M OM«8 "" i jmmMKIJMt-mStmi&fMb-iHo nc>Ur Paator.)- I*l cr-Maf "1 g * KK * #K at 11 o'clock, and la the rml-giffT rlrfrT T^-nrr^—r‘~r «wy Wednesday wnafrißWfrctelailtsrfrbhbMfrArt not at» o’clock a. m. at 2 o’clock eJMu£k(MWfHOUO-K«T. —, Pastor. —Well aalWlmu vm) Sabbath morning at 10U o’clock, andln tbaaftarnoonat'S o’clock. Sabbath School at 1 _«'dg}k tottie aftootoon. ‘ _AftIMii3&..MaCH 1,00 A.M. “. , *••*.. “ , tW»»P*M., “ BJOP.U. “Mail “ East “ 7AO A. M., “ 7,45 A.M. •< •* West “ 6,45 P.M., “ 7,00 P.M. the HDLUpATSfIUIUi BRANCH connects with El- Train East and West. 49.TH8 BRANCH TRAIN also makes one trip to at 10.15 A. M.—Altoo uaat-10 .HkP. M i ad arriving at Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M. Rmohaino.—Leavaa Huntingdon at 1M P. M.—Altoona at 3.15 I*. M.—and arrirea at BolUdayaburg at 3.45. ENOCH LEWIS, Gew’l Supt. 4RMU CLOSE MW OPES, MAILS CLOBK UollfaUjrtbanc ... v Kastsrn Through MAILS ABJUVJS. .... TJO A.M. A 615 P.il 7 30 A. M 7 50 “ 8 -A) P. M 646 “ Onitt Boom:—Oaring the inrtv from 8 4# *■ «• til 7 Mr.ji. On Saadojs, front 7 4S.UU» 00 i. n\ -" ' a bo. w. pa l No.m.A.X. M.,me XmS^W.as* month, at IJ4 o'clock V. MJ •ton *1 flm Maaonlo Tempi*. MODKSAffIRA.CBAPXKR,No.IB9 K.A.C., meets wltewit Tharaday of each month, et 7J4 o’clock P. M., Is mm room M show. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No. 9. R. A S. M, meets on the AiatMoada)' of each month, at 7% o'clock P. M.. in same room a* above. _ MOUNTAIN COMMANDJBBV, No. 10, K. T. meet* oil tbs fourth Tcnadsy of each month, at KM, la «ieccK«aaj above. ALTOONA LODGE, No. 473, I. O. of O. V* meets every Fridayjsvening, at 714 o’clock, in the third story of Jag ci^iEiU. MIRANDA LODGE, No. 632, 1.0. ofO. F., meets every Monday evening,'** 7 /4 o'clock, in third story of Patton’s Bntldtaig, on Virginia; street. WINNKEAQO TBIRE, No. 35, 1. O. B. M., meets every Tneaday evening in the second story of Masonic Temple. Councilllre kindled at 7th run SOth breath. AMCOONA DIVISION, No.3U, 8. of T.. meets every Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the second story of the Masonic Temple. : STATE OFFICERS. Opeenwr—Andrew G. Curtin. Sofrtiaty *tf State—lili Slifer. Mioiwtjf General—William M. Meredith. Isnffhir ffnii rnf —Thomas E. Cochran. Sarensr General— William L. Wright. jf^Jlrtnnt.Cirnrnif—K.M. Biddle. StaU IfsoMtrer— Henry D. Moore. BLAIR COUNTY OFFICERS. Jwigttitf OU QmrU. —President Judge, Hon George Tay lor. Associates, Samuel Dean; Adam Moses, i Slatt Rmdtn'—Hon. Lewia V. Hall. , J JucmUgamn —Thaddeua Banka, is PnMumha-)— Anthony 8. Sorrow. ** JUgifteramd -Recorder—Hugh A. Caldwell. Jamuel McCamant. Deputy—John Marks. District jStthntg —Benjamin L. Bewit. CmuUf CbasiauSumera—George L. Covan, George Koon, James M.glnkeaJ. . Girectori —Peter Good, William Burley, David Osatt Aad Bora—A. M. Lloyd, Eobt. M. Mesaimer, L. L. , Moore. ■; SSjifat&Atnt cf CamwM Schools—John Mitchell ALTOONA ; BOROUGH OFFICERS. yd. jtmt, —Jacob jf. Cherry, John W. Humes. RlKSift' TohnAHlaou. .■•WvOiWieit—A- A. Smyth, Daniel Laoghroan, John bMd&Jacob HewrX. B. Hostetler, S. J. Mervfae. M. Woodfcbk. [tin '-"r 1 —~ Ifclatf* fYnrrf~r—H. C. Bern, John Shoemaker, J. B. . .BUlaasaa, Won Boydrn, James Lowther, K, A. Beck. -J.B.Hlleman. ceoseiw e/ftale, Borough ami School Jhi-rJos. ! ~ ' **[ " Isenh He—»r. J. T,. Belfsnvder. .-.■..j ....-A < -v: *• Horth Ward—John Shoemaker. raißarlrrr ITri J ”~~* „ w" clhat Warf-J-Beo. W. Keaaler. Jno. Bowman. ■ ; w Rorth Ward—Bob I, Green, Alex. McCormick 'OF FASHION! !; Altoona, Pa. JT. A. BiSLtEOfiDr Proprietor. OF THE “EMPORIUM - liM J ” vooU teapectfolly announce to the ißSdSeAhatlw baarecelved a large invoice of C*X>TI*S. -t ' X3ASSIMERES. VESTINQS, „ »*cy good" , bfiaai la till rime try An examinational! j cMßfnee any eae of thja fust. i Bn lim Ahft receiTni Uie - ' FASHION, ■ aeeW|Vrfetter,'' be baa BO beaitancy Id ear- -■ ■v>& ’5E890k ej&^jnnlca lip Clothing 'lb die (Xahlon, and. ln i - an' to jeore aatjMjactOTy. It Baa ' ’ :'d ■ ■■- iJßpjiM’a'lba .tot map that can make, Caecbea in the fualtn, arrong end cheap: 1000 CHANCES TO -MAKE MONEY. Cloth, $l. Thin haa been ra-puhlUhed iu England. Every business Mao and cleric khould .bare these books. _. ; -i They will pay the buyer a bturfred fold.' Erery parent a.ijlfbUft.' for the Itelief of the Sick and Distressed* AH U*«*e bonki Kiv mailed, postpaid, on 1 receipt of price, djfef artra alial Diseases. and especially .ffg pay particular amnttei to failing books, wrapping ArssVter»of dfccaass of Ae fexnal Organs. Medical jitlism carefully,aiidwnU procure and send, portpaW,any Afetisg Surgeon. Talubftre- llMofcujnvVtre, on receipt of publishers* price and fix .ISB3BKBBSoIIm ore eemiaal Weakness, and <*her ; Stamp*. Address Mmsm«T^sfrnt«alOrganK,sßdoatbe Haw Remedies V FHEEDtKJ & CO., si nt la th» aflhefed In «*ltd . VT «’ , Two or .three Stamp* for Tnbuue liuikhrig*, New York, 1 piANOSf * M iyUßi|tr r [June ‘XL lggl-ly. -JT liX J A U O i Jutvt ever tried him yet. KlwruAytatbebett. itjliiw. Tlr|i»U street, ftrtt I 15 A.M. T3O “ 7 15 A.M. * 6 80 P. M. 7 30 P. M. T 20 “ ?. M, VQIIB* tU on third In the third DR. WM. B. HURD’S Dental Remedies ABE / ■ ’> 'HE BEST in the WORLD, INSURING FINE TEETH A Kl) A SWEET BREATH, AND CURING TOOTHACHE & NEURALGIA! Do yon wiah to be blesMd with and admired lor I’wiH WAm and Sound TMt Dae DR. WM. B. HD HD’S UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from acid, alkali or any injurious substance. Price, 25 cents per box. \ Beware of the ordinary Cheap Tooth Powders* which whiten hut destroy. ; Doyon wish to be certain that your BREATH is pore, sweet, and agreeable to husband or mb. lover, or friends? Dse DK. HURD’S- CELEBRATED MOUTH WASH.— Pricey 37 cents per bottle. •: This astringent wash ri also the best remedy in the world tor Caiiua, Ban Breath, Bludiho GDMg,BoRR Mouth, etc. Itbahcandpniiilrads. / ; A 1 Doyon orjyoar children coffer from TODTHACKI Get DR. HORD’S MAfllC TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price. 15 cents per bottle. \ Art yon afflicted with ’ NEURALGIA ? Get DR. W. B. HURD’S NEDRALGLAPLASTERS. The mosl effective auddelighlfal remedy known. They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe add charm pain away. Trythem. Price, 18 and 37 cents. Mailed on; receipt of .price. ' Do: you wish a complete set of DENTAL HHMEDIKii ends Treatise on Praeertng Teet/tt Get DR. iWH- B, HURD’S DENTAL TREASURY, the neatest add most valuable present that one friend cart, make to another.—' Price, $l. Best by ftxpnrM on wcftiptiof price. ' •For sale At all tin* beat atorc* throughout the country. - CAtmox.— As there are dealers who take advantage of our advertisement* to impose upsn their customers inte rior preparations, •it is necessary to insist upon having what you call for. and you will oxr the best, thoroughly tested, and prepared In an experienced and scientific Den tist, Treasurer of tbe.New York State Dentist’s Associa tion, and Vice President of the New York City Dental Society. Address WM. B. HURDJi 00., New York. DR. HDRD’S DENTAL RbMdIKS Are for «Ue in this place by G. W. KESSLER. THE HOUSEKEEPER’S NEW faiaitae Palish Prepared from an improved recipe by the proprietor of the u Booms*. Jouatuax Polish.” la certified by alt the leading New York Furniture'Dealers and Piano-Forte Makers to be the best in the worldfor removing Scratches, Mark*, and Dirt, and restoring and lasting gloss to all kinds of Tarnished work, from Furniture to Leather, ft is cheaper and better than Tarnish, dries immediately, and is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel and a bottle or two of this New Furniture Polish, a House keeper esn work isagioiu the furniture of a house, and keep,it looking like new. Now is the time to “shine up” your Tables. Chairs, Desks, Pianos, Picture Frames, Car riages. etc.,and make them look 50 per cent, better. This Is true economy. For sale by s Fumitore Dealers and Store keepers generally. Price 25 and 50 cent' a bottle. Depot No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. SPECIAL AGENTS WANTED. Adduess. BOX 1972, Nkw York P. O. GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS! THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE Great Rebellion; —OR— THE. HEROISM OF Our SOLDIERS & SAILORS ILLUSTRATED. 1 VOL., LARGE 12M0. PRICK *125. the critics and ibe public are right in predicting that thin will surpass, in graphic narrative. exciting interest, and extensive popularity, all other histories of the War for the Union. Its theme will be the heroic dar iug, pat lout suf fering and hair-breadth escapes of Sailors, ana Us incideats wil! farm the tbiue of cobverwation at Inemcwable Sreeldea for years to some. It will contain, .|n addition.to Its stirring details, the phiii*wphical Analy sts of the caq»e« of the W;tr. by John Lathrop Motley, LLP.,'Author of‘‘The Klee of the DhtSh~HepublU%” etc., the dates of ail the important erects from the John Brown raid, and an accurate and Revised account of the principal battles, with engravings. One-third the proceeds of *ll Subscriptions sent'*direct i to ns wilt be given for the Relief of Disabled SoWler*, and ail persons who wish a copyof the work, .and also to benefit the soldiers, should send thelt hame and address tttooce. Also, any officer or private, or person in any section of the country, having knowledge of any heroic tet or stirring incident, will .oblige ns by sending ns an ucouhtof It. POSTMASTERS, nnH CANVASSING AGENTS wfll befumlshad with a Subscription Prospectus, bnapplkatiou to the Publishers. ; liberal commission given to Sol diers desiring, to act os Agents in taking Wibscriptions. 11. THE HISTORY OF ];■ American Manniwiures, FBOXI6OB TO 18««. BY DB. J. LEANDKK BISHOP 2 VOLS. Kuio. Vol. 1. now ready. Vol. 11; nearly ready. I : This |s the and mott important work Wa bftT** Mao jut pnUiAcd w? adljtfon* oftta LEGAL ADV ISER; Or, Howto Skive Mobey, by Conducting Business : according to Law, as expounded by the best and latest Authorities. WO pp., sheep. Price $l. |OPPOIITUNITIES FOE INDUSTRY; ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXGELBIOR OUR MOTTO! , NOW OPEN On the comer of Branch and Annie Streets, EAST ALTOONA, AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF GOODS! Having hiseoseii he the entire stock of old goods in the al«>vo stand at auc tion. we desire to say to the public that we haw Just <>l»encd out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we Invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock embraces a .large and complete assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting, in part, of plain ami fancy Silks, all-wool De laines. Alpaca*. Chullie Delaines, plain and figured Berege, Lawns. Ginghams. Ducal*. De Barge. Travelling Dress Goods, and all the LATEST STYLE PRINTS* ear. We have received a large and well selected stock of QEN TLKMCN’S DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy Cassimeres. CashmersU, Tweeds, Jeans, Corduroys. Beaver Teens, Velvet Cords, and other fashionable good* tor men and boys. i WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawn*, plain and dotted Swiss, Bobinets. Edgings, Ac. We have a large a sortment bf Ladies' Needlework Col lars and Seta, Drew Trimmings. Ribbon*. Glove*, Gaunt let*. Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen Handkerchief*. Neck Ties, Veils, Ac. Also, Ticking. Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslin*, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash, Ac. Also, a flue assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. We have teceived a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' C AUERS. HATS & CAPS, QUAKER BONNETS, &<•„ which we are determined to soli cheaper than ever. QUEEENSWAHE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE. HARDWARE, Groceries, i ; Flour, Bacon, Cheese. Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and, tn fact, everything tonally kept in a first-vine, store. Aa we make onr pqrcbaaes almoet entirely for cash, and aa w* will aell for GASS ONLY, AND KEEP NO piOOKS, it wfil enable ox to sell Goods at very moderate and by Ijkir dealing and strict at tention to business w’e hope to secure a liberal share oi public patronage. GEIS & CO Altoona, April lb, NORTH WARD AHEAD! NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS AT ODD PRICKS. , UK UNUKiCIGNKD WolLii RE ? spectfully inform the citizen# of Altoona ami «ur rounding country that he ha* just returned from Urn cast, where he has Wen selecting his stock of Spring aud Sum mer Goods, which for style, quality and Price cannot be Kurpaxsed in this neck of country. His stock ia much larger than heretofore, and. as it is quite an object in these war-exciting times fur every one tp purchase where they can get the BEST article at the 1 LOWEST PRICE, he would >ay that he can and will sell AS LOW, If not A LITTLE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE in this place. He wishes all to call and see his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, us he feels confident he can offer in ducement! which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock consists of s . LADIES' DRESS GOODS OF EVkJtY DESCRIPTION. MEN AND BOYS' SUMMER WEAR, IiAUItS’ A.SI) MISSES' DRESS SHOES. j MEN AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN AND WOMEN'S HOSE. HATS AND CAPS. Gingham#. Lawn*. Bleached ahilCn bleached Muslins, Dried Peaches and Dried Apple#. Plain and ' Canvassed Ham#. ici Ac., Ac. He will sell the AMERICAN PRINTS at 12Vh cent*. FAST MADDER COLORS. In " FANCY DELAINES. from IJ'{. to 25 Fine Bleached MUSLINS vurd wide. * 12b;, '}'* M 10" - k •• *4 “ Heavy UnbEched •* yard *• 121$ “ •* “ *• ‘‘; 8 and 10 * 4 LAWNS, from Bto 15 .. LADIES’ SLIPPERS, from 40 to 50 41 Fine. French,. Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES, $1 25 41 Pegged “ 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 75 « GOAT “ 2 f-0 BOYS* GOAT. (No*. 4 and 5.) 150 MEN ANT) BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from 75 cent# to 1 00 MEN’S CALF UQNftOfeS. 1 00 All aizes of MISSES' 4 CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low. EdTltQrßio Coffee at 20 cents, qfySit&KiE'Sg White Sugar 11 and cent#. Bronte Sugar from 7 to 10 eta.; Beat Hooey and Levering’# Srrnp,at 60 eta.; Sugar Boone Molasses, 40 cu.: Baking Moltiwes, 31 to 40 eta.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Floor, Feed. Ac~ and all otlicr article# of Good# Just as low as any other house catt sell. Please call and examine my stock before pnrchaslag elsewhere. J. A. SPRANKLE. Altoona, May 1,15«2.} North Ward. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East Altoona, a few doors above Branch Street. rpME SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE- I celved a largr and freth stcck of PRO* VISIONP. 4c.,. which he will tell n prices equally as K»w at hit competitor*. His stock consists of FLOUR, j PEED, BARON. I HAMS, FISH, ■ SALT, POTATOES. j COFFEE. SUGAR. ' TEA, SPICES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. TUBS BRUSHES. B UCKETS BROOMS RAISINS LEMONS ORANGES, FIGS PATES, COMBS . WAPS, ! KNIFES RUTTER, EGGS CONFECTIONERIES DRIED FRUIT, AND DRUGS OF Alt KINDS I invite the public to cell end examine my stock, as I am determined to please in quality end price. May 8,1863-tf jITM.H. PJSRCIVAL. WM. S. BITTNER, Dental Surgeon, OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, next door to the Pont J. G. A]>hUM, Notary Public, ALTOONA. BLAIK CO., PA. Can At all limes be found at thoatorc of J. B*llileman. October 1.1857. s2s] EMPLOYMENT! [s7s AGENTS WANTED! We will p.y from to $75 pejj- month, and all expen >««, to active Agent*, of giie n eommhuion. Particular, •entire*. Addrw, 5 Krto Sewing! Machine Company, R. JAMBS, General Agent, Milan. Ohio. Sept.lMy.] - i LEVI’S PREPARATION FOR KX terminating IIAtS, MICK.I ROACHES,.AXTB, and Bed-bug* withoutdanger in iU nse under any ctrcmnatan cee for sale at the Drug Store of | - 0. W. KHSIKR. Jao.'3i. < 1 All styles carpeting and OfMTloth* can lie found : LAUGHHAITS. ?A*nn, I. Fries-a— STORES, TIN AN D SHEET-IKON WARE. The undersigned would re- SPKOTFCILT »: noonce to the citizens < Altoona and vicinily tbi they bavejtwt received large supply of STOVES of all Patterns, such Cook. Parlor. Oflicf ai Shop Stoves, which I will sell at the most rei sonable price* : A larr supply will always kept oh hand Try JXD SHEET [Roy WAKE, in |crent variety, a) ways on hand. ROOFING- & SPOUTING pu op on short notice. They have also attached a copper-smithing room to their establishment and will, keep on hand an assortment of con per and brass kettles, Ac. All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. HAEDWASE. The subscriber* have added Hardware tp their ljue of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery lino, such as Handsaws, Axes. Augers. Adzes. Chisels. Sqm res. Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges. Locks. Latches. Files. Knives and ,Forks, Spoons. Ac., Ac.. all of which they oflei on the most reasonable terms. '• N wishing anything in the Hardware line art* requested to call and examine their stoCK. - A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited tifT*.,. Store on Annie street, between Harriet and Ada line streets. East Ward, apd op Virginia street, opposite a essler's Drug Store, West Wanl. AltiKiiui. frVh. od. 1 StJli. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Spring k Summer floods!!’ T ’• ° J , H. HILEMAN has just received a large and well selected stock of Goods, consisting of Cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassinion-s, Satinetts. Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Beuverteeim. Blue Drilling, and all other kinds of Good* fur MEN AND BOVS' WEAR, togeth r with a grand and magnificent assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Such as BlarJ: and idzncy Silks. Ghallits, Beregeg, Brilliants* Lawn*. Detain c*, Ghintzs, D< Urges. Crapes. Prints. Cmjtc and Stella Shawls. Mantillas, {'ndersltf.vc.* and Hosiery. Bonnets and Sildtons, Collars. Hand kerchiefs. Kid Gloves. Thx/jhd Skirts. Skirl ing. Dice Mitts, dr., (fa. A ISO. Tickings. Checks. Hitched and Unbleached Muslins, , Cotton ami Linen Table Diaper. Crash. Nankeen, ic. ROOTS AND SHOES. lIA KDWAR K. QUKKNSW A K E WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTH*. CARPET,*. AC. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is more extensive titan ever, and consist* of Rio and Java'Coffee. Crushed. Loaf and N •>. Sugars: Green, Y. 11. anti Black* ’IV;n; Molasse*. Soap*, Candles, Salt. Fish. Ac. Thankful. t>i the public f*r ;lu* wi\ ul>«r:U pjm-.»ii:»g«* bereto£‘i"Jvc*'ived. In* hop.-;, hv strict. attention tn of: g t()VCB> . Tin and Sheet Iron Ware tfr-Call and evauiine hi* etock. a:D.i you will I«•' t* /"t vinced tint !>•' ha* th- Im-i-I a.*-.mn.i.: .u.i) - i.eap I L-ds OirO U' Xi IS VT, OJi in the market. Ul l » VM - ,J * l : J * , Goods at market prions. * /• f»U,T nforni the citizens -d Alto-.>naj»uu^ Altoona. April 4. ISO'J. ami vicinity that he keep* constantly on band uhß|mX i large assortment 01 fi-olring, Parior, Ojfict and Qe^B xwvi.rT«4k /vi'm . , : Shr.p SWfj. of all styles and siies, to suit the ; PO KKM OL 1 iV(,xAI.N ; want!* of all, which he will s«dl nt low prices. on reason* uMe tortus. * ’ umlcrsi-m-J would Vi ■slu-etlullv SO- ! He al?.. keeps on haiid n large stock of Tin and Shirt ■ : . . , , . . r - J , iron. IHir*. consisting of all articles for cnhnarv purposr-s JL .>>'«»•*- fittolWK.. of the .•Hizsi.s d Altoona and ; 0 „, SculUrs. Starr d-c. ; ' vicinity, as h. has again opened •'«* He has also purchased the rght of sale in Blair cmintv. AT HIS OLD STAND. of R. v. JOXJSS’ ; on Vi WHO* sf„ It /;•V‘.fKieii and Willow Ware. Stationery, Notion-, where he will continue the busiftew. and will keep con- Candief*. Ac. Alw» a large of ; stantly on hand a large supply o£ XjIOUORS * flour, hams. shouLdshs. sides>- h 4 „ t . r\ n , DIUEDBEKP. FISH, SALT. MOLASSES, COFFKK. TEA. All the above will no sold. Wholesale or Retail, at smUR -opippo raviKTTfnV4'RTir« the lowest prices. Come one—come alii See for your- .MJwAm orltts, iAiAFaLriOxsAKIES. selves, and he convinced. No charge for examining my ! and everything usually kept ine Grocery and Provision stock, I.OCJS PLACK. Stores, all of which he receive* fresh from the eastern and April 17. '62-tf. ; I : western cities, and will sell at thg most reasonable prices. ;—; — Having' recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole- I’s \ UMUPC VTA/rrnu sale. I Will keep constantly on hand a largeassortmedt ol AliiMLilvk, i AjVij iN U 1 iLlb. Jhe Uiinors pf the best qualities to be had, undersigned is about starting a Tannery, and wish* A respectfully solicit a sliare of-public custom, es to buy or trade for ! ! July 12,1861-lf.] r J. BKRKOWITZ. too conns : —— : —— — of good ROCK OAK BAKK, end alto for SIDES, for i IV I .ORE GOOD itEWS ! which the highest market price will i>4 paid . |Y| Jhe underalgned has Jq«t received from the East Altoona. April 1». 6e-tf. PLACK. j a large and varied assortment of 5 * TT'XCfIANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB- NALL AND WINTER GOODS. SCRIBER would respectfully in- 1 domiiting of > form the public that he has recently r?- CLOTHS, CaSSDIEKKS, AM* fitted the above Hotel, and is now VPCmTV/i pared to accommodate his friends ; V Jli& X XiS Ijr, patrons in * comfortable manner. and material, for will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all FINE AND CO 4RSF 5 sojourners. IXis Table will always her luxuriously supplied j * 4 > from the markets of the country ami cities, and bis Bar ; O \ K R C O AT S , filled with liquors of choice brands. His charge* are as l , . reasonable as those of any other Hotel :in the place, and be : material for feebt satisfied they can jiot be complained of by those who : BOYS’ CLOTHING favor him with thSir custom. Expecting to receive a share ; ; fIPVT , a yiTDvTairrvn* r-. [aL of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It, he UfcAT'p rwRMSHTNQ throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. j ! such as Undershirts, Drawee, su** I have just received a stock i f No. 1 French Brandy. ' peuders* NeCk-tie*, Handkerchiefs ' for medicinal purposes. Ac„ *c n all of which will be *oh£at the lowest prices Also a large stock of excellent Wines, for medieinal pur- l. All work ordered will be made up | D #h e Terr brtrtjttvb poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to i. according to the latest fashions, bn short notice • ' bf fonud in the gantry. <• • Nor,l,l*«Mf V THOMAS KLWAY Altoona. May 27,1859.-ly] ,—, —| : / iokelitk ba s k Havi« j* $3O. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. * „ NEW ‘. j BASK foTAJtnn&it’»fi» Commercial A«ent* Wanted ! R V H * S I SVZ *X~*S. r -.v™'V, .. J, ' BOOTS AND SHOES i whereby mu Plata*often become e***"*; ivc h •«•««»mi>IU ptau* MANUFACTURING COMPANY. . , BROGANS, GAJTLRS, &C-. 1 ™ We will sire a commission of one limidrcd per cent. OILS. ' *’* $2O to £lOO per month and i»at all necessary expenses. jhU^?in h . e P te if Teg »t »>Me« i AiMI LAKU . For particulars addres (with stamp) . !^,ri, will Sn . t,m '- -' l . l^h »‘ he **» 1* that the j | phene, Bondng Flald, CarU.u i»d. ic-a- . CIIA* »UOdW. Omi’l Agent. . {£*£.*»»« •*» «n»n« W< atnek beftn pnnßnteg i Jan.VM-tf] * Kt ' a For the Adam* Manufacturing Co.. - DfiTßorr, Mien. Rfwvrs .*!ctTAOdr , ‘ , AJa« g, 1862-3 v J®* BOOTS ana SHOEfe mad* to order on the most. r<*ti- ; • ■ : aoiiable term*. Al»o; repairing promptly attended U>. ; v° n 4 !brg,?l the .place, two door® below Erwt Office. ’ .1an.3,,151!1. THOMPSON, Arient. COAli. IV T OW IH THF TIM F l?0]» RVIi'RV - .fo«u, us*wSz. : O rES: 0 X^s :4—gknti:emex I n hogkries.—a LAiwb and the anbacrihhr aonld therefore inform the citizen* of V/ *raw and hear; JOSEPH p. TKOCT tunonn- I VJT complete aaeomneiit of Croccriea ha'* If i:MA \ Altoona and ricinity. that he is prepared to aiipp'.v them, cento tl(e p’t. .ic. that he h ready to discharge liia dutv ceieed at the store of J 1 on abort notice, with a unperior article «( ANTHHACITE •’ *>an Atjctlhnfer-whenev.r tiilled upon. r jan. -J '' ' and ALLEGHENY SITOMIMICP OMI. He'trill sell it . by the Train, Car. or Cart Load, nrjhy the bnehJl. delir ered at the door of the purchaser, ■ : **-Vard on tho North tide of th<>'iKailroad—njjper end of Altoona Vard. ' i II 11 MtfEltc July 25, Ut6l.-tf. ;r : | ' ’ _ U \ TJKLGIUM CANAIIY KIRD> FOR i>L Alii COIN I \ JR-AINCR s dALE, Apply to G. W. fasUBR. Portrait Painter, , 1) AGENCY.—The undersigned;; Agent of tiU Btalr 1 A ' u *n*>Vn~ l I _* v j. Coun'y Mutual lire Insurant© Company,: U{ at all i 1 : i 1 r TTAfR OlLfci (’O *'•' ’ s«aasi«»fewsti »*** criptioo, in town Or romitr}-. at a* rmaotuble t*t«Uuuivl ~ l-if„ Company In the Stole Offlce ttM. |le»l. John»ton, r J«dt * |■-w-v/i'v*vi r i v-i’’ I n 7i77ii7 7TV»i ! Co. T CALDWELL, font. 1 I |0 IJI WAN 1 A HAT OR CAP, J«n.27,’69-tf '■ XJ chfipor fine?—«u tu ' LACOHMAS’S. : sta^ t S^ IT( Life Insurance and Trust Co. Book Bindery AND BLANK BOOK MAXI'K.u n,' No. 64 Market St . Martithur,;, y.. This estabUshmcnt is. chiefly dvv„ : (lie manufacture of Blank Book* fi, r Bunks. County Office*, Itailroad Compnm.-, and * u . n " M rery b«rt may K- JT.a i< relied npon. BlanL BOCks yrinr. i. y,. i ~ any desired pMSbOTU y Shenlre. Attorn,.,, Darken at jnled to eider V and Yearly Mpi&te*. ic. f,,,, , ae«. printed or pWn> WW anil bonn.l i„ Dockets made of the best linen. p»i*er. Librarians, and others, desiring to has, ,i„ ir ,, boundand at moderate pric*s.shonld givensa ,;; ' papers of the largest sires. Harper's UVUv ''■ Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific American. LuiiA,, 5' bonnd to order, and in any style required. ILirwd' * ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s am) r,„ ! ' : ‘ Magazines. Oodey’a Lady’s Book, Lady's Kep,Hiit.., v son’s Magazine, Phino Mnaic. tc., bound in extra" the more plain and. substantial half binding. Sci, : pblets. Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound in brary style, at rery moderate prices. Peos, n , i,;^ ! - number of Tolumea to bind, will receire a liberal Binding-can aafcly be eent to us from a distam,, .“f 1 press, and all work entrusted toonrearewin i„ h ally executed, safety packed and returned by Exc,'!' All work warranted. Address F. t. BUTTER ' Harri atvn,, *%_McCRUM 4 DBRS, at the Tribunt oa re , agents foi AMpna, and ricinity. They will giv,|, ( : tion In relation to binding, and receive Kiel r,t,a,„ free from extra charges, for all who ent. 0.,t their my care, [March 21.Tsu’-t, / IOMi’ANY’S IUJILIUNQ Southeast .Comer of nml Fourth Vhh*d' ft Authorized Capital,ssoo,ooo Paid up Capital,2so,ooo A55et5........... i... -i. ... 1,897,740 Incorporated; 1850, by the Legislature ot l^nnsyl- I itdnres Lives diiriog the Xatnnil life or lor t*hort terms, grunts annuities and endowment** and nukos contracts of ail kinds depending on the issuer* Of life. Solicit* of Ufe Insurance Issued at the iwoal mutual rate* of other good companies—with profits to thoassured —last Bonus January, 180I|»being 43 per cent, of all pre* iniums received on mutual policioa—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent lest than the nT*ove, or Total Abstinence rates 40 i>er cent, legs than Mutual price. Also, a NON FORFEITURE PLAN, ' By which ii person pay. for 3, 7,‘or 10 year. only, whan the policy Is paid up for Lira, and nothing user* to pay ; and should be be unable, or wish to diaoonlinne eooner, the Company Will Iwue a Pin* IFjPoucl, in proportion;to the amount of|preminm.paid, aa rollnwa: On a Policy of $l,OOO, 3 Year 7 Year 10 Year after payment ot rates. rate.. ■ fatee. 1 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 $142 H 5 $lOO 00 •> .. - 400 00 2*3 70 200 00 a ;. a a 800 0(1 371 40 ; 400 00 1 .* a _i 537 10 600 00 „ .. u “ ;_i 800 00 ALEXANDER Will LI DIN. Present; ’ 8 AMU EL WORK, Vice Prcuident. ■ John 8. Wilsox, Secretary. Any further information can l>«. had by applying to Ibe undersigned. who la the authorircii agent for BlalrConnty. July 31. 1862-ly R- A. 0. KERR; J ACOH SNYDER, TAIEOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fit» pee Month I 1 »oul ! claim to publi attention. as a Fashloiihbl Tailor u*.follt»«rs: Because 1 keep an excel lent of Cloth CA-sMiiiprrtt. Vesting* m Trimmings, which, win exanjinedtftlwaji* please. Kkau.f forty, ami there fore my taste w a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me. In the comer room of the -Brant House.*’ Gira me a trial and you will so aiyay pleased. Altoona, May 2*-6m JACOB SNYDKR. I> \TKNT KEROSENE OR CARBON )IL LAMPS! Ihiri.uledin Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. Kv. . ,v person desiring to obtain the very be* t and cheap eet p\..tnlde light within their reach, should call at the store.-jfthe undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon strate ; 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less . light. I 6th. That they burn entirely free from sntoke. Oth. That the light is at least 5h per cent, than.. any other light now in common use. These lamp* are admirably adapted lor the use of Sttt li. jii*. Mechanic#, Seamstresses. Factories. Halls. Churchep, and are highly recommended for family usp. The burn-r of the Carbon Oil tamp can U* attached'to old siile. banging und tald<* fluid oil lamps', ut a small » \i- n*e. and will answer - very pUri-os*' of a.u«-w l:»np. JOHN BOWMAN. vania. boaud of rauatara. J, KdgarTliomaou,. Hoi). Joseph AllUao Johan Bowroau, H.U. Kldridge, Alexander Wbilldin, 113 n. Jas. Pollock, Albert C. Roberts*. Samuel T. Bo,tine, (Jeorge Nugent. 1 John Aikinan, William J. Howard, . Chari* »K. HeallUt, Samuel Work. Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. Jiil. That they are very easily trimmed. \Ve gmir.intee perfect satisfaction in all rn- HAJIDW AKK OF ALL DESGRIP tkms jan rec*iyp«i and for sale by OcT-JS-tf i J.B. UILBMX.t GROCERY AND BAKERY; rp HE UNDERSIGNED ANNOH I' ces to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity tb: has joMt received a large invoicee of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, SPICE; and notions for thlldreo Ac., expressly for the* Holiday. He will also keep always on hand a. good *tnrk and cakpa, of hU own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS, w always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Bom, EGGS. GOOD WHITE WHEAT Flora BUCKWUKAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AC always in Htorr and for sale in larue or «ru:iil quarrliti Call, examluo and prico my stock ; U jil you will it a* good and cheap us any. in town Pec. 20, ’tiO-ly.j CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON. THE SUBSCRIBER WOl Ll> L 1 FOUM the citizen* of Altoona and vicinity tiof CoN FECXI OS ER V, S'VT and FKCIT supplied with the very best articles to be had. c.rj-i i:. variety. lie has also an **, OYSTER SALOON attached t» hi* store, in which he will serve iij oV'i in every style during the season. FUESH-BAKBD BllEA& <£ PJES alway • H< is at all times prepared to supply cake.-, or pie-mos and other parties. lie inrit- -.. : all. «'i. W. KESSLER. Itemouifter. and i-<>n \ jr-m.. ihmrshelow Fattou’s Hall; &«ctic.h. N-n-i-ut;- host workmen are employed Remember my whop nT on Virginia street, optkwite Kessler's Drug Store September 3, ’ST-tf] General Xews Agency. OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STHKI SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BuuK> ST AT lONERY, CON FECTLON A Hit? OIOARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VAI.TK'I 1 CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24,181 H, G< W. KESSLER—PRACTICAL r e DRUGGIST, respectfully J to the citizens of Altoona and the public ©rally, that be still continues th>’ Drug on Virginia street, where he beeps constantly U on baud, for sale. Wholesale ami Retail. DRC‘IS. Jjg l MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. OILS. VAHXl s n C? KS and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to business. and a desire t<> A f ia&ctioQ to all a* regards price and quality. I>' merit and receive a share of public _ Physicians and merchants suppled *>n rex^a-w 5 ''I'’ 1 '’ and all orders from a distance promptly attended t- ; Physicians prescriptions carefully cnjup>.nindrd. •' RATIONAL POLICE GAZKTTK -1 V Thia Great Journal of Crime anti IU Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated tan*- the country. It contains all the Great■ TmK poses, and appropriate Editorials on the soai**. , ... information on Criminal Matters, cot t--be to other newspaper. R 3 $2 per annum; $1 >• be remitted by subscribers. I who should write Ug-,' and the town, county and State when; \l< * To G. W. MATjKLLiCc Editor k Prop’r. of New York Pol** £»-; 15-lfj ' (\$ HAND AT McCOKMICK'^ \ / atMortnu'Dt of Rwuly- s ***^, (all And Hair, hat, tooth Paint. £u»b nn<) Tarnish Brushes m 3 PKOTAOIiBS ANFivK Pg>; f ‘ ter* for at (!“*£» »>r r s j ■ §5 si! ** K ' K . Ml ; 5 *5 • • s 0 S-;; «r -1^ < = I.M? S3l l*V i r* * • CS -7 IfA B*bi{ JOHN U. UOBEl*^ H. FETTINGER’S LL KINDS OF I'KiNl'lN*' & DERN, OL. 7* 1 THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE iU *t th» 'xpintioa >iJ f° r rut** »r auvutuus. II Inaemon i V> t ,87V «( , Tun,.). SO :7& w « j I 60 «iag awere of physical weakness* organic deb mity, speedily cored. He who place* himself under the care of Dr. Igkwsly confide in his honor s« a gentleman. I'otlr rely upon bis skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cnred, and fell Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection—which renders Ul md marriage impossible—is the penalty ps ictims of Improper Indulgences. Young pen ,pt to commit excesses from not being awaie .>1 ul consequences that may ensue. Now, who t lands the subject will pretend to deny that irocrestlon Is lost sooner by those failing rat mbits than by the prudent f Besides being »!' ilessnres of healthy offspring, the most serio trnctire symptoms to both body and mind jstem becomes Deranged, the Physical and M* ions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, N> ability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. I !oastitntlonal Debility, a Wasting of the Frai Decay and Death. ■OFFICE, NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK 5 Lefi hind side going from Baltimore street, a (from the corner. Fail not to*oi»»ervo name and : Letters must be paid and contain a stamp tor's Diplomas hang lu hie office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO yio Mercury or A ’usccm* Drvqji. OR. JOHNSON. Member of the Royal College of Kurgeons, l*u oste from one of the most eminent Colleges i» States. and the greater part of whose life has I* tbs hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia where, has effected some of the most aston, that were ever kbown; many troubled with rn bead and ears when asleep, great ourtob alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfeloess. wit blushing, attended sometimes with derangem* were J.IOUIt Wlii : Dr.J. addresses all those whp bare injure.: Ijj improper lodulgence and solitary habit*, both body and mind, unfitting them for elth* i itady. society dr marriage. I Trcsi are some of the sad and melancholy [laced by,early habits of youth, rix: Wee* I Back and Limbs, Pains In the Read, Dimses I Low of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the ip*psy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of dire Functions. General Debility, Symptom* o ;tioa. kc. U Ist ALL! Tbe fearful effects of the miod w b*'dreaded~LoM of Memory, Confusion of pivtsioh of spirits, Aversion 'M PDUtrttst, Lore of Solitude, Timidity, Ac.. a (be eriu produced. Taocsaim of persons of all aces can oovjud (he came oflheir deeltalug hesJth. losing theft coming weak, pale, nervous and emtclated, hai solar appearance about the eyes, cough and *y tonsuyaptlod L YOUNG MEN "bo hire Injured ihenweltes'by a certain | :I *dged la when alone, a' habit frequently let companion*, or at school* the effect* of nightly felt,«ren when asleep. and it not cur marriage Imposible, and destroy* both min* f nature, and Ind secret habit. Such persons nest, bet plating MARRIAGE. i r •'fleet tbat a sound mind and body are th« i requisites to promote connubial happiness. 1* I oat these, the journey through life becomes I 'a grinuge; the prospect hourly darkens to th Bind becomes shadowed with despair and All [ meUoebolr reflection. that the happiness bt kotset Uipttod with our own. [ Disease of imprudence I, "hen the misguided and imprudent votary I adds tnat .he baa imbibed the weds of thi» lease, H too often happens that an ill-timed sen jor dread of discovery, deters him from apply [*"*» from [education and respectability, ca I.L» drying tOl the constitutional s Itms horrid jiwiw make their appearance. *or ■ disenssd nose, nocturnal pain s Hjd limbs, dlsttees of sight, deafness. nodes Sooner and anas, blotches on the head, free « r^’Prtfrssstog with fHghtfh! rapidity, till BMf themeuth or the bones of the nose |vas victim of this aw (hi disease becomes a hor L^S^WPl| ropy Dr, Johna |“J“»nta. pr atyle tbemselreo, In the nawap Physicians, incapable of Carts month after month, taking the tynapounds, or aa lose a» the ama to s»d in despair. leare you with K ByWr yoar galling disappointment. \ ijr- Johamon la the only Physician adrerti or diplomat always haag in I or treatment are unknown i Jbm a life spent In'the great bosph. >.•— 7. ihe coapiry and a more estenaire other Physician in the world. twJSOOIISEIieMT OF THE PR rear .??*I tfco “* ,,>a * cared «this UatMth PerfeJ-TL™*. nomerour Important Sargici Johnston, witnessed by tbs rep slileb’i,. snd many other papei “••idm •***“ •»* ta »*>■ *PoiuHkn» • t ? n