I TWimC DIRECTORY. OWMkMm. MIMtSTBIIS, AC. PRESBYTERIAN—Bur. Baals. Paator—Preaching ■ •vary Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock, and in too evening at T.o’docfc. Prayer Hcctlhg So the Lecture Boom every Wrlaaaiiay evening H 7 rfetoek. Sabbath Schonl in came room at 9% o'clock in the morning. METHODIST EPISCOPAL — Bev. W. 1b Spotswood. Sabbath morning «t U»rW, ; •ad in the amting at 7 o’clock. Pnacr Meeting in the Lactam Fnnm every Wcdnaadey owning at i gnhtnth School In uio came room at 2 o'clock P. M. ■TAHOMUOAI. UJTUKKAN—Rev. C. J.: Knusntn, Pltoi Praaftilnir every Sabbath morning at 11 u clock, T tfclock. PmyerHwtiugiutbe 1 1 Hil l tlwiTl-T Wednesday eroning at i o’clock.— gabbath School to tame room at 9 o’clock A. M. BAPTIST— Rot. a. H. Smaowis, Parlor.— Preaching ; OTOTT nrat-Tt. muidng at 11 o’clock, and In the ovoningat ; 7 o ’<3cck. Prayer Mooting every Wedoeeday erening at 7 o’clock. Sakha Hi School at 9 o'clock A. H. mnwn mtBTHBKN— Rot. Sum. Kipsakt. Parlor. : Preaching avery Sabbath morning at U o'clock. andin tha I evenlaaat 7 O’Ucck. Prayer Meeting in the Lecture Room evening at 7 o’clock, SabbaloSchoolln , the eamo room attt o'clock in the morning. j VRtmHnAliT EPISCOPAL—(No regular Parlor.)— Pleaching on Sabimth morning at 11 o’clock, and in the j evaolaaatT o’clock. Prayer Meeting every Wcdntwiny evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School at 9 o clock A. M. ! ENGLISH OATHOLIC^eRer. Johy Tcwg. Partor—Dt- j Tine rnri inee arery Sabbath morning at 10% o'clock and in the afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sabbath School at i o clock | in tht tjttffiT HERMAN CATHOLIC—Rev. — —. to /’ I —DJrino aetfloer every Sabbath morning at IOUo clock, and In the aßatnooa at 3 o’clock. Sabbath School at 1 - o'clock in the afternoon. AFRICAN METHODIST—Bct. Autxamus Johmvon, Pastorr—Preaching ovary Fourth Sabbath Jo each month. Prayer -Meeting every Friday evening at i o clock. Sab- , bath School at 2 o’clock In the afternoon. I RAIL ROAD BCHEDULE. OS AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862. TRAINS vHltrrive at ud leire Altoona Station a* follows. Brpreaa Tcain Kaatarri«ea learet B,»P.M. « “ Wect " 7,50 A.M., ’ W«A.». | u , o Jgaat “ l,OO A.M, " •* Weet 8,65 P.M., “ 8.20 P.M. Nail “ tot “ iSiA-M.; “ 7,15 A.M. << Vcat “ 6,15 P.M., ” ' i.OOP.M. The UOLhIDAYSBUBO BRANCH connects with Ex urea Train Went, and Mall Train Beat and Moat W «JtHK BRANCH TRAIN also makes one tnp do HunUugdun—leaving Hoßidaytbarg at IDAS A. M-— A ' u ' l '- ua arriving at.llnntMgdoiiat 1-|“l^M- RiTOßJaxac— Leavea Huntingdon at 1.20 P.M.— Altoona at BA6 P. M.—and arrivea at UolUdaytbnrg at 3.45. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen’l Soft. '■ MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS CLOSE Kutern W»J 30 WmUto W«y BolUfentauS , 15 A. SI. * « •£ £•“ WeWtrn Through.. i <Jn „ EuUru Through ■ MAILS AKBIJ-K. M 4 64 7 30 A. M 7 50 “ 8 20 P.M 6 « “ , HotUUjnbarg. Wmwrn Through BMters Throngh WMUrnWty lutißrß Wmj omn Horaun-Duriug thei weds, from 6 45 A. ». til 7. so ?. jt. On Sunday** from,? 45 till 9 00 a. u. OKO. W. PATTON P. M. MEETINOSOF ASSOCIATIONS. WTtWSS I^^TOTJeBnB. I A. CHAPTEB.No. ISa R. A. C., meet* oo the first Thursday of each month, at $ l /> o clock r. M.. in —mr rooD U sb«iTe. 4 . MOBS TAIN COUNCIL, No. 9. K. & S. M., m»t> on the flnt Monday of ehch mouth, at 7K o'clock P. M.. in same r °MOCNWIN OOMMANDEBY, So. 10, K. th» fixirth%TaeM*y of each month, at *y 2 °clock I.M , LODQE, No. 473, I. O. of O. F„ meets every p-m-j «n.ni.y, at o’clock, in the second story of the H TTggswnA P LODaE. So. 532, I. O. of O. F.. meets every M—ot.j. eyening, at V/i o’clock, in third story of Patton s B No. 35, I. O. B. M., meets every Tuesday eveningin the second story of Masonic Temple. ConscU Are kindled at 7th run 30th breath. ALTOONA DIVISION, N 0.311, 8. of T., meets every Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the second story of the ss-—o. Tempter STATE OFFICERS. Qaoemar —Andrew O. Curtin. Secrrtarg <tf Sate—Ell Slifer AUarncv General —William M. Meredith. General—Thomas K. Cochran. Suntnot-Omenl— William L. Wright. Mfntant General —K. M. Biddle. State Itamrer— Henry D. Moore. BUAIB COUNTY OFFICERS. Jvdauof Uu Cburis. —Preaideot Judge, Hon George Tay lor. Associates, Samuel Pean,.Adom Moses. State jfeaotor—Hum Lewis W. Hall. j44W»6i|ri»a«—Thsddenii Banks. Prothonotary —Anthony S. ilorrow. t Register and Recorder —Hugh A. Caldwell. Sheriff— Samuel McCamant. Deputy—John Marks. • District Attorney— BenJamlp L. Uewit. Cbunty Commissioner*— George I*. Cowan, George Koou, James M. Klnkead. . * Chwwfy iStoreyw—JamesL. Gwin. jVioiwtr-John McKeago. ' _ .. tW&Mmpirictvr*— Peter Good, WUUam Burley, David CbaalkAaitlorr—A. U. Lloyd, Bobt. M. Mcssimer, L.L. t'daswisSchools—John Mitchell ALTIOCNA BOROUCH OFFICERS. Jta£a if tit* Aoce—Jacob U. Cherry, John W. Humes, ffurortr Jnhn -h U . ibwTswiea~-A. A. Smyth, Daniel Laugh man, John Louden. Jacob Hesser.C. E. Hostetler, N. J. Metvine. Clerk to OmncO—S. M. Woodkok. JtarWdA Treasurer—Daniel Laughnutn. .Directors—H. C. Bern, John Shoemaker, J. 11. BOamaa, Wm. Boyden, James Lowther, K. A. Beck. TmMitaref School Hoard—J. B. HUemau. Jijli!llUfilftfr r Jnirph K . K*t CbOee&r of SUtU, Borough and School Tax—Jos. A. Nichols, C. J. Mann,Ale*. McCormick .issessara&hjti&l Price. * ■ ermMttM —Jaoob Heiser. J. L. Beifsnyder. .f y.-. w.r.i—John it. tVarfel. W Ward—Michael CUbaugh. U "t «• North Ward—Jnhn Shoemaker. InMeeton— East Ward—Wm. Bodamer, John Hickey. Nr ■; WCstWard—Geo.W. Kessler. Jno. Bowman. u. North Ward—llobt.Oreen, Ale*. McCormick. EMBOBIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D. yf. A. BELFORD, Proprietor. rjTms jPkOPRIJCTOR OF THE EMPORIUM j OT FASItION” would respectfully announce to the that he baa received o large Invoice of C&OT&8, CASSI MERES, VESTINGS, . and a general assortment of goods, Collfern, Neok-Ties, Suspenders, Homely, Handkerchiefs, &e., &0., &0., ' intended for the Spring and Summer trade. Tlwwoprietbr: of the-Emporium invites en examina tionofblv ftock, feeling confident that hie ehelvee preeent a greater variety of plain and Jancy goods -than can be bond elsewhere in the country. An examination win convince any one of thi* &ct. ■ lie has also received the LATEST FASHION, and betttK a perfect “Cutter,” he haa no hesitancy in any- Inirthttt'be pj>n np ciotbiA| iu the ftsliloii, and fll a that ckh not fell to prove satisfactory. It haa plbH ißto^prytefbtbat ' JBaUanPa lbev*ry man can make, : Clothe* tn thebub ton, strong and cheap; .Uf imr tried him yet, ' hereally cant be beat, gaeieeeber the place. Virginia street, fu st door above Tmt-ff- ”- tf r p * f April 17, J 62. TINSTRUCTIONS IN MUSIC. —Mrs. I ■dtIBSTKW- |fnstc Teacher, Residence on Virginia Stmt, two door* North of the Lutheran Church, Altoona. TatlMUtl tier termer invariably in advance) for !n -jjo.Ouitar, Melodon, or Orpnn. the lAm niage of a first-claw Eu is known to bo a competent 1 |be qf tlie Instrument or forinstruc • 'AMS***, Fob. ao,lfiea.-3 tooa. A £jL KINDS OFi PRINTING * jatr ItiE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Ohrom®. Green. Tallow. Paris Green, dry 9W Rt [l-tl] KBSSLKH'S DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH, A SURE REMEDY FOB A BAD BREATH; SORE MOUTHS, DISEASED BLEEDING G UMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And the best specific now in use tor any diseased condition df the raoutb. lt is pw ttoolarty beneficial to persons wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the month, absorb ing and removing all Impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to ail who use it. No Yocsfi Usi or Yocw Qbthiias who is afflicted with A BAD BREATH should delay applying this remedy.for it isa certain cure, and is approved and recommended by every plivsiciau un der whose notice it has been brought: A Bad Breath U au offence for #hich there I* ho excuse while DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH can be procured. Many persons carry with them »bad breath, greatly to th« unuoyance and often to tlie dbgut of tlioae witu whom they come in contact, without belbg conscious of the feet. Jo relieve this. USE DR, WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH . Cleanliness of the mouth w of great iniportance to the general health, which-is often affected, and not tinfre qaently seriously impaired, through want hf proper at* tention to ibis subject. Use Hr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Month Wash Prepared nt Dr. Hurd’s Heiital Ofißce, No- 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E.I). Price 37 Cents per Bottle.; A liberal discount made to Dealers S&T Address Principal Offi.ee , Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street , ' i New York* Sold itt'jSfafladelphial.y Dyntt k Co.. 232Korth M Strc-ot; ■O S Hobbell, 1410 Chestnut street, and by ail Druggists, Sold iii Altoona by G W Kessler. DR. WM. B. HURD S TOOTH POWDER. This Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL. lys ACTION BXIXO ENTIRELY MECHANICAL —POLISHING WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder is Recommended by aU Eminent Dentists. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s penffil Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, PI. D. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold Ip Philadelphia by Dyott k Co, 232 jiorth 2d Street; 0. S. Ilubbell, 1410 Chestnut Slieet, and by all DraggUte. Sold ip Altoona by G W Kessle DR. WM. B. HURD S TOOTH-ACHE DHOI’S. FOR THE CURE OP toothache produced by exposed nerve*. 'lt iaipactlcnlarly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with I , ' TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves from that distressing weariness canned by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great Buffering, liy keeping a hot tie of | . Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Toothache Drops in the bouse. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only 12 J Cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Addrestprincipal Office, IVibune Buildtngt, No, 1, Spruce Street, Keic Tork. Sold in Philadelphia hy Dyott A Co., 252 Kortli 2d Street; 0. S. UnUUell, 1410 Chestnut Street, and,by all Druggists. Sold iti Altoona by ti. W. Kessler. DR. WM. B. HURD’S Neuralgia Plasters, FOB THE CUBE OF NEURALGIA, or Toothache produced by colds. LOCAL NEURALGIA - it imipediatcly cured by their Application. They act like a charm, and ire perfectly hannlew In their mature; do sot produce a’blister, fiind leave* uo un* pleasant results. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Neuralgia Powders nevet fail to give satisfoetkm to all who test their virtue. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’st Dental Office, No,-77, Fourth Street,. Brooklyn, E. 1). PRICE ONLY 15 CENTS EACH. I Address I'rincipal Office, Tribune Buildings. No. 1, Spruce Street, New Turk. , Sold In PhiladelphiabyDyottACo,,232North3dBtr«!t; O. jib Hnbhell, 1410 Chestnut Street, and by all Druggists. Boldin Altoona by O.W;Ke»»fc». c sdr.a.wa-iy NORTH WARD AHEAD! HEADQUARTERS SIX dollar STATE CAPITOL NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS for the cheapest and g Q ok Bindery AT ole pricks. Spring & Summer Goods!! 1 makctactU '■ IHE UNDESIGNED WOULD RE-; * ° ::o= 54 Market St. HarrMurg. ?„ " J speclfullv Inform tin* citizens of Altoona and &wr- ; T i ... , ~ 0 , roandiu? c.nmtry.that in.- haoja-t reiumod from the east, ; I . UTLhMAN has just received a HTMiis establishment IS CIUGuV devoied \ vhvrelM! has lawn »«dccving hi* stock ..f H.riug aud Sum- i >nd u ,,|j stock of Good*, consisting of I i |b , manufacture of Blank Books for , mer Guoibi. whKh’tor sty.c. qn.ibtv a"d*l net c*»n. ™> ’ cioihs. Plain and Fancy Cassimercs, Kontncky Counts offices, KailrnadCbinpauit-*, /'s’.'7// sarpaasMl m tins nwk ..f c-untry. His ““UJ? : “.“J* I Jeans. Tweeds. Bi-avcrttwns. liluo Drilling, and all other IS'prlsaCo indfrvidnate. la all cases tbcfc~[£*& krewiban kmMarn. aul, a* it kinds of Good, for T I I I 1 —-‘l ff T MEN AXD BPYS’ WEAR. £&{ *%k .££ ?h\n"lk I"otUFK llorf>K f ln°t».ia • «»goth-r with a grand and magnificent assortment of fflWJklW* tw^ ™ IltS M tnraH and» his -dock before pur- . L AEI ES’ DRESS G OODS, and chasing elsewhere, a* he feels c ?"*®^/-.VoI &,ch °* £iuc ’ and SOfct. ChattUt. Jkrtgtt, Brilliants, j £** e ls made of'the best linen paper. ’ ' mm ' dneemeutt which will DLFk COMPETITION. His stock . .iadoinci. Chinlu,J>rßrgts.J'rayu. Pnnls, ; , st»OVE -U T MIV CASH Librarians, and others, desiring to have their 800 k,,., cuudistti of _ Crow irn<t -S SKnu'Ls. Monttllut. ttnd ■ . \Jiv A »1H ADU i k. I. - A 1 • .■ , ■.» «wiwntA nritMiLslKtQli) triTCDdurflii v LADIES’ DRESS GOODS //.worry fimnrts ami ftiubnni. CtUlart, Hand- JU I will furni.il one of my superior NEWSPAPER ; largest siren. Harpers Weekly 01^*' OP EVEEY wschnTlu.v. Ltrxlriefi, Kid Glonx. Hoofed .Slfrtl. Niirt- PRESSES, that can lie driven by hand with- ease at the . RSJJJ,! Ballonm Scientific American. London w’ trpv 1 VII HOYS' SUMMER. WE A.R ■ ing, Lact Miltt, dx., dx. rate of . hound to'order. and In any style required. Harp«.r’»Mo lu v' MkN AM) BUIS M.'lMtiJl HtiAK,, ALSO, SEVEX HUNDRED SHEETS I>ER HOUR. Knfek«hock*r. «»d Ono^. LADIES’ ASD MISSES’ DRESS SHOES, 5 Ticking., Checks, Bleached and Unbleached Muslina, ... . r ih from a colored poster down, and do Magaiine*. Godey’s Lady•» Book. lauly >:K*t a *>tnry, p n ,,, MEN AXD BOYS’ BOOTS AXD SHOES, j Cotton and Linenlable Diaper. Crash, Nankeen, Ac.. S w“n- the world "f f D S and Cnld cached I —WARE. QUBESSWABB, I S&VZ gT£ i blanket, c ' , . -a , , CIT-, p T I.'W two sets roller-stock*, and two rollcr-monld. „ s„j u ;l work entruspsi biourcarewilUie Ho will sell the AMERICAN I RIMs nt I.Vj cents. Cirxvtpl aEi ttiEo. B<ixing and carting. s2o extra. iiir executed safely packed "and returned bx Exiim, FAST MADDER COLORS, , lo “ : Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and j i lilV e issued a specimen done on this press, in pam- „.„ rr ,„te,l. Addre— F. L. II’ITTES ' FANCY DELAINES. from 12U; to -a “ , consist* of Rio and Java Coffee, Crushed. Loaf and NO. ~hlet form, containing acm of it. vud will take great All wi BtmVmrs ;■ Fine Bleached MUSLINS yatrd wide v J2J4 * . i Sugars; Green. Y. H. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, . p | easure i„ sending a copy to those who have hot received . -J, ' " ” Li " 10 j Candle*. Salt, Fish, to. it on the receipt bt a paper from them. . «*-McORUM 4 DKBN.atti >< «.», %. :: ,fiA ;; I Thankful to the public for the very literal patronage Any publisher ihserting this advertisement, to the fo. A“ nS* stcJ ra-turn h^ a Heavy Cnbl ched • .vard _ -/* , |,,, ri . to | or( . rec «ived. he hopes by strict attention |o hu,i- amount of fl». and sending me a |«« r f,' r ail who ent.nst their wuikt " rmm s mil nese, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of Will Ife allow eii the amount of tlieir lull towards pay m free from ” Oiai.liJ! LAWNS, from hto 15 : ,i,„ L,,.,. r „f mv presses, if ordemi after one year from bep- ; m y care. >’ LADIES’ SLIPPERS. fram Wto oO ’■ , d | IU g tock . nnd Tuu w fli be con- : tern her 1. 18U1. If ordered within one year, *2O will J he " Hue.lrench, sewed. Heeled BOOTEES. *1 25 ,.e has the best assortment and cheapest Goods ; allowed for the bill. If ordered wuhtn six months *3O A “ J 22 in the market. will be allowed. And if within three, mouths, *4O w.ll oe *” »* M •> lu ! *•* Couutrv Produce of all kind** cakfin in exchange for : allowed for the bill. B0Y«’GO «’ (Nos 4 and o.) : 150 ' Gooda nuutet-prices. THESE ABB WAR TIMES AXD WAR PRICES. MEN - AND BOYS’ OXFORD TIES, from 75 cents to 100 i Ahooua. April 4.186'„ You will find it for your interest to communicate di- , MEN’S CALF MONROES. 1 00 ; : 1 1 rectiv with me, as I warrant the press to lie iII I repre- AU sire* of MISSES’ i CHILDREN’S SHOES, very-low, IJj WHF.ETiKR WIT-SON’S : sent it. whirl, your merchant can easily find out for you : , . D* n„o> , ,on ! H mji-uiJit ot It iJ-OOri o •<! ;if eon an a total etrauger in New York. For further ; RlO Uofitif: ht —) cents, | ■ , m rti cl ,lar*pie«*e address A CAMPBELI., ESjgf bite Sugar 11 and 12U cent*. ! r* O ITUIIT ~| —f 'i jjj 1 1 S’... 16, Spruce street. N. V Brown Sugar from 7 todOct*.: Best Honey and Loveritig’s | T O I - VV J LN VJ iH . Sept. 10.1861. Svrnp, at 00 ctN.; Sugar\Hou*e 4O ctp.; Baking ; ■ Sfolawc*. 31 to 40 ct-s.; together with Cedar and Willow ! J-J •» m 4 /•< rr T fl f—l i T x irpDVf ffPKOSKXE OR C VRBOS Ware; Flour, Feed. Ae., and all otlipr article* of Goods J VI A( ' |-| MV H h_ 1I ) A U’-A 1 IST-UUO I*lM-V»l» A.v it i just an low as any other house can sell. Please cull and if 1 Xjl. v 1. 1 P 3 ' I JIL .LAMPS! . „ exuiuiuc my stock before purchasing elttowhert*. j ; i^ ni Kaledin Beauty , Simplicity Snjely or Economy. . J. A. SPKANKLK. | \' v v imtsoii desiring toobtalu the very beet ami cheap North Ward & | / h&i within their reach, should call at Hie lev* RAO KERR Iture ..rthe mideraigned and examine ll.eselcm.psbefere ri. ii.. KJ. JXfiAft, : elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon -13 AT.TOONA PA That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. AJjIUU.WA.ra., r , ; 1,;. -, h 2yTmlt no offensive 0<1.,r while Laming. a aJ? Til • s~i * ■CC •*1 That they are very easily trimmed. fe Agent JOT Blair County . C: ith. That they are eMily regulated to giro mork-or Ie« JT . 6th xiiiuhey burn entirely free from smoke. S-NOSim 9 aaT-iHHAi -a. i 111.: rpHESI’I MACHINES ARE ADMIT-1 , . I to be the best ever offered to the public, and their | dent*, .uci 1 are highly recommended for family nae. superiority is salisfiictoril} established by the feet that in ; st "'. cs ’ 1 l ~„r ’ o f the Carbon Oil Iptmp can he attached to the last eigl.t years, ‘ fi.e ( njs tab i L . n D id an.l oil lamp*, at a small 1 OVER 1,40 Q MORE ; expense; andVlll • PDAPYPY AND RATffRVi of these Machine* hav,- been sold tl.an of any other man- j W e R’. r 0. W. KESSLER. ; UKOUERX AN U XSAIVEK 1 . niactimd. and more medals have been awarded the pro- An;, u, -J rn IJ L’ I’Vi tL’WkliriXTL’n IVV/.r. prietorshv differonl Fair* and Institutes than to-my oth- • o\TVlti,’l> 'Pill Oli I 11 * Ly ftfi k l U- f A.NAUI.X era. TRe M;u bines arc warranted to do all that i» claimed , XACOB’ SN X Ulhlv, 1 AIJaUIV, f X “ 3 >® ‘he cituens of Altoona . -ud vicinity that i, for f!u*m. They are now in usl* iu several famili-'.s in Al- ' I m Tfr-yo of One Hundred Fits per Month ! i bus ju-t received a largi! invoicee of l,Hina, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. f ■ 1,.,..,f n i1v se ' FRUITS, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS. SPIPR* The Agent refers those desiring infermatfen as the *n- I f »ouln mdiom, for el.ildren 4c_ expressly for the HoliO*,, “ d e! IKt foil-"' audfency tthiZ Pto The machine* can be seen and examined at the store of ; Iteaiuim I keep an excel j.EMONS, PRI. NES, RAISINS, \C tln-Ago.tJitAit4H.ua.’ ; lent assortment of Uptha ' ’ ’ • Prio-of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot an-new ■ Cas»iincr«u Yeatmgf an always on hand at uli Returns of the year. *l^! Coffee, Teas, Sugar,- Molasses, Butin lleum.er*-s4o. [March 21. iS6t-lf. j ma “£ c ““» E'r’OS. GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOCH ! bikes down the BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. CORN MEAL. 4C i and give* all my customer I ft citv appeanuu-e. AND Because I am not inferio THE HEROES OF WAR. j a, r .vwliere. b '' 9t * F 501 II ». ROAI> S;. ;in rWfE GREAT QUESTION WHICH I J, NKM \OUK. is now publishing, in addition to -enth-c control over it an fi , r Other porlrats the celebrated collecii. n known in Europe ; j dependant’ np- *-»«„”« U/mv^fc BRAD Y’* U NATI ON AT. P.MTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT jK. (f f _ tv { SUSd^^S GALLERY. I Because lam stilbon the snnn.v side of forty, an ; mmt an , t hi 11K in the line of *io?‘«ceptiD^* , fcff to tli^'raer'looin 1 of^thV'h'nranU'Hou«e.”'J I BOOTS OK SHOES .' o?"f r c. | «>»«>*»->•« SSYDKR . i, . Price ol Portraits *3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail, j : t— >: (iititcrs, blippci-e. ic., which lie-nffers at fair prices. Scenes of the War for the Union, 1 - stoves. Tin and Sheet lon iVis j are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form, , - ■ “O T\ TTH"*TXT ,C*/T 1.-i-nt workmen an* employed also. ftirU UXI IN VT, IvL e Remember my shop is ou \iigima street, iminctiiin Stereoscopic Views of Scenes jiiParis. London.anil hi other | RlviG WO(JJiI) KESF > ECT- SL.- \ °PI M,site Drug Store, parts of England mid-France; In Scotland. Ireland, • *. / . . • nt . 3, 5.-tfl JOHN U. ROBKKT.' Walts. Holland. Switz'Tliind. Spain, on the Rhine. ! tf,< * cjtiztnfe of Alto* ia i» Athens Kirvnt Tu kev the Holv l.aiid and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand aHB&L : TJ T?T? r P r rT'V'P TT*P’C Ac- irf 1 1 large oi Wor, H. *Hi 1 iliNOrMl h v •: i Shop Stores, of all styles and size.*, to slut the -'V, i -\r • i OUR INSTANTANEOUS SThKLOaCuPIC VIEW» wants of all, which-lio will sell at low prices, on reason- j I tI 1 !! PV/l I \t , W' v S \ (j’FlK* V • Art the Greatest Wonder of the Age.' ; able terms. ; uv Ul 1(11 VM ° » ALL - 3f«- 7 > MAINSTKEUT ° f i bright Of sale in Blair county,! SCHOOL BOOKS, BLAXK BOOKN.^ We have also on baud and nmnutnrture the largest as- i • joNES- ";il STATIONERY, CONFECTION ABIES sortment of Sti-rio«copi's. Photographic Allium-.; and Pho- | IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, y~irs~> A C rrAD tnnn ti.graphic Materials in the United States, and primps in | invPntjon w)lich to be seen to be ap P rccia-;| CvTvLmits. containing lists pf our Portraits. Views, i and riiodld Iki possessed by everyfarmer, butcher or those ; TO\S AXD NOTIONS D GREAT A AHIETI Stereoscopes. 4c- sent free I,v mail, ou receipt of a stamp. ’ r <aj^ r «« «cb a wchtua. b uprinrivo-’ CONSTANTLY ON HAND. E. ANTHONY; SOI Broadway, : feß-1 articulpr attention |mnl to putting np SPOUTING, 1 : October S*, 1881. neai ®t Nicholas New York ; either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up | ; ; : .'*• ' ‘ ■ ” : ;on the most reasonable terms. fapril 14,1859-ly j POLIC'E 11\ Z F ITi' - * LAB OK'bAVING I PRnrL'l!V 1> OI 7\’ Ik 11 i V ThU, Great Journal of Crime and Crioiinaisis a Wi oTjt vr p \T APUTXT TT ; UriWJU'rjlt 1, i i\V V Ik_ Iv/iN , Twelfth Year, and is widely, circulated tbrouduct jfx OXII ii u Ivl -tA *X i. lv Xi. , AND ' the country. It contains all tlie Great Trials. Crimicil —— • . “ „ i | Cases, ami appropriate Editorials on the some, togethtnoi THK UVDFRSIGNED HAVING- "HOLE & A L E .XjIQLOIv STORE, ou Criminal Matter*, not to be feur.J in »-’t purcl.ase<l'the right fer Blair county, of ‘ | | HpHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- j fS per annum; $ l far'd* m0...**,; rPrtlhnrL-f’c Tmnpatrnil WocKinfr IVTophifm ! -1 FORM tlie public that lie has purch<*NCd the Interest j lie remitted by subscribers, (who should write titir uf* 5 lulUUrol.u illl|llUVvU ?! doUluQ lUabUJilCy ; of A. MILLIRON iu the Grocery and Rrorinion Store here- I and the town, countv and State where they resitb* plaii;*’'- are now manufacturing them at Altoona, andi Intend to ! tffors kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St, j ; ' To GW. MAXSELL iOk supply them to tlmse persons throughout the county who *!>«« »'« fonttnue the business, and wiH keep con, ; .Editor & Prop’r. of New York PJiceGM-itc delilre a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. • . stantly on hand a large supply of i : D-tH Acta l*ri-t..y _ jFhb machine is got up on au entirely now; principle, ’ ELOUK, lIAMS. SHOULDERS, SIDES *; \'. ■ 1 <• ’ niSisc nsidered. by those Vho have Keen it in use, the , dried BEEF, FISH. SALT. MOLASSES. COFFEE. TEA; : OONJPECXXONER"^ »M i SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, i : AND OYSTER SALOON:. others niay be mentioned the following: ‘and everythfng usually kept iu Grocery and Provision Mpl IJ by iRF H W()l T LP IN -Ist. Its t-implidry of cunstnicthm, making it almost im-. Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern ancj I ' | * ° u .. possible to pet out of order. western cities, mid will sell at the most reasonable prices., 1 ' JL t FORM tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity iw* - 2d. Its speed, which astonishes alike tho operator and Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole* | CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FKCIT . tho.loohfr on. 1 ' sale. 1 will keep constantly on hand a large assortment <*j ; ; with the very liest articles to be had. and iu ■ Znl. The facility with which 1 it adapts itself to the bulk ; liquors bf the best qualities to be had. ' \ > avlety. lie has also au or uantity o( clothes desired to be washed. i X respectfully solicit a share of public custom. \ i: AVGTPP oa T 4(5. It vvashos Mitmlly well the finest and lightest fabric j July 12,186J-tl’.] J. BERK3WITZ. ’ ! V_y XO i X-rU OALiUyri or tiic crjai scat nnd heaviest, such as bed-quilt*; comforts, ; —.—; V attaclied to Ids store, in which hewill serve up OtM**- blnnkfit*, 4c. t. , Ain , Vl ,, ra , ;; in every style during the season. McMINN 4 BERN, :\ I U IvL LrUUU A t’j \V j FIiESU-B.iKED BREAD <t PlESahcayi-nhari. AHoona. Blair County, Pa. | ! The undertlgoed has; just riffled from the East !: u<sto at a!1 tim ;, 6 ptepwed t 0 , uppl y cakes. a large and varied assortment of | i„ r pi< .. nicB Rn ,, atu6 f Ue mvites . share of p« FALL AND WINTER G OODS, : ! believing that he can render full coAsietipg of Remember, hiastoreand saloon is on Virgltiia«tt w ,.V* c Cloths, CaSSIMERES, AND I door?below PatYuu’ii Hall. OTTO KOssl ' VESTING- Altoona, Oct. 10, ISST-tf material for ’ j . IV. KESSLER—PBACTIC.U FINE AND COARSE ; ;V.T» DRUGGIST, respectfully announces I OT7 1? X> n fY O ito tho citizens of AUfbqua and the public V ij »v \J .t iv? , : erally, that he still continues the Drug material f»r [Jun -he k»P* W nnroi m /vrm\in 1 i on hand,for stile. Wliolesale and RetafI,DRUGS. MQ BOYS CLOTHING. , Jjedicines,chesucals,oils.YAsnish-ffc? GENT’S FCRNTSIIINO GOODS. TflSand DYE-STUFFS. a a. , ~ , t, « I By strict attention to basinets, and a <le*»rc t( rt M such as LndiT-hirts. Drawers, Siis- ; Isfactlon to all ns regards price and quality. Ii« hc-jv-*-- peinlera, Necx-tien,. Hanilkerchiefs ; : merit and receive a share of public patronage. «c.. «c., all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. - ! Physicians and-merchants supplied on reasonable t< - t AH work ordered will be made up In the very best style, and ail orders from a distance promptly utU-ndad to- r according to the latest lA.shiong, on short imtire. . Physicians prescriptions carefully jtothnoundca. l '“ Nov. 1.1869-tf THOMAS- ELWAY.r ' 1 CANKER. Altoona. May 1« ISC- j \ ■ ROUSH, Druggist, j\ takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to the citizens of this place and Vicinity, for the liberal patronage they have bestowed on him. and desires to in form the public in general, that be still continues At his Old Place of Business, A few Doors above the Post-Office, where he is at all times prepared to attend to their wants in hia line uf business, consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTR ACT j, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS. SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. LIQUORS, fOK MEDICIN AL .USE, AMV A I'd ON HAND. Pbysicains Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. AJtinmu, Pa., April 17,15U2. IMPORTANT INFORMATION, AND Xo Humbug or clap-imp! \\riTH *V VIEW OF QUITTING f THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS the coming sea son, 1 now offer my stock of *' WINTER GOODS AT COST! Ami I feel confident that 1 can make it to the Interest of any person in need of 'Mich go«»ds, to call and examine Goons and Prices. They were all bought for mtt CASH, and BEFOUV. THE ADVANCE, in the Fall.consequently, they are MUCH CHEAPER than they will be had an other season. 4s* I intend to pay strict attention, hereafter, to the HARDWARE branch of my husiimsb: mid hope, by keeping none but The Best Make of* Tools, and buying direct from the Manufacturer*, to convince our Mechanics that they can buy us ch ap front me as they can in the City. Mv stock of BUILDERS’ HARDWARE generally, SHOEMAKERS’ FINDINGS. COFFIN TRIMMINGS, TABLE k POCKET CUTLERY, AC., AC., will always be found complete. CHAS. J. MANN. Altoona, March Gth. 1862. ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL Prof. JOHN MILLKK, Principal. The first session of this SCHOOL will c-mmence on MOSDAY* Nov. 4th. The established reputation of Prof Miller us an accom plished scholar and successful IVaclu r is a sure guarantee to parents, guardians and others, that the school will he ko conducted as to give full satisfaction. Tit!MS PER SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS. For English Grammar. Geography. Composition, Natutal Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic. Geometry. Trigonometry, Latin and Greek * $l2 50 For German or French i. 8 00 For Music..... - 5 00 4®* Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Directors. Dll. CALDERWOQD offers his Pro fesshmal Services to. the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on Nfreef, nearly opposite 0. J. Mann’s Store. REFERENCES: r J. B. Litden. M. D.» .Uantingdo«. J.vo McCulloch, M. D., “ U. T. Coffey - , “• Pittsburgh. Rev. J. B Ciust, Birmingham. Rev. Thomas Stevenson. Tyrone City. Jacob Burley. “ C. Outer,." • u * W. Burley. " M. 11. Jolly. ** Altoona. May flth. ISGI-ly* NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY family t. get lu their supply of coal for the Winter. Hud the Knhscribhr Mould therefore inform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, that he i* prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHHACITK and ALLEOIIENY BITCHJNOUS COAL. He will sell it by the Train. Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at the door t*f the purchwer. on the North side of the Kuilro.nl—tipper end of Altoona Yard. 11. B. MYERS. July lBol.rtf. WALE PAPER AND RORDi.R.— ‘We invite the attention of persons in want of the above article, to our IMMENSE STOCK, JUST RECEIVED direct from the niauuufcturers In New York, which ena bles us to sell on much better terms than those who buy in small lots n»m Second hands. Our stock consists of ALL THE NEWEST STYLES & PATTERNS, and ranging in price from ;six cents np to fifty cents per peice. Altoona, March 27th. IKCi-Jlmos. WM. S. BITTNEH, Dental Snrg-eon, OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, next door to the Post Teeth extracted without pain by the Current Electro- Magnetic Machine. IST otary Pntolic?, ALTOONA, BLAIK 00.. PA. Can at all time* be found at the store of J. B. Hilemao. October 1.1867. CD A D. J. & J. LOWTUEU. J. Gr. AI>LUMi THE HEROES OF PEACE Aug,«-1y We the undersigned, hereby certify that we*nre now using T«lhnrst f s Improved Washing Machine and are fal* ly giitisried that It Is a very excellent article of the kind ; ' combining as it dot's great speed with little labor, and per forming its work in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real , ’•rhor-saving washing machine, JOHN WOODS, MICHAEL CALVERT, JOSEPH O ADLUM. K. A. O. KERR. I EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB- ‘ J SCHIBEU would respectfully in form the public that be has recently rip- » tit ted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate bis friends patron* in a comfortable manner, and ; wi l ! spare no pains in makiug it mi agreeable home for all , sojourners.' His Table will always be luxuriously supplied i from tbc markets of the country and cities; and his Bar * filled with liquors of choice brands. Mis charge** areas’ reasonable as those of anv other Hotel in the place, and lie feols satisfied they can not he complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully Intending to .bwenre it, he . throws open his house to the public and hfVjte»a trial. I have just received a stock .f No, 1 french Brandy, ; for medicinal purposes. ' Also a large stock of excellent Win.es. for medicinal pur- ; poses, together with, a lot of tile best old Ryo Whbkey to be found in tbe country, Altoona., May '21. 1859.-1 y’J JOHN BQWMA^. j/~ioUKLITE BASEHavinsr l"* | SOMETHING NEW. jV. J clmncd the light to manufacture tie* -J THE SIiKSSOHITIVK nis m<5T ’'BASK r..r AKriFlttlAL TEhtM.l *|U BOW J 11 li aUUSL.UIISK.Jt *1 Ao I'M ; pnt d , ntnr „ tlli9 n , w and beautiful i-t» P'; % ‘'"- turned from the curt where he him purchased, a which is far superior to the old style, on silvw f very larite and flue stock of . it will not corrode or'discolor. U contains no a ROOT’S A\rn ‘SHTIT’C ’ substance, and-of course there is no calrank *£' f r r.,..,.,, whereby metal plates often become ohnosions. P«*’, < IiIIOGANS, (.rA.irif.HS, £(]., , wishing a flue set of teeth will please call^^.^ '‘ : which he is prepared to offer to thecjtizens of Altoona and * P Jh™2 n !aB2-tr I Otßce in MnaonicTcnipli-. vicinity at v*ry low prices. Having jiurchasedillrectfrvjin . . Z. W. M. LLOYD & CO., : S:.“"n AT WESTER* INSUKA^I ALTOOXA, PA., ■: peoplelwill call ami examine his stuck before purchasing vX AKD IKUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on W*,, t-T VT GJ r P/~\ XT T \ /~y tr xL elsewhere. y personal property will be effected on the mon'M *i UtlIN o i UiN , fiAvjK CC BOOTS and SUOE3 made to order on the most rea- terms by their agent# in Altoona ot his offic- ,D ’*' UOLLIDArSBUIta. PA., • «mnbto t-rnm. AUo. repairing momptlv attended to. March 17, U,M*. JOHN SHOKMAKEK- *g* n -r-b A -v-r- -y y- I —i-y-sw Don’t forger the place, two iI/ts below p..?t Office. : —2* ; —■'"~T, V BAN K.ERB, : . M - Thompson. Amt: I j EVI’S PREPARATION c’OR (laiU " HtU, Johnston, Jack A Co.”) F ANI)S ! LANDS:! LANDS!’. : " I .RATS,'MICE, D , I—, ~ , ... \ Bed-bugs without danger in its use under any ...j RAFTS ON THE PRINCIPVL LAND WAU * ce * for at «»« Drugstore Of G.W.Kt*^ 1 , o-t A i ,Vr . . UANiy in the Omaha ami .\clira«Jta City umdOlUtt*— Jan. 24, s€-tH CUica, and Siher and Gold for wile. Collections Good selections can nuw be made near tin ei-iro streams * nrade. Moneys received, on dcpoalle, payabloam demand, ami settlements. The Lands of this T>i ; n»\v in without interest, or upon, time, with interest at iiur rates. Market, arcof the best finality. Feb. 3d. 1859. £3^-Selections carefully made. Letters m inquiry re _ 1 quested, j ALKX K McKINNkY’ ; TIMBER AND FARM LAND WANTED. Obeapous, Cn»A County. N. Ter $3,000 " PAINTS* 1611101 t«i tins amount, uf all color*, DiOT and in OIL, well suited for Country Trade, will bo exchanged for Heal Estate, at wholesale price*. Improved property preferred. J. WHITE, 124 North Twelfth street. Philadelphia. Nov.T, 1861.-C moe. ‘ B 0 Y mi 0 YES!■ —-GKN'fLEMKN I 7T1777 77™ . , «raw nMi ;janU li« JOSEPH P. TRODT Umdun* O'AIR, HAT, TQOIH, . , .. .*** , 7_T t’.tt C4jg to the he is ready to discharge hla duty 1 1 PainUSiub and VaruUli Brushes at ~.»rn*j neatly and expediciwaly executed »t lhl» office. a, an Auctioneer wUeuwr callo.l upon. [jau. 2 ’56 rejnuaaan Kfc^LEl- EMILE TIETZE. THUS. MdAULKV DANIEL PRICE. July 14,1869,-tf REFER P. XC SK: Kev. A. B. Ci-hik, Altoona, Pe.. Wn. 51. r.Eoro 4 Co_ Bunkers, Altoona, Pa, •McCbdm 4 Dims. Editor*: •• ' ;T(io8. A. Scott, Supt. P. H. lt., •• Hi McMtratßtk. Es<j„ HkiiUngclon, Pa. always in store ahd fo’c.sale in largo or small quaniitir,- CU’l. .examine and price my stock au-1 you will it ax pood and cheap «g unv iu town Pt*c. 20. ’6O-l.v.j piNE AND LARD OILS- ° A ' ! phene. Burning Fluid, Curium Oil. . v! w •Jan. G. .I—^ OX HAND AT McCORMICK’^g —A splendid assortment of Beady-M 1 i a|l mid see. • 0 - pi ROCERTKS. A LA ROB \ assortment of Groceries v\jaN cured fttthe store of. i N* U 1 —' * £ , (4 = • « z - X 25 -s * £* !i! S= , ? CS =~ =i S 2 *3 - -- < S Os *55 vz -* ~ ■** 2 g -i <5. 2 8.5 - giSK §§|sK GO < 50;; o ~» ■• QS' Z ;! *-t • S- ? s J-Mj ? I 05' 5 = a i-s .uojif \nsF. McGBUM & dern, VOL. T. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. *» wormawk*. - / p»vmbl« towtobly to ■dtoMO dUoontlaued »l to* <apir*Uo*r p ,U CrT tuna of 1 innrUoa I * <to. i« T*« V. >2 u t... 1U aOO a,r " Six Um* l “ •J “ ohh"»-: \oo «oo *»® ' » 00 8 00 * * 00 10 00 tool 10 oo U 00 H»U i* 00 «00 Ho***— fcy «8o joor. tktoo tioiJdSWriUb. l® fcfbU-di c ordlnc to th« »bore ttrm«. . Bnriua* nolle** tt»o contx p« lino < ”A , * ry ■ ObttMfJ ootioo* BxowUnt ton lip*. *ft> ■altinmhii look howi *%.*BTABIJBH*D It A MTOB* WOM **flxe Oiily PleoaWhere l Ow 1m Obtained* l t\R. JOHNSON has discover \ JOTAfW^fSSSSSJ ■Z^»SSSfBiSSSi&^ sisssssSE&^x^- KnAu “AgS&f STE^ta TarrlM. ®»rd«. «U< SoUUryHiojit* of V oath—tho« mcmt «d»I 6o*l totheli rfctlin* th»B Of« *oo« oJ tt„ Mmrlnor* ofBly»*. Wilting tbelr mori hop** or AntWpitUoMi Mndering *e ble. YOUNG MEN Kioeolally. who bare become the cictima of BoU thatdreadlhi dortootlte habit which usual to so untimely P*»* thonaande of Tossy Men o fihiltvl talent* and Brilliant Intellect, who mi| viee hare enhanced lUteniog Senate* with lha of eloquence, or waked to ecta»y the living lyre, wlthX.UoonSd.no,. Harried Persons* or Young Men cotempUttog frfiny avm of dtjiictl weakness, organic debt -8t JS; 7SSSS&W** th« cure, * Dr. lirioosty confide in bus honor M a gsbttanao, deotly rely upon bis skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and mil Vigor Keatored. This Distressing Affection —which render* Lin and marriage impossible—is the penalty pa vlstlma of improper Indulgence*. Young per* apt to commit ercease* from not being avaie of fnl eoueqnence* that may ensue. Now, who t ■tand* the inhlect will pretend to deny that th procreation I* lost sooner by tboee telling into habits than by the prudent I Beside* being d* pleasure* of healthy offspring, the most Serb* •tructlTe symptom* to both body andnhtdi •yitem becomes Deranged, the Physical and M* tions Weakened, Lou of Procreative Power, Ns tabllltj, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Prat Consumption, Decay and Death. OFFICE, NO. T SOUTH FREDERICK S Let! band side going from Baltimore strut, a from the corner. Pail not to oburre name and Letter* mnst be paid and contain a stamp, tor’s Diplomat hang in bis office. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO Ah Memory or JVussmu Drug*. \ DR. JOHNSON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lot oate from one of the moat eminent College* In State*, and (he greater part of whoa* Ills nas hi the hospitals of London, Paris, Phtladalphi, where, has effected some of the most astonl that were ever known; many troubled with rii head and ear* when asleep, great nemos alarmed at sodden founds, bashful ness, wit blushing, attended sometimes witb derangsmei wen cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICI Dr. J. addresses all thoae who bar* injured by Improper indulgence and solitary habit*, both body and mind, nnfitttng them for eith< study, society or marriage. . Tans are tome of th* sad and melancholy dnced by early habits of yooth. via: Weak Back and Limb*, Pains in the Head, Dilutes Lon of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tbs peffty, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of tire Functions, General Debility, Symptoms at tlon. Ac. UmrasiXT.—The fearfnl effects of the mind sj be dresded—Des «f Memory, Confusion Jet prossion of spirits, Evil-Forebodings. Arenlon BelPDistmst. Lore of Solitude, Timidity* Ac., s the evils produced. Taotrasans of persons of all ages can nowiod the cairn of their declining health, losing theii coming weak, pale, nervous and enr*ciat*d, ha* gular appearance abcnt the eyes, cough and •' consumption YOUNQ MEN .Who have injured themselves by* certain dnlged In when alone, a habit frequently Ifl evil companions, or at school, the effects o' nightly felt, even when asleep, and it not cm marriage itnpoaible, and destroys both min should apply immediately. .What a pity that a yonng man. the hope of the darting; ot his parents, should be snatch prospects and enjoyments of lib, by the cot deviating from the path of.natnre, and im certain secret habit. Such persons must, be! plating MARRIAGE, reflect that a wand mind nod body are the me requisites to promote connubial happiness. I oat these, the Journey through life becomes grimace; the prospect hourly darkens to tl mind becomes shadowed with despair and All melancholy reflection that the happiness ot comas blighted with out own. . DISEASE OF IMPRUOENCI , When the misguided and Imprudent volar] And* that he has Imbibed the seeds of this ease, it too often happens that an Ql-timed sec or dread of discovery, deters him from apply who, (torn education and retpectoblilty, ea friend him, delaying till the constitutional thle horrid disease make their appearance, so ted sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain i and Hmbt, dimness of eight, deafness, nodes bones and anns, blotches on the heed, free ti( e, progressing with frightful rapidity, tUI Palate of ate month or the bones of the nose the rictim of this awful disease becomes a hoi commiseration, till death puts a period tc by sending him to “ that UndlacoT *bnn ! whence no traveller returns." It is a wulancholr fact that thousands fit this terrible disease, owing to the unskliifnti y t pretenders, who, by the use of that ih Sfertary, rain the constitution end make tl life miserable. STRANGERS W not tow u T% or health to the con I Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, daettti "fa, name or character, who copy Dr- Job* “•“•mita, or stylo themsetree, in the news “o SdneatadPhysicians. incapable ol Cnrt Jon Wfllnj month after month, taking A P°“onooe compounds, or aa long as the am r* obtained, and in despair, leave yon with » to orar your galling dkanpoiatmeat. Jf Johnston la the only Physician adrerti on credential or dlplomaa always hang in ilia remedies or treatment are unknown Ptaparadtrom allfeapentinthegrearboepU tne Brat In the country and m more exteaetre ««than any other Pfayaioiao la the world. . INDORSEMENT OF THE PS Tne many thousands cured at this tnsSitnt y«ar, and at numerous important tnrgfc permrmaa tar Johnston, witnessed hy the re * Clipper," and many other pap 2“«hJ ham appeared again and agate Mt WH Dl^sT» $ SpTeO»LYO;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers