i%> '^EAStCHEjft a nuns cnsß -voK P, ■■ - ; v-_ " V •• osf'enßatkm?. tto - ■ '".*• '*■ r TMtar Affections, Scald Heed, D .;•* Ujofcn Ulcers wk Piabtdsis,... tamdice, . Sritßhenuy Mercurial taint, of Appetite, Low gpirit&, Female Cooiptafat,; ; Kpik^w^ Idc XHiiwuiw 'of£ Csrim or (be Boon. •M other diseases having •d condition of the bioodor fljF DANIEL A. BOED. ft«B*OTOH, Dioctabw-jn, !*?!. m, >—t take pleasure In saaUng tjta yol . IftiAvorof a medicine Jo|| 1 Stem Busoina. n I had ttstonii br tpMa which broke out on my.beaj «a<) thfßhre mererjmßcK and I•**»«,, brtotr the elbow, and wt Jate th» a fesrfn] sore. 'Che' dhew, fafar that aereral amall » wny weak and low .plritad, andlwd sTaVer. getting well, m 3 had falser, hdaas and they did me no good, - I was induced to .tryLmtaWlh. menwr I must confess Jhad «nuth *.,h«t after I bad Used three ho|tlee«i »0«ik»r»on my bfd and ary.tay., Mdkenelght or ten bottle*, nndwrUn) *•?*•« except: the. aleo state that 1 bad the rhetunatkoo ■ns'phd lags. The Blood Bdaiidwr aim tiaia. lam now a well man, over iforly I fael aa suple and young as Tdtdwboo hateinertaaed In weight twenty pound*, that the diaease iu my foreheaud was «o dooped and lifted anytbW hwny. tt. Iw sore. Dr. Keyaer had a photograph r- Cargo, the artist, after I to. get labowmy appearance gsihad aa .it was sd taking the medicine. Ton can see ne of which la now ip ny possession, (yee« , « 140 Wood atm*. 3 .would ahu he Blood Searcher which was made hc commenced making tt. Although b ■ did not recover fast untQ -I gntthebind serhlnuslf One Ixrttle of hia dld pM pa of the old. I believe U IsagrostdesJ Iter. I hare recommended .the ;Blood M many of my friends fbr cartau'dh n> it has helped the whole of titsm. .Ton Ifyou wish, and 1 am anrioQS that ell as l was nisy be cured. I live iatUtefty, ewdam employed at CollvUle 4 Ander |e Work*. 5* Wayne street. ' ■ DANIBLdufOSO. MAN CUBED. •tatan *ni„»odjrt*> WMMtrfcurjMMh J oUMt oa-Sr. *“* •&> •»*#« >Uta Bie tmdaotgoto f P«» lUiito.jM* .«m ’nUtnft, Apt -or'W,»S« : I .18*7. a«T. Aadwm W**, AtfcgkMy scaai»o.cuffla>. *« ’&:*** • •••«*** wwHw'.***' M» 8« i wm mn»*W -t» fc »»y -tZS*S&33tei l £ »* «a if m&bM, udl m 4tMN*, OB AMutb «tn*tr ymQ&VV . THOHAB TAlUttLt. ■CEB CCKED- ■: ......'£T * i-fH, I* at V*'*’ > -'K'. Itltflima infemt. PRINTED ON ilanipWl’s $650 “ C untry Press/’ TRIBURE power-press o _ sQHHHP : printing office A H.viug, within the.past two years, miuio colmiiit 1 ruble uiitiou to oar Mtablivhment in the way of new fancy CM,* Preaa, Paper Cutter, Card Cotter, Ruling ifa- Hm Card Power Press, and Urge Newspaper Power Press’ (a cat of which we give above; we are now prepared anything in the line of printing or ruUng in stvle equal to any establishment in the .’•tate. and at prices equally low. We can exocate. on short notice, all dries of Wedding, Invitation, Visiting, Bail k Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes, MAMMOTH ROSTERS, SALE BILLS, [goyt. &Kl® iUIWIMIIMDfi pamphlets, Pay and Cheek Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, manifests, and blanks of all kinds. All we ask ia a trial, feeling confident that we can give «ti«fcction If we hate the opportunity. ' . ' Office in Lowther’s building, corner ofVlrgima and An air streets, opposite Superintendent's Office. LOCAL ITEMS. Dkpaßtcri; of Ol'r Volitstkkrh. —On Friday morning last, flic two volunteer companies fe . ruited in this place, by Captains Szink and Garde ner. departed for Harrisburg, on a speciaTtrain.— Long previous to the hour at which they were to «art, men. wqnien anti children commenced flock ing to the depot, and by half past seven o’clock: perhaps the largest concourse of people ever wit nessed in the town bad assembled in front of the Logan House. Business seemed to be entirely nwpended, and one-half, if not two-thirds, of the ■iwellings were deserted. Relatives were there to hid farewell, perhaps forever, to. those neat' and; dear to them, and the partings witnessed were suf ficient to melt the hearts of the most Gallons. A few |nissed the-ordeal of separation with fortitude, not deigning, to meet trouble half-way, but: such esses were rare, and required more self-possession than generally falls to the lot of the gentler sex.— 1 Friends and acquaintances were there to give the' putting band and offer words of encouragement to the gallant men who were about toexchange pleas ant and comfortable homes for the privations, ex pires and dangers of camp Ufe apd the field of battle. Spontaneously, as it were, at the call of their country, they laid aside the hammer, and plain, and trowel, and other implements of peace, to take op the sword and musket, implements of death, and go forth to meet and repel the foes of liberty and Christianity, and obtain for themselves an honorable place on the scroll of fame, or an hon orable death in defence of the right. Nothing but a dear consciousness of duty could have tempted them to enter the service. All that heart could wish and friends supply was theirs at home. While all who enlisted ore entitled, to, and will re-; reive, a bounty, yet we venture to say that scarcely one in ten thought of the bounty when they gave; in their names. We would be sorry to know that the paltry sum offered as a bounty was to wake up our young men to a sense of their duty. The only advantage gained by offering the’, bounty is, that it enables men who want to serve their country, but who are poor, to leave some thing behind for the support of those who are de pendent upon them. Shortly before eight o’clock' the Altoona Brass: Band escorted the companies from their recruiting offices to the cars in waiting for them, and at: about eight o’clock the train pulled out, amid the vociferous cheers of. the crowd at the depot and oh the cars, the waving of handkerchiefs, the booming of little “ Union,” and music by the brass and. martial bands. MusTEßißoix or Captain Szink’s Company. —The. following is the Muster Boil of Captain Stink’s company, after the examination. The letter m after the name of the person indicases married; COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ; Captain —Jacob Szink, m. Ist Lieut, —Alex. Marshall, m. 2nd lint. —Peter I. Trees, m. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS: Ist Serpent —Thos. E. Campbell. 2nd Sergeant —G. H. Hawksworth, m. 3rd Sergeant—insane H, A trick, nj. ith Sergeant —E, L. Buss, m. i sth Sergeakt —Edwin Hammond, m. Ist Corporal —Bobert Fry, m. 2nd “ —D. A. Burtnett, m. 3h i “ —J. E. Brown, m. 4M- “ —Wm. T. Miller. nth “ -Wm. Bariev, m. 6th , “ -Wm. I. Marshall, m. Ith “ —George Burtram, m. BtA “ —John A. Kelly, m. musicians: fl/er —Wm. A Brumbaugh, m. Drummer —Aug. Boyden. privates : ANxat, David, Laub, W. A. 8., m, Aiken, Stephen, Long, 8. A., «>yer, Albert, Markley, Isaac, m, ! ““]ey,L., McClkskey.D.A., I Madison, John, m, Blake, Samuel, Mlnehwt, Lewis, •; Brumbaugh, Jacob, m, Myers, Win. H., S eor * e > Miller, Andrew, Blake, W. 8., McClaikey, G. A., “rown, J. A., Mycw, A., m, “aiker, George, m, Myers, Joseph, m, i Francis, McLaughlin, J., ; ! Baker, John, m, . _ Oswalt, D., m, p “ran, Bobert, m, , Owen, Matthew, m, Uuiej-, J., Patton, Edward, ! 1, Vls > Leonard, Painter, Jacob, - oagherty, J. M, Parsons, C. A., ntt I. ans, Morris, Bichmond, S. S., m, avis, John E., m,! Bose, John, 1 Abel, m, Boffin, John, v™er, J., m, . Eice/Bhinehart, j ■ ans, a., m., Bobertson, Joseph, m, | A.W., Shaffer, Joseph, m; : Sohlag, Adolph, m, Ssitw ■ Steel, Samuel, m, , Bins ’ C ’’ m ’ Springer, Wm., m,: H^w' T o°-’ Stackhouse, Hemy, ir?c A c i ■VSki, c - Williamson, S. Hi, G hn , Walton, John, m, Unm*.w’ T Woods, Thomas, m, “Shelter, J., m . West. William, m. roll rf n yet receirai « b f fte fouster have -i • aP -' ““POOL l>«t ejqpeet to it m hme for our next issue. We foam that are only six -married .men fa tlu|t ccvjtpuiy. Codncu. PHooßßtomoa.—Regular meeting held August 4th. 1862. Present—A. A. Smyth, D. Laughmnn. C. R. Hostetler, N. J. Mervine. John Louden, and Ja cob Hessev. Minutes read and approved, - David Bell presented a bill for brick for sewer, amounting to $56 00. On morion of C. R, Hostetler, an order Was granted him for the amount of bill. H., Fettinger presented a bill for stationery, amounting to Si 43. On morion of N. J. Mervine, an order was granted him for the amount of bill. Joseph F. Keesberrj-j Supervisor, presented his report of labor on streets, amounting to $175 86. On motion of Daniel Langhtnan, orders were granted the following persons for Tabor on streets and sewer, viz: . One to Joseph F. Keesberty for $29 37; one to John Smalley for $23 25; one to Lewis Smalley for 23 25; one to M, Doran for $2l 75; one to Bernard O’Conner for $l3 00; One to Frederick Hiffler for $l5 75; one to Henry Fonst for $l5 75: one to Samuel Fries for $l6 87; one to Philip Dempsey for $6 00; one to Janies Kearns for $5 62; one to William Walton for $) 50; one to R. H, Myers for, 76 cts. ' ' On motion of N. J. Mervine, the Secretary was instructed to have 500 notices printed, notifying the citizens to have pavements laid or relaid. On motion of D. Lnnghman, the meeting was adjourned to meet at the call of the President of Conncil. i Special meeting of Council, held August Tth, 1862. ' Present—A. H. Smyth, C. R. Hostetter, N. J Mervine and J. Louden. , Joseph F. Keesberry offered bis resignation as Supevisor of the Borongk. ; \ On motion of John Louden, his resignation was accepted. On motion of C. R. Hostetter, the Council pro ceeded to nominate candidate for Supervisor. C. B. Hostetter nominated Mr. W. W. Snyder. J. Louden nominated Mr. Lewis Smalley. A liallof being had, Mr. W. W. Snyder was de clared elected. Ori motion of J. Hesser, the meeting adjourned. W. B. KETLER, Sec’y. Anothkr Coxpaky from Altoona. —We rai dcrsland that another company is -now forming in this place, to be under the command of Captain William Boyden. That the company can be raised there is no donbt ? and the orders from Washing ton, which we publish lift smother column, extend ing the time of filling np volunteer companies, renders it certain that Altoona will furnish the third company under the lute calls. ' Although the Government allows no bounty to those who go into service under the malitia call, yet we feci certain that the county will pay a lummy. We know our Commissioners are inclined to do it, and the peo ple will,sanction their action, “ Little Blair” has won the tifle of the “ banner county ” of the State in being ; the first to fill up and for exceed her quota of men under the first call. We learn from good authority that the quota of Blair counts-, un der both calls, and for men to fill np the old regi ments, will be about one thousand men. Altoona has done her duty, thus' far, nobly and quickly, and she will continue to do it. To those who know Captain Boyden. there us no use in our speaking a word in his praise, .but to those who do not know him we would say,/gentlemen, you could not go into the service under a man who will more faith fully befriend you and take care of your rights.— Fill np Altoona company No. 3. Farewell Address. —Tlie members of Capt. Szink’s company assembled in front of the United Brethren Church, on Thursday evening last, to listen to a farewell address delivered by Bev. S. Kephait, pastor of the congregation. There was a full turn out of the company, and a huge num ber of citizens. The address was spirited and to the point, showing that' the speaker’s soul was en gaged in the cause of the Union as well as in the canse of religion. While encouraging the compa ny to tight like heroes, and maintain the honor of the stars and stripes, he impressed upon them the necessity of being prepared for the dangers of the- battle-field—for death, if that should be their portion. Addresses .were also delivered by M. T. Dill, Capt. Szink, Capt. Crazier and Bev. Shear er, all breathing woWs of encouragement, to the men who had so nobly and quickly responded to the call of their country. - * DemooeAtxc Cocntv Convention. —The Dem ocratic County .Convention met in Hollidaysbuig, on Wednesday of last week, and organized by electing Col. Wm. Jack, President. Col. Archibald McAlister was unanimously declared the nominee of the Convention for Con gress. ' William Jack, John Woods and Samuel Isett were appointed Congressional Conferees. Thaddens Bulks and Theopbilas Snyder were placed in nomination for State Senators. A ballot resulted in the nomination of Theophilus Snyder. Junes Lowtber, John C. Everhart and B. W. Christy were appointed Senatorial Conferees. On motion of Col. Everhart, the following reso lution was adopted; Setohed, That this Convention deem it inexpe dient to nominate a County ticket at this time. We are behind time with our paper this week, in consequence of three of our (Compositors having laid down the “ stick alid rule” and taken up their line of march for “dixie." Our youngest d—l is all that is left with us, and were he of mili tary age and proportions be would follow in the footsteps of his companions. :We have seen the time when tbeshadowiof one “tramping jonr” had scarcely passed ont the door ere another entered to inquire for a. “case.” But times are cjianged.— We have seen but one; travelling jour in the. last twelve months. It is.more difficult now to get workmen than it oncewvas to get nd of them.— We hope to be able toobtain a recruit or two in a few days, and keep things moving as usual, pro vided Uncle Sam don’t give the proprietors notice that he wants their service for nine months. A Foraouso.—We learn that on Wednesday evening last, an infant, apparently bnt a few hours old, was found on one of the back streets, in East Ward. It was carefully wrapped np and had been carefully deposited where it was found. Its cries attracted the attention of some person pass ing by. It was taken in .and cared for by some of the ladics in. the locality where it was found, and ip now in the possession of Mrs. Alexander Marshall. It has not yet been discovered to whom it belongs. We hope the inhuman being who could thus deserf her offspring, may be Ar retted out and punished as she justly deserves. SEVEHBrMjdtmM>.—Chi Thunvlay oflast wwk. Craig Stewi«%; a brakesman on one of the freight trains between this place and Harrisburg, while standing on top of a car, was knocked down by the bridge below Tipton, and so severely injured that he yet lies in a critical condition. No one saw him receive the stroke, but he was found shortly after iying on the top of the car in an insensible condition, the blood ooxing from his care. He placed in a car and brought to this place, where he received medical attention. He was re'- moved to JSoilidargburg, where his fnniitv reside. Exccbsiok Train.— An excursion train will Ik 1 run from Hollidaysburg to Birmingham. on Sun day next, Tor the accommodation of those who wish to attend. the Camp Meeting at the latter place. The train will leave Holiidaysburg at 7.110 A. M., Mid Altoona at 8.00 A. M., and arrive at Birmingham at 9.00 A. M. Returning, will leave Birmingham at 10.00 P. M., and arrive at Holli daysburg at 11,25 P. M., stopping at all stations. o“\Ve would advise those of our citizens who have relatives and friends in camp,’ at Harrisburg, not to give credence to the innumerable rumors set afloat every day, by designing persons, no doubt, for the purpose of annoying them. All the letters we have yet received from onr boys state that they are getting along finely, have plenty to eat and plenty of fnn. Base Bam, Club Challenge Acckitko.— The Keystone Base Ball Club, of Harrisburg, re cently challenged the Club, in this place, for a match. The Altoona Club has accepted the chal lenge, selected the members who are to enter the match, and named Wednesday next as the time, and Uarrisbnrg the place where the contest shall come oft - . IS" By reference to another »’olumn ii will be seeu that vre are to have a visit from (itirdiior i Hemming's Cirena Company. Those who patron ize such entertainments will of course he In at tendance, and those who do not. will save their dimes by staving at home. “Everybody to their liking," os the old lady said when she kissed her <3* The Westward Express Train this (Friday) morning ran over a man in the “Narrows." be tween Mifflin and Lcwistowu. It is supposed that he was a soldier, and had fallen from the Special train which passed East last night. It is not known whether he was living or dead when the Express passed over him. Thanks.— Samuel P. Bates, Deputy Superin tendent of Common Schools of Pennsylvania, will accept onr thanks for a copy of the Common School Laws of the State with the decisions of the Superintendent and explanatory instructions and forms. Dost —On Wednesday last, 13th inst., between the Sail Road and Harriet street, East Ward, a SILVER HUNTING CASED WATCH. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it with the owner, at the Passenger Station. To be had at Fritchey’s FAMILY GROCERY, corner of Main and Caro line streets: 20 bushels Bell Pairs* for sale cheap, At Fritchey’s. 10 bushels sour Pippins, for baking, At Fritcuky’s. Oranges and Lemons always to be had At Fritchey’s. Lovering's best Philadelphia Syrup, cheap Fresh lot of Sugars at pity prices, At Fbitciiey's. Sugar cured Homs, the cheapest in town, At Fkitchet’s, Sugar cured Beef Np. 1 Carbon Oil and Lamps, N At Fhitcuet’s Baker’s best Family Flour always on hand, At Fbuchet’s, Altoona, Aug. „14, 1862. To ike Public ! — An experience of six months has fully convinced me tliat the cash system Is the best, both for Mid consumer. It ena bles the merchant to sell at oxe-Balp less profit and make more clear money, with less trouble than he can by selling on credit; and the reason is ob- | vious—he pits the money down for eveiything he j wants to sell, and has the use of it immediately.— The consumer also saves by buying for cash, be- , cause he gets Jtis merchandise at from 25 to 50 per cent, below what he would hare to pay if he bought on credit, or. even if he bought at a store which sells on credit. The credit business always loses a certain per centage, which must be made up from cash of prompt monthly payers. i • j I atp determined to do nothing but a CASH BUSINESS, and have but ONE PRICE for my Goods. I have just returned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia with the largest and cheegtest as sortment of ] Goods ever brought ■to Altoona. I would first invite attention to my complete selec tion of BEY GOODS, such as Morianta Silks, Bla?k Silks, Ducals, Reps, Foulards, Schallies, Delaines, Poplins, Debeges, Ginghams, Cambrics, Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Table Napkins, Table Diapers, Gloves, Hosiery. Also, a fine stock of Cassi meres, CottOnades, Jeans, &c., for men and boys. A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, for ladies, misses, men and boys. ■ A great variety of CARPETS, ranging in juice from 12} cents upward. Oil-Cloths of different patterns and prices. Window-Shades, of all styles. Children’s WAGONS, from $3.25 upwards. Spring Wagons only $4.25. Wall Paper and Bordering—a entirely new selection, embracing the latest and most beau tiful styles of Pajier for Halls, Parlors, Offices, Bed-Rooms, &c., ranging in price from 5 cents per bolt, upwards. GROCERIES.—My stock of Groceries is un surpassed, being entirely fresh. Best Syrup Mo lasses, only 60 cents jicr gallon; 2d class only 50 cents. Sugars at 9, 10, 11 and 11} cents jierlb. Coffee, Tea, Sjjices, Salt, Fish, SOaji, Candles, and everything in that line, at Cash Prices. In the QUEENSWABE line, I have the lar gest stock in town: Wedgewood’s celebrated Iron-Stone Tea Sets, forty-six pieces, only $8.87. China Sets comjilete, only . $12.00. Chamber Sets, from $1.25 upward. In the way of GLASSWARE, I hare eveiything raentionable, such as Emit Stands, Cake Stands, Jelly Dishes, Preserve Jars, Goblets, Tumblers, &c., &c. 1 would respectfully inyito the public to coll and examine my stock Wore purchasing elsewhere, as I feel confident dud I cut convince diem that it is cheaper to buy for auk than on credit; and also, that my slock is worth an examination. R. A. U. KERB. Altoona, April 17, 1862. • ’ TO THE XEKVOtIS f)V•‘BOTH SEXES A retired Clergyman buying been rear rod to in a f*vr days, after many year* of great suffering, is willing ro wsMHt other* by sending on th* receipt of a post-paid directed envelope. a copy of the prescription used. Direct the RET. JOHN M. DAtIN ALL. Wfi. Fulton ulreet, Brook lyn. X.*R [Jimo 12.-4 m, On the r.th inst.. by the Rev. A. W. Qibeuu, Capt. K. J. CROZIEK, of Company M, 6id Keg.. P. V„ to Miss LUCY LOWE. of Oaysport, this county. May no bullet from rebel gun ever pierr«* the vital* of the gallant Captain so fatally a* did the arrow of llml un erring archer—Cupid. While the tuddier-nifty fuc* ieath at the cannon's mouth, and in •malarious swaps, with heroic bravery, yet it i* ft«toni&hiDj: bow quickly they surrender when charged upon by one of the gentler sex, and own to resiatles* away.*’ May peace find the Captain and bin bride l*oth alive. At bis residence in Logan township, on the llth inni., SAMUEL McDOWELL, aged 10 year*. 3 months and 23 days. t In Upper Sandusky, Wyundott county, Ohio, on the Sd MARTHA JANE, daughter of Patrick and C. Morris, of thi* place, kged 2 years, p mouths afld 3D days. The father is in the Ai iuy of the Potomac, being a Sergeant in Cnpt. Crazier’* company, 6>d Pa. Keg. Dear Daughter— “We lay thee in the silent tomb. .Sweet hloesom of a day; We just began to view thy bloom. And thou art called away. Friendship and love havAdone their la 1 *!. And now can do no more. The bitterness of death past. An 1 all thy sufferings o’er. O who could wist) thy longer may In such a world aa this. Since thou hast gained the realms old «v. And pure, undying bUn**” Ilolliduytihijtrg paper* plenae copy above notices. In (lollidoynburg. on the HUh Inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, John Creswoll, Jr.. Mr*. SARAH AJtMI TAOK. nged 71 year*. GARDNER & FLEMMING’S GItE AT AMERICAN EQUESTRIAN ESTABLISHMENT in the world; comprising a bettor collection of beautiful Trained Horses aw/ Pout*-*, and a lari'er number of Per formers Ilian any c<-mpa-y extant. Will exhibit al ALTOONA , ON SATURDAY. Ajgt. In the afternoon and evening. Doors open at 2 and 7 o’clock* P. M. Performance half an hour later. The Management take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are able to enter for their amusement this season of ’O2. in a mom superior manner. The wagons have been newly painted and decorated: the harness is entirely new: the wardrobe is of the most costly descrip tion, manufactured from Paris during the past winter: the BAND WAGON, is a triumph of art, manufactured by the best makers, and ornamented iu the highest style of art. Among the fea tures of this establishment, is the JAMES TREES. ZOUAVE HALT, illustrating with striking vividness scenes in the present war; first the march and then the halt (in which the horses lay down and «it up al the word of command) con cluding with the grand charge. ■» ENGLISH AND STEEPLE CHASE is also another feature, and is introduced this season for the first time iu any traveling arena. The Acting Mutes, PETE AND BARNEY, will be introduced at each Exhibition, ami illustrate the old motto ‘‘That some things can be done as well as oth ers.** The At Fritchet’s. are the best trained in the profession. for**most anions which is the great TALKING HORSE, WASHINGTON. who will bo introduced by his trainer. DAN. GARDNER. THE PEOPLE’S FAVORITE CLOWN', who will appear at each entertainment in all his Songs, Anecdotes, Witticisms, Ac., Ac. The performers comprise the Stars of £urope and Amer ica, among whom will be fonbd the names of B. 1 George Derloue, John Foster, Signor Parker, Mon. Moresf*. w. Hill, W. King. J. King. W. Green, < C. Ricker, L. Levon, ’ R. Ball, MJm JBllxa Gardner, Madame Camilla, La Patltu Camilla, x Master Ed. y and those At Fritchey’s. THERE GREAT CLOWNS, PAN. GARDNER, JOHN FOSTER, YOUNG DAN. On the morning of Exhibition, the company will enter Seated in their beautiful Baud Coach, and drawn by a line of Splendid Horses, followed by all the Horses, Ponies, Car riages,. Luggage, Vans. ftc„ Ac. 4t W.H. GARDNER, Agent. „ **EOLLIDAYSBURO August 22nd, and at TY RONE Augu*t,2sth. August 14,1861.-21. Sewing Machines! Having accepted the agen cy for the Bale of the above celebrated Machines, we are now prepared to furnish, on short notice, anv of the varloiu styles of machines manufactured by this doni pany, ranging in price from *4O to *!()<). ' Purchasers of these Machines have tho advantage of chosing one making either the celebrated Grover A Baker Stitch, or the Lock Stitch, the only valuable Sewing Ma chine stitches in practical use. The superiority of these Machines over all others, for, family sewing, is now fair)? established. The peculiarities of the different styles of Machines will be to any one wishing to purchase. ~ J. kJ. LOWTHBR, Altoona, Aug. 7th-3ni. Agents. SM. WOODKOK, • ATTOSXEY-AT-LAW. Altoona. Penn a. Will practice In the several Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Being associated with CHARLES 1 E. PLEASANT, Esq., Military and Claim Agent, of Wash ington Citv, be will devote special attention to the prose cution and collection of claims against the United States, including Pensions, Bounty Lands, Arrears of Par for Services in the Army and Navy, and generally all ‘fami nes* before any of the Departments. Office on Virginia Street, 2 doors above Julia Street. May 15,1862-tf. IVTOTICE TO TEACHERS.—AppIi -4 I will he received from Teachers to take charge of three schools in Tyrone City and sbt schools in Snyder township. Term of the former, seven months, and of the latter, livei months. A pnbllc examination of the eppll *”£•> f ? r .i x>t i l dl «ric»». will take place, on Monday, An*. I ?fcifV h « T -Vv° no city school house, to commence at p odoikA.M. By order of the School Boards. Notice.— notice" is hereby person, not to sell my wife, ELIZA- I CEAXKN, anjgoods, wares or merchandise, after i “ T 255 , . e w ,pt Sff OI ?f nl by John M. Campbeit, : •* I will no oroti of her contracting, other tbabaa . aboveupecifled,unless compelled bylaw. ! Logan Tp, Aog. I. ISB3-3t. JOHN CRATBN. ! ‘VTBW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOK& , i.l frw Mm md hoyt. ladle* and Mine*, Jmt ne’i at ‘ , ‘ LATOJW*JPg./ ad AHMED. DIED: CIRCUS! The largest and most completely equipped ADMISSION 20 CENTS. HORSES AND PONTES, town in * aXADCD BT I BRITNER’S BRASS BAND, GROVER & BAKER’S Tyrone City, Aug. 7,1862-2 t, 1 ' ROUSH, Dbcootst. .. m « takes this opportunity of tetarnlug hi* thanks ti« the citizen* of this place and vicinity, for the liberal patronage they have bestowed on him. and desire*-to in form the public in genet ai. that be -still continue* - ■U his Old Place of Business. A few Doors abenv the Post-Office, where h<* is at all times prepare}! to attend to their wants in his Itne N of bniim'ss. ' ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, J OILS, PAINTS. PUTTY. VARNISHES. DYE-STUFFS. PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES. EXTRACT s CARBON OIL AND LAMPS. SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. LIQUOES, FOU MEDICINAL USE, ALWAYS OS HAND, Physical ns Proscriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OB NIGHT Altoona, Pa... April I". 1882. HARDWARE— HARDWARE! G H ARLES J. MANN. < EALKIi IN FOREIGN AND DO 1 > MKSTfC HARDWARE, ' WOODEN* WARE. BROOMS, window; shades. DOOR MATS. UPHOLSTERING GOODS, SHOE FINDINGS, COms TRIMMINGS. .MOULDKRS’ TOOLS, BIRD OAOfcg AND WIRE 00008, . WINDOW glass, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, *C., AC. .*8- K'ery ik.icription of Quids in his line will be tar nished at short notice*, and at low rates for caldi. His remaining .tuck of DRV GOODS on hand will In closed out at mnarkaldy low prices, in order to relioauisb that branch of the business. Agent for Willson’s ”Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Aihsina. .May 20th, 18112. : ”, ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP! ; T H KIN i IEKSIO.V ED DESIRES TO I inform la* old customers and the public general!} that he has this spring gone into the Dry Good business, ai.d h:\njn3t received a Urge and entirely newnOck of Dress Groods For the Ladies, embracing ail the latest, prettiest and most FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. And among which may lie found every qUafity of goods, the names of which it would be too tedious to enumerate. In the line of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not "knock under” to any of my competitors. In this department I feel sure that I can tended satisfaction. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange foi goods, and the highest market price allowed: : Store on the corner of Annie and Helen streets. East Altoona. THOMAS lIEBLOP. Altoona, May 22,1862. : NOTICE TO TEACHERS! 1 1 Applications will ho received by tho Secretary of the Aftcona School District till Wednesday the Cth of August, for teachers to take charge of the Schools of sold District fdr the ensuing school year. School to open o« Monday,- thp Ist day oi September. Term nine months, of twenty-two days each. A public examination will bo held in the West TTaru School-House oh Thursday. Augunt Ttb, commencing dt 9 o'clock. A. M. f { i • , According to decisions of the Stdte Superintendent o Common Schools, applicants are required to be present nt the public. Examinations, as private examinations will not lx* granted during the holding of the public examinations in the county—nor alterwards without the written request of a majority of the proper Boards. Applicants ore there fore requested to he present the Public Examination. Eight Teachers are to be selected fi>r the Schools. By order of Hie Board. E. A. BECK, July loth, 18G2. Secretary. W. M. GORMLV, WHOLESALE GROCER, DEALER is FLOUR, grain, SEED, BACON. SUGAR-CURED BAMS, MESS PORK, BEEF. CHEESE. IRON, NAILS. WHALE, TANNERS’ A CARBON OIL, NO. 271, LIBERTY STREET, (Opposite Eagle Hotel ,) fTAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST OP HIS LATE - LL partners, will continue the business at the old stand; and will be pleksed to receive the patronage of bis old friends and customers. , Pirrsßtaoß. Jape 6,1862—5 m Building lots for sale.— The snhftcrihers offer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD ING LOTS, situate on tho top of tho hill., above the reser voir of the Altoona Gas A Water Company, being now held aa property by the Presbyterian Church. The lots are fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and wilt be sold on reason able terms. Persons wishing to purchase dr i view these lots will receive all information coocernlng'Ahem by ap plying to Michael Clabangh, R. H.McCormfeki Alexander McCoimick. or Chan. J. Mann, Trustees of Presbyterian Church. ■ [Altoona, April 3,1862. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE.— Notice is heieby given, that Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of SAMUEL WILT, late of the Boro’ of Altoona, dec’d, have been granted to tbe ; undersigned, residing as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves In debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement MARTIN RUNYEN, Altoona, July 3,1862-6t.] Administrator. DRIED APPLES. —The subscribers have a fine lot of bright yellow DRIED APPLES, bought at much loss than market rates, and which they desire to close out, at cost and carriage, without delay.— Persons desiring to. purchase, either at wholesale or retail, will find it to their advantage to give us a £ail. ’ Altoona, June 26,1862.] MURPHY * McPIKE. OUR LADY FRIENDS WOULD DO well to look In upon the choke and chaste assort ment of Summer DRESS GOODS now displayed upon the well-filled shelves of MURPHY ft McPIKE, Cor. of Virginia and Caroline sts. Altoona, June 26,1862. > 4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALTOONA PAIR VIKH CtMtTLRV AsaUOlA wlll be held on the second Thursday evening of each mouth, in the Council Room. \ M.CLARjACOH, Jab. Lovthbb, ; President. Gi ROCERIES AND PROVISIONS.— f A large and varied stock of FRESH ‘GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Just received, Aha for tale as cheap at the cheapest, nt MURPHY A McPIKB*& Store, Cor. of Virginia and Caroline Altoona, June 26,1862. MUSIC! INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN on the Piano-Forte and Mfelodebn, by Miss 31. MAKER. Terms, $lO per quarter.; No charge for the u#e of the Instrument. Residence on CaffyaHoe Street, West Altoona. [Jan. 18,1863.-tf. TjASTU RE.—Persons wishing Pasture B for CATTLE, nr Meadow-Grass for iH»y, can lie supplied by applying to LEWIS OWIN, two mile. North *>f Altoona. May 27tb, 1862. •ir NEif SUMMER GOODS, of superior style and material, Joat roo’d at LACGHMAN’S J. H. PATTERSON, ROBT. WARING, Sfcrtiaries. PILES OF PANTALOONS, VJ for Mon and Boys,at LAUt, HSIAN'S. EN AND BOYS’ QtoSpfc every ■ rtyle and colj>s [May 15-’62] Secretary. AJS£ELRXCAOSr Life iusniance and Trust i- COMPANY S BUIJiDINfi Southeast Cornarof Walnut and fourth Streets, Ph (lad's. Authorized Capital,.. *500.000 Paid up Capital,...... 250^000 Assets,.., ............. 1,897,746 Incorporated 1850, by the Legislature of Pemutyl- Inanrea Um daring the Natural life or fer abort term., grsat* annuities uni endowments, tad makes ooritneta oi «11 Mixta depending on the iaaaea At life. Policies of Life Insurance leaned at tbe naual mntuat rates of other good companies—with profit* Id the assured —last Bases January, 1861, being 43 per cont. of aU pre niinraa recehredon mntuat policiea— at Joint Stock rates, ao per cent lean than the ahote. or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cent. lean than Mutual price. Alao, a NON-FORFEITURE PLAN. By which a person para for 5, T, or 10 yeare only, when tbe policy in paid up for Lin, and nothing mote to pay ; and should he be nnnhle, or Uriah to discontinue sooner, the Company will Irene a Pstn nr Policy, in proportion to the amount of premium paid, as follower On a Policy of *1,000.. i Year . Tear 10 Tear \ after payment ol • rates. . rates. rates. 1 Annual Pteminm. for $3OO 00 $142 86 $lOO 00 2 “ “ “ 400 00 284 70 200 00 * “ . “ *■ SOO OO 571 40 . 400 00 6 “ '• 857 10 000 00 8 “ “ “ 800 (Mi ALEXANDER WHILLDIS, Pneidsut SAMUEL WORM, Vfco President John s. Wilspv, Secretary. - hoard or lausrjuis. Alexander WhUldin, J, Edgar Thomson. Hon. Jas. Pollock, Hon. Joseph Allison, Albert C. Roberta, Jonas Bowman, ' Samuel T. Bodlnc, H. H. Kldrldge. George Nugent, , John Alkman. William J. Howard, Chart, a P. Beazliu, Samuel Work. Any further information can be had by applying to the undenigned. who Is the authorised agent for Blair County. July 31.1862 ly R.-A.O. KERR, LADIES’ CHOICE ! -PATENT BKLF-TKBTINQI BKLPSEALING! FRUIT CANS & JARS! 10,000 HAVE STOOD THE TEST I Mannfceturil and told by HAUER A SAMUEL, sole agents, 439 North Second Street, Philadelphia, tad for sale by - R. A. O. Kerr, ALTOONA, PA. HUYETT 4 FRIDLEY 1 S PATENT. These Cans and dare, being perfectly simple in their ar rangement, and requiring no cement or solder to make them Air-Tight, are the most reliable and convenient ves sel* for preserving fruits and vegetables of all Icinds, that are in the market. they possess tub following advantages : let All that is required after the fruit has been put in hot, m simply to screw the top down tjglitly. 2d.' They can be opened by a single turn of the cover, and the contents taken out in oue-fourth the time required by other cans. 34. Besides their simplicity »ud ease of adjustment, and impossibility of stoppers blowing out, they show at all time* the exact condition of the fruit, by simply looking at the lop of the cover; If the gum is concave the fruit is good: if convex, the fruit is going to spoil, but will always show itself in time to be Saved. . Directions. . Heat the Jars or p ace an iron spoon In; them while (til ing, which will avoid cracking. After the Jars are foil, take out the spoon or iron, and Screw down the cap tight. Care should be taken to replace the same coven on the same Jars from which they were taken. To restore the gums tligt have been used, to their origi nal shape, put them in hot water for one hour. July 3,1862.~tf. 'fi WHEELER h WILSON’S 1 SEWING ® % MACHINE. I * —' ■ i as R. A. 0. KERR, H ALTOONA, PA, £ W Agent for Blair County. <£ £ s.Nos'im 9 naiaaHAY I'' IIBSE MACHINES ARB ADMIT . to be the best ever offered to the public, and their superiority is satisfectorily established by the fiict that in the last eight years, - ’ " OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machines have been sold than of any other man ufactured, and more medals have been a wardt&the'pro* prletora by different Fain and institutes tban to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now In use In several iQ Al toona, and in every case they give entire iatlslkctlon. The Agent refers those desiring Intbrauitfoii aa the su periority of the Machines, to Cof John £ Piper, ReV. A. •B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, Benj. P. Bose, and g. H. Turner, Esqrs. - The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the AgenU at Altoona. Price of Nal Marine, silver plated, ghuai foot end new style Hemmer—s 66. No'. % foot and new styto RMt2Ber~sft&. Henuner—s46. (Ma«h a, ISffwh - - - • ?-•» ’i. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE* C&; LOCK FfAVEN. PA. PREMIUM NOTES IN FORCE. tt6,QOO. Insures property pa as reasonable terms as are consistent with security. ' DIR S CTO Rg £' s*f. Tey ’ »■ Satterlee, d'm Jacob Brawn, Allison White, SimonSeott, C. A. Mayer. Alex. Sloan, . W.Pearon. 0. D. Suiuin V. V. 0. C.' Haevxt, Pros’!. , , , W. Chap jus, Secretary. July 3. -aa-tyj B. A. 0. Agent, Altoona. A nother of the SAME SORT 1 Xl. The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to the people of Altoona and vicinity that they have opened a HAT AND CAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, | in the roomformerly occupied by Wolf A Brother.on Main street, next do* to Bowman’o Exchange Hofei, WhmHin will keep constantly on hand a large stodfOf koddt fa tbUr line, consisting of Hats and Cepe and BoOUand Stobttn cinaisety, andwill bo prepared, at ajl tlnna, to accommo date thoee who may thvor them Wlth their patronage— Their stock m LADIES, JOSSES, AND CHILDREN’S SHOES is largo and varied, while their aaeortment for MEN AND BOYS is equally complete. There Hefe and Cape are of the verv latest (hshiop, and of different styles sotitabla lhr clauses. •;i They buy oil their good* for cash, and ate vrlUlnir to eel. them at a rery email profit. Call and examine the stock and prices, and jadke tor yourselves. . SMITH* Altoona, July 10,18(U. “ DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &C., SELLING OF AT COST, AT McCORMICK’S STORE!!! A LL THE GOODS in theabovfcStoiA il are now being sold AT COST, time i®rf