Stoni —ihuse Terrible disorders arising: from the Habits of Yoathr-ibose secret and solitary prac . i jirr fsu! totheii victims than theßong of Syrens to dariner* of Ulysses, blighting their m««t brilliant or aouci rendering marriage Ac-, iaspossi- YOUNG MEN • .- -. idir. w3o hare become the rirluus of Solitary Tice, :rrJdfc 1 ‘ ami destnctire habit which annually sweeps ic,:i;u.A thousands of Young Men of the most i.-,2u:i Uti-'S:? aui brilliant intellect. who might other , - !ur- Si'tecing Senates with t’-e thunder" : or waked to ectasy the tiring lyre, may call fell roufidence. MARRIAGE .'hra-i Persons. or Tonnz Men cotemplatim: marriage. ->c aware of physical weakness organic debility.'defor* x - speedily cured. ** j:.. tri: •» place* hiiosel! under the ’-are uf Dr. J. may re . _• ,-w ■ .an }•:• id his honor a? a '.rutleman. and confi ...» r f his skill as a uhvsician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Cured. aud full Vigor. Restore. - :. ■r\> I*i-rrt**«inir Affectl«.»n--wiucli re:.ders Life miserable u.irri.ii.e impossible—is, the penalty paid by the iinprojetr indulgeutp.-*. Ycaag p<-r>cn§ arete* . • ; ;.:u'GiT exces-e* from not being awAi e *-f the dread :ui .■ •tseijG-*ucei» that may eusne. Now.'who that under i* tV subject wiil pretend to deny that the power of .*. ri-ati n i“. I.js-i s.Mner by those falling into improper .:»• tjiari lx ih- pry-irGf* Beside* being blepritvd tlie ; of h-althy .ff<priug. the most seri es and de rractiv- *vmptomr- i • both and mind arise. The the Physical and .Mental Funr D-j -1. L:. \r v akc!:_ r.; J‘c-creative P->wer. v-rrmi- Irri ou 'if liif Heart,. Indigestion ' a Waiting of itbe Frame. Cpngh : I'-xar aui Dvajh. My brother Richard was I 'it reporter, and j ■ for years he was'attached to the newspa per press of one of our largest cities. Hick saw many strange and thrilling sights, accounts of some of .which we gleaned from the'papers he sent us, while the particulars of others he communicated to us through the medium of his letters. : From one of the epistles which we re ceived, I copy the narrative, verbatim. He says: , ■1 bad a somewhat thrilling adventure the other night good folks—quite thrilling, if lam any judge of such matters. I will tell you the particulars, and the account Would not prove uninteresting to any body, 'much less will it do so to you.’ ‘I was going home from the office about midnight (a morning paper, you know, is ‘apt to keep one up at all hours.) when as I was passing up Sixth street —which is one j of our largest avenues—-and had just got i ten abreast of a twelve foot alley—a dark I‘place filled with rickety abodes of poverty, ■and habitations that bear a most villain . ous reputation —1 was startled jby a sud den cry of ‘Murder.’ ‘With terrible distinctness 'the word pealed out on the stilly air.’ ; -Murder! murder! murder!’ * ‘The ominous sound was uttered by a woman too : and thrilled mein every nerve of the body.’ MARRIAGE. ; ‘For a few moments I stood abd listened ►««rt tiat x «.no!i raint aad tirfy «r* is* mv »aze fixed up the alley. The tn prnaKits comtobid happiness.' Indeed, whh- , J ° . ■ . , r .', , ; , tiu-jnurntT through liif becomes* miT pil- WOFu WJIS IlOt rep6a.t€u, UOTN G\ OF, DOF WHS . :li- praspect hourly darken” to the ric»; the Vj-u-g anv narticular Stir among the Out- with'iwpair and fillt-d with the *dlcre P v reflection that the happinesso! another be- fowed denizens, and the larger Stf€6tS Wert? S DiSEASE Dr oF U ii«PRUo£NCE. aeariy, or quite deserted. The cry of 'f am the miiigaided and itnpnni-nt votary of pleasure- rntirder was. nO doubt, of tOO frequent OC ■•iKtha: hr has imbibed the Mrede of’this painful dia- • . , ' . . , i.fitrn bappetis that an HMimed sen«j of shame, CUTTence in that VJCUUty*tO attract mUCU attention from the occupants the alley, tl‘um. Jeiavin« till the constitutional symptoms of no one else appeared near-to hear it, |l ‘My curiosity was arousedj however, ‘-.iJiuilK. dimoeMof sight, deafness, nodes on the shin :„_J Vgjng all in the wav of IDV business ; tn j arm*, blotches on the head, face and extremi- y ■ j f - ' * i __ - pr pressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the topoke myself OTOUnd into Strange places, : • >f the mouth or the bone* of the i»o*e fell in, and t - T __ • jinn tin f hf* dark flllev I T ‘. yi'i.ra of this nwfal disease booomos a horrid object of I rapidl) pushed OU Up ine OSTk. auey, i aNlj-erstica, tilt death puts a period to hia dreadful nothing, though, .tO ‘throw any light ' br sendlaic him t • i 4 that UndiflcoTert'd Country s. , :r 3 vlv-ar-' no trattllfr retumB. r ; OU the rGCCIIt • > in »/aci thMtUoosands tail victims tor! length I stopped, and, as it happen ‘-:t :*mH- OrsHtw . otrtbg tothe nnskillfolness of i*no- j < , j ,*T :i :df«t-ad»T». who, byths use of th»t Dtadiy w»»- i ed, in front of a dingy, old tashioned three a ‘ tamaiaan mate m r< * ia ° < ‘ nf r story brick house—a building, that in its strangers I better davs, a longtime ago, doubt •rij-j j.>» t.-qt lirca, *ir health to the care of the many _ c - 4 i . 1 ’-t “ - . ml Worth»e« Pretenders, destitute of knowi- i jjeen looked Upon 2tS ; "jp. saw? ,t character, win copy Dr. Johnston’s adrer- |j v * i cr'.style fheafelre*. in the newspaper*., regh- | *J uutJ ‘ . ir J* £ snc3telVhlncapable of Curing.^they keep j;; X heard a WT.ndOW (JUiekiy • mouth after month, taking their filthy apd .* * ■ f flrwvl r> unpcmnds, or as’ton as the smallest fee rr&lS6Q find, ft Sheet OI UlSlanHy HOOQ . y i-MCrni. »:ia in drspafr. icavc ymi with mined heipi |Lj a U e y a t m y feet and I looked up.’ over your etUUng difiappointroeul, , -r • ’. ■ , • u dr j ;hn-t'>n j* the onlv PhT«ic!«n adrertising. j: lirdcr: I uO&rd in iSl.lVOllian S . hvoiee, now uttered in tones broken and a iuth great hospitals of Ettrope. gmnf ;f: -p* in ihecGautnr at'dtiincuvexteuiUT'* /WrafciVffC- -: x OD ■’ c Msua but other Phvslciaa in the world, i / *The IlfiXt XUOHient, WIG WXH<IOW WOS r . INDORSEMENT OF THE* PRESS. -rJMpntlv ftlnmmed down, and the light Jte raauy thmw»u3««ar*Al at thy inatitutioa, year after , VlOleilUJ SiaHUBCa auu , numerous important Surgical operations disappeared. rmod by Johniton, by thereportern of the r . * . j«_l aeSll 5 "CTlppeT.” and tsatiy «nb*-r pa|»er?, notices of. | Again &U WSS dflrlk &SU Still, ) -r«’^' L v T> again and agam before the public* i T must find out what that means,’ I sr., •w,- , j taatlui P 48 * of character and re- /I , , '' ! N ?-a«ij.hty. i» a sufficient guarantee tothe afflicted. ■ miltiCTefl to myS6ll. V Ol !^ ,M D,SEASES speedily cured. ‘lnstantaneously I tuiwd to the door of -a* received ualent and crintaininir a - - - r « . . ,;i* . j v c . Ul^< ! n Persons writingshonM ttate the hOUSC 9 Atld Tapped U 1 & (JUICK BHq BHX •Jfj***?l* wniiugdboiiM be particular in! directing their manner. 4 •to inn lartitution. in the fallowing manner: i *TherC WUS BO SnSffCT. ! ‘I rapped again, loads(nd It^ig. OFFICE. NO. ' SOUTH FREDERICK STREETi L•' hn 1 -id-- i-oing from Baltimore rtreec, a fe-w doors „■ Li ib-orfj-T. Vail u-*l to*cl»serve name and number. L it-:' ;aufi l-r paii! and contain a stamp. The Doc ■ ••r'•.Dbhvm&s hang in his uffict- A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. _V(- Mercury or Silicons -I>rugs. DR. JOHNSON. .• qi- i T uf the Rvyal College of 2-urgeoas, London. Grad f-rta one of the most f-miuent Colleges in the United and.the greater part of whose ;ife has-been spent in ::,r iLispitals of L*ndou, Paris. Philadelphia and else has effected some of the most astonishing cures :u* Ver«- ever known; many troubled with ringing lathe .•>*l and e>jr? ‘when asleep, % great, nervousness, being . iraed at «addeo sounds, fiasbfulaess. with frequent : -*b:3g. attended sometimes with derangement of mind, f-re rtred immediatelv. ■ TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE- I)r. J. addresses all those who hare injured themselves ■y rnpr.-iper indulgence and Solitary habits, which ruin ::iS-id>; and mind, unfitting them for either business, •rait. society or marriage. lTif.>s are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro ’-••d by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the. ; ; urs and Limbs, Palm |n the liead.ldmtess of tight. -T»vjf Muscular Power* Palpitation of the Heart. Dys ,-v»y. »rrou« .Irritability, Derangement- of the Digee • : F .mctioaa, General Debility. Symptoms of Consump :- Ac. ' ! f , MtVTti.lT.—The fearful offeets of the mind are much to l-r^aded—Loss of -Memory, Confusion \.f Ideas. 3>e- . ,>u of spirits. Kril-Forebodiugs. Aversion to Society. Lore of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are tome of -- produced, ''i.-z\k\as of persons of ages can now j udge what is : of their declining health, losing their vigor, be* weak, pale, oerrous and emaciated, having a sin c-r Appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of :-tTiption. YOUNG MEN ■ t ire injured themselves by a certain practice in lu when alone, a habit frequently learned from ■■vi: tr-mpanioas. or at school, the effect* of which are • f-. lt. ereuwhen asleep, and if hot cured render* •rniT- imposible, and destroys both mind and body, apply immediately, «Vluj, a pity that a young man. the hope of his country. ■ > Imrlinr of his should be switched from all ’ and enjovmeqtt ofllfe, by the consequence of fitting from the path of Mature, and Indulging in a •ruin secret habit. ?uch persons tKjfore content •.intiug ®hw» f «fe|. U. C. DKHN J THE BATTLE AUTUMN OF ietsJ>. Tb* flags of warlike »u»na-bird» fly. The charging (muipeta blow; Vet-rolls no thornier in tie sky. Mo *artbijD*fc«« strive belaw. And, cahn mod patient. Matore k«*ps Her ancient promise well, , Though o’er her bloom and The battles breath of bet) And still she walks in golden bourn {Through harvest-happy farm?. And *till «hf wears her fru-ls and Sowers -Like jewels on her anus. What mean the gladness of the plain. This juy of ere and morn. 'lilt- mirth tlmt aiiakt* the bt*uii of grain And yellow shocks of corn! Ah! cjns mar well be full of tears. And hearts with hate are hot: if at even-paced come round the y e*nu And nature changes nJL fihe meets with athiiesour bitter griff. With songseur groans of pain; .She mocks with tint of floorer and leaf The war-fields crimson slain. Still, in the cannon's pause. we hear - Her sweet thanksgiving psalm: Too near to God fur doubt or ft-ar. She shares the fcteruahcalm. She knows the set-d lies safe below The fires that blast and bora; For all the terarsi of blood we sow xv “’ She waits thejich return. the sees with clearer eyes than outs The good of suffering born.— The hearts that blossom like her;Sowfcm And rijn'U like heyorn.- Oh, give to us. in times like the*e. The vision of her eves: / And make her fields and .fruited tree.- Our golden prophecies. Oh. give to .us, her finer tiar ! Above this stormv din. TV e. tofu would hear the beU> of cheer -Sfktt Ips’Ml&ttJ, THE BHEGLAE’S LEAP A REPORTER’S STORY KT JOHN O- WHITTIka. King peace and freedom in BY ANNA il. LAYTfOV ALTOONA. PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1862 ‘Still no answer.’ ‘lmpatiently I began to pound upon the door." j- ' ’ ‘At last 1 heard the flatter of feet in the bare hall/apd- a few moments after ward, a dirty; lrish woman cast open the door and confronted me. The creature was drank too, so drunk that she staggered.’ ‘As the door opened, I heard a mingling of male and female voices, and the sound of a bacchanalean revelry.’ ‘Who lives in. tbe third story of this house?’ I demanded. ‘I did not, of; course, suppose, that the house was occupied by but one family, on the contrary, 1 judged that every room was rented separately.’ ‘Who lives in the third story, is it V repeated the woman, with a drunken hic cough between every syllable. ‘Yes, yes. Who lives in the third story?' I replied, with a growing impa- tience. •An' how should I know, I’d like yer to tell me V was the Indignant answer. ‘l’m not the landlord, sure, nor the landlords lady, aythtr.’ •Then you don’t know who lives up stairs I' I added. ‘Divii a bit,’ was the forcible rejoinder. •Well, some <:>ne cried murder up there, a few moments ago!’ I continued. •Did they, indade ?’ responded she with out the least show of anxiety or of curios ity. •Yes. they did,’ I quickly replied—didn't you hear it ? •Divii a bit, sur." T si w that I should make no headway with this iKtor creature, and took another course. •I will go up stairs and see what is the matter, my good woman, if you have no objection,’ I exclaimed, at the same time, pushing past the female, who, however, willingly made way for me. •Be me sowl. it’s none o’me bis’ness at all, at all." she muttered its she shut the door. •I scrambled on up the dark, rickety stairs and at his: mounted to the third story. As I reached the upper hall, I heard ; the sound of voices, issuing from the front i room. I -moved over towards the door, following the sound, for I could see noth ing; hut had not taken half a dozen steps when that ominous cry again smote fear fully on my ears.’ ‘Murder! murder!’ •I stopped a moment, thrilled to the i verv heart, and then.dashed on again; for j I am no coward as you know, and only i too ready to poke myself into danger and j difficulties.’ T tried the door, it was locked.’ ‘Open the door there!’ 1 said with a peremptory kick. ‘I heard a scrambling inside, and the buzz of smothered voices, curses, cries, groans, and, as I thought, the peculiar sound of blows.’ ‘Outside, I could hear nothing except the cries of the drunken revelers, which rose up from the rooms below.’ •No one at all seemed to hear or heed, what was going on there in the third story.’ ‘I knocked again, once more demanding admittance.’ ‘Open the door there ’ I cried.’ ‘I thought net of danger to myself.— Previous immunity from harin' had made me reckless and ventursomc.’ ‘The sound of the struggle grew louder and more violent. It was flerc? and san guinary, if there was any judging from what I heard.’ •Help! oh help! now came to my ears in smothered tones.’ ‘Fairly beside myself with excitement, I placed my shoulder against, the door, and pushed with all my might. In a few moments it burst open, and flew back against the walk’ o | ‘I almost fell my full length into the apartment. Managing to recover my equilibrium, however, I glanced around.’ ‘The room was a large one, and was comfortably, even handsomely, furnished. I was amazed : for I did not expect to be hold anything but the evidences of the most squallid poverty.' ‘What did it mean V ‘At a glance I took in the comfortable, even luxurious surroundings: and then my gaze became riveted on a terrible scene which- was transpiring in the middle of the room.’ A woman still young in years, as 1 could readily see, and quite handsomely dressed, was laying prostrate upon her back on the floor. Her dress was tom and bloody, her face and hands besmeared with gore, and her whole appearance violently lie ranged and disordered. ‘Bending over her was a rather hand some man who was probably thirty-five years of age. He was well and fashiona bly dressed; and his whole appearance, save that it was now disordered by excite ment,, was quite gentlemanly. His hands Were bloody, and his apparel much disor dered-’ ‘I said the man was rather handsome —■ he was; but at tbe same rime he was quite as wicked-looking as he was hand- forDKPESDEXT IN EVEKTTHHSG-] some . Never shall I forget the glance he j darted at me as I tumbled into the room-' j It was the look of a fiend. His brilliant black eyes dashed like balls of burning fire, and in their gleaming depths Was mirrored every chirk crime in the blackened calen dar.’ •The glaring devil was resting one knee on the woman’s swelling bosom, and clasping heir throat with his bands, till the power of utterance was almost taken from her.’ •What do you want here?’ hissed the man tel ween his set teeth : and he looked as if he would kill me on the spot, if his hands were onlv tree. •The woman' moaned and tried to cry murder again but she was too choked up to utter the .word distinctly.’ •The brute who had her down was re ally strangling her to death, and my blood boiled at the sight. The scene so excited me too that I did not think; to look out for help, in fact, I thought only of what was lief ore me.' ‘Lei go there, you villain' I cried, springing at the fellow furiously-’ The rascal relaxed his hold of the woman to save himself from me : and he and I grappled in a deadly grip.’ ‘Holding each other at arms’ length, we measured one another’s powers.’ ‘The woman on the floor now began to breath freer, and show some signs of con sciousness. In a few moments she stag gered to her feet, and glanced around the room in a bewildered manner: Then'her eyes fell upon us and her face lighted up.’ •Thank God, I am saved from death, she cried, in cracked tones, as she Seemed to realize the scene before her—‘Philip,’ she addl'd, shaking her reddened hand — red with her own blood —at my writhing opponent. ‘Philip, true as I was to you, you would have killed me: and as sure as 1 live I’ll give you up to justice.’ ■Still that wicked looking man and my self held each other at arms length.’ •What has led to tliis scene, madman r I demanded, as well as I was able, for my opponent was a man of muscle, and was struggling hard to get tbe .better of me. — Strong as 1 was myself, I doubted my power to hold him much longer.’ ‘The unfounded jealousy of that man — my husband! was the woman’s deep reply. That man Philip!’ ‘Devi! that you are breathe that name at your peril, fiercely cried my antagonist.’ ‘The woman had now somewhat recov ered herself, and rising to her feet, she continued boldly and defiantly : That man, I say, Philip Durney, the burglar!’ The next moment she fled from the room and L- could hear the pit-a-pat of her feet descending the stairs.’ The man uttered a howl.’ ‘Philip Dumey! I repeated in complete amazement,’ ‘The name of Phil Dumey was notori ously famous. A more desperate, bloody handed desperado was nowhere to be found and for a long time previous, her culean efforts had been made to capture the bold, desperate and successful burglar chief; for such he was known to be.’ ‘Yes, Phil Dumey, curse you! hissed the outlaw: ,'Phil Dumey, the burglar, desperado and murderer! Sow, hands off!’ The desperate villain made a powerful wrench ; but I am no child, and he did not escape me.’ ‘Evidently the rascal had no weapons about him, or I should have fared worse. It was a providence for me. His wife he had been beating to death with his fist.’ ‘The last words of the burglar had hard ly fallen from his lips, when the clatter of feet was heard on the stairs ; and, almost instantly afterward, three or four police man rushed into' the apartment.’ ‘Seize this man! I quickly cried out. It is Dumey, the burglar!’ ‘We know it! simultaneously exclaimed the officers, as they darted across the room.’ The robber’s wife had sent them up, as it subsequently appeared.’ ‘With a fearful curse, Dumey again made an effort to escape me, and this rime be was successful as he was sudden, my attention being somewhat drawn away to other objects.’ ‘A few desperate bounds carried him out of the room. The policemen grabbed at him, but he tore away. -At the head of the stairs, however, the experienced officers had stationed a couple of their nmnbqr, and the desperate burglar was defeated in his purpose.’ •We followed the villain.! ‘Cut off from the stairs, Dumey dashed back into the dark hall, where, it appear ed, there was a step ladder leading to a trap, and out upon the roof. Quick as lightning, so to speak, be mounted tbe steps, threw open the trap and dashed out upon the house.’ : * ‘We followed as fast as We could, but' when we got out upon the roof, the bur glar Was two or three houses off, clamber ing from one building to another like § cat.’ ‘Stop there, you villain, or I’ll shoot ' yon down!’ cried one of toe policemen.’ Shoot if you dare V wag the contempto | oos reply, followed by a derisive laugh-’ ‘At this instant toe burglar came to a division of six or eight feet between the houses. Catching himself on the very edge, he drew back suddenly, and gazed around- The moon was up now and we could see it all plainly.’ Tie trace his steps he could not, without falling back into our hands, while on pne side of him was the alley not less than a dozen feet wide, and on the other the yards of the houses.’ I ‘A leap of six or eight feel, at a height of three stories, is no trifling matter, but the burglar’s only alternative was cap ture.’ 'Meanwhile we were approaching : the villain, though but slowly, for we bad to be very cautions of our steps.’ 'lf he ’tempts to jump that he’ll save the hangman a job! exclaimed one of the officers, as we stepped along.' 'At that moment Duraey darted back a few paces and involuntarily halted. The next moment with a shout of defiance, be wildly dashed forward, and almost that instant, we saw the desperate villain fly ing through the air.’ > 'The leap was well made, and only ; fell a very little ; but that little cost the burg lar his life. Madly catching at the oppo site house, Durney missed his hold, ;and tumbled down, down, down! A curse of disappointment smote upon the air, and then for a moment all was still.’ ■ The next instant we reached the edge of the roof, and peeped over the j&xzy height As we did so the body of the bur glar struck the side walk, and was dashed into atoms.’ ‘As soon as possible we -descended, and gathered up the remains, which the next day were interred in the paupers’ burying ground. Since then nothing has been heard or seen of the burglar’s wife.’ ‘ Something of this appeared in the pa pers, but nothing like the full particulars, which I have here given, you must admit, forms somewhat of an adventure.’ Master axd Scholar. —“ When I was a boy,” said an old man, “we had a schoolmaster who had an odd way of catching idle boys. One day he called out to us; . ■■ Boys, 1 must have closer attention to your books. The first one of you that sees another boy idle, I want you to in form me, and I will attend to the casei.” *‘ Ah,” thought I to myself, “ there is Joe Simpson that I don’t like. I’ll watch him, and if 1 see him look off his book’ I’ll tell. It was not long before I seen Joe look off his 'book and immediately I in formed the master. “ said he, “ how did yon know he was idle?” j “ I saw him,” said I. ■, ' “ Ypu did: and were your eyes on your book when you saw him?” I Was caught, and never watched: for idle boys again. If we are sufficiently watchful over our own conduct, we shall have no time to find fault with the conduct of others, : A Short Akswek. —One of the enroll ing marshals, the other day received a strong bint from a down town feinale. Stopping at a lady’s house he found her before her door endeavoring to effect with a vegetable huckster a twenty per cant abatement in the price of ai peck pf toma toes. “Have you any men here, ma’am I” The reply was gruff and curt—“No”. “Have you no husband madam?”’. “No.” “ Perhaps yon have a son, ma’am t” “Well, what of it?” “I should like to know where hp ; is.” “Well he isn’t here.” “So I see, ma’am. Pray where is he?” “In the Union army, where you ought to The marshal hastened around the Cor ner. ;He didn’t further interrogate; the lady.' • ■ fT A young lady fainted at dinner, the other day because the servant brought a roast pig on the table that showed its bare legs. ‘What made yon faint?’ anxiously - en quired her friends as soon as she came; to. ‘ The nakedness of that horrible quadru ped,’ sobbed this bashful piece of modesty. ‘ Och, an’ hedad,’ exclaimed the 1 servant who had brought in the offensive pig, ‘it wasn’t naked ?at all, at alt I dressed it myself before I brought it insure.’ ; i 3“ An ingenuous youth from the Gran ite State now reading at Denver, returned to his lodgings a few nights since in a state of great independence and erectpeas « My friendj” asked his wondering com panion and room mate, “ are you drunk or saber?'* ■ “Well,” replied the youth, with; the peculiar dignified and oracular manner which only an intoxicated person l ean assume, “for Pike’s Peak, sober; for New Hampshire, pretty ——drunk.” «T Punch will continue to poke sharp sticks at us. In his last number is. Ac following. * Latest from Washington— General Hallock is to aasansß oonnhand of the Federsl annies under the 'tide of Hallecfalander the Great’ EDTTOKSANDI touching appeal. The following extract from the fu neral discourse of Rev.J. fi. Berry, at the obsequies of Ex-President Van Bur*, at Kinderhook, New York, contains Flec tions of a highly affecting character : “Before ns Bee the lifelees body of one of the Presidents of our Union. We boxy him amid sudr circumstances as never attended the burial of a President of the people's choice before. While we are en gaged in these solemn rites, at this very hour an atrocious rebellion is warring for that Union's utter destruction. ShaU it suc ceed ? Shall it be said that the 1% of this republic was measured only by the life of one of its-rulers * Are you ready to lay the Union beside him in his grave ? Are yon willing to make his tomb the memorial of a republic, which in his own lifetime, rose from three to thirty millions —put on a transcendent glory among tin nations —blessed its citizens as no other citizens ever were blessed—kindled hope among the oppressed of all the earth— brightened the prospects: of the Savior's universal reign, and then suddenly was put to death because its recreant amts would not defend it against the foulest conspiracy the sun ever looked upon, save that which hung the Lord of glory on the cross? O, with such reflections, who would wish to remember even the names of the rulers of the nation whose ephemeral glories would only cast a deeper Infamy upon its untimely ruin f If a shattered and degraded and inpoverished country, how sad would such memories be?—how full of shame and remorse and bitterness? Instead of the rejoicing with which we have been wont to hale the anniversary of-our nation's birth, we would rather be tempted to say: “ Let that day be dark ness. Let not God regard it from above; neither let the light shine upon it Let darkness and the shadow of death stain it. Let a cloud dwell upon it Let "the blackness of the day terrify it— Let it not be joined unto the days of the year. Let it not come in the number of months.” With a more poignant fpief than David’s we would cry; “Hiebeauty of Israel is slain upon the high places. How are the mighty fallen. Tell it not in Gath. Publish it not in the streets of Askelon, lest the daughters of the undr cumsized triumph.” As the modern Jew of Jerusalem de barred from the temple of his fathers, weeps every week at the outside of the impenetrable wall and presses his throb bing head in agony against the stones, to think that he may no more see the glories and taste the joys and tread the court of that holy place which once was the com mon heritage of all ; so would we,ina country conquered and destroyed by trea son, weep at the outside'of the wall of an irretrievable rain, over privileges and blessings, over the names of rulers and the memories of prosperity and honor, once ours, hot forever lost because in the hour of their danger we rarii mot to -their rescue.. Shall it be so, O, ye who assemble to-day to bear one pf your nation's mien to the tomb? Canyon bear the thought of yourself and children standing in fu ture years beside that tomb only to look over that nation's'rains t Can you con sent to it, if it be the power of man, fay the help of God, to avert so dire a doom? If not, then hear the voice which 6od in His Providence speaks to you to day.. It is not foe voice of partisanship, or pas sion, or prejudice; it is: the voice of high and holy duty, bidding you like Israel of old, to ‘play the man for your people amt the cities. of your God.’ i Tour natural obligations as citizens damapA it, the cause of truth demands it, the remem brance of the past, the dangersand strag glings of the present, the hopes and fears of the demand it; gratitude to God demands it; a regard for the of religion and liberty demand it; all fl»«t we hold dear in- our own intercut and hopes for this world, the love we hare our offsprings, the trembling hopes of mil lions of the oppressed among the nations’ the evil eye and malicious wishes of ty rants—all, all combine in implgpug w to know the day of our visitation ; to iyt away every partisan, and prejudiced, and avaricious thought; and over the grave of our departed President, to pledge our country now, in the hour of its stupend ous danger, what the true patriots pledged it at the hoar of its birth—pur lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” WThe longest war recorded in bitaoiy, if not the moat destructive and important, was that waged for a hundred tatdmgktg ttoo yean against the Spanish invaders by an Indian tribe, or rather nation, called the Anrancaniana, occupying the south eastern part of Sonth America. CT ‘Snobs,’ said Mm Snobs tober hus band, the otter day, after the baO^ ( Snobs, why did yon dance with every lady in the room last night before yon noticed meT *Wby,my dear,’ said the devoted Snobs, ‘I was —rescrre the best for tbe hat’ ■■■■■ - ■Wirt.' NO. 88.