Altoona Cnknt. ALTOONA, PA SmUIDA.I, KOmiBER 23, 1801. Where parties are unknown tv us. our rule lor *?•!* ▼ortlmng ia to require payment in advance, or a guarantee fromkoown pensoua. Ic ic thercioro useless fLr all such to sebd ußaurfcrriaoDientsoireriiif: to pay at thetrndoftlivo* or «ix niontii*. Where udvertisemairt? are accompanied «rliU the mo iejv whether one. live or ton dollara, will givb the advertiser the full h“nefu of cash rates. s. m. &. co.. AWortfalng Agents, U 9 Na-sai: street. New York, and 10 State street*, llostun. urn the Agents.-fur the Altoona and th*' most inthnnitia! and largest circulating Newspapers iii the United States and the They arcautiiUfijod tu.CvUUuct for u: at our lyv.-cst rate:'. it Day of Thanksgiving; and Praise. Btnnjsslbaftirr, ss. In fir mimr ami '><j :hc authority r.f fV Covitnouwalth of i’cnntrjiruniH) Andhlvt (i. LCRiin, (jvvi rnur of said Con:* PROCLAMATION. WnffEEAS, Every ••! nil* i* fruin abovo eftmw d?wtt to in from tin* to wh.un il is nui-'. riirht anl-tke bjMpJjn -Ujty *>! i-v -iy ; • to !>■!.•!• r thank-* f»r flirt diorci •!*; f'iieref m-.* 1, ANDKKW iJ.CU.ITIN, Gd*’- eruor o r tho Com naiiwiialth of I* .*ijn>yJv;ini a, .do u- om mem« to Che pcoplo of thU Cojum.mweallb that they *et apart Cijarsbaj, Ifjt 2SH) inn of Nobcratjtr next, Art a day of rtolcmn l h - to find, fur having pre pared our com and water'll vur fu-i-jv,h. ami Idoh.Mvl tin; labors of t l *** bu"l» uni man. and 01 i>\vn*'d f hr* vear with His goO<iu«-)rt. in the increase of the ground and tin- giithfrii.g in of tin; fruilrt thereof. e>> that u-:r barns are fnh-d with pUnty : Atk«l for having lo dn-il favuraMy «>ji t’ds Comm *n wealth and otrengthciUMi tin* h.u - s ,‘fhcr gat<-> and ld-*c=.<- ; l the children within h*'r. nml .nado m n to be >t i.-ne mittd. and nrertorved peace in ln*r border-: IP'-ei-ching Him al*o on. behalf of them* Unit *d State-, that <>ur below.' cmntrv may h ive deliverance from these great and apparent dan ger* wherewith she Is compass'd, end that He tv;|l nirrci ful!v still the outrage of parver<e. violent, unruly and n bolUons pe >ple. and make them clean heart-, amf icneiv n a right spirit within them, and give them grace that the\ may nee the error o' - tledr way* and bring f-rth fruits nv*ct for repentance. and hereafter, in a*l aodHi.ess and honesty, obediently wa’l: in Hi* lioly C"iumajnlment*. and In submission to the J a*'* and man if* st atithm ity of the n-- |lflblic, 6 » that we. hading a fillet mid •'caveahhi lif". may tijniifiuiUv offer unto Him uu>- :ri!iee of praise and thanksgiving. •> — 2 Given under my hand and tin-great stnl of (seal) day *Th"u\. -uo eight hand: «• 1 and si.xty-usn*, and of the Commonwealth the eiguty-x'xth. Ujf TH£ Gdvlr.vhi.; KM BLIFKR. ,S keniary of (he C-^r.m^mrcalih. National Armory and Foundry. The leader in the Ilollidaysburg Stan- i «x I darcl of this week, under the above cap- j tion, is an exceedingly well written and welhtiiued article in favpr of the location of a National Foundry in this District We will add that the situation of this country ia equally suitable as a site fur a National Armory. This is the time to urge both of.these matters on the people and through them on the Congress soon to meet. The destruction of. the Harper’s Ferry Arsenal leaves but two Government Armories to supply the wants of our Ar mory, and it must he apparent to every one that there should be a mauufactor, and depot of munitions of wav, at some point in one of the Northern States, the location of which would be out of all dan ger from enemies within as well'as with out the Union. The facilities' of ISlair county for a plentiful supply of metals, coal. Lumber, &0., arc sufficient for the rfquiremcnts of an armory and foundry, while labor is reasonable, food abundant, and -the ready means of transportation past our doors. AH these unite in demonstra ting to us, at least that Pennsylvania is the .-proper location for these establish ments and that no point in this State unites all the advantages to the Govern ment so well as our own country. - ‘ Peterson's Magazine.—Wc are in receipt of this popular Lady's Magazine . for December. It is a splendid number. * The title page for 1861 is the handsomest we ever saw. “ Peterson” will be greatly improved ho 1862. It will contain 1000 pages of double column reading matter: 14 steel plates ; 12 colored steel fashion plates ; 12 colored patterns in Berlin work, 'embroidery or crochet, and 800 wood en- gravings- —pcportionatcly 'more than any othtr periodical gives. Its stories and novelettes are by the best writers. lu 1862, Four Original Copyright Novelets will be given. Its fashions are always the latest and Prettiest 1 Every neighborhood ought to make up a club. Its price is but 82 a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of its class. It is the Magazine for the times 1 To clubs, it is cheaper still, yiz : —three copies fur §5, live for $7.50, or eight for $lO. To every person getting up a club, the Publisher will send an extra copy gratis, as a premium. Specimens sent (if written for) to those wishing to get up clubs. Address, post-paid, J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut St., Phila. Camp Crossman. —Camp Crossman, at Huntingdon, will be broken up on Mon day next, by order of the Secretary of War. Col. Murray has been ordered to fill up his regiment out of the men in camp and report at Washington immediately. The .balance of,the men are to go to Camp Curtin at Harrisburg, to fill up regiments therein. Clothing for Our Soldiers.—Our : Our Great Naval Victory- . the most impressive that c,n.lJ be preasiito.i to The Arrest of Mason and Slidell. BtitOUS A ffCCilOfUt townsmen. Messrs. James Lowthcr, Math, In on- ln=t we ei>ve a brief telegram officialv It was -oisnectcd tliat the cm-mv lin-l a large " asiiisotos. Not. 36, 1861. t <~*OIVT'PT ATYti t Dill on,] funnel Millikcn of Bell’s ' ,i„. “ ( „ PP > Beaufort SC—' force conewU-d in the woods back of the Fort, The Navy Department prefers not to publish, , XjX > x-xv xx-xaAXj.\ 1. , til, and ..amuel ot lit nnr.ou.icmg the capture c. Beaufort S, ~ and C! . IIiV p!)elis wcre tjirown u„. m for the at present, ll.c official reports made by the offi- SICK HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA AP Mills, Were 111 Washington City, a few Since then we have full particulars of the ac.ion, rurp , lse nf dislodging any troops there stationed, corn of the warstenmer San Jacinto, in reference ; sniTITP m. b (lavs since and visited the camp of the Ist the recital of which must make every patriotic xb e supposition was partially correct: a mini- to the capture of Mason ami Slidell. __Tbe geu- JAlillli S »Ai%A ml* ». I*ILLS, ~ heart rejoice. IVe have voluminous accounts her of men had fled.from the Fort tothewnods, era! facts are these: Commander Wilkes, evi- Distnct of Columbia V man veers, on Me- j n of CorrBS p oD dents, till of • terrified «t the tremendous effects of our fire.- ; dently a man-of “grit,” was sent out to bring; ridian Hill In this regiment ia some ' i M«nr of tliosc poor fellows were killed without home the San Jacinto trom the const of Africa; .itnan xuu. xtt uis re r imeni is -ome which woo!a intcrest our readers. hut we have fircd # lllt on his ~c tm. n j, e , ouc Ued at Cienfugos, where he fifty-six men irom this county, Wlio went ao j room for them, IVe select the most unnor- Nothing could stand before this fiery storm— ascertained that Mason and Jelidell bad rim the on to Washington to enter Youngs Ken- tant items from the special correspondence of puns were hurled from their carriages; houses . blockade, ami were en route to Europe, proba . , ~ i i ~i iii ’ -i v v«vl- T, ,i,™. were knocked into heaps of mortar and brick, bly by the way of Cuba. lie sailed up and ♦ ucky Cavalry, but through bad usage they . the New zotk Tn.une. and beams and hoard: the formidable fort walls, wont into port at Havana. Thcrei lie ascer- , declined to enter the Cavalry regiment ! ® r ' -t tnlr , eet 1° IPf J r 1 ort 1, ?-' n 1 of the s lidest masonry, were in places torn mid t.-iined that the Confederate commissioners had ' . Vf . P Harbor was the gunboat Bicnv: ,e, which arrived K „;j, ltcrPd Slld ,j, e tmigb trees, of the pitch boon pone but a few hour?, having sailed ia the : and joined the above regiment. Most of 0 „ Sunday night. Others f.,1 owed .u qumk won;U ww sllivM “, v twiste<l> wrenched. ; British mail steamship Trent, the evening before the men are from this place and the im- ; succession, and at IOA, .V. ol iio nml cut like Mender recti:-: ami tho men were (7th November.) lie immediately put to sea, , mmllito nniiAiKnrli.ind TJ,pv aro xroll ; 4 tbm . l!C . C: ! me ! n » tJere * O,i * " Q j b«M»cn into quivering masses of bruised, gory ; directing his course so as to intercept the ves •a 1 ■ : licet in sight, cither coming in or ac u.i. a . pr , Trrc torn in:o mutilated, ghastlv, sick- ’ sel. When about twenty miles off Mantanzas, supplied with everything except bed- anchor. As fast as the gunboats arrived, tuey p objects. ' ” iin the old Bahama Channel, the Trewfhovo in clothes. In this line they have but one i oniv tl-7'dent ' Tbu rt:Msl > a!l confidently calculated on being i right, and the two vessels were soon within , , , . , -ouiulu . 1 . . , ' able to sink the entire fleet in twenty minutes, hading distance, Commodore Wilkes sent a blanket each, and this every person knows but if any m.sirurt.nim had beva sunk in the as wc i( . a ,. IUM , from some cnpies o( s^atht!ia pa . I si ,ot across Urn bows of. Iho Trent. To this no is- not sufficient covering under a tent at cl " u,l,e *• I " llt 1 'l' t . ‘ I hvm’s ! ' i rs ' anJ il, ’ nl Bom ® o: ' t! ' e fcbel letters, many ; atteniiop was paid, when imothcr was directed ... , daybefoe -the , i pm, u.m t., 'n an. . , f which f'eli into cur hands,- and in several of , near the bow. This brought the steamer to.- this season of the year. ' I’" tH '' Idcli the result is confidently predicted, and Lieutenant Fairfax, to whom both of the Cou- An,effort is now being made to send Ult =' l* c l l' was li.ukel upon almost asan accomplished fact, f.deriitc passengers were personally known, was them each one more piece of covering, i wawr'in the through the T!,c utter dcMruction of the ctitire expedition sent on board iu a boat 1 n . ii. ccn.sulorod positively ana ti.eir , iriuve bouts, Inlea wuli i,.-.? Any persons having a blanket or comfort utfl'i'cut cliaiint.b. behc-f in the alulitv of their batteries to put an • Fairfax went on deck ami railed fur Mw-ms. to snare will confer a r-rent kindness ninn I ''ut-c >n the performance of , esc dutms, our - Lincoln's fle-t was so ' Mason and Slidell who sen appeared. I.ieu to spate will conler a groat kindness upon boats' were engaged by five Hebe! gunboat , h , 0 „‘ or tlV(1 of thc (locuroPnts llie i tenant Fairfax pol.Ulv informed them of the uU our brave volunteers by delivering it at ■ whlch suddenly appeared irmn tu-li-.nd a head- t]ie „ OC ossitv they should lie jeot of Ms mission, and asked them to go on 1 once to Mr James Lowtber who will at land that had hitherto -c them. Joey Ulld( , r of ,i, c g;,-,,., t 0 the bottom, when ’ boaial his boat. To this they objected, Mason tjiiot en .-ii. sanies jjuwiiii.l wno will at- u., j v nul Uown, and, witlmu; hesitation, c-n- ~ • , . , .. , ■ , ■ . , ■ , , t,, , . • , } ’ , ■ (lie Conledeiaies are so much m need ol ships, remavaing that they had paid tneir wav to l.u -; tend to shipping the goods to them. I lie gaged our gunboats. Ihe smnmsli was a Sharp J- W ., H ~l kon r ( „. rr;l! ., e d that the tremendous rope, to (he British Consul at Havana, (who - fact that ibev are enlisted in a regiment of nur ( :?( '’ u, i nn 1,1 be dons by their heavy guns would acts a-agent for the mail steamship line,) and . , c * o i c ' 1 -ii i, . i■ a , ■ • 1 • 1 ■ pi-rfor.itc the hulls of mir ships, n'.d send the n lie wouldn't leave without force, .{lieutenant ; Tins is a di-ease anudi talked about, but at tha ja.n, OUt.slde Of rue btate, them from boats, and the retirement,., the 1-ehel Steamers. | o t(>e ins , ;l ,, t!v I f:l i hl „ ,h is confident : Fairliix t erintin- to his Marines drawn tin on . time wry imp..,ieetl.v uaiter-tood. 1 • • . .i • f* ♦, rt i At / k o clock on i u t-Miii v monnncr. a liun . »> • • . . , Pr-.-i-.-iiv yin-cvi--rv oeriis'scnivni of the l.ivt-r < receiving anything from it. Send in a. f . , * ne ofour „ un hoats at.a Rebel steamer, «M-Pcn.t:on. me rehe.s looked iag.M-._y .'liter ; the docks nt the British _ff.?acaer =au,: "Vou r . lilio ‘ a is «'Uver C..m r laii.t, l.ut the peculiar st.t, ii i . . f ,p • i i 1 r T* i - , i , ,-,s j Oritii nifir tj ifcc of C'U’ FT't tioiVU.— .'•ii', I il.iYO the fui’cC If lh)it wloit VOU J'O- ~f Use Livt-j- ;.i which I non have icft-rriicc is a C'Artnic i bliinket or comtort mends, ana keep our : and which v rvtuvm-a. imnouncca . •. * . , . . tn ., . . .f ~. i,-- ,-, -,,„i,K l .,iivr-is,sfr..m (,miti <,r i .1 P . u n 1 uov <■ ;ipcl’lm] 1 v concentruUMl tlu;n au?;;i on the muiy-j: “ then vou must it,'* rtip.iva Mu- . ana irv-m a toiiaa or coi jfco*u 1 {V/x.vv cffArlnc i tllilt tli C v Il 1 0 M I J IS Jf S ('I) IV Tt i 1 111 ItU‘ll t Witsliut lo l)C ... ,* . , ’ . t .‘ , • i , . tf ;. r „ /1 ~. i t.; , 1 s t.l IC Ol 11A tI HI * 4 u I aIU or Jill n. sSouu'Uinos tho Lll« is '1 • , dcfuiuel.. 11011 l -uffenn 0 . ' i totally of u pe«ci-at>le character And so. in an '' " ' '“V 1 . :t, “ - !13 1 ie , Pfir-uxTa tnterwurdn in son. _ Uithtnis Lieutm-ant tnirfiix p.i.t,t J h.s j Jici , llt iu ,) tK ,t.ttiy. or vitiated in quality, or both the-, I ; ... I, 'in ,i , , i , tovnicd us, were much tnniriscd that she ncrsis- liaiiu ui on Ine fcenator a shoulder and pres.-.e-i -ia:,.- i.nvaii at tie- sain.- time. Sometimes tlie I „ ' v • T , hour or leas, all ou, gull, Oats,, -ei", ha. p,y en- ‘ ' Idm t. She cu.i-way. At this i, met, ire the pas- owing to ob-truetwi. in t 1. .; duet or pipe wbleUcct-.i. ■ Oug.WIZATION OF THE Legislature, paged, not only v, -nil tlie ueliiil steamers, but • ~ ."ill, , „ . , ~ " ' I r,- 1 ... ,vi . „„I tile iiifi from tho live! into Pie-bov,,].-. This ol stnuiia. ... . o 1 ' with the batteries on shore: for. unable limpet . !•;<! had _:i.i pas-ed J ittery scr.geis rushed lotwat.l, .-0nn.n1,..1 oX>,itei ,an. j, v , ry tv,., r „ent, ami is u-».diy eau-eil by the pip... b,j.. ; As the time draws neat- tor the meeting , „ ... • „ u ~• lit smVlv tor the first time, and nad •> pcppcmi 1 attennited to interlere. Ina mannas tmtucut- ; rh, .v.e.t up by thick teua- ieu.- -lime or nmcans,ami -;=i. r .. r - . ■ ;to re-.i.un tie,.selves, a balte. vcd twenty-one . h(inj „ ff whiiout appa- ! aleiy showed their bavonets. and Mason eon- thaVs b, 6 aU stems. The hik is then «m.wa hack is,., of the Legislature, VVC notice tlllltC a num- : puns trom ilnton Head opened upon us; fin- ..... . - h . 1 . •• ' .. i",,, t’ . lim imU-Ma.ltler, witvie ni- ah-orued by mnuerous .ms,; , c ° rin . ... other battery of fifteen puns, and -till another ''f-t injury, the astonishment was great and | seated to tlie aecisioiiot I.t-ulcna it l-a.ifa.\. v , ,;i,... iii-. it ciMivov il tnt-i rlu.' TJiorucic Duct, a jh; - l»er Ol names SU""eßted tor speaker or the I r . •*, ~ I> , the univer.>:ii leirau to Dievuil that nskinir thilt he mi' r hl te permutoa to make hid . ilira n» nl. du the uik! tcnninalcs iu ami , IT M l • r ■ot in,ir opened upon Usti.-m the bay , llCre was aomi . * i protest in writ if" Ju-t thou a fine, specimen . ties iu.-lf into thelarge vein -f the left almi.l.U-r. w it, : lower House. Most prominent among I Point s;de o! the harbor Ihe ensagsment was - , ; ! ‘. u .. w .._ juacti a will, tlu- veius of tl«e head anAma-k, and tUsf tbrep'aro Mr TWn nf Vranklin Mr ■ a i>risU one, lasting about two hou'rs. Sone of . Whoutpaymg more at onttou to the bark- jot an_ Englishman rushed mi deck m tn, Italy ol J tl! „ „ a .. i. cav.-yed u... b « r t and becomes taUtd these am 3lr. RoWC, ot Irankbn, Ml. ; v( . ysols wtre i„j urt ,a ; tllougil . a 8 one ofour ‘/’K ot ‘ lO b:mw ? !l ,' h 0 beauu-garu, Cl. L..y , naval un.torni the officer in conimtin-l ot the the i,:..,, .T. h.le a- Jins ,a« betas a.verted ft,» , A lT u..f r ,i n(T nf‘ T.vpnniimY 'mfl Air linn er ; n ,1; ~, T'-mt, tlum to i-Uch them nu ui:i‘;;b’.ODru bUut ihhilj, prohfiblv). nnu (Jeumiided wpy pnsstngvri i.u.jH-i « am v. aii.l uuuJ.itnj„ m.i «> the j Ol Jj\ auu.Jii. iiuii* otiiccrs i vt>l>i teil, osu occults lia liiaiuounliiiir , , , * . . , 1 . . •/ . , , . . . wucio it nc\ m* hh< i*y uutmv, m’uducoa much ctj I I.* v Air .1 • r All r ! six of tholr "im* on liilt-n Ho id ' lDcro b' b) *el them know they wore not J-rgot- ;vn bourj th:u blnp were mule-tea. Lieutenant Ulld uft , ri , , unou th.- htuhb ofihv iu-C | kuis, of Washington. Ail of these gen.- i • , . t , (I-—npl Iri'lit ten, for the tliir l time the ileet ti.eii- ■ Fniiohx infurmed him that lie Inul >t.iteii to 1 -apt. \ iamil—b-.c ni=e. fur v.c.ul ef healthy■ hik* tu mix with th , tlemen would bo capable of filling the of- | , md c j cnr i,hc wonting being as" warm and °! rcn! " v ,r:lfk - M ‘ a C!in ‘ e slo ' viy l ‘°' VU . ! -' y : Ml ' ir> of ‘ i<o P ackct . why he nrresU-d two of ids "XV'^rtUv 1 ' t fice W ith credit to tliemselves Mid the ; baln.v as a tiny‘of our .Northern June. their ro-p.cts ogam. Again was the v.-ho.e fi.o ■ pnsseneors, and nmlr-tr than that ne had no ex- :i „ a V..-ii,.,., -r tin- final designed by nat«. ; ncC Wit it cictuc 10 IIU.rn.SCU Cs anu tilt F “ ■ f X. L . , C; ,..j er ,.i , Unt .], e .ot tilt lort c. on the Viitbuuh, and i piam.tions t a make. I’rolt'sts were then drawn ■,„ |„. ,i..ia the bowels-fi.r the bile, when pr-s-in. ( 01. Jacob Zeiglcr, Yv. 11. Sipes. ,i,h„ ™ -St -V ,rd in ll!rM fat ” :ch oiil! of “.-they jm>ed : up. and Mason and 'Slidell, with their sccreu- puri.'.-s oa.i separates tfi- fr-m U.e uahealthy Nf . i o > f , bill IS sli'jiittl lona Ui uto Uies 11.0 M.uJ.-dlil . . , t • , f, f - I. ! I , Ikuijv, ui lir- runitt manner Clint idiujAa*.® or white «>f i i and J. M. Hutchison, Esqrs., are all spo- ; or main column nearest the shore, being led by ln . a b r ' “"'"A ,lc a ’ J > ; !{,re ’ Uc; --enng ( r;e:-, c.iis..s and, went nu i th. .u= „. laua ,„ ..rcldtr from tlu-ir iiiipuriiiea-.-.m!, c-s-,. i ■ . , , ■ i the IV'abash, under Flag officer Uunont. himself, ' ' vlln . tllu «"no.-t couness and toe most exact ;ot Die S.m Jicinlu tom. .V lines scut a rues- ; -luoiiiiy. the v.-ry ijmi.m in Mliie is v.t.atu.l aud corrupt,-.i. i ken Of as suitable persons for clerk. j aa< , tho p(irt 01 . coiuron hc:l ,j t a pvectsioo -'-n tl-ctr murderous fire, ruiunog even ! to the ladies that his best cabin was a In the Senate ive presume our popular Ibv the Bienville. Captain Stedmao, The bat- ; t - :i -" Ui 1..t0, hr mg more t-euinii.\ tln.n | tae.r service u tJCy des.iml to aceo.„puny t.v annuyed will, vvornw. and frequently with the r ik.. .ID UIC collate v.e pie.sltme out.pvpuui I ' • n «l-nno- an.l admir-v ever, aud again sl.-on.n.g away uiui.u'aied, and ■ pusontrs back to the I'nilou fclalcs. Iney, ■ Thu emo-ao p.vrti--b» .fi tire bile tinu n,u«i witiithoUovd, -until, Cm. L.W. Hail, will be re-elected | Ker.mounll : ihrnill another round. | howc-ver decliacd. and preceded on the voy-aso. i Speaker without opposition — a COUlslt- ! in P twenty-three puns, one on the side of tho _i lu a, most emuct i.j,> too- pjs..cs- j The ai rest nu.d. on Il.e ~..i, .m.i li_,.u;i , noll „ s ~r y .ipi.l,is, eczema, ifchingr, small watery u.4«h; i 1 ‘•‘‘b'Ll Wiutoui opposition a compil , h .. * t , l)r ~ sum to the Rebels, mil :n an uncontrollable i Jacinto arrived with the prisoners -at toilless t,i,.f. i,ms piinptM. syuHiatsa, boils, sore r-yw, M. r .i ; mcnt.Vortllily bestowed on an able, effi- | aa di^.‘other batteries, behind le'ss eiaho- ] P;?'f c the Utnuut preo-ipUation. j Monroe On Friday Lieut. Tayhir was des-T UiSh Dof Um g SaXg.Toft*. ■ cicnr and attentive public servant. j-rnte C.'U-lhWorks. OU the opposite si-Je of the .\ ! '"' ! *J Ui V \ ,K ’ > Uv . lilC J I . e i i Vi^J l . L ' 0 011 Ul * “ e . ° . T ,. r ,. «ar.^antUi;Hftdiri:igre;-Mlih.L<?irfy,^(:«iyappjKrtnce. I B river. Of the latter, one mounted flatten guns. • »>»“ sa ’,"’ r the it-.-i.c sm l an-1 tno Sau Jacmio wasurdc-rc-d tu-yvew lork. . aat sometimes th-rc is a poffi-ct jatmdiee. The kS*.I 11.0 next: Legislature 'Will bo composed | and was maned Fort Beauregard, and tho other Tu/Hr m i Ria'rm.ln lorWaraCU i tho b,0.„, i„.a inf raurp tlimi iulplloct nncl i'yupvi. .our guna. . . . ■ , , , , ... .. ~ , : i .i' r a- : L, , - > tl.-. KiJi..*\r>, Ami, j\ It:* ccnniojiv. jto for mute man, u-uat . auu expel I . o . . , their lean humlrc-ts »t dv.tars ot money, gold ; The Trent is not, as has been snppaseu. an : ,iuc.-s pains ia the bark, and n-alds and irritatn alltU I cnee, and WO presume that all the army 1 . . , !ps ' Y ere „ . , P , ; c P ! * r^ 1 tl>r !,ct!on t:!t; .. watchea. costly SW. MS. and other valmiblen, ; inlßrcolltmiai steamer plying between tlie {Vest i nriuiu-.v !>»«««>. fi«ne days the passage of urine is pr : . ... ■ ' i Ja . v Before, and at 0 o elect <ei Itmrsday morn- ,l u , will g tfiat I'neir leer was uniiort reliable aud : India Islands. She is a. British inler.ialimial i luspa-d aatmai m a m „aia,ie..; ut otbertinus it Ukicu;. I VVOrk ' VhlCh re< l Ulrea thclr attcntlon m]X I il ‘f The nigh, first from the ; packet carrying W British mails, and plying ; p v hilc KUtb ! receive it. | P olllt9 01 nll^uo,^ c ; un •* ta^ e li,Cll •*l’k oa J little L r ur-bu;U Mercury, \7ari coaimunicuted to bc-tweeu KnpiunJ, AA ra Cruz. ; coPa-.A. r‘-.J or ji-llow, with a rank, ofiVn-Ivc I | places iii ihcjme i*t battic. At about, cu-ck • }au i Vl - tclctraplcd ' Il.tvana. Thowaa. aivi tbcacc back to South- i ant * u i.s tatutiy. . t ..... : . | thev begun their iv.ngiunccnt march, mun up- . » . p‘. >t ■ Ih;- L n >s ccatc-d with a trows I war ROWS for the past week i poiated'orde.r. as nearly as it could he preserved; ■ ‘ Cart“ John IB.gers,, now commander of the ; “ Lieut’ Taylor arrived hero at noon yesterday, j .malba, i has been rather encOura"iiJ" Our forces ■ llluU S l1 : mH , n ® llltt rouu . <J * lt w f s 1 sh-ou-ef-wnr Hug, who had been .11 board the ; and the new-i of the nm’ht created n • Jvith u :cnh-n.f,i on prtv-mc-, and a eui-oues* iloui th* ,UasPLenramercncOura c tn uurroius We dluore , fl t 0 change tnc is acting aV aid to Flag Officer Dupont i .-onsntion, and very general and almost «n- 1 IS V LOATHING of Ted »,a.- j have entered upon the eatiteru shore ot | plan and proceed in a single Ime which was : duvit , K thc fi.u,. was at „ aC c sent on shore in buunded rejoicing. 'The act is, outside of the . -fiber ti.,a-s tiuie i. v< v..„,ch ; as ..ppain. -M.mpXv: : Virginia, in Accotoac andv Northampton I I . IuUC J" ot ’' J “ lcuce t 0 ortier!i lrom : a boat with a flag of truce to ascertain if tlie ] departments, verv generally approved, though , “* •|>'llia--;]'.iuid e i J l .tue»a of tho f«-t aad tnw, o } * r miin. ; . , f • . ~ a , r , r . - r * 1 - , . v ui-.'ii.-; tiio inaiiic* ut tho thiKari—■ sour or bitu-r r-rurtv counties and the proclamation of General ! T, V , . ■ ‘(s'-t xoM or a L-nu. He lum.d the fort en- I there arc various opinions expressed m the a!! .| a spitting or tbrnwiag up of th« fo,I Luuuuujvum uu, piuuaiuauuu ui rautui ; Hie action commenced at precisely 10 A. M., tirely and immeaiatoly with 111.9 own '> gpeculations hs to fhe light iu which England ! uin r.-aiin-. Dis in doing SO has brought the Union ; the first shot being fm.-d from the Hillon Hoad band ran up the Mars and stripes on tho ram- ; will view ihc* transaction' One thing 13 evident: : , Th, ' rf ‘ % u ft ' cli “q *' ‘TTrcfili-n across the xicmachnsl men .Of those counties around him, and I f ‘be fl.gM,ip and three guns parts. At precisely three o'clock p. m., of j England has always hvored the right of search ! SSlVr^trSm^at'sX" ‘ # 7 s . v.uie fired betuie we icphed. Xlicn tiie two , ri'.ursduy, Nhv. /, tho American hag was i and it. is a bad rule that will not work equally ! m-.-liuich'ily ruM (li-contviit.'.lnfs3.tireacii caused Several Rebel regiments encamped I entire broadsides of the- Wabash, composed of , planted in South Carolina, on a South Carolina i well both wavs Captain Wilke--* was dispos'd ada-l—tiiaaroaMi.s, t „,| (;r , at J.-al <A treubl*. there, to lav down their arms and disband. : two bf twenty six gu.m each and tlie ; Put. for the first time since it was hauled down | to seize the packet, under the charge of_ Liver- i ,: v . ■ ; ' p l ' c -t gun ~t oncu puuicu in Hum {“ Uiul stejm at tno di'-grueelnl capture ui lur: i-umpk-r. ; ing thu cnb'inioa of uur country, and bring !u*r , tiroiv-'inoss. wt-arhioF.'*.nmi xlisinriniiitjon to niutivo. | 111 fi skirmish in Alissoun between 24 ,ut aludis upon ini l batteries oil o"th sidtas ol liiC On 0 ofour Mtiijiora uitcovurtd in p r '-:d : »o but it wo'ild v 1 TIMLS TIU* PACK i-< ilu>lu-'l, Miih nu re tr !'•« I Union troops and .150 Rebels, the latter : " T l r “ l °. nc f-. ( Th “ ~ nca’ 7° t ! ,’ :uJ t 0 r: lsUyi!r: 'V.mcsj lucky or unlucky, i disappoint' L lm’ ? e' number of passenger.-:, Ve : | , . , ; . . , p J ; work, IU .o-idca the guns, and ao uis Lot vet U-.-cide I winch, ad to dls-cuver con- j abandoned his purpose. v : ii.-tj-imtly there b u fhort Lfick inir ccuAi. with i i «VCIC routcci, Wilil tilC loss Ol li\C Kllicci 1 thclrig-ite moved witn ’just huilicient dpeed W 3i-.ior il le ‘uaid n{ fhoutli Carolina paper money. ■ : hu? ul iho thrmif. :im .1 a a v«-j) ■ drv, S and eight wounded. . Our troops ilt Beau- | e‘>v« her steerage way, and keep her under cm- : The search for trophies and there I' a . «V. Si' a-I '■n . n .0 . , . trol, dhc bad the battqt-y 111 range for iwenty _ V ;ire lew who visited the almre ou tliat memo, i SPECIAL NOTICES. ; W .-arly in ;!.i.* nn-rnlnj;. nmi r-r hian.- frcjuxuVi) ■ fortifying tllCUl selves stl 011gl\ . ; minuted, fur all cf which time the men were ruble day of the bat tie who lave not secured me- 1 piuduoiiiß mid if tinav l>v unv ttxj'vtto i and the Government is • making extensive 1 loading and firing at the rate of once a minute went.-cs .if the action, more or less valuaiile. ; To Consumptives. : H A ra''M i 7rwfii^-hV l V.''i , " 11; 7 ,U3 “ hicll % i preparations for reinfbrcin-tint point - ! 777 s " T' l 7" "“’""l ' - Ti, ° r °T l tUt l V' k 'V: s for miles ! - Aa , thuW | prejjarauous im iliiuuiuu 3 u iat pome. u f i,.. ur humlred bomb she!:* tliat were rammed Wi m mu>ket.s. Ui.apraok.s b aukotd. cartridge 1 DVBPKVSI A, i -1.-v.t fn-m cue i-;ut of tlu- bWt orM.bMuth".,tfcK. ! Two or three other fleets have sailed, or hi upon tliat deviited gam-un by tho v. abash , boxes aad Other valuable* that tbev had thrown' j - \r}‘VOrS DPLIT TTV ■ Svsn ;; :,n -7 i--'*™ lu tho liver, ;i:ul pro-vai^cp i , . « - . ' . ! alone, oven* time *hu- for alter the firM . ; ,uav in ili.dr fi.-ht T!u>v hid ivtie iU druPTikm-' : i-n-h r >]ntw aud ccuyli.n-i : lire about lo sail, far Other ports. At the . r , v , f! , . «r.,rbo-n.i fJ Vi 1 : - % 1 . ■ViV r T' ' ilr.Alil . broakn, ..liM narcc rhur.- am mt* ;iito tho lura;s wlaii-f 1 } s * tu l slit usL't tliu wtarooaia llie ibhuid t>s beabruun., a dibiance >.'l had :l do- FE\ AGLT 01' 1 ‘ cjiaiotl by i*\qii-cto*ati«*n, ur thv j bi ! grand review, at W’ashiugton, a few days ■ Let it be ' imted, too. tint the ships were '. zeu miles, where they took boats lor Savannah.' ; rri-diTM. i -ptav ! =iroyi-.i. _ P-jhi? ii.-ra.-a- an- Ui.el.l.d witii -r.-iai.i.; ■ e ~ | , , . i within p-dlil blank ran-.-e of tlie shore, some of . £ v on the w>;urf at ticabrouk w- -; itrewu wilii ' iSiIIAUU. . ; >in varimi.. partstf tfin bwly,soir.,-timt-<totr<.‘ I since, one ot the Generals remarked that ! . ' , vll i 1,,„ . ’ 1,,.,. 1... ,1 ■' , ■ ' ■ . , . ( " ; The unit.ruined, now rewaly-Sw war. ..M, i.a, r.. r ; »x.U- :s ;;. tl.llicitlty of to athin-; n-ailiii? or Mlta; ■ 4 1 thi.H up pi 0.k.,,1 lag Within lios than two ljUi.«..fu va iMabir-i, cimei even lar utiu abumiutied ul • . . ; prciivna.; THKKK IS A lIFAXINU I “ the next review would come oil ut llieh- i yards of the halt fry The Bienville, which rati the In si moments. I U - Vul y I,J * tu:} ‘ : 10 i: ‘ s bun-bun- I- aa.i th.- : riON it. hr th:: pit of tho iUrnwh, With pr.lyiuaiDn’hr,: i i if? fr •. . 1 :in elo-LT thas* uiiV Oilier so ch>*o aa d’hev had ■(-.<-* raico-Mr nt 1 ii<* n•>11 £, ■ rA'-rhiNew k <.rK cf tlc-.-c •h - * , ; i .>’l<]i;j>l:iiiits. M’hifj, carry ; ‘latt-Tii!..'of tic.: la-art: profusion ordandrufi’.'.nil d mond . ’ Hope it; muj prove correct. {*i U^J^u C t ;. ti n y : *\ l > , ' ‘ u : ' rf, . V‘ iU .\ bl ? ihacmuh im.l thuumu to an nati.«Hdy I; rvw.; h. ha. i' * Vl‘ in a few yrlK^, ! pi.iuiv L) .ii..iii ; .u.i)i [.l. c«io (.1 lut siu.i., <ii ; 1 ; Jt'.i cm am m, w inch the} teiiipcraril y uisa med ~ ! u-irty, p;ri?a<.v ai.pc'ur.'uic.' of tho s^i :}< a Tt .ij c . w ~r 1 | •«♦*»- . j t i ie Uli£n j 0 worked the guna, and to hear ttreir with a steel Moke, which can with dilficulty bo ‘ s " ia< ’ ul Uu '' d to • ;n ‘ s ' r “ ' vh ''- luvvo "‘M'U-' i\o him .m- r<- • ih,-,. of the uhi;-- :j f lie an aehiap pain am-*.!.= ! iDsr Godeu’* Lad/s Look for Recent- ' «’u-s of encouragement to each other. When extracted The other guns were, m-rati-.f them, 1 : "it! .a-bki: : , . \ „ J j , ..At is remembered that the guua used are largo’. columum.ds of the very largest size, IdO pound- 1 - U \-‘ V “ -‘1 k ‘ ' v “ , " ru ' l 10 - iP.mcn. r.-ith on t^urVL | ber 15 Up to t lie ionuer Stuuauru Oi tlKlt ! enough to curry with effective prt.c;:*:oii two • cr*. and cf the moM admirable finish btdn ,T tho 1 r ' ’i ll ’* ’ :i vl-’W'vf I: . r-j-ti .mh q r.,..- <; 1 aare*-;, 1 ■•iv;an-. aci. lily of Mcuiacli.-with etb-.r; | excellent lady's publication, and the pros- i 1 » il '« a h: ' l ‘- 'V 1 * 1 * 1 idwl of their treiuen- finest and lateri l-raductijiis of the Trudegar : •UHc.looger »n.l u,=m; if.-, A!-> ;,',V‘-7 ;Vg I^"^ D--k" S .ih}^4- % ' '.. ... V' ; duns effect nt short range can be formed. ' wc-i'kt, Utci.mond, and fuliy equal lo an, v nn; 3 ; D.e„ La.hmK. leimlanoa. and Lx-rci,., -J v tv..a7y«m iico ah ikVYc J I pects lor the next- year arc inviting. Go- | TiioH „ h tlie lu . bel gun 3 in tbU work i owned by the S»rtlt. Tiit-ro were twcDt/.ikee ; wdi fim. t« r rcmr«i« a . M ,r..e.,>rc..n.«m. ~r , s iMt; &on . m- rarii c:,u S ..A„ < ■ j dev intends to keep up his book, no mat- 1 Colonihhids of the largest size, and carried aof these gntm in the f .vt. . ; ‘ ,,J all d ’ = CI tlw Tluvnl :-:nl I-imra, hever .n>J ■ ' ''y'"* always J« m.-re larm ttiaa irefi • C * • , , ... c .... . c \rt-n.-. I’.ri'-tiaa’ion 11-art \.r--u-- cut, in .1 j>--r?fvt i ing u.-.- -..f th*.*',- niils. all tint caa 1 ter what the condition ofour national af- : oue , 1,111,1,r r l ,' ,nd ' lh " l - v two-p0u...l pr.ijccttK- Au.on? t»e sp.u.s arc three hnnuicnnamots, ;•' . , y \ ; ; g,. i v m{; -V WP , m w . • . - • and. t iiuiigh iho gum? are bu heavy aa tu require ; the cunplcta cuiiip equipage ol throe regiments, ■ . ; m.-t -i- m.ii c«t - THL MO.'T TP,F:A i.MF.NT i> t-; 1 fairs, and he is able to doit. Those who;;* twelve men to work each one. and move it ef- fiity cannon, and immense quantities cfumma- j ” in ibraccr.y. n.« it will ck nothinA auu j f f onV t ' r ; > , fv ’ ur t intend renewing their subscriptions for i K,ellVc b' Ol | 1,3 u;m i:ige—such was the irresiMi- mnon. it IS a nouceaUe lart that all the pow- : bLU , I , Ii ,.' ri i tW ° ‘ 'r a ' ? - iati ,°'if fiT ‘ m tlio !,fnvolK HCXt n,l ' n) ; l!f ( * ° 1 ; b’e liirce 01 our shut, tliat within twenty mm* der-is ihe Very best hngii:-h powdci>, thpt many ’ r ... .u . i.> r.*.- .nu-it .niu-.m i li.'!t -n : flic <>f lie* lUMs can be or'• nest year should do SO immediately, ia ; USL . S three cf those immense columbiads were •of the enrudge* nre of Kntrli.Ai make, ami that ' Lou ‘ 1o,! » IVu ' i: “' uu>i New Y< - r] v b ’}-.on- wh-iung th.-m will i ii-c above ifftor and th-ir ** , , A _ I- . if -,r-i - • • , f , ... : .a.,. ; .,i t i r ,.., r-f-v !U’ rn l\n‘Vi;l \fv ; ‘ Oci.rii VM Crantimiu-1 until a care ik comph-tt'-1 : r.nd a. order that they may get the January num- dixmcuutcd: _ .oniL ofiuj pn.j. cities for the nfU-d ennnon are v ; ,' ' "''. ; at th.> sam» tin,. g ;v.- th.< .tuvrati?.- tbr-.-r timf.«J-j , . . T. . , . '. J i, the action fnirlv commcnce-i - ol » kinu wahncisn in our id-vice, but which : w n.-k \.-ru. accnlmi? to thr din-ctioa«. miilcki tlifro l« a want u f her in time. We furnish It at 52,00 per . -,'L S ,°, ? lira . cuon lutt.y * "'«v- ttnsw<;r , 0 tll<J . lcscri p,j un - of c ,. rt .,: n F .„. I tile. »•;:« woakaw-n mid JrMiUy t-r ymptiou of w«ri : , . , . I fact that h.m Jeloic bc.ti miro.y was T . ’’ '*> : To Consumptives. I prevail, When, iiuu-ad of ific Alterative, plvv a t'-Mpo':*' annum to our advance paving subsert- ' plainly dfliicnstratcd. viz; that m the KUiihoat Ifi-fi •>. .entumc. Ine arc our own. , . , . icf il.s Vvrmiftii;?. tniixsa io a Uulo odd watsr ;.nd ««a: , • 1 ' ° {ccunuittimce OfX-.cS.lay morniug, tfi.iuGfi that rifled muriiet, and. tog .-User with tho T..-; r.., havm S )..-oa to lu-atiu m a ,-w :e, e-d; to pU-a« tlu- <a st r. Imlfaa t-mr WUv f. bCle - i brisk affair before its olo s « assumed al«m S t thc «“' u l* ami the ciutbing found, are of | -- -r ** —n„ mot .a.R-t.-a «v- ; "• £ w c--=. j proportions of a battle,'thc Rebels had. with t! "' »>cst quality. 7 h‘4 77T 7“ 'Mat .hra ; l Ira . tl „ ; a Ul in I«i. dr*--" J their cUitoninrv tlirowduess, concealed, ur rather ■ Oar ow u h.*sa in the afiair eight killed and ; tui.-Liui.i ion u ..n,..ui.-- iu .a...x. u .own ..t *■ ..-.a ; may bo f anal ta nr.iet the eouffh and 13 ‘ _ I had not shown,.the full strength ot ihcir hatie- nhont rwtn!y-fivc wounded, more or ler-s severe- ‘ B "‘ t , l*' ?/ , , ! a t ..i n? , , f n v> r , t lyvrs F-w; J THE MASSACRE AT GUVANDOTTE VA. rie - s - They now brought their full furcc into v » ' vluie ti " ! lo . st °J lll ° - l very much , .'“.l u i jACiO'AlEi»’anij tT. w* ■ . ’ * ■ i>l;iv . and disclosed beveml move guns Ilian preater, tlie estimates being one iiundred and v Lt *-uv-’ j t.a': - n-venon.-* f-yi-qa-.'iriring _ Ain, ona. And !>y -tvonwlicrc. from whom now h; n V „,, w . , 4l • fj./v 1-nl iKed in the afidir uf Tue-d-iv Imt twenty killed and one hundred wounded, nlar-'e l ‘* c K:isn '-: ' y Eicl» th.-y wilMmU a suio f.r Ihe obtaiuci. 'Mwl Mmav*' nnd o^-' at L v'nigfii! luiilh no more than wo couid alf.. rd to aGcd nnmbc.rafiMhcir dead having been buried by o.Tv XT' ! - -^t bsd 03 the oAlc : 1 1;:: Sir s : ; xzn - -- — e it seems- tint a fcr-c of rcbol cavvi-v --ari 'latiou of having an offensive machine which t l,e »htp Uicmille. hmiself a S.iuth Car.dmtan. *»'filu.,Ue, ami Im. »miina »ih try hi, r..-iiie- , o,tsly. estimated at from to dd 'cou-. *H d possess. Our pilot, who had. in ; '*» on Hilton Head. : ,74 A “b, ’ ceutrated in the country back :of tlie town, and ■ t ( ,c o. Ids duties, been _up the Broad . u — ‘ i-.v* vmv triif wm f.’v it was proposed with the assistance of the rebel r, ver tor u mile or so beyond wuere the rebel . TllO Hobds Threatening to Hang • ’ * ' WiUiajnjimr'di inhabitants of Guyandotte, to annihilate the steamers had been seen, nad repotted to us that Union Prisoners , Oct. 4, k>o.—ly. King .County, New Federal forces in that town. The Federal the celebrated I*luatiog Battery, iron clad and troops consisted of 250 men uf tho Virginia ' P 1 ’ tlnit buvu so prominent a part m tho Regiment, and a few of Zeigler's Virginia cav- 1 taking oi Fort Sumter, had boon cowed round airy. It was arranged between the cavalry and ! ,C)UI Charleston, was lying m wait lur us, rebel citizens to’massacre our troops iu cold I Events proved cur pilot to be deceived on tliis Qo( j i j point. Thc iron battery was nowhere to be Accordingly, thc rebel citizens bacame v»?ry i st:>en i and Charleston harbor, doubtless, con courteouQ to our troops,• and, on last Sunday j tains tnis inestimable treasure, evening, invited them to their houses on various • The peculiar make of thc river is-such that pretest?. Tbc4nvhation was accepted by all who j not more tlmu eight of our ships cutild bring, were off duty, and. while they were being enter- ; their guns to bear on the shore batteries ut the tained, at about 8} o'clock at night, thc rebel ! same time, but evvii then tlie sight was am* uf cavalry‘dashed into thc town. Signals were the most .magnificent conceivable. Eight. vl-.v dinplaycd from every house where tho loyal eels would deliver a broadside of not less than Virginians were unsuspiciously * enjoying them- fifty guns at a single fire, led by the battery of selves, and into these tho rebels rushed, mur- \ the Wabash of twenty-seven guns, and na each dermg the unarmed soldiers in cold blood. Thc i gun could be loaded and discharged once in a rebel citizens, men un4 women, rushed to arms, ; minute at the very lowest estimate, it will be and aided the cavalry in the slaughter. ■ seen that more than fifty bombs and other ttr- The Federal troops who were iu camp props- i ribly-destructive projectiles were rained into red as soon as possible for their defence, but : the Hilton Head fortification every minute that were overpowered, and - had to break lines and the fleet was within range. Ni°f. ° UP ff" W4re . UiU , ea 5,1 ! Elicit sl,ip Vm iii effective range of tho fort fi't’i , v ' H T’ j e cr t T ‘J near y ,be i for about twenty minutes every time the line killed being murdered m the houses. i came rouad . iu i y nioved U ko a terrible proem- Col. Zeigler arrived and ascertained eion of destroying angels, and at each of their tho particulars of fiendish outrage, he or- ; visits, which indeed were few, but not far be dcred the destruction of the town. The build- j tween, the- combined force hailed upon the inga were immediately .fired, atid the whole : doomed and devoted shore a fiery storm of more towa reduced to ashes. ' : , ' than 100 Gery ehclL-. Thc epcctncle one of A BLOT ON CIVILIZATION Baltimoiu;, November I I,—The Norfolk D.r y Book of the iL’ili has an a.-iiclc healed “Hang-I ins Rebels,” dated Richmond, November 11th, 1 whudi says; Col Corcoran, three captains and ’j eighteen lieutenants, ail of whom were captured in th.e action at Manassas, and confined in the \ jails at Richmond, had been selected by lot to be hung by way of retiUmtiou for the hanging of Captain Raker and the crew of the Southern privateer Savannah. The lion. Mr. Kly, mem ber of Congress, drew lots for Mr. Corcoran, j woo is now imprisoned at Charleston. In case the Court at New Vork condemned the crew of the Savannah to death, the Federal officers : would be ia mediately hung. Ti.c Charleston Jlrnurif, of the 10th, has the following.- The I \aukec prisoners in South Carolina are all 1 safely lodged in jail, where they wit; abide the ; is-ue of the trials of our brave privateersmen : at tiie North. Should one uron of .Southern blood be shed by the Northern‘Courts for de fending the South on the seas, it will be paid ■ v/uh interest in Charleston. (fa/" The Clearfield Journal say = that the wile of dhotnau Liddell, of Clearfield, commit- i ted suicide, on the evening of the sth inst., while laboring under a temporary derangement of. mind, by cn'ting her throat with i tutor. Miutauy Lmyouwk. —There id, primps, no -department ; JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT Nul many years since, officers and prhatea were <:Ud in | »i„ w » > m, . . vr il,* garments winch were alnu>-:t skin-tight. They wore leather i OCGiI lOT J. IIIVtV XGtilS stoci.s which were- worthy of the name, for they kept the Cm . vn . , >r . p r , n . nV wtin-r in tribulation; w1.i1,. t,r«*W and OIANDALD . tight-U-cved made sedition a matter of great diiHcuHv ... ~K.«u t rear, such of unr volunteer, as prb thou* miiioni). at the Brown Stone Clothing Mall of ... . , _,*» I’-'-Mtin t-\v;iw,M v•» • i i’j>- <•’, ► « , AS*HMA it alwavs curt’s, It overcomes the .«p.nin.>' ,;■/ “f. 'V ■/?’ ; a1,,,v - contraction of the Mr-vossels. nnd hy producing fr« fV M\Ui. I niluuelpnia, obtain clothing that is perfectly easy, pectoratiuu at once removes ,\H dilliculty of breathing' suhaianttal and becoming. The firm named litre gone 11U0XCI1ITIS readily yields to the Expeetenmt » Mpgdy into the Im»in,.’*s of malting Military Clothing, subdues the inflammation which extends through ami their facilities enable them to fill the largest orders iu wi ' l, -<«ha, producer free expectoration, and «uprww i ‘' h(. shortest possible ti'lne: o,lc< ’ con B h > ln ' l Paini - " 4 • • • *-•'——* —— CONSUMPXIOX.—For thid insidious and fattl A Card to the Suflferinc: ita wrawly Wen found so 'llk' I’i-v \v.,> p ...... f hU hdutM the inflammation, relieve? the cough aud 1‘ 11 I *"'’ *'u»-Loagtow, wink* laboring a.- a missionary ; removes the difficulty of breathing, and produces nn ?»L iu Japan, wuh cured ct Consumption, when all other means | es P ec turntion, whereby all irritating and obstructing hud failed, In a recipe obtained from a learned physician i * r ° renioTe,! from ll »' lungs, residing in the great city of JaWo. This rl-cipu has cured j WHOOPING COVGJI k promptly relieved by thP Hr great numbers who were suffering from Coimimr.idon Poctorrvtj l . It shortens the duration of tho h e ’ l»ninelii*i *„«. T i. w ► p i , Consniapi.on, , half, and greatly mitigates of the r?U«- Lionuiui-, ..ore Throat. Coughs and Colds, and thodebility 1 T „ ,„ Tr ,. * nm and vou, u caused iy the*. .Harder.. i „&?!' Dosiroiuofbcncfiuing otliova, I will mu) Jhl. n-eijw, j and reliable, nml may bt’eVoally Mwiicndcd'ta JW» which I brought home whh me, to all who need it, free of ! T1 ’ Jk8 * Tkaciikr*. and Singers for the relief of hoflt* e - f Ci’.arge, Ad Sr* -k ; <‘tnd for strengthening the organs of tho voice. f 'M’li VI 1 ' This KxptcTvnAST imJ Ml of PU. I>. ." ’ V ‘V, IlU 'i; i 'MMii'i arc solil lif C. JACG.UU' ami 0. W. .Vn-Mvi,. v. V. „. f ,. Y A * ti -v-rywlw*.. iVl'.*-**' A MILD, PROMPT A EFFECTIVE fiEMFhy THERE is scarcely any disease in which purgative rncdiciuc* are not required; ami acci siokueiM and stirring might be prevented wtrethev au * Jierally nncd. No person om fee] well Mbiloulw. T) i habit of body prevails; besides, it soon generates mid often fatal disease?, which might be avoided u‘ t vT tinodv and judicious u-c of proper Cathartic medicia-* - Convinced of tho corrcclucib of these views, JAYNE’S SANATIVE PILLS Arc recommended with tho greatest confidence, expor; 9t . 0 having demonstrated thorn to 1m far superior to ;uiv y u„ f in wo’.- bring more mild, prompts safe and uniform Id the { r operation. While using them no particular cm.- 1 4 ’ quired, and patients may eat and drink as usual. Age*j'j not impair them, us to always readily dissolve in ach. In small doses they are alterative and gently fcu*. tire, but in large doses arc actively cathartic, cleansing th* whole alimentary canal from nil putrid, irritating aud mutters. For DYSPEPSIA, these Pills an* really an inv;ihi»l; u article, gradually changing the vitiated secretiyus yi p', Stomach and Liver, and producing healthy action in ih.„. Important organs. In cum.** of standing, a cure wj bo more speedily effected bv using, iii ooujunetieu with • >,„ Piik, i-ith-.-r JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE or TOMC MIFCttK, according to direction!-. ler Liver Complaint. Couf, Jaundice, Affections of i) ;f Uludder and kidneys. Fevers, Nervousness. Pisea-v* Skin. Impmity ol the IU >o>l, Sik Headache. tV-dhiju*, Piles. V- male piht-a-es and Pillions Affections, tin p ; lb have proved themselve.* eminently eucces.-ful. AH that asked for them k a fair trial. v As Ih.ese Pills Imv.» proved thei:>vl\i*.« so oimcetly N m,.. cesaful m removing disease? of the Liver, Dyspepsia au diseases of the Skin, I bate thought itadvisahlo to adj'kb^ following remarUb on LIVER COMPLAINT. ! GOUGHS, COLDS. CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, ETC. Cltomia ® local it p,- \TU or D vvid Sraoow d , <(l ra but prounsHig >“ ,lfe ; w,,ence <,o 'Tj btcnnie acquainted i <r«n» » h ° y " , “ i haj h i,ph office to loom the hij rTJepUoO. "» J possessing a d Lcoup’-eJ «ith conmicudub prance. 1.4 «s to mark out) „ er o,.» r»'«r«- ~e s ' lcclilly j |jj # reputation of being one ofl ' operators in the connp * by ch,u Out tha present wa.J.c vras select o( the military teksrnph n Va»lii»B‘ oa oUy d(„? for several months, but WU ch for Btrengtb, and I consumption —from which be g»u rapidly to do its work, J the l7tb inst I A few days previous to hia I OB the bitnK of the Juniata rij he eomposedshe following to Gentle rfter. ever flowing tVlu'iu mj early day* tike yimt water* I «nl god Sadly to the sea at last. Xo that Ocean dark and dr Whence no tiatelhr con Where iho spirit worn and Find* rcpo»o troin sri'-l i O’er the world I long have Now a stranger I return (Hoi*o.a>*dh*aUh,aJi’i man fcifo’a lail bticu here U k ' Calmly on thy banks rv\** 1 am wailing for lh»; day Whcso cidoi twilight iofili Uear* the tivinlliug Houl On the receipt of the sad ton, the following notice was Military Telegraph Curt*, charge: — Wasuiag ion, X To tht 3lenitrt 0/ On U A It it With heartfelt sorrow U td to announce to tlio cor;-; former Superintendent, Da-, truo to the interests ot the t tin to the wants smd comfort kmd beurted'ann generous t lamented by ail who know efforts, known to and nppia were in the corps during tin of its existence, served hut of tb« diseusj wliiqb had in for its victim. He breathe o'clock on Sunday evening, nl 11 o'clock to morrow (To •• Peace to bis usliea,” .J.U SoimUtt Dead. How i greeted with captions like li Ibis week to record lire deal of tins place, a member of ( Iment Penu'a Reserve Cor| borne lust week and buried. ter la bis wife, from 01.0 i company, shows how much bis fellow soldiers, who, i gave a stronger cvbtcaco o Ui&u wonls Could express Dcar Madam :—A a ;.n lij the Pennsylvania lleserve.l lot to perform the painful I of the death of your husbai I since be was attacked » I Which be lingered m;!:J clans of tbe regiment in: I tb it there was no hope. til lust., be died. and not cinJ by Hie company hut throngl tßßut. of which he wag a si loss will bu felt not, only I glorious Union, who has I honor dawned, hut socially | gotten for hie many vinue,j character, best assure !. Ibe open (Sell your hushan i followed, Vad though is. a bis noble, spirit shall g.,;! through It is with f -k;..- can say tbe company of v, her immediately eaiiod a \oico appropriated ;1 ; 1 ponses pertaining to trah.-j borne. I Hoping, ilcnr Madam, •us (who has said that no; fail without his knov. leii ; ; through this sad affliction, iu o happy re-union, is comrades in arms. “* With great respect, Ms Your erica i truly, 2u Lieut. Co. E The Destitc te. Cndou ef destitution, even in this cun have work who will we cot work ought to suffer, lies dependent entirely u •upport, find we all kn' ha»c small children to tak much for their support, 'that should be looked after. For ft mdinvul, luviht-ikj To th j av. -Mi tli-ii c From thy thin lipa at i, Who driuJ; litVs ar. ; There ary blows as i*. There arc hearts a* Conrsiugon life's duil; Book, and you Will l Xhcr>? is many a lure Beating out tho nmr ’Mid the clamor a ml c Ail aluao amidsi the Treat lUem Uiadly, d* And thy moiuvrS l» Bo not j»a»ji ihutu coh * . “ Ktw Grs-BoAt.—Wn tin, formerly Master Ma vania Kail Korn], ami sc citizens of this place, h: gun-boat, which is said to be far ahead, in ev< }‘et discovered in that that drawings and sp been submitted to the C tion, and there can bi adoption, if half that estcd parties eay as to Wav. flier ’.I C.\.';r i Kuven
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers