tkibunedhiectory. •vw- -vSVfafW.V OHUROHKB, MINISTERS, AC. **^r^ B SA»-«n.B.B.CIAJUIPmMr-Pra«chluir o'clock, and mtbVereniug »I trCMtk. fnjM nil ligin tbc torture Boom every ; WadaMdaravaidacnt T o’etook. Bobbmb School in wne ; BW «»M»*«toA| metwlng. IUIBOtoT tmOQfU-Ser. W. In Srorevroou, p«rtmr.—Pweklaggvwy Bobbotb uicrclag mil unlock, udte th*«naiaK«tjt/elaak. PreylrMcrting in the Uetua ltaM am Wadßndn cnßliic at T o'clock— Preogaag OnaHftt MURBQUN-Bn. Sikiax K*wu»r. Factor. PriwnMugovofy Sabbath morning *t 11 o’clock, and in the ovvalagakl.o’aiock. ProjwMooVUgiu Ibe hectare Boom rmjTTdiliiwrtaj ilwHki aIT o’clock. SabbatnSchool in thoaamomm »19 o'clock intho morning. PBOT«WA»T EPISCOPAL—(No regular Portor.)- Ptaochjmgc*Sabbatb maniac at 11 o’cioek. aod in the ereahSltT ft’olabk. Prayer Meeting ever; Wednesday •veaiog otT o'clock. Sabbath School at fl o’clock A. M. BNOUBBOAXHOUC—Bav. lonHnw, Pastor—Dl vlas lirvilm every Sabbath Burning at 10)$ o’clock and in the after* eon at 3 o’clock. Sabbath School atil o’clock la the oftOroMs. GERMAN CATHOLIC—Bev.— , , Pa*tor. —Divine aarvicsa every Sabbath morning at 10U o’clock, and In the afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sabbath School at 1 s’dacklathsaasmoan. aWRTfUW METHODIST—Kev. Amman Joanafos, Pa«W.—fiwhmg awry foalth Sabbath in each month. Prayer Basting ovary Priday evening at 7 o’clock. Sab bath School at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. RAIL ROAD BCHEOUE. OS ABft APTBB MONDAY, MAT 6, 1862, TBAINB will orrire at oodleave Altoona Station aa follows: BxpreseTrainßanarrivea “ West “ 7,40 A. M, “ 8,10 A.M. Past •• Bast “ 12A4A.H.. “ 1,00 A.M. «« ", Woat BfiSP.M., “ &30P.M. MAH “ Boat “ 7.30 A.M., >■ 7,44 A.M. *« •• Wort “ 6,46 P.M., - “ 7,00 P.M. The UOLLXDA.TBBDBGBBANOH connects with Kx- ItaeaeTraia West, and Hail Train Bast and West. ' M. 188 BRANCH TRAIN also makes one trip to Hanaagdoit—leaving Hollldayiburg at 10.16 A. M.—Altoo na AtIOAftPJL-end arriving at Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M. Rnraxmo.—Leaves Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M.—Altoona at 4.14 P. M, —and arrives at HoUfcUyibarg at 3.45. KNOCH LBWIS, Gen'l Supt. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS CLOSE lulan W»y Weeterh May....... ITe*ternthron»h. Emwiii nm|h. VwtKi Xhi‘ «*h liitim nnun Omoe Hoo**:—Darin* the week, from 6« A. H. til Ilil. ttl OnEandeye,from7 4S till 900 a.m. GEO. W- PATTON P. M. MAILS ARRIVE. 7SO A. M. A 645 P. M 7 30 A. M 7 50 “ 8 20 P.M 645 “ WKgTtWQB OF ASSOCIATIONS. SOttBXAIK UffiOß, No. 381. A. T. M., meet. on third T.I .day ?f each month, at o’clock P. H., in the third •torr of Ibi Aioiic Tmdblb. IWDSA. CHAPTER, No. 189 E. A. C., meet* on the latllpiidigr of encb month, at 7J£ o'clock P. M., in aame room as above. MOUNXAIN COUNCIL, No.», R.45.M., meets on the Ant'Monday of each month, at 7% o’clock F. M., in same nomas above. MQpHUIN COMMANDEEY, No. 10, K. T. meets on the fixuru Tuesday of each month, at 7%o'clock F.M, in aamstdoni as Above. ALTOONA DODGE, No. 473, I. O. of 0. F., meet* every at o’clock, in the third, story of Jag **S*iLINBALODGE, No. 532, X. O. of 0. F„ meets every Monday evening, at7j-£ o’clock, in third story of Patton’s 'Bolldiiif. on Virginia street. VZMBpBAOO TRIBE, No. 35, I. 0. R. U., meets every Tnsedayeveniog in the second story of Masonic Temple. Council 4re kindled at 7th run 30th breath. ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311, S. of T.. meets every Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the second story of the JlMoaie Temple. •TATE OFFICERS. Wmwraßr j Andrew O. Cnrtin. »3ecntarftf ante—Eli Slifcr. AttonMfr Omerol—William M, Meredith. AmdOaf General —Thomas E. Cochran. Surveyor General— William L. Wright. Jtfjtiml General —E. M. Biddle. State Irtaenrer — Henry D. Moore. BLAIR COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge* qf the Cburt*.— President Judge, Hod George Tay lor. Adam Moeee. MtaU aaoiiw—Hon. Levis Hell. jU>«»m»»UM ■ pirwit “Onttar," ha haa no hesitancy in say ‘•wTWlnr ]~*tt~ik~'*T eipthtinf in the ftahkm, and in amutMrUukaaai not fcil to prove aatiibctory. It haa art. •HjhriPatho vary man that can make. Clothes )n the fiuhton, strong and cheap; .Vttthathare *w triad him yet, Say that be tually cant be beat. jthoe; Virginia street, above 7 15 A.M. .. 730 “ 7 15 A.M. A 6 30 P. M. 7 20 P. M. 720 “ ;o L. Cowan, Oeorge Koon, lON, Phila- -»e Sick and.Di*treaaed, l)leetoe*, and especially xhatOrgane. Medical lorgeon, Valnablr re- Weefcneee, and other ' the Sew Kwnedtee 'affllctedin eeabd ar throe Stamp* for iHTON, Acting Sox 800th Ninth Street. 'Ton* 22, X882.-IJ. AND ZINC 'TS & SHOES UiuM,’ }iut ne'i «t LAUSHMAN’S. DR. WM. B. HURD’S Dental Remedies ABE THE BEST in the WORLD, INSURING FINE TEETH AND A SWEET BREATH, AND CUBING TOOTHACHE & NEUKAX.GIA! Do you wish to be blessed with and admired for Pearly White and Sound TEETH? UaeDR. WM. B. HURD’S UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from add, alkali or any injurious substance. Price, 25 cents per box. \ Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth gowders* which whiten bat destroy. Do yon wish to be certain that your BREATH is pure, sweet, and agreeable to husband or wife, lover or friends . Use DR. HURD’S CELEBRATED MOUTH WASH.— Price, 37 cents per bottle. j This astringent wash is also the best remedy in the world lor Cahxsb, Bap Breath, Blkxpxkg Ginas, Sorb Mouth, etc. It has cared hundreds. Do you or your children suffer from TOOTHACE? Oet DR. HURD’S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, 15 cents per bottle. , Are yea afflicted with NEURALGIA? Get DR. W. B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS. The most effective and deUpbttfil remedy known. They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 18 and 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. Do yon wish a complete sot of DENTAL REMEDIES and a Treatise on Preserving Teeth f Get DR. WM. B. HURD’S DENTAL TREASURY, the neatest and most valuable present that one.friend can make to another.— Price, $l. Sent by express on receipt of price. For sale at all the best stores throughout the country. Cactiok.— -As there ore dealers who take advantage of our advertisements to impose upon their customers infe rior preparations, IPis necessary to insist upon having what you cal) for, and you will get the best, thoroughly tested, and prepared bv ah experienced and scientific Den tist,Treasnrerof the New York State Dentist's Assooia tipn,and Vice President of the New York City Dental Society. Address WM. B. HURD & CO., New York. PE. HURD’S DENTAL REMEDIES are for sale in this place by 6. W. KESSLER. THE HOUSEKEEPER’S NEW Furniture Polish Prepared from an improved receipe by the proprietor of the “Brother Jonathan Polish,” is certified by all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and Piano-Forte Makers to be Hie best in the world for removing Scratches, Marks, and Dirt, and restoring a bigh aud lasting gloss to all-kinds of Varnished work, from Furniture to Leather. It Is cheaper and bettor than Varnish- dries immediately, and i« easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel and a battle or two of this New Fnrpiture Polish, a House keeper ean work magic in the furniture of a .house, and keep it looking like new. Now Is the tint" to ‘‘shine up” your Tables, Chairs, Desks, Pianos, Picture Frames, Car riages, make them look 50 per cent, better. This is true economy.. For sale by Furniture Dealers and Store keepers generally. Price 25 and 50 cents n bottle. Depot No, 1 Spruce Street, New York. AGENT? WANTED. Address. BOX 1972, New YorkT. O GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS! THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE Great Rebellion; —OR— THE HEROISM OE Our SOLDIERS & SAILORS. ILLUSTRATED. 1 VOL, LARGE 12MO. PRICE $1225. The critics and the public are right in predicting that this win surpass, in graphic narrative, exciting interest, and extensive popularity, all other histories of the War for the Union. Its tnenjo will be the heroic daring, parien t suf ferlng and hair-breadth escapes of oar Soldiers and Sailors, and its incidents will form the theme of conversation at Innumerable firesides for years to some. It will contain, in addition to Its stirring details, the Analy st* of the causes of the War, by John Lathrop Motley, biL.D.j Author of “The Rise of the Dutch; Republic,” etc., tbe dates of alt the important-events from the John Brown raid, and an accurate knd revised account of the principal battles, with engravings. lOde-third the proceeds of all Subscriptions sent direct to ns will be given for the Relief of Disabled Soldiers, and ail persons who wish a copy of the work, and also to benefit the soldiers, should send their name and address at once. Also, any officer or private,- or person In any section of the country, having knowledge of any heroic act or stirring incident, will oblige us by an account of it. :s'i BOOKSELLERS, POSTMASTERS, and CANVASSING AGENTS will be furnished with a Subscription Prospectus, on application to the Publishers. JOCA liberal commission given to Sol diers desiring to act as Agent*, in taking subscriptions. sh. n. THE HISTORY OF American Manufactures, FROM 1608 TO 1860. BY DE. J. LEANDER BISHOP. 2 TOL3, Bmo. Vol. l, now ready. Vol. 11. nearly ready. Thl» la probably the largest end most important work now in the American press. Wp hare alto joat pnblUhed new editions of the follow. Ing useful and popular books: THE BUSINESS MAN’S LEGAL ADVISER; Qr, How to Save Money, by Conducting Business according to Law, as expounded by the best and latest Authorities. 400 pp., sheep. Price si. OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDUSTRY; OR, 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY Cloth, $l. This has been re-published in England. s Every business Man and clerk should have these books. They will pay the buver a hundredfold. Every parent should get them for tncir bods. AU these books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to mailing books, wrapping them carefully, and will procure and send, postpaid, any | book anywhere, on receipt of publishers' price and six | stamps. Address FREEDLEY & CO., Tribune Buildings, New York. PIAJSTOS! PERSONS WHO WISH TO BUY aPianoof the brat maker, win be ebowbrhow they M: mtc a handaome aom in the purebaee, if they addrca. -, f S PIANO, . Cue of Jot, Coe * Co., Publishers' Agents, NEW YORK, P. O. : Hor.Sl.lMl-ly. ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OUR MOTTO! NOW OPEN On the comer of Branch and A nnie Streets, EAST ALTOONA AN ENTIRELY! NEW STOCK OF GOODS! Having disposed of the v entire stock of old Roods in the above stand at auc tion, we desire to any to the public that we hare just opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sell at the >• VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock embraces a large and complete astortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting, in part, of plain and fancy Silks, . all-wool. De laines, Alpacas. Challie Delaines, plain and figured Becege, Lawns, Ginghams. Ducals, De Barge, Travelling Dress Goods, and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS. M© n 9 s ear. We have received a largo and well selected stock of GEN TLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy Cnssimeres, Caahmerets, Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys, Beaver Teens, Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods for men and boys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss, Bobinets, Edgings, ic. We have a large assortment of Ladies* Needlework Col lars and Sets, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Gloves, Gaunt lets, Mitts. Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Veils, Ac. Also, Ticking, Checks, bleached and un bleached Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash. Ac. Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. We have received a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LAMES' GAITERS , HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c., which we are determined to sell cheaper than over. QUEEENSWAHE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and. in fact, everything usually kept in a first-class Store. •W- As we make our purchases almost entirely for cash, and as we will sell for CASH ONLY ; AND KEEP NO BOOKS, it will, enable us to sell Gtmds at very moderate prices: and by fair dealing ami strict at tention to business m e hope to secure a liberal share oi public patronage. Altoona, April 15,1802-tf NORTH WARD AHEAD’: NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS AT OLD PRICKS. I HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE | upectfully inform the citizen- oi A!t. - EVI’S PREPARATION FOR KX (terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES. ANTS, and bogs without danger in Us use nnder any circnrastan ces for sale at the Brag Store of Q. W. KESSLER. Jan. 24, ,66-11] 1 . All styles carpeting and Oil-Cloths can be found a' EAUGHMAN’S. GELS & CO Samvo. I. Fans. STOVEB, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD re spectfully an nocnce to the eitizens c Altoona and vicinity thru they havejost received • large supply of STOVE, of all Patum*, such e Cook, Parlor, Office ar Shop Stoves, which L will sell at the most rei sonablc prices. A larr supply will always' kept on hand. TLX JXD SHEET IROX 1' always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING pn up oq short notice. They have also attached a copper-smithlug room to their establishment and will Keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles. Ac. All kinds of job work promptly attended to. HARDWARE. The Bubscribnr* have added Hardware to their line of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such os Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Squ tres. Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges. Locks, Latches. Files, Knives and Forks, Spools, Ac.. Ac., all of which they offer on the most reasonable .terms. 4&*Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their stoc*. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Store on Annie street, Ik* tween Harriet and Ada liue streets. East Ward, and on Virginia street, opposite Kessler's Drug Store, West Ward. Altoona, Feb. Hd, 1862. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST spring & Slimmer Goods!! 1 J, R. HTLEMAN has just received a largo and well selected »ti»ck of Goods f consisting of Cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweed*. Beaverteens. Blue aud all other - kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR, toeerh t with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Such ok Black and Fancy Silks, Challies, Bertges, Brilliants. Lawn ,i, Jh'hiiun, Chinizs , Deßeges. Crapes. Prints. ( riif* and Stella Shawls. Mantillas, Undcrslctves and Hosiery, Bonnets and Ribbons. Collars, Hand kerchiefs, Kid Gloves. Hoojted Skirts, 'Skirt ing. Lace Mills, dx.. dr. ALSO, Tickings. Checks,. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Tabic Diaper. Crash, Nankeen. Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES* .QtKENSWARE. WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE. OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. &C. HARDWARE GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is' more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Coffee. (Tu-Led, Loaf and N 0. Sugars: Green. Y. H. and Black Tea*; Molasses, Soaps, Candles. Salt, Fish. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes by >trict attention to busi ness, ami an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. 49* Call and examine his Stock, ami. jon will b>-con vinced that he has the beat as.-oiim-. ul ujul clu upi -t Goods in the market. *** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at nmrket prices. Altoona. April i. 1802. POKED OUT AGAIN ! fj’Mu; undersigned would respectfully so j licit the patronage of the citizen? of Altoona and vicinity, as lie has again opened «nt AT HIS ODD STAND. tut I In/iuln at., a few doors below the. Supt's Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RVE, CORN, TEAS of all kinds, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS. BAKING MOLASSES. TOBACCO, SUGARS, DRIED FRUIT, SOAP. CANDLES. BROOMS, BRUSHES, Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notions Candles, Ac. Also a large stock of LIQUORS! All the above good? will ue sold, Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—come all I; See for your* selves, and he convinced. No charge for examining my stock. LOUIS BLACK. April 17, ’62-tf. 1 TAKE NOTICE—The I' undersigned is about starting a Tannery, and wish* e» to buy or trade for 400 CORDS of good ROCK OAK BARK, and also for HIDES, for which the highest market price will be.paid. Altoona, April 17, ’62-tf. * LOUIS PLACK. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCRIBER would respectfully In form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate his friends patronsin a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and Cities, and Ids Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. HU charges are as reasonable aa those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who fovpr him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of| public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial.. I have just received a stock cf No. 1; french Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock of excellent Wines,Tor medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old: Bye Whiskey to be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. $3O. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. Commercial Agents "Wanted. TO SELL GOODS FOR THE ADAMS (A New England) MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 'V* will give a commission of one hundred per cent, on all goods sold by onr Agents, or we will pat wages at from $3O to $lOO per mouth and pay all necessary expenses. For particulars addres (with stamp) ! CUASi RDQOLES, Qen’l Agent, For the Adams Manufacturing Co, , Detroit, Mich. May8,1863-ly , j COAL, i NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY family to get in their supply of coal for the Winter, and the «üb«cribhr would therefore inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he Is prepared them on short notice, with a superior article ‘ofi ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COALV He will sell it by the Train. Car. or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at tht» door of the purchaser. **" Yard * ht North ,i,ID °f u "' Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. ‘ • rr i> mvWu Ju1y25.1861.-tf. U-RMIfcRS. ELAIR COUNTY INSURANCE AGENCY.—TIie undersigned. Agent of the Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, la at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, AoW- Furniture and Property, of every des cription, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company In the State Office with Bell, Johnston, Jack * °W t . 69 -tf ■ -Stipbeh Wurani Life Insurance and Trust Co. /COMPANY’S BUILDING Southeast Corner of Walnut and Fourth Streets, PhUad’a. ; : j Authorized Capital, '...., $500,000 Paid up Capita 1,............ 250,000' Assets, . 1,897j740 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of I’ennsylf Insures Lives during tbe Natural life or for short terms, grunts annuities aud eudowu>ents,:aud makes contracts of all kind* depending on the issues of life. m - I Policies of Life Insurance Issued at tbe usual mqtiu(l. rates of other good companies-—with profits to the assured —last Boxes January, 1801, being! 43 per cent, of all'pre miums received on mutual policies—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent leas than the altove, ori Total Abstinence ratps. 40 per cent. Less than Mutual price. Also, a TARE, in great • variety. NON-FORFEITURE PLAN, { By which a person pays for 0,7, or 10 years only, when the policy is paid up for Lira, and nothing more to pay!; aud should he be unable, or wish‘to discontinue sooner, the Company will issue a Paid up poucr, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follows: j On a Policy of $l,OOO, 6 ifear 7 Year 10 Year after payment of rates. rates. rates. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 86 sloo' 00 2 “ • 400 00 286 70 200 CfO 4 “ £ ; u u u 8 “ “ Any further information can be had by applying to the undersigned, who is the authorized agent for Blair County. July 31, 1862-ly H. A. 0. KERR. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! 1 would respectfully forth my claim to pnb'i attention, as a Fashions! Tailor, as follows: localise X keep an excel lent assortment of Clothe CaH&imeres. Vestings ant Trimmings, which. whe examined-always pleftae. Because. my work made up iu ft manner tin taken down the count' and gives all my customt .ft city appearance. ' finalise lam not infer! as a Cutter, to the best be found anywhere. FRIES ii WINTERS. Because long experiei in my business gives n. entire control over it. am 1 am not dependant upoi any one tolift me out the Buds. Because I am still on the sunny Ride of forty, an*! there fore my taste as a Cotter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the “Brant House.’* Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona. May 26-5 m JACOB SNYDER. person desiring to obtain the very begtond cheap est potable light within their reach, should call at the store sjfthc undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate These lumps arc admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents. Mechanics. Seamstresses. Factories, Halls. Churches, Stoics, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carhou Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, ut u Small expense, and will answer every purges" of a new lanp: \Vr guarantee perfect sHtisfdctioniin all eases. Aug. 10, ISnS-tf.j ‘ * «. W.'KESSLER. AUVIERIOAJST varua, ALEXANDER WIULLDIN, President;' SAMUEL WORKjVice Preddcnt. John 8. Wilson, Secretary- r\ BOARD OF TAUSftXa. Alexander WhlUdin, J. Isdgar Thomson, lion. Jas. Pollock, Hod* Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberts, Jouks Bowman,. Samuel T. Bodine, H. B. Rldrldge, George Nugent, John Aikman, William J. Howard, Cbarh s F. Heaxlltt, Samuel Work. PATENT KEROSENE OR OARBON JIL LAMPS! Unrivaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safely or Economy. Ist. That NO ACCIDENT"can oqcur by explosion-. 2tl. That they emit no offensive ;odor while burning, 3d. That they are very easily trimmed, 4th. That they arc easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they bum entirely freohing. Ihirlor, Office and hBBBh Shop Stoics, of all styles and sizes, to suit the rr 'T ; wants of all. which ho will sell at low prices, on reiason able terms. ’ lie also beeps on band a large stock of Tin and Steel- Iran Ware, consisting of all articles for culinary purposes— Coal Scuttles, Stove Fipe, dc. ‘ ; He has also purchased the right of sale in Blair county, of R. V. JONES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, : ! an invention,which needs only to be seen to be apprecia and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or I those requiring such a machine. • t®* Particular attention paid to potting up SPOUTING, either in town'or country. Spouting painted and put up ou the most reasonable terms. fapril 14,1869-ly GROCERY, PROVISION AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN FORM the public that he has purchased the interest of A. MILLIRON in theOrocery and Provision Bioreilere tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Csrolibe St., where he will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of ; • FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE; TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which be receives fresh from the easteirn.and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonableipHces. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole* sale, I wiU ksep constantly on hand a large assortment oi liqnors of the best qualities to be bad, 1 1 respectfully solicit a share of pnblic custom. July 12, JB6l-tCJ J. BERKOWITZ. TV/TORE GOOD NEWS! JLTJL The undersigned has just received from the East a large and varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of .Cloths, Cassmbbes, and Vesting, material for FINE AND COARSE OVERCOATS , material for BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENT’S FCENIBHINO GOODS. *ueh a. Bndershirt., Drawer., Sns peudera. Neck-tie*. Handkerchief. Tnl** so ‘ d Rt «>e Inwc-gt price.. All wont ordered wil) be made np ip the verv beat .trie fMhion8 ’ nniicT * ’ mot. THOMAS ELWAY. SOMETHING NEW. T SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST wy largir&nd flmfstock of** Whttß ,1B * AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &G:, SUJMirr" 1 *? offer to thecitlzens of Altoona and low Price*. Having purchased directftoin f? nrc ” {nr - t “ h - 1,0 is pwpwed to eell at price* l!SdlI-i?i e 2n Om S «»* be **» is that tins eSewb M* B " d exaß>,no h,s rtoc k before purchasing BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea- fW.f'fi* 1 "?’ rf ' lHirin * promptly attended to;, i - VhfS)* tlle I,lac< “* ,wo door * below Post Olßce.- Jan. 3,1*61. M. THOMPSON,TtpenI. O YES: O YES!—-GENTLEMEN drawnloh and hear. JOSEPH :p. TROUT! tnnonn we* io, that he is ready to UlschargolhU duty* asan Auctioneer whenever called upon. f jau- *J »&6. Hardware of all desorip- just received and for sale by ! V oct - I&Jtf l J.B.HILIfMAw. Belgium canary kirds for Sale. Apply to 0. W. FISUEB. Portrait Pinter, Altoona, P«. / [Jnnj 19s3t. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, ofi every rizi and style at LADQHMAN’S. DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, cheap or fine ?—go to EADOHMAS’B. HUTTER’S STATE CAPITOI -Book ZBindepv AND BLANK BOOK manufactory No. 54 Marktt St , Harrithnrg This establishment is chiefly w the msnufkctnre of Blank Hooks f ol ' ™ to Beaks. County Offlcra, Railroad Compani... fJSIQ** and private Individuals. in all cases •> f -SWJS very beet of stork sad workmanship may 1.,. relied open. Blank; Books printed, pag.nlaTn* any desired pattern: Sheriffs, Attorneys a„‘i Dockets of all airee. tnade and ruled to- order T ''' - and Yearly Amu'MWfirtli Duplicates, *c, fcr cnuntj ! see, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order Dockets made of the'beet linen paper. 1 v,:r: ’ Librarians, and others, desiring to have their Ro, t bonnd and at moderate prices, should give us a call v papers of the largest sizes. Harper’s Woekiv '’*• Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific Americau. Lcniton v hound to order, and in any style required. Hatw.ti '• ly Magazine. Knickerbocker, Blackwood s and Magazines, Oodey>s lady’s Book, Lady’s Repositorv a ' son’s Magazine, Plano Music, Ac., bound in extra ; tVi r the more plain and substantial half binding «elert u phlets, ’Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws. hound in c , brary style, at very moderate prices. Persons iSi U number of volnmes to bind, will receive a liberal d’ * Binding can safely he sent to ns from a distance?' r" : Sress, and all work entrusted toonrcarewitih, JEI lly executed, safely packed and returned bv Hi,,,’?” All work warranted. Address F. L. H'ittkb" ffontiinee 11.I 1 . OaMeCRUM the Tribun' Office agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will givekiw tlon In relation to binding, and receive and return liT? free from extra charges, for all who ent.nst their » 0 0. my care, [March 21, Usm, 1 * 800 00 671 40 400 00 —s 867 10 600 00 —j— 80000 CONFECTION ERY AND OYSTER. SALOON. r THE SURSGRIJIER \VOIU> LV A FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity tkiL. s CoXFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORK, i supplied with the very best articles to W bad. and u. jfic variety. He has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which ho will serve \\\> nYSIKK? in every style during, the season. FRESH-BAKED BREAD rf DlESalvHi., Ilf is at all times prepared to supply cafce.«. cau u l. or pie-mcs and other parties. He invites a -.hat- !.. believmß that he can render full -ari-fa* f. i all. Remember, bis store and saloon is on uv doors below Patton’s Hall. oTT<> Rn- Altoona, Oct. 10.18Cl-tf 02 ? • cs x^r* z. P—< WX £• "t CO <=C-2 “27 = B^SSi* (JSs|l|| '■'?• i-o = i-T3 05' | = I—( ;1 GROCERY AND BAKERY! The undersigned annoh ceslo the citizens of Altoona and viciuitj that h, has just received a large invoices of FRUITS, CONFECTION ARIES, NUTS. SPICKS and notion* for shiidren Ac., expressly for the Iloli-kvj He will also keep always on hand a good stock of plic and fancy cakes, of hia own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS, it' always on hand at all seasons of the year. ofiee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Bim *EOOS. GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOCH. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. sC.. alw«y« io store and for Sale in lares or small *juantiti-- Cail, examine and price my stock and y.»u wills it hs good and cheap us any in town Dec. 20, ’6O-ly.j 'H. FETTINGEE’S General A T ews iiirncv, c OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, CONFECTION All IKS CIOARS & TOBACCO, toys and notions in great VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24,1861. w. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA. PA, JOHNSTON. JACK & CO bankers, (Late “ Bell, Johnston, Jack £ Co.’ ) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silyer and Gold for sale. made. Moneys received on deposit*, payable on ilemnn i without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rat<- Feb. Sd, 1859. GW. KESSLER—PRACTICAL • DRUGGIST, respectfully announces to the citizens of Altoona and the public erally, that he still continues the Drug business, on Virginia street, where be keeps constantly flUf on hand, for sale. Wholesale end Retail. DIIUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VAKNISU- 4K3 ES and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business, and a desire loremicr Ufaction to all as regards price and quality, be h' 'P* •• H merit and receive a share of public patronage- Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable torsA and all orders from a distance promptly attended to Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. I-- 1 IyTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE' JL t This Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* Its Twelfth Tear, and Is widely circulated the country. It contains all the Great Trials. Cnm;» Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, information on Criminal Matters, not to lx* fauna m -• other newspaper. . , I K9-St2bscnptionß $2 per annum; $1 f ( ' r . B^x , ul ' I1 ‘ be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their • and the town, county and State-wherc they reside^-•. To O. W. MAXSELL4CO. Editor k prop’r. of New York Police Gaietto l!ntf] yew for* W f'IOKEUTK BASE .—Having p«| chased the right to manufacture the CORE BASK for ARTIFICIAL TEETH, I am now prepf** pat ap declares oc this new and beautiful P n " *' B . which is fkr superior to the old style, on «l*« r It will not corrode or discolor. It contains nu » ' substance, and of course there is no galvanic_ y whereby metal plates often become obnoxious. * ■ wishing a flue set of teeth will please call and e . specimens. , W. S. BITTh JJ- Jan. 2,1862-tf] Office In Masonic Temple. PINE AND LARD OILS. «-VS t phene. Burning Fluid, Carbon Oil, Ac., at _ Jan. 3, ON HAND AT McCORMIOK’S^ —A splendid assortment of Rcady-Mads l ;. t , f Call and see. Not..- Groceries. —a large anJ complete assortment of Groceries hate inst ceived at the store of J. B. IIIW*--.. Hair, hat, tooth, -siiavi> Paiut. Soak and Varnish Brushes \ LL KINDS OF PRINTING Hair oils, oolognks. Jj- Sliaring Cream. Toilet Soaj^ : Spectacles anp^yiTp^^ £ i . it « *** z z - ■§2 si! ** si! « Si 4 i-3 wj ■■ K , 2*l: £ r 5 <■*- 5 !- S i.i i .S $ < = ’t: JACOB VTl>h bollida rsnrßG. PA- -- -- 1 >IcCRt T M & DEKN, VOL- 7 - THE ALTOONA TRIBUN w tfoOHVJM, »• UVJ AN© PMPftUTOEtt; . „ u ,aum,UW«t>l'> invariably lu advanc. discontinued at tlw axpijattoli ~-iid f« TtkMK Uf ADVaatlBlUO. 1 Inierlton 2 < feat * to * lwJ .. (24 “ ~..' ISO 2.1 l '"™“ u *m weeks and 1«» than three B.ui, ,er eio« e for e * cU ‘"‘"“"smooth.. « mor. Si* lia uuer» fifty c» BALTIMORE LOCK HOSI , a iWTAIiLtSHBD AS A HBFUGB FROM Q The Oaly Place Where a Un be Obtained. DR. JOUXSON has uiscov most Certain, Speedy ami only Kifectua , w ,„ld for all Private Diseases. Weakness Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidne ler Involuntary Discharges, rmpotemy. Gem- Nervousness. Dyspepsy, Languor, Low spirit ,f Lifts Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity. Dimness of i Sight or Giddiness. Disease ot Tliroat. N'oso or Skin, Affections of the Liver, I .1, „ r Bowels—those Terrible disorders arb e iiitary Habits of Youth—those secuet and e< wees' mors fatal to theii victims than the soug tiie Vlariuets of Ulysses, blighting their .no hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage We YOUNG MEN K-necially, who have'becoiuo the victims of S ih;lt dreadful anil destnctive habit which anni M au untimely gtave thousands of Young Mm mlialtod talents unit brilliant intellect, who i wiie have entranced listening Senates with t „f eloquence, or waked to ectnsy the living ly| with full confidence MARRIAGE Marrtftf Persona, or Yoon* Men cntemplatii being aware'of physical weakness, organic di mity, Ac- speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Ui confid© in his honor as a gc-ntlomar rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured,.and full Vigor Restored This Distressing Affection—which renders L mid marriage impossible—is the penalty | victims of improper indulgence.*. Young p* *pt to comntU excesses from not being awai-* ■ ful cmsequduces lharmay ensue. Now. win stands the subject will pretend to deny that i piocroation ;is lost summer by those fulling in habits than by the prudent? Besides being > pleasures of heal.thy offspring, the most *cri -symptoms to both body~andmin system becomes Deranged, the Physical and > lions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Poj**-?. ? lability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the I n Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE. NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK Left hand side going from Baltimore street, from the corner. Fall not name an Letters must be paid and contain a stun: tor’s Dipiotiias hang in his office \ A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO JVb Mercury or JVuteom Drug*. DR. 'JOHNSON. Monitor of the Royal College of Surgeons, L* ante from one of the most eminent Colleges > Staten, and the greater part of whose life ha-, the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadolpb where, has 1 effected some of the most asti i that were ever known; many troubled with . head and ears when asleep, great nenroi alarmed at: sudden sounds, bashfulaess, m blushing, attended sometimes with deraugem were cared immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTI Dr. J. addresses all those who bare injure l>y improper indulgence aud solitary habit both body and mind, unfitting them for eitl study, society or marriage. TtiESK i)rei some of the sad and meUnchol 'luced by early habits of youth, viz; Wea Back and Limbs, Pains in the; Head, Dimae Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the P*P*y» Nervous Irritability, Derangement o five Functions, General Debility, Symptoms < t ion, Ad. Mentally. —The learful effects of the mind bs dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of pressiou of spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion Self-Distrust, Love of Sol Unde, Timidity, Ac-,; the evils produced. Thousands of persons of ages can now Jo the cause of their declining Jiealth, losing the coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, hi gular appearance abcut the eyes, congh and sj consumption YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves l>ya certain bulged In when alone, a habit frequently V evil companions, or at school, the effect* * nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not marriage iiuposihlo, atnl destroys 'both mil should apply immediately. What a pity that a young mao. the hope of the darling of his parents, should be suatri prospects and enjoyments of life, by the co deviating from the path of nature, and In contain secret habit. Such person* vcstl be plating MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind am! body are the oi requisites to promote conaubl «1 h;»ppii»«s*. oat these, the journey through life become* grimage; the prospect hourly darkens to t mind beeoifles shadowed with aud fi! melancholy reflection that the happiness ol <*ome« blighted with our own. DISEASE OF IMPRUOENC When the misguided and imprudent votu hud* that ho has Imbibed the ►et*ds of thr ca*te, U tot* uften happens that an ill-timed dread of discovery, deters him from appl ■who, from education and respectability, c friend,him, delaying till the constitutional this horrhf disease make their appearance, s« ted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes bone* and arras, blotches on the head, face ties, progressing with frightful rapidity, tii palate of the mouth or the bones of the no* tb* victlm|of this awful disease becomes a ho commiseration, till death puts a period i suffering by sending him t-‘* that from whence no traveller returns." It is a eLdaNctofy fact that thousands fa this terrible disease, owing to the unskillful fjnt pretenders, who, by the use of that if fftreury, ruin the constitution and make t life miserable. ' I STRANGERS trust not'yonr lives, or health to the care Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destlt -[*B-* nante or character, who copy l>r. Johi [wments; or stylo themselves. in' the news * a rly £dupated Physicians, Incapable of Carl yon trifling month after month, taking th poisonous compounds, or ai long as the str be obtained, and in despair, leave y«n with ; sigh o#er your galling; disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advert HU credential or diplomas always hang in Hl» rented left or treatment are unknown Prepared I from »life spent in th* great ho* pi ,*** In the country and a more extensive ttce than any other Physician in the world. indorsement or the pi me many thousands cured at thfointtitut ' the numerous important ftargi performed by Johnston, witnessed by life tv ?}*“»” J* and inkny other pap appeared again and again be£ rj* I **!* “i* standing os a gentlemen of chi •ponsiblHty, la* sufficient guarantee to the m . B £'N DISEASES SPEEDILY C .si' 0 received unless poet-pah* \n a the reply Penums writi *geand sand portion of advertisement desert ui l^l »hould be particular in J«tter» th ihU Institution, la the following M.JOHNSTOt Of the Baltimore Lock Hoaptt