~D, Grocery IAZAAR. -ifft V TOpt setock; new firm, V --Jiti T, t AND M&W PRICES. rpHtf UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE -It 'SPBWiOUiY announce to the Ladled and Gentle* of Altoona and Tlcinfty, that they have . IBM ENTIRE ET-AJK OF J. E. ICKES, ON THE COR- Kn or BRANCH AND ANNIE STREETS, ALTOONA, thay are now racairing and opening A-LASOB AND COHPLETK ASSORTMENTS LADIES’ Bain & Fancy Dress Goods, Consisting of PLAIN' and FIGURED SILKS, BOMBAZINES, REPKAS, FRENCH' MERINOS, THIBET CLOTHS, COBUROS, Plain and Fancy WOOL DELAINES, Children's Fancy SACK FLANNELS, ALPACAS, Plain and Printed CASHMERES, LAVELLAS, MOHAIR, DE BEQES, PERSIAN TWILL, COMMON DELAINES, add as endless variety of tbe LATEST STYLE PRINTS HEN’S WEAR. OWHHfe, PLAIN AND FANCr CASSLMERES, (UBHMBRET3, TWEEDS; JEANS, CORDUROYS, BLUE AND OUST DRILLS, CHECK, TICKING, ARD UIOKORY STRIPE, WOOLEN GOODS. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OP SINGLE AND DOUBLE BP.OCIIE WOOLEN AND NEW STYLE RIBBED CASHMERE SHAWLS, BLANKETS, J»IAJ, AND LADKS’ AND CHILDREN'S HOODS. WHITE GOODS. IRISH LINEN, CAMBRICS, VICTORIA LAWNS, PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, BOBINETS, EDGINGS, AND THE NICEST AND CHEAPEST LOT OF NEEDLEWORK A COLLARS AND SETS ever offered in Altoona. BOOTS & SHOE AND MTS & C APS, THEY ARE DETERiDMED TO SELL Cheaper than the Cheapest. XMr assorlmen tot WOOLEN HOSIERY AND teTery at to certain i QUEENBWARE. HAEDWAEE, GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, STRUTS, and MOLASSES, MACKEREL, HERRING, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE, PRtIQS AND MEDICINES, % carbon and fish oil; Rct, everything usually kept in a JIESI-CLASS STOKE, —-— 0- ptwhU* •!■#*» eaUMljrtor •iSH,»»d»» thoy WlLt SBXX FOE to mH flood# 0 HHII MniUmii [nirni tnAty fcit' MU{ sod strict UNIONS, COMFORTS, DR. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH-ACHE DROPS" you THE CURE OF TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. It is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parents can relievo themselves from that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, *nd their children from great suffering, by kerping a hot tie of Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Toothache Drops in the house. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Offiee, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only 12 J Cts. per Bottle. A liberaldisgount made to -j)ealers. ■ Address Principal Offiee, Tribune Buddings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New Yorh Sold in Philadelphia by North 2d Street: 0 S. Bobbell, UlO Chestnut Street, »nd,by all Druggists. Sold in Altoona by 0. Sf . Kessler. E S they are soiling thorn /■ ' Neuralgia Plasters, or Toothache produced by cold*. cured by thoir application. ko , a charm, and are perfectly harmless Jn toeir nature; do not produce a blister, and Icaire no un* pleasant results. J)r. Wm. B. Hurd’s Neuralgia Powders neret fell to give ntbfiwtion to #ll »ho test their Tirtoe. ■ Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Aidreu Principal Office, Tribune Buildmge, A"o SoW In Philadelphia by Djott t Co, 232 North 2U Street; okB- ll«bb«U ) ' IUO Cheatno tgtrtat, ami by ill lj>rii(rgi»t». tald ln Altoona by G. IV. KcmKt. 1 Sfcpr.n, 1801-ly. - I>R. WM&3&. HtJitD’S MDIOTiWASH, ' A BTJEB BKMKDY POK A MADBSEATkf SORE MOUTHS, “ DISEASED BLEEDING G VMS, NURSING SORE MO UTS, And the best specific now in use for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is par- Ucnlarly beneficial to persons wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, completely destroying erery taint of the month, ahsorb ing and rumoring all import tie#. insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who on it. No Tons Liny or Yores Qurukas .who Is afflicted with A BAB BREATH should delay applying this remedy, for Jtis a certain cure, and is appro ted and recommended by dvery physician un der whose notice it has been brought. 1 A Bad Breath is an offence for which'there Is do excuse whße DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH be procured. Many persona carry with them a bad breath, greatlv to the annoyance and often ta the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve this, use dr. WM. B. Hcaira mouth wash. Cleanliness of the mouth i«: of groat importance to tho general health, which is often affected, anJ not unfre qoeutly seriously Impaired, through want of proper at tention to this sutyeot. :■ Use Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Alouth Wash. Prepared fit Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E.D. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold In Philadelphia by Dyott A Co., 232 Nprth 2d Street; 0 8 Uubbell, IAIO Chestnut street, and by; all Druggists. Sold in Altoona by Q W Kessler. m ■ Z)R. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH POWDER. Tliis Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL. S - Its action being esbesii mechanical—pousazsa WITHOUT WEARING IDE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder u Recommended by all Eminent Dentists, Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E.D. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, Xo. 1, Spruce Street , Xetc Tork. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott & C 0,232 North 2d Street; O. S. Hubbeih 1410 Chcetnnt Street, and by all Druggists. Sold in Altoona by 0 W Kessle DE. WM. B. HURD’S FOB THE CURE OP NE URALGIA, LOCAL NEURALGIA PRICE ONLY 16 CENTS BACH. 1, Spruce Street, IVete York. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OP PALL AND WINTER GOODS AT HILEMAN’S. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS customers, and the public generally, that ha has just received a large and beautiful assortment of FAIL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for magnificence, extent and variety, bare never before been excelled in Blair county. Piirticular attentioß i» invited to qup.stock of LADIES’ DRESS OOODS, Such as Black anil flincy SiU.s, Challits , Bertgts, BriUianlt, Lawns, DrldinChtnlss. Dfß-jes, Crapes, Prints, C rape and Stella Shawls, Mantillas. Vndersleeves and Hosiery. B,niut and JNMtons, Collars , Hand kerchiefs, Kid Glove*. Hooped ShirU, Skirt ing, Lace Mitt {, dc.. tfc. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, W*e have Clpths, Casaimere*, Votings, Tweeds, Jeans, Ac. Heads of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter floods for Boys. Boots. Shoesf Hardware, Glassware, Qaeensware, Wood and Willow Wars t Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., in any quantity and at prices that cannot fail to please. CANKER. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries w more extensive than ever, and consists of .Bio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf and N. 0 Siignrs; Green. Tf. 11. and Black Toas: Molasses, Soaps, Ca»vU**, Salt, Pish. Ac. r Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage oorotofore received, he hopes by strict attention to busi ness. and an. endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of tho same. *** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market price*. Oct. 10,1861. 5 J. B. HILEMAS. HELLO! THIS WAY. NEIGHBOR? NEW PALL and WINTER JGOODS ' AT OLD PRICES. T’HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE j spectfully inform the citteens of Altoona and sur rounding country that he ha* just returned from the east, where he ho* been selecting his stock of Fall and Winter Goods with the greatest care and exclusively for CASH, which enables him to sell as low if not a little lower than any house In the place. He would therefore say to all those who wish td purchase their Fall and Winter Goods to call and examine his new stock before purchasing else where. as ho feel* satisfied that he can give entire .satis fac tion. 21is goods are oftho best quality and very cheap. ALL COTTON GOODS AT OLD TRICES. His Stock cormsts of Ladies* Dress Gxtds of every varie*u shade and color, from a plain Delaine at 12 centr, up to Plaid and Plaid Delaines, all icW, at 26 and 37>jCts., Figured Delaine*front to 2b els., Htrsian Cl Mis, Conestoga and American Prints 10 yards for $l, Lancaster and Domestic Gingham* from 10 to cts., all wool Flannel .from 25 to 37U c is., heavy Sheeting Muslin 12U c/r.,. Retried Muslin from VA to I2>< cts., Satinets aU tcool Twtcdixsnd Jeans of every fanWy and price. Men and Boys’ Bciots and Shoos; Women. Misses and Cbll : drop's Shoes; Hats and Capa. Coffee at 17 cents, *SSP White Sugar 11 eta- Brown Su gar from S to 10 eta.; Imperial, Y. Meson and Black Tcm • Syrup from 60 to #5 eta.; Cedar and Willow Warn: Flour! A. SniASKLE. October 3tl, 1861. . GREAT EXCITEMENT! TAT JESSE SMITH’S. HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE SPKCTFULLy announce to the citizens of Altoona »ml surrounding country that ho has just returned from the city with hia FALL & WINTER STYLES OF UlHi £ Hats & Caps. His Stock of Hats ami Cap* are of the very Im*t selection, of eveiy style, color ami shape, for both old and young. FURS! FURS! FURS I ills stock of Ladles and Mines’ Furs is tho host over to this place, consisting of every variety, which wilrbo sold at prices to suit the times. All he asks is tlffit the people call am! examine his stock, and he fools confident that he can send them away re joicing, If not In the purchase of such an article as thev wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. 1 on Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran Church. Oct. 3,1801. JESSE SMITH. SIX HUNDRED AND FIFI'VTIOLLAR NEWSPAPER PRESS. For the above sum in cash I will .furnish one of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that con be driven by bund with ease at tho rate of ' * . seven hundred sheets pee hour. on any kind of a job from a colored poster down, ami do its work ns well as any cylinder Pros* in the world. Bed 31 X 48 Inches, rolls a form with two rollers of 26 X 42 inches, Weighs only 3,300 lbs, and can be put up and uet running by any ordinary printer. I bare issued a specimen done on this press, in pam phlet form, containing a cut of it. and will take great pleasure in sending a copy to those who have not received it, on the receipt of a paper from them. Any publisher inserting this advertisement, to tho amount of $lO, and sending mo a paoer .containing it, will be allowed tho amount of thoir bill' towards payment on one of my. presses, if ordered after one year from Sc|>- tembcrl. 1861. If ordered within one year, $2O will be allowed for thd bUI. If ordered within six months $3O will be allowed. And if within three months, $4O will be allowed far the bill. THESE-ARE TVAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. You -will find it for your interest to communicate di rectly with mo, as I warrant the press to bo Ml I repre sent it, which your merchant can easily find ont for yon if yon arc a total stranger in New York. For further particulars please address A CAMPBELL, e . No. 10, Spruce street, N. Y. Sept. 19,1881. - ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL. Prof. JQIIN MILLER, Principal. The first session of this SCHOOL will commence on MONDAY, Nor. 4th. The established imputation of Prof. Miller ns an accom plished scholar and successful Teacher Is a sure guarantee to parents, guardians and others, that the school will bo so conducted as to give full satisfaction. terms Per sessiox or twexte weeks. For English Grammar, Geography, Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and Greek-..., 412 50 For German of French ; * 5 00 For Music 5 00 *9-Payment of subscription to be made monuiu to the School Directors.' : DR. C ALDER WOOD offers his Pro fessional Services to tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on Virginia Street, nearly opposite. C. J. Mann’s Store.. REFERENCES: J. B. Luden. M. D„ Huntingdon. 3no McCuiXocit, M. D., “ 11. T. Corner, “ Pittsburgh. Rev, J, B.Crist, Birmingham. Rev. Thomas Stevenson,’ Tyrone City. Jacob Bimiir, « , C. OrrEn, • « ' W. Bcbbev, ti M. H.iJoixv, “ Altoona, May 0th,1861-ly* W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., , JIOLLWAYSBVRG, PA., BANKEBS, {Laic "Sell, Johmton, Jack $ Co.”) Drafts on the principal Cities, and Silver and Grjld for mile. Collections wJVi* .-i lo . ney l reccivcd On deposite, payable on demand, y^SdISK? 1 ’ ° r UP ° n tim °’ With intore9 t Rt fair rates. GLEN-ECHO mills, GERMANTOWN, PA. McCALLUM & GO., , UANUFACTURF.nS, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CARPETING, DRUGGETS, OIL-CLOTHS, MATTINGS, AC., WAREnOCSBj No m COH3TNCT STREET. (opposite the Stateaoiw.)PmiiJ@BtJßlA. (mar2l,’ffi-ly. Flour—the best quality of FAMILY PLOURTor wle, Wholesale sndßet«U.~ *W ! f!» • . r J.SHOEMAKER, 2fec. IX, 1956-4 f. Masonic Temi'S?. CAMPBELL’S is* WHEELER & WILSON’S £ j NEW GOODS |SS -J FOR FALL AND WINTER, I w SEWIKG Jag | „4rr*Vrods. embracing all the i usual varieties, auch ha FRESH COFFEES. TEAS, SIM OARS, PYRCPS, SFICK3, AC., to make up the full 1 FAMILY GROCERY. i Also. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Ac., At;, with • general assortment of 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING, | FOR MEN AND BOYS, from a fine dress coat down t* a ! moukoy-jneket. ■ Also,a full assortment of HAIt&WARE* \ CEDAR WAKE, QVEKSSVTAKE> CROCKERY VTAREi rfC, rfC, c£C, j ALTOONA, PA., £3 Agent for Blair County, q £ $ tutmehav i These machlvks are admit to be the beat ever offer tA to the public, amt their superiority u satisfactorily establish*! by the fact that in the last eight years, OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machine* hare been *oM than of any other man* ufactured, and more medals hare been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines ace warranted to do all that is claimed for them.' They are now in use in several families iu Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the sn- : periority of the Machine*, to Coi. Jahn L. Piper. Rev. A. B. Clark, George Ilawkesworth," Beni. F. Rose, and R. 11. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can he seen and cxamined*at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine silver plated, glass foot and new stylo Hemmor—s6s. Xo. 2, ornameniaJ bronze, glass foot and new style Hemiuer—sss. No. S, plain, with old style II earner—s4s. [March 21,1861-tf. THE HEROES OF PEACE AND THE HEROES OF WAR. E ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, • NEW YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known iu Europe and America as BRADY’S NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT GALLERY, in which is Included Portraits of nearly all the PROMI NENT MEX* OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davis Oei). Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates’ Price ol Portraits |3.W per dozen. Can bo sent by mail Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and fl stereoscopic form, ALSO, Stereoscopic Views of Scones in Paris. London, and in other parts of England and France: in Scotland, Ireland, Wales.Holland,Switzerland, Spain, on the Rhine, iu Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum. OUR INSTANTANEOUS STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ..Are the Greatest Wonder of the' Agt. Those arc taken in the fortieth part of a second, and tho rushing of water, the moving of leave*. or the march of an army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of theec views. They are sold for £C.OO per dozen. We have al-o on hand ami manufacture the as sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Alliums, and Pho tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world.' v r r * Catalogues, containing lists of onr Portraits. Views, Stereoscopes, &c. ; sent free by mail, on receipt of a stamp! E. ANTIIDN V, no I IJr.culua v. near St. Nicholas, New York. AugS-ly IjA.B or-saving WASHING MACHINE The undersigned having purchased tho right for Blair county, ot Tolhurst's Improved Washing Machine,. arc now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply theui Jo throughput tho county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. Tbis.machino i* gf»t up on ah entirely new principle. and is considered, by those who hare seen It in use 'the beat that hue ever been brought before tho public. Among the- many advantages of this machine over all others may be mentioned the following: l4t. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. It?* speed, which astonishes alike tho operator and the looker on. 3rd. The facility with which U adapts itself tu or qnntlty of clothes desired to bo washed. 4th. 11 washes equally well Ux? finest ant! lights fabric or the coai seat and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts, blankets, Ac. . * We the nndersigned. herebv certify that we are now nslng Tollmrst’a Improved Washing Machine an.l are ful ly eatlslic! that it is a very excellent article of the kind ; combining as it doc? great speed with little labor, and per forming its work in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real abor-saving washing machine. JOHN WOODS, MICHAEL CALVERT, JOSEPH G. ADLUJI K. A. 0. KEItU, f A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED, £>- W. A. BEDFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Virginia Street, Opposite Jaggaru’s Store. T HAVE just RECEIVED FROM JL THE £AST, the largest assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., i 1 SUITABLE POR ’ y GENTLEMEN'S WINTER WEAR, ' that has ever been offered to the citizens of Alfoona. At) examination of my stork will be sufficient to convince kii J one that I can supply the vauts of tho community in *3-1 am also prepared to MAKE UP work on the S‘.°™!:L noticc - ttna 1N THE LATEST STYLE OF TUB FASHION, I feel confident timt I can give AS NEAT AND PERFECT A FIT as can be-had outside of tho very best establishments in the cities. ; , I Invite an inspection °f my gotids And work, knowing that, they will speak better for mo than anythin" I could ?ay m an advertisement. * Altoona, Nov. 23, 1801-tf. Exchange hotel.—the sub- SCRIBEU would respectfully in form the public that he has recently fe- 1 fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro pared to accommodate his friends nndßrSSSj*** patrons in a comfortable manner, and heQglSjlSajfc will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. His'Tablewill always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and; cities, and bis Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges are as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and he feels satisfied th6y can not ho complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and fully intending to deserve he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. * I have just received a stock of No; 1 French Brand*, for medicinal purposes. Also‘a large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of tho boat eld Rye Whiskey to bo found in the country. • Altoona r May 27,1859.-1 y] S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE RAL Courts of Blair, Ctunlrla and Huntingdon counties. ? Having had several years* experience In the practice of the Late, ho expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANJUE STREET, S door*above Uie Poet Office. Sept. 0,1860.-tf. coal; T\TOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY to gct in their supply, of coal for the Winter, and the aubgcribhr would therefore inform the cltizensVf Altoona and vicinity, that he is prepared to supply them, °n snort notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS COAL. Ho will sell it » * A. rai P s ' ar » or C»art Load, or by the'bushel, deliv ered at the door of the purchaser. ✓ £af*Yard on tho N*rth side of the R&lroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. , ir'n myer* July . : jIxERb. Lycoming county mutual FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY,— Tho undersigned acent of tho Lycoming Mutual Fire Inßiirancc Company is Midi times ready to‘insure against loss or damngeby ftro. Bmldtnq* r Merchandise. Pamilvrr and Property 0 f every description, in town or country, at as yeasoVablo rates as any cconpany m tho State. Oflico in the Masonic Temple Jan. 3, oG-tf | JOHN SHOHMAKFJI, Agent. H A ® OIL S, COLOGNES, POM adee. Shaving Cream, Toilet Soaps, 4c, for s.Io by ■ W. KKBBLER. A BD.OMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus jLll ses and Shoulder Braces for sale at * f ~ O- VT. KESSLER'S, LANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS neatly and expediclously executed tbis office. McMINN & DERN. Altoona , Blair Cbunty , J*a. EMILE TIETZE, THUS. MrACI.I.V, DANIEL PRICE JOHN BOWMAN. county insurance AGENCY.—Tho undersigned. Agent' of- in. wt ! ! County ; Mtdual Fire Insure!™Commny* 1 nd £ to irlßnr ® against loss or bv fire BMd j Company in tho Stato. | Jan, iff, ’59-tfV D. T. CALDWHLL,-;ljenfc And as to DRY GOODS, onrassortment i* complete; and «jwo have adopted tho CASH SYSTEM, a* near as we can, wo aro enabled to'sell at much lower price* than when we gave a general credit. We therefore feci very grateful to our friends npd a gen emus Public for the very liberal patronage heretofore given us, and hope; by strict attention to hiiMtloss ngd a full determination to please pur patrons in prices and qualities, to retain the name—-still adhering closely to an old motto—luQuick 1 u Quick Sales and Small jhmfU*.'* * [Ocl. $l. *6I-tf.] : OLD STAND, North Ward. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON OIL LAMPS! Unrlvahdm Beauty, Simplicity Safctt/ or Economy. r,Vv.-y person desiring to obtain the very best and cheap est pu table light within their reach,' should call attlie store ofjhe unde.i>igned and examine these Lumps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge oursclycs lo demon strate ' • Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur hy explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. Cd. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to giro more or'leas • light. \ 6th. That they burn entirely free from smoko. 6th. Thut the light is at least 60 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of stu dentJi*Alcchanici», Seamstresses. Factories, Halls.Church**, Stores, Hotels, and are'highly recommended for family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can he attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense: and will answer every purpose of a new lanp. Wc guarantee perfect satisfaction in nil cases. Aug. 19, XSSB-tf.] O. W^KKSSLKR. JACOB SNYDER. TAP LOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I v/onld fully si forth my claim to puhi attention, as a F.iahlonaL Tailor, as fol!o«v* Bccauao 1 kei|> an exci lout dsportniont of Moth Oiistumorca, Votings at Trimmings. which, v.h« ONamintri.always plwisi* Because my work marie up in a manner tin takes clown Iho counti and sivoa all my custome a city appearance. Because I am not infera os a Cutter to the host ; ho fount! anywhere. Been aye lons oxporleiu in my husine** gives in entire control over it. am I am not dependant upo any one toltft me out tho suds. Because I am «ti!l on tlipsunny'mdc of forty. And there ionl my taste os a Cutt-T and workman unimpaired. Call on mo, in tlie corner room of the “Brant Hon-e.*’ Oive mo a trial and you will go awav plowed. Altoona, May 2G-om * JACOB SNYDER. Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, spouting; &c. Q RKiG WOULD EKSPECT-Ag?*, k3* faiiy inform the citizens of gjpgjv and vicinity that In* keep* constantly on hand nBkSSv largo afaortwent of Os-ling, Pxrlor, Office «ud Shop Stores, of all style* and sizes, to mill wants of all, which be will sell at pricos, on reawon able terms. ’ He also keeps on hand a large stock of Tin end Sh* .V n . , ' cl “ u,cd the ri S ,lt of sale in Blair conntv. of K. V. JONKS IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only to bo aeon to Loapprocia and shotfld he no-sensed by every farmer, butcher or tho-o requiring such k machine. attention paid to putting up SHOUTING, eltlu-r in town or country. Spouting paints, ahtl nut'up ou tin* m«wt reasonable terni*i . fnpril IL:ISSD-Iy GROGERY, PROVISION A X D WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. TEE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN FOr.M the public that he has imrch.si.ii the Intoreet ot A. MILLIRON iu theGreccrv ami Provision Shore hcre tofero kept by them on Virginia street. below Caroline St„ where ho will continnethe business, ami will keen con stantly on haiul a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES; DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CON SECTION' ARIES, anil everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, nil of which he receives fresli from the eastern and western cities; and wDI sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liiiuor by whole sale. I will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ot liquors of the best qualities to be laid, I respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12, IS6I-tf,] J. IIEKKOWITZ; ]\| ORE GOOD NEWS ! ITJL undersigned has just received from the JEart a largeand varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Ct.OTIIS, CaSSOIEBES, AXD , VESTING, material for FINE AND COARSE overcoats, .material- for BOVS’ CLOTHING, CENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, snch as Undershirts, Drawers. Suit pendrrs. Neck-ties. Handkerchiefs all of which will b e sold at the lowest prices. All work ordered will bemade up in tho Tory best stvl* according to the latest fashions, on short notice. ; ■ . Nov. 1,1509-tf • ■ THOMAS KLWAV. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from tho cast where he has purchased a very hd-ge and fine stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., L which ho is prepared to offer to thecitlzcns of Altoonaand vicinity at very low prices. Uaving purchased direct from tho manufacturers for cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he ashs Ist that tho people will call and examine his stock bcliiro purchasing elsewhere. tu__ ROOTS and SHOES made £o order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to Don’tfurgct the place, two doors below Post Office Jan. 3,1501. M. THOMPSON; Agent. LANDS! LANDS!! LANDS!!! L The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS, in tho Omaha and Nebraska City LandiOfficet*. Good selections can now be made near the largo streams f. nfl settlements. Tho Lands of this TeiritorV, now in Market, are of the best quality. " ■ ’ 3 Dockets made of the best linen paper. : . ‘ Librarians, lind others, desiring to bars their Boot | bound and at moderate priccmshottldgiveusacan i ' papers of the largest sires. Harper's Weekly fii * v Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific American, London \ " t bound to order; and in any style required. Harper's tr’*’ l I ly Magarine. Knickerliocker, Blackwood’s and ; Magazines, Oodey’s Lady's Book, Lady's Repository pf* ! son’s Magazine, Piano Music, 4c, bound in extra stV) t * r ' ; the mors plain and substantial half binding, I pblets, Law Magazines,"Pamphlet laws, bound in brary style, at very moderate prices. Persons kJS number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal duei* 1 I Binding can safely be sent to ns from a distaff.- e b, » al j press, and all work entrusted to our care ni:i bs I dily executed, safely packed and returned by p l[ir " K ’ f- All work warranted. Address P. L. lII’TTfr ' ! . j %A.MeCRirM * DERN, at too Tribune Office, w , ; agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will give inf. ir ~J i tion in relation to binding, and-receive and return be* ■ free from extra charges, for all who ent.net their ~,-v. | my care. t slarol >-l.lla-iy* GROCERY AND BAKERY' The undersigned annouv. cos to tho citizens of Altoona and riciuitv \ has Ju-t received a large tavoiceo of * f fil • FRUITS* CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, SPICES ami notions for nhildren 4c.. for tli.j FR li iat* He will also keep always on Imnd a goud «io'k of • ! and fimey cakes, of his own manufacture , LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS )iO, always on hand at all seasons of the y< ar. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butin. EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEA T FLOOR BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN' MEAL. iC„ alwaya in stoir and for sale in large or small ntnatitW GUI, examine and price my stock and vou will fIU it as good and cheap as any In town poc. 20, J CO-ly,J npilE GREAT QUESTION 1 'WHICH -L now agitates the mind of every person ie, where can I get the best article fur :<.vUA money! In regard to other matters, the scribcr would not attempt to direct, but if you HI want anything in the line of Ww Ur'""* jOots or shoes he invites an examination of Bis stock and work He keep* constantly on hand an assortment of ßoot*.siw* Gaiter*, Slippers, Ac., which he offers at fair price**. He will give special attention to custom work, all * which will be warranted to give satisfaction. Xouelmtih best workmen nro employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street. immcdiatc-l opposite Kessler’s Drtig Store. September 3, ’57-tf] IMPROVEMENT IN COOK \J ING STOVES. CoySUMPTJOy OF SMOKE AXD GAS AXD SAVISG OF FV£L, The subscriber take# pleasure in offering to the pnWfc NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING- Cooking Store, recently patented, which is destined t»w percede all others, aa It requires ONE-THIHD LESS FUEL than other stov<* and Is more easily, quickly and regnUf ly heated, No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from tbh store from the fact that it is all consumed ere it can «• cape. There Is no trouble from smoke as that unpleasant and often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside the store Neither is there any"dancer of fines or chic neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened tj the gas arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stores are invited to cull it the store of the subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stoves. JOHN SIIOEMAKEH. Sj7« Agent for Blair Cbun/y. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking anJExg Stoves on band. [Aug. 12,1855. General News Agency. SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONAEIES CIGARS & TOBACCO, TOYS AND NOTIONS IN GREAT VAKIETT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24, 1861. National police gazette- This Great Journal ot Crime and Criminal* h > s its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throoshofct the country. It contains all the Great Trials. Crtoiiid Coses, and appropriate Editorials on the gome, togribermth information on Criminal Matters, not to be found in wf other newspaper. * 1 s2 per annum; $1 for six month*.» be remitted by subscribers, (who should write their ninja and the town, county and State where thev reside plainly-' To O. W. MATSKLL A CO. Editor A Prop’r. of New York Police Caret**. 15-tf] , Acw Fork City- Boots AND SHOES.—THE UN derslgncd has now on hand and will •eil cheap at hi* store in the Masonic Temple. HV a if£?l«fl„ com P let6 assortment of BOOTS AJiD SHOES, ready made, or made to order, Overshoes, Ladies' Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork S? i iff® •fj-nthingln-hto line of business, of the l)Mt quality and on thfe most reasonable terras. At custom work warranted Jan, 2, Great western insurance and TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurant on Real» r Property will be effected on the most reasonabl' terme br their ageuta in Altoona at hie office in Anna St. March 1r,185a. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. T EVI’S PREPARATION FOB KX; JLi terminating RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ASTS,«» Bed-bugs without danger In its DM under any circumt»» ces fcr sale st the Drug Sion of 0. W. KESSLER- Jan. SI, ,se-tf] piNE AND LARD OILS, CAM- l Jan. P V6 e 9LSr ,, ’ 8 " UM - r\N HAND AT MCCORMICK’S Store GROCERIES. A LARGE AW> Vx eopplote aseortment of Orocsries have )u»t be«n r *' cerrod at the store of J. B. IfItENAJ- JOHN n. ROBERTS. H. FETTINGEE’S No. 1, ALTOONA HOUSE CQ £ i w g ; s M. 2 *5 i i-s < sC & « s W 5 B-M W o fid •**l O a . w J Z *■s? « w- ~- W g r OS S s Ph P.al <-Ss WCigS a o-d a? 9 S I* » * i r. 3 5 OO 3 =1 JACOB BISK. J. SAOEMAKEK- 3 * i- McCBUM & BERN, VOL. 7. THE ALTOONA TR *' H*®* B MliusiiMui an» ranru - p»r»«rßM»> (p»j»bU i»v»ri»Mj la AH PAP*?* dlscontiuaevl M: tit* *' ***. *»• ' tuiis o» ktJttrm. 1 Inwrtioi Fourlto** «rl««—••••• ♦ ** qa&jdto., |* t m 3®L >< »♦ o**r.thr«*'weefc* aud ****** thr wn" ***** lB “ rtl “smon'lh.. Btx line* 0rUw....... OS-: tS Half » column.* j® ®J B S^-^*ST5f gSSMC^SST*B tarwt will b» «U«ged wwdmr*?*! iJftftUamtt S Dot BW*aa, WUU I* will bo continued tIU t*r MnUu to the above Urm*. notices By# cents p« Hm « OtiUwuri DOticei enooedinc ten Unet tribune dire CHURCHES. MINISTI PREBITTBUIAN—Bev. Bvags, , t «ry Sabbath “orpine at 11 o’clock. »t 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting •“ the • Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Said roov *t 9)4 o'clock in the morning. METHODIST EPISCOPAL—Her. ’ Peetor.— Preaching every Sabbath mo and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Prs Lecture Room every Wednesday even Sabbath School in the tame room at 2 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN—Bei Pattor.— Preaching every Sabbath moi and in the evening at 7 o'clock. I’ra; Lecture Boom every Wednesday even Sabbath School in same room at 9 o’clu BAPTIST—Rev. A. H. Sor nostra, every Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock} a T o'clock. Prayer Meeting every-Wed T o'clock. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock UNITE!) BUBTIIIIKN—Rev. Saxi't Preaching every Sabbath morning at 1 aveningat 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting i every Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, the same room at 9 o’clock in the mon PROTB3TANT EPISCOPAL-tb hr • Altoona division, so.sfi, s. Saturday evening, at I o'clock. In the Masonic Temple. STATE OFFICE Oocern or—Andrew O. Curtin. Secretary of .ante—Eli Slifer. Attorney General— William M. Mem Audit or Central —Thomaa £. Coehrn Surveyor Ooierol—William L. Wrl* Adjutant General —£. M. Biddle. Blau inaturer— Henry D. Moore. \ _ ' BLAIR COUNTY OFI Judges oj tie Cburti.—President Judg lor. Associates, Samuel Dean. Altai State Senator— Hon. Lewis W. Hall. AememtHlfman —Thaddeua Banks. : rWwtnofai * —Anthony S.'Morrow. , -KW-BST ono Recorder —Hugh A. Cald i, Sirtf (uinnel McCamant. Denuty ' Attorney—Benjamin L. lie wit : CBenifj Cbamfuionm—Oeorge L Oi _ JantcsH. JKlukead. : Rwnff Surveyor —James L. Qwin. Treaittrer— John MeKeage. 'l Pter Baute fKr«ctor«—Peter Gaud, BH AtirtQiH. Omnt* An&tort—A. M. Lloyd, Bobt. Moors. • A. J. Tnemn. &V&intend ALTOONA BOROUGH < 1 IQmWsM qftit ftaee-Jaoob U. Cherry W^esa—John Allison. OmneO—i. A. Smyth, Daniel L B- Qr®*owood,o. B. Uoatstl [ Wfc* to Omnea-S. M. Voodkok. 1 -. rol ß* tVsaswrer—Daniel Laaghma ! ft'nciwi Oeo. B. Cramer, Job [ _HHeman, Waa. Boyden, Jaaaes Low I treasurer of School Board —J. B.BOs I SftSp^fW*-rJ°mphK.Hy.'. [ A“4*i Owjf, -Boraas* « I fr-ftor* ~ ann I. ‘ —.~p" | Hseth Ward-Ckt I «■ t, MsCo >Xa 8 00 ii.