IQJOIMM (we|fe r the connexion IMP Wwur on tlwTr^ «£ "rtiefter the victimg «»».?*” *» of some of the bam^T** im, If the on, hodUid them d^^ W J£^°'Great Wa>o "ifiAi 1 ™« >SS Mavid of the 12th itat., coo Wt of war »t *4ahiowYork tifli the following *c aaWe siege of 1781, M ' art; — . ther the ww** oar object is the maurtairt«l| the .Union” Ogainrt i hopeless, and yet the mon 1 rebellion in the we of the earth. In the jsi« Ms, after five years of a gloom. t against superior numbers for war, by land in favor of feof Toektown; in the pre^t rantages of suporior nnabers Od resources, and after a nu ilHajiJ. victories, by land and it .the one of the I ehr it will virtually end the j afoge, in favor of the Union i grand results depending * that day, com. > gathered around that surrendered by lord CornW J -“VIfoSSSS" 93*jt»fcsS. ' of the British; during the tegeof nineteen teh ** wlnatve, w^e!*»» », about 300. The ar^erv fraces of Lord Corn nftj- pieces, and the* were aud the artillery invest™, oscd of six-poundera. McClellan’s approach to the ktown, instead of a resisting id, be finds himself in Wt ing perhaps one hundred 1 istead of a little cirdeofde- I ig fortyorfifty gunsof.the ads hunself confronted!* a artworks, extending across i nrer to river, and aimed i than fiye hundred heavy morons 100-poundera and i. And yet we are satisfied oving upon Yorktown from conjunction with a french he east, commanding both a, confident, as he bad eve complete success, was not nerad McClellanmay justly idsire victory of Wa&lns it we feel entirely - aaroed • within thin » period twice a»lbbg, ante the crowoingjglojy of own, 1781, reunited in the mutation of the Amniwn nilhons of population ; , the fetUiah and perpetoatetfaia hhh thirty niillirmn of peo » remvigorated prosperity in a population of Wo or : the central and ruling na .dropping our parallel be datt and Yorktown of the doge, the question stillre f immediate results, in a id McClellan's success in wnr, that the rebels have :nf the peninsula at York stewsyofßichmond, their and :,that, in freeing this tUanwillsecnre Richmond own, , theft, depends, the Virginia to Texas, of tgationyeta Kttlewhile. inverses in theEastsnd id riders of this rebellion ; from Richmond, iad tf et resting place this siifeof md the despentoaepMsity Richmond. They cannot egree ofsafety again«a a,*nd theyhavetheMfcre at Yorktown. Wu:think mUk conjipuntaioii, be- Bwking thisstand tbs 1»- oced to this tingle sfegß, thnsbe eared the trosWe r fiito the Cuofinasaod k thet the monster rebel hdrthree or fonrlron rdk, ere preparing toeo d forcesof the peninsula. » in tfaeJatnes or y«k er, that against this coo has tijo : awaitthe derKmnaßmeut siege ofYarktown. T IfnTliyi via ivmm**, April htm fiew-Wfajpoo stati 1 * d£fynffidcari^>*<> d TbeUnioo low *** nmSs* fiam rilling ie for soldiers The Gallant.Dead. —The editor of the Smo ky Hill and ‘Republican Union, of Junction, Davis co, Kansas, thus alludes to the death of the late Col. Wm. G. Murray, of the 84th Pennsylvania regiment: Another noble spirit has been offered up on the alter of our country to the God who gave it. Sun day’s mail brought to us the news of the victory at Winchester, Va., but its effect was blighted, and our heart saddened, by the sorrowful tidings of the death of William G. Murray, colonel of the -84th Pennsylvania regiment. He was killed while leading his men in a gallant charge on the rebel front. We knew him well—too good a man to be the victim of the hell-hounds seeking the over throw of our country —a fitting companion for the hallowed spirits that have preceded him on the way to immortal glory. ~ • Smooth and Nice. —We are now writing with one of J. H. Moore’s Star Pens, and so smoothly and nicely does it glide over paper that we are al most afraid we shall slip in a fib about it. But, seriously, it is an excellent pen, fully as good as those abont which there is more fuss . made. He sells them very cheap, at wholesale. Equally smooth and nice is an article of shoe blacking sold by this same J. H. Moore—of course everybody knows Moore and his Match Wagon. The black ing is the manufacture of Burdict and Bartlett.— It will give a beautiful oily polish and will not rub off. Price 37i per dozen, wholesale. Certain. —lt is certain that if the ladies of Al toona and vicinity do not wear pretty dresses this summer, it will be no fault of our young merchant friend, R. A. O. Kerr, as he; has just received the choicest selection imaginable. Call early, ladies, and have a choice among the first. Bob sells for cash only, and therefore sells cheap. The Surrender of Fort Pulaski. A correspondent of the Associate Press tele graphs the following from Fortress Monroe, un der date of the 15th : A flog of truce went up to Craney Island this afternoon and brought back two Norfolk papers. They were taken to Head Quarters, and though containing the important Information of the un conditional surrender of Fort Pulaski, an effort was made, in accordance with the policy that pre vails here, to keep even good news from the repre sentatives of the press. I am, however, enabled to give yon the sub stance of the glorious news published in the Savan nah Republican. It says substantially that it learns with deep re gret that after a gallant defence against guns mostly superior,. Fort Pulaski surrendered uncon ditional at 2 o’clock P. M., yesterday the llth inst. Corporal Law, of the Pulaski Guard, who did not leave Thunderbolt until after the flag was hauled down, brings the intelligence of the event. The surrender was unconditional. Several large breaches .were made in the south wall by the Federal batteries-of eight Parrot guns, at .King’s Landing. AU the barbette guns on that side were dis mounted, and also three of the casemate guns, leaving but one gon bearing on that point. The balls entered the ipagazine, and' a clear breach was made in it. The bolls used were conical, and were propelled with such force that they went clear through the walls at nearly even - fire. Colonel Olmstcad, who was in command, tele graphed the previous evening that no human be ing could stand upon the ramparts for even a single moment, and that over 1,000 'large shells had exploded within the fort. The Republican publishes the above as a post script to a port of its edition, and makes no com ment nor gives any particulars os to the number of men and offleersin the fort at the time of its sur render. It says, however, that none of its de fenders were killed, and but four wounded. Affairs at Yorktown. Despatches from Old Point give the following account of the fortifications of the rebels and the doings of our troops in the vicinity of York town: The rebel position'textends across the Peninsula, from Yorktown to Warwick, near the James river, a short distance above Mulberry Point. The con formation of the land and the making in of the neck from James river shortens their line .of de fence, and enables them to command with their fortifications all the roads of the peninsula. Gens. Lee and Joseph E. Johnston are both re ported to be with the rebel forces here, one com manding at Yorktown and the other at Warwick. General Magruder holds a subordinate command, and is with the reserves at Williamsport. According to reports from rebel deserters, their forces number about 50,000, of whom 30,000 are reinforcements from the line of the Rappahan nock and about Norfolk. Despite the weather and bad roads, our generals are pushing forward prepa rations for the assault of the rebels’ works, and not many days will elapse before Yorktown will he ours and Richmond threatened. The glorious news from the West is acting as an excellent stimulant for our army, and greatly en courages the troops, under their present hardships, to strive to win equal honors. Berdan’s sharp shooters give good accounts of themselves. They hold the advance position under the rebel batteries, from which they constantly harass the enemy. A head above the parapet becomes, in an instant, the mark for half-a-dozen rifles, which from a thou sand yards distance, rarely fail to hit their mark. The rebels keep well under cover. One sharp shooter, belonging to the California regiment, has almost wholly prevented the rebels from using a large gun in an important position. From a well selected rifle-pit, he keeps a constant aim upon the gun, and hardly an attempt has been made for two days to fire it without the rebels losing one or more men from his deadly aim. One of the orders of the day is that one of our divisions has secured an , important position, the holding of which will eventually lead to the forcing of the rebel line of defence. Much important pre liminary work has been done by our troops, and with the return of good weather, more active op erations will hardly be postponed many days. •The task before General McClellan, the reduc tion of the fortified entrenchments, is that for which be igjield specially qualified, and the result is not doubted. ' . What Hebei, Prisoners Thihk. —Some of the Fort Donelson Sccesh prisoners confined at Chicago, have written a letter to the Nashville Patriot, which they request the Tennessee papers to copy, in which they say; We want to say to oar wives, fathers, mothers, and children, not to run away from their homes and firesides, as others bare done, even if the Federal forces should come in their midst; nor grieve .themselves unnecessa rily on onr account. We'know not (if we are de tained long,) how our wives and children will live, bnf we are prisoners of hope, and we have formed a;better opinion of the Northern people and tho array than we were accustomed to bear. We are short of clothing, and particularly of money. O - Only six thousand of those fellows who proposed to “die in the last ditch,” haring pre viously “shed the last drop” of their precious blood, were quietly pickedjip by General Pope at Island No. 10. What deadly fellows the rebels are to be sure! Our loss in taking six thousand blood thirsty desperadoes, was “ not amtm.” er The war expendUttee* of Arkansas amsnnt! given to the world. For twTiSrioM em aU > eady x exclusive of what she has got to pay on 1 blem your brave and noble son paid the highest the Confederate Government's account, to neatly■ estimate and stamped it deeper the patriot* eight dollars per head forhcr whole popdation—a | heart. He loved Gfod, bis mother and hUcoun good deal more, than all the rebels would sell for, | uy. w your heart loved and cherished him unless blackened and strode off as niggers. j when living, so will' every true American heart tjT The life which hasseif and selfish purposes j love bis ashes and cherish his memory. Take for its olgect infest always be a miserable failure. 1 this for yourself and those of yohr own. Address of Hon. I>. W. Hall. List op Jurors —April Term, 1868. OEJLSP jurors* Beeglg John F., Juniata. Calvpt Michael, Logan. Carothers William C. Antis. Campbell Nehcmiah, Taylor. .Clossin Thomas, Antis. Conrad Jonathan, Altoona. Diehl Simon, Esq., Juniata. Gwih Alexander, Logan. Grabill Levi, Greenfield. Hicks Daniel, Allegheny. Marker George, Esq., Freedom. Keller John, Frankstown. Lang John 8., Woodberry.- Lowther James, Altoona. Lorens Bernard, Hnston. MnlhoUen Hugh, Antis. Morrow James, Martinsbnrg. , MnlhoUen John, Jr., Antis. Messimer Robert M., Altoona. Patton Joseph, Hollidaysbhtg. Piper Daniel, Allegheny. Smith Eli, Wood berry. Smith James, Blair. Woomer Jonathan, Snyder. TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WEEK. Allison John, Altoona. Ambrose Elexander, Antis. Boyer Solomon, Altoona. - BeU James H., HoUidaysburg. Beyer Aaron, Antis. Clapper John, Huston. Crawford George W., Gaysport. Cowen David N., Taylor. Diehl John, Juniata. EUer William, Greenfield. Fluke William A., Woodberry. Gibboney Davis, Woodberry.' Haggerty Oliver, Logan. Hooper John W., Altoona. Hare William, Esq., Catharine. Hostler Daniel, Tyrone tp. Hartzel Samuel, Logan. Kantner Michael, Logan. Kimmel Samuel, HoUidaysburg. Koon David, AUegheny. London Abraham, Logan. hfcGlathery Samuel, Logan. McCauley Daniel, Logan. McCormick Wm. C., Altoona. McFarlane John K., HoUidaysburg. Morrow Samuel, Tyrone tp. Piper Enoch, Woodberry. Philip David, Antis. Pottsgrove George, Logan. RoUer John M., Woodberry. Stiffler Peter, Freedom. Stewart Robert, Catharine. Sliinefelt Jacob, Woodberry. Shannon Charles C., Altoona. Spanogle Andrew, North Woodberry Templeton John, Logan. Wertz Solomon, Frankstown. WolfkiU Franklin, Huston. SECOND WEEK. Alexander James, AUegheny. Bartlebaugh Philip, Burkholder John 1., Antis. Bassler Samuel Woodberry. Crawford Alexander, Tyrone tp. CaldweU William, Tyrone bor. Crawford James, Tyrone tp. Crowell Daniel D., Antis. Dodson Samuel, Greenfield. Figart A. K,, Frankstown. Feay George, Woodberry. Hesser Jacob, Altoona. Hileman Joseph, Frankstown. HoUiday Alex. L., HoUidaysburg. Igou Joshua, Antis. Johnston Robert M., Woodberry. Lowe John, Esq., Gaysport. McGovern James, Snyder. Mateer Cyrus, Catharine. McKim James, AUegheny. McQniUand Thomas, Snyder. McClellan William, Woodberry. Matthews Rodger, Blair. Moses George, Greenfield. RiUug Alexander, Logan, Rhodes Frederick, Huston. Ramey David K., HoUidaysburg. Reed George, Frankstown. Reed William, Esq., Catharine. Snare PhiUp, Woodberry. Shaw John, Juniata, Smith John Z., North Woodberry. Snively George R., Woodberry. Traugn 0. A., HoUidaysburg. Walton Isaac P., Tyrone bor. Williams Edmund, Altoona. Weaver PhiUp, Blair. Woomer Henry, Snyder, *®elow we publish the address of Hon. L. W. Hall, delivered in the Senate, on Friday last, ofi the occasion of his vacating the Speaker’s chair, and retiring from the Senate, his term having ex pired. It is appropriate, beautiful and happy.— He retires from that body with the full conscious ness that he has the respect and esteem of every member: Senators; Strange, sod thoughts press upon us, in this closing scene, thoughts, deep, diffuse, ; blending the past, present and future, which we cannot utter, “yet cannot all conceal.” We are i about to part each to go back to the constituency ; which sent him here, some to return to this Cham-. j ber, to fill unexpired terms, others whose terms . have expired, (of whom your Speaker js one,) to | return no more. The silent, careless lapse of time j —change—the rupture of cherished and intimate I relations—must of course duly impress us all.— j I resign the trust you have committed to my hands : with the consciousness that I have devoted my : best efforts to the discharge of its duties, however, ‘ imperfectly I may have succeeded. Nor is this ■ the only solace which sustains me, amid the many ; regrets of separation. In looking back upon the : session, now about to close, it is with the most sin- j cere gratification, that I rememer your uniform ■ deference to the chair, your respect towards each other, and your fidelity to principle which has ex orcised from your midst all petty bickerings and ' party jealousies. This propriety of conduct on < your part has goftc far to supply the deficiencies of 1 your Speaker. Your kindly courtesies, ever prompt i and spontaneous, have lent a charm to all our Sen- ! atorial associations. Nor is it to the Parliomen- : tary graces developed in this official and public theatre of action, to which alone, we now revert , with interest. The beautiful amenities belonging | to personal and friendly intercourse, are not the i least of those things which give to this parting hour | a tinge of sadness. Cold and dreary indeed were 1 the world without these social harmonies. They ; ever give the finest and purest tints to the picture j of human life. These “ memories of the heart,” therefore are hallowed. Coming from different | districts of the State, representing, often, diverse | and opposte interests, thrown together for the most | part, as strangers in this public capacity, we have not been unmindful of the claims which we have upon each other as social beings. I cannot forget the many personal intimacies and sincere friend- I ships here formed. They will be "treasured in j memory. Though our paths in life may be widely i divergent, your images will never be effaced from j my mind. They will cheer and illumine my future | years. j Yet, this moment is not one of unmixed sad- J ness. Whist we regret the dissolution of these ; pleasing relations, there are many other considers- | tions which should cause us to rejoice. The pain of seperation is much relieved by the thought { that, after having labored here, as we trust, assid- j ously for the best interest of State and nation, we ! are about to return to oar homes, there to mingle j our congratulations with those of our constituents { upon the brightening prospects of our country, and | the splendid successes which have recently' crowned | the Federal arms. The State we represent has borne so conspicuous and honorable a port in these ! thrilling national events, that we cannot be'insen- | sible to their glorious impqgt. Nor can we deem | it out of place, even here and now, to give a brief | expression to those emotions of national [wide and hope which are uppermost in all hearts. To call to mind legions of heroes, need I more than name Fort Dondson, where Smith’s undaunted column’s charged home and stormed the enemy’s works at the point of the bayonet ? Sigel’s fame has lent its radiance to the one? obscure name of Pea Bidge, and associated it with the most resplend ent feats of arms and the subiimest exhibitions of courage. Koanokc, linked inseparably with Burnside’s name, suggests impetuous, fiery charges at the cannon’s mouth, and the triumph of military skill and daring over the staunchest natural and artificial defences. Can I pass over in silence the battle near Winchester, one of the most desperate and deadly engagements in the annals of war ? There Pennsylvania was largely represented in the lists of valor, heroism and death. There, at the head of his regiment, in the blossom of his lame, bravest of the brave, fell the gallant Murray; and as his heroic spirit soared to immortality, the glo rious 84th, amid awful raking fires, still inspired by their leader’s last rallying cry, with the illus trious 110th close to their side, in the hour of fate, avenged his death by prodigies of valor. All honor to the deathless spirits, whose daring deeds have shorn romance of half its novelty, and shed such unfading lustre .upon the escutcheon of ohr State! But the process of speechis too slow for the march of our victorious legions, and the news of the latest victory grow old, even while we are relating it. • Hark! ’the hoarse thunder from the south west is pealing through the Heavens, and even while I am speaking the telegraphic wires are ablaze with the news of an overwhelming victory at Pittsburg Landing. Of the immense numbers engaged, the terrible losses on both sides, the dash ing charges, the hand to hand encounters, the deeds of individual daring, and the splendid re sults of victory—“’twere long to tell.” This is as yet the last greatest victory—a day to be remem bered—“a day of onsets of despair.” Ah! how poorly the pomp of speech portrays the glorious reality! In the heraldry of war shines immor tally the names of Holleck, Grant, Sigel, Curtis, Burnside, Shields and others. DrainsviUe, Henry, Donelson, Pea Bidge, Boanoke, Winchester and Pittsburg Landing are historic names. - At the mention of each one of them every loyal American heart will leap with joy. Well may we depart from this chamber prouder of oar native State and our radiant national ffiig, than ever before.; May your affections for the State yon have so honorably represented here, be ever as radiant as now, and may yeur love of country never suffer change or decay. For myself, I shall ever look back with pleasure upon my associations here, and hope never to have occasion to change the kindly feelings of friendship and regard, with which I now bid you farewell. Peaq Presentation.— The shrouded flag, used at the funeral of Colonel Murray, by the Legis lative committee, was presented to the Colonel’s mother, on Thursday last, by Capt. W. B. Brady, Librarian of the State Senate, .agreeably to pro vision made in the appropriation bill. Although a sad memento, the mother will doubtless appreciate the gilt and treasure it as a sacred relic. The following is Captain Brady’s instruction, the Speaker’s Instruction, and the remarks of Capt. Brady on delivering the flag; Capt. Wm. P. Brady—-You are selected to de liver this flag. L. \V. HALL, Spealxr of the Senate. To slrs. Sarah Murray —This flag was carried before the Senators and Bepresentatives of Penn sylvania when they followed the remains of Col. Wm. G, Murray to their last resting place. Accept it, Madam, from the Speaker and mem bers of the Senate of Pennsylvania, as a testimo nial of the profound respect which they entertain for the memory' of that brave and noble soldier whom you fondly, and can proudly call your son. L. W. HALL, Simdcer. Senate Chakbeb, Harrisburg, April 9, Bemarks of Capt. Wm, P. Brady on presenting the flag to Mrs. Murray: Madam —Pardon the intrusion I make upon your solitude and sorrow. I come not to cause your deeply lacerated bosom to bleed afresh; but if possible, to soothe the aching void. I have the high honor to'be the messenger from the Speaker aid Senators of Pennsylvania, trf present to you the highest emblem of the best Government God Trial List tor April Term, 1863. nasi wux.' Joseph Smith, ti Anltaaan A Co. McLanaban, jack A co. va Wm. Courow, Marla Shoemaker v> Isaac Barton A Ormm I. Banka use va V. W. Bauch. Wm Williams va J DelaerV Bxrs and ah O Hughes ti GL Loyd C Garber’s Eire vs P Shoenberger’s Bars Same ti A P Wilson Jacob Kessler . tb P Shoenberger’s Ezra P ghaenberger’s Bxrs va Daniel K Barney Joseph P Brinton vs John Millar A at AMAH White ACo nEH Lemon ACo Dapiol Shannon tb George Wefan SXCOSD wuk. CH? Bench vs Jacob Good Clover k Creswell vs Covode k Painter Louis Plack vs John D Hughes John Wall vb Harris k Seed Kline k Carroll vs Wm Casey William Kellerman vs 8 8 Burr Lorenz k Learner vs J L Hemphill k al Weller k Kills vs Philip Dempsey Henry Crnmbecker vs Wm Donaldson’s Admr McLaoanan Watson ACo vs John Brotherline Margaret Cassidy vs John Tate William H&rlin vs Alex Frizier D Walter’s Kxrs vs Greenfield Township Daniel K Beamey vs Simon Brother line Huyet k Co vs Williams, Heed k Kinkead D C McCormick vs Thomas McNamara J Morgan’s Sxr vs A A W Shiffler J "Bowers’ Ezr vs George Boston T H A J E Taoghn vs The Franklin High Samuel M Hannah vs L Palmer’s Admr John Brotherline va Altoona Borough Wm N Freeland vs Wolf A Bro John C Parry vs Thomas McNamara A Steoppy’s Admr vs Watson, Deniston A Co J Caldwell’s use vs J M Fleck A al Nancy Wike vs Henry Wike’s Adnp* Coffey* McKee vs Ann Martin A al J L Hitchison vs D C McCormick Wm B Pomroy vs A Patterson DrekelACo vs Stuart A Bro vs Same Wm Shomo vs The Presbyt’m Church of HoUidayabnrg. Notice.—Those indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle their accounts, as I am desirous' of going to Philadelphia, shortly after pay-day, to purchase a fresh stock of goods. , A. ROUSH, Druggist. Altoona, April 10th, 1862. Where You Can Get Them. —A. Roush, Druggist, has just received a large and complete assortment of D. Landreth & Son’s Garden Seeds. Also, a good stock of sweet briar pipes, and a su perior quality of smoking tobacco, which he will dispose of at the lowest rates. Give him a call. Fresh Can Oysters.—Joshua Williams’re quests us to inform the public that intends to keep on hand, for some time to come, a good supply of the best fresh can oysters to he had, and will fur nish them in any quantity at the lowest rates. — Call on Josh if yon want a can of good oysters. CT Joseph De Young’s India Rubber coated, Platino, pointed steel pens can be had at Andy Clabaugh’s , establishment, comer of Muin and Annie streets. They are a cheap and durable pen. Rebellion Financed Down. Poor Beauregard far three-months soldiers prays, For which be bounty promises and th infra ; BntXonisiana draft* at ninety day* ■ Can't meet die check* on Mississippi banks / To tHeFubuc! —An experience of six months has fully convinced me that the cash system is the bf it, both for merchant and consumer. It ena bles the merchant to sell at one-halt less riwnr and make more! clear money, with less trouble he can by selling on credit; and the reason is ob vious—he gets the money down for everything he wants to sell, and has the use of it immediately.— The consumer also saves by baying for cash, be cause he gets his merchandise at from 35 to 50 per cent, below what he would have to pay if he bought on credit, or even' if he bought at a store Which sella on credit. The credit business always loses a certain per centage, which must be made up from cash or prompt monthly payers. I am determined to do nothing but a CASH BUSINESS, and have but ONE PRICE for my Goods. ; I have just returned from the cities of New York and Philadelphia with the largest and cheapest as sortment of Goods ever brought to Altoona , I would first invite attention to my complete selec tion of DBY GOODS, such as Morianta Silks, Black Silks, Ducals, Heps, Foulards, Schallies, Delaines, Poplins, Debeges, Ginghams, Cambrics, Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Table Napkins, Table Diapers, Gloves, Hosiery. Also, a fine stock of Cassi meres, Cottonades, Jeans, &c., for men and boys. A splendid assortment of Boots and Shoes, for ladies, misses, men and boys. A great variety of CABPETS, ranging in price from 13} cents upward. Oil-Cloths of different patterns and prices. Window-Shades, of all styles. Children’s WAGONS, from $3.25 upwards. Spring Wagons only $4.35. Wall Paper and Bordering—a large and entirely new selection, embracing the latest and most beau tiful styles of Paper for Halls, Parlors, Offices, Bed-Booms, Ac., ranging in juice from 5 cents per bolt, ujrwards. GBOCEBIES.—My stock of Groceries is un surpassed, being entirely-fresh. Best Syrup Mo lasses, only 60 cents jrer gallon; 3d class only 60 cents. Sugars at 9,10, II and 11} cents per lb. Coflee, Tea, Spires, Salt, Fish, Soap, Candles, and everything in that line, at Cash Prices. In the QUEENSWABE line, I have the lar gest stock in town: Wedgewood’s celebrated Iron-Stone Tea Sets, forty-six pieces, only $8.87. China Sets complete, only $13.00. Chamber Sets, from $1.35 upward. In the way of GL ASS W ABE, I have everything mentionable, such as Fnpt Stands, Cake Stands, Jelly Dishes, Preserve Jgrs, Goblets, Tumblers, &c., &c. I would respectfully invite the public to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I feel confident that I can convince them that it is cheaper to buy for cask than on credit ; and also, that my stock is wosthan examination. R. A. O. KERR. Altoona, April 17, 1863. MABBIED. On the Htfa last, by John McClellan, £sq., Mr. CTKU3 GOCHNODB to Hiss MART JANE PARKS, both of Con emaugh, Cambria county. On the Stb lngt„ by Rev. Joseph Fichtner, Mr. SAMUEL BRIDGE,.Jr, of Pittsburgh, to Miss JULIA T. SPANG, of Spangdate Spring, this county. DIED. ■ la Hollldaysharg, on the 14th inst, AETHTJE HILL, aged 35 yean. 1 ~ At Nashville, Tenn., on the 30th nit., JOHN HALF PENNY, Jr., of Co. K, 7th Penn’s Cavalry. He wai t son of Col. John Halfpenny, of Bell’s Mills, this county, and was in the 18th year of his age. In Juniata township, on the 2d ANN WILT, aged 24 years. ' Near this place, on the 10th insA, of membranous croup, after an Illness of only 30 hours, WILLIAM SMITH HAM ILTON, eldest son of John and Margaret Hamilton, aged 4 years and 7 months. In the death of w Willie” not only his parents and little playmates, bnt all who knew him suffer a bereavement. He was a lovely child, tossessed of knowledge beyond his years; he was cheerftxl, gentle and obedient, unconsciously winning the wannest affections of those about him; The sweetness of-his life, his patience in suffering and the re markable fortitude with which he met approaching death, desiring, as he expressed it, “to be with the angels,” will ever be regarded as among the richest memories of mourn ing friends. “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” L'ARMBRS TAKE NOTICE.—The 1 1 undersigned is shoot starting a Tannery, and wish* es to bny or trade for 400 CORDS of good BOOK OAK BABE, and also for HIDES, for which the highest market price will be paid. Altoona, April 17, ’B2-tt LOUIS PLACE. Grace or tuk Altoona Gas A Warn Co., 1 Altoona, April 17,18«3. ' J Notice is hereby given that an election for a fit cere of the Altoona Oae A, Water Company will be held at the office, at the Oaa Works, on MONDAY, MAY sth, 1882, between the hoars of 10 and 12 o’clock A, M. The officers to be elected are a President, Treasurer, and a Board of fire Managers. April 17-3 t. B. P. BOSK, Ac’y. POKED OUT AGAIN! The undersigned would respectfully so licit the patronage of the citizens of Altoona and vicinity, as he has again opened ont AT HIS OLD STAND, on Virginia st., a few doors below the Supt’s Office, with an entirely new and fresh supply of PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, such as FLOUR, BACON, FISH, SALT, POTATOES, CHEESE, CORN-MEAL, MILL-FEED OATS, RYE, CORN, TEAS of all kinds, COPVEB, SDQAB, BTBUFS, BAKING MOLASSES, TOBACCO, SEOABB, DBIED PEUIT, SOAP, CANDLES. BBOOUB, BRUSHES, Crockery, Wooden and Willow Ware, Stationery, Notions, Candies, Ac. Also a . large stock of LIQUORS I All the abore goods will oe sold, Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices. Come one—come alii See for yonr eelres, and be convinced. No charge for examining my stock. LOUIS PLACE. April 17, ’am EMPORIUM OF FASHION!! Virginia St., Altoona, Pa. P. W. A. BELFORP, Proprietor. rpHE PBOFBISXOB OP THB “ EMPORIUM I OP FASHION” would reapectfUlly announce to the public that he ha* received a largo Invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and a general assortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOOPS, Collars, Neck-Ties, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, . &0., &0., &0., intended for the Spring and Summer trade, the proprietor of the Emporium invitee an examina tion of his stock, feeling confidant that his shelve* prssent a greatet variety of plain end feney goods than Can befound eleewhere in the country. An examination will convince eny one of this bet. i He has aba received the LATEST FASHION. and being a perfect;" Cotter,” be has no heaitancy in eat ing that he can make np clothing in the fkehkio, aadm a manner that cen not bU to prove aetiefectory. It baa paaaad into a proverb that Bedford's the very man that can make, Clothea In the feahlon, strong and cheap; AU that havo over tried him jSt. ; Baylhatherwdly cant bebset. Remember the place, Virginia street, first door above Jaggard’, Hall, Altoona, Pa. [AprttlT, *Ol. 'A IfcWSff ?!- patronagetheybare bettovad oir him,and deatreatota form the public in genet al, that 1m atUl ccmttanea At his OM Place of Badness, 4 few Doon aboce Oe Pott-Office, when h* k M «U Übm pnpatMl W to Aato in bta Um «f baißM* eauMat of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY PATENT EXTRACT i, CARBON OIL AND LAMPS, SWEET-BRIAR PIPES, CHOICE SMOKING TOBACCO* LIQUORS, TOR MEDICINAL ÜBS. ALWAYS ON HAND. Physicains Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED, AT ALL HOURS OP THE DAY OR NIGHT. Altoona, P*., April IT, 1862. IMPORTANT INFORMATION, AND No Humbug or Clap-Trap ! WITH A VIEW OF QUITTING THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS the eomia* M» son, 1 now offer my stock of WINTER GOODS AT COST! And I feel confident that I can make it to the latareet a I any person in need of inch good*, to cal) and examine Goode and Price#. They were all bought for nett CASH, and BEFORE THE ADVANCE, in the Fall,con**anenUy, they are MUCH CHEAPER than they will he bad an other eeeeou. 49* T intend to pay ktrict attention, hereafter, to the HARDWARE branch of my bueineae; and hope, by keeping none bnt The Rest Make of Tools, end buying direct from the Uacnikctaren, to convince ear Mechanics that they can buy ae ch> ap from me aa they can in the City. My etock of BUILDERS’ HARDWARE generally, SHOEMAKERS’ FINDINGS, COFFIN TRIMMINaS, TABLE A POCKET CUTLERY, AC, AC, will always be found complete. CHAS. J. MANN. Airooiu, March Bth, 1862. Senun, I. Fang. STOVES. TIN AND SHEET-IKON WARE. The undersigned would re -BPBCTFULLT “ DOQQce to the cltixeui Altoona and vicinity t they bateJ ost receivi Urge supply of STO 1 of all Pattern*, sud Cook; Parlor, Office Shop Stoves, which will sell at the most 1 tollable prices. A If supply will always kept on baud. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WASE, in great Taritlj, always on hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING pot op on abort notice. They hove also attached a copper-smithing mom to their establishment and will keep on hand an assortment of cop per and hraaa kettlei, Ac. All kinds of Job work promptly attended to. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. O. Store on Annie street, between Harriet and Ada line streets; fast Ward, and on Virginia street, opposite Kessler’s Drugstore, West Ward. ' . VRIES A WINTERS. Altoona, Feb. Sd, 1862. JUST OPENED AND BEADY FOE SALS, AT M’COEMICK’S STORE, NICE NEW HAMS, SHOULDERS AND SHIES, DRIED PEACHES AND DRIED%PPLES, LARD, FISH, SALT, AC., THE BEST SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA, AC. Alio, a luge aaaortment of LAMP-SHADES, AC., with the beat article of RECTIFIED CARBON OIL; all of which will be aold mi cnu lor Caah or Ooontrr Produce. CALL AND 811’tt Altoona, March 6. ISfli-t'. , US. ARMY.—WANTED IMMB * DIATELY.FOB THE TWELFTH KEQIMj&T n. 8. INFANTRY, REQOLAR Smyrna “fc-SgSS? bodied men, between the agee of eighteen and thlrtVfrT*. Pay ranges from $l3 to $23 per month, accardihc to tIM rank of the aoldler. Each man will be tonuSed with st sro each aoldler commeneea aa aeon aa be & - 1 By aa act lately paaaed. the term of enlletment haa been changed frmn fire to THREE YEARS, and every aoldto who aarrea that time la entitled to "raw &XOO BOUNTY from the Government. .Attention la drawn to the fret that the Goternment ha* yjaaly comptencad to promote eoldiera from the ranka. AdvanpefrmtlMburti^S F ” apply at the Recrnitlng Otke, on Virginia atreot oppoeite LoWtber’a StorA Uent. 3. 8. ObUBBRLL. 12th Infrntry, P. 8. A. BacrnfriSgr^ir JUST RECEIVED At the MODEL STORE, FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. WHITE BEANS, CREAM CHEESE, .DRIED APPLES, SUGAR CURED HAMS, 10 Cta.’perlb. M^ rchip ~ 3t 1 J. *J. LOVTBXB. THJILDING LOTS FOR SALS.—. AJ Thoaubacriber* offer at Print* BalaKlOHl'lim.n. INu LOTS, aitnate on the top of the hfft Toir of the ’/Litoon* Ou A Tatar Company, beta*aSJSu m property by the Preabyterlan Church. fifty feet front by IT6 feat deep, and will bo (old onraMik able term*. Penoaa vtahlng to tnarchaa* or Tiaw'lShiU lota will reeelTe all Infbnaatton concertina plying to Michael Clahantii, E. S. McOorttick, McCormick, or Chaa. J. Mann, Tnutaea of Prn]itae&» Chnreh - [Altoona, April WALL PAPER AND BORDER^ W; Invite the Attention of Mnm ii immte Above Article, to o«r . IMMENSE STOCR, JUST BKCEIVBB direct from tite mumtaetaran In NewTOtwhSeAn. £j>i»«l.. In price from ibc oemta an AJtooot, Unrch 27th, *’ »26] EMPLOYMENT! fifes AGENTS WANTED F- We will pAj from $36 to $75 per taontlt, ABdeil eniL, •e«, to Active AjenteTor giw «ent tree. Addree. Brie Sevtina JAMBS,tienernlAcent, Mnm~Wij« Jept 13-ly.] rt YES I 0 YKfl I—OEKrrr.gtojn .Ume tiisAoilloßNi irinntni cftlfodQpon. QSEZ) POTATOES; — .:i-| Altooee, April 10,1WA-A» - .. 'OPSGTAOLSB ANB EYB Pißskfc- ' - P-«| MttnUSs Amm Worn*