The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, June 19, 1862, Image 2

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    |Ut#otta Srihuie.
THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1862.
the People’s Union County Conven
tion and Mr. Blair.
By the meanest fraud and trickery, several dele
gates elected to the County Convention, which
met on Tuesday at Hoflidaysburg, instructed by
the people who they represented, to vote for Hon.
L. W. Hall for Congress, were induced to violate
those Mutmctioai and vote for Mr. Blair. Learn
ing this, Mr. Hall refused to let his name go be
fore the Convention, and Blair was declared the
choice of the party in this pounty. Seventeen
delegates refused to vote for him or to make his
nomination unanimous, altho’ there was no other
name before the Convention. A majority of the
whole Convention were positively instructed by
the people to vote for Col. Hall. We leave' the
traitors who betrayed him in the hands of the
people they also betrayed. This day Louis W.
. Hall stands nearer the hearts of the masses of our
county than any man within its borders. His
ability, integrity and popularity, can well stand a
a temporary defeat brought about in such a cor
rupt and dishonest manner. As to the men who
induced the traitor delegates to so misrepresent
their constituents, we will have a word to say
again.. The published proceedings of the Conven
tion show the utter detestation With which his
friends view the manner in which his opponents
effected the withdrawal of his name. Notwith
standing the treachery of the delegates referred to,
we thought, and still think. Col. Hall had a ma
jority of the Convention with him, and we were
pained when he refused to let his name go before
it—but on reflection we think he was right and"
honor him all the more for his manly position.—
We will speak our mind more freely on this sub
ject again. Those who think that Mr. Hall can
be struck down in such a manner, are sorely mis
Ouk Govzbmment and Mexico. —The llondon
a ays: As for the United States Gbvem
ment,k need not be said that it lost no time in
making Jta opinions known. Although the Senate
had refused to concur in Mr. Seward's scheme for
an advance of money to Mexico, in order to ena
ble her to pay the sums due to the intervening
powers, yet Lord Lyons states his belief that the
Senate’s only reason was a desire to draw no fur
ther on die pecuniary resources of the country, and
to avoid interference in Mexican affairs at a time
of intestine trouble. “ I believe,” said Lord Ly
ons, “ that the allied expedition to Mexico is ex
tremely unpalatable to the American people, and
that the establishment of a monarchy in that
country would be regarded by them as extremely
offensive; but) nevertheless, it is felt that the in
tervention of the United States sbonld be post
poned until it can be effectual.”
4hF~ We understand our kind friends and neigh
bors, of the Peoples' Party of Holliday sburg, are
quite excited and disposed to be very angry. We
are sorry. We pity them. Verily we commiser
ate their, condition. Sorely; no men were ever
more unhappy—no men were ever more miserable.
They have a right to complain. They have been
treated badly. The late County Convention neg
lected them. They claimed the Auditor and they
should have bad it. Besides they had a merchant
of falrproportkms and an accountant fine, who
could split a hair twixt west and north-west side
in any arithmetical calculation. Nay more than
this, Altoona was to get the National Foundry and
Hollidaysbnrg was entitled to the Auditor. Tis
trnethey did get everything else, and that a very
wnemble delegate thought'that the town should
Did have all. Still we insist they were treated bad
—very bad. They, should have had the Auditor.
X>kaXh op Hon. B. M. Paekeb.—We learn with
regret of the death of Hon. Eobert M. Palmer,
United States Minister to the Argentine Confed
eration. He died at sea on the 29th of April, and
his remains were committed to the deep on the
morning of the 27th. Mr. Palmer suited from
Buenos Ayres, with his family, for home, about
the 13th of April, his health, which was bad when
||e country, having become still worse.—
He was a citizen of Potterille and had represented
SefanylkiU comity in the Legislature with decided"
ability, having been Speaker of the Senate for one
or two sessions. He bore a high character and
’**• mtcellent and useful citizen. His age was
.abort fifty yean, and he leaves a wife and family.
President Lincoln appointed him Minister to the
Atgentine Confederation soon after his inangnra
tion, and he sailed from this country in May, 1861.
HoaeßWEs, Ho!—The Great National Horae
Fair |a to be held at the Keystone Park, Williams
port, Pa., commencing on the 2nd and ending on
the dth of September. It is said that arrange
ments hare been made to secure the finest assem
blage of Imported, blooded and native breed of
k° l ** , that has ever been collected in this conntty.
Thy of premiums will be large, ranging as
high as <2OO. Liberal arrangements have been
jfcd yrill be made with the different railroads
Williamsport is situated in the beautiful vaUey of
the Susquehanna, and accessible by railroad from
all parti of the United States, and is well suited
for the exhibition.
«TThe two legally elected delegates from
Qajnport Borough, at |he « People’s Union County
Comrott*," were excluded and declared to be
ißhgjtyp-elected because some voted for them who
ddmeA to be members of the People's party but
did not call themselves BepehUcam. Whatdpthe
Zoological.—Among the captured rebels at
wo fow Typers ami two
Allgfttnrs. They are said to be mote
County Convention.
Agreeably to the call of the County Committee
of the People’s party of Blair county, the delegates
from the several townships, boroughs and wards,
met in Convention, in the Court-House in Holli-
daysbnrg, on Tqgsday, 17th inst. Martin Bell,
Esq., of Antis, was called to the Chair, and Geo.
Koon, B. F. Bose and R. B. Johnston were chosen
Secretaries. :
The delegates presented their credentials and
were admitted. There being two sets of delegates
claiming seats from Gaysport borough, a vote ires
taken to decide which were entitled to their seats,
which resulted in favor of Blair’s delegates by a
vote of 23 to 21. The delegates from Snyder
Tp., who were instructed for Mr. Hall, voting for
Mr. Blair.
Altooiia, N. W.—H. C. Bern, Peter Marks.
“ W. W.—B. F. Bose, John Looden.
“ E. W.—Wm. Fox, B. F. Custer.
Antisi—Martin Bell, John Campbell.
Allegheny—Daniel Gibboney, L. £. Joy.
Blair—John Ulleiy, George-Koon.
Catharine—John Wertz, Geo. W. Reed.
Freedom—F. Harlan, L. F. Butler.
Frankstown—Jicob Brna, J. Slippy.
Gaysport—Jacob Berry, John Tippety.
Greeenfield—J. G. S. Black, M. Simpson.
HoUidaysbnrg, E. W.—B. B. Johnston,
R. B. Rorabacher.
“ W. W.-J. H. Bell, -
S' John Dipner,
Huston—Mason Howard, John Clapper.
Juniata—G. P. Kelly, F. Wilt.
Logan—Sami McG lathery, John Louden.
Martinsburg—Jacob Graffius, Wm. Bloom.
Snyder—Wm. Akin, Wm. Plummer.
Tyrone—Thus. Fleck, David Crawford.
Tyrone Boro’—Wm. Stoke, J. H. Burlev.
Wood berry—J. D. Ross, Jno. K. Neff. "
North Woodbeny—J. S. Nicodemns, H. Butler.
Taylor—John Allenbaugh, Michael Grabill.
On motion, adjourned to meet at 2 o’clock P. M.
Convention met, agreeably to adjournment, at 2
o’clock P. M.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for Congress. Hon. L. W. Hall’s
name was, at his own request, withdrawn, when a
motion was made to re-nominate Hon. S- S. Blair
by acclamation, which was agreed to bv a vote of
29 to 17.
Mr. Blair was then authorized to appoint his
own conferees, by the same vote.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for Assembly, which resulted as
Ist ballot. 2d bal. 3d bal
J. G. Adi uni, 15 22 17
F. Hyle, - a withdrawn
S. Morrow, 7 2
R. A. McMurtrie, 14 22
Martin Roll, T withdrawn
R. A. McMurtrie, of Hollidaysburg, having re
ceived a majority of all the votes cast, was de
clared elected.
On motion, the convention proceeded toTiomi
nate a candidate for Register and Recorder, with
the following result:
Hugh A. Caldwell 2!)
L. Lowry Moore, 17
Hugh A. Caldwell, Esq., of Hollidaysburg,
having received a majority of oil the votes cast,
was declared nominated.
On mbtion, the Convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for County Treasurer, which re
sulted as follows;
John A. Crawford, 29
David McKellip,.... 5
G. Lowrie, 1 12
John A. Crawford, of Hollidaysburg, was de
clared the nominee, having received a majority of
all the votes cast.
On motion, tjie Convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for County Commissioner, which
resulted as follows:
Dquiel Shock,.. 26
David Henshey 11
Jnb. F. Beigle, 2
Daniel K. Ramey, 7
Daniel Shock, Esq., of Greenfield township,
having received a majority of all the votes cast,
was declared nominated.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to the
nomination of-Director of the Poor, which resulted
as follows:
John Young, ; ....,, lf>
Geo. Weaver,......; 6
Jacob S. Nicodemns, 25
Jacob S. Nicodemns, of N. Wood berry, hav
ing received a majority of all the votes was de
clared nominated.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to nomi
nate a Candidate for County Auditor, with the
following result:
A. L, Holliday,,
Jacob Brna,
David Henshev,
M. Grabill,
David Henshey, of Antis, having received a
majority of all the votes cast, was declared to be
the nominee.
On motion, the Convention proceeded to nomi
nate a candidate for County Surveyor, with the
following: result:
H. C- Nicodemus, 30
J. M. Gibbony, 16
H. C. Nicodemus, of Martinsburg, having re
ceived a majority of all the votes cast, was declared
to be nominated.
Messrs. Wm. M. Lloyd, Bcnj. F. Bose and j.
K. Neff were chosen Senatorial Delegates.- ,
Caleb Guyer, of Tyrone, was selected, as Dele
gate to the State Convention.
On motion, the Convention adjourned.
PENUstLVAKiA alwats Ahead.— On Saturday
morning last, our efficient State Treasurer, Hon.
Henry D. Moore, paid to the Assistant Treasurer
of the United States the sum of $350,000, being,
the final instalment .of the State’s quota of the
direct tax imposed by the act of Congress of last
July; the whole amount paid by the noble old
Keystone State being,nearly two millions. Bv
making the payment at this time the Common
wealth saves the fifteen per cent, authorized bythe
act to be deducted from the total amount, Penn
sylvania is the first State in the Union that has
complied with the terms of the law. She was first
to fly to the rescue of the capital when it was me
naced rebels, and she is first in contributing j
her share of the expenses of the war. Mr. Moore i
and the Slate authorities are deserving of much i
praise for the excellent manner in which they have I
managed this business.
«r The Hampton Legion, of South CaroW
went into the battle on the 31st ult. with]*2l men,
and in charging one of Casey’s batteries, retired
with a loss of 154 men killed and wounded.
Fsexoht nr jhk Fight.—General Fremont
wm in the thickest of the fight on Sunday last,
•ad foo«ht desperately. He himself took two
prisoners, • ■ 1
This celebrated old Union war-horse was appro
priately honored with a grand reception at the
Academy of music in Philadelphia, on Friday eve
ning last,’ at which time and place a Union flag
was presented to bis daughter, Mrs. Sawyer, who
is traveling with the old gentleman. After the
presentation ceremony, the Parson was introduced,
when he immediately launched out on his favorite
theme, the Rebellion, and entertained his hearers
with an address, from which we propose to make a
few extracts. After alluding to the disease of his
throat, which, forttmately for him, the rebels had
not “ operated” upon, he referred to his arrival at
Cincinnati, where be suddenly and unexpectedly
found himself able to address audiences of from
35,000 to 40,000 persons, and be heard half a
mile off! He then savs;
I attributed this sudden restoration of my voice
to its full power and volume to the fact that I was
engaged in making war upon this infinitely infer
nal rebellion, [Laughter and cheers] —the work of
the worst men in the whole Southern Confederacy;
a set of corrupt, depraved, disappointed, and am
bitious leaders—the most unmitigated scoundrels
that ever breathed the air of Heaven. You hive
better men in Philadelphia, to-night, in your pen
itentiary, than the leaders' of this rebellion South,
and I know there are letter men to-night in hell.
[Great laughter.] • -
He then spoke of the wickedness and the inex
cusableness of the present rebellion. He did not
scruple to say that we have some men in the
North who have been and are continually harping
about the “ peculiar institution," and with all their
boasted philanthropy, they had done the negro
more harm than good. The speaker was not
there for the purpose of pandering to any Northern
feeling, prejudice, or temperament, but as a frank
and honest Southern man, he would say :
We of the South, and not you of the North,
brought on all this deviltry and all this destruction.
We did it, and we are main)}’ responsible for it;
and the gallows will never receive its due until the
leaders of this rebellion are hanged. [Great
cheering.] The devil will be cheated out of' his
just rights until ho has the exquisite pleasure of
roasting the rebel leaders in hell. ‘ [Laughter and
renowned cheers.]
The speaker then, comes to notice the origin of
the existing unhappy state of affairs, and in speak
ing of the Presidential campaign of 1860, he re
Wc-brought a variety of candidates upon the
track—we had a sort of four horse team as it were.
Some supported 1 one candidate, and some another.
It fell to'my lot, as it did to the lot of many who
hear me, to support Bell; the Union ticket as I
believed, and ns many believed. We were unsuc
cessful, we failed to elect our man, and the great
leader upon our ticket has gone, since that time,
not exactly the way of all earth, but the way of all
the South. Colonel Bell has delivered.” under
threats of violence, a Secession speech, mid turned
out to itinerate and electioneer in favor of breaking
up the Union. He is joined to his idol. I have
nothing harder to say of the old man .in his ab
sence, and in his declining years, but to ask you
to pity the sorrows of a poor old man. [Laugh
The other member of my ticket, wherever he is,
is right side up, and marked with care. [Laugh
ter and applause.] He is a glorious man wherever
you come across him; I allude to Edward Everett,
and when I sum up the whole thing, I am brought
to the mortifying reflection, that the ticket which
. you and I supported had all its virtue all its strength
in its hind legs, like a kangaroo. [Laughter.]
■ 29
The Douglass ticket is then mentioned and “the
Little Giant” eulogized, after which the Parson
proceeds qo notice—
A third ticket, and, begtre God, permit me to
say the meanest ticket that was. ever put forth. I
allude to the Breckenridge and Lane ticket—[de
risive laughter] two men who lent themselves to
this infamous, this infernal disunion party, and who
were used as catspaws, as tools and instruments to
help break up the Government. Many of yon sup
ported that ticket. You ought to be ashamed of it
here to-night. [Laughter and applause.]
This Breckenridge party, if elected, only intended
to steal all your money and arms they could, and,
at the expiration of the four years, take command
of the Republic. That was their purpose—the
hell-deserving vagabonds. [Laughter.] They in
tended this and nothing else. Did not Mason—
:that whiskey, rotten-headed Senator—bow; in the
Senate and say, no matter what the North may
concede to us, the South will reject all—out of the
Union we intend to go, and out of the Union they
have tried to go. These rebel Representatives pre
tended to go through the form of their oath in the
day-time, hut at night they were holding caucuses
as to how they could break up the Union. Not the
least important of this class were Mason and Slidell,
whom you boarded for a short time at public ex
pense in Fort Warren. Instead of giving them up,
we should have tied a millstone to their necks and
thrown them into Boston harbor.
The fourth and last ticket on the track was the
Lincoln and Hamlin ticket, and the Parson ex
pressed his gratification at its election.
In referring to Hon. Horace Maynard, Brown
low says: .
....... 31
He is a true, loyal and courageous man, and who
together with myself, Johnson, and others, will
fight the, rebel crew of Jeff Davis, and their hosts
and push them to the bitter end, where we will
still fight them ; and we intend, by the grace and
help of God, to pursue them to the gates of hell,
and, after they have entered, to make months at
them. [Laughter and cheers.]
We have no desire to pursue the rebels quite so
far, but we can scarcely wonder at Brownlow’s
bitterness, when we read the accounts of tire dia
bolical crimes and outlandish wickedness which he
has witnessed among them.
He next refers to the privileges which the South
ern States enjoyed in the Union, and their deter
mination to secede, no matter what further con
cessions were made to them, and expressed the
hope that the rebels might be driven into the sea,
as the hogs were in ancient times.
After relating a horrible tale of the manner in
which the Union men of East Tennessee have been
made to suffer by the rebels, the Parson adds—
. And yet you have men at the North who sym
pathize with these infernal murderers. [Applause.]
If I owed the devil n debt, and it was to be dis
charged by the rendering up to him of a dozen of
the meanest, most revolting, and God-forsaken
j wretches that ever could be culled from the ranks
| of depraved human society, and if I wanted to pay
that debt and get a premium upon the payment,
he would make a tender to his Satanic Majesty of
twelve Northern men who sympathized with this in
fernal rebellion. [Great cheering.] Why, gen
| tlemcn, after the battle at Manassas and Bull Run, '
i the officers and privates of the Confederate annv I
parsed through our town on flieir way to Dixie, :
exulting over the victory they had achieved, and
some of them had what they called Yankee heads,
or the entire beads of Federal soldiers, some of
them with long beards and goatees, by which.they
would take them up and say, “See! here is the ‘
head of a damned soldier captured at Bull Run."
That is the spirit of Secession at the South. It is
the spirit of murder of the vile untutored savage;
it is the spirit of hell; and he who apologizes for
them is no better than those who perpetrate the
deed. [Cheers.] - '
In conclusion, Browidow congratulated his au
dience that the South,could not hold out much !
■longer; that there are thousands who are sick and ■
tired of fighting; they are destitute' of the nece*-
Parson Brownlow.
saries of life, and also of arms and ammunition.—
Then referring to the different rebellions which
have taken place in different ports of the Union,
he says: _
Bat the great conspire*? of the nineteenth cen
tury and the great rebellion of the age is now on
hand, and he believed that Abe Lincoln, with the
people to back him, wiU crash it dot. [Cheers
and applause.} It would be done, it must be done,
and it shall he done—[great cheering]—and, hav
ing done tlpat thing, gentlemen and ladies, if they
will give us a few weeks’ rest to recruit, we will
lick England and France both, if they wish it—
[loud applaose]—and he was not certain but we
woujd have to do it—particularly old England.—
[CI real laughter.] She has been playing a two
listed gome, and she was well represented by Rus
sd, for he carried water upon both shoulders. He
did not like the tone of her journals, and when
this war is finished we shall have four or five hun
dred thousand well-drilled soldiers, inured to the
hardships of war, under the lead of experienced
officers, and then we shall be ready for the rest of
the world and the balance of mankind. [Applause.]
We might Have to give old England what Paddy
gave the dram, “ a devil of a beating.” [Great
laughter and applause.]
The Canada Thistle.—Many of our readers,
says an exchange, ore probably not aware that
Senator McClure’s bill to prevent.the spread of the
Canada Thistle was passed by both branches of the
Legislature last winter, and now is the law of the
State. It provides that hereafter any individual or
corporation allowing the Canada Thistle to ripen
seed on their premises, shall be liable to a fine of
ten dollars, upon each complaint that is propierly
established; and any one who may fear the spread
of the Canada Thistle upon his premises from the
lands of his careless or thriftless neighbor, may,
after five (lays' notice, enter upon any lands where
the weed is found growing, cut it, and recover full
costs for the labor and trouble.
This isa wise Jaw, and the farmer who fails to
enforce it strictly is not awake to his interests.—
The Canada Thistle is perhaps the most dangerous
weed to agriculture we liave in this section. Its
massive roots so completely occupy the gftmnd
wherever it once gets a ((Kiting, that nothing else
can be grown ujion the soil, and the seed is so
light that the wind will carry it for miles. There
is, therefore, no safety to any tanner, if the Cana
da Thistle is anywhere within twenty miles of him.
for it will spread in any direction with most aston
ishing rapidity, and wherever it starts, it will in a
little time completely pre-occupy the land against
any and every other crop.
We especially invite .the attention of corpora
tions to this law : The Canada thistle owes its
existence to our transportation lines, and it is
most abundant along our railroads, and in towns
about depots, &c. Every corporation and individ
ual who has this dangerous weed must dig it out
as soon as possible to make his work available;
and it must be renewed each year, for it will re
quire the most careful digging out for several years
to destroy it. Let every farmer resolve to enforce
the new law rigidly without fear or favor; and we
shall be saved from the further spread of one of
the most fatal foes known to successful agriculture.
A PtiorosAi. foe Negroes. —The Danish Min
ister at Washington has made a formal proposition
to our Government, through Mr. Seward, Secre
tary of State, in relation to negroes who have es
caped from rebel masters, and who are now under
Federal protection. He proposes to take them all
off our hands and remove them to St. Croix (a
Danish West India Island), free of charge. They
will there be apprenticed for three years, to make
sugar and him, receiving stated wages for their
support, and after that they are to be uncondition
ally free. The proposition certainly looks well,
and we hope it may be accepted. St. Croix, or
Santa Cruz, as it is sometimes called, is a small
but fertile island, about 30 miles long by 8 miles
broad. The climate is just suited to the blacks,
and it would doubtless be a paradise for them.
Great Flood.—A terrible freshet occurred in
the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, after the storm
of Wednesday week. The water reached the se
cond stories in the lower part of the towns of Eas
ton and Mauch Chunk. All the canals were over
flowed, and the railroads submerged. The iron
works were stopped, and many people drowned in
their houses, by the suddenness of the flood.
The freshet in the Delaware was equal to that
of 1841. Large quantities of furniture, store
goods, bridges, houses, cattle, &c., went down the
river. The damages to the Delaware, Lackawan
na and Western railroad is great. It will take a
week to repair. Stroudsburg was inundated on
Wednesday night, and the damage is very great.
A dispatch from Easton in the evening says the
flood commenced to recede shortly after noon. It
is impossible to arrive at anything like an accurate
estimate of the damage, but it is reported at ten
millions of dollars worth ! The Lehigh Coal and
Navigation Company is probably not so much in
jured as it was by the freshet of 1841, but it will
require several months to place their canal in navi
gable condition. The rail road bridge at Mauch
Chunk has been swept away, and the iron furnace
in the valley of the Lehigh stopped. Boats with
their crews were swept from their moorings and
dashed to pieces, many tenements with their occu
pants were carried away. The town of Weissport,
on the Lehigh river, containing three hundred
houses, was almost entirely swept away, drowning
many families.
Identity or a Leo.—The St. Louis Democrat
says;—Lydia Cooper, a feminine bijied of very ex
pansive and brilliant plumage, was yesterday morn
ing placed at the recorder’s bar for alleged distur
bance of the peace. It transpired that, on Tues
day, she ordered a carriage, seated herself regally
therein, protruded one of her legs conspicuously
out of the window, and in this posture rode in
state through the principal streets of the amazed
metropolis. As indignant citizens and stars at
tempted to arrest her progress, she only extended
the member farther and rode the faster—bnt sud
denly found her steed halted and herself in severe
custody. While a witness was giving testimony
to this and similar purport, Lydia eyed him with
an air of supreme fearlessness' and contempt, and
when Jie had concluded, triumphantly demanded
of him whether he could identify- the leg which he
saw out of the window! Could he swear it was
her leg? This annihilating inquiiy she put with
an emphasis and volubility that would certainly
have .residted in her discharge, had hot the Re
corder terminated the case by imposing upon her
a fine of $lO.
Tcepestixe from Petroleum.—A tecent
London paper states that scientific experiments
made have resulted in extracting turpentine
from petroleum. The process is said to be a safe
one, and it is added that the turpentine obtained
bj it can be produced at one-third the price that
has heretofore been paid for the same article from
the Carolinas. This would seem to be confirmed
by the fact that painters in this country, have, since
the war began, used naptha, one of the products
distilled from petroleum, for the purpose to which
turpentine was formerly applied.
hundred and two Representatives and
thirty seven benators have signed a paper, started
by \Vilson, of lowa, asking the President to make j
an arrangement for releasing by exchange all
Union prispneiu in rebel hands, 1
Jackson believed to be Reinforced by
12,000 Men.
Gen. Fremont in Danger cf being
Mount Jackson, June 18.
. Reliable information has been received at Head
quarters that Jackson has been reinforced a second
time by 12,000 men.
Gen. Fremont is in a very exposed condition, in
danger of being overwhelmed by a vastly superior
No reinforcements are on the way to him..
It is believed that much of the Corinth army is
about to be sent to hold the Shenandoah Valley,
with its immense supplies of wheat, until after har
vest time.
Winchester, June 17. P. M.—There is noth
ing worthy of note transpiring here at present, but
we hear a multitude of rumors in regard to Gen.
Fremont’s army. The latest report, coming through
a rebel channel to Strasburg, is that Jackson had
fallen back to some defensible point, where he had
bee% reinforced by 70,000 men, 10,000 of whom
he would employ to keep Fremont engaged while
the remainder were to march down the valley west
of North Mountain, cut Fremont off, and sweep
him from the vallev.
The mail messenger from Gen. Fremont’s army
to Strasburg rejKjrts that fighting was continued
between the two armies on Monday and Tuesday,
and another rider says that Fremont has fallen
back to Harrisonburg.
A targe portion of the prisoners curried off by
Jackson have effected their escape.
The latest intelligence from Gen. Fremont is of
a jubilant character.
The report that 1,500 to 2,000 rebel prisoners
are now en route ifom Fremont’s division is not
confirmed at headquarters.
Winchester, June 15.—Advices from Front
Royal this evening report everything quiet there
and no signs of the enemy in that neighborhood.
Nearly all of Gen. Shield’s men had found their
wav there.
A few stragglers of the brigade which was forced
back from Port Republic had found their way into
•Gen. Fremont’s lines at Mount Jackson.
The tenqiorary .excitement among the citizens
caused by the appearance of a few rebel guerillas
near Castleman or, Smycker’s Ferry has subsided.
The only effect it produced at our headquarters,
was to strengthen our pickets along the line of the
Officers from Gen. Fremont’s camp this morn
ing report some heavy firing in the Lumy Valley,
op|»sitc Mount Jackson, last night. They express
the opinion that Jackson’s reconnoisance had over
taken the rear guard of Gen. Shield's command.
Gen. Fremont’s front rested on Mount Jackson,
his line extending from the Mnssannetten to the
foot of the North mountain, south of Mill Creek.
It is stated by secessionists here and from above,
that Jackson has been reinforced by Gen. White’s
Division, 15,000 strong, and that he is advancing
down the Luray valley again, keeping only a small
force in the Shenandoah valley t,o amuse Fremont.
The tiring last night is partially confirmatory of the
More About Fremont’s Battle.
From a Port Republic special, of date £th, to
the Cincinnati Gazette, we glean some items about
Fremont's late bloody fight. We quote: Jack
son took his trains over the river here on Friday,
and returned and gave us battle yesterday, five
miles from this place, on the Harrisonburg road.
The battle for two hours raged fiercely. Schenck
had the right, Milroy the centre, and the Blenker
Division the left. Schenck was not assailed ex
cept by skirmishing fighting.; Milroy was in the
hottest of the fight, and drove the enemy back
from point to point. The first brigade of the
Blenker Division under General Stahl, fought
well and held the enemy back for some two hours,
suffering a great loss from a destructive fire from
the enemy.
The left wing finally gave way, and our whole
line was ordered back half a mile, to a more favor
able position. The enemy, did not advance, but
commenced a retreat, as we leant here previous to'
our falling back, and by ten o’clock this morning
their whole army had crossed the river and set
fire to the bridge. We pursued, but not in time
to save the bridge.
Stahl’s brigade lost in killed, wounded and
missing, 405 privates and 22 officers. Several
Colonels and Captains were wounded and one
Captain killed in the Blenker Division. -Bohlen’s
brigade lost ten killed and seventy wounded. The
Bucktails lost one killed and ten wounded. Our
total loss will be from one hundred to one hun
dred and fifty killed, and from four hundred to
five hundred killed and wounded.
The enemy’s loss was very heavy. Four hun
dred of their dead, by actual count, were found
nnburied on one field. From the numbers of
their dead scattered in other parts of the battle
ground, it is believed that there are two hundred
more of their dead on the field; making their
loss in killed six hundred, besides officers, who
were carried away-. Gen. Stewart was killed,
Gen. Elsie wounded, Colonel Haugbton mortally
wounded, and Gen. Jackson wounded in the leg.
A Military Editor.—Col. Nixon, formerly
editor of the New Orleans Crescent, recently came
into Gen. Mitchell’s camp, in Alabama, with a
flag of truce from Beauregard to effect an exchange
of prisoners. A correspondent of the Cincinnati
Commercial says The Colonel is a fine type of
Southern Chivalry, has a fine Opinion of himself, a
good deal of contempt for “Yankees,” says Gen
cral Butler did “just right” in suppressing his pa
per, that it was a “ rebel sheet,” drinks good whis
key, and waxes warm upon the subject, of the “ last
ditch.” Take him all in all, he is worth a score
of the sneaking, cowardly wretches who lack the
courage to take op arms, and, while professing
Union sentiments, ate , acting the spy and trying
to betray those whom they fear to fight.
luoil the Nashville Union.—Memphis, says
the Union of the 10th, was taken on the 7th inst.
by our gunboats. She yielded as quietly as a kitten
as placidly as a dove, as softly as a dying zephyr!
as quietly as a lamb, as noiselessly-as an exhausted
trout, as passively as a played-out rabbit, as unre
sistingly as a buxom damsel who falls back pant
ing into the arms of her pursuing lover after a run
of five hundred yards. Theimopy-Im Memphis,
Gibraltar Memiihis, she whose igniverons chivalry
were to shed the ultimate sanguinary current of
their veins in the last ditch, has bowed her head
to the peerless Stars and Stripes. Huzza for re
deemed Memphis! Nine cheers and a tiger for the
disenthralled Bluff Citv!
Caution to Boys.—ln Milwaukee, a short
time ago, some boys were playing with marbles,
which had been bought in the city, and which
were nicely {minted. The day was Verv hot and
the hands of the boys got moist, in consequence of
which the paint dissolved and attached to the fin
gers One of the boys wiped with his hands his
forehead, wncreby the poison contained in the paint
detached from the marbles was communicated to
the face. In two hours his eyes began to swell
and continued to swell, so that after two davs he
could not see through the swollen face, and it was
twelve days before he was able to use his eyes.
6“'ln France, since ( the beginning of the pres
ent century’, there have been committed not less
than three hundred thousand suicides There
were 3,903 in 1858, and 3,059 in 1859.
*3- A gentleman direct from Corinth, reports
at Cairo that among the prisoners captured In-
Gem Pope, and now at Pittsburgh Landing, is
the famed guerilla chieftain, Col Morgan.
hflut! aL rot ’/ Clergyman baring been restored to
i.-m; ? fRW ****• of ***** offering,
Ur willing to assist others by sending (free) on the receipt
°* * P°«s-?*ld directed envelope, a copy of the prescription
nr*«, Brooklyn, N. Y. • [June 12,-fa,
What General Milam Sayg.
On Saturday last, Gen. Prim and suite, tw
their departure for Spain.”visited Camp Ws-v'
ton and witnessed the trial of the Union rejf”*’
gnd. The Herald thus reports the opinion r v’ ,lc?
Milans, the chief Spanish General with iv
The conversation next turned to the hue 1 n ‘ : '
General Prim and suite to the army of the p" *
mac before Richmond. Gen. Milan* Wi3 ‘
enthusiastic on the subject. He had seen
armies of Europe; hot never had he witnes«ed U ’*
thing to surpass the discipline, spirit
General McClellan’s forces. He witnessed
view of 30,000 Union soldiers, and stated
their bearing and intelligence were those of v
ans of ten years experience. For Genemuf'
Clcllan not to conquer was an utter impossihr '
The spirit of the soldiers and the
their leader were such as rendered success h», 15
the shadow of a doubt. McClellan's plan of jJi?
ations in General Prim’s opinion was perfect t
was impossible for the leader of the armv ,f
Potomac to lose one inch of ground, and tfie Jr
plete subjugation of the rebels was, he thoJfl
only the work of a very few days at furthest ' '
Capt. Chauncey remarked, that of course it,
not to be expected that .our soldiers could be *
perfect as veterans. General Milans, with an 'Jf
mense and peculiarly intelligent shrug, tended
“I do not care whether you believe me or nut
have seen thirty thousand of your troops in tuie,
and they are as perfect as veterans of ten vea*
service." Capt. Chauncey stated that the „L,,
tunitics to see our troops to advantage wit,T t n
meagre. General Milans answered that he Jij
not care for show. He hud walked about
man to man, and found they fully understood b.«
to use the anus in their hands, and tliat their it,
telligence and courage were of the highest
Such soldiers would suffer no defeats of any con,!
Shooting Affaib. —Atax collector called on,
fanner at Wilton, lows, for his dog lax, 'l\
fanner refused to pay and the collector shot fc
dog, whereupon the fanner immediately seized b
gun and shot the collector dead an the spot.
Qgeby. —Why should the rebel General Petti
grew, captured in the battle of Fair Oaks, be si
lowed to go upon his parole of honor, when Cor
coran, and other gallant fellows, are enduring fo
hardships and discomforts of a Southern prison-.
83* The Richmond Examiner says that it leans
from undoubted authority that the news of the
assassination of Hon. Andrew Johuson bv George
Brown, son of Hon. Neil S. Brown, is continneJ
g3**Tho Union losses iu the late fierce battle a;
Port Republic are partially reported, and show c;
killed, 3AI wounded, and 574 missing. Total I
ROUSH, Druggist,
i takes this opportunity of returning M, tbua.
to the citiiena of this place and vicinity, for the libera;
patronage they have bestowed on him, and diWMioit
form the public In genetal, that he still continues
At his Old Place of Basinets,
A/eiv Doors above the Fosl-o[fict.
where he is at all time* prepared to attend to their
in his line of business, consisting of
Physicains Prescriptions
Altoona, Pa_ April 17,1882.
VJ • diately, for the twelfth regimem
U. d. INFANTRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more abl«-
bodifed id on, between the ages of eighteen and thirty-tiif-
Fnyranges from $l3 to $23 per month, according to tbs
rank of the soldier. Each man will be famished witii
equipments, ample clothing and subsistence. Quarter*,
ftielfand medical attendance free of charge. The paycf
each soldier commences as soon as he is enlisted.
By an act lately passed, the term of enlistment has been
changed from Are to THREE YEARS, and every soldier
who serves that time is entitled to
froth the Government. Attention, is drawn to tbt* fact
that the Government has wisely commenced toprcoo'f
soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, op«a
to all.
For farther information apply at the Recruiting
on Virginia street opposite
Lieut. J. S. CAMPBELL.
12th Infantry, U. 8. A. Recfuitlng Offi^r.
I her would inform the citizens of Altoona and viril
ity that he Is prepared to famish any number of the fol
lowing varieties of
from bis hotbeds, in
He bus the Large Red Stnoothe anti Fegee Island Tomsia
Plant*—Extra Earlv and Early Blood Turnip B«1 Planb
—Early York, Early Winning*tadt, Large Late Drumhead
and late flat Dutch Cabbage Plant*, Celery, Egg and Pep
per Plant*—all improved varictiei. Persons desiring uj
of tbo above plant* «hontd leave their orders early tb»i
they may receive the flr*t reiav for transplanting.
NOTICE ."Whereas, Letters Testa
meutary to th« KaUtc of ROMAN RIEBEXACS.
late of »he Borough of Altoona, dec’d, have ben gnnW
to the subscriber*, all person* Indebted to said estate tn
requested to make immediate payment, and those bseiDg
claims or demands against tits estate of the said decedent
will make known the same, without delay, to
Executors of Roman Rlebenack, dec a
Altooxa, Pa., May 1,1882.
-L1 family to get in their supply of cosl for the Wl»t»
and the snbscribbr would therefore Inform the citizen*
Altoona and vicinity, that he it prepared to snpply twa
on short notice, with a superior article of ANTiIBAC*
by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel. *«'■
eredat the door of the purchaser. i
AW-Yard on the North side of the B«llroad-npP«f'
of Altoona Yard. H. K. MYKR>-
July 25,18d1.-tf.
Dental Snrgeon,
" next door to the Post
Teeth extracted without patn by the Current
Magnetic Machine.
ISTotary Public.
Can at all times be found at theatore of J. B. lli!em» B -
CcWbar 1,186 T.
XT I- on the Plano- Forte end Melodeou, by y l ** fcr
SuoIMAKRH. Tun, $lO per quarter.
the ate of the Instrument Rruldeoo* on Csthsrtof
Wert JUtoone. fJsn. 16.
TRIBUNE power-pre
0$ '
T ._ e _ within the pant two year*. mule consider
isolontooar establishment in the way of new fa
Screw Presv. Paper Cutter. Can) Cutter, Ruling
vfll Card Power Press, and large Newt pa per po
_ /, nut of which we give above) we are now prep*
anything in the tine of printing or rntin
'"jvlc equal to any establishment in the State, an
*rire* equally low. We can execute, on short notice
ftrlea of
Wedding* Invitation, Visiting, Ball A Business Cat
Cironfars, Programmes,
MAMMOTH posters, sale bili
pamphlets. Pay and Check Bo]
MANIFESTS, and blanks of all kind
-n wc ask la a"trial, feeling confident that we can
-.i.fceUan If we have the opportunity.
o«ce la Lowther’s building, corner of Virginia and
nie street*, opposite Superintendent's Office.
|pOBM Irilmni
Campbell’s $650 “Country Press
local items.
of July* follow each other much more rapidl;
we grow older. To tfee juveniles of the pre
day, we presume, it is as it was with us, when
were passing through that happy period, the Fo
of Julys are on age apart, and they would Uk
have at least two: a year. On that day ei
youngster is privileged to do as he pleases, sc
thinks, and in too many instances he docs i
Fire wheels, chaser*, spit-devils, sky-rockets,
pedoes, bcngal light*,; squibs, etc., are his deli
and be can find them all at Fettinger’s Oak H
where may also be found a large assortraen
flags and other decorations for the coming at
vereary. Fet. has just received a decidedly ha
some stock of fancy notions, such as china ma
ornaments, largo, china dolls, children’s toys, s
hooks, novels, violins, photograph albums, a be
tiful article, a largo stock and great variety
walkiqg cades, fishing tackle, and other aiti
“ too tedious to enumerate.” If yon want to v
the beautiful, call at Oak Hall.
Van ASbubgh & Co.'s Menagebie.—To-na
row (Frid*?,) this great collection of living bet
and birds—‘the only exhibition of the kind in
United States—will arrive in town with its cr
moos golden chariot,' the great. elephant Hanni
and all the animated wonders which will be fo
described in the advertisement. The grand
rode to be given in the forenoon will be a page
of great splendor, and all will have an opportui
of witnessing it gratuitously. The colossal t
which is described as being an exhibition of iti
will be open both afternoon and evening, am
each exhibition a variety of astonishing perfo
anccs by highly trained animals will add to
attractiveness of the show. There is instruct
as well as . amusement, to be derived from a i
to such an establishment, and hence, wherevi
goes, it draws out immense crowds of the very
portion of the community.
Brown-low's Book.— \Ve have been rent]
Parson Brownlow’s Book; and, although we
previously read a number of the articles co
therein, which were published in his paper.
Knoxville Whig, during last summer, yet we
rased them again with interest and still more
mired th« courage and loyalty of the man w
surrounded by such a cut-throat band as Infe
Knoxville. It will pay to read this book, as I
it will be obtained a correct knowledge of the
gin of the rebellion. The proof is given with
arguments. All who are able should purchu
copy of the Book, and learn what it was, am
some places is yet, to he a Union man. Few i
would have, borne up under the pressure as Bro
low has done. Nothing bnt bis true courage sa
his life. They were afraid to kill him or h
him. ° The Book can be Andy niahaui
store, in Brant Row.
Counterfeit Coin.—The Baltimore Sm sa
“ A large quantity of half and quarter dollar c
are now in circulation in the city, and they
generally so well executed as to entirely escape
notice of those not familiar with metal. Som<
them are said to be composed of a portion of silt
and ring almost as well os the genuine c(
though they are utterly worthless. They
heavily plated by aid of the galvanic battery,
are light, and more easily detected by scraping
surface than otherwise.”
We publish this for the purpose of patting
citizens on their gnard. Doubtless the same i
rious coin will be circulated here, if it has not
ready been done.
Be»p.—We wool no better evidence of the n
growth and prosperity of our town, than the
that—although a great many new buildings are i
stantly being erected—almost any kind) of a hi
commands an enormous rent. This being thee
why do not onr capitalists get their eyes opt
awake to their interests—and erect more hi
Mowy infested ip this way pays .well —much
tcr tUq patting it in Bank, or hoarding it
m old stockings. Then, get to work—erect
stantial buildings, and improve yoor lots—t
yon will add to the beanty of the town, (which
the way, wont hurt it a bit,) you will inci
your own income, and you will contribute to
welfare and comfort of families less prospe
than yon hare been. 1 /
_ Gas & Water Stock. —By referring to a
nee in another column it will be seen that
®o»rd of Managers of the Altoona Gas & W
Company have declared a semi-annual divider
J°*r per cent on their capital stock, clear of!
,ax ’ payable on and after July Ist, 1862, at
office of the Treasurer, B. F. Rose. Gas &
ter Stock is surely a safe and profitable invest u
Serious Accimwt.— -Quite a serious act
occurred on Tuesday afternoon, at a ham-n
* t r - Wm. KeUerman’s, near Hollidaysbui
which two men were badly injured. ’Squire 1
nan had his shoulder broken, and the other n
tnjured to such an extent that his life isdespaii
fW Andy Clabaugh still keeps on h«nA
e y® e Uent platina-pt
writh stauonery,periodical*, daUy aod w
notions io profusion.