CHEAT excitement JtT JESSE TPhe undersigned would re- JL SPBOTFDLLY announce U* the cftlaeis of Altoona Jpd nitvUttdtag country that be ba Just returned from the city with his . - FALL & WINTER STYLES OF Mats sc c?i ajps. fii* Stock of Hats tnd Capo are of the Tory best selection, Of every style, color sad shape, for both old and young. FURS I FURS! FURS 1 His stock of Ladies and Hisses’ Furs k the best erer brought to this place, consisting of every variety, which will be sold at prices to salt the times. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such an article as they Wanted, at the remembrance of haring looked upon the handsomest stock of Hats, Cape, Furs, Ac., over exhibited in this town. "T-Stort on Virginia Street, opposite the Lutheran Chttreh. Oct-3,1801. JESSE SMITH . THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS AT HILEMAN’S STORE. THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS customers, and the public generally, that he has just received a large ami beautiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS; Which, fur magnificence, extent and variety, have never before been excelled in Blair county. Rartlcitiar attention is invited to our Stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such as Black and fhacy Silks, C hall Us, Beregei, Brilliants , Lawns, Betaines, Chintz* , Deßtget, Crapes, Prints, Craveand SUfla Shawls, Sfantillas, Vndersktre* and Hosiery, Bonnets and' Bihbons, Collari, Ihuul kerchieft, Kid Glares. Hooped Sl.irts f Shirt* iug, Lace J/Uu, dr., de. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, We have Cloths, Casshncrc*, Ventings. Twcotli, Joans, Ac. Heads of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter Goods for Boys. Bools, Shoe*. Hardware. Glassware, Qneeusware, Wood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets. Ac., in any quantity and at prices that cannot fail to please. GROCERIES. Oar stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Kk> and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf ami N. 0 Sugars; Green, Y. 11. and Black Teas; Molasses, Soaps, Candles. Sidt. Ffeh. Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage Heretofore received. he hopes by strict attention (o busi ness, and an endeavor to please, to merit a continuance of the same. *** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market prices. OcL 10,1561 .Hello! This Way Neighbor! HEW FALL and WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES. The undersigned would re spectfully inform the citizen? of Altoona nod enr rqandlog country that he Ims just returned from (lie cast, wtyiro he has been selecting his stock of Fall and-Winter Goods with the greatest care and exclusively for CASH, which enables him to sell as low if not a : lutie Imrer than any boose in the place, lie would therefore way to all those who wish to purchase their Fall and Winter Goods to call and examine his new stock before purchasing else where, a* ho feels satisfied that he can giro entire satisfac tion. His goods are of the best quality and very cheap. All Cotton Goods at Old Prices! Bis Stock consists of Ladies' Dress Goods of every variety, shade and color, from a plain Delaine at 12 cents, up to Plaid and Plaid Delaines, all tcool y at 25 and Zl x Figured Delaine* from to 25 cts n J&rsian Cloths, Osncstoga and American Print* V) yards far si, Lancaster aiid Domestic Ginghams from 10 to 12 \Ccts~, aU-usool Flannel from 25 in 3a els., heavy Sheeting Muslin 12Vfch*., Penciled Mudhi from VA to eU., Satinets -c d&xoool Tweed* and Jeans oj every variety and price. Hen and Boys' Boots and Shoes; Women. Misscs&ndChil dren’a Shoes; Hats mid Caps. Rio Coffee at 17 cents, t** If, I CSg White 3egar 11 cts.. Brown sSu gar from 8 to 10 cts.; Imperial, Y. Hyson and Black Teas; Syrup from 60 tp 65 cts.; Cedar and Willow Ware; Flour, Feed, Ac., Ac. J. A. SPRANKLC. October 3d, 1861. CAMPBELL’S Six Hundred and Fifty Dollar NEWSPAPER PRESS! Fob the above sum in gash I will famish one of roy superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that can bo driven by hdnd with ease at the rat© of SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR, on any kind of a job from a colored poster v dcwn, and do Its work as well a* any cylinder Press in the world. Bod 31 X 46 inches, roils a form with two rollers of 20 X 42 inches, weighs only 3,300 lbs, and can be put up and set running by any ordinary printer. I have issued a specimen done on this press, In pam phlet form, containing a cut of it. and will take great pleasure in sending a ooj>y to those who have not received it, on the receipt of a paper from them. Any publisher inserting this advertisement, to the amount of $lO, and sending me a paper containing it, will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment on ono of ,my presses, if ordered after one year from Sep tember!. 1861. If ordered within one year, $2O will be allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months $3O will be allowed. And within three months. $4O will be allowed Tor the bill. THESE ARB WAR TIMES AXD WAR PRICES. Ton will And It for your interest to communicate di rectly with me, a* I warrant the press to be i II I repre sent It, which your merchant can easily find oat for you If you are a total stranger in New York. For further particulars pleaso address A CAMPBELL, No. 10,' Spruce street, N. T. Sept. 19,1801, ALTO OX A HIGH SCHOOL I Prof JOHN MILLER, Principal fpIIE FIRST SESSION OF THIS I SCHOOL will cuumence on MOXDAT, Not. 4th. established refutation of Prof. Miller as an accom plished scholar ami successful Teacher Is a sore guarantee to parents,.guardians and others, that the school will be so conducted as to giro full satisfaction. TERMS PER SESSION OF TWEXTT WEEKS. . For English Grammar. Geography, Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin andGree*. $l2 60 For German or French....- 3 00 For Music 3 00 49* Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Director*. T|B. CALDERWOOD offers hia Pro -17 fesslona! Services to the citizens of Altoona and *ldnity. Office on rirm'ma Street, nearly opposite G. J. Mum’s Store. deferences J. B- Ldbct. M. D-, Huntingdon. J>t> McCcxmcn, M. D., “ 1|; T. Coira, li Pittsburgh, Kct. J. B.Csist. Birmingham. Rbt. Thomas Siktessojt, Tyrone City. Jacob Bout, “ C.Octct, ‘A W. BtlllKT, “ si. n; jour, « AUooba, M»y 9th, 1861-ly* $254] EMPLOYMENT! £s7sl AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all cxpea aea, to act Ire Agent*, orgire * comroiaaioD. Particular* Addreaa Erie Sewing Machine Company, R. JAMES. General Agent, Milan, Ohio.' Jept..l2-7y.-| PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZIN€ VeUow, ParU Green, irj •cu *romid ottmt fl-lt] KESSLER’S 9 Abdominal supporters, Trus •oa and ShrUder Brace* for sale at t-tf - 0. W. KESSLER’S. TTAIE OILS, COLOGNES, POM JLX adea, Sharing Cream, Toßot Soap*. Ae. for sale by Q. W. KESSLER. Hair, hat, tooth, shading. Paint, Saab and Varnish Brashes at KESSIKR’S. SPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER rets t»sal*at fl-tf.] KBSSLEK’S. A Lit THE STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES AT 1-tf. KESSLER’S. [LANES OP 'ALL DESCRIPTIONS * MUf ud lipsdtsionsly sweated at this mice. “They go right to the Spot." j INSTANT BELIEF? STOP TOUR COl.Gn : ; PURIFY TOUR BREATH I ] STRENGTHEN YOUR YOICBI SPALDING’S Throat Confections, ARE GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOE LECTURERS, GOOD FOB PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, ! GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMEN CARRY • SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. : I ■ ; LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CPILDHEN CRY’ FOR SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. ■ K9*They relieve a Cough instantly. A®* They clear the Throat. fiQF-They give strength and volume to the voice. 4K*T They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. 4&* They arc delightful to the taste. 4®*They are mode of simple herbs, and can harm no one, I advise every one who has a Cough, or a Husky Voice or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections, they will relievo ywi instantly, and yon will agree with me that “‘they go right to- the spot.” X6a will find them very useful and peasant while travelling or attending public meetings for stilling yonr Coogb or aHaying your thirst. If you try one pack* age 1 am safe in saying that yon will ever afterwards con* sider them Indispensable. Yon will find,them at the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FITE CENTS. My signature is on each package. AU other, arc conn terfeit. A package will be sent by moil, prepaid, oh receipt of Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. J. n. HILEMAN. Nervous Headache By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of aVecroii or sick Ifettdache may bo prevented: and if taken at the commencement of an attack Immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Aiiusca and Headache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels, —removing Cbstireness. Por Literary Hen, Students, Delicate females, and all pel-sons at sedentary habits, they arc valuable as a Ifixalice, improving the appetite, giving tone and rigor to the diges tive organs, and restoringthe natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC PILLS ?.ro tho remit of long iuvcstigi tion and carefully conducted experiments, having.been in use many years, during which time they hare prerented and relieved a vast amount of pain and sufferihg from Headache, whether originating in theuerrous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may bo taken at all times with pafect safety without making any change of diret, and the: absence of u?iy disa. grttaXAt taste renders it easy to administer them (6 children. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine have five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on ench Box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepared on receipt cf the PRICE S 5 CENTS, All orders almuld bo addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, Nov. 15,’G0.-dy,] 43 Cedar Street New York, Me. Spalding. Sm: I tate tried year Cephalic Tills, and tlOr ttem so mil thut I want you to send me two dollars worth more Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I cave a few out of the first box I-got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and dbllge Year obedient Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mb. Sp\L&Efc Slb. * - voa *° ,ne on' & SfHEET-IROiV WARE. The undersigned would re- SPIXTFCLLY an- A . Uouuce fo the citizens of 0 Altoona and vicinity thr»* he has just received large supply of STOViJI of? all Patterns, such f Cook, Parlor, Office ai Sliop Stoves, which will sell at the most rt sonablc prices. A lun supply will always kept ou hand. TIX AXD SI/EKT-IROX WARS, In' grout variety, always on hand/ ROOFING- & SPOUTING put up on short notice. He alrfo manufactures I«c\ded l&ox Spouting, which is said to rje much superior to gal* vani/.od sheet-iron or tin. lie has also attached a copper-smithing room to his es tablishment and will kwop on hand an assortment of cop per and brass kettles,-£c. t AH kinds of Job work promptly attended to. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Store on Annie street, between Harriot and Ada lino streets. East Ward. jAltoooa, Sept. Ist, 1 SCI C O^L. mow IS THE TIME FOR EVERY X 3 family to get in their supply of coal for the Winter* and the snbscribhr would therefore inform'tJ»o citteensfof Altoona and vicinity, that he is prepared to supply them, ori notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY ftITUMJNOCS COAL, lie will sell-it by the Train, Car. or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at the door of the purchaser. On the North side of Che Railroad—upper end df Altoona Yard. 11. U. MYERS. Jujv 25, IMI.-tf. UNDERTAKING-, Cabinet-Making and Carpentering. UNDEUSIGNED have opened ; a shop of the above description, at the Corner of the Alley on Caroline street. between main and Virginia St**., wheri* they will manufactory to order, all kinds of CABI NET‘FUIVNI.TURK, and will also contract for putting up BCIIiDINQS of all descriptions, finding all material; 4c. INS mode to order on shortest noti-e and in any style do By strict attention to business they hope to merit ft share of public patronage. •Altoona, tJcpt. 20,15G1 GLEN-ECHO mills, GERSIANTO jr,v, pa. McCALLUM & CO., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Carpeting, Druggets, Oil Cl ths, l MATTINGS, &C. W ’.v II SF OC ? E ’ No 503 CHESTNUT STREET, (opposite the State Honse.) PHILADELPHIA. (mar2l,'6l-ly. TaoniiA* T. Rhoads, ; Charus Saiuie. Revere house (late eagle hotel,) ’ Third Street, above Eaee, PHILADELPHIA. & SAXLOR, Proprietors. ; • .. TERMS, $1.25 PER day. March 7, 18C1-1t J. G. ADLUM, NOTARY PUBLIC. ALTOONA, BLAIR CO, PA. October*! m? f ° Und at °* e ,tore i« r J - B - Hilcman, ALbO, McMINN k DEUN\ Alloona l Blair County, Pet. EMILE TIKT7E. tiios. mcauley. DAMEL PUICE. STEPHEN WINTERS. HAINES & CABR. AUCTION GOODS VERY CHEAP AT McCormick's Store, in East Altoona ! JUST OPENED A VERY LARGE nnd complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting <>t British, French nnd American Dry Goods, selected with great care to suit Otis region of coun try. In the line of Ladles Dress Goods for quality and price, they will surpass. Mantillas, Dusters, Shawls, White Goode, Em broideries, Irish Linens, Linen Handker chiefs, Jloopskirls, Clothes, Cos timerts, Kentucky Jeans, Prints, Ginghams, Muslins, Flan-, nels. Etc., Etc. Binds ft Shoe* in all their carious mulre and material for Men ft Boys’ as well as Ladies, Misses and Children. Beady Made Clothing:, a full assortment to suit the season, with Hat*?, Caps, Um brellas, Parasols. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mtltiiuj, Brooms, Bucket*. Tub#. Tin Ware. Queensitaiv, Hurd Ware, BU»nc Ware, Markcllho*ket*. Zink Rubbers, Brushes, Clothes bines, «tc.. with all mtieleti neeeMnry b» make up a Bill as sortment t*> mot the Wants of the people. ALSO. a complete , FAMII.Y GROGEIIY, which will him* our special attention, first in buying and selecting the hot, and freshest articles as well as k*enlng it «|» at all times, Coffees of the very host uud richest varieties. TE-A.S, Black and Green of the best quality ami flavor. Sugars good ami cheap; common Brown at C, good at 8 ecu U, common while 10 cents. Syruj'3 andßaking Molasscs t from the host Loverings at.CSy.4, to the lowest grade at W cents. Cornstarch, Dryed Peaches, Dryed Apples, Farrena, Bacon. Dryed Beef, Mackerel, Herring, bako Fish A Dry Fish. Window Glass, different sizes, &c., all of which will be wold very low fur cash, or exchanged for Produce. Always on band. Speer It Halt* celebrated Iron Plows. Persons visiting town would do well before making their selections to call and examine our stock, as wo will be pleased to see them free of charge. Very thankful for past favors. we respectfully solicit a continuance of pub lic patronage. lSth. 18Cl-(f- JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Jhro of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully set forth my claim to public attention, as a Fashionable Tailor, as follows: Because I keep an excel lent assortment of Cloths. Casaimeres, Vestings and Trimmings, which, when examincd.always please. "Because my work ia made up in a manner that takes down the country ami gives all my customers a city appearance. Because 1 am cot inferior ! as a Cutter to the lest to' be found anywhere. . I " Because long experience ; in. my business gives nie entire control over it. and 1 am not dependant upon any one tolifl me out of the sods. Because I am still on the sunny aide of forty, and there* for© roy taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired. Call ou me, in the corner room of the ••Brant Jlouac.” Give me n trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 2C-5m JACOB SNYDER. "PATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON 1 OIL LAMPS I t/nrtidied in Jjcuufjj, SirnpUcihi Safely or Economy, Enry person desiring to obtain the Tory boat and cheap estpvi table light within their reach, should call at the store the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and wo pledge ourselves to demon* strata Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explosion. 2J. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. Sd. That they are Very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or leas light. sth. That they burn entirely free from smoko. Ctb. That the light is at least 50 per cent, cheaper than any oilier light now in tommon use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Factories, Halls. Churches, Stoic*. Motels, and are highly recommended for family use. TLo burner of the Carbon Oil Lamp can he attached to old side, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every purpose of a new laup. \Ve guarantee perfect satisfaction iu all cases. Aug. 19, 1856-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. GROCERY, PROVISION AND "WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. rrUIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN- Ji FORM the public that ho has purchased the interest* of A. MILLIKON in the Grocery and Provision Store here tofore kept by them on VirginiaWcet. below Caroline St. where he will continue the business, and will keen con rStuntly ou h;tnd a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SMOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED REEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, nml rvry tl whc' usually in Grocery and Prevision Stores, all of which ho receives fresh from tire eastern ami western cities, ami will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole! sale, I will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ol liquors of the best qualities to be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12, ISGO.-6ni. J. BERKOWITZ. SOMETHING NEW. The subscriber has just returned from the east where he has purchased a very large and hue stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, Brogans, (Baiters, Stc., which he is prepared to offer to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices- Having purchased direct from the manufacturers for cash, he is prepared to'sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he asks is that the people will call aud examine his steak before purchasing elsewhere. ' e BOOTS aud SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below Dost Office Jnn.3, IbCl. M. THOMPSON’. AgejiU r ANDS! LANDS I! LANDS!!! -1 J The undersigned Is prepared LAND WAR* RANIS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices. Good selection- can now he made near Hu largo streams and settlements. The Lahds of ihia Teiritory, now In Market, are of the best quaUtyT -^ 6?-- Selections carelhHy mado. Letters of inquiry re quested. ALEX. F. McKINNEY. July U, 1509.-tf O “ iTOU3 ’ CaSS C ° Un, >- »• »*• references: Rev. A. B. Clark, Altoona, Pa! AVm. M. Llotd 4 Co., Bankers, Altoona, Pa, McCsnc 4 Dees, Editors “ Tiles. A. Scott, Snpt. P. R. R„ D. McMcrtrie, Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. S. M. WOODKOK, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALTOONA’, BLAIB CO., PA.„ PRACTICE IN THE SEVE couutics.l!Al' Cuarta ° f Blair ’ Cambri “ anJ Huntingdon Having had several years’ experience In the practice cf the Law, be exiwcts to merit pul,lie patronage. s£pt!'MBCo df L B * KiET ’ 3r Rnfl Cold for tale. Collections i wTthoutYntcrert r ,i mvcJ ° ndc P<*dte, payable on demand, 1 I’eb 3d"ISSS/ timo ’ with »t HOT rates. ; G W. KESSLER PRACTICAL i • pKCGCIST, respectfully announces » I 10 me citizens of Altoona and tbe public ! eraUy, that be still continues the Drug ' on Tirjtinua BtTO't.’where he keeps constantly i on hand, for sale. W holi-salc and.Rstail. DRUGS. ■ MtDICIXES, CHEMICALS. OILS, VARNISH- i ES and DYE-STUFFS. “ ! “J^ n * ,on to business, and a desire to render sat- i l ! • rp *P r ‘ ls b rl ™ nnd quality, ho hopes to merit, and receive a share of public patronage ana in ns merchants supplied on reasonable terms, j and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. j Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. [l-tf. I n , YES! 0 YES: GENTLEMEN y J “ nlw ni’-Ji and hear. JOSEPH P. TROUT innorm, ee* to the, that he is ready to discharge h£ dmv asan Auctioneer •whenever called upon. fjan. 2 A LARGE AND Great improvement d lira STOVES. tVKSVJtPTIOA’ or Sif OKI! AI W) GASASD SAVISG OF FUEL. The antacrilttr takes pleasure iu offering to the public NKW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUMING Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to su percede ail others, as it requires ONK-TiUKD LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily, quickly and regular ly heated. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this stove from Iho foci that it is all consumed ere It can es cape. There is no trouble from smoke as that unpleasant amt often annoying exhalation is also consumed inside of the stove Neither is there any danger of Hues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or Iho mortar loosened by the gas arising from coal Ares. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call at the store of tbo subscriber, in the Masonic Temple, and ex amine the above stores. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Sole Agent for Blair o>u«a/y. N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking and Kgg Stoves uu hand. x . [Aug. 12, ISO 6. LADIES’ WINE. SPEER’S SAMBVCI WISE. OF CULTIVATED PORTUGAL ELDER. EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD USE SPEEE’S SAMBUCI WINE. CELEBRATED for its medicinal and beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, Diuretic ami Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physi cians, uml eonto of the first families iu Europe and America. SPEER'S SAMBVCI WINE is uot a mixture or mannfdcturod article. !m$ is pure, from edtivated Portugal Elder, recommended hjr Chemists and Physicians on possessing medical properties superior t» anv other wines in use, aiid an excellent article f.»r all weak and debilitated person*, nndtho aged and infirm, improving the appetite, :iud heuefittisg ladies uud children. A LADIES’ WINE, because it will not intoxicate as other wines, as it contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is admired lor its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and übloomlcfe, soft and healthy skin and complexion. Non© genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, X. is over the cork of each bottle. make one trial of this wife. A. SPEER, Proprietor, Office 208 Broadway, New York. *S~ For sale by A. ROUS'I. Altoona: GEO. IV. PATTER SOX and GEO. A. JACOBS. Uoliidaysburg; and by W, NOWLIN k Tyrone. [je27-ly FIRST ARRIVAL OF siPißiiNra- goods AT THE “MODEL.” WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN unusually fine Stock of Goods suitable for the Season. No Auction trash, but regular good Goods'at very low prices. Wo deem it unnecessary to parade the prices of a few articles in an aJvei hut only say that w© can and will sell goods at as fair prices os any other house in the place. We hate, as usual, n great variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. In this department we think we can Kay we have tho best assortment to be found In the place, consisting in part of Stack and Fancy SQlis, Thplint , Lustres, M>rdlas, Jiroche Mozambique*, Arabesques, Valencias , Grisailles, t'nla- . brians , ChaUies, VeUiines, J}ebryrs„ LavelUis, Bril- Hants, Ginghams,..Lau/tu, Chinizs, I'rivJs, and a ftdliint of Domestic l/ry Goods. Also. Stella ami Berege Aijglairt Shawls, Ousters. IXoßiery. Qlovf« Collars and Cuffs Magic Ruffling and a. frill stock of uD kinds of notions and Fancy Good#. Uriibrellus large and toikll, Boots and Shoe?, Carpets," Oil Cloths and Win dow Shades, Wall Paper and Border, Wood ami Willow re, Hardware, Qadenswar<-, Childrens Fancy Gigs, &c., Slo. W’e have also on itands a very Urge and superior stock of FAMILY GROCERIES at Greatly Seduced Prica. Sugar# and Syrups by the barrel at a small advance. , *»“ " e take this occasion to return oar sincere thanks to the people «f Altoona and vicinity for the share of their patronage heretofore received, and invite them to drop in • aee our new stock which we feel confident will please, j Altoona, April 19. J. SJ. LOtVXIIKR. St ves, Tin & Sheet I ru Ware, SPOUTING, &G. Q RTGG WOULD RESPECT fuIIy infoi-m the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that lie keeps constantly on liand *BS9 large assortment of Gooh'ino3t-9 Or-al Scuttles. Store I*ipe, tic. s ’ * He has also purchased the rght of sale iu Bluir county, of K. V. JONES ** IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, an invention which needs only to be seen to he appreciv and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. Particular attention paid to putting np SPOUTING either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms; fapril 14,1850-lv MdRE GOOD NEWB ! The undersigned has just received frum the East a large and varied assortment of FALL AX'D WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material for FINE AND COARSE OVEECOATS, materia] for BOYS’ CLOTHiXG, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, sncli as Undershirts. Drawers, Sus penders, Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs ■ 4c., 4c., nil of which will be sold at the lowest nrices aor.l,lwa-if THOMAS KLWAY. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL.—THE SUB __i SCRIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re- A fitted the above Hotel, and is now pro. MCSSKT .L pared to accommodate his friends andlaSsßcSt patrons in a comfortable manner, and will spare ho pains In making it an agreeable homelbrnil sojourners. Ilia Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets o f the country and cities, and his Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. Ilis charges areas reasonable us those ofany other Hotel in the place, and he feels *ati*fled they can not be complained of ly those who favor him with their custom. Existing to receive a share or public patronage, and fully intending to deserve It, hn throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. 1 have just received a stock cf No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. -* , Also n large stockof excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses. together with n lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in the country. * 1 Altoona, May 27,1859,-ly] JOHN DOWSIAX. Blair county insurance nndersigned, Agent of the Blair vuuu»y Mutual Fire Inroranco Company, fa at all time* wady to insure ft gainst loss or damage by fire. Build tnor,»e, Furniture and Property, bf every des cription, in town or country, at aa reasonable rate* tu any Company in the State, Office with Bell. Johnston, Jack A 27, *5O-tf D. I. CALDWELL, Agent. Lycoming county mutual ANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned agent of tho Lycoming Mntoal Firadnsurance at all times ready to Insure against loss or damage by fee Bmldiaqi, J/erchandue, Farmtare and FivpertS ut etnx description, In town or country, at as reasonable rates >1 any company in the Stale. Office in the Masonic Tentele. Jnn. 3, 56-tf | JOHN SHOEMAKER, Apmt. Flour.— the best quality of FAMILY .FLOUR for eale, ■ Wholesale apdßetail A W”- V ‘° J J. SHOEMAKER, Dec. 11, ISSS-tl Masonic Temple. Hardware of all descrip. tions Jnst received and for sale by l 5- ‘f J J. B. HILEMAN. Lumber for sale. 60,000 SHINGLES. ■ 80k000 LATHES, ndd nil kinds of BUILDING M ATERIALS, lower than the lowest, for Cash. Apply to JOHN SHOEMAKER- BUTTER'S ’ StfATE CAPITOL BOOK BINDERY, AHD BLAMK BOOK MAKUFACTORy No, 64 Marktt St, Sarritburg , p a% 1 3hbis establishment is chiefly devoted to , the maaufitetar* of Blank Boob* for 0 ttks, County Offices, Railraad Companies, JSwimmt and private individuals*. In all com* the very beet of stock and workmanship may be relied upon. Blank Books printed, paged andbomS , any desired pattern. Sheriff's, Attorneys and Jo»th. to Dockets of all sixes, made and ruled to order. and Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, Ac, for countr nnrSr eea, printed or plain, ruled and bound to order. ’ C Dockets mode of the best linen paper. librarians; and others, desiring to have their Books t.n bonnd and at moderate prices, should give ns a call yJJ? papers of the largest sines, Harper's Weekly, Gleiao? Pictorial, Ballons, Scientific American, London X«» bound to order, and in any style required. Harper - * M onl v ly Magasinev Knickerbocker, Blackwood's and Graham*. Magazines, Godey's Lady's Book, Lady's Repository. p e w, sop's Magazine, Piano Music, Ac., bound in extra the more plain and substantial half binding. Select Euf gWets, Law Magaaioes, Pamphlet laws, bound in g.xxi u. rary style, at very .moderate prices. Persons h*rin c & number of volumes to bind, will receive a liberal ducoow Binding can safely be scot to t|| from a distance by press, and all work entrusted to our care will be gne*T dily executed, safcly packed and returned by Expr*** J All work warranted. Address P. L. lIUTTER, i&rristwry, A DEUX. at the Tribune Office, area* agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will giTuinfonai tkm in relation to binding, and receive and return book, free from extra charges, for all who eot.nst their work to my care. • [March 21, 1861-1* CO' •Pays fho entire cost for Tuition in the most popular**,* successful Commercial School in the Country. Upward of twelve hundred young: men from twenty-eight different States, have boon educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom hare been employed u Book Keepers at salaries of $3000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of*;. Counts when they entered the College. Minster's (Kms half price. Students enter at an* time, and review when they please, without extra ebargo. ■ For Catalogue cl B4 pages. Specimens of Prof. Cowley i Business and Ornamental Penmanship. and a large engra ving of the College, inclose twenty-five cents in PosUr* Stamp! to tnc Principals, JEJTKiXS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, P&, .AUoona, Jan. 24, *6i-ly. The undeksigneh annou.v cea to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that ho bfcs Just received a Urge inrroiceo of Fruit, Confectionaries, Hats, Spices and notions for children 4c„ expressly for,the Holidays lie will also keepalways on hand a good stock tfplula ant! foncy cakes, of hU own manufacture. LEMONS, PEUNES, EAISINS &C., always on hand at all seasons of the vear. Coffee, Teas, Sugar,-Molasses, Butter, .EGGS, GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLO Lit, BCCEWIIET FLOUR, CORN MEAL, AC., 6 * ort ‘ and Lor Kale in large or small nuautiiifs. Call, examine and piled ms\stock and yon will and it as good and cheap u« any in town Dec. SO, ’6O-ly.] Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAR, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. THE SUBSCRIBEK CONTINUKStv keep constantly ooliand all tbebest literary paper* an! periodical, daily papers from Philadelphia, Now York as:! Pittsburgh, together with a good assortment of Books. All the School Books used In this place and vicinity oa _Also, a choice lot ofOonfectionArtefl. and kntek knack* of all kinds for children. Also the best Tobacco & Sesar« to »*?.., l l‘ tow 71 ’ together with a fine assortment of GoiJ and hilrer Pencils, Gold Rings and Other articles of Jw«?l -r>. tall and examine. U fktttvgf? AUooim. July 26, ? «My. y o \ i M^ na r PHE GREAT QUESTION WHICII Y now agitates the mind of every person 13, where can I get the host article formylflHl money? In regard to other matters, the smlier would not attempt to direct, hnt if you want anything in the Hue of Wfcv BOOTS OR SHOES - 1, , e Invites an examination of hi* 'stock and work. Je keeps constantly on hand ar. assortment of Boots, cl> j u Gaiter*, Slippers, Ac., which lie offers at lair prices. He will give special attention to emtom work, nllol widch will be warranted to give satisfaction. None but tb« best workmen are employed Remember my shop is on Virginia street, imiiu-iliately opposite Kessler's Ihmg Store. x September 3, *6T-tf] JOHN 11. ROBERTS. Bakery and Grocery Store. The subscriber keeps cox STA.NTLV on hand Fresh-Baked Bread, Cakes, &c PEED, BACON, PLOUE, GROCERIES, Also, a choice lot of 3BGAES and TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Virginia Street, below Annie Strc-ft. Nov. 10. RATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE jTT m Journal of Crime and Criminals is Is itt; Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated throughout the country. It 'contains all the Great Trials, Criming Owes, ana appropriate Editorials on the some, together whl information on Criminal Matters, not to he found In at; other newspaper. ’ Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six - . .Hu J** by (who should write their na»« ana the town, county and State where they reside plainly v To <*• W. MATSELL A CO., Editor & Prop’r, of New York Police Gazelle. .Vno Yorkdt'J- EK)OTS and shoes.—the u> t - I (lerslgnwl has now bn hand and will cheap at fala store in the Masonic Temple. 1 im?o,?S'J. n Comp . kte "wortoient of BOOTS H made, or made to order, Shoes, Cork e T TthinB <» W» Hne oflmsiScas, of ™ and on tli '' mo6t reasonable terms, il l custom work warranted Jan. 2, >sd-tf.] WESTERN INSURANCE V" AND TRUST COMPANY.—lnsurance on ° r pwjonjl property will bo effected on the most revao&J* by ftek wentato Altoona at his office in Ann* St. Meteh 17,1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agcot. T EYI’S PREPARATION FOR EX JLitarminotlng BATS,'MICK, ROACHES, ANTS, »nJ iHMhbags without danger la it* nse under any citcuawtso' CM E> r «Ue»t the Drag Store of G.W.KBSSLKB. J«d.S4, ,86-tt] PINE AND LARD OILS, CAM- ON HAND AT MoOORMIGK’S Store —A epleudlj uaorttncnt of Ready-Made rbthlji;- Call aud set. Kor. ff.-'t $33,00 GROCERY MO BAKERY! CO £ i W § I a P 3.2 i o* g: a . fe . o" 8 g* Pil i- sill 10 / t' i;j 11l MoORUM 4 BERN, VOL- &• Dl °^ AND C. V .f with Invaluable Instinct... tarm mi subjects of a private nature. Price 2S cents. The Gentlemen's Medical CompanU AND PIIIVATK ADVISER. K hu-k for tile old and young, embracing the Path. Prevention and Cure of all Dieeases of the Urinary ana U.. 1 Organs, and a warning voice of advice and counsel, -, to bo found in no other work. Price ii cents. THE GUIDE AND GUARD FUtt KTXRI O St. It expose* all tl» Humbugs, mid the variola Trie entice the »ick and well. It illustrate* the plan* o uuucks and Rogues to dupe every one. It guide* th warv through life, ami shows up every swindle of tin It shows how all kinds of Food, Medicines. Lb) non bloods are adulterated, with the nieaus of detectiu; fruuils. Price 23 cent. THE HOUSEHOLD AND FARM, PLANTATION AND SHOP. For every family, having over 1000 receipt* on 0-ioi Preserving. DveiUg, Cleaning, 4c. Uow to plant and is the best to raise. Uow to euro animals, advice toh keepers. farmers and mechanic*, on 1000 subjects of i cat. i'l ice 25 cento. Worth glo to any one. THE CONSUMPTIVES ROOK. For those wliowish to get fecli from llint awful dis full description of ail the rum-dies used lor it. w .rei'ul statement of. the results, and other Useful info tion. Price 10 cents. The information In them is not to be found in any • piioiished, nor obtainable from any other source, books are published ou flue white toper, and beaut boiiuti. Any of ihe above works will bo mailed free, ou rece price, iu bpmijia.or money; or the whole in a bomb, bound volume for one dollar. No fcunUy should b«* our i Ueiii. They aro illustrated with beautiful etignu «Ld i ..iii -iiu the condensed experience of years. .i ,i..\ . ? Wanted for the above works, whocuumak a month. Scud for a circular far agents. To the young o( both sexes suffering from wend h jnw.ariou of mind: lots of power; nervous d»l»iUi\ of ftiu.ol * wakefulness ;.IoVO of luditndu; eruptions «■ face. .vo.I »feo. .Send hejovt it is ton Info; be lore you ince.k .UU* damage to both body and mind. To I enmb s who went **/e, p/cos«f/it and ;"/»■ n*n for Irregularities. Obstructions, Whit***. Ac., send li. .PBEVENtIVE. We are convinced that there are many parent* of »« lows, consumptive and diseased condition * moron* offspring only brines suffering ami |H>verty such we wDuid sny write, aud we will scad lolbriuati a sure, well-tested, and uever-6Ul«ng ItaETSXTivi:. We w ill mail free, to any one applying &>r i| t TUB JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RKFOU It is a large and beautiful paper, aud contains the valuable infonuatbm on SpenuatorlKem or Semina) \ nese. Tha cause, effects and cure, showing the awft feels of the disease, On all other diseases of the Sexual Organs, a full e nation of the origin of Syphilis, the means of prove aid cure. Ou Consumption, that fearful discus*. On the Liver, Heart, Stomach aud Skin. On komnle Complaints, r On the various Schools of Medicines. \ On the modes of Treatment now practised. ; On tile YaUo Treatment of Diseases. On the various Medical Humbug*. On tbe Physiology of Marriage. On, tin? Common sense of Medicine. On Diet, Exercises, and Ablution. How the Physician should bo. -- How to prevent Pregnancy. And many other things. Bexn ron it. This journal should be iu the bands of every one. J. UudHiXL, M. D,, A. ChiefPhysiclan. B. B. M* Burgeon. Dr. J. Boyle, Chemist. Office in Xew York. 1&4 Cham born street. Office in WilUaiushurgh, South Bth and sth streets Correspondents will please enclose two or three * for return postage, and address DK. A. BKKNKY' SecreUr; M’illiauisburg, New Y» (Box 111.) Not. 10,1860.-ly THE ROOT & HERB BOOT FROM PHILADELPHIA? TIT HO HAS HAD 30 YEARS C | f STANT practice, can be codmlN at the All House, Mr. John Wood's, viz.: —On the Ith of Jum Wt of July, and Uu Ith of Augtui—hc vill then *aca 3 mouths. Nolice will be given in this paper wU commences his Winter’s Term again. £fo treats all diseases that flesh Is heir to. He invi> females who may be suffering with diseases petrol their sex, to call nod examine bis new mode of treat as thousands have been restored to health who bavt abandoned by others. ' He is In possession of per* stroments for sounding the lungs and chest and is fore able to determine the exact condition of tb* *» pans—consequently can treat such complaints with g safety and certainty than it is possible tor tboseWbo at the disease and experiment for Ita cure. He he that fur every malady, there U found, in our soil; and never-failing remedy. - r Patients can receive treatment tor $5 pe* rooya, in cases of Cancers and Tumors, they $lOO. Examination free. DB. W. LSVINOST N. B.—See Handbills. l M »y 8 1 ZDEHSTTISTUTZ'- T IRVIN STEEL, D. D. S, H tr KCD located permanently In Altoona, wp* otfera hU services in the different departments of Snigicai and Mechanical Dentis Office nearly opposite C. “JagganTs Store. Virginia t>ona, Pa. - (May 16.* WM. 8. BiTTNER DENTAL SUROEOI rkFFICE IN THE MASONIC ' Vjy PLE,next door to the Poat OOce. Teeth extracted without pain bytbe Current Machine, Midi Paper and Herd AN UNUSUALLY LARGE fi : o f the LATEST BPBINO STYLE Jnstreo«ire,l, which will bo told cheaper than Uaawk M «cm • a w w /\n> >1