The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 19, 1862, Image 3
* a *wSi** redlkm«l efSpnaish »«a? turned to the Ute^" wduote to Ae MTOyof ihmond. Gas. MiUais »«. r ° to ' SMBSKihßtfe 1 Onion soldiers. *!*' Bd intelligence were those tfv^ 41 u» experience. For conquer was an utter ImnosXS 0 ' be noWiers and the con%S?~*^- re such as rendered sorckfZj 18 t doubt. McClellan’s|J. n t*? 0 ** 1 relPrim’s opinion wasp^fect^' for’the leader at the annr «i ,k l 6 one inch of ground, and in of the rebels was, he rf averv few days at «r remarked,'thatof conne it ted that our soldiers could u lbs. General Mihum, uitolv intelligent shrug, whether von believe me or r thousand of your troops in nwhl perfect as veterans of ten yea* • Chauncey stated that the piTT our troops to advantage wasTn ml Milans answered that la, nS k He had walked XntfZ id found they fully rademood hT in their hands, and that their hi »qrage were qf theiighret orte,.' wild suffer no defeats of any consol tair. —A tax collector called on a t»», lowa, for his dog tax. The p»r and the collector shot his the tamer immediately seized w c collector dead an the qiot. y should the rebel General Petti, n tite battle of Fair 0«lw,-beab S Us parole of honor, when Cor gaUant faiows, are enduring the scotofefO of a Southern prison; nond sEraoniaer says that it learns pnthoritvthat the news of the Han'. Andrew Johnson byGeoree on. Neil 8. Brown, is confirmed. (i losses in the late fierce battle at i partially reported, andshow 67 dad, and 571 missing. Total |. i-, Deuouist. ■ opportunity of returning his tbaak> lib place and riclnity, for tbe liberal r beetoweU on him, and darinaita in ;ene>Bl, that he ttill continue* : Place of Business, Doors above the Post-Office, Stun prepared to attend to their want* eM, comisting of MEDICINES, OILS. 'S, PUTTY, Finishes, | FFS, PERFUMERY, NT MEDICINES, JXTKACT y, OIL AND LAMPS. r-BRIAK PIPES. MOKING TOBACCO. iAL USE, ALWAYS OK HAND. ns Prescriptions ILY COMPOUNDED, SOF THE DAY OB NIGHT. I it, tW2. l¥ —WANTfiO iMMB. .yqr. ih* Twjnjrni jutouatM BCIAJt illfr <*>t*fat«D and tfilrty-8«- sjf ,#■ J*r mo«l»,«ec«rdta* W •>» *•*’ m*n «fll b* fttrnWKed with iotWojK o*4 nMat*ac«. Qnaitcn. ad«aM the* of Tb« pty of xiuaom wb« * MlJgUd. *4, tbetoru of tßJWtlooßthiu beta jtaagntKAE», kSFeVsiy*sU« >BOUNTY if. Attmtids h) 4r»wn to th« hwt I h»» V. Adnuaemfßt is, thertfw*, of*» A INTO.—THJSfiOBSCBI tu the cltiteniof Altaot»a>>4 rich- -I ito farni«fa |uqr imaiber oTthefcl- SN PLANTS, nhi,boMwfc, fo i*B, NBAS AJ^ODNA. Sbosllm aa# XOMXsiaadTMMto rWfcen .Eartottof! Alwipp^j nas B*^y |>) BITTNPJa, iw 10 ** ■ jr lwi®> JSBi&&r tribone power-press 3h PRINTING OFFICE. HiTiae within the put two years, made considerable iToinntoonr establishment in the way of new ’fancy •"screw Press, Paper Cutter. Card Cotter, Baling Ma- Irne Card Power Press, and large Newspaper Power (a cot of which we giro above) we are now prepared .weenie anything in the line of printing or ruling in .tvlc equal to any establishment in the State, and at IrVcs e qusl ly low. We can execute, on short notice, all ■tries of Wedding, Invitation, Visiting, Ball A Business Cards, Circulars, Programmes,. : mammoth posters, sale bills, [goiUk iSiM® Pamphlets, Pay and Check Bolls, blank books, manifests, and blanks of all kinds. 11l we ask is a trial, feeling confident that we can give addiction if we hare the opportunity. , , ' Offlre ia Lowtkor’a banding, corner of Virginia and An* uie street* opposite Superintendent’s Office. iltowta, Wrote. JO PRINTED ON Campbell’S $650 “Country Press.” local items. Hicham fob the Fourth or July. —Fourth of Julys follow each other much more rapidly as we grow older. To the juveniles of the present dav, we presume, it is as it was with os, when we were passing through that happy period, the Fourth of Julys are an age apart, and they would like to have at least two a year. On that day every youngster is privileged to do as he pleases, so he thinks, and in too many instances he does it. — Fire wheels, chasers, spit-devils, sky-rockets, tor l*Jocs, bengal lights, squibs, etc., are his delight, and lie can find them all; at Fettinger’s Oak Hall, where may also be found a large assortment of Hags and other decorations for the coming anni versary. Fet. has just received a decidedly hand some stock of fancy notions, such as china mantel ornaments, largo china dolls, children’s toys, song looks, novels, violins, photograph albums, a beau tiful article, a large stock and great variety of walking canes, fishing tackle, and other articles ■■ too tedious to enumerate.” If yon want to view the beautiful, call at Oak Hall. V*s ASburgh & Co.’s Menagerie.—To-mor row (FridkJ,) this great collection of living hcasts and btrds—the only exhibition of the kind in the Carted States—will arrive in town with its enor mous golden chariot, the great elephant Hannibal, and all the animated wonders which wit) be fbund described in the advertisement. The grand pa rade to be given in tbe forenoon will be a pageant of great splendor, apd all will have an opportunity of witnessing it gratuitously. The colossal lent, which is described as being an exhibition of itself, will be open both afternoon and evening, and at each exhibition a variety of astonishing perform ances by highly trained animals will add to the attractiveness of the show. There is instruction, as well as. amusement, to be derived from a visit to such an establishment, and hence, wherever it goes, it draws out immense crowds of the very best portion of the community. Bbownlow’s Book.— We have been reading I‘arson Brownlow> Book, and, although we had previously read a number of the articles copied therein, which were published in his paper, the Knoxville Whig, during last summer, yet we pe rused them again with interest and still more ad mired the courage and loyally of the man while surrounded by such a cut-throat band as infested Knoxville. It will pay to read this book, as from it will be obtained a correct knowledge of the ori gin of the rebellion. The proof is given with the arguments. All who are able should purchase a copy of the Book, and leant whit it was, and in some places is yet, to be a Union man. Few men would havcßorne np under the pressure as Brown low has done. Nothing but his true courage Saved iiis life. They were afraid to kill him or hang Mm. The Book can be had at Andy Clabaugh’s store, in Brant Bow. Counterfeit Com.—The Baltimore Sun says: "A large quantity of half and quarter dollar coin ate now in circulation in the city, and they are generally so well executed ns to entirely escape the notice of those not familiar with metal. Some of them are said to be composed of a portion of silver, am} ring almost as well as the genuine coin, though they are utterly worthless. They are heavily plated by aid of the galvanic battery, but are light, and more- easily detected by scraping the surface than otherwise.” We publish this for the purpose of patting onr citizens on their guard. Doubtless the same spu rious coin will be circulated here, if it has not al ready been done. . - , Rent.—We want no better evidence of the rapid growth and prosperity of our town, than the fact that— although a great many new buildings are con stantly being erected—almost any kindiof a house commands ah enormous rent. This being the case, why do not onr capitalists get their eyes open— awake to their interests—and erect more buildings? Money invested in this way pays .well —much bet ter than patting it in Bank, or boarding it np in stockings. Then, get to work—erect sub stantial buildings, and improve your lots—thus, " ,u add to the beauty of the town, (which, by the way, wont hurt it a bit,) you will increase >onr own income, and you will contribute to the welfare and comfort of families less prosperous than you have been. Testa*' das'* . Gas & Water Stock.—By referring to a no lce in another column it will be seen that the soanl of Managers of the Altoona Gas & Water onipeny have declared a semi-annual dividend of Joorptr cent on tjj e j r capjml stock, clear of State ,ax ’ Wable on and after July Ist, 1862, at the office of the Treasurer, B, F. Rose, Gas & Wa ,er ® toclc ' 8 SUI «ly a safe and profitable investment. Seatons Accident.— Quite a serious accident « on Tuesday afternoon, at a barn-raising at .. r ' Kellerman’s, near Hollidaysburg, by " lch 'wo men were badly injured. ’Squire Bran nan 11811 **“ shoulder broken, and the other man is “njnred to suchan extent that his life is despaired of. ®* Clabaugh still keeps on baud those luJia-rubber-coated, platina-pointed stationery, periodicals, dailyandweekly notions in profusion. Meanness.—Meanness shows itself oftenest in little things, in.scant measure, light weight, sasng half-cents in making change, requesting a mer chant to take a few cents short to save changing a bill, in being last at work and first at dinner, in watching the clock or the sun at the close of a day’s work, and'in similar tniles. Like drops of water, they are felt, and in time will wear out the endurance of the best customer and the patience ; of the most indulgent employer. . Wkitwo.—Why do sonic folks write such a miserable scroll that nobody can read it ? If yon ask them, they will say the fault is in the pen. — Now, reader, if that is your “fix” try one of Bar nard’s carrugated pens. They are “a new thing,”/ and arc so constructed that you may pick your teeth, play “ mumleypeg,” or dp what you will with themi and still they will write. Fettingcr’s Oak Hall is the only place to get 'em. Accident. —We have just learned that Mrs." Frew of Woodberry Township, Blair county, while crossing the canal below the three mile dam, was thrown from the board walk; and falling headlong into the lock was injured so badly that her life is despaired of. Her injuries are about the head, and it is feared her skull is fractured.— Register. Cobser-Stose Latino. —As noticed in a for mer issue of our paper, the corner-stone of the new German Lutheran Church, in the East Ward, will be laid on Sunday, the 29th instant, at 2 o'clock P. M. There will be preaching in English and German at 10 A. M. and at 2P. M. The public arc respectfully invited to attend. Mill Burned. —The flooring mill of tbe Messrs. Hawn, in the neighborhood of McConnellstown, was totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday night lost, together with a large quantity of grain. The origin of the fire is unknown. We : have not teamed to what amount the building was insured, if any, —Huntingdon Journal American. Delicious —Those fine large red strawberries brought to our office, this mprning, by Mr. Sam uel McGlathery, of Logan township. Printers are just tbe chaps who know how to appreciate such a treat. Who the next customer? Pic-Nic. — A pic-nic for the benefit of the Ger man .Lutheran Church will take place in Beales’ Woods, on the 4th of July. The time is drawing near,,and all who wish to be “in the ring” wonld do well to seenre tickets immediately. Not Hard to Take.—That mead manufactured by Andy Clabaugh, and for. sale at his store in “Brant Bow.” In fact it is about the best drink of the kind we have yet come across. Call for a bottle and trv it. Charles D. Murray, Esq., editor of the Democrat $ Sentinel, died at the residence of his mother in Ebensbmg. Pa., on Friday evening last. He was about 30 years old.. Altoona Academy. The attention of this community, and the public in general, is invited to this flourishing institution of learning, under its new organization. The Academy is now under the supervision and control of an incorporated company of stockholders, who entrust its immediate management to a Board of Trustees, elected from their own number. Professor John Miller, the Principal of the Academy, is long and well known as an accom plished and ' thorough scholar, an unsurpassed teacher and an excellent man, to whose instruc tions parents and guardians may safely entrust their children and wards, assured that both their intel lectual and moral interests will be well and assidu ously cared for. All subscriptions are to be paid monthly, to the collector. Those subscribers who fail to comply with this regulation, will, after the second month’s delinquency, be stricken froth the books. The permanence and welfare of this institution demand that this rule shall not be relaxed. No subscription will be received for a less term than one session of twenty-two weeks—except by special permit from the Board of Trustees, and Such permit will not be granted for . any term less tban a half session of eleven weeks. ■ For farther information, attention is directed to the following By-Laws of the AJ.toon.iz Academy. ORDER OF BUSINESS, Reading of the minutes. Report of the Treasurer.. Reports of committees. Special business. Adjournment. PRESIDENT. The duties of the President of the Board of Trustees shall be; To preside at all the meetings of the Board; give the casting vote on all ques tions before the Board, when there is a tie-vote; sign all permits for scholars to be admitted into the Academy, after being examined and recom mended by the Principal; sign all orders, passed by the Board, on the Treasurer, and signed by the Secretary. ~ SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all. the meetings of the Board, in a book provided for that purpose; sign all orders on the Treasurer; give notice to the members of the- Board for all special meetings, when called upon by the Presi dent ; give notice to the Stockholders for the an nual meetings for the purpose of holding their elections, as provided.for in the Charter; make ont all bills for collection, monthly, from the sub- 1 scribers, for amounts due, and keep a list of all the names of the subscribers in a book provided for that purpose. TREASURER. The Treasnrer shall keep a correct account of all the money received and expended by the Board, for the use of the Academy; pay all Orders drawn on him by the Board and sighed by the President and Secretary, and make a monthly report to the Board, of the state of the finances, as also an annual report for the Stockholders, and deliver up alt the money, books;' papers and effects, to his successor in office. < VJSimO AND EXAMINING COMMITTEE. It shall he the duty of the Visiting and Exam ine Committee to visit the Academy at least once in each month, if possible, during each session, and be present when required by the Principal, to ascertain the attainments of applicants for admis sion into the Academy, and, if found qualified, recommend them So, if approved by the Principal. It shall also be their duty to make some remarks, at each visit, to the scholars for: their encourage ment, if desired, and agreeable to the Frincipid. BCHOLABS. No scholar shall' be admitted, unless their at tainments in learning ate such as to warrant their admission into the Academy to study the branches there taught. . nouts. There shall be a card placedin a conspicuous place in die Academy, and thereon printed, or written, the rides for the Government of the Acade- my; said roles to be suggested by the Principal, and adopted by the Board of Trustees. STUDIES. The blanches to be taught shall be: All the English brandies—Grammar, Geography (modern as well as ancient). Ancient and Modern History, the Natural Sciences, and the higher Mathematics —Latin, Greek, German and French * also, if required. Thawing and Music. SUBSCRIBERS OK' : STOCKHOLDERS. No subscription shall lie', taken for lass time than one. session, and the subscribers shall pay for each scholar at the rate of twenty-five dollars for the academic! year, in monthly payments of two dol lars and fifty cents for each scholar, to the Treasu rer, who shall receipt for the same. All subscri bers shall be entitled to one vote for each scholar, at the annual election of officers: provided, they shall have paid in their subscriptions to that time, and which shall appear on the Treasurer’s book; provided also, that permission may be given by the Board for the reception of scholars into the Acade my for a half term, which, however, siiall not con stitute such subscriber a stockholder. SESSIONS. There shall be two sessions in the academic, year, of twenty-two weeks each, the commencement of whj|h shah be u P° n by the Board of Trustees. OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. It shall tie the duty of all the members of the Board of Trustees to be present at all public ex aminations jof the . Academy, which shall take place, and fie made public, once in each session.— The Board shall also make known through their President, fey written report; to the stockholders, at their annual meeting, for publication, the state of the finances, and other matters of interest to all concerned, for their satisfaction ; and advance the interests of the Academy as far as possible. Their monthly meetings shall be on the ... in each and every month, and three members shall constitute a! quorum. It shall also be the duty of the Board to appoint a Visiting and Examining Committee from among the members of the Board. principal . The Princijwl shall be required to report any and every scholar to the President and Secretary, who shall be unruly or beyond control, to be dealt with as they in their wisdom shall sec fit, so as to maintain 'the good order and morql condition of the Academy. He shall also, when required by the Board, report the average attendance of the scholars, their advancement in their studies, and such other matters of interest as he may have to communicate. BY-LAWS, These By-laws may at any time be altered or amended by the Board, at a regular meeting, pro vided, notice is given, one month previous of such intention. To tuk Public ! — An experience of six months has fully convinced me that the cash system. is the best, both for merchant and consumer. It ena bles the merchant to sell at one-half'less profit and make more clear money, with less trouble than he con by selling on credit; and the reason is ob vious—he gets the money down for everything he wants to.sell, and has the use of it immediately.— The consumer also saves by buying for. cash, be cause he gets his merchandise at from 25 to 50 per cent, below what he would have to pay if he bought on credit, or even if he bought at a store which sells on credit. The credit business always loses a certain per centage, which must he made up from cash or prompt ihontbly payers. I am determined to do nothing but a CASH BUSINESS, and have but ONE PRICE for my Goods. I have just returned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia with the largest and cheoqtest as sortment of Goods ever brought to Altoona. I would first invite attention to my complete selec tion of DRY GOODS, such as Morianta Silks, Block Silks, Ducals, Reps, Foulards, SchalUes, Delaines, Poplins, Dcbeges, Ginghams, Cambrics, Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Table Napkins, Table Diapers, Gloves, Hosiery. Also, a fine stock of Cassi meres, Cottonades, Jeans, &c., for men and boys. A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, for ladies, misses, men and boys. A great variety of CABLETS, ranging in price from 12$ cents upward. Oil-Cloths of different patterns and prices,. Window-Shades, of all styles. Children’s WAGONS, from $3.25 upwards. Spring Wagons only $4.25. • Wall Paper and Bordering—a large and entirely new selection,; embracing the latest and most beau tiful styles of Paper for Halls, Parlors, Offices, Bed-Booms, &c., ranging in price from 5 cents per .bolt, upwards. GROCERIES.—My stock of Groceries is un surpassed, being entirely fresh. Best Syrup Mo lasses, only 60 cents per gallon; 2d class only 50 cents. Sugars at 9, 10, 11 and 11$ cents per lb. Coffee, Tea, Spices, Salt, Fish, Soap, Candles, and everything in that line, at Cash Prices. In the QUEENSWARE line, I have the lar gest stock in town: Wedgewood's ■ celebrated Iron-Stone'Tea Sets, forty-six pieces, only $3.87. China Sets complete, only $12.00. Chamber Sets, from $1.25 upward. ‘ i In the way of GLASSWARE, I have everything mentionable, such as Fruit Stands, Cake Stands, Jelly Dishes, Preserve Jars, Goblets, Tumblers, &c., &c. I would respectfully invite the public to call and examine my stoqk before purchasing elsewhere, as >1 feel confident that I can convince them that it is cheaper to huy /or cash than on credit; and also, that my stock is worth an examination. R. A. O. KERR. Altoona, April 17, 1862. DIED: In freedom Tp, on the sth tut., Miu MARTHA F. NOFFSKER, aged.lB yean, 10 month! «nd 8 day*. In boncaniTlUs, on the 2d iuit, Mr*. ELIZABETH HARRIS, In the 67 th year of her ago. In tW* borough, on Friday morning, the 13th inJt„ of Typhoid Ferer, OKOEQE W., eon of David M. and Catha rine H. Greene, aged i years, 2 months aad 16 days. N In this place, on the 23d nit, LILY JANB, daughter of O. A. and Drlth B. Daugherty, aged 2 years, 2 months and 23 days. Our little Lur, who bid so fair, lias gone to meet her brother dear; She sweetly sleeps the sleep of death,- : To bear again what Jesns saith— “ Come nnto me.” Belgium canary birds for Sale. Apply to G. W. FISHER, Portrait Painter, Altocbe, Pa. [June l»-3t. Albert huss, baker, Com«r of Jnliaand Harriet atreeUrEast Altoona, takestiti# method of Informing the public- that be ha* CASH System, and will fell no mnre on credit. Bnad } Roll*, Rusks, and everything in hi* line, alWdVfton .hand, at the lowest cash prices. Altoona, June 19th-£>lm] Omci Altoona Oas k Wats* Co,\ 'Altoona, June 14,1862. I THE BOARD OF MANAGERS have tbh day dec lured m Semi-annual Dividend of FOUR PUR CBNT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, clear of State Tax, payable cm and after July lit. 1862. Powers ol Attorney for collection of Dividends can be bad on application at the Office of the Treasnrer, (Qen’l Superintendent’s Office, Penn’aß. K. Co.) ■' B. F. ROSE, June IS-41.J Treasurer. Tt t itd oij'ii'Ti i ' ,sC *) and witliin thirty roji of on excellent SAW* UKNIF ofiJiiD." - 'MILL. It is within 18 miles of Tipton, by the Plank Rood Sally White Slat Dutch Strap Loaf. 17 mile* from Tyrone by Turnpike, and » mlloa from Oee- Karly White Flat Norfolk. ola, onjthe Tyrone and KUUlpabnrg Rail Road—the Plank Early Purple Top flat Strap Lekf. Bead Item Glen Hope to Oeeola running within one mile Long White French. . Long Yellow Swede. About 30 aoree of thia tract will be eery good FARM Round Russia, or Rnta Ban. *. 1 S^ ta,ber Ukfn off. *nd the balance good Dates Hybrid. MEADOW LAND. The subscribers will forward, by mall, one half pound ot Th ® of ,*} >i, P**“ of land user many others either of the Shore named varieties of Turnip Seed, pot >t- ' can be anowalqr calling on the undersigned in Altana, age paid, oaths receipt of M cento in postage'strap.■ , M »f 16 > 3 QBOTOR B, OAI*S. KOQJCRb m QffiTt ; 1 ■■ 1 ■ 1 1 June 19, MOL) No. 138, Market Bt., PhiUd**. , N T KVI’S PREPARATION FOR KN EW AND IMPROVED STYLES ; of Trunk*, Taliu* uni Carpet-Bag*. a* ceafctad* at the Drag Store ef a. wTkKUSLBK. T3Luohm*N’B. : - \TEW SUMMER GOODS, of superior -L1 style and material. Just rac’d at LAtJQHMAN’B. /'2J.REAT PILES OF PANTALOONS, VJT Fir Ha* and Boy., at LACGHM^VS. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of every style and color, of good quality, at LAUGHMAN’S. PLAIN & FANCY VESTS, of every aiw and style at LAUGHMAM’S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Ocnt'a Model Improved SHlRTS—Cassimen and Muslin Shirt.—fine and coarse—white and colored—at liACGBHAN'S. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES fur Meu usd Boys, Ladies and Misses, just reed at LAUGHMAN’S. DO YOU WANT A HAT OK CAP, cheep or floe ?—go to LAUGHMAN’S. ALL STYLES CARPETING AND OiKHotha can be found at 1 LAUQHMAN’S. 1 A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Clothe* Brushes, Comb*, Pocket-koto*. Ac., at LAUGH MAN’S ITMBBELLAS AND PARASOLS, J in endless variety, at LAUQHMAN’S. Altoona, May 1,1862. I)ROPOSALS. —Sealed Proposals will 1 be received until SATURDAY, 21st Inst., for the building of a new School-House near Mr. Jno. Hutchi hod’k, in Logan township. Plan* and specifications can be seen by calling on the undersigned near Altoona. JOHN A. SMITH, Sec’y. June 12, 1862.-2 t. CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, WINDOW-SHADES, CURTAIN-FIXTURES,' GKEKN GUM CLOTH, GREEN A BUFF HOLLAND, AC. A full line on hand at all times. AT THE MODEL. June o, 1862—St. PASTURE. —Persons wishing Pasture for CATTLE, or Meadow-Grass for Hay, can be supplied by applying to LEWIS OWIN. two mile* North 6f Altoona. May 27th. 1862. Howard association, Phiia delphia. For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, Afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially fur the Cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable re ports on Spermatorm or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stomps for postage will beacceptlHe. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. [June 22,1862,-ly. STRAY COW. STRAY ED away from the subscriber, in Altoona, on the 17th inst;, a BRIN- ** DWS-COW, with white star on forehead, white under belly, end of tail white, and W** hind legs white—supposed to have a calf. ■ A liberal REWARD will be paid fur the return of the Cow to me, or fur any inlormation that will lead to her recovery. JAB. M. JACOBS. Altoona, May 29,1862-31* W. M. GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, DEALER IN FLOUR. GRAIN, SEED, BACON, SUGAR-CURED HAMS, MESS PORK, BEEF. CHEESE. IKON. NAILS, WHALE, TANNERS’ A CARBON OIL, NO. 271, LIBERTY STREET, (Opposite Eagle Hotel ,) rTAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF HIS LATE partners, will continue the business at the old stand, and will be pleased to receive the patronage of bis old friends and customers, Pittsburgh. June 5,1862 —3m HARDWARE— HARDWARE! ffgwgjßa CHARLES J. MANN. 1 IEALKR IN FOREIGN AND DO- I / MEBTIC HARDWARE, WOODEN WAKE. BEOOMB, „ WINDOW SHADES. DOOR MATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRVGOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, AC., AC. O, Every description of Go*U in bis line will be fur nished at short notice, and at low rates for cash. His remaining stock of DRV GOODS on hand will be closed out at remarkably low prices, in order to relinquish that branch of the business. Agent for Willson’s “Telegraph Fodder Cutter.” Altoona, May 29tb, 1862. ONWARD! EVER ONWARD! STEP BY STEP! The undersigned desires to inform his old customers and the public generally that be has this spring gone into the Dry Good business, and has Just received a largo and entirely new stock of IDress G-oods For the Ladies, embracing all the latest, prettiest and most FASHIONABLE PATTERNS. And among which may be found every quality of goods, the names of which it would be too tedious to enumerate. In the Hue of pure, fresh and cheap GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I will not M knock under” to any of my competitors. In this department I feel sure that I can render satisfaction. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange for good% and the highest market price allowed. Store on the corner of Annie and Helen streets, Kast Altoona. THOMAS HEBLOP. Altoona, May 22,1862. v C. C. SERVER & SON, (Successor* to Thomas R. Taylor & Co.) Paper, Envelope, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WRITING, LETTER, NOTE. PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TISSUE, SHOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Printers’ Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationer* and Storekeepers, will find It to thsir adran tage to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. May Ist, 1862.-ly. » TIMBER LAND jMfe FOR SALE |p OH TRADE. ■ ~ H'HJS UNDERSIGNED DESIRES to I acll, or trade for property In the Borough of Altoo na, a tract of BITOT ACHES OP GOOD WHITS PISE AND WHITE OAK TIMBER LAND, lltoate in Clearfield county, taro mllee front Glen Hope, one mile from Clear ''MweA. 'wdt>“ ONWARD! ONWARD!! EXCELSIOR OCR MOTTO! NOW OPBN On the corner of Branch and Annie Streets, EAST ALTOONA, AN ENTIR*ELY NEW STOCK OF GOODS! Having disposed of the entire stock of old good* in the above stand at auc tion, we desire to say to the public that we have Just* opened out an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which we Invite the attention of the public. We are determined to sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock embraces a large and complete aatortmeut of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting, in part, of plain and fancy Bilk*, all-wool De laines, Alpacas, Cballie Delaines, plain and figured Berege, Lawns, Ginghams,* Ducal s, De Barge, Travelling Dress Goods, and ail the LATEST STYLE PRINTS Meii’s AY 4 a i*. We have received a large and well selectedlstock of GEN TLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, such as Cloths, plain and fancy Gassimeres, Cashmere ts, Tweeds, Joins, Corduroys, Beaver Teens, Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods for men and boys. WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss, Bobinets, Edgings, Ac. We hare a large assortment of Ladles’ Needlework Col lars end Sets, press Trimmings, Ribbons, Gloves, Gaunt lets, Mitts, Hosiery, Silk and Linen. Handkerchief*, Neck. Tie*, Veils. Ac. Also, Ticking, Checks, bleached and un bleached Muslins, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Crash, Ac. Also, a flue assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. We have leoeived a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES’ GAITERS, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, 4c., which we are determined to sell cheaper th*n ever. QUEEENSW^RE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, Flour, Cheese, .Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, Fish Oil, Drugs and Medicines^ sad. In fact, everything usually kept in a flnt-claae Store. Groceries, Bacon, Sympe, 49* Aa we make our pnrchaaea almoat anti rely for cub, and u we will sell far GASH ONLY, AKD KEEP NO BOOKS, it vill finable us to Mil Goode at very moderate pricee; and by (air dealing and strict at* Mention to business we hope to secure a liberal share ox public patronage. Altoona, April lb, 1862-tf EVERYBODY CALLS AT JESSE when they want fashionable Hats Sl Caps. The undersigned would re -BPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country that he has just returned from the city with hU Spring & Slimmer Styles of HATS, ■ CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. His Stock of Hits and Caps are of the rery best selection, of eveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them away re* juicing, if hot in the purchase of such au article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, Flats, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. Start on Virginia Strut, opposite the Lutheran Church. Oct. B,l*Bl. JESSE SMITH. POKED OUT AGAIN! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citixena of AUooaa mud vicinity, u he hu again opened ont AT HIS OLD STAND, oh Virginia st., a few doors below the Silt’s Office, with *n entirely new and freah enpply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such os FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN,*' TEAS of all kirfda, COFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUPS, BAKING MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SUGARS, DRIED FRUIT, SOAP, CANDLES. BROOMS, BRUSHES, Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notion*, Candle*, Ac. Also a large (took of LIQUORS! All the above good* will do (old, Wholeeale or Retail, at the lower* Brice*. Come one—come alii See for yonr aolvea, and be convinced. No charge for Mamining my Block. LOUIS PLACE. April 17,’62*1 GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East A Itoom, a few doors above Branch Street. XHE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST RE colTad a large and freah ateck ofQROCEEIES, PRO ONS, Ac., which ho will aell at pricre equally aa low oa hi* competitor*. Hl* itock couii»t« of FLOUR, bamb o, BACON, tnatr SALW t POTATOES, SUOAB, DEA, SPICES, CBACKEBB, \ CBEESE, TUBS, BRUSHES, BDCKETB,BBOOMS, BAISINS, LEMONS, OBANOES, SSSoo SOAPS? 3, BUTTES. EGGS, CONEECTIONEBJES, , PBUIT, AND DBWS OF ALL KINDS I Incite the public to call and examine' my atock, ai I am determined to please in qnalltyand pries. Hay 8,1862-tf WM.H. PKECTVAI*. Building lots for sale.— Xhosnbacribers offer at Prirate gala EjQHTBCILD -IN® LOTS, litnate on the top of the hill, abort the reser voir of the Altoona Qaa AWater Company, being m>w held aa nrouerty by the Presbyterian Church. The lota are Bfty«mfroatby W* feet deep, and will bo gold on reason able terote. Persona wishing to purchase or mew these lota *Ol reeeise aU Information concerning them by ap- Hiring to Michael Clabangh, B. H. M cConntck.AJeiaßder XcOmintck, or Chss. J. Sim. Trustees of Pr-rtyteHan Church. [Altoona, April 3, IWEt- I'ABMBBS TAKE NOTICE.—The _l/ undersigned la about starting a Tannery, and wish es to buy or trade for i 400 CORDS of good BOOK OAK BABK, and aijo for HIDBB, for which the hlgkeet market price will bopaid. _ Altoona, April IT, fB-tf. iSplB PAACK- s2s] EMPLOYMENT! [s7s AGENTS WANTED 1 Wewtltpay froml»to Vi per month. MedaUexpen- Agent, MUan,Ohle. j j GEIS & CO. SMITH’S. VAN AftMMH A CTS Mammoth Manageri;; AMD ' GREAT MORAL EXHIBITION anroont, Mtuutcer. Colossal Golden Chariot. in Ambnrgh is Co. tike both ide and pleasure In calling • attention of a discrhniu mg public to the fact that ■y (with a determination to t aside every opposition of jatsoever kind or nature.) ive expended on this Katab shmentthe enormous sum of •XOO.OOOI I make' it surpass anything 10 world ever before have en. It now rises pre-emin it over every competitor. II the ad vantages that wealth lent and experience could itomand, have been brought to requisition in starting Is gigantic enterprise. Re cently, while Mr. Van Am- S burgh was in foreign coun tries, collecting Animals for this Menagerie, reports of his death were circulated, but VAIT AMBTOGH STILL LIVES and will accompany the Me* A S nagerie, and bear living testl- IP mony that he is sot dead. This CompleteMenmserle ■fIBBIIB Hie only one la America. ” In an entire new outfit. With new Bones, New Silver-mounted Harness, * New Colossal Golden t harfot. New Gorgeously Fainted Cagea, New Spring Wagons, and New Six cenire-pole Canvass, JBcL The unparallelled and moat triumphant success which has attended this time honored . institution, is without prece* dent. Ihe Menagerie In the streets, about 10a.x., willXOrm ▲ Bloving Panorama I in Oriental Splendor, nearly one mile in length, War FREE TO ALL. -W The immense Pavilion will accommodate many thous _ andsj so all who may desire |)BMM . can see LIVING WILD ANIMALS from every dime; also. The Great Van Amburgh The Original Xiion an* Tiger Tamer I P«Tfiwrfiinj Animals Pair Lions. Black Tiger, Spotted fW* Tiger, African Panther , three Ben gal Leopards pair Asiatic Leopards. The following was taken from the living animals, in New lYork, March 23,1862, and may he considered A Cobbect List or Asnuu. gg, /] War Elephant Hannibal, Perform t»g Elephant Tippao Sait, Tieo Mammoth Elephants, Four lions Wmf and Lionesses, Asiatic and African, South American Jauger, African BttTJ’T Panther, Spotted Tiger, Black Tiger BWCUL (mils one ii Ameica) Lioness. H®II »» three young Bengal leopards, three Asiatic and Afi icon Leopa ds.young Leopard, six- months old. Striped Hyena, (only One in America) N. ; American Panther and Puma, Spot ted Hyna.iouhg Lion, three years old, pair California Dancing liriz xly Be.'rs. £,aek Wolf, Profits Wolf Ony Wolf, Zebra, (presented Ur. Ta» Amburgh ty the Earl of __ Derby England .) Astirian Goar, Lop-Eared Talley Goats,(only ones in America.) Black Lama, Alpaeca Sharp, or White lama, Red Peru- CHS Lama, or Vienna, American ■ Fallow fleer, African Bison, or **» Buffalo; three African Gaudies, (only ones exhibited in America in ale 15 years.) pair of Rot Bucks, or mSSf Asiatic Antelopes, Feeara, or ifezi- can Wild Hog, South American iK^BL Angola, Java Hare, Tiger Cat, or (MM, Fisher, or Water Cat, pair T f 1 Ichneumons, Whitt Ground Hog gnd Coons,pair Ant Eaters, Guinea !*- Pigs without number, English Hart Black and Whitt Rabbits, the f nest Ctlltction of Birds ever exhibited, pair of Hew Holland Crown Crane, Ruth Ameeican Condor, the largest Bird that flies, pair White Swans, African Pdiean, three Golden Pheas ants, three Silver I'hsaanti, pair ■ Bohemian Pheasants, pair English Filename, Chinese Fur Hen , South American Pomes, three Spanish K Macaws, pair Tampico Parrott, Jhit South American Parrots, Ring Dotes, pair Sgyptim Geese, BKH Greenland Goat', parr of Poland mrmß Mr Fowls, pair White Coeatoos, Red Xing Parrot from Australia. QmtnParrot from Australia, Sew Holland Coeatoo, Grey Parrots, paroquets. Also, a Family if Mon keys. Owls, Pigeons and Comer Doves, Happy Family of. Monkeys, Apes, Babooea, lehnenmons. Dogs, y-u Cats, harmoniously »o-^ 1 The GREAT VAH AKBITKGH : ' Will enter the Dens of IVooiot . M Anetnals. ' \M Also will be Introduced the Great War Elephant Hannibal, Ii f. Tacnus, Keeper, performing Elephant TippoaSaib, trained by Prof. Ham, Ponies, Monkeys, Bk, ■ Mules, Ac. Don’t fail to see THE OOEOEOC3 PROCESSION, At 10 A.M., preceded hy the OOLDEN CHARIOT, IctMl Containing otto Boim’iOonwt Band AT TYRONE, THURSDAY JUNE 19, 1883. AT ALTOONA, FRIDAY, “ > Doom open at 1 and T o’clock, P. M. Admission 36 eta. Children under nine years, 16 cento. June 12.1862-21. SM. WOODKOK, , ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Altoona, Peim’a, Will practice in the several Court* of Hair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Being associated with OftaH* B. PLEASANT. Esq., Military and Claim Agent, of Wash ington City, he will derate special attention totbe prose, cation and collection of elaima against the, Baited Hates, Including Pensions, Bounty Lands, Arrears Of Pay fcr Serticeslo the Army and Nary, and generaityaHtast ness betote soy of toe Departments. Office on Virginia Street, 2 doors abore Julia Street. May i5,1882-tt ‘ if A REGULAR MEETING Q» A ’FBE ALTOONA FAXit YIEW CSMEtttt AilWiaA TIQK will be bald on the second Thmedayererieetie* month, in the Connell Hoorn. X. OLABAQwt; -As* Lewraia, - ... Secretary, [MaylM«3 Blanks of all obscioptions neatly .and' iTpSdirtpwtiyiMtntsttt tlrie.cpM.