The Altoona tribune. (Altoona, Pa.) 1856-19??, April 10, 1862, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
A nation’s heart to iU depths is stirred I
A ringing call through the land is heard!
On every lip is a farewell word!
What for?
To war! to war! ie the maddened cry!
Tower! to war! doth the echo fly
On erery wind that rushes by 1
What toil
The banners ware on the stirring air;
The cannon’s boon tolls death on theaar;
Each heart throbs fast with a dreadful bar t
What far I
The beat ol the drum and the war sued a tramp
loud echoes, and armies rush “ to camp,
To battle and strife with carnage rank.
What for?
The bridegroom tarns from his weeping bride,
“ Ab, woe! eh, woe! doth this hour betide!”
She sobs and waila as he leaves her side,
What for!
Onward She looks and she secs him lie,
Bleeding and trampled, and torn to die—
A life-long wail is that widowed cry.
What for?
The mother blesses with blinding tears,
With choking sobs and untold fears,
Her hope and pride—he goes to the wars.
What for?
Goes be to light, to murder, kill,
The brother a brother 1 * blood to spill—
An untimely grave her child to fill 1
Whst for ?
The hither “God speed ’’ to the son doth say,
“Thy country - * cau*e, boy, never betray!”
Uis broad chest beeves—ho marches away.
4 What for 1
“The staff of my ago, ho goes, my all!
The brave, brave lad f must his young head fall
In the dnstl God help! ’tls his country’s call!”
What for?
He goes, the soldier, his blood to shod; -
The requiem o’er his gory bed.
. Arc moans, and tears, and wail for the dead.
What for?
The beggar’s rags are bia laurel crown,
The curse* of want his peans drown—
With woe is hie country’s head bowed down.
What for?
friW : IpsMtag.
It was late in the afternoon of one of
those peculiarly American days when the
versatile weather fancifully divides itself
into sundry proportions of mud, snow, slush,
mist, rain, hail, wind and sleet; and when
business men down-town begin to pay the
daily penalty of living up-town, by bun
dling themselves into the cars and getting
nearly jammed and smothered to death on
the ride home, where they are to enjoy
the comforts of swearing a little, and sha
king and wringing themselves out a great
deal, sitting before a good tire.
Among the crowd who besieged a Sixth
Avenue car at the Astor House, just ere
it started, was a party of five, apparently
strangers to each other—one of. them wear
ing a white clerical cravat, with a weed
round his hat; another, with a red vest;
another, with plaid breeches; another,
with top-boots; and the .fifth, distinguish
able by. his dire raggedness, black skin, and
extreme rotundity of body.
The first four happened to get seats to
gether, on One side of the car; and the
“culled pusson,” entering last, previously
itook particular pains to assure himself he
was making no mistake, by asking the
“ Am cullud people allowed in dis carl”
The conductor hesitated in repljing; for
though the words “ Colored people allowed
in this car” appeared in bold letters upon
the outside, the inquirer was such a
wretched bundle of rags and patches, and
promised to occupy so much room with his
corpulent form, and to appeal at once so
urgently to the sides and noses of his neigh
bors—that the man of bells and fares felt
reluctant to admit the applicant.
The question, however, was instantly
answered by the white neckcloth, who
called out;
“Yes, yes, my colored friend, come in;
don’t be afraid. Colored people are al
allowed in this car. It is painted so on
the outside.”
All eyes were now turned upon the ne
gro, and the conductor nodded for him to
enter; which he did, in time to secure the
only remaining seat opposite the preceding
four, and just by the side squabby
Irish woman, with a baby in her arms;
the baby looked frightened at the black
apparition, and the mother unmistakably
Brother Cole, as we will call him,
though of gloomy hue, and in a most am
traordinary condition of rags, appeared to
be the most cheerful creature in the car,
it moved along its course, receving fresh
accessions rapidly.
He began to chuckle over his good for
tune in getting “Sich a cumfable seat,
right’long side of sich a nice member ob
de fair seek,” as he assured Bridget he
thought she was; hoped her little picca
ninny wouldn’t patch cold; chucked it un
der tiie chin fondly, and hoped the mother
had a parasol, to keep the wet off wtxen
she got out.
But this kindness was not at all agree*
fthle to Bridget. Her baby began to jury
extreme terror, and Bridget repelled
his good .feeling, with muck enraged volu
bility, spite of hif) loud remonstrances, that
“ He didn't mean no harm, missy; de
Lor 1 her!”
“Ouch! Git out, yer black bunch of
nigs, yer. How dare ye make free to
spake to a dacint white woman,.at all, at
all? Shet up your gob,, or I’ll pull the
wool of yees. And take yer devil’s hoof
off from threading me'drew; and don't be
squazin me wid yer big black sides, ye
shmoky babboon, yer!”
This fierce onslaught created a sensation
directly, and not a good humored one; the
weather having a' bad effect Upon ’ the
nerves of the passengers.
“Cool off!” “Dry up, there!" “Turn
’em out!” “Nigger in the car!” cried sev
eral, who were obliged to stand up and be
“ Spec Tse got as good a right heah as
anybody,” grumbled Cole. “ Cullud peo
ple am alUnoedm discar.”
“That’s right, my friend,” said the
white cravat, earnestly. “Stick to your
rights. Don’t be put down.”
This encouraged, brother Cole, and he
assumed the defiant, planting his broad
figure sturdily in hip seat, regardless of the
hitches and twitches of Bridget
“I don’t wear sich good clothes as some
folks does, but I kin jess pay my fare as
well as a white man; and I ain’t no secesh
This last observation was intended as an
adroit appeal to Union feeling in his be
half, but it was unfortunate just then, for
the dull business during the day hadmade
many of the passengers very snappish and
querulous about the hard times.
“ It’s for such troublesome fellows as
you,” exclaimed somebody, “ that we are
having all this war, and expense, and bad
“ That’s so,” sulkily muttered another,
who had broken a bottle of cologne in his
coat-tail pocket, outing to the excessive
jam. . “And white folks must now stand
up, to make room for niggers.”
This ungenerous remark called out the
white.neckcloth again;
“For shame, gentlemen! You came
last, and. must tdke your chances with the
rest. Perhaps you don’t know that col
ored people are allowed in this car.”
“ Allowed 1” sneered one of the restive
standers up. “Yes, altogether too loud
to suit me! Never heard such loud talk
ing in a car in my life; and all owing to
a ragged nigger and a confounded aboli
“Dat ish goot!” here assisted a chubby
Dutchman, who was interrupted in his
peaceful doze in a corner. “ Got for tarn!
What ish all dish for a biznish ?”
“Ze people is too much loud, by gar'!”
added a nervous Frenchman, irritated alike
by 'the loud words and a very loud ache of
one of his corns, which the crowd had re
peatedly trodden upon. :
“ Pon my word!”; coincided a cockney,
looking stiffly over a choking shirt-collar,
“thishis the most : hextronery wide hi
hever had! We don’t hallow such habom
inable proceedings fain the hold country,
i This his ’ardly hendurable, hand really
| the hair is'quite hoppressive ’ere!”
“Pot luck! gentleman,” here retotedl
the white cravat. “Nobody’s to blame
for the weather; and if .you choose to J
crowd in and stand up and help make the
atmosphere oppressive, and vent your
spleen upon a poor colored man, why, it’s
your own look-out tjiat’s all.”
Brother Cole hfere indulged in a long
and very loud guffaw, shaking his fat sides
with great unction, much to the discom
fort of Bridget and the indignation of his
assailants. •'
“Yah, yah! Yah, yah’ yah! Dat
gemmau’s a real garni wine gemman, and
no mistake. He’s a trew friend ob the
cuQnd man, he is—Lor’ bress his white
choker! He don’t keer a picayune fur de
Mounsheer, de Jack Bull, de Dutch, prde
debbil, he don’t. Yah, yah! What fun!
I nebber see—”
“Look here, darkey,” suddenly inter
rupted the gruff voice of the conductor,
who had been listening to the complaints
of various murmurers near the door, and
had now edged his way toward Brother
Cole, “you must either stop your noise or
go out. We can’t have such disturbances.”
“ Why, who’s stiirbin’ anybody ?” ex
claimed the aggrieved and alarmed Cole,
“ Ise peaceable as a sheep, I is. laint
makin’ any—
“ He’s the cause of all the fuss,” declared
an arrogant-looking dandy with pigs eyes,
which had been coveting Brother Cole’s
seat, as a refuge for his spindle-shanks,
which were in danger of getting broken in
the crowd.
“Youlie, pipe-stems!” here suddenly
broke in the man with the red vest, in a
stem, loud voice,. let the
colored man alone. They’re trying to im
pose upon him.”
“ That’s my opinion, too, mister,” agreed
the individual in top boots. “Thedarkey
is all right enough- He’s allowed in this
car, but the others do all the talking aloud;
and there’s all the truth and the differ
“Good boy,” added the plaid breeches.
“ I’m In for old Ethiopia, likewise; and
Pro decidedly straight.up and double twist-
edly <kwpi on alt crosßvgtained igentty and
outlandish mobs, who .come over here to
America to keep from starring, and then
undertake to, dictate to us is the care.—
Colored people are allowed in this ear, rags
or no. rags; and if anybody taoubles you,
old blueskin, talk back and I'll back you.”
Ibis resolute .speech had the effect of
quieting the murmurere for tire time; and
the conductor, seeing that Brother. Cole
had strong partisans, forced his way back
to his post again, much to ti>e satisfaction
and renewed rpenjment of Brother Cole,
who said, in a subdued voice:
“Dey cairn’jt scare dis chile; yah yah!
Ole Blueskin! Much your sarbent, mis
ter gemman. 1; Didn't know I was blue
afore; but spec 1 did look a little blue ow
ing to de excited state of ob de county
an’ de wedder,"
“ Won’t you favor us with a song, broth
er!” suggested the white cravat “Give
us ‘JohnHuffing.’”
“What? De young man who knew dat
hismudder was well?”
Here there were rehewed expression of
indignation among the passengers.
'“This is infamous! Stop the car, I’m
going to get out! Highbinders! Unbear
able! Bather walk all the way home, in
ten times as bad a storm! Pull the strap!”
And six or eight did get out, uttering
anathemas upon the whole colored race
and on went, the car again, after having
received a new passenger in the person of
a young colored woman, to whom Brother
Cole now yielded his seat, with a profusion
of bows, which made her feel like blushing.
But Brother Cole now received several
scornful nudges from the standers, and he
suddenly sat down plump in the Irish wo
man’s lap.
“ Ow!” she screamed. “ Murther! Ye’ve
broke tin good eggs in me pocket. Git off
ov me t’igh! Tm ruined and crushed wid
yees, intirely. Polace! Wirristhra! Howly
saints come cut the t’roat ov this heavy
black monkey!”
And Bridget’s baby set up a renewed
screaming^—all of' which excited a hurri
cane of mingled oaths, yells of laughter,
and groans among the excited travelers,
some of whoitr regarded Brother Cole with
great ferocity, and vowed he ought to be
taken out and sent to the Tombs.
“ Well, where the debble can a poor
nigger set! Ise give up my seat to the
cullud lady.”
“Git out, rags!”
“Go away, cologne!”
“Phew! Get down somewhere. You
can’t stand here, contraband.”
“Sit down anywhere, corporosity,” said
the red vest. “But try somebody with
stout legs.”
' Brother Cole, apparently bewildered
with the jostling he was receiving, sat
down by turns upon the Frenchman, the
Dutchman, and the Cockney—receiving
very inhospitable punches from the laps of
the first two ; but meeting with better luck
at his last awkward session—the outraged
Cockney starting up and resigning his seat,
and making his way out of the ear as
speedily as possible, and speechless with
.rage; considering such an indignity to one
of Her Majesty's subjects quite as worthy of
ministerial attention as another Trent afikir.
Continual in gettings and out goings
prolonged .the long passage to Fifty-ninth
street, much to the annoyance of all who
deplored that “colored persons were'al
lowed” in that ( car.
Time for taking fares having, come, the
conductor wended his arduous way through
the car on his errand. Brother Cole, see
ing him coming, now began husily to search
his pockets for the inevitable five cents.
“Come, coine, you troublesome fat cuss,
hurry up and don’t, keep me waiting.”
“Jess as fast as I kin,” replied Brother
Cole, looking troubled and absorbed in his
search, while the spectators tittered to see
him fumbling through innumerable aper
tures in his tattered garments for the half
First he felt in two side-pockets and two
breast-pockets in his tom apology for an
overcoat, producing all sorts of odds and
ends—everything except money. Then he
unbuttoned the garment, and instituted a
vigorous search in several pockets of a hor
rible undercoat, not forgetting the tails—
but produced no money. Now he made a
solemn and thorough investigation of three
waistcoat pockets, but drawing forth no
money. Then he instituted a hurried re
view of the pockets of his dilapidated over
alls, with a like result. Following.which,
he unbuttoned them, and poked about in
the receptacles of his trowsers—with the
same bad luck.
“I don't believe you’ve got a rap about
you,” exclaimed the impatient conductor,
“Give me the fare, or out you go.”
“ I golly, Mister Conductor, don’t be so
haish! Ise got it sumwhua, shuar. Hole
on, now ! Don’t hole my arm. How do
you spec I kin fed fur it if you don’t luff
go my aleeb? : Jess you wait a mite.”
’With this, in apparent trepidation, he
thrust his fingers into his socks; then took
toff a rusty pair of monster bogans and fdt
in them; then polled off his old fdt-hat
and peered within its dingy lining-; and
began throwing off his clothes, .with the
air of a man confident of final success, and
indignant of suspicion.
“Grp it, blueskin! You’ll fetch the .fi ve
cents yet"
“Are you going to bedl”asked the con
ductor, who could not refrain from joining
in the general laugh at Brother Cole’s
“Not pfore I pay for my lodging; yah,
yah!” returned he, now, in his shirt-sleeves.
Thrusting his hand withip the. waistband
of his indescribables, ho carefully drew up
one of the lowest angles of his nether gar
ment, and undoing the, hard knot into
which it was tied, drew forth two dismal
looking brown bills, opened them—and
stared, aghast! , ■
“ 1 gorry, I thout it was dar, but it am
no sicK ting! Wh—wh—-what’ll Ido fur
a five-cent piece, my Lor, 1 !”
“Why, one of the bills will do. I’ll
change it,” said the conductor.
“ Np, no you wont ear Dem’s bad
bills, I put ’em in dar so’e to .be shuar not
to pass ’em by accidun, and be tooken up
fur counterfeitin’. Don’t touch, ’em sar.
O what’ll Ido for a five-cent piece 1 ? I
must have lost it sumwhus!”
And be now hastily resumed his sec
tions of. confederated tatters, trembling vi
olently at the threats of the mortified con
ductor, who considered himself the victim
of a trick on the part of fat Brother Cole.
“ Stop the car, and hand him over to
the police!”
“Impostor!” “Rowdy!” “Pickpocket
“ No, you don’t!” now interposed the
white cravat, tendering the fere. “ Here's
five cents for him. No doubt he had the
money, but gave it away to some poor
“It would be jess like me!” said Brother
Gols, grinning. “ Much your sarbent, sar.
But I say, mister gemmen, as you’s got an
umberil, and I git out about heah, could I ■
trubble you fur to kumpany me cross de
street to my do’—and you kin come right
back, and the car will wait fur you? I
don’t want to spile my do’es.”
“ |tost: certainly 1 vrill, my colored
friend,” replied the - white cravat, rising
and putting the strap; upon which, the car
stopping, the red vest, top-boois, and plaid
breeches also arose, and followed them out,
expressing deep solicitude to see “Old
Blueskin” safe home.
“ Look aheah, mister conductor, I’ll jess
tell you what it is. You’m treated me so
hansum, dat 1 mean to patronize dis car
obery time I come dis way; and I’ll tell all
odder cullud pussons of my acquainnms to
do de same likewise; fur it’s a gran’ idee
ob yours to ’low cullud people to be al
lowed in dis car.”
And out went the whole party of five,
laughing heartily, the loud “Yah, yah!”
of Brother Cole being heard above all.
“ If ever you thrust your ugly body into
this car agin,” roared the conductor, sha
king his fiat, “I’ll—!”
But the party had reached the sidewalk,
yelling with glee, and were now seen en
tering a drinking-saloon together, in ,J the
most familiar style.
The conductor stared, and so did the.
passengers; and as the car proceeded on
its couse, somebody was beard to’ whisper
to his companion something about “Chris
ty’s Minstrels”—though what it meant we
are unable to say
The scene of the conflict is terrible.—
Civilians are generally printed from vis
iting it at present It is impossible to de
scribe the scepo so, as tq igjve % realisation
of its ghastliness and terror, which any
one ought to . blush not f to perceive while
walking amid the remnants of humanity
which are scattered about. . Bodies in all
tbe frightful attitudes which; a violent and
. unnatural death could ; produce, stained
with blood, mangled and lacerated per
haps, often hegrimmed and black, lay scat
tered here and there, sometimes almost in
heaps. Some had drawled away when
wounded to a comfortable place to die. —
Two men lay almost covered with straw,
into which they had scrambled and lay
until death had released them. In the
woods through which our troops had to
pass to charge the rebels, lie the greatest
number of our 4 dead, and beyond, on the
other side of the wall, from behind which
they poured their volleys of halls at our
men, large numbers of the rebels lie pierced
in the forehead or face as they rose above
their hiding place to shoot at the Federals.
There is a peculiar ghastliness in the ap
pearance of the enemy's dead. Did not
their dress distinguish them, their faces
would enable any one instantly to tell
which were Federals and which not. One
would think they were all Indians, 4 so very
dark had they become from their expo
sure, sleeping without tents, as they die.
for a long time at the beginning of the
I If there is anything more dreadful, it is
a visit to the hospital after a battle. In
the Court House are placed a large num
ber of the wounded, our own and the ene
my’s, without discrimination, and in sev
-1 eral {daces in town hospitals have been es
j tablitoedstece the battle. It is difficult to
i compel one’s self to dweU long enough upon
- the scenes. witnessed there, of the dying
and-dead, to give them a faithful descrip
tion. Surgeons and attendants have been
constantly at labor, without rest, iii at
tending to the unfortunate soldiers ih the
hospitals. Yet, after all their efforts, it
was long before many of the wounded
could be properly cared for and their
wounds properly dressed. The court room
was filled with the sufferers, lying upon
the floor, so many that it was difficult to
pass about among them. Among them
was the Confederate Captain Jones, who
had both eyes shot out, and whose face,
coveredl thickly with clotted blood, pre
sented the most repulsive and pitiable sight
which one could well behold.
Some, from loss of blood, were wan and
pale, and some, from the injuries to the
&ce, were swollen, distorted and discolored.
Some, indeed, were cheerful-and rejoicing
that, while their comrades were many of
them so seriously injured, their flight
wounds would soon' heal and become hon
orable. scars, testifying their patriotism
and loyalty. But the majority of ;tjhose
which I saw here were dangerous wounds,
and soine. were U> suffer amputations,; and
their fellow-soldiers about them, sufficing
from their own wounds, were obliged to
listen to their cries and groans, and to hear
the grating of the surgeon’s saw, a pre
monitor of their own hard fate.
I saw many in the agonies of death—
one, who was raised and seated half up
right, haunts me now with his pale, sor
rowful countenance. He was almostdead,
and every moment would raise his head,
open his eyes, and stare vacantly around,
as if lie would assure him Self that be had
not yet lost all the sense of sight. Here
also lay some who had just died,, and as I
passed through the hall, a gray-haired
guard, resting upon his musket, with a
solemn, grave countenance, was standing
beside a number of dead, in the attitude
of a death struggle, each with a paper
pinned to his clothing, stating the name,
regiment, &c., of the deceased.
On Monday morning Parson Brownlow
met some thirty Methodist preachers at
the Methodist Book Concern, in Cincin
nati, and made a brief speech. He; knew
only three Methodist preachers who were
loyal. Bishop Coiile condemned the re
bellion ; he did not dare do more, because
he would be hung, old as he is.. The
Bishop had to swear to support the Con
federacy. Mr. Brownlow said the South
ern churches were ruined for good.—
! : |Hnion people would not hear \ Secession
preachers,- nor Secessionists those 1 who
were loyal. The Speaker owed his escape
to the protests of his friends in East Ten
nessee, which is Union five to one, and to
the political civilian leaders of Tennessee,
saying if he was kept, twelve of their
leaders would be sacrificed. His wife and
children Were detained as hostages for his
“good conduct.*’ He told his wife to
make up her mind to be executed, as he
should certainly speak and write against
the Confederacy.
The worst men, he remarked, in the
Southern Confederacy are Methodist, Bap
tist, Presbyterian and Episcopalian preach
ers. They drink and swear week days,
and pre&h Sundays. When they became
secesh they bid farewell to honesty, truth
and decency. The Confederacy origina
! ted in lying, Stealing and perjury. Floyd
did the stealing, rite common masses the
lying, and fourteen Senators from the Cot
ton States the perjury—the latter class
while still retaining their seats in the U.
S. Senate, and making a pretence of ob
serving their oath, but at night, till twelve
o’cloek, holding secret meetings, sending
diapatchea to theirxespective States to pass
ordinances of secession, to seize forts, &c.
A.mnng other instances illustrating the
Bpiritprevail«ng niin nng the Southern clergy,
Mr. Brownlow said tiiat the pastor of tire
First Presbyterian Church in Knoxville
called a union prayer meeting to pray
that Burnside’s fleet might sink and the
blockade be raised. The same minister
had said that he would rather use a Bible
printed ftr> d bound in hell than one from
the North. Also,that JeBus Christ was
born- on Southern soil, and that all • his
apostles were Southern men, except Judas
Iscariot, who was a Northern man.. This
was said openly, from his pulpit, on- Sun
day. _
Mr. Brownlow is of opinion that there
are better men in the place where the
Presbyterian parson looked for his next
edition of the Bible, than the Southern
leaders. He had seen good men taken out
of his prison in knots, and one by one,
and hung—fathers and their sons. He
was of opinion that it was time to hang
op our side. Mr. Brownlow intimated his
intention ,pf going back to Knoxville to
re-establish his paper, which he hod edited
for twenty-five years, and which had more
subscribers than all the papers in Eastern;
49* A. North Carolinian, upon Shearing
that grass Was growing in-the sheets of
his native city, becameahhoet frantic with
joy. IhM grass would grow «iy
where la North Carolina-was perfectly
Ughtfol to him, : - ' ■; "-^>V
In the battle near Elk Horn. T*vern,
Sergeant Major Wooster* of'’ the lowa
Third, was hit 7 by a cannon shot, talcing
away the side of his skid!, whitehe‘waa
engaged in untangling the horses from the
Dubuque battery, having bravely volun
teered to go ahead on the dangerous er
rand, in the face of a plunging fire from
the enemy’s battery. Calling to his boy,
after he was shot, he said: “Johnny, Oh
Johnny, I must go!”
A cannon ball, in the battle near Lee
Town, killed two cousins named Alley,
and lodged in the breast of Lieut. Perry
Watts, of Company K, Twenty-eeoond In-
diana. It was taken out, and proved to
be a 6 pounder ball.
A man was shot through the body with
a ball, and caught in the waistband of his
pantaloons, where it had lodged.
In the battle of the Bth a ball struck a
tree, shivering it to splinters, s One of the
splinters, six feet long, struck a Seoesh, .
and impaled him to the earth.
Lieut. Henne, of Company P, Twelfth
Missouri, who had lost his arm in the Hun*
garian war, was struck in the battle of the
Bth by a cannon ball, which carried away
his right leg. He was carried off the
field, and, when passing Gen. Curtis, the
heroic sufferer waved his hand to the Gen-
eral, while his face was wreathed in smilee,
as if forgetful of his sufferings in the ex
ultation of approaching victory.
A singular incident is mentioned by
Captain Stark, of Gen. Curtis’ staff: In
the heat of the action on the Bth, a wood
cock, which was flying over the field to
ward us from the secesh side, suddenly
darted straight to the ground,'and was
picked up near Gen. Curtis’ position. It
was ascertained that a stray buUet had
passed through its body while on the
wing. The incident was taken as a good
On the rebel side the- Indiana were in
command of Pike, Standwarts and Boss.
They proved of little account, except to
plunder and rifle the dead, and scalp the
wounded, of which fact Col. Busey, of the
Third Illinois cavalry, has ample evidence.
In the field these cowardly allies could hot
be brought within range of our cannon. —
They would say, “Ugh! big gun!” and
skedaddle for the brush.
A secesh doctor, who came afterward
into our camp, relates that on the morning
of the batttle he observed about 300 In
dians daubing their faces all over black,
from the coal of the chared stumps. The
doctor inquired of one of the chiefs the
significance of pamting thus, when he Iras
answered that “ the Indians, when going
into a fight, painted their faces red; bat
when they are pinched with hunger, they
color blade.” These fellows had had noth
ing to eat in two days.
A ball, after breaking the legs of two
men, hit Capt. Hobb on the back of his
leg and was stopped. The Captain was
slightly injured, but his sword was bat
Price’s field-glass was takenand used
during the remainder of the battle, by
Gen. Davis, to make observations. ' >
A cannon ball struck the ground, and
ricocheting, passed under CoL White’s
borne, carrying away a leg of the horse
rode by Lieutehant Landgrpve. The Lieu- .
tenant fell with the horse, but extricated
himself as soon as possible. The horseget
ting up, hobbled to the Secesh ranks, taking
along the lieutenant’s pocket money; which
was concealed in the holsters.
A Dutchman rode directly Into the ene
my’s works with a caisson. The rebel
Major asked him where he was going, -and
the man answered, “Dish for Sigeh” The
Major smiled and directed the man where
to go, which was not probably to any point
beyond the rebel lines.
A Heboic AcHmvraqoer.—A corres
pondent of the Missouri Democrat, writing
from Island Humber 10, gives the follow
ing account of a gallant; achievement by
Lieut. Allen, of the Twenty-seventh Illi
nois regiment:
In a former letter I wrote of a contem
plated attempt on the part of Lieutenant
Allen, of Company C, of the Twenty-sev
enth Illinois, to spike the guns of the up
per Rebel fort at this place, christened, we
have been told, Fort Polk. This bold
task was undertaken last Friday night,
when the lieutenant, in company with
four other men, dropped down-in a skiff
and found a large body of Rebels at work
constructing platforms for supporting their
cannon. t ..
The lieutenant resolved not to be to
tally disappointed, and, boding, very
coolly approached a sentinel, whowas
pacing a parapet at the lower extremity of
the fort, and, representing hirosejf as a
brother BebeLmnarked : “J willrelieve
ypu from duty now, sir.” The I&bel
guard, weariedand thankful, triT to
* his quarters, when the lieutenant pud
the fid pounder at the W the
fort, which was served wipMt*sfWW»cy
' against us on ■bet- Monday. Tbi brox
i imity of the laboring KeWa wosMliaot
■■ strife him to prosecute any father a ritark
| whidi had
loflloer.” ; u-'
. no. le.