, ■ .... iJ'MWM IMPROVED i'' ! ;'V >l> SEAficu^ *■ moat ointat aw (W|bu» formations, : Sorafala, ■ Catao^a the Face, i Tetter Affections, Scald Head, mom Ulcers Disorders, jaundice, I Salt Rheum, Mercurial Di*e*»j« Ge^*Statv • ’ is of Appetite, '■ : ,*'«ttS"rc. me Tory much, tDdtook off u» Wue mode Itvappearance; Italso broken, »|nd below the elbow, undent ia t„ u,, *■*!* h) expose a fearful sore, The dlse,*, rt *> f»r. that several small pieces „ r *■! very week and few spirited, aodluJ! peuf ever getting well, as I had tried»,». 'Sybils and they did me no good. In gen. was induced to try *• Liman's I». I must confess I had nofiuti, hot after I had used three bottle. „i r**t* ujeers on my head and arm began t,, eight or ten bottles, and. my hssd well except the scars remaining from t slto stale that I had the’ rheumatism ai|m« and legs. The Blood Searcher alto * «Ssm. lam now a well man. over forty •Ifcal as snple and yonng as T did wVr. d have Increased in Weight twenty pound*, e that the disease in my forebeard .ins stooped and lifted anything heavy, tv the sore. Dr. Keyser had a phoiognpb H C*'*®. the artist, after 1 began to get *t show my appearance as bod as it »«. cod taking the medicine. Yon can s« aje of Which is now in my possession. e}ser*l4(> Wood street. I wonM also the Blood (Searcher which waaiuadebe r jcommenced making It. Although it 1 da not recover Cist until I got the kind *4 r himself. One bottle of his did me Wo of the old. 1 Isrlieve it is a great deal *ti*“r. I liave recommended ! the Blood nil many of'my friends for various dis* Pf it ha*helped the whole of them. • Yon iif you wish, and 1 am anxioos that all m J was may be cured. I live in this do, . and am employed at Coll? ills i Andes d** W*h»r h 4 Wayne street. DAMKL A. BOYD. iIND MAN CURED-. *1 Clinton Mill, and have been nearly ifw nearly four ram. I called on Dr. months ago and asked him to give nr astUntkm for the Blind In Phlladelphu Seed not go to rhlhuJelfiM* togst well ' (hat would core me, as he «»'» my die lojL I was treated for it two or three Ui tn this citjr, and was rsUmd. hot returned alter a month or twa after I jdcpitai. 1 frond tay 4lmM"Vis n>> d, tv the adriee of a fioodfoleod of r|»ho has. restored:ax right, ami By ' well as ever. The Doctor gar* me dreber” and a wash. BAVniKINNOXXT, Clinton .MIIU, Sligo. it«l. t'Elroy, Anderses street, Allegheny fiOBE LEG CUBED. IS, boreby certify that 1* fof orer a year, ft waseoeerrd iso tbat-J could not work for led so that 1 was wnabU todb say < to at least sU months. I tried «*«» in the city .lit without an; oa Br. Ksyser. at No. JUOWood add me shoat twoweeka,*nd *sw aisdMne, and 1 an now entlrelt Iso for Six memhs. I asa ssqrtoyM* fonse. on Fourth stmt, whets »n> THOMAS FAWUthU H3JEB CUBED. taws.—Mr. John Jtgw,,,«!?. . tnaipos to get mon,’to gm asm-. »*r X would write to joh forth* » Sad aba felt veiy ntaen gliKlui fr ! hag to aafcyon on athat'.tmpa/aa >ll pleeae bear in Bttad oV'- *heap w posa&le.Zb* -tsmdsfi* • wtafil 8s fid. The BSedktoewas inter. I would Like to hale tbs °r aaaaH cask, If you can.wtad fr bottles. I will oeudahfl* ted latter, which over w|UtbO ■ "will send see carrier's raeeiptox I wosdd said /on a wtorialo of this reaching Jim.** ,*"fotg in six and aetys, < TM will be kind Awongh fo trin,rsspsstfoUy, ..■ ■ «teO*U*rt «>«7M lltanui iribane. PRINTED ON Campbell’s $6BO “Country Press.” tribune power-press -v* • - s PRINTING OFFICE. Having. within the put two year*. made consMtratio „j.iition to our efttabUchmcnt in th* wav of new faucv rkrevrPretts, Paper Cutter, Card Cutter, Jloliog Ma .lunr. Card Power Pres?, aud litrg** .Newspaper Power i : * cut w klch give above) weare now prepared .. rewrote suylhiug in’the line of printing or ruling in ila tvlc equal to auy establishment in the state, and at nrii'?'* equally low. W« can execute, on short notice, all liylea of Wedding, invitation, Visiting, Bail A Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH posters, sale bills, jfu, apjiD) pamphlets, Fay and Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, manifests, and blanks of all kinds. ; Ui ask is u trial, feeling confident that ute can give wirtactMi if we have the opportunity. .i i Lowther** building, corner of Virginia and An ■ •ppowte Superintendent’s Office. local items. VuLisTtKH*' Families.) —We cannot sec why i i- that the families of men who are wealthy or ,n comparative affluent circumstances, are dearer ~i husbands, than arc the families of persons who j, com [died to lalxirdaily to procure their bread ; niiv husbands of the latter 1 class should ,heso uuu-h more largely represented in the army than funner who have the most at stake with, the -i. t . ur fall of the government. Yet from facts .l.ieh exist we might he led to the conclusion that ■j,,. |„ir man has no family ties which are not ~asil\ severed, no ambition to gratify except an nJnlpenee in the carnage of the battle field. But Horn this is the case. Their home endear nciii* and family ties are just as warm and strong . siliw i>l the man of wealth. Aye. warmer aud ~n.ui!er. Lise why wonhl they leave their homes ,nJ their almost destitute families for the battle' -, ; ij to uphold the flag under which they have wu les« pros(ierotis than the men of wealth, [heir bravery and patriotism is worth more than .tilth, moie than power, and they must be re fill for their labor and" sacrifices. The country them a debt which can never be liquidated. W'r hajc their families among us, and it is the , n least that those who remain at home can do. i see that they do not suffer in the absence Of jiisbands and brothers to fight the battles of the oiuiiin Then* are probably hnt few accessary js - new, but there will be numbers of them be «t winter comes. To be prepared to care for in. in. look after their necessities and discriminate Mween those who are really needy and those who m noc, organization is absolutely necessary.— Hence the partial measures already adopted bv ml aud relief societies will prove insufficient. Let lie-re Is* organization and system at once, and ev en precaution taken to see me result, rt c know that the Legislature has made provision ; n tin wants of soldiers* families, but considerable Mail is involved in this process, and many fami nes will suffer before they can obtain relief through '-hi- source. A plan inns 1*• adopted which will ■ iver ail emergencies. «ST At a special meeting of the Trustees of the Altoona J-air ViewCenieiery Association, held on Monday evening. Sept. 22, the following rasolu- •um unanimously passed Ltsoli'ed, That the circle? plot in (he Fair View * i-metcry be appropriated lor the purpose of in 'erring ail soldiers of this borough and immediate ■■'■it} who have died or may die during this re xllion. llu; tallowing committee was appointed to wait "■‘ iiie relatives and friends of all deceased soldiers ■’ miorm them of the above resolution and request -in tn accept of the proposition : —A. A. Smyth, 1’ Laughraan and G. W. Kessler. litsiRL’CXLVE Fire.—A fire broke out iu this about 10 o’clock on Wednesday night Last, •' !l “’ groceiy store of Mr.,Farrell, comer of Vlr - - itik! Allegheny which consumed the milling, together with all the contents. The IV. riling house adjoining also took fire and was mrarlv hunted to the ground. It was owned by •'h. Alex. Gwin, of Logan township. The family :v ">g in it saved some of their clothing tind fund* ‘tv, hut in a damaged condition. The Good " * , ‘ re Company was promptly on the spot, with «r Engine, and by their untiring exertions* no "“It, saved the' adjoining projierties. What the ■ v-is we cannot;, say. The store was partly;in ■m;wl in the Lycoming com|iany. Americas Excelsior Coffee.—We, have re oted a sample of the above Coffee, and must say tut it is most excellent. It comes, nearer to Java favor than any other* whilst it is more nutri •r,us and digestible than tea or coffee of anv yari- One pound will go as far as two pounds of >o} other coffee, and the price is only about one ■alf much. Try it once, and we think yon will ii often. To be .had at the cheap Family 'nreery of John H. FHtchey, comer of Caroline Main street. i He sill also have on hand a large lot of fresh ut scf. on Saturday morning. ,' For the Altoona Tribune. ( i LSSRB - Lmtors It has been asked “Why Uj not the Ladies of Altoona do something for the 10n Uortofthe and wounded soldiers?” We in reply that, while we have not had “ or K ai> ited society since last year, yet during A time individuals have been laboring con , and quite a number of boxes have been a to different hospitals. Since we organised, ir«i * IW this month.) We have .prepared *nt six boxes; three containing canned fruit, ■ and the other three were large boxes’ JMQ-Vot * ,au dagcs,{tads, compresses, shirts,coats, 4 ad (' oC^el handkerchiefs, pillows, pillow-cases rate: e. gwisn, Se !'>'■?.' Stock Of nun papbr and Borders ordered for our spring sales we hare concluded to close ont our present stock at greatly reduced price*. Those in want of anything in this line will save money by giving us a call. Sept. 17'1862.—gt.] J. * J. LOWTHER. I ARD.—The above reward -I' /will be paid by the School Director* of the Bor ongb o f Altoona, to any person who wiU give inlormation which will lead to the detection and conviction of any person or person* who may hereafter injure or destroy any property belonging to the School Board, or may, in the ab sence of teacher* and scholars, destroy or carry away any of the books or property belonging to the same E. A. BECK, *c'y To Destroy — -Halt, Roaches, do. To Destroy— — Alice, Molts, and ants. To Destroy Bed Buys. To Destroy Moths in Furs. Clothes, do. To Destroy*—Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, do. To Destroy Ecerytnnn and species of Vermin, “ CostarV Kat Koaoh, &c. Exterminator. “ Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator. “ Costar's” Electric Powder for Insects, &c, Ik 25c. Wo. akd *l,OO Bonus Asm Fiasis, *3 akb *4 Sizes Fob Piaictatioks, Ships, Boats, lioTzia, 4c “THE ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN." “ Free from Poisons." “ Mot dangerous to the Hum AO Family " " Bala do not die on the premetis.” “ They come out of their holes to die.” ' . 49“ SM JBecrywAere—by All WHOLJSAUt Dacooiere in the large cities, and by Dauoonrs, Oaociaa, Swiiikum, and Rjctaium gener ally, in all Conotry Towns and Villages in the United {sold bj G. W. KESSLER, Altoona, Country Dealers can order as above Or address orders direct—[or for Prices, Terms, Ac.] to BMRY R. COSTAR. Paivcim. Depot —No. 482 Broadway Sew York. farmers! TAKE NOTICE! I/ARMERS wishing to improve their Stock of Cattle can now have the opportunity of doing ao by obtaining the service of a THOROUGH BKKD DURHAM BULL. *- Captain Viiey,” and the purchaee of a fewtAoroup* 6red Durham Haftn, for safe at Allegheny Furnace,, where may be teen (to satisfy doublets aa to the advantage of /»jtro«d( rtock) 80 head of Kentucky 2 and S years old Burba* Bullock* that are larger and fleer than any 3 and t yean old of the common stock of this re gion. ' Allegheny Furnace, Aug. 23,1861-flt* W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA, PA„ JOHNSTON. JACK & CO., HOLLIDATwSrO. PA. BANKERS, (Late “JieU, Johtuton, Jack f Co.”) , Drafts on the principal Cities, end i Silver and Bold for sale. : Collections j made. Moneys rsesived on deposits, peyebledn dsmand. I witbeut Interest, or npoa time, with Interest sit foir rates. rsb.3d.UM. JESSE SMITH. At Fritchkv's, At Eriti rev's. At Kritchev’s. At Fritchkv’s. Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS THE BECOHDT OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS. And the melancholy Deaths, by Consumption bear am ple witness to the truth ot the assertion. THE CONSTITUTION ONCE AFFECTED WITH OR- Requiren the Kid of medicine to strengthen and invigor ate the System, which HEMBOLD'S KXTRACT BUCHU invariably does, A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES! FEMALES!! Old or Yoo.no, Sinope, Married or Conixuplatino Mar In many affection, peculiar to Females, the EXTRACT BUCHU is uneqnaled by any other remedy, as in Chloro* sis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, or Scirrhous state of the Uteras, Lcucorrhoe or Whites. Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from In ■discretion, Uahitd of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. SEX STRITONS ABOVE. No Family Should b,e Without It. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant Medicine for unpleasant and dangerous diseases. In all tlieir stages. Little or no change in Diet, And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby Removing Obstructions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. Allaying'Pain and Infiama tion so frequent In the class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous Diseases and worn-out Matter. THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS who have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found that they were deceived, and that the "POISON” has, by the use of "powerful as tringents,” been ijried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. WM. BOYDEN. Fres't. [Sept. 11.-3 t. Uss UsutßoLß’e Extbact Bbchu for all affections and diseases of the Whether existing in jUALE OB FEMALE. - From whatever cause and no matter at Is the Great lUDßgnc, and is certain to Imve the desired effect in a!) diseases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the [most reliable and responsible character wi*l accompany tlje medicines. : Certificates of eight to twenty years stand ing, with names k sown to science and kune. Price $l,OOl Per Bottle, or Six for $5, Delivered to any sddress, securely packed from any ob servation. | Usscmißt SturroHs ra au ComnnUcaiiosa. Cures Guaranteed. Advice Gratis. Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia,'a , T. Hrutaow, who being duly sworn, doth ssy. his preparation contain, no narcotic, no ipeicu ry, or other injnribns drags, bat are purely vegetable. IL X, HELMBOLD. Sworn and snbsr ribed before (no, this 23d day of No vember, ISM. W. P. HIBBARD, Alderman, Ninth St. above Rape, Phi la. Address letters for information in confidence to U T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Depot, 104 South Tenth-st, below Chestnut, i Philadelphia, Penn. BEWARE OP COUNTERFEIT AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor \t* i dispose “or rmat owsf and “otto” articles on the rep itatton at talked by - ' Helmbold’s Gem line Preparation)!, - do do Extract Wichn, do do do i' Sarsaparilla, do do Improved Rote Wseb. S-dd by Draggia a every-where, Take no other. Cat out tho advertlsment and tend for it, and avoid Imposition and'exposure. ■ ■ - i ' ” J ' September 17ft, 18fl2-ly. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS A SHOES flw Men audj Boys, ladies and Mieses, lust reo'dtt - aJ&bmmajpsT HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU. A Po«itire and Specific Remedy For Dieeame of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Thie Medicine increuee the power of Digettion, and ex cite* the ABSORBENTS into healthy aclton, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depoeitione. and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS, are reduced, ee well ae~ PAIN 're INFLAMMATION, and ie good for Men. Wo* Mr.v OB ('MiLmucp. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. For weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Disaipa tiou. Early Indiscretion or Abase. ATTENDED WITH THE KOLLOWIAG SYMPTOMS: lndih]ejAiUnn to Exertion. Difficulty of Breathing, L<«se ot Memory Loss of Power. M eak Nerv»*«. Trembling. Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. biiiineN* ofVisiun. Pain in the Back, l uivs-iiul Latitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin. Eruptions of the Face. PA LU 1> OOU NTEN A NCE The*** symptom*, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follows IxpotxbcTjFatoitt EpiLteric Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they ore not frequently followed by those “DIREFUL DISEASES.” ‘INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION.” GANIC WEAKNESS *uox. HELMBOJiD’S EXTRACT BUBHU. AND Improved Rose Wash CUBES SECRET DISEASES ÜBINABY ORGANS, HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Dnntmci HELMBOLD’S EXTBACT BUCBU AFFIDAVIT. A ROUSH, DRUaajRT, fx. • taken thie opportunity of retarnlag kb thank* to the dUm of thi* |Maee aM eictatty, ftr the liberal SSttepeSSeS^** **" At his Old Place of Bosiae^s, A few Door* oboe* the Poet-Office, when he le at aU timee prepared to attend to their waste to hie line of bnetoeee, odaaiattoc of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, n EXTRACT j, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. LIQUOES, :for medicinal usr, always on hand. Physicains Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS Of THE DAY OR NIGHT Altoona, Pa, April IT, 1862. HARDWARE—HARDWARE SSsSEB GHARLEjS J. MANN, I IEALKR IN FOREIGN AND DO - MEBTIO HARDWARE, wooden wars, brooms, 1 WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS, UPUOLSTKKXNG OOODSi BHOB FINDINGS, I COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS' TOOLS, i BIRD AND WIRI GOODS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, AC., AC. WINDOW aLAM .%** ETery description of Goods in hit Una (rill be ftir niibed «t short notice, and at low rates lor cash. His remaining stock of DRY GOODS on band will be f ° n *H* P rice *> *» to relinquish that branch of the business. 1 Agent for Willson's “Tele Altoona. Ua; 29th, 1862/ EVERYBODY CALLS AT SMITH’S. when they want fashionable Hats any of my competitors. In this department X feet sure that I can render aatiafaction. Al{ kind « of country produce taken in exchange for goods, and thsffalgfaeet market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie and Helen streete. East Altoona. j THOMAS HEBLOP. Altoona, May 22,1862. I At little Expense, No inconvenience W. M. (ioHMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, DEALER M FLOUR, OKAIN, SEED, bIcON, SUGAR-CURED HAMS, MESS PORK, BEEF,_CHEEBE, IKON, NAILS, WHALE, TANNERS’ A CABBON OIL, NO. 271, LIBERTY STREET, (Opposite 'jStsglt Hotel,') YYA.VING PURCHASED I|BE INTEREST OFHIS LATE “ partnera, will conUnneltbe business at the old stand, and will be pleased to receive the patronage df his old friends and easterners. PmsiCBOH, June 5,18614—3 m Building lclts fob sale.— The subscribers offer jt Private Sale HOtiT BUILD ING LOTS, situate tpp of the bill, abovtetbe reser voir of the Altoona Oas k Water Company, being now held »« property by the Presbyterian Church. The lot* are flAy feet front by 175 feat deep, and will be told bn reason able terms. Persons wishing to pardiue or view these lots will receive all information concerning them by ap plying to Michael Clabangfe B. H. McCormick. Alexander McCormick, or Chas. J. Mnn, Trustees of Presbyterian Church- * [Altoona, April 3,1802, DRIED APPLES.—The subsciibere have a fine lo of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought tt ranch less than market' rate*, and which they deatorto does oat, at cost fnd carriage withdbt delay.— Persons desiring to purchase either at wholesale or retail, w|U find It to their advantage to give ns a call.; I ‘Altoona, June 28,1862.]| MURPHY A MjcFIKB. OUR LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO well to look in upon *he choke and chaste assort ment of Sommer OBSES GOODS now displayed r nx>n the well-filled shelves of IdURFHY AIIcWWE, Cqr.pf Virginiaand Canline its. 1 Altoona, June 26,1862. | A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ./A, ALTOONA FAIR ibf CEHKTERX ASSOCU TION will be held on the second Thursday evening of each month, in the Council Room. M. CLABAUOU. ;Jas. Lowtto, i ’ President. Secretary. [May /’T ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.— \JT A Urge and varied afdfck of FRESH GBOCERIEB AND PROVISIONS, Just revived, and for sale at cheap as the cheapest, at MURPHY A McPlKE*B!Btare, Cor. of Virginia and Ckndlne at*. : Altoona, June 28,1862. ) /VrKAT WESTERN INSURANCE VJT AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on Real or personal property will be effected on the most reeeonabtfc terms by their agents in Altoona at bis olfloo in Anna St Match ITi 1839. JfljHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN on the Piano-Forte land Mdodeon. by Hiss M. MAKER. : Titus, Jib per quarter.' No charge for the nee of the Instrument. Residence on CathaHaeStreet West Altoona. j [Jan.lS,}M2.-tt "TVTEW SUMMER!GOODS, oiT superior Xl stylo and material, jukt rac’d at LAUGEtWAirS. /TREAT PILES OF PANTALOONS, ALT ter Mefl aid Boys.ati - LAUUBMAN’B. A COMPLETE iSSOKTMKIIT OP ‘graph Fodder Cutter.*’ Life Insurance and Trust Co. WILDING S Smmct Ufc J '**• li-urnrir liml at TQi aatal Malaal **** a£ athar (ao4 eaapaalea wW jriOiia rtii—it Mhuu nM oawtaal panda*-** Mat Mack Mm, 40parcaat.laa*thaal(Btaat»tica. Alfa, a NONFORFEITURE PLAN, Irvbicktimwite », T, « Ki«aal> > ik« tWOcnpaarwill iaaaa a Pad n» Pouoi, li propotdoa M theaiawiirt oftwim paid, aa totlowa: OaaMtej STaar 7 Tor lOTaar •tewMtoi nla. Mm, iaM. 1 Aanaal Pnaahua, fat $3OO 00 $143 U $lOO 00 * “ “ “ 400 00 314 TO 310 00 * 'j' “ “ 800 00 4M 40 400 00 * “ sn io ooft-oe 8 ** 44 a - _____ gQ ' ucuxmwßaun.MM. . -«_ »AMC(L WOM, Tic PMdnt Jam 8. Wnaos, SaenMsy. M»iT»»««*, IKJaMoh Allioos, Albart C. Bebatta, Jos** Oovimb, SuiaelT. BodfaM. H. H. Bdridfa, Oaarga Manat, Jaha tlw T—t William J. Howard, Gharfc • f. HaaiUtt, Saaaaal Work. Any fortbar tuftnutfeß ou b. tod by appiylac lo th* (Udonteatd, who i§ tto aathoriMduutfcrfWrOMaty. JalySl.lM2-ly «. A. 0. UU. S WHEELER & WILSON’S 4 S SEWING I § MACHINE. I #\ , W « R. AO. KERR, * J ALTOONA, PA., £ W Agent for Blair County. § S.NOSTIAI V HaiaaHM m 'T'HESE MACHINES ABB ADMIT JL to be the beet mt attend to th« public, mod tbctr superiority ia ietlefcctorU} Mtablbhed by the bet that la the U»t eight yean, OVER 1,400 MORE of theee Machines have been eold than ofany ether man afoctnred,gadmorei&edals here been awutMtiMttro* prletors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any bib* ers. The Machines are warranted to do all Ihatteelamwd for them. They are now in nee in several bmiUssih AU ioona, and in every case they give entire eatisfoction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the in* peiiority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Bbv. A B. Clark, George Uawkesworth, Benj. P. Bose, and X. S Turner, Xsqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated* glass foot and new style Hemmer—|6&. No. 2, ornamental bronte, glaas fool end new style HeSamer—ss6. No. 3, plain, with old style Ilemmer—s4s. [March 21,1861*tf WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO.. ” LOCK HAVEN, PA. PREMIUM NOTES IN FORCE, insures property on as reasonable terms as an consistent with security. Z> IKECTOKB S'BnS”* O.D.B«tt*H*. Jacob Brown. WS& . STSSZ* Alex. Slow. iff 0. D. SiTTKoxx, V. f. a. C- Hxxrxt, Pm>t. j. W. Isatiuv, Secretary, * July 8. ’62-ly.j B. A, 0. KICBtt, Agrat, AUoodo. C. C. SERVER & SON, (Successors to Thomas B. Tatlor 4 Co.) Paper, Eavelpe, and Printers’ CM* WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA , PA. ALAfiGE ASSORTMENT QF \ WRITING, LETTER, HOI*, PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TIBBUR,' 8801 AND HARDWARE PAFEBB, Printers’ Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARD*. Pnnters, Blank Book UinofiKitflnn, BUtkmcri and Storekmpen, wOl Sad it to tbalr odraa “Sa? iStffcSg*. ° UR ****■ GROVER & BAKER'S Sewing Machines! Having accepted the agen cy for the sale of the above celebrated M««4.imas weeranew prepend to ftmriefa, on ebort the Terfcma styles of mirhipw maashetued by title Com peay, ranging ta price from *4O to «100. Porcbaaera of thaw Macßinea bm tbo atnaUca of choalng one making either tR« colebratod Grow Bt|[tth.'of thoLockßtitch, to .. l s!f ac,J *“ OfuSM Altoona, Aog. 7th-Bm. A^wb* r " SM. WOODKOK, • ATTOBmt-AT-tAW, Altoona. Pana'a. Will practice in tb« MTsrai Ooorta of Blair. OwbrteS iqgton Cltr, dgrota cation end collection of eoilaet the United ££ jnchaUng Pooriooo, Bounty lAada,- Arroara of par^S «V Sbn *'**’**^ ivUm Another of the same sort ! Hie ondereigoed taka pleaaare la asaauchai tlie people of Altoona and vicinity tHt *>**y 'TfiaadA HAT AMD CAP * :”T : . & BOOT AND SHOE STORE. iu the non formerly accepted *-p° , r if | firolli BtMt) nnt door to will keep cautantiy on tuud a tarn Him. «* w.«. —a rw-. —4l datively, and wffl fed prepared, at all date thoee who may Aver LAMKB.JOBSKB, AND CHOOBStTa «|W||| ta Urge aadyeried, while tbeir aeaortaeat tor “ , : Call and ezaadaa the (took aad rttmi ei id lint a-IT . X GENERAL ■ gwS^ttfc feLJye.?* TTKBBSLIi£gr£|H) vmsmLA TLbmjtt** * f7igg r ...405,000.