wtmreiiia.ac. PKttBITM i A**—■fa.A.R.CfcULA.FMtof—Fwehlng «wy t>»-»Mrtli^!' M '* th to ““ T JS,, iMKMoMil(«• 730 A.M., •• 7,45 A.M. «« “ Wait ~ 6,45 P.M., ••• 7,00 P. M. The UOI4,II>AYSBUBG BBANCUcounect» fcitli Ex , prim Train Wert, and Hail Train Eaat and W»t. IS-THE BRANCH TKAIN also makes one trip U> Huntingdon—tearing HoULdaysborg utlO.ln A. M.—Altoo na at IOJOP.IL—«nd arriTingat Huntingdon at 1.20 P.M. Kxtuuuo.—Leases Huntingdon at 1280 P. M.—Altoona at 3,18 P. M.—and arrives at Hollldaviburg at 3,48. ENOCH LEWIS, Got’! Supt. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS CLOSE- Eiutern Way Western Way........ Hollidaysbnrg Western Through Eastern Through, HAILS ARRIVE. Hoilidaysburg. .- 7.20 A.M. A 645 P.M. VastenThi agh 7 30 A. M, Eastern Throng" - 7 50 •• WesternWayZ. - - 8 20 P. M Bastsrn Way 0 46 Onicx Hocas;—Oaring the week, from fl 45 a. Jt. til 7 30 P.M. On Sundays, from 7 45 till 9 00 A. n. 6 80. W-PATXON P. M. •MWTINOS ASSOCIATIONS. UOHNTAIM LODGE, N 0.281. A. Y. M-, meets on third Tnrwijf of skfh ninnlh at T > jg r’rhrlr P. M, In the third story of the Muonic Temple. MOUBTADf E. A. CHAPTER, No. 189 B. A. C-, meets on the first Thursday of each month, at 7% o'clock P. M-, in same room as above. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL. No. 9, R. 1 8. M., meets on the first Monday of each month, lit I]/j o'clock P. M., in same Manias above. , MOUNTAIN COMMANUERV, No. 10, K. T. meets on the fbnrth Tuesday of each month, at 7% o’clock P. M , in same room as above. ALTOtfNA LODGE, No. 473, I. O. of Q. F, meets every Friday evening, at o’clock, in the third story of Jog ganPs Hall. VERANDA LODGE, No. 533, 1.0. of O. F„ meets every Monday evening, at o’clock, in third story of Patton’s Building, on Virginia afreet. WINNEBAGO TRIBE, No. 35, I. 0. E. M., meets every Tuesday evening in the second story of Masonic Temple. Council fire kindled at 7th run 30th breath., ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311, S. of T.. meets every Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in .the second story of the Masonic Temple. STATE OFFICERS. - Uotamor— AndrowO. Curtin. .Secretary tf Elate—Ell Slifer. Attonujr General—William M. Meredith. Auditor General—Thomas £. Cochran. Surveyor Gearral—William L. Wright. Atfateml Generol—E. M. Biddle. State 3 reatnrrr —Henry D. Moore. ftLAIR COUNTY OFFICERS. Judges iff the Cheats.— PreHdont Judge, Hon George Tay lor. Awtoclatc., Samuel Dean, Adam Mw State &nator—llou, Lewls.W, Hall, AuemWjraatw—Thaddous Banks. ProtKenutarg —Anthony 8. Morrow. Register and Recorder—Hugh A. Caldwell. N*eny—Semnel UcCamant, Depaty—John Marks. District Attorney —Beniamin L. sewit. Oouaiy Cbasawsrimteri—George L. Cowan, George Koon, James M. Klnkead. County Bareeyor—James L. GwLn. Trpsteatt John McKeage. Poor Haasst Directors—fetee Good, William Barley, David AnrnH "■ Chanty Auditors—A. M. Lloyd. Kobt. M.Messimer, L. L. Moore. Cbrower—A. J. Freeman. Superintendent sf Cbaunon Sckaaii —John Mitchell ALTOONA BOROUGH OFFICERS. Justices qfthe Peace —Jacob H. Cherry, John W. Homes. J?wry»i» fp)m AUtyr - JV«m Oaemeß—E. A. Smyth, Daniel Langhman, John London, Jacofc llessef.C. R. Hoetetter, H. J. Mervlne. Clark to Cbuurtl H. M. Woodkok. Snimt Treasurer—DunisA Langhman, School Directors fl. & Bern, John Shoemaker, J. B. BOaman, fm. Hoyden, James Lowther, K. A. Beck. SSrteaeestr ol School Board— J. B. Hileman. Jfiik KrXly> CMcetcir of State, ' Chndlji, Borough and School Ear—Jos. K. »y. • JndiYis i John A. Nichols, C. J. Mann, Ales. McCormick AijWksp " Daniel Prion. ASefetsaq Attetenre Jacob Heeaer.J. L. Beifanyder. Judge of Elections —Bast Word—John B. Warfel. “ « Vest Ward—Michael Clabangh. -> “ . North Ward—John Shoemaker. Hupeeier*—ea»tWard-4Wm. Bodamer, John Hickey. « West Ward—Goo, W. Kessler, Jno. Bowman. North Ward—Rebt. Green, Alex. McCormick EMPpEItTM OF. FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. 9. W. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. fIIRB JBROPRUJOB OF THE “EMPORIUM JL jrould respectfully announce to the pSbMeilUt he has received a Urge invoice of . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Oollun, Neek'Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Himdkerchiefe, Ac., sc., Ac., intended tor Ihe Spring and Bummer trade. The proprietor of the Etnporiom Invitee an examine, tioe of his stock, feeling eonSdent tbat his shelves present a greater variety of plain and Ikncy goods than can be (bund elsewhere In the country. An examination will convince any ohe of thlsfect. Be hat also received the LATEST FASHION, and being a perfect “Cutler,” be has no hesitancy In mi > clothing In the fashion, and In kmauMr that can not Ikll toprore ratisfectory. It has psnudtete • proretb tint ■ Beiford's the yen nun that can make, | - Clothes in thefsshioo, strong and cheap: All that have eyer tried him yet, ; Say that lie really cant be beat. Remember the place. Virginia street, flmt door abuse Jagganft Ball, Altoona, Pa. [April 17, ’«2. FTOWARD ASSOCIATION, Phila fl delnhia. Par the Relief of the Bk* and Bistreaaed, aSStedwitfa •ortho Core of dleeaeee of the Sexual Organ. Medical advlea gfeea gratia, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable re pcrta ma.Bpaatatonte or Bcminat Weakneea, and other Mtamaaaof the Sexual Organa, and on the Mew Kemediea employed In the Dispensary, seat to the afflicted in sealed bunas Charge. Two or three Stamps for maan.Howsrd Association, No. b, South Ninth Street fa. [Jone 32.18M.-ly. WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, afeo Chrome. Green, Tellow, Faria Green, dry nipxma aiat : [i-tti msslkb’b tBDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus . ae* and Shoulder Braces fnrsaleat f. T (i. W. KKSSLBRS. ! DR. WM. B. HURD’S 7 U A.M. 7ao “ 7 15 A. M. A 6 30 P. M. 7 20 P. M 720 “ Dental Remedies ABE THE BEST in the WORLD, INSURING FINE TEETH AND A SWEET BREATH, AND CUBING TOOTHACHE & NEURALGIA! Do yon with to be blaased with and admired lotjmair Whit* and Sound TRUTH! Dee DB. WM. B. HTIRBB DNRIVALLBD TOOTH POWDKB, warranted free from acid, alkali or anylnjarious substance. Price, 25 cents per box. of, the ordinary cheep Tooth Powders* which whiten bnt destroy. “ Ik> yon with to be certain that your BREATH la pure* sweet, aad agreeable to husband or wife, lover or fnenos. Use DE, HURD’S CELEBRATED MOUTH M ASH.— Price, 37 cents per bottle. This astringent wash H also the beat remedy in the world lor Casks*, Bad Besath, Bleeding Go**, done Mouth, etc. It baa cored hundreds. Do yon or yoqr children suffer from TOOTUACE? Gel DE, HURD’S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, lo cents per bottle. • Are yen afflicted with NEURALGIA! Get DE. W. B. HURD’S NEURALGIA PLASTERS. The moat effective and delightful remedy known. They do not adhere nor blister, bot soothe and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 18 and 37 cents. Mailed on receipt of price. Do you wish arcompkte sst of DENTAL HJfiMKWES sitd a Treatise on Preserving TeethT Get DR. WM. B. HURD’S DENTAL TREASURY, the neatest and most valuable present that one friend can make to another.— Price. $l. Sent by express on receipt of price. For Hale at all the best stores throughout the country Caotiok.—As there are dealers who take advantage of our advertisements to tin pose upon their customers infe rior preparations, it is necessary to insist upon having what yob cal) for, aud you will get the best, thoroughly tested, and prepared h\ an experienced and scientific Den tist, Treasurer of the New York State Dentists Associa tion, au4 Vice President of the New York City Dental Society. Address ~ TO. B. HURD & C(X, New York. DR. HURD’S DENTAL REMEDIES are for sale in this place by ’■ -7 6. W. KESSLER. THE HOUSEKEEPER’S NEW Furniture Polish Prepared fronaan improved rewipe by the proprietor of the u Bbothbr Jqkatha* Pousa,” is certified by all the leading New York Furniture Dealers and. Piano-Forte Makers to be the best in the world for removing Scratches, Marks, and Dirt, and restoring a high and lasting gloss to all kinds of Tarnished work, from Furniture to Leather. It is cheaper and better than Varnish, dries and is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel and a bottle or two of this New Furniture Polish, A House keeper ean work magic in the furniture of a bouse, and keep it looking like new. Now is the tim* to M shine up*’ your Tables, Chairs, Desks, Pianos, Picture Frames, Car riages. etc., and niake them look 5C per cent-better. This is true economy. For sale by Furniture Dealers and Store keepers generally. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. Depot No. 1 Spruce'Street, New York. AGENTS WANTED. Addbs&s. BOX 1972, New York P. O. GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS! THRILLING INCIDENTS OF THE Great Rebellion; -OR TEE HEROISM OF \ Our SOLDIERS & SAILORS. ILLUSTRATED. I TOLi LARGE 12M0. PRICE $1.25 The critics and the public &r« right in predicting that thin will in graphic narrative, exciting interest, and extensive popularity, all other histories of the War for the Union. Its theme will be the heroic dai ing, patient suf fering and hairbreadth escapes of oar Soldiers and Sailors, and Its Incidents wfU form the theme of conversation at innumerable firesides for years to some. It will;,contain, in addition to its stirring details, the philosophical Analy sis of the causes'of the War, by John Lath pop Motley, L.L.D., Author of “The BUe of the Dutch Republic,” etc., the dates of all the important events from the John Brown raid, and an accurate and revised account of the principal battles- with engravings. Cue-third tho procecds of all Subscriptions sent direct to us wili be given for the Belief of Disabled Soldiers, and all persons who wish a copy of the work, and also to benefit the soldiers, should send fbeir name and address at once. Also, any officer or private* or person In any section of the country, having knowledge <*f any heroic act or stirring Incident, will oblige ns by eendlng ns an account of It. - , BOoKSKLLK&S, POSTMASTERS, and CANVASSING AG ENTS will be furnished with a Subscription Prospectus, on application to the Publishers. A liberal commission given to Sol diers desiring to act as Agents in taking subscription's. THE HISTORY OF American Manufactures. FROM 1608 TO l»CO. BY DB. J. LEANDKR BISHOP. 2 VfILS, Broo. YoL 1. Jibw ready. Voi. 11. nearly reedy.': This is probsWy the Urg<4r-snd most important work now in the American press. ' We have also Just published Beer editions ,of ,the lollow. ing useful and popular books: . THE BUSINESS MAN’S LEGAL ADVISER; Or, How to Save Money, by Conducting Business according So Law, as’expounded by the best and latest Authorities. 400 pp;, sheep. Price $l. OPPORTUNITIES FQ& INDUSTRY; 1000 CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY, Cloth, $l. This baa been re-published in Knglaud. Every hnsinem Han and clerk should bare these hooka. They will pay the buyer a hundred fold. Beery parent should get them for their sons. All these books are mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to mailing hooka, wrapping theta carefully, and will procure and send. postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt of pnbliihera’ price pod six stamps. Address ; FREEDLEY & CO., Tribune Buildings, New York. FiAJsrosi PERSONS WHO WISH TO BUY ft Plano of the best maker* will bcl ahowii how they c»u eft re « hMs ES#g White Sugar U and cents, Brown Sugar from * to 10 cts.; Beat Honey and Lovering’s Syrup, at 60 cts.; Sugar House Molasses. 40 eta.; Baking Molasses, 31 to 40 cts.t together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour, Feed, Ac* and! all other articles of Goods Just as low as any other house sell., Pleane cal) and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. J/.A. RPR ANKLE. Altoona, May 1.1802. J ' North Ward. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, ' ' ! Annießtreet, East Altoona, a fete doom above | Branch Street, j ! Thu subscriber has just re ccired a large and fresh stock of GROCERIES, PRO y IoiONS, Ac., which he will sell at prices equally as low as hijacompetitort). Hfsstock conalsts nf FLOUR, . - 'FEED. I BACON. HAMS, 1 FISH, ■ ~ ' SALT, POTATOES, , COFFEE. SUGAR, TEA, SPICES, CRACKERS. CREESE, TURS. BRUSHES, BUCKETS BROOMS. RATSJXS. LE.VOAS. OBAIfGES. ; FIGS, DATES, i COMBS SOAPS KNIVES BUTTER, EGGS CONFECTIONERIES, \ PRIED FRUIT, ~AND DRUGS OP ALL KINDS T Invite the public to call and examine my stock, as! am determined to please Is quality and prim. May 8,1862-tf WMiH. PERCIVAL. WM. S. BITTNER, Dental Surgeon, OFFICE IN MASONIC msr-sssta TpEMPLE, next door to the Post J. G. AOLUM, Notary Public, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA. ,Can at all times be found at the store of J. B. Hiieman October X, 1857. s2s] EMPLOYMENT! [s7s i agents wanted K We wiil pay'Trom $25 to $75 per nionth, and aliexpen se*,.to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent tn». Addicts Kris Sewing 1 Machine Company, B. JAMBS, General Agent, Milan. Ohio. Sept. lily.] i T EVPS PREPARATION FOR KX- I itarminatiiur BATS, MICE, BOACHKB, ANTS, and Bed-bugs witbunt danger in its nse Under any drcnmstan eee fer sal* at the Drug Store of B. W. NBSBLKE. J«.st#6-tl] ALL STYLES CAB FETING AND 011-CMhKran h.- found a: LAtJG UMAX’S. GELS & CO i-enlrt. 10 « from 123 o to 2T» Savtsl I. Frir* STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. The undersigned would re- SPKCTFCL&V bounce to the cltiztni Altoona and vicinity t they havejost receiv* Urge supply of STQ" of alt Patterns, sad Cook. Parlor, Office Shop Stoves, which will sell at the most; eonable prices. A If supply will always kept'ou hand. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, in great variety, always on haml. ROOFING & SPOUTING pti up on short notice. They have also attached a copper-smithing room to their establishment and will keep.on hand an assortment orc«>p per and brass kettles, Ac. All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. HARDWARE. The subserihnrs have added Hardwire to their line of business, ami are now prepared t:o supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line. Mich as. Handsaws. Ax***. Augers. Adzes. Chisels. Square.-. Utiles. Hammers, Planes. Hinges Looks, Latches, Files. Knives and Forks, Spoons, ie.. Ac., all of which they offer on the most reasonable terms. Xt*~Persons wishing anything in the Hardware Hue are requested to cal) and examine their stuca. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. ttfL. Store on Apnie street, between Harriet'and Ada* Hue street*:. Host Ward, ami on Virginia street, opposite Kesslers Drugstore. \Vt >B t Ward. Altoona. VVh.&i. ISW. HEAD-QUARTERS FOB THE CHEAPEST AMD BEST Spring <1 iSumiiKT Goods!!' J # li. MILKMAN has just received a i large anil well selected stock of Good*, consisting of Cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimcres, Satinett*. Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Boarerteens, Blue Drilling, and all other kinds of Goods for MEN AND BOYS' WEAK. together with a grand and magnificent assortment of j LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. ,SucA 4i.* Black and- Faiiey Silks. Choliies. Befeges. Brilliant/, • Lawn*. Delaines. Chintz*. DeJinja. t’mpr*. Print* . \ Ci\tj*inid Stella Shawl*. JHnnlillo*. L’udrrsleei'*'* mu/ ». Hn/iery. Brinneis and I!iljilH>n*. Collar*. Ihuni j?.yrcU\'J'*.Kid Gloves. Skirt*.Skirt ing. Lace Mitt.*, dr., dx. ' : ALSO, Tickings. Chocks. Bleached anti Unbleached Mn-Hm Cotton ami Lima) Table Diaper. Crash. Nankeen. „ve. Hi>OT> AND OKS. WOOL* AND WJUiiW WAlli'. OIL Ci/mis. \r lIAKDWAKK aKOC’ERIKS Our stock of Ginceries i- more extensive than •■wr. aul consists of Uio anU, Java Loaf'ami N «*. Sujrars; Green. Y. If. ami Black Tea-: Mol CaT>«iles, Salt. Fish. &r. Thankful to tin- public for the v..r} lim-ra! j;uir<-i;au heretofore hope:- l»y -'trier a;:. -Ml-,;; l-u-i ness, aud an endeiivor to please. to merit a r-mi inumuv of the same. 45* Call aud examine his Stock, and vun will l*;* con vinced that he h«i the best assortment and cheapt-M Goods in the market. %* Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. Altoona. April 4,18C2. POKED OUT AGAIN ! riMie undersigned would n so -1 licit th*- patronage «»l tin* fiii/M.- Alt -..na .;ml vicinity. as he has again opened < nt At HIS OLD STAND. on Viiyin'm sta jhc doors he tow the SupCs Office* with an entirely naw and fresh supply-of PROVISIONS AND GRUCERiES, MICh JIS FLOUR. BACON. FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL. OATS. RYE. CORN. TEAS of all kind*. COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS. RAKING MOLASSES, TOBACfO. SUGARS, DRIED FRUIT, SOAP. CANDLES, BROOMS, BRUSHES. Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware. Stationery. Notion -. Candies, Ac. Also a large stock of N LIQUORS! All the above goods will r»e sold, Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—come All I See for yiiur* selves, and be convinced. No charge for examining my stock. LOUIS PLACK. April 17, 02-tf. tFARMERS TAKE NOTICE—^he i undersigned is about starting a Tannery. and wish es to buv or trade f»r TOO CORDS • ; of :OAK BARI(. and also for HIDES, for which the highest market rprice will bo paid. : Altoona. April 17. ’G2-tf. LOUIS PLACK. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB _J SCBIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- j fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate bis friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sqjourncrs. Ills Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel In the place, and lie feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their ebstom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve 11, be throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medleinai pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Bye Whiskey to be found In the country. Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. Commercial Agents Wanted TO SKLL GOODS FOR THK ADAMS (A New England) MAN CFACTUKI NG (JOM PAN Y. We will give a commission .of one hundred per cent, on all goods sold by our Agents, or we will pay wages at from $3O to $lOO per mouth and par all necessary expenses. For particulars addres (with stamp) CfIAS. KUQOLES, Gen’l Agent, For the Adams Manufacturing Co. Detroit, Mich. May 8,1882-Iy COAL. ■VTOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY family to get in their supply «f coal for the Winter, and the imbacribhr would therefore inform the oitjy.enH of Altoona and ■vicinity, that he Is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTIiII A.CITK and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. Ho will Sell it by. the Train, Car, dr Carl Load, or by the bushel, dcliv. ered at the door of the purchaser. , «-Tard on the North side of the Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. H. n, MYERS July 2S, 1861.-tf. ' Blair county insurance AGENCY.—The undersigned, Agent of the Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all ttanm ready to insure against loss or damage by Are, Build- Mtrthandire, Furniturr and Property, of ererj des criptkm, in town or country, at as reasonable rates a* any Company In the State Offlre with Bell. Johnston, Jack A Co. i _ T. CALDWELL. Aqtvt.' Jan. 2T, •SO-tf ■) Stephen Whiter* SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR NEWSPAPER PRESS X OK THE ABOVE SUM IN CASH jl 1 will furnish one of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that can be driven by hand with ease; at the rate of SEm hundred sheets per HOUR. on any kind of a job from a colored poster down,and do ; its work ns well as any cylinder Pres* In the world; Bed 31 x 40 inches, rolls a form 27 x 44 inchef wfth two rollers. weighs, boxed for shipment, 4200 lbs, and itan be : pnt np and set running by any ordinary printer. There is Included with the, Press, oho rubber blanket, two *et* roller-stocks, and two roller-moulds Boxing and carting, $2& extra. I have issued a specimen done on this press, ill pam* phiet form, containing a' cut of if, iud will tak£ great pleasure in sending a copy to those who have not received it, on the receipt of a paper from them. ; Any publisher inserting this advertisement, >to the ! amount of $lO, and sending me a paper containing it, will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment ; oil one of my presses, if ordered after one year from Sep- I umber 1.1801. If ordered within one year, $2O-will be '• allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months $3O wiii be allowed. And if within three months, $4O: will be allowed for tin* bill. You will find it for your interest to communicate di rectly with me, us I warrant the press to be j 11 1 repre sent it. which your merchant can easily find outifor you if you are a total stranger in New York. For'furtber particular- ph-a-e rtddreAs A CAMPBELL. No. 10. Spruce street,. N. St- -pt. lib !■sol. * PATEN'f' KEROSENE OR OA RBON >il lamps;: ; f Uin.ruUiiin Beauty, Simplicity Sajety or i.cpnomy. K\ \ person desiring to obtain the very best anil cheap ti tul'le light within thoir reach, should c«U at the , tv 'tire’ undersigned ami examine these Lumj)» before purchasing elsewhere. ami we pledge ourselves to detnon atl]‘' t T i u i t xo ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. •>ii That they emit ivo offensive odor while burning. o|| Tiiat they are very easily trimmed. 4tli That they are easily regulated to give more or less dight. ■.l n,ut tliey horn entirely free from smoke. ; That thelight is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than ativ other light now in common use. Three lannis are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents Mechanics, Seamstresses, factories. Halls, Churches, Stoles Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can lie attached to old side hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small evnense’, and will answer every purpose of a new tjinp. ‘ We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all castw Aug 19. isas-tf.) G. W. KKdSLI-.il. rlMKji A WIXTKKS. TAOOB SNYDEII, TAILOR, ? (I The. Hero of One Hundred File per Month ! I would respectfully forth m> claim to punll attention, a# a Faahionapl Tailor, as follows: Because I keep an excel lent as-ortment of Cloth? Caxinu-ft*. Vestings an Trimmings. which. whei exaiuined.alwaya yileuse. Ih-eauM* my w*>rk i Qtad*- up in »t manner tfu take- down the icounlt ami gives all my a city appearanc**. i;. 1 am not intern as a ('utter to the heyt 1 I— luijji'i any wherf?. B<-i*aiw* limir csporieht in rm hu-imgi v, ‘? m c-utlVol over it sin I mu not i!cp.‘n*lant npo any .un tolil't me nut’ th- "U-l". 1 am still on thn sr.nny ni»lo of forty. ami there fun- my taste a> ii i'utt! j- ..jui workman unimp.iinM. r.'il! on me. in rh< . onu r room of tlio •• llrant: iJivt- no- a trial and V'-n will ,uvav pl»*a«' :: -l. 1 Alto-m,. May Cd-;.:.; SNTDKII. <.MJ) Stoves q ui.n.; IvorL'D uVK('T-tg_ • fully uform tin- i of Altoona |&9Sb^ ami vicinity that li.- ko»*ps constantly on haml u HbSuL large assortment oi P-irh.r . Ojjict Shop SI - tvv, of ;ill style*) ami *i/is, to suit tin* * FI ' TT ’ wants of all. which he will sell at low prices, oh reason aide term-. ‘ He also keep- on haiid a large slock of Tin and Sheet* Iron Hti/v;. consisting a\ S'ntthf., Stnvv Pipe, i[-c. ID- has also purcha-ed the right of sale in Bla{:r countv, of U. V. .JONES’ IMPROVED BAtJSAGE STUFFEU. an which iuh-L only to ho .-tvn to bcuipprocia and should’be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a ’machine. : Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting 'painted awl put up on the most reasonable Terras. 'april 14,T859-ly CAMPBELt’S THESE ARE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICKS. Til. ami Sheet iron Ware bP(,)I'TING. &C.i OROGER V, PROA'IS lON AND ? WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. HPHE UNTERSIGNED WOULD IN -1 FORM the public that he has purchased tIW interest of A. MILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them ou Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continue the business, and will con stantly on hand t| large supply of s ; FLOUR, HAMS; SHOULDERS, SIDE^ DRIED BEEF. FISH, SALT. MOLASSES. COFFEE. TEA. SUGAR.; SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and j. Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell nt the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale. I will keep constantly on Jmnd a large assortment ot liquors of the best qualities to be had, '• 1 respectfully solicit a 4hare of public custom; July 12.1861-tf.j . J. BKUKOWITZ. More good news : | The undersigned has just received front the East a large and varied assortment of FALL AXD WINTER GOODS, consisting of ' Cloths, Cassimeiikh, and VESTING, material for •FINE AND COARSE O V E R COAT S . material lor BOVS’ CLOTHING. GENTS FUttNISHISO GOODS, ntu'li as Undershirts, I)rawer,. Sus penders, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs ' iC r,f Q -’ S of be *>l4 at die lowest jrkes. All work ordered will be mode op to the Ter# best stvle. acTOrxHngtothelatest fashions, onXrtnS *** Nov. 1,1869-tf THOMAS KUTAY. SOMETHING NEW. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS; JUST J. returned from the east where he ha* purchased a very large and fine stork df BOOTS AND SHOES. BROGANS, GAITERS, AC.. which he is prepared to offer to tin-citizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Having the niannfacturcrs foil cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he udsaifr that the people will call and examine his «t«>ck before ipwrclmeing elsewhere. ’ ' ® BOOTS and SUO£^made to order on tfie m«*t rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don t forget the place, two doors below PoatjOfflce Jan. 3,1861. ; M. THOMPSON, OYES! O YES!—GENTLEMEN draw ni«ih mid hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT tnnottn cea to the p’jwiic, that he is ready to; discharge his duty asan Auctioneer whenever called upon. Jinn. 2 ’56. Hardware of all descrip. lions just receiveH and for tale bv -5 * Oct. 15-tf) J. B. HILLMAn Belgium canary birds for Salk; Apply to 0. W. FISHER, Portrait Painter, Altoona, Pa. [June 19-3 t, PLAIN & FANCY VESTS,of every size and style aj: LAUGH MAN’S. DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, cheap or fine i—-go’LAUGjniAN'S. ; HfJTTEK’S #ATB' CAPITOI Book Bindei-y AND BLANK BOOK MANT-FAriv,,', jVd.64 Market St , Harriebvri/, y>„ establishment is t-hiefly iii. v ., r ,* 0 I I the roanuflictore of Blank Book. tT,r 1 Banks. County Offlces, UailroadConnamr*. / r ;! and private fa all cits.-. i verv best of stock an** t**paii*ip uuy he -g,g~y relied upon. W&M jH&ttt. printed, pa*., t any deaired pattern* fhWwtflf'Cr Attorney- „n i Dockets of all ruled to bed., ' and Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, *c.. m r nee, printed or plain, rated and bound to order " Dockets made of the beat linen paper. Librarians, and others, desiring to hare tl„.i t n,., bound and at moderate prices, should give os a cs» v papers of'the largest sites. Harper's Weekly. 01,.; "V Pictorial,' Ballons, Scientific American. London » '' bound to order, and in any style required. Harper, w ly Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's and ,' L Magazines, Oodey’s Lady’s Book, Lady’s Repository pS' son’s Maffizine, Piano Mnsic. 4c., bound in extra sty|„ the more plain and substantial half.bindlug. Sej tT *,. ' phlels, Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, bound in er.j , brary style, at very moderate prtces. Persons hari., number of volume* to bind, will receive a liberal dbcwf Binding end *»fely be tent to u* from a distance b T T preae. an? all work entrusted toourcarewillhr-.';.1 dilr executed, safely packed and returned by E ‘ All work warranted. Andrew F. L. TIUTrKR. v ■ l‘ t k P£RN, at the TrV»mf. u&cv. ar „ ta agcnt<-ftW Altoona, and vicinity. They will gi v * tjou in relation to binding, and receive and return \*[, from;extra charges, for all who ent.nsr thrir «, rt my care.; [March 21, IStil-i, GROCERY AND BAKERY! The undersigned axnoin ce*to the citizens pf Altoona and vicinity that h bas Just received a large iovoicee of ' PRUT'S, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, SPICKS and notion* for abUdren *c„ expreaaly for the Holkkft. He will also keep always on hand a good stock of pbu and fancy pakea, of bia own manafoctur*. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS. iC. always obihaud at all aeaaonsiof the year. Coffee* Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Bolter. EGOS.\ GOOD WHITE WHEAT FUKh liyijIUVHEAT FLOUK, COHN MEAL, il „ always in btorc and for sale iu larue or small cjuanmi— Cali., examine and price my stock and yon will t it Mid and cheap ns any in town t)**c. 20, H«0-ly. I rpHK: GREAT QUESTION Winn, i noW'iigitate# the mind'of every ;>or*on if. where ! can I get the best'article h.r iuyfe.«4 luuney? t Jit regard to other matters, tin- »ul>- fcrihcr w.»uM not attempt to direct, bur it vi. ’le keeps cou>tmitly on hand an assortment oiUo. iv?:. Gaiters. Slippers. &c which he offer# at fair piic.v lie will give special attention to cmtom w.-rk. :.il wnlcli will he-warranted'to give satisfaction. Vi-r. ■best workmen are employed Remember my idiop w on Virginia street, mu opposite-'Kessler*s Drug Store September .*l. ? a7-tf] General Xews Jiiciiev. ■OAE HALL, No! 7. MAIN STHEE'I SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, CONFECTION ABIE' CljcrAßS & TOBACCO. TOYS And NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIED ; - 1 I CONSTANTLY ON HANIi October 24,156 X. nVTAtIONAL POLICE GAZETTE ; X ’i This Great Journal of Crime ami Criminals ».« i its Twelfth Year, and Is widely circulated through-; I the country.' It contains all the Great Trial*. CrimiiL i Cases, ana appropriate Editorials on ■: | hitbrniatipn on Criminal Matter*, not to he fraud ii ■ T I other newspaper. s2 per annum; $1 for fix un-uti.*. , bo rfeojittid hy subscribers, (who should write their i ; and the ti>wn. county and State where they reside yiaii-i' ■ To G. \V. MATSELL i CO-. Editor A Prop’r. of N<*w York Police fian-tb 15-tf] Xeir Jwri'V. CONFECTIONERY AMD OYSTER SALOON, rphi SUBSCRIBER WOCLD IN 1 ;FOkM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that i. CONPECpiONERT, NUT and FRUIT STORE.isdw*.'- supplied jwith the very best articles to be bad. and in variejy. ; lie has also an 1 OYSTER SALOON attached: to his store. Hi which he will serve up OY?TbK in every style daring the season. FJtESti-BAKED BREAD rf PJESol**** *« ; f ' lleda ait all times prepared to supply cahe«.c«uiT ARTIFICIAL TBBTU, I am now P rf {*7;. pot up j denture* on this new and beautiful }'* ■• * which i» far shperior to the old style* on silver P it will hot corrode or discolor. It contain* no v , substance, and of course there is no K a | v;inir i ,‘ ri ,. : . whereby metal plates often become obnorione- r • r wishing]* flue set of teeth will pleas* call and * specimens. W. s*. DIX £ Jan. % 1862-tf] Office In Masonic TerapbvAH^ piSE AND LAKD "OILS. ; '' phene* Burning Fluid. Carbon Oil. V v-* Jan.Sj *56-tfj ' 0“ f lt|iHANl> AT McCORMK'K ? —A splendid assortment of. Ready•>b»)v - Groceries. —a large a>J complete assortment of Groceries toived'4l the store of J. n ‘* J * ■ Ttrllß. HAT, TOOTH,. SHAVIV" JT|[ - Pahit..Sa«h and Varnish Brushes * K 4 h KINDS OF PRINTING : neatly and expedltously of rKh j: “ALTOONA TRlßtM*^ Tint OILS, COLOGNES- l‘£ Shavian Cpwmiu Toilet M £ i * 5 t 0 5 - lt ; r* n * = 3 I S £ £5? : o t r, Paijxi M c? 5 - 7 3Q <=c-^ <*m Q S Bz s _ a»i3is oS^"il -1 JOHN n. U"I;KHT H. FETTINGER’.S IcTACIiES ANP KYE PKjjJf r« fer * ' ■ _ jo T 5 100 , )ul . „ t j iOO 150 200 r«» !. ;i 4 .. , iso 200 2so week. »ud lew «“0 «»«• month*,. 26 c«»U ~..r it« nqttare, Two “ three ** • ••••• Keur ** Ilulf * column.. SSs»-» not S »o» %&&!£££ 1 *"• not marked »lth the number of ln«r '1 wirM, Will be continued till forbid and charged «- li 11SneM notkoe 4* e cent* per line for ererjr tneertlon. . n,itn»ry notice* exceeding ten line*, fifty cent* » e BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL •a. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERV **The Only Place! Where a Uure Can be Obtained. \ CvR. JOHNSOK has discovered the I moat Certain, Speedy mil only Effectual Remedy in world for »U Private Discuses, Weak new of the Back .'.■' Limbs, Stricture., Affection* of the IHdney* and Btad 'i,r involuntary Discharge*. Impotency, General Debility, tc.ou»n««, Dyapepay, Languor, Low Spirit* Confn.ion f laeas Palpitation of tlio Heart. Timidity. Trembling., iiimneM of Sight or Giddiue**, Diaeaae of the Head. Throat Noae or Skin, Affection* of the Liver, Lung*, Btorn- Bowels—lhoae Terrible dfaordere ariung from the a.ditatv HabiU of Yonth--tho»e sacaar and nolftary prac tieeamore fatal to theii victim* than the *ongof Syren* to ii,e Mariner* of Ulyme*,' blighting their m*t brilliant hope* or anticipation*, rendering marriage Ac., impoa»i- YOUNG MEN f specially who hare become the victims of Solitary l lev, iii«t dreadful and destuctivo habit which annually sweeps in an untimely glare thousands of Young Men of the most - dialled talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders .i ~l.*l n encc. or waked to eetasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence MARRIAGE. Married Hereon*, or Vo.ng Meu cotempUting marruge, lieing aware of physical weakness, organic debility, defer mitv. Ac., speedily cured.; , _ ¥ He who place* hlmsell under the care of Dr. J. may re lieiously confide in his honor ns a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon hi* skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS I liimediatoly Cored, and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection—which renders Life miserable tiul marriage iun**iiwiblij—ls the penalty paid by the .iotiins of improper indulgences.- Young persons are to «pt to commit excess's from not being awato of toe dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under aumN the subject will pretend to deny that the powipr of |.ro ‘reatlui»umption, Decay niul Death. OFFICE. NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Lofi hand side going from Baltimore street, a few floors from Hie corner. Fail not to’observe name and number Letters must bo'paid and contain a stamp. Tbe Doc tor's Diplomas hang iu bis office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Mo Mercury or Nuseom Drug*. OR. JOHNSON. Member of tbe Royal College of Surgeons, London, Grad uate from ouo of the most eminent Colleges in the Unit* 4 States, and tbe greater part of whose life has too spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia ana eU*- where, has effected some of the most astonishing cur* that were over known; mauy troubled with ringing ia tL< head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, heln r alarmed at sudden sounds, basbfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE- Dr. J..addresses all those who have injured themselvp by improper Indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and miud, unfitting them for’ either business, study, society or marriage. Tassx are some of the Sad and raplancholy effects pro duced by early habits of youth, rjx: Weakness of the back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Slgbt»j Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tbe Heart, Dy»*| p«p*y, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Diges tive Functions. General Debility, Symptoms of Consump tion. Ac. jachb wia Mbstally. —The fearful effects of are much , be dreaded'—Loss of Memory, Confusion Of Ideas, De-j predion of spirits, Kvil-Forebodings. Aversion to Society. 1 3el£DUtnmt, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are some of the evil# produced. Thousands of persona of all ages can now judge what i* the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale, nervous add emaciated, having a sin gular appearance about the eye#, cough and symptom# of j consumption YOUNG MEN • Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, habit frequently learned from o-vll companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured render.-? marriage Irnposlble. and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Wliat a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of bis parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Snch persons nrsi. before contem plating . MARRIAGE. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most neressan requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with »nt these, the journey through life becomes a weary pi? grlmage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; tfa< mind becomes Bhaoowedjwith despair and filled with th< melancholy reflection that the happiness ol another be comes blighted with ourown.*^ * DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided And imprudent rotary of pleasur finds that he baa ixnblbhd the seeds of this painful JL» ease. It too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to tho* who, from education and respectability, can alone' be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptom* o this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcers ted sore throat, diseaseduoso, nocturnal pain sin the b*a* *nd limb*, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shli hones and anus, blotches on the head, face and extremi U®*» progreasing with flrightfat rapidity, till at last tb palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose &1) In, ant the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object o commiseration, 1 till death pats a period to Ms dreadfu sufferings, by sending him to •* that Cndiscovcred Countr 'rom whence no traveller return*.” It Is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims t ‘htrterrtble disease, owing to the nnskillfulness of igno rant pretenders, who, bj- the use of that Deadly /bison yrewy, raid the constitution and make the residue o 1 *fo miserable. < p . STRANGERS . ■ irttßt not yoar lives, health to ll»o care «f toe wan; unlearned and Worthies* Pretenders, destitute of know i name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's adver [Uementa, or style themselves, io the newspapers, regn larl y Educated Physician*, Incapable of Curing, they kee you trifling month after month, taking their filthy an poisonous compounds, oy ns long as the smallest fee ca »e obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined healt wdghowv your galling disappointment. Or. Johnston is the ortly Physician advertising. wm credential or diplomas always hang In his office. Sis remedies or treatment are unknown to all other f/ e P arw l from o life spent in the great hospitals of Knrop J* 1 * it» the country Sand a more extensive iVirofe fVt we than any other Physician in the world. T . •hdousememt of the press. *“* m ? n 7 cured at this Institution, year aft jw, and the numerous important fi'urgicai operatic “I* op ®®a hy Johnston; witnessed by the reporters of tl * Clipperand many other papers, notices h2ns_ w. ve *PP ca »‘«* *g»i« »nd again before the pub) M f ndln * W| * gentlemen of character and i ponsmiuty, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. No 25i H oiseaSes speedily cured. I*” nn,el “ port-piw Mid contadmlng .°« ,do , n * h « fcijMi wnUng«ho,M,t> PWdiend portion of Mrortiaoment dnoriMag .rmptoi of^iifcaafißsavSiS; Oj tKKMs <)p \OV*»»MMIU 1 7a 10 00