Sc O-AJPa. Ills Stock of Hats and Capa are of the very beet selection, ef eveiy style, color and shapes for both old and young. PUBS! FURS! HfertqcK: of bodies and Aliases* furs U the. beet ever bfoigMto Mjtfa plxr, couehdiog oferery variety, which pticas to wit the timee. ' All be aafcsi* tbit the people call oud examine ms stock, and he feels confident that he can solid, them away re >»leing, if not in the parchae* Of such’ 'au'article.a* they wanted* at the remembrance of having looked upon the baodwpmat stpek'of lists, Capa, Fora,. Ac., ever exhibited Tab**** fM&Mr ittretf* opposite the LuOnrah Chwreh. »sct MSfil. JBSSK SMITH. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF mmmiwmtm omn s STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS Custom era, and the pttbiio generally, that he has just received u livrge ami beautiful assortment of 'MU'* .ANU WINTER GOODS. extent and variety, luive never before been excelled In Clair county. Particular attention in invited to our stock of LA I >i KS” I>PLSS GOODS, &toh cu Bktchund Fancy iXLks, Vhidlict, Mertgct , liriHumts, haten*, 1 beta hies, Cftfvfzt, Dclirytt, Crape», J’rints, Crape and SicUa SJiavoli. If :ntillua, l’uderdeeres and Uostsey'. IhrtarU aiul J&Oboas, (Joilart, Hauii kacAuJ):, Kiil Glotcf. Hoped *?/. irts, SJsiri’ iuy. L'.icc Mitts, dc.. rfc. :-?0R GENTLEMEN’S WEAR, Wataurc Cloths. CaMiniores, Vesting*, Twoedn, Jeans, Ac. Ifradapf families would do Well tu call mod examine our atock if Winter Hoods for Boys. Bo<*«. Uanlw.iiv, OUMWans Queenswaro, Wood and Willow War-*. Oil n»»llw. Cui)>cU. Ac., la any quantity and at J)ficcs that cannot fait to jdease. GROt’EHIES. Oor stock of w more extensive than erer, am! consists of IUo and Cofl'ev. Crushed, Loaf and N. O »n; ilisinn Y. il. ant! Black Teas; Molasses, S.tlf. fish. Ac. Thankful to the .public fo. the very liberal patronage heretofore iec*'lv»«tl, be hopes by strict Attention to busi ness, and aa endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of tbejame, . %*TJwimtr;i Produce of all kinds taken In exchange for, o<>oilt*i market prices. Pet,; 10, mi Bello! Till* Way Neighbor! NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES. r| v HE UNDERSIGNED WOIJLD RE . S apectfolly inform the citizen* of Altoona nail sur rounding country that lie has ju*t returned from the cast, whore he has been selecting hia stock of Fall amt Winter tJoods with the greatest care ami exclusively fur CASH. which enable* mm to sell as low if nut a little lower my {fflifiw in the place, lie would therefore say to al I fboie who wish to purchase their Fall Winter Gouda p» call and examine his uew stock before purchasing else where. as he iVols satished that Uo can give entire satisfac tion. Ili«? goods are of the best quality ami very cheap. ' All Cotton Goods at Old Prices! Hi* St'fcf- consists rtf L-{dies' Dnuts Ootids of every variety, shade and color, from a plain Delaine at 1- cents, up ifPiaid and Fluid Delaines, all wont, at 25 and Figured Jlelaines from 2& cts., ; J nrsian Cf -ths, Ome*toga ■ and American Prints 10 yon/. 1 ! for $l, Lancaster and I*om,?ttic Ginghams from 10 to l-\4 els., all wool Flannel from 25 to [■ OR THE ABOVE SUM IN UASH I T will furuieb one of my superior NEWSPAPER riIISSoES, that cun be driven by hand with ease at the rate of -■ , SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR, on rmy kind of a job from a colored poster down, und do ir-i work us well as any cylinder press !u the world. B*>« 3t X 46 Inches, roll* a form with two rollers of 2ft X 43 inches, Weigh* only 3JKK) lbs, and can be put up uud nvt rij lining by any ordinary printer. Hi ive issued a specimen dune,on this press, in pam nhh.-t form, containing a cut of it, ind will take great pleasure In sending a copy to those wliu have not received il. ou the receipt of a paperfpnn them. Any publisher, inserting this advertisement, to the n o .nut of <5lO, and sending 3 lnc a paoer containing it. will bo allowed the amount of their bill towards payment ; 1! I repre which your merchant can easily find out for you If yon are a total stranger in New* York. For further eddresa A CAMPUEIX, ' _ ’ No. 16. Spruce stmt, S'. V. S^t.ISMSOI. A LTD'dlf A HIGH SCHOOL. I Prof. JOHI7 MILLER, Principal r |MIE FIRST SESSION OF THIS J SCHOOL will c immence on MOXDA iV Nov. 4th. The tweaddishod reputation of Prof. Miller as an accom pli azure gnanuitee r • p.i And others, that “the school will be to conducted as to give full satisfaction. x M SESSION: QF TWEXTI' WKEKS, ■ For ; ihulixh Grammar. Geography. CompoMtion. r Natural Philosophy, Mental and 'Advanced : -fU'&j JtAvh hftetic. Coomotry. Trigonometry. Latin ;V rm-iii EPenCh y.B*M For .Music.... ; A 00 , Payment pf 'subscription to be ma le inonlhly r<> the School Directors. OU. UALBEUWOUD offers his Fro- Sendees Vr the citizens ofAltoona and vicinity. Office on Virginia Street, -nearly opposite C. J, Maou*» Store. REFERENCES: J. 11. Lunux. M. D.. Huntingdon, dxo McCulloch, M* D., “ 11. XrO»KT r - -it Pittsburgh. lr/ ; B.C»fBT,Birmingham. ? Tyrone City, Jacob Burley, u K C. Outer, “ W. Ulrlet, « M. 11. JOLLT, ♦* «j»K^*h,iBar-iy. r S2SIJ » EMPLOYMENT! [s7sl AGENTS WANTED! pity from $25 to $75 per mouth, auTaH expen give a comraiaaloo. Parttanlftra b««l4k. tliaire&JSrl* Sewiag HatMneCgmjmay, B. JAMRS.-Gener*! Agent, Milan. Oliio. Jepk;Mljk] • • ' IVHITE LEAD AND ZINC JL ifetftawomc. Green. Yellow. Parifl Green, irj •nd frMlitf WFnt* * (1-tf.V • KKSALKR’S rjBbCfMYNAL SUPPORTERS, Trus- XX-" mi and Shoulder Braces for aale it 1-tf- ' . O. W. KESSLER’S. TfAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM KAlUhtMirthq; Cream,iToilet Eoape, Ac. for aale by Wt) G. W. KESSLER. Hair, hat, tooth, shaving, Paint, Sub and Varnish Brushes at KESSLER'S. SPECTACLES ‘AND EYE PBESER- Ij tywlttt } . KESSLEK’S. # THE -STANDARD PATENT ggjajton».BS AT I-tf. ■: 1 KESSLER'S. IWuANKf OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS Jt/ nfcOy ilij Cxpcdlclctuly executed at thin office. ITEfiUCNT SMTPSTts! . EfrWOUii D RE i totfie cUlsm* of Altoona he hM Jantretnruod from 1 R-STYLES OF J. B. UILEMAN “They go right to the Spot.” ISStAJit RKMRFT gTOP YOUE COtKJII PtJKIt’Y YOOE BREATH! STRKMITHEN TOBU VOICE! SPALDING’S Throat Confections, : ARE GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOE LECTUREES, GOOD FOE t'OBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOE SINGERS, GOOD FOE CONStTMPTIVES OKNTI.EMKN CARIIT SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARK nELIGHTKD WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. OPILDREN CEY POE SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS Tliey relieve a Oagh instantly. clear the Throot. give strength And volume to the voice. They impart a delicious arumato the-breath. Ca'They are delightful to. the taste. Aii-Thcy are made of stipple herbs, and can barm no one. I advise one who has a Cough, or a Husky Voice or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the throat, to get a package of iny Throat Confections, they will relievo you instantly, and you will agree vfjth me that “they go right to the spot.*' You will find them ver\ useful and pleasant travelling or attending public meetings for stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If yon try cue pack age 1 am safe in saying that you will ever afterwards con sider them indispensable. Tou will find them at the Druggists and .Dealers In Medicines. j PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENT'S. J My signature Is on each package. All others are conn terfeit.’ A package will be sent by mail, prepaid, an Receipt of Thirty Cents. Address, ' HENRY C. SPALDING, y No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. y&sSr Nervous Headache Headache. By tin* Use of lliv>e Pills the p l ilnlic ;U,i.:ck* ol Aereou or tick lloidadit prevented; and if taken at the bcdmmenccuu’nt of aa attack immediate relief from pain and sickness wilLbc obtained. *■ They seldom foil in removing -the Nausea And Headache to which females ore so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Cbstivenexs. For Xifmtry Men, Students, Dclicnto Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they arc valuable as a Laxative. improving the appetite, giving tone apd vhjor to the dig*.-- live organs, and restoringthenaturalelasticity and strength of th< whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long invesilgv tion and carefully conducted experiments, liaving been in use during which lime they have prevented and relieved a vast amount bf pain arid suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken at all time* with pefcct safety without making any cliange of dim, and the absence of any di*a . tjreeuhle taste renders it eaxy to administer them to children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures oif Henry C. Spahlhig oj: <-;ich Box. by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box w ill be sent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE 25 CENTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY Ci SPALDING. 48 Cedar Street New York Nov. 10. ’GO.-ly.] iUsoxmLc, Cons., Pen. 5,1801, Miu SPAUU.NO. SIE: I have tried your Cephalic pills. am!7 so well that I want you to send me two dollar* worth more. Partbf these arp for the neighbors, to whom 1 gave a few out of the flr#t box 1 got from you.: • Semi the PilU by mail, and oblige Your obedient Servant. JASU2S Ki^.VUDV. llavcrpoiu), Pa.. Feb. C. 1801. Mu. Spalding, Sih : I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic Pills. 7 have receiral a great dml of benefit /row them. Yours, Respectfully, MAUT ANN STOIKHOCSi:. Sprccr Cukek, Ht*xmaw)N Co., Pa., dan. 18,13(U. U. C. Sr.aMxo. Sir : You will please Ki nd roc two boxes of \ our Cephalic PilU. Send them Immediately. - v Respectfully yourt p ■ JollN B. SIMONS. P. S.—/ have used one box of your Pills, /tnd find them excellent. jWm the Examiner , Norfolk, \"a. Ceplmlic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz.: Cure of headache In all its forms. From iheExandner,Nvrfoik, Ta. They have been tested in more than a thousand cases, with entire success. From Vu. Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If yon are, or hate, been troubled with the headache, send lor a box, (Cephalic PilU,) so that you may have them in case of an attack. * From the Advertiser, Providence, P. I. The Cephalic PilU are said to be » remarkably effective remedy for the headache, ami ode of the very best for that very frequent complaint whifth bos ever been discovered. Prom, the Western It. E. Gazette, Chicago. JU. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Ceplmlic Pills. Prom the Kanawha 'VaUey Star, Kanawha, I’u. We are sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. From the Jouthem Finder, *VtW Orleans, La. Try them 1 yiiti that are afflicted, and we ore sure that your testimony can be udded to the already numerous list that has received benefit! that no other medicine can pro duce, - *3, A single bottle of SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE will aare ten timea its coat annually.-tv SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! spaldings prepared gluei SAVi tßi racial ECONOMY! DISPATCH! 13* “ A Stitch in Time Bates Nisx.".** As accidents will happen, even in well regulated fami lies, it ia eery doshmhla to bare some cheap and ct nec nient way for repairing Furniture, Toya, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUd! meeta all such emergencies, and no household can nfford to be without if. It la always ready, and up td tho aticklng “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE.” N. B.—A Brash accompanies each Bottlo. pfice 25 cia Addreaa, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar St, N. Y. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public,'imttatfona of my PREPA RED GLUE, I would caution a!I persona to examine before onrpqaalng, and see that the fUlOmme, ' «S. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE, ,£*- fa on the outside wrapper ; all other arc Swindling coun tcncits. ‘ WHEELER & WILSON’S | SEWING f i mmmmm. I < : : pp J| R. A. O. KER=>, g g ALTOONA. PA , Jf Agent for Blair County, SiNOSIIM ** 83133 HM rpHESE MACHINES ARE ADMIT -1 to i>e the best ever offered to the public, and their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that in the lust eight years, Over 14,000 More of these Machine* hpvc been sold than of s,ny other plan ufactured, aud mjorei medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs ami institutes than to any oth ers'. The are warranted to do all that is claimed for tliem. They are now in use in several tkmflies iu Al toona, and fu every case they give entire satisfaction.-'. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. Jehu L. Piper. Rev.' A. B. Clark, George: Uawkcsworth, BenJ. F. Bose, ami £. If. Turner, Bsqrs. The machines enn be seen and examined at the store of tlm Agent. at-Altoona. Price of No. 1 Machine, *llvor plated, glass foot an ' new style Ilemmer—s66* No. ‘2, ornamental bronze, glass foot and new styholleuimer—sss. No. <5, plain, with old stvle Ilemmer—s46. [March 21,1801-tf. THE HEROES OF PEACE, AM> The llciocs of War I? ANTIIONV, 00l BKOADWA V, _J m NEW YORK, is now publishing, in addition to Other portraits, the celebrated collect!'n knoVm in Europe ami America as Bradys National Photographic .Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the PROMT* NEXT WEN OP AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davis, Qeii. Beauregard. Floyd, and a host of other confederates. Price ol Portrait* per dozen. Can bo sc‘nt by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, arc published., curd size, and in stereoscopic form. ALSO. Stereoscopic Views of Scenes in Paris. London, and in other parts of England and France: in Scotland. Ireland, Wales. Uolland.Switr.'Tl.ind. Spain, on the Rhine, iu Athen*. Egypt. Tm key. the Holy Land,- China, India, Cuba. Ac.. ml infuiUuv.i. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Art the Greatest It under of the Ayr. These arc taken in the fortieth part of a second, huh the rustling of water, the moving ofleuves, or the march of an army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for £l.zqn. We have also on hand and nnmutactore the largest as sortment of Stereoscopes'. Photographic Albums, end Pho tographic Materials in the United States, and pcrliui s in the world. t Catalogues. co.ntjiining lists of our Portraits. Vi. «-. Stereoscopes. Ac,, scut free by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY. 501 Broadway. AugS-ly near St. Nicholas. New York. LABOR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. THE VM.KIiSG..sKD HAVING X pnrehaaed ,the right for Blair county, ot Tolhurst's Improved Washing Machine, are now nmiiufucruring Mu m at Altoomi. and intend to supply them tp those j»throughout the county who desire a I.ABGIXSAVINU MACHINE. This machine is got up on an entirely new principle, and is considered, by those wlio have men it in use, the best that Ims ever ln;eii brought before tlie public. Among the nilmy advantages of this machine over all others may he mentioned the following: l.>f. Its simplicity' of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. 2d. Its ipevd, which astonishes alike the operator aud the looker on. onl. The facility with which it adapts itself to tin; bulk or quality of cl >tbes desired to he washed. 4 th. It washes equally well the finest and lightest (hhlic or the couinest and heaviest, such us bed-quilts, comforts, blankets, Ac. We the undersigned, hereby certify that we are now using Tolhurst'* Improved Washing Machine and are ful ly satisfied thnt It te a very excellent article of the kind : combining as it doe* great speed with little labor.uml per forming its work in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend it to all who desire a real ibor-saving washing machine. JOHN WOODS. MICHAEL -CALVERT, JOSEPH (1. ADLIT.M. r. a. o. kerb. STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, 'pen PKD£KBK:NKD WOULD ItE- J. an uounce to the citizens of - Altoona and vicinity tit ho has just received large supply of jSTOVK of all such i Cook, Parlor, Office at Shop Stoves, which 1 will sell at the most ret souable prices, A larj supply will always I kept on hand. 27. V |.V/> SiIKJIT-niOX \VM:E, in great variety, always oh hand. ROOFING & SPOUTING pdt up on shoit uotkv. He uU>> manufactures Leaded Iron Spouting, which is said to be much superior to gal vanized sheet-iron or tin. IK 1 •as also attach'd a copj>er-emithing room to his es tablishment un«i will kuep on hand uu assortment of cop per and bras* kettles. .*:c. All kind.’) of job w«>rk promptly attended to. A share tf public patronage i« respectfully solicited. D®- Store on! Annie street, between Harriet and Ada* line streets, East Ward. , STEPHEN WINTERS. Altoona, SopL Ist, ISCI. COAL. ]\row is tiij: time for every family to get In their supply of coal for the Winter, ami the suKtcrihhr would therefore inform the citizcns'of Altoona ami vicinity, that lio is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. IK will srll-it by the Car.or Uari Load, or by tK bushel, deliv ered at the'door! of the purchaser, 49* Yard on the North side of the Railroad —upper cud of Altoona Yard. ! If. K. MYERS. July 26,X861.-tf.: UN DERTA K I N G . Cabinet-Making and Carpentering. rpHE UNDERSIGNED have opened J| a shop of thei above description, at the Corner of the Alley on Cftioliile street, between main and Virginia Sts., where they will manufacture to order, ail kinds of CABI NET FURNITURE. and will also contract for patting tip BUILDINGS of all descriptions, finding nil material. Ac. 49*C0FFINS, made to order on shortest notl e and ih any style de ired- |By strict attention to business they hope to merit a jsharc of public patronage. HAINES A CARR. Altoona, Sept. 26,1861. GLEN-ECHO MJLI.S, , OVUM AX TO inv, J’4 , . McCALLUM & CO., MAXLTACX'UUKiIS. IMPORTERS £ WHOLESALE HEALERS IN Carpeting Druggets, Oil Cl tlis, MATTINGS, &C. WAREHOUSE,! No 509 CHESTNUT STItERT. (opposite the Statcllon»e,)Pini.ADm,PUlA. , [mar2l,’6l-ly. TIUJHKA* V. IIUOAPB, ...CUAELIS B.ULOB. REVERE HOUSE, (lath eagle hotel,) Third Street, above Race, - 'PHILADELPHIA. RHOADS & SA1LOB; Proprietors. '.TERMS. $1.25 PER DAY. March 7, IS6I-ly J. G. ADLUM. NO T ARY PUB LI C . ALTOoXA, BLAIR CO., PA. Can at all times fee found at the store of 3. B. lineman f Ccprtier I,IBST. ; . FOR SAitE—a HOUSE AND i OP,' doairably located In the Borough of Altoona. Apply i to ' ' ‘ i JOHN SUOBMAKKB. Altoona, Feb. 9,X8«0-tf. Mc.UINX JL DKKX. Vloana, Blair Chunty. Pa. EMILE TIETZE. THUS. McAULKY DANIEL PRICE. IY^RQCERIES—A LARGE AND 1 rfo^. i riate*- AUCTION GOODS VKJIY CTIKAP AT McCormick's Store, in East Alloona ! TUST OPENED A VERY LARGE • I aud complete as.ortm.Mt of Spring and Summer Good., consisting ol Britisli. I’rrneli and American Dry Goods, selected with great care, to suit this region of coun try. In ttie line of Ladies Ureas Goods for quality and price, they will surpass. Mantilla*, Dusters, Shawls, While Goods, £m brosdtries, Irish Liams, Liam Hondksr- t chiefs. Hoopskirti. Clothes, Cos simeres. Kentucky Jeans, Prints, Gutyhams, Muslins, Flan nels, Etc., Etc. ~ Boots A Slices in ail tlielr vnrinns make and material for Men k Hoys’ as well as Ladies, Mleaes and Children. Beady Hade Clothing, a full assortment In *nit the season, with Hats, Caps, Cm* brellu*, ParasolsC Canada, Oil Cloths, Matting. Unjoins, Bucket*. Tul*. Tin Ware. Qneennware, Hurd Ware, Stoue Ware, Market Basket*. Zink Rubbers. Brushes, Clothes Lines, Jtc.. with all articles necessary to make up * fall as sortment to me*t the wants of the people. ALSO, a Complete FAMILY GROCERY, which will have our special attention, Brat in baying aud Rehvting the best, ami freshest articles os well os keeping it np at all times. Cotfees of the very beet and richest varieties. . T E A. S 3 Black umHircen of ll»e licet quality and flavor. Sugars g«Hhi and cheap; common Brown at 6, good at 8 cents, common white 10 cents. Syrups aud Baking Molatiet, fn.m the best Loverings at 62U, to the lowest grade at 40 cents. Cornstarch, Dryed Reaches, Dryed Apples, Farreua, Bacon. Dryed Beef, Mackorel, Herring, Lake Kish k Dry Fish. Window Glass, different sizes, Ac., all of which will bo s«ld very low for cosh, or exchanged for Produce. Always on hand. Speer k Haifa celebrated Iron Allows. Persons visiting town would do well before making tin ir selections to call and examine our stock, as we will be pleased to see them free oi charge. Very thankful for past favors. we respectfully solicit a continuance of pub lic patronage. Altoona. April IsGi. i'ol-tf TA(H)R SNYDER, TAILOR, t * The llfro of One Hundred Fife per Month ! 1 uoulu respectfully JM-t forth in\ cl.vim t»* public attention, as a Fashionable Tailor us foliutra: Because I keepnn exerh U»nt assortment of Cloth'. Ca>!»inieres,. Vestings an* Trimmings, which, when examined.always please. Beaune mv work b> made up in » maimer lh-»t t.vkf.s down the counliv and jrives till my custom’ v a city rppcr.iunce. Because 1 Min not inti ri aw ft Cutter to the best h be found anywhere. Because lung experlem In my busings gives ir entire control over it. i»ii ! am not dependantupoti any om* tolilt me OUt oi the Because I am still im the sunny of forty, ami there foie niy ta-*te as n Cutter aiul workman unimpaired. Call on me, in the corner room of the "Brunt lIou«-. ,! Give me a trial ami you will go away pleased. Altoona. Mav 2*>-/»iu JACOB SNYPIIU. PVi’ENT KEROSENE OR CA RBON oil lamps: Uiu .utlcdih Beauty, Simplicity Su/'etf/ o/ Economy, Kv. ijr person desiring to obtain the very hc-t and cheap <**it |k.table light within th.-ir roach, «h..uM call at the store ,f the undersigned and examine these Lamps hefhre porclutsing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon strate Int. That NO ACOIDEX3’ can occur by cxj 2d. That they emit no olfemivt- odor while buildup fUI. That they are very easily trimmer!, 4tli. That they are easily regulated to give > >v.s. l-'actories, Hall*. Churches, Stoics, Hotels. and aii - highly recommended for family use. The l-m ri'T of tit** ('••i Ikhi Oil Lamp can be attached to old Mil-*, hanging and tilde fluid and oil lamps, at a small • xp-n-a*. and will answer every purpose of a now loop. We ninrjiutee perfect satisfaction in oil eases. An-. 19, 18o,S-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. ouot iati, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. INDEUSi iNED WOCI.I) IN FORM the public tliat he lias purchased the interest of A. MILLIUON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continue the business, and will keep com stoutly on Itund a largejmpply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES DRIED REEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICKS, COXFKCTTOXAR]ES. ami everything usually kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the extern and western cities, and will sell at the mast reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale. 1 will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ot liquors of the best qualities to be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. Julyl2, ISOO.-Cm. J. DEKKO WITZ. SOMETHING NEW. THI! SURSCRIBER HAS JUST J returned from the east where he lias purchased a vry large and fine stock Of ’ BOOTS &c SHOES, (Waiters, A’f., which he is prepared to Offer'Ll thecitizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Having purchased direct from the. manufacturers for cash, ho is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he asks. Is that the people will call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below post Office. Jan. 0,1861. M. THOMPSON, A^tnt. r ANDS : LANDS!! LANDS!!! J, J The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.— Good selections can now be made near tin large streams and settlements. The Lands of tills Territory, now in Market, are of the best quality. t 'K. Selections carefully mode. Letters tf inquiry re 'l*u*ted. ALEX. F. McKINNEY. ORtvroDs, Casa County. N. Ter. July U, 1809.-tf • R R r E R iJ N C Y. S .* Rev. A. B. Clark. Altoona, Pa. Wm. M. Lloyd 4 Co.. Bankers, Altoona, Pa, McCntm 4 Dern, Editors. “ Thos. A. Scorr, Supt. P. U. R.. “ l». McMubtuie, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO , PA., Ay ILL PRACTICE IN THE SRVE » » KAL Coarts of Blair, Cambria and Iluutin-don counties. Having had several years’ experience in the practice of the law, he expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANNIE STREET, 3 doors above the Post Office Bopt. 6,18f10.-tf. W. M. 1.1.0 YD & CO., M/rooxA, JOHNSTON, JACK &CO., UOLLtDA YSUUItG, PA.. n^iass, {Laic ** BJI, Johnston, Jack *J* Co.**) D HAFTS ON THJi PRINCIPAL Cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposit*, payaMu on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fcir rates, rcb. od, 1859. W. KESSLER—-PRACTICAL vJ • MUOOIST, rospcctAilly announces js to the citizens of Altoona and the pnhlic •rally, tliat be still continues the Drug on Virginia street, where ho keeps'constantly V 7 on hand, for sale. Wholesale and Retail. DRUGS BV MKDICINKS. CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- Ml ES and DTESTUm, By strict attention tp business, and a desire to render sat iamclion to nil as regards price and quality, he hopes to merit and receive a share of public patronage Physicians and merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. OYES! 0 YES! GENTLEMEN draw nigh and bear. JOSEPH p. TROUT tnnonn ces to the P'i-..1c. that ho is ready to discliarge his dntv asan Auctioneer whenl-ver called n|ibn. fjan.2 '6B. J GREA'i* ISO STOVES. CONSUMPTION OF SMOKE AND CAS AND SATING - OF FUEL. The snhecriher takes pleasure In offering to the public NEW OAS AND SMOKE CONSUMIN'!! Cooking Store, recently patented, which fa destined to sn percede all other*, as it require* ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL then otlier store* end is more easily, quickly end regolei ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot go* arises from this store from the fact that it is sll consumed ore it con es cape. There is no trouble from smoke ss that unpleasant sod often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the store Neither is there sqy danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by the ghs arising from cool fltes. •: Persons wishing to purchase stores are incited to call st the store of the subscriber, lit the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stores, JOHN SHOEMAKER, Salt Agent far Stair County. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Egg Stoves on hand. [Aug. 12,1856. LADIES’ WINE. SI'EER’S BAMBVCI WINE, OP CULIIVATED PORTUUAL ELDER. EXCELLENT WINE FOE FEMALES. KVKHY. FAMILY SHOULD USE SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE. ('ELEBHATED for its uiodicinul and ."* beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, TouiC, Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, and some of the first families iu Europe and America. SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE is not a mixture or manufactured article, but Is pure, from ccltivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chemists anil 1 Physicians as possessing medical piopertieMupcrior to any other wines In use, und an excellent article fur all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm; Improving tho appetite, aud benefiting ladies and children. A LADIES’ WEN*E, because it will uot intoxicatoas othei wines, as it contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and'is admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting n healthy tone to tho digestive organs, aud a-bloQiuilig, soft aud healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N.J., i-over the cork of each bottle. MAKE O.XJC TRIAL OP THIS WJXE A. SPEER, Proprietor, Office 2uB Broadway, Mew Yortf. £© Km* sale by A. K *US’L Altooha: OKOi W. PATTER SON and GKO. A. JA'CORS, Uollidoysburg: and by W. NOWLIN A CO., Tyrone. [je27-ly FJRST ARRIVAL OF iSPHINO- GOODS AT THE “ MODEL.” i\ K HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN T T umisnully fine Stock of Goods suitably for tlic* Season. No Auction trash..but regular gxni Goods at voy low prices. We deem it unnecessary to parade the prices of a f iv articles in un advei lisemeut, but otily say that we can and wdl sell goods ut as fair prices as ai»y other house in the place. We have, as usual, a gr-nf variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. In tbis'.departnu-nt we think we cm say we have the best assortment to be found in the place. consisting in part of ivid Faucy Sills, l\>phn*, Lustre*. MinAl-'r.. V>ro<:',c Jfozaiuhujuot, Arabesque*, Ixilemriag, Gri*iuUti, 3*4 fitted the above Hotel, and la now pre- , ~s pared to accommodate his Mends and patrons In a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains In making it an agreeable home ibr all sojourners. His Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar nilrd with liquors of choice brands. Uw charges ore ns reasonable as those of any other Hotel in theplace, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who fitvor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and liilly Intending tit deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. 1 have Just received a stock cf Kb. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a largo stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur jHjses. together with a lot of the best.old Bye Whiskey to be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859.-1/) JOHN BOWMAN. I>LAIR COUNTY INSURANCE J. » AOKSCT —The undersigned, Agent of the Blair Coim f y Mutual Firo Insurance Company, Is at alt times ready to insure against loss or damagn by Are, BuOd mgy. Heryhandiu. furniture and Property, of erery des cnptjon, in town or country, at aa reaaonalde ratea as any Company m the State Offlce with Bell, Joimaton, Jack i C< Jan,27, *5O-tf » r 't. CALBWJHX, font. T YCOMTNG COUNTY MUTUAL h'IRK INSURANCE AGENCY,—Thi undersigned agent of tho Lycoming Mutual Fire Inanranee Company l» at all time* ready to insure against lorn or damageby foe BuiUitigi, Merchandise, Piumthtrt and FVenerty of eyeri description, in town or country, at at reasonable rates as any company in the State. Office In the Matonie Tetor'e. Jan. 3, ’56-tf | JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY FLOUR for sale. Wholesale andßetall. rare , SHOEMAKER, Pec. 11,18t6-tf. Maffcmls Temple. Hardware of all descrip tiona just receired and tbraale by Uctlw O J. B.HILEMAN Lumber for sale, :.!v 60,000 SHINGLES, . 50,000 LATHES, odd an kinds ofBUILPIXO MATERIALS. lower than tha lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHJiSItOEJIAKER- HTJTTER’S STATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY. AND BLAUK BOOK ■A»ttF*CTORY No. 64 Market St., -fiVuruinry, This establishment is chiefly devoted ta the nuunrikrfnre of Blank Books fee wan, Comity o®c*% Rhilfomt Companies, JSMIMm end print* IntUridnal*. In ell ease* the JHsBB rery best of sthekaad workmanship n; be : relied upon, Blank printod ; p« g ed aad hem*,. any dealred pattern.. Sheriff’*, ABwwp and jJJJ* , Socket* of all rixe*, made ead ruled to seder. ThZS ; and Yearly Assessment*, Duplicate*, Ac, for county»»? i. **a. printed or plain, ruled and boaod to order, iCJ? I Docket* made of the beet linen paper. “"“I ! Librarian*, and other*, desiring to ban thrir Banka m ' bound and at moderate |«loe*.*bonld gin a* a call, i paper* of the targert size*, Harper's Weekly, ' Pictorial, Ballon*, Scientific American. London jC* i bound to order, and in any atyle required. Harper', Month 1 lv Magazine, Knickerbocker, Blackwood’s and Br.CS; i Magazines. Godey’a Lady’* Book, Lady’s Hepoaitorr, pZ: I aoo’a Magazine, Piano Music. Ac, bound in extra strbTL I the more plain and substantial half binding. Select Paw I phleta. Law Magazine*. Pamphlet law*, bound in gee* u ; brmry style* at very nodenite price*. Pwm I number of Toinine* to bind, erill receire a liberal dkcoaai i Binding can safely be rent to n* from a diatancebyTr 1 press, and all work entreated i dily executed, safely packed and returned by Bzptrsa : All work warranted. Addreaa ’LL. HOTTER, ! HtmULnry, ft, j *S.McCIIUM A DKUN, at the IViIhWK Office, anus I agents fn Altoona, and rtcinity. They will giro intbru. ! fkm In relation to binding, anti receire and return book, free from extra charges, for *ll who enbnat their work). ■: my care, [March 21,1861-1 J Vnya. the* entire coat, for Tuition iu the most popular and siuvcsithl Commercial School in the Country. Upward# twelvehundred young men from twenty-eight dilferral State?. luivc boon educated fur business here within the pnvt ihroe years, some of whom have been employed &i U<>ok Keepers f»t salaries of *‘looo,oo per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac count.- when they entered the College. • inist; r*» sons half price. Students enter at odj time, and review when they please, without extra charjfr. K-*i pages, Specimen* of Prof. Cowfcy’i and < >r- amenta! Penmanship, and a large eugn* vingof the College, inclose twenty-five cents in Postage Stamp* to tiio Principals* 0 .TBXKCtS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Altoona. Jan. 24, ’CI-ly. The undersigned announ cos to the citizens of Altoona and Ticinity that b« has jiwt received a large invoice© of Frail, Confectionaries, Hats; Spied and notions for children expressly for the Holidays. lie will also keep always on hand a good stock of pika and fancy cakes, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Batter, EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, FLOUR, COHN MKAL, 40, always ih store and for sale lu large or small «juantities. Cull, examine aud price my stock and you will fioii it iw good and cheap us any lu town Bee. 20, ’GO-ly.J Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. r \ 'FIE SI ruse UIBER CONTINUES to 1' keep constantly ou hand nil the best literary paper* wd IXTiixlicals, dnily {tapers fit)in Philadelphia, New York wnl PitMnirgh. together with a good assortment of Books. All the School Hooks used in this place and vicinity always os hand. Also, a choice lot of Confectionaries. ami knick knack* of all kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco.A Segan to be had In town, together with a lino assortment of GoW and Silver Pencils, Gold Kings and other articles of Jewel* ry. Call and examine. JI. FKTTIXGKB. Altoona, July 26, ’6CMy. Ao. 1 4Uoona Bam. rrilE GREAT QUESTION WHICH JL now agitates the mind of every person is, where can 1 get the best article for mylfißl mon^v? In regard to other matters, the scrlher would hot attempt to direct, but if you want anything in the line of UOOTS OU SHOES * he invites on examination of his stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand an assortment of Boots, S«k* Gaiter*. Slippers, Ac., which he offers at fair prices. lie will giro special attention to custom work, all ol wnich will be warranted to give satisfaction. Jfouebut'-tlw best workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia 1 street, immediate!? opposite Kessler's Dntg Store September 3, *67-tfj Bakery and Grocery Store. THE SUBSCRIBER KEEPS CON _L STANTLY on hand Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c. PEED, BACON, FLOUB, GROCERIES, Nor. 10. TVTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE - 11 Tlds Grout Journal of Crime and Criminal* Ujhj its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated through** the country. It contains all the Great Trials, OrtaWl Cases, and appropriate'Kditoriaison the some, togofborrn* information on Criminal Matters, not to bo found in **! other newspaper. Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for sir months te he remitted by subscribers, (who should write their mb' l and the town, county and State where they reside pUlmfr 1 To 0. VT. MATSEIh A CO - A Prop’r. of New York Police OaxetV, 15-tf) Xew Tort City- BOOTS AND SHOES.—THE Un dersigned has now on hand and will .aA sell cheap at bis store in tin Masonic Temple. mV • l. l 5 6 S^l„ eom P let ® assortment of BOOTS H AM) pIIOKS, really made, or made to order. Orewhoes, Ladies’ Sandals, Onm Shoes, Cork Solm, and ercrythingin his line of business, M ... the best quality and on the most reasonable term a- a* custom work warranted. Jan. 2, ’Sd-tf.] J. SAOKMAKM- Great western insurance AND TRUST COMPANY,—lnsurance on Bml« personal property will be effected on the most reuoosW* tenos by thefr agents la Altoona at his ottce in Annas . March IT, 185*. ; I dOHN BOOKMAKER, A***- T EVPS PREPARATION FOR EX- I Atarminating RATS, UIOB, ROACHES, ANTS, awl Bedbugs without danger .in ita nae under anyclrtojaataa ces for sale at the Drug store of ' Q. WTUSSIB*- Aan.M,^tf] PINE AND LARD OILS, CAM- Fluid, ON HAND AT MCCORMICK’S Store -_ i nl^ tenaM “ 80rtol ' nt $35,00 GROCERY AYD BAKERY! Also, a choice lot of SUGARS and TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Virginia Street, below Annie Street >a i M« « o S 3 « *-5 I |s=| W o 5 Ja-at pH 5 2lo| 3-s «I a-32 ■S I O Sjß-.s « “■sas-a !=> w|2-=2 CO m abortion aud IU results, on Children. 1 p refection of eoneeptioii. with Inraln I them on subject, ora prixato nature. 1 The Gentlemen’s Media ,ANT» PRIVATE ADV A book for tuo old aßd young, cmhi Pretention and Cure of alt Diecafi ■ o tl Organ*. and a waning toicc of a H ee to bo found in no other wurk. Pi i THE GUIDE AND . roa rraai one. It expoMa *U the Itumbuga, and t eatlc* me sick ainl welt. It Uluetre Qoackaand Kbfiuca to dupe exery one were through Ufe, and shows up cxer U isawi bow all kinds of rood. Mo (P»d« ere adulterated, w ith tho we. fraud*. PHteO centr. THE HOUSEHOLD AJ PLANTATION AND Tor exsry Btmily, hexing oxer IuOO Preferring. Dyeing, Cleaning. Ac. II te the butt to raiso. lluw tu cure eni: keepers, former* And mechanic*, nu li eet. Price 'S> eputa. Worth $lO to ai ! THE CONSOJIPTIV i foe those wbowiab to got well fr * • fall description of all tlm rem«II« Utrfcftil sUUmeat of the malts, sad < thm. frlce 10 cents. The information in them is not to ■ published, nor obtainable frww any books are published on fine white pa [bound. i Any of the i hove works will be nn t 1 rice, in flam) 01 the '* uornl volume (or os* notion. No ?• (oat them. They are illustrated with [and contain the condensed oxperieu' I Aosxrs Wastes lor the above wot I* month. Send (or a circular lor eg- To the young ot both sexes suffer*; ’prostration of mind; loss of power; > of eight; wakefulness; luve of solUr face, dc n he. iSend hejore it it too U Incurable damage to l*olh body :m l i. T«» females who want sofa pleas lor Irregularities, Obstructions. Win PREVENT Wears convinced that there are m lons* consumptive and diseased coud merwoa offspring only brings snlh-r •tu&wo would »ay write, and we wil a sure, well-tested, and never-failing Wp wiltmail free, to any one apply TUB JOCUMAL OF MEI)I< It Is a large and beautiful paper, ai valuable Information on Sp erm*torln i nessr Tha cause, eOt-cU ami cure, eh ; feet* of the disease, \ On all other diseases of the Sexual [oattenoCthe origin of Syphilis, the [and core. . I On Consumption, that foarfu) disea [ On the Mur. Heart. Stomach and I I Qa T«H|3fc Complaint*. I Oo lbs various Schools of Medicine [ Oa the modeaof Treatment now pi I On the JM»« Treatment of pUes.-w : Ob the rariptu Medical lluiabng*. Ob the Fbyaiolopy of Marriage. | U& Um Cotnmnnmum of Mntirin*. [ Q* Diet, Exercises, anti Ablution* [ llflw the Physician should be. ; Uaw ta prevent Pregnancy. And xiaay other thing*. ro tw journal should be in tlw banc • ,i|. forsiELT, M. A. M., Chief l*b; flurußoa. .. Dr. J. Doyle, Chemist. ,OQc* In New York, 184 Chamber i®*™ Wt*»Tti»»*la the didtrenl. fBA Meebw tOflca neatly opposite C. Jagjard Itoona, Pa. 4ms;Br r^^INTHK^ the Seat wtthooA pals VSK Vtaer . - ’