■m] [v 9, Fa. ■mm ssssa • n_zr Jatß mmmmL | *toWa»etWg: K» -to JEmm|^ T.swBEr*~ mw sad atmMi t-nl. D»t tbiitwki. ;K«Tb«;afiCi y ■iSl* i f 5 fS-$ >►• fff 5 -«sf tS e gi#| Pi f (•fill* SC4S*S:2 a*«§* 3afg^- o©* J** 33>«& if AKERyt p ANSfIdS. J» *TTB, bTTCEST * vfor Ae.a^i*^,, isrjrs, *cf, 'EAT FLO V£, N' MEAL. *L. . > ÜBUlli iptMOti«. V' flri JM oiTM « WJllOil thr. e.*m)iml|c: sTß«t«r ******* >9 rsMUoMM 'ljflMflU :,- -[Wa.***- fR’S iOUSK- R BOOSK hosaries iv.-.. 1, ■>- •■ “• n * : i ■btht.pmil*.** iSSgp mb? ;— ~ ”• .t - ...,11, Jiiuflliyjllirmwi ■ ' ,•' - gg< /x~ ™ ’_, f.’ | 'kT’TV'VTwi i■» r —-■ ■ ■ \ : •! McCRUM VOL. C THE ALTOOHA TRIBO»t ASHoM *3®>* „*-.^=«. ri ,- ™ « TK » : s as =j aasvssr£ •***- : *a v&&sfs i ssi'Sf TflM-tf«Tßt«w ; I. . I cILI, -. tt ' r^* re - i!‘k* monjcit. iwy Jitrhns uirtiv !/-■; half crazy, I did not know what to do ; l**.*i«auuued to wri«« ««*.-.. regarding the power 'nf Tj i ao*«v,b _ -aj*. . , o.iU»™i u ,-i«pii, m jr!,,.»«« [ m 1 ,i f * : Thev cam-tow-lrH- «■-**„ r i Or.«*i ihe floor ashamed te «urub C /wa m» pomt-tt tnwt towMMfav )Iwa. r r T i» r a i. 2 Vfc 1 1 kept ; Aril ,»:e» w*RSUi io «? ..w,U»ciltol st«p.wlucb pfecefthim of New .York, the jmtad «Üb-«wMr iT.'' ’■+!■> ■"}■-;--■■- iw . i 50- ~s ,<*H -ivfc «*t s« »* daip • ; 5" them, for Vod 8 sake, to spared ; Hw i hitK.m. i? »inda«nonsfv ' ’■ ! a S a,nat the Mete,) -it.happened, that his suuUjailder, brother-in-law *" «M Strrc i:'iVte. '* -i ■ )-■• » 2J" • *•» j mv llle, put they would not listen to me. | Wittanake a wife tor roii or'me. iheadjptapten} some, distance from ft* i tarv «f the Savr. Ac. dbe who hvi vStl.in , *■ ■ | tuoagh i know it i. warmer and i*n>b>r itiv, fhev said they wanted some meat, and that i : if T TTrarrrr Tt 'V , ;.i * ,_.i r. w little river,-- Rubicon, which foraed the 1 several weeks in-ide is «, t.*u «»»w I««; hand until bicssedrrith ahnsband. In the beeiniuna w on this gan may take the- |>la«o «£ the commitUK: *•::—Z S 14 .« >* «««.• «»““ to M- *H.*« Mel ™ Ood made two of the gcnmhmnolo f i in A “ -toeing moaey for oi-cUittmn..-.' - W’. 00 2i o 0 lie» twenty.l*aow; *»d w*jroims»r **]*■ he had a posife st a x. The one be elected po?iflve!v, x . i th® by supexior q£- •Aimitiiftnitownjtd I ‘ s Ju U»e rwiks. by, evexy U*»y we t*»j*ue; - ' l&r^ e dirfc-Jfaane Ml il» llßOd I !«c» •COUP3TI |fj e n«WtTvdv •*n tlwif w-hrn *Uv and WTth a Small retinue DTO- I ihe WOrtb of vessels mav -be allowed RTxd to 00 :.*■** • | w«« coimogfromanather direction with « i ofihe in-the end oi ■Card*! tiftt - <• But 1 m-\er Iwve «oe»i a youug t»» yt*t, \ cillb and.a. ntnnfl: . fyomtiAl mmft mi *«H ; \ ' •' * OOla 1)6 < at wllli'H lie ‘ ln rrrm.' ■ r : __ lines r«w— : erasDcd mn Kr rfu» i i r A , , * produced one to another. Hie how, the *TW .~ w • ■ i _ \ owner of vesaefa bought upon the saflw Cwmm.oic.tj..- of.» :g «- „ if tte wloil fcJKBP . d * and ret i feto «o- pr.nciplfi» as was the horse hezedeaerihod; -M »«• tii- of inw Uwwii,.»ui hav t wb™i* tatoßsfrmutjM. f«iii: , . ‘ • ■“**• .1 mv ; been aMe to underhand—neither is it ae- nCe S-J “ Wild,; tlie tonies ofdiis escort i ,The worthy Mayor of one of the Cow- becuutintit'a tai furl»w aufi cbargi-u ac- With Lw be»ni hiiuttiugum t i*«.swo?tbniiifh «t iiiaawmii; uue stahbea lam in the throat; he cessarr that t'h** dmuU 'TKof were viown out, so that the whole l&rtj rlecticut cities'had raised a fine RcxnmnV n , '' , - J' :-rurimi-m* i ute.cuiw an u, w,ui» ; up U) « here the rest n 4 ere. 1 then stooped ; l.et it saffice thM - ???? & % e “¥ t V“ *0 him a handsome charger. Search for the TRIBUNE DIRECTORY. , .. , , ■ . ! *«. Samuel wa&dc«d; he was still: it when the ! *H ir c P* rse ’. Ug|»tw» right kind of a horn,. wr» made ferjtml CHURCHES. M.HISTEBS. AC: | SiUyw W r.m st ‘ wa - irih without the lem pmL i ft di*trictB witha.splesdia mlliQD, Winch .-■ .v I*. ...I M-iti t. in ii, 1. -, K.mtn ..til tiie t t.ucti f r i..ttii .m «i, lB done to jnc. I had received four ofnain—aod from it he made Evk lo be ’ ! • • toP^-«“« the -ferUjer l»nk.|aj appeared to lw the animal that h-as needed. •' , >:r , w^^f; B ?;7 8 . ,br . <**■** tbefoilowsl aJlclpoMlte for m»to*r'iV9 ,n Batthe pri« asked was VWTlrt. him*cd M i T wo w ’ iStit •^■™ hod -? Mf l “r 1 i J'-ow without knowing wws evwforttly mow :r,. ■ f/'-/**- .^ ext ha P \ p v - : -■ v «f«&oMaui«..- Kwm. «cr, t-vt-n.... ». t ..vi«,- , : >..t Um tr.-m.i-.u.,i...y. i. u i «i.e lf. * “»“ •«“««» Wlto H»e first one ,lio cut , moment tkev set their eves »n one another I ‘r? ?h an^«! e or 'ir%C.ue«,^^iXwi».w‘ , rrt» M r.u. *** •*th«n.,M... ) r .mu.. up ; V body was nsed np the kiiuc li e east eves at her in the distance, ffian “We mast talk to th> niaii.” ' ' : r r-;‘«d‘: “.../• --1> ■ - *- V U 1 »•• r ‘ ™1 unfortunate shipmate’s. j and .Jdffinm V**, a TS 1 * hcn ’ i }*s 3 ?? ;upoa tins little brook So they talked to him, after the, manner •■ X- —.w Atscra * ? *—*l the !ia ,vturti‘ that fired his ]». i of »he land pfsleaily habits. They s.:.i«.h S.-W..1 m «..> rm.m » vti. l>o.umid leave tuc island. W e ism in yibradno- like a sidi’ t T „I Pj w Mh a, sanciitr SO atrtjfl, and? so took him to a good hoteh “and liad'some ..■jt'^r-kisss;:.r.T::sr>' l^rw?r“.‘3rrr’X”2i'*~* . v riavi-r Mtt;u»»e. t*v..rj ..v »t ; j WI , K . t ,. v , ind ~M ' (t r° “ u . 15 r^d; here we led the cam* lo<*eiW iust as natural us a couidc i wnerfoj „£an&deiing ■ . tt\—u«t .1., t*... .. .. and prided lon.foot, walUn- about of apphTsccds swimmine in a basin of wt that itwras for Jbd Hajpw, j , '-vit sni i.iuh itt n .jVinh it,,. l Or wiintsi'drth c«n 1.-- tir.n jriim-wcmf : o.io mdc.a day. jit last we reached the t er> • j> ut sitnaied as lluy w-»’*e at fir * rc fp c of the , would come down to a thousand dollars; t 7t.rb.fL. I’ntt^r^ttn^in^: mi Tin*i>-ctui'• j nbd. . r r.,:; ’■*■ 1 , ;r r T to ? Wi : tbe “ a^sn ipSom^:^t«SiS - . ■ ITF - T " ’ v- --- - 1 ■ ■ tM,J , “ 1 u - 1 ■ tL ‘ - t-ku. four to. retrace ■r. : i'u ur: ..vicx-ti I’hivcr Mertiu- rverv \v.. ( ir!.-*i,r, 1 ■ ; nlien got :tbci*c we found the boat verv I dearibr'Eve. nr» A .«« !" K ast lm V at would allow bun a Te- humired . ~-. . ~■ .'..mu. at t »viwrk. Swidmu. srw aiß o frf|i hudly stove since' we left her. We tric'd rc 4jh to Ipj, i tr^t ~ l -« n prcssed also by : the After dinner the coauaittee and horse •' rirn k ., r ,^-is., j-~^ “r 1 ,•**■ •t I ***-*: 1 * *?**■r- «r?SS^3 .V SwtimKMimo.w.jw.jmk ( , - . nmk wheh wc got into hen M*o then found that aprons were fieccWrv U.ev.«ft tto.otetwUoa.'of la# nigM vaodas- talked till nearly nert mdriiin£ antflh&t ..i-!sMANC.iTiMi.ir-E :v.__ .:wr. I i A HO&SOLE KAESATIVE. . lf .‘V I,e l Wcnt back a ? lln Ul other. tp j Le nmlla workw’toother once in two hours one hun-. -i.«m« W w~rTt-ry6U,imt!. *« l? .. iu>< . i - •’ .. . —7T- . ; , side of the island, to remain' there ufitil for mutual «mod Fre was jirotpiindly agitapid. Tife, whole eler «s**at whCT : c^ ; the lawof^antafonism hSw- for the twayo dollarchamcr wa» ; ,, .?.”*■^. w .fv"‘ , ..t?i^“. , t 7" '','t' lv, i ’ •°'J n , 1 . - ' ''hi’.an, (.1 liad.iy I aus, Mas.-., bor of bear sftid seal-skin article sVe had wwSSloT^’lhfS 0 I WW«pfoy«i wilfw flmlc hundred doOars. / • c^^- ...... .t J ..rf-K-k-ta thr .at*m*AMi. .a .1 Ul .< 0mp.04»0n.-, ..tsia .ers from; tae rmn us. To add to our imse.rv.it com- couple were perfeeftyhaimv iti ?“<* qwet ;h*Sw* presold In the received iS **AIL ROAD J&CHE&UL.** ! -lnin ? , and continued' for three fo iU ppUOcal three hundred ddllart in pd and .. " u-r a, t:. u. t•! f m foVdlW T V'-' Tv™ *° • Sno T’, In * tHs «nd even then stuck to each other through and. made *be , u,. ..«! M. 4U.T.-U- ..... «- - T. 7”•'T;;;, 1,1 i:‘ cond.h.-m we ttw picked np by (kick and linn—through alltlm bramblln* i,. - «»n. V -ni-T.-i.tc V. .uui.il Ij Suhii.a. j i.e a lasts crewot Esquimaux, on the 2tUh i v i, of life—foom Toi-a.lise to TW h?nt!y, to a man of any iirteflectnal sensi- .Wc vc lud a good time and a good trade. ..... r rv- 1 ' ' 4 r f ;vn. : * f *: * “*af h>* Im .'‘to h >P raly .that, he was not suit!- ; the Ud of October. The missionaries did I Mt t. r , t i, rrrl tn ™ ran . darkness, anarchy, winch was to ak&lfc' fbf my arid heTytiilr hos^-haS® “ “r. :: 1: dr^|s!°r,lK| 5! ° r,lK ' i: ‘ ’ n their power to help us along: they I ri;we is divine lhattwerv appa^j - - nou.intYsatnsi'! natiNTti *iti. fr JWiisai.ai.lot d.iag la sei.r.w. provided us with food and edothing, and j one of von should have i wife and what 1 1 “* ane ;“ orwß S- 80 preparwh'-we need and fifty rioiiaris fw;tlat hoas iast week! " t....a at..: j-mu un? u,. i .i«^.. .i ho f.vcw *.u ibc Aiwh^l. Gib*** < -oiujiljii.iwl Uien us -to Niiln. we met : \ -»-;k _ij - \\ J * j ®ot • mild) .it-' V E-IVY-IT T.avT\-s-• .. • r 1 V' lr '- UlU^ nt - Ihe;, -wreJolui (.fi.,-, tot” u>avisj wdio was picked up tiireedays t ; ' t lc nsdes? doll aiS i p®? 1 .-'*7* '.On'%c. 'falser ■?."■ "■'■ '■'«■<'!. r™.n.u»rt aaiv.-.i.t ■ i-.^.5.e..’. r ..,, ,o*l.l M.utin. iiir.uu ,1. Da- . beioro we ware- Ho reported that hi« '■ CT , i u♦ ’ I.’ .... , ” i hanx, when Jsuddenly at a ptjint notlar '* u, -’ l#>, n. D aw ' , 'iht.m.r- (-In-fi. , died, and told nuS- S£ i th “ *TI « Bn. - Jo-Lj.a i'-Ler anl S.-mw . J-bo. -lu-er he wasuatiednp. I 1 iuia f aa 7°* |deseed in w. titling postutZ^dhohftng MAILS CLOSE AKO OPC.M. ;’*>lh Mil Itr ... id Id- . 1.-.mrJ ■. Wa.i.n The above fJffillin- narrative has the i , ' tt *7 J extroroe: |in his hind what scfeiped > ftnte._.’ais n t.. A V r^'h-Or ti.-iLiuieU du ih mjiiag pary . , air of romance rather than of reality, and j fo.Jj'b iTolators^lt' s Thc lieuitv” I P baj ? tona i was pf unusual aaf', hndofh^iiur s«. - ih.;. -an ■ a bo-l from ti.e An-el Oihl -. «« 01 the yitxumsLtuces appear' very w * TJISZ ir f o< f l h^ ut y l [tv more ,thap human, so &r ws dfs lusi - - • <■••> ’• ■ “ :l “ rovi.-.ious. two gi.ns arrived at Xew Bedford on tiie' 1 ith of pVhat is singular, however, m’ftie stOnv II : .r- ~ A1L " JU ‘sis , “. VI A V -■ \ M “-“I a OAiie amomuLfoa. ..nd sio,wl airo- 1.. M November, reported--the desertion of 4?'• 13 ou^ mls are happy m j pn a nj hypothesis, Which wcnftd explftih - -v -••- .0 ii g...fL,, TiiSZl vS ! h -^V’torindiAto.l'i®ai2S ' -.'in’ ’ ■ i.’i'U ob. ao-ut U\e i.uu- man IVmu’- ilw -Vivikjrcdons. ai the date ahove -iven. ! . i/-. , a .h : 1 V ; thai others saw-.it as well as hev bedhpas- J.tot ru avaj I T ,,v ,1 liasho... Ou iiie fourth day out, they fell : the main facts'of, the story are. doubUcss i ‘tot wd<» and ; tora j laborers (who trerppresent probably, - ‘ ,r - i < .11 ' “ “ ''|. lh iL - '-ih (uorge il■■•>.., ’ - iulva ill-o -the-'wisp rsubmnated moonshine- ,! riy^ MEETIRCS OF ASSOCIATIOKS. ’V d He g...e them proiision.-. _ I Ihe kind ot with you want is of good These men fundedeven strain of . i, '„ ’'- ’• J in, a duck mid ih. j mantis and knows Wto mend tmwsersi mufic isSDC d -from the mnaf'tiuti. 4nd l f 1 qu.-t'r- of .• a hit.- K.j -\ I.ia htl \ BEES AT WAE. j who can reconcile peeang potatoes wfth 6 f , he A. ■■■ M*r' Ih 4 r.vj r..",i Eld'Jle, i well .known citlneii of ’ P !^ Ua> }: 1 0r ,. 4atJ |* ona “ e 1 T ho ™ ! soldiers who were .holderMian'the rest. fTArv*co\‘ nth . jtoV; ivi-M ...... .... .1, r-V ■“!- a Tl..nd, v.heie thv«- provlsi-jns this town) and for many’ years cngegA,d in ' '.J ',' ura< to' ’““4 i advanced towards the figure. Among the i.. .l u i L-;i.u.-.ua»,ii ifr.as., .j s-n«- h-vame ai.\ « .vj,m..-.v^ , , ! .On the 20th , the managemeat of bees, coamumicAiU- to L *' a ,®, >v “? .undenslands bropmol- j party,- it; hjqrgeaed- that, there were a few . m 'L-vr.vi.v A'.v.nf-.XPKRY; x.i. tvk. r. ‘■ i .Ai:gi.»f, at. (. ape Chidiergh. they ha-J •us ihc fonpwihg inteivstintt iiarticulars of i v , t v^ C^-* Ca 7if suo lH an h 'tvho lipmaa trumpeters. Frtuu oiie.of these c . ... .« »•<»•«», u «■ J Moaiing but tiu.-l.ivori.s anl lyriie> to Ihc a battle among his hchs.- lie had seventy i £ ''^ t h w, t knitting her . phanipui, rising as they advanced as.i.i ina i..iM,K. x.i. its. J-o. ..f p. F_ ti.i-.TH cTi-ry on 7an I here H.iv. Ltp.s and D..v is ran of. . swarms of bees, 4hbut equally' divided on I w 'i?' traveled! nearer, suddenly caught a tmmpct, and V’’ from the parly, and carried with thuu the ca-t and west sides ohiis house. One i of prefotrs-sewing .tears ; blowing gi.'.bW 'of superhamah breath.- tLtvMrtEonre V. Ltcniling that w.« useful lounging to Sunday afternoon,, about 3 o’clock, the i , a ‘'• t 0 1 ' plungediato jto'the oO&r su-Min’- fn !, \v-i„ii-rU.‘ •* J ••.'** U‘ v*' : the boat. After an attempt,to leave the weather bring*. warm, and a : tonfcmddfeappe^^^ hMho ; dusky t^fe * .fvJlZt'w'if plin ‘: Y ’ iUch open, his house was'suddenly, fiDed with ‘ , b “ of i hp9n ; ,wj4sh.,C«W *...snegawkindM«tto.mu3Mb-ta»«u. * - j weather,. they l.indeil tigaip. and X>oi'.A.ii ; bees, which forced the familvdofly at once : <■** ■ K -“P *9.tof -in the sndf . C fcuavjaj-^‘ i M , -|»- - 'VJy L , y d . k ' 4 °*‘ L TLenaiTaliveofS-l- ( to the neighbors: Jlr.' D,’ after getting i“ lc^Q g Seesc m a .4° l ' * | easiw-Ict us Jfoliow whither the gg^pg ' J - r . L-.an-ay-; ' well protected against his assailants, prt> if •■.i 6 ',: - , . ,' . , ; portents oftlJeaycn *nd the maliqc td'our hF'nC'fiS Tl.e cv.auig Dutton died, SamT Fisher coodod to take a 7 survey) and. if pojirihle, Pj\ v . us fofgol” . : gof^ r ftwrnar—Amirnr'G.Oorti!.. 7 proposvid to.cat Luii. lie ,topk Li# Juiuc ! Irani tiie causa, whicli had dfeturhed them, i w-V y’ ;0U think it absurd, ; jjp ctcagqd jjicriyer jijith impotoosily, i 2iu . J t “ { a -l’‘-' c v out.hf.-tto-dead man's ; The seventy swarms appeared to be onf. * 44' -l e > m . ( l J®* 1 t* ia * . a . ! and in ajsndckaj Bassioiiale.s^ii j.uj.i r k.c.if'.i.-«•.) i thigh, and held it over the fire until it was and those on one side of the house were i * - ■? torthp » washtuh or m the kitchen, 1 vindiallve. Ambition,'.-alacad himsrif «nd Then, next morning, ouch on’ 1 arrayed those of the other side : j v)T' v^' 1 / 10 V 1 -— °? soft; stua it&xsti. vsto t ' ik&n th - ’ and e.'mh . witnessed: They-filled the air, a:>4 ‘V v V,f V %v ? i indtrewn, ourt._pr.f. J UI I.. * Tll . auuj store- We Stopped here three space of more than one' acre of ground. I ,J* bfllr f r - Slll l aq ?.? W? u be v raised' the standard of revolt, put his foot AM«cki.i k Sumw-i !>.««. •“ *• ■ ’■• i hivs. M e then iiindc a start; but the and foudildesrfemfelyfor somotlircchoare.: iniellecauai endowments, n the. neck of, the imihdWe republic, . i'Wind being ahead, we were compelled to —not for “spoils,'! hat for conquest’; and oy ■v'^y^ CC Tiri “ e Jt dd t c V. cc^m * which Ifedhumhipd; #dd tb* kings of) the T‘T',, -j put-.htfek.. Here wo stopped two more while atwar, ho living thing conH exist L yr .Pfi* 51 ™* 1 ' rCP l^ < l‘ al “« acaniration of Mrriff-tomM ■'! days*. During'that time the bones Were in the vicinity;'’' They stung alarec flock y f woUla be a . tofest Wh uthou^M Cl-ui- r „ >^ n *P ««H «««1 toiW *»n a pot t;r of Shanghai chickens, nearly aO of wKrit m jeam In'vvhat mariner this ispeeftaj^p: ° ’'' i ketfle- tlmt wo had; 'the skull was also died, and persons pafeJter along the road- lu 4 n P? t hnc w f* t,UI !)l“ _ ’ l T }l , e ‘ lie r pearapee. -yci#,- n»ap)iged--n^h^.v|he i broken open, and the brains taken out and ride were obliged to make haste to avoid wu*» a F® 3 P°4? r ? ,Ca;sar jM»« e i t ri_iirtM.cotK:,wmiKai®ur]..r. ; cooked. TVe then got a fair wind, but ’as their s(in<*s. ■/;-• or banelnjah at a Methodist j,,.,:,, umfnqjvq.ihicef!Cf.—-£De Quiacy. ' \ BoUt 31 iiir. L.L "’e got aron.id.a pdinf-we had fire wind A little after six O’clock.- quiet was re- ; v! -“i- 1 baTe l ™ rt ? er ' ;---4 4 '■ w-ty M oif a»ore: we Uld hardly -tored. and the living bees returned to “ 74 -r**tuim 3i»ti>«n. ; mailajjb the boat: at last we .drove upon ■ their hives, laving the slain almost liter- ‘ . ut a ““J uaSß * c iU^“ Tnn .A D FT— — ’an «aod «m» dislanre out to sea'; we aliv covering the ground, since which. T T *2 ~ LTO BOHOUCH OFFICERS. , pot khe boat under the lee of 'ilfhut the hut few have appeared around the hives, i a f I(w ks weh to her household. same night we had a .large liole stove into and those apparently Rationed as sentinels *° mo e H? '. X-j&pai*.*—Mnra(»iiuui.i}«t.alie- her. Being unable to-fiiml her up, *-c to.watch the enemy. But two voting — ■ ' ' lr " ; ... —r w^BwjsT^* 1 J ’.^* r,u?e ' Stayed here lt ; wae on tlus swarms were entirely destroyed, and aside ...©“A shoemaker intending to lie absent aslaaJ-they tried.to jaoader Uic. from the terrible siangliter ofbecs no otber for a few days, lampblacked swingle wilh '' : The third we- «top{»«I. here, I- was li-Jmy was done. Neither p;irty was vie- the following, withgiut-d»tc, rind nailed it gg* <*w*iSSSoSsSi. rtyf** 1 * 31 ** loiHjitw usual, pidciagterries or anyihing turious, and they only ceased«i the ap- 4P 94 h» riioji-dooff-^L--ATilf be'at^mhe A **’ - ■/ ,1 ’ «ni School To*—jut. I could fuid toriat gaming ihT dianwd proach of night, and from utter prostra- *on fi' l *w»TW*ia Wtovydilim from a-cdoh «eyerM»re wriumtsl nor howal mtf&p i ' intiae handßof dewj* Thsher. aad tefo«e Wwj-KoW. 1 ii •mi.v.-rf'uf* "'■s>r:: Thf.*»~h Through. iear"x i?CTW3BKf•''A'WiACITtC e, >«£)Wt'i .11. c. I>EKS h \yj a. > <—»ii «w a. .-.•«. , Chains ¥crtm w ■ r!3 - ALTOONA, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 18C2. EfracTHAt \ Cube • *x>k Eab-ache*?- j ,TftV.c a anali piece of cotto*r,. baOamg* .ioatr- | jUm woolj-nijikßti depression in ihetentre ■ with the cud of the finger, iu, mueh ground pepr**" trail' five *e6l piece, 'jpitk tie it 1 M i»f-ert it efcr' trith eotton (np-toinbiM it in i (tuit iifief will 6» Wot tie injured g*fiai» : erM « kjiavcs^a#3Wt'VlMit' Gwsrt.l negro -tr’gaj- (.) Beaufort, recently, of a pack age from his owner, a Sirs. f Q Commander Bankhead, of the gunboat Pembina. The conmiaod(ir,' : it known, has boin very active wi&' bis vessel, perforntmg many important aetr vices ia the conduct of the y». Scope of these -s|rvic eg have_heon pamfnl, as it has been necessity for him to take‘hip arinS against personal friends, antf even relatives, hvingihthiTvicinltv. Bat.he has aot flioched from his onpleae ant duty- .Among his was h Mrs. Chisholm, wife «f-a-plnnleii whp has expressed hpr patriotism by. sending him a set of pensive c*»ju*-ha*.'Hu! withthe intimation that tbeiosthey Were intended; tosuteffr was ready for his reception, as soan _as he should come that 3« ppfer to play this singular joke, the fair rebel sacrificed 7 one of her trusty Slaves, udjoffading tom self among the Yanke<», is contenttow* main with -them. / - / ■’ .„ ’ Jesse vs. Me. Si\ : itinnati Prtss tells the following “gobd by Mrs. Jesse’ Beaton F remotft,- while 7 ik her reacatvisitto the oapatai, tdfecret oat ofthe hostility whiehhaf fested itself toward her husband. At one of the interviews with the president, Mr. Blair, Sen. , father of the erfif and Prknt P. Blair, -was present— Mr. BL3r fdrncdto Mrs. Fremont and said: " : **Mrs. Printout, allow the to say td ypn that in my judgment, madam, vobp pbcjSer place Is siti+jhe hu»d of yoor household at St J lJoidß, and l&3~ihtferhilij dling with the affairs of the Stat Wig. to say the least af jty. very bad taste, oayyw part- And in conclusion, 1 Wjsh ygn.W understand that here is where WmaLe men and tnnnakoi&eia,* ’’ ' To wlachllrt,- FreSadnt siShAfl6giB - 113 .if a;. fiudl vd' *»*JTiro- Hkimuds ‘joefelio}; £r.