iJ * tome rm. St OaatiTtuiL rtfam^ntaM^U it* *> fmlortl, ,*., ikffiraas; ,MNT. ; »• •■ .’'.” ' t w . imt «t th« nua« at of tbo Utvr 5» j at the peculiar stats j t&m .« « Chnnic i Mfpkl or congestles a imsfl tltu Lil« 1,4.- I iij. or 110111 thee* j Utoarthe )liw«c I, A pipe which conraj, I . Tbb olwtrocUuii J lif the pipobrlßj I Km * J ouirowa back iniu - 1 J numerous mum I w*<dcEtet,».plp, I and Wbo. I I I Ui* ] I I fwfwJUpaspjh*, I •Meh forastlts I ■glgntd by ustars 1 I -and, (««■ I I or’ST r . I •■fljhtpatleot i. I j 1 mftifesl ttha Mood ia tu ra {darteoarlpm •MWlss alttks SCSBIj, i nqtßrt. Boa,. iWMt'li Si.nflfWTß.tKlor, ted With a brows f Chronic lufl»«i -ieh’Mdbow.U, rew®»lo*it»li» O of ihod, sod it - Anraftann* *** «wl kn««. arAiftaretwcta- MCWpa*>hs|l»l lUsstossscbaad fc«W»»om«»a4 of sun- »*«P*<*,dwsiui darftftttwMr, w Ini roTtio With • (•.dry, of tb« i, Areqacslli 'k»y expMto- . Spfcttootbw. ad presslßSop mod cough, sn<) Ml psjlvn tls d*- |fa spanned!* sHapa-MsifitM IITSJfO t**JCBA pMnaaM'jtai ttSFS*'jwi of fords'll ysftog. PM rfoirt ««!«'. I&ib&mtv f-lknit, hr ah" Ob* dyke's ■***’ r. ;# e 01 if. ' iff latent V LOCAL dfE OF..\Tn of David Sraocti—Another, young j n y (>rl> butpromisingin life, has. gone to that boorne fr<*“ whence no traveler returns. When «e-4r»t hw*™* acquainted frith the deceased was hut A hoy and had just entered a tele graph office to learn the business. Quick of perception, "ntl-posscssing a strong native tal *j,t coupled , with commendable energy andpcr gerer.-iuce,'led ns to mark ont for him a pros perous future, lie speedily earned for himself the reputation of being one of the best telegraph operators in the coiintry.-tJk few years since fcis health failedrjnl by change of climate be -recuperated jgHmewhat. On the.breaking onl of the present was selected to take charge of the military telegraph lines in and about tVsihiugton City. nn#*«ilhfaUy performed this duty for several months, but the task was too much for his strength, and that fell'disease— consumption—from which he was suffering, be gin rapidly to do its work, and Cubbed it on the 17th inst. ■ A fewdays previous to his death, while seated «n the banle of the Juniata river, near bis home, Is following touching linos: Qeiitl* tfVer, aver flowing,' Whiiio tqy early daya were prunorl, Like.yoiir water,! am going, ■ Sadly to. the m at lut. To that Ocean dark and draarj. Whence no traveller comity again, Where ifae«piritworn aud weary, Finds rcpoao triun grief pole. '(for tlie world I tolig hare'wsudoxod, Now a.straugsr.l return, ' (Hope, and liealth(aial maubopd squandered,) UfuVlast lessen here to loam. Caltalj on thy banka reposing, 1 1 am rvaUJug for the day, .Whoso calm twilight softly closing, Dears the trcmhlingaoal away. On the receipt of the sad nows, at Washing ton, the following notice was issued to the U. S. .Military Telegraph Corps, formerly- under his charge: Was Department, 1 Wasuisoton, Nov. 18th 1861. / To the Members of the U. S. Military Corps:— It is with heart (jolt sorrow that we are compell ed to announce to tho corps . the death of our former Superintendent, .David Su-uasa. Ever true to the nriem-ts of Hie .Oovermnei.it, mien tire to the wants and comfort oflns subordinates, kind hearted and generous to a fault, he died lamented by all who knew him. His untiring efforts, known to and appreciated by all who were in the.corps during the lirat three months of its existence, served but to hasted the work of the discus,' which had marked p >cr Strouse for it* victim. He breathed his .ast at ten o'clock cm Sunday evecing, and . will be buried at U o’clock to morrow (Tuesday) morning ■•Peace to his ashes.” JASi U. GILMORE, t D. HOMER ii.ATFS, W. 13. IVILSuN. SoinUtt .Dead.—How often are our eyes greeted with captions like thpsb.vo We have this week to record the death of Edward Evars, of this place, a member of Company E, Bih reg iment Penn’a Reserve Corps. He was brought home last week and buried. The following let ter to his wife,, from ono of the officers of his company, shows how much he was respected by his feilow soldiers, who, it will be observed, give a slrongcr evidence of their attachment than words couid express: Camp PiEtiroiNT, Va., 1 November OtU, 1861. / -Dear Muilam :—As au officer in the army of the I'rnnsylvnnia Reserve, it has f-dieir to tnv lot to perform the painful duty of informing you of the death of your husband. Some tiro weeks since he was attacked with typhoid fever of which he lingered :iml suffered until the physi cians of the regiment informed our company that there was no hope. On Thursday, tho Bth iasl., he died, and not' only was the stroke felt by tno company hut throughout the whole regi ment, of ».hi<;h he was a hjecial favorite. 11 is loss will.he felt not only as a defender of our glorious Union, who has died ere the day of honof dawned, hut he cun never bo for gotten for his many virtues and manly traits of character, float assured, dour madam, that in Ihe open ficll your husband’s example shall be followed, hnd though in person he is absent, bis noble spirit .shall guide them gloriously through His with pleasure, .Madam, that I can say the company of which ho -was a mem ber immediately called a meeting and by one voice appropriated $lOl for defraying all ex penses pertaining,to transporting his •.cumins home. Hoping, dear Madatn’ that your faith in Je sus (who has said that not even a sparrow shall fail without his knowledge) shall support you through this sad affliction, and that nil may end in a happy re-union, is the prayer of all bis 'comrades in arms. - With gfeat respect, Madam, believe sue most truly, ! ITour Friend an 1 Servant, Wm BRUOKS, , 2d Lieut. Co.E, Bth Reg. I*. R. C, Tuk Destitute. Undoubtedly (hero arc cases of destitution,even in this busy town, where all can have .Work who will Work. (Those who will not work .ought to-suffer.) But there are fami lies-dependent entirely upon female labor for support, rind we all know that females, wbo have small children to take care of cannot earn much for their support. These are the cases that should be looked after. We would say to all: For a moment, brothers, listen. . To the moan that someth up From the thin lip* of the Jestltato, ' who drink lifii j anguish cup; Theraare brows as pale »• ashes, , There an hearts as cold ss snow, Cooralng on life’* dmky highway— ' iiwkj and you #irf find it so I .There if many airov.iona orphan, ; Beating out the march of life ’MUI. the confusion,• AU atom amhlat the strife. . Treat them klo(tly,il«gti to loro them, Aud.thymother'sfeelings prove; Do not pass them coldly, laying “MinSsra ill that l ean lore,” New Gi's-Doat.—Wonolioethut Mr. MeCaus lin, formerly Master Machinist of the Pennsyl vania Rail Upod, and well known to moat of the ciiiz«Q! of this place, bag invented an iron clad gun-bogt, which ig gaid by competent authority to be far ahead, ia every respect, of anything S e < discovered in that line. We understand that drawings and specifications thereof have heen submitted to tbe Government for exaroina tion, and there can be hnt littie doubt of its adoption, if balf that competent and disinter* ested partieg gey ai to its merits be true. IS. f [W«nb and rang to the HLaura i reaped tfully dedicated to a young lady.'ln Altoona.J j > ' ■. fvrmmith ofJprt&ogjgpacioiu ttaatt, : ipy.lorctoT tU*©; '*?■/Myspirit thuif*inflpytot tones, ... Tour* forth |ts tr«fttoro pure aod hw. The purest, dearest joyof «*rth, : i • la lovely wouuto’i friendly smile;: The heart, indeed* ia naught but dearth, That doth out court at least a saiii*. While absent* rs 1 think of thee* - My heart tvijth fapture thrills, the whlle, Aud metn’ry lends ate back to tbee/> As ooe urbosfc heart is free from gplle. While tbtu 1 Tpam, m i sunny climes, My h*«po In tb*e, ns ere r, stiong, ; j %a some secluded spot, betimes; . ;1 Thy name shall bo my tiiome of sung. Washing To Eecacmso OrncEßsi—lnforma tion baying reachad tbo Secretary of War that it is not unusual for officers aud others belong ing to different regiments' to induce j soldiers to desert from one regiment or company fortfae purpose of joining pnolher, the- Adjutant Qen otiUhas directed u letter upon the subject to be addressed to an.officer who bus been engaged in this practice. It is intended as a guide to oth ers. Tbefoilowingis the substance letter: Far a soldier to edlist in any regiment, troop, or company, without a regular discharge from his proper regiment, troop, or company, is de sertion, punishable) with death in time of war. To induce or persuade him to snob desertion, or even to advise him !to it. is also punishable with death. For failing! to confine or deliver up such deserter, a commissioned officer is to bo cash icred. Man Killed. —On Wednesday last;, the'Mail Train East, when ''descending the mountain, near Bennington Furnace, struck a man dressed in soldier clothes, knocking him over tho em bankment, and injuring him so severely that be died ou Friday last On his person was found a memorandum book with tho name of G. M. Kiudley, and also two rough sketches,of a letter that he had written' or was. about to write to bis mother. On bis person were also found letters sighed “Base.” • .... New. Goons.—Messrs Gels & Flitt pave just received a large ami varied slock of new goods suited to the season, which they intend dispo sing of at the verydowest figure forjcash. Their cash system enables them to sell a trifle lower than they could do in credit, consequently those whofnave the ready dust to .*■ plank up” for goods can save money. Just call add’sea. {gy Reader, if you w ine to imagine, yourself dining at the Merchant's Saloon, just call at Otto Rossi’s nnd order up a dish of Oysters.— He keeps the very best oysters to bo had nnd will do them up in the most approved style. Hi# cakes, pies, &.0 , are equal to the best. He keeps up .with the fashions and new inventions in this line. Ocr.-Dieeciort.—Ou our outside we present our readers a directory which may he of some value to them. There why, be inaccuracies in it—if so we wish those fully informed' to give Us notice id order that we may make the correc tions immediately. llioh School.— Wo bftve r been requested to unnounce that the Altootm High School, to bo under the supervision Prof. Jol open oli the first of December, ted should be prepr.rod to scad urs immediately Change dr SuHruti-E. —A new schedule will take effect, on Monday next, 25th inet. whereby important changes will be made in the running of some of tfec passenger trains. ’The Mail .Train East will leave at 7.45 in the morning in stead'of 11,40 ns heretofore. PEN AND SCISSOES. CSsJ“Wo will publish proceedings ofSabblth School convention nest week. Jfej.r*’Asserted—that a soldier is rap until he is exposed to Ere. So is a turkey. ; If the rebellion cannot be suppressed by force, cau it be put down by weakness? Interesting—the ladies in .their fall fashions. v g(Sk. More interesting—money loaned on first class real estate security. Most interesting— a rich widow in the eyes of a fashionable young man with a dilapi dated puree. ! ’ sQjt.We; know that Thursday nestis Thanke | giving, but we don’t know where our. turkey is to come front- Qtjg~ The mon who made no impression on the heart of a coquette has' taken oat a paten t for cutting stone. SST Suggested-rthat “fell-a-whoppor" be used instead of “telegram,” as more expressive of the truth of the missive so headed. \ Five hunJredmarines passed West, one day this week, to take charge of,the gun boats on tbe Mississippi. Proper isn’t it—to call a verdant coun try boy apprenticed to a blacksmith, a “ymn band atibe bellows.” . , There are two kinds of lawyers, those who have a “paying practice,” andj those who have a practice of not paying. Cincinnati hog traders have suffered by'a decline in prices, dealer lost §75,000 in one week. gfg*A Texas paper; says that “ nobody over saw Wig-fail drunk,” ! But Prentice toys he has seen him whenbe wasn't sober by a'jugfuli.' Queer fellow—tbe editor if ho thinks “people should never kiss their own sex be cause “he never kissed a boy in his life, except occasionally h pretty tom-boy. : pf* We have not been informed of any. ar rangements for Divine Service on Thanksgiving day. but presume they will be announced from the different pulpite to-morrow. BQb.Aies. Ci MnlUn, Esq, flf Cambria’ county is recommended for State Treeinrer, Aleck ! For'the Altoona TrUnute. TO bt ir. i.iBA-atHJ would make a competent officer, and we should be,pleased to chronicle his' success; but it is .altogether likely that be wilt receive an intima tion that he is young enottf h‘ to wait, and some old stager will slip into)tbe office. hope some of o ar debating societies will discuss nnd decide this question:—Which is the most-destructive—the nprtnr > in the battle field or the mortar in the drug stare; g®“ Mr. W. Y. Anderso ley, left in otir office, a «fe ears of corn which messni length, and one ear contaii Good for Tackaboe. Another rush of J< our pfper this' week, and t liing of Boaufort and captui dell have crowded out a a| should have appeared, ■ B®“ We are indebted, to El-Dorado Station, for tw the united weight of which the best we have peen this subscribers can beat them, the vegetables. ■ ■ I : 9®, The editor of the Huntingdon Globe come vfell nigh “pegging out” on reading the news from Beaufort and Pikeville, and only saved his bacon by letting off the following su perfluities. Sound the Toijoh ! Blow the Hew gag! Agitate the Viol! Stir the Organ J . Pul sate the Cymbal 1 Execute the Psaltery ! Blow tl>c Trumpet! Wield the i’abret! Disturb the Timbrel! Flourish the Shemeucth! \ Flicker on the Squnwker! Wriggle the Horso Fiddle! jostle the Dell 1 the Tin Instru ments!. Let the Cannon !Tl|undtr! And the People Shout! Glory Hajlelnjah! OUR ARMY €(SI(ESPOSDEm Camp Near Faces Vii.hoe, Va., ) Novenibijr 11th, 1861. J ; Messrs. Editors;—Here wo are yet, in statu quo, like Gen. Taylor's- (injay was in the early part of .tho Mexican campaign, although we are busily engaged in masterly inactivity. It is Very -uncertain when we'shall proceed further, its our pickets remain where they were when ptir company was last out, three weeks ago , It is the supposition of some, jhowuver, and 1 think their supposition correct, j that tho landing of bfir fleet ou tho Shores of South C iroliua will Create nn opening fSr us, jaud wc shall then miikc another small udvanqe. IWe had another review ( of the army of tho Potomac, on Saturday iitstj, at which wo real ised all the advantages of grind review. Ou this occasion Gen. McClellan first appeared as Oomiuandei-iu-Chief of th# American army.— It was announced that the 16th Massacbactts regiment had admitted that our regiment sur passed them in ordinary marching, but that they ) could; excel us in marchinjg pith knapsacks on j bur backs. I*Cow, bo it gentlemen, that ! the 33d Pennsylvania regiment takes the lead an this division, and we were not to be intimi dated by any such a banter;, consequently, on morning we donned our knapsacks nudAjther accoutrements' and marched to the field of review, about three miles distant, in the direction of Washington.! Shortly after we started, the rain commenced falling, and con tinued during the entire dqy. ’ The division was drawn up in lino on the field, and ou the arrival of the Cummander iu-Chief the cannon pealed; forth nnd the troops sent up cheer after, cheer making the hills and val leys resound tor miles ar(,nnd. Alter passing each of the regiments, and closely scrutinizing |: their appearance, they in turn marched by the • General and Staff, putting their best foot fore most, in spite of the mm! and slush through which they had to wade. This was a day to try the soldiers’ metal, yi t .patiently did they en.durc it. Above and are md was nothing but rain and angry clouds, ;imd beneath, endless mire; nnd yet amid all tjis conglomeration of mud, wind and rain. Gcn.j McClellan remained on horseback, without even so much as an over coat, and indeed would fctmiin a considerab’e | length of time with cup id hand, while the rain S fell unceasingly upon him.; The division formed j in square and commenced firing by regiments \ and companies, and such a clicking of caps was j never heard on our side of the Potomac. 1 j almost imagined we were enjoying a fight with j the rebels. There whs no sign of l[hei raiu censing, ond w© were compelled to yield and inarch hmpp. Had Johnson, of Georgia, seen us then, he would have thought usthe niud-sillu of the army, as he said the wording men of the North were of society. Not n Aijamof'us but was com pletely drenched with rain, and covered with mud. £ven the cbthing in pur knapsacks was wet. To day Ido not hejit a mftii complain of being effected by the I'.iiu, yet many slept in their wet clothes. Yours truly. MAEE^ED. Od Thur-da>C Xov. U. at the M.JE. Parsonjig*. Altoon*. by Rev. W. L. Spottswood, Mr. OKOKGE JsPROUd. of Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa., to Miss MARY JANE GUMMONS, of Blair couirty. Ifa. On-the 12th in*L, at the M.jfc. Parsonage, Williamsburg, by JUv. B. \V. Kirby, Dr.G. W STE>VART. of New Wash ington, to Miss MOLLXfi J 2. KlßllVl (bister of the officia ting cleigyman.) Ou tlie 19 th lost., at Ashland'Fiirn*ce.Cßmbrlp[crr.nty, by Uev. John Mf*ore."slr. JAMES? 11. WILBJN, of Franks tow»..l)}air county. to Miss SARAH CUOTZHR. fcIBD. In HollhlnyMrarg, oc the !l4th Inst.. MARY JANE, daughter of WilHsim C. and Auua|M. Kean, aged 2 years, 9 (Months and 8 days. ; In Holliday"barg. on the j-ithUnst. THOMAS, son of M'ny- L. and Elizabeth Garrett, aged 1 yes.r audll days. Tn Charlottesville, JDlnlr douniy/Mrs. CATHARINE TAN SCOTOC, aged 32 years. r In this pin*©. on the 22d jfXSWOETU E., son of John and Ellen £arhart, aged 9 mouths. In Birmingham. Huntingdon county, on the 19th last-, Mni. CtAILK, 4O years. ! i PAY UP!—NOTICE IS HEHKKY glten. that I haro placed Juy Books and Account* iu the hhtnls of John Gazrm* jbeq . for detiU ment and coU»*ctl *u. Ail person*-; knowing_!them*elvwe indebted to mo nreVequwf-il t»* call on Squire uriEßu and settle'their account* on or before December next, an I thereby save thwnselyufc further cents. * ‘ ' N«t, 23.1801-2 t. ; ! ; HAMILTON. r XpTlCE.—Notice is I I J hereby given, that Letters Testamentary on the [ estate of DANIEL MoOAULMY- late of Logan township, • i Blair county, dec’d. hare been granted to the undersigned residing u aforesaid. Ailptrsans knowing themselves I!‘lndebted to said estate are requested to nuke immediate II payment, and those haring ! claims will present them, f duty smi hentfcated fbr settlement. t Kcr.3S,SAMUEL UAGEETT, £x’r. A DMINTSTRATRIX’S NOTICE /» Notice’in hereby (riven, that Letters «f Adminis tmien oo the estate of Alexander Krpoer. laleof the -Borough of Altoona. Blair county, doc’d.have been graQted to the unde.ffi£ne& residing tw aforeenio. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present the same, duly authenticated, for settlement. CATUAKINE KKPNKR, Nov. 21> 18613 Administratrix. A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. D. W A BELFOED, MERCHANT TAILOR, Virginia Street, Opposite Jaooard’s Store. I have just RECEIVED FROM TUB £ABT, the -largest assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., , ’ . foe GENTLEMEN'S WIXT/ZR WEAR , that has been offered to th« citizens of Alfoona. An examination of my stock wllfbe sufficient to convince kuj one that 1 can supply the ••.nute of the community in this line. 49*1 am also prepared to MAKE UP work ouj the Shortest notice, and IN THE L.ATKHT STXLE OF TUE FASHION. 1 feel confident that I Can give AS“ NEAT AND FJSHFECT A FIT as can be bad outside of the very best establishments lu the cities. I invite an inspection of my goods and work, knowing that they will speak better for me than anything I could say In an advertisement. Altoona, Not. £l, ISOI-tf. ,! of Tuckahoe Tal- i' days since, three ed one foot each in ed orer 800 grains. b work has delayed tid details of the t«- re ; of Mason and Sli itiiber of items that Mrs.Simonton, near o heads of cabbage, was 27 lbs. They are year. If any of oar we should like tosee FENCING SCHOOL! Gentlemen who wish to team the beautiful art of fencing with the right sword, bate now a very good chance to do so. by applying to J.,0. VALLADE. Artist.‘Corner of Caroline* and Virginia Stip. 49* lA'tfftuhe willia*.given dither in the morning or in the evening, from the new French method of the celebra ted Jean on in-Hieratederius. 4 DM IN ISTIi A'fO R’S NOTIGK. /~\ Notice is hjruby given, that Letters of Admlnistra ti'iu uh the estate of «>OSiiUA ,11 >OPKK. late of Altoona, Illair c<>.. dec*-:iAt*d. have been granted to the undersigned residing as aforesaid. All persons knowing themselves indebted to wu l estate are requested to umbo immediate payment, and those having claims will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. joux McClelland, Adair.. Altoona, Oct. 24.18C1.-61 : Dissolution of partnership. Notice i* hereby piv.n that the co-partnership hero* V>f..re existing b tween JOS. A. HAINES and WILLIAM CARR. in the Vndrrtalin.o and Cabinet Hiking business. l/tw been this day dissolved by mutual consent. 4®* 7 ho Book* * f the late Arm of Huim-s A Carr ar»* In the hands of Jos. A. Haines, who is authorized to settle the accounts, and by whom the busiue ri will hereafter be conducted. JOS. A HAI.NES, October 25,1861.] WILLIAM CAIUI. • (Nov. 7, ISGI.-3t] H. FETTINGEU’S GENERAL NEWS AGENCY, No. 1, ALTOONA HOUSE. School Books, Blank Books, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES, CIUtARS & TOBACCO, TOYS & NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY, ON'STANTLY ON' HAND. October 2-i. 1801. ON HAND AGAIN—WE HAVE THE pleasure of announcing to our customers ami all others that we are uu hands again with a largo and varied stuck of FALL GOODS; and as our old stock was beautifully cleaned out. those who fiM-1 incline«rto patronize ns Mill have the advantage of selecting from an almost entirely NE>V AND FRESH STOCK of g**ods. which wo fool confident w ill Lo wold jia chi up «s the ch'*tpe*i. We partirnhirly invite our lady friends to call and Examine our splendid Hue ol Dress Goods, &cr, which we think cannot fail to please. J. k J. LOWTUEE. Altoona. Oct. 9th. ISCI-3t. rpHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD IN -1 FORM the citizens of Altoona ami vicinity that his CONFECTIONERY, NUT and FKUIT STORE, is always •supplied with the very best articles 10 be had, and in grout variety. Ho hue also an OYSTER SALOON attached to his store, in which he willserve up OYSTERS in etery stylo during the season. FIIESII-BAKJED -BREAD & PIES always on hand. * He H .it all times prepared to supply cakes. candies, ic.v for plc-uicsusidothor parties. He Invites a share of public patronage, bettering that he cau render full satisfaction to all. . .• * Remember, hi*store ami auleon is ou Virginiastteet.two doors below Patton** Hall. OTTO ROSSI. Altoona. Oct. 10,1801-tf US. ARMY.-—WANTED IMME • DIATEPY. FOR THE TWELFTH REGIMENT D. rt. INFANTRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able bodied nten, between the ages of eighteen and thirty-Ove. Pay ranges from $l3 to $23 per month, according to th»* rank of thaaoldier. Eacl» man will bo furnished with equipments.’'ample clothing and subsistence. Quarter*, furl,ami medical attendance free of charge., The pay of each soldier commences as soon as he is enlisted. By an act lately passed, tire term of enlistment has been chimged from five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier who serves that time is entitled to 8100 BOUNTY from the Government* Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government fins wisely commenced to promote soldier* from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all. F«*r further Information apply at the Recruit-ing Office, on Virginia street opposite, Lowlhers Sore. Altoona. Lieut. J. S. CAMPBELL 12th Infantry, U. S. A. Ueerujtlng Officer. W. I. BLAIN CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SAL.OON. NEW FALL GOODS. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. Jiivit© attention to their LARGE, VARIED and HAND SOME assortment of NEW FALL GOODS, Embracing all the NEWEST STYLES in SILKS, DRESS GOOD;, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, and FANCY DRY GOODS. AUo.a full assortment of MOURNING GOODS, WHITE OOOOSfeItOSIERY. GLOVES. MITS, Ac. AJ’-This stuck U principally T. W EVANS A CO.'S OWN IMPORTATION. been selected in the best European Markets. fxpn'*dy fur their owft Retail Trade, and will bn fount unsurpassed for Style, Quality, and REASONABLE PRICES. Nos. 818 and 820 Chesnut St., 1 BELOW CONTINENTAL nOTEL, riULAVELriIIA. N. B.—-Wholesale buyers will find it advantageous to examine this Stock. * [Octl7-2m.j NEW GOODS FOR PALL AXD WINTER, Just A frier J and Now Being Opened at j| McCOEMICK’S STORE, IN TUB Oi.U PLACE. WE respectfully invite ' Purchasers to call and examine our stock of Fall and Winter Go'*ds, as we think they will bo found, upon examination, to compare lavornldy with any other assortment iu the place, as well in quality ns iir price, although Are are not prepared to any (as »*»me ot our Brother Clops have said.) that some, doctiptiobs of golds have not advanced In price. f«»r In doing k» We would come lit contact wlth-'tho intelligence of the people, as every boy of six yearn old knows better—th*'Wc cannot sell domestic goods at old price*, unless wo buy ftn interior quality. Wo have a full assortment cf Goods, embracing all the usual ntrieth**. such- as FBKSH COFFEES, TEAS, BU* GABS. SYRUPS. SPICES, AC., tn make up the full FAMILY GROCERY. Also. BOOTS, SUOES, UAXS, CAPS, 4c:, 4c., with a general assortment of : Ready-made CJothln?, FOR MES AND BOYfront a fine dress coat down to a monkey-jacket. ■ - • Also,a full assortment of HARDWAJtE, CEIfAU WARE. \ OVEEXSWAREy CROCKERr WARE, tfft. 4C, rfG. And as to : goods, onr assortment Ucomplete; und sa we have adopted the GASH SYSTEM, ns near as we can. we are enabled to sell at much prit es than when we gave a general credit. Wo therefore feel'very grateful To our friends and a gen enuii Public for the very liberal patronage heretofore given ns And hope, by strict attention to business and a full determination to please our patrons in prices and qualities, to retain the same—still adhering closely to an old motto-f?<?in‘cfc Sites find Small JV>df#• [Oct 31, , 61~tf] OLD STAND, North Ward. DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH, A StJEE REMEDY FOR A BADBSEATM, SORB MOUTHSi DISEASED BLEEDING GVMS, EURSIEG SORE MO UTE, And the best specific now in use for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is par ticularly beneficial ; to pcfaont wonrifig ARTIFICIAL TEETH, complete!; destroying ever; taint of the iQOQtli, absorb* iug and removing all impurities, Insuring A SWEET BREATH to all wjjn use it. jjTo Vocxq Last or Tobkq OaruatAN who ii afflicted with ' ' ' t A BAD BREATH should delay applying this remedy, for it Is a certain cure, and is approved and recommended by every physician us* dor whose notice it lias been brought. A Bad Buath is on offence for which there it no excuse while DR. WM. B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH can be procured. Mauy persons carry with them a bad breath, greatly to th«> uuuoyance anil often to the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relierd this, USE DR. Wpf. B. HERD'S MOUTH WASH. Cleanliness of the mouth is of great importance to the general health, which is often affected, and nos uufro* quvntly seriontdy iihpulred, through want of prdper at* tuuiion to this subject. . . j Use Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Mouth Wash. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, EJD. ( Price 37. Cents per Bottle; - A liberal discount made to Dealers. fiief Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Slreht, New York. • i Sold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth-Avenue Hotel; J. A I. Coddington, 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, aod by ell Druggists. DR. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH POWDER. This Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT THK INJURIOUS PBO'PKRXIES 1 OF CHARCOAL. Its action being entirely mechanical—pourhxng WITHOUT WEARING THE ENAMEL. ' Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder is Recommended by all Eminent Dentists, Prepared at Dr. Hurd’a Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, EJ. D. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. A liberal discount made to Dealers.' Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New Turk. gold also by Caswell, Mack & Co., Fifth Avenue Hole]; J. k 1. Ccddlngton, 715 Broadway; D. S. Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. DR. WM. B. HURD’S mmai m%n t FOB IXIE CURE OP TOOTHACHE produced by exposed nerves. It is particularly adapted to all cases of children afflicted with TOOTHACHE. Parent* can relievo themselves from that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great Buffering, by keeping a bot rte of Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Toothache Drops iu the house. ' Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Stjreet, Brooklyn, E, D. Price only 12i Cts. pee Bottle, A liberal discount made to Dealers. -f /■ j ' ■ ‘ Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings r No. 1, Spruce Street, New York, i Suld also by Cdewell, Mack A Co., Fifth Aveauo Hotel; J. 4 I. Coddington, 715 Broadway; D. 8. Barney 202 Broadway, and by all BrugjjdaU. DR. WM. B. HURD’S llcunilp pasl|ni 1 POE THE CURE OF ...... v ‘ ■ - ( NEUR AL GIA,, or Toothache produced by cold*. LOCAL NEURALGIA is Immediately quied by their application. - > I They act Ilka a charm, and are perfectly harmless In their nature; do not produce: a blister, and. I«are no on pleasant result*: . Dr. Wm. B. Hard’s Neuralgia Powders never fail to glf© ; satisfaction to all who teat iheir virtue., Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office,; No. 77, Fourth StrOet/Bfooklyn, E. D. \ PBICE ONLY 18 CENTS EACI|. | Addreit Principal Office, Tribunt Building*, Alb; Sold also by Caawell.Mack 4 Co, Fifth-A -toot Hobsl) J. 4 I. Coddlngton, 718 Broad waj ; p. 8. lonic, BOS Broadway, oal by all Drought*. ; . ' W. it, isift-i. CANKER. HEADQUARTER §t| blurbs A EHPORIDB! XEW STOCK, HEW FIRM, LOW PRICES? rpHE WQULD RE ,I SPKCtFULLY nnnouncatto the ladie# ul Gentle- x -men of Altoona and vicinity, that tkey have wrrhtwj TUB KNTIUE ST'XJK OF J. E.ICKEB, ON THE COB NEK OF BRANCU AND ANNIE STREETS, ALTOONA, where the; are now receiving and opening A LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ Plain and Fancy Dress Goods; Consisting of PLAIN and FIGURED SILKS, BOMBAZINES, REPKAS, FRENCH MERINOS, THIBET; CLOTHS, COBDRGS, Plain and Fancy WOOL DELAINES, Children's Fancy SACK FLANNELS, ALPACAS, Plain ond Printed CASHMERES, LAVELLAB, MOHAIR. PERSIAN TWILL. COMMON DELAINES, and an endless variety of the Latest Style Prints MEN’S WEAR. \ Cloths. PLAIN AND FANCY CA33IMERES, . UNIONS,' CASUMEBETS, TWEEDS. , JEANS, TICKING, AND niCKORY STRIPE. WOOLEN GOODS. A I'CLL AND COMPLETE. STOCK OF BINQLg AND DOUBLE BItoCHE WOOLEN AND NBW BLANKETS, NUBIAS, AND LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S HOODS WHITE GOODS. IRISH LINEN. • CAMBKICS, VTCTOEIA LAWNS, PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, BOBINKTB, EDGINGS, * AND TUB needlework: COLLARS AND SETS erer offend In Altoona. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS* CAPS Cheaper than the Cheapest, Their assortment of WOOLEN HOSIERY ’it rery compleU and the low pricee they are aelUpg them at ia certainly »»toßfaUßs. ’ HARDWARE, QIEEJSSWAESy GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON, , CHEESE, SYRUPS, and MOLASSES,. MACKEREL, HERRING* CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE DREGS, AND MEDICINE^ CARBON AND ojL CASH, >a<i a* thrj jro.tnn.|~ TH>B ‘ ONLY, " ■ " ofeis & B*|®r; ■' ' : ‘ ’ ’"■ a’. V '•t' U, ISat-jius, AND DE BEGES, CORDUROYS, BLUE AND OBEY DRILLS, CHECK, STYLE RIBBED CASHMERE SHAWLS, COMFORTS, NICEST AND CHEAPEST LOT OF AND THEY ABE DETEBUIUED TO SELL' AND
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