BVAMOELIOALUOTtBAN-Rer. ft*»i Plea dll— mij BnbbstbjescndngatU «W»a, »dinth.——m **«*■* ■■ *2£%?sS!* o>e»oc*.— fl«*rbrtt~ 1 ia MHHea tu o’clock. A. M. ; Ufflff-in. A. H. B—Mnrga, PMter;— Pr»«hln« BIIBWIi wilfiMr'' tfdMfc—*teft>erenj»gat 7 tfcfaki >5 arenlng at 7 o'clock. , sfcckA. M. t^JSSSßWasraassiSs; asya^hS^^'.teiassKi: Min»Mmw itMflOfth (Me nuhr PtUn 1 ) ■».n» r ntf» miwmmw. Jomr law, Pastor—Di .|p. at 10}< o’cloekand in the afemiuon at S o'clock. SnhhathSehool at 8 o'clock 1a tbl - GERMAN CATHOLIC—Eer. ——> 3BBsaffls5 la6rsaA,asfSi o'clock In tha aflacnoon. AFRICAN METBOOXBT—Her. Hinna Jouitoh, Pu<«.-fniihli eyacyfourth Sabbath jnmehnsonth- Prayer Jbett—ayenr Eridajr evening et 7 o'clock. Bab bath gcbogtaOt •’clock in the afternoon. RAIL«*AD SOHEI OH AH» ArattSWUI..KAT B, M|«, TOAINB will arriaa at and laaTOAltooua Station M followa. / tSa:*; Fa.t “ Kaat. « B£BA-»{- “ •• “ Wait “ BJJ&P.M., “ n3° ”■ *• H a i| « Salt “ 7JSO A. M., “ 7j48A.11. * <• «£«*• 6.48P.K." » 7,00 P.M. Tk. mmaiMMlM MtABOH oooiwcja with Kx ■^gjtwßiasasSFAß at IAD P. M.— Altoona I^l^M^-3la>sT^lWikUj.b a rg at 3AS. BH6OHUWXB, fioa’l A**. MAILS OLOtC AND OPEN. wmowmi. B«. Urn -••• Ji? « '' W***r«W»J— ~ i « 7UAM * I**:" Baatm MATta ARRIVE. >** ?"1S; KH?S22E : ....... 7 6© ** 522125?** ■ ——. — g soph SiSu y” ' e4£ - otm bmbi:—Buis* *•» * *® *• ?• *•* 7 sa r. «. fcomT « ttß 800 a. *. 6*o. W.PATKW p. *• MIiTMIOftOF MKNMATIOIIS. MODNTAJN LODGE, Ko ; S«I.A. I Mi* « {hfrd Tuesday of each month,** 7 o’clock P. M, in the third ho. iw. on tbs grtt Thursday of esch month, »t 7)* o’clock P. M, No, ®. *•* f • *-’ p “S ,u i o “ first Monday of eeeh'maoth, *17J40 clock P. M-, in nme r °MODsSSra OOKMANDKBT, No. 10, K. *• meets on the N# Tn*ft*y of each month, at eloekP.M , • s SSSSs^**mi Frldsy«ei^ t i*7Ko’clock,:!* the third story of Jag liQPOPi sMj meet* every to "-W etory of Patton’. I- 0. B. M. meet, eyery Tuesday ereninn’ln the socopd etory of Masonic Temple. Conned trekdodiedet 7th run 00th breath. ALTOONA DIVISION, No.SU, S. of T, m«U every Saturday evening, «t 7 o’clock,: in the second etory of the Muonic Temple. STATE OFFICERS. toecmoT'.Andrew 0- Cgrtln. Amttv it stele—Ki SUfcr. MtorZy Ansrul—William M. Meredith. Auditer I. Cochran. t. Wright. Adjutant Omeral—K. M. Biddle. State Ireomrcr—Henry D. Moore. BLAIR COUHTY OFFICERS. JuiaaifiAtOmrit*— President Jndge, Hon George Tay lor. AlWltotaA Swnnel Boon, Adam Mow*. flfcMfnr Hnn Ti-— *** w "* lf A(»tmWjr«*an—Th»ddea*B»nk». nllllfnii L, CovtS) Georg® Kaon, /•So* V. Jtßkkehd. nnirty Wirtirt TdinmT °-‘- «ood, WIUUm Bnriey, D»rid cJmtt’Siu Hr*—iJ M.ttayd, *Oht.M.Heaaimer, L. L. Moon, thro**'—A- J. jhuxnahmfff if ammo* BOuU «—Joha Mltthell. M«TOMA MHKHtfiM OFFK»ftB. ■■.--p.v M. Cherry, /oho W. Hume*. gmyth, Daniel Dutchman, John’ '”’ J * VrrTine ’ John Shoemaker, J. B. ■ augfau Va. jradn, JAk*lovttavr, 1. A. Beck. dSffjfrT T - 1 -- A.Klchott,o. J. Moon,Alei.MoConnick dinner lh»M Btteo. ! 1n , Hoeeer, J-L- Rajftnyder. rwt KTard —Michael Clahnogh ■ u * Barth Word—John »»oMWker. « WaJA—ltobt. Gnsen, Alex. McCormick KMPORTITM OF FASHION!! Akoom, Pa. D. W. A. BBLPORD, Proprietor. rrißX .WWWlWnjt Ol 1 TSX “EMPORIUM | r announce to the jifttli IM t)l» HWliiJ »lltp r GABSIMEREB, VESTINGS, GOODS, Bwpendera, fierier?, Hwidkerohieft, Ao., Ao » *«., _ the Rmrortom toettee w eietolne tsSarSSwSS, toetto* eaSSimt tojtjrte toehto J*"*" 4 7.™ "!!!!-"” iw. tgj taej'.cehde tbu em wIU ep etototog to toe Stolon, nwiWiei'lW riir nlnt Hilt to prmr imtil-*~**~*T T&u* yMN«l<htoS»lKOtorbthit ■' " ; UttottonmrtiMUaiil, ■■" be naUjr cent he beet. Ttrg>n^>trwt ’ WHIT# LEAD AND ZINC mwmWf* : '• [i-tti kmmjr’s Tn»- I DR. WM. B. HURD’S ; NORTH WARD AHEAD! Denial Remedies THE BEST in the WORLD, FINE TEETH A sweet BREATH, CURING TOOTHACHE & NEURALGIA! So yon wtoh to be blooeed with ond to P«J»w Wmn and Sound TRETHI Doe ML WM. HUMPS UNRIVALLED TOOTH POWDER, warranted free from add. alkali or any injurious substance. Price, 2o **nts per box. «, Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth Powder* which whiten hot destroy. Bo yon wish to be certain that yonr BREATH » pur* eweet, and agreeable to hnAend orwifc, tore r^Mewiel Dee SB. HURD'S CELEBRATED HODTH WASH.— Price, 87 rente per bottle. Thle aatriagent waeh ie alto the bat remedy in the world lor Cunt, Bu Buxtb, Bixxßibo Gluts, Son* Mooth, etc. It bae cored hundreds. Do you or your children mftr front TOOTUACEi Get DR. HURD'S MAGIC TOOTHACHE DROPS. Price, U cents per bottle. HW. Are yen afflicted with NEURALGIA! GotDR-W.B. HURD'S NEURALGIA PLASTERS- The moat eSocttve and delightfkl remedy known. - They do not adhere nor Ulster, bat soothe and diarm patnaway./ Try them. Price, 18 and 37 cants. Mailed on receipt of price. Do yon'wleh a complete and* IVeotue on JVcserwg ****** Get DB. WM. B. BUBO’S DENTAL TBKABUBV, the neatest ami most valuable present that one Mend can make to Price, $l. Bent by express on receipt of price. For sale at all the best stone throughout the' country. CacnoK.—As there are declare who take advantage of our advertisements td impose upon their customers infer rtor preparations, it is necessary to insist upon having what you call tor, and yon will ant ra* amt. thoronghly tested, and prepared by an axpuienosd end sefentiilc Oen ♦i.t Treasurer of the NswVofk State Dentists Associa tion, and Vice President of the New Turk City Dental Society. Address ; . WM. B. HUBD * CO., New Yodt. DR. BUBO’S DENTAL BEMBDIEB are for sale in this place by g.W.KBSHLBB. THE HOUSEKEEPER’S NEW Furniture Polish Prepared from an improved reaelp* by the proprietor of the “Bftomk JMtatHA* Polish,’ 7 I* certlfledby all the leading New Tork furniture Dealers and Piano-Porta Uakera lobe the beat in the world for removing Scratch**, tixi Dirt, and restoring a tygh and lasting gloe* to all kinds of Varnished work, from Furniture to Leather. It I* cheaper and belter than Varnish, dries immediately, and Is easily applied. With a piece of Canton Flannel arid a bottle or two of this New Furniture Polish, a House keener ean work malic in the furniture of a house, and keepit looking like new. Now is the time to‘‘shine up your Tables, Chain, Desks, Pianos, Picture Frames, Cer clages, etc., sod make them look 60 per cent, better, mils is true economy. For sale by Fnrnttnre Dealers and Store keeners generally. Price 25 and 60 cents a bottle. Depot New York. «. SPECIAL AfIBNTS WANTED. Annaiss, „ . BOX 1072, New \oek P. O. GREAT BOOKS IN PRESS! THRILLING INCIDENTS' Great Rebellion; THE HEROISM OF Our SOLDIERS & SAILORS, The critics rad th« P*bUc right in this will loirpa— > In grmphte Mmtfre, exciting latewt. sawsjsasg. bring and bair-breadto escapes of our 8 Jdiere Mid Sallora, anditetocidanta will form toe of contofaatfcmat innumerable fireside. for years to nan. IK wm contain, to addition to its stirring detail the AM.l yaia of toe causes of toe War, by Jdtn itotonto L. L.D, Author of “ The Btoe of toe Dutch KepoMto, etc, toe dates of aB the Important eTenta from toe -Mm Brown midland an aecnrate and revised account of toe principal battles, With engravlnga, One-toird the proceeds oi all Bnhacriptiona sent direct ton will be girafortoe BeUef of Disabled SoJdteVvarto all peraons who Web acopy (rfthe work, and aim to benefitthe eoldiea, ehonld tend their name and address at once. Also,'any offlceror private, or P"“ aectku of too country, haring knowledge of any heroic act or atlrrtog incident, will oblige na by sending us an *B(>fyKCT.I.BBB, PQBIMABIBEB, CAK VASSISO AQEKTB will b« fljmished with s Subscription Prospectus, on application to ihe Publfchew. t&~A liberal commission given to Sol diers desiring to act as Agents in taking subscriptions. American Manufactures, FROM 1608 TO 1860. BY DB. J. LBASDBB BISHOP. 2 TODS-, Bmo. Veil. 1. niw ready. Vol. n. nearly ready. Thta ia probably tha iargeat and moat important work now to the American preaa. We have alia Jnit pnbUtbed new editions of tha fallow, tog uaetol and popular books: % THE BUSINESS MAN’S ,\ : LEGAL ADVISER; Or, How to Save Money, by Conducting Burineas according b> Law, a» expounded by the best and latest Authorities. 400 pp, sheep. Price fl- OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDtISTRY ; OK, - v 1000 CHANGES to make money. Ciolh, $l. TW» has been re-published in England. Every business Man and clerk They w ui pay (he barer a hundred fold, Every parent should get them.tor tneir tons. All these bongs are nailed, postpaid, on receipt of price. We pay particular attention to nailing books, wrapping then cereftaliy, and will procure and send, postpaid, any book anywhere, on receipt of publishers’ price and sir W FREBDLEY * CO., i Tribune Buildings, New York. | ■ PIANOS! i TyKBSONH WHO WISH W> Wl i r a Kano Of the best makers will be abowa bow they |'4a wren handsome earn in the thejr addrese I Can of Jot, Cob A CO4 Pobaritew’ Agents, ! ; ’ NEW YORK, P. o. sr*T. n, i«n-iy. Jhila- Stotnaed, cnectellj .Tsdtod rabMUan a*h*h*r StmwUM Stamp* for "iSs ARE INSURING ASV AND QF THE -OR ILLUSTRATED. 1 VOL, LABGB 12M0. FRIOB SU». THE HISTORY OF NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS AT OLD PRICES, r I'HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE . I *p©ctftoly Inform the cittern of Altova Jj4 rounding country tbnt he hu jnrt returned from theenrt, where ht hne been selecting hit stock of Bpnn* aad Som mer Good*, which for *tyle, qwUty wad Price cannot be •nrpamed la this neck of country. Hi* etockj* moai larcerthaa heretofore, and, a* it i* quite an object in the*e war-exciting time* for every one to pnrcfaaee wtare they can get the BEST article at the L 0W o b^S.X B, L CE ’* h ? • would ■*▼ Uat he can and will wtl AS JU)W, If not A LOTLB LOWRB THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE iu this place. He Wishes all to call and eoe his stock before pur i chasing elsewhere, ss he feels confident he can offer in ducement! which will DEFT COMPETITION. His stock ( , dress goods imi Ntecumoß. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND MIBBBB’ t DRBBB SHOES, MFW AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE, HATS AND CAPS, Ginghams, Lawns, Blenched and Unbleached Muslins, Dried Peaches and Dried Apples, Plain and Cants used Hama, Ac., Ac, Ac. Be Win Mil the AMERICAN PRINTS at 12>4 cants. FAST MADDER COLORS, 10 “ ■ FANCY DELAINES, from 12% to 26 “ Floe Bleached MUSLIMS yard wide, u “ Jfi “ . : 10 “ “ - “ K “ Heavy Dnbl’ched “ yard “ 18% “ ” “ “ % «: aa<> 10 “ LAWNS from 8 to 16 tl ladies’’ SUPPERS, ftourtt to 60 “ u Fine, French, Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES. $1 24 f‘ Pegged “ 1 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 ™ ■ “ GOAT “ 2 60 BOYS’ GOAT, (Noe. 4 and 6.) 140 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from "5 cente to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES, ' • 1 00 All tiles of MISSES’ 4 CHILDREN’S SHOES,; Tory low. Aggers- Coffee at 20 cents, BSaeUUtSf White Sogar 11 and 12% cents, Brown Sugar from 7 to 10 cts.; Belt Honey andLoveriur a Symp. at w cts.; Sogar House Molasses, 40 cti.; Baking Molasses, 81 to 40 cts.; together with Cedar and Willow Wan; Flour, Feed,4c, and all other articles of Goods just aa low as any other -house can sell. Please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. J. A. SPRANKLE. North Ward. Altoona, May 1,1862. J THE HEEOEB OP PEACE AND - THE HEKOES-'ofc WAB. E anthony, #30 Broadway, s NSW YOBK, U prfotflKße, in addition to other portraltfcthe celeblOM! aSbcOMknowD in Burope Sady'b 'sroioito.. jsBaiSSuPHM K*Srait OAItBBT, Id wh. NKKT Gw.) Prior ODE INSTANTANEOUS STKEEOSCOPIC VIEWS Are the QreaUlt Wonder of the 4ge- These are taken In the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leaves, ordhe inarch of an arm;, does not in the slightest degree affect | the taking of these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dogen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Albums, and Pho tographic Materials In the United Stales, and perhaps in the world. , ‘ i i ... Cajaloquks. containing lists of our Portraits, Views, Stereoscopes, ic. sent free by mail, on receipt of a stamp. e £ A^THONY so , Broadway, neat St. Nicholas, New Tork. AugB-lj- GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East A lioona, a few doors above Branch Street. The subscribes has just re ceived a large and freah atcck of OROCKRISS. PRO VISIONS, *c., which he wUI aeU afprice* equally as low as his competitors. His stock consists of FLOUB, u/u-F*' BACON. - vTrT FISH. SALT, POTATOES, COTI-EA, ' SVGAS. TZA, SPJCES UtACKEBS. CHEESE, TUBS, BRUSHES BUCKETS, BBOOHS, BAISJN.% LEMONS, ORANGES DATES COMBS SOAPS BUTTEB. EGGS CONEECTI ONES IBS DBJED FBCIT, AND DRUGS OF ALL KINDS I inrite the public to call and examine my atcek, aa I am determined to pleaao in quality itod price. May'B, 18C2-tf WM.H. PgBCIVAL. EVERYBODY CALLS AT JESSE SMITH’S. when they want fashionable Hais Sd Gaps. The undersigned would re -BPBCTFOLLT announce to the cl tissue of Altoona and surrounding country that he baa juat returned from the city with hie Spring & Summer Styles of HATS, J| CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. Hie Stock of Hats and Cap* are of .too very beet selection, of every style, color and shape, for both old and young. AA he asks ia that toe people call and examine hia stock, and he feole confident that he can eerid:toem away re joicing, if not to the purchase of inch an article as they wanted, at toe remembrance of haring looked upon the handsomest itock of Hate, Cape, Vials, *c,over exhibited '“iSe rnTnipfnto Street, opgotiU the Lutheran Chutxh. Oct. 3, l»pl. ; IBSBH SMITH. WM. S. BITTNER, Dental Burgeon, /IvFFICE IN MASONIC \ / TEMPLE, next door to the Office. J. G. ADLUM, Notary Pnblic, ALTOONA, BLAIB 00., PA. Can at ail times be fonnd at the store of J. B. Hileman. October 1,1847. i s2s] EMPLOYMENT! [f7s AGENTS WANTED ! We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen se to active Agents, or glee a commission. Particulars ■ant free. Address Brie Sewing Machine Company, B. JAMBS, General Agent, Milan, Ohio. j Sept. XMy.] .. I - /“TREAT WESTERN INSURANCE I T asp TRUST COMPANY Insmjance on Real or vmsonal property will be effoctedon the most reasonable terms by their agents in Altoona at his bfflce in Anns St. March 17,1859. JOHN BHOEMjAKER, Agent. £EVI’S PREPARATION FOR KX- I terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, and bugs without danger in Its nee «• tor sale at the Drug Store of U. W. KESSLER. ; j TT ARB WARE OF ALL DESCRIP JQL J-* fOT “ le b J I B.Hn™_ T>ELGIU>I CANARY BIRDS FOR X) SALE. Apply to O. W. FISHER; Portrait Painter, Altoona, Pa. ' [Jane »-«■ PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every die and style at JUAtWIHMAN’B. DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, cheap or fine I—go to jLAUGHMAB’S. All styles carpeting and OlMSotht can be found si .I.AUQHMAN’S. Siiron. I. Friis.. STOVES, TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE THE UNDE’ SPKCTFULLY ooqdo6 to the citlter Altoona and Ticlnity they batejnst receive large iopply of BTO] of all Pottenuy anel Cook, Parlor, Office Shop Stoves, which will sell at the moil tenable price*. A 1 supply will alway kept on hand. TIN AND SBERT-IRON WARE, in great variety, alway* on hand. ' \ \ ROOFING & SPOUTING I pa ap op short notice. ~ .. t They have also attached a copper-emithing room to their j establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop | per and brass kettles, Ac. i XU kinds of job work promptly attended to. i HAEDWAEE. i The sahflcribura have added Hardware to their line of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Squares. Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges, Locks, Latches, Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Ac., Ac., all of which they offer on the most reasonable terms, . ~ 49*Peraons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their stoca. A share of public patronage Is respectfully solicited. Store oh Annie street, l*tweeu Harriet and Ada line streets. East Ward, and on Virginia street; opposite Ke BB ier’ B Drug Store, West Altoona, Feb. 3d, 1862. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Spring & Summer Goods!!’. -T B. HILEMAN has just received a[ TAILOR, SJee and well selected stock of Goods, consisting of I * Th tj. tq 0 f One Hundred Fits ptr Month . Cloths, Plain and Fancy CassimereB t Satinetta, Kentncky U mancctfallT set Jeans/Tweeds, BeaTerteens, Blue Drilling, and all other 1 * 0 " 1 * mbll. kinds of Goods for |f °.! t „ a FaJ.hionabl. MEN AND BOYS’ WEA& SfftSisl.: together with a grand and magnificent assortment of Because I keepL^riSh, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Casgimeres, Vestings am Suet, as Black and Fancy Saks. ChaUus, Berrys. Brilliants, Trimmings which, whe, Lawns Delaines. Chintss. Dtßegts, Crapes. Prints, examincd-always please. ( rule- and Stella Shawls, Mantillas, Cndrrslervts and Because my «» rl Hosiery. Bonnets and BiUhons. Collars, Hand■ ■, made up in a manner tm kerchiefs. Kid Gloves. Hont*d Skirts, Skirt- takes down, the countr, Lace Mill-/, dc., d-c. i and gives all roy customer • a city appearance. Because I am not intent as a' Cutter to the best I he found anywhere. Because long exponent in my business ffi v^ s ra< entire control over it. a: I am not dependant up< any one tolift me out I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there* fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the House. Give me a trial and you will go away gifted- Altoona. May 26-5 m JACOB SNiUER. ALSO, Tickings. Checks. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Table Diaper, Crash, Nankeen, Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE. OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS. AC. GROCERIES. Oar stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and 'consists of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed," Loaf and N 0. Sugars: Green, Y. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses, soaps. Candles, Salt, Fish, &c. Thankful to tlif public for the very liberal patronage" heretofore received. he hopes by strict attention to busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a coutimnume of the same. , ... , 43*Call and examine his Stock, and yon will l*e(vu» vinced that he has the best assortment and cheapest Goods in the market. \ Country Produce of all kinds taken ui exchange tor Goods at market prices. Altoona, April 4.1862. . POKED OUT AGAIN ! 1 The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of AUocfia and vicinity, as he has again opened out AT HIS OLD STAND. on Virginia si a Jew doors below the Supt's Office* with an entirely new and fresh supply of * PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT. POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, MAS of all kinds, COFFEE, SUGAR, STROPS, BAKING MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SEGAKS, DRIED FRUIT, SOAP, CANDLES, BROOMS, BRUSHES, Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notion-. Candles, Ac. Also a large stock of LIQUORS! All the abore goods will no sold, Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—eoriie all! See for your selves, and be convinced. No charge for examining my stock? LOUIS PLACE; April 17, ’62-tf. U'ARMERS TAKE HOTICE.—The F undersigned is about starting a Tannery, and wish es to buy hr trade for ♦ 400 CORDS of good BOCK OAS BARK, and also for HIDES, for which the highest market price will be paid. Altoona, Aprll IT, ’62-tf. LOOTS PLACE. I EXCHANGE HOTEL—THE SUB ’i SCRIBES would respectfully in form the public that ho has recently re- fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate his friends patrons In a comfortable manner, and luVpeßp will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for;alI sojourners. Bis Table will always Imluxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges areas reasonable as those pf any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who fevor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have Just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. .... Also alarge stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of .the best old Bye Whiskey to befonndln the country. Altoona, May 27,1859-ly] $3O. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. O ommeroial Agents Wanted TO ’ KELL GOODS FOB THE ADAMS (A Nrw Esbiasd) MANUFACTURING COMPANY. We will give a commission of one hundred per cent, on all goods sold by our Agents, or we will pay wages at from to $lOO per month amt par all necessary expenses. For particulars addres (with stamp) CIIAS. RDGGLES, Gen’l Agent, For the Adams Manufacturing Co. Detroit, Mien. May 8, 1883-ly NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY family to get in their supply of coal for the Winter, and the subicribhr would therefore inform the citir.eos of Altoona and vicinity, that hn is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell it by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at the door ofthe purchaser. on the North side of the Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. U. H. MYERS. July 35,18ei.-tf. ¥>LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE ■ I AGENCY.—The undersigned. Agent' of the Blair County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, is at all times ready to Insure against loss or damage by fire, flutW wipr, Mmiumdiu, Furniture aml Proptrtj/, of every des cription, In town or country, at u reasonable rates as any Company in the State Office with Bell, Jotaneton, Jack A Co. T. CALDWELL. ttgait. Jan. 27, ’59-tf .STEgHSX WINTKES JOHN BOWMAJL COAL. CAMPBELL'S SIX HUNDRED ANl> EIETY DOLLAR newspaper press I 'OK the above sum in cash I I j wll j furnish one of my superior NEWSPAPER Jesses, that can be driven by lumd with easo at the SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR. on any kTnd of a job from a colored poster (low* and do , work a* well as any cylinder Press m the world. Bed 31146 inches, rolls a forw’ 27 X 44 inches with two . roUers, weighs, boxed for shipment, 4200 lb»,»nd can be , put up ami set running by any ordinary printer. P The>e is included with the PrMS, one rubber blanket, two sets roller-stocks, and two roller-moulds. fh X ave^rene^ t on ** *«*£ > amount of *lO, and sending nie a pnper containing it, will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment i Tu one of riy presses, if ordered after one ye.rfrom Sep tember 1.1861. If ordered within one year, ’J** 1 ** allowed for the bill. If ordered within sivinonthstM will be allowed. And if within three months, $4O will he allowed for the bill. THESE ARE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. You will find it for your interest to commuhicate di i rectlv with me, as X warrant the press to be i ll I repre ’ sent ft, which your merchant can easily find j}“* ? if you are a total stranger 10 . Jpopr / ) P arlicuU,n! Ple “ t a ‘ idree9 sueet, N. V. ! Sept-19,1861. , ' -pATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON VnriiaUd Simplicity Sa/e/yor^conomy. ", r ..rso., desiring to obtain the Tory best end cheep .fl“fsble light within their reach, should cell at the elsewhere, end we pledge ounelre. to demon- Htratc Ist sa. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. That they are very easily trimmed. Thit they are easily regulated to gi»e more or leas Thatthey hum entirely free from smoke. the light is at least SO per cent, cheaper than ,nv othei light now in common use. 1 ,'' « admirably adapted for the use of Stu- I a Seamstresses, Factories, Halls, Churches, I Mechani , w hly recommended for family use. i stoles, Ho,eL, Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to ! i wiU mswer every purpose of a new lanp. I Aug. W» ISBS-tl.j • , ! stb. ] 6th. Stoves, Tin and'Sheet Iron Ware SPOUTING, &C. SRItjQ- WOULD RESPECT # fully nform the. citizens of and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment or Oaking, Pan or. Office and Shop Stoves, of all styles and fizvs. to suit the - wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reason-, able terms. , , . OL . He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin ana Sheet- Iron Ware, consisting of all articles for culinary purposes— CbaZ Scuttles, Store Pipe, tfc. He has also purchased the right of sale In Blair county, of 11. V. JONES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STCFFER, an invention which needs only to he seen to be apprecia and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. . *5, Particular attention paid to patting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the moat reasonable terms. [april 14,180 My GROCERY, PROVISION AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned would in form the public that he has purchased the interest of A. MILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOOR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES. DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA. SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usually kept In Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the moat reasonable prices. Haying recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale. I will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ol liquors of the best qualities to be had. 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12,1801-tf.] J. BERKOWITZ. IV/f ORE GOOD NEWS! if 1 The undersigned has just received from the Bast a large and varied assortment of ‘FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres. asd VESTING, material for FINE AND COAKSE OVERCOATS, material fur BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, such as Undershirts, Drawers, Sus penders, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs 4c., ire., all of which wiU be sold at the lowest prices. All work ordered will be made up in the Tery best style, according to the latest fashions, on short notice. Nov.l,188&-tf THOMAS BLWAY. SOMETHING NEW. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST returned from the east where he' has purchased a very large and fine stork of BOOTS AND SHOES. BROGANS, G AITERS, &C., which he is prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Haring purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, he i« prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that ho asks is-that the people will «m and examine his stock' before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don't forget the place, two door* below Vent Office. Jan. 3,1861. M. THOMPSON, Agntl. van ANUEN’S patent PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. HANNAH A CO., Sole Proprietors, iii) Cliff St.j New York. . TWO SIZES ,$l,OO 4 I£s. ON RECEIPT Of PRICE A, PRESS' WILL be mailed to any addives, postage paid. Descrip* live Circulars sent It re^ii^sted.. Stationers and Agents supplied on liberal t?rmjs. ASP* Extraordinary inducement* offered to intelligent Agents. • . [May Ist, *62—3m.] 0” yes: o t&:—gentlemen draw nigh and bear. JOSEPH P. TROUT Mmonn* ces to the p’Lilc, that he is ready' to discharge his duty as an Auctioneer whenever called npon, {Jan. 2 *56. , HUTTBKS , . ; "STATE dAPI^OL Book Bindery, AND BOOK MANUFACTORY Ko. 64 Market St. ffarru&ttrg. Pn This establiahment is chiefly devoted to tlif ft>r DockeU made of the be*t linen papar. , „ . Librarian*, and 'uthaw? thiiir Books wni . moderate prie*a,al*«M*f*«wacaH. 0 r largest ««»• Harper 1 * "Weekly, Olwwou \ ll*lloo*. Scientific American,L.mdon New., i*™Vnt to order, and in any style required. Harper s Mouth- W Knickerbocker, teW* and Orabani* Oodes’e Hady’e Book* U<W» Repertory, Peter i Pi»noMß«fc:. *O, bound in extra styles, or nW«*Uw Magaainee, Pamphlet awe, boend in good Li. 1 .trie. It rm moderate price*. Pereoa* baring a number of Volume^to bind, wUI receive a liberal diaconut Wndinc can saMlybe lent to n* from a distance by fir ' An work warranted. Addr«a W.Umrm.^ «n.McCRDM*DKEM,at the IWinme Office, are k, 1 I KKSSS»ei-*s-;s^“~{,' t my care* L • GROCERY AND BAKERY ! THE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUN CE to ihe citizen! of Altoona and vicinity that L, just received .a large invoices ot fruits! CONFECTIONARIES, HUTS, SPICKS and notions tor children Ao„ expressly for the Holiday. Qe will also keep always on hand a good stock of plain and fancy cakes, of bis own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS, AC'. always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Baltn, EGGS. GOOD WHITE WHEAT FI.OCH. np’CKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AC.. always in store and for sale in large or small quantities. Cal!, exammp and pric« my stock and you will find it ns good and cb‘‘ap ns any in town Pec.2o,’6d-ly.j riMiE UK EAT QUESTION WUIOH I now agitates the xnimUblf every is. where caw I get the best article for tuvlßHl money? In regard to other matters, the sub scriber would not attempt to direct, but if you w ant anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES " he invitee an examination of his stock and worfe. Ue ktvpa constant! j on hand on assortment ofßoota.>b >- Gaiters Slippers lc„ which he offers at fair price*. He will give special attention to custom work, *ll • watch will he warranted to give aatisfactiou. NpnehcJtb be*t workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, ImmeilUM opposite Kessler’s Drag Store September 3, ’ST-tf] 11. FETTIN^ER’S (ieneral Sews Ageucy, OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOUKK STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY , CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 34,1861. n\TATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE- Thia Great Journal of Crime and Criminals is i*» its Twelfth Year, and U widely circulated throughout the country. It contains all the Great Trial*. Crlmum Cases, and Appropriate Editorials on the some, together with information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in aui other newspaper. tS-Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six montli* .« be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their nanir* and the town, county and State where they reside pwinii, To Q. W. MATSELt * CO- Editor k Proper, of New York Police Gazette 15_lfT Sew VorkOtji CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD In form the citizens of Altoona and vicinitj 1 “ CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STOHE,i»Ww»y» supplied with the very beet articles to be had. and m S TVIt variety, lie has also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in whichbewillserve up in every style during the season. FEESH-SAKED BEEAD <€ PJES always on hand. He is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies. 1 or pic-nics and other parties. He invites a °f P t ,-, fatronage, believing that he can renderfall satisfy * all. *,-■'! Remember, his store and%doon is on V door f-below Patton’s Ball. OTTO K Altoona, Oct. 10, IS6I-tf _ Gi- W. KESSLER — PRACTICAL IT • DRUGGIST, respectfully to the citiiens of Altoona and the public erally, that he still continues the Drug business? wn on Virginia street, where he keep* roustanuj oh hand, for side, Wholesale and Retail, DRUG-r MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VABNIaU- V ES and DYE-STUFFS. By stricti attention to business, and a desire tore w isfhetion tq all as regards price and quality, m merit and freceiTea snare of public patronage- Physicians and merchants supplied on , and all orders from a distance promptly » tten Js Physician* prescriptions carefully compoundem^^ f IORELITE BA S E .—Having \J chased the right to manufacture the ,O BABB N ARTIFICIAL TEETH, I am nowprej«» put np : dentures on this new and beautim * pJJL „ which & far superior to the old style, on aSilfc' it will noi corrode or discolor. It contains o substance, 1 and of course there i* no gal**® p fr , lo . whereby ihetal plate* often become obnoxious, wishing mjfiue set of teeth will please J*s t J£veß. ,P JM S^ Office in MasonicTempMJ^ AND ’ LARD OILS. <’ A)i f* pbe|us Burning Fluid, Carbon 00, ic - Jan. 3, *?HMfJ - / an Hand at mcCORMILR’ B ,^ V / t~A splendid asaortmont of Ueftoy-Ma ? Tall arid see. ‘ Cl ROCERIES. A LARGE A A J IT complete assortment of groceries ceired at the store of ' IT AIR. HAT, TOOTH, SHAVI- Vj IT: Paint. SWab and Varnish Brushes » , KES?L KB , . i - i LL KINDS OF PRINTING I ttalir OILS, COLOGNES. i SShMin* Cr«un, ToiU-t \ISBW* QPECTAOLKS o H-tf. OQ i t H 4 a * T §3 g! ! » N 1 W . “I “ £< i-d £5 -2 <t - ? < I 2H% S 3 I s^l" 35 5 =55 S* pw|^'|s «<S2s cc^i°s- = W w A *«. g « H ~i S^|£ls JB = i o|» iV JACOB WISH joiin u. uoßKurs M. CBIIM & DEKS. VOL. T. the auoona tribune MoORUM, PVBLMfctas VND PROPRIETOR* . tunttiu.' pny»W« invariably iu *dv<uu:«v s\Mk 1 *’} \**V* Tn ut th«* thetiwr KM' yf VbVfiKYlHlXrt 1 inM'iti«o> “ " ~s Uu4> 4,1 ,'lrt •• i 1 1 ■■' ll \-u r ■ > •«' * mifo wH-kniu.l tluiu ihivf month.. Si font i»r »*ach iuKertion I'w month#. 0 month* I >■**:*• %\ 50 *3 00 |A* .;.... 2 50 4 m> 7 •« J \4 00 •*5 <K> 10 o( &oo »>* u»* , 6 00 10 00 U h • >ul , v io oo 14 no 20 *» »«> 4, ;i' w : rrornMlo^V 1 "® 1^11 ™* •«' < ' ,,inK S s u i'ouima'n 1 cat to us of a f poll ticai ..‘.meter or Indiridnal in , r, « will be charged according Vi the abore rates. i.Wertiaeinen a not marked with the. unmlnr °v‘ n *V • i ms desired, will ho continued till forbid and charged a ■ Inline the ahovf terms, • I sines* notice* five cents I>er line for ererr insertion, iil.itnan notice* Exceeding ten line', flftj cent* a aqua t mt> ..jimrt*. BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL ,»■ KSTABUBHBO AS A HBFUfIB i’ROMQUACKKBV The Only Place Where a Onre Can be Obtained. DU. JOHNSON has discovered tht mcMt Certain.-Speedy ami only Effectual Uemedy ii world for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back 1 iuil»4* Strictures*. Affections of the Kidneys ami BlaU 1,.r Involuntary Discharges. Impotency, Uenorul.Debility vi.-wusnest*, Dyspepsy, Languor. Low Spirits. Coiifusioi f 1.1,- us. Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling* nimio*** of Sight or Giddiness. Disease of the Head .M ioat Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs. Stem h Bowels—those Terrible disorders arising from th. <Mitacv Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary prac ’ vs more faUl to theit victims than the song of Syrens to !i„.‘Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant or anticipations, rendering marriage Ac , impos^i : young men V-mviully. who haT* become the victims of Solitary \i» <• lii 'i dreadful mid' deductive habit which annually sweej u, ,ui untimely grave thousand* of Young Mon of the mo-f visited talent* and brilliant intellect,' *h<» might other i-ii* have entranced listening Senate* with the thunder-* • ..lo.iuence.' or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE Married Persona. or Young Mon eoiemplating maniai* Using aware of physical weakness, organic debility. deter aiilv, Ac.. speedily enroll. ' 110 whoqjiaces himself under the care of fir. .1. may r ugioiidy ronti'l-' inhis honor us a g-iitlem'in. anil conn I.oillv rely lipou his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Kentored. I'liis Distressing Affection —which renders Life miseiul.h old marriage impossible—is the penalty paid hy lie victim* of improper Indulgences. Young persons are i ~.t. to commit excesses from not being awnie offli* dread nil consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under -rands the subject will pretend to deny that the power o or creation Is lost sooner hy those falling into Improper habits than hy the prudcntl llesidi-s being deprived tie pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de -mictive symptoms to both body and mhid arise. Tin 'Vstotn becomes Dorantrcd. the Physical and Mental lunc (ion* Weakened. Los- of Procmitive Power. N.tvi.w* Irri i ability. Dynpepsln, Palpitation of the Heart. Imligt’stion ConstUntloual I>ejt>iUty, a Wasting of the Krann-. Cough, ronsumption, Decuv and Death.' OFFICE, NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. l,efi hand side going from Baltimore street a few d«nr ;nnn the corner.' Fail not to'observe name and nnmhvr betters must tee paWflfend contain a stamp. The D' iur’s Diplomas hang in his office A CUBE WABRANTEO IN TWO DAYS. JVo Stfrcury or \ Drug*- DR. JOHNSON. '•lumber of the Royal College of Surgeon*. Loudon. Drni uate from one 6f the most cMuiuont Colleges in the Unit*« Suites, and the greater part of whose Ufo has been spent c ih« hospitals of London. Paris, Philadelphia and e|v. A has effected some of the most astonishing cm that were overknown; many troubled with ringing in tl. hejul 'and ears when asleep, great nervousness, twin, ilarmed at sadden sounds, bashful ness, with frequen Mushing, attended sometime* with derangement “f, min" Yt-re cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE- Dr. J. addresses all those-who have injured themselv.• tiy iraproperlndulgence and solitary habits, which mi; Loth body and mind, unfitting them for either business «tudy, society or marriage. Tokse are some .of the sad and melancholy.effects pro- Diced by early habits of'youth, viz: Weakness of th< Bark and Limbs, pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys u ‘P*y, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digest tive Functions. General Debility, Symptom* of Consump u<>n. Ac. Mentally.—The tearful effects of the miud are much M n- dreaded—Lw* of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, D»- of spirit*, Evil-Forebodings, Aversion to Society. .'“lf-Diatrust, Lovo of Solitude, Timidity, ic., are some t Up evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what is ilie cause of their declining health, losing their rigor, be coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a sin* sular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms * I consumption YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselvt« by a certain pnct.ce in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned front ‘•vll companions, or at school, the effects of~which ar* nightly felt, even when asleep. and if not cored render marriage Imposiblo, and destroys both mind and body, ■should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hope of la* country, th** darling of his parents, shodld he snatched from al prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence o| deviating from' the path of nature, and indulging lu j< certain secret hah|t. Such persons mvst, before conteml plating j MARRIAGE, »•* fleet that a sound mind and body an* tlm uiOf*t n''*o*s.M i xjulsiteit to promote connubial happimis.-. Indeed, will '-ut those, the journey-through life becomes a weary pi primage: the prospect hourly darkens to tin* view; lit mind becomes shadowed with*despair and .filled with th melancholy reflection that the ot another S comes blighted with our own. ' w v DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. , '»ben the misguided auddniprudent votary of plea.-m finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful do ‘•ase, it too often happens that au ill-timed sensfc of *duun* or dread of discovery, deters him from applying Id. thus who, from education and respectability, can alone-l* friend him, delaying till the constitutional • this horrid disease make their appearance, such as alc'-n t*»d sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain s in the hea ; md limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the ghi bone* and arras, blotches on the head. Cicc and extrem progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last tl palate of the month or th© bones of th© nose fall in. an the victim of this awful disease becoroca.a horrid object - commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadft ’‘ ufferihgs, by sending him t * ~ that l;ndl*orftredCuuDti irom whence no traveller returns.” It is a melancholy fact that tbousaudK fait victim** t (um terrible disease, owing to the un-skillfulnoss of ign r ' ir \l pretenders, who. by the use of that D*a*Uy rnln the constitution and tnak-- the residue miserable. STRANGERS frust not your lives, '»r health to the-care ofthenmn bnlearnod vforthiess Pretenders, destitute of know • name or character. wh» ropy Dr. Johnston's advc style themselves, In fche newspapers, reg Educated Physicians, Incapable of Curing, they ke* von trifling-month after month, taking tjbeir filthy a» poisonous compounds, or as long ns the tallest fee o. 01 obtained, and ih-despair, leave you with mined heal over your galling disappointment Dr. Johnston U the only Physician advertising, iii* cre< * ent l ft l or diplomas always Kang in his office: His remedies or treatment are unknown to all oth<- '••■'‘pared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Euroj . .** Hirst in the country and a moroextoindve /Vir»ife /*,-• ,ce any other Physician in the world. T . INDORSEMENT of the press. in« many thousands cured at thblnMirutian, year aft '*l' the t)umev<>ti4 important furglcad operatic by Johnston. by ih* l reporters of t ?!*b* F ' Clipper,” and many other papers, notice* \ Jim “nva appeared again and again before the pnb * **’,?"** standing as a gentlemen of character and PonalbilHy, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. v« » S S ,N diseases speedily cured. i e “* rs< received unless unstpok’ \nd conlalniii; he usodon theroply Persons wntingshooW-t 'dUS* 6 ? 4 of advertisemeut describing sympto yyNlflg should lw Particular In three dngth i 'tot* to this Institution. luthefolk*wlnjt manner: n( .,JOHN*». JOHNSTON. M. 0.. Ofthe Baltimore hock Hospital. Maryla M II y. i>r;itN •.: a... * i*T' ? * •-’* I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers