Hia *t<>ck of Ladies and MUses' Furs is the beat ever consisting of tyery variety, which In iP trlucliMiartkuutbaf vaubd. 1 at the rcnifmbrftnci l of having looked upon tlia handsomest stuck of Hut*, Caps. Furs, Ac,, ever exhibited In this town. ~Skrre on Virginia Streetvppotiitthe Lutheran Churdt, pctjUttV. - ;> iJiabic smith. Latest arrival of I FALL & WINTER GOODS | lisTFOusis «is j customers, and the public gerernlly, chat be has fast j facetted a large and beautiful assortment of ! : s PALVAND WINTER GOODS. which. for magnificence extent and variety, hare never beftn kff excelled in-Blair county* Particular ]e iprltwfi ottr ttbek of ' LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Such as Bind: andFhncu SiU's. CbaViti. Dereges. Brilliants, 'Lawns., Crfipe*, Prints t Crape and and hosiery. uonnHs and RUJjont, ftoUars. Hind’ kerchief*. Kul Gloves. Hooped St. irts , St, irk iitg. Lace Mitts, dc.. dc. PQRGE.NTLEMILVS WEAL, We have (jtothiu Testing*. Tweeds. Jeans, Ac. ffefebof ft.oiTie* tr> oh) do well to call and examine oar etvdt 'ofWluUr Goode ttr Coy*. ' Uairiwnn*. Glassware, Qntv nawnre, Wood •wJ IVinoir War . Oil rioths. Carpets, Ac, in any quantity ■ axul at prices that cannot fail to please. GROCERIES. Onr stock of Gn*corics is more exti-n*ive thap ever, and consists of Rio and Java OdTbe, Cru*dn*d.'Loaf and N. 0 Solars; Grefn. Y. ft arid BUdt TfturjMulasseH. Soap*, CamHe*. Salt, Fi*h/dc. ’ Thankful to the public fo* the very liberal patronage nrrim nt iT>.ii .lynhopi-s by itrlfT attention tu vie&Aimaai'oueavbf to pleiad* to meric a continuance of the same. Co.untry Prodaco of all kinds taken in exchange for . Hello: Tain Way Neighbor! NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS J i AT OLD PRICES. rpHB UNl>Rß6lGXlil> WOULD P.E J|' r.apfcEtftilty inform the citizens or Altoona and sur- BnffUiO’ that he has JBht returned froth theesut, srlwllug hi** stock of Fall ami-Winter with the gfcateat care an*» exclusively for CASS', which enable* him to mil ;is low if not ft little tower than any b«m«e ji ;«U» 'place. lie Wsubl therefore say to ail thqaawhO wwh-to purchase their Kail and Winter Good? ej: hi* new stock before purchasing eW where, as li-.f «.e su{;>6od that he can give entire *uiis Ike* IbJQ. llis goods ore of the bv it quality and very cheap. All Cotton Goods at Old Prices! Sis Stock.consists of Lidie i’ Dress Gords of every variety, shade and color, from a plain iHktinc at 12 cent*, up to P[aid\ and Plaid Oefaincs a)l at 25 and SfLf Ct*^Tiffnred 'pdnines/rom 1 25 tit * Cl ifts. oont'ttga and American PHnt* Wycnls for %\, Lancastertmd' Domestic Ginffhams frmn 10 to "W/2 cts. ± aU wnol Flannel fwai 25 to ... SUtcnrd Muslin from K> 1214 cts . Sutiucts ' til wool TTbceds and Jeans nj every variety and price. Ueti and Boys* Boots ami Shoes;\WPtn»*n, Mjasea and Chi ldren's Shoes; Hues and Caps. Rio Coffee at 17 cents. While Srtgar 11 ct*.. Brown Sn jpw from 8 t • in cts.; Imperial. Y. lly«ne ; on this press, in pam* phlet farm. Containing a cut of it. >ml will take great pleasure in sending a copy to th'**e who have not received U, ohtfrd rCctpt of a paper from them. Any ' publisher inserting this advertisement. to the am unit of £lO. and sending me a pam*r cont/ilning it. will be.allowed the amount of their MU towards paymnnl on one of toy presses. if ordered after one year from Seje temb-wl. Hvithln'we be al'mred f Ml/* jf within six tuonfbs $3O will he al|a«*# ?Ai«Uf Within three u>ouths, : slO ! wiU be allowed for’the bill TIIKSKi ARE WAH TIMES AND WAR PRICES. Ton will find it f*r yoqr interest l«> communicate di rectly With; me. am t warrant; the .press t<> b‘* ll 1 repre- iti frhljrh yourm-rchaut cun easily find dnt for you la total stranger in New Y r‘c. For further particulars ‘plvase adtjjreas A CAMPBELL, v '■■■'' • Ifo. 16, Spruce street, N. Y. Sept. 19,1561. ALfdbifA ttlGlt SCHOOL I Prof. JOHN MILLER, Principal. rpriK FIRST SESSION OF THIS 1 SCHOOL will c .mm**nce on MOXDAT, Nov. 4th. The c*t*ldi*he*l reputation of Prof Milkr as an uccom- Teacherl*a sure guarantee to that‘the •clkkjj will he so conducted a-* to give full satisfaction ■ - - TERMS PER SESSIOX OF TWENTY WEEKS. Kor English Grammar. o.rigrHph.v. Coiinmsitinn, Natural Phihwophv.-Mental ami’Advanced Geometry, Jr ip mom.-try. Latin ytjjQ* rmisß -t**— ft-W. TdrMuilc'!...;... - yy- payment of subscription to be made monthly#} tliit-i School Dir^tors. Dlt CAbPER\yOOI> offers-bis I’ro f.-Miniial 3'irvi .3 to «h« citiv-iM «l anil rlcinltjr. on hrt/inla Sirdri, nearly opposite C. J. Sttnu’s Store.' REFERENCES: 3. B. Eroex. U. I).. Huntingdon. Jxo JlcCcuoca, M. D., Hv, j. CaFfST. '* Pittsburgh. ■' wPaiP6iS4N*™ i, i& , S 1 . _ TlMiTnolTisstiTSseoxf Tyrone Ctfy. Jkoob Ducley, “ C. Orrctu “ Yf.jBCJItET, “ J&m J V -EMPLOYMENT I Cs7sl AGENTS WANTED! ■«■«•»! rw» >..£14 |»r ni;wth. .nil nt'fifc’f' PAr|ipnl.v« «**ni fre* A Lire-* RHe Machine Comj>ftny, R. PITRE jyillTE Ll;'AT> AND KING PmlnL rlm) Cluonie. Oretn, Yellow, P*ri* Green. !rv mu* {&S$. Ml «t - . ' /irQeatnd Sbool^erSnkes' for sale at T-tf* . 0. vr. KKSSLKR’S. TTAiR OILS, COLOGNES. POM- El sdee. ShAvtoc Cream: Toilet Soaps. *c. f«>r wile by : O. W, KKSfiLRR. HATH. HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, Paint, Sa*h smilTarttiab PrWresit BITTNER, SMSttrAx. spJKc*EON, ~ g\tmfiß.ix Js¥ masonic tem * f ,ffiBofcxiaA »r tlfoPoet Office. wUbMtk pain by theCmrreat Electro* *fTl# tigSt to tte Bpot” i raSTAKt KKU2FJ . ■ ■ - JOC# CPCOU *.t V' Skam, f a -v:.. . vnaHtfflusß 4o«k f oicsi Throat Confections, ARE ' GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN. GOOD.FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR IUBLIC SPEAKERS. GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD. FOR CONSUMPTIVES OENTLEIiiEN CARRY SPALDING S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED VITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN. CRY FOR SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. 49* They relieve a Cough instantly. . 43r*They clear the Throat. .: 4®* They glee strength and volume to the roice. a*- Tlwy impart a d°Ucloos aroma toihe breath. £9»Tuey are delightful to the tas'e, are male of simple herbs, aud can barm no one. I advise er.»ry one who ha« a ConglL or a Husky Voice or a Bad Br»*ath. or «ny difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Conh-ctlon*, they will relieve you Instantly, and you will agr?e with mo that ‘‘they g * right to the spot,” You will find them very useful and pleasant while travelling or attending public meetings for. stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If jou try ope pack age 1 am safe in saying that yon will ever afterwords con sider them indispensable. Tou will find them at the Druggists and Dealers ip Medicines. ' PRICE SPWEPTST FIVE CENTS, \ My signature is on each package. All-others lure conn teef- it. •: : . t . A package will be sent by n»at|, prfpaid, on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address. . i IItfNRT C. SPALWKfI, Jfo. 48 Cedar Street. New York. ■ NepvousHeadaehe Headactie. By tin* n«e of these fills the periodic attacks-of Mcr rou or tide Headache may bo prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom foil in rem >ring the 2\au*ca ami UeadacJix to which females afe 50. subject. \\ They 'aet guntly upon the bowels, Obsh’pe?»«.<. Men. Students, Delicate FemaKa, and all persons of Sedentary xhgy ore valuable &S a Laxative. improTiLft the appetite giving taste np.l vigor io the diges tive organs, andrestoringthe natural Elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS arc the rcpnlt of long investigi tlnn and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during Vfhich time’ they have'prevcutcd nod relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating hi the nervous system or from a tiemng' d state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with pefect safety without making any change of ditet. and the'ahsence of any disa •jrecahU taste renders it easy to administer lt\em io children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry C* Spalding on each fcos'. * Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers iu Medicines. A B6S will be sent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE 25 CENTS. All- orders should be addressed to ; HENRY O. SPAtBINO, Nov. 15, ’60.-1 y.] * 48 Ced »r Street ;New York. Mr, Spalwxo. I hare tried your Cfplmlic Pills, and 1-hJreptem so wdl that I want you to send m**Jvvo dollars worlh.iuore. Part of rhe*o are for the neighbor*, to wbbui 1 gave a few out oftha first U»x I got from you. Seud Iho fills by hmll, a»*d oblige Your obedient. Servant, MilSpalmso. . Sm: I wi*h yon to semi me one more box of your Cephalic Pills, J have rrcm’red a great deal of benefit from, them. . Yuurs, Kespoctfully,.. . MAK-Y STOIKUOCSE. Sprcce Creek, Hcntingpox Co., Pa., Jan. 18,1861. n. C. Spaldixo. Sir: Yon will please me two boxes of your Cephalic Pillrf. Seud them immediately. B. STAIONS. P. s. —l have xutA one box of yowr PUIj, and find them excellent. Fi'om the Examiner, KorfoV:, Ta. Cephalic Pliis.accomplish the olycct for which they were mode, viz.: Cure ofheaJache iu all its forms. Prrmt the Examiner, ftdtfoU;, la. They >«ave been tested iu moro thau a thousand cafes, with entile success. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Mi fin. If you are. or have been, troubled with the lH v a i - ; BBKRY C. SPALDING, ■' Np.4BCed*rBt,N.Y. isautn’s; As certain unprincipled r^mon*. are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitation* ot mv PREPA RKDjQLUK, I would caution a!I perrons to examine before carptpitiug. and see that the full name, t®. SPALDING’S PREPARED is on the outside wrapper; ail other are swindling cons* tarMto* ■ ■ {% Maso.wilis, Cox*., Feb. 5,1861. r ( .J£M£S KENNEDY, IlATxEPoitti Pa., Feb. 6,1861. Respectfully yoof*. SAVE TUB PIECES! CAUTIOtT; 1 WHEELER & WILSON'S | SEWING $ § MACHINES. | g R. A. O. KERR, g § ALTOONA, PA,, g Agent for Blair County. » SiNOSIIM H3I33HM These machines! are admit to be the beat eyer offered to the public. and their superiority is satisfactorily established by tbe fixet that in the last eight years, ' Over 14,000 More of these Machine* Imre been sold than vtf «ny-other man ufacturwt. and liiore niedals hare been awarded the pro prietors by different Jfcic* and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machine* sue warranted to do all that Is claimed for tliem.. Tbqy In use in Mvaral faßailing m Al toona. andii* eysij.case thsy'glreeotiiVaaUHftictum. The Agent refers tints* desiring information aa the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper. Her. A. B. Clark. George-Uawkeswortb, Benj. F. Hose, and £. U. Turner, Bsqr*. The machines can be socn and examined at tbe store of the’Agent. at Altooim-r Price of No. 1 Machine, silrer plated, glass foot an 4 hew sty!.* Hammer—s6s. No. 2. ornamental bronze. g!av* foot an*’ new style flemmer—sss. No. S, plain, with old style Remoter —$45. [March 21,1861-tf. THE HEROES OF PEACE, AND Tl|e Heroes of War. I E ANTHONY, 601 BROADWAY, i • KEW YOUK. is now publishing. in addition to j other'portm.U, the celebrated coUvcli>u known in turopov ami America ns Brady’s lational Photographic Portrait Gallery,' in which is included Porrrairs of nearly all the PROMI NENT MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davis, Gen. Beauregard. Floyd, nod a host of other confederates. Price ol Portraits £UM> per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of tho War for the Union, are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form. ALSO. Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London, and m other parts of England and France: in Scotland Ireland, Wales. Holland. Switzerland. Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens. Egypt. Ta‘k«y, the Holy I«and, China. India* Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatett Winder 0/ the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the ipoving of loaves or the march of «n army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manu’urture the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Albums, nml Pho tographic Materials in the United Mates, and perhaps in the world. CataMOCES. containing li*ts of our Portraits. Views, Stereoscopy ic., sent Tree by null. n« receipt of a stomp. E. ANTHONY- 00l Hrawlway. dcai St. Nicholas. New York. AnfiS-ly LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. The undersigned having purchased the right f*»r Ulair county, ot Tolhnrst's Improved Washing Machine, arc now manufacturing them at Altoona. ami intend to supply them totlhMe persons throughout the county who di*lre a LABOR-SAVING MACUIN-K. This machine is got up mi tiu .entirely new principle. nndi.se laddered, hy those wh> have seen it in use, the best that has ever been Drought U-furo the public. Among the many advantages of this machine over all others may bo mentioned tin: f .Hawing; l*f. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to pet put of order. '2d, Its speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the l«x*k«r on. Zrd, The facility with which jt adapts itself to the bulk or qantity of clothes desired to lx* washed. 4th. It washes frqimlly well the finest and lightest fabric or the (fr&fsest and heaviest, such as bcdtjoUts, comforts, blankets, Ac. We the undersigned. hereby certify that we are now using Tolliursfs Improved Washing Machine and nre fol ly MtNihrd that it is * very exctdlorit.varticle of the kind ; combining ns it does great speed with little ’nliur. and per forming its work m the most satisfactory manner. We thcrefon* cheerfully recommend it to ail who desire a real .hor-saving washing machine. JOHN W001»S. MICHAEL CALVERT, JOSEPH G AHLUM K. A. 0. KERB COAL. XTOW IS J IIE TIME FOR EVERY family L c’t in their supply of coal for tlie Winter, ami the jnibseribhr wbnhl therefore inform the citizens of Altoona ami vicinity. that ho I* prepared fo supply them, on short notice*, wilha •‘np'rior’article* of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS* COAL. llewiHHl it by the Train. Car. or C«pf Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at th<‘ ilonr of the purchaser. Ittp* Yard on the North side of the Railroad—upper ei.d of Altoona Yard. U.R. MYERS. July 25, ISfil.-tf. % UNDERTAKING, Cabinet-Making and Carpentering. nPHE UNDERSIGNED have opened X a shop of the above description. at the Conierof the Alley <« Cftro'dne street. betwei-n main and Virginia Sts., when* they will manufuctur-* to order, all kind* of CABI NET FUHNiTUKH. and will al 1.1867. •• 1?OR SAI.K —A HOUSE ANGIOF, desirably located Id the Borough 1-f Altoona. Api It to ” JOHN SHOEMAKER. ' Altoona, ' McMIXN & DKRN, Altoona. Blair County, I*a. KMIT.K TIKTZE, Tlln.-v JICAII.I.Y, DA.NIEL I’UICE. AUCTION GGOI3S VERY CHEAP AT McComick’s Stsre, in East Altoona I TUST OPENED A VERT LARGE f I ui convict* CMuitmept of Spring mrifnmßWT Gootk. oomfetiDg Of Britiah, Fr«di sad Aartcn ®«T oSd£ Scrtriofith great cy to try. latfc«Ua*or Ladies Dm Ooodi *nr price, the, will mrpsc*. - • Mantillas, Dusters. Shawls, White Goods, Em broideries, Irish linens, linen Handker chiefs. Iloopskirts, Clothe a, Cos ‘'simeres. Kentucky Jeans. Print*. Ginghams, Muslins, Flan • nets. Etc., Etc. Boot. A Shoes In ell their rariom make and material for Men A Boys' as well aa Ladies, Mkaaaaod Children. Beady Made Clothing, a foil assortment to suit the season, with Hats, Capa, Vm bretlaa. Panuola, Carpet* Oil Cloths, Mattiiw. Btuoma, Buckets. Tula. Tin Ware. QneeuswaTe, Hard W are. Stone Ware, Market Baskets. SBnk BaMwrs. Brushes, Clothe* Lines, Ac, with all articles necesaary to make np a full as sortment to meet the wants of the people. ALSO, a complete FAMILY GROCERY. which will Imre onr special attention, first in buying and selecting the best, and freshest articles as well as keeping it np at all time. Coffees of the very best and richest varieties. __ TEA S , Black and Oroeu of the best quality and flavor. Sugars good nnd clump: common Brown at 6, good at 8 cents, common white 10 cunts. Syrups and Baking Molasses, from the best Lovering* at 62U, to the lowest grade at 40 cents. CornnUrcfi, Dryed Dryed Appha. Fjtrrena, Bacon. Dctchl Beef. MackurfL Herring. |j.ke Kfeh & Dry Kiah, WimU>w Glass, different sizes. Ac., .all of which will be sold very low for cash, or exchanged fur Produce. Always on hand. Spoor * Hulls celebrated Iron Plows. Persona visiting town would do well before making their selections to call and examine our fctock, as we will l>e pleated to see them free o! charge. Very thankful fer past fivors. we respectfully solicit a continuance of pub lic patronage. Altoona. April 18*h, 1861-tf- JACOB SNVDEK, TAILOII, The Hero of One Hundred Fite per Month ! I would respectfully st forth idj claim to puhli attention, as a Fashionabl Tailor ahfollo.rs: Because 1 keep an excel lent Assortment of Clothi Cussixuert9>, Vestings an Trimmings, which, whei exatnined.rtlwavs please. ■ Because my work ' made up in a maimer tin takes down the conntt ami gives nil my cuslome: a city appearance. Because 1 am not .intern as a Cutter to the best i be found anywhere. 'Because f.ug experiom in my business gives n entire control over it ai 1 am not dependant up< any one tolift me out » tile suds. Because I am still on thesn:;iiy fide of forty, and there to! e my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Cull on me. in the corner room of the •• Ilr.int lloiiae.” Give me a trial and von will go auav pleased. Altoona. May 2C-5m * JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON ML LAMPS! Vnr iuaiol in lit anti/. Simplicity Softly or Economy, Kv-.y person desiring to obtain the very bcstond cheap . mlde light within thrir roach, should cull At the store .fthe undersigned and examine these Lamps lu-S-re purch.tsiug elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon jstrate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can (‘cctir by explosion. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. 3d. That they are very 1, easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. , sth. That they hum entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light j* at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common two. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics. Seamstresses* Factories. Halls. Churches, Stoics, Hotels, aud are highly recommended f>r family use. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging niul table lluid and oil lamps, at a small exivnse, and will answer every purpose of a new laup. \Ve guarantee jw-rfect satisfaction In all cases. Aug. 19, ISoS-tf.l G. W. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROVISIOX, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. rpHE UN DEI! SI IN ED WOULD IN J[ FORM the public that he has purcb«*sed tie* interest of A. MILLIRON In the Grocery an«l I‘rovi-dop Store here tofore kept by them uti Virginia street, below Caroline .St., where he will continue the Inisineas, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOCK. HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES DRIED REEF. FISH. SALT. MOLASSES. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR. SPICKS, CONFECTION ARIES, and everything usually kept in Orrery and Provision Store*, nil <«f which he receives fresh from the e.u*Urn ami western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained li> enac to sell liquor by whole sale. I will keep con*tantly on hand a huge assortment ol liquors of tin* Ih-st qualities to be had, 1 res|H'tlfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12, IKSo.-Om. J. DERIOWTTZ. SOMETHING NEW. •yilE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST J[ returned from the east where he has purchased a very largo and fine stock of BOOTS St SHOES, Drogaus, ©alters, sct., which he i« prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity nt v-ry low price**. Having purchased direct from tin* manufacturers for cash, lie is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that lie a-ks is that the people will cull and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. fcS. BOOTS ami SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forgot the place, two doors below P. st Office. Jan. 3, 1801, M.' THOMPSON, Agent, r ANDS : LANDS!! LANDS !!! J The underpinned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS In the Omaha and Nebraska City Lund Offices.— GixKl s« lectimis can now be made near tin largo streams ami settlements. The Lands ©f this Tel diary, now in Market, an* of the best quality. r— ttS-- Selections carefully made. Letters cf inquiry re quested. alkx. ¥. McKinney, Oriapous, Cass County, N. Ter. July 14,1859,-tf nEPERENCJS: Rev. A. B. Clark, Altoona. Pa, >Vm. M. Tiioro & Co.. Bankers, Altoona, Pa, McCkcm A Bek*. Kditora. “ Tims. A. Scott. Supt. P. It. R., 44 D. McMuetrie. Huntingdon. Pa. s. m. woodkok: ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN TILE SE\'E RAL Courts of Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Having had several years.’ experience in the practice of the Law. he expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANXIK STREET, 3 doors above the Post Office. Scpt.C, ISOO.-tf. W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOXA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., nOLUDA YSUVIiG, At, m j (Z*US L Altoona: GKO. W. PATTER SON and GKO. A. JACOBS. Uollidayaburg; and bv W. NOWLIN k CO., Tyrone. Uf27-lj FIRST ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS AT THE “MODEL,” \I7K HAVE'JUST RECEIVED AN M unusually fine Stt ck of Goods suitable for the Season. No Auction truhh. but regular good IES’ DRESS GOODS. In this department we think we cm say we have Ole best assortment to be fir-nd in the place, consisting is part of Black and Fa.tcy Silts, Poplin*. Lustra, Morellas, limcht Mwituhiqu' S. Arabcsqnrs. Valencia*, Grisailles. Hffa irians, Chaliex. Ikhsitus, Debrges, LardJus, Bril- Hants, Ginyhams, Loans, Chintz*. Prints, and \f -JwaJs. Also. Stella and U»*rege inglals Shawls. Dusters. Tlostcry. Gloves Collars And Cuffs, Magic Ruffling and a full stock of all kinds of notions and Fancy Goods. Umbrella* large acd suiail, Boots and Slices,.CarpeU, Oil Cloths and Win dow Shades. Wall Paper aim! Border, Wood and Willow Ware. Hardware, Quecuswat*;, Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., &c. We hare also on hand* a very largo and superior stock of FA MIX Y GROG ERIES at Greatly Reduced Prices, Sugars* and Syrups by the barrel at a small advance. JB&* We take this occasion to return our sincere Ahanks to the projde uf Altoona and vicinity for the share of their patronage heretofore received. «nd r invito them to drop in and s*e our new stock which we feel confident will please. Altoona, Anril 10. J. A J. LOWTHKU. Stoves, Tin & Sheet iron Ware, SPOUTING, &C. r Q RTGG WO IT LI) RESPECT- fully inform rlit* citizens of AltoonanßpsL' aiU vicinity time ho keep* constantly on ImmJ laiYe assortment of CW {>•s. Parlor, Office LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE rS«n.^ G MU, CY i~J l ' e n , ndL '™iU wd > Agwit of the Blair Conn*, Mutual Fire luaoranco Company, ta at all times ready biMore against tom or damage by Are, Build «w», AfenrtowHie, P*umec - u * Maanaic Temple. ; Hardw are of all desciup lions just received and fbraale by oct.ls.tf] , J.B.HILKMAM , T UMBER FOR SALK. j e* too stayauce. ■ w.oon lathes, ■ nad a l kiada«f BPIUHKO MATERIALS.Iower than the •ovwt, for Oaah. Apply t* JOHN SUOBMAKER aid buw bojs Mimncki, So. M Market Sarrvtimrg, >o, rp« Cumin J’filtM **mESSw relied.npon. Blank Booka printed, payed and bo«ad u ■n daaimd patten. Shat* I *, Attorney* and Docket* of alt aiaes, mada and ruled to mder. TrPeeeju and Trarty Aaaaakment*. DnpliMtea, do, fcrcounty Tmrm are, printed or plain, rated, an* bound to outer, (w Docketa made of the heal linen paper. Librarian*, and -Other*. iMrtatto hare their Boekaaeu bound and at moderate prieee.»hopldgtTcnaa call. pnpem of flje largest tom, Htfpfrt Wwkly* Ofonotfi . Pictorial. Ballon*. Scifntiflo America*, London N«m bound to order, and In any style required. Harper's Month! ; ty Manatee. Knickerbocker, Blackwood's and Oraham', I Mafiaxlpca. Godey’a Lady's Book, Lady's Repository, p,*,. I son's Magarinc, Piano Music. 4e, bound in e*tra.^Tle», w tbe more plain and aubatantial half binding. Select Paa. ; plilets, Law Magazines. PaniolUcf taws, bound in (rood t.|, i bnkry atyle* at Tery moderate price*- Perapiw having* number of xolmnea to bind, will receive a liberal dinconut. ! Binding can safely bo cent to w ftow a distance h? jj. i press* and all work entnwtad tooarcarcwiUbespwd, I dily wifely packed and returned by Ixprete.— ! All work warranted. Addrcta 't.J* HUTTEii, ! Uarrislmry , ]\ ;n cook- k DEKN. at tbe JWErnwc Office. *ren,y Altoona, and vicinity. They will give Inform* turn ip rcUtw'P t*» binding, and receive and n-turu-bovki free fl-om extra charges, fbr all who ertt. ust their work to my care. (March 21. ISiji-iy -=D &?:■■(£■ Par* tlic entire co*t for Tuition in thf* most popular nr] SdMwil in the Country. Cpvrard of twtl vo hundred younp men from tweaty-eijiUt (Jiff-Tnit Stale;’. Tmve hmi educated for business here within the pa*t three year*, some of. whom - b&ro beeu cmplujeil u Book Keepers «it salarie* Of $3000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating. who knew nothing of ac count* when they entered the C-dh-ge. 49* Minister’s sons half price. Students enter at ant time, and review when they pies iso. without eaita c!i.v«. For CnttloffTjo of 84 pattes. Specimens of Fn>f. Business and, Or aoieutiil Pei.maoHhip. and a hrjrc *n"r.v vlnz of the College. inclose twenty-firo- cents in Fcwlag* Stomp* to the Principals* JKXKTSS k SMITH. Pittsburgh, Pa. Altoona,'Jan. 24; ? 61-V. GROCERY AND BAKERY! The undersigned annou.v cea to the .citizens of Altoona and" vicinity that U has ja-t roceired a large iovoicee pf Emit, Confectionaries, Hats, Spices and notions for children As.expressly for the ll.«lui.vn. He will also keep always on hand a jp>od eiook of pbio and fancy cakes, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, EAISINS &C., al ways oa lioud at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS. GOOD WHITE- WHEAT FLOUR, BCCEWUET FLOCK, CORN. MEAL, IC. alwnyi in store anti ft periodicals, dally papers from PTulutklphlu New York ai: l l*ittaliQrg!i'. bjgether with a»>o4.aw»rtn«ei J of Book*. All the School Books paid iu thw place rtjid vicinity alwaj* cn hand. ■ . • Also, a choicelot of Confectionaries, and kcick knacki of alt kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco i ?*can to be had it| town, together with a fine assortment ofGvM and Silver Pencils, Gold Rings and other article® nf Jewel ry. Call and examine. • 11. TKTTIXUKR. Altoona. July 2fi, ‘GO-lj. »> jVbi 1 AlimM HiAK. r rilE GREAT QUESTION WHICH ,JL n °F agitates the mind of every person is, where can 1 get the best article for nivWP money? In regard to other matter*. the »nl)- jflf scribcr would not attempt to direct, Iml If yon want anything iu the line of ROOTS OR SHOES be invites an examination .oriiis stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand an naatortment ofU>*t*-Sk>vi. Gaiter*, Slippers, &c~ which lie offers at fair prices. lie.will give special Attention t$ endow work, aIM wnich will l»e warranted to give satisfaction. NoneluHM l*e»t workmen are employed • • !; ; Remember my shop in on Virginia street, immrdiAU-ij opposite KesalerVDnig Stote September 3, ’57-tfj H. FETTINGEE’S GENERAL NEWS AGENCY. School Books, Blank Books, STATIONERY, CONFECTION ABIES CIPtARS & TOBACCO, TOYS & NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIED ~ , . C>,\»TAA'ILY OXHAXD. October 21. 1861. s M ATIOxNAL GOLIC4S GAZETTE.— xjl .Great Journal Crime snd Criminal* i* lU Twelfth Year, and {9 widely circulated thr.>nul'« st tlie country. U contains all the Great Trials. Crimical Cixsi's. ana appropriate Editorials uu the some, top-tiler*;’.! Information on Criminal Matters, not to be found iu au ) other newspaper. ' , Subscriptions *2 per annum; $1 for six menthn. t: be remitted by sufceertberm, (who should write their oas* wja the town, county and State where they reside plainly „ ' TV> Q* W. MATSELL * CO. Editor A fcmp’r. of Kew York Police flaxen*. 15-tfl .v yew TorkCity- TJOOTS AND SHOES—THE JLJf dcnigpcd has now on band and will sen cheap at hb store.in the M«s**nic Temple, 1 of HOOTS suOfis. ready mad*. or made to order. K. . OTcnlioea, Ladli-s* .'‘andala. Omn Slows. Cork IV'i 1 ?. fWOlbing In hia lino oflmsinssa. of in© Dent t)nnllty ao«i on the most reasonable terms* Ai custom work warranted Jan. 2. 'SB-tf.l / MtKA'f WESTERN INSURANCE "M ASD rapat COMPAXY.T-Injnnmce nn R«l£ P ro P ert y win be effected on Hie most reason*”* ta S^ a ? ~ ? e K ***n wta Altoomt at bit office in Ana* 8t March 17,1889. JOHN SBOKMAREB, Apmt- T EVES PREPARATION FOR Wf- RATS, MICE, ROACHES- A.VTf.s* 1 without 4* Direr in its use under idt cifcttm***** e fi O.W.KBSSUB -??* - .*r PINE AND DABD OILS, CAM* • I*«o, BnrntogJl«ld,Cairbm<)tt,J*-»* f|N HAND AT HoCOR3IICK?S Store ataip - * T ****&,■!&!' ■CO £ j I®. • s e • t 5 I ~ c a 8 £ ■ Bs | j B « q , j j•= y <5 s 5 n 33 -,H I 5C M VZ •- i £^r o S’! a a-a S|s'?2 ?g|?l So^a « B.r S|z* - ■ 55*2*8 §i q i 3 S*** 2 !« $35,00 # JOUN U. UOCEBTa- No. 1, ALTOONA. 1 HOUSE i 3. SAOEMAKEE. & BERN, VOL- 6. ft ft *ai> «on ... (payable invariably in adra **[ ffSTdSlcoatinuod at the erpiral paid »*• TK&H9 of AimnTifflra* 1 iDMtiOll ( iw T*» “ gS « < 1 » th “ t"* 1 j*T 4«*~ for ln “ r ‘ l 3“mo n th.. 61 |lx line* or Im».. -* * Oue 4 00 two “ " »00 > »«• “ «»■ HeUf » column tlercheat*' advertising by the y««r. ,nr " CommtMmSK M^x , to M be continued tUI forbid «ardtaz to tbe Abovo term*- BasiSeM notices five cents per line fcr ft (Jbltuerj notice* exoeedin* ten line*. Bfl tribune direc *~~C HUNCHES, MINISTER PRESBYTERIAN— Bev. ton, Pm _,, ry gabbath morning at H o clock. an< .TrtVlock. Prayer Meeting in the beet Wcdnsedsyevenlng at 7 o’clock. Sabbath room at «& "’dock In the morning. METHODIST EPISCOPAL —Rev. W. yjtor.—Preaching every Sabbath mornti end in the evening at 7 p clock. Prayer Lecture Boom every Wednesday evening fcbhath School in tho same room at . o c EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN —Lev. t Pastor.— Preaching every Salduith niormi and in-the evening at 7 o clock. Prayer Lecture Boom every Wednesday eveim;*, gabbath School in eamo room at 9 o clock BAPTIST—Bev. A. H. Ssmuowlb, P»< every Sabbath morning at 11 o clock, and 7 o’cleck. Prayer Meeting every Weilne, 7 o'clock. Sabbath School at 9o Cl ick A. UNITED BBETHREN—Rev. Sou tt K Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 <■ evening* T o'clock. PrayorMeetmg In ih «v«r» Wednesday evening at. o clock, s the same room at* o’clock In the moruin, PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL —(No r>F Preaching on Sabbath morning at Hoc evening at I o’clock. Power Meeting ei evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School at 6 ENGLISH CATHOLIC—Bev. Jonv Tn vine service's every Sabbath morning at In the afternoon at 3 o’clock. Sabbath at to the afternoon. GERMAN CATHOLIC—Rev. -a —Divine services every Sabbath mornm. and in the afternoon at B o'clock. Said o'clock In the afternoon. AFRICAN METHODIST—Rev. AlkXi Pastor.— Preaching every Fourth Sabbutl Prayer (Meeting every Friday evening at bath School at 1! o'clock to the afternoon. RAIL ROAD BCHEDI on’.And after mondav, not. ~ «1Q arrive at and leave Altoona Station i tipreca Train East arrives 9,35 P.M., •> ' “ West “ W» A. H. Fast : " East “ 8.35 A.M. . “ ' « West « 8,55 P.M.,. Kail “ East “ 7JO A. , « West “ 2,23 P.M., Tha UOLLIDAtSBBBO BRANCH ou yrexs Train and Fast Lino West, and Mu Wart.! . ISDUNA BRANCH TRAIN'S coaneri Accoiamodatioo Trains £ast and West, £ UaU train £aat and West. JACOH WISE. iastetn Way' «V astern Way BoltUaysborg W*at(*m Through. Baatein Through. HnlU«Jay*bnrg. Western' Through i. £ast*?a Through., W-i«t«rn Way KaM<*fa Way Orrice Houe3-.—During Ibe wwk. fr< 7 081. U. On Sundays. from T till S , \ QEO. W'. MOUNTAIN LODGE. No. 281. A. Y. M Tuesday of each month, at 7)4 w cl°ck “ ttorylo? the Mfteonic Tempi'-. ■ MOUNTAIN R. A, CHATTER, No. IS on the fir# Thursday of each month, at in same room as above. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, N 0.9. R.it-. first Holiday of each mouth, at 7)4 room as above. MOUNTAIN COMMANDERY, ho. *'» the fourth Tuesday of each mouth, ut in same room as above. ALTOONA LODGE, No. 473. I. 0. of (. Triday evening,.at 7)4 o’clock, in the w Masonic Temple. - 1 VERANDA LODGE, No. 532. 1.0. oft Tuesday evening, at 7)4 o’clock, in thin Buildiog, on Virginia street. WINNEBAGO TRIBE. No. 36* I. O. T Tuesday evening in the second t«h>ry # ’oi Council fire kindled at 7th run 30th brei BLAIR COUNTY OFF Judges of the Courts. —President Judge lor. Associates, Samuel Dean, Adam State Senator —Bun. Lewis W, Ball. Assmblyvean —Thsddeus Banks. AellAonotani— Anthony S. Morrow.’, Register and Rscorder —Hugh A. CaWv Sieriff— Samuel McCamant. Deputy— XHstrlct Attorney—Benjamin L. Hewit. Cbdnty Cbmmusioncrj—Goorge L. Con James M.Kinkead. Cbdaty Surveyor— James L. Owin. Treasurer—John McKeage. fber JBbaue Directors—Peter Good, WD * Autkiidt. - OiUvtg Auditors —A. Id. Lloyd, Bobt. I Noops. Banner —A. J. freeman. Superintendent of Cbmwon Schools —Jo THE ALTOONA TRIB ENOCH LEI' MAILS CLOSE AND MAILS CLOSE. \ MAILS ARRIVE. 8.15 A •MEETINGS OF ASSOOI ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311, B.‘o Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the s Masonic Temple, STATE OFFICE! Governor—Andrew G. Curtin. tkentary of Stale —Ell Slifer. .Attorney Qeneroi —Wflllazn M. Moreli Auditor General —Thomas £. Cochran Surveyor General— lVll Ham I*. Wrigb General— 6. M. Biddle. gU&zreatprer —Henry XL Moore. ALTOONA BOROUGH i Justices of Hut Peace —J ocob U. Cherry D«rje»»—John Allison. JhyA CbameO—A. A. Smyth, Daniel L JhaaaOfß. Greenwood, C. 4£ Hostctl M.Woodkok. fwirt Pkeararsr—Daniel Ladfchinoi ohWKHcfeiil Oeo. B. Cramer. Job •HBbmaa, Wm-BOyden, Jssaee Lnwi f»MaBW M S*a* Board-3. B. QB< jWtLftklwtiAe Joseph K. By. Oaottj, BomgK as JjJN* • 'John Lowther, C. J. Mann McClelland. jwtfcni ihltnrr Jacob Berner, J.. ifXbtUotu—mut Ward-Will ‘t . ‘ . Wmt Ward-Join t •4 8 00 A. 3