SY’S IMPROVED t! * ■ P SEARCHER. * MIRK ClfltK FOE rous FonnatioOs, Cetslieow Dieeeees, ‘the Face, ’EM Tetter Affections, Scald Head, Ulcen nnatfc Disorders, Jatmdkc, : Salt Bhetun, MercnrialDii«a«M General Befcfflty, t of Appetite, how Spirits,. Female ComplahSt. EpOejey or t Palsv, SvjphiUtic Diseases and Carie* . of the all other diseases having their ed condition iff the blood or cu. OF DANIEL A. BOYD, PmsanaoH, Decembsrri,u«i. «ag:—lteke pleasure to making this lipfevorof a medicine prepared bj y« Bubcoxr.” I bad nfoM fa, CTCfola which broke ont ion my bead sail rbevery much, aad.An4k|M th« isaremadeite appearance; It staobrikeoot • irid below the elbow, and eat iata tb< -rite expose a feerfol sore, ihe dbean t far that several small pUearof bom aafwmjr weak and low apirttod, Udbsd adsfac of a good friend of ■r, whs haarereorsd my sight, end at; ff -dreh' ri ■ evri-'"-Tk«,®“to* - .iAT», ,M gBiimda**'awdri‘eri|fo.-''• \ Vtjcrw KXHVOtLY, «,IW. iTOrpg,'; '.Mm*. ij^^^awgai-tffcfgly «r«y tiw mm «1M ■> tfcat l ns amM* tsdsaajr f* *rit Z.triad *«*■■» fa «»**,.** ..j»filisto,»j 1W «■*•. Kqsar, stlto. M**"* “•*?* »• efi*« «* Nef eeMdfW, sod t m mim *&•'! ;i*aMiaa«te'>« WkrlmdtJßm <«»/*■ ■ r *"' fry, sad «f» fatt ml mwa*!*— *" ** « wffl ptfMv tav fen** fry**' « u ebmp upwHli ft* "* ll *** trie. *•»»«•«■ rawthtwr.' I wp»« >w«r«ntfl cask. tfywa [t«m4 letter, «hWkj»»JrtB.** P*“ RjuwwiU ntnd mtdtft**'**** 0 ' f. i voau rn* j*f >*■*£?.. h m«wu( mmiis** *»Nn« ’; mi, zwijfttt b» IHpA ~9$W ■ :*.■■' mm** wmtfm** tf *fr' < ** f * l f Aisasi^esr’ Mm tp PRINTED ON Campbell* B $660 “Country Press." tribone power-press - W PRINTING OFFICE. within the put two years. made considerable Mhieu to oar satnbUiiuaent in the wny of new fency' *^ lJ flcrow Free*, Paper Cotter, Card Cotter, Haling he ‘JK c»r>l Power Frees, and Urge Newspaper Power , m cu t of which we giro nbaee) wo nro now prepared * ..irate seething in the line of printing or rating in w “,, «,n»l to .any establishment in the State, end nt *ri«» equally low. We cnn execute, on ehort notice, nil {VIM Of Wedding, Invitation, Visiting, Bill * Business Cuds. Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH hooters, sale bills, guy, /s» yiTnriDWJaEA®® Pamphlets, Fay and Ghaok Bolls, BLANK books, manifests, and blanks of all kinds. ill „eskle a trial, feeling confident that wo can glee ..infection If we have the opportunity. , ■‘SfflSTl, toother's building, corner of Virginia and An „P , |[W te, oppoeito Superintendent« Office. local items. Lsstkdctioss to* Prkpawho Hospital Stokes. —Some time since we published a short article giving instructions how to prepare lint for hospital use, but we presume it escaped the notice of all not engaged in the work. The following ,erv plain instructions have been sent ns by a lady who is deeply interested in the work; and as the most of the ladies to the town and country are en gaged in preparing hospital stores, it of great advantage to them:— In the first place, the surgeons state that much of the loti sent is not properly prepared, and, in most cases, cannot he .used. Most persons who Itepare lint go to the trouble of scraping it, which u cot only unnecessary labor, but the lint thus prepared can be used only in exceptional cases. The proper way to prepare it is to take old sheets, or anv other article of pure linen, old being rather preferable to new, and cut it in pieces from three to six and twelve inches in lengbth. These pie ces should then be simply unraveled, thread by thread, and laid together in skeins or bundles, sud tied or rolled up in paper, different lengths in separate packages. The sargeoos can then roll it up «r pat it in any shape wanted in a moment. When scraped tint is used in most wonnds, it doses up the wounds, and the blood or pns unit ing with it forms a hard mass, which not only ir ritates, but it is difficult to remove; while the un raveled lint keeps the wound cool and in a heal thy condition. The reader will see'also that it is, much more easily prepared than the scraped lint. Bondages should be made of unbleached muslin of medium quality, say such as can be bought for ten or twelve cents per yard. They should be four, six, eight and ten yards long, and ranging in width from one-half to four inches wide—say J inch. 1, IJ, 2,2 J, 3J, i inches.' The edges should be cleared of all ravels or loose threads, which cause delay or annoyance to the surgeon in apply ing them in an emergency. Each size of band age should be rolled up in ribbon style. Pads for wounded limbs are in demand. These are made of old calico, or anything that wilt hold saw dust or bran—the latter being preferable.— They are made in the form of hags, of three sizes —I inches by 6, Bby 12, and 12 by 18. When filled there is enough bran put in to moke them of a uniform thickness. These are use to lay under wounded limbs. They may be filled by those who make them, if preferred, though the material for filling can usually be had convenient to the hospitals. Another article much in demand is send bags. These ate muslin bags which go in pairs, and are used in the improved method of treating fractures of the lower extremities. One of them should be long enough to reach from the hip on the outside, and the other from the crotchet, on the inside of die leg, to a point two or three inches below the foot. They should be 3 or 4 inches wide at the lower end and 50r6 at the top. They are filled with sand at the hospitals. These are now need instead of splints for fractures of the extrem ities, which Is said to bea great improvement over .he old style of treating fractures. In addition to the foregoing, old handkerchiefs, common shirts (open in front and tied wiffi strings) and under-clothes of all kinds ate constantly in demand. Jellies suitable for convalescents, and oranges and lemons, are also always acceptable; but cakes, pies, and pastry generally should be kept out of both camp and hospital. To persons visiting military hospitals we would also say a word. In entering a ward you should not distribute oranges or the like to the inmates unless yon bare enough to giro to all. Surgeons and nnrseamy that it is no less painful to them than to the alighted ones to see a distinction made among men who are equally brave and de wiring. Sick and wounded soldims are naturally sensitive. ' Away from home, with nothing to en gage their attention bnt their own sufferings, their thoughts naturally nm on the friends, the affec tions and the comforts which they sacrificed for the sake of their conntiy. They, therefore, see and feel a alight where none may have been in tended. If yon have anything to give, and can not treat all alike, it is better to give it to the nurse or the pntgeon, to be added to the general stock, out of which all will be supplied alike as their necessities may require.—Lancaster Express. Lint and other surgical dressings contributed for the benefit of the wounded soldiers, and di rected to the office of the Surgeon General, will be forwarded to Washington by Adams* Express Company free of charge. Who* to Warns to xt WxsinKGTOit.—As there are many persons who wish to communicate «ith the different bureaus of the war Department, s memorandum of the proper persons to address *•? be useful to our readers. AD letters relating to pay of soldiers on furlough or in hospitals should be addressed to Gen; B. F. lamed. Paymaster General. Applications for back pay and the $lOO bounty of deceased soldiers should be addressed to Hon. E. B. French, Second Auditor. Applications for pay of teamsters, employees of Quartermaster’s Department, or for horses killed >u rervice, should he addressed to Hon. B. I. At liwon. Third Auditor. Applications relating to pay and bounty in the ®*rine or naval service should be addressed to Hon. Bobert Berrian, Fourth Auditor. Letters concerning soldiers ia the army shook! sddressed to Adjutant-Gen. Lorenzo Thomas. This Flaw Comcast.—The first company formed in this (dace, in compliance, with tho Gov ernor's Proclamation, organized on Monday eren- by electing the following officers : Captain —H. E, Devlin. j** Lieut. —J. T. Prendergast. 2«f labor on streets from August Ist to August 7th, inclusive, amounting to $37,50. On motion of John London, orders were grant ed the following persons:—Joseph F. Keesberry tor $7,50; JohnjSmalley for $6,00; Lewis Smalley $6,00; Myles Doran $1,50; Bernard O'Conner ss,ooFred. Heiffler $5,50: Henry Foust $6,00. W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, presented his re port of labor on streets from August 7th to Au gust 30th, inclusive, amounting to $68,00. On motion of N. J. Mervine, orders were grant ed the following personsW. W. Snyder for $17,50; Benj, Devine 16,50; Patrick O’Conner $16,50: Knssel Johnson $7,30. Thos. Williamson presented a bill for lumber amounting to $12,47, and on motion of J. Hesser an order waa granted for the amount of bill. David Brown presented a bOl for lumber amount ing to $12,98, and on motion of J. London an or der was granted for the amount of bill. On motion adjourned to meet at the call of the President of council. Ladies Aid Society.—lt gratifies us exceed ingly to be able to announce that the ladies of Al toona have formed a “Ladies’ Aid Society, H and are now vigorously at work preparing lint, banda ges, hospital clothing and hospital stores generally for oar sick and wounded, soldiers. The initiatory steps toward the formation of the society were ta ken on Monday last, at which time a number of ladies, c t all denominations, met in the Methodist church, and officers and appointed com mittees to aohcit contributions. There is nothing of a sectarian character about the society and the members of all churches are cordially and ear nestly invited to join with it in laboring for onr soldiers. The Methodist church has been offered as the place of meeting, and meetings will be held therein every Monday, Wednesday and Friday af ternoon. Come, ladies, whether Catholic, Fna byterian, Lutheran, Episcopal, etc., nnite with those who arc now laboring for onr suffering sol diers, “Many hands make light work.” Ty Tax Law.—As the new NationaT'Tax law is about to takp e&ct, it would be well for our citizens to pojst themselves in regard to it, so that they may have no misunderstanding with the As sessors.; The “oitiaeaa edition" of this law, con taining all. Its general and specific provisions, may be had .at Fettlnger’s. It is done up in a small neat book of 132 pages, and costs hot a dime. , Fettingerhae also a variety of military drill books, such as Haidee’s, Scott’s, and other small works containing numerous engravings. They are a great help to those entering military com panies, and as almost every person is about to join some military organization, and make them selves soon as possible, we think they will have a ready sale. Beautiful.—We were shown, a few days since, a cluster of plums, which, in the manner they grew, exact! r resembled a bunch of grapes. The limb which bore them was completely covered, as was also the small shoots running out from it. It was less than a foot long and must have con tained more than a quart of plums. It was grown oh the farm of Mr. John Anderson a short dis tance below town. < ; Moke ok the Same Sort.— Our clever old friend, JoeMetzgar, of Sinking Valley, presented us, on hgooday morning last, with a half-dozen small phun tree limbs, beautifully covered with luscious plums. They were not hard to take— not half as hard as Biohmond. “Old-Joe'’ very frequently remembers the printer when he has any thing good, consequently he has good' look at all times and is one of the happiest men we know. CT Our correspondent, “Brevier, "refers to some transactions in this place, which are anything but creditable to the partial concerned. We can hardly think that there is a man in this place who would treat a sodiers wife in the manner there re ferred to, but If there Is one of the kind, we iritonld see that {the the last time be is pennmitted to Jo m. W. B. Ketler, Sec'#. Arming the State Militia. — A telegraph from Harrisburg has the following in relation to the arming of the people under Governor Curtin’s late proclamation:—“Citizens organizing them selves into companies under the Governor’s proc lamation are not.reqnired to clothe or equip them selves. Arms will be promptly furnished upon application to Adjutant General Russell by the regularly elected Captain, and not necessarily through the Brigade Inspector. Captains will be required to give bond or some good security for their safe keeping. Companies can be organized to number from thirty-two to ninety-eight rank and file. Companies and regiments thus organi zing should drill constantly and hold themselves in readiness to morch to the defence of our border upon short notice. '■ l 1 , • Removal.—Messrs. Hall and Neff have removed their law office from the room on Virginia street, to their new building on the Logan House lot, im mediatly back of the P. B. R. ticket office.— This building was pat up specially for their accom modation, and is decidedly neat and comfortable in all its arrangments. They can now entertain their clients and firiends in good style, and will be happy to meet them all in their new quarters. Cavalry. —The U. S. Government has called on Pennsylvania for three regiments of Cavalty, to he filled up by the 20th of this month. Capt. A. J. Crissman Is recruiting a company in this county. Young men who desire to enter the cav alry sen-ice have now another opportunity. Re cruiting office at Martmsbnrg. Capt. Crissman has seen service on die Imttlefield, having been heretofore connected with the 84th Regiment. Notick. —All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, are notified to call and settle the same o» or before the 15 th hint., as lam about changing my business, and desire to close all old standing accounts. Those neglecting this notice will have their bills placed in an officer’s hands for collection. Sept. 4th. JESSE SMITH. To be bad at Fritchey’s FAMILY GROCERY, corner of Main and Caro line streets: A large lot of choice Sweet Potatoes at At Fbitcbey’s. A fine lot of Baking and Eating Apples Potatoes always for sale At Fbitcbey’s. Oranges and Lemons always to be hod At Fbitckey’s. Sugars, Coffee, Teas and Syrups, fresh from the city. Baker’s best Family Flour, by the pound, sack or barrel. At Fkitqbey’b. Sugar cured Hams, the cheapest in town, Sugar cured Beef .No. 1 Carbon Oil and Lamps, At Fbitcbet’s. Fresh Butter and Egg* always to he had Altoona, Aug. 14, 1863. TO THE NERVOUS Of BOTH SEXES.—A retired Clergynum having been restored to health in a few days, after many years of great suffering, is willing to assist others by sending (free) on the receipt of a post-paid directed envelope, a copy of the prescription need. Direct the REV. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 186, Fulton street, Brook lyn. N. T. 9 [June 12.-4 m. MABBIED. On the 9th inst., bv Rev. W. Lee dpotsvrood. GEORGE B. GALEA to Mias MINERVA TROUT ,both of this place. DIED; In this borough, on Wednesday morning, 3d inst., NAOMI, daughter ot Samuel and Ann Eliza Boblet, aged 0 months. In Logan township, on the 20th ult, JAMES M„ son of Oliver and Caroline £. Hagtrty, aged 2 years 8 mouths. In this place, on tbe 29th ilu, Mrs. ELIZABETH REID, consort of Wm. W. Reid, ager M years, 1 moiiqi, r days. (jjIIARGWARD.-—The above reward J. AxwlU be paid bp the School Directors of the Bor ough of Altoona, to any person wbo will give information which will lead to the detection and conviction-of any person or persona who may hereafter injure or destroy any property belonging to the School Board, or nay, la the ab sence of teachers and scholars, destroy or carry away any of the hooks or property belonging to the same. WM. BOYDKN, Praft. K. A. BECK, Sec'y. £gept.ll.-St, 7b Destroy—-Bote, Roaeha, *l,OO Bonus an runs, $3 *in> $6 sizes ro* PiASTATnma, Sam, Boats, Homs, Ac; “THE ONLY INF ALLTBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.” “ Free from Poisons." “ Not dangerons to’.the Human Family.” “ Rata do not die on the premeais.’* “ They come ont of their holes to die.” B#- Said Kverywhert —bj ‘ All Wnousau Damwim in the large cities, tad hr DzaooißTs, Gaocus, SToasxpzrzzs, and Bsunns ganer aUy, in all Country Towns and Tillages in the United States. Sold by G. W. KESSLER, Altoona. Diiuu cun order m Above. Or addreee orders direct—for Pricm, Terns, Ac.] to UEIiRT B. COSTAR. PaisciPiL Direr—No. 482 Broadway Near York. FARMERS! TAKE NOTICE! I/AKMEBS wishing to improve their Stock of Cattle can now have the opportunity of . b /-?i!i a,nln s ,h * »«vic» of a THOROUGH BRED DURHAM BULL, “Captain Vlley," and the pnrchaao of a few (Aarons* bni Duriam, Baftrt, tor vale at Allegheny Furnace, whvte may ba teen (to aattofr donbteniM to Hu advantage of Anproied stock) 80 bead of Kentucky 2 and 3 years old Durham Bollocks thet are larger and finer than any S and 4 year* old ofthe common stock of this re gion. -Allegheny Furnace, Ang. 23,1862.-Bt* w. M. LLOYD & cm.. ALTOONA, PA* JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., Boiuotrmma, pa* bankers, {Late “BeU, Jo fait ion, Jack £ Co.”) D BAFTS ON THE PRINCIPAL Chios, end Silver and OoU for ado. OoQectioos Blade. Moneys received On deperita, payable on demand. or T* «§?«£ | ; 4 ROUSH, Druggist, • iTm * Ulcet this opportunity of retarolog hi* thank* to the citiieas of thi* place and vicinity, for, the liberal patronage they hare bfstowwl on him, and derix*«to in formthe pahHci* gecMi aUthat bo atilt continue* At bis Old Place of Business, A few Doors above the Post-Office, vheto be la st all times; prepared to attend t»* their vwti iolhii Une of bnsineaa.;£onj4sting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS. PUTTY, , VARNISHES. DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY. PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT j, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS. SWEET-fIRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL USE, ALWAYS ON; HAND. Physicains Prescriptions J CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OB NIGHT .Altoona, Pm., April It, IMS. HARDWARE— HARDWARE! | sEALKH IN FOREIGN AND DO- J / MESTIC HARDWARE, ,■ WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, ! WINDOW SHADES. ■ DOOR MATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS. COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, i BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, _ WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, AC, AO. ' za. Ermrj dmmcriptioh of Ooida in him line will be fur nished at short notice, and at low rates for cash. His remaining stock of DRY GOODS on hand will be cioeed out at remarkably low prices, in order to relinquish that branch of the bui^DMi. • Agent for Willson’s Fodder Cutter.” Altoona, May 29th, ISS2. EVERYBODY CALLS AT JEIsSE SMITH’S. when they want fashionable , Hats r*eas Groods For the Ladiee, embracing all tbe latest, prettiestand most FASHIONABLE PATTERNS, And among which may be found every quality of goods, the names of which it jronld be too tedious to enumerate. In the line 4f pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will! not V knock und4r” to any of my competitors. In this department I feel Jure that I can render satitfaction. AU kinds of country produce taken in [exchange for goods, and the kighestmarket price allowed. Store on the eoraer of Annie and Heieii streets. East Altoona. THOMAS HESLOP. Altoona, May 23,1862. W. Mi GOBMLY, ■, WHOLESALE GROCER, Dealer lit FLOUR; GRAIN, SEED, BACON,SCO AIUCUERD UAHS, HESS PORK, BEEF. CHEESE, IKON, NAILS, WHALE, TANNERS” A CARBON OIL, NO. 271, LIBERTY STREET, ! l (Opposite IlagU Hotel,') ■ TTAVINQ PURCHASED TUE INTEREST OF BIS LATE u partners, will condone the badness at tha old.stand, and will be pleased hf receive the patronage'- of hit old friends and customers. : 1 - Prtmdmb, Jane 1803—3 m Building lots for sale.— The snbecrtbers dSer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD IN (i LOTS, situate on the top of Hie hill; above the reser voir of the Altoona Oas A Water Company, being now held as property by the Presbyterian Church.; The lots are fifty feet front by 176 feet deep, and will be Mid on reaaon able terms. Persons wishing to purchase or view these lots will receive all infermatlon concerning; them by ap plying to Michael Clafaaogb, B. H. McCormick, Alexander McCormick, or Ches. J. Mann, Trustees of Presbyterian Cbnrch, ‘ [Altoona, April 3,1803. DRIED APPLES. —The subscribers hare a floe lo *of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at much lees market rates, ami which they desire to dose oat, at boat and carriage, without delay.— Persona desiring to purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find It to their advantage to give na a call. Altoona, Jane 20,1002.] MURPHY* McPIKE. OUR LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO well to look in Upon the choke andchaste assort ment of Sommer DRESS GOODS now displayed noon the well-filled shelves of : MORPHY A McPIKE, Cor. of Virginia end Caroline ate. Altooaa, Jane 38,1803. s 4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE Altoona fair view cemetery associa vr|ll be held on the eectmd Thursday erector of eech month. In the Council feoom. M.CLABACGu, \Jas. liowrant, : fretident. * Secretary. .: [May 16-’®?] P ROCEBIES AND PROVISIONS.— \JT A Urge and varied etock of FRESH GROCERIES AnD PROVISIONS,Jijtt received, and fofaale ae cheap ae the cheapen, at MdBPHV A McPIKfeS Store, Cor. of TliginU and Caroline ste. Altoona, Jane 26,1882. i ' Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY—-In.uranqe on Beal or personal property will be effected on the tnoet reaeonabte tarma by their agents in Altoona at hie office in Anna St. March 17, X 8». V JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. MUSIC ‘—INSTRUCTIONS given on the Piano-Forte and Melodeoh, by Mtaa M. MAKER. Trans, $lO per quarter. No charge tor the nae ofthe Inetroatent. Residence on Catharine Street, Wort Altoona. [Jan.lfi, 1882i-tf. \FEW SUMMER GOODS,of superior X V style and material, J art rac'd at BAUGHMAN’S. in BEAT PILES OF PANTALOONS, VjT fcr Nhm and BAUGHMAN'S. , ILTEK AND NOtS'COATS, of fvery A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 4%, WHIRTfr-CNeafanere and SinßlnWtirtt—(toe ami ooaree-white and colored—at LAUGHMAN'B Life Insurance and Trust Co. / IOMPANT'S BUILDING Southeast \J Corner of Wabrat mad fourth stream, PUnft Authorised Capital, .... $500,000 Paid up Capital,... . ; . 250,000 Assets...... 1,897,746 Incorporated 1850, bythe Legislature of I*enn»yl- rauia. . Innnillw daring toe Nmiarml life or foc ebert term*, frmnte mmataHiee aed eademneata, and matoaeaaomcta of mil kiada daneadtoa on toe Imm of ll*. . Policiea of-Life laamaee latnad mt the mnmt mnnui rate* of utlnr good-ro mi pm mi m with pro Sta to toanaanred —lmmt Bomtia January, 18M, Mag. 43 per cant, of mil pn mimnu receired on mutual policiea—mt Joiat Stock rate*. 20 per cent learn than the atone, or Total Abarioeaaa rate. 40 per cent leas thmo Mutual pain, Alao, m NON FORFEITURE PLAN, V By which apenonpaya far 6,7, or 10 yean oaly, when the policy la paid op for lon, and nothing more to pay; mod ahoald be ba uoabla, or wiah Ip diacupttpaa aionar, the Qxupaay will ieaue m Pam trr Pducr, In proportion to toe atoaont of praminm paid, mi followa; On m Policy of SMOO. STear 7 Year 10 Year after payment ol rates. rates. rate*. 7 Annual Premium, for $2OO 00 • IU7 U 1100 00 * “ “ 400 00 280 TO 306 00 * . 800 00 071 IQ 400 00 6 “ " “ BS7 10 000 00 8 “ “ -000 00 * AUXANDKB WmiUMN, Pnddmt BAXVCL WORK,tfc* Pnktdnt. Jobs 8. Wiuon, SumUrj. *MM or nmu. _ . AloudwVUn&, - J. Kdumr Thomson, Hob. Jaa. Pollock, Hon.Jooeph Allison. Albert 0. Roberts, Jonaa Bovma. 8*«noel T. Rodino, H, U. XIUdM, George Nugent, John AiksSab, William J. Howard, Cbarb ■ V.' Heaslitt- Hamnel Work. Any farther infor*»tio» can be bad by applying ip tb« undenlned, vrbo it tbc antkoriiod agent for Blair County. July ft, 1803-ly K, A. O. KKRR. S° WHEELEE & WILSON’S S, I ’ SEWING I t MACHINE. I - - S s M R. A. O KERR. K H ALTOONA, PA., £ W Agent for Blair County. -i* s? £ s.Ntosim s & rpHESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT 1 to be the beet ever offered to the public, and their , superiority ie tytie&ctorily established by the (bet that iu the last eight year*, OVER 1,400 MORE of those Machine* have been aoW than of any other man afactnred, andmore medals hare been awarded the pro prietor* hy different Fain and Institutes ihanto any.oth ere. The Machine* are warranted to do all that I* claimed for them. They are now In nte in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machine*, to Col. John I. Piper, Rev. A. B. Clark, George lUwke*wortb, Benj. t. Bo**, and B. H. Turner, Bsqra. The machines can bo seen and examined at the store oi the Agent, at Altoona. Price of Mo. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot anc new style Hemmer—s 66. No. 2, ornamental bronse, glass foot and now style Hemmer—l&6. No. 3, plain, with old stylo [March 21,1861*11, WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO, LOCK HAVEN. PA. PREMIUM NOTES IN FORCE Insures property on os reasonable terms a? are consistent with security niisopoas: O. C. Harvey, 0. D. Satterlee, J. B. Hall, Jacob Brown. P. M. Prico, Allison White. Simon Scott, . C. A. litjer, Alex. Sloan, W.Poaron. 0. D. Satteblkx, V. P. G. Q. Habtvt, Prea’t. J. W. Chapxi*, Secretary. July 3» ’63-ly.] R. A- G. K£RR, Agent, Altoonu. C. C. SERVER & SON, (Successors to Thomas B. Taylor & Co.) Paper, Envelpe, and Printers’ Cart WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. i LARGE ASSORTMENT OF A WRITING, LETTER, NOlfi. PRINTING, WRAPPING. MANILLA, TISSUE, SHOE AND HARDWARE ■■v- .v Printew 1 Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers and Storekeeper*, wtU fled it to their advan tage to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. May lit, IMi-ly. GROVER A BAKER’S Sewing Machines! Haying accepted the AGEN ey for the eate of the abore celebrated Machines, we ere now prepend to furnlflh, on abort notice, ear o the various atytee of machines mannfoctnred by this dom pany, ranging in price from ®4O to *lOO. Purchasers of tbeee Machine* hare the* advantage of chasing one making either the celebrated Graver A Baker Stitch, or the Lock Stitch, the only valuable Seating Ma chine etitehea in practical nee. The anperiority of theae Machines over all others, for foany 'searing, la noar folriy established. The peenliaritie* of the difirent etylraof Machine* aril! be cheerfully explained to any one arming to parch***. J. • 3. LOWTHER, Altoona, Ang. Ttb-3m. Agents. C M. WOODKOK, O* ATTOM&XY-ATIA W, Altoona, Penn’a, Will practice in the several Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon coon ties. Being associated with CHARLES E. PLEASANT, Eaq, Military and Claim Agent, of Wash ington City, be aril) devote Ipedbl attention to the prate, cotion and collection of claim* againet the United Stat«, including Pension*, Bounty Lands, Arrears of Pay' for Services In the Army and Navy, and generally all busl ness before say of the Department*. ■ Office on Virginia Street, i doors above Julia Street. May 15,1M1M1 A NOTHER OF THE SAME SORT ! . The undersigned tskea pleasure In announcing to the people of Altoona end rlctnfty that they have Opened e HAT AND CAP A BOOT AND SHOE STORE, In the roam formerly occupied by Wolf 1 Brother,on M* 1 " street, next door to Bowman's Kxchaage Hotel,Then they will keep constantly on hand a large stock of eoods faitUlr line, consisting of Hats and Gaps and Boots and ex clnsirely, and will be prepared, at all times, to accommo date those who may forer them with their patronage.— Tlieir stock of ' LAD IBS, MISSES, AJiD CHILDBES’S SHOES U large and rarfed, while their assortment tor MEN ANDBOYS Is equally complete. There Hats and Capa are of the »«rr latest Mhien, and of diftnot styles ' rlsmes. They boy all their goods for cash, and are wflUngtosel. them at a eery amall profit. Call and examine the etosk and prieea, and indga for yoontlres. SMITH A MAKE. Altoona, July 10,1862. A general assortment of XX. Jewelry, Hair and Clothe. Brashes, tombs, Bseketrknires, Ac, at UISBIMp ■\TBW AND IMPROVED STRLES of Trwnks, Talisee npd Oupst-Bsgs. at' : : TTMBRKLLAS AND SMtASQLS, |J In endless rsrlety, at tATORKAW’S. Altaaaa, May 1,1868. 405)000.