Mesas' , - jwceas ■W>e of fa wtaSfc^? A invented bya jW*' •tPS&SSS^ "•tore of the injurw'^? SW**» «n»halmeirt to -j_j„ rarberc the ptocm. NflQr: of?] [*entjm udoften dealh. Tooctfl • with a cut or *l»j l u 4 J serious Wlv ’r* 1 * Hpfocqw* exercise* a *. mj£ tbe flesh. reßdartno KntUe U>der its influence, thrf* •Ka light »poitumticB <rf testing ST. not extended for a 'bodies are in existfafon fo »embalmed by this proeen Ns“**» which ba?e not;fo ead promise to remain wflnitely. a»dyect it might be erf thel»r-. o»,whkb are handed down ' Sf several tbaoiuh i#; psjtffiedaveiylongifane; Vi mat: extracted—the aabt. ■Odywaa then shaved apd PjjHed frith perfumes aul covered wM, days. ■Wd .in a balsam, «a. MMes <rf linen, and was treatsßebels; iSSIS&Si; ighlr useful itrforin«r!™, andT^U^e^n, Bcjooddemaodsit. Gen ■p> Snni ; they cannot S|||>?y>rßbe tolerated than ord^^Msn- SwSit |f> 18^2.— Cpl, . Stanley BW*Dear Sir—Jrfr._—: toie mh pthfres m sent beyond »jbe loftwitb the distinct Pf ie-croases and comm BF* mwostingabasoß, jragßT and deaKsdtbac- m johnsok, : . ‘Military Governor, bre fae is remandedto be oat h df all egiance, $lOOO for his fmS»M Bdonso doing. WEWJOHNSON.” jKritee that over 600 gyUtelynt Corinth, rtwJstSLhai’s office i t£ Jeff. X)aru' I. One/if to thim»hlf cm- HP* /■;r- J ■ 5 •'- m 'j ,%r •*?%**’-.i K|piMHPPi|R**W : fSW - a* 1 ] igKSgj ysksA^; ' v * i'N.:-' t * 'Jp-y. < jfl* I V/' HP Ifi* Ifcihrt*. printed on Campbell’s $650 “Coantry Press.” ITE3VTS. THE union forever. The Lute of Zxnn—Bige 3W. , MjoJ that flo w «i "* d crimsoned Lake the SMrthern golf, nod by the takes of 1 tbst swell shore Pacific's golden sand. [' in hearts that loro and gtiere by dark Allan [ ,;/! jtr»od v , - CmSW.-Tbea who will dare I Then wbo will dare to raoder f I -Theo who will <Ure> I Re-echo It iu thunder. ! where Colombia laughs to greet the smiling western L'potomsc sighs beside the patriot hero’s grave ; 10 .’I. the streaming everglades tollnron’s toriij *»* I rW of the nation’s p«tthrills thro’ a kindred blood. Then who will dare 1 Ac. «rA.I loeacvje never can divide, " ‘‘i urchin, nor the -on of city pride; child, who dude » fruitfu. IIOBH- ,-jjere nftmele.3 Ifkes are .parUing bright, where loe.lj rifera roam! Then who will dare? , llwll ,irew hie .word at K«Uw>. fiold and Weeding Son* ■JZ\TLw the amid the *ow ud »>•»? lad 10l if-on the parchment where the n»W record. ■betaking page if Jeffereon hews Franklin’, calmer lint*;*. Then who will flare! *c.' . can the Sooth sell out her share in Bunker’s hoary 1 height! ... L cw the North give up her bones of Yorktown s closing light f - \ ye divide with eq oaj haad ft heritage of graves. (mail in twain the starry ;flag that o’er them proudly «ves Then who will dare! 4c. I The I’cbuc Schools.— After a session of nine Lntlis. Ilie public schools of our borough came to I,lute on Friday last. It is the opinion of the llirectors tliat the teachers and scholars have all [quitted themselves nobly, during that time, and [hat the parents, and citizens generally, have cause [i nmgratulate themselves on securing the services [. -nth faithful and efficient teachers; and, while Ll the children have done well, some hpve even advanced licyond the most sanguine expectations [f their friends.' If others have not progressed in liieir studies us rapidly as it was desired they llioold, perhaps the fault lies at home; the boy par have played truant Occasionally, or he may Lvo been permitted to remain at home day after [lav on the most trivial pretexts. , If such is the Lie., and the boy’s classmates have outstripped lim in learning, it Is no fault of the teachers. — lim so far as we are informed, such cases have |*en exceedingly faro; and they generally are, there the parents do their duly and where teachers bderstaud the knack of winning the affections and confidence of the pupil. With such schools as we have, ignorance in the rising generation would be hlmost inexcusable. Since the close of the free pools, Mr. Elder and Miss McCrum have opened | subscription i school in the East Ward School Rooms, where instructions will be given in all the Ranches usually taught in common schools. The lligh School, Ifrof. Miller, principal, will liave a vacation after this week. Aid foh the Soldiers..— We ore pleased to no tice that our citizens are at last getting their eyes open in regard to their duty to the ; sick and sounded soldiers now in the different military hospitals. This is a move in the right direction, tad all should take an active part in helping tlong snch a praise-worthy enterprise. A num hr of articles have already been forwarded to the prave sufferers, and more are being collected for Khe same purpose. We hope to see the “ mountain jtiiy” give a good account of herself in this matter. Ulmost every family could spare something for-so poble a cause; and we have no doubt that the piriMic young men of onr town, who have not been called upon to make any sacrifice for their benny, but who have been permitted to remain bhome and enjoy all its pleasures, would cheer fully contribute of their means to purchase articles UMssaiy for the well-being of those, who, in the irfeitte of our beloved country, have met with misfortune. Especially do we think the young beaux would “ shell out,” if waited upon by a tommiitee of smiling, 'bright-eyed, bewitching bung ladies, such as Altoona can boast of. We purely throw out this hint-let the prime movers n ,!le noble-undertaking act in the matter as they pnk proper. Persons wishing to contribute Wiling,, bandages, lint, et cetera can -obtain all tessary information bycalling on Mrs. Rosen te, East Ward. Tiik Menagebie. —By reference to an adver- Isement in another column, it will be seen that an Amburgh’s Menagerie, the only real and ex flusively “ nnirnni show'' in the United States, will bbibit in this place on Friday, the 20th day of Ne. e see this gland institution veiy highly of by the press everywhere. It is j digest collection of animals in die world, and [/ K ent lemanly agent, who visited-onr sanctum he other day, assures us that there is ho circus, or any thing of that kind, connected with the Menag- f ne ' Therefore, we intend to go ourselves, and f e a^ TISB everybody else, and all their friends, to f 1 lake their families along) as they may lurin'* B*'" 8 *'" ** a ' e an opportunity of witnessing I 11 interesting and instructive exhibition as [4— AT K Seen-.—This kind of woacyis L, lng its wa . v °P Iforth in considerable quantities, f ° a **' '* * s considerably below par. A ten dol- F "ote can be bought at Fettinger’s Oak Hall for L Cfr,(, i and for 25 cents he will sell ■■ you speci- FOi of all the Confederate notes that are to be [lit li'n*' * art - ° f *** e conntO - . Speaking of the L m . J'oojlls ns that Fet. has just returned Labi ° ’ w * lere be has been spending consid- FJdv'fi 6 ‘ n SeleCting lhe flnest »h)ck of Fourth ken v t o -vs ’ notions, Ac., that has ever Picab and l* •^* too^ a - AH the leading peri- P nJ Aaily popers m abundance. Fact. t®olahTr ;l, '~ GeiS & C °' h “ VejHSt rcceived k cal, ZCD Pieccs of aU w °o‘- ingrain, and 1 > ’ ' ogether with a large stock of faiicy 1 kjfj fot . ,he ladieB - They are determine! iedX 1 ' W ‘ th ‘he times, and be able to supply Sudden Death. —Oar town was Startled on Friday last, by tbe announcement of the sndden death of Miss H. E. Sears. She had been at the Post Office abont ten o’clock on Friday morning, received a letter from her brother, had gone to her loom in the “ Exchange Hotel,” and finished an answer to the letter, when itis supposed She was seized with a fit tSf apoplexy, and was fotnuAead in the room. coroner, Dr. Freeman, held an inquest upon thebody, and the jury returned a ver dict of “death by the visitation of God;” The deceased was a practising physician, was well educated, had fine conversational powers, and had gained some reputation as a writer of prose and poetry for tbe Magazines. - It is said she was originally from Boston, but her late home was in Harrisbnrg, Pa. She was decently bnried in the Lu theran graveyard in this place, and her funeral was attended by tbe clergy and a large number of our citizens, who, with sad hearts,' paid the last tribute of respqpt to the stranger.— Register. BY U4UXBT. . Poisoned Fateh Hangings.— -It would seem to be a fact that, the colored green paper bangings, so generally in use for the walls of our booses, have an unfavorable effect upon tbe inmates from the quantity of arsenic evolved and taken into the system through the lungs. Tbe Boston Traveler says: , We are informed upon the best authority of a late case at the West End., The wife of one of ohr prominent citizens some ; time since sickened and seemed to be going into a decline. An emi nent physician was called in,' but was puzzled at the symptoms of the case, weich seemed to be one of the most mysterious character. The husband also began to complain of an unusual feeling of de pression. At last one day the Doctor called at the house, when the door of tbe sleeping room of the patients was open. Looking at the room, the cause of the trouble was apparent in the green pa per upoh the walls. He ordered the paper to he stripped off and other paper substituted, when tbe lady rapidly recovered, and is now enjoying her usual good health. The 4th of July.— This old-fashioned but ever welcome institution will be aronnd this way just three weeks from to-morrow, and if we are to have a public celebration, it is time the arrangements were being made. Who will take the lead ? Two pic-nics—the German Lutheran and the German Catholic—are on the programme for that day, but abide from evening of this kind, we should have a public ejebration; the Declaration of Independence should ee read; we should have a few “spread eagle” speeches, interspersed with National songs and “music by the Band," if nothing more. It should be a general holiday for everybody, and all should esteem it their doty, as it certainly is their glorious privilege, to celebrate the day' in a becom ing manner. ;; Interesting to Parents.—A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune calls the attention of parents to the prevailing practice of causing children to ride backward in their carriages, as a manner of locomotion attended with very injurious conse quences. It is said that those physicians who have examined into the matter are of the opinion that diseases of the brain may, in a great number of coses, be traced to this practice alone, and that many suffer in after life from the effects of this manner of riding. If this be true, it is certainly a duty to give the thoughtless: a word of caution, the health and comfort of children being a subject iff vital importance to parents. Spring Bonnets. —The milliners of our town are busily engaged in supplying their customers with new spring Bonnets. There is nothing more noticeable, or adds more to a lady’s appearance than a pretty bonnet, “a love of a bonnet,” as they term them. The spring style is a little above any thing that has been worn recently, and if the sys tem of extension continues another , year or two, the bonnets worn by the “Old Folks,” at their concerts, will riot be so “ outlandish” looking af feirs as they were a year or two ago. The present height of the fashion requires a small flower gar den to fill the space above the top of the head. Bbownlow’s Book. —This excellent work is put at last, and we bespeak for it a ready sale. It contains over 450 beautiful primed jjpges; is illus trated with spirited engravings, and is handsomely bound. It has been prepared, as the parson says, “ from the single stand-point of uncompromising devotion to the American Union as established by our fathers, and unmitigated hostility to the armed rebels who are seeking its destruction.” Every American should have this book, Price, $1.25. — Andy Clabangh, Agent for Altoona; Fire. —The residence of Wm. Forbqa* Esq., manager at Lower Maria Forge, was. considerably damaged by fire last Monday. Fortunately a Couple of gentlemen, passing in a buggy, saw the flames bursting through the toed', and alighted and assisted in extinguishing them before any serious damage was done. Had they not passed just as they did, the probability-is that the fire would have gained such headway before discovered as to have rendered useless all efforts to snbdne it, and the building would have been entirely - 'destroyed.— The fire originated from a stove-pipe,— Standard. : Homeward Bound.— One day last week two .car-loads of Michigan volunteers who had been founded or otherwise unfitted for service at the battle of Williamsburg, passed through this place en route for “home, sweet home.” They were mostly of those who encountered the Louisiana Tigers in that hard fought battle, and it is said -that the appearance of these gallant defenders of the Union, with their various wounds, gave the be holder a better idea of tear than anything hitherto witnessed in this latitude. „ “ Snu- they Come."—For the benefit of cash buyers we would just remark that our enterprising friend, R. A. O. Kerr, has just received from the East an entirely new stock of beantifnl sack cloth, shepherd plaids, and oil manner of dress goods,— Also, mackerel by the barrel, half barrel and quar ter barrel. Herring by the barrel and half barrel. As Robert sells for catk only, he contends that he can sell a little cheaper than those who seU on ; Credit. If yon don’t believe it go and see. : The barn of John Given, Sr., in Woodcock : Valley, Huntingdon county, was struck by light ning on the 30th nit., and destroyed, togetherwith about ten tons of hay and a buggy. : (ST An old man named John Hamilton, whilst engaged in cutting timber on a ridge near Hun tingdon, was struck by a tailing tree and instantly killed- ’ ■ 10 THE NERVOUS ANB CONSUMPTIVE OP BOTH 'SEXES.—A retired Clergyman haring been restored to health in a few days, after man; Man of gnat suffering, > willing to aaeiat other* by tending (free) on the receipt of a post-paid directed! envelope, a copy of the peeserlption HM. Direct the BET. JOHN M. DAGN ALL, XM, Pulton street. Brooklyn, N. T. r [June U.-4m. To the Public !—An experience of six months has fully convinced me that the cash system is tJie. best, both for merchant and consumer. It ena bles the merchant to sell at ose-halp less profit and make more clear money, with less trouble than he can by selling on credit; and the reason is ob vious—-he gets the money down for everything he' wants to sell, and has the use of it immediately.— The consumer also saves by buying for cash, be cause he gets his merchandise at from 25 to 50 per cent, below what he would have to pay if he bought on credit, or even if he bought at a store which sells on credit. The credit business always loses n certain per centage, which must be made up from cash or prompt monthly payers. I am determined to do nothing but a CASH BUSINESS, and have but ONE PRICE for my Goods. I have'just retained from the cities of New York and Philadelphia with the largest and cheapest as sortment of Goods ever brought to Altoona. 1 would first invite attention Ao my complete selec tion of DRY GOODS, inch as Moriauta Silks, Black Silks, Ducals, Reps, Foulards, Schallies, Delaines, Poplins, Debeges, Ginghams, Cambrics, Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Table Napkins, Table Diapers, Gloves, Hosiety. Also, a fine stock of Cossi meres, Cottonades, Jeans, &c., for men and boys. A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, for ladies, misses, men and boys. A great variety of CARPETS, ranging in price from 12 J cents upward. Oil-Cloths of different patterns and prices. Window-Shades, of all styles. Children’s WAGONS, from $3.25 upwards. Spring Wagons only $4.25. Wall Paper and Bordering—a large and entirely new selection, embracing the latest and most beau tiful styles of Paper for Halls, Parlors, Offices. Bed-Rooms, &c., ranging in price from 8 cents per bolt, upwards. GROCERIES.—My stock of Groceries is un surpassed, being entirely fresh. Best Syrup Mo lasses, only 60 cents per gallon; 2d class only 50 cents. Sugars at 9, 10, 11 and 111 cents j>er lb. Coffee, Tea, Spices, Salt, Fish, Soap, Candles, and everything in that line, at Cash Prices. In the QUEENSWARE line, I have the lar gest stock in town: Wedgewood’s celebrated Iron-Stone Tea'Sets, forty-six pieces, only #3.87. China Sets complete, only #12.00. Chamber Sets, from #1.25 upward. In the way of GLASSWARE, I have everything mentionable, such as Fruit Cake Stands, Jelly Dishes, Preserve Jars, Goblets, Tumblers, &c., &c. I would respectfully invite the public to call and examine my stock before -purchasing elsewhere, as I feel confident that I can convince them that it is cheaper to buy for cash tfban on credit; and also, that mv stock is worth ah examination. R. A. O. KERR. Altoona, April 17, 1862. MARRIED On the sth instant, by the Rev. C. L. Ehrcnfeld. THEO DORE PETERSON to Miss LIZZIE A. HOYDEN, daugh ter of Wo. Boyden, Esq, both of Altoona, Blair co., Pa. Tn TTollidaysburg, on the Bth inst.. by Rev. D. Schindler, Mr. THOMAS CASE to Miss SARAH SHERRY, all of Gaysport, this count}'. DIED On Wednesday, the 4th Instant, ELLIK, infant daughter of A. D. and Lucinda Cherry, aged eight months and five days. Dear £lux, though grievous To na it doth seem To bid you a final adieu, We rejoice in the thought, Though you can’t come to ua, That we may go unto you. PROPOSALS.— Sealed Proposals will be received .until SATURDAY, 21st inst., for the building of a new School-House near Mr. Juo. Hutch!* son’s, in Logan township. Plans and specifications can be seen by calling on the undersigned near Altoona. JOHN A. SMITH. Sec y. June 12, 1862.-2 t. Howard association, Phiia delphia. For the Belief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Gbr nic Diseoses. and especially for the Cure of diseases of the Sexual Organs. Medical advice given gratis, by tbe Acting Surgeon. Valuable re ports on Spermutorria or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organa, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to th*> afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stumps for postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. [June 22,1862.-Iy. pARPETS, 011,-CLOTHS, V 7 WINDOW-SHADES. CURTAIN FIXTURKS, OREENQDM CLOTH, QUEEN A BUEF HOLLAND, AC. A fill line on band at all times, AT THE MODEL. June 5. 1862—3 t. PASTURE. —Persons wishing Pasture for CATTLE, or Meadow-Grass for Hay, can be supplied by applying to LEWIS G WIN. ' two miles North of Altoona. May 27th, 1862. STRAY cow. OTRAYED away from the subscriber, in Altoona, on the 17th inat- a BRIN- /- . DI.E COW, with white star on forehead, j white under belly, end of tail white, and hind legs white—supposed to have a cair. SSsssßesu A liberal REWARD will be paid for the return of the Cow to me, or for any Information that wilt lead to her recovery, JAS. M. JACOBS. Altoona, May 29,1862-31* W. M. OOBMLy, WHOLESALE GROCER, SEALER IN FLOUR, GRAIN, BEED.B AGON, SCO AE-CURED HAMS, MESS PORK, BERT. CHEESE, IRON, NAILS. WHALE, TANNERS' A CARBON OIL, NO. 271, LIBERTY STREET, (Opposite Eagle Hotel,) TTAVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF HIS LATE *-*■ partners, will continue the business at the old stand, and will be pleased to receive the patronage of his old friends and customers. Pnrsßoaan. June 8,1862—3 m IjURLY PLANTS —THE SUBSCRI- J her would inform the citizens of Altoona and vicin ity that he is prepared to famish any 'number of the fol lowing varieties of GARDEN PLANTS, from liis hot-beds* in COLLINSVILLE, NEAR ALTOONA. He has the Large Red Smoothe and Feeee Island Tomato Plants—Extra Early and Early Blood Turnip Beet Plants —Early York, Early Winningstadt, Large Late Drumhead and late flat Dutch Cabbage Plants, Celery, Egg and Pep per Plants—all improved varieties. Persona desiring any of the above plants should leave their orders early that they may receive the first ready for transplanting. Slay 8-lm. JOHN RUTHERFORD. HARDWARE— HARDWARE! CHARLES J. MANN. Dealer in foreign and do mestic HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, WINDOW SHADES, DOOR HATS, UPHOLSTERING GOODS. SHOE FINDINGS, MOULDERS’ TOOLS, BIRD CAGES AND WIRE GOODS, WINDOW GLASS, PDTTIT, WHIM LEAD, 4C, 4C. .ft K . ,e ?' d “ cri . p,ionof aold * |D ht » Ho® »1U be tor tus®™ at short notice, and at low ratee for cash. His remaining stock of DRT GOODS on hand wUI be cloned out at remarkably low prices, In order to relinquish that branch of the business. \ , Agent for Willson’s “telegraph fodder Cutter.” » Altoona, May 28 th, 1802. A LL KINDS OP PRINTING XS, neatly and expedituusly executed at the “ALTOONA IKIBDNE” OFFICE. VAN AMBURIH & GO’S Mammoth Menagerie GIBIT MORAL EXHIBITION JkkyAtt Froatf manager. Colossal Golden Chariot. tries, collecting Animals for tills Menagerie, reports of his death were circulated, hut ’ VAN AMBUEGH STILL LIVES and will accompany the Me* /fTr* nagerie, and bear living test!* ill inony that he is .\or dead. This K Complete Menacrrlc ImSßu!h|S The only ooe In America, ln aq entire new outfit. With new Humes, New 6tlver»uioun:e:l llarnea*, _ New Coloaaal Ciokdni t harlot* New Gorscounlv Pointed I NcwSpriu* Wocoiw, nud New Six cen«re-pole C ao>&jm, IMM| Six Times as as any ordinary Circus! • The nnparallelled and most triumphant success which haa attended this time honored k institution, la without prece deni. The Monairerle in the streets, about 10 a.h. w ill form A SGtoving Panorama! in Oriental Splendor, nearly one mile in length aar free to all. -« ff The immense Pavilion will accommodate many ihous- r ands jso all Who may desire LIVING WILD AMMALd from every dime; also. Great Van Amburch The Original ca- 1 '. ijor Tamer'. Performing Animals. -ey. Pair Linn*. B'nrk Tiger, Spotted jar’ Tige r . African Panther, three Ben gal Leopards pair Asiatic Leopards. The following was taken from the living animals, in Xpw York, March 23,1862, anti may A Correct List or Animals. fl ■ War Elephant Jlnnni'.at. Perform ing Elephant Ttppoo S■■■b. T n Mammoth Elephants. Four J inns and Lionesses. Asiatic and African, South American Jnuyer, African Panther. Spotted Tiger. Bla h Tiger - {only one t i Ante ica ) l ioness. three young Bengal leopards, ihne Asiatic and African l.epa ds young Le paid, six months old St-iperl Hyena. ( only one in America ) A’. American Pu Spot’ ted Hyna. >au g Lion three yars old, p if California Dancing Cm- zhf£e rs. B.ackWolf, Ptai<reWoif Qr-y Wolf, Z*b a. {pres ntrd to Mr rhi*. Amb ugh by the Earl of Dtdy England.) Ass tian Goat, Lop-Eared Valley Goats {only ones in America ) B*ack Lama, JJparca She p, or white I ama. Red Peru* 3fcj JBHHm tian Lama, or Vicuna, American Fallow Derr, African Bison, or Buffalo, three African Oaz'l’et, ([only ones exhibited in America in IS years.) pair of Roe Bu*k», or Kj/BF Asiatic Antelopes , Pecan, or Uteri can Wild Hog, South American /■CT^L Angola, Java flare. Tiger Cat. or Ocelot-, Fisher, or Water Cat. pair r*N ■ k Jchneum ns, White 6>o»ad Hog and Coons, pair A*t Eaters. Guinea Pig* texthoutnumber, English Hare Black and White Rabbits: the finest CtlUction of Birds ever, pd»r of Hew Holland CVoirn Crane, S uth American Condor, the largest Bird that flies, pair White hteans, African Pelican, tkreeGoiden Pheas ants, three Silver Ikea ants, j-atr Bohemian Pheasants , pair English Pheasants, Chinese Fur Hen, bouth American' Powee, three Spanish Macaws, pair Tampico I arrets, Jive South American Parrots, pair Ring Doves, pair Egyptian Gtrse, Greenland Goo»vf**i> of Poland Fowls, pair White Cocatoos, Red |? King Parrot from Australia, Or»en Queen Parrot from Australia, Hew Holland Cocatoo, Grey Parrots , Paroquets. Also, a Family of Mon keys, Owls, Pigeons and Carrier Doves, Happy Family of Monkeys, Apes, Baboons, Ichneumons . Dogs, living harmoniously to- The GREAT VAH AiTßTTiiflg^^^** Will enter the Dens of Train til Animals. VJV Also will be introduced the Great War Elephant Hannibal, H V. Thomas, Keeper, performing Elephant TippooSaib, trained bv Prof. Nash, Ponies, Monkey*, Mules, Ac. Don't fail to see THR OOKGLOUS PROCESSION. iGKK At 10 A.M., preceded by the BhHflpSy GOLDEN CHARIOT, Otto Bom’s Comet Band AT THURSDAY JUNE 19 1862. AT ALTOONA, FRIDAY, “ 20, “ Soon open at 1 end 7 o’clock. P. M. Admission 25 eta. Children under nine years, 15 cents. June 12,1862-21. ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL. The first session of this SCHOOL will eminence on MONPAT, Nor. 4th. The established reputation of Prof. Miller as an accom pllshed scholar and successful Teacher Is a sure'guarantee to parents, guardians and ethers, that the school will be so conducted as to giro fall satisfaction. TERMS PER SESSION OF TWENiT WEEKS For English Grammar.'Geography, Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and Greek $l2 SO For German or French fi 00 For Music 5 00 Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Directors. COFFIN TRIMMINGS, Abdominal supporters, Tras ses and Shoulder Braces for sale at l-tf G. W. KISSLSB'B. Van Amburgh & ( o. t • oth tride and pleasure* -a ing he attention of a c.» : e . in ;ing public to th“ i i r , :at ley (\vi,ih a Uetennin.i: ion to i*t aside every oppo: • n n of iintsoever kind or irruu-,) ave expended on this* Uhmentthe enormous sum of 9X08,0001 > make it surpass anything it* world ever before hav. *en. Il now rises pre-emiu* at over every compeuior, 11 the advantages that we.ih'i dent and experience could immand, have been brought ito requisition In winning iis gigantic enterprise. He ?utly, while Mr Van Am* urgh was in foreign coun- Prof. JOHN MILLER, Principal. A BOUBH, iDanoora*, x r\ . Um thia epfewtaatty of retaining hla. thaaka to tbe citiiens of thia place and rletehj, for tbe; liberal patronage thee hare beatoved on him, and daalree to in ta tbe public that be (till conttUM | At his Old Place of Basinets, A /etc Doors above tbe^Post-Offtce t | where he is at all times prepared to attendto their wants in bis line of business, consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY,. VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS* PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, ; EXTRACT i, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS; ' SWEET-BRIAS PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. : \ LIQUORS, KOH MEDICINAL USE, ALWAYS ON BAND. ! Pliysicains Prescriptions i CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OP THE DAY OR NIGHT. Altoona, Pa, April 17,1882. . EVERYBODY CALLS AT JESSE SMITH’S. wben they want fashionable Hats & Caps, h. The undersigned would bR* BPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country that he has Just returned from the city with hi* Spring k Summer Styles of II ATs, i CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. ; His Stock of Hats and Caps are of the very best selection, of eveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young.: All he asks is that the people call and examine.his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them awayre- Joiciug, if not in the purchase of such an article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon tbs handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, Flats, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. Store on Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran CAurfcA. Oct. 3,1«61. JESSE SMITH. GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Annie Street, East Altoona, a fewdoors above Branch Street. The subscriber has just rE ceived a Urge and fresh stcck ofGHOCERIKS, PRO VISIONS, Ac., which be will sell at prices equally as low as his competitors. His stock consists of FLOUR, FEED, BACON, HAMS, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, spices, crackers; CHEESE, TUBS, BRUSHES, BUCKETS, BROOMS, RAISINS LEMONS, ORANGES, FIGS DATES COMBS SOAPS, KNIVES BUTTER. EGOS CONFECTIONERIES DRIED FRUIT, AND DRUGS OF ALL KINDS I invite the public to call and examine my stock, as I am determined to please in quality and price. May 8,1602-tf ; WM. H. PERCIVAL. C. C. SERVER & SON, (Successors to Thomas B. Taylor & Co.) Paper, Envelope, and Printers’ Card WAREHOUSE, No. 513, MINOR STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA . A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WRITING, LETTER, NOTE. PRINTING, WRAPPING, MANILLA, TISSUE, SHOE AND HARDWARE PAPERS, Printers' Cards, BONNET, BOX AND STRAW BOARDS. Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, Stationers and Storekeepers, will find it to their advan tage to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. May Ist, 1862,-ly. SM. WOODKOK, • attorney-at-law: Altoona, Penni a. Will practice in the eeveral Courts of Blair, Cambria mid Huntingdon counties. Being associated wittv CHARLBS E. PLEASANT, EM., Military and Claim Agent, of Wash ington City, he will devote special attention to the prose cution and collection of claims against the United States, including Pensions, Bounty Lands, Arrears of Pay : lor Services In the Army and Navy, and generally all bud nesa before any of the Departments. Office do Virginia Street, 2 doors above Julia Street. May IS, 1862-t£ A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALTOONA FAIR VIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIA TION will be held on the second Thursday evening of each mouth, in the Council Boom. M. CLABAUOH, : Jas. Lowtbb, President. Secretary. [May IS-’S2] MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN on the Piano-Forte and Melodeou, by Miss SI MAKER. Tsana. $lO per quarter. No charge for the use of thMnstrament. Residence on Catharine Street, West Altoona. [Jan. 16,1862-tf. DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, cheap or fine I—goto LACQHUAN’S. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Jewelry, Hair and Clothes Brashes, Combs, Pocket-knives, Ac, at LAUQBMANfS New and improved styles of Trunks, Tallies and Carpet-Bag*. at LAUGHMAN’B. LADIES’ SHAWLS AND SCARPS for sale cheap LADGHMAN’S. LL STYLES CARPETING AND Oil-Cloths can be found at AJTB. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, in endless variety, at LAUOUMAN’S, Great piles of pantaloons, from $l.OO to $O.OO per pair, far Men and Boys, at LADGHMAN’a TTANDKBRCHIEFS, HOSIERY, I I Collars, NecfcTios, 4c., for Ladle* end Gentlemen, at LADGHMAira. MEN AND BOYS’ GOATS, of every style and color, from 75 cents upwards, at LAUGHMAN’S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BBlRTB—Casdmere and Muslin—fine and coarse —white and colored—at LADGIIMAN’B. New stock op boots&shobs for ]|l»o and Boys, Ladles and rec’djat QELLINGf-GBEAP FOE CASH- Vj all the above article*, at LACQIJMAN’S, . • at the Express Offlce, Altoona Home. Altoona, May 1,1802. - EXCELSIOR mitimTtOr On the comer of Stanch anti Annie Streets, EAST ALTOONA, AN ENTIRELY .VKW STOCK OF GOODS! Hating disposed of tbs «nttn Mock of old good* in the shore stand at mb. tion, we desire to say to the public flat wo bm]M opened oat u ENTIRELY NEW STOCK to which wo invito tbe attention of tbe t public. We ore determined to sell at tbe VERY LOWEST PRICES. Oar stock embrace* a Urge Md complete uiortßiit of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. remitting, in port, of plain and fancy Silk*, all-wool De laines, Alpacas, ChalUe Delaines, plain and figured ßarege, Lawna, Ginghams, Dncals, Do Barge, Travelling Dnw Goods, and ill the * LATEST STYLE PRINTS. Men’s Wear. Ve hare receired a large and well selected stock of SMH> TLEMKN’B DBBBS GOODS, Inch as Cloths, slate awl fitney Casaimercs, CashmrreU, Tweeds, Jwa CMwm. Bearer Teens, Velvet Cords, and other goods for men and boys. . whitCgoods. Irish Linen, Cambrics, Victoria Lawns, plain and dotted Swiss, Bobinets, Edgings, Ac. We bare elsrge e'eortment of Ladies’ Needlework Col lin and Bela, Drew Trimming*, Ribbon*. Qian*, Oust let*, Hitt*. Hoeiery, Silk knd Linen Handketohtefo, Neck Tie*, Veil*, 4c. Also, Ticking, Check*, blanched and un bleached Muslins, Cotton and l>inen Diaper, Crash, 4c. ' Also, a fine awortmenl of .SPRING SHAWLS. Wo hare received a large lot of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, HATS & CAPS, SHAKER BONNETS, &c„ which we are determined to jell cheaper than ever. QUEEENSWARE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, HARDWARE, Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, ■ Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Herring, Carbon Oil, . Fisb Oil, Drugs and Medicines, and, in bet, ererylhlng nanallj kept in a Ont-clam Btore. At ire make our purchaaet almoat entirely for caah, and a* we will sell for GASH ONLY, AND KEBP NO BOOKS, It will enable os to tell Goods at Ter; moderate prices; and by fair dealing and strict at tention to business we hope to secure a liberal ahara os public patronage. GEIS & 00. Altoona, April 16,1862-tf 'DEE ELEGANT HORSE, Wa . L SIR CHARLES, will itand the mailing aeaaon at tbe following - ■ places, commencing on Monday, April Idtfa.Tia:—The first three day* at the stable of Johnston 4 Gibbs, in BnUt daysburg; tbe next three day* at the stable of Ur. Shoe* maker, in Msrtinsbnrg; and the next three days at the stable of tbe owner, in Logan township—changing altar, nately throughout the season. Sir Charles is a beautiful Bright Bay, .with block mane and toil, fifteen bands high, and is nine years old this Spring. Sir Charles was bred in Virginia, and wo* sired by the celebrated Sir Charles, of that Mate, who beat Wood Pecker, at Point Pleasant, for a puree of *5,000. The present Sir Charles was formerly sept at Harrisburg, and bis colts, at one year old sold for fSOOU- The grand-sire of this Horse stood at 110 u the insurance, in the Valle; of Virginia. £ To insure a niare with foal, $l5, to be paid «• aooo as the mare is known to be with fool; for the season, $lO, to be paid *t the end of the season; tinkle service, SS, to be paid in advance. All accidents or escapee are at the risk of owners of mares, after they are known *° P* f ?!i:' M - KENTKN, Owner. April 27,18te-«t.] Joan Jons, Groom. POKED OUT AGAIN ! ; The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened out AX HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia at., a few doors below the Smt's Office, with an entirely new and freeh supply Of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE. CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, TEAS of all kinds, COFFEE, SUGAR, STROPS, BAKXHS UOLABBEB, TOBACCO, BEOARB, DRIED FROntT SOAP, CANDLES, BROOMS, BBDSHBfc Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notions. Candles, Ac. Also a large stock of •LIQUORS I All the above goods will oe sold, Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—come an for your selves, and he convinced. No charge for exam in Inc ■* stock. LOUIS BA&. April 17,’62-tf. JflHk TIMBER LAND Wtm for sale SB A- OR TRADE. JJgZ. I'HE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES k> • “ ll5 ? r P.'SP'rtr in the Borongh ef Alto#, us, a tract of TIPTY ACRES OP GOOD WHITE PIKE AND WHITB OAK TIMBER LAND, ettnata in OsetSfi county, two miles from Glen Hope, one mile from Clear* field Creek, and within thirty rod* of an excellent SAW MILL. It ia within 18mllcitafTipton,bytbe Plank Rood 17 mile* bom Tyrone by Tnrnplke, and 9 mile* from Oce ola, on tho Tyrone and Fbilllptbnrg Rail Road—the Plonk Road from Oka Hope to Oceola nmnlng within oho mile of the land. About 30 servo of this tract will be very good TABU LAND when thotlmber ia taken oil; and the balance good MEADOW LAND. The advantages of this piece of lend orer other* can be known by calling on the mriershmed tiiAjtwma. Hey 16, 1863~1m ] QBOBOB B. OAUOL jOUILDING LOTS FOB BALE.r- IMU I/ITB, eitnate on the top of the Mlt, abort tka reasr voir of the Altoona 8u I Witter Compear, bnlniiiiirbelil a* property bribe Presbyterian Obnreh. n» lots are fifty feet front by 175 feet deep, and villi be eold on raaaoa able terme. ■ Pereone wishing to pnrebeee or rira tbeee lota Win receive’ali information coneernfee tbfihr br ole. plying to Mkbeel Olabangfa, B. H-McOonaiek-AlazaLdar McOotmlck, or Cbae. J. Mann, Trnateea of fteMiHn Cbnrch. [Altoona, April J.MtL Tj'AKJJBRS TAKE NOTICE.—The J. undersigned is about etarting a Tannery, and vrlab ee to bny or trade for • 400 CORDS of good ROCK OAK BARK, and aled fee maw a— which the highest market price will be mil Altoona, April IT, TOtf. MHXIS PLA^IJt. *2s] EMPLOYMENT! [fjft AGENTS'WANTH).I We will pay from $25 to ITS per month, endalleMka see, to active Agents, or give a oommiasion. fußgsm, Erie Sevrinr Machine Company,^ CTO POTATOES.— A jot el fins PIHK XTXSaad rewtrod. jn fine order. j. a j. iACtoSIW Altoona, AprtlM, 1862.-31 '■ 7 TTAIE oils, COLOGNES, POM. Cro«***Ut , NOW OPEN DESCRIPTION. PEDIGREE. TERMS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers