l*o t* ■■'•': C' lo iflatyi. in Swteg, mt. rs&c v Igttw, 'myat'-' r-ff-fft'. iff ®Bte Ivaytaa fcf.':. 'm*. ! rafc i 3|Jgr J yd* ; AND OYSTER SALOON. ' rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN- I fOKM of Altoona and vicinity tli&t liis i COXyKOTOKKaY, NUT and FRUIT STORK. Is always I supplied with thAVery>bcst articles to he had, and in great variety HAbaaaUo an • * OYSTER SALOON *7- „ L-y* Ir- £ r> Ss*' ji^rvr: Maoiifl tribune MoCßiraL,& KERN, , VOL. G NEW GOODS for fall and winter, Jutt Arrived and Now Being Opened at MoCORMICK’S STORE. IX TUE OLD PLACE. WE respectfully invite Purchasers to ami examine our stock of F*U ami Winter Comlh, >9 we think they will be (bund. upon examination, to compare favorably with any other assortment ip the ni ior ns well in In price, although wo are not ! rei *arcd to sav (as «*une of our Brother Chips have wdcl.) iltat some descriptions of goods have not advanced In orkf for in doing co we would come in contact with the intelligence of the people, as every boy of six years old knows better—that we cannot sell domestic goods at old mice, unless we buy an interior quality. 1 Wo have n full of Goods, embracing all the n.nM Varieties, .such as FHKSII COFFEES, TEAS, SC* GARS, SYUCPS, STICKS, AC., to make up tl)e lull family grocery. Also. BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Ac., Ac., with a geaeral assortment, of ■, Ready-made Clotliing, I'OR MK\ AND BOYS, from a fine dress coat down to a mookey-Jaehpl. • Also, ft full ji.-Bortmeiit of HARDWARE* C'KifAH WAKK, QLJ2ft^tSfVAJ2£ t f KOCKEKY BUflr, <*€.. <*a, dt\ AdJ 06 to DRY GOODS, our af?orln:,(’ut i» complete; and as wc have adopted tho TASK SYSTEM, as near os wo can. we are enabled to sell m nmch lower prut* than when we gave a general craiHt. therefore h el very grateful to our friends and a gen erous Public for the very liberal patronage hcrctofvre ns, iUi-1 hope, by strict attention to business and a full determination to jilojiko our patrons in prices ami to retain the same—still adhering closely to an uli motto — "Quick &da atul Small Pr"JilsP. •Oct. 31,’G1-tf.] OLD STAND, North Ward. - REW GROCERY STORE. DANIEL McOANN bb"s leave to in form the citizens uf Altoona and adjacent country, tUI li<* ha’s opened u % GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, On ilit' iu'uer of Branch and Julia , Streets * z £ust AWtinti. lias uow and will always keep on hand an excel lent .-tvck uf ' Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Molasses, Salt, Spices, Beans, Potatoes, Wheat Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop Stuff, Blitter, Eggs, Ham, Bacon, Fish, Cheese, Candles, Oil, Siv.p. Pails, Crushes. Brooms, Clothes-Pins. unc everything usually kept in such store*—all of which will he sold 4l t’n'very loicettjti/urcs. . r vHn;' sure that my Good* will rtcommend themselves, ou trial, I invite my old acquaintances, and public Id goners!. to give me a call, Hi member the place, corner of BRANCH & JULIA ■ STUIiKT.S. Bast Altoona. Altvt!>na. Dec, 5, lS»>F.*2t A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. D. W. A BEDFORD. ME It CE AX T TAILOR , Virginia Street, Opposite Jagoaku’s Stoke T HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM JL TIIH EAST, the largest assortment of Cloths, Cossimeres, Vestings, &c., SUITABLE FOR GENTLEMEN'S 'WIXTER WEAR, that hast ever horn offered ; to the citizen* of Altoona. An examination of my slock will he sufficientto convince nr.y one that I can supply the nuts of the community In thi- line. ft-sr'l am al*o prepared to MAKE UP work on the ch-if->r nutue. trnd IN THE LATEST STYLE OF THE FASHION. I feel confideutjhttt I can j{ive AS NEAT AND PERFECT A FIT ns can t>* hnd;outside of the. very best eatablMimeuts in tbe | f Invite an :n?pcMloii of my goo-1* and work. knowing that they will -peak better for mo than anything I could i-ay in an advortr-einejit. - • ’ ■ All.K’im. N<>v. 2-1, ISOI-tf. ’ NEW FALL QOODS. THOMAS' W. EVANS & CO. Intim .m-ntten to tliuir LARGE, VARIED ami U.VSB-' JvjMK assortment of NEW FALL GOODS, Embracing a)l the NEWEST STYLES in SILKS. DRESS IiOJDi. CLOAKS. EMUUOIUKRIES, ami FANCY I)UT GOODS. Ali.i.a full ansonim-nt of .mUHNIXG GOODS, WHITE GOODS, IIOS! GUV. GLOVES, MITS. ic. -ei'Tlito Stock N principally T. W* EVANS* CO.'S OH N IMPORTATION. haring been selected in the hopt Market*, expressly fur their own Itctail Tmde. ana will b*> found unsurpassed fbr - Style, Quality, and keasoxaiilk PUICES. Nob. 818 and 82 ChesnutSt., BEL3W CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. K. Ij.—Wholesale buyers will Cnd it advantageous to famine this Stock, (OctU-im.) ON HAND AGAIN—WK HAVE THE pleasure of announcing to our cuKtomors and all others, that we are t-u hands again with a large and Varied stock of > FALL GOODS; an-1 nt onr old stock wu beautifully cleaned out. those who M inclined to patronize ug will bare the advantage of selecting from qu almost entirely NEW AJTD FRESH STOCK ■-f sood*. which wo feel confident will l»e sold as cheap ns Hn- chevppst. Wo particularly invite our lady friends to cull and Examine.our apleodid line ol 1 Dress Goods, &c-, i which wc think cannot fail to ple*£e.> J. & J:LOWTUi2H Altoona, Oct. 9th, 1881-31, CONFECTIONERY attached tohia a tore,’in which hewill serve up OYSTERS in every style during the season. . FRESH-BAKED BREAD d- PIES always on hand. He is at all times prepared to supply cakes, candies. Ac., fur pic-nics and other parties. Ho invites a share of public patronage, believing thathe can render fall satisfaction to ull. > • . . Kuiomber.hiBStorea.nd saloon is OBTirgiaiastteet,tiro tlonrsbeW Patton'sdlall.: OTTO ROSSI. Altoona, Oct. 10, 1861-tf Timber and Farm X&nd Wanted. si O AAA —A "eneral assortment of W>jvUll. PAINTS ti» this amount, of nil colors,. ,pHY and in OlL y well Buittd for Country Trade, will‘-be exchanged for Real Kutate, at wholesale prices. Improved property preferred, ' 124 North Twelfth Philadelphia. Not. 7, mos. FENCING SCHOOL! Gentlemen who wist to leamthe beautiful u-t of fencing with the right .word, bare now a TCr y good chnne* to do eo, by applying to J.G. > AbLXDB, Artiat, Corner of Csraline* and Virginia Sta. W* banwna wilfb. giren either In the morning or In |peyeabig,Jtom the Me* french mathod of the ootabra-, f»i Jean JJonta, on modern* t*mn, ’ - THE ALTOONA TRIBUNS. B. B. UcCUDK, »CIUIUU AKD ntOPEUTOM. Per annum, (payable laTariably in advance,), $1,30. Ali |*i>«rs. discontinued at tUe expiration of the time paid for. TCUI or ADVBftTinHO 1 ineertlou Jg 2 do. 3 do. Four lines or less $ 35 % - sso One square, ( 8 line*} 50 76 1 00 Two “ (16 “ ) 100 150 200 Three " (34 « ) 150 2.30 . 260 Over three weeks and leaf than three months, 25 cento per square for -each insertion. S months. 0 month*. 1 year. i 1 60 $ S (*0 $3 00 : 2 50 4 00 7 00 >4oo eoo io oo S CO 6 00 12 00 « 00 10 ft 14 00 Half a column 10 00 14 00 20 00 One column..., 14 00 2ft 00 40:00 Administrators and Kzecutors Notices 1 7ft tiz lines or 1e55..... One square. Merchants advertising by tike year, three squares, with liberty to change, 10 00 Profemiional or Business Cards, uot exceeding 8 liues with .paper, per year i 5 00 Communications of a political character or individual Jo? tercet will be charged according to the above fates. Advertisement not marked with tho number of inser tions desired, wihTto continued tilt forbid and charged ac cording to theUboro terms. . ■ Business notices ft ye cents per line for every Insertion. Obituary notices'cxvtoedinc ten linea, fifty'cents a square TRIBUNE DIRECTORY, CHURCHES, MINISTERS,! &C. PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. Bisks, Pastor—Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock, and in the evening at 7 o’clock. Prayer-Meeting in the Lecture 'Room eviry Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School in same, room at 9j,w o'clo.k in the morning. METHODIST EPISCOPAL —Rev. W. Lee Spotswodd. Pastor. —Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 ami in the evening at 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting in the" •Lecture Room every Wednesday evening At 7 o'clock.—" Sabbath School hf the same room at 2 o’clock P. M. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN—Rev. C. L. KbrenfELD, Pastor. —Preaching every Sabbath warning at 11 o’clock, aud in the evening at 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting in iho- Lecture Room every Wednesday evening at ,7 o'clock.— Sabbath School id eameToom at 9 o’clock A. M, BAPTIST—Rev. A. 11. Semboweb, every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at : 7 o'clock, prayer Meeting every Wednesday evoning'at; 7 o'clock, gabbath School at 0 o'clock A. M. UNITED BRETHREN— Rev. Samuel Kepiubt. Pastor.; Preaching every Sabbath moruing at 11 o'clock.ami in the sveningat 7 o’clock. Pniybr Meeting In‘the Lecture Room every Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath Schoolin 1 the same room at 8 o’clock in the morning. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL—(No regular PaatorA-; Pleaching on Sabbath morning At 11 o’clock, and In (he evening at 7 o’clock. Prayer Meeting every evening at 7 o’clwck. Sabbath School at 9 o’clock A. M. ENGLISH CATHOLIC—Rev. Jons Tmco. Pastor—Di vine services every Sabbath morning at and Lu the sftsrn oou nt 3 o’cb vk. Sabbath SchooTat 2 o'clock in the afternoon. GERMAN CATHOLIC—Rct. r —, Pastor. —Divine services every Sabbath morning at o’clock,: and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sabbath Scltoel it 1 o’clock In the afternoon. AFRICAN METHODIST— Rev. Alexander Johsston, Pastor.—Preaching every Fourth Sabbath in each month. Prayer Meeting every Friday evening nt 7 o’clock. Sab bath. School at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, i * I • RAIL ROAD SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. 25, 1801. TRAINS vrlll arrive at aud leave Altoona Station as follows: - Express Train East arrive* 9,36 P. M., leaves 9,56 I*. M *• « West w 8,20 A.M.- “ 8.40 A. M: t’bst “ East “ 3,35 A.M. “ ?,40A.M, “ . « West « 8.55 F. if., “ 9;10 M, Mail East “ TiOA'.M., “ T.45A.M; “ « Woit “ 2,25 1».M., - 2,40P.M. The HOLUDAtSBURG BRANCH connects withlEx preas Train and\Fa«t Line West, and Mail Train East and .West. i .INDIANA BRANCH TRAINS connect with Johnstown Accommodation Trains East and West, Express West, ami Mail train East ami West. ENOCH LEWIS, Qtn'l Supt. MAILS CLOSE AND OPEN. MAILS CLOSE. SasUrn Way A'c»l«rn Way Hol'Sduysburg Western Through. Eastern Through. MAILS ARRIVE. 8.15 A. M, 4,11 15 A.M. UoUidayshurg. MV, tern Th rough Basteni Through Western Way Eastern Way Office Hours:— During the week, from 6 45 a. u. till 790 r. u. On Sundays, from 745 till 9.09 a. R. GEO. W. PATTON P. M MEETINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS* MOUNTAIN BODGE, No. 251.A..Y, M., meets on second Tuesday of each month, at 7\£ o’clock P. M.', In the thin! •tort of the Masonic Temple. MOUNTAIN R. A. CHAPTER. No. 189 R. A. C., meet* on the first Thursday of each month, at o’clock P. M.j to same room as above. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL. No. 9. K. A g. M., meets oh thq first Monday of each month, at 7J4 o'clock P. M-, livaame room as above. MOUNTAIN COMMANDERY, No. 10, K. T. meets on the fourth Tuesday of each mouth, at 7% o'clock I*. M > in same room as above. ALTOONA LODGE. N 0.473, I. 0. of O. F., meets.every Friday evening. at o’clock, in the second story of the Masonic Temple. VERANDA LODGE, No. 532. 1.0. ofO. F., meels-evevy. Tuesday evening, at 7% o’clock, in third story of Patton’* Building, oh Virginia street. WINNEBAGO TRIBE, No. 35, 1. 0. R- M., meetr every Tuesday evening in the second story of Masonic Temple; Council fire kindled at 7th ran 3Qth breath, ALTOONA DIVISION, No. 311, S. of T., every, Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock. In the second story of the* Masonic Temple. STATE OFFICERS. gbvemor—Andrew G. Curtin. Secretary