TKRMME DIRECTORY. ■ 4PtBWiPWgl > i|IWIBTERB, AC. MMITfIIHH H»i/$-»jUtMrT*»>»r—Pr««chlpg (MHk, and lotie eienlng ’ Itw Lector© Eo«w ©T«ry *-*- Babb*t)& School in Mine fltwiro, Pastor.— ; Preachlng ''clock* and in the ereningat Wednesday avening at >xk A. M. tenting. w*At—(Ko regular Paator.)— A u cfclock, and in the — *r Meeting erery Wednesday School at 9 o’clock A. M. 4T. JomrTtnaa, Paitor— Di- Bunting at 10J4 o’clock and '•djbath School at 2 o’clock o’clock tnthe afternoon. APEIOAN METHODIST—Bar. Auiudu JoaasruM, milii rt— a—[t every Fourth Sabbath in each month. Prayer Meeting every Friday evening at 7 o’clock. Sab bath m*"«l at 3 o'clock in-the afternoon. HAIL ROAP SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. 27, 1862, TRAINS •ill arrive at and lean Altoona Station aa follows ; Rxpreee Train Eastarrives 9,35 P.M., leaves 9,55 P. M. if u West « B^OA. M. “ 8,40A.M. faat “ Rest “ 7,40 A. M. “ 7,55 A.M, « “ West “ 8,66 P. M., “ 9,10 P.M. Mil) u bit <• 11A0A.M, “12.05 P.M. “ West “ P. Me “ 3,30 P. M. Tba HOLUDAYBBDBO BRANCH connects with Ex prcae Tr* l " We«t, and Mall Train East snil West. P ENOCH LEWIS, Gtn'l Supt. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS OLOBK Baiters Way Waiters Way BalUtes o’clock, in third story of Patton s B 36, I. 0. R. M., meets every Toeaday evealn* in the second story of Muonic Temple. Councilfirek indled at 7th ran 30th breath. 'jSrOONADI VISION, No. 311, S. of T meet. every Satarday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the second story of the Kaaonie Temple. * STATE OFFICERS. Omerncr— Andrew O. Curtin. StcttUury Mf StaU— BU Sllfer.. jUtofiujf «neroJ—William 14. Meredith. JatiOar General —Thomas £. Cochran. Skryivar iTrnVni?— WU l i < ‘ T " L. Wright. General—K. M. Biddle. State Irenwrer-- -Henry D. Moore. BLAIR COUNTY OFFICERS. J*dctt of tke Charts.—President Judge, Hon George Tay lor. Aaeociates, Samuel Dean, Adam Moses, fiole Senator—Uon. Lewis W. Hall. jGmMyeian—Thsddeus Banks, rurfftimnfiiry ftnthnnr S. Morrow. Recorder^ Hugh A. Caldwell. JtarflT Htnir 1 McCamaot. Pepnty—John Marks. DuAt Attorney— -BeoJamin L. Hewit. O&oUm Ctmmiiriontn —George L. Cowan, George Koon, Jamio-M. Mlfikead. —James L. Q win. /her flfrwff iSwtoM—Petar Good, William Barley, David A. M.LIQTd. Robt.U.Messimer, X. L. _atoor«. of Otnasson School* —J ohn Mitchell. ALTOONA ROROOCH OFFICERS. Justices of the ftaoe—Jacob M. Cherry, John W. Horace. ITmi'iwn Tnhn Allieon. tlimn ftnmrfl A A. Smyth, Daniel Laughman, John C.R. Hot tetter, N. J. Mervine. Clerk to CbwKO-S. M. WMdkoh. k^X^i^C ni Shoemaker, J. B. Wm. Boyien, James Lowther, E. A. Beck, dbteol BbcwE-J. B. fllleman. Borough and School Too— Joe. A. Nichols, C. j'. Mann, Alex. McCormick sjUILZi Hester. J. L. Reifonyder. rutai ofßUctions—Bmt Ward—John B. Warfel. a" “ West Ward—Michael Clabangb, ' m « North Ward—John Shoemaker. nasnctarl Hast Ward—Wm. Kodajner, John Hickey. 'u W. Kessler, J no. Bowman. « North Ward—Robt. Green, Alex. MoCormtck. EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. D. tv. A. BEDFORD, Proprietor. CTSint PROPRIETOR OF THE “ EMPORIUM 1 OFFASHIOS” would reepeclfnlly announce to the jmbUelhat,be has received a large Invoice of CLOTHS, > OASSIMERES, VESTINGS, assortment of GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS, Goßum, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &o>, &C.f &C.f Intended fhr the Spring and Summer trade. Thapropti etor of the Emporium Invites an ex&mina rtodi, Skellng confident that hU shelves present i a-- allifar Twkjty of plain and fancy goods than can ■ ih&^yyul-in toe country. An examination will cowlaoe any one of this fact. ; - ■He has also received the . LATEST FASHION, •n* being * perfect u Cutter,” be bus do hesitancy in say- Out he run ynufce up clothing in the fashion, and in a'tnsittaw' that Can not fail to prove satisfactory. It has paaaedlnto aprpreth that Bellbvd'sth, very man that can make, • Cloths* In the Ashton, strong and cheap; AH that have ever tried him yet. Say that he really cant be beat. Ksaaenber the place, Virginia, street, flint door above Teggwfe HaU.JUtQona, Pa. . [April 17, 62. TNBTROCTIONS IN MUSIC.—Mrs. 1 E&CEKBB, Knaic Teacher, Residence on Virginia SCT*t, ty* doors Sorth of the buthersnChureh, Altoona. Tei afe |in Mt tem ($6 invariably* in advance) for In- ItrmsOOm either on the Piano, D niter, Melodon, or Organ. £fiSM'Brha*'b*d the advantage of a first-class Eu- is known to be a competent Kedwx* for the nee. of the Instrument or for instruc tions UVOChI motic. AMOOIta. Feb. 30, 1M2.-3moe. •gIraiJiLCINSTEUCTIOjp GIV:EN M * ik* Piano-Forte sad MAlodeon. by Ml** M. nfIBpApLSR. TBMttp $lO per quarter. No charge for Xastrnittent. Bwldence on Catharine Stmt, ”SKSTSS»a. ’ [Jan, 16, 1W2.-tf. * LL KINDS OF PRINTING A , . .neatly and expedltously executed at the •**’ “JJaOqjlA TRIgONE” OFFICE. WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Chroma. GmivYaliow, Pariaflraeap dry K*BBL)tts ,Rrr. Wl Lib Spowwood, 'h morning it It o’clock, Prejer Meeting in the Wenlng it 7 o’clock v— *3 o’clock P.M. -Bev. C. L. Brnsrat, morning »t 11 o'clock, Prejrcr Meeting in the evening »t 7 o'clock. — 'dock A. M. . Sima. Edbui. Factor. .W at 11 o’dock.aadin tho ilxettsc in the lecture Koom ' o'clock. Sabbato School in ——, Paator. zoning it 10U o’clock, Scnool at 1 7 20 A. M BOO “ 800 A.M. A a 00 P. M f 7 00 P. M 700 “ DR. WM. B. DXTRD’S MOUTH WASH, ▲ SUBS -REMEDY FOE A BAD BREATH, SORE MOUTHS, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And (he best specific now in nse for any diseased condition of the month. It is par ticuiarly beneficial to persona wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the month, absorb* ing and removing all imparittea, inaarlng \ A SWEET BREATH* to all who nee it. No Youth) Ladt or Yonva GmYUMAn who is afflicted with A BAD BREATH should delay applying this remedy, tor it is a certain core, and is approved and recommended by every physician un der whoae notice it has been brought A Bab BBXath is an offence for which there is no excuse while f DR. WM. B. HURD’S. MOUTH WISH tan be-procured, M*uy persons carry with them a bad breath, greatly tc tbo annoyance and often to the disgust Of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact To reHere this, 13SK DB. WM. B. BURP’S MOUTH WASH, Cleanliness of the mouth la of great importance to the general health, which is often affected, and not tinfre quently seriously impaired, through want of proper at tention; to this subject. Use hr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Mouth Wash. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. ; A liberal discount made to Dealers. for Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold, in thlladelphiaby Dyott A Co., 232 North 2d Street; 0 S Bnbbell, 1110 Chestnut street, and by all Druggists. Sold id Altoona by G W Kessler. , - fc DR. WM. B, HURD’S TOOTH POWDER. This. Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL, ; ’ its action buno isrnUtr mechanical— pousmso WITHOUT WEABINO THE IN AXEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder is Recommended by all Eminent LtentuU. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. PRICE 25 GENTS PER BOX. A: liberal discount made to Dealers. Addmt Principal Office, Tribune BuUdinyt, No. I, Spruce Street , New York. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott 4 Co., 232 North 2d Street; 0. S. Hnbbell, 1410 Chestnut Street, and by all Druggists. Sold ip Altoona by G W Resale ' i Dll. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH-ACHE DEOPS, * FOR THE CURE OP [ TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. It Is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with. • i * ■: \ TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves from that distressing’ weariness caused by LOSS OF SLjEEP, ' J and their children from great suffering} by keeping a |bot tle of‘ - Dr. Wm. B. Hard’s Toothache Drops in thq house. I Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only 12i Cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, N 9. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold In Philadelphia by Dyott 4 Co, 252 North 2d Street; 0. 8. Buhbcll, 1410 Chestnut Street, and \>J all Drnggtats. Sold Ui Altoona by O. W. Kessler*- V DR. WM. B. HURD’S Neuralgia Plasters, FOE THE CUBE OF NEURALGIA, or Toothache produced by coldn. LOG Alt NEURALGIA* I* Immediately cured by their application. They act like a chuiOn* and are perfectly harmlert iu their nature; do not produce a buster,] and leave no un* pleasant result*. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Neuralgia Powders never fail to gfvo satisfaction to all vrho test their Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental (Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, E. D. PEICE ONLY IS CENTS EACH. Addreu Principal Office, Tribune 1, Spruce Street, Nitejf&fk. Sold in FhiledeJphtobylljpttA'Co, 232 North SdStreet; 0. 8. iruhhell, 141 b Chestnut Street, an 4 by kit Druggists, Sold In Altoona by 6. W. Keeslw. ' : A H0v.a,1861-ly. NORTH WARD AHEAD ! ;SJ NEW SPUING and SUMMER GOODS § AT OLD PRICES. »I 'HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- i S I spectfnliy inform the citizens of Altoona and snr- : rounding'country that be has just returned from tbe east, . where be has been selecting his stock of Spring • mer Goods, which for style, quality and Price cannot be | surpassed in thiatPeck of country. : His-stock is much larger than heretofore, and* as It is quite an object in these ; pu warexciting times for everyone to purchase whsrc they ; VJ can get the BEST article at the LOWEST PRICE, he - would say that he can and will sell AS LOW. if not A. LITTLE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE in this place. He wishes all to call and see bin stock before pur* chasing elsewhere, as he feels confident he can offer in dneementt which will DEFY COMPETITION. His stock consists of • . LADIES’ DRESS GOODS CANKER. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. MEN AND BOYS’ SUMMER WEAR, LADIES’ AND MISSES’ DEESS SHOES, MEN AND BOYS’ BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN AND WOMEN’S HOSE; ; HATS AND CAPS, Ginghams, Lawns, Bleached and Unbleached Muslim, Dried Peaches and Dried Apples, Plain and Canvassed Hams, Ac-,. Ac-, Ac. He will sell the AMJEEICAN FEINTS at cents. FAST MADDEE COLOBS, ' 10 FANCY DELAINES, from 12V$ to 25 Fine Bleached MUSLINS yard wide, 12}£ “ •• “ K “ ; . - 10 “ “ “ K • “ ' “ Heavy Dnbl’ched “ yard “ 12}? “ “ “ “ y A B and 10 “ LAWNS, from 8 to 16 “ LADIES’ SLIPPEBS, ; r from 40 to 50 “ i( Fine, French, Sewed, Heeled BOOTEES. - $1 25 “ Pegged •’ 100 MEN’S CALF BOOTS, 2 75 “ GOAT " 250 BOYS’GOAT. (Nos. 4 and 6.) 150 MEN AND BOYS’ OXFOED TIES, from 75 cents to 1 00 MEN'S CALF MONROES, ■ ■ ; 100 All si*o» of MISSES’ i CHILDREN’S SHOES, very low. Coffee at 20 cents, White Sugar H and 12% cen LB, Brown Sugar from 7 to 10 cts.; Beat Honey and Lovering’s Syrup, at 60 cts.; Sugar House Molasses, 40 cts.; Baking Molasses, 31 to 40 cts.; together with Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour, Feed, Ac., and ail other articles of Goods just asL)W as any other bouse can fftlL Please call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. J. A. BPHANKLE. North Ward. Altooua, May 1,1862. J A ROUSH, Druggist, r\ takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to the citizens of this place and vicinity, for the liberal patronage they have bestowed on him, and desires to in form the public in geneialj that he still continues At his Old Place of Business, A few Doorsjahoce the Post-Office, where ho is at all times prepared to attend to their wants in his line of business, consisting of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, EXTRACT «, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO. LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL USE, ALWAYS OX BAX®. Pliysicaius Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY OR NIGHT. Altoona, Pa-, April 17,1862. IMPORTANT INFORMATION, AND .No Humbug or Clap-Trap ! TATITH A VIEW OK QUITTING ff THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS the coming sea son. I now offer my stock of ‘ WINTER GOODS AT COST! Ami I feel confident that X can make' it to the interest of anv person in need of such goods, fc call and examine Goods and Prices. They were all bought for nett) CASH, and BEFORE THE ADVANCE, in the Fall, consequently,, they are MUCH CHEAPER than they will he had an other season. _ . ‘ Qsg- 1 Intend to pay strict attention, hereafter, to the HARDWARE branch of my business; and hope, by keeping none bat The Best Make n( , MD fli U(s me a paoer containing it, the Agent, at Altoona. , J tm he allowed the amount of their bill towards payment Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new j w mv pr(!aM w jf ordered after one year from Sep style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, gift** foot i o . P »#: np j ere< j within on© year, $BO will b© and now style i?mmer-$55. No. 3. | lBob six Hemmer—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. , bt , a ' lloW( . d And if within three months, $4O will be i allowed for the bill. THESE ARE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. You will find it for your interest to communicate di rectly with me, as I warrant the press to be ell I repre sent it, which your merchant can easily find out fpr you if you are a total stranger In New York. ?or farther particulars pleas© address A CAMPBEIdL, r No. 16, Spruce street, >. Y. THE HEROES OF PEACE ! AND „ 1 THE HEROES OF WAR. E ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY,!; 9 NEW YORK, is now publishing, in addition to j other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe I and America os I BRADY’S NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT j " GALLERY, | in which is included Portraits of nearly all the PROMI r i NEXT MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davis, | Gen; Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates. | Price ol Portraits $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. ' Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form, ALSO. Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, Loudon,and in other parts of England and France; in Scotland. Ireland, Wales; Holland, Switzerland, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, China. India, Cuba, &c., ad infinitum. OUR INSTANTANEOUS STEREOSCOPIC VUgpTS Art the Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving of leaved* or the march of an army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for |3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes, Photographic Albums, and Pho tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. Catalogues, containing lists of our Portraits, Views, Stereoscopes, Ac., seat free by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY. 501 Broadway, near St. Nicholas. New York. AugS-ly LAB OR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. The undersigned having purchased the right for Blair county, oi Toliiurst’s Improved Washing Machine, arc now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those persona throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. This machine is got up on an entirely new principle, and la considered, by those who have ‘seen It: in use, the best that has ever been brought before the public. Among the many advantages of this machine over all others may be mentioned the following: lr/. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. 2d. Itt speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the looker on. . , 3rd. The facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qantity of clothes desired to be washed. Atli. II washes equally well the finest and lightest fabric or the coarsest and heaviest, such us bed-quilts, comforts, blankets, 4c. We the undersigned, hereby certify that wo are now using Tolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine and are ful ly satisfied that it is a very excellent article of the kind ; combining as it does great speed with little labor, and in forming Us work in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real ’abor-aaving washing machine. ' JOHN WOODS. EMILE TT.ETZE. MICHAEL CALVERT, TUGS. McAULEY, JOSEPH O. ADLUM. DANIEL PRICE. R. A. 0. KERR. Exchange hotel—the sub- SCRIBER would respectfully in form the public that ho has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and la now pre pared to accommodate his friends patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and hu Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges arc as reasonable as those of arty other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully Intending to deserve it, ho * thrown open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have just receiveda stock of No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes, v>- , Also a large stock of exceßeot-Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859.-1 y] JOHN BOWMAN. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., HOLLIDA YSBPRG, PA., BANKERS, {Late “ BelU Johnston , Jack $ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposite, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with Interest at fair rates. Feb. 3d, 1850. S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria ami Huntingdon counties. , Having bad several years’ experience in the practice of the Law, ho expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANNIE STREET,3 doors above the Post Office. Sept. 6, 1860.-tf. ‘ TIMBER AND FARM LAND WANTED. $3,000.- A general assortment of tothis amount, of all colors, D Riband OIL, well suited for Country Trade, will be exchanged for Real Estate, at wholesale prices. Improved property preferred, J, WHITE, 124 North Twelfth street. Philadelphia. Nov. 7,1861.-6 mos. Blanks of all descriptions neatly and expedkionsly executed at this office. << CAMPBELL’S 2 SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR a NEWSPAPER PRESS. a a a so gp 3 McMINN & DEUX, Altoona., Blair County, Va. Sept. 19,1861 PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! „ , ' Unrinaled in Beauty, Simplicity Safely or hepnomy. Ev.vy person desiring to obtain the very beet and cheap eat notable light within their reach, should call at the storcAhe undersigned and examine these Letups before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon-. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. *M * That they emit no offensive odor while burning. sa’ That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or leas Mb burn entirely free from smoke. Bth That the light ts at least 50 per cent. Reaper than any othei light now in common use. . These lamps ate admirably adapftd for the use of Stu dents Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories Mia, Churches, stores Hotels, and are highly recommended for family use. Ti e burner of Uie Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old Ihle Sug and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new l.tnp. L guarantee perfect satisfaction in “>• Aug 19, 1858-tf.] 0. M. KLSSLLK. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fite per Month ! I would respectfully s. forth my claim to pulili attention, as a Faabiaaabl Tailor as follows: Because I keep an excel lout assortment of Cloth* Cassiroeres. Vestings am Trimmings, which, whei examined,always please. Because my work i made up in a manner th< takes down the counti and gives all my cuslomei a city appearance. Because I am iu>tinfer»< as a Cutter to the best I be found anywbyre. Because long experient in my business -give* nn entire control over it. ar I am not dependant .upoj any om- tnlift.iue out the suds. Because I am still on ther-unuy *ide of lorly. and there fore my taste ns a Cutter and workman unimpaired. , Call on me. in the corner room of the ‘‘Brunt House. Give me a trial aud you will go away pleased. ■ Altoona, May i 26-6m JACOB SNYDKR. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, SPOUTING. &C. 0 RIGG WOTM) RESPECT- s^. # fully uform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he keeps constantly on hand | large assortment or Crooking, Parlor. Of/ice and rVBBS ,SAo;> Sl'-vrs. of all styles and sizes, to suit the - - ('wants of all, which he will sell at low prices, on reafcon ' able terms. ' He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin and.Sßett- Jr*r in Market, are of the best quality. Selections carefully made. Letters ot Inquiry re quested. ALEX. F. McKINNJSY* Oreapous, Cass County, N. Ter. July 14,1859.-tf references: Rev. A. B. Cl.uix, Altoona, Pa. Wm. M. Lwtd £ Co., Bunkers, Altoona, Pa. McCeo* A Dern. Editors. *• Thos. A. Scott, S«pt. P. R. R., « D. McMcatßiE, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. O YES! 0 YES!—GENTLEMEN P .‘ T T nfYrH~SHAYI> 6 and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT uinoao* 1J AI ft) HAX-) xV/UxH> | cos to the that ready to discharge his duty M. i. M> »p 4 Varntoh Brntho* Man Auctioneer-whenever called upou. [Jau.2 r JW. i HUTTKR‘B STATE CAPITOL Book Bindery, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY No. 54 Mark ft St , Harrisburg, p a . Tbit* establishment is chiefly devoted i 0 the numnfimturo of Blank Books for __. Book*, County Office RaUroad tompanjes, /lllift and private individuals. In »! *" the verr best of stock and workmanship may be relied upon. KUnk Book* printed, paged and b.«,j,, SriXd pattern. Sheriff’s. Attorney, and takers of &U fliaea. made and ml©d to wder. and Yearly Assessment*. Duplicate*, for county Pcrv «ea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. Dockets made of the best linen paper. J Librarians, and others, desiring to bare their Books*,, bound and at moderate price*,«hould gireus a call. W papers of the largest sites Harper, Weekly. Pictorial, Ballous, Scientific American, London N„. bound to order, and in any style reijnired. Harper’s Mo, a . It Macaxinc, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and GraW. Maganines, Godey’s Lady’s Book, Lady , Repository, soods Macaxine, Piano Music. Ac, bound in extra ityw „ SS .nb.Untialh.lf binding. Sele?, S£ plilets. Law Magaxines, Pamphletlaws, bound in good ij, brary style, at very moderate prices. Persons h„j,. number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal diim,,;. Binding can safely be sent to ns from a distance b* fc, press, and all work entrusted to^ rc L r \ wU ' ■ dily executed, safely packed and returned byExp**_ All work warranted. Address P. L. HUTTbK, Harntbury , *m_McCROM the Tribunt Office. u, Bt ■ agSts foi Altoona, and vicinity. They willl give inform; I ribu in relation to binding, and receive and return b«ki ' free from extra charges, for all who, ent-nst their work u I my care. [March 21. mu, CQ £ i ms ; s «.S ssi S OW a- . ! w" at i i-u M? 2111 < I 2*:M S I S PS x =s|a Pslgli M 2 3§ ~- 2- }H w ia-s 3 S a:«■ Si « £< c.; Qss* *! t-i a- 03 ■JfclSh _3 w |S~i OO a 55 -I GROCERY AND BAKERiT The undersigned annous. ces to the citizens of Altoona, ami vicinity that hi ho» just received a large Invoicee of FRUITS, CONFECTION ARIES, NUTS, SPICES and notions for children As* expressly for the Holidays, lie will also keep always on band a good stock of plau, and fancy of bis own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS, 4C. always on hood at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOOR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AC. always in store and for salt* in large or small quantities Call, examine and price' my stock and you will fiu ItM good amt cbeap ns any in town 2O, *6O-ly.{ The great question which uow agitates the mind of every person is. where can 1 get the beet article for money? In regard to other matters, the Bcriber would not attempt to direct} but if yon want anything in the line of BOOTS OE SHOES he invites an examination of his stock and work. He keeps constantly onhand an assortment of Boots, shw Gaiters. Slippers, 4c., which he offers at fair prices. He will give special attention to custom work, illo wflich will he warranted to give satisfaction. Noneluiti host workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street} imnwdiuri opposite Kessler’s Drug Store September 3, ’&7-tf] JOHN H. KOBKRIi H. FETTINGER’S General News Agency, OAK HALL, No. 7, MAIN STREET SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONAKIES CIOARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VAKIETT CONSTANTLY ON HAND, i October 24«1861. IVTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE [A This Great Journal of Crime and • Criminal u a its Twelfth Year, and Is widely circulated throughoi! the country. It contains all the Great Trials, Crimiwi Coses, and appropriate Editorials on thesome, together «i:b information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in uj other newspaper. M By strict attention to business, and a desire tow eg isfhctlon to all as regards price and quality, he » c v 5 merit and receive a share of public patronage. Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonaW . and Ml orders from a distance promptly attended u t| Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded* i CORELITE BASE .—Having Pj£ chased the right to manufacture the BASE for ARTIFICIAL TEETH, I am nowprfj* put up dentures on this new and beantind P ~ which is far superior to'the old style, on filler P 2 it will not corrode *or discolor. It contains n substance, aud of course there is no galvani whereby metal plates often become obnoxioa?- M wishing a flue set of teeth will please 1 specimens. W. S. 81-H* k Jr 1862-tf] Office In Masonic g ran. % GiREAT WESTERN INSUHAjCj r AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on ‘ personal property will be effected on the men * j, terms by their agents in Altoona at his o®* Match 17.1859. JOHN SHOEMaKIA-»£_. LEVI’S PREPARATION FOB (tenainatine RATS, MICE, ROACHES, huge without danger in its im ' ces for sale at the Drug Store of O* ” • Jan. 24, ,56-tl] PINE AND LARD^OIIIT^ 1 phene, Burning Fluid, Carbon Ofl, Jan. 3, »56-tf] ON HAND AT McCORMICK’Sjg —A splendid assortment of Heady*"*,® i Call and see. 4 . -* pi ROGERIES.—-A LARGE Ajj \T complete assortment of Groceries cmred at the store of a J B - CONFECTIONERY McCBUM & BERN, VOl'* ~ • «. Am rtOPWITOM. luaynUle invurUWy lb ndTmce,) ‘■'T »t »h* «plr*ti«n of th \U P*P*‘ I T«KMK OF .nVIUTUIUKI. 1 luaerltoß - do. ft ft ®*H four Hue. o. • jo 75 On. *4“"*’ ,SS “) ' 100 160 two ’■ «S .. [ 150 S » tl« w«l»»ncattouior»P^UCT g tbo abo „| „, ea . ' ",v«t will be ranted With the number o d ,l d till forbid .nd cha. ‘‘BEtlSrS per line ,®“S notice, exceeding ten lluw.aiuwnt.jt ULTIMORE LOCK HOSPITi .. B kstaulishbd as A HKFCOESROM QUACI wu Place Whwe a Cure 0 be Obtained* I EkR. JOHNSON has discovered I nartain. S needy ami only Edectnal Ren ' Private CiHeascg. Weak new of ll ,he |3Ste Strfcn™Affections of the Kidney. Discharges.l»Po£-*», uw nvanAnav. Laosuur. Low Spinos v«i MdSTwpfwSSf of the Heart, Timidity, Trem n of sight or Giddiness. Dls««e of the Tlm«tl*SoM or Skin, Affections of the lover. Long 1.-i Tor Bon^l*—those Terrihlo disorder, .thong ft SoUtaryHabit. of Youth-thow skki , fetal to theii victim, than the »on« of Sy the* Marinersof Ulysses, blighting their most I. liope. or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac., Mp ‘ YOUNG MEN Kmeclslly. who have become the victims of Solitar .hatXadful and destuclivc habit winch annually ■o an untimely Cl are thousands of kounc Men of tl limited talents and brilliant intellect, who mi K l.t wise have entranced iistohiuc Senates with t e tl of eloqnehcc, or waked to ectasy the living b rej m with full conildence, Married Persons, or Young Men cotemplafcing p» being a ware of phy»leal'we*kiwM», organic debiht " r "'uiity; Icm speedily cured. . . , - . Ue who place* hinisell under tin care of Dr. J. ligiously confide In hi* honor as a gentlemen, an dently rely upon hi* skill a* a physician. JACOB WISE. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and full Vigor Restored, This Distressing Affection—winch renders Lift m and marriago Impossible— la the penalty paid victims of Improper indulgences. Young person.* apt to commit excesses from, not being awaio of tin ful consequences that may ensue. Now. who.tuul stands the subject will pretend to deny that the j> procreation Is lost sooner by lho»e falling into 11 habits than hy the prudent? Besides being depri pleasures of healthy offspring, the* most serious struct!™ symptoms to both hody and mind art system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Went, tlons Weakened. of Procreative Power, N*r»« lability. Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart, Ind Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Consumption. Decay and Death. OFFICE, NO. 1 SOUTH FREDERICK STI Lcff hand side going from Baltimore street, a fe from the corner. Fail not to observe name and pt Letters roust bo paid and contain a stamp. ' tor’s Diplomas bang in his office. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO Di iVb Mercury or Xus&mt Drugs. DR. JOHNSON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Loudo uato from one of the most eminent Coll *gee In th States, and the greater part of whose life has been the hospitals of lab loq, Paris, Philadelphia a where, has effected some of the mo*t astonish* that were ever known; marty troubled with ringi head and ears when asleep, great nurvotwne* alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfuloesa, with blushing, attended sometlmeiMwlth derangement were cared immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all those who bare Injured th by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, wli both body and mind, unfitting them for either ■itudy. society or marriage. Ihisk are aome of the sad and melancholy e 0 doeed by early habits of youth* tlx: Weaiae Back and Limbs* Pains in the' Read, Dim reals < Loss of Muscular Power* Palpitation of the fie pnpty, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of th tire Functions* General Debility* Symptoms of C tien, Ac. MtJTTALLT. —The fearful effects of the mind are be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Id preesfcm of spirits, Evil-Forebodings. Aversion to Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are the evils produced. Thousands of persona of all ages can now Judge the cause of their declining health* losing their v coming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, havic gubir appearance about the eyes, cough and sym] consumption YOUNG MEN Who have injure themselves by a certain pr> dqlged la vhen alone, a habit frequently lean evil companions, or at school, the effects of vt nightly felt, even when asleep, * n< l if not cur-d marriage Impoeible, and destroys both mind * should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of bis the darling of hU parents, should be snatched prospects and enjoyments of Ufc, by the conse< deviating from the path of nature, and indul, certain secret habit. Such persons nest. befor< plating MARRIAGE. reflect that a Mound mind and body are the most requisites to promote connubial happiness. Imi oat these, the Journey through life becomes a grtatage; the prospect hourly dartceus to the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled melancholy reflection that the happiness ot ai comes blighted with our own. When the misguided and imprudent votary o finds that he has imbibed tb« seeds of this p «w, it too often happens that an Hhtlmed sen*c or dread of discovery, deters him front applyln who, from education and reepoatabiJjtx, cad friend him, delaying till the tonstltmkmal sy this horrid disease make their appearance, such ted sore throat, diseased none, nocthrnal pain s 1 and limbs, dimness of sight, deafhess,‘*w»dea 01 hone* and arms, blotches on the head, taco an ties, progressing with frightful rapidity, till « palate of the mouth or the bones of the now i the victim of this awful disease becomes a horri commiseration, till death pnt# a period to h sufferings, by sending him t> “that Undlscover from whence no traveller returns.” His a melancholy fact that thousands fall this terrible disease, owing to tli* nnsklllfnlne rout pretenders, who. by the use of that Dttu dfercury, mia the constitution and make the »lfr miserable. STRANGERS I Trust not your lives, or health to the care of Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute «d|fe, name or character, v.'h) J«*hnth tUemenU. or stylo themselves, in the newsp® wly Bdoosted Physicians, incapable of Curium you' trifling month after month, taking their poisonous compound*, or as loop as the small “Jtttoeij and in despair, leave you with mil » ovw y°nr galling disappointment. J>r. Johnston is thaonly Physician *us credential or dlplomM always hang in hi His remedies or treatment are unknown vi from a life spent In the great hospital! the feat in the country and a more extensive *“ tme than any gther Physician to the world. THE ALTOONA TRIBUNE. 6 00 MARRIAGE DISEASE OF IMPRUDENCE _ INDORSEMENT OF THE PRE 100 many thousands cured at this lnsti*ullot and the numerous important Surgical |«Tu>nAed by Johnuton, witnessed |»y the repo u end* many olh«r pa pen r, hare appeared again and again heftu hN standing a« a gentlemen of <£har\ P f m«bllity, Is a sufficient guarantee totbe a£B SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CUf TT l H n «9 Kmt 4 air to thi. lontttQtjoh. ln the tollowlo* no r,- JOHNSTON. I Of the Baltimore Loch Hospital, U. C' 10 00