H MOUTH MUSH, ■3* r Dry -Goods and Grocery ISMAAR. 'i-.: SfOOK, NEW FIRM, ■7-i'j.'i > X.O"W PRICES. UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE rli. to-*he l.iulics and Omiilf mi}u of Altoona and T;oii>iiy. Unit they h.aro luirrliaard Tflß KNTIRE ST'yCK OF J. E. ICKIiB, O.N Till; COU JJEK Of BUANCII A.NI> ANNIE STREETS, ALTOONA, wbsmlwj are now roGeiring ami opening A-I.AHGE AND COM. LI-TE ASSORTMENT.OF : .LADIES’ ’Plain k Fancy Dress Goods Consisting of PLAIN anti FIGURED SILKS, ROM UAZINKS, PET'KAS, FRENCH MERINOS, : TfIIRET CLOTHS. CODUHGS, Plain ami Fancy' 'TOOL DELAINES. Children's Fancy SACK FLANNELS, ALPACAS. Plain and Printed CASHMERES, LAVELLAS. .MOHAIR. DEKEGES, PERSIAN TWILL. COMMON DELAINES, ontl an endless variety of the LATEST STYLE PRINTS MEN’S WEAR. CLOTHS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSTMERES, •- p ' UNIONS, caAizmcubts, - TWEEDS, * JEANS. • CORDUROYS, ; Slue and orky drills, CHECK, : .TICKING, AND HICKORY STRIPE. WOOLEN GOODS. JL: full and complete stock op SINGLE AND DOUBLE RROCIIE WOOLEN ANDREW STYLE RIBBED CASHMERE SHAWLS, BLANKETS, XOBIAH, AND LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HOODS, WHITE GOODS. 1 lIU3H LINEN, '' CAMBRIC?, VICTORIA LAWN*?, PLAIN AND D>TTEb SWT??. ILMHNET?, EDGING?, AND THE NICEST AND CHEAPEST LOT OF NEEDLEWORK COLLARS AND SETS ever offered in Altoona, BOOTS & SHOES AND HATS & CAPS, THEY ARE DETEUMIMED TO SELT, ■Cheaper than the Cheapest. Their aaaortment of WOOLEN HOSIERY AND Gr L O V E s ■=• v,-r.y coniplef- ;vn».l the h*w prices they arc selling them it, ij ci-rJ.CiGv u uinishing. QTJSENSWARE, HARDWARE, FLOUR, BACON, Cll EESE,SYRUPS, and MOLASSES, JUACKEREL, HERRING-, OITLAU AND WILLOW WARE, DRUOS AND MEDICINES, CARBON AND FISH OIL, and, in fact., everything usually kept in a STORK, 0- ■ Dr. Wm. B. Hurd's Neuralgia Powders . tiwjy Jivike their purchases almost entirely for ! L WILL SELL VOR ' ; u<: « r iM tu eivc .attraction to all who tost tho* virtue. I Prepared, at Dr. Hurd's-: Dentnl Office, , No. 7 7,'’Pour th Street, Brooklyn, ;E. 1). | pracE,only K CKJ»xa,EAcu. BOOKS, it H ill enable them to wll-Onoib ■AM r ***J!ri*eipnf, Office. Tribune ' pr'lcw; hy fair dealing ami strict.' ' ' J-i’tyritce Sire ci, Xeie, Turk ll “‘ i ljuJ " i fcKur “ a liberal share of Sold also hy Caswell, Math ,t Co., I'lllli-Avetme'lloiel; : <*-rr niTTQ V P- "DT J.& I. C'«TtlittgU>u, ,TIS BiOaiTwajy D. S. Kurnev, 20- ' IX-tLii / - & rill 1-1. ; Broadwny, anil by nil Dnigaiat?. ’OASH ONLY, AND COMFORTS, ' A SURE REMEDY FOR A BAD BREA TH, SORE MOUTHS, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And the best specific how in use for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is par ticularly beneficial to jieraoua wearing. ARTIFICIAL TEETH, completely destroying erery taint of the mouth, absorb ing and removing ull impamk-s.iusuraig A SWEET BREATH to all who use it. No Young L\rrr or Young Gentleman wlio is afflicted with A BAD BREATH sliouW delay applying this remedy, for it N a certain cure, and i* approved and recommended hy every physician un der whoso notice it has been brought. . A Bad Breath is an offence for which there is no excuse while DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH can bo procured. Many persons carry with them a had breath, greatly to til-' -Uiinoyatice and often t«* Shit disgust of tin-si* with whom they conn* in contact, without being coUmmous of tho fuel. To relievo thin, USE DR. IVM. 15. HURD’S MOUTH WASH. Cleanliness of the month is of great importance to the general health, which S« ofo-ii mU-eu-d. ami nut uutre queiitly seriously impaired, through want of proper at tention to this subject. Use Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Month Wash, Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price 37 Cents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers, £57" AJdress Principal Office, Tribune Builainys, No. I, Spruce Street, New York-. Sold also by Ca-well, Mad: & Cm. Fifth-Avenue Hold; J. & I. Coddington. 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, Broadway, and by all Druggists. - 108. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH POWDER. Tills Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT Till? INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OE CHARCOAL. t3>- ItH ACTION BEING ENTIRELY MECHANICAL—PO!J SHINE WITHOUT WEAKENO THE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder is Recommended by ail Eminent Dentists. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, IP D. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. A liberal discount made to Dealers Address Principal Office, Tribune "ouiWng9 % So, I, Hprucc Hired, Xeic Yarlc. 6oM also by Ciwwoll. Muck & Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. & I. Ctxhlington, 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. ' \ DR. WAI. B. HURD'S TOOTH-ACHE DROPS, FOR THE CURE OF v. TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. • ; It is particularly adapted to all cafees of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve thejwselves from that distressing wtarlncbd caused by r LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by U<yidn-' a bob tie of . w * Dr. Win. B. Hurd’s Toothache Drops in the bouse. t Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, -Xq. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only 12} Cts. ter Bottle A liberal discount made to Dealers. j Addreu Principal Office , Tribune Buildings, Xe>. • • 1, Sj?rucc Street, Scitf I’orl l*. | Siiia "Lie by Caswell. Mack & Co., Fifth -Avenue Hotel; \ J. £i 1. Cudilington. Tin Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 j JJroadwny, am! by all Druggists. DR. WM. B. HURD'S Neuralgia Plasters, FOR XIIE CURB OF NEURALGIA or Toothache produced by coM*. LOCAL NEURALGIA is Immediately cured by turlr application, They act like a charm, and ore perfectly harmless in their nature; dor not produce a bhaur, and leave m.< un pleasant results.' , SHE L--VXEST AUIUVAE-OF- - .. FALL AND' WINTKK GOODS AT HITKMAX'is. THE Si'HSfiLi L\ ITEMS KO :uiD t!i<: joTLc i jGIt. tL.it L • L;i> received a ami L- aiGifi.i mS-nt of FALVANU U’INTKLI GOOUS. which. for mapnitfoonct l f-xtont mil v;Lri M ty. !»ar<* r>.'v> r lu-firr Im-'ji rxcrii.G in Jlluir county, I’urticulhi-atti-ntio:* is iuviroj Wuur stock of LADIES? DRESS GOODS Such as Black and Flinty StUs. Challies, Berms. Brilliant; Latent VJtunf*. C.Wn/ss. A-7>V'/-v. Cra/rs. Prints. Crape, and .S UVa Sitauds. .V-»tu!as. Vnutr-k-rct and Jlasir.n/. Jfrnnet* am! KPLons. Cottars. I land • htrehiefs , Kid dorrs. n*>j»d N/. Li-. S irk in*j. Pic-: Mi its. dv. CANKER. I FOTI GENTLK.MEVS WEAK, Wo havo Cloth*, rassimorod. Vc<tin"s, Twoods. J.iuk. At. Il*-ails of liiiniii'-s would fio woll to C.ill and • oar rttock of Wrntor Good* for T>ov*. - Ihmfs. Shoos. Iljrnhvaio, Qaociuwaro. an>l Willow WanA Oil Cloth-E 0;u -is. .v :., in .iuv and at prices ih.it o-.ulnor ELI j.l- a M ‘. GKOCI'KIES. Onr *t«c*k of tin .eerie* i* m on,- e\r -i;>ivo titan ever, and eoindst* of Hite and .lava C»*iu-e, -iie«3. I.oaf and N. 0 Sut'rtr*: Un-ii. V, if. and Liack T.-as: 3!olas>c.-. S-an-, •*. >alt. J’i'll. iVc. Thankful to th-, [mldic f. • the ve ry liberal patr-ma".- ncretuluiy mv-iwd. !u* [•\ strict attention to lai-i -noss. and aa endeavor to plea**..-, to merit a continuance of th>- tame. *** Connfrv Produce of all kind? taken in exchange for (*uo.ls at market price., Oct. ID. IS*.I • HELLO;' Tills WAV, -NEii.HUuU? NEW FALL and AVLNTEH GOODS AT OIjI) PRICKS. 'I'HK UNIVKKSIOMvI) WOULD HE " spccltully infirm the citizens of Altoona and Mir rounding country that li«- lui.--ju.it ivtui mat tVoiu tin* ea-'t. where lu- U't'ii hi.s stuck of E'a!l and Winter Goudn with tin 1 c.uo and o.vclu-hvcly j‘.»r CASH, which ciiuld'cn li;ai In .sdi ;i> I> *w if mu a lit tit* Imvt-r than any lum-m in the place. lit* would ihcivmrc say to all th.idc who winh to pundnum their i ail ami Winter Goods to call ami <-.\.unim- his u. * stork before else where. as he G-rls sati.-lmd that In- can p.*;vi* entire satisliwc ti-m. Ills spoils are ill the <»■ si equality ami Very cheap. ALL COTTON GOODS AT OLD TMCLS. ms Sock c of L,lilies- /Vow ff ~f enm i-rri. lu. Shade and n,lnr. from a Jita!:, Ukraine at U it a ir> pond and PUid iJ-’Uu'oc.-; all wool. ut 25 and 37j-£c£»r.. F!ffHrt>d PtLiihcsf/oni 1 2} r, to (*) Xhf, t'l'U.oi'sga ,aud Atitt'n'cau Prtnn 10 yards f,.r sl, latuxid-.r and Ih'ui- iftc GuujUaui? from 10 to 12),E ct*. t ull «?W Flan)!,’! /ruin 25 (o c ' K -i /n*ur.y AVo fling Pad in 12 1 d ci<„ BifHcUid Muslin fr<nn. Gl.-f i> 1J 1 j cf*,.'X.f/m/.t all wc,ol Ju-etdf and Jeans <-J t avry variety and jow. .Men ami Buy.,' lim.ti an,l Sim.-; Woman. tiruil’tf Sliijit.s: lia'a aiui Caps. f’ G RO^ " doffiie lit 17 cents, ■—J_E OjJ While suspir 11 eta., Brown Su gar man f. to lu eta : liai. V. llvaonaml !il:uk t,.,,,. .'yni|> from u« to W ets.; Lodarami Willow War,- ■ Ki„ur' trill, it-., .U-. J. A. Sl-IIAMiLU. ’ October isii, isr.i. CAMPBELI/H six iirxuKKo axd rii rv jjor.r.Ai; NEWSP A P E K PRESS. TIIIvABOVJI SO! IN ('ASH iM.i-' , i' viU , fi ‘ rni ' h " f superior NKWSI'.u-ni! nU»* t' U * Ult! anveh l ‘>’ hand with ease at th- MEVEX HOTEIiED SHEETS PKU UOVIL nri any kitid of a job from n colored pn.-der'down. and do it.H Work as '.vd’ a.-, any cyhnd v Press in the world. lied dl X 4ii inches. rolls a form with two rollers of £6 ■*- huhes. ueighs only b.-kui it*??, ami ran bo put up and. set running by any ordinary pifntir. I have issued a specimen don- on this pr-ss. in pam |>hlot form, containing a cm of if. \nd will take gnat pleasure in sending a copy to those who have not received u. on toe receipt of a paper from tle-m. Any publisher in.s-rr.ug_ titi.-« advertisement, to tin: amount of fin. and sending no* a pam-r containing it. will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment on one of my pres-e*. if ordered aff.-r one year from Sep. temburl. I*6l. 1 f ord ■•• red within on- yar. $•>•) will be allowed for the bill. If ord red within six months, wul be allowed. And If.within three.iuijntb*. 540 will be allowed for the bill * THESE ARE WAR TIMES AM) WAR PRICES. You wdl End it for your interest to communicate di rectly with nm. as T warrant the pr. s,. to bo H I r.-pre sent it, which your merchant can ea-dlv find out for von if you are a total stranger in New York. For further particular* plea*e address A CAMPREU,. No. 16, Spruce tdre-M. N. Y Fept. lOjTSCI. 11 GREAT EXCITEMENT! AT JEsSH SMITH'S. THE UNDERSIGNED 'A OULD HK .ft. SPECTFL’LLY announce to the rhi/.chs of Altoona c-nd surrounding country that he has just returned from the city with his FALL & WINTER STYLES OF Hats &■ Caps. Pt,vck of Ilati and Caps are of the very best srl.-mion. of we, y style, color and shape. for both old mill \ oung. FURS! FUIiS! furs ! His stock-of Ladies and Mines' Fins is tie- best over brought to this place. rmiM-ringm »very variety, which will !»o*o!d ;it prices to suit the times. All he is that Hu-people call and examine his sb>ck. and Jto feels confident that Im can send them aw,iv n>- jolcinp. If not in lli- purchase ~f such mi article. «s they wanted, at Ihc remembrance of having looked upon tV hAthisomest stock of Hats. Caps. Furs, Ac., ever exhibit-d in this town. Store on Virginia, Sint!, opposilt thtLuihrrn :i Chvrch. (.let 3, 1«.51. JKSSK SMITH. ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL, Prof. JOHN MILLER Pmxcii-.u, T’nE FIRST SESSION OF THIS J[ SCHOOL will commence «m MOXDJI\ Nov. 4th. Thy established reputation of Prof Miller as an accom plished scholar ainl slice sHul Teacher is a Mire guai ant< e to parents, guardians and others, that t!»e school will he so couductod as to give full -vUiMactiun terms per SKxao.v of twkxtv iveeks. For English Grammar. Geography. Composition, Natural .Philosophy. Mental and Advanced Arithmetic Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and line!; $l2 no ForConnanor French 5 00 F(»r Musi,; .• % aQ Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Directors.- J~\Ll CALDERA GOD oilers his I’ro- M / fesslmml S-TvPa a to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. GiTne.* on. l.'(Vo.A[\: NEv.nearly opposite U. J. Mann’s Store. R I! F E U F. N C E * : .1. 15. Lui»en; M. b.. Huntingdon. Jn<> SlrCUU.ofir, M. D., “ U. T. Goffkv, •• Pittsburgh. Rev. ,T. P. Oust. Tlirmlnghaiu.. Kev, Tuotns Stevrnsdn. Tyrone City J iron Runiiiv, - C.'UI'TER. • W. IIURLEV, “ M. 11. JoLLV, Altoona. May Pth. ISOI-ly : W. M. LLijYli & 00.. ALTOOSA, I'A . JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., By^OSTIvEBS, {Late “ Lelt, JehnetaH. Jarr ,y ( V "'j Drafts o.\ thf frixctpal unU Sitv-T hm'l («i)id tor .vilo. Coll-vfiotis Jnudo. ivrHvptl on (l<-|»'<Uo, p.iVaMi' i.u i.l'-matal, wittiout Inhf-rosuor ujion tiuu-. with iutoiv>t nt fair rate* JV!». ;;d. f*oD. WM. S. BITTNEIi, IDental Sui'a.-eoiij /WICK IN MASONIC " ' TLMyLE, next tlour to' the Post Office TOOHI extracted without pain by the Currcut Kb ctro Maclniie. 17 LOUR.—TIIK BKST QUALITY OF X. FAMILY KLOUJU fur sale, M'bol’-alc aniKefail— Apply to . J. SHoKM,AKKIL ' . Iter. 11, IS.a—tf. TVrnole A. BDOAIINAL KlJiTOltTßiaj, 'JW j •i-A.. M rs aud Shoulder Brace* for Kale at * ! Otfc 13. V. KESSLEH'S. 1 •T. R. HTLKM.UV noLLin.', ysnma. i\ i $O, IVi lKijUEfcsiftl.SOX'S I * t AIAGIIIXE. I — r r K. A. 0 KERR, 03 . Agent for Blair -County, q ' <2t ALTOONA. PA , ~ - . 1 £ ?.XOS r ITAV 2? s rrnn-jsK maciilve.s auk aiemit m I* l h-‘ tl»f uO'.t t'V.'r to .|Uv ;mi! their •snp.-ri'-rity i* hy i.ul lh.it isi l!ii. 1.-.-t y«-.u•?. * OVER 1,-100 .MORE of »!.«■>'• Machine- 11;tv<- i: •ell *■,■!.! than of ~ny :i t!er n:an lilui tuvol. hate been iiwunl,;.] (in* pro prieDns b\ Jiff, rorj- fairs and lu-titu-e,. then t.• any oth ers. Tilt; Maehiue* HU warrant. .1 tosh* Ml ;hat claimed f*r them. Tiu-y are in.u in u.-e In .-ev, ml f.um.'i.s m Al toona. and in i-Vfiy ease they pive entire sari.-daction. The r«;*fi * tilt,..-*? *l< r>»i inf-rinatOn' a> the pu- I>*-riiTity of the Maehiin-.s, t.. CVd. John L. Piper. lh v. A. 15 n.u’i, Oen,llawkeovurth, llenj. i'. Koae, and t. 11. 1 uni;-r. I, v Tin- machines can he s.-m and examined at the »toro of tin- Audit, ot Alt.-nm. I’iir.' of No. I Machine, silver plated, glass foot nu hew rfyle ifemiiier—;fde. No. ornamental hrnnre. g!a.-3 loot Kiel v-w htyli• No. o, plain, with old .-tvle Ueinrnd -40. [.March M, tii k ii kit o J-: s o i-’ pi ; a c ]•; Tin*: HEROES OF WAR. AN’ I'HON'Y. 501 HiiOADWA Y, £ J* NJ-,U‘ YoKIv. is now in addition to pot trn is. {Jw ci-U-hrateiJ culkcti n known in Rump and Aiut-nui as BRADY’S NATIONAL RIF >lO-'JRARIIIC (■ AhLRR V iu which Is included Portraits of nearly all the PROMI NENT MEN <>F AMERICA, not two pfiag .KfT. Duv.h. (Jen. ReauwuKid. Floyd. and a host of oiimr confederates’ Prnx* ol iWUiiita *o.OU pur.ilmwu. ( : hii by .sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, ami in sbivodcopie form, Stereoscopic Views of Sccues in Paris; London, nml >n other parts of rhmland ami France; in Scotland. Ireland \\ al-.-ri. Holland. Switzerland. Spain, mi tho Rhine, ? in Athens, Kftypt. Turkey, the Holy hand, China. India, Cuba. .Urn ml i/ijlnrtti.-K. OUR INSTANTANEOUS STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS . ,-f/v the Crfnfr.y.t V.oullry of (he Jj.\ Those are taken in tin- forti-tb part of a t .e C o;n!. ami the ru.-bmg of water, the moving ~{ le.-.ves. .. r tie- march „f army. d... y m.r in the sligbte-t d-g..-, aCn tin- takin •• of lln-se views. They are m.I-J fu M.oo ~.-1- dozen. W e Lave also on hand and m.ieuairinre the largest a*- soi-fiii.-nt o! Stereoscopes. Pledogr.-.pbig Al!.isi'i». and Pho tographic Materials in the Undid Mates, ami perhaps in the world, * Catalogues, containing IMa of our Portraits. Views «ic.. su-ut fn-u \>y mail. «>» r«>c*M|>t of a sfamn J - j. AN 1 I fi )N \ . .an I n(*;u St. Xicli..las. X. w y.'.Hc. AncP-Iy LAB Oli-S AVING WASHING r P 11 B U X 1) KiiSni X ]•; D 11A VI j[ purchased the. i>r ISlair county, ol Tolliurst’s Improve,] Washing Machine, now nuumfucturin- them at Altoona, am! intend tn >u l'l , !.v to thosi- j* soiis i lirouirh.»n{ th>* county who de-drea LAIh>K-SAVI.\G MAGIIIM:. I hi« machine is h;i entirely new pr:nr|ph*. and iso nsidered. hy those who have si-cu it in use, th«' hist that lias *-v«t been hron-ht 1..-f ,re th.* public Amon« tho many advantages of this mjidauc’ over all may In* mentioned the following: 1?; Its simplicity ol construction, uiukin- it almost im pos.-ilde to get out of order. W/. Its speed, which itUonUlies alike the operator ami tie' looker on. :s «I. The facility with which it adapts itself to the* bulk or M-'Ut.ty of clothes desir-d to hi- readied. ith. It washes equally well the finest ami lightest fabric or the co.uscst au.J heaviest.. such m Ua-Gnilts, comforts, blankets. Ac. Collie haivj.y rcrtifv Mint iv nre now UMIIJT T.illmW,. liii|,rmvil AVnslni JK Jlarliii,.. „,„1 nro ftll . ly S in-n.-cl tliaf if i« .-1 vary ■■xri-1 nrtirl.- ~f t):>- Itiii.l • |S "■* it t-Tint KJI.-V.I with litth* jihor. ami i..-r’ f'Timni; itn iv.ivl in Mie nuint miti-f.iafirv muuiii.t. M> tlii-r.-f.iri- dict-rtiilly ifcmin.-ml it M all ivlai ik-sin- a r0! il ilmr-mivini: wa«lii:ia uiatliina. -i.iinx \v.>.>ns. M It'll A r.L I'AI.VKPT, .I.iSliPil .0 AIiLL-Ji; ‘ IfA.NIKL I'i.lCi-, It. A. o. KKKIt. , STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IKON WAKE. r l 1 HE UNDERSIGNED \\ OUED KE | ifPK'.TFVLLV mi* .• ruAUijri- to Hu- citii Mjs Altoona ami vicinity tin in: lias ju-:t r«‘C«!iv< /I large supply of SIMV-E; 'i f oil such a C>»ok. Parlor, ufiicc an Shop £tim%which ' will **<*ll at tlic most v>. sonahU* prices A larg supply w ill always * kept on hand. TIX AX!) SUEETIROX WARE, In gr.-iit variety, always on hand. * ' HOOFING & SPOUTING jiiit up on short iH«rie<!. ..He hlmi uiaimf.tchn --s Lniurn Jr.iN sp-iiiHim..which is sShl to ln> much superior to iral vam/.-d shfp-t-iron <>r tin. Ilf Ims ills,. utta.-hcj :i ci.j'r.T-«milhii) K • rnnm f.l his CH tublislmirnt ami. will k. v p .in liwu.l ail assy,gamut of am per and hra>- kcith£ L -, J AJI kinds ofj.iti wftik promptly attended to. A sharo of public is rwpoct fully solicited Moro on Annie street, between Hank-t mid Ada lim* streets. Lust AVard. STEI’HEX TVISTEUS, Altoona, Sri>t.M, m-1. - T^XCII AX.i R HOTEL.—THE SUB j i J StTIHUiU v.-nIU n-jMctfullv in- I form thi* puMic that Ik- ha* recently ro 4 ' I fitted tin* above Hotel. ami is now pit ffit''.'l'mC j p:>ivd‘ to-accomm >dato Ids friends Upatrous in a eomf,r*abie nuimur. nud ] ieS?-» j wPI spare no pains in making It nil agreeable h.-me fuTall | Bij'-urners. His Tahh- will always be'luxuriously supplied ! from the markets of the country and rirb-o. and his V .\ ! ILK-d with li.|Uoivs of clhdoe brands. UK chappy are as ' r'-asonab!-.- as those ofanv oilier Hot. 1 in the place, mul he 1 f'' l 'ls -a.tufied they can not be complained of by *h v .-|m t favor him w:th their custom. Expectin'.’ to receive a share i of public patronage, and fully inr-ndim; to dy--erv.it,-ht i throws open hia house to the public and invites a Trial, j I have just received 'a stool:'- ~f No. 1 French Erandv j r <>r medicinal purposes. . " ' AI- o a lai st-*ck of excellent AA incs. for medicinal jinr pe.-:..5. to-; th- with * [ ot of the ltve Whido-y to by found in the country. Ahh.ma. May 27. IWj.-ly] S. AI. WOODKOK. A T T 0 R N E Y A T LA W- AI.TOON A, ULAIU CO . PA., i I'UACTICK IN THK SKVK- 1 ” * Co<uta Blair. Cambria Hunting,lon i CMiUtl.’S, ItotogWsmwlyKir.o i-xporicmn. in the nracticc of. t“. Law. he ex|>-«» t,. morn jniMic p.-itronairo. 1 • S * Kfc - tT - 8 <*o«rsal.6vc- the I'cnt O'tlicc. | I c O A 1.. i I OM, IS TflK TIM F FOR EVKRY ’ ■ ir.,. *>.. f* ll* ‘h« r «ll|.|.|;- i.f Cliat far ti,« Wi.lt.T i i ,‘„I that i'-t-purt-a to V them. | “V-'V,' Ij b ’ i f J t b V i I ch-Sm ■!;::£ ~r hy ths : l Swth .*•* of «•- ' : J til v L’:., r-..:i._f f , , 11. IE MV Ml!-. j I VCO.MIXO COi'XTY MLTCU * F ™ K 1 1 - NSUi . !AN ,V I ' : AOK.STY.-TIM. i ‘7 ,s'!* t!lr Mjifnnl Km- In^ur^rtru^• Co|uV*inv is > *: m ;f i' v «■•■•• |> ! -yUi...oouxty imsur wcr in town or. ouutrjv ■.at m re^wmU.- } > A<!i:NOT;_Th.- V& f £r tftp&v uoy tho Stuto. om«- in Ma“ nl {£j£ ft" 0 '? «“»<*»> ««• Insurance C™ * m ° f • •-•:*!: j^wakku. II Al K OILS, <'OLO(rN»ES. POM- ttt •“? 1-if.! il ‘""‘' Sl “.v i| , g ’ Cn-an,.Toilrl I TAHi. lIAT. 1X)()TiZ1uIIyI^ *-•*. I suet, Subh tuid VamUb Brushes at •• AM> PORTRAIT machine, Mc.hinn a keen. KI.TLi; Tir.TZE. TH<*. )if.irij',y JOUX ROAV.MAX IitSSLKIVI?, FOR PA LI, AM) WINTER/' just Arrived ,m 4 Adi.-’ Btitty Openxf ai M’CO It MICK’S STOKE . - -i.v tiu; o;.o t’f.Aei;. • . \V7 ; H“: i, eppectlul!y invite d’archasers to Y I . Kjl ;ui I Kkiiuin.-. mu- -l*« k m' I'.-ilI mj-I W-ntiT (jt» d-. n.s we think tle.-v hdll l>c n;e»:i examination, tu corufiare [avjnrihly with ;Uiy other atssortmont id Hie pl.iOtu us v.vl; iii ,;n ility jvs in price, .uUlsoukU, wpduc nut prepared to wiy (ns .sonic of Mur Brother Chips have sM-TA fhut win; ,4c*crij>tinn* »f jr'Msh*Tpiiot advanced In' price, H>r in dohif -o we w »n’d come in contact jvith the of tin* ns every boy of M* yearn oM kijowtsbcaer—tlia* tve c-win-.t,«‘1l .loUiustic gt»odt» *t tild prices, ’nJil. -.s w«‘ bu> an inferior ijuairty. " , We hate n full aA-ortuieat of cmbritCMij Ml the twunl varieties, sueh as t'KlkSll CUEFKKi?, OAE?J. SYllUl'S. SPICES; AC., to inal;e „ p the fnli FAMILY/GROCEnV. Aiu. v BAOTS, SHOES. HATS. C.U*S, Ac., Ao.i with a g<:iicral X'.<ortmeiit of KHAJIYAIADE CLOTHINGS FOU’ AIKN AND DJVS, from a line divs-j coat down to a monkey-jarU. f. AUo,a fu ! l ttsrfortmeDt of . c/.7MiV.rr.tA*r. vru-wanv.xx, . CfYO-TvAA'l" WARK, »K’. Anil as to DRY noons, : oar as.-Mirm-nr is coiupleh-; find u« v.c have adapted, tin' CASH S YSTKM. as near wh we ran. we are emilded to s,-U ut noich lower prl< c.s than when wo jpiv**. a pencnU credit. U <- ilien-forc fei 1 very to uur friiuds und a peii crons Fablic for'the v**ry IHe-ral ‘ p-ithinnpe h-ntofire us. and h«*j*U hy >trict ut?eniiou_ to -ss uud a full dot.-•rnjSnation to please our patruui, jn prices and qualities, to return tin- fcann—still ndharhip (o on old ia-iiu —'-yairk Sid-.-j 0.. u! I'r f-L " [Oet. 01, 'Ol-tf.] oUD STAND. North Ward. ; 1 > -Vi KNT KMiloBK\.i: Oil CAUIiOX ;,| .HI/LAMPS! ; (,'nrituUdni JUu uhj, rsiu>j>Urii>/ or Etpnoru;. j E' -• y person to.pu in.c; t*» übt; iln the i. r.v he -1 and cheap esl j>_. lablo lichl within their reach, shoni I cull at the . store the uinii and t xnnilnc these Ramps l.eforo | purrh.tfeiirs; elsewhere. und we ph-dgo. unrselws to iI-iiuhi : *irate ■ ' i Ist. 'Thai NO ACCTDKNT ean ocenr brevi !o-ion i 2.1. hat they *miit no oiT-mive odor u hile bmai’m'. That tlu> an; wry ea-jil.wiiimmeil. •Ith. .That th»-y.iUo e.i.;.ly w-ai.it.-d to mure or less r.^hc. sth. That tiny hum entirely from >moke. bth. That tin.- is at least an per cent, cheaper than .my other lie:ht now m common use. These lamp* are admirably adapted’ for the use m Stu dents. 'Mechanics. Seanifdles.se>. Far fades. Halls. Ch mvhes. Sb-u*. liati is. and are highly recommended for family iw! The burner of the Carbon Oil, Lamp ran be at C.tcll-d to old side, and table mini and oil lamps, at.a small e\j>.‘M>e, and will answer every j»mpo>“ of a m-w l.mp. We jruaiaiitee perfect satisfy lion in all eases. Aujr. ib.VWf.j (I. W. KESSRRR. f Atß SXVI>Hi;, TA 11.0 it, f j The Ifcro of One Jhuvh vfi FiU per ! T woiilir p-sjifcifully Ci t forth ini claim to jail-hc aitejiti. n. as a KaMii naoie Tmii'i' a* follow*. INlV.il:*- j Ucp an ‘-xovl I(M assortment of Clothe V‘Vtin*is am which, when examine;! jGw.iys please. Kro.iu-M} nsy work i> imule up in a manner thai take* 'low i) the cminny ami v*.-5= all my customer a city appeantitee. . Kee;;i:<e I am not mf-Te-i ns a Cutter to the l>. st t In- f'.ijti.l any v\ Kro.iii-r I rxj.ork'iK in my huCm-s* pves m entire control over ii un. I am inf dependant nji't; nrv ..mi t.rllJt hm out of the Biahm • IW-aase 7am ti 11 mi flu- sunny ,-i-h- of- fm lv. uml there*- fou* my taste as a Cutter am! workman unimpaired. ( all «*ii me. in tin- corner i-wni of the -Kraut House/' Giro m.*n trial and y..u will p> nv.av plen-.-.1. AUounn. May ' J.\COH SNYDHU. . tstuvi's. Tin ami Sheet I ran Ware. BPOITTING. &C. O lUGU WOniJi. IGiShKGT- V G**. i.if'.nii tlif <•!!•» t!< of Aliw.iiii^Sv iunl vu-.niry that In* Imr-ps cmi-tanflv mi hand ;{ 33- -.A / > Imp* tiisortment of c-- »S7m/) Slr-rr.% ol‘ nil Mvh-s hml fii'-nii-the J s * wnuH of all. w hich he will Bt ]l at low pi ices, r.u aide terms. Ilf iil>!i!er]w r.n n Jjj-jn ster’: of TV*. rvrf v?,,rf Iron. of all article* l-o euEm-ow t-m n.-. Oml i•• * ‘ J 11.- .L.. r'jjit or fcalo ii, liliiir tonntv. of K. \ . JON Kfi>’ IMI’IIOVED SAUSAfiE S-TCEFEU, »n iinvi>*tm> whWi i.nly (•> ha „;r» (o Ik. au.l .li.«rW I"' 1-J CVII7 famieif, l.atciioe w tWe riui’ii niar'uf)**. t-V,. Particular att-ritam paid p> pmtinp up oirtu-r in town or country. Spoutin- paints! mid put* mi on tl.p nnwt r-asonaMf forms. Fapril 14. ISSIJ.Iv GUU 0 E n i‘, I’i; i J ISI <J N a x n ! wholes ale 1.1 or or stout’ | rpiIK'UXDEnSt-TNKI) WOULD IN- Ir, ‘I- 11 ~:w tli:. intc-nvt <d A. MILL! Jo >.N in tin- (, r«"-ery sun! Fiiivi-ii.n St. aa-hm-- ; t'T're kept by fitrni on Air-inia sheer, le 1.0. v Enrolim- Sr . wlu-rel.ew.il continue tho bihiie-.-s. air! will k-enc.-n -s-tautly on band n hirm* snpjdv of * ,FJ.OL*n. HAMS. FHOCLDERS, SIDLB i nillLI) IUIKF. FiSH. SALT. MOLASSES. Chri'LL’. Tli \ t ?LVi All. SPIELS. C\ ) X F LCTJ OX AK J LS,’ 1 «t..l -VcrilWnK k. T t in m,„l IVovisi.., , Mow. nit •>! whirl, 1.,. r .viv.. < fresh r,..,n thr raster,, i wyfrrn.cita-., ami will «-li !lt tie,- n M rra-x,,,.,!.!.. ! lev.ng r..r, i,!ly ..1.(wi1..-,I to «. II T. v \vl,„!,.: i P l -- 1 ’ '''l' C‘,nst.»,?ly Oh lmn.l a I.ir S r-us„.rtm.-,,t ui ; hqilurs of tlio best quhlitio. l lrll l, 1 ref|.',rtfnlly solicit » rhari; uf i übiic r:Hi,,in. i Jnlv 12, . J. ISEUEJIVITZ. Monk good news - Til' 1 tin.l'M -]■.■<. j;-. • Ik large uuii varied MH*K|tueut »•!'. FA L L AXV WIXTL'R. G 0 0 VS t (Vii-Mlnj,' til' CI.OTHS, C IS-iIMCRKS. AND VJt’ST t X G, l v -.r * ••*-% £ V* '} PIN 11 AND CO.'. KSK / 0 V E. R C 0 A T S , iff A niaUri.i* i'or V ,s ;| BOYS’ CLOTHING. isf{3 1 ocsrs FUU.NXSIUXG COOKS, I ill ill \ »ocliai UaJ. r-!,irls. Draw.-a. ;? / MJ lii-iidei-s. Xiv,k-ti-s. ll:iiiik.-:viiic!‘;i itr.. ic.. all I.f whirJi will h:- t j„. !,• All w .rk ..M.-tvd v.’in Im „ • acrar.l,!:- t.. the late* U~hkur, on *h..rt li.vti.A J ’ ■No'. 1-OCJ-tl ,111051 AS KX.WAY. SOM F.TIUXG NEW r rilK SUUSUIiIBKJI HAS J(':ST 1 r«-■tm-m’jl fmni tli*» -uh,;v Lu mavli.-v ,1 -l very mv-t* nt; ( r iJii'Ttwl; «-f - 1 • ' 1 tl BOOTS AND SHOES UKOUANS, GAHKIIS,&U..' ’ thi* munn-acimcr.-* l\u* imOi i,,. j s ~ 0 * l,u tlmt wm.MV.,-mr.-tiu™. .AM tU'C K>L"v. I,b •*"* PW*«i«S t£') BOOTS un.l SII.-IKS to or.lor i,„ too ......t ,vo m.m01.10 "«i>. M-o. i.r..m|.tlv.«M ( .ii.|..,i: to. Ju ■• vTI u ' l * h,c ‘’- l ' v,> P-n ofc, j.ui. u , ijoi. a. .1.0?. F ands : lands :: lands::: bivJ' 111 ’ 11111 . 1 "”I*'*' 1 *'*' I’i’lori'il to ]. t ■ !,\\i) WAT’ KAN 1* ... tl.o Omaha ami .Vel.task.. City ± 1.00. l --..J. r ti»n< MOW no mo,!,■ m-ttr (!,.■ ;. ir . .. Hr[ ....,.„ July u, i.859.-tr oa2A *°»vft«. c*"!»tr. »w. A. B. Ci.\iikv Alfi-on i. I*u Wv M iji/fTit A Co.. Ciinkur.-i, Albam-,: Va McCrc* 4- Dsitx. H.litor*. Tons, A. Scirr. Snpt. P. If R i. I). MuMurttu..-. iitintinaJou I’ i ■ [ \ ale qi? all PEschir ,|.V' 1 ,', 1 ' ?“'* TWjwa na*l fur mile by A-iullman. i], {V.iiu tlw* ] ; tt u • * v *s¥aw dXPtrot Book Bind erv ASTH MAS|tPA‘'t, ■* ' • Cti.Mtir/cel.Si, Varriaousj, j>* >t!l ' cstablkhmcnt -i«. chicily dovov t I . the niaunS\cf:«ru of USank.Hooks •■". r ' to Ball**. Coiinty OfRoW, wid private uuUvWti.oU. InaJl casv* very wit ofstwk niul workmanship hj,i T >.* relied upon. BlaiiJi Books printed. .", any do*lre«l pattern. Siicritr'a, l»fH-krHi>f a!S »f*f. mmlrnit'l nUH t* i; 11 '■•:•. tmd Wurly- X**e «uivnt?.-BnpUc;vtes. 4c„ f«es. printed *>r plain, ruled .ami bound t, ~r , |. ,?*- v I)<*cla-’tH fnjiUe t»f the h«*st linf , «» p >)K i r. “ 't » am! tivliiiv.Ml'.-rr boon ! anil at moderate price*, sh- nH ‘.'V, paper* of the largest *!£•*;• Hrtrjwr'* \v,v- Pictorial, Bailout Scieiitifus Anprkraa. q-.' 1 ** ' i Kumd ti« order. anTl in any style require.], iia*'"!-'%?*' ly Magazine, Knk'kprl*>cker» Urnokuoc l s VniV*-' : - sou's Magazine, IMano Ac., bound iuVxtn > v the ,m»ro plain and substantial half Utidirr*.* iV'"',’ 1 ' - {•hlt-ta. Law Mairizitvs, Pamtd.lct l,:ws. bonncT i'*'.* . I'fiir.v s*yb-. hi very moderate prir.-s. !V;>v»,Vj; "1 ;: ■ number of volumes to bind. \\ ill ree Jv.; :*.Ul>. r \ ■ can safely be sent to us tVohl a jpi’,, .j7' Vr prtws. ami: all work entrusted t > onrearewd! '* dily e\- euted. saf-dy packed ami ‘.vti-.riu-d l, v ’v''^ All work warranted. Address K L UViT'‘ B*rru„%. V" McruvM & Di'ux. a? tiio tvr>m r .. ii> All'iuu-.. iiij.l virility. Xii♦ ■ t \t:l| -•••s,. V' tim in nlaii-iu to biiuliut;, aiel Fto-hv ;i;,j r>? n .-’i l: ° frosa extra lor all v\ Ijo eut. u-t tl i i J ',' my care. plKJch^VV r * ; •* j ’*’ 5* » : v- * ’ •„ - K c - 11 ■ w 5 * Si * gSS&l&rct' s'».s g , 0 ’ S~JI ill © fi v o I N’> i |?if| | ' 5 I t& : rss&-:*pgJiis\. Z~i | il CHOUKRY AM) iiAKKRV 1 r r ii« undersigned annocy I .CCS to 111.- citizens of Altoona >m.l vicinity that '■ Ims jij-1 i-i'cmvmJ a i:iiinvoices i«f 1 I'iIUITS. CONFKI'TION A!tl i:£, xrxs. swrrs nn;i notions f ,r -I.lUrni *:•„ expressly for tlu ile « ill ills., keep ill v.njs.nn Ip. mi a pv.,) „. A . k „ V ami t:1111*v oi liis o',v»i uuuiii.’ac; ui <* ' RAISINS. Af, nhviiy.; rn at all seasons of the year. Co!io?, Teas, Sa<™r-, Molasses, T«,> i:aas. anon white wheat rum:' BCCKWIIVAT Fr,<(i:n; COTiX MKAt. kC. S, '' rf - “"'I for •- if ill „ r ill „,•.m i jM'ict* I,IV «.■>* 1,1.1 #>!U -'• ‘ w.-i anv in t'jwn,. lv,'. ai, 'w -Lj-.| r piu Qri^Tj<>\'Tviiirn .1. how a-itati-s tla- iiim-t of ovary p,-r-o,i _ 1.-. «•)»!.. r»o i p-t ilia hart wirf fomnrt3& Iroii.y: I;, ivjrar.i to ol!,.-,- tt.-i - fit.. s.-ni.. r v . 1,1,1 „„t ntt V !ii|.t.tu i11,.-ci. hut if v ,m M want aii.vilmiß in t!w* ilii** ~f ‘ ?3V hoots or snoi's lio invit.'n an oxniiiihatioii of hi-i stoat; an.l voalt, , -, lr I''""paO"ll'tpni!y on lain, I oil a-Ki-rtiaOMt ol 1'.,,,;,..-.!, -i li:nti-ro. .-lipp-aa. IVi,• . ■ I, lio nir.-ia at fair I)l- Kill. (five S'H-iial atl.atii.l, to custom wait, .■ill a 'VIO'.-.I Will la- warraiit.-il !,. ;,lva i-iti.-S.<-11.-n. V.iaiaa'i i.« st WO! Un>«‘n HTf l niy Vit-wi;.; stiv.t iu oj.p.i-it.' K*.-.- Store \ p i7-UJ iw'AT l M IVKOVIOIi’NT IN COOK- H *? iy*7 >T‘>vk«. ; clv ol' $:,/ <>k :: \xd g\ v \vy y:: vv; , 'V /tel. il! • :!•• r talo-s pI-'.isjro in i;HVi i:o r fn.' pllk NLW GAS AND SMOKKrONf-T.MIV-’. ( --..km- h'l.vvr.. recently Nv!»;cti i-* u- -5 :i|: ctluT'*. it re^nif-s l»M-:-TU!KI) LESS TUKL Juan olh-.-r stoves ami is more en-O.v. quicklv an) r r'lif ly ln*aif:L Xo unpleasant s-noil nLcas ai-N-.s fj-•■•jm t!*x< “tiiVr fv*-! 1 ) liic fact that it H all it v:*n rn iV " N‘> *!XuMivfr««m smoke as Unit uimli .t-aa: arm oUt-'i annoying expiation U also comaum-l 1 ,f the *t**vo Xi'ithpp j. 4 there any. of orriii"!- nevs luroumig closed with soot or the mortal 1-I'.oniM !j the gas arising from coal fm-s. IVT'tins wshin;; to purchase stoves arc iuvitvl call; t of the MiWribcr. in the Masonic Temple, a!*ci* anuie the above states. • SHOCMAREIh , • f* /.; .('/c/i/ Jiir Ulnr o> wt’j. *'• o. All km Is of Air-tight, i’ailor Cooking siulth; fc.ovcs»..:i Imm). l**-?. 11. KETTIXGEIVB Hciicrai :Niav,s A-tkcv Nu. 1, ALTOONA lIQUi?i;. SCKOOI). BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES r CIO ARSON- TORAC(N). I OiS AND NOTIONS IXOII7.AT VAIIIKTV Or! .1,-,... 1^f ST -': ;a ’l'''A : OX.’l!i:-D, AJ ATIONA CimifTE GAZETTE.- ■ •f* T *' rea * opGriirto nnj rriiiiin.il* i= - , ; ',‘ h H 1 *' «f'Kv circuU.-l o.r.«h-.! Mil-cii.itiy. It conlniTifKjl rim rtnriit Trials. Crinrul Ui r .i,.ana.ii.|.ri,|.ria tw .|Wif I ,rt < | < „, l ii u -*.ntc.t.^ilirt«.ii> 11 r.ir.iwt,,,,, m. Criminal Maltoiu, nut K, he f.lu.sJ in nr.' othi'r nc\v*nj;tp..r. . - i. !’ pr Cor 'si* i „■ i'.V'l" ■ cu ''' c i'ii’t-r J . Mvt... flumlii i: !:.=■- au l lilt towii, county mul State, wh.ru they n-siA' pUbiG , ■ T.i ij. \v. JIATSf.i.L i C 0... ... ull ' ,r * I’l-op’r. of Xuw Vurk P.lir. (intett-. ■ .V t w.J%ritVl..:. |>OOTS AND SHOES.—TUK UN- :J ,UII i mn< j Oll<l w m -.j* f ««<•« »■ Mw Masonic T««rl-. \W s''n.pl,-ti> assortment’of BOOTS Ov - J l,J y’nartt.; „ r mn.lc to oiM.t, Ot.i,lj).‘», Uu.li.* m, n.iais. a uni Sl..** Cotk A', 1 '‘"’jiny ano mi titt v moot" ron.ounbio toi rn*. Ai work irurraiitnl' Ji«>- -• '•li'-tf-l WKSTI'JUN INSLIUN* L \ fl AND TRUST COMPANY'.— lnHiirano* .»:» K>>i<r >TM.na| property will beefiectoil on il»u im-sUv'ia.wI t* lernus by their ageuts in Altoona nt his olnc' in An:n .'larch I*, ISStf. -JtfUN SIIOUMAKHK. Az nt. T EVI’S HIEPARATION t-'OU K.X -i J!"xmiu;,K, lg RATS,-.MICE, T.GACIIKS. ANTS «« iFb4-iMtgii without danger in its Uoc under any ce* fhr .-.at* nt the »ni> Store of O'. W. KESStKB. T>INK AND LAlii) OILS, CAM * l»hen«. Bunting ftoid; Gaia* Oil ic .‘at /"AN lIANOAT JicCOr.MICK'S Store ' * l ~-A iyleiMld ndsortim-nc' of Heady-Made taUaml v ; * ■ x*y, /^llOpKillES.—-LARGE AS® \ I tbmplete assortment ttf Groceries liavo tied i'",’’ ,f •.'sired at the store of J. B. mLBM.LV Vi JACOB WISE JOHN 11. KO3i;ST3. ~Tsjl .1. SAOKMAKm McCROI & KERN', VOL. 7 THE ALTOONA TRIB k B, McCRX/Mt rVBUBUCRS AND rROPtISTu Per flpnnm. (payable invariably In adV All pap«ir& diacoutmued at tUo expit paid for TS&M9 Of ADr*ltTlsl?iri 1 Insertion $ 25 Four How or lew On..qußK, (S How) ; Jo T*ne " (ii “ )• •• 1 » Or»r three weeks ami lew* than lbr**e per *q«»ro for each 6 Six lines or leu * 5? One square ' Two Throe 11 Four “ ?? Half aeolnnto *” JJ? One column Administrator* anil Kxecutors hoticcs-. iUrclmnts advertising by Die year, Din with liberty to change. ..................... trofesslonal or Business Cards, not « lines with paper, per year...,. Communications of a political oUttniUei tercet will bo charged according to the al Advertiscroen s not marked with the i tlons desired, will be eontmued till forbid tording to Die above t-rms. Pusincsa notices flvo cents per lino for < Obituary notices oxocediust ten liuei*,b. TRIBUNE DIREC CHURCHES, MiNISTE PRESBYTERIAN— Rev. Hinks. P« »toct Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. an at 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting in tin- Leoi Wednesday evening at 7 »'cl«k. Sabbatl room at 9J.£ o’clock in the mnnun;. METHODIST EPISCOPAL—Rev. \r. Pastor. —Preaching every Sabbath niornl and in the evening lit 7 o'clock. Pray Lecture Room every Wednesday evenin'. Sabbath School in the same room at 2 o c EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN—Ucv. t Pastor.— Preaching every Sabbath mernis and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Prayer Lecture Room every Wednesday ev.-nie.; Sabbath School iu same room at 1} o'clock BAPTIST—IIev. A. 11. Stanowan. Pas everr Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock, and 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every He in -, 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock A. UNITED UItKTUUEN—Her. Samt-Ti I Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 >■ eveniugat 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting mtl every Wednesday evening at T n'cl oek. s the name room at 9 o'clock in the imam;. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL—(No re. Preaching on Sabbath morning at II o’, evening at 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting cv evening at 7 o’clock. Sahhath School at t ENGLISH CATHOLIC—Rev. Jons Tt vine aervices every Sahhath morning at in the afternoon at 3 o'clock- Sabbath Sc in the afternoon. GERMAN CATHOLIC—Rev. —Divine Bcrvicoa every Sahhath motn:n K and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sal t o'clock in tho afternoon. AFRICAN METHODIST—Rev. Amu Paator.—Preaching every fourth Suhhaih Prayer Meeting every Friday evening at bath School at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon. RAIL ROAD SCHED ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JAN. *7, will arrive at aud leave Altoona btatbn a Kvpro«« Train Kiut arrived 9,35 P.M.. “ “ Weal •' 8.2 J A. M. Fml “ Hast “ 7,4*> A. M. “ “ West “ 8,55 P. M., Mall “ East “ 11.53 A.M., “ “ Wo.it “ 3,15 P.M., The lIOLLIDAY3DUKG BRANCH r.-i Train West. and Fast Line ami Mm INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS conno-. and Johnstown Accommodation East u Weet, &ml with Local Freight?- ENOCH LEWI MAILS CLOSE AND C MAILS CLOSE. Bastern Way Western Way Hollidayshurg Western Through. Kodtcrn Through. MAILS ARRIVE. 8.15 A. >1 HoHidaysburg Western Through Eastern Through Western Way Eastern Way ...... OPTICE lIOURB; —During tin* week, front 7 00 p. x. On Sundays*, from 7 15 til) 0 00 GKO. W. I*. MEETINGS OF ASSOCIA MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. '-M. A. Y. M., Tussday of each month, at 7* j o'clock'P. 3 «tory nf the Masonic Tomj.h*. MOUNTAIN R. A. CHAPTER, No. IS; 1 on the first Thursday of each month. at ",} lu same room as above. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No.o. R.iS.r* 1 first Monday of each month, «S o'cb'.k room as above. I MOUNTAIN COMMANDF.UY, No. in. [the fourth Tuesday of cadi month, ul 7 [ln same room as above. L ALTOONA LODGE, No. 470, T. O. of 0. [Friday evening, at I\i, o'clock, in the sect [M»«anic Temple. \ VERANDA LODGE. No. 532. I. 0. of 0. | Awosday evening, at I\ o'clock, in third i Building, on Virginia street. L WINNEBAGO TRIBE, No. 35, I. O. R. |Tqe«dny evening in the second story of > .Council firokindled at 7th run 30th breatl ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311. S. i.f 1 Saturday evening,' at 7 o'clock, iu the .-svc Masonic Temple. STATE OFFICERS Gbtmwr—Androw (1. Curtin. Secretary of State— Eli Slifer. Attorney General —William 31, Meredith .Auditor General —Thomas E. Cochran. Surveyor General— William L. Wright. Adjutant General —E. M. Biddle. State treasurer— Henry D. Monro. BLAIR COUNTY OFFK Judges of the Ceurls. —President Judge, 1 lor. Associates, Samuel Dean, Adam M ; State Senate} —lion. Lewis Vi. Hall. \ Anenbtyman— Thaddeus Banks. •Prottonotary—Anthony S. Morrow. I Register and Recorder— Hugh A. Caldwel Sheriff— Samuel McCamant. Deputy—Jo j district Attorney— Benjamin L. U-wlt, [•County Otmmlrsinnrrs— George L. Cowac I James M. Kinkead. t County Surveyor —James L. Gwin. |D«raw-John McKcage. |™ r House Directors —Peter Good, Willlat ■ Anraudt. I County Auditors— A. M. Lloyd, Robt. M. | Moore. ICtronrr— J. Freeman, i Superintendent of Common Schools—John I ALTOONA BOROUGH OF Kustices of the Pea cc—Jacob M. Cherry, J, oiln Allison, pmm Council—A. a. Smyth, Daniel Lang L,,",” 01 *- R . Greenwood, Cl R. Hostetler, to Ounoit—S. M. Woodkok. lAs OU ?i.T nastlrf - T —Daniel Langhman. rj™ Directors —Geo. B. Cramer, John S Wra, Bcvden, James Lowther of School 'Hoard—J. B. Hilema W\fJh CbnstabU— Joseph K. Ely. Pir S&te, County, Borough and [. **• Kiy. Lowther, C.J. Mann, A 1 U«^ ftr T Jobn McClelland. K*i“f *** 4m**or»—Jacob Hewer* J. L. R YiJ** n f Zleriiont—ZMt Ward—William I u “ Westward—John L. 1 North Ward—Chriati: F r-ctorj—awt Ward—D. M. Greens. Jo S O j a. m
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