rwi*«owj|.*iniwreitB. ac. PBBfIBYTgBI AN-ARsy. A.B- Clang, Pastor—Preaching nrfelock, »nd to the evening * I o'clock, Payer in the bctqnßuoiu every W«dMaikf «eai#f it 7 tfelock. Sabbath School in tun *"*•* •* Syirfelodtin the morning. HRBtUR BPIBOOPAL—Rev. W. Lu Sronwoon, TM*nr . .Prpai blng every gahhattv morning «t 11 o’clock, 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting in the taCtan Boom every Wednesday evening nt T o’clock.— UMnckoH in the same(oom at 3 o’clock P. M. ByAIftMLIOAL LDTHBBAN—Ecv. C. L. KnmrariU), rminr lSli«rlilii|i evnrj fltMutli morning at 11 o’clock, a■d ln thc evening at 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting ih the L*etere Room every Wedaecday evening at 7 o’clock.— Sabbath Ik bee! insame room at 9 o'clock A. M. BAPTIST—iter. A, H. Smoowia, Pastor.—Preaching svsry Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock,and in the eveningat T o’clock. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock A. M. DNITBD BBBTHBBN—Rev. Sakdu. K*phabt, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock, and in the •vtißullc'daok. Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Boom every Wauecday evening at 7 o’clock, Sabbata School in tbo igme room at 9 o'clock in the morning. PBOTBITA.NT BPISOOPAL—(No regular Pastor.)— Preaching on Sabbath morning .at U o’clock, and in the eventag at T o’clock. Prayer Meeting, every Wednesday evening at T,o’clock. Sabbath School an 9 o’clock A. M. BNQLIBH CATHOLIC—Kev. Jobs Tctso, Pastor—Di vine services every Sabbath morning at 10% o’clock and hr the afternoon at 3 o'clock. SabbathScbool at 2 o'clock la the afternoon. ftBRMAN CATHOLIC—Bov. , Pastor. —Bi<rtn» services every Sabbath morning at 10U o’clock, ami inth*afternoon at. 3 o'clock. Sabbath School at 1 o’etgbh in the afternoon. ABBtOAN MBTHOMBT— Bev. Auzamua Johjistok, Paetor.—Preaching every Fourth gabbsth in each month. Prayer Meeting every Friday evening at 7 o’clock. Sab bath SchooLatfi o’clockin the afternoon. RAIL ROAD SCHEDULE. ON AND APTBB MONDAY, HAY 5, 1862, TRAINS will arrive at and leave Altoona Station ae follows: K(pr«w Train But uriTM lwm 8,40 P. H. « * Welt “ 7,40 A. M, “ 8,10 A.M. Bm> “ But “ A. M.. “ 1,00 A.M. “ « Veit “ SfibP.U., •• 8,20 P.M. Mail “ But “ 7-30 A. M., , “ 7,46 A.M. •* 1* Veit “■ 6,46P.M., : “ 7,00P.M. The UOLLIDAYBBDEQ BRANCH connect! with Bx prou Train Veit, and Mail Train Eaet ami Wait. ayL. 188 BRANCH TRAIN also makes one trip to Huntingdon—luving HoßMsyiburgat 10J6 A. M.—Altoo na atIOAO P.M.—apd Arriving at Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M. Ratmunao.—Leaves Huntingdon at 1.20 P. M.—Altoona at 3.16 P. H.—and arrives at Hollidajsbqrg at SA6. HNOCH LEWIS, Otn'l Supt. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS CLOSE Bastsrn Way, WestartfWax Through... Baatarn Through MAILS ARRIVE Hoilidiyiburg. Western Through .Barters Way ..... Onw Horae:—Boring the week, from 6 46 a. H. til 7 80 r. M. On Sunday*, from 7 46 till 9 00 a. s. KWETHICB OF ASSOCIATIONS. MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. 281, A. Y. M., meeU on second TSaedaj of each month, at 7V£ o’clock P. M., in the,third xtoryofthh Muonic Temple. MOUNTAIN K. A. CHAPTER, No. 189. R. A. C„ meeU on the Bret Thursday Of each month, at 7% o’clock P. M., in same room as above. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No. 9, It. t S. M„ meets on the Srtt Monday of each month, at 7% o’clock P. M., in same room as above. MOUNTAIN OOMMANDERY, No. 10, K. T. meet* on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at7%o’eiockP.M., in umo room ae above. ALTOONA LODGE, No. 473, 1.0. of O. F., meets every Yriday eveuing, at 7% o’clock, in the second story of the Minnfiff Tempi* VMAWni LADfIR, No. &S 2. I. O. ofO. meets every Momiay evening, at7}£ o’clock, in third story of Patton's Bnttftlnm on Virginia street. WtraKBACFO TRIBB, No. 36, I. O. R. M., meets every Tmtoday evening In the second story of Masonic Temple. Councllllreklifdled at 7th run 30th breath. ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311,. S. of T., meets every gitUfjßy evening, at 7 o'clock, in the second story of the Masonic Temple. STATE OFFICERS. Governor—Andrew Q. Curtin. Stentary of Stale —Ell Slifer. Attorney General —William M. Meredith. A*dUct : Ceneral~~ Thomas E. Cochran. Surveyor General— William L. Wright, diffittgnf Otneral —E. 31. Biddle, Henry D. Moore. •LAIR COUNTY OFFICERS. Judges qf the Cmirte. —President Judge, Bon George Tay lor. Associates, Samuel Dean, Adam Moses. ' State Senator —Hon. Lewis W. Hall. AssemUyeun—Thaddene Banks. Prothonotaru —Anthony 6. Morrow. Register (tncfSseortler—Hugh A. Caldwell. iT>i i (|* llsiiliisl McOamant. Deputy—John Marks. District Attorney—Benjamin L. Hewit. County Omlntuimen— George L. Cowan, George Koon, James U. Klnkead. County Surveyor —James L. Gwin. Treasurer —John McKeage. poor Route Directors —Peter Good, William Burley, Darid Aurandt. . CbWWV'AwWbrs— A. M.Lloyd, Bobt. M. Messimer, L. L. I Moore. '■ Cbroiur—A. J. Freeman. Superintendent 0/ Common Schools—John Mitchell. ALTOONA BOROUGH OFFICERS. Justices aflhe Peace— Jacob M. Cherry, John W. Humes. Biuyttt John Allison. Town Council—b- A. Smyth, Daniel Langhman, John London, Jacob Heaaer, C..IL Hostetler, N. J. Mervlno. CteriUDMiicil—S. M. Woodkok. # n%nsurer—Daniel Langhman. Sshoof Directors—n, C. Hern,; John Shoemaker, J. B. HBemao, Wm.Boyden, James Lowtfaer, K. A. Beck. IWheitrerof School Beard —J. B. HUemau. Ak Qmstoifc—Joseph K. Ely. Omeetor of State, Counts, BOreugh and School Tan ■ ■ Jos. A- Mlchols, C. J. Mann, Alex. McCormick Assessor—DanW price. IlsWimf dtftswrs Jarnh Hesser. J. L. Kei&nyder. Jtrigeaf Rtectiont —Kaet Hard—John B. Warfel. •< “ West Ward—Michael Clabangb. “ it Horth Ward—John Shdftnaker. fntpeet-ri gsit Ward—Wn. Rodamer, John Hickey. " « WsT Ward—Geo. W. Kessler, Jno. Bowman. •£*» ■ : Worth Ward—Ebbt. Greet ,Alei. McCormick. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! St., Altoona, Pa. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. 1 would respectfully announce to the fthwie taiolceof OIaOTHS, CASSIMERES. VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &0., &c., &c., Intendnd fbrthe Spring and Summer trade. ®>*PrWsW<w of the Emporium inrites an examine theling confident that hia ahehree present nwn|w’'winNy of'stain and fimey goods than can SlsitirfaerS ln toe country. An ezaminatian will cwrSw'idiy'oDeof > thl« fact ■■■•■ ■ -!Ha hassdsa receired the t . LATSPT FASHION, ■ anl kSnA a Btrlect “ Cntter,** hs has no hesltatKy in say - tnatbatmacaninaks up clothing tat the fashion, and in a smarter that can not Ml to prose satisfactory. It has psssml lain aproretb that - Mfard’s .the eery man that can make, . . Clothes In the fashion, strong and cheap: AirthathaTe erertrled htmyet. Bay that be really quit be best. Kemecnber the place, Virginia street, first door shore ; *‘ AttOooa,Pa. {April IT, ’62. IN MUSIC.—Mrs. V B&USKSK, Italic Teacher, Beatyence oa Virginia SK*»« doonMarHt of the Loibenw Church, Altoona. TaraiV tin per taro (is IntarlahJy in adraoce) for lo ir On SieimM Onftar, Melodon, or Organ, laahad the adeantage of a flret-daaa *u adneßtioihaod la known to be a competent ■ Hie nee of the inetnunent or for bulrno ivfiic. PTBf WHITE LEAH AND ZING tWOnmfliHi. I«nnr,Ail>9mii, dry JS-Sad ofl[Mt] KKJStXE’B A LD KINDS OF PRINTING 7', ■ ‘ eesflr *ad expedite ualy executed at the r#* - “iriOONA fKIBTOB” omct 7 15 A.M. 730 “ 7 18 A. M. t 6 30 P. M. 7 20 P. M. 720 “ 7-20 A.M. A 6 46P.M. ; 7 30 A.M. 7 60 “ 8 20 P.M. 646 “ GEO. W. PATTON P. M, WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH. A SIJBE REMEDY FOR A BAD SHEATH, SORE MOUTHS, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And die best specific now in nse for any diseased condition of the month. It is par* Ocularly beneficial to persons wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, complete!; destroying every taint of the month, absorb* lug and removing ail imparities. insuring A SWEET BREATH tosll who nse it. No Yooao Last or Yocao QkhvlMkaiv whole afflicted with A BAD BREATH should delay applying this remedy, for it is a certain Cpre, and is approved and recommended by every physician un der wbope notice it has been brought. A Ban BhnATH is an offence for wßflch there la no excuse while , DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH can be procured. . carry with them a bad breath, greatlyto the uonoyance and often U the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve this. USE DR. WM. B. HURD'S MOUTH WASH Cleanliness pt the mouth* is of great 'importance to the general health, which is often affected, and not unfre quentljserlously impaired, through want of proper at* tentlon to this subject. Use Dr. Wm. B. Hard’s Month Wash. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office,* No. 77, 'Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold in Philadelphiaby Dyott A Co., 232 North fid Street; O 8 Hubhell, 1410 Chestnut street, sod b>r*ll Druggists. Sold in Altoona by G W Kessler. DR. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH POWDER. This Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL. ftßj Ira ACTION BKCVO UTIULT MECHANICAL—POLISHES WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder u Recommended by all Eminent DaUiete . Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. 4- liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold in Philadelphia by DyottAGo.,232 North 2d 0. 8. Hnbbell, 1610 Chestnut Street, and by all Druggists. Sold in Altoona by G W Resale DR. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH-ACHE MOPS, FOE THE CURE OF TOOTHACHE produced by ezpoaed nerres. It is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with TQOTHACHE. Parents can relieve theasehrea from that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and thefr children from great suffering, by keeping a bot* tie of ; -| ■ Dr. Vm. B. Hurd's Toothache Drops in the house. ' Prepared at Df. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only 121 Cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No, 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold In Philadelphia by Oyott k Co, 232 North 2d Street; O. s! Hnbbell,lllo Chestnut Street, and by all Druggists. Sold in Altoona by O. W. Senior. DR. WM. B. HURD’S Neuralgia Wasters, FOR THE CURE OF NEURALGIA, 1 or Toothache produced by colds. LOCAL NEURALGIA U Immediately cored by theirappUcattan. Theyact like a charm, and are perfectly harmless In their nature; do not produce a blister, and leave no nn* pleasant remits. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Neuralgia Powders never fell to give satisfaction to all vrho teat their virtue. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Offipe, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, K. D. PRICE OHLT 16 CKKTB KACH. Addriu Principal Office, Tribune BuUdinge, No. Spruce Street, Tori. Bold,ln Philadelphia byDjott AC0,333 North adfitreetj 0.8. Ifnbbell, 1410 Cfaettmrt Street, andbj all Druggieu. Bold in Altoona by Q. W. Eeerirr. .' * • NoT.«.1881-ly. NORTH WARD AHEAD! ! NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS | AT OLD PRICES. '| HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- I sportfully inform tbe citizens of Altoona and sm rounding country that he has just returned from tbe Mat, where he baa been selecting his stock of Spring: and Bem mer Goods, which for style, quality *wd Trice cannot he surpassed in this neck of country. His stock is much larger than heretofore, and. as it is quite an object in these war-exciting times for every one to purchase where they can -get the BEST article at the LOWEST TRICE, he would say that he dan and will sell AS LOW. if not A LITTLE -LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE In this place. He wishes all to call and see his slock before pur chasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can offer in ducement! which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock consists of ■ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS CANKER. OP XTSBT DESCRIPTION. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND MIBSKS’DRESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN'S ROSE, HATS AND CAPS, Gingfaanu, Lawtu, Blacked and Unbleecbed Mn«lin», Dried Fetches and Dried Apples, Plain and Can reseed Hams, Ac., Ac. Ac. . He will sell tbe AMERICAN PRINTS at FAST MADDER COLORS, FANCY DELAINES, from 12U to 26 “ Fine Bleached MUSLINS yard vide, 12% « •1 “ 1/ “ 10 ‘ ’’ “ “ “ 6U “ Heavy Unbl’ched “ yard 12*/, “ U « <1 8 end 10 “ LAWNS, from 8 to 15 -• LADIES’ SLIPPERS, from 40 to 60 ’• “ Fine, French, Sewed. Heeled BOOTEES. $125 “ Pegged “ I 00 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 75 “ . GOAT “ 250 BOYS' GOAT, (Nos. 4 and 6.) 1 50 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from 75 cents to 1 00 MEN’S CALF MONROES, 1 00 AU sizes df MISSES’ A CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low. Rio Coffee at 20 cents, Ffl" White Sugar 11 and 12% cents, Brown Sugar from 7 to 10 eta.; Beat Honey and Lovering’s Syrup, at 60 eta.; Sugar House Molasses,. 40 eta.; Baking Molasses, 31 to 40 eta.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour, Feed, Ac.,'fend all other articles of Goods Just as low as any other bouse can sell. Please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Altoona, .May 1,1862.] THE.HEROES OF PEACE AND THE HEROES OF WAR. E ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, • NEW YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and America as BRADY’S NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT GALLERY. in which is included Portraits of nearly all the PROMI NENT MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Paris, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price ol Portraits $3.00 per dozen. Can be lent by mail. Scenes of-the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form. Stereoscopic Views of Beenes in Paris, London, and in other parts of England and France; in Scotland, Ireland, Walea.Holland, Switzerland, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba, Ac., ad injinitum. OUR INSTANTANEOUS STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Are the Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leaves, or the march of an army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes, Photographic Albums, and Pho tographic Materials in theUnitedStates, and perhaps in the world. \ Catalogues, containing lists of our Portraits., Views. Stereoscopes, Ac., sent free by mail, on receipt of a'atamp! E. ANTHONY, 601 Broadway, AngB-ly near St. Nicholas. New York. GOOD NEWS! McCormick's New Goods HAVE ARRIVED! HIS assortment of Fancy Dress. Goods is full and complete, consisting of all the LATEST STYLES OF FRENCH, ENGLISH A AMERICAN MANUFACTURES. The Grderchure, Mozambiques, Lavllla Cloths, (plain and figured*) Polkas. Porldechene, Silk Poplins, ChoUies, De laines, Ac., with all the best makes of Calico AT OLD PRICES, from 8 to cents, with all the varieties usually- kept, as cheap as any other house can sell-pall having been bought for nett cash. Also, a full line of heavy COTTON ABES, FOR MEN AND BOYS’ TVEAH. Also, a full and complete stock of GROCERIES. Nice Brown Sugar for 8 eta. Best Brown Sugar for 10 cts. White Sugar at 12V£ cts. Best Syrup Molasses at cts. Baking Molasses, from to 60 cents per gallon: 'with all other articles in the line at Old Prices, excepting Cof fee and Tea, which have advanced. We are thankful for past favors, and hope, by strict ap plication to business, and a desire to please our custo mers in prices, qualities and styles, to retain tbeir patron age. All goods In our line will be sold strictly for cash, or in exchange for Produce, Lumber, kc n for which the highest price will be allowed. McCORMICK’S STORE, North Ward. N. B.—As we an going out of the Clothing business, all goods on band will be sold at a fraction over cost. JUST OPENED ANp READY FOR BALE, AT M’CORMICE’S STORE, ; NICE NEW HAMS, SHOULDERS AND SIDES, DRIED PEACHES AND DRIED APPLES, LARD, FISH, SALT, &C., THE BEST SYRUPS, COFFEE, STjGAB, TEA, &.C. Also, a Urge assortment of LAMP-SHADES, &C., with the besit article of RECTIFIED CARBON OIL; all of which will be sold txet caxap for Cash or Country Produce. ttir CALL AND SEE*®* Altoona, Mar'll 6.18G2.-t'. ISO. EMPLOYMENT! |lOO. Commercial Agents Wanted TO SELL GOODS FOE THE ADAMS (A NawEsoutm) MANUFACTURING COMPANY. We will glee a commission of one hundred per cent, on all goods aold by our Agents, or we will pay wages at from $3O to $lOO per mouth and jpay all necessary expenses. For particulars addres (with stamp] CHAB. KDOOLES, Oen’l Agent, .For the Adams Manufacturing Co. Dzraoir, Mica. . May 8,1882-1 y W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA , JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., I BOLLTDATSBUSG, PA.. BANKERS, . (Late li ßeU, Johnston, Jack $ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for talc. Collections made. Moneys received oudepoalte, payable on demand, without Interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. Feb. 3d, 1869. v WALL PAPER AND BORDER.— We invite the attention of persons in want of the above article, to our IMMENSE STOCK, JUST RECEIVED direct froih the manufacturers in New- York, wliich ena bles os to sell on much better terms than those who buy in small lots Irom second hands. Oar stock consists of ; ALL THE NEWEST STYLES & PATTERNS, and ranging in price from six.cent* up to fiftv cents per pelce. J. k J. LOWTfIER. Altoona, March 27th, 1862-Smos. T>LAIK COUNTS INSURANCE if AGKKCT.—The uadervigned, Agent of the Blair Comfy Mutual Fin Insurance Company, is at all times ready to insure against loss tor damage ny fire, BmU vnat, Merchandise, Furniture and Property, ofevery dee ertption, in town or country, at as reasonable rates as any Company in the State Office with BtH, Joftraton, Jack A Co. ~ O T. CALDWELL, Agent. Jan. 27, Hardware of all descrip tSons just received and for sale by Oft. 16-tf] J.B. HILRMAK. 12% cents. 10 J. A. SPHANKLE North Ward. ALSO, Samuil I, Frees. STOVES, TLVAND SHEET-IRON WARE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE SPKCTFULLZ notmc* to the citictm Altoona and vicinity tl they have j nat received large supply of STOV’ of all Patterns, anch Cook, Parlor, Office Shop Store*, which will sell at the most i souabte price*. A lai supply will always kept on hand. 771 V AXD SHEET-IROX WAKE, in great variety, always on hand. HOOFING & SPOTTING •put op on short notice. They hare also attached a copper-smithing room to their establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, kc. All kinds of job Work promptly attended to. HAEDW ARE. The subscriburs have added Hardware to their line of business, and are now prepared to supply anything in the Hardware and Cutlery line, such as Handsaws, Axes, Augers, Adzes, Chisels, Squares, Rules, Hammers, Planes, Hinges. Locks, Latches. Files, Knives and Forks, Spoons, *c., Ac., all of which they offer on the most reasonable terms. 49*Persons wishing anything in the Hardware line are requested to call and examine their stock. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Store on Annie street, between Harriet and Ada line streets. East Ward, and on Virgniia street, opposite Kes»h*r> Drug Store, West Ward. Altoona, Feb. 3d, ISO 2. HEAD QUARTERS FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Spring & Summer Goods!! 1 J[, B. HILEMAN has just received a! j \COB SNYDER, TAILOR, large and well elected stock of Goods, coftabtlp* of |.l n jj- f # ■ Hundred Fits per Month ! Cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Satiuetts, Kentucky I 1 fte * ir7 f r Jeans, Tweeds, Beaverteens, Blue Drilling, and all other I would respectfully set kinds of Goods for forth mj claim to public MEN AND BOYS’ WEAK, ; S io s"uo^ together with a grand and magnificent assortment of Because I keep au excel- LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, I Cassimeres. Vestings and Such as Black and Fhncy Silks, Challies, Berege*^Brilliants, Trimmings, which, when Lawns. Delaines, Chinlu, DeLfeges. Crapes, Print*, \ examineduilways please. (raj* and Stella Shawls, Mantillas, Umlenleeves and Because my work is Hosiery. Bonnets and Riltbonx, Collars. Hand- made up in a manner that Irrchie/fr Kid Gloves. Hooped Skirts, Sl.iri- takes down the country ' ivy. Lace Mitts, <Cc.. dv. : and gives all my customers it go ■ a city appearance, m- . • ‘ . , ,'tt », . . i Because lam hot inferior Tickings, Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, . p mtx , r to th«» best ‘to Cotton and Linen lable Diaper, Crash, Nankeen. Ac. jJ* found anywhere. BOOTS AND SHOES, Because long experience JIARDWARF.. QUEENSWARE, i in my business gives me WOODLAND WILLOW WAKE, ! entire control over it. and OIL CLOTHS, CABPETS, AC. : I am not dependant upon anv om* tolift no- out of (jJAUUsLrvl£jfe, i the suds. Our stock of Groceries is Hiore extensive than ever, and j Because lam still on thesuuny side uf forty, and llwre consists of Rio and Java Coffee. Crushed, Loaf, and N 0. ; fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Sugars: Green. Y. 11, and Black Teas: Molasses, Soups, . Cull on me. in the corner r**om of the "Brant Home. 1 * Cardies, Salt, Fish. Ac. Give me a trial ami you will go away pleased. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage | Altoona, May 2G-s:n " JACOB SNYDEU. heretofore received, he hopes by strict attention to bush ; 1 — • ness, and an endeavor to pleaae. to merit a continuance of . o. rrv i l»i , r n r the same. fetoves. Im and feheet Iron W are. and examine his Stock, and yon will cuu- . ' vinced that he has the best Assortment and cheapest Goods SPO U TliN G", (SdC. m »*«°C™u&try Produce of all in i-xcliang.. for' C *RIGG U 01 -LD RESPECT- Goods at market prices. . • fully nforni the citizens i»f Altoona 9Kj£^ Altoona, April 4, 1802. and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand a^^Sff - ■ large assortment ot Oniing. Parlor. Office and y9H£H| • rr\ n/nupr TpT) Q ’ITT’TT C/'AVPO 'Shoj) Stoves, of all styles and sizes, to suit the ' l ' ■■■/* •T - * W Xlijj QiC VV XJjblJiN O ; wants of all. which he will sell at low prices, on reason- JZ i able terms. pem. iZS “1 —l y ~y~ /"> Hk : Ue also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and Sheet- H , V\/ I f ~r~ ; iron IHirc. consisting of all articles for culinary purposes 32 UXJ ▼ ▼ -I—V-A Chal Scuttles. Stove Pipe. dx. hJ _ _ -m 'r- -w—m ™ He ha* also purchased the r ; ght of sale iu Blair county, $ MACHINE. ’ " ,50 ; an invention which needs only to he seen to be apprecia te* ; and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those . --q a 1/I?DD requiring such a machine. P 3 Xv. A.. vJ. tkß- Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, rV*! ' : either in town or country. Spouting painted and put; up J A A | on mo<! * reasonable terms: fapril 14, lSo(M|y g Agent for Blair County, gj GROCERY, PROVISION h<NUisim. y dilld.d.HAV UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN THESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT-, \ J, FORM the public that he has purchased tho interest tobe<hebest ever offered to the public, and their ! of A. MILLIRON iu th« Grocery and Provision Storelrere superiority is satisfactorilj established by tho fact that in j tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St„ the last eight years, 1 where he will, continue the business, aud will keep con /Nvrr’ -r> -■ aaa t\tap tt« •: stantly on hand a large supply of kj v si*ix iviuiub flour, hams, shoulders, sides of these Machines have been sold than of any other man--I n ß tvnnvFv ftutt qatt unrism rvwvw ulactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro- SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TLA, prletors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth- i SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that Is claimed ; and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision for them. They are now in use Id several families in Al- ; Stores, gl of which he receives fresh from the eastern and toona, and In every case they give entire satisfaction. j westerrfiHies, and will sell at the most reasonable prices The Agent refers those desiring information as the su- Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole perlority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Rev. A. sale, I will keep constantly on band a large assortment oi B. Clark, George Hawkosworth, Bcnj. F, Rose, and K. H. liquors of the best qualities to be had. Turner, Esqrs. l respectfully solicit a shore of public custom. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of j July Yfl, iB6l-tf.J the Agent, at Altoona. . ! Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass; foot and new 1 ' 1 style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronste, glass foot f ORK 'N’FAVS ? and new style Hemmer—ss6. No. 3, plain, with old style VI 4k u , ’ ~ , Hemmer—s4s. [March 21.1861-tf. X-fX undersigned has just received from the East *■ 2 a large and varied assortment of Exchange hotel—the sub- I FALL AND WINTER goods, SCRIBER would respectfully in- | consisting of form the public that he ha* recently re- * - -CLOTHS, CasSMERJES, AND fitted the above Hotel, and Is now pre* ' r nomTV T/s pared to accommodate his friends j V iliO X J-NCx, patrons in a comfortable manner, and heiߣ3SS3B£ I material for will spore no pains in making it an agreeable home for all | PIMP AfJn rn 1 dqd sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied • LUAtvot from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar ! OVE R. C GATS filled with liquors of choice brands. His charge? are as j ’ “ ’ reasonable as those ofany other Hotel in the place, uud he ■ material for feels satisfied they can not be complained of by tho*e who 1 BOYS* CLOTHING favor him with their custom; Expecting to receive a share ; _ * of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve it. he GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. such as Undershirts, Sus* I hare Just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, peuders, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs • for medicinal purposes. . *c„ ic., all of which will be .told at the lowest nrices Also a large stock of excellent Wines, fof medicinal pur- Ail work ordered 'will he muri* nn "vif ‘ . poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to according to the latest fashions! **** be found in the country. Nov, 1,1860-tf tHnlwirwiv Altoona, 3lay 27,1859,-Iy] JOHN BOWMAN. _ * ~•: tuumao EUWAY. COAL. SOMETHING NEW lyrow IS THE TIME FOR EVERY irp HE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST 11 family to get in their supply of coal for the Winter, ~JL returned from the east where h© has purchased a and the subscribin' would therefore inform the citizens of I t«7 large and fine Stock of F Altoona and vicinity, that ho Is prepared to supply them, j QAH rrtcs A "vtLv T on short notice. With a superior article of ANTHRACITE r J-O • AiN XJ r~t I ) and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell it ! BROGANS G V TTtfttQ j fcp by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv-| ..... 9 ‘ AO., ©red at the door of the purchaser. j w “)ch ** e id prepared to offer tothe citizens of Altoona and on the North side of the Railroad—upper end ! J ,c, nity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from of Altoona Yard. 11. R. MYERS. |™* for cash, he is prewired to sell at prices July 55,1861.-tf. that will defy competition. All that ho asks ia that the i r®°pl« w »l call and examine his stock before purchasing WM. S.' BITTNER, Dental Surgeon, OFFICE IN MASONIC daQEi^t TEMPLE, next dour to the Post Office. Magnetic Machine withont pain by ,h. OurhM Elects : PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. — HANNAH & CO.. -I. G-. APLUM, Sole I’ropricturs, 29 Cliff St., New York.; . ISTotary Public, : SEES “‘ • ■ ® KOO& I- 23 *: ALTOONA, BLAIK CO., PA, : ()r*W ° F PRICE A PKESS WXEE MSbet bnn d n tth o^„ fJ . B . IU1 _. ! QPECTAOLES AND EYE PKESER- 1 ~ rafor " f,t ™ OTESS—GENTLEMEN BLANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION’S : m i*W "*£ JOSEPH p. raont Anon*; n..«, M . d «p Wl e l on 9 , yw eu.H.^^ XS .STcrnis Wishes SIX HUNDRED AXD FIFTY DOLLAR NEWSPAPER PRESS | 'OR THE ABOVE SUM IN (’ASH 1’ j w ni furnish ion* of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that can bo driven by hand with ease at the rate of ’ . SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR. on anv kind of a job from a colored poster down, anddo , its work as well as any cylinder Press in the world. Red 31 x 46 inches, rolls a form 27 x ft incbee with two rollers, weighs, boxed for shipment, 4300 lbs, and can be i put up and set running by any ordinary printer. There is Included with the Piess, one rubber blanket, two seta roller-stocks, and two rollcr-mouhis. Boxing and carting, $25 extra. - ; 1 have issued a specimen done on this press, in pam phlet form, containing a cut of it, and will take great , pleasure in sending a copy to those who have not received it, on the receipt of n paperfrom them. Any publisher inserting this advertisement, to the i amount of $lO, ami sending me a paper containing it, ; will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment ■ on one of my presses, if ordered after one year from Sep- i tember 1. 1S«I, If ordered 'Within one year, $2O will be allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months $3O will he allowed. And if within three months, $4O will be allowed for the bill. You will find it for your interest to communicate di rectly with me, as I warrant the press to be rll I repre sent it. which your merchant can easily find out for you if you are a total stranger in New York. For further particulars please address A CAMPBELL, -■ - No. 10, Spruce street, N. Y. Sept. 10.1801. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! i UnrUaled in Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Economy . ! K\'c*y person desiring io obtain the very best and cheap 1 t-st ik. table light their reach, should call at the store the undersigned and ‘examine these Lamps before , purchasing elsewhere, and w* pledge ourselves to demon strate , . . Ut. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. ;jd. That they are'very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoke. # Oth. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any uthei light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stn ■ dents. Mechanics. Seamstresses, Factories. Halls, Churches, , gtoica. Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp ran be attached to i old side, hanging and. table fluid and oil stamps, at a small ! expense, and will answer every purpos- of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. : Aug 19, 185S-S.l CL W. KESSLER. FRIES dr WINTERS • tS-. BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the mo*t rea* ■ Sociable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended toi ; Don t forget the place, tyro door* below po«t Office Jan. a, 1861; ; M. THOMPSON, CAMPBELL'S THESE AJtE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. VAN AN DEN'S PATENT BUTTER’S STATE CAPITOL Book Bindery and blank book manufactory A'o. o t Market St , UarrMurg, p., Si’lhis establishment is chiefly J f . Vllt , [ Elit 1 mannlkcti'.ro of Blank Book, f, ir ' nks. Coast; Offices, Railroad Companies. anti private individuals. In all cases n H . * s-AL? IA rei v be-t of -r-t'k and workmanship may It* jEjtjf tidied npon. Blank Books primed. paged any desired pattern.. Sheriff's, Attorneys snl V" l ' Dockets of all sites, mode and ruled to order Tr and Yearlv Assessments, Duplicates, Ac., for niuntx * ses. printed or plain, ruled and hound t„ „ n i„ f Dockets made of the best linen paper. ’ u sr-, ; Librarians, and others, desiring to have their it,,,, bound and at, moderate prices, should .give ns avail v papers of tbo largest sizes. Harper’s 'Weekly gu** Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific American, Wu v 1 bound to order, and in any style required. Harper', u " 1 It Magazine. Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and n-T** Magazines. Godov's Lady’s Book, Lady’s Reposim^ tw ! son’s Magazine. Piano Music. Ac, bound in extrs mT* the more plain and substantial half binding. SeliA vJ 1 phlets. Law Magazines, Pamphlet laws, boimd i n > hrary style, at very modenrio prices. Person, £S. U number of volnmes to bind, will receive ;i lit.ers! 1 Binding can safely be sent to ns from a disUncvT, n press, and all work entrusted tonnrcareailii,,AT' dilv executed, safely packed and returned bv ErsnL* All work warranted. Address p. L. HCTTEk fforrutnry, Ey : na_McCKUM A DEKJf. at the Tribune o«ce m agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will S i tc j 0( Hon in relation to binding, and receive and return w free from extra charges, for all who their my care. [March 21. itfi.-, GROCERY AND BAKEEY: T he undersigned anxoun. ces to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that has Just received a targe invoice© of FRUITS, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, SPICES and notions for children Ac~ expressly for the Holidan., He will also keep always on bund a good nock of pin and faiicy cakes, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS.4C. always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Bolin, EGGS. GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLon. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN* MEAL, AC always in store an# for sale in large or small quantitsM. [ Gall, examine and price my stock and-you will ta W as good ami cheap us any in town Dec. 20, ’tfU-dy.] r T.HJ3 GREAT QUESTION WHKI : i now agitates the mind of every person is, where can I get the best article fur myVjH money? In regard to other matters, tire acriber would not attempt to direct, but if you H. want anything in the line of UOOTS OR SHOES he invites an examination of his stock ami work. •< !lt» keeps constantly on .baud an assortment Gaiters. Slippers, Ac., which he offers at lair pric •? , lie will give special attention to custom W’-rt il- Wiikh will be warranted to give satisfaction. best workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, i opposite Kessler’s Dmg Store ’s7-tfj ■General News Agency. DAK HALL, No. 7, M ALV STREET : SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONARY, CONFECTIONAKie CICxARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIHTI CONSTANTLY' ON HAND. . October 31,1861. TVTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE- This Great Journal of Crime and CruniMhu* its Twelfth Year, and la widely circulated throujM the, country. It contains all the Great Triak Crioiui Oases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, to£eth*r»id information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in bj other newspaper. ■ Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for sii be remitted by subscribers* (who should write tht-triur* and the town, county and Suite where ther reside plair.!j To G. TV. MATSELL k CO- Editor k Prop’r. of New York Police GaietP ; 15-tq yew M Cits CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON'. The subscriber would is- FORM the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FRUIT STORE. .supplied with the yery best articles to be had, sod in P* 5 "variety. lie has also an | OYSTER SALOON -attached to his store, in which be will serre in every style during the season. J. BERKOWITZ, FRESH-BAKED BREAD <£•PIES always onhand. IJc is at all times prepared to supply cakea, candies or pic-nics and other parties. lie invites a share ofptf* fatfonage,-believing that ho can render full sstlsfcctioi all. Remember, bis store and saloon is on Yirgiaia B door s below Pafton’s Hall. OTTO RO JJI Altoona, Oct. 10, IROI-tf /ft W. KESSLER —PRACTICAL \JT m DRUQOIST, respectfully to the citizens of Altoona and the public eriilly, that he still continue* the Drug business. bn Virginta street,' where he keeps constantly U on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- E 8 and DYE-STUFFS. By strict attention to holiness, and a desire isfaetkm to all as regards price and quality, h? o r P"“ merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded--^ TIORELITE BASEHavio? g, V_y chased the right to manufacture the W® BASE for ARTIFICIAL TKETU, I am now pr*P£L put op dentures, oa this new and beautiful which is far superior to the old style, on P it will not corrode or discolor. It contain* substance, and of coarse there if no f^ r * nIC whereby metal plates often become obuo»lo“* t xiS # wishing a flue set of teeth will please call •*£*- specimens. • W. 3. bi, P;£«i Jan. 2,1862-tf] Office in Masonic Templ*^^ Great western insubaJJJ AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurant ««*£(, pefsonal property will be effected on terms by their agents in Altoona at hi* oSke >» March 17,1<»9. JOHN SHOEMAKEBtA?™^ lEVI’S PREPARATION KOBIJ (terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES hng*Without danger in its nee nnder anyci ces for sale at the Drug Store of G. w. h»“- Ja0.24,’ t 66-tl] IMNE AND LABD^oiLsT^ T phene. Burning FInM, Carbon Oil, c ' Jan. 3, *56-tfJ KE^^, 0N HAND AT 'McCOBMICK’S^g splendid as*ortn»'-nt of RemK'M'W'- Call and see. /GROCERIES.—A LARON *; V I VJT complete assortment of Chnccrics l« T<k JSJ eafred at the Mora of - • J.B. Hair, hat, tooth, shavi> Paint. Sub Md Vatnilth Bnub« »‘ KK ssiKil ; «■= w>s - „ W" i < Si.! PQ - w :; g I < = -.: 3 t’ 11 o 2 ? ■ P 3 5 =?ji Psljl* W culls co < =i-j >h w Caii •3« :«si OS"'!; G 325 IE t-l s=i; ■-■JS^SI iJsIS:! ; 0 0" 55 ■Sjt-5 -J JOHN ir. ROBKiIT: H. FETTINGER’S MoCBUM & DERN, VOI*- 7- a, XoCKUM H. Q. finus&iw w piuiiiYou. ~ .r l iaaum.u>v»'>le invnrtobly in sdnac*,)— Ul i*P»»* •HMoatiQued »« tho expiration of lia'nl lo r fKKMH Of 1 insertion 3 do. four 11“"* r /g”'ne*) W * ?» H 100 iso t*° ~ J 34 .. \ Iso aao Orer three week, uud tore »h»n three mouthy ,„ r equere for # Six tinea o* >•» •—» IJJ. • • * So* Oue square, 1”" 400 600 I** i * W »«« y ,[ * e ~ eOO lo 00 oßr 10 00 u 00 Half a c01umn..... 14 00 34 00 by the »ear, three equate^ Hrofc«ioS»r«r' ttSKSI '(tod^not'eicitritaft threat wUlbe charged according to »he AdTortlahmon i» not marked with the number Ilona cleaired, will be continued till forbid and eba cording to the above term*. _ °Boalneaa noticea five ceuta per line for crery *"• ObUwtnr notices exceeding tea Uim»flßy cw»« 'BALTIMORE LOCK HOBWT, KSTABUBHKD A 8 A KKJOOE *R<MJ The Only Place Where a Cure ( be Obtained* _ DR. JOHNSON has discoverer molt Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Bmi the world for all Private Dfceasea. Wtakneee of tl or Limb*, Strictures, Affectioneof the Kidney* at dor, Involuntary Discharge*, Impotency, General I Dimnaee of Sight or Giddineee. Dieeaee of the Throat. Noeo or Skin, Affection* of tbo Liver. Lang acb or Bowel*— thoee Terrible diaorder* arising 11 Solitary BabiU of Youth—thoee ucaxr and eolitai ticea more fatal to theli rictlme than the eong of S’ the Mariner* of Ulysece, blighting their moat hopea or anticipation*, rendering marriage *c„ ble YOUNG MEN - x Especially, who have become the victim* of Solilm tbxU dreadful and doatnetire habit which wwwliy ♦o an untimely giave thousand* of Young Men oft nxhalted talenU and brilliant Intellect, who nigh wUe have entranced listening Senate* with Ire tl of eloquence, or waked to ectasy the living lyre, " with full confidence MARRIAGE- Married Persons, or Young Sleu cotemplating m being aware of physical weakness, organic debllit, mity, Ac., speedily cured. _ . He who places him*elt under the care of Dr. J. Ugiously confide iii bis honor as a gentleman, an deatly roly upon hU skill as a physician. y y ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection —which renders Llfcm and -marriagd impossible—is the 'penalty paid victims of improper indulgences, \oung apt to commit excesses from not being awaie of tin ful consequences that may ensue. Now. Who that stands the subject will pretend to deny that the p procreation da lost sooner by those falling into it habits than by Iho prudent? Besides being depri pleasures; of healthy offspring, the moat serious structlve ; symptoms to both body and mind art* system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Menu Uons Weakened. Los* of ProcrpfttlvePower, Xrm lability, Dyspepsia. Palpitation of tbe Heart, Indl| i Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tbe Frame, \ Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE, NO. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STf Left hand side going from Baltimore, street, a fe from tbe corner. Fall not to'obserro name and nu Letters must be paid and contain «• stamp. 1 tor’s Diplomas bang in his office' * A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO D* Ho Mercury or Hustons Drugs. OR. JOHNSON. Member of the Royal College of Snrgeons, Londui uate from one of tbe most eminent Colleges in tb« Stales, and the greater part of whose HfiToM been tbe hospitals of Lendon, Paris, Philadelphia ai where, ha* effected some of the most aatpnlshh JAOOK WISE. that were ever known; many troubled with ringii head and ear* when asleep, great nerrousbe»t i alarmed at eudden sounds, bashfulness, with 1 \ attended sometimes with derangement o were cured Immediately. ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. Jf. addressee all those who bare Injured the by improper indulgence and solitary' habits, wbi both fc>dy and m(nd, unfitting them for either li study, society or marriage. Taint are some of the sad and melancholy efle dnced by early habits of youth, ria: Weaanes Back and Limbs, Pains In the Bead, Dimness o Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the papsy, ferrous Irritability, Derangement of tbi tire Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of 0 tlon, Ac. Mixtailt. —The fearful effects of the mind are i be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Id press ion of spirits, Bril-Forebodlngs, Aversion to BelLDlstnist, Lore of Solitnde, Timidity, Ae n are the evils produced. Thousands of persona of all ages can now Judge the cause of their declining health, losing their v ✓ coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, bavin gnlar appedfance about the eyes, cough and eyraj; consumption yOUNO MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain pr» dulged Id when alone, a faabU frequently learn cyU companions, or at school, the effects of wl nightly tbit, even when asleep, and if not cored marriage iroposible, and destroys both mind *1 should apply immediately. What a pity that a young mao, the hops of hla < the darling of bis parents, should be snatched prospects and enjoyments of life, by the conseq deviatfbg from the path of nature, and indulg certain secret habit. Such persons mctt, before plating „ MARRIAGE, reflect that a sonod mind and body are the most t requisites to promote connubial happiness. Inde out these, the journey through life becomes a y grimace; the prospect hourly darkens to they mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled melancholy reflection that the happiness of am comes blighted with onr own. DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of finds that to bu lmbibod the* seeds of this pa ease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense * or dread of discovery, deters him from applying who, from education and respectability, can i friend blmrdrtaylUK till the constitutional sya this horrid disease moke their appearance, such i ted .sore throng, diseased nose, nocturnal pain sin aud Umba,dimness of sight, deafness, node# on bones and arms, blotches on the head, free and ties, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at palate of the mouih or the bones of the nose hi the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid commiseration, till death puts a period tohii by sending him to “ that cndlseovero trounce no traveller returns.” It hs mefoncAoty fact that thousands foil v fait terrible dtseafee, owing to the unskfllldlness ' fWi pretenders, vlho, by the use of that rirtn ttoconstitutfon and make the i lift miserable. = • STRANGERS Trust not your lives, or health totto care oft unlearned and Worthies! Pretenders, destitute ■ 1 S?®? name or character, who copy Dr. Johnstoe ttsementa, or sty lb themselves, In the newspap *7 Mnealed Physicians, incapable of y°® frifling mouth after month, taking them 1 poisonous compounds, or as long as the smalle ' and In despair, leave you with min over yourgalHnydlaappolntment. £r* Johnston is the only Physician advertising ms credential or diplomas alsraya hang In his nkluMifas or treatment are unknown to Kflw from k life spent In the great hospitals * Jr® In the country and a more extensive JV «ce than any other Physician In the world. INDORSEMENT OF THE PRES XU. man, ttuxmand* rand at thU tnrtttntioa. ynr.and th» npnwroaa Important Swjieal S*™r®«d W Johnrtoo, tritnmaad by tlw naan * Cllppor," and m»ny otVr papara, append again and again aa a gratlwnanof ebanci la apnfflclent guarantee totbaadii So 5512 P»j»e*BES SPEEDILY CURI nnfaaa pat-paid aad Co WM^tob.a«ad : p FanaoawrWftta H^«adaradpo<agpofadnrU»Maintan.rMaa THE ALTQOHA TRIBUIIE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers