j*--V m l »kioh >*»<* tomm gyfwßh. SFtiflw™ **g” th» "*■%:*• mtt k *. '• v ** sssaKSsnw Sffl2S9jS3Jtt m. r */** Mslc v ®- ! i««t’ |jn>»T«M|« : »ftlfca ‘LAtNT. it } but At tin mai urat of the Unrr or , hot the tn-eulijw sUt? Iterance is n CterMit torpid or connth* Mlitoea the bile b rti* b«)j '.•“rtttyfiibindi: Xlcto.prizvMiu,* <»n*T«'iu»CTjue, **>*eh fon» th. Mrfnd m «* Mood inuti 1 tt» acrimony. pro ** nMtho it bounty, ky.lSffSraidj^ at,idbMttr.odor, •■ Mwitt *ter»» B r thronb indstn •* nad knli, «a**|a alone th* Bod tewd.nnd'M S&ttS > tt* etowdieed t r iiiii; lufti •• - 100 m. Bowti*f» rt V «» aa l **>d; «>4 aba, ‘iS&SS. a spcfc dMMM k «M *>**«• SBM& *3S^*a mdbniirlW MU, ♦fl Pca>M f rifame. r?TEMS- m £tld jhpuifiV— f° *bioh we are inilebted for aMj a good thing—makes the following sug —jtiong in regard to fill and winter amnss pfßts, which wo muko uso of for the benefit of ggr »ma»ement loving readers. The people of tbe Northern States are not going to forego their cold weather amusements the coming gea- K«D. —The Managers of the Altoona Gao & Water Company have de clared a onkugil dividend of fOpr' per eant. on the capital (took, clear of State tax, paya ble at th« office of the Treasurer,'on and after January let, 1862; It seems tb n that stock in a company which pays eight per eisht the eecond year of its existence; With a good ptta- P«et of an increase hereafter, cannot be bought par in the course of another year. In fact, many holders will not now sell at par, holding it a fraction higher. ' Who Said stock in the Altoona Qas & Water Company Wouldn’t pay? Be wasn’t a prophet. J9*Onr neighbor of the Ebensborg AUtght mon te getting impatient to soe the show which we long since promised. Now don’t “take on” so, neighbor; that shew w ill be on exhibition in less than two weeks, or it will be no fault of ours. The contractor promised to “come to time” before the first of January, and if he docs not we shall be more disappointed than our readers. We make no “promises to the ear to be broken to the hope.” When our exhi bition opens, our friend of the Alleghenian shall have a free ticket for himself and family. : S®- Judging from letters we receive from Post Masters at small offices, -we are not sur prised that there should be complaints of mis carried mail matter. A letter lately received by us was directed as follows:—“To the Pub lisher of the Alton Tribune.” Neither State or county was mentioned. A man who spells post office “poaet office,” is not fit to haveeharge of such an office. If such offices were given to good men, father than party favorites, it would be better for the parly, so doing as well os the public. A Dbsebtkr.— A man named William Reigh ard, who enlisted in the regular United States service, on the 9th of November last, under Lieut. J. S. Campbell, recruiting officer at this place, deserted this (Thursday) morning. Said Reighard lives at the “ Half-Way House,” on the road leading from Hollrdayaburg to Bedford, is 22 years old, 5 feet 8 inches in height, baa grey eyes and light hair. Recruiting officers are hereby cautioned not to re-enlist him. J. S. CAMPBELL, let Lieut. U. S. A., Recruiting Officer, Sad learn that on Tues day night lost a bouse situate in Clearfield township, Cambria county, near the Blair Co. line, and not far from the Buckhorn Tavern, belonging to a family named Cochran, was en tirely consumed by fire, an 1 the mother, son and daughter perished in the'flames. Wc do not know bow the fire originated—the above being all that we could find out Concerning it. In the absence or a bountiful supply of apples and cider with which to make apple butter, we readily take to molasses as a substi tute, and a right sweet one it is; nevertheless, there arc bad qualities, as well as good ones, of the article. An excellent article, if not the very best in the market, can be had at J. & J. Low t her’a. It is the simon pure Levering Syrup. Pot the Altoona Tribune. Altoo&a High School. It was our pleasure on Friday last,!to spend an hour in the Altoona High School, no* nnder the snperrlaion of Prof. John Miller, Ai M. Several of the Directors were present on the occasion, and, together with tbe pupils, were highly entertained' by the Professor, with an able and practical lectore on Electricity. After the lecture, the pupils .were briefly addressed by James Lowther, Esq., (one of the Directors,) and S. M. Woodkok, Esq., in complimentary speeches. Prof. -Miller is a finished scholar, as well as a highly reputable disciplinarian; and his practi cal system of teaching, with his experience and his knowledge ef the human mind, will most aarely soon build up a -school, in our town, equal in discipline and thorough training to any in tbe State. The school, certainly, opens with the most brilliant and encouraging prospects, and, as it is under the pecuniary control of the School Directors of the Borough, and their sueeereors, it bids fair to become a permanent institution. “The heights of Altoona,“ fanned by the pure zephyrs, fresh from the summit of the Alle < gheny, is a most healthy and beautiful Ideation | for such a school. And as boarding can be procured, in pr|vate bouses, as reasonable as in any other. town in the country, parents from a distance, as well as those in town, should imme diately embrace this opportunity to educate i their children, cheaply but thoroughly. Altoona, Dee. 17th, 1861, Qdick Tkmpbmd.— A servant girl on leaving ber place, was asked by her master as to her reason for leaving. “ADstreu is so quick-tem pered that I cannot live With her.” Well” said the gentleman, “ You know it’s no sooner be gan than it's over.” “ Yes, sir, no sooner over than begun again.”; MAKBIED r On the 15th inst, by Rev K B Snyder, EMANUEL M NESS, Esq, of Doncanevnie, to Min EMMA * SNYDER, of Huntingdon, K On tb« 12tb Inst, at the hotxss of Mr Hanes, in Newry, br Georgs'Koon, Bsq, Mr LOUIS OOSBBRBLL to Miss MARGARET OBNTLEMTERB, both of Altoona. At the raadeoce of the bride*! father, on the 10th Inst. a* Her. 8. J. Berlin, Mr. WILLIAM M. PIPBR, and m BY A O.BORRIOK, both of Catharine tp. Blair co. At the -Lutheran Parsonage, in WUltamsbnrg, on the Xsth fast, by the same, Mr. PAVID 8. WILLIAMS, and Miss SARAH A. TIM ACKfc, both of Williamsburg, Pa. REFORMED AMERICAN PRACTICE. GO AND SEE THE Root and herb doctor, who cut be eononlted at Mr. WOODS’, in Altoona, on the 9th of January. Abo, the 10th of February. Abo, the 7th of March. He treat* all dloeaeee that flesh to heir to. He invites all females that may be loitering with diseases peculiar to their sex, to call and examine hit new mode of treatment, a< thooeondt bare been reetored to health who ham been abandoned by others. He li in ponemlon of perfect In ctramente fcr aonnding the longs and cheat, and fr there fore able to determine the exact condition of the vital organa—consequently can treat each complaint* with greater eafety and certainty than it to possible fer thorn who guern at the dleeaoe and experiment fcr Ita core. He belierea that for every malady, there ia found In onr eoil a rare and aever-fefling remedy. m of Jaadaty, ISU. [«t.] B.E.ROn,«Smmnr. CAUTION. —Atf persons are hereby caotiocisd not to parchaao a PBQUISSOJtTIVOTE Stvea by tfao sndoWgaed to Josh Tabsootoc, dated on or aboot the M of March, IMt, payable oae day alter date, as I will aot pay the sane anteso aotapelled by law. S. VANSOOTOC. Snyder Twp, Blair Co, Pa., Dec. IS, 1 select* DI 8 SO L U.T 10 N.—Notice b here by rimi tint the (Murtomkip hcictofon brtvabD Ota. mMkni|Ded trading under the name of MOORE A HICKS, wu dissolved by mutual congest otr the 10th day of December, IWL The book* end eeconaU ere left in the bends of J. H. MOORE for settlement. All persons knowing tbeoueltcy Indebted ere requested to cell end aettle imoMiately. J. H. MOORE. PHILIP li;CKB. Altoona, December 12,1601. PROF. O. J. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL BLOOD RENOVATOR. TS precisely what IU name indicates, tor while pleasant to x the teste. It la revivifying, exhilarating end strength-, euiug to tbe vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates end renews tbo blood in alt its original purity, and Urns re stores and Venders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most powerful took, and yet so perfectly adapted so asto act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and hence soothe Oie weakest stomach and tone up the digestive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilarating in its effects, and yet it Is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It Is composed entirely of vegetables, and these thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing properties, and consequently can never Injure. As a sure preventive and cure of Consumption, Bkoxchitu, Iwwcestiok, Dyspepsia, Loss op Appetite, Faintness, Nervous lebitabiutt, Nepbalgia, Palpitation or tqk Ueaet, Melancholy, Night Sweats, Lax* GUOB, GIDDINESS, AIB ALL THAT CLASS or CASHS SO rSABretLY FATAL f AU.ra FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND IB* THEBE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com plaints, Diseases of the Kidney, or any general derange* ment of the Urinary organs. It will not only euro the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, bat prevent all attacks arising from Miasmatic infl nencos, and cure the diseases at once, if already attacked. Travelers should have a liottle with them, as it will in* fallibly prevent any deleterious continences following upon change of climate and water. • As it prevents strengthens the digestive or gans, it should be in the hands of all persons of sedentary habits. Ladies not accustomed to much out-doo£ exercise should always use it. Mothers should nso it, for it Is a perfect relief, taken a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety. There Is no mistake about it. THE CORDIAL 18 ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT: MOTHERS TRY JTU And to you vro appeal, to detect the illness or decline not only of your daughters before It be too late, bat also your sons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed op with the excitement ef business, that if it were not for you, they too, would travel In the same down* ward path nntfl it is too late to arrest their fatalfal). But the mother is always vigilant, and to you wo confidently appeal; for we are sure your never-failing affection will unerringly point yon to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should always be on hand In time of need. ' O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Lonis. Price $1 per bottle. For solo in Altoona by A. ROUSH, Agent, and all good Druggists. [June 27,1861.-1 jeow "PORK AND LARD FOR SALE.— JL I take this method of Informing the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that lam now prepared to furnish PORK, 1 \ jfr In largo quantities, at or Scents per pound. Also,. an excellent article of LARD, at 8 cents per tb. Wholesale, 10 cents per lb. Retail. The above articles can be had eb thcr at my Market-House or at my residence. Altoona, Dec. 5, 1861. M. RUNYAN. A RARE CHANCE.—A No. 1, half size VOIOIITLANDER CAMERA, together with all the AMBROTYTE FIXTURES, for sale, with or with out instiuction. Xho instrument is a first-class one and has been used by the undersigned lor tsn years. Instruc tions will be giren on reasonable terms, for cash, if appli cation be made soon. Apply to Not. 28,1801.-3 t US. ARMY.—WANTED IMME • DIATELY, FOR THE TWELFTH REGIMENT D. S. INFANTRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able bodied men, between the arm of eighteen end thirty-fire. Pay range* from $l3 to $33 per month, according to the rank of the soldier. Each man will be famished with equipments, ample clothing and subsistence. Quarter., fuel, and medical attendance free ot charge. The pay of each soldier commences as soon as he Is enlisted. By an act lately yosted. the term of enlistment baa been changed from five to THREE TEARS, and every soldier who serves that time is entitled to $3.00 BOUNTY from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fact the Government has wisely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement Is. therefore, open to nil. /*$ ' Jtor fnrt&T information Apply at the Recruiting Office, on Virginia street opposite Lowtbcr’s Store, Altoona,' - Lieut. J. S. CAMPBELL, 12th Infantry, XJ. S. A. Recruiting Officer. Dissolution of partnership. Notice is hereby given that tbe co-partnership here tofore existing between JOS. A. HAINES and WILLIAM CARR, in the Undertaking and Cabinet'Making businttx, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. 1 he Books of the late firm of Haines k Carr are in the hands of Jos. A. Haines, who Is authorized to settle the accounts, and by whom the business will hereafter be conducted. JOS. A. HAINES. October 28,1861.] WILLIAM CARB. ~ [Nor. 7, ISGI.-Gt] ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administra tion on the estate of JOSHUA HOOPER, late of Altoona, Blair co., deceased, hhve been granted to tbo undersigned residing as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those 1 having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. john McClelland, jam*r. Altoona, Oct. 24,1801.-6 t ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Admlnis trntjen on the estate of Alexander Heftier, late of the Borough of Altoona, Blair comity, deefd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing as aforesale. All Iversons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make' immediate payment, and those hating claims will present tbe same, duly authenticated, for settlement. CATHARINE RfiVNXB, Altoona, Nov. 21,1861 ] Administratrix. CITIZEN. EXECUTOR’S NOTlCE.—Notice isi hereby given, that Letters Testamentary on the estate of DANIEL McCAULEV, late of .Logan township. Blair county, dec*d, bats been granted to the undersigned residing as aforesaid.' All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, duly authenticated for settlement. Nov. 53,1861-fit. SAMUEL HAOEBTT, Ex’r. PAY UP!—NOTICK IS HEREBY given, that I have placed my Book" and Account" in the hands of Joint Churns, Esq., fcr settlement and collection. All person" knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call on Squire Urißn and settle their accounts on or before the 15th of December next, snd thereby save themselves farther costs. * Nov, 23,1881-St. JOHN HAMILTON - . IDZEUSTTISTIf'Sr. J IRVIN STEEL, D. D. S., HAV . INO located permanently in Altoona, respect folly offers his services in the different departments of Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry. Officenearly opposite C. Jsggsrd’a Store, Virginia it., AI. toons, Fa. (May 10, ’Bl-tf. Wall Paper and Border. An unusually large stock of the LATEST SPUING STYLES, Just received, which will be sold cheaper than ever by March 21,1M1-H. J. A J. I/JHTHER. Blanks of all descriptions neaHy and expedialonriy executed at thto oßse. CJPECTAOLES AND EYE PRBSER U-tq; snpu»*s. and O. W. FISHER, Altoona. DR. WM. B, HUBD’S MOUTH WASH, A SUMS HSXftXtir to* A ; • V. BAD BREATH, SORE MOUTHS, DISEASE# BLEEDING GUMS, NURSING SORE MOUTH, And the Best specific now in use for any diseased condition of the month. It te par lieolarty bwatchl to panoea wearing ARTIFICIAL TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the month, absorb ing and removing all impurities, insuring A SWEET BREATH to all who use it. No Tocno Ladi or Towq OtmuttAS «bo is afflicted with A BAB BREATH should delay applying this remedy, for ft Is a certain cure, and is approved and recommended by every physician un der whose notice it has been brought. A Bad Biuth Is an offence for which there is no excuse while DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH can ba procured. Hu; persons carry with thorn a bad breath, greatly ter the aonojuiM and often (a the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To reHete this, csb'db. wm. b. hurds MOOTS wash. CleanUnessof the mouth is of great importanca to the general health, which is often affected, and not unfro quently serionaly impaired, through Want of proper at tention to this subject. Hsc Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Mouth Wash. Prepared at Dr. Hard’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. ; Price 37 Gents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. WS* Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack A Co., Filth-Avenue Hotel) J. k I. Coddiogton, 716 Broadway; D. 8. Barnes, 902 Broadway, and by all Druggists. DR. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH POWDER; This Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THE INJURIOUS PROPERTIES OF CHARCOAL. £3, In ACTION CAINS ENTIUtT MECHANICAL— TOUSEHW WtTOOVT WEAAINS TOE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder is Recommended by all Eminent Dentate, 1 Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. . PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. A liberal discount inadc to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buddings, So. 1, Spruce Street, Sew York. Sold also by Caswell, Mack A Co., Fifth Avenue Hotel; J. A I. Coddiogton, 716 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 90$ Broadway, and by all Druggists. DR.WM.B.HURD’S TOOTHACHE' IMPS, FOB THE CUBE OF TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. It is particularly adapted to all coses of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves, from that distressing wearineespaused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bot tle of Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Toothatlie Drops in the house. Prepared at Dr. Hard’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, £. D. - Price only 124 Cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, jVb. \, Spruce Street, New York. Sold also by Caswell, Usck * Co., Fifth-Avenae Hotel; J. t I. Coddisgtop, 715 Broadway; D. S. Bums, 303 Broadway, and by all Druggists. DR. WM. B. HURD’S : plasters I ' MB THE CUBE or NEURALGIA ■ i ■ or Toothache produced by cold*. LOCAL NEURALGIA ie immediately cared by their application. They act like a chans, and are perfectly hartsleae is thdrsattare; do sot prodsce a blister,asd leave BO ss pleaaaat leanlta. f Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Neiralgia Powders sorer hit to giro aatUhetioo to all who teat t lieir riitse. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dents i Office, Ho. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. . raid oitur is cents each. , Addrett Principal Office, Tribune BttUdingt, Ko. \< Bpruee Street, New Yark, k I Saidaleo by Oaewell, Hack A Oa, rifth-Atesse J. A I. Coddlngton, Tl 6 Broadway; V, 8. Beraee, BBS Broadway, asd by all Dreggiets. - [ ' « ; i CANKER, HEADQUARTER sn> (£o«&s & (imttg EMPORIUM! HEW STOCK, HEW FIRM, LOW PRICES! rpHK UNDERSIGNED WOULD RK- X SfldinUT UK«. t, O* U«m tad CkUfe. imo of Altana and Ttelnttr, list the* Inn hhclbhl TUI KNTIKK STjCS. 01 J. n. ICKBLON THB OOB KKR or BRANCH AND ANNIN STRUTS, ALTOONA, men t hoy in amr recviriisg ud rpil«i A LARON AND COMPLBTN ABBOSTKNSI Of Plain and Fancy Dress filaeds, Cotuiating of PLAIN and FIGURED SILKS, BOMBAZINES, RBPKAS, FRENCH MERINOS, THIBET CLOTHS, COBURGS, Plain and Fancy WOOL DELAINES, Children's Fancy SACK FLANNELS, ALPACAS, Plain and Printed CASHMERES, LATELLAB, MOHAIR, PERSIAN TWILL, COMMON DELAINES, and an endless rariety of the Lateit Style Friato. MEN’S WEAR. CLOTHS, PLAIN AND rANCT CABUMERKTB, TWEKDB, JBAN3, CORDUROYS, BLUB AND OUST DRILL*, cases. lICKINO, AND HICKORY STBIFB, WOOLEN GOODS. A POLL ISO OOXFtKtB STOCK Of SIMILE AMD DOUBLE BKOCIIB WDOLEM AMD NEW CASHMERE SHAWLS, BLANKETS, NUBIAS, AMD LADIES’ AMD CHILDREN'S 800D8 WHITE HOODS. IRISH LINKS,, ' ■ OAJtBRICS, _ ■ VICTORIA tAWMS. PLAIN AND DOR** SWISS, BQBINMfg, HDQINBS, ANDTMB NICEST AMD CHEAPEST LOT Of irssiDUswostac DOLLARS AND SKIS etcr oftjred In Aitoo*. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS * CAPS TORT ARB MWMinm *0 UZX Cheaper than the Cheapest. Their uaortment of < WOOLEN HOdCRY *• i» Terr com p!et> ud the low prkw Ukt are telliM UMk ■t b orttaiw,MtonfehEjS HAlDWAKß, (UIBEfISWAIB, -GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, SXRUPS, and MOLASSES, MACKEREL, HERRING, CEDAR AND WILLOW WARS, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CARBON AND EIBH OIL, an 3, in fact, everything 'usually kept In a ri&sr-cuaa stok*. 49-A< the; mak* their pnrohaaaa alitort wttNtf fef CASH, ud aa Umt WIU. SUL FOR CSJLSXX OXTLTSr, AW» XU? so BOOKS, it «fflo*U« tteß t*l^l«kMl' ****"”“* GEIS & pfirt - K.r.14, ISO-tau ANB LADIES’ DEBEGES, STYLE BIBBHD COMFORTS, AND AND tIHIONS, t-