The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, October 02, 1862, Image 1

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    |TE GAriTOI,
& Bindery,
irishmen t in (
fcrttn* of Itlauk BtK»kii wr f *£
|sfkfcalft. la the w******f£tf
fcWd l'odUlkF
|wgoU ana butiiirf ■»
larn. and Jn }l,
wuknt*. Dttpßcatn*. Ac_tbr conutr ~ut,
S®, ruled toil bnand io order.
best. Uncn jwjier. • \ . ■ •'
mI oUwr*. desiriiiß to Imv* ,
*»•» ?“*?;. B «« K,r »
l||», Scientibc American. tandgn Sew
j*j«Tin any stylo rtninirMwlUiTwrVMbiitb
atckerbocker. Hltickivoort’s jaij Ct»h«m'.
«•» laity’s I 1 "* 1 *; lady’s Repowtoryi iw,
'l*Uini> Music, Ac., lK>uod iuextta *iTk><*,'
awl substantial bait binding. Select IW
gnaiutrs I'ainoblet laws. bound Ju j.
ftii moderate (iricca. Panama Uarln.’-
lints t« bind, will mem- a liberal di0r,,,,,.;
ktlybe aent n> ua from a distance Ur Jt»
•lurk eiimndcd XMinrcart-will be »'i K v.l
Htfely packed ami rolnrued by Jtxnren.
mtvd. Addnwa P. b. iUWcfcH.
Uarritbury. Jh.
H * DKUX. at tint TrihHve Office. We Ulv
9»tt auivicinitv. Tiny w!H*glVr.inthriiia
tn.l.indinij, and rcceire and return b.atk,
rtiargis. lor all who ml. urt then work t
i March 21. IS®.),.
dQ £ i
.Nyi « . » .
. r a c . * -
23 2 . ■ £
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: .s i_3 3Ja, -
"• QO s *£'
’ a*t> il
fj citizens, of Aitoonn nnd tieinity that hi*
>*fd of ,
|x kkctioxaiiiga, xtirs. spicks
«biWr«n expressly for the HoHdayK,
ki*.*p always uh luiml a stock of plain
■. of his own m>irmfnctm «c
i ut alt of'tlte *•'
■is, Jftgar.' Molasses, -Batter,
>\>n w in te wjimr ri.otnt.
iiml.lor sal**hi of small quantities
•cunl price my stock.- ami you Will fim)
«* aiiv in town.
.u:at (ii kstiun which
.it***, the *.niu*i of every i*er*on
. j! t*»-t th- hrst article for myltiHl
tard u» '*ilivr matters.
attempt to direct, blit if you
f. cu th-lim-<»f
h;»TS Oil SHOKS. , (
:'h examination oi hi* stock nnrt work.
unhand au ofßoofcitSlwK's
■rK ic., which h<- offer- at fair prices,
e special attciiCi' ii. I.- vii'toin work, si! <>
W'arrsujte.l rc» a»vc *iti>faVti<-n. Npnebulth
mv emj>|oje«!
*}»<»p is oil Virginia street, immediatel
erVDrujr Store
; T *57-tf]
mi News Agency,
Li>L, No. 7, 3UUN STRKKT
books/ blank books.
*mt Journal ofCrime and Criminals is in
car. am! i» widely circulated; throiygli*"lt
It' o<uitain* all the Great TriaWCiiiui'iiif
ropriaU- Editorials on the together wiiii -
Criminal Matter*, not to befocind In nnv
i*r. n - ' ?
(lion* jut annum; $1 for slahundlis.
fulwcrlhem,(who should write their imnn*
sunty and State where they reside plain!.' ;
To G. w: k 00-
r * Prtafr. of New York Police Gaaett*-.
yew rorkdl*
t-. ,itac-u« of Altoona awl . vicinity th*t Ids
LiiV. SVT nod KKtUT STORE, te d**"
i»i- very i»eAt article* to be had, iuiu lu
ap an
Ar*»re, in which he wfllVerre npOYSTKK.
the season.
KEp BREAD rf- El£Salw>ff<» haii<l
w*f.H preitareU to supply bUtw- candle** * c ;’
•dKT parties, lie invites a »)»are of P ul>ll f
iv iirg that he. can render fail ’«lHhcll“ n
il*»re and saloon I* cuiYlrfiiaiaatt^t.t 110
ifonVilaU. "OTTO »0?>I
: 10;
Kasr, nspect&By announce*
»: Altoona and the paMIC
Iftill continues
rvt* where he keeps<»h*fc2H?fla
I; Whulnsale and Retail,
dIon to
. re«anfa price «ni qKfaßtf.
XE BASE.-#w€
,<• right to IC
it '.>u thi» wf and ■«■
(.. rior to the old Myte. o# ,* ■^,.* , rat .isli.'
- «l« or diecolor. it ®* Mi j W .
i of coune- there fa U° J?}**? ■ jw»iu»
;-lat« often liacotne L.,,,
Kt of teeth wiU phwe «n •nA*"®'
W.B: ««**£„,,, I
If} o»ce in M»toi>ictewF t «\* n _
Bruins Fluid, CarUm Oil* j gi i KK ! S-
si) AT #cGO.«£l^J" r !
nlid a»surunc-nt of .^-tL
aiwortm^iit« ►rGroeert« te^sKW A s.
krc*if : '
(sub »n<] ViuTiinli |*ru«b*»
oils, ooloi^^jSt
tttfag Praam. ?>>&!* ..#gW^pyiaJtS-
utH rv-tf.l i; -."- M**r- •
VOL. 7
; moCUUM ' ... H.C.BEKN.
' 1 BDBUtlaaU) ANl> PEOPBIETORB. ; \
,iuuiu.u>ayaW« invariably in advance,*l,so.
Uh'‘l"-' s ■H'* o "' l *"*' l tbe e *P ira,ion <* time
I tuftprtion 'I do. 3 do.
$ * •■K'A i 50
"“ , -1 linn.) 50 56 1 Go
m -I' 1 ’ I '' lf „ . , 1 oo 1 SO --2 on
'■*" ", 'sj .. ' 150 2JO *5O
~,t „ weeks and less than three months. 25 cent*
mu’’ior each insertion.
I 1 Suionths. o.months. 1 veat.
.$ 150 * 3.00 $ 5 (K)
. 2 SO +OO 7 00
, 4 00 600 ' 10 00
. 500 800 12 00
. 000 10 00 14 00
, , 10 00 14 00 20 00
Half a roliim" qo 25 00 40 00
aii'i Kxii ulors Notices. 1 75
idimnw ■ iM; . |, v the year, three, squares.
.1-Tenantsadjer to w
l , "fellillnai , ''.r 'Business Cards, note exceeding 8
i on inner, pur year * uu
■nun nicstlous of a political oaracter or individual in
, " m h, charged according to tlie above rates
'Ti -eH emeu - liot marked with the number of in«er
;^a I,o red. will lie continued till forbid and charged ac
u notices five cVnts per line for every insertion,
notices exceeding ten lines, fifty cents a sqna o
■lie Only Place Where a Cure Can
be Obtained-
Du. JOHNSON has ’discovered the
mo.i Certain, Speedy «»<l «nly Effect in
■ . vw.ilil I .r all Private Disease*. H eakness ut Hie Buck
strictures, Affections of the Ki*luey« hu*l BJm
r | „volnr. Wry Discharges, Impotent-v.'ieueral [Debility,
s .rvousneas. Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits Confusion
• ,Pns, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity. Trembling*.
liirams. of Sight or Giddiness. Disease of the Head.
Tl rlt Nose or Skip, Affection* of the Liver. Lungs, Stom
i h or Bowel* —those Terrible disorder* arising from the
- ,liurv Habits of Youth-those secbet and solitary prae
nc ’ more fatal to their victims than the song of byrens to
,iMariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant
1,,,,« or anticipations, rendering marriage .Ac., tmpossi-
f-neciallv who have become the victims of solitary lice.
and destuctive habit which annually sweeps
,11 mititmdv grave thousands of Young Men of the moat
t!nU<* l talents an*l brilliant intellect, who might other
„u,. have entranced listening Senates with the thunders
.f-tointmee. or, waked to octasy the living lyre, may call
with fall confidence
M-irriwl Persons. or Young Men cotemphvting marriage,
h.-msr aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defor
mity, ic.. speedily cured.
Uf wtm place* himself under th* car** of Dr. J. may re
tu'i-tkdy confide in hi* honor as a g-Mirletnun, and coiih*
.i..1111\ relv upon hi** skill as a physician.
i iti'ji-iii itelv Cured, and full Restored.
T;,;, Distressing Affection—which renders Life miserable
ia l marriage impossible —i* tin* penalty .JAtd by the
vct in* d imonuier indulgenc-s. Young persons are to
{., o-»imuit excess*** from not being Awai** of the dread
i‘jl ,\.n<e,ni-nces that mac ousw. Now. who that under*
.nii'i* the subject will pretend to deny that the pdwer of
..,v:*twa is lost so>n-r !.v’thos,- falling into improper
I,* than bv tie* oru-l-ui ? lb-sides being deprived the
id.- wir-s of healthv idfspring. the most -serious and do
itruotiv- *vuipioin- t . both -body and min.barj**. The
• vstem Vi.-oomt-s D-T;f!. r ;•■!. the Physical and MyJitaf- Mine- \
tinu* Weakened. L«m- Procr-iitive Power. Nervous Irri- |
tabilitv. Dvspep.*ia. p.dp.Mt* ,n of the Heart. Indigestion I
i;.Ui*rinm*'n:d IVbilir;. .L Wasting of the Frame, Cough.
iVai-ampti'.'ii. D»-<""> -him iVa’h.
1,»: hand side going- fr-:a D-Pimnr- stre •:.> f-w doors
if .m th-corner. Fail n--r i/< bs.-.rv.. name and'nimile-r.
L-r.ei'-; must b- paid and contain a .stamp; The Doc
i n * Diplomas hang in hi:* olhce
yo Mf'rcnrv f>r ynswu* Drugs.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon. grad
uate from one of tin* most eminent Colleges in - the United
States, aud the greater part of whose life has bften spent in
the hospitals of London, .Paris, Philadelphia and- else
wh-re. has effected some of the most aaloolfhing curea
thui were ever known ; many troubled with ridging in the
!i<»ad and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being
dunned at sudden sounds. basUfuloess, with
Mushing, attended sometimes with derangement of miod,
wen* cured immediately.
Dr. J. addresses all those who bare injured themselves
hy improper indulgence: and solitary habits,;wblch ruin
both body and mind, unfitting them for either business,
study, society or marriage. ’ ,
These are some of the sad and melancholy, effects pro*
•lucvd by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the
Hack and Limbs. Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight,
hmof Muscular Power, Palpitation of tho Heart, Dys*
j.-psy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges*
:ive Functions, General Debility. Symptoms of Consump-
Mentally.— The fearful effects oftlio mind an* much to
v dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De
i„v-ssion of spirit*, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to Society.
Mf-Distrnst, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of
;he evil* produced.'
Thousands of persons of all ages can now Judge wbut is
tue cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, be
aming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a sin
gular appearance abcut the eye*, cough and symptoms of
Who have injured themselves by a certain; practice in
dulged in when alone, a habit frequently .learned from
■•vil companions, or at school, the effects; yf which are
eighth* felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders
wirriagt* and. destroys both mind and body,
*hi.uM apply immediately. ' ’ . .
What a pity that a yonilg man. the hope or his country,
iii<; darling of his parents, should l»e snatched from all
l-rospecta and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of
deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a
•'♦•rtain secret habit. Such persons vest, before contem
Unit a pound mind and body are the most. necessary
requisites Jo promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with
out these, ih*» journey through life becomes a weary pil
grimage: the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the
mind becomes shadowed with despair- and filled .with the
melaocholy reflection that the happiness 01, another be
‘omcs blighted with our own.
Wheh the misguided and imprudent votafy of pleasure
liii’i- that h« has imbibed the seeds of this;. painful dis
mast*. p too often happens tliat an 111-timed souse of shame,
or dread of discovery, deters him- from applying te those
who. from education and respectability, can alone be
friend him, delaying till : the constitutional symptoms of
this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcera
ted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain s In the head
and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes; on the shin
bon<*« and arms, blotches on the head, face .and extremi
progressing witb frightful rapidity, till at last the
palate of the mouth or the bones' of thc.uoai fall In, and
thp victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of
''•'imuUenitioa, till death puts a period 4o his dreadful
offering*, by sending hitta to “that Undlsco|rered , Conntry
fw« whence no traveller
It is-jLMKfancAo/y yizci • that thousands ftdl victims to
s hi* terrible disease, owing to the unskillfuiiieM of igncv
r anr pretenders, who. by the use of that /bison,
V'rr, {l -y t ctiin the constitution aud make the residue of
'•f‘- miserable.
• rust not vonr lives, or health to the care of the ninny
b'nlf.tmHi and Worthless pretenders, destitute of knowl
-1-'-. Ham.* or character.' wh> copy Dr. Jolajflttm's adver
or style thenHelvwh In the newspapers, rejgn
-11 ly educated Physician's, incapable of Curing, they keep
j in trifling month after month, taking thoir filthy and
[' •Konous compounds. or as long as the smallest fee can
1 obtained, and in you With rjuined health
11 “i?h over your galling disappointment.
l>r Johnston is the only Physician advertising.
lli< credential or diplomas always hang in his office.
lII s remedies or treatment are unknown to all others,
I'r-'parf.l fr >tn a life **>•-nt in the great hnspitkU of Europe.
t v'* Awt in the country aud a
!<v than nay other Physician in the world.
many thousands cured at thisjnstitntiba. year After
v " :ir - and tin*. numerous Snrgietvi operations
hy Johnston. wita«-M»M by the reporters of the
’ .'•■.n." •• Clipper,” atsd many oth*T papers. notices of
" "I' 1 * have appeared again and again before the public,
'-•id'-- hi* standing as a genth-men of character and re
''Nihility. is a suin-.M-iil guarantee lothe sitUcfcd.
_ h-tiers r«C'*iwd unless post-paid \tii containing a
* >u ”pt‘»beusedon the reply Person* writing should state
•»sp* and *.-ud portion of advertisement describing symptoms
i«i* r> * i 1" *5 iWnK Hhonld he partienUr in directing their
iters to this Institution, in the following^nafiner:
. °* Baltimore Lock Hospital. MaryU
niKV« nr
Mtitt f «tt|.
Ftp heard that for All our earthy sioa.
The puoishmept here on earth begin*;
And the clocWiite's tniej I haven't a doubt.
For the proofs Are lying all loose about:
And one of'em Is that 1 can't escape.
Can't vamose or travel In any shape.
For cruel destiny pin* me down
In a mean little, green little, one-horse town.
Early rising's a terrible bore.
Hut here they ftl! rise at half-post four;
And if 1 am late they've a regular trick.
To rap aud inquire if the gentleman’s sick! '
Breakfast half o^r—all in cue key.
Folks holler out, “We’iv waiting you see:*’*
For they do tip old jokes exceedingly brown,
In this mean little, green litttle, onohorse towu.
When a letter;for me in the post-office He*.
runs a muck tbo’ the whole town’s eyes:
Ahil half a doxen stragglers come
And say, “You're a letter—it ain’t-from home,
The ritiu’ is sp.pretly and sleek,
We think it's the gal who writ you last week;”
Aud if you look grum they think you’re a clown,
In this mean liUlc. green little, one-horse town,
There are very nice little girls iu (his place.
But if you look in a pretty lace,
You’ll find before you’re at home, 1 guess.
That you’ve put the whole town in a roaring mess.
"Hound at Beisey's last evening, hey'?
What'll that gal that writes to you say ?"
For alt of pur .actions are. noted down,
In this mean little green little, one-horse town.
If in a new garment forth you go,
A wonderful interest the natives show ;
And all exclaim in the very same note,
"Now where did you get so much new coat i"
And they lift up tho tails and collars and guess
“If I tried J might likely have got it for less;”
For genius all runs into beating down,
In this mean little, green little, one-horse town-
If you donlt go home before half-past eight.
They wonder what kept yon out so late!
And by nine o!clock they’re all in b* d.
Sleeping like regular pigs of lead;
And you may, as well be sleeping too.
.For never‘a thiug beside can you do;
And in bed your cares you cun always druWn.
In this'mean little, green lith*; one horse town.
The fate of Damien.-, who was found
guilty of conspiring to assassinate Louis
the Fifteenth of FVanee, was , a disgrace
even to that age. The sentence passed
upon him was “death by torture." In
order that the torture should be more
effectual,, learned physicians held long and
frequent consultations as to the amount of
agony, and the kind of agony the human
frame could Iqhgest support before death
released it from suffering. Grave disser
tations were published on the subject.
Public executioners compare*! notes with
the learned, the former contributing theiV
experience—the latter, scientific theories.'
It was at length determined to begin with
the boot.
The decision ot tliis sanguinary Areo
pagus was promptly acted upon. At
twelve o’clock at night the criminal was
conducted to the torture-chamber of the
Bastille, and the first act of the bloody
drama began. Those gloomy walls that
had looked down upon so many dark
deeds, never witnessed a sadder scene of
human suffering- The dim .light of an
iron lamp, suspended from the vaulted
roof, fell upon the stalwart forms of the
executioners, and a dark group of bronze
visaged'men who silently watched their
proceedings.= Wedge after wedge was
driven in with’a sickening crash of human
flesh and boirc. The perspiration poured
from the brows of the executioners as the
dull blow of their sledge-hammers echoed
through the dungeon, but not a sigh es
caped the lips of the tortured wretch. At
length the physician, who stood by with
a hand on his fainting pulse, signed to
them to pause. Nature could bear no
more. The pale morning light, struggling
through the grated windows, fell on a
mangled but still breathing mass of hu
Weeks rolled on, and under the sedu
lous care of physicians and nurses Da
miens gradually regained his strength.
The time approached for the completion
of the sentence-
It was a cold bleak morning in Febru
ary. Snow had fallen during the night
and still covered the Place de Greve ; but,
nevertheless, every available spot was oc
cupied. The Faubourg St. Antoine had
disgorged its sans-culottic population. A
sea of human heads surged to and fro in
unwieldy mass—clinging to chimneys,
clustered on the trees, hanging on the
roofs, they found a brutal assemblage —fit
spectators of a brutal drama. But in the
balconies and windows overlooking the
“Place” were hundreds of high-born la
dies, many of and beauti
ful. They Smiled and coquetted with
their cavaliers, diamonds spdrkled, and
plumes waved in the .winter wind. They
were come to enjoy a new sensation, and
to evince their loyal devotion to an out
raged king. Some of the prices paid for
places were fabulous. For days previous
to the execution nothing else was talked of
in the good city of Paris.
A scaffold, erected at the north eastern
extremity of the, “Place,” rose in stern
black lines above the shifty multitude.
In the centre was a chair firmly fixed to
the boards, and at one end a large stove.
Iron vessels containing resin, pitch, oil,wax,
sulphtir and lead bubbled and boiled on
the furnace, whilst the flames cast a lurid
glow on; the cruel, swarty countenances of
the executioners as they completed the
preparations, or watched over the seething
The hoarse murmur of the crowd was
now suddenly hushed. A general move
ment and flutter pervaded the fair occu
pants of the windows and balconies. Da
miens appeared, slowly mounting the steps
of the scaffold.
The executioners spent some minutes in
firmly binding him to the chair, from the
back of which extended a horizontal piece
of wood about two feet in length. To
this his right arm was securely strapped,
his hand protruding just beyond it. Ex
ecutioner No. I now advanced, and held
under it a brazier filled with sulphur. A
horrible, cry burst from the wretched man,
a cry that seemed to issue from his very
vitals, and that for mouths afterwards
rang in the ears of the spectators. The
ladies shuddered : some nearly faulted, and
retired a little way from the windows.
Soon they returned, refreshing themselves
with their smelling bottles, and leveled
their glances once more at the scaffold.
There was no fire visible. The sun had
just burst through the clouds, and effaced
the pale flame, in which hand was
slowly and invisiHy burning- But a
nameless stench filled the ajir, and a thick
fetid smoke over the scaffold, grad
ually spreading itself out, and banging
like a pall over criminal and spectators,
as if it would shut out the pitying heav
ens from tliis scene of cruelty. Daimens
cried out no more. He sat quietly looking
at the blackened bones fast withering in,
the, flame.
Meanwhile the horrible caldrons were
bubbling and hissing, and the pincers of
the Provost’s Court of Paris were heating
in the furnace. The worst was yet to come.
The executioner now advanced and tore the
criminal’s flesh with the red hot irons in
six different places. His assistants fol
lowed carrying spoonsful of resin, oil, lead,
pitch, sulphur and wax, which they poured
into the gaping incisions. , Soon the breast,
the arms, the thighs were one awful wound..
All this time Faubourg St. Antoine 1 and
Faubourg St. Germain looked on alike
uusated; and the high born dames of
Louis the Fifteenth's court smiled and
chatted with their cavaliers, and looked
and shrank back, and looked again.
All was not yet over. Daimens still
breathed, still suffered, and occasionally
cried put. Four horses were now led for
ward. The noble animals were almost
ungovernable. All the morning they had
struggled to escape from this dreadful spot;
from the cries and groans, the thick smoke
and sickening smell that filled the air. It
was their turn now to take the place of
' the executioner, who could not find a fresh
' spot on the victim’s body to torment.
Damiens was carried down the steps of
the scaffold; the horses were backed to
wards' him as he lay' on the ground, and
the nimble executioners made fast the
traces. The grooms loosed their heads,
and wih a terrified snort, they sprang for
wards. But human thews and sinews
were too strong for them. They were
thrown on their haunches, and with a dull,
heavy, thqd, the body struck the ground.
Again and again they started- Urged on
by blows and shouts, they pulled, in vain.
A quarter of an hour passed away. Da
miens still lived —still breathed. At in
tervals he evep raised his head, and looked
at the animal|i.
“Oh ! ■ those poor hordes!” exclaimed
Mademoiselle de Priandau, the young and
beautiful niece of the Financier Bouret.
Evening was approaching. The com
missioners appointed to preside over the ex
ecution were embarrassed. It was neces
sary to cany it out according to the strict
letter of the sentence, which directed the
criminal to be quarterd. The crowd, too,
was waxing indignant, and clamorously,
demanded the coup-de-grace. They con
sulted together, and at length 'Ordered the
muscles and tendons of the legs and arms
to be severed. Once more the horses
plunged wildly forward—and this time
all was over.
One of Bentham’s discoveries in morals
was that the pleasures of malignity were
only to be branded as evil because they
were less than the pain given in indulging
them. In like manner all infliction of
punishment which gave more pain than it pre
vented from being given, was, in Benthamite
philosophy, to be regarded as leaving a
balance of evil. Without going so far as
this, it is still indisputable that the great
end of all punishment, viz., prevention, is
never attained by excessive severity. On
the contrary, the notoriety which such
punishment obtains, exercises an extraor
dinary morbid influence over some minds,
and actually incites them to incur the same
penalty. The excesses of the French Rev
olution were the result of such scenes as
those; here described. The thirst for blood
that Courtly lords and ladies nurtured in
the populace, required ere long to be slaked
with | theirs, and exacted a terrible retri
bution.— Once a Week.
There is a continual enmity among ani
mals: they aire constantly attacking and'
pursuing |eac}i other; every element is a'
field of battle for them; the eagle is the
terror of 1 the inhabitants of the air; the!
tiger lives upon the earth by carnage; the;
pike in tjhe waters; and!the mole under
the ground. It is the want of food which
induces these, and many other species
of to destroy one another. But they
are some creatures whose! hatred of each
other does not proceed from the same
Source. Those animals j which entwine
themselves around the elephant’s' trunk,
and press it fill they have suffocated hint,
do not act so with the design of procuring
food. Wheri the ermine leaps upon, and
lays hold of, the Car of the bear and the
elk, and bites them with his sharp teeth,
■we cannOt affirm-that this is done to sat
isfy the calls of hunger. There is scarcely
any creature, however small which does
not serve for food to some other animal.
I know fhati many people think that this
arrangement is cruel and unnecessary, but
I can with confidence assert, that even this
antipathy and enmity among animals, is
a proof that every thing is wisely ordered;
If we consider animals, in the whole, we
shall find that it is highly useful that some
should subsist upon others; for while,
without this arrangement of Nature, many
species, could not exist; so, also, these nu
merous species, instead of being prejudi
cial arc extremely useful. Insects and
many reptiles feed on carrion; others es
tablish j themselves in the bodies of cerr
tain animals, and live upon their flesh
and blood; and these insects themselves
serve as food for other creatures. Car
nivorous animals and birds of prey kill
aud feed upon other animals. Some
species multiply so abundantly, that they
would become burdensome if their num
bers were not diminished. It there were
no sparrpws to destroy insects, what would
. become pf the flowers aud. fruits? With
out the ichneumon, which seeks out and
destroys, the crocodile’s eggs, this terrible
animal would increase to an alarming de
gree. A great portion of the earth would
be desert, and many creatures would not
exist, if there were no carnivorous animals.
It will perhaps be urged that they might
live upojn vegetables, but if this were the
case, our fields would scarcely afford sub
sistence for sparrows and swallows; and
the structure of carnivorous animals must
have beien quite different from what it
now'is; and if fish did not live upon the
inhabitants iof the water, how would they
be able to subsist? Besides, if the wars
among animals were to cease, they would
lose much of their vivacity and industry
the creation would be less animated, and
man himself would lose much of his activi
ty. We may also add that we should be
deprived of 1 many striking proofs of God’s
wisdom, if universal peace was to prevail
among animals; for the address, sagacity
and wonderful instinct which they use in
laying snares for and surprising their prey,
very evidently manifest the wisdom <h the
Creator. So far then is the enmity which
exists among animals from darkening the
wisdom 1 and goodness of God, that they
receive additional brilliancy from what
superficial observers think an imperfection.
It forms part of the plan of the great
system bf Nature, that one animal should
persecute and feed upon another. We
might indeed complain of this arrangement,
if it occasioned the entire destruction of
any one species; but this never happens,
and the continual wars among animals
preserve a proper balance between them.
Thus carnivorous animals are indispensa
ble links in the chain of beings; and on
this account their number is very small,
compared iwith that of useful animals.
We may also remark that the strongest
fierciest animals have commonly the least
sense and Cunning. They either mutually
destroy each other, or their young ones
serv eas food for other beasts. Hence also
Nature has.granted to the weakest species
so much industry and means of defence. —
They possess instinct, acuteness of sense,
quickness, skill and sagacity sufficient to
counterbalance the strength of their ene
mies. Can any one, then, behold this
without acknowledging the infinite wisdom
of the Creator, and confessing that this
state of warfare, which at first seems so
strange, is, in fact, a real good! We
should be Still more convinced of it, if we
were better acquainted with the whole
system of {things, and the relations and
connections which different creatures have
with each | other, but this is a degree of
knowledge! reserved for a future state,
where theidlvine perfection will be mani
fested in infinite splendor. We may, how
ever, in some measure, even in this world,
comprehend why these hostilities among
animals are necessary; but we can by no
means conceive why men whose nature, is
so much more noble, should be continually
fomenting wars and divisions so destructive
to their race. To the disgrace of humani
ty, and th)s eternal reproach of the Chris
tian. religion, men pursue wars, and des
troy each other with more savage barbari
ty than the wildest beasts that range the
forests; than which, nothing is metre oppo
site to the great ends for which they were
created. Surely! man; was designed to
render himaelf useful to hii fellow-creatures,
to contribute all |n his power to their com
fort and happiness; to be the defender of
the helpless, the benefactor of the poor,
and the friend of the afflicted and unfortu
nate. -Let us licit counteract these merci
ful designs ,ofou • blessed Lord, but en
deavor to live it that peace and harmony
which becomes tle children! of God,; and
followers of an 1 umble and crucified Sav
iour ; leaving animals which are destitute
of reason to qusfrrel, fight, persecute and
destroy one another; while we live in char
ity with all ipsn, doing good unto all
men, doing unto others as wc. would that
they should do unto us.—-Stem*
Grape Growers’ Maxims. —Wo find
a few good items under the above heading
in the New Jersey Herald. ■
1. Prepare, the groundin the FaU, plant
in the Spring.
2. Give the vine plenty of manure, old
and well decon^posed; for fresh manure
excites hut does not mature it.
3. Luxuriarit growth does not always
insure fruit. I
4 Dig deep, slant shallow.
5. Yonng rifles produce beautiful, fruit,
hut old vines prjodnee the richest.
6. Prune in [the Autumn to promote
growth, but in |he Spring to insure fruit
fulness. [ j ■
7. Plant your vines before you put up
trellises. ■
8. Vines, lik4 soldiers, should have good
arms. i
9. Prune spflrs to one! well developed
bud, for the neflrer the bid wood the higher
flavored the fruit. i *
10. Those who prune long must soon
climb. : j ;
11. Vine leaives love the Sun; the fruit
the shade. ■ |
15. Every leaf has a bud at its base, and
either a bunch iof fruit or a tendril op
posite to it. i I
13. A tendrjl is an abortive fruit bunch,
a bunch of fruit a productive tendril.
14. A bunth of grapes without a
healthy leaf opposite, is like a ship at sea
without a rudqer —it can’t come to port.
15. Laterals are like some politicians;
if not often checked they are the worst of
thieves. i
16. Gfood gijapes are like gold; no one
has enough.
17. The earliest grape will keep the
longest; for tlikt which is fully matured is
easily j
18. Grape eaters are long livers.
19. He whoj buys the new and untried
varieties should remember that the seller,s
maxim is Guifeatemplor. —Let the buyer
lookout for hiiflself.
• Laterals are \ shoots which start from either
side of the main but, at the axil of even- leaf; if
they grow unchecked they destroy its vigor; if
e ntirerly the bud itself shoots prematurely.
The Rise dij the Rothschilds. —When
George HI : came to the .English throne
there was a little boy at Frankfort who
did hot dreamiof ever having anything to
do, personally with the sovereigns of Eu
rope. He wat in the first stages of train
ing for the Je’vish priesthood. His name
was Meyer; Anselem Rothschild. For
some reason or other he was placed in a
counting-hous; at Hanover, and he soon
discovered wh it he was fit for. He began
humbly as an exchange-broker, and went
on to be the banker of the Landgrave of
Hesse, whose private fortune he saved by
his shrewdness, when Napoleon overran
Germany. Tjhis incident ' made his for
tune, for he Soon became a royal banker,
and when hej died left a colossal fortune
to his five sons, who settled,in the five
great cities of Europe, and who are each
richer at thiS day than their father ever
was. ? I
- --j— I"*'**'*'* ~
Bum ed Te£asdbe. —-An old man named
Bembold lately died at Sumptions Prairie,
Indiana, who; was worth fourteen or fif
teen thousand dollars in gold, the whole
of which is, supposed to be buried on a
four acre patch on which his house is sit
uated. He left two sons, one of whom
has joined the army, find ihe other is a
thrifty farmer in the neighborhood. It
seems that 'old Bembold, since 1857, had
been afraid of all banks* and bank notes,
and bad turned all his property into gold,
which he kept—no one knew where. He
received one [payment of over $9,000 for
a farm, and another of $2,200. It is
pretty certain that there is at least $14,-
000 somewhere on his premises, and it
may amount to $20,000. -He did not
speak to hi# married son for three years
ol a quarrel vrith his wife. He
liyed alone; after his younger son joined
the army last Spring. 1
O* Raccoons are cunmng animals.—
One day I patched one fishing for crabs,
of which they are very fond. He bit the
end of his tbU until the blood came arid
then dropped it into the water. A crab
soon seized the tempting bait, and as soon
as it had got a good hold, the raccoon care
fully pulledthe crab to thesurface, and
then by a sudden jerk threat it on lapd.
He then deronred the grab at bis bason,
carefullyawidingits <daw» (until he had
disabled them.
why ih* Boftw msmmt
I have a bachelor cousin, (Joe Elliot.)
who is very near-sighted i'in addition to
which misfortune, he is croes-eyed. He
was once operated upon for s&aiimmte, on
the new mode, bat it only resulted in
changing the obliquity to a diflbrest di
rection, and dteigns, he says,to have it
set back, for he likes hisold sqaiat the
beet. As I said, however, he is very near
sighted ; I don’t think he ever saw his big ,
toe in hie life, and I’ve seen him blot out
his signature with his nose, while writing
it. Well, he had a favorite spaniel, a
handsome fellow, with long drooping ears,
and eyes that had a remarkably human ex
pression. He was an affectionate, faithful
animal, and bis matter loved him as he
would have loved a child. One morning
last summer, while passing down Broad
way j encountered. Joe, wearing an aspect
unusually doleful, and on inquiry I learned
that Dash, his poor dug, was very sick
aud was going to die.
“He acts very strangely,” said Joe,
“and I’ve shut him np in. his kennel.”
“ Ah,” said I, “hydrophobia, perhaps,
won’t he drink
‘‘Like a fish,” said Joe, “ but he won’t
“Won’t eatf'
Not a,morsel—not a crumb —Tve tried
him with everything; 1 even had a chicken
broiled ior him yesterday, and battered, -
and he wouldn’t touch it.”
“Well, that it strange,” stud I.
long has he been in that condition t”
“ This is the fifth day,” replied Joe,
looking very serious, “ and the poor fellow
can hardly stand from weakness.” N ■
We were far from Joe’s house at thjis
time, and I proposed to visit his patient,
to which he gladly assented, and led the
way uttering many an encomium, on poor
faithful Dash, and expressing his fears
that we might not find him alive. On
going into the yard, Joe opened the kennel,
and out came poor Dash , and he was poor
in every sense of the word He -appeared
to be only a walking skeleton, and could
scarcely drag one foot after the'other.
“ Take off his muzzle,” said I “ and let
us see he acts when you offer him
food. ”
“Muzzle! muzzle! what do you mean 1 ?”
says Joe, in astonishment.
“ 1 mean that the dog can’t trg to eat
with a wire muzzle over his nose.”
.“ My God!” exclaimed joe, “is it
possible that poor Dash is reduced to this
state by my carelessness ? -I now remember
I told Peter to muzzle him, as the dog law
might enable any loafer to make him a vic
tim. Peter you know, enlisted last week,
and here’s my poor dog nearly starved!”
And so it proved. ~ Joe’s limited vision
had prevented him from seeing the wire
muzzle on Dash's nose. No sooner had 1
released his masticators than he fell to
eating like a famished wolf.
Bakntjm Octdohe.—A German actor
in Berlin wanted to get a {nil house at
his benefit, and adopted this' ingenious
stratagem. He pot the followings adver
tisement in the newspapers:
“A gentleman, who has a niece and
ward possessing a disposable property of
fifteen thousand thalers, together with a
mercantile establishment, desires to find a
young man who would be able to manage
the business and become the husband of
the young lady. The possession of prop*
erty or other qualifications is no object.
Apply to— ——
Hundreds and hundreds of letters poured
in in reply to. this advertisement. On the
morning of the benefit day cabb person who
had sent a reply received the following
note: “The most important point is, of
course, that you should like one another.
I and my niece are going to Kalkabach’s
theatre this evening, and yon can just
drop in'upon us in Box. No. 1.” Of
course, the theatre was crammed. All the
boxes, all the best paying places in the
house were filled early in the evening with
a mostly male public, got op in a style
which is seldom seen at the royal opera
itself Glasses were leveled on all sides in
the direction of box No. 1, and eyes were
strained to catch the first glimpse' of the
niece when she should appear in company
with the uncle. But undos are prover
bially wicked old men; and in the present
case neither unde nor niece were to be
found, and the disconsolate lovers—of a
fortune—were left to dear up the myste
ry as best they could. The theatre bad
not had such an audience for years, and,
of course,, the chief person concerned
reaped a rich harvest by the trick.
Shabp.— “Grandma, do you know why
I can see in the sky so fijr?” asked Char
lie, a little four year old, of the venerable
lady who sat on the piazza knitting
“So, my dearjwhy isit-t" replied
grandma, bendingherear, eager to catch
and remember the wise saying of the pre
cious little pet.
“Because there is nothing i» theway."
And the young philosopher resumed his
astronomical search, aj»d grandma !»«■
I me a line r M
man said to tike fellow deck.
NO. 35
“ How