The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, July 17, 1862, Image 2

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    IPtstsa Irilmtie.
THPBSMY, JULY 17, 1862.
To &rms! Freemen! -To'Arms!
Hw Chwf Mtgjftate of the Union, ahd Com-
aukotler-in-Cbkf of our land aoi naval forces has
said that he requires more metf to subdue treason
and paeaerre the Government. He hm oidiwi on
freemen to show their devotion to the cause of the
counter. From the New England States die call
of the President is receiving a prompt and enthn
•Ustic response. Meetings are being held every
where the greatest inducements to enlist are be
ing held oat—those who cannot possibly go are
giving, freely to enable and induce others to do so,
and everywhere, from the cradle of American
Liberty, the people are showing their firm deter
mination that this monster rebellion must be crushed
and annihilated. Will Pennsylvania, the Kegttom
of At Federal ArcA, be behind in patriotism now,
iww when one grand and terrible exhibition of our
strength will at the same time overthrow the hel
: lish traitors, who hare conspired to blot our land
from existence as a land of liberty, and serve as a
warning notice to the despots of the old world,
that the American Union “still lives”-ta terror to
oppressors—an asylnm for the oppressed? We
feel warranted ihsaying she will not. Our boast
has been that Pennsylvania sent more than one
hundred thousand willing men— vohmteert —to pro-
tect oar flag and defend the Constitution. When
the rebels grow weak, and but one more effort is
requind to crnsh diem to the earth, must drafting
be. resorted to, to demonstrate dor vigor and ability ?
Alteody the Sooth has strained every nerve; al
ready they have made evety effort. Their towns
are depopulated; they have raised all the men they
can. gist. Ponds are.getting scarce and provisions
pf all kinds command the most ezhorbitant rates.
A defeat to them now at Bichmond would end
this unholy rebellion. Not one-eighth of the
. strength of the great loyal North has yet been put
forth. We call on our citizens to hold meetings,
to encourage volunteering by every means in their
power. Let us not have to resort to drafting.—
Let the final blow be struck by men who wbmteerfd
to preserve their Nation’s life. Could there be a
war, on our part, for a more sacred purpose?—
Could soldiers battle in a nobler cause? The
catlse of freedom, civilization, Christianity and
truth—nay more—the cause of God All answer
“No.” It is to perpetuate the blessings handed
down to us by our fathers of the Revolution, that
we fight. It is to guard the vestal fire of liberty
that the blood of our patriots has crimsoqed the
waters of the Chickahominy, and that the bones
of our . brethren lie scattered on the banks of the
Tennessee. On the part of the Union it Is a holy
war—for “ God and Liberty.”
Again we urge the people of our own little moun
tain-girdledßlair, to arouse and be active. Let
the, people become awake to the importance, of the
»tnjggle, and soon our National banner will float
as proudly and defiantly as ever, throughout the
tongth and breadth of pur beloved Imid. So may
it be. May God defend the right!
Wepbserve tliat quijte a number of the leading
newspapers of the country are, and have been for
motile time past, busy fault-finding—abusing this
highThnctionaty and comparing him unfavorably
wfch-kta* one; insisting that one general should
beiuroedont and another put in, and generally
dolpg ; |he Government all the harm the}- can, at
this critical period. How much better it would be
if lhey would cordially unite in sustaining the
Prcradpnt in his.noble efforts to save Our land.—
All agree that his,motives are pure—his intentions
.gppd. It is fair to presume that he is better posted
any one not in authority and not responsible, and
that in aU he does he acts for the public good. In
nine cases out of ten, these grumblers are wrong
in lMretmolasions, bnt even if they injure
the Government by.the manner in which they at
taek its .authorities. Let us all unite in putting
down, this rebellion and justly punishing the traitors,
and then it will be time enough to talk of who is
entitled to the greatest glory. Let all sensible and
patriotic men frown down these growlers, whether
they be newspapers or opinionated men at the street
OOtpets., Get the universal cty be, “The Union,
it must and shall be preserved.”
War Meetings.
An immense Union meeting of the citizens of
New York, of all parties, in favor of supporting
the government in the prosecution of the war and
the suppression of the rebellion, was held in that
city on Tuesday afternoon last. .
'Hie mme thing should be done by our citizens.
Who willmovc in this matter? We suggest
that a meeting be called fornext Tuesday evening,
and that due notice be given, by posters and oth
erwise, that there may be a grand rally.
, P. S. We notice that Col. Jacob Higgins, of
Dnncansville, of Mexican War notoriety, who
there did his duty nobly, has received authority to
recruit a regiment under the new call of the Pres
ident. Here is 'a chance to rally under another
noble son of “Little Blair."
The President has agreed to reduce the term
of enlistment, under the new call," from three
years hi one year. -
jKTThe rebels declare, through their press,
that they are hopeful of foreign intervention, and
boast that they have sent statements abroad, of
the recent fighting before Richmond, that will
have thp desired result. We think England and
Trance will be likely to wait for true accounts and
.fipiir jfcvehipineiits before they risk moling
*hat do net at Jil concern them. The
ojf.tbe firet government shows that she is too
•rtjjfrhi avaricious and cowardly to subject herself
to danger so easily. We apprehend that the Can
ados aw too near us and too for from her to in
diratbe self-swlpd “mistress of the seas” to in
teHWfeJukt yet, much its her aristocrats do sym
pathise with the rebellious South.
Foreign Intervention.
We have beard much said in reference to foreign
intervention in the present difficulties in this conn
try, but we confess that we nefer cotdd see clearly
how it was : to be brought about, or bow it was to
be made effective in case it was determined upon.
We have never jet been frightened on this subject.
The following, which we copy from the Philadel
phia Inquirer, of Monday last, expresses our opin
ion so exactly that we cannot resist appropriating it:
To intervene in European politics, and ito pre
serve there the “balance of power”—vague phrase,
used to coyer a thousand tortuous dealings—are
easy things for Prance and England. Every coa
lition which has had place in the modern history
of Europe proves this. But to intermeddle with
transatlantic affeits presents difficulties of enor
mous magnitude ami of manifold character. : With
out now entering at lenght upon the discussion, let
us look only at one or two of these.
The South wants everything—men, materials
and money; it wants its ports opened and some
force to destroy our commerce, neutralize our navy,
and help them to some maritime power. And it
looks for these to England and Prance. What
can England give them? Pirst, as to men, she
has never been able to famish huge armies to coa
litions in times past. Her contingent at Poute
noy was very small; at Minden she had hnt a di
vision, and Lord George Sackville kept that out of
fire. In all' the Napoleonic wars'she served with
subsidies of money rather than of men; and,
straining every nerve—point>ven to the length of
recruiting in our American cities—she could not
put into the field men enough to aid her ally in
reducing Sevastopol.
She has need, at this present moment, of more
troopi than she can support. While we write,
there arc rumors of new mutinies in India; and
Ireland stands on tiptoe watching her movements.
When the unnatural tripartite treaty for invading
Mexico was made, she could not send more than
two or three thousand land troops to aid ; and
these she withdrew when the real trouble began.
Manifestly,, then, England cannot fnrnish men.—
And what of money ? With her enormous debt,
England cannot hazard money upon so desperate
a cause. And if we look at the maritime aspect
of affairs, should England force herself into this
war, we should elect to break our recent treaty,
and give her commerce such a locust-armament of
privateers as would make her sick of the bargain.
And this applies, although with less force, to
But suppose, for the sake of argument, Eng
land and France to interfere; suppose the wauts
of the South to be understood, and an attempt be
made to supply them; suppose their ports opened,
materials and money furnished, and moral strength
imparted: the great, the essential need, the sine
qua non , cannot be supplied.
By vigorous conscription the South Is exhausting
its resources; we have not yet begun to draft.
When every Available rebel is in the field, we shall
have an immense, an untouched reserve to fall
back on, such as the combined powers of Europe
cannot'send over to meet. A paltry fifty or hun
dred thousand would exhaust .them, while we
should still count millions.
The dqy has really come when America, if true
to herself, carl withstand the world in arms, and the
great nations of Europe are beginning to think so.
Scarcity of Change.
There seems to be no good reason for the pres
ent inflation ip regard to specie. It Is caused by
certain European capitalists, holders of American
securities, disposing of them and desiring to real
ize in coin, together with the action of our East
ern brokers or shavers, who are trying to get up a
panic that thev may acquire gains. It is to l»e
hoped that they will get their fingers burnt. The
Eastern banks have an abundance of gold on jiand,
the new tariff will check importation of foreign
luxuries, which we can do without, and at thesame
time protect our own interests—the balance will
Soon be in our favor and the gold* now going out
will flow back to this country.
’ Europe will be forced to buy from our abnudaht
harvests to feed her masses. The inflated value of
specie can be but temporary. The brokers and
money jobbers who have caused it should be sent
to Fort Waren, or somewhere else, where thev
would have time to estimate their gains. They
would speculate, if they could, on the nuns of their
gSPThe Senatorial Conference met in this place,
on Tuesday last, and nominated Hon. L. W, Hall
ks delegate to the State Convention which meets
at Harrisburg to-day.
Gen. Pope’s Address to the Army of
Washikotqs, July, 14.— The following address
has just been issued to the officers and soldiers of |
the army of Virginia: [
By special assignment of the President of the i
United States, I have assumed the command of i
this array. 1 1 have spent two weeks in learning
your whereabouts, your condition and your wants; ;
in preparing |yon for active operations, and in I
placing you in positions from which you cafi act '
promptly and jo the purpose.
These labors are nearly completed, and 1 am
about to join you in the field. . Let us understand
each other, t have come to you from the West, :
where we have always seen the backs of our ene
mies—from an army whose duty it has been to i
seek the adversary, and beat him where he was I
found; whose'policy has been attack, and not de- j
fence. , ' 4 '■
In but one case has the enemy been able to 1
place our .Western army in a defensive attitude. —
I presume that I he ve been called here to pursue
them, and to lead you against the enemy. ,It is
my purpose to;do so, and that speedily. lam sure i
J’ou long for an opportunity to win the distinction •
yon are capable of achieving. That opportunity 1
shall endeavor to give yon.
In the meahtime I desire you to dismiss from
your minds certain phrases which I am sorry to
find much in ' vogue amongst you. I hear con
stantly of taking strong positions and holding
them;, of lines; of retreat and a basis of supplies.—
Let us us discard such ideas. The strongest posi- :
tion a soldier should desire to occupy is one from
which he can most easily advance against the
Let ns study the iimbable lines of retreat of our
opponents, and leave our own to take care of them
selves. Let us look before us, and npt behind;
success and gldry are in the advance—disaster and
shame lurk in the rear. Let us act on this under
standing, aud it is safe to predict that your ban
ners shall be inscribed with many a glorious deed,
and that your: names will be dear to your coun
trymen forever,
Connecticut ha* the honor of famishing
the first regiment under the new call of the Pres
ident. '
Our Army Correspondence.
Camp hear Habbisok's Landing, Va„>
July Bth, 1862. 'f
Mbmba. Ediotbs.—Suppose I you a few
lines from this point, and endeavor, however feebly
it may be, to give you a few jottings about onr late
movements? They may possibly interest some
one among your many readers, some of whom I
know have friends, near and no doubt very dear to
them, here in the Grand Army of the Potomac,
now stationed on the James River, Virginia. Von
are aware that our Army recently accomplished a
most admirable flank movement, naultiug in a
complete change of programme. Previoas to this
move we occupied a rather disadvantageous posi
tion in trout, and 10 miles, or thereabouts, from
Richmond. We were easily surrounded by the
enemy and our supplies liable to be' cut off at any
time ; and no; only that, but 1 learn from undoubted
authority that other and more weighty- reasons in
ditced the General to moke the change, reasons
which it were a gross violation of honor in me to
divulge. lu onr present position we are under the
protection of our gunboats and also enabled to co
operate with them in a general attack. Then, too,
we have the unobstructed navigation of the James
river, by which we can receive provisions and re
inforcements. True, we me farther from the rebel
Capitol, but this is nothing when compared with
the advantages we have gained. The move, not
withstanding it was a grand one, and well worthy
the conception and final execution of such a Gen
eral, was not to be occomnlished without human
| sacrifice. Some brave and noble hearts bled ere
the feat was performed. • Brave and pure patriots
were they who so fiercely fought during those five
or six days terrible fighting, and who so nobly fell,
wounded, dead, and dying on the field, in defence
of our glorious stats and stripes, and in every in
stance against fearful odds. The conflict was
opened by the enemy on our right, supported by-
Gen. F. J. Porter, whose Division w-us composed
principally by Pennsylvanians. The troops all
fought gallantly, keeping the enemy at bay until
the continued arrival of fresh troops of the enemy
induced the order to fall back. They done so reg
ularly and in order, but were followed up by the
rebels. The Head-quarters had moved and then
encamped at Savage’s Station. The • night after
crossing the Chickohominy, encamped on the site
of onr previbus encampment, and the next day, on i
taking up our line of march were ogain engaged i
with the enemy. Companies M and B, 62d reg. I
had previously been detailed for the purpose of!
guarding the ammunition wagons, and consc- j
qucntly did not come up until after the fighting 1
had commenced. Their duty being that of guard I
over the ammunition, and rather important, it j
was not expected they should participate in the af
fray, especially us they were necessarily separated j
from the regiment. However, nothing daunted, j
and at the command of their Captain, (who imrae- j
diately set out in search of the regiment) and at 1
the solicitation of a strange' Colonel, thev went ‘
i into the fight with a strange regiment. The captain
however, shortly- after returned, having found the 1
regiment. 1 would here take occasion to say that I
company- -M was divided in small squads and sep- i
arated with the wagons. But one squad of 22 men
entered the fight, and emerged from it with but 7
unscathed persons. It was here that the gallant
Col. Black fell, pierced through the head by a ball, :
apparently shot from a tree. Xo braver man nor
better soldier entered that or any other battle than
he, 1 am sure none more universally beloved by
his men. His body- has not been recovered.— |
Lieut. Col. Sweitzer, too, was wounded and sup- !
posed to be a prisoner. The .major is uninjured.
Capt. Crazier was shot through the right arm and
right side, not dangerously, however. Lieut. Potts
was not in the fight, being very- sick, and absent
from the company. I seen him yesterday with the
company and regiment, apjiarehtiy much improved,
but very thin in flesh. Lieut. Murray was hit in
the shoulder by a stray buck-shot. He pays no
attention to it, not so much as he would a scratch, j
Corporal Maloy was shot through the leg, not se- j
ridus. Corporal Connelly was killed. Tom Green |
was shattered in the leg and believed to be a pris- j
Oner. K. Davis killed, also P. Brannon, and I ;
think the two brothers Davis. Jacob Hoist was
shot through the neck. The boys are all together
now, gratified at their succesfnl escape. 1 think I !
have mentioned all the casualities. I seen the
Captain at the hospital at Savage’s station, he told ;
me he thought of going to Philadelphia. 1 think, |
Messrs. Editors, from what information 1 can ! 1
gather from those who know, you may rest assured
that company M, as represented in the fight, did do
their duty, and that Little Blair may well be proud
of such men. They are all now willing, ready and
ever anxious to “pitch in” again whenever called
Some of the reinforcements are camped near our
boys and they are already complaining that they
“ have not had any soft "bread for four days.” We
lutve not seen any since we left Alexandria.—
They’ll soon get used to being without “ soft bread.”
The President was here to-day and was out
along the lines. We took one gunboat the other
day, and intend to take Richmond one of these
days. Wei], gentlemen, we are going to move our
office in the morning, and I will close for to-night.
I hope you had a better Fourth diim we had here.
That was a commendable and praiseworthy sug
gestion of the Tribune relative to \ collecting the
4th of July delicacies and sending them to the
sick soldiers. Gentlemen, 1 don’t wish to see any
more sick or wounded soldiers. My respects to all
friends. More anon. Yours, . BLAIN.
Long Prayers. —Some persons—both lay and
clerical—while praying remind ns of a school boy
trying t« hit a certain mark. The manner in
which some men pray is an insult (excuse the as
sertion) to the majesty of Heaven. Some indi
viduals seem to forget themselves, and pray until
a congregation is absolutely wearied. At the
close of the service, especially, we think, should
the prayer be brief. The length"cif a prayer is by.
rto means the measure of its earnestness or its com
prehensiveness. Sunplc language, not language
unintelligible to the listener, should be used..
Tliere is always a promiscuous crowd attends
church—some who in fact do not understand the
first rudiments of the English language,
best rhetoric is a plain, fervent utterance. Pre
tences are all out of place in the sanctuary. Pine
figures of speech are unseasonable. Many prayers
that we now hear in the churches are elaborate
dissertations upon the condition of the people—the
character of the circumstances—or they are exhor
tations, better suited to the body of a discourse.—
Such things to us are irrelevant. Prayer, as we
understand it, is a direct address to the majesty of
Heaven. A brief, devout and sihcere prayer is:
trie kind to win neophytes; not a long, insipid
one. We hope our friends will not take offence at
this article. In fact we know alt sincere and in
telligent Christians will agree with sis.— h'.j .
County Superintendent’s Annual Be- the crops, and prices,; atid ready sales, of former
port. years, have not been disturbed; and a donl>t exists
• Whether any of ouf agriculturists are worse off, pe-
Wd have been furnished with an extinct cimiarily, than they were l>efare the war liegan.—
from the Annual Report of the * County Superin- It ought to be mentioned as a mark of conunen
tendent, Jhhn Mitchell, Esq, which we gladly dation that *“•!„P> Btri f iner T ed
. 7 , 7 - ■ term one month, and ■ made, no diroumtion in the
place before our readers. As it ts not generally aaUuy of the teachers. Catharine, Snyder, Wood
known, perhaps it would be proper to state that in beny, Tyrone, Allegheny, Frankstown, Martins
addition loan annual, riiere is a monthly report'sent burg Borough and Tyrone City, all retained their
during the school year to the State Superintendent, «"•» »««* of school terms, which wore from five
» .. , ; . , , . to seven months. Hie Directors of Huston, cred
bv which means the Department is kept advised of itaMy a(Wed a mODth to their term, which, last
the progress, in detail, of all the schools of our year'was but four months.
county: Suggestions. —Though many things need im-
Ntun her of new houses erected: in Huston It P r ? ri " g eu'ch year *ddssome-
Woodberry 1; North Woodberrv I.; Frankstown tbin 8 towards the completion of the machinery,
1 * Logan*! * necessary to a succcsstnl issue, iherc ip yet a
These are aU substantial, roomy buildings; con- want of ***** f lay ****** * n ■“* d «T
veniently constructed, with good seats and desks tncts. these,, with the luxury of shade trees, mid
; and snfiScient back-board surface. other very necessary fixtures, seeni to be pver-
Repairs. —ln Antis, two houses haye been thor- by P ar< | nts , I, ‘ rec,< ? r8 ’ “ belnga
oughlv repaired and enlarged; and implored fur- of rendenn K the school premises pleasant and at
i niture added. McCune's school house, in Franks- ™ u ' tlve , to P u P lg » f »eU as to cidtivate in them,
i town District, has also undergone complete repair. : ldeas ° f . ,aste and hab,ts °[ cleanllness - J* 18 **l
: One school bouse, in Altoona, has been enlarged »P«*fiilly suggested, to the proper guardians of
1 and made iq other respects more convenient; one ‘ be educational interests of onr youth, that those
> also in Taylor District. improvements, where needed, be no longer neg-
Homes Unfit. —There is yet a number of school Ihcted- , , , „ „ ,
houses that should be thoroughly repaired or re- , ls further suggested that the Pennsylvania
built. In Frankstown 2; Freedom 2; Greenfield School Journal’’should heread by all onr diree
-4; Logan 2: Woodberrv 1 ; North VVoodberrv I : t<)rs and teachers: So important, to successful
Juniata 1 ; Tavlor 2; Antis 1; Blair 1; Huston teaching and to a knowledge of the general work
-I—lB. Except in the new and repaired school "igs of tbe school system, is the reading of this in
| houses, no new furniture has been sullied since monthly, that, other things being equal,
j last year’s report, the consequence is that much of . a decided preference should be given by directors,
j it is in a rickety condition and unfit for use. when employing teachers, to the. haldtual reader of
■ AfifxmUus. —Frankstown, Huston, Snvder, Mar- t€ ...
i tiusburg borough, Taylor, and Allegheny Dis- Directors and citizens, with scarcely an iutellu
; tricts, furnished each of- their schools with a set of K ent exception, are in favor of maintaining the
; Mitchell’s Outline Maps. One school in Altoona “Crests of the schools, and their position is
( was supplied with a complete set of Peltone’s Out- ' strengthened by that irresistable Monitor— female
1 line Maps. influence. “ Hospitality, hearty and free,” is con
' iiraded SfJioois— Then* ate 24 graded schools i Adored a cardinal virtue, in every district, and pre
-lin the county. Three of these in Tyrone City, i vuiLs »« thti humble cottage as well as in the taste-'
! which were in a flourishing condition last vear, the ful residence, where tbe refinements of wealth and
j Directors were induced to change, so astoem- , education abound. The undersigned will ever
brace the three grades in two schools. The ex- hear, in his bosom, a lively sense of the generous
periment, which was tried as an economical meas- I treatment received from his fellow-citizens, of town
ure, soon proved a retrogade movement; and will, i and couutr y> daring the past two years,
no doubt, be relinquished for the original order of i The T liet » impreteiiding, yet positive and effec
gradatidn. All the other graded schools in the I tive Influences of the School System in our State,
county continue in the ascendant, proving the are forming a basis from which many a statesman,
graded system to be a decided success. It is con- aml warrior, and philanthropist already dates a
templated, bv the Directors of Freedom, to grade : sil(vessfui career; and it is not presumption to
two of their schools next vear. Eighty-five add > t,iat a healthful artery, from Blair comity,
schools, though not graded, were well classified, contributes a share of life and strength to the
and twenty-one, owing to a want of necessary ■ Serious, intellectual structure,
books, were quite deficient in classification. JOHN MITCHELL,
Teachers Examined. —Two hundred and twenty- County Supt. of Blair
one Applicants, for schools, were examined. Two
hundred and sixteen of these received provisional,
and two, professional certificates. Five were re- ,
jected. One certificate was subsequenUv an- |
; nulled. ♦
Visitations. —One hundred and twenty-nine ;
i schools were visited once; sixty-six twice, and I
twenty-one three times. Owing to one of the j
schools of Catharine having closed a few days be- !
fore the usual time, it was not reached, A few
oijhers were found temporarily closed, in some dis
tricts, at the second visit, on account of sickness.—
Average length of time, spent in each school,
nlwut three hours.
District Institutes. —These were organized in •
Altoona, Woodberrv, Logan. Huston, and Snyder j
districts. They were regularly attended by the i
teachers of the respective districts, and in some in- j
stances by Directors and parents with good effect.
The school year, just closed, has been one of j
unusual labor, as regards the duties of County Su- j
jKiriutendeut, rendered so by inclement weather i
during the winter, and consequent roughness of 1
roads and swollen streams. These hostile infiuen- j
ccs, with a retinue of diseases, militated, also, i
against a regular attendance, by the pnpils on the I
schools, in many districts. Notwithstanding such j
obstacles the pupils hav.e generally made credita- !
ble advancement in most of their studies. At ;
many the schools public examinations and ex- j
hibitions were held, in some instances, twice dur- f
ing the term, at which, more especially in the ru- .
ral districts, houses were crowded with spectators, |
and parents witnessed, with commendable satis- {
faction, the progress of their sons and daughters, j
Mode of Examination. —The examinations hith- i
erto, have been conducted orally; m the course of 1
which, questions were introduced involving the i
main principles upon which each branch, in the >
teacher’s certificate, is founded. It was also re- i
quired to illustrate those principles by practical !
exercises, confined, always, within the scope of the
candidate’s professed attainments. The reasons I
for tills method are, that it is obvlouslv a brief !
one, and covers the legal requirements. It pre
vents or ought to prevent dissatisfaction, as it v , . ! T
gives the applicant a choice of the extent of the ; having mentioned already, says the
ground to be traversed. i as * un B ton July 8, that General Andrew
Tmproveinent in Teachers. —There was a mani- ! *’ or^ r » * rovost Marahal General of the Army of
test improvement in the figures on teachers’ cer- i the , a . t i ds ° 9 Cn ’ arc .V, Chief of Gen
tificates, at the last annual examination, com- I eral Mc Llellan s Staff; have recently- been there,
pared with those of the former year, especially in i we ma - v no . ~n ger .rtfnun from noticing the fact,
the rural districts. Not only do" the teachers pos- more es V ccla - v “ , [t _enables us to state that they
sess a deeper and broader knowledge of the ! coneur in the that the seven days’ battles
branches required to be taught, but the methods.; ere “ of substantial Union victories;
of imparting the same, and school government are ! m! ~ baa ‘hey resnltcd
points, which, to them, seem of absorbing interest * lrst ; vr‘ ‘ ae ® ucces , s _‘ ul achievement of the pnr
and which they also practiced witli good effect.— i F° Se 01 McUellan . :so to change his base as
Orthography and Reading, .witli their attending t 0 7^ ure ‘ h e ™K > ))erationof the g ah-boats,
elementary bases, formerly slurred with apparent , ' - ' econa - L' the defatl of the two ends aimed to'
indifference, the teachers'have studiously investi- ! v - ' acc ?"£“S', ,„ bv , the enem .V- viz : the preven
gated, and, of course, are better prepared than 1 ‘ lon °* McClelllans raovp for the James river
ever to rear correct spellers and readers in their I „ securiD g °» r immense supplies at the
schools. 1 "kite House. N
The tulditional improvement in our teachers i In the fact that the rebel loss in killed,
may be attributed, in part, to their readiness to ; 'it P nson ers, and men otherwise put hors
compare notes of experience; visitations to one J T r °" ,bat ' was > at thE ver . v lowest calculation, two
another’s schools; intercourse at the district in- • pTT ? Ur l' de ; .
stitutes; the study of works on the theory and ; fourth, in the met that the rebels' lews of arm*]
practice of teaching, and a regular perusal of the i ex P end, ture of ntunitions cannot be replaced ; !
Pennsylvania School Journal. In every district, ' ca ?’ ins ‘ an , tl . v '>lmost. i
where this course was pursued, a marked ira- I K , the . r ? latl '' e condition in which *the
provement became risible. Besides, some of onr I S| c k and wounded of the two con
teayhers avmlcd themselves of the benefits derived ten “!ng forces. Our wounded and sick all being !
from attendance on Normal, and High Schools.— I ‘ ro T lded ®> r . while theirs are dying like !
To the “MillersVßlc Normal School,” in charge i T ‘hrough djeir entire lack of any and j
of Prof. Wickersham, the High School tnnghf bv 11 ndVi 1^^ P ! 1 - 0n ° f * lc^l,,t “ l and supplies.
Prof. Jno. Miller, (now established in Alfooha) j al ? d tluis creating a state of things in and around
and the? Franklin High School, in charge of Prof ; 1 „, n(1 appUlmg to the whole South. j
Osborne, at Martinsburg, Blair Co. must. also, be ." C m . ay . “ tbat tb c general officers named ;
attributed much of the increased ability of our ?™' e tln4t ® m that it is not true that the ;
teachers, during the past year. ’ eneraj captured a singly one of Gen. McClellan’s ;
Female Teachers. —Except for the youngest pu- B l,ns > or any munitions or stores to speak of. I
pils, there seems to exist a general opposition, on .i " contniry, while tliey lost more field artillery |
the part of parents and directors, to the employ- „„?• . y ., took fro ® ‘hey got nothing worth I
ment of female teachers. Last year nineteen fa- °- e !® , e way of su PpUes of any description as i
dies comprised the _ corps of feminine instructors. an Cfi'nvalent. !
The present school year the number increased to ■ . , 7—— * : :
twenty-seven; eight schools.(taught by males last - V ° r two . slnc e «n unsophisticated darkey j
year) thereby passed into the hands of female “P?" ace «toiunulltaiy gentleman with a hill i
teachers; all of whom rendered fuU satisfaction; ' V f hl,lg done at ‘he camp hospital, j
m lour instances, excelling their predecessors, i nil . undergoing a rigid scrutiny by the of-
Effects Of the liar.—Though the war some- ,h ° explanation, |
what effected the progress of our schools, the effect ' as ‘ onished ®>" of Ethiopia listened to i
did not fall as heavily upon our interests ns was a ». d : I
expected. Twelve teachers entered the army « aaid the “Mhtory gentleman; “ will !
from Blair county, but their places were readily ? the Quartermaster-General j
filled by others of acknowledged ability. The afiblng ,‘ on ’ a " d , he will report to the Adjutant- '
general forebodings indulged, in regard to taxa- w i- , lav K ‘he Secretary of !
tiou lock of employment, small profits, &c. infiu- S *, V“ approval. The Adjutant being satis
enced a few districts to slightly shorten tlfeir -ni *'7?,° the , A udi ,o r of State, who
school terms, and a few others to decrease the wa- ~ ‘ -r P| eof “ aad send it to the Secretary of ■
gys of their teachers. The progress of some of (he t' 1 reasur >\ w ho will send it to the United States
advanced pupils, in two or three schools, was dis- wh< 7"? !l at onee dispatch an order to *
tnrbed by their lieing npix)iuted to fill posiUons in JA ’ V £“■' to W.»he bill.” The I
work-shops and offices, which'had been vacated o“ri y „ ieved „ , hm,self of a long dran-n sigh.—
bv enlistments. Under the pressure of news from Masa, he remarked, “dat last gemhlam
the seat of war and the lamentation over the ma- 1!’°“ . of lf- vs for d( ‘ "ashin, does he?”—
"Ijl“ 4 (from our county) whose remains were at conbm,ed ‘hpbther, “ho will hand it to the
different jieriods arriving for interment, the'minds Quartermaster; but as there is no Such bfiice here
™ I«ren‘s, Directors and teachers were mcasurea- , some P ro l* r P ers,) " ‘“ust be appointed
hly hindered from giving that extensive considera- ri •, ***"*<& of War, under direction of the
tion to the schools, which they acknowledge to he i„ *s‘ « fl " d ,us apixmitment must he approved
their due. The “ I'eachers’ County Associatiofi” ‘fi.i 5611111 ®'- . Con g«?ss not being in session V GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF
being shorn of some of its leading members it wL "ow, the eomnussion cannot be Issued, until n fW A: , A&£,UKi>M
■mt deemed prudent to hold a County Institute - Qnarte™ y ,ew .,r h f commission Is « * Dd lSotSu" 1 *
Beyond these, nb 81 *cial influences were exerted , ' Vl| l 7 how “‘° ‘lie Collector and de- rr-r ; —T.T.
on the progress of the schools. The coming yehr 1 f “ n . ds ’ w»U ‘ben call upon him; MBIy. AND IMPROVED
• that fewer Imaginarj’ obstacles will he C3uu mne your; WU, and, if correct, he wilß 1-V «f Trunk*, V»1Is<» «dil Carpet-Bags, at
cherished. ; I«y it, you giving your receipt,” The unfortunate i ; I-aUOHMAN S-
The rural districts ought to have been able to S the ? «*, «nd
Federal Prisoners in Richmond.
The Richmond Dispatch of the 30th, has a very
full account of the great battles before Richmond.
Among other things it gives the name of the most
notable federal officers.' captured, among which we
notice those of
Brigadier General J, F. Reynolds.
Capt. W. C. Kingsbury, A. A. G. to General
Mnj. F. H. Johns, 11th .Pa.
Lieut. Col. J. B. Sweitzer, 62d Pa.
Capt. S. B. King, 7th Pa. - \
First Lieut. James S. Kennedy, 11th Pa.
Capt. Everard Bierer, 11th Pa.
, First Lieut. T. H. Lockwood, 11th Pa.
Capt. Thos.. H. Spires, 11th Pn.
First Lieut. Eli Wangaraan, 11th Pa
2d Lieut. David Perry, 11th Pa<
Capt. N. Nesbit, 11th Pa.
Capt. Daniel Kistlef, 11th Pa.
2d Lieut. L. A. Johnston, 11th Pa.
Capt. Win. Stewart, Pa.
2d Lieut. John Kuhn, 11th Pa.
Capt. E. R. Brady, 11th Pa.
First Lieut. J. B. George, 11th Pa.
2d Lieut. Cyrus Butler, 11th Pa.
2d Lieut. W. F. Jackson, 11th Pa.
Col. Thomas F. Gallaher, 11th Pij.
Lieut. Col. L. M. Jackson, 11th Pa.
Surgeon J. S. Deßonville, 11th Pa.
Capt. E. Lant, 7th Pa.
Capt. James P. Duff. 7th Pa.
Adjutant Robert A. McCov, 11th Pa.
First Lieut. D. R. Coder, 11th Pa.
2d Lieut. R. M. Burkeraan, 11th Pa.
Lieut. E. Eiehelberger, Bth Pa.
Capt. A. E. Miles, Ist Pa.
Lieut. T. G. McNaughton, Ist Pa.
Lieut. B. Lewis, Ist Pa.
Lieut. L. B. Woltz, Btli Pa.
Lieut. R. D. Hall, Ist Pa. Rifles.
Views of Gens. Porter and Marey.
\ KOUSU, Drbooist.
takas thtaopportnaftyofratarnli,.. i
to Sc citlseni df thta piece and vicinity, f„? JV" ''““i.
patronage they.taw bestowed on him. and
form tho public In geneial, that he still continuJ. Ir
(At his Old Place of Basinet.
. A few Doors ahovi the iW-O/ft.,
whert he teat all times prepared to attend to tll ,,
in hi* line of bualneaa. coiudatlng of * :!|<>
Physical na Prescriptions
. Altoona, April 17,18«2.
•3-“ Kvery description of Go*]* in bU line will h, ( „
niahed at short notice, awl at low rates for cash.
Ilia remainins stock of, DKY GOODS on hand will t.
clo«Ml out at remarkably low price* in order to reli oq „,a
that branch of the boiineii. ,
Agent for Willson’s “Telegraph Fodder Cutter ’
Altoona. May 29th r 1862.
The undersigned desires to
inform hu old customers and the public genenib
tiiat be ha* this apring gone into the Dry Good lusiiwi
and has Just received a large and entirely new sleet ot
Dresa Groods
For the Ladies, embracing all the latest, prettiest sudmou
And among which may be fonnd every quality of cook
tho names of which it wonld be too tedious toenumcrats
In the line of pure, fresh and cheap
1 will not “knock udder” to any of my competitors. Id
tills department 1 feel sure that I can render satisiactii'D.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange fa
goods, and the highest market price allowed.
Store on the corner of Annie'and Helen items. Ew
Altoona, May 22,18«2.
(Opposite Eagle Hotel,)
■. Wfrtners, will continne the business at the old stud,
and will be pleased to receive the patronage of bis mU
mends and customers.
PiTtSBOWH. June S, 1862—3 m
-L» the subscribers offer at Private Sale EIGHT BUILD
lIiO LOTS, situate ou the top of the hill, above the reser
voir oftbe Altoona Gas A Water Company, being now held
ns property by the Presbyterian Church. The lots an
feet front by 176 feet deep* and will be sold oij reason
able tetma. Persona wishing to purchase or view these
lots will receive all information concerning them It ap
plying to Michael Clabangh, R. If. 31cConuick. Alexander
McCormick. or Cling. J. Maun. Trustees of Presbyterian
Church. [Altoona, April 3.1562.
Notice is heieby given, that Letters of Administra
te <» «*e Estate of SAMUEL WILT, late of the Boro
°* Altoona, dec’d, have been granted to the undersigned.
reaiain£ as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves in
debted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate
payment, and those having claims will present them, dob
authenticated, for settlement. MARTIN RUNYEN.
Altoona, July 3,1862-6t.] Administrator.
TVRIED APPLES.—The subscribers
JL/ h»»* a fine lot Of bright yellow DRIED APPLE. S ,
bought at much less than market rates, and which they
desire to close out, at cost and carriage, without delay.—
•I?* 09 to purchase, either at wholesale or retail,
will find it to their advantage to give us a call.
Altoona, June $6,1862.] MURPHY A McPIKE.
n ujl LADY FRIENDS would do
well to look in upon the choke and chaste assort
ment of Summer DRESS GOODS now displayed upon the
welbfilled shelves of MURPHY A McPIKE,
i. Cor. of Virginia and Caroline sU
Altoona, Jnue 26,1862.
4 regular meeting of thk
wiII be held onithe second ThursdaYereuingof Men
Diohth, in the Conncil'Hoom. M. CLABACGH.
Jas. Lowthkr, PrMidsm
■ Secretary,
1 V-J A largo and »aried stock of FRESH GROCERIES
; ANDPRO VISIONS, Joat rcoeiTcd, and for sals as cheap w
, tho cheapest, at MCRPHT k McPIKE’B Store.
1 !, Cor. of Virginia and Caroline its.
Altoona, June 28,1802.
Piano-Forte and Melodeon, by MiM
SHOEMAKER. Trues, $lO per quarter. Noeharpefcr
the;nse of the Instrument. Residence on Catharine SIM'-
Wert Altoona. [Jan.16.1862.-11
PASTURE. — Persons wishing Pasture
for CATTLE, or Meadow-Gnus for Hay,
supplied by applying to LEWIS OWIV.
two miles ?forth of Altoons*
May 27th, 1802.
XTKW SUMMER GOODS, of superior
r style and material, just reed at LACGHHA> 9-
'J fur Men and Bovs, at' LACGHMAV!
X*JL *tjle and color, of good quality, at
„9? Dt i Model Improved SHIRTS—.
Muaiin Shirts—fin© and coarse—white and colored— s*
New stock of boots & shoes
for; Men nnd Bbys, ILadlea and Misses, just rrfj •*
All; styles carpeting and
OUfClotlw can be found as .• liAUOUMAN
in endless variety. at
Allonnn, May 1. 1 *«;>.
, Minted on
(s6|hO “Countr) , Press.”
tribune power-pres
' - **
- ; cc
Haring. within the put two yeara. made conridarabl
■aiiipa to oar eataWWmwnl in the way of naw ha i
. gcraar Praia. Paper Cutter, Card Cutter, Boling Mi
tC Oard Power Press, end large Newspaper Ann
(. eat of which we give above) we are aowprapara
... execute anything In tba line of printing or ruling i
• atria equal In any eatabltehmeot la tha State, and i
equally low. We can execute, on abort notice, a
Jtylaaof ■
wedding, invitation, Visiting, MU A Buxine** Card!
Clroularg, Progratmuea,
GBoysk am® v
pgntphlato. Pay and Ohook Belli
All we aak ta a trial, feeling confident that we can gl
■atiahetion if We have the opportunity.
OSoe in Leather's building, corner Of Virginia and A
nta atreeta, oppoalle Superintendent'. o®ce.
Farewell Missionary M*ETUKi. —The men
ing held in the Methodist Chnrtdi, in this placi
on Monday evening last* to Hd farewell to Bci
Henry Manuel, who is aboottodepartaa a mit
donaryto India, was an occasion of more tba
ordinary interest. Rev. Chenowith, P. E. of
district, and Bevs.: Gibson, of Hollidaysln
Brads, of Huntingdon, Smith, of Lewisto
Moid|esd and Honk, of Manor Hill circuit, Ai
decson and Lants, of McVeytown circuit, Evat
of Birmingham circuit, Sembower, of the Bapti
Church, and Ehrenfetd of the Lutheran Chore
of this place, were present as visiting clergymen.,
The exercises were opened by Bev. Sembowc
reading the 975th hymn, which having been son,
by the- congregation, Bev. Ehrenfetd led in
pray of much solemnity and feeling, which wa
audibly responded to by the ministers and members
The meeting was then organised by the eiectio
of Bev. Chenowith as President, and Bev. Evan
as Secretary.
The opening address was made by Bov. Spotls
wood, of this station, and was an effort of mael
beauty of eloquence, and depth Of feeling, enlistiii)
at once the attention and sympathy of the andi
cnee. He contrasted the mission of the soldie
fighting for his country with that of the soldier o
ibe cross, now about to enter on a warfare agains
idolatiy, among the enemies of his banner am
rebels against the government of Heaven, llii
charge to the missionary and his young wife wai
delivered in most ,eloquent language, and bis as
surances of the sympathies and prayers of himsel
and this Christian community, were heartfelt. H
concluded by introducing to the audience Bev
Henry Hansel, missionary to Ihda, under tlx
aiispioes of the Missionary Society of the M. E
Church, of the United States.
Kev. Mansel arose and, with much more self-posses-
sion than we had anticipated, addressed the oudielii
tor some thirty minntes. He referred to what 1
considered his unmistakeablecall to the mission*!
field in India, to his preparations t'orthe wort sue
hopes of success therein. He said that be left hi
native land, with all its tender ties and prospec
tire pleasures, without a regret, and that he df>
not desire the sympathies of his friends on his owi
behalf, but on behalf of the idolatrous peoplt
among whom he was shortly to commence his lu
bor of love. He was perfectly resigned to his fete
He had given himself into the hands of his creator
and was ready and anxious to enter npon his labo;
in that far off vineyard. The earnestness of hi:
manner showed that his heart was in the work be
fore him, and his remarks visibly effected the luge
portion of his audience. He has been in this plao
but a few Weeks, and yet so effectually has he wot
the affection and confidence of the people by bii
amiable deportment, and plain, practical preach
ing, that all are loth to give .him the parting haiiH
He must be successful in his mission. .
The meeting was then agreeably entertained foi
a short time, by Bev. Chenowith, who adverted tc
what he conceived to be the workings of Provi
dence in opening up to missionary enterprise
heathen lands heretofore closed to the introduction
of the gospel of the Son of God. He also deliv
ered an appropriate charge to the missionary and
his wife, and encouraged them by promising them
all necessary ’pecuniary aid and the prayers of the
The meeting was also addressed by Btfvs. Brads,
Anderson, and Smith, in' short but appropriate
speeches, after which the congregation sang a nymi
suited to the occasion, and the benediction wai
pronounced by Rev. Uorebead.
Sundat School Pic Nic. —The scholars am
friends of the M. £. Sunday School of this place
held tbeir annual picnic in Miller's woods, ox
Tuesday last. The day being fine there was t
veryflarge turn out and everything passed off ii
the mint pleasant manner. Swings were put uj
in different places, on which those who felt incßnei
enjoyed themselves. A. variety of innocent
sources of amusement were devised and enteret
into with spirit. The refreshments were excellent
but while we partook of them we could not bel]
wishlngthat oar share was bread and water, am
rhat what was spread before ns could at that horn
We beien spread before our sick and wonndet
soldiers. We do not reflect on those who so boun
‘"'felly provided for the occasion, but we wonhi
Uke, to chronicle equal bounty toward toe.defenden
<>f the Stars and Stripes.
ITTbe Hudson Brothers with H. M. Bogei
B*ve two entertainments in the United Brethr
Church, in this place, on Tuesday and Wodnes
W evenings. They are fine singers and excel
lent musicians, and fully gave the audience 87
eents worth of good current notes for 25 cents i
money, fi. M. Rogers is a splendid ballad sing
er ’ipwjssipg a voice of immense volume and or
•*ble rfrttig to the highest pitch without a qu
Jir’v DfA Hudson is toe “phunny phellow” i
toe band. ? Their music is calculated to suit a
jßfnvo; humorous and patriotic. Their ei
rertatntoento'are well worth toe price of adtmssio
fe«y should have full, houses wherever tor
«0. ’ H
To Taafinrexs, —By reference to an adveitlsi
me,rt anatom; column, teachers will notice to
*“ |of candidates for schools in to
held on the 7to of August next.-
*» Intend making application should he <
"*»d at toe time. -