k«tfar» Pngntt. m ggjm the Old Horn ad» »e give below is ««*?■ -Wh CareS: te *» the fed that J. |w“* • «*> P 5» of faa- ditstants om of a,,, ,-r 1 g«W totbe £. ®. a, £2* d “I"* 1 'wkli, aa. The old jatiioU c 23ij at Alamance and ijLi. =Tdof ing themselves. and *' m vßcnatang * "Nont Carolina is in ria that this may pro*. fers. and that bright w.— B-ea cotaiUT, tnngion. and direct ■r Bespess, back nj> the demand of the ■fete was delivered orcr to rent to Eakigh jad is now on his waybame the Union citiiens are pet i ovation. This ooaaadtfee and did,' deliver an order to dun North Carolina was ca i own affairs, sad rim no aa-be taken oat-of the Stare, this matter we aba Jemj ays daceoidered Gorentct ad the means of transports da to aid them in e cotton. States. and also fa Chut, hacked by the himshai he bad rectaal ah oaiittathal iieaiddenw. state OwptttiH ue, and has anfereddESfe : reaps home. - - i the rebels that dM^HdU .'etreatiag isir own risk of e at any pan of the State, .at) comes from a member of ' lotraj Gazette, Mag 13. i Sills a Scoundrel. ved in dtis place .nee; As I «-hich recently happididfe i :rb a lady of this wbe Kendrick, wife of Cgapaie if second lowa in that tillage for wane --csri cote night by a anas at sired admittance, irisdi was >:;■ his persisting, dteedfed but came the second tune the alarm. and he nm cti lord then gate Sirs. Ken ised her to ase it hi case the He did so. and die then c. if he disturbed her again r, three eights after die was >: rapping at bar room door, ed him what be wanted, and »s >he jttdd him. . He replied' te in' aind see her, and guessed ; sybody with an empty pistol ] Osh her back into her took. ' e the door. Eaisingber pi catering the ceek near the fell dead on the spot. He lent citizen of the town, a fading secessionist. When win about town, a crowd of Cs mobbed the boose mm f- Kendrick, and it is not i hare tried to cany oat \ ard had not been placed e cnanmamter of the fedaal jpthr made known what die fares magistrate, who, after let a certificate of bcooni ic add that the wife of die Targe family, expreamd ba ire cm stances, ofwhat Mre. Tfie dozens alsopresented ant pistols, as a mark of shortly after joinedber hns- tf Upper Tennessee, oiy as is the fact thatstiT ir down npcm Meaaeif sadi inck exhibited adetenamed i-h tree womanly dignity. »rsr. Her act wifi be ap tncwnf and .wSpeAnea Itis kind, there 'wodd Uefsr izaberland Gap. he Louisville Journal wide* . on the Stfi, that €en- M®- -giments on a recoooos an. The advance met de c a sharp aktnnish wiA ids were killed, three cap keo wounded.'; AS not** i toned, and ' Aeisfefito 1 ;tfieje have {been JCfdar ts for piooeer d«By, 0 (egadin hading epajwe rttain In reach of -rgan . isalao awaiting tefore eoenmeotfing *» ■*' Id Tamemee CaosiW i * lenatrito c hate/tHuißceanjeap naofaad to ha** ™*, »' w **ng afcnemd *f i iwilitnrt»i<, wd lf V' b ; m^Si^'ss£^ be faßpwg arthat lie W w.** eiy to see the -wiW’*' tedac glhooat b Mww is taafcJ *® ere few da* «*,«** Tbe it, if -I -.im jiyi' | J[" gdMuiMf* ne K V»pA*- eu place, who a hwww, ;«l» -**SW -* f rsooal {raprrtj'. wading ABta***' k;rvw» . I wfcmg* ttrbW- : toW*i«» * am Wuih'mgt'W **3*^ w 1 |lt00»a PRINTED ON ompkli’s $650 “Conntry Press." tribune power-press = iftarr * - al PRINTING office. _ -.'thirl ibt- (»*6l twc mad- cousideTifoe «l»lum*t is the w*r of omt liucy s " : " ’r.U Paiwr.Valter. C«vs Cotter. Baling M«- Tf'-jL.* power fjm, and Urge ,\e*>p*l* , r iwrr v-- ■ 'vyr, w ticij girt aPcrs , « ■:- are now prepared i tiit-aiUcio tbi- line of pijntiag ur ndiog in :li: ' !7\ . aue eeUtiudtmest iA.U» ftmte. aodat • 'ftfoa execute. «6 ebon notice, ah ; rc!e e,;K«-e' ■*■ • ■ ieddin;. Invitation. Visiting, Bill i Business Cards. Circulane. ProsrauiHies. mammoth posters, sale bills, Pamphlets, Pay andT Check Bolls, BLANK BOOKS, tt&NIf'STS, AND BLANKS OF ALL KINDS. " ■ ;, „i j. a trUL feeliue taofi lent that nat give ** irr*) -1 -f «£• il*Vr li.f (>{.-J»v^rlUlilt V. . . U.. tbe, e building. comet of Virginia aus An v*:iTs‘- « Ofe.V. LOCAXi ITEMS. A Womass Thoughts os Bossets. —The bon if the frame to the picture. A pretty fane ,-sau the setting if *43 la**** 10 lov^t o6s ** A homely one hopes, by a happy combination of Tints, to soften its ugliness. or to suggest a beauty Ti'ich it does not possess. The present bonnets ,-k like coal scuttles, and will hardly succeed in -iskinc anv one loot handsomer. In their anxiety "•■.grow all of a sadden, they have burst out be ■i-jl as before. ■They may be decidedly stylish, ti are not graceful. A high pointed shelf pro- T-jiiug over the forehead, and a bag of lace hiang- . e OT t of the crown, huge enough for a work ~x kK- is anything bm artistic. Still, it is refresh - u* See heads crowned with flowers instead of To ns there was always an incongruity robbing | «jor ostriches and smaller birds o 4 their ;n ,—• tails. in order to trick out feminine heads. : jL - r,ok erf are a natural ornament. Doubtless . t ,;' the tirst things Ere did was to knot flowers : her aiir. and' to this day towers and rare imita of dowers mike the most simple ami hean f:ki adorning of her multiplied daughters. The cnteefal spring hat wont is the simple straw. jil of the siih or lace crown, trimmed with bud- ■: jreen or violet tia:?. urt i ts Always.—We have either a feast or . Limine in the way of locals. One week we can xartalr find time to write up ail the items or give mta a pbce' in the local department, and the .tii week we mav hunt the town over and rack ■cr brain to distraction and not get up enough to iL a column. We wish thing- in this line could :,r srstematizad a little. it would be a great relief :.■ local lf the dearth continaes we in tend to vacate the tripod ere a week, lake the Fast Mai! down the valley of the Bine Juniata, pull up the “scenes of our youth." shoulder a fishingrod and tackle, seek some sequested nook in dose prox itnitr to the haunts of speckled beauties.*' drop ±tm a dy ana line, and if they are foolish enough lake a bile and hold on. we shall take pleasure in elevating them in the most approved \ and according :o the la test improvements or Sir 1 Isaac- Walton's principal oecnjatiori. ' i Mr thoughts were first turned to tjits subject, a few. rears since, by the following circumstance; — A pious, honored memberof one of the distinguish ed orders of the day. after a long and painful iil nc« which was home with Christian fortitude, . . ■ .nwl His brethren of the older assembled to per uifTLVGnSHrn \isitqrs.— Wrinin the past , ~ . . , , , ... , ; form their last dntr. One scene enacted at that weet we have been the recipients ot visits from two ■: * , , ■ , v. i i • r. time will never he erased from my memory. In * the neroes ot well fought battles, vu ;—Cant.n _ . ... . , ' .. , , the sanctuary or Chnst, whither the bode had been Al-s. F. M Runner, of company A, Ist Nebraska ' * _ . ' . regiment. which panictpoted tothe battle ofFcn *■>“• aroCud *** “ r buudson. and C. D. Bowers, of Company D. of ■, oftheir Eternity, stood a tew at hts late brethren. ri ... , • , j „ , . P ., * n , f A, tp them were bloated lienor dnnkeis. one a ; tiif tnree hundred o: me S4ih Fean's 1 s ; rest which made the famous charge a; Winches- ***** ram and wpr«, it worse 00-M be, j Capt. M-K. has been ill for some time past, ! lfctre stood ,me * bo P abh?l -* 61,6215 "** j from an attack of Typhoid ferer. which set in im- * * whois, in plain wonts. | mediately after the*battle of Fort Donelson, and is “ And diU others were there whose datty | fcisb suffering from tie effects of army, or chronic was stained with oaths and vulgar pro--1 dirrbfea. which he contracted. We are pleased Thfeie raen Kere performing refy.<,u* , :: learn, howeyer, that he is gradually recovering. ««<«*_ **r tie Mf of a amtticx— men ! Voting Bowers was wounded in the knee, at Win- w^Cfee was intoxicated. On this afifistaa, s>. of T.,' second story of Masonic Tern- a minister rf the gospel was present i.c, vl Saturday evening next, at o clock, by a „.p was expected and intended to join in the ser fs -. Neff Esq. Those who hare heard Mr. NeTt vices _ bnt vUe exhibition he refused to iecrares heretofore will not require urging to secure (Thank God, he revered his calling.) In tteir attendance, to those who hare not heard instances has the writer listened to formal icm we would say. attend if you ptKsibly can and prarere bv meJJ whMe characters were ** - TOn tslaJ > OQ RiU not * dMWJiatedt ferfosn being that iff Christians, not even,.prate on the contrary receive a rich treat. Doors * son of religHm. Cii:: the staple lo which all is fastened, and terment of members of associations. Were the it conductor of all, is the throne of same persons buried fay their friends such mocking * serrices would not be permitted for one moment. : Evke o^*l. '.See advertisement be legarded a* deration. ItL* «J* .here capnon in anodrer column. Most fP**. ttodTe “ * P"* o^ v *‘ ■->3 ouzeas are acquainted with the advertiser *** P ll^0 **s afSßOtaanon*. ifflate triten he opened a small store on Sure * ** membel * , of “ r . ** “nter where Fonst & Etnier now debasing. there are those aWpersotmlchar- B . : perseverance, and selling goods at entitle them to induct the tehgums t prices be has prospered. He has de- ceremonies , i*vrvi f I hare also largely increased mr stork of C arbon Oil, rise Uu, BOOTS & SHOES Drags and Medicines, *3* Emerson Ethridge, in a recent speech at ; and haw now a M foT i to btt, ererytiiDg tumllj kept in a firp-claa. Stare. i*N»ETAjcr Battles Pesdikc —We await with Nashville thm spoke of the initials 'J. B.~; ' LADIES. MISSES, CHILDEEX, MEN AXD . . ~~ , _ . _ 1 _.i T>rvra ■ ; 9&~ A* we make our purchase* almost entirely for caan, , n result of ibe approaching battles at lam not superstitions, gentlemen, but allow me . BOYS. , and as we will «H 1 for and Corinth, and scan the daily ra.iw,u to tell too that I shall always steer clear of the in- ! In the line of time, f.-eah and cheap i n A Q u n XT T V ItW.-J. 8.~ JB. j GROCERIES & PROVISIONS C A Ail ONLY, ij: ti t,, t v ...... roops jg ( gtjuads for James Buchanan* J. B. suggests **s • JLKD KEEP XO BOOKS, it wcj eitakle bi to Goods at ..... , fc f - J. B. stands for John Bell, and . I rffl not -‘tnoch under” to any of my compettKwa. 1= Ter r moderate prieea; and br fair dealina and etrict ah hf wwtiies, together with humorous weeklies , without attempting to Coffee sire, I will remind j | button tobnaino. ae hope to atom a Überal tom of ttonthlies. si Andr Clahaugh's. Atklr h« c Ton th«* J. B. stands for John Brown. and the tighten martlet price allowed. ‘ public patronage a foil , , , - * . . aw w , tr. m*n «nnU «n- \ fitarsa the comer of Annie ad Eeb-cc* strait. East i “ ***** hocks. agm, toUkcco, * -***» &** tnawn “** ne woum un- khaM THOMAS BESLOP. i =®«*nesfc. Whig- S iMoom,May22,l*6l. Hastkxisg Os—Nearer and nearer comes the gentle approach of summer. Ovgr the green fields and on the hill side, in the valley and along the winding road, the grass is growing brighter in its hue, ami the earth happier in its verdure. While everything around us looks bright, cheerful and happy, those ladies who secured thrir spring dresses at J. i J. Lowther's appear the happiest of their Sex —and well they may. because now, there is no use in attempting to deny the fact that the above named firm did bring the prettiest and most va ried selection of ladies dress goods that was brought to the town this spring.. Lathes, who are compe tent to judge have said so. and admitted them selves bewildered when they came jo select from their stock. As an evidence of the superiority of their goods and their success in pleasing the fancy, of the ladies, it is deemed only necessary to say that their first invoice is already exhausted, and that one of the firm is now in the city selecting a new assortment of summer goods. Now. ladies, if you are wanting anything light, airy, handsome, excellent, grave or gay. right in the fashion, wait until John returns (about Saturday) and he will bring it right along" with him. He always does. “Its as 111 Wisd that Blows Nobody Good. —While many are suffering the consequen ces of this internal war. the publishers of illustrated papers, giving representations of battle scenes, are certeinlv reaping a rich harvest. Their enterprise •is merifbrious. We cannot tell you all that Har per and Leslie contains this week, yon must bny them to find out. They are well worth the price. Yon can get them at Fet s Oak Hall. Bears Killed.— Three young bears were killed in the neighborhood of So. 8. on Tuesday of last week. They were chased off the mountain by the tire and were heading for a cooler retreat, when they were killed by some men who were endeavor ing to stay the progress of the fire. — Standard. For theAHuoaa Trtimiit. Association Funeral Services. Messes Edetoes: —Soticing a funeral recent lv. of a friend, around whose grave were assembled persons performing the solemn rites common on such occasions, whom I should deem scarcely suit able characters to perform so sacred a duty. lam induced to address yon a lew lines on a subject painfully revolting to a great many minds. I al- I lude to the practice of irreligious men conducting religions services over the dead bodies; of their ; friends, at the grave, as is frequently done in cases ; of deceased members of associations. The services attending the burial of the dead are . utdcersaiij/ of a religious character, and anything i that in the slightest disturbs ifie solemnity of the I I occasion must be shocking to the feelings of friends i and attendants. The funeral service, while it is i the last sad duty rendered adeceased friend, is also j intended and made use of as a warning to the Hv- i ] ing, to retnjud them that they too are fast ap- I preaching the same end. and exhorting them to ' live in the fear of God that their last of earth may ■ be in peace, with a sure prospect of happiness in Heaven. The peculiarly solemn nature of these services, to have the proper effect upon those pres ' sent, demands that they should be conducted by , those whose known character is that, at least, of : professihg Christians. N o others have a right to , nil so sacred an office. Death of Brig. Gen, Keim, Ve regret to announce the death of Brig. Gen eral Wm. H. Keim. which occurred at the Brady House in this city about 1 o'clock yesterday after noon. after several days’ illness of tytfioid fever. Gen. Keim was identified with the military affairs of die State for the last twenty rents, and a; the commencement of the rehellion held the commis sion of Major General of the Fifth Division Penn sylvania Militia, as well as the office of Surveyor General of the Slate. When a x call was made hy the President for volunteers. he was among the first to offer his services, and issued a general or der to his Division to hold itself in readiness for immediate service. He served with distinction as a Major General of volunteers in the 'three months’ campaign.” by virtue of the commission he held from the Slate, and at the expiration of that term of service, after a few months’ recuperation with his family and friends at home, be was hon ored with a commission as Brigadier General of volunteers. Having accepted the appointment, he resigned the office of Surveyor General, and was assigned to the command of a brigade in Gen. M’- Dowell’s army, in which position he served with mnch credit until a short time ago, when he was attacked with the illness which terminated in his death as above stated. His*retnains were ta ken to Beading for interment, —Harrisburg Tele graph, 17 ill atst. Jgfe TIMBER LAND Jflfe , QMS PO [-> (Successors to Thomas R. Tatlor t Co.} 0i? TRAD £- aT paper, Envelope, and Printers’ Card r PHE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES to • I »rIL «r tnufe f.ir property in tbe *f Altoo* } W ARE H OUSE, u* * tnfcf c*f FIFTY ACRES OF GOOD WHITE PINK ' AND WHITE OAK TIMBER LAND. ritc**euiCU*rteWJ 1 No, 513, MIN OK STREET, cooitt;. two!uikifr(«i OSes !!<>(«, use mile from Clear* j fit-id Creek. Jiud vitbic thirty rods of *c. eseeUeut SAW* t PJTTT 4 DFT PffTA Pi MILL. It u vithio 1 Smites efTlstoo, bytbe FU&k Road j «. A Large assortment of &i»d from Gleo Hvpe to Ooeol* uitLin one tsi}« -LA* WRITING, LETTER, NOTE, of tbt Und. * v PRINTING. WRAPPING. AWnt 3da£TM of this tract rill be Terr good FARM uivtit a vtsgttct 'anna .vn nianviav LAND when the timber i* Uk« off. sod tkuLe good MANILLA, TISBCE. SHOE AND HARDWARE MEADOW LAND. * PAPERS The udrautage* of this piece of Uud sTer man? other* 1 ’ cad be kouvs by calling on the undersized in Aitoona. i Printers’ Cards )£af 15. 1562-Ijb ] GEORGE B. OALKIL. i « * - J j BONNET, BOX AND B&AW BOARDS. Sutm. I. Furs. .jsirwa* worrxs j Printers, Blank Book Manufacturers, j Stationer* and Storekeepers, wilt find it to tieir advmn- X V ! re*e to CALL AND EXAMINE OCR STOCK. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE. ' M.y ut, i«2.-iy. The undersigned would re- i SPKCTFCLLT Bounce to'the citize Altoon* vkuni they bare jus; rece: Urge supply of of all PaXUrru. Cook, Parlor. Ol Shop Store*, wi will sell at the zm sonable prices. / «opply will al f . kept cm hand. To THE PCBUC :— An experience of six months 7V.V XXD SHEET-IBOX WAB£, in great variety, has fully convinced me that the cash system « „ SPOI'TIXCT i)it se*f, both for merchaat and consumer. liena- t\UUr IISLr ll^Or v put up oo short notice. bles tbe merchant to sell at OXK-HaU LESS PROFIT Xbev hare aUo attached a room to their and make more clear money. with less trouble than £a£ he can by selling oo credit: and the reason is 6b- Ail Ainas or job work promptly attended to. vions—he gets the money down for everything he ~l i~ \ T) TV \\7~ A "D L' •wants so sell, and has the nse of it immediately.— * The consumer also saves by buying for cash, be cause be gets his merchandise at from 25 to 50 per cent, below what he would have So pay if he bought on credit, or even if he bought at a store which sells.on credit The credit business always loses a certain per coinage, which most be made up from cash or prompt monthly payers. I am determined to do nothing but a CASH BUSINESS, and have hut OX£ PRICE far my Goods. More About the Merrimac. The armament of the Merrimac, says a deserted officer, consisted erf twelve guns—two seven inch rifled pivot gun*, fore and aft, each working out of three port holes; four nine inch smooth bore guns, Dahlgren pattern: four six inch rifle guns, and two boat howitzers, twelve pounders, both on her upper deck, fore and art to repel braiders. Com. Tal nall made a speech to the crew, who had been tnustered on deck, after a boat from Norfolk bad reached the vessel bringing the news erf the occu pation of the city by our forces. The substance of the speech, as related by the gunner, was this:— ••Boys, Norfolk has been taken by the Yankees, and our supplies are cut off. Although the vessel has been lightened, the pilot says be cannot get her up James river, so we have concluded to blow her up. Yon can make your escape the best wav possible.” Tatnall w as carried away from the Merrimac on a litter, be was so feeble. The Merrimae’s crew numbered S6O men. At the time of ho* explosion her magazines, fore and aft, were full of ammuni tion. Seventy-flve of the crew have taken the oath of allegiance at Norfolk. They had received bnt fifty dollars for their services in the Confeder ate navy —the money consisted of Confederate sbinplasters. I have just returned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia with the largest and chea/*esi as sortment of Goods ever brought to Altoona. I woald first invite attention to my complete selec tion of DRY GOODS, snch as Morianta Silks, Black Silks. Dncals. Reps, Foulards. Sciudlifes. Delaines. Poplins, Debeges. Ginghams, Cambrics, Prints. Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens. Table Nankins. Table Diapers. Gloves. Hosiery. Also, a fine stock of Cassi tneres, Cortonades, Jeans. &c.. for men and boys. A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, for ladies, misses, men and boys. A great variety of CARPETS, ranging in price from 12 j cents upward. Oil-Cloths of different patterns and prices. Window-Sfeades. of all styles. Children's WAGOKS. from $3.25 upwards. Spring Wagons onlv $4.25. Wall Paper and Bordering—a large and entirely il toots. Feb. 3d, ISfig. new selection, embracing tile latest and most bean ’ifnl styles of Paper for Hails, Parlors. Offices. ONWARD 1 ONWARD!' ™ g price froms *“* EXCELSIOR OL E MOTTO ! GROCERIES.—Mv stork of Groceries is nn- NOW OPEN surpassed, being entirely fresh. Best Strap Mo- ', n , ' » . ■ lasS. only GO cents per gallant 2d class only 50 On the comer oj Branch and Anme Streets, cents. Stream at !>, 10. 11 and 111 cen r ‘ per IK EAST ALTOOXA. Coffee. Tea. Spaces. Salt. Fish, Soan. Candles, j and everything in tha' line, at Cash Prices. A \ KNTI H L L I j In >hc ARE line, I have the hre- .v- rtTOi'IT Af> OAAHQ I : rest stoci in 'own; Wedcetrnod's celehra'ed \£j \\ ijiUvK Ul UuUisO I j Iren-Stone Tea Sets, forv-sis pieces, onlv S3.R". i ' . , • | China Sets complete, onlv $12.00. Chamber TT AX fNG DISPOSED OF THK 1 Sets, from $1.25 npwaid. J.X entire stork of eld gv.U in lie »'«we stand at «or i In the way of I have everrehins ’ *“ J *° ‘ Le puWlc * h ** w * i tneiHonaWe. such as Fruit Stands. Cake Stands. ; '“ i * a " i -Telit Dishes, Preserve Jars, Goblets, Tamblers, , ENTIRELY NEW STOCK 1 &C.. &C-. ; to vhjc*! «e invite the attPSti'.a of the public. We are i I would respectful] v invite ihe public to call and detenu ine-d lO »t tbe ! examine mv stock before pnrcbanng elsewhere, as i’ , VERY LO WEST PRICES . 1 I feel confident that I can convince them that it is ; Our *u*ck emi>iace« alarae and couplet* a* ertmeut of S»: “* ** • LADIES’ DHESS GOODS, ' _ . i rnrifiisUDp, in part, of {dais and fancy Silk*, all-wool Be- K. A. U. xkll.i\K. 1 Ijudc*. Alpaca*. Qxallie Delaine*. plain and figured Berts*, Altivwio April 17. 1562. ; Lawn*, Ginghams, Bncala, Be Barge. Trwllix* Bre» - r . 1 GkKxla. and ail the : - i LATEST STYLE PRINTS. MARRIED. At the resident* of Wnt Boyden, Esq., in this place, on ! ■, * "\/l~ g-% the 14tb inst„ Vy; Her. C. L. Ehreafeld, Mr. ApRK N. j -iyj-. v!> 11 ▼ ▼ vv Ou J. • RICKABACGU to Miss BADE ELDER- both or Altoona. ; We * large and WeU selected stock of GJES- Id St. John’s (Catholic) Church, in this place,on Sunday ' TLEMEK'S DRESS GOODS. snch as Cltiths, plain and erening- 18th ins*, by Ree. J. Tnigg. Mr. J. T. P&EKDES- fancy Cassi meres. Cathmerrts, Tsreeda Jeans. Conlaroys, G AST to Mias MART BRUXKER. both of Altoona. • Bearer Teens. Velvet Cords, and other fashionable goods On thelfkth iast- by Her. E. *W. Kirby, Mr. WILLIAM ! boya MOCKCE to Iliac. SALLY K EIJ.Y, all of Wood berry tp. : - . Ta St. Mark's Church, on the Isth iosu i' YXTXLT'f r T'T' by Re*. John WaJgh. Mc*A. B. HOOTER, of Tyrone Cstj, 1 T^VT . ““ ~ ■ ,P* , , aid Hia SALLTE BARBSSOK. of Williamsburg. \ „ l T** h I*3*** Cambrics, Ttcton* Lawns, plaifl and dotted Ob the 16th last- br Rct. A, H. Tar] or, Mr. SAMUEL I s ‘ w ' as ' Bdgingi, tc. L. CHRISTIE, of Allegheny tp., to Mias MART SOTLER TEMPLETON, ofFrankstowa tp. DIED: On Tbqrfrdaj lan, JACOB CONFER, a veil kieovn and i highly respected citizen of CUysbnrg, Blair cdtott. Id Frantstcwn, March 3f«tb, MOLL IE E-, only chQd of James and Martha Jmkiaa- aged fi years and 4 months. In ibe same place, April Mrs. MAUG ABET J£N ELKS, is the doth ywr of her age We bare leceifiscl a large lot of ! BOOTS 1 1 ll styles caepbthjg akd ONWAED! EVEK ONWAEDH HiIsiCAPS>SHiK^^^ iS | A-*—. STEP I : »hidi»e»rt determined to »eUehe»j«-th«iierer. •THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES TO M. inform bis old customer* and tbe public generally ATT I? 1? 1? \TC Mr 4 tjt li»l be b« this spring gone in to the Dry Good bosiseaa, ; fI»XLiJI*aMCS W A n andha* just receired a Urgu and entirely new stock of AVH w 1 I i T.fiW.WAR^ /lu iion.—whereas MY wife GROCERY* AND PROVISION ■ IS“] GOOD NEWS! P£s“ v,.- HASS AH L. saELLEXBEBGkR {formerly Hen- STORE, McCormick's New Goods Sir**, East A /toraw, afar door* abcve HAVE ARRIVED! rompeiiM bv uv. Branch Street. -o maesrusciußKEhas jcstbe-j«"* LOTS FOR SALE.—One: 1 a ur*r »»d .urk otokoceiues. pao-, latest srrijrao? JS£S , »S*SS~ l«g&, . EJittSMSSTii.JsSs “*"■■*- One on toe S -sUt-Waalera aide of Agnes street— be-iag Si'ir, i AT OLD PSICESk N o 3 io l>kck <£Q. PnTATfiF*. COFFEE. • - For trrmf- tpj.h xo G. W. STEWART, Sd door beknr ! j STGjF TEA. i from Bto ceeto. with ail wictioi Mftfl; bft, six Poet-Office. in Bract's Rot. Mat 15-3tl c*v/*re / Pirr»( la* cb««r so may ol&er Room can ortl—«U kavteg beta 1 :—: 1_ ! Srtr n-w j bcughtfonncin. Alao. aMI line of fcway C M. WOODKOK, bc-cZZtlmloms. I fotmes asb boh* ..j ■!_ l. L-i, i ... Drag Store. West Ward. / FRIES k WINTERS- We have a large a aortzsent of Ladies* Needlework Col lars and Seta, Dre*« Trimmings, Ribbons, Gloves. Gaunt let*, Hitts. Hasiesr, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Tell*, Ac. : ; Also, Ticking, Checks, bleached and an bleached Muslims, Cottoe and Linen Diaper, Crash. Ac. '" Also, a fine assortment of SPRING SHAWLS. QMS & CO. .JUtmaa, Ajtrfl 1&, 1862-Cf C. c. SERVER & SON, EVERYBODY CALLS AT, JESSE SMITH’S. when they rut fash inamble | Hats & Caps. The undersigned would re 6PBCTFULLY mmoce to the dtiiai of mod surroopdiag country that 1» hu jut itUuwl from the city with him Spring & Summer Styles of EATS, A CAPS, MISSES’ FLATS, &C. Him Stock of Hmtm mod Caps axe of the rery best selection, of eyei y style, color mod shape, for both old mud yonng- All be maka im thmt the people call mod examine his stock, mud he feels confident thmt he can mend them mmrmy re joicing. if not in the purchase of such mo article ms they ▼muted, mt the remembrmuce.nf haring looked upon the handsomest stock of Bats, Caps, Flats, kc_ ever exhibited in this tovo. Store on Tirpimo Streets opposite the Luthera*. Chunk. Oc: a. I*6l. JESSE SMITH. Ij'ARLY PLANTS—THE SUBSCRI j her irocld inform the citizens of Altoona and Vicin ity that he is prepared to famish any number of the ftJ loaning ranetlem of GARDEN PLANTS* freon his bot-beda. is C6IXINSVJIXE, NEAR ALTOONA. Be has the Larg* Bed Smoothe and Fegee Island Tomato Plants—Extra Kirlt and Sarly Blood Turnip Beet Plants —Gariy Tcj-fc, Early Vituangatadt. Large Late Bromhesd and late fiat Botch Cabbage Pk&ti, Crifty, Egg and Pep per Plants—all Improved varieties. Persons desiring any of the afore plants should leave their orders early that they may receive the first ready fur trangpUnacg. May S-I*l JOHN BUTH EBFQED. ! $3O. EMPLOYMENT! $lOO. • Commercial Ageu.t& Wanted. { TO 6£XX GOODS FOB IHX> ADAMS (A Sr» ESGt4SBj MANUFACTURING COMPANY. We viH give a Commission cl one hundred per-cent, on ail gwda sold by onr Agents. ur we will pa; wages at from fid to gIDO ptr month and j«ay all nrcessaiy «xpruir». Fof parrimlan addrM (with stamp) CUAS. RCGGLBS, OeoT Agent. For the Adam* Maao&ctcrißg Co. Demur. lUcb. MayßlSfiMy VAN AN DEN’S PATENT PORTABLE COPYING PRESS HANNAH <£ CO., Sole Proprieiors, 29 Cliff Sj., New To A. TWO SIZES $l.OO & 1.25. OS Bt-CEIPT OF FBICE A PHBSs WILL be mailed to an; addrrea, portage paht- Descrip tive CStndare eenl It reqn cted.' Stationer* and Agents supplied on liberal term*. taf* riltratwdioary inducement* offered to intelligent Agoata. [May I*l, ’fiS-^Sm,] ‘\T O TIC E .—Whereas, Letters Testa raeatary to the Relate of ROMAN BISBRNACK. late-of *be Bo magi of Altoona, dec’d. have been granted to tb« iQbtcrikc-rs, ail persona indebted to said estate arc reqaewted to make immediate payment, and those having xa demands against the estate of the said dreeden; wfQ make known che same, without delay, to ADAM ODENWALDEK, JOSEPHINE KIBBCNAC&. Bxecatora of Homan Biebeoacfc, dec’d. iilooxi. May 1,1882. A REGULAR MEETING OF THE AITOOSA FAIR VIEW CEMETERY ASSOCIA ftON will be held on the eecuad Thursday evening of each month, in the OonneQ Boom. M. CLABAUGH. Jaa lawrm. Secretary. MUSIC ’—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN oa the Pianoforte and Mdodeoa. by ilia M. gfIOBMAUB. Txaio, *2O per qoarter. 5« charge far the nee of tfae Instrument. FwMftw on Catharine Street, Wort Altoona. - [Jan. 16,18C2--t£* DO YOU WANT A HAT OR CAP, cheap or fine ?—gt> to LAUOHMAN’S. i GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ’J~\ Jewelry, Hair and Ckrthee Brushes, Combe, Pocket-knives, at UCGSIUNS ;-\TEW A NO IMPROVED STILES 1 i_\ of Tranks. Taiites and Carpet-Bag*. at j LACQHMAA’S, A DIES’ SHAWLS AND SCARFS for sale ckeap at LATJGHKLIVS. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, is endless TArietr, at Great piles op pantaloons, from |1.09 to *6i«|*r Handkerchiefs, hosiery, Collere, Seck-Tie*, fc- Kir Udfeesad Btrthma, "> ticomiAira. MEN AND BOYS’ COATS, of everj Kj)t and color, from 75 costa upvarda.** L* CO MAX’S. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF J\ /sfflll9-CMiin8»»Nll«B»-totA lahatiy, V A A iNnAhf OBmt. i>UILDING LUTS FOii SALE- X) Ibe eobicra-ei «dfcr »t Frhrste Sale Bflßl BCBJ>- i.MJ UitS, •ituale on tbe top of tbe hm, abort theraaar toir uf the ATtom* Gaa ATst«Go^u| t tabvaovbU u property by the Preehytariaa diutk. Xba lota ate fifty faf front by liiittt ■*—y —‘ —***'*-till! m tMwiii utetna. hnoaf«Ui>|tt pnrchaae or riarrlbaae iuta aSI receive all ialbnaatboa eenenratoa *•- ter of Mary A. CaaStaan. of Altoona, BUrmm t laj baa leg my bed and board, ramjaat