SK l»OOK MANUFA^^ v MatiH St , HvftUb» a , p a Saif - ■ ■ ■ • hojont iR chißfly.jjg^. , ■r* ofHhmk'Books fer - ™ •'/ &.^;’aastsST. tin, rale* and bound: to the beetllnenpaper. , ™* r - «»u,iv others, desiring to have theirtow. lend* price*, should (Irene aeatP^i*' l ! gwt •lues, Harper's w£s,|J"*JjSe»e *. Weatific" AtoedcM^uSd^V , < id in any etyle u* * l. Jokefbocker, BUckwood’ii^Sir.** o *^- isassssste^' ttduU*Ux>Uftl b*|f-bMbic. pdtoee, tety moderate prices. Pereomr iSJi? 1 “ Mi to bind, will receive i liberal dJI!,® 11 lybe lent to «* from adhtaaeeto* I '- eorlf entrusted to oor care win h. X.**- p*dy packed and retarned br~(rl2^ 1 ited. Address Kls lCT^*" I* DKRN. at the Vribvnt Office, .^ ■a*and vicinity. They wHI ighre hlSf? to binding, and receive and’r*tarnr!s* charges, for all who ant, nut tiS?? 1 *?* 1 ■ iwyg >4 § •* s i ««■ J .5- fe p* g: • i I H ,«l |:S^Pd E P 3 f so »i I 3 s SN |. »i |*r |. g :i J J ■ 1 " °.SS e « ■i Pwifg^-s I s sill la* It y ‘ Jisii * S Oo* 1.5 a*s -.1 > © ■; S ■.■ . : Y AND BAKERY! NDERSIG-NED ANNOUN. eitlMM of Altoona and Tlcinltr that h. ia large inroloee of “ tAFJSCTIOKARIES, NUTS, KPICEB hltdrea exprcaatjr forth* Holldayi tT.alway* on band a good atodtof pUi, of bu own manofactora. . PRUNES, RAISINS, *C. 11 all seasons of tlw year. s, Sugar, Molasses, Butur, MO WHITE WEEAfELom KAT FLOUR, COHN MRAL, AC., nd for sale in large or small 4uaatttfe>. mml price my stock and yonwlU fliw t*ap as any in town JACOB WIBE. HAT QUESTION WHICH *» the mmtl of every I £et the best article for ttmlHi tether matters, the » attempt to direct, a the line of r ’ ITS OR SHOES - 1 examination of his stock and work', ftntly on baud anaxsortment ofßpotri.Sho,i $, 4c., which he offers at fair prices, apecial attention to custom work, all# tiraated togiveaalUiactiou. Xoorbut th * employed • |thdf>is on Virginia street, imtnediatel P Drug Store ff-tn FETTINGER’S JOHN -H, ROBERTS. il News Agency. L. No. 7, MAIN STREET BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS. ;uy. CONFECTION ARIES *S & TOBACCO, IOXIONS IN GREAT VARIETY MBTASTLY OK HAND. , L POLICE GAZETTE- i Jonrnal of Crime and Criminali i* io V s«4 ie widely cbcniatedthrongium) rontaini ell tbe Great Trials, Crtoiml tlste ZditOrialson tbee6roe,tof¥tbfr«itii rimlnal Hatters, not to be found in «w |2 r per-uumni; (I far’six moutlit. 10 lecriben, (who should write tbeir name* nty and State where they reside plain);.] To Q, W. MAMMA *OO. Prop’r. of Kew York PSUpe Oaaettr. - XaoTvrlcaisi S'EOTION,ERY YSTER SALOON. iSQUIBER WOULD LV itieens of Altoona and rtetnity that hi* t.KCT and FROnr SaOKßttei"?; 'ery best articles to he bad, and inpt« dwjtn PER SALOON in wblchieWm«wT.-P'i)lBW» i , ny tbe season. ) BB£AI> f teeth will . oaica in tr oohpasy .•will- be .effected .<^‘!PtSr?K ! sii» * 1 ■ m«'» max mart#***’ iEPASATION KOBji HAM, MICE, KOACW^S^n 1> LARD OtX/8, tt* Fluid* Otrhm Ofl. lte |^aiUj»^- AT McCOßS®^^ A LAJtO# £.*l tea* «f "W* 1 McCRUM & BERN, VOL. 7. THE ALTOOHA TRIBUHE. B E - C - WBN, PUBUBBIM AND PAOPUBTOBS. . iu uum, i p»J»l>le InTarUWy Ui'adTsww,) i .$1,(0. ill iliMontiaoed’ »t the Mention of tho time >“ r 1 insertion 2 do. 3 do. V/ Am f*" . ( i 4 ... ~..■. 150 290 250 Tl !j r .« three weeks and lew thnn three month.. 25 cent. ~,r ■■oin.te lor e»ch in.ertion month*. 6 month*. I year. 2 “ MIS* *?« 4 00 6 00 10 00 ‘ .. 5 (M) 800 'l2 0(5 V lr,w . 000 10 00 fJU 00 ’ , . ... in 00 UOO .20 00 Halt a column V........... UOO 25 00 40 00 v- 1 76 Merchants sdvertiaing by the year, three squares, Orofe«to I MpirBM , SS Cards, not 8 COTiM«teJKWTi»Utic»i -n.aracter or individual io , ,„ st will be charged according to the above rates. UveTdeemeu .s Sot marked with the number of: tneer tious desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac t ordinz the abOTe terms. „ .. Ruflinees notice* fire cents per line for.every insertion. OMtnnry notice* exceeding ten linea» fifty cent* a square BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL USTABLISHKO AS a KKFDQK PROM QUACIiKKY, The Only Place Where a Cure Can be Obtained* DU. JOHNSON has discovered the most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in the world for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Blad j'r Involuntary Discharges,lmpotency, Generall Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head. Throat Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Longs,Stoip* afh or Bowels—those Terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary prac tices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to liie Mariners of Dlysaes, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage Ac., impossi b YOUNG MEN fi.neciilly. who have become the victims of Solitary v ice, Hut dreadful and destnclive habit which annually sweeps I, an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most "ihalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might 'Other wise haw entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloiuencei or waked to ectasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. Married Persons, or Young Men cotcmplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility.defor laity, ie., speedily cured. He who places himsel! under th* care of Dr. J. may re ligiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confi tleotlv rclv upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor .Restored. This Distressing Affection—which renders Life miserable mid marriage "’lmpossible—is the penalty paid by the rictims of improper -Indulgences.. Young persons are to apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dread ful consequences that may ensue. Now. Ivho that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudent? Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and de structive symptoms to both body und mind arise. The 'nystem becomes Deranged, the Physical and .Mental Func tions Weakened. Los- of Procreative Power. Nervous Irri* 'lability. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough* Consumption, Decay and Dt-ath. OFFICE, NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to'observe name and number. Letter* must be paid ami contain u stamp. The Doc tor's Diplomas hang In his office A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London.. Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and Che greater part of whose life bat been, spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else whsre, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing, in the head, and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with 'frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of: mind, were cured immediately. - TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE- Dr, J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which'ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society dr marriage. This* are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro* daced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of. Sight, Loss pf Muscular Power, Palpitation of the • Heart, Dys p*psy, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of thoi Diges tive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Cdnsamp tion, AcJ : MzirfALlT.*—-The fearful effects of the mind are much to 1* dreaded-—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of spirits, Svjl-Fdrebodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac-, are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now J udge what Is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, be coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a sin gular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. ■ ' ■ Who have injured themselves by a certain practice in dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, dr at school, the" effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impostble, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young mao, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched ffca n ail prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of dovmtftig from the path of nature, and indulging iu a certain secret habit. Such persons MUST, before contem plating d MARRIAGE, reflect that a sonnd mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, with out these, the Journey through Ufe becomes a weary pil grimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the vjew; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness ot another be comes blighted with odr own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. »* hen the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure find* that he has imbibed the' seeds of this painful dis ease, it too often happens that an ill-timed-sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him. from applying td those who. from education and respectability,, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of thii horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcera ted gore throve, diseased nose, nocturnal pain s in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin aud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremi ties, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at’ last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fait in, and thf* victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of r omniisc ration, till death puts a period to hisdreadful by sending him t» “ that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns.” It is a mdancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfutoess of Igno ijnt pretenders, who, by the ns© of that Deadly Poison, Jfrrcary, ruin the constitution and make the residua of I tic miserable. - STRANGERS irast not your Uvea, or health to tho care of the many and Worthless Pretenders, destitnto of knowl name or who copy Dr. Johnston?* adver* jlsemenfa, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regu larly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep trifling month after month, taking their filthy and poisonous compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can J* opined, and in despair, leave yon with mined health ■ i T oTer oar galling disappointment.. J>r. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. vr cre< * ent * a l or diplomas always hang In bis office, nu remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, rT p P_ are d k life spent in the great hospitals of Europe. fc in the country and a more extensive Private Prac & than any other Physician {n the world. Th« INDORSEMENT of the press. v»«, m *"y‘hooi»nd» cured at thin Institution, year after mimenm.. important Surgical operation. ST by J ohn»ton. witne?»ed by the reporter, of the .in,.'. Clipper,’’ and many othrr paper., notice, of be.dtpr, e .! PP !? red ttga ‘" “? a S» in before the public, wn.lhm..^ ndin,t «. a ? 8 gentlemen of character; and re pen.lbillty, I. s.offlcient guarantee to the afflicted. »a" , sssE,Wb?aSiS l ts:?. rOG, tekvn or abtimhw® MARRIAGE jVo ifrrcwry or Nustous Drugs. OR. JOHNSON, YOUNG MEN THE BATTLE. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF BCHtLLER BY SIB B OLIVER LITTON Monty and solemn, A cloudy column, Through the green plain they marchiog came Measureless spread, like « table dread, For the wild’grim dice of the irongame! Looks are bent on the shaking ground— Hearts beat loud with a knelling sound— Swift by the breast that must bear tb« brunt, Gallops the Major along the front— . “Halt"’ t And fettered they stand at the stark command. And the warriors, silent; halt! Proud in the blush of morning glowing! What on the hill-top shines In flowing ?. “ See you the foemen's banner waring?’' We see the foemen's banners waving I” “ God be with your children and wife!” Hark tho music—the dram and the fife— How they ring through the ranks which they raise to the strife! 7 Thrilling they sound with thelr glorious-tone— Thrilling they go through tbe marrow*bone! Brothers, Qod grant when this life is o’er, In the life to come that we jmeet once more! See the smoke, how the lightning is clearing asunder, Hark! tho guns, peal on peal, how they boom in.their thunder! From host to host, with kindling sound. The shoqt and signal circle round! Ay, shout It forth to life or death! •' Freer already breathes the breath— The war It waging—slaughter raging, And heavy through the eeelting pall The Iron death:dice fall! Nearer they close, foes upon foes. “Ready!” From square to square it goes. They kneel as one man, from flank to flank, And the fire comes sharp.from the foremost rank. Many a soldier to the earth is sent; Many a gap by the ball is rent; O’er the corse before springs the hinder man, Tb£ the line may not fall to the fearless-van; To the right, to the left, and around and around. Death whirls in its dance on the bloody ground ; God’s sunlight is quenched in the fiery fight, Over the host falls a brooding night 1 Brothers, God grant when this life is o’er. In the life to come that we fneet once more! The dead .men lie bathed to the weltering blood. And tile living are blent in the slippery flood; And the feet, as they reeling and sliding go. Stumble on the cprses that sleep below. c What! Francis, give Charlotte my last farewell!” As the dying man murmurs the thunders swell. I’ll give—O God. are their guns so near ? Ho! comrades—yon volley: look sharp to the rear! I'll give thy Charlotte thy last farewell— Sleep soft! where death thickest descondeth in ram, The friend thou forsakest thy side may regain':’’ Hitherward thitherward, rqels the fight. Dark and more darkly the day glooms to night. Brothers, God grant when this life is o'er. In the life to come that we nieet once more! Hark Uy the hoofs tb*t galloping go! The AdjoUnfiffylng— The horsemen press hard on the panting foe, Their thunder boomrdyiog. Victory! Terror has seized oo the dastards all— And their colors fall! Closed is the brunt of the glorkms fight; And the day, like a conqueror, bursts on the.night I Trumpets and fifes swelling choral along — The triumph already sweeps marching in song. Farewell, fallen brothers! though this life be o’er, . There’s another in which we shall mwet you onoe more. JStfert Ipwrtljwg. WATERLOO. BY JOHN 8. C. ABBOTT. The return of Napoleon from Elba to Paris was the signal for all the allied ar mies of Europe to be on their march to crush him.. ■ Hurriedly Napoleon collected 120,000 men to repel the million of bay onets, now crowding upon France. Wel lington and Blucher were in the vicinity of Brussels with 100,000 each. To save France the Jiorrqrs of invasion, Napoleon resolved to cross the frontier, and fall upon one body of the enemy, and then another, until they should be compelled to negoti ate. 4 At 3 o’clock in the morning of the 12th of June, Napoleori left the Tuilleries for his last campaign. He took leave of Cau laincourt, saying, “ Farewell; we must conquer or diej” rapidly through the day and the succeeding night, he ar rived, on the morning of the 13th, at Avesnes, 150 miles from Paris. Here he had assembled all bis available force.— Wellington was at Brussels, and Blucher a few leagues from him, neither dreaming of attack. They were waiting the arrival of 200,000 Russians, with whom they were to commence their inarch upon Paris. Napoleon's plan was to attack Welling ton by surprise, and destroy his force, and Blucher’s, and then to march against the Russians. In an hour after Napoleon’s arrival at Avesnes the whole army was in motion. By different routes they were directed to meet at Charleroi, 35 miles distant, at aq appointed hour. General Bourmont was in charge of one of these divisions. In famously he deserted, and revealed to the allies the plans of the Emperor. Behind tire entrenchments of Charlerio, Napoleon found ten thousand Prussians ready to dispute his passage. He attacked them so vigorously that they soon retreated, leaving 2 jOOO nf their dead behind them. It was 30 miles from Charleroi to Brussels. Ten miles on this road iasituatedthe little hamlet of Quatre Bras. Ney with men, was ordered to advance immediately to that spot, “ Concentrate (here your ALTOONA, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1862. men,” said the Emperor. “Fortify your I army by field works. Hasten so that, by midnight, this position, occupied and im pregnable, shall bid defiance to any at tack.” Blucher, acting from information : received' by the .traitor. Bouranont, was hastening'with 60,000 troops to join Wel lington. Napotan at the beadof 60,000 unexpectedly encountered him. After one ; of the most i terrible conflicts ever waged, the Prussians lied, utterly routed, leaving ; 20,000 weltering, in their blood, and 10,- 000 prisoners in the hands of Napoleon. Had Ney obeyed his orders the Prussian army would have perished without the es cape of a. man. But as Ney approached Quatre Bras, in a dark night of storm and floods of rain, and through an ocean of mire, he allowed his exhausted troops to stop, a few miles before reaching that all important point, which he intended to take with the earli est morning light. He sent word that the post was already in his possession. Welling ton at a ball in Brussels, turned pale with dismay, as he heard of the approach of’ I Napoleon! It was fifteen miles from Brussels to Quatre Bras. Fully aware of the impor tance of the post, he instantly despatched i a division to occupy it. Through the whole night the troops pressed along the miry road, mingling their tnmult with the . roar of the tempest. In the inoming Ney in consternation, found the English were in possession of the post. The whole day was spent in the most bloody, desperate and unavailing efforts to regain it. The anguish of Ney, in view of his irreparable ■fault, was awful: The night of the 16th of June came, a night of darkness and de luging rain. Napoleon, at Ligny, was a victor. Ney, ten miles distant, at Quatre Bras, was bafiied, bleeding and exhausted. Blucher, with his broken battalions con sequently escaped, and retreated towards Wavre, where he was joined by reinforce ments. Napoleon sent Grouchy with 30,- 000 men to pursue him. Wellington fell back to Waterloo, to be joined by his Prussian allies. Such was the state of affairs .when the morning of the 17 th of June dawned upon these drenched armies. Napoleon, leaving Grouchy to pursue Blucher, passed over to Quatre Bras, joined his troops to those of Ney, and with his combined force of 70,000 followed Wel lington- to the spacious plain of Waterloo. Wellington had here skillfully posted his troops on an extended ridge, and was anx iously awaiting the arrival 6f Blucher.— It was the night of the 17th, dark and rainy, when Napoleon reached the field.— For'eighteen hours he had not indulged in a moment of repose or received any nourishment. All the night the rain fell in torrents, as the emperor stationed his army for the battle of the morrow. Wellington’s force had been variously estimated at from 72,000 to 90,000 men. The morning of the 18 th dawned lurid and stonny. It Was the Sabbath. The undulating plain of Waterloo was a vast wheat field. Soaked with rain and cut up by the wheels and the tramp of these armies, it now resembled a quagmire. At eight o’dock the clouds broke, and the sun shone out brilliantly. At half past ten the troops w® re all in their positions, the hos pitals established in the rear, and the sur geons, with splinters, knives and saws, ready for theft- melancholy work. At 11 o’clock the carnage commenced. The English with their . formidable bat teries, were extended along the ridge of a gentle elevation, about a mile and a half in length. The French from an opposing ridge, not an eighth of a mile distant, were forming in solid columns, and charg ing the British line up to the very muzzle of their guns. Hour after hour the mur derous fire continued, each party apparent ly as indifferent to bullets, balls and shells, as if they had been snowflakes. About the middle of the afternoon the victory seemed to be decided in favor of Napoleon.j In many places great gaps had been cut through the British, lines, and fugitives, in broken bands, were flying in dismay towards Brussels. It is said that Wellington was in anguish, deeming the battle 1 lost, and that he wiped the cold sweat from his brow, saying, “ Would that Blucher or night were come.” Just at this time the quick eye of the Emperor discerned, far off upon the right an immense mass of 60,000 men, rapidly emerging from a forest and descending upon the plain. He hoped that it was Grouchy. It ought to have been. It was Blucher. Napoleon had now but 50.000 men, exhausted by exposure, marching, and many hours of the most desperate; fighting. Wellington, with the reinforcement of • Blucher 1 s fresh troops, had 100,000 to oppose him. Twenty thousand of the French soldiers were now either dead or wounded. But 50.000 remained to oppose 100,000.; Ev erything j now depended upon the success of a desperate charge, before the Prussians could reach the-field. The Imperial Guard was immediately brought forward. Na poleon wished to lead it, but yielding to die earnest solicitation of his staff, surren dered the command to Ney. Ip two col umns this band, which had never moved but to Victory,' advanced .against dm bat- (■independent IN EVEKTTHING.] teries of the foe. Both armies, for a mo ment, rested to behold the sublime specta cle. Not a drum beat, not a bugle sounded, not a word was uttered. Sternly they strode on, till within a few yards of the cannon loaded to the muzzle. There was a dash, a roar, and a cloud of smoke shut the combatants from view, but within that cloud there was incessantly the gleam and the thunder of war’s most dreadful storm. ■At the same moment the Prussians came thundering upon the field. A gust of wind for a moment swept away the smoke, and the anxious eye of Napoleon beheld that his Guard had disappeared. A mortal paleness spread over the cheek of Napoleon, and a panic seized every heart. A scene of horror ensued which humanity shudders to contemplate. Na poleon threw himself into a small square, which he had kept as a reserve, and urged it into the deepest throngs of the enemy, that he might perish with the Guard.— Cambrone seized the bridle of his horse saying, “Sire, death -shuns you, You will be made a prisoner.” Yielding to these solicitations, he reluctantly retired. The remnant of his Guard bade him adieu, shouting Vive P Empereur! They were soon surrounded, and called upon to sur render. Gambrone returned the immortal reply, “ The Guard dies; it never surren ders/” A few discharges of grape from the surrounding batteries cut them all down. Thus perished the Old Guard of Napoleon, and thus terminated the battle of Waterloo. Continental papers contained, during the last few years, frightful accounts of the destruction done by the locust. In Bessarabia these animals covered an area of 128,000 acres with their eggs ; in the Chersoneus and Tauric Government, twice that space was occupied. All possible means were resorted to to kill these eggs, such as digging, collecting and burying and burning them, plowing the ground and tramping it* hard with horses and cattle. On one piece of land of 1,100 acres, near Chotim, not less than 4,400 bushels of lo cust eggs were collected. About the first of May, when the eggs began to hatch, rollers and harrows were brought into re quisition, but all to no avail. Towards the last of July pest passed beyond Bender, on the Dniester, in a width of six miles, and in a mass from seven to eight inches thick, and crossing the river within two days, they spread themselves along the low lands of the opposite shore. Here it was that a battle was fought such as the records of Natural History can show no parallel to—men of all nationalities gath ered to defend their homesteads, and in a short time I,4oomen stood inarmsagainst the destroyer. Meanwhile the locust had spread over an extent of sixteen square miles. To prevent them from attacking the surround ing fields, deep ditches, twenty-four to twenty-nine miles long, were dug, and men placed along these ditches to kill the lo custs dropping into them. Others fought them with bush-harrows and brooms in those places where ditches could not he made. Where the ground was clean, hordes of horses and cattle were driven along to crush them. Pickets,- on horse back, were stationed to watch the move ments of the enemy breaking through the ranks. Eight days were thus occupied.— Three-quarters of the locusts were de stroyed, when the remainder had completed their last change and became winged in sects. On the 9th of July the first swarms rose into the air and -flew in different di rections. The battle was not fought in vain. While in the province of Cherso neus, nearly the whole crop was destroyed, Bessarabia suffered but very little. A Successful Plan of’ Coubtsiup.'— At a wedding recently celebrated, were present seme twenty-five young persons, all of them in a condition which, for various reasons, they generally concurred in re garding as undesirable—the ■ ‘ unengaged.” One of the gentlemen of the party sus pected the prevalence among them of feel ings that might easily be exchanged for others infinitely more fixed and agreeable. He accordingly proposed the choosing pf a President, a person worthy of all confi dence, whose duty it should be to receive from each individual a folded paper in scribed with a name of the person of the other sex whom the first would be willing to marry. The President, in addition to the restraint of his own sense of honor, was to be put under a solemn pledge of secrecy. All refusing to accede to the proposition were for a time to leave the room. Those whose choice was recipro cal—that is, whose papers contained the same two names—were to be privately in formed ; while the selections of the others were to remain undisclosed. The result was that the trial was made; all shared in the experiment, and eleven couples weiro found to have made themselves happy — and their several unions were afterwards consummated.— Ex. j^lftfaer. wipg.of any army in battle will soon'become the left wing if it stands itBgroand and F)py4 ha» opmmapd of the otber wing, andWisein the. The following hints from Dr. Hall, if remembered and practiced, may prove of great value: 1. If a man faints, place him on his back and let him alone. 2. If any poison is swallowed, drink in stantly half a glass of cold water with a heaping teaspoonfol each of common salt and ground mustard stirred into it; this vomits as soon as it reaches the stomach, but for fear some of the poison still re mains, swallow the white of one or two eggs, or drink a cup of strong coffee, these two being antidotes for a greater number of poisons than any dosen other articles known, with the advantage of theiij being at hand; if not, half a {ant of sweet oil, lamp oil, or “ drippings,” especially if they vomit quickly. 3. The best thing to stop the bleeding of a moderate cut instantly, is to cover it profusely with cobweb, or flour and salt, about half-and-half. 4. If the blood cornea from a wound by jets or spirts, be spry or the man willdie in a few minutes because an artery is sev ered; tie a handkerchief loosely around near the part between the wound and the heart! Put a stick between, the handker chief and the skin, twist it around until the blood ceases to flow, and keep it there until the doctor domes; if in a position where the handkerchief cannot be used press the thumb on the spot near the wound between the wound and the heart; increase the pressure until the bleeding ceases, (but not lessen the pressure for an instant until the physician so as to glue the wound by the coagulation or hardening of the cooling blood. 5. If your clothes take fire, slide the hands down the dress, keeping them as close to the body as possible, at the same time sinking to the floor by bending the knees; this has a smothering effect upon the. flames; if not extinguished, a great headway is gotten, lie down on the floor, roll over and over, or better envelope your self in a carpet rug, bed doth, or any other garment you can get hold of, always pre ferring-woolen. 6. If the body is tired, rest; if the brain is tired, sleep. 7. If the bowels are loose, lie down in a warm bed and remain there and eat nothing until you are well. 8. If an action of the bowels does not occur at the usual hour, eat. not an atom until they dp act, at least for thirty-six hours, meanwhile drink largely of cold water, or hot teas, and exercise in open air to the extent of a gentle perspiration, keep this, up until things are light ended; this suggestion, if practiced, would save myriads of lives every year both in the city and in the country. 9. The three best medicines injtbe world are warmth, abstinence and repose, Water Deinkjng.—lmproper drinking of water has killed thousands There have been instances where thirsty armfes, after long marches, have come to some river, when the men would lie down on their faces and quaff an inordinate quantity of water, with these results: some died almost instantly, others became crazy, and stag gered like drunken men. Avoid drinking water as much as possible while marching. When you feel dry rinse the month with water, but do not swallow it. Drink only when resting, or before the word is given to march. Men, when heated, should not drink anything cold. In a state of per spiration, ice water only aggravates thirst. Drink slowly; half»tumbler of water will suffice {the thirstiest man in the world, if he drinks by sips. Take from twenty-five to one hundred rips, and swallow each time—it will quench thirst better than a quart drank in the usual manner. In fact, it is almost impossible to get down a full glass of water, taken in this way. Paddy’s Blessing.—A poor old Irish cripple sat begging at the bridge, urging his appeal to the Charity of the passers, with the eager and versatile eloquence of his country. A gentleman and lady— young, gay and handsome, with that pecu liar look of gratified and complacent con sciousness which indicates the- first few weeks of married the bridge. They regarded not the petitions of the beggar; so just as they passed him he ex claimed, “May the Idearing of the Lord, which brings love and joy add health, and a fine feinily, follow you all the days of your life.” A pause; the couple passed heedlessly on, and the beggar, with a fine touch of caustic humor, added; “and never overtake you.” Voracious. —“ Waitaw, got any gran peas?" “Yes, sir—have some?” “ Yaas,bring methree.” “ Anything else, sir ?” “Yaas, a dice or two of strawberry, cut thin.” “ Certainly, sir; anything more?” ■ . “More! Ahl what! do ybutakatae for a perfect hog, ah ?” gOr Young folks tell ns *s|t they ; old ones what they have dehe t ifiwfbols what they will do. NO. 20.