• ni&o iatt, kaTbi t-J had katft-1 W&s&m apoo'H. J^: «MSr. hand abost dnaguC' I ni tsdneaii ka.t» •mtt tii« Station that gamfKiy nwi to film Mfr A| >-*1 ***** jotbc.tay^^ DCMUntoteaMjM i of fl»jr ififih tonal owetotal-«». t%ho value UutMjjjy f example, and oaelt 11 New Turk. ' i;r tv, and 1 am no log|t‘ Ala.. July SOth.lßU. Four Hair fteatontita ainco I oummeuoad fke m to the PUBLlCotfia eat. A roan or teMpaa nd by a roeorttoyotr return more beantittl erleneo. Eclleve.'tt tilt WM. H. KENBOT, e if you like. Bypath. ■ will get more patrsa artiSoatea in the Middle woKsnu. WItATIVE. big had the mitfiu lm, ; •JErom 'the afieeta-e&ifea [ St, I waa indnoed ia ' ad (onad it *» tnea M ianoir thick aa<|Uji aliona to vonta lea arMtSSm: UJh^da^|t^^^j , forts. mdS.ir,K(tnM, iaSyOeodaSatanT VNS & CO. VABUtO *nd UAJtD. jOODS, , •ESJDIHkKa, DIUtSB lA£Rt£B, *&d assat**? . W KtlnB * 00.’8 ■n »el«):t6|j & tbtbnt "dv «»n JW»a*s3w r Style, Quality, tea WOTT STREET. EXMUIIOT^.-' : miLADBUPSOA. ml .it xlrai) tutoot k> HAWS fi dth- cnst«Mt«asd (a with alargaaad D±)S; f <&nw(spAt}wMe«b<>. hara the adtmtuSof >H STOCK ill b* wU utlintM ittftow kadjr ftkiMa to ol ' 8, AC., * 1. tOWI^KH* ED AfGTICE. ►jaw -, DQOtOI^.wBo tia'.io Altoon*,««the tabruty. Alw, the a» jwH» .mS^SSwm ThaXtb Who , oaeeewlOn of pertwt tn «bd coodHlmMibtvtol »oeh Jjn> re it &uad h| M>rMß» for mn hw'SSnSwilitt- NEBY IN t uri rlcioitj 0>»« W» »it lilljcm «p o|OT»* JKSaiwayi «■ adCTfoltwtWa*** 0 eoA^S^t wq»js& LM, Si*wnr »■*“" NTY :- vWS^: pittnM JoOAL ITEIUCS- , cjm w 0“ onr fi»t page will be ' -yw, of poetry under the above caption. h iToomader beautifully truthful, and which the careful and prayerful conside members of all Christian churches, and -iJeciallvi those who can see nothing right or any other church than that of their choice. willlheLno sects in Heaven is taught to Revelations, and consequently we m t6ea been at a loss to understand why those « look nponas good Christians shouldbe so in their views that they will scarcely adnjit rhristianitv in other denominations. Can it be ?uherv is bat one Church right on this ques l3.‘h And if so, which one is it ?Ho not Pres- Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, &c-, »!«t to'get to the same Heaven? And. if so, r ,bould thev seemingly live so for apart in their ihonarv sute? Are they not all packers ot, have not all been redeemed by, the same u!1 « unnecessary that we should offer any recommen dation op his behalf. The lecture will be worth the price of admittance. - To commence at .7 o'clock. CITIZENS’ MEETIKG.—A maeting of ** citizens of the Borough of Altoona, to party, will he held in Bauch* (formerly Shultz) Hall, on Thjj|Bdat Evnmso, Fsn. 18th, 1862, f; We hope that the above call will be seconded by our citizens generally, without respect to partj!, and that all will act in good faith. This is no time to quibble about minor offices, where no advanta-, ges are to be gained by cither party. T hc Borough offices tu be filled are not, and never should be made, partv offices. By uniting upon a effizens ticket we delieve that good officers may be secured, While bv dividing the opposite may be the result, •the officers to be elected are one Justice of the P«ice, in room of Esquire McClellan, who has re signed, ffiSignatiou to take effect on Ist of April next,) one High Constable, two School Directors, two Town Councilmeii, one Auditor, and elec tion officers Tor the different Wards. As yet we have'not heard mention made of candidates for any of thbse offices, other than those whose cards Appear elsewhere, consequently we believe the af fair will pass off without excitement or strife, r Almost FonooT—that Sunday week was an in dicator of the weather, in other words “ground hog day.” •If his hogship came forth from his, lair on that day to get a snuff of .fresh nir, shake him self and himt np a few “yarbs,” he evidently ob served the shadow of his magnificent as th 6 sail shone out brightly. According to thc old tradition, he thereupon turned tail ;to the world and sought refuge in his barrow agaim there to re main for ax weeks, there being that many wcqks of winter weather yet to chine. When we wefe a little boy we frequently heard thb “oik folks at home” repeat a rhyme something like the following: ‘•lfiCandlomae Day bo (air and clear. Tljo half of the winter ’e to come that year. ;We have never been sufficiently' observant of the weather to find out whether his hogship was a prophet pr thc-rbyme was true. Fire in J e niata Towsshii*.— j OnlastSablfath, while 3lr. John M. Beegle and his family wore at Church,: iu Kewry. their dwelling, an some- un known way,-caught fire, and when- they returned, the flames had obtained such ascendency that all their eftbrtsto extinguish them proved unavailing. AU the household goods, and the grain which had been placedhpon the garret, were entirely consumed, leaving the family entirely destitute of anything but the clothing they had on! Thus; again has been verified the saying that “troubles never come singly,” It is only a few weeks since this family buried two beautiful and 'interesting children.' Truly the hand of misfor tune has been laid heavily npon our worthy friends. May the good Lord grant them brave hearts and ! sympathizing Uianis.—HolHdaysbiirg Register. Isiejujstixg.— Dr. Bettlehelm, nine years- a missionary in Japan, and interpreter and medical officer to the United States Japan expedition under Comtnhdore Perry, will preach in the Presbyterian Church in this place, on Sabbath morning next, at 11 o'clock. In the afternoon there will be a Union iSnnday Schjool Meeting ip the Methodist Cbnreli, at which the Dr. will deliver an address on “The Children and Schools of Japan.” In the evening there will be a Union Meeting in the Lutheran Church, when the Dr.;will address the ; Churches on “The Moral and Religions Character |of the Japanese.” These lectures are highly spo ; ken of by institutes of learning, and the press, j whereier they have been delivered. A collection * will be,taken up at the evening service. Hti Denies.— We have received a letter from the soldier whose name is attached to the certificate on which ft certain female of this Ideality succeeded in drawing ’money from the Xielict Pund of the county, in which lie states that he will .give his oatlt that he never did, in word or, deed, write or sign any certificate or any other instrument of writing, to or for any female, or even use his infln- I ence in sucli a way as to help any female to draw ! relief money from tills or any other county. e ! take the soldier at his word, believing him entirely i innocent of the cliarge. Xow where did the wo | man get the certificate? If this matter is allowed 1 to drop here, others may try the same game. I'niGinruL Occcreesce. —i)h Saturday even ing last, while a young man and young woman were on their way to singing school, and had reached a deep cut near Eadebaugh’s Station, ft short dis tance from Green-burgi' they heard: the East ward Express Train approaching. The parties clambered np the embankment to get out of dan ger, but just as the locomotive came' thundering alpng, the poor girl, from some; cause or other, lost her footing, and, falling back on the track, was run over by the entire train, and literally cut to pH*“» The officers of the train could not, of course, have prevented the catastrophe. ' To put a clerk out of humor, give him a handsomely printed and ruled ; sheet on which to copy an account, and then give himta miserable pen, with which to execute it. : Xo cletk need get out of humor while using one of Joseph De Y onng’s India-Bubber coated Platina-pointed: pens, to be had at A. Clabaugh’s Emporium, at $1.50 per gross and six pen holders thrown im They can oifty be had at Clabaugh’s. , ; A Comet.— Astronomers tell us that a comet, -..tW Eucke’s comet, will be visible to the naked eyes in the Southern Heavens, every -evening this week. Its position is described to be a few degrees Sooth of the bright star Alpha Aqoaril, (everybody knows where that is) which may readily bo found bv an alignment from the stars forming tlic well known “ Square of Pegassus.” Rast Ward.— ln another column will be found thtcardof our young friend, Wm. 11. Petcival, offering himself os a candidate for Justice Of the Peace, it the ensuing Borough election. East Ward claims an' officer of tins kind sad should have it, and wo believe that Mr. P. would make ad impartial Justice. Let his friends give him a helping liand. *apThe Protracted Meeting is still progressing Id the Methodist Church, and much interest man ifested by the membership and seekers. About fif ty have professed a change of heart and connected themselves with the church. yy gee advertisement of .Samuel Miilikcn, in another column, offering at public sale, at his res •idence at Bell’s Mills, on the 4th of March, next, a large lot of horses, cows, pheep, hogs and other property. ; ■ AFnw W<»»* toCMhßu**!^. —The “Pan ic Store” being the only one in this section of the State that sells explosively for cash, and at cash juices, the proprietor wishes to impress a few facts and figures upon the minds of cash buyers: Ist, That he has bat one price on his goods, and that price only five per cent, advance on cost. 2d, That by doing a strictly cash business he can and /does sell cheaper than any house which does a credit, because, IM, parties buying at a credit store, even though they pay cash for their purchases, j»y credit prices, for the reason that • the proprietors of credit stores are afraid to sell to cash customers at lower figures than they do to their credit customers, lest their credit customers should fiud it out and withdraw their patronage; and, because 2d, by selling for cash only he gets no bad accounts on his books and loses ho money, consequently ho is not compelled -to tax paying customers to make tip his losses on non-paying ones. 3d. For proof of these, assertions ho refers to the following figures: All styles of Prints sold elsewhere at 1C cents per yard, he soils at 121 cts. per yard. Domestic Ginghams only 121 cts. per yd.—sold elsewhere ot 16/ts. Extra Heavy Brown Sheeting, 1 yard wide, 14J ctsi : ' AH kinds of. Dry Goods sold at old prices. Extra Syrup Molasses, such as Eovering’s and other standard brands, only CO cts. per gallon sold elsewhere at 75 cts. jier gallon. Sugar-house Molasses 35 cts. per gallon—sold elsewhere at 50 cts. per gallon. Fine Black Tea only 50 cents per lb.—sold elsewhere at §l.OO per lb. Wedgowood's line Iron-stone Tea Sets 4C pieces—only s3.B7—sold (elsewhere at $5.00 and $5.50. Common Tea Sets only 20 s cts.—sold elsewhere at 25 and 30 cts. Flue Calf-akin Shoes only $l.OO per pair; here tofore sold at $1.50. Black Lasting Gaiters— warranted—only $1.20 per pair; heretofore sold at $1.75. Men's ;Kip Boots only s2.so—sold elsewhere at $4.00 and $4,50. Carpets from 12J cts. per yard up to all wool at G2j cts. per yard. • ■ ■ Call and examine, and price for yourselves. R. A. O. KERR. N. B —Agent for the celebrated. Family Sewing Machines of Wheeler & Wilson (which we always keep on hand). • Altoona, Feb. 13, 18G3.-tfi CANDIDATES’ CABDS. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. In consequence of tlie resignation of Esquire McClellan, the citizens of Altoona will be called upon to elect a Justice of the Peace, at the ensuing Spring Election. I therefore respectfully offer myself to roy fel low citizens as a candidate for that office; and, if elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties thereof with Im partiality and to the heat of my abilities. JTJf. H. PERCIVAL. Peb. 13, 15G2,—21." I hereby offer myself to tlie citizens of Altoona as a candidate for the office of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, at the ensuing Spring Election. If elected I will discharge the duties of the office faithfully and with im pWlity. JOSEPH I‘. TROUT. Feb. 13, 1362.—£t. • HIGH CONSTABLE. I hereby respectfully offer myself for the suffrages of my fellow citizens for the office of HIGH CONSTABLE of the Borough Of Altoona, and if elected I will, aa heretofore, perforin all the duties of the same <• without fear, favor, or affection.” IVb. IS, 18C2-—2t, MARRIED. On the 11th in»t.,at the residence of the hndos father, in this place, bv Rev. C. li. Khrenfeld. Mil. JOSEPH »V. MOORHEAD, of Llgonier, Westmoreland county, Pa., to Miss MARIA J. MCCORMICK. There “ Molllo” has and done it, stepped right out of single blessedness Into matrimonial felicity, leaving those who no doub.t thought themselves her superiors, in outward attractions, to, bewail their fate, while she is loved and prized for those gopd qualities of her head ’sod heart which are more , precious titan gold. We may say of her and hers: “Luch ip other found a treasure — .Each the other's greatest pleasure; Joy le theirs without measure, % KeacuLng beyond Life’s embrasure.” On the mil inst-, at tile Eachange Hotel, in this place, hy the same. Mr. JOHN F. FIiUCK to Miss BAIt B Alt A fc. RAMEY, both of Sinking valley, Huntingdon county. Pa. On the 4th Inst., by Iter. Lloyd Knight, Mr. MARTIN BAIRD to Miss AMANDA LANG, both of Blair township, this county. On the 4th inst, by Eev.B. J. Berlin, Mr. THOMAS RI LEY “ mS FRANCES JCUA WIGHERMAN, both of Williamsburg, Blair codnty, Pa. On the 4th Inst, In Newry, by Rev. Joseph Fiehtner, Mr. EPHRAIM WILT to Mias SUSANNAH FEATHERS, both of Juniata township, this county. On the 4th inst, in Williamsburg, by Rer. E. W. Kirby, Mr. ROBERT 11.. NORRIS to Miss ANNA M.\EKGER, All of WMli place.. . DIED. In Scott count!, lowa, on the 21st Hit., Mr. JOHN C. LEAMBR, formerly ofFraokstown township, this county. In HolUdaytohitrg,. bn the Bth ult, of scarlet fever, HARRY WILSON, son of Isaac ami Jane E. Daugherty aged 6 years, II months and 2 In HolliJayshhrg, pn the 3l«t ult, CLARA BELL, daughter of Isaac and Jane £. Daugherty—aged 4 years, 4 months and IB days.'- , T>EOEIPTS and EXPENDITURES l\j of Blalr county, t*a., from tbo Bth day of January, A/b. 1861, up to aui : including tho 7th day of January, A. D. I8«t DR. The. Treasurer, John McKeoge, Esq., charges himself with tho followingaccounts.to wit: To cash received from John LiDgafelt,l&to Treas urer .... $3,878 61 To cash received front Collectors— Timothy Davis, Oaysportßorongh 1854... John AndersOn, Logan Township ~1857... Jacob Dell', Catharine .1858.. 4 James McPherson, Antis Tp ....1859 Jacob Good, Altoona Abraham Robinson, Blair Karts CauffimUi, Frankstown Michael Wike, Huston William Stoke, Tyrone Bor Alex Rutledge, Woodberry Joseph K. Ely, Altoona Peter II W'ilt* Allegheny Cyrus Mateer, Catharine John B Kophart, Freedom Samuel D0d50n,Greenfie1d............. H L Patterson, Gaysport •. James Coleman, Logah..... A 8 Morrow; Martlnsbnrg Henry Barge t, N Woodberry James S Plutararr, Snyder Samuel R Shiffler, Taylor Edward Tato, Tyrone Tp Peter Bmelgh, 81air...., Jacob Hoover, Unston.'. .’ George W Ross, Hollidaysburg Robert Alexander, Woodberry Albert Wilson, Ffankstown George H Barker, Freedom John Lowe, Gaysport. Michael Kellner, Juniata William Robison,Xogan.... ... Adam Foasd, Holton James Williamson, Hollideysbarg. Benjamin P Roller, Woodberry..., .Jr: John H Stiffler, Allegheny James McPherson, Antis Joseph B Htloman, Altoona Thomas Buchanan, 81air..... Fred Hyle, Catharine Joseph Sttffler, Fiankstown ‘ Henry Dlbert, Greenfield— : John H Hafflev, Martinsburg ... Henry Burget,* N.Woodberry •Samuel R'Shiffler, Taylor Alexander Dysart, Tyrone Tp.... William Eakln, Snyder James H Goler, Tyrone Bor Michael Black, on Loan Dr A Johnston ’ do George L Cowan; do > John Louden ; do Peter Cyphers , do James Fry dp Caleb Guyor do '••••* Matilda Shoemaker do Yalentine Plemple do Peter HWilti aq do AdamßurgH, 4o ■HarfKSSpfi; So Ourw Kooo, 4o C^fronurtoofoldlMSitoreflpmoiatofomoeo CMk ••••- To baluiooK°^P U T'm l*r C Irvine 1° 00 J - Bottomfiald 2 00 Edward 5 00 John licttrick,... 1 50 WaUon,Denniston4 35 w 90 00 K. 11, Il’ryan, 25 00 R. W. Christy, 5 76 Jesse Moyer 1 S 2 •' To el Samuel Sparr, 5 00 Jacob Berry, 3- Joseph McNamara,... 60 C. Nichodiemns, 17 5. Keiihart Harmon 2 00 George Smith, 1 -5 William Gnchal, 1 00 Band B. ffice, 23 28 John Rocloff - 3 00 8. B. Hamilton,. 569 jM&hlrtine .. ...... 60 00 H. 4F. Mclntosh, 89 02 Banks . . .... 20 00 M. t. Steldy 68 44 Jatries Jenkins 3 00 J. McKecbta,.......... 136 09 Q. IV. Cntmlngiiainr- 3 6 ® Watson, Dennis ton * Martin Gates,.... 6° ". 7 „ WilliOm Bateman 1 00 G. W. Erans,. 3 6. Q. R.fsnively, 3 O 0 J. B. KephSrt, 34 84 Joseph Kyle, 1 00 J M. Spang, 39 68 Thomas Egert, 1 00 Mary Hoover, 129 00 Jameß J. Fay, 20$ Janies M. Ilevritt,.,... 22 50 TVin J. Roberta, 2 00 Delhi, Moates A C 0.,... 104 49 j; M> Johnson,.. 2 50 Samuel Dean, IB 00 William Kay,... 2 60 J. M. Johnston, 9 87 Jolni McClure, *1 S S’ 98 "4 Daniel White,. *«''■ M - Anderson....... 98 A Simon Ake 2 00 James B. ißea, John McClure, *7 00 McFaddcn A C 0.,...;.. 77 50 u M ’ 38 00 John Llngnfelt, 20 00 tt m * 71 00 Lloyd A Henry,: 1160 «* u 71 00 George Qfiist, 28 00 « « 104 00 William M. Ayers,... 11 05 Michael Carman, JJj J* B. SblriefclV *7 K Pot*cr«ou» 9 00 J. M.Klnkoad,... 25 18 j. E. Deffehbaugh,... 200 Thomas QoodftUo*,.. 11 00 David Rauch, 59 P r * Dg> is Joseph Pay, 2 75 Dr. Smith g \z 11. L. Ake a C 0......... 264 E, McOmw, .♦ J Jacob Sorrick, 5 9? BjWV in aa Alexander Rutledge, 200 George Koo®,.* . „ ■■ * ■ r T. Qoodftilow, 20 00 William 5mith,.;...... i w T.TST OF OUTSTANDING DEBTS due the 481S»=S=r - | A S”SM.iy.i^y. VMSgzz iSRSISBtr »8 v.™. mi. Ja*. H. Cramer,. 15 00 Mrs. J.B. Koogh, 10 00 «8 8» •N. Hewitt 20 00 Mrs. Lafferty,, »00 Geo H Hprker, Frwanm.. - 234 80 isfeE -safes a xSS^ :E =€i IsSSE ‘IsrIvSE is. fj®^te==!B David Myers. 60 Mrs Jones, 8 « J ® ; ; Jg g R. Bancroft, 425 Mr* X Haines, 10 00 JamesA?toona ISO 06 James E. Toole 125 D C Marjtey, ’» » Jg«Pk * w • -SS g John Dean, Jr, 600 James Stevens, w 400 gwy*»:BnA«BW,«gte~ I Isaac Tingling. 200 John Gibson .... 634 FrederickHyle. ; .J® S George Fay, 2 OolSamnel Noftkor, 820 Joseph Stlffllr. Frankstown WillUtnSptrr,........ 200 John McClure, *. 37 60 • ; g* g H.Harblson, 4 601 A Nkhodamns, 24 75 John Haffley, .............. William Harbison,... 300 i David Rice, 600 Henry Bonmk North Woodberry.. -•••••••-■•<-* w John JBtodle,... 1 00 Amount of per cent- Banmol R JJJJJ Christ finitely,.. 5 00l age on $4,19* «2,.» 62 01 SS 10 00 1 06 . 603 70 40 00 . 53 44 47 43 66 00 60 00 »4 3X7 10 .. 235 43 .. 9100 .. 155 54 01 22 40 00 .. 119 80 .. 616 00 70 95 60S 89 .. 329 57 .. 267 07 85 00 ■iseb! 121 10 143 11 . 470 62 . 61 85 631 00 60 00 .. 94 31 .. 128 00 .. 286 03 .. 527 58 .. 150 00 1,045 00 .. 300 00 ... 480 00 ... . 900 00 100 00 ... 287 00 ... 315 00 ... 360 00 ... 45 00 345 00 ... 475 32 ... 847 00 ... 800 00 ... 100 00 .... 300 00 .... 2.000 00 .... 210 00 .... 080 00 .... 185 00 843 92 l,OOO 00 3OO 00 .im i . u u lOO 00 *0 00 .1:.. ioo co TJ3 00 150 00 s so sso S7 $21,075 37 Bjk»Uoe« dn« whereof wo hsrwbmiuito sotoarh««d* “ a “* u ‘ hl *ninthda,of r t-> T E. M. MESSIMKB, [us.] Asbxut, Smash, CTk. correctness of the foregoing of John MeKeige, Bsq, Treasurer of said cotmty, snd of the county with Wrnfor the Belief Tax of idd™»W have hereunto set odr bands and have canoed the aeot 01 °fflce to be affixed this Bth ?■[* have proved themdalve* eminently ancctealtu. AB tnal ■ aaked for them ie a fair trial; ' . .. A* theee Pilla have proved theceelve* eaemraeuy ceaahil in removing discaaca of the Liver, Dyapepaia and of the Skin.l have thought ItadvUabU R) add the ' following remavke on ' , LIVER COMPLAINT. . *ll3 17 189 39 . Hi 96 811 H 60* 10 i 77 20 60S 08 3t3 16 *33 *i 385 20 *52 32 *O5 85 106 ** 56 20 565 29 435 73 72* 62 156 67 1093 42 This is a disease much talked ale®-, but at the NMF-,- time v©ry imperfectly understood. ■ •. , . Properly speaking, every derangement of the iwr m Billious system is a Liver Complaint, but the ,U J of the Liver to which I now have reference isa Affection, and usually arises from a torpid or state of that important organ. Sometimes the hue is de* ficient In quantity, or vitiated In quality, pr both thSM states prevail at the same time. Sometlnjea J* owing to obstruction in the duct or the bile from the liver into the bowels, Tbto ohawdPgh is very frequent, and is usually caused py the pip* MJ« clogged up by thick tenaclots slime or mucous, anatom timesby gall stones. The bile is then thrown hack into the gall-bladder, where it is abaorbed by nwnjrous WM. vessels which convoy it into the Thorkcic I>uct, a pipe that runs up along the spine, and ternucaws to and ean- , ties itself into the large vein of the lcft»bouldef,n«srlti Juucti n with the ycins of the head mid neck, and th*n« the bile is conveyed to the heart and becomesJ”* the blood. The bUe in this manner being diverted Mk Us proper course, and circulating in a part o' the body where it never was designed by nature, produces much cvIL and often disastrous effects upon the health of r viduai—because, ior want of beallby bile to ml* with Mta half-digested food, a complete separation never takes p|MS ? between the chyle (the milky liquor which tons* «M‘~ blood) and thus© portions of the food designed by nature to.be ejected from the bowcle —for the bile, when present, purifies and separates the healthy from the unhealthy por tions, in the same manner that isinglass or white of eggs separate wioo or cider from-their impurities-—and,,ponae queutly, the vary fountain of life is vitiated and corrupt*!. Costiveaeas prevails—oii alternately «|r- - rhoea—wind in the stomach and bowels, and the patient is often annoyed with w orms, and frequently with thqpjtoe. . The coarse particles of the bile thus mixed with toe Wood, more or less obstruct the pores of the akto and small blood vessels. and hence give rise to various diseasesof theskto, such as erysipelas, cozema, itchings, small watery v*No»< blotchess tumors. pimples, scurfiness, boils, sort eyes, sores and ulcers of various kinds. The skin is more .or IQM yellow, and (when tbo disease is of long standing.) often very dark, and has a disagreeable, dfrfy,prc«y appeartneo. and sometimes {hero is a perfect Jaundice* The ntheta of fhe eyes also has a green or yellow tinge. • MOKE OR LESS bile is strained from the blood a im passage through the kidneys, and, by Us acrimony, wo duces pains in the back, aud scalds and irritates all too urinary.passages. Some days the passage of urine Ik pr*» fuse,and natural in appearance; atothertimesltlsscanly, and the desire to evacuate Is frequent aud urgent, pom#- times the color is nearly white and milky, bitt usuallylUj high colored, red or yellow, with a rank, olrapStTa Odor aud sometimes it is bloody. . ’ • . , > The tongue is usually more or less coated with a brdwu scurf. There is irritation, and frequently chronic inflam mation of the inner surface of the stomach with a tenderness on pressure, and a soreness along to* lower edge of the ribs. \ "V . , . SOMETIMES THERE IS A LOATHING of food, pad * other times there is a voracious appetite. There Is often a feeling of chilliness, and coldness of the feet and knees, and along the insldo of the thighs—sour or bitter eructa tions, and sometimes a spitting or throwing up of toe med after eating. _ a , There is a feeling of oppression across the stomach ana chest, as if pressed down by a weight; troublesome,and often frightful dreams, low spirits, languor, want of eflsv gy. melancholy restlessness and diaconlentedness, dreamt ness of mind —Umorousness'and a great deal of and a disposition to magnify everything, sometimes gttej watchfallncss and an inability to sleep—at others great drowsiness, weariness, and disinclination to motion. AT TIMES THE FACE is flushed, with more of lesu fever, especially at night or Ur the afternoon. Sometimes violent colics, and wandering pains to various parts of tie body. Frequently there is a short hacking cough, wily a huskiness of the throat, and sometime* a very severe, drY, . and hard cough, which is often mistaken for consumption. This cough often commences in fhe latter part of the night or early in tbo morning, and lasts for hoars, frequently producing mausca and vomiting. If there be any expeife*. ration, it is a tough, ropy, tenacious phlegm, which ad heres to everything it touches. There are also frequently chronic pleurisy pains in various parts of the Chest, which shift about from one part of the breast or side to the other. Sometimes abscesses form in the Uver, and pressing Up ward on the lungs, produce constriction and cough, and breaking, discharge their contents into the lungs, whence it must be ejected by expectoration, or the patient is stroyed- Some persons pro troubled with spasmpdid twitches in various parts of tb© body, Mmetimesfktojmese and sighing, difficulty of breathing; reading or talking producing weariness. THERE IS A BEATING SENSA TION near the pit of the stomach, with palpitation tuff } fluttering of the heart; profusion of dandruff and Vow tff the hair; indeed, to sum np in a few words—a yellow, ’dirty, greasy appearance of tbo sfciu, a jeltow or green tinge of the white of the eyes, an aching pain across tbo kidneys and hipa, with Irritation or heat to discharging urine—a sensation of fullness or distension across the ab domen, with tenderness on press of spmtt, frightful dreams, acidity of stomach, with other dyspeptic symptoms, billions fevers, buttons colics slid blliotar diar rhoea and dysenteries, obstinate eoßtivonesa, intermittent and remittent fevers, fever and ague, Ac- all originate from th* same' copse —a deranged state of /As Uver. Violent remedJeraJways do more barm than good f but. by a persevering use of these pfltl, all that on b* 'desired will be accomplished THE MOST SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT Is to gfre the patient, cvcty night on going to bed, from two four Sana tive pills; or enough of them to insure one and not mere than two evacuations from the bowels next morning.— The dose of the Pills can be increased or dlmtoiahed si pleasure, so os to produce the above effect* and their use should he continued uptil a cure is completed; and also, at the same time give the Alterative three timed A'ilay according to the direction*, unless there is a want 6f dppo tit©, 1 with weakness and debility or symptoms of worm* prevail, when, instead of the Alterative give a teaspoonfnl of the Vermifuge, (mixed in si little coni water and sweet ened to please the taste, about half an hour before each meal,until these symptoms are removed; and if there should be cough, or oppression about-the throat dr chest, then give the expectorant as often and in such doses as may be frond neteseary to quiet the cough and make ex pectoration easy. ... The Sanative puts, and all of DR. D- JAYNE’S Umffy Medicines, are sold by C. JAOGARDand 0. W. KESSLER, Altoona, and by Agents everywhere, from whom way al*o be obtained, gratis, Jayne *s IfedieoZ Ahnavac and Quids torHeaUL containing besides a valuable calendar, a Cata logue of Diseases, together with* the symptom* IqfcwMcH they may be known, and the proper remedies fbr.their ♦ cure. 45 65 I —— $437 52 $164 S 3 luB 56 10 87 $437 62 ... $l6B 00 $llOO 00 146-00 764 96 $2,009 96■ $440 19' 710 92 109 00 12 00 1 00 151 CO 65 57 S 00 $1099 96 s76* 90 $240 28 $240 28 $lBB 69 stl 94 . 4 75 15S 59 $240 2S $65 48 $64 50 98 64 50 $65 48 £ 93 09 46 22 £B9 19 65 66 16 91 10-94 19 02 216 77, 70 17 i 51 60 UO 28 ? 5 SO 98 22 It 88 58 54 89 97 4 22 26 75 116 96 142 39 93 49 31 47 389 04 52 B ; 83 03 .a 85 96 ... 19613 143 60 ... 858 92 ,„ 534 30 $3,608 06 Ccmglis. Colds, CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, ETC)., i , i JAYNES EXPECTORANT Has been for Thirty Years tha Standard Remedy. RECENT CODQHfI AND COLDS, PLBHROTO t ACTS, ETC., an quickly Mid effectually cured by ill (Baphnrnttaa aoothlog-andexpectorantpower. ‘ ASTHMA it tiny* cures. It grerooinetthe apaaandte contraction of the ahonaaela, tod ft** <■* perforation at once remorea all difflcnlfyof breathing. BRONCHITIS readily ylelda to tba Expectorant. R aubdnea tha Inflammation which extend* thrqogh tha wlridtuha, prodoceaa free expectoration, and inp|w«fli» m I once tha coogfa and pate.. CONSUMPTION.—PorthUr Inaidkma and fltte] diaaaaa no remedy on earth hat erer beentmnd to effectual R tnbdnea the inflammation, rtllerea tha cough and pate, remorea the difficulty of breathing, andjpitthmt•MUf expectoration, Whereby aH trrtut&t tern are rcmorod from the luaga. WHOOPING COUGH 1* promptly relieved to thia b pectorant. ' Itrherwma tea dnrmon of the daMiai ome- RjaY.^tc^ltwijll^ 1 V