, Hello! This Way Neighbor 1 NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS At OLD PRICES. »pBE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE-! A citixena of Altoona and sur rooißnog country that he fa&s just returned from tho oast, S“®£® ~?.5“J* cn ** leclin K Btock of FaU uud winter Oocoe urith the greatest caro and exclusively for CASH, IrW ?®*T l to «U «low if not a httle lover than lo tho place, lie would there fore say to all j wwwbo wish to purchase their fall and Winter Goods | wttffMd examine his new stock before purchasing eUo- : W**re»jss M feds tatisflod that ho can givo entire satis foe- 1 tfMt His foods are of the best quality and very cheap. ! AU Cotton Goods at Old Prices I N j Sis Stock consists of Ladies' Dress G'xjds of every variety, | thaae and color, from a plain Delaine at 12 cents, im I fo Plaid and Plaid Delaines, all wool, at 25 and f 87$£c£*-, Figured Delaines/nm 1 to 25 ets., j Jnrsum ClAhs, Conestoga and American ; Prints 10 yard* for $l, Lancaster and i Domestic Oinphams from 10 Co • 52b£ cts., uli tcool Flannel from 25, io 37Wei*-, heavy Sheeting Muslin ets., i Bleached MusUn front to 12J£ cts., Satinets t «8 wool Ticteds and Jeans oj every variety andprtcc. | Men and Boys* Boots and Shoes; Women, Slices and Cbil- | dren’aShoes; Hats ami Caps. jCHdrg^#s^Rio Coffee at 17 cents, I ESffi WliitP ll ctB. ; Brown Su |tar from 8 to 10 eta.; Imperial. V. Hyson ami Black Teas; Syrap from 60 to 85 cts.; Cc Jar ami Willow Ware; Flour, teed, 4*:, 4c. J. A. SPUANKLE. ’ ©etober 3d, IS6I. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS AT HILEMAN’S STORE. The subscriber informs his customers, and tho public generally. that he has ju=t received a large and beautiful aoS'irlment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have newr before boon excelled in Bkiir county. Particular attention Is invited to our stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Such at Slack and hhncy Silks, Challics. Ikrsgcs, Brilliants, Lawns, Dcluiucs, Chinlzs, Deficgcs, Crap*.::. Prints, trape and Stella Shawl*, Mantillas* Vndcrskcvu dud Hosiery* Bonnrli and Jlibbon*, Collars, fluid kerchiefs. Kid Gloves . lloojxd Skirts, Skirt ing, Luce Mitts, <(v.. tfc. FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, We hato Cloths, Cosaimeres, Tweed*. Jeans, Ac. Head* of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Whiter Goods for Boys. Boots, Shoos, Hardware, Glassware, Qaoennwaro. Wood thd Wlllo* Ware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ac., in any quantity and at prices that cannot fail to pleaec. GROCERIES. Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consults of llio and Java Coffee, Crushed, Loaf ayd N. 0 Sugars; Green. :Y. H. and Cluck Teas; Molasses, Soaps Candles. Suit, Kish, Ac. Thankful to the public for the very liberal patronage Heretofore received, he hopes by ttrii-t attention to Imai zfcss, aiwl an cudcaTor to please, to merit a continuance of Hie same. *•* Country Produce of all kimla taken In exchange for Gcxxla at market i)ricoa, Oct. 10, 1801. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT JESSE ■ SMITH'S I The undersigned would re- SPI2CTFULLY announce to tin* citizens of Altoona and surrounding country that he hu* ju->t returned from tho city with hli .' ■ , FALL & WINTER STYLES OF J| HATS Sc CAPS. Ills Stock'of Hats and- Caps are of tho very best selection, of ev»jy style, color and shape, for both old and young. FURS! FURS! FURS! His stock of Ladies ami Mines’ Fma is the best over brought to this place, connoting of every variety, which Will bo sold at prices to unit the times. All he asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and ho feels confident that ho can send them away re joicing, If not in the purchase of such an article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stuck of Hats, Caps, Furs, Ac., ever exhibited in this town. “Store on Virginia Street> apposite the Lutheran Church. Oct 3. \m. JESSE SMITH. CAMPBELL'S Six Hundred and Fifty Dollar NEWSPAPER PRESS! 17 OK THE ABOVE SUM IN CASH I vrill furnish one of my superior NEW.SI’APEU PRESSES, that can be driven by Land with ease at the rate of SEVEN HUNDRED SHEETS PER HOUR, on any kind of a job from a colored postal* down, and da ila work as wt 11 as any cylinder Press in the world. Bed 31 X 40 inches, rolls u form with two rollers of 20 X 42 Inches, weighs only 3,000 lbs. and can be put up and Bet running by any ordinary printer. I have issued n specimen done on this pres's iu panj plilet firm, containing a cut of it, and will take great pleasure in Bonding u copy to tlmse who have nut received it, ou the receipt of a paper from them. Any publisher inserting this advertisement, to the amount of $lO, and sending me a paoer containing it. vrill bo allowed the amount of their hill towards payment OU one Of my presses if ordered after one year from Sep tember 1. ISGI. If ordered within one year, s2'j whl be allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months $2O will bo allowed, Aud if within three months, $4O will be allowed for the bill THESE ARE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. You will find it for your interest to communicate di rectly with me, ns I warrant the j.r. sa to Im* : 11 I repre sent it, which your merchant can easily find out fir you If you arc a total stranger iu New York. For further parttculaw.plettso address A CAMPBELL, No. 10, Spruce street, N. Y. Bopt, 19,1861, ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL. I Prof. JOHN MILLER, Principal. IMIE FIRST SESSION OF THIS SCHOOL will commence on -l/O-V/MJ', Nor. 4th. The established reputation of Prof. Miller ns an accom plished scholar and successful Teacher Is a sure guarantee to parents, guardians.and others, that the school will bo bo conducted as to give full satisfaction. TERMS PER SESSIOX OF TIVEXTY I For English Grammar, Geography. Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and Greek * $l2-50 Tor Ocramu or French 5 00 For Music 5 00 £s* Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Directors. Dll. CALDERWOOD offers his Pro feesinnal Services to tho citizens of Altoona find vicinity. Office ou Virginia Strer.U nearly opposite C. J. Mann’s Store. REFERENCES J. B. LudenvM. D., Huntingdon Jso McCulloch, 31. D.,_ •* 11. T. Coppev. ' u Pittsburgh, Eer. J. B. Crist, Birmingham. Her. Thohas StErrsaoM, Tyrone City Jacob Bcelet, ' “ C. Ocrai, « W. Bcelbi, “ M. H. Jolly, “ Altoona, May pth, 1861-ly* S2sl] I EMPLOYMENT! [s7sl AGENTS WANTED ! VTe will pay from $35 to $75 per month, ami nil expen ses, to active Agents, or giro a commission. Particulars sent free. Address Erie Sewing Machine Company, R. JAMBS, General Agent, Milan. Ohio. Jept 12-ly.T PURE WHITE LEAD AND ZINC Paint, also Chrome. Green, Yellow, Paris Green, dry end ground oil at [l-tf.'S KESSLER’S J-j. A BDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Trus ,/~m ses and Shonlder Braces for sale at ; " 1-tf O. W. KESSLER'S. ' TTAIR OILS, COLOGNES, POM -1 1 adea, Sharing Cream, Toilet Soaps. Ac. fur «ale hr l-tl! ■ G.W. KESSLER. HAIR, : HAT, TOOTH, SHAVING, Paint, Saab and Varnish Brushes at SPECTACLES AND EYE PRESER ▼ere far sale at KEBSI.EK*S. A LL THE STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES AT 1-tf. KESSLER’S. Blanks of all descriptions f nealiyand orpodlcioiitiy escorted at this 081. e. “They go right to the Spot," i INSTANT BELIEF? STOP YOUR COUGH i PURIFY YOUR BREATH 1 j STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING’S ; Throat Confections; ARE . j GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, ! GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS. GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CPILDRF.N CRY FOR SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. * '*They clear tbo Throat. £s*They give strength and volume to tho voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. £s*They are delightful to the taste. £s*They are made of simple herbs, and can harm no one. I adviso every one who lias a Cough, or a Husky Voice or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a i package of uiy Throat Confections', they will relieve y.,u I instantly, and you will agree with me that *‘they go right 1 to tho spot;” You will find them very useful and pleasant | while travelling or attending public meetings for stilling I your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one pack* I ago I am safe in saying that you will ever afterwards con j shier them Indispensable. You will find them at tbo ; Druggists and Dealers iu Medicines. ■ , ... | PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, j My signature is on each package. All others arc coun I terfeit. i A package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of I Thirty Ceuta. Address, I HENRY C. SPALDING, { No. 4S Cedar Street, New York. Nervous Headache J, B. HILLMAN By the use of these Pill? the periodic attack* uf A'crcou or tick Headache may bo prevented: and if taken at the commencement of an -attack immediate relief from pain and fcickneiS will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing tho Aansta-and Headache to which females are so subject. They net gently upon the bowels, —removing Custivenets. For LUtr’inj Men,. Students, Delicate Female?, and ail persons of sedentary habits, they are valuaUeaa a Laxative. improving the appetite, giving Ivnc und viyor to the diges tive organs, and restoringthe natural elasticity and strength of the whole ?y«icm. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investiga tion and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use. many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a rust amount of pain and auflViring from Headache, whether originating in tho nervous system cr from a deranged state of the stom^h.. They are entirely vegetable ’ in'their composition, and may be taken fit all times with pefret safety without making any change oT dirc-t. ami the absence of any d;sa. yncable taste raiders it easy to edmiuieft r than to children. The genuine have five signatures of Ucurv C. Spa Ming on each Box. Sold ty Druggists and all other Dealer- in Medicine*, A Box will be sent by mail prepared on receipt of the PRICE Qo GENTS. , All orders should be addressed to Nov. 15, ‘CO.-ly.l Me. Stalling. I have tried your Cephalic Pill-, and 7Zifa than so wdl that I want you to fiend me two dollar* worth, more. Tart of these are 1 >r the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got fronnyou. Send tlio Pills by mail, and oblige Your obedient Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mr. Spalling. Sir; I wish you to send me-ono more box of your Cephalic Pills, 7/nice receiv'd a threat d'-al of benefit from than. Yours, Respectfully, MARY ‘ANN STOIKIIOUSE. Spruce Crzp.k/Hun'Tinglon Co., Pa., Jfth.lB.lBGl 11. C. Spalling. Sir: \on will pleas© «end me two boxes of your Ceohalic Pills. Send them immediately. p Respectfully yours. ■ „ „ , JOHN B. SIMONS. P. S.—7 have used one box of your I*ol s . and find than excellent. • * . From the Examiner, Xor/olk. Va. Cephalic, Pills accomplish the object fur which thev were made, viz.; Cure of headache in all its forms. From the Examiner, Xor/olk, Hr. They have boon tested in more than a thousand ca c e« with entire success. If you arc, or have been * troubled with tlio headache send for a box, (Cephalic Pills.) so that you may have them in case of an attack. From the Advertiser, Providence, Jl x /. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered From the Western D S D. Gazette, C/ncayo, 2U. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Slav. Kanawha, Va. Wear© sure that persons suffering with the headache who try thorn, will stick to them. • ■ • Frorh the Joulhem J'ath Finder, Aew Orleans, La. Try them! yon that are afflicted, and wo are sure that yonr testimony can he added to the already numerous list that his roceired benefits that no other medicine can pro duce. A single bottle of SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE will sare ten times its cost aumtally.ltV, ECONOMY! As accidents will happen, even in well regulated fami* lie*, It is very desirable, to have somo cheap and cc uve meut way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ac. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUK! meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to point. I'* 1 '* U ' 11 W always rca(3y * ancl to the sticking “ USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N.'B.—A Br-jali accompanies each Bottle. Price 55 ct» Address, HENRY 0. SPALDING, No. 43 Cedar St, N. Y. KESSLER’S. As certain unprincipled persons arc attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public. Imitations of my PREPA RED GLUE, I would caution ail personate examine before cnrpqasing, and see that the full name, «3. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE,,** Ison the outside wrapper; all other are swindling cone t-rfeira. ‘ BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! HENRY 0. SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street New York. Masonville, Conn., Fob. o, ISO! HAvrtroßD, Pa., Feb. 6.1501 From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE i SAVE TUB PIECE 3! «2U “ A Stitch is Time Sates CAUTION. WHEELER & WILSON’S & 1 ' —'' '. e? J 3 R. A. O. KERR, 1 ALTOONA, PA., £ Agent for Blair County. ». S.NOSIIM TS U3I33HM These machines are admit to bo tho lust ever offered to the public, ami their superiority is satisfactorily established by the fact that in tho last eight years. of these Machines have been sold than of nny other man ufactured, and more medals have been awarded tho pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines art* warranted to do all that id claimed for them. They are now iu use in several families in Al toona, ami in every cast? they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Coj. John L. Piper. Rev. A. R. Clark. George Ilawkesworth, Cenj. F. Hose, and E. 11. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at tho store of the Agent, at Altoona, Price of No. 1 Machine, silver plated, glass foot am’ new style Ilemmer—soo. No.'2, ornamental bronze. gia»s foot and new style Ilommer—sso. No. 3, plain, with old style Hemmei’ —$40. [March 21, Ibdl-tf, THE HEROES OF PEACE, AND Tl»e Heroes of War, E ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, v NEW YORK, is now publishing, iu addition to other portraits, tho celebrated collection known in Europe and America us Brady’s National Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the. PROMI NENT .MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jelf. Davis, Clou. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other confederates Price ol Portraits SG.UO per dozen. Can bo sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, curd size, and in stereoscopic form, Stereoscopic. Vi, ; \v? of Scones in Paris, London, and in other parts uf England and France: in Scotland. Ireland, Wales.’Holland,Switzerland, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt, Tmkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba, Ac., ad infinitum. Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are. the Greatest Wonder of the Aye. Those arc taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, tin* moving of leaver or the march of an army, does not in the slights degne ail'ert the taking of Jheso views. They are sold for sd.nO per dozen. Wo have also un hand and manufacture tho largest as sortment of Stereoscopes. Photographic Album?-, and Pho tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. Catat.ogces. containing lists of our Portrait?. View.? SlcifOsoiti'f.:, it,, sent free I>y mail, on receipt of u .stamp L\ ANTHONY. GOl Ihoatlway. ncai St. Nicholas. Now Volk. Aug?-1y WASHING MACHINE. rrilK UNDERSIGNED HAVING ■ 1 puicluiac-ti the right fur Blair county, uf iolhurst’s Improved Washing Machine, arc now manufacturing thorn nt Altoona, and inl-md to sdpplv thorn ti* those poisons throughout the county who desire a LAUOR-.SAVING MACHINE.' This machine is gut up on an entirely new principle, and is c-.nvideral. by those who Lave even it iu use, the best tiiat ha? ever been Drought l>-fbre the public. . Among the many advantages uf this machine overall others may he im-nthmcd the following: Ist. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost ini* possible t' > get out of order. ‘■ld. It i spued, which astonishes alike the operator and th“ look'-r on. U.“u. The facility with which it adapts itself to the hulk or rpmtity of clothes desired to be - washed. \-ith. U washes equally well the lightest fabric or the coat test aud heaviest, such as beu-iiuilts, comforts, blankets, ii>:. .We the un* tnhlishmVnt ami will keep on baud an uasortmeut of cup per and brass kettle-*. Ac. All kinds of job work prompt!}' attended to. A share of public patronage is re-pectfully solicited. Stun* on Annie .street, between Harriet and Ada lino streets, East Ward. Altoona, Sept. Ist. ISCI. ISJOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY X 1 family to got in their supply of coal for the Winter, and the .snbv-riliJir would therefore inform the eiti/.ens'of Ajtoona and vicinity, that he is prepared to supply them, on abort notice, with a superior artid** gif ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. Ho will sell'll by the Train, Car. or Cart Load, or by the bushel, deliv ered at the door of the purchaser.. &2T*Yard on the North side of the Railroad—upper end of Altoona Yard. 11. R. 31 VERS. July I*s, UNDERTAKING, Cabinet-Making and Carpentering. THE UNDERSIGNED; have opened ft whop of the above description; at the Corner of tho Alley on Caroline street, between main :uul Virginia Jets., where they will manufacture to order, all kinds of CABI NET FURNITURE, and will aUo contract for putting tip BUILDINGS of all descriptions, finding till material. Ac. Ifcij-COKFINS madu to order on shortest notbe and in any stylo do ired. By strict attention to business they hope to merit a share of public patronage. Altoona, Sept. 20,1861. GLEN-ECHO MILLS, ' GERMANTOWN, PA. Me CALL UM & CO., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Carpeting, Druggets, Oil Cloths, . MATTINGS, &C. WAREHOUSE, No 009 CHESTNUT STREET, (opposite the State House.) PHILADELPHIA. [mar2l,’ol-ly. DISPATCH! TttniiJiAN V. Rhoads, Charles Sailor. ZEtWE’VEIRIE] house, . (late eagle hotel,) Third Street, above Eace, PHILADELPHIA. BDOADS & SAILOR, Proprietors TERMS, $1.25 PER DAY. March T, ISCI-ly NOTARY ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA. Con i\t all times be foam! at the store of J. B. Ililoman Cclober 1,1557. If OH SALE.—A HOUSE AND LOT, _ desirably located in the Borough of* Altoona. Apply JOHN SHOEMAKER. Alt-on*, fob. o, SEWING Over 14,000 More LABOR-SAVING' McJHNN* & DF.RX, -ItVoynii, Blair County, I\t. EMILE TIETZE. THUS. Me AT’ LEY, DANIEL TRICE, STOVES', STEI’IIEN WINTERS. O O .A. Xj - HAINES & CAEIt J. G. ADLUM, PUBLIC. AUCTION GOODS ! VKHV CHEAP AT ’ McCormick's Store, in East Altoona ! i TUST OPENED A VERY LARGE I p I complete assortment of Spring and Summer j (Jotxls emwiriuig of BrilWu Fancli «u«l American Dry I O'oo'U si l.vt. il with groat cu r to suit this region of conn- 1 try. In tiie line of Ladies Dress Uowia lor qoality and j price, they wiil surpass. j Mantillas, Dusters, Maids, White Govds, E:n frith Linen?, Linen Bandker* chiefs. Jluopskirts, Clothes, Cas simerts, Kentucky Jeans, P rints, Ginghams, JJuslins, Flan nels, Etc., Etc. E-tuts k Shoos in nil,their various make and material for Men A; i; Ay s' us well as Ladies, Misses and Children. Ready Made Clothing-, a full assortment to suit the season. with Hats. Caps. tTin- i hr ell iv a , Parasols. Carpets, Oil Cloths. Matting. brooms. Buckets. Tubs. Tin Ware. Quecifewurc, Hard Ware, : Ware Market Euskels. Zink Kubbc-rs, Brushes, Cloth'-s . Lines, Ac., with all articles necessary to make up a full as- j sorlinr-nt to meet the wauls of the people. ? ALSO, a complete i family grocery, which will have »ur special attention, first in buying and | selecting the best, and freshest articles As well us keeping ; it tip at all times. Coffees .of the very best and richest ; varieties. \ j T IB .A. S , Black and Green of the best quality and flavor. Sugar* j'uod and cheap; common Brown at by good at 8 cents, common white 10 cents. Syrups .and Baking . Molasses, > from the best Lovcriugs at OdU, to the lowest grade at 40 ; routs. Cornstarch. Dryod Pe.icT.ei. Dryed Apples, lanomi, . Bacon. Drved Beef, Mackarel, Herring, Lake I-ish i El 3 Fish Window Glass, diflemit sizes, Ac., nil ot which w ill he sold very low for cash, or exchanged for W-oduco. \lwavs on hand. Speer k Halls celebrated iron I lows. Per-ons visiting town would do well before making their selections to c.ril and twumiue our stock, as we wall be pleased to see them free ol charge. \ ery thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit a continuance ot pub- | lie patronage. Altoona. April ISth. ISdl-tf. TACOR S A Vi) Cl!, TAILOR, fj The Hero of One Hundred Fit* per Month I Would fe.'PeCtfullv tii’t fvtrih in > claim to public attention. a.? a Fashionable Tailor. as follows: Because 1 keep an excel lent'assortment of Cloths. Ca.-isijm-res, Vestingn ami Trimmings. which, when examined.always please. Because my work is made up in a manner that takes down the countiy and gives all my customer.' a city appearance. Because 1 am not infcrioi i>s a Cutter to the b€St t<> be found anywliere. Because long oxperienc* in my business gives no entire control over it. and I am’not dependant up-on any urn- tdiit me out of the suds. Because T am still *«u the sunny sale of forty, end there fori; my taste as a Cutter and workman unimpaired, (.’all eii me. in the corner room of the "Brant Il.mse.’’ Give me a trial and vou will go a wav pleased. Altoona, May 20-f.m * JACOB SNYDER. T> ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON 1. OIL LAMBS! VurUakdin J>can(i/ y »S 'impiic'dij Saf-.l); or Economy. Ev„*y person desiring to obtain the ve.ry tu-.-t and cheap cst p^.itable light within their roach, thunld call at the store ~f the undersigned and examine these Lamps before purchatingTdicwhcro, aud wo pledge ouriiolved to demon strate Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can occur by explo-hin. 2d. That they emit no offensive odor while burning. Cd. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. nth. That they burn entirely five from smolm. Cth. That the light js at least C-0 per cent, cheaper than any other light now in common use. These lamps are admirably adapted for the use of Stu dents. Mechanics, tv amstn-.-'cs. Factories. Halls. Churches. Stoics, Hotels, and are highly recommended for family u.-v. The burner of the Carbon Gil Lamp can be attached to old aide, hanging and table fluid and oil lamps, at a small expense, and will answer every.purpos • of a new lanp. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in all cases. Aug. I'd. ISoS-tf.j 0. W. HESS LEU. CKOCERY, PROVISION, AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. rpi-IK UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN j[ I'OUM the public that he has pnrclm.wd the interest of A. MILLTRONin Urn Grocery ami Store here tofore kept by tlicsn on Virginia street, below Caroline ,st.. where he will continue tin 1 busine.-s, and will keep con stantly on hand a largo supply of FLOUR. HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, imued reef. nsii, salt, molasses, coffee, tea SUGAR,. SLICKS, Cu.NTECTIOXAIUKS. and everything u-mally kept in Groe-ry and Provision Stores. all of which In* receive* fre»b from the eastern and we-d-rn cities. and will .-•.•!! at the m.vt reasonable prices. Having recently “biaui-d license to sell liquor by whole sale. I will k.-ep tmi.-gantly on hand a largo assortment cl Honors of the best qualities to bo bad. 1 respectfully solicit a share of.public custom. July UMSOo.-Gm. J. IIKRKOWITZ. SO3IETHING NEW. r F n]’ Si’BSCKIEEU HAS JT'ST J. returned from the east where bo has purch;v.'ed a very large and lino stock of BOOTS Sc SHOES, Srogems, Waiters, Src., which be is prepared to oITt-M of Altoona and vicinity at. very low prices. Having purchased dir. otlVom the manufacturers for ca-dj, In- is prepared to r-.-il nt prices that will defy competition. All that bo a*ks is tint tu pc i].-!*' will call and examine his t>tock before purchasing elsewhere. Cvh- LOUTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing pmmptlv aft'-mled to. Don't forget the place, two doors below IVst Office. Jau. 3, ISGI F ANDS! LANDS I ! LANDS!!! X.J The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS ia the OVuaha ami Nebraska City Land OGicen. Good can now he made n A ar tin large Btseaoia uml settlements. Tim Lands of this Toiritory, now in Market, are of the best quality. tt3» Elections carefully Letters < f inquiry re I'l'-steJ. ALEX. E. McKINSKY, Or.Eii'ous, Cass Comity, K. Ter, July 1-4,165D.-tf REFERENCES: Upv. A. C. Clark, Altoona, Pa. "\N 3i. M. Lloyd & Co.. Hankers. Altoona, Pa. McCrum A Hern, Editors. “ Tkos. A. Scott, Supt. I*. R. K., “ 1). McMurtrib. Esq., Huntingdon, Pa. S. M. WOODKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVE- Courts of Blair. Cambria and Huntingdon counties. Having had several years*‘experience in the practice ef the Law, ho expects to merit puMic patronage. Office on ANNIE STKEEX, 3 doors above the I’ont Office Svpt.C, ISGO.-tf. . W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOOyj, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., nOLLIDAYSDUKG, .P.l, 5~aRTg-> C=?=^. Bell, Johnston, Jack t j- Co.”) Drafts on the principal Citii-«, ami Silver ami Gold for rail-. Collections unule. Moui.-ya received muleposite, payable on demand, without mt.-n.-st, or upon time-, with interest at fair rates. Fid). 3d. ISfi'J. GJ. w. KESSLER PRACTICAL I • DIIUGGTST, respectfully announcer jn to the citizens of Altoona and the public S'-n-dSg^Mfo orally, that he still continues the Drug 1..,. on A irjtinia street, whei-e he keeps constantly on hand, for stile. W holesale and Ki-tniI,DRUGS mr^m W MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, VARNISH- fiS*': ». ES and DYE-STUFFS. lly strict attention to business, and a desire to render sat isfaction to all as regards price and quality, he hopes to merit and receive a share of pul,lie patronage Physicians anil merchants supplied on reasonable terms, and all orders from a distance promptly attended to. Physicians carefully compounded. [l-tf. OYES! O YES! GENTLEMEN draw nl«sh and hear. JOSKPII P. TROUT anuoun cea to the pu-oc, that ho i.-» ready to discharge hia duty aa an Auctioneer whenever called upon. (jun. 2 ’56. /"N RGGERIES.—-A LARGE AND VI. complete assortment ef Groceries Imo just boon r« dived at the stere c f j, B, HILEMAN. Gi HEAT EM TUO YEMEN TIN CO' T INC STUVKS. coxsi'Mmoy o y smok f The guU-vrilKT takes jjlehiMT in offering to the public NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSI >UNIi Cooking htevr, recently. patented, which is destined to tu percede aU others, as ii re.iuires OMM'lllUli LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily. <|uiol:ly nml rogulat ly heat.si. No unpleasant smell ot gas arises from this stove from the fart that it is all consume.! ere it can es cape There is no trouble from smoke as that unpleasant and often annovin;; exhalation is also consumed inside ot the stove Neither is there any danger of flues or chim neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar loosened by •the jras arising from cnul tires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves p.ro invited to call i\t tlie stare of the subscriber, in the Masonic TcmpK and ex amine the above cloves. JOHN SIIOhMAKKU, - S»h' JOrnffur Blair County. N. B. All kinds of Parlor Cooking Stoves ou hand. [•'• U S < l^eO. SPEEB’S S.4MIUICI WISE, EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES. SPEER’S SAMBUCI WINE. | / IELERRATED lor its medicinal ;uid V J beneficial qualities as a genuine Stimulant. Tonic, Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent pliysj. clans, and some of the first families in Europe ami America. SRE HR'S SAMBECI WIRE is hot a mixture or manufactured article, but U pure. fr< m • ccllivated Portugal Elder, recommended by Chmuists and • I’hvricians as possessing medical propert ie* superior to any j otlu-r w iiics in use. and an cx<*. Bent article for all weak and , debilitated p uA.tNs. and the aged and infirm, improving the ' -appetite, and benelUting ladies and children. , Keans.- it will u->t intoxicate as other wines, us it contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and to admired for its rich p. culiar ilaV.*r and nun dive pi opertics. imparting a healthy t'.-nb to tin; digestive organs, and a blooming, si ft ami healthy skin and Complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED if PE ER, Passaic, N.J., is over the cork iff each bottle. •53“ For sale by A. R >LhS'L Alt*‘oim: GKO. W. PATTER SON and GKO. A. JACOBS. U dliJavsburg; ami bv W. NOWLIN & 00., Tyrone. [jc27-ly SIP El ILL <3- GOOES AT THE “ MODEL.” I\UE IIAVK JUST RECEIVED AN » unu-naily flue Stock cd Go-ida suitable fe.r the Reason. No Auction trash, bn: regular g. >od m the markets of the country and cities, and his Bar iii.ed with liquors of choice brands. His charges arc as reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the* place, and he feels Hati.-hrd they can not be complained of by those who »- Vor , ~n i " 5111 custom. Expecting to receive a share ot public patr-mage, and fully intending to deserve It, ho throws open his house to the public and Invites a trial, 1 have just received a stock tf Xo. 1 French Brandy, lor medicinal purposes. Also a-large stock of excellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses. together with a lyt of tho best old Uvo Whiskey to bt- found in tho country. * Altoona, ‘May 27, ISoD.-ly] JOHN BOWMAN. "I > L AIR COUNTY INSURANCE undersigned, Agent ’of the Blair umarj Mutual F,re Insurance Company, Is at all turn 1 ready to insure against loss or damage by fire, Build- Merchandise, Furniture anil Property, of every des cription, m town or country, at ns reasonable rates as any Company in the Stato Office with Bell. Johnston, .Tack i jaa.27.-KWf D- I- CALDWELL, OF FUEL. LADIES’ WINE. OF CULTIVATED I'OItTVOAL ELDEU, EVERY FAMILY SHOULD USE A LADIES’ WINE, MAKE OXK TRIAL OF THIS WISE. A. SPKF.K, Proprietor, Office 2dS Broadway. New York. FIRST ARRIVAL OF LADIES’ DKERS GOODS. In tljt.i iK-po'tiiunt uv iliiuk we t*a:j kiv wi- !mv- iliv b*sal tu be i'vvu'l ia tlie in ],;irt nf and Lustres. Jlfax’Jn?, Uruche -V Arab-.<■>!(, ?. I'j.v.koo Ori. .•••;.Vo. (\:t< inr,’:. C/ui’lii I i\i;!,■>, a L'.’n u.<. Chivt:--. I’riut?. a\d ujull tif.r of l> 'ti'- Jff'i < i ■*. its. Stella and Jh;rp’.:e A Shawl:., l)uster“. Tlo-dory. Cellars and Mii-jio liulilii.; and a full rdi-ck ol ull Khali.ef notios'iA «!i i K.tiu’V (t-jo'N. J.’inhivJlas Jarge ar.d Hunts and Shues, Cni-jj.-i.-s Uil ('lntiis and Win dow Wall I'aner' and Herder. \V . tiio yf Altoona r.iiil vicinity : r tins *harv «.> ‘ waul* of nil. which ho will sell at l--w piiccs, cm ivas-.-n -aM- torniH. He also keeps on hand a stuck of Tin r.r.d .''hr.-i -ln>t\ Harr, cond-din x of ail articles Hr culinarv tun pu-es 0.-d »Siovi\ J‘ipr, do. lie lias also purchased the r’jjhi of sale in hlair c-untv. of jl. V. JOSES’ IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFKR, an invention which needs only to ho seen to be apprrda hiu! do mid l-o p..--t'ss.--l I*y every farmer. butcher s,r th-Ac such a machine. t,'>. I'ariie.il.'.r MtoMmu paid to putting tip SkOTTING. either in H.wn *»r counlrr. Spoutin- painted and put up on Ihe mod reasonable term-*. {npril I-I, HHfMv More good news: The und-rsic.neu hasjud received from the lion a larsp: and varied assortment of FALL AXI) WINTER GOODS, consfatin-i of ClotHs, Cassimeres, and VESTING, material fur FINK AND COARSE OVERCOATS, material for BOYS’ CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as Uinler.Giirts, Drawers. Su.*r pen-l»-rs, Neck-tics, Handkerchiefs ic.. Sic., all of which will be «oM at tho lowest prices. All work ordered will be made up in tho very best style according to the latest la'-hions, on short notice. Nov. ],ISOIMf THOMAS ELWAY. T YCOMING COUNTY MUTUAL J--i I'JKE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The undersigned agent of the Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Company, ir at a I tunes ready to insure against loss or damage by f,e Bmtdmp. Merchandise, Furniture and Properly of \>n„ description, in town or country, at as reasonable rater ,i’j tbo Stuto - °*“ in ihe Masonic Tereph' Jan. 3, ’SG-lf| JOHN SHOEMAKER, Agent. BEST quality of Anoly ! (^ Mll ' Y I’LOUK 1 ’ L0UK fur ,ak 'i Wholesale andllefnil.— Dec n iSaB tr J ‘ shoemakee. Dec. 11, 18ab-tf. Masonic Temple. Hardware of all descrip. lions just received amt for rale by VCI - Jiß. HILEMAN. T umrer for sale. ■ CO,POO SUIXQLKS. 50 000 LATHF3 ° f bci LDXNO MATERIALS.IoI?r than the *'. e.t. for Cm. Apply to JOIIX sHOEMAKEK- BOOK BINDERY, AND BLANK BOOK HAHDUCTOR) No. 54 Market St, Harrisburg, p a . 1 This establish ment is chiefly devoted u tho manufacture of Blank Books for . Banks, County onices. Bailroad Companies, I ami private individuals. In all cases ttaJsESBHV t very bestof stuck andvorkraansbip may ha 1 relM upon. Blank Looks printed, paged and bo yn * . 1 nnv desired pattern. Sheriff's, Attorneys and « ; pockets of all sizes, made and ruled to order. TrUn S! : and Yearly Assessments. Duplicates, Ac., tor county tmn? , seSi printed or plain, ruled and hound to order. c oo if Pockets made of tho best linen paper: ' Librarian*, and other*, desiring to hara their Book* . bound and at moderate r.riccs.shouldgiTausaciOl. jiti* papers) of the largest sizes* -Harpers Weekly. Oka*,*?! • Pictorial, Ballou*. Scientific American, London I bou«# to order, and in uny .stylo required. HarperVMoaP-' j lv Magazine, Knickerbocker. Blackwood's and Graha*-*. • Magazines. Oodey's Lady's Book. Lady's Ucpoeitory, i sou's Magazine, Piano Mns'.c. Ac., bound in extrfcatvloi.-* : the more plain and substantial half binding. Select Pai • ! phh’t*. Law Magazine vl’uiniddet huts, bound in good ll* ! brary stylo, at very moderate prices; Persons baric* * ■ number of volumes to hind, xy ill receive a liberal discount ; Binding cau safely be sent to us from a distance tv Ex’ ■ press, and all work entrusted toourcare will be ipocd! I Uily executed, safely packed aud returned by ExprcsiJ ■ All work warranted. Address F. L. IIIITTLft, | , Harriet,ury } 1 & PKR\. at tho TriUmt Office, artrui ■ agents foi Altoona, and vicinity. They will givoinfura*. | tion in relation to binding, and receive and return bocW 1 free from extra charges, for all who ent.ust their wortw ; my care. ! March 21, ISei-ly .I XD GAS AXV SA 17.N7; BUTTER'S STATE CAPITOL •it . ■. ft*-.1 v*o . ‘ (0 ::;!i|I vW; : ■sr**U3&> *5 % I a '■> ..! . -gSi. K.= -•= § ' CM s t> . 0 55 8 bJ S- "O •v* ,-a 5 r=i W. 2 ": S j,oo Pays ft 10 ontiro co = t for Tuition in the UK-?t popularatj BUtves-ful tkimmorchil School in the Country. Upward of twvlve hnndn-d young men IVoni twenly-eight diffurvjg Slate/-, have heca educated fur business here withia iL: past throe years, soiim uf w hum have hcen employed as Book-Keepers at salaries counts when (hoy mitered the C-diugo. Minister's poas half price. .Students enter at aaj time, and review v.ln-n th'-y please, without extra charge. U- r Catalogue of h i pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowler'i Business amt Or> amental Penmanship, and u large engri viii-; of the College, inclose twenty-live cents in l*o*;s*e Stampl tu tile PrimipalH. ° JKNKIXS i SMITH. Pittsburgh. Pa. Altoona, Jan: ’24. 'lil-ly. GROCERY AND BAKERY! riMIE UNDERSIGNED ANNOUS -JL cos to tho citjr.ens of Altoona ami vicinity that hi lu* ju always on hand a good stuck of plala and fancy cakes, of his own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS &C., always on hand at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butler, EGGS. GOOD WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, i;U( Klviii;t flour, corn meal. ic. nlw ;iys in ‘■top- ana for sale in lar-re or small -1 tind oLoap us any-iu town lh-c. 20, *Cu-ly.] Literary Emporium and News Depot CONFECTIONARY, SEGAU, TOBACCO, JEWELRY & VARIETY STORE. r pilK SUBSC ill BE II CONTINUES to J[ keep constantly on hand all the bo-t literary pr.ptTiM i pt-r jodicaN, daily papers from Philadelphia. New York asJ Pittsburgh- bother with a good <«f Duck’. All Clio iwhool li.x Un u?M.I in this place and vicinity alw.vs oa hand. AU-v a choice lot of Confectionaries, and kuiek kn.vk* of all kinds bn* children. Also the best Tobacco & -N'-ari to bo had in town, together with a fine asH'-rttnent ofij-M ,iud I’oncils. Gold Kings and other articled of Jewel ry. Call and examine. . 11. FETTIN’UER- Altoona. July 'W-ly.' y O .l IL'vy. r pI!E CHEAT QUESTION WHICH vM. now agitates the mind of every is, where can I pot the best.article for mynß money 7 In regard to' other matters, the sub scriher would not attempt to direct, hut if you want anything in the lim- of BOOTS OR SHOES lm invites an examination of‘hi-stock and work. He keep? constantly on hand an assortment ofßooti,Sb.vi, Gaiters. silij)ptM*s. A;c.. which ho oilers at fair prices. ll** will giro special attention to emtom work, all c( which will ho warranted to give satisfaction. NouefcuttL* best workmen are employed mi;cr my shop is on Virginia street. unraeilu*^ 1 ’ opposite Kessler's Drug Store September 3. ’ST-lf Bakery and Grocery Store. rpilE SUBSCRIBER- KEEPS CO.V _L STAXTI.Y on hand Fresii-liaUed Bread, Cakes, W. PEED, BACON, PLOUE, GROCERIES, A!?o, a choice lot of SKGARS nad TOBACCO. JACOB RINK, Virginia Street, below Acme Street. Kov. 10. "VTATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE -L 1 This Great Journal of Crime and Criminals i*'3 its Twelfth Year, and is widely circulated the country. It contains all tha Great Trial#, Crises. Cases, and appropriate Editorials on the some, together wiir Information on Criminal Matters, not to be fvuud in wy other nowspnper. tkS-Subscriptions *2 per annum; $1 for six nvmiH-ij he remitted by subscribers, (who should write their n-tw* and the town, county and State where they reside plaiE'JV To G.W. MATSEbbiCd., Editor & Prop’r. of New York Police Giueite yew ilrtCuy 15—tf] Boots and shoes.—the i> dcrslgned has now on hand and will «t?jl cheap at his store in the Masonic Temple, W ”1 v t‘r L ' complete assortment of BOOTS W ANX> ready made, or made to order, Udjes’Sandals,Gum Shoes, Cork ♦ / i ‘ a ! 1( * oVtM 'y thing in his line of business, of the best quality and on tho moat reasonable terms. A» cu>tom work warranted Jau. 2, ’jtf-tf.] |O.REAT WESTERN INSURANCE •V N ’ D TEUST COMPANY—lnsnrancc on Brel* LT, h • *; r 0 wiH to effected on the roost * fihfreh ,l' c ;'L r^™ t »In AHoonn nt hU offlco in • March U, 1859. JOHN SHOEMAKER. -'E'’ 11 ' LEVI’S preparation fob UX tormiuutmg RATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS. «\4 ttea without danger in its use under any circum^* 1 * “jfn S e #6-t|] Dra Ji Storo ™ O W KES3LEB- P IN E AND LARD OILS, CAM Jnn.t Tifff 01 " 61 ' lUid ’ oil > 4 VeSSLEB'3- 0 N HAND AT McCORMIGK’S Store hurAT*™ B r r, ““* rt aT JACOB WISE JOHN U. ROBERTS. J. SAOEMAKIR. tit jIcCBUM & Dl-KN, k 'OL- G - -sV 15 1C - ' J. AN 1) r V 1; > r It'K FREE. Wftw-York Benevolent Inflymary, e*tabusiib» isao., . M-wv-toiw IflH* Bii: and \ " u^ n X ’ U th ; su k ami *uft-riu< t .-.*««»* «uu« i>cri.-d». . ~r tlu> diseases we cure, r.u-t - 1 The following ul Uru of our country : Conation**? 1 * am » msi-asn. Cuums ai-1 ; ui.v, Dyspepsnv ».»<■ • iv ' l .c. mn .iaiiU. fcmuu.l i!b»i 1-uau.ri. Jaua-ia-'/ 1 ; U -'Vi,, ; rv .‘ ni , S . ximl Or«a:. : . 1 ,uul all ihai'a-vH I , £ r j,\ tur a. Our Ui'Jurt uHi 1 ' V |ul,CV °r^ • r ■ Hv' lu rOU HVJOJ tothua.a u . fora.h-iu-i au.l written rv;u?t! tV: " ry Ju ..,lninoant ll '“!'., r ‘ lrlv ,,a in cut own T-al.oratur.y, ' tibW ChvmiMt*. a.ul a.f tliu l.irO r. 1. j,.t tlw tuie »l » inch ,.i iMK aH ihf went dtae-wr,.-. Kiniwu tu *j ‘ • Vj, u , i, v laitor. cutitaiiiiDi; lull acc»at IO fmsa iH aliA-aiaucee of Hb.M-, »s r . «cuui«tt-\>. , n ,ai. iuo can In worlisaii.l jmiaof.u your-,. f^lls^i^- 1 v, >tk outlie cull-", s\in |. loin-, a... ... ... 1 ••• The Gentlemen’s Medical (.ompauii AND I'UlVA'ir. AHVle’oll. , A bank for the uH ami W ’ ; Vi-fVeatiou and Curcof aU I l .' a ’ ' . U.H Oi;;uu». at,a avranj.il? wu eof. u. ..i t. a- to ho fouii'-l iu llu oll“‘f "Oil.. »*''■ - ■“•• TIIH GUIDE AND GUAKD FOB EVFItY ONE. It exposes all tho Humbug-, ni l tlio 'a' l ' ' entice tlio sick ami well. 1 v'T'U Tt (rri.C' Quacks and Rwota m•- y;“’ • « *?. , . • w irv through Ule, au«.l a-' J •'■■* 'U 1 - *■ ... r It'shows how nit Hurts »f M-lwiiiw. I. ; v ■ . 0. itro miulteraterl. with the w-ttus o fiamis. Price « cent!. ■ THE HOUSEHOLD and F..UM, PLANTATION ANI> trUDP. For every family, hnvinK over I- 1 rteservitig, Dyeing. Cloumiig, II 1 ■ I •■ _ • 1, the best to raise. How to cure truth.*... .; !'• . 1 t....p..r5. fi.fn.ora nml inoihaui -. mi »J - '■■ J c.t 1 price 25 cents. Worth SIU to any oiio. THE CONSUMPTIVES BOON. For those who wish to got well Irani tkat avlul •!> a full ilescriptiuu of all tho uni. .1 n..,_ n ■_ | t r. . careful statement of the results, ami o.mi no fJi '-■! liuu. Trice 10 s cents. - . . The information iu them is not t-> b,. ma i l m any published, nor obtainable from any ollu i .- ''lice. . ie.i.ks are pul.Usheil on liini wmte I at'* 1 , 1111,1 i"" - 1 bomul. ’ , - ir. ... . u Any of tho above works will he uv . c... price, in stamps, or money; or tlu- 01 .t •.‘■n • bound volume for o.nu foliar. '..mnly out theta. Xlu-j arc dUislratvl Uv.u.ci.al 1 n.~. and contain the coudcn.-ed exp'-rn n'y ■>* >■ ■ Auknts Wanted for tho ahuvt woiks. utjo v.ai ui • & mouth. Send f‘H'a UtVcuior for u-D'iity. . To tho young ol V»otU m-x*”* . t« >r- • prostraliun of mind; loss ol p'-v-fi; nyr\<•;'•• MMght; wakefulness; b.w-of -oLtudo: n oj-ti-i; ■face,'’ic;, &t. Sew* if {5 /v) r - u '' • J,; - incurable damage to huth l’-v»y and muu.. _ To Females wlio want 111 ’ ■ for Irregularities, Obstructions, »\ hit'-s. Ac- >e.m . preventive^ We are convinced th it th'.re c.rt- myGij r-w •*. s ••! Iniis. consumptive and dn'-iiv.'d c-. r.nilion i f \uy merous offspring only brings suli.-n: 1 ;.; an l p» , a full nation of the origin "f SM'hiitJd > il ’ - ' ,l l u> nud cure. > . ' , On Consumption, thnt loaiTnl • On the Liver, Heart. Stoimi'-h and ■'kju. On Female Complaints. On the various Sch«>ols ot Mvds.nue?.- On tbo modes of Troat’.ncnl now practised. On the False Treatment «d Id-- On the various Mod-ical iUnnhngs. On the ThysioK gy of Marriany- On the Common BeustTot M -dicne'. On Diet, Kxercises, and Ablnli -n. How tho Physician slemld he. How to prevent Pregnaney, And many other thing-. Sr.M> ivr. ix. This journal should he in the hanus ‘-vet} J. KusSELL, M. I)., A. M.. Chje! L’hy-nciau. •**• Surgeon, Dr. J. lioyle. Chemist, ttffico iu New York, l'»* Chambers stro-1. Offlco iu Williamsburg!!, South Sth and ct.i> Corrcßpondenta will please enclose two or ua - for return postage, and addrvss • . DK. A. IirUNKY. er' Williamsburg, V > (Box 141.) Not. 15, ISOO.-ly THE ROOT & HERB DOC' , FROM PHILADELPHIA. -\\T no HAS HAD SO YEAUS f V ST ANT practice, cnn > bir.-.inMi!tcl at ih- Mouse, Mr. John Weed's, vizA-On ,th y ■ m afJuly : fwl the Til nj .189ui.-J.- vr.ll .a, - ' 3 montlu. Notice will bo given |ii Hu.rt" ■ commences his Winter's Term again. 110 treats all diseases that tlesh 11 noir I '. lb . females who may bo Uniterm; with disease i their sox, to call ami examine bis new rt-J. o. 11 as thousands have been restore.! to health who I abandoned by others, lie is in possess onof. ■trumenU for sounding tue lungs and \ n ' it f al p fore able to determine the exact conditionl tf tb nans—conscnnentlv can treat such compl.mitsw. safedy and certainty than it is pussib e for those at the disease and experiment .0, u» j > J* that for every malady, there is h>uuw m our and never-failing remedy. Patients can receive treatment for P«i ™■ » in cases of Cancers and Turne rs, they ■ i $lOO. Examination free. I>R- " • >- E ' I* N.B.—See Handbill). IDEISTTIST^I^ T IRVIN STEEL, D. D. S. ♦ I • rXQ located permanently in Altoona, r offers his services in the different departments Surgical anti Mechanical Dei Office nearly opposite 0. .laggard's Store. Air-, loon*, Pa. !>»ay WM. S. BI.TTNE DENTAL SURGE OFFICE IN THE .MASONI, PLE,n©xt door to tho Post Office. Teeth extracted without paiu by the Cur Magnetic Machine. Wall Paper and Bor AN UNUSUALLY LARGE of the LATEST SPRING STY dust received, which will bo told March 11, ISOMf. • J. & J. I