f £ •' TW T b ** t «•*»» alyl*, color and; shape, for both old ud jotfg. JPURS! FURS I FUR 94 Bto (toek of Ladle* and Mieses’ Pan it the beat erer dis place, consisting of ererj rarictj, which WRwWfdiS prtfet to holtthe Maw*. »W »N|>«»opl«all Sndetssfas hlrstotfc, fKM, Jgela <*mAdantUuU Ojb «ao aet*l Bdnn t& polriebaM «f neb u'«rtfel«'A fltej vutii at the rNMabnocf of having looked ipoD tbo fcasdaomaat atoek of Bata, Capa, iron, Ac., over exhibited In tbla toiro. ~aer* «H nrfitOa the Lutheran Chur*. .kg - : . WW. .y' THE LATEST ARRIVAL OR FALL & WINTER GOODS Tn4«UB«OftIBBR INPOKM&Wffi natoawi. Mid the public generally, that he has-fast received a large mod beautiful assortment of FALX. AND WINTER GOODS, which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have never p * rt ‘“ ur *** Mr LADIES* DRESS GOODS, JbcA at JBwfc ami Hatty 90kt. Challict, Bertgtt, BriOumit, Staves. Hooped Skirt‘d Skirt ing, Voce Mitts, etc- do. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WJBAft, tfJ&fJPSSQSt Vert togs, Twe*da,Jf«(ui», fee. BnM ofJkailßM irotfld do well to oill nod oxamiqo oar rtddt ,«M» Jafar Good* *»r Bop: '.Bwlwi* Qlmwaro, Qaeenrran, Wood, odd willow Won, (Ml CMbe, Carpet*, »c, in on r Quantity and at price* Hut caaoot iUI to pluae. GROCERIES. tfor stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever* and consists of Rio and Java Coffey Crushed, Loaf and N. 0 Sagan; Oran, Y. fi. amdßlaek YeasMolasses,Soaps, Candles, Salt, Fish. Sc. Thankful to the pablic for the very liberal patronage nar^of^ rsc^vedyhebop** by strict attention tohiSl- MMilliketifearorlb please, to merit a eoatinoaads of the tamo. »U kinds Ukea la exchange Jo* o*uvsssr fr,cm - Bello ! Tlgi* Way Kelgrtabor: NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES. The undersigned would rb- SpsbSliifly inform the citizens of Altoona and stir' rofwdtofcfooat & timth* baajuet rct&rneU from wbaro im has been trlocting hU stock of Fall and Winter Ooods with the greatest care and exclusively for CASH, which enables him to sell as low If not a little lower than any house In the place. Ke would therefore say to all who Wish to purchase their Fall and Winter Goods fe call and fata mine his hew stock before purchiuiug else where. as he feels satisfied that give entire satisfac tion. His goods are of th* best quality ami very cheap. All Cdttbn Goods at Old Prices! Bis Stock consists of Ladies'Meets Goods of aery variety, shade feather 1. Ufev ££ Sprat* (tract, Jf. Y. 6ept.l9.isei. AL’frOfryA Blfelt SCHOOL I Pro£ JOSS' MILLER, Principal r|HIE FIRST SESSION OF THIS I SCHOOL will e nsmcnee on MOXDAT, Not. 4th. The eetehlUhed rasutation of Prof. MUUr «s «n aecom so conducted as to give full satisfaction. TERMS PER SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS. For English Grammar, Geography. Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced 9ST Payment of subscription to bo made monthly to the School Director*. T\ll r CAIiDERWOOjD offers his Pro- Jk-J feiiifoiuil Sonrl«« to tho J ciitzeiu of Altoona «nd jtelnlty. Office on Street, ueerly oprxxrite C. J. UennHi^tace. REFERENCES; J; B< Lcmjt. M. D., Huntingdon. 3m- UcCcuocn, U. D., “ Acobßouxt, ’ “ C; Ovrx», “ w. Bntn, *" il. Q. Join “ , p AGENTS WANTEEM from $25 to $75 p«r month, ud all expos- T>UBE ,WHITE liBAD ’AND KQfC A BHOMJNAISUPPORTERS,Tros jHL m fcr«l«it y 'i-T , :t‘{ *#„ ■••( r .0. KESSLER’S. TrAP SU&, jQftLOfINES, POM- Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, P*lat» B*A and TftrnSib Brqph«*&t ' ■' r i K«BBtiß%; W»aE»--*ap* k? rSTAirDAIID pabbst «*■ at ■■ ■ t-*r. Kvactoticfi," IMSipPiP* AWi descriptions ”Tk*f $o rigkt to fire j CiSTANT RELIEF ... ...CTOP TQU| COCOH " - - stoengpthen »ot» Foigei •'. SPALDING’S Throat Confections, TTMT STMBSdP ARE.'■■*■ . GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PtJBLIC SPEAKERS, ? GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOB CONSUMPTIVES SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. AW They nllm aCough instantly. g*-Tbsy-elsortbsthroat. . 4W*lhey giro strength and Tolnaa to the nice. CW'Thnjr input a deUdoneeronO to the bML to the taste. dWThey orsneade of siinple herbs, and can barm no one. I advise every one who has a Cough, or a Hooky Toico or a Bad Breath, or an; diAcelt; of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Contortions, the; wifi rsharsyon instantly, and yon will agree with me that “they go right to the »pot.” Yon will find them racy asefel and pleasant While trarelling or attending pnblic meetings tor stilling yonrCongh or.allaying ynut*tbiis|. If yoniry one pack age 1 am safe in saying thatyon will errr afterward* con- Rider them indispensable. You -will find them at the Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. . Uytlgnatnre is on each package. All others are coon tetMft. A pmdtage will fceaent by mag, prapatd, on receipt of Thirty Cents. . Address. : - - HENKT C. SPALDING, h'o- iS Cedar Street, New York. 4S& HervousHeadache J. B. HILEMAN. - By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of .Vcr ton or rick Headache maybe presented; and If taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate relief from p.i" end slcknecs will be obtained. They seldom tail iu.remoTiog the JSaui&r and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels,--remariog OosUvenest. Jor Literary Mai, Students, Delicate females,- and all peraoM of sedentary habits, tbes«re«tliuhfeas nLoxatioe, . gtjfcJK and rigfr to Ufe sg - Sot; You will please send mo two boxes' of ybnt Cephalic Pills. Send them immediately. , . Respectfully yours, _ „ „ ■ ' ' JOHN B. SIMONS. P. f S-—7 Aare used one box of your PSOt, and find them Cephalic Pills accomplish the oUoet tpr which they were made, via.: Cura ofheadacfae in all Its forms. They hare been tesied In more titan a thousand cases with entire success. ’ . Emm Bit Democrat, St. Ctoud,Jfmn. If jam are, or bare been troubled with the headache, send for a box; (Cephalic Pins,) so that you may have them in case of an attack. The Cephalic?ills are anid to be a rcmarkably affective remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that Tory frequent complaint which baa over been discovered. FrmnouWa^s:B.oc^c,nKa^,m. Wa heartily'endorse Mr. 'Spalding. and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. JVoattc .EhaaioAo Jolley Star, KimayiKa, Pa, We are rare that penone suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. firm the Southern Fath finder, Kero Orleenj, la. Try them! ywt that jane aflicted, and Are araaora-tlmt jonrteatiinony can be added to the already nnmerona liet H»t baa received beneßta that no otboa medicine can oro <«**■ . , a * : V , • • f• • W te-ife- 1 taC'h alngte-botMe PREPARED oiri will Bare ten Unm ita coat andually.-^Eg ECONOMY! , A DISPATCH I ia- u h.SmmaTpnSvrtf^lwM r n JBf will fcbppan, even inwell regelatedfaml- ItW, RhVHydWnflne to baTO aottfe 'cbeSfand craro ntenf »ay foe Ac. : BPAUHNfI’S PREPARED OLDsi ' point. ... .... .: ... • . * "DBEPOL IS ETBR* HOCSE." fc',6.~AEroab iccoinjwnlea each Bottle. Price 25 eta Addreae, hbwry o. spalDing, Ko.*B ocdarSt, N. V. . :rv CApnoK- : ■ /. ■. *».SPALDIKB*B p»kp>wa» atDK.^ Uontheonfiide wrapper; all ether are twiadUng conn tWwHi. -’* e > OENTLEMEPrfcARRT SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CPTLIIKEN :CEY FOR PRICE TWENTX-FIVE CENTS PRICE 95 CENTS. HENRY C. SPAT-DIKO, 48 Cedar Street New York. Prom ike Examiner, KarfM, Va. •fVtw Vie Jdverttar, Providence, B:T. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLDE i SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING'S-PREPARED GLDEi mte tax- moral WHEELER m WILSON’S WZWIN® « ,■ & §R. A. O. KERR, sS ALTOONA, PA., I? § Agent for Blair County. g. S.NOSIIM i» M3I33HM These machines are admit to be thabsst ever offered to the public, and their superiority is satisfactorily sstabliabnl by the bet that in the Uet eight year*, > , Over 14,000 More of tbeee Machines hare been sold then of any ether man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Join and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now In two in several fomiHea in Al toona, and in every ease they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. Ishn L. Piper, Key. A. B. Clark, George Hawkesworth, £enj. F. Bose, and £. H. Turner, Xsqts. Tbe machines can be seen anJ examined at the store of tbs Agent, at Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hummer—s 66. No. 2, ornamental bronse, glass foot and new style Hammer—ss6. No. S, plain, with old style Hemmar—s66. [March 21,1861-tf. THE HEROES OF PEACE, AND The Heroes of War. E ANTHONY, 601 BROADWAY, • KEW TORK. Is nov pubtishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection Known in Europe and America as Brady’s Rational Photographic Portrait Gallery, Id which !* iDeluded Portraits of nearly all the PROMl >*£liT K£N OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Daria, Oen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a boat of other confederate*. Price ol Portraits $3.00 per dozen. Can be aent by mail. Scenes of tiie War for the Fnion, are published, card size, and in stereoscopic form, Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris, London.and in other parts of England and France; in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland. Switzerland, Spain, on the Rhino, . in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba, Sc., ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are thi Crcatui Wander ofi the Age. Thtee ate taken in the fortieth part if a second, and the rushing of water,: the moving of leases, or tho march of an gray, doc* not in the slightest degree affec t tho taking of these Views. They are sold for $3.00 per dosen. Wo have also oq hand and manntacturs the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Albums, and Pho tographic Materials in the United States, and porhane In the world. r CUtaumcxs, containing lists of our Portraits, Views. Starcoacopea, 4c., cent free by mail, on receipt of a stamp. £. ANTHONY, Ml Broadway, near St. NfcLolaa, New York. AugS-ly L.ABOR-SATIITG WASH INC MACHINE. Th e undersigned having purchased the right for Blair county, ol ToUmrst’s Improved Washing Machine, aro now manufacturing them at Altoona, and intend to supply them to those persons throughout the county who desire a LAiIOK-SAVISO MACUIbK. This machine is got up on an outirely new principle, and is considered, hy those who hare seen It in use,'the beat that has srer been brought before the public. Among the many advantages of thia machine over all others may be mentioned the following: Ist. Its simplicity, of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. 2d. Its speed, which astonishes alike the operator and the looker on. ■ 3rd. The facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qantlty of cloths* desired to bo washed. tth. It washes equally well the finest and lightest fabric or the cbaiseat and heaviest, such as bed-quilts, comforts, blanket*, Ac. T ' Wo the nndortigned, hereby certify that we are now using Tolhnret’a Improved Washing .Machine and are ful ly entiaded that ft 1< a very excellent article of the kind ; combining ae it does great speed with little labor, and per forming its work in the moat satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerlWly recommend it to all who desire a real tbor-saving.washing machine. JOHN’ WObDSe JUCUAKL CALVERT, JOSEPH O. ADLUM R. A. 0. KERR STOVES, TIN SHEET-IRON WARE. r PHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE JL SPKCTFULLYauJ Bounce to the citiienr Altoona and vicinity I be has Just recejrei. large supply of STOV: of all Patterns* each Cook, Pallor, Office Shop .Stoves, which will sell at the moot 1 sonable prices. A Ui supply will always kept on'hand. Tiy AJtfJ) SHEET-TUON WARE, in cnat Tarlety, always on hand. HOOFING & SPOUTING pat up on chorl notice. Hu al&> tnunnfacturca Leaded Irow Snooting:. which Is, aaltf to be much nperlorio gal vanized sneet-iron or tin. He hae also attached a copper-smithing room to his es tablishment and wQI keep on band an assortment of cop per and brass kettles, Ac. All kinds of Job work .promptly attended to, A aharo of public patronage is respectfully solicited, f®. Store on Annie street] between Harriet and Ade line streets, fast Ward. lt4 „ BTKPHJKN WIfiTBBS. Altoona, Sept. Ist, 186 L COAL. IVTOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY to get in thoir supply of coal for tho Winter* and thasabscribhr woqld therefore Inform tho citizons*of Altoona and vicinity* .that ho Is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLBGHfcNV BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell it by tho Train, Car, or Cart Load, or by the bushel, dolir ered at the door of the purchaser. Yard on the North side of flic Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. 11. E. MYERS. July 25, IjBQl.-tf. UNDERTAKING, Cabinet-Making and Carpentering. HPHE UNDERSIGNED have opened, I a shop of the ahore description, at the Corner of the Alley on Caroline street, between main and Virginia Sts, where they will manaStclnre to order, all kinds of CABI NET rURMTURH, and wilt also contract for patting ap jBCLLDTJiQa of nil descriptions, finding all material, tc. rWCOIMJISInado tor order ols shortest noti-s end'in any style do ited. By strict attention to business they hope to merit a share of pnhlie patronage. HAINES A CASE. Altoona, Sept. 26,1301, GLEN-ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. McCALLUM & CO., i,- HASDFACTCRSR3, IMPORTERS A WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Carpeting, Druggets, OH Cloths, MATTINGS, &G. WARKIIQCSE, No 509 CHESTSDT STREET, foonosilc the SUfaHonwJPItn.ADELPniA. [martl.’Sldy. *MHJIAX V. Ehoabs, ...CBAittM Sailo*. H-EJ'ViEIR.E hoijse, (I>ATB Utai Hot*!.,) Third Street, above Bsce, , PHILADELPHIA. SHOADB A SAILOR, Proprietors. TERMS, $1.25 PER DAY. JtwohTiJWMy.^.r J. G. ADLUM, NOt A RV PUBL I C . ALTOONA, BLAIR CO, PA. £“? fiiiiad »t the (tore of J. B. BUenao. Mtoh»r 1.1847, "OOE SALE.—A HOUSE AND LOT, AUajae. Peh.9, “ McMINN 4 DERN, Altoona, Btair Qmnty, Pa. EMILE TIETZE. TUOS. McAULF.Y, DAXIEL PRICE. tolhecitonsof Altoona and the public CrR^Li hs } t h . CBt V ] c °ntintt«» theX^buslnewJHß® ® 401 » p< ? » AUCTION GOODS TBETCIIBAPAT McCormick’s Store, la East Altoona 1 TOST OPENED A VERY LARGE H and complete assortment of Spring and InwM Goods, coneistiiic oi British, French and Amerioah Dry Goods, selected with great care to suit this region of conn try. In the line of Ladies Dress Goods for quality ana pries, they will surpass. Mantillas, Dusters, Shawls, White Goods, Em broideries, /risk Linens, Line* Barsdktr- ' ehiefs, BoopsUrts, Clothes, Cos tieteres. jtenluciy Leant, Pnuto, Ginghams, Muslim, Flan nels, Etc., Etc. Boots t Shoes in all their various make and material tor Sen $ Boys* ss well as Ladles, Mlssse and Children. Beady Made Clothing, • Toll assortment fc> salt tbe season, with Bata, Capa, tm* brellas, Parasols,Carpet*, Oil Cloths, Matting, Brooms, Sockets. Tub*. Tio Ware. Qoeeoswora, Hard War*. Stem Ware, Market Baskets, Zink Enbben. Brushes, Clothe* LinevkCf with aU articles necessary to make op a fail aa-. sortment to meet tbe wants of the people. ' ALSO, a complete . ' FAMILY GROCERY, which will have onr special attention. Brat in buying and selecting the best, and freshest srtlcln aa well ns keeping it up at nil times. Coffees of the very best and richest varieties. TE-A.S, Black and Green of the beet quality and Savor. Sugar* good and cheap: common Brown at 4, good at 8 cents, common white 10 cents. Syntp* B<%kiMg Mekt*4M, • from tha best Lowing* at «l>f to tho lowest grad* at 44 cents. Cornstarch, Dryed Peach?*, Dryed Apples, Farrena, BiicsjQ, Drved Beef, Mackerel*, Herring, Lake Fish k Dry Fish, Window Glass, di&reol siac*, Ac., ail of which will bo sold very IoW for cash, pr exchanged for Produce. Always on hand. Speer k Halls celebrated Iron Plows. Parsons visiting town would do well before making their selection* u> call end examine our stock, as we will be pleaded to see them free of charge. Very thankful for past fovori*. we yespcctfully solicit a continuance of pub lic patronage. Altoona, April 18th, 1861-tf. JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Jlundred Fils per Month J I would respectfully set fortb| tuy claim to pchlic attention, as a Fashionable Tailor, as follows: Because I keep an excel lent assortment of Cloths. Gaasiwerec, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when please. Because my work is made up in a manner that takes down the country and gives all my customers a city appearance. Because 1 am not inferior as a Cutter to the Lest to be found anywhere. Because long experience in my business gives me entire control over it. and I am not dependant upon any one tolift mo out of the suds. Because I am still on the sunny side of forty, and there fore my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Cull on me, in the corner room of tho ‘-Brant Uouso.” Give me a trial and yon will go away pleas-d. Altoona, May 2>Wsm JACOB SNYDER. PATENT KEROSENE OK CARBON OIL LAMPS! IjnTtvahdin Beauty , Simplicity Safety or Kconomy. Ev*»y person desiring to obtain the very le.-t end cheap est jh i table light within'their reach, should call at the store y f the undersigned and examine these Lamp* 1k&: o purchasing clsewhorc, ami we pledge ourselves to demon strate Ist, That NO ACCIDENT rsii occur hv •'xjii j'k'O. 2d. That they emit »o offensive odor While burning. Cd. That they are very easily trimmed. 4tl«. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. Thr»t they burn entirely free from sBK-ko. 6th. That the light w a* 50 per cent, cheaper than i- .y other light now in common use. These lamps aro admirably adapted for the u-t» of Stu dents Seamstresses, fact/tfie*, Halls, Churches, Stojee, ITotels, and are highly recommended for family iisv. The burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can be attached to old side, hanging and table fluid aii! oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purp«.&e of a new laup. We guarantee perfect satisfaction i:. all ca* s. Aug. 19, 1658-tf.] G. V,'. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQTTOE STORE. IMIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN f 0 11 ■ public that be has pui chnaed the Interest of A. MjLLIHON in the Grocery and I’roTwion SLorebtre tofore kept by them on Vlrginia'strtot, below Caroline St., whore ho will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supplant . flock. lIAMS, 4BotoU>lVt(S, SI BES, DRIED BEEF, FISII, SALT; MOLASSES, COFFEE. TEA, ELGAIi, SPICES, CONFECXION ABIES, and everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision stores, all of which lie receives fresh from tho eastern aiul western cities, andtvill sell at the m.«l reasonable prices. Having leeeutly obtained Jii'oiiee to sell lienor hv whole sale, I will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of liquors of Uie best qualities lo be had, a respectfully solicit a share of public eastern. July 12, XSQijp-Um. J. BERKOWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. Th e subscriber has just returned from the east where lie has purchased a very Urge and Qab stock of BObTS S,f FT ® 0X T *IK PKIa\CII‘AL e / Qtiee, and Silver and Cold for sole Collections J^uttotSt.^'* 4 ®' l * pon «“tlotereat at tiir r«£| fi REATIMPROVEMENTS GOOK \ J IMG 8TOTB& . cSnsdmption or smoke and BAS and satino or PBML, '■ ■> -I- Th* subscriber, take. pleasure in offering to Ihs public NBW GAS AND SMOKB CONSUMING ' Cooking Stove, renently patented, -uhloh ia isetlaed to au percedn all others, aa It requires ONE-THIRD LESS TOBL than other stoves and is more easily, quickly «M regulai ly bested. Ho unpleasant smell of gas arises from this atov* from tbs Act that it is all consumed'tft itea* es cape. There is no trouble from smoke as thatuupleasaul mm often annoying exhalation is also Consumed reside of the atova Neither is there any danger of Huka. or chim ney* becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by the gsa arising frotucosl fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call at tbe etor* of the subscriber, in the Masonic and ex* amine the above stoves. JOHN &UO£MAKNK, Suit Asmt for Jwofr Cbtmfy. N. B- All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Rgg Stoves oa hand. [Aug, li 185 G, LADIES’ WINE. SPSfiB’S SAMBVCI WINK, Of CULTIVATED PORTUGAL ELDER. . EXCELLENT WINE FOB FEMALES. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD. USE SPEER’S SAHIB XT Cl WINE. 1” LEBRATED for its picdicinal land beheficiHl qualities as a gemilnc Stimulant. Topic. Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent phv*b clans, sad some of the firstfiuntlirate Europe and America. SPEER’S SAMBUGI WtKE is not a mixture or momifocttired article, but Is pnjr. frem cdtivntetf Portngai Elder, recomubDttol by Cfimabts ami Physicians os pussaseing medical pcppejtiessupieriar toauy other wiiies In use, and an cxccllont article for all Veal and debilitated persons, and the aged nhd Infirm, improving the appetite, andhoaefitting ladiesacd children. ?* •: A LADIES’ WINE, beeause lt will not Intoxicate as other wimw. as It contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors; and Is admired for its rich pv.’cuUar flavor aud nutritive projtertios. Imparting S healthy tone to the digestive organa, ahtl a ldoomiu£,tft and healthy fekfn and complexion. . i Nous genuiue unless the aignatorsnf , . ALFHKU hPKKK, S, «L, U over the cork of each bottle. ' MAKE OSB TRIAL VP TffTS Wife. A. &F£Klt. Prohrlolor, : Office 208 Broadway, Xcw York- • For sale by A. ROUS'U Allupua; OKO. X PATTEK* - BON and GBO. A. JACOBS, ffollTdavsburg; ana bv W. NOWLIN 1 CO., Tyrone [JeST-ly FIRST ARRIVAL OF spring goods AT THE “ MODEL.” WE HAVE Jl£T RECEIVED AN nnusnally fino of Goods suitable fbt the Season.. NoAuctmn trasli but regular good tidudsat very low prices. We deem it i!run ce.-?ary to parade: prices of r. few article* In tin ailvoi lament, but only s?y that can aiui;wHl sell grunte at as fiifr prices a» an? other house m tlie pjacc. We have, aa ueaal. a great Turiaty uf LAPIES’ DKESS QQODS. In fbis* department ! tri? think we chu nay w* har<* the ’beet aiMortment to lie facuUixt tho piaeo, causUlitig.iu p;t& uf Black and Fancy Wlti, Lu*£r<, Manilas. lSr* Ht M/zdmbi'jWs. .lraU-<*juts. V-jU-uo'-: , t-hfa hritint. Ch'.alif.s, Dtlaint*, Dtb*ifu. y LnviVuiu LV»7- , bunts, Oinrrkruiis, I.num. t’hinfrs. jpriute'Mn'd ■ a fultlttigqf Domestic Jirg.Uoodci v;-i -t U? ami Bercgo Anglais Shawls, Poster*, Hosiery. O:,. i Cillars and Cliffy. Magic Ruffling mid a! full eb ek of all kJu'ls of notions and Kaney Gw«.lk; Umfetflln* large an i Boots and Shoes. Carpets. Oil Cloth* and Wfo dow rhaaos, Wall Paper and Border, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, Quvehswaru, ’ Childrens Fancy Gigs, Ac., &c. W o have al»o on bands u very large ami auperldr stock of FAMILY GROCERIES at Gratify Rrduerf'Priea. Sugars ami Svnitl* hr thr barrel at a tniail ndraaice. "., , , Aiai" Me taka thU occaakui t*> return our ainc.ru thank, to tho people uf Altoona ami vicinity fr ihs aliare &ftWir patronaeo huretalore received, ami Invite th'-m ttr drop in and sea onr new .lock which tre f«l confident vvili pleaae. Altoona, April 10- J. A 3. LOWHIRR. Stoves, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware, 'SPOUTING,'. &C.. lUGG WOULD IiEdPECT-jgfc. Xuliy inform (lie citizens «P-AituauaSE&. end vicinity that lie kiHjui cumdnntly .in hand Isrp- nwortment nf Oaking. /Vr/w. Office nwdHKwHK Hhf.p Utr r f, of nil stylos and sizes, to suit th*rnP?-!r-?l wivntsnlalj, which ho will toil at law prices, vu reason abb* term*. He alKo keeps oh band a larcc stock of TV* (fnd Stwt {T 6 * £*"• conHiKt mg of all article* ta culinarv plirnoav— Gbal Scntttej, ShUf I*ipc, <&. " , 1 oftt. the r,s!,t vt ** r ln «w»{j> IMPROVED SAUSAGE STLTFEfc, M invention "hich needs only tn 1.0 «*„ fa I* mmivA,. Mid fiiottltf fw* pews**! by every farmer, -butcheror tho=e irqumog such u machine. •• AB»Pwtivular attention paid to putting op &VOUTTSG or -?°°l 1 ‘ r ii* Spouting painud 9h(l pot op cm tlie most reasonable term*. faprifl*!. iSJMy' More good news i .The undersigned has juft received from dire East a largo and vai’icd assortment cf FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material for FISK AND COARSE O VE BO OATS, material fur BOVS’ CLOTHING, GENTS FCRMSin.Na GOODS, sncliM WiidtAhhdJV brawny s IW - Deodeii, KeeiAle*.; Handkerchief* *}' of which will 1,.. 30M a: the fownt mfcM- i aor.l.isagutf THOMAS «C»AT. HOTEL.— TIIK SUE. Bttcd ttoWye How, jgl^l purad fan ’*6ndi Ld«B®eM. ; pntrona in a comfortable manner; »dj HrH&lßlflb n ft 0; »-n a f r(SSB eujourncra. SuXablewiU always bo luxuriously suur.liod iassssys-c toirtfciES?SSl»- -*°* tf »* 1 fowdy. *•s» **®* °f f*®Uent wines, for mindislnsl bur. “ ttbß b< *f *?•& Y‘t k<^ Ait°< , 'i«,jiajr a ! i gs 9-jyj - .jpgnx Bawiux. . gr p * nyta,h ' Jwi/27,’69-if P- T- CAtpWi'LL, Agent. . , • ~ v • - MXQBtefeKta#.r -w-m j.-:U'.,;j.,': -».--o ; i.fk.mmm*. >~»*.*-rC«„, A rr , rt , BQQKBmDERY, V, isgs rl TIIHIII 1»M ami rtiiii*w*li | *itil■ Will Bwfr u SMCSS^Mm^SSrUSs rtctocW, ItoUotaa, « Gra»«*, SSS^^rtfeßSSMajSS Ibo AorepbUn tori tolutgOtfrlMMNfoi*:■<*•* phlcts, tuT M«rjr ■ l&tf- nKNkBftK vrtOK.' -vJNbmm femtfo* • munberof volume* to bind* wfli receive *lib*ni) dteootL Blndifig catn wftly to'vlat fe Hi fIPA • dftttitwbbyly. S^^^ ; pSEß44ffls3TS^R!: AU «orknrouu»t. *|Mf ' ; M. 1-HOIMDt. ■■ •-.. • «S.McCSITM A DERK, Om frOmi OOcd. an a>> •(odiAi mtnnaiii trad yt~i lafum tion iu rrUrioii to bindfn*. and treehra- and return b«*» ttw'frnb extra chartft*, air all rttatoemtfc to my car*. .-- ,'- i y > pijfPckJJaUO-lj , \hiXM tlia entire coat Joe TuiUn iu ths©cjt p'-oukr am FUCOfsVful Commercial School in the Country. Upward {tf fcwvlrc hundred yooog lut-n Irena twemy-ifeht dl*r««t State*. liJivn lu.*eu cUucr.trJ flic tuaiueag here withiu Du l*«t thro* jtkn, eom«-of wlidm hat* h&a employed u Uoyk »tgiUtrtouf ; .. , $3000,00 per Ann uni , iininc.UaU'ly bpou graduntirw. who knew nothing O f«o c»iinta when they mitered ibeCnllega. ~ Si- Student* *lll6l at ear time. cnii review wm n tlirr please, without extra charts tor I’ntatmgUa of Hp*at*.- Siwofaweia tg Prat Cowley - * llnsines. ruin Or- Mu 'ntrU yeiimaiuihfp, and * Urge enan vina of i!ie Ci.llrge- Inclcaa twehtjMhre centaia Poctal* ntrinioc to Ifio Principals,, .. V 'icSRIS? A SMITH, Pilttbnrgb, Pa Altoona, Jen.i*, '«l—Jjr.r rj’' UK UNDE RSI G X 131? ANNOUN i. ccs to tlie citizens of Altoona end ricioity that bi ha« ja-t mieSrvd a lorgc iavolcee of Fruit, Gcnfectionaries, Nuts, Spices .ia 1 JMtlniis Eir rtiridren expreasly (or the IIbI$d»i« oik hand « good s&ck of 'd*a aua fancy cakes, of lib* o\rn metiaCactnrC- LlTMOWS, PRITITES, BAIBIKS &C, alwnrt on hand atari seasons of the year. ' ‘ Coffee, Teas, Molasses, Batter, EGGS, GOOD WlhTp WHEATFLVL'R, BtCKIVHIJT TLOCiC CORN meal, AC., Instore and for Hie lit targe nr email qua nil tire ,1 g*je;w t, W** «Mtopk an# i»n *» Eal it ** good nml cficnp us any in toiru Dec. 20, ? aiKly.j Literary Emporium snd News Depot CON'FECTIONARV, SEGAU, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY s TOR E. SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES to J kecpconstantlj-on l«ad all tbeW literary nopmaaA CgJlf’SS- 'lf* , frm “ l9uM»lpbh, Sew Vcr* U 4 titt-I.orgL. together vrltli a good MWOuent of Book*. Alt liamt' lOOi B “° 1 " W 0 t° tl*» oa«j»wl»jl»«ja tin iff CunfectlrtimrfcK, mil kokk Tea a*ki 5 rt,l 'i rc!1 l AUitla besj T«b.v W * Scan to " r ,"tfo|mtlw r *itha fine o*orti.i*iit of OoM f fit* >»4 oilier erticki of Jmrt rj. Lall awl fSanuiw. jr VKTTTvrJVk Altoona. July ayap-ly. JLxmSFJL,. rjIHF ■ ORE AT QUESTION WHICH -- w>w »rU*t»*e tli? m(ad of penon w > »>■"« I got U.o U»t article for Doilv uojfieyr In refpinHo other matter., the u„ ,. € „„TV^ d n - nt a “'p‘n‘ to direct, hot If jfo» H. »nut enj tiling in the Ilije of UQQTS oil SHOES Vsam&iftm VriU „,.iWork. *P«W toteMa/eT; to tiritemr work, »U>< ******* '^r,,B,’ ******* 8,’67-tf] .if JOnSf n. KOBr.RTS EETTIKG&B’S GENERAL NEWS AGENCY. No. 1, AT,TOONA HOUSE. School Hooks, Blank Book*. STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES, QIGrAMS & TOBACCO TOYS & notions in great variety, October g 4. STA:!«< S ii OlWrt 3Cri*U,'Crimi»al KlHwbU,botUehonie.^therwith ■«* ‘o Uriuadm in} _*V fer ric month., (« W “ ll< ” ,ttl »nte thru- miim ttey n«W* pUinlrh r,i;.„- y p^. l ® 0- W. MAT3EU, ICO , -*■ - - [Tf -. . - ■ j-gi . ■ JVeio Tork City- J¥jpjs -AND SHOES.—THE US SSIS3.«# Solee l and- . f■ ‘ ■»*****« *•■»«»*>--*■“-■-*■ * >» ©i, M- y ’■* j- « 4mP« ■•■- yii’ f WLIOWW XRI m Wjgflg r a * - »OHU ***'**' «UM. o> 1 loMrtlut 2L «i Urr Of*r tUt«« wo«k« and than ton «“**" “ CU 4l » eHbmot rd 4t iv “ jf% column..—. jj Itolnletnllore end Bnecntote Notieei (erchnnte n#*«tWng by U» yeer, « »lth liberty to chen**,--™— —f~- Mbsuonnl dr Bnetneee Oerde, not UuM wlUi pnper. P** W™ •••*■•■ Oomraonicetiont of • political raw* lw«t win Bocorifin* to tt* »ot. k)iu desired, WIN be continued HU tori •anting >o the ebore tetme. . BralneM nottcee lire oenU per line ft ; obituary nottcee exceeding ten tinea TRIBUNE DIRE CHURCHES, MINIST PRkSBYTBIIIAN— H«v. BUOti, were Sabbath morning «t 11 unlock. [, 1 o’clock. Prayer Meeting n the I Mfednevday evening at • o clock. Baht »oai at V% o'clock in tho morning. UmiIODIST KPISOOPAt —Her. 1 Paator.— Preaching every Sabbath mo and in the’ evening at 7 o clock. Pra Lecture Uoum«T»ry Wednesday oven bbhath School in the came loom at I KTAKOBUCAi LUTHKRAN-Rc pastor.—Preaching every Sabbath ma ,nd iu the evening at 7 o’clock. Pru Lecture Room every Wednaaday ev« labtaih School in aaaio room at» o’ch BAPTIST—Rev. A. H. Snreoww, if«ry Sabbath morning at If o’clock,* i o'clock. Prayer Meeting overy W« r o’clock. SaWiatU School at» o’clicV f CNITBD BUETHBEN—Rev. Saner breaching every Sahhath murningat 1 jeventtigat T o’clock. Prayer Mwrtine i Uvery WedMaday eveuingat 7 oclock, lobe same room at 6 o’clock in the mor PROTESTANT BPISOOPAL—““» Liu services every Sabbath njorump [la sue ajttaraoou at 3 o’cWck. Sabbat la the tfturnoaa. oEniiAN —- [•vDiviiM sarvieea ntry Sabbath men and iu tha uftaruoan at .3 o’clock. £ *P«lock iu the efteruoou. APttICAS MBTUODIBT—Rev, Al Paaior.—Prendung every Ponrth B*l* Prayer Mbeflbg every Prillay e,«nlui bath School at 2£cldck in the efterw RAIL ROAP BCHI i OK AND AFTER MONDAY, NOT ; artirealiuid ion Altoona Suit i £ii>r«M Twin B»»l »rtl«*» 9.36 H.JI. I - Welt “ B,i) A. X f*iA> «'' But “ ».»A.M « TVrtt “ «,561’.M Mall *‘ EMI “ 7-SOA. >1 I •*' : m .ivMt' “ | Ilia UOLUUAYBUUUQ BUANCI ‘Btom Train And Put Iln» M Ml, »nd INDIANA URANOU TRAILS Com • Accommodation Train* Kail and We, : Hall and , . ENOCH I. MAILS CLOSE Alii , iUIhSC*-06*. 2a«tcn* VC*X UolH4«;*bqrg„... VMttfa ThtcrugU JUtUrtt Tlicougtu^^i.^. 8 Wt MAIL3XKIUV KnUidtysborg-....f......... $.16 Through Xantoru Through ¥t*«Ufo Wxy Kutftrii V£»y . Omcß Hours:—During the we«k. • 00 ri M. On SuucUra, (Vom 7 46 ti! r ceo. MEETINGS OF ASSO MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. 2*l. A. Y wouth. at irtory of the Masonic Temple. A. CHAPTER. No : oa t(i? first Thursday of enchvmontU Id tome room u above. MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No. 0 K. f first Monday of with month, nl 7j£ u ; fOOtt M aborcij ' • : MOUNTAIN, COMMANDED, No to* fourth Tuesday of each uumtL I tfraamt rooto os above. | ALTOONA LODGE. No. 473, I. O. Xvldgy evening, o'clock, in th fiuonlc Temple. LODGE. No. M 2, 1. 0 Jw*f State —Eli Slifer. Attorney Ctnrml —William M. Mel ofM&tor General— Thomas E. Coch Atfi'Cyor William I. Wr Adjutant ©rnertti—M. 11, Biddle. fUS9 2rt£Uurer^~Ucary D. Moor*. BLAIR COUNTY Ol MOea 0/ tkc Comrtt.— President Jn< • tof: Associates, B»nmbl !>«u», Ad State Senator- —Unn. Lewis W. Hell. AMMRjiiiim—TKidct«t< Beaks. jyalAaaaSary—AniUianr 8. Kyrrow. Mjujifter ana'Rtcontar —UiigL A. Cs a*&n*~e«mjei McCmasat. Dwet Dutnd .libiniej—Bct\jan)la L. Ilei aMdf Om*tesimcrt- oforgo L. James 1. Gila. £^*ort— P«et Good, M.Uojd, 80l OMMr<4Aii a: Tmaua. WloMndtid Atitaolc- ALtOORABOWOUCI '.gg '* IWi;mwmi»Ami* Baser i«*%ywitl u&fi • -If